Bazen Formula
Bazen Formula
Bazen Formula
Evaporation in the swimming pools in normal activity in kg/h m2 The rate of evaporation in kg/h m2 can be estimated for the swimming pool in normal activity, integrating splashing due to the bathes on the accesses of a limited zone (Smith, et al., 1993) (ASHRAE, 1995), according to the following formula:
W = Rate of evaporation at the surface of the water level (kg/h m2) Pw = Vapor pressure at saturation taken at the temperature of surface of water, in kPa Pa = Vapor pressure at the dew point according to the temperature of the ambient air of the room, in kPa V = Air velocity above at the surface of water, in m/s Y = Latent heat necessary according to the change of state of the water vapor at the temperature of surface of water, in kJ/kg
Function = Pool_evap1(ts1, ts, Hr, Saw, Z) - ts = Dry temperature in C of the ambient air of the swimming pool - ts1 = Temperature in C at the water level - Hr = relative Humidity in % - Vit = Air velocity in m/s at the level of water - Z = Altitude in m
Evaporation in swimming polls in kg/h m2 according to the type of activity in the covered swimming pools
For a latent heat (Y) of a value of 2330 kJ/kg and with a speed of air (V) at 0,10 m/s and while multiplying by a factor of activity (Fa) to reduce the rate of evaporation estimated according to the corresponding level of activity, the equation is reduced to the following expression:
W = Rate of evaporation at the surface of the water level (kg/h m2) Pw = Vapor pressure at saturation taken at the temperature of surface of water, in kPa Pa = Vapor pressure at the dew point according to the temperature of the ambient air of the room, in kPa Factor of activity (Fa) 0.5 0.65 0.65 0.8 1 1.5 1.5 (minimum)
Type of swimming pools Residential swimming pools Condominium Thermal baths Hotel Public swimming pools or Schools Whirlpools, spas Wave pools, water slides
Evaporation at the level of water in kg/h m2 - ts = Dry temperature in C of the ambient air of the swimming pool - ts1 = Temperature in C at the level of water - Hr = Relative humidity in % Function = Pool_evap2(ts1, ts, Hr)
Evaporation at the level of water in kg/h m2 (another formula) Evaporation at the water level in kg/h m2
W = Rate of evaporation at the surface of the water level (kg/h m2) We = water content of the air at the temperature of the water level (kg/kg of dry air) Wa = water content of the air of the room (kg/kg of dry air) V = Specific volume of the air in the room (m3/kg of dry air) V = Specific volume of the air at the level of water (m3/kg of dry air)
Function = Pool_evap(ts1, ts, Hr, Z) - ts = Dry temperature in C of the ambient air of the swimming pool - ts1 = Temperature in C of the water level - Hr = Relative humidity in % - Z = Altitude in m For this type of formula, it is necessary in theory to add projections of water and the latent gains caused by the bathers
T water = temperature of the water of the basin Ts = Ambient temperature of the swimming pool
Function = Pool_rayon(ts1, ts) - ts = Dry temperature in C of the ambient air of the swimming pool - ts1 = Temperature in C of the water level
T water = temperature of the water of the pool Ts = Ambient temperature of the swimming pool.
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