Format Amali
Format Amali
Format Amali
Here's a list of the usual parts of a complete report. The nature of the experiment will determine which ones are necessary, and the appropriate heading for each.
PURPOSE (OR OBJECTIVES) OF THE EXPERIMENT (5%) (Don't include this if your report has an abstract.) EQUIPMENT LIST (5%), including any identifying model and serial numbers (if any). BACKGROUND (15%). A review/summary to acquaint the reader with facts, theory, or research specifically relating to what you did in this experiment.) Material readily available in any textbook needn't be included.
METHODS AND PROCEDURES (15%). This tells the reader what specific experimental methods were used. Apparatus or procedures unique to this experiment must be described and explained. Standard procedures needn't be elaborated, by should be referenced.
DISCUSSION OF RESULTS (30%), and of their uncertainties. Try to answer all the questions given in the manual. You should, however, avoid rambling and making irrelevant statements. Try to be clear and concise.
CONCLUSIONS (10%) Your conclusions must relate to your stated purposes or "objectives". Avoid unnecessary duplication.
GRAPH Use genuine graph paper, not cheap substitutes. Every graph must have a title, written out in words. Not: "T vs. L." Not: "Period vs. Length." Rather, something more specifically descriptive, like: "Pendulum period as a function of suspension length." Choose the size of the axis scales so that the graph nearly fills the page. Label each graph axis with the quantity, symbol, and units plotted on that axis. Example: PERIOD (T) in seconds. Label the axis scales neatly and clearly. You must re-label logarithmic scales on commercial log paper. TABLES Use tables for large amounts of data, especially when you wish to display the relations inherent in the data. Column headings of tables must indicate quantity, symbol, and units, just as graph axes do. Each table must have a title and an identifying number, for reference. Indicate the errors (uncertainties) for all quantities. Minimize the clutter within tables by grouping information when possible. If all data entries in a column of a table have the same absolute or relative error, put that information at the top of the column only. The same applies to unit labels, which you may place at the top of the column. DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF ERRORS (UNCERTAINTIES) Show how you arrived at your uncertainty estimates. Show the error propagation equation(s) you used. Error propagation equations motivate decisions about experiment design and procedure. They also justify the uncertainties you assign to results. If some error sources dominate others, this fact may deserve comment. Tell how you designed the procedure and strategy to minimize uncertainties. [You need not mention the usual precautions; only those specific to the particular experiment, or in some way unusual.] Make meaningful comparisons where appropriate. When the experiment has numeric results which you can compare with other independent sources, comment on that comparison. Do not call this comparison the "error", call it the "experimental discrepancy." When you can quote both error and discrepancy, do so, and comment on their relative size. (A discrepancy larger than the error certainly requires some comment!) The methods of science never prove anything. The word "proof" refers to a strictly mathematical process. Nor does science claim absolute truths. Avoid the word "truth" in scientific discussion. In a single experiment you might "verify" or "confirm" the validity of a physical law, in a particular situation. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS, AND CONCLUSIONS Your conclusions must relate to your stated purposes or "objectives". Tell the reader to what extent your objectives were realized. Don't claim more than the facts warrant. Support your assertions with evidence, logic, or specific references to the literature. State specifically what you achieved, and the estimated uncertainty of the results, but don't make broad and unfounded generalizations.
ORIGINALITY Students benefit from study groups, learning from each other. Strongly resist the temptation to rely too heavily on others. When exam time comes, you must work alone. 3. THINGS YOU SHOULDN'T DO Don't include idle speculation about sources of error. To say that certain conditions of the experiment "may have caused error" communicates no useful information unless you cite some specific evidence or a plausible mechanism pointing to that fact. Don't include such trivial comments as: "The resuslts may have "human error." We all know that human blunders, misperceptions, and misinterpretations can occur. We expect the experimenter to take every precaution to avoid them. This "goes without saying." The other classes of "human error" due to limitations of instruments, and limits of human observation of instruments belong in the quantitative error discussion. Likewise, don't say "Error in results could arise from calculation errors." If you mean blunders, this statement tells us nothing we didn't already know (we still wouldn't know whether there were blunders). If you mean the error introduced by calculating devices, then you haven't done your job properly. Your responsibility includes choosing calculation techniques which do not introduce significant error. You should do everything necessary to keep calculation errors negligible compared to the experimental errors. If for any reason you did not, or could not, accomplish this, you must give good reason why you didn't.