System Parameters - Technical Reference Manual - ABB Robotics
System Parameters - Technical Reference Manual - ABB Robotics
System Parameters - Technical Reference Manual - ABB Robotics
Trace back information: Workspace R12-2 version a10 Checked in 2012-10-11 Skribenta version 1184
The information in this manual is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by ABB. ABB assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this manual. Except as may be expressly stated anywhere in this manual, nothing herein shall be construed as any kind of guarantee or warranty by ABB for losses, damages to persons or property, fitness for a specific purpose or the like. In no event shall ABB be liable for incidental or consequential damages arising from use of this manual and products described herein. This manual and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without ABB's written permission. Additional copies of this manual may be obtained from ABB. The original language for this publication is English. Any other languages that are supplied have been translated from English.
Copyright 2004-2012 ABB. All rights reserved. ABB AB Robotics Products SE-721 68 Vsters Sweden
Table of contents
Table of contents
Overview of this manual ................................................................................................................... 19 Product documentation, M2004 ....................................................................................................... 25 1 About system parameters 1.1 1.2 1.3 2 About system parameters ................................................................................... Configuration files ............................................................................................. File system ...................................................................................................... 27 27 29 30 33 33 34 34 35 36 37 37 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 62 63 64 65 66 67 69 69 70 70 71 72 72
Topic Communication 2.1 2.2 The Communication topic ................................................................................... Workflows ........................................................................................................ 2.2.1 How to define an application protocol ......................................................... 2.2.2 How to define a physical channel ............................................................... 2.2.3 How to define a transmission protocol ......................................................... Type Application Protocol ................................................................................... 2.3.1 The Application Protocol type .................................................................... 2.3.2 Name .................................................................................................... 2.3.3 Type ..................................................................................................... 2.3.4 Transmission Protocol ............................................................................. 2.3.5 Server Address ....................................................................................... 2.3.6 Trusted ................................................................................................. 2.3.7 Local Path .............................................................................................. 2.3.8 Server Path ............................................................................................ 2.3.9 Username .............................................................................................. 2.3.10 Password .............................................................................................. 2.3.11 User ID .................................................................................................. 2.3.12 Group ID ................................................................................................ 2.3.13 Maximum File Size .................................................................................. 2.3.14 Memory Partition Size .............................................................................. 2.3.15 Show Device .......................................................................................... Type Physical Channel ....................................................................................... 2.4.1 The Physical Channel type ........................................................................ 2.4.2 Name .................................................................................................... 2.4.3 Connector .............................................................................................. 2.4.4 Baudrate ............................................................................................... 2.4.5 Parity .................................................................................................... 2.4.6 Number of Bits ........................................................................................ 2.4.7 Number of Stop Bits ................................................................................ 2.4.8 Duplex .................................................................................................. 2.4.9 Flow Control ........................................................................................... Type Transmission Protocol ................................................................................ 2.5.1 The Transmission Protocol type ................................................................. 2.5.2 Name .................................................................................................... 2.5.3 Type ..................................................................................................... 2.5.4 Physical Channel .................................................................................... 2.5.5 Local Address ........................................................................................ 2.5.6 Remote Address .....................................................................................
Topic Controller 3.1 3.2 3.3 The Controller topic ........................................................................................... Workflows ........................................................................................................ 3.2.1 How to activate hold-to-run control ............................................................. 3.2.2 How to define path return region ................................................................ Type Auto Condition Reset ................................................................................. 3.3.1 The Auto Condition Reset type ..................................................................
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3.3.2 Name .................................................................................................... 3.3.3 Reset .................................................................................................... 3.4 Type Automatic Loading of Modules ..................................................................... 3.4.1 The Automatic Loading of Modules type ...................................................... 3.4.2 File ....................................................................................................... 3.4.3 Task ..................................................................................................... 3.4.4 Installed ................................................................................................ 3.4.5 Shared .................................................................................................. 3.4.6 All Tasks ............................................................................................... 3.4.7 All Motion Tasks ..................................................................................... 3.4.8 Hidden .................................................................................................. 3.5 Type Event Routine ........................................................................................... 3.5.1 The Event Routine type ............................................................................ 3.5.2 Routine ................................................................................................. 3.5.3 Event .................................................................................................... 3.5.4 Sequence Number ................................................................................... 3.5.5 Task ..................................................................................................... 3.5.6 All Tasks ............................................................................................... 3.5.7 All Motion Tasks ..................................................................................... 3.6 Type Mechanical Unit Group ............................................................................... 3.6.1 The Mechanical Unit Group type ................................................................ 3.6.2 Name .................................................................................................... 3.6.3 Robot .................................................................................................... 3.6.4 Mechanical Unit 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ................................................................... 3.6.5 Use Motion Planner ................................................................................. 3.7 Type ModPos Settings ....................................................................................... 3.7.1 The ModPos Settings type ........................................................................ 3.7.2 Name .................................................................................................... 3.7.3 Limited ModPos ...................................................................................... 3.7.4 Mode .................................................................................................... 3.7.5 Limit Trans ............................................................................................. 3.7.6 Limit Rot ................................................................................................ 3.7.7 Limit External Trans ................................................................................. 3.7.8 Limit External Rot .................................................................................... 3.7.9 Change to LModPos in Auto ...................................................................... 3.8 Type Operator Safety ......................................................................................... 3.8.1 The Operator Safety type .......................................................................... 3.8.2 Function ................................................................................................ 3.8.3 Active ................................................................................................... 3.9 Type Options .................................................................................................... 3.9.1 The Options type ..................................................................................... 3.9.2 Name .................................................................................................... 3.9.3 Description ............................................................................................ 3.10 Type Path Return Region .................................................................................... 3.10.1 The Path Return Region type ..................................................................... 3.10.2 Mode .................................................................................................... 3.10.3 TCP Distance ......................................................................................... 3.10.4 TCP Rotation .......................................................................................... 3.10.5 External Distance .................................................................................... 3.10.6 External Rotation .................................................................................... 3.11 Type Run Mode Settings .................................................................................... 3.11.1 The Run Mode Settings type ..................................................................... 3.11.2 Name .................................................................................................... 3.11.3 Switch ................................................................................................... 3.12 Type Safety Run Chain ....................................................................................... 3.12.1 The Safety Run Chain type ........................................................................ 3.12.2 Function ................................................................................................ 3.12.3 Active ...................................................................................................
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3.13 Type System Misc ............................................................................................. 3.13.1 The System Misc type .............................................................................. 3.13.2 Name .................................................................................................... 3.13.3 Action values .......................................................................................... NoOfRetry .................................................................................. SimulateMenu ............................................................................. ModalPayLoadMode .................................................................... 3.13.4 Value .................................................................................................... 3.14 Type Task ........................................................................................................ 3.14.1 The Task type ......................................................................................... 3.14.2 Task ..................................................................................................... 3.14.3 Task in Foreground ................................................................................. 3.14.4 Type ..................................................................................................... 3.14.5 Check Unresolved References ................................................................... 3.14.6 Main Entry ............................................................................................. 3.14.7 Trustlevel .............................................................................................. 3.14.8 Use Mechanical Unit Group ....................................................................... 3.14.9 MotionTask ............................................................................................ 3.14.10 Hidden .................................................................................................. 3.14.11 RMQ Type ............................................................................................. 3.14.12 RMQ Max Message Size ........................................................................... 3.14.13 RMQ Max No Of Messages ....................................................................... 3.14.14 RMQ Mode ............................................................................................. 4 Topic I/O 4.1 4.2 The I/O topic .................................................................................................... Workflows ........................................................................................................ 4.2.1 How to define I/O units ............................................................................. 4.2.2 How to list available unit types ................................................................... 4.2.3 How to define the unit type ........................................................................ 4.2.4 How to define input and output I/O signals ................................................... 4.2.5 How to define an I/O signal group ............................................................... 4.2.6 How to define system inputs ..................................................................... Type Access Level ............................................................................................ 4.3.1 The Access Level type ............................................................................. 4.3.2 Name .................................................................................................... 4.3.3 Rapid .................................................................................................... 4.3.4 Local Client in Manual Mode ..................................................................... 4.3.5 Local Client in Auto Mode ......................................................................... 4.3.6 Remote Client in Manual Mode .................................................................. 4.3.7 Remote Client in Auto Mode ...................................................................... Type Bus ......................................................................................................... 4.4.1 The Bus type .......................................................................................... 4.4.2 Name .................................................................................................... 4.4.3 Type of Bus ............................................................................................ 4.4.4 Connector ID .......................................................................................... 4.4.5 Label at Fieldbus Connector ...................................................................... 4.4.6 Automatic Bus Restart ............................................................................. 4.4.7 Unit Recovery Time ................................................................................. 4.4.8 Path to Bus Configuration File ................................................................... Type Cross Connection ...................................................................................... 4.5.1 The Cross Connection type ....................................................................... 4.5.2 Resultant ............................................................................................... 4.5.3 Actor 1 .................................................................................................. 4.5.4 Invert Actor 1, Invert Actor 2, Invert Actor 3, Invert Actor 4, Invert Actor 5 .......... 4.5.5 Operator 1, Operator 2, Operator 3, Operator 4 ............................................. 4.5.6 Actor 2, Actor 3, Actor 4, Actor 5 ................................................................ Type Fieldbus Command .................................................................................... 4.6.1 The Fieldbus Command type .....................................................................
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4.6.2 Assigned to Unit ..................................................................................... 4.6.3 Type of Fieldbus Command ...................................................................... 4.6.4 Value .................................................................................................... Type Fieldbus Command Type ............................................................................ 4.7.1 The Fieldbus Command Type type ............................................................. 4.7.2 Name .................................................................................................... 4.7.3 Type of Unit ........................................................................................... 4.7.4 Default Value .......................................................................................... 4.7.5 Download Order ...................................................................................... Type Signal ...................................................................................................... 4.8.1 The Signal type ....................................................................................... 4.8.2 Name .................................................................................................... 4.8.3 Type of Signal ........................................................................................ 4.8.4 Assigned to Unit ..................................................................................... 4.8.5 Signal Identification Label ......................................................................... 4.8.6 Unit Mapping .......................................................................................... 4.8.7 Category ............................................................................................... 4.8.8 Access Level .......................................................................................... 4.8.9 Default Value .......................................................................................... 4.8.10 Store Signal Value at Power Fail ................................................................ 4.8.11 Filter Time Passive .................................................................................. 4.8.12 Filter Time Active .................................................................................... 4.8.13 Invert Physical Value ............................................................................... 4.8.14 Analog Encoding Type ............................................................................. 4.8.15 Maximum Logical Value ............................................................................ 4.8.16 Maximum Physical Value .......................................................................... 4.8.17 Maximum Physical Value Limit ................................................................... 4.8.18 Maximum Bit Value .................................................................................. 4.8.19 Minimum Logical Value ............................................................................ 4.8.20 Minimum Physical Value ........................................................................... 4.8.21 Minimum Physical Value Limit ................................................................... 4.8.22 Minimum Bit Value .................................................................................. 4.8.23 Signal Value at System Failure and Power Fail ............................................. Type System Input ............................................................................................ 4.9.1 The System Input type ............................................................................. 4.9.2 Signal Name ........................................................................................... 4.9.3 Action ................................................................................................... 4.9.4 Action Values ......................................................................................... Backup ...................................................................................... Disable Backup ........................................................................... Interrupt ..................................................................................... Limit Speed ................................................................................ Load ......................................................................................... Load and Start ............................................................................ Motors Off .................................................................................. Motors On .................................................................................. Motors On and Start ..................................................................... Reset Emergency Stop ................................................................. Reset Execution Error Signal ......................................................... Start .......................................................................................... Start at Main ............................................................................... Stop .......................................................................................... Quick Stop ................................................................................. Soft Stop .................................................................................... Stop at End of Cycle .................................................................... Stop at End of Instruction .............................................................. System Restart ........................................................................... SimMode ................................................................................... 4.9.5 Argument 1 ............................................................................................
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4.9.6 Argument 2 ............................................................................................ 4.9.7 Argument 3 ............................................................................................ 4.9.8 Argument 4 ............................................................................................ 4.9.9 Argument 5 ............................................................................................ 4.9.10 Argument 6 ............................................................................................ 4.9.11 System Input Actions ............................................................................... 4.10 Type System Output .......................................................................................... 4.10.1 The System Output type ........................................................................... 4.10.2 Status ................................................................................................... 4.10.3 Signal ................................................................................................... 4.10.4 Status values .......................................................................................... Auto On ..................................................................................... Backup Error .............................................................................. Backup in progress ...................................................................... Cycle On .................................................................................... Emergency Stop .......................................................................... Execution Error ........................................................................... Limit Speed ................................................................................ Mechanical Unit Active ................................................................. Mechanical Unit Not Moving .......................................................... Motors Off .................................................................................. Motors On .................................................................................. Motors Off State .......................................................................... Motors On State .......................................................................... Motion Supervision On ................................................................. Motion Supervision Triggered ........................................................ Path Return Region Error .............................................................. Power Fail Error .......................................................................... Production Execution Error ........................................................... Run Chain OK ............................................................................. Simulated I/O .............................................................................. TaskExecuting ............................................................................ TCP Speed ................................................................................. TCP Speed Reference .................................................................. SimMode ................................................................................... 4.10.5 Argument .............................................................................................. 4.10.6 Argument 2 ............................................................................................ 4.11 Type Unit ......................................................................................................... 4.11.1 The Unit type .......................................................................................... 4.11.2 Name .................................................................................................... 4.11.3 Type of Unit ........................................................................................... 4.11.4 Connected to Bus .................................................................................... 4.11.5 Unit Identification Label ............................................................................ 4.11.6 Unit Trustlevel ........................................................................................ 4.11.7 Unit Startup State .................................................................................... 4.11.8 Store Unit State at Power Fail .................................................................... 4.11.9 Regain Communication Reset ................................................................... 4.12 Type Unit Type ................................................................................................. 4.12.1 The Unit Type type .................................................................................. 4.12.2 Name .................................................................................................... 4.12.3 Type of Bus ............................................................................................ 4.12.4 Vendor Name ......................................................................................... 4.12.5 Product Name ........................................................................................ 4.12.6 Internal Slave ......................................................................................... 5 Topic Man-machine Communication 5.1 5.2
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The Man-machine Communication topic ................................................................ 307 Type Automatically Switch Jog Unit ...................................................................... 308 5.2.1 The Automatically Switch Jog Unit type ....................................................... 308
Table of contents
5.2.2 Enable switch jog unit .............................................................................. Type Backup Settings ........................................................................................ 5.3.1 The Backup Settings type ......................................................................... 5.3.2 Name .................................................................................................... 5.3.3 Path ...................................................................................................... 5.3.4 Unique name .......................................................................................... 5.3.5 Disable name change ............................................................................... Type Most Common Instruction ........................................................................... 5.4.1 The Most Common Instruction types ........................................................... 5.4.2 Name .................................................................................................... 5.4.3 Parameter Number .................................................................................. 5.4.4 Alternative Number .................................................................................. 5.4.5 Instruction Name ..................................................................................... 5.4.6 Only for Motion Task ................................................................................ Type Most Common I/O Signal ............................................................................ 5.5.1 The Most Common I/O Signal type ............................................................. 5.5.2 Signal Name ........................................................................................... 5.5.3 Signal Type ............................................................................................ Type Production Permission ................................................................................ 5.6.1 The Production Permission type ................................................................ 5.6.2 Name .................................................................................................... 5.6.3 Permission ............................................................................................. Type Warning at Start ........................................................................................ 5.7.1 The Warning at Start type ......................................................................... 5.7.2 Cursor PP Diff Warning ............................................................................ 5.7.3 Show PP to Cursor Button ........................................................................
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Topic Motion 6.1 6.2 The Motion topic ............................................................................................... Workflows ........................................................................................................ 6.2.1 How to define base frame ......................................................................... 6.2.2 How to restrict the work area for articulated robots ........................................ 6.2.3 How to restrict the work area for parallel arm robots ...................................... 6.2.4 How to define arm check point ................................................................... 6.2.5 How to define arm loads ........................................................................... 6.2.6 How to optimize drive system parameters .................................................... 6.2.7 How to tune motion supervision ................................................................. 6.2.8 How to define transmission gear ratio for independent joints ........................... 6.2.9 How to define external torque .................................................................... 6.2.10 How to define supervision level .................................................................. Type Acceleration Data ...................................................................................... 6.3.1 The Acceleration Data type ....................................................................... 6.3.2 Name .................................................................................................... 6.3.3 Nominal Acceleration ............................................................................... 6.3.4 Nominal Deceleration ............................................................................... 6.3.5 Acceleration Derivate Ratio ....................................................................... 6.3.6 Deceleration Derivate Ratio ....................................................................... Type Arm ......................................................................................................... 6.4.1 The Arm type .......................................................................................... 6.4.2 Name .................................................................................................... 6.4.3 Independent Joint ................................................................................... 6.4.4 Upper Joint Bound .................................................................................. 6.4.5 Lower Joint Bound .................................................................................. 6.4.6 Independent Upper Joint Bound ................................................................. 6.4.7 Independent Lower Joint Bound ................................................................. 6.4.8 Calibration Position ................................................................................. 6.4.9 Performance Quota ................................................................................. 6.4.10 Jam Supervision Trim Factor ..................................................................... 6.4.11 Load Supervision Trim Factor ....................................................................
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6.4.12 Speed Supervision Trim Factor .................................................................. 6.4.13 Position Supervision Trim Factor ............................................................... 6.4.14 External Const Torque ............................................................................. 6.4.15 Use Arm Load ........................................................................................ 6.4.16 External Proportional Torque ..................................................................... 6.4.17 External Torque Zero Angle ...................................................................... 6.4.18 Load Id Acceleration Ratio ........................................................................ 6.4.19 Angle Acceleration Ratio .......................................................................... 6.4.20 Deactivate Cyclic Brake Check for axis ........................................................ 6.5 Type Arm Check Point ....................................................................................... 6.5.1 The Arm Check Point type ........................................................................ 6.5.2 Name .................................................................................................... 6.5.3 Position x, y, z ........................................................................................ 6.6 Type Arm Load ................................................................................................. 6.6.1 The Arm Load type .................................................................................. 6.6.2 Name .................................................................................................... 6.6.3 Mass ..................................................................................................... 6.6.4 Mass Center x, y, z .................................................................................. 6.6.5 Inertia x, y, z ........................................................................................... 6.7 Type Brake ...................................................................................................... 6.7.1 The Brake type ....................................................................................... 6.7.2 Name .................................................................................................... 6.7.3 Control Off Speed Limit ............................................................................ 6.7.4 Control Off Delay .................................................................................... 6.7.5 Brake Control On Delay ............................................................................ 6.7.6 Brake Control Min Delay ........................................................................... 6.7.7 Absolute Brake Torque ............................................................................. 6.7.8 Brake Ramp Speed Limit .......................................................................... 6.7.9 Max Brake Time ...................................................................................... 6.8 Type Control Parameters .................................................................................... 6.8.1 The Control Parameters type ..................................................................... 6.8.2 Name .................................................................................................... 6.8.3 Friction FFW On ...................................................................................... 6.8.4 Friction FFW Level .................................................................................. 6.8.5 Friction FFW Ramp .................................................................................. 6.9 Type Drive Module ............................................................................................ 6.9.1 The Drive Module type ............................................................................. 6.9.2 Name .................................................................................................... 6.9.3 Number ................................................................................................. 6.10 Type Drive System ............................................................................................ 6.10.1 The Drive System type ............................................................................. 6.10.2 Name .................................................................................................... 6.10.3 Use DC-Link ........................................................................................... 6.10.4 Use Drive Unit ........................................................................................ 6.10.5 Current Vector On ................................................................................... 6.11 Type Drive Unit ................................................................................................. 6.11.1 The Drive Unit type .................................................................................. 6.11.2 Name .................................................................................................... 6.11.3 Drive Unit Position ................................................................................... 6.12 Type Force Master ............................................................................................ 6.12.1 The Force Master type ............................................................................. 6.12.2 Name .................................................................................................... 6.12.3 Use Force Master Control ......................................................................... 6.12.4 References Bandwidth ............................................................................. 6.12.5 Use Ramp Time ...................................................................................... 6.12.6 Ramp when Increasing Force .................................................................... 6.12.7 Ramp Time ............................................................................................ 6.12.8 Collision LP Bandwidth ............................................................................ 6.12.9 Collision Alarm Torque .............................................................................
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6.12.10 Collision Speed ....................................................................................... 6.12.11 Collision Delta Position ............................................................................ 6.12.12 Force Detection Bandwidth ....................................................................... 6.12.13 Delay Ramp ........................................................................................... 6.12.14 Ramp to Real Contact .............................................................................. Type Force Master Control .................................................................................. 6.13.1 The Force Master Control type ................................................................... 6.13.2 Name .................................................................................................... 6.13.3 No. of Speed Limits ................................................................................. 6.13.4 Torque 1 ................................................................................................ 6.13.5 Torque 2 ................................................................................................ 6.13.6 Torque 3 ................................................................................................ 6.13.7 Torque 4 ................................................................................................ 6.13.8 Torque 5 ................................................................................................ 6.13.9 Torque 6 ................................................................................................ 6.13.10 Speed Limit 1 ......................................................................................... 6.13.11 Speed Limit 2 ......................................................................................... 6.13.12 Speed Limit 3 ......................................................................................... 6.13.13 Speed Limit 4 ......................................................................................... 6.13.14 Speed Limit 5 ......................................................................................... 6.13.15 Speed Limit 6 ......................................................................................... 6.13.16 Kv 1 ...................................................................................................... 6.13.17 Kv 2 ...................................................................................................... 6.13.18 Kv 3 ...................................................................................................... 6.13.19 Kv 4 ...................................................................................................... 6.13.20 Kv 5 ...................................................................................................... 6.13.21 Kv 6 ...................................................................................................... Type Friction Compensation ................................................................................ 6.14.1 The Friction Compensation type ................................................................. 6.14.2 Name .................................................................................................... 6.14.3 Friction FFW On ...................................................................................... 6.14.4 Friction FFW Level .................................................................................. 6.14.5 Friction FFW Ramp .................................................................................. Type Jog Parameters ......................................................................................... 6.15.1 The Jog Parameters type .......................................................................... 6.15.2 Name .................................................................................................... 6.15.3 Configurable Linear Step Size ................................................................... 6.15.4 Configurable Reorient Step Size ................................................................ 6.15.5 Configurable Joint Step Size ..................................................................... Type Joint ........................................................................................................ 6.16.1 The Joint type ......................................................................................... 6.16.2 Name .................................................................................................... 6.16.3 Logical Axis ........................................................................................... 6.16.4 Use Drive System .................................................................................... 6.16.5 Use Process ........................................................................................... 6.16.6 Lock Joint in Ipol ..................................................................................... 6.16.7 Follower to Joint ..................................................................................... Type Lag Control Master 0 .................................................................................. 6.17.1 The Lag Control Master 0 type ................................................................... 6.17.2 Name .................................................................................................... 6.17.3 Kp, Gain Position Loop ............................................................................. 6.17.4 Kv, Gain Speed Loop ............................................................................... 6.17.5 Ti Integration Time Speed Loop ................................................................. 6.17.6 Forced Control Active .............................................................................. 6.17.7 Forced Factor for Kp ................................................................................ 6.17.8 Forced Factor for Ki ................................................................................. 6.17.9 Raise Time for Kp .................................................................................... 6.17.10 Notch Filter Active ................................................................................... 6.17.11 Notch Filter Frequency .............................................................................
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6.17.12 Notch Filter Width ................................................................................... 6.17.13 Notch Auto Mode .................................................................................... 6.17.14 Auto No Weave Frequency ....................................................................... 6.17.15 Auto Min Frequency ................................................................................ 6.17.16 Auto Max Relative Change ........................................................................ 6.17.17 FFW Mode ............................................................................................. 6.17.18 Bandwidth ............................................................................................. 6.17.19 Df ......................................................................................................... 6.17.20 Dw ....................................................................................................... 6.17.21 Delay .................................................................................................... 6.17.22 Inertia ................................................................................................... 6.17.23 K Soft Max Factor .................................................................................... 6.17.24 K Soft Min Factor .................................................................................... 6.17.25 Kp/Kv Ratio Factor .................................................................................. 6.17.26 Ramp Time ............................................................................................ Type Linked M Process ...................................................................................... 6.18.1 The Linked M Process type ....................................................................... 6.18.2 Name .................................................................................................... 6.18.3 Offset Adjust. Delay Time ......................................................................... 6.18.4 Max Follower Offset ................................................................................. 6.18.5 Max Offset Speed .................................................................................... 6.18.6 Offset Speed Ratio .................................................................................. 6.18.7 Ramp Time ............................................................................................ 6.18.8 Master Follower Kp .................................................................................. 6.18.9 Torque follower ....................................................................................... 6.18.10 Torque distribution .................................................................................. 6.18.11 Follower axis pos. acc. reduction ............................................................... Type Mains ...................................................................................................... 6.19.1 The Mains type ....................................................................................... 6.19.2 Name .................................................................................................... 6.19.3 Mains Tolerance Min ................................................................................ 6.19.4 Mains Tolerance Max ............................................................................... Type Measurement Channel ................................................................................ 6.20.1 The Measurement Channel type ................................................................. 6.20.2 Name .................................................................................................... 6.20.3 Use Measurement Board Type ................................................................... 6.20.4 Disconnect at Deactivate .......................................................................... 6.20.5 Measurement Link ................................................................................... 6.20.6 Board Position ........................................................................................ Type Mechanical Unit ......................................................................................... 6.21.1 The Mechanical Unit type .......................................................................... 6.21.2 Name .................................................................................................... 6.21.3 Use Activation Relay ................................................................................ 6.21.4 Use Brake Relay ..................................................................................... 6.21.5 Use Connection Relay .............................................................................. 6.21.6 Use Robot .............................................................................................. 6.21.7 Use Single 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 .......................................................................... 6.21.8 Allow Move of User Frame ........................................................................ 6.21.9 Activate at Start Up .................................................................................. 6.21.10 Deactivation Forbidden ............................................................................ 6.21.11 Deactivate PTC superv. at disconnect ......................................................... 6.21.12 Activate from any motion task .................................................................... Type Motion Planner .......................................................................................... 6.22.1 The Motion Planner type ........................................................................... 6.22.2 Name .................................................................................................... 6.22.3 Brake on Time ........................................................................................ 6.22.4 Dynamic Resolution ................................................................................. 6.22.5 Path Resolution ...................................................................................... 6.22.6 Queue Time ...........................................................................................
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6.22.7 Teach Mode Max Speed ........................................................................... 6.22.8 Process Update Time ............................................................................... 6.22.9 Prefetch Time ......................................................................................... 6.22.10 Event Preset Time ................................................................................... 6.22.11 CPU Load Equalization ............................................................................. 6.22.12 Restrict placing of circlepoints ................................................................... 6.22.13 Use Motion Supervision ............................................................................ 6.22.14 Motion Supervision Permanent Off ............................................................. 6.22.15 Motion Supervision Max Level ................................................................... 6.22.16 Remove Corner Path Warning ................................................................... 6.22.17 Time Event Supervision ............................................................................ 6.22.18 High Interpolation Priority ......................................................................... 6.22.19 Speed Control Warning ............................................................................ 6.22.20 Speed Control Percent ............................................................................. 6.22.21 Use spline parameters ............................................................................. 6.22.22 Use additional interp. object batch .............................................................. 6.22.23 Bandwidth of path pose filter ..................................................................... 6.22.24 Circle Speed Priority ................................................................................ 6.22.25 Number of Internal Event Objects ............................................................... Type Motion Supervision .................................................................................... 6.23.1 The Motion Supervision type ..................................................................... 6.23.2 Name .................................................................................................... 6.23.3 Path Collision Detection ........................................................................... 6.23.4 Jog Collision Detection ............................................................................. 6.23.5 Path Collision Detection Level ................................................................... 6.23.6 Jog Collision Detection Level .................................................................... 6.23.7 Collision Detection Memory ....................................................................... 6.23.8 Manipulator supervision ........................................................................... 6.23.9 Manipulator supervision level .................................................................... Type Motion System .......................................................................................... 6.24.1 The Motion System type ........................................................................... 6.24.2 Name .................................................................................................... 6.24.3 Min Temperature Cabinet ......................................................................... 6.24.4 Max Temperature Cabinet ......................................................................... 6.24.5 Min Temperature Robot ............................................................................ 6.24.6 Max Temperature Robot ........................................................................... Type Motor ...................................................................................................... 6.25.1 The Motor type ....................................................................................... 6.25.2 Name .................................................................................................... 6.25.3 Use Motor Type ...................................................................................... 6.25.4 Use Motor Calibration .............................................................................. Type Motor Calibration ....................................................................................... 6.26.1 The Motor Calibration type ........................................................................ 6.26.2 Name .................................................................................................... 6.26.3 Commutator Offset .................................................................................. 6.26.4 Commutator Offset Valid .......................................................................... 6.26.5 Calibration Offset .................................................................................... 6.26.6 Calibration Offset Valid ............................................................................. 6.26.7 Calibration Sensor Position ....................................................................... Type Motor Type ............................................................................................... 6.27.1 The type Motor Type ................................................................................ 6.27.2 Name .................................................................................................... 6.27.3 Pole Pairs .............................................................................................. 6.27.4 Stall Torque ........................................................................................... 6.27.5 ke Phase to Phase ................................................................................... 6.27.6 Max Current ........................................................................................... 6.27.7 Phase Resistance ................................................................................... 6.27.8 Phase Inductance ....................................................................................
527 528 529 530 531 532 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 562 563 564 565 566 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580
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6.28 Type Path Sensor Synchronization ....................................................................... 6.28.1 The Path Sensor Synchronization type ........................................................ 6.28.2 Name .................................................................................................... 6.28.3 Max Advance Distance ............................................................................. 6.28.4 Max Delay Distance ................................................................................. 6.28.5 Max Synchronization Speed ...................................................................... 6.28.6 Min Synchronization Speed ....................................................................... 6.28.7 Synchronization Type .............................................................................. 6.29 Type Process ................................................................................................... 6.29.1 The Process type .................................................................................... 6.29.2 Name .................................................................................................... 6.29.3 Use SG Process ...................................................................................... 6.29.4 Use Linked Motor Process ........................................................................ 6.30 Type Relay ....................................................................................................... 6.30.1 The Relay type ........................................................................................ 6.30.2 Name .................................................................................................... 6.30.3 Output Signal ......................................................................................... 6.30.4 Input Signal ............................................................................................ 6.31 Type Robot ...................................................................................................... 6.31.1 The Robot type ....................................................................................... 6.31.2 Name .................................................................................................... 6.31.3 Use Robot Type ...................................................................................... 6.31.4 Use Old SMB .......................................................................................... 6.31.5 Use Robot Calibration .............................................................................. 6.31.6 Use Joint 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ............................................................................ 6.31.7 Base Frame x, y, z ................................................................................... 6.31.8 Base Frame q1, q2, q3, q4 ........................................................................ 6.31.9 Base Frame Moved by ............................................................................. 6.31.10 Gravity Alpha ......................................................................................... 6.31.11 Gravity Beta ........................................................................................... 6.31.12 Gamma Rotation ..................................................................................... 6.31.13 Upper Work Area x, y, z ............................................................................ 6.31.14 Lower Work Area x, y, z ............................................................................ 6.31.15 Upper Check Point Bound x, y, z ................................................................ 6.31.16 Lower Check Point Bound x, y, z ................................................................ 6.31.17 Use Six Axes Corvec ............................................................................... 6.31.18 Track Conveyor with Robot ....................................................................... 6.31.19 Max External Pos Adjustment .................................................................... 6.31.20 7 axes high performance motion ................................................................ 6.31.21 Time to Inposition .................................................................................... 6.31.22 Orientation Supervision Off ....................................................................... 6.31.23 Conveyor Tool Change Mode .................................................................... 6.31.24 Mech.Unit Not Moving Detection Level ........................................................ 6.32 Type Robot Serial Number .................................................................................. 6.32.1 The Robot Serial Number type ................................................................... 6.32.2 Name .................................................................................................... 6.32.3 Robot Serial Number High Part .................................................................. 6.32.4 Robot Serial Number Low Part ................................................................... 6.33 Type SG Process .............................................................................................. 6.33.1 The SG Process type ............................................................................... 6.33.2 Name .................................................................................................... 6.33.3 Use Force Master .................................................................................... 6.33.4 Sync Check Off ....................................................................................... 6.33.5 Close Time Adjust. .................................................................................. 6.33.6 Close Position Adjust. .............................................................................. 6.33.7 Force Ready Delay .................................................................................. 6.33.8 Max Force Control Motor Torque ................................................................ 6.33.9 Post-synchronization Time ........................................................................ 6.33.10 Calibration Mode .....................................................................................
581 581 582 583 584 586 587 588 589 589 590 591 592 593 593 594 595 596 597 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 622 623 624 625 626 626 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636
Table of contents
6.33.11 Calibration Force High ............................................................................. 6.33.12 Calibration Force Low .............................................................................. 6.33.13 Calibration Time ...................................................................................... 6.33.14 Number of Stored Forces .......................................................................... 6.33.15 Tip Force 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 .............................................................. 6.33.16 Motor Torque 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ........................................................ 6.33.17 Squeeze Position 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ................................................... 6.33.18 Soft Stop Timeout ................................................................................... Type Single ...................................................................................................... 6.34.1 The Single type ....................................................................................... 6.34.2 Name .................................................................................................... 6.34.3 Use Single Type ...................................................................................... 6.34.4 Use Joint ............................................................................................... 6.34.5 Base Frame x, y, z ................................................................................... 6.34.6 Base Frame q1, q2, q3, q4 ........................................................................ 6.34.7 Base Frame Coordinated .......................................................................... 6.34.8 Mech.Unit Not Moving Detection Level ........................................................ Type Single Type .............................................................................................. 6.35.1 The type Single Type ............................................................................... 6.35.2 Name .................................................................................................... 6.35.3 Mechanics ............................................................................................. Type Stress Duty Cycle ...................................................................................... 6.36.1 The Stress Duty Cycle type ....................................................................... 6.36.2 Name .................................................................................................... 6.36.3 Speed Absolute Max ................................................................................ 6.36.4 Torque Absolute Max ............................................................................... Type Supervision .............................................................................................. 6.37.1 The Supervision type ............................................................................... 6.37.2 Name .................................................................................................... 6.37.3 Brake Release Supervision On .................................................................. 6.37.4 Speed Supervision .................................................................................. 6.37.5 Position Supervision ................................................................................ 6.37.6 Counter Supervision ................................................................................ 6.37.7 Jam Supervision ..................................................................................... 6.37.8 Load Supervision .................................................................................... 6.37.9 Power Up Position Supervision .................................................................. 6.37.10 In Position Range .................................................................................... 6.37.11 Zero Speed ............................................................................................ 6.37.12 Affects Forced Control ............................................................................. 6.37.13 Forced on Position Limit ........................................................................... 6.37.14 Forced off Position Limit ........................................................................... 6.37.15 Thermal Supervision Sensitivity Ratio ......................................................... Type Supervision Type ....................................................................................... 6.38.1 The type Supervision Type ........................................................................ 6.38.2 Name .................................................................................................... 6.38.3 Max Force Control Position Error ............................................................... 6.38.4 Max Force Control Speed Limit .................................................................. 6.38.5 Dynamic Power Up Position Limit ............................................................... 6.38.6 Teach Max Speed Main ............................................................................ 6.38.7 Teach Max Speed DSP ............................................................................. 6.38.8 Max Jam Time ........................................................................................ 6.38.9 Max Overload Time ................................................................................. 6.38.10 Auto Max Speed Supervision Limit ............................................................. 6.38.11 Influence Group ...................................................................................... 6.38.12 Alarm Position Limit for Brake Release ........................................................ 6.38.13 Position OK Ratio for Brake Release ........................................................... Type Transmission ............................................................................................ 6.39.1 The Transmission type ............................................................................. 6.39.2 Name ....................................................................................................
637 638 639 640 641 643 645 646 647 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 655 656 657 658 658 659 660 661 662 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 690 691
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6.39.3 Rotating Move ........................................................................................ 6.39.4 Transmission Gear Ratio .......................................................................... 6.39.5 Transmission Gear High ........................................................................... 6.39.6 Transmission Gear Low ............................................................................ 6.40 Type Uncalibrated Control Master 0 ...................................................................... 6.40.1 The Uncalibrated Control Master 0 type ....................................................... 6.40.2 Name .................................................................................................... 6.40.3 Kp, Gain Position Loop ............................................................................. 6.40.4 Kv, Gain Speed Loop ............................................................................... 6.40.5 Ti Integration Time Speed Loop ................................................................. 6.40.6 Speed Max Uncalibrated ........................................................................... 6.40.7 Acceleration Max Uncalibrated .................................................................. 6.40.8 Deceleration Max Uncalibrated .................................................................. Index
692 693 694 695 696 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 705
Revision E
Description Released with IRC5 RW 5.09. New parameters in Motion and I/O. New types Auto Condition Reset and Run Mode Settings added in topic Controller. All DeviceNet parameters moved to Application manual - DeviceNet. Released with IRC5 RW 5.10. Changes in topic I/O: System Input has new action value, Load. System Output has new parameter, Argument 2, and new status value, TaskExecuting. In addition, there are several minor changes in the sections about System Input and System Output. Changes in topic Controller: New parameters in type Task for the new functionality RAPID Message Queue. Released with IRC5 RW 5.11. New introduction to system parameters. Changes in topic Controller: Changes in Auto Condition Reset, Event Routine, and ModPos Settings. Changes in topic I/O: New action value in System Output. Changes in System Input. Changes in topic Man-machine Communication: New types Warning at Start and Automatically Switch Jog Unit. Changes in topic Motion: New parameters in Motion Planner and Motion Supervision. New type SIS Single Parameters. Released with IRC5 RW 5.12. Changes in topic Controller: New parameter RMQ Mode, in Task. Minor corrections in Auto Condition Reset, Automatic Loading of Modules, and Event Routine. Changes in topic I/O: New action value Production Execution Error, in System Input. Changes in types Fieldbus Command Type and Unit. Minor corrections in all types. Changes in topic Motion: Parameter Use Arm Load added. Released with RW5.12.02. Changes in topic Motion: Type Event Routine: Parameter The Event Routine type on page 84.
Revision K
Description Updated for the RW 5.13 release. All SIS system parameters are moved to Operating manual - Service Information System. The section How to define work area in topic Motion is corrected and divided into two new sections, How to restrict the work area for articulated robots on page 335 and How to restrict the work area for parallel arm robots on page 336. Changes in topic Communication: Added the new system parameter Show Device on page 52 in the type Application Protocol. Changes in topic Controller: Updated the system parameters, Task on page 78, Shared on page 80, All Tasks on page 81, and All Motion Tasks on page 82 in the type Automatic Loading of Modules. Updated the system parameters, The Event Routine type on page 84 and Event on page 89 in the type Event Routine. Changes in topic I/O: The parameter Action on page 221 is updated and added the new system parameters Argument 3 on page 254 and Argument 4 on page 255 in the type System Input. Also added the new action value Backup on page 222 for the parameter Status. Changes in the type System Output: The Status on page 260 system parameter is updated. The status value system parameters TCP Speed on page 283 and Mechanical Unit Not Moving on page 270 are updated. Added the new status value parameters Backup in progress on page 264 and Backup Error on page 263. The parameters Unit Recovery Time on page 172 and Type of Bus on page 168 are updated in the type Bus. Updated the type The Signal type on page 191 and the Unit Mapping on page 199 system parameter. Updated the system parameter Regain Communication Reset on page 298 in the type Unit. Changes in topic Man-Machine Communication: Added the new type The Backup Settings type on page 310 and the corresponding new system parameters in topic Man-machine Communication. Changes in topic Motion: Added the new system parameters Max External Pos Adjustment on page 616and Orientation Supervision Off on page 619 in the type Robot. Added the new system parameter Use Drive Unit on page 403 in the type Drive System. Added the new system parameter Use Drive System on page 457 in the type Joint. Added the new type Drive Unit and the parameters The Drive Unit type on page 405, Name on page 406, and Drive Unit Position on page 407. Added the new system parameter Use spline parameters on page 542 and updated the system parameter Event Preset Time on page 530 in the type Motion Planner. The section about the type The Arm Load type on page 378 is updated. The image in the section How to define arm loads on page 339 is updated.
Revision L
Description Updated for the RW 5.13.02 release. Changes in topic Motion: Added the new system parameter Use additional interp. object batch on page 543 in the type Motion Planner. Updated the system parameters Gravity Alpha on page 606, Gamma Rotation on page 609, and Orientation Supervision Off on page 619 in the type Robot. Changes in topic I/O: Updated the system parameter TaskExecuting on page 282 in the type System Output. Updated for the RW 5.14 release. Changes in the About system parameters chapter. Added the new section File system on page 30. Changes in the topic Controller. Updated the Usage section in the system parameter Reset on page 74. Changes in the topic I/O. Updated the Additional Information subsection in the system parameter Mechanical Unit Not Moving on page 270. Updated the Description subsection in the system parameters Stop on page 244 and Soft Stop on page 246. Updated the Allowed values subsection in the system parameter Default Value on page 203. Updated the various subsections in the type The Cross Connection type on page 174. Updated the information about the maximum number of user I/O signals and the maximum number of digital I/Osignals on I/O units in the Limitations subsection of the type The Signal type on page 191, in the Limitations subsection of the section How to define input and output I/O signals on page 153, and in the Limitations and Predifined unit type subsections of the type The Unit Type type on page 299. Changes in the topic Motion. Updated the Limitations subsection in the system parameter Manipulator supervision on page 554. Updated the Limitations subsection in the system parameter Manipulator supervision level on page 555. Updated the various subsections in the system parameter Mains Tolerance Max on page 501. Added the new system parameter Bandwidth of path pose filter on page 544. Updated the various subsections in the system parameter Conveyor Tool Change Mode on page 620. Added the new system parameter Use DC-Link on page 402. Added the new system parameter Teach Max Speed DSP on page 683. Removed the system parameter Teach Normalized Low Speed. Updated the system parameter Teach Max Speed Main on page 682. Updated for the RW 5.14.02 release Updated the image in the section Arms for relating arm load to on page 339. Updated the section Allowed values on page 551 in the Path Collision Detection Level system parameter. Updated the section Allowed values on page 552 in the Jog Collision Detection Level system parameter.
Revision P
Description Updated for the RW 5.14.03 release Updated the section Server Path on page 45 with information about FTP Server FileZilla. Updated the Limitations and Allowed values in the section Name on page 129. Also added the new system parameter ModalPayLoadMode on page 132. Updated the Additional information section in The System Input type on page 219. Added a new system parameter Disable Backup on page 224. Updated the Description and Arguments in the section Interrupt on page 225. Added a new system parameters SimMode on page 250 and SimMode on page 285. Added a new system parameter Deactivate Cyclic Brake Check for axis on page 374. Added a new system parameter Use Robot Calibration on page 601. Added a new system parameter Thermal Supervision Sensitivity Ratio on page 676. Updated for the RW 5.15 release A note is added in Configuration files on page 29. Updated the figure in section Event routine execution examples on page 85. Added a new chapter Type Options on page 113 under topic Controller. Changed the limitation for handling the maximum number of cross connections from 100 to 300 in the section The Cross Connection type on page 174. Updated the section Action Values on page 222. Added a new action value Limit Speed on page 227. Added a new argument Argument 5 on page 256. Added a new argument Argument 6 on page 257. Added a new chapter System Input Actions on page 258. Added a new action value Limit Speed on page 268. Updated the value Mechanical Unit Not Moving on page 270. Changed the maximum limitation of Unit Type instances in the system from 60 to 100 in the section The Unit Type type on page 299. Added a new system parameter Max Brake Time on page 391. Added a new system parameter Circle Speed Priority on page 545. Added a new system parameter Number of Internal Event Objects on page 546. Added a new system parameter Use Robot Type on page 599. Added a new system parameter Mech.Unit Not Moving Detection Level on page 621. Added a new system parameter Squeeze Position 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 on page 645. Added a new system parameter Mech.Unit Not Moving Detection Level on page 654. Updated the allowed values in Mechanics on page 657.
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Technical reference manuals The technical reference manuals describe reference information for robotics products. Technical reference manual - Lubrication in gearboxes: Description of types and volumes of lubrication for the manipulator gearboxes. Technical reference manual - RAPID overview: An overview of the RAPID programming language. Technical reference manual - RAPID Instructions, Functions and Data types: Description and syntax for all RAPID instructions, functions, and data types. Technical reference manual - RAPID kernel: A formal description of the RAPID programming language. Technical reference manual - System parameters: Description of system parameters and configuration workflows.
Application manuals Specific applications (for example software or hardware options) are described in Application manuals. An application manual can describe one or several applications. Continues on next page
3HAC17076-1 Revision: Q Copyright 2004-2012 ABB. All rights reserved. 25
An application manual generally contains information about: Operating manuals The operating manuals describe hands-on handling of the products. The manuals are aimed at those having first-hand operational contact with the product, that is production cell operators, programmers, and trouble shooters. The group of manuals includes (among others): Operating manual - Emergency safety information Operating manual - General safety information Operating manual - Getting started, IRC5 and RobotStudio Operating manual - Introduction to RAPID Operating manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant Operating manual - RobotStudio Operating manual - Trouble shooting IRC5, for the controller and manipulator. The purpose of the application (what it does and when it is useful). What is included (for example cables, I/O boards, RAPID instructions, system parameters, DVD with PC software). How to install included or required hardware. How to use the application. Examples of how to use the application.
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Serial channels and file transfer protocols SIO.cfg Safety and RAPID specific functions I/O boards and signals Functions to simplify working with the system The robot and external axes Process specific tools andequipment SYS.cfg EIO.cfg MMC.cfg MOC.cfg PROC.cfg
Explanation Three instances of the type Physical Channel. One instance with Name defined as COM1 and Connector defined as COM1. One instance with Name defined as LAN1 and Connector defined as LAN. One instance with Name defined as SER1 and Connector defined as SERVICE. One instance with Name defined as TCPIP1, Type defined as TCP/IP, and Physical Channel defined as LAN1.
Drives on the controller NOTE: The character : can not be used in the path.
Path /hd0a/my_dir /bd0/my_dir /bd1/my_dir /bdx/my_dir Description Flash drive or hard drive on the controller. USB device on the controller. Second USB device on the controller. x:th USB device on the controller.
If using more than one USB device, they are numbered in the order that they are connected. Directories on the controller
Path /my_dir/ Description The backup is placed in /hd0a/my_dir
Current directory Current directory is not defined but varies depending on what happens in the system. Therefore, all references should be defined with complete paths (or using environment variables). Mounted disks There must be an FTP or NFS connection to a running FTP/NFS server with read and write access to the backup directory. Verify the connection after loading the Communication configuration (SIO.cfg) and restarting the controller. In the following example, the device is named as pc:
Related information Backup on page 222 Load on page 229 Continues on next page
30 Copyright 2004-2012 ABB. All rights reserved. 3HAC17076-1 Revision: Q
2 Topic Communication
2.1 The Communication topic
2 Topic Communication
2.1 The Communication topic
Overview This chapter describes the types and parameters of the Communication topic. Each parameter is described in the section for its type. Description The Communication topic contains parameters for configuring the controller's serial channels and file transfer protocols. The parameters are organized in three types: 1 Application protocol 2 Physical channel 3 Transmission protocol
2 Topic Communication
2.2.1 How to define an application protocol
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2 Topic Communication
2.2.2 How to define a physical channel
2 Topic Communication
2.2.3 How to define a transmission protocol
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2 Topic Communication
2.3.1 The Application Protocol type
2 Topic Communication
2.3.1 The Application Protocol type Continued Example: NFS This is a typical example of a configuration for NFS Client.
Parameter: Name Type Transmission Protocol Server Address Trusted Local Path Server Path User ID Group ID Value: MyNFS NFS TCPIP1 Yes pc: c:\backup 10 0
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2 Topic Communication
2.3.2 Name
2.3.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Application Protocol, in the topic Communication. Cfg name Name Description The name of the application protocol. Usage Used as a protocol label (to tell the application protocols apart). Allowed values A string with maximum 40 characters.
2 Topic Communication
2.3.3 Type
2.3.3 Type
Parent Type belongs to the type Application Protocol, in the topic Communication. Cfg name Type Description The type of application protocol. Usage Specify the type of application protocol, FTP or NFS. Allowed values FTP or NFS Related information Application manual - Robot communication and I/O control.
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2 Topic Communication
2.3.4 Transmission Protocol
2 Topic Communication
2.3.5 Server Address
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2 Topic Communication
2.3.6 Trusted
2.3.6 Trusted
Parent Trusted belongs to the type Application Protocol, in the topic Communication. Cfg name Trusted Description A flag that specifies if losing the connection should make the program stop. Usage An application protocol used for backups or similar can have Trusted set to No. If the connection is lost, the program continues and the backup can be made later. An application protocol that relies on the connection for safety must have Trusted set to Yes. If the connection is lost, the program will stop and no hazardous situations can occur because of the lost connection. Allowed values Yes or No. Related information Application manual - Robot communication and I/O control.
2 Topic Communication
2.3.7 Local Path
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2 Topic Communication
2.3.8 Server Path
2 Topic Communication
2.3.9 Username
2.3.9 Username
Parent Username belongs to the type Application Protocol, in the topic Communication. Cfg name UserName Description The user name used by the robot when it logs on to an FTP server on a remote computer. Usage Create a user account on the FTP server. The user name of this account is then specified in Username, and the password in Password. Limitations Username is only used with the RobotWare option FTP Client. Allowed values A string with a maximum of 40 characters. Related information Password on page 47. Application manual - Robot communication and I/O control.
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2 Topic Communication
2.3.10 Password
2.3.10 Password
Parent Password belongs to the type Application Protocol, in the topic Communication. Cfg name Password Description The password used by the robot when it logs on to an FTP server on a remote computer. Usage Create a user account on the FTP server. The user name of this account is then specified in Username, and the password in Password. Limitations Password is only used with the RobotWare option FTP Client. Allowed values A string with a maximum of 40 characters. Additional information Note that the password written here will be visible to all who have access to the system parameters. Related information Username on page 46. Application manual - Robot communication and I/O control.
2 Topic Communication
2.3.11 User ID
2.3.11 User ID
Parent User ID belongs to the type Application Protocol, in the topic Communication. Cfg name UserID Description Used by the NFS protocol as a way of authorizing the user to access a specific server. Usage If the NFS server requires a User ID and Group ID for access to the server, these numbers are specified in the parameters User ID and Group ID. If this parameter is not used, set it to the default value 0. Note that User ID must be the same for all mountings on one controller. Limitations User ID is only used with the RobotWare option NFS Client. Allowed values An integer between 0 and 2,147,483,647. Default value is 0. Related information Group ID on page 49. Application manual - Robot communication and I/O control.
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2 Topic Communication
2.3.12 Group ID
2.3.12 Group ID
Parent Group ID belongs to the type Application Protocol, in the topic Communication. Cfg name GroupID Description Used by the NFS protocol as a way of authorizing the user to access a specific server. Usage If the NFS server requires a User ID and Group ID for access to the server, these numbers are specified in the parameters User ID and Group ID. If this parameter is not used, set it to the default value 0. Note that Group ID must be the same for all mountings on one controller. Limitations Group ID is only used with the RobotWare option NFS Client. Allowed values An integer between 0 and 2,147,483,647. Default value is 0. Related information User ID on page 48. Application manual - Robot communication and I/O control.
2 Topic Communication
2.3.13 Maximum File Size
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2 Topic Communication
2.3.14 Memory Partition Size
2 Topic Communication
2.3.15 Show Device
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2 Topic Communication
2.4.1 The Physical Channel type
2 Topic Communication
2.4.2 Name
2.4.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Physical Channel, in the topic Communication. Cfg name Name Description Name specifies the logical connection. It is used when accessing the physical serial channel. Allowed values A string with maximum 16 characters.
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2 Topic Communication
2.4.3 Connector
2.4.3 Connector
Parent Connector belongs to the type Physical Channel, in the topic Communication. Cfg name Connector Description Connector connects a physical communication port with a specific configuration in the system. Allowed values COM1 in a standard system. Also, COM2 and COM3, in a system with Multiple Serial Ports installed.
2 Topic Communication
2.4.4 Baudrate
2.4.4 Baudrate
Parent Baudrate belongs to the type Physical Channel, in the topic Communication. Cfg name Baudrate Description Baudrate defines the baud the controller will operate on for the selected physical channel. Usage Baud is the signalling rate of the communication, which determines the maximum speed of the data transfer in serial channels. The higher the baud, the faster the communication can be. Limitations Both devices, the serial ports in both ends, that communicate on the channel have to use the same baud. The devices have to be defined with the same transmission speed. Therefore, Baudrate must be set to the baud of the device that is connected to the controller. Allowed values A value between 300-38,400, specifying the signal rate. The default value is 9,600.
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2 Topic Communication
2.4.5 Parity
2.4.5 Parity
Parent Parity belongs to the type Physical Channel, in the topic Communication. Cfg name Parity Description Parity configures the parity check for the data transfer. Usage Parity check is an error detection method to help detect data corruption that might occur during transmission of data. The parity check adds a parity bit to each byte that is transmitted. Depending on whether the transmitted byte contains an odd or even number of 1-bits, the parity bit will be either 0 or 1. Each time a data byte is received, it is checked that the number of 1-bits matches the parity bit. Limitations Both receiver and transmitter of data must agree on the type of parity. Allowed values
Value:: Odd Even None Description: The number of 1-bits in a transfer byte must be odd. If they are odd, the parity bit is set to 0. The number of 1-bits in a transfer byte must be odd. If they are even, the parity bit is set to 1. No parity check is performed.
2 Topic Communication
2.4.6 Number of Bits
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2 Topic Communication
2.4.7 Number of Stop Bits
2 Topic Communication
2.4.8 Duplex
2.4.8 Duplex
Parent Duplex belongs to the type Physical Channel, in the topic Communication. Cfg name Duplex Description Duplex defines whether or not the controller shall be able to send and receive data simultaneously on this physical channel. Usage Duplex is the ability to transport data in both directions. With full duplex the controller is able to both send and receive data at the same time. With half duplex the data flow is limited to one direction at a time. Allowed values FULL or HALF.
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2 Topic Communication
2.4.9 Flow Control
XON/XOFF Software flow control, uses characters in the communication stream to control sending and receiving of data. NONE Flow control will not be used.
2 Topic Communication
2.5.1 The Transmission Protocol type
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2 Topic Communication
2.5.2 Name
2.5.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Transmission Protocol, in the topic Communication. Cfg name Name Description Name specifies the name of the transmission protocol. Transmission protocols are used for transferring data. Allowed values A string with maximum 16 characters.
2 Topic Communication
2.5.3 Type
2.5.3 Type
Parent Type belongs to the type Transmission Protocol, in the topic Communication. Cfg name Type Description Type defines the type of transmission protocol to be used. Limitations TCP/IP settings can only be viewed from the Configuration Editor in RobotStudio. For detailed information, see Operating manual - RobotStudio. Allowed values
Value: Description: PPP Point-To-Point protocol, provides communication for simple links which transport packets between two nodes. Thereby, it is only possible to run PPP on the serial channels, i.e. COM1. Protocol without handshakes.
Related information The Physical Channel type on page 53. Operating manual - RobotStudio. For configuration of the LAN port, see Operating manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant.
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2 Topic Communication
2.5.4 Physical Channel
2 Topic Communication
2.5.5 Local Address
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2 Topic Communication
2.5.6 Remote Address
3 Topic Controller
3.1 The Controller topic
3 Topic Controller
3.1 The Controller topic
Overview This chapter describes the types and parameters of the Controller topic. Each parameter is described in the section for its type. Description The Controller topic contains parameters for safety and RAPID specific functions. The parameters are organized in the following types: 1 Auto Condition Reset 2 Automatic Loading of Modules 3 Event Routine 4 Mechanical Unit Group 5 ModPos Settings 6 Operator Safety 7 Path Return Region 8 Run Mode Settings 9 Present Options 10 Safety Run Chain 11 System Misc 12 Task
3 Topic Controller
3.2.1 How to activate hold-to-run control
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3.2.2 How to define path return region
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3.3.1 The Auto Condition Reset type
3.3 Type Auto Condition Reset 3.3.1 The Auto Condition Reset type
Overview This section describes the type Auto Condition Reset, which belongs to the topic Controller. Each parameter of the type is described in a separate information topic in this section. Cfg name AUTO_COND_RESET Type description The type Auto Condition Reset defines if a number of conditions should be reset when switching to auto mode. A message box is displayed on the FlexPendant with information about the reset conditions. Limitations There can be only one instance of the type Auto Condition Reset.
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3.3.2 Name
3.3.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Auto Condition Reset, in the topic Controller. Cfg name name Allowed values AllDebugSettings (cannot be changed).
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3.3.3 Reset
3.3.3 Reset
Parent Reset belongs to the type Auto Condition Reset, in the topic Controller. Cfg name reset Description Reset defines if a number of conditions should be reset when switching to auto mode. If any of the conditions cannot be executed, then switching to auto will be rejected. The Reset setting is also applied when starting the controller in auto mode. Usage If Reset is set to YES then the following conditions are reset when switching to auto: The Program Pointer (PP) is set to Main module for all tasks if callchain does not originate from Main routine. All tasks are enabled. All stopped background tasks are started. Simulation of all simulated I/O signals is removed. Speed is set to 100%. RAPID Spy is deactivated.
If Reset is set to NO, then none of the above conditions are reset automatically. If a service routine is running and PP was manually moved to another routine before the service routine was called, then the above does not apply. Switching to auto will then be rejected. Allowed values YES NO Default value is YES.
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3.4.1 The Automatic Loading of Modules type
3.4 Type Automatic Loading of Modules 3.4.1 The Automatic Loading of Modules type
Overview This section describes the type Automatic Loading of Modules which belongs to the topic Controller. Each parameter of this type is described in a separate information topic in this section. Cfg name CAB_TASK_MODULES Type description RAPID modules can be loaded automatically when the controller is restarted if they are specified in the type Automatic Loading of Modules. Usage There must be one instance of the type Automatic Loading of Modules for each of the module to be loaded. System restart All changes in the type Automatic Loading of Modules will take effect after a normal restart or a restart of the program server (P-start). Additional information If the configuration module is changed, it may in one case (see below) replace the loaded module after a normal restart. In any other case, you will get a warning. To replace the loaded module regardless of task type, do a P-start. The configuration module replaces the loaded module if the: loaded module is a program module AND the task is semistatic.
The program pointer is only lost if a configuration change results in unloading of the module that the program pointer is in. If a shared or installed module is changed from True to False, or is moved to another task, the task will be reinstalled and the program pointer is reset. All previously loaded modules are reloaded and unsaved changes will not be lost. If a changed and unsaved user-loaded module is unloaded due to configuration changes, it will be saved to a recovery directory and pointed out in an ELOG message. If a changed and unsaved configuration loaded module is unloaded due to configuration changes, it will be saved from where it was loaded. All tasks are reinstalled with modules according to the configuration after a P-start. Note that after a P-start, all user-loaded modules are lost.
3 Topic Controller
3.4.1 The Automatic Loading of Modules type Continued Related information The Task type on page 134. Technical reference manual - RAPID overview. ELOG messages are described in Operating manual - Trouble shooting IRC5. Restarts are described in Operating manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant.
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3.4.2 File
3.4.2 File
Parent File belongs to the type Automatic Loading of Modules, in the topic Controller. Cfg name File Description The parameter File describes a path to the module file. Usage The module file shall contain one module to be loaded, installed, or shared. Allowed values A path, for example, HOME:base.sys Related information Technical reference manual - RAPID overview.
3 Topic Controller
3.4.3 Task
3.4.3 Task
Parent Task belongs to the type Automatic Loading of Modules, in the topic Controller. Cfg name Task Description Task is the symbolic name of the task to which the module will be loaded. Usage The task is defined in the type Task. The available task(s) is shown under the type Task. Limitations Cannot be combined with All Tasks, All Motion Tasks, or Shared. Allowed values A task name with maximum 30 characters. Additional information All automatically loaded modules need information on which task they will be loaded or installed in, even if only one task is configured in the system. Related information The Task type on page 134. All Tasks on page 81. Shared on page 80. Application manual - Engineering tools.
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3.4.4 Installed
3.4.4 Installed
Parent Installed belongs to the type Automatic Loading of Modules, in the topic Controller. Cfg name Installed Description A module can be installed or loaded. A loaded module is visible in remote clients, for example, RobotStudio and FlexPendant. An installed module is not visible, that is, it does not occur in the list of modules. Usage Set Installed to Yes to install a module, and to No to load a module. Limitations Cannot be combined with Shared. Allowed values YES or NO. The default value is No. Additional information To remove an installed module, the parameter Installed must be set to No and restart the system. Related information Shared on page 80. All Tasks on page 81. Technical reference manual - RAPID overview.
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3.4.5 Shared
3.4.5 Shared
Parent Shared belongs to the type Automatic Loading of Modules, in the topic Controller. Cfg name Shared Description It is possible to install the module (and all its objects) as shared so it is reachable from all the tasks. Usage If a module should be reachable from any task, set the parameter Shared to YES. This installs the module to the system internal shared task, not visible from any user interface or in the configuration. All data in the module is then shared (that is the same) for all tasks. Limitations Cannot be combined with Task, All Tasks, All Motion Tasks, or Installed. Allowed values YES or NO. Default value is No. Additional information
If Shared: Yes No No and if Installed: No Yes No Then: The module is installed shared. Module data is shared between all tasks. The module is installed and only available from the named task. The module is loaded.
Related information All Tasks on page 81. Task on page 78. Installed on page 79.
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3.4.6 All Tasks
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3.4.7 All Motion Tasks
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3.4.8 Hidden
3.4.8 Hidden
Parent Hidden belongs to the type Automatic Loading of Modules, in the topic Controller. Cfg name Hidden Description RAPID modules, routines and data may be hidden, which may be used to prevent inexperienced end users from tampering (accidentally deleting or changing) with the contents. Note that the hidden contents is not protected! It can easily be shown again by setting the parameter value to NO. Note that any hidden contents will still be available when using the SetDataSearch instruction to search RAPID data. Limitations This parameter affects only modules, routines, and data that are loaded automatically on start, that is no programs etc. that are loaded by the operator once the system has been started. Changes to the parameter will be effective only after a P-start. Allowed values YES NO Default value is NO.
3 Topic Controller
3.5.1 The Event Routine type
Event routines can be started for one or many tasks. A normal task execution will not wait for the event routines in other tasks. Tasks that are dependent on the event routines of other tasks shall therefore be synchronized, for example, with WaitSyncTask before a normal task execution. A stopped event routine will continue from where it was stopped when pressing the start button on the FlexPendant or when calling the start command via a system I/O. Pressing the stop button when the Stop event routine is executing does not generate a new Stop event. However, if a problem has occured in the event routine then pressing the stop button will force the execution to leave the event routine after 10 seconds. The only way to cancel a stopped event routine from system I/O is to start the program from main.
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3.5.1 The Event Routine type Continued A Stop instruction (without the optional argument -All) or a Break instruction in an event routine will stop the program execution. This means that instructions after the Stop or Break instruction will never be executed. See Example1 on page 86. Event routine execution examples The following is an illustration of the sample code that is shown below it. The examples that follow show which event routines are executed for the various buttons pressed on the FlexPendant.
1. / 2.
3. / 4.
5. / 6.
PROC main() MoveJ p20, v100, fine, tool0; MoveJ p10, v100, fine, tool0; ENDPROC
Example 1 The following procedure shows that the START, STOP, and RESTART event routines are executed when the Start and Stop buttons are pressed on the FlexPendant.
Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 Action Tap PP to Main. Press the Start button. Press the Stop button. Press the Start button. p20 is reached. Execution continues. Executed event routine START STOP RESTART -
Example 2 The following procedure shows that the START, STOP, and RESTART event routines are executed when the Start, Stop, and Step buttons are pressed on the FlexPendant.
Step 1 2 3 Action Tap PP to Main. Press the Start button. Press the Stop button. Executed event routine START STOP
3 Topic Controller
3.5.1 The Event Routine type Continued
Step 4 5 6 Action Press the Step button. p20 is reached. Execution stops. Executed event routine RESTART STOP
Example 3 The following procedure shows that the START, STOP, and STEP event routines are executed when the Step and Stop buttons are pressed on the FlexPendant.
Step 1 2 3 4 5 6 Action Tap PP to Main. Press the Step butto.n Press the Stop button. Press the Step button. p20 is reached. Execution stops. Executed event routine START STOP STEP -
System restart Any changes in configuration of event routines are activated after a normal restart. Example1 This example illustrates the consequences after a Stop instruction in a routine. At restart mydo will be set to 1. mydo will never be set to 0 since the execution stops after the stop instruction. The instruction TPWrite will never be executed because myexample2 has sequence number (SeqNo) 1.
MODULE example(SYSMODULE) PROC myexample1() SetDO mydo, 1; Stop; SetDO mydo, 0; ENDPROC PROC myexample2() TPWrite "This is an example"; ENDPROC ENDMODULE CAB_EXEC_HOOKS: -Routine "myexample1" -Shelf "RESTART" -Routine "myexample2" -Shelf "RESTART" -SeqNo 1
Example2 This example illustrates how to use the same routine for both Start and Step events.
3 Topic Controller
3.5.1 The Event Routine type Continued
MODULE example(SYSMODULE) PROC myexample2() TEST RunMode() CASE RUN_CONT_CYCLE: ! PLAY button pressed ... CASE RUN_INSTR_FWD: ! FORWARD STEP button pressed ... CASE RUN_INSTR_BWD: ! BACKWARD STEP button pressed ... ENDTEST ENDPROC ENDMODULE CAB_EXEC_HOOKS: -Routine "myexample2" -Shelf "START" -Routine "myexample2" -Shelf "STEP"
Related information The Task type on page 134. Technical reference manual - RAPID overview. Technical reference manual - RAPID Instructions, Functions and Data types. The function EventType can be useful.
3 Topic Controller
3.5.2 Routine
3.5.2 Routine
Parent Routine belongs to the type Event Routine, in the topic Controller. Cfg name Routine Description Routine specifies which routine that should be run for an event. Usage Define the routine to be assigned to a system event. It is advisable to use a routine in a system module. Limitations The specified routine must be a procedure without any parameters. The event Reset requires a routine in a system module. Allowed values A string defining a routine.
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3.5.3 Event
3.5.3 Event
Parent Event belongs to the type Event Routine, in the topic Controller. Cfg name Shelf Description Event specifies which system event in the robot system the routine should run. Usage A system event can trigger a corresponding routine to be run, see Operating manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant. It is advisable to keep the routines short and quick. Limitations The following limitations should be considered: The events are not activated when executing a routine manually, for example, a service routine. A maximum of 20 routines may be specified for each system event and each task (multitasking). The same routine can be used in more than one event (e.g. the same routine can be run for both Start and Restart). The specified event routine cannot be executed if the task program has semantic errors (reference errors and so on). If this is the case, the system generates an error. Only the event routine for Start can have motion instructions. A motion instruction in any other event routine will result in a runtime execution error. The only exception is the motion instruction StepBwdPath, which is allowed in the event routine for Restart.
3 Topic Controller
3.5.3 Event Continued
Value: Step Description: The specified routine is run for every forward and backward step. Check with RAPID function RunMode to see if it is a forward or backward step. Check with RAPID function ExecLevel to see if it is executing on trap or normal level. The program was stopped: with the stop button with a STOP instruction stop after current instruction. Note: A delayed stop after current cycle will not execute the routines connected to this state. The event is not activated at Exit instruction or stop due to execution error. The robot was quick stopped (emergency stop). Execution is started from the position where it was stopped, or from another instruction the program pointer has been moved to, without having lost the execution order. The event is not activated after having executed one instruction in step by step mode (FWD or MStep). Close and load a new program using the FlexPendant. The event is not activated after having loaded a system module or a program module.
QStop Restart
Additional information The following event routines are predefined for all tasks in all systems and must not be removed.
Event: Reset Start Power On Routine: SYS_RESET SYS_RESET SYS_POWERON Sequence no. 0 0 0
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3.5.4 Sequence Number
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3.5.5 Task
3.5.5 Task
Parent Task belongs to the type Event Routine, in the topic Controller. Cfg name Task Description Task specifies the name of the task that the routine will run in. Usage The task is defined in the type Task. Limitations Cannot be combined with All Tasks or All Motion Tasks. Allowed values Names of configured tasks of the type Task. Additional information All event routines need information on which task they will run, even though only one task is configured in the system. Related information The Task type on page 134. All Tasks on page 93. All Motion Tasks on page 94.
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3.5.6 All Tasks
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3.5.7 All Motion Tasks
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3.6.1 The Mechanical Unit Group type
3.6 Type Mechanical Unit Group 3.6.1 The Mechanical Unit Group type
Overview This section describes the type Mechanical Unit Group, which belongs to the topic Controller. Each parameter of the type is described in a separate information topic in this section. Cfg name MECHANICAL_UNIT_GROUP Type description With the option MultiMove comes the possibility to control several robots from one controller. Each task can control one robot and up to six positioners. The mechanical units that will be controlled by one task are grouped in a mechanical unit group. Related information Use Mechanical Unit Group on page 141. Application manual - MultiMove.
3 Topic Controller
3.6.2 Name
3.6.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Mechanical Unit Group, in the topic Controller. Cfg name Name Description The name of the mechanical unit group. Usage This is the public identity of the mechanical unit group. It is used by the parameter Use Mechanical Unit Group in the type Tasks. Limitations Mechanical Unit Group is only used if you have the option MultiMove. Allowed values A string with maximum 32 characters. Related information Use Mechanical Unit Group on page 141.
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3.6.3 Robot
3.6.3 Robot
Parent Robot belongs to the type Mechanical Unit Group, in the topic Controller. Cfg name Robot Description Specifies the robot (with TCP), if there is any, in the mechanical unit group. Usage Robot is set to the same value as the parameter Name for the Mechanical Unit Group type that it represents. Limitations The parameter Robot is only used if you have the option MultiMove. Allowed values A string with maximum 32 characters. Related information Name on page 96.
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3.6.4 Mechanical Unit 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
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3.6.5 Use Motion Planner
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3.7.1 The ModPos Settings type
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3.7.2 Name
3.7.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type ModPos Settings, in the topic Controller. Cfg name name Description Name defines that the parameter configuration is for ModPos. Allowed values modpos Related information Operating manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant.
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3.7.3 Limited ModPos
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3.7.4 Mode
3.7.4 Mode
Parent Mode belongs to the type ModPos Settings, in the topic Controller. Cfg name mode Description Mode defines how the limit is defined; to an absolute point or relative to the current position. Usage Setting Mode to Absolute means that the limited sphere/cone is around a fixed original point, i.e. position changes are accumulated and the accumulated deviation value is checked against the set max limits each time a change is made. Setting Mode to Relative means that the limited sphere/cone is around the current point and will be moved when you modify the position. Limitations Mode is available only if Limited ModPos is set to TRUE. Absolute is effective only on named robtargets, for example, p10, p20. * robtargets are not visible on the tree view. Allowed values Absolute or Relative. Default value is Relative. Related information Limited ModPos on page 102. Example In this example, the original point P1 is moved two times, first to P2 and then to P3. In figure A, Mode is set to Absolute, and in figure B, Mode is set to Relative. The allowed move distance, R does not change in figure A. This makes it impossible to move the point to P3, as this is beyond R.
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3.7.4 Mode Continued In figure B however, the allowed move distance follows the last point. So from P1 it is possible to move as far as R1 allows, and from P2, it is allowed to move as far as R2, etc.
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3.7.5 Limit Trans
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3.7.6 Limit Rot
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3.7.7 Limit External Trans
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3.7.8 Limit External Rot
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3.7.9 Change to LModPos in Auto
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3.8.1 The Operator Safety type
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3.8.2 Function
3.8.2 Function
Parent Function belongs to the type Operator Safety, in the topic Controller. Cfg name Name Description Function defines safety functions for the robot system. Allowed values
Value Description
Hold-to-run Hold-to-run enables a functionality that requires a button to be pressed in to allow execution in Manual Reduce Speed mode. When the button is released the executions are immediately stopped. Hold-to-run is always activated in Manual Full Speed operating mode. Hold-to-run is further described in standard ISO 10218 (EN775).
Related information How to activate hold-to-run control on page 70. Operating manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant chapter Safety.
3 Topic Controller
3.8.3 Active
3.8.3 Active
Parent Active belongs to the type Operator Safety, in the topic Controller. Cfg name Select Description Active defines whether the value of Function is activated. Allowed values
Value TRUE FALSE Description Activated Not activated
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3.9.1 The Options type
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3.9.2 Name
3.9.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Options, in the topic Controller. Cfg name name Description Short unique ID of an option. Usage Uniquely identifies an option. Limitations Read-only
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3.9.3 Description
3.9.3 Description
Parent Description belongs to the type Options, in the topic Controller. Cfg name desc Description Complete name of an option. Usage Human friendly identification of an option. Limitations Read-only
3 Topic Controller
3.10.1 The Path Return Region type
3.10 Type Path Return Region 3.10.1 The Path Return Region type
Overview This section describes the type Path Return Region which belongs to the topic Controller. Each parameter of the type is described in a separate information topic in this section. Cfg name CAB_REGAIN_DIST Type description In a return movement, the path return region specifies the distance from the current robot position to the last executed path. The maximum path region can be set both for start in manual mode and for start in automatic mode. There must be two sets of parameters defined for this type; one for automatic mode (AUTO) and one for manual mode (MAN). Both are predefined on delivery. Return movements A return movement must take place when the current path of the robot deviates from the programmed path. For example, this is required when an uncontrolled stop has occurred or when the robot has been jogged away from its path. A return movement begins when program start is ordered and stops before the program continues with the instruction that was interrupted due to a stop request. Predefined path return regions AUTO MAN
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3.10.2 Mode
3.10.2 Mode
Parent Mode belongs to the type Path Return Region, in the topic Controller. Cfg name Name Description Mode defines in which operating mode a return movement will start. Usage Both Auto and Man mode must be defined in the system and are configured on delivery. Allowed values AUTO MAN
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3.10.3 TCP Distance
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3.10.4 TCP Rotation
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3.10.5 External Distance
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3.10.6 External Rotation
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3.11.1 The Run Mode Settings type
3.11 Type Run Mode Settings 3.11.1 The Run Mode Settings type
Overview block This section describes the type Run Mode Settings which belongs to the topic Controller. Each parameter of this type is described in a separate information topic in this section. Cfg name RUN_MODE_SETTINGS Type description The type Run Mode Settings defines if the run mode should change when changing operating mode.
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3.11.2 Name
3.11.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Run Mode Settings, in the topic Controller. Cfg name name Description Name of the operating mode setting. Usage There can be only one instance with each allowed value, that is a maximum of two instances in the system. Allowed values
Value AutoToManual ManualToAuto Description Defines settings when switching from automatic to manual operating mode. Defines settings when switching from manual to automatic operating mode.
3 Topic Controller
3.11.3 Switch
3.11.3 Switch
Parent Switch belongs to the type Run Mode Settings, in the topic Controller. Cfg name SwitchTo Description Switch defines the run mode when switching operating mode. Usage Defines if the run mode should be changed when changing operating mode. Allowed values
Value Keep Single Continuous Description Keep current run mode. Set run mode to single cycle. Set run mode to continuous.
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3.12.1 The Safety Run Chain type
3.12 Type Safety Run Chain 3.12.1 The Safety Run Chain type
Overview This section describes the type Safety Run Chain which belongs to the topic Controller. Each parameter of the type is described in a separate information topic in this section. Cfg name RUNCHN_BOOL Type description It is possible to have a delayed stop that gives a smooth stop, this is called a Soft Stop. The type of Soft Stop used in the system is defined in the Safety Run Chain type. There can be more than one set of parameters defined for the type Safety Run Chain. Soft Stop In the Soft Stop, the robot stops in the same way as a normal program stop with no deviation from the programmed path. After approximately 1 second the power supply to the motors shuts off. The stopping distance can be longer than at a hard stop (e.g. emergency stop) where the power shuts off immediately.
3 Topic Controller
3.12.2 Function
3.12.2 Function
Parent Function belongs to the type Safety Run Chain, in the topic Controller. Cfg name Name Description Function defines if Soft Stop is activated or deactivated. Usage A Soft Stop is the same as a safety stop of category 1, which means that the robot will be stopped by the servos. The robot can easily be started again after a soft stop on path and continue with the activity where it was interrupted. Allowed values
Value: SoftES Description: Soft emergency stop is activated by pressing the emergency stop push button on the FlexPendant or the control module. SoftES is only used in Auto. In manual mode, SoftES will be a category 0 stop regardless of the value set in the parameter Active. Soft automatic mode stop is intended for automatic mode during normal program execution. This stop is activated by safety devices such as light curtains, light beams, or sensitive mats. Soft general stop is activated by safety devices such as light curtains, light beams, or sensitive mats. Soft superior stop has the same function as a general stop but is intended for externally connected safety devices.
SoftGS SoftSS
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3.12.3 Active
3.12.3 Active
Parent Active belongs to the type Safety Run Chain, in the topic Controller. Cfg name Select Description Active defines whether the Soft Stop is activated or not. Usage If Active is set to True, the Soft Stop is activated. Allowed values TRUE or FALSE. The Soft Stops are defined with default values.
Soft Stop: SoftES SoftAS SoftGS SoftSS Default value: FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE Description: Deactivated Activated Activated Activated
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3.13.1 The System Misc type
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3.13.2 Name
3.13.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type System Misc, in the topic Controller. Cfg name name Description Name defines either of the two arguments for retry or simulated menus. Limitations There can be only one instance with Name set to NoOfRetry, SimulateMenu, and ModalPayLoadMode. Allowed values NoOfRetry SimulateMenu ModalPayLoadMode Related information NoOfRetry on page 130. SimulateMenu on page 131. ModalPayLoadMode on page 132.
3 Topic Controller NoOfRetry
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3 Topic Controller SimulateMenu SimulateMenu
Parent SimulateMenu is an action value for the parameter Name that belongs to the type System Misc, in the topic Controller. Cfg name SimulateMenu Description The WaitTime, WaitUntil, WaitDO, and WaitDI instructions generate an alert box in manual mode to make it possible to simulate the instruction and continue to execute the next instruction. The parameter Value defines if SimulateMenu is on or off. Usage It is useful to switch this parameter off if no alert boxes are desired. Set Value to 0 to disable menus. Limitations The parameter is only active in manual mode. There are no alert boxes in automatic mode. Additional information Changes are activated after a normal restart. Related information Value on page 133.
3 Topic Controller ModalPayLoadMode ModalPayLoadMode
Parent ModalPayLoadMode is an action value for the parameter Name that belongs to the type System Misc, in the topic Controller. Cfg name ModalPayLoadMode Description ModalPayLoadMode defines whether or not ModalPayLoadMode shall be used. When ModalPayLoadMode is used, any payload is set by the GripLoad instruction. When ModalPayLoadMode is not used, the optional argument TLoad is used for setting payload. Usage Can be useful, for example, if the modal instruction GripLoad is not desirable. Allowed values
Name: Value: 1 ModalPayLoadMode 0 Description: ModalPayLoadMode shall be used. Any payload is set by the GripLoad instruction. This is a default value. ModalPayLoadMode shall not be used, instead the optional argument TLoad is used. The argument TLoad is available on all motion instructions.
Additional information Changes are activated after a normal restart. Related information For more information about GripLoad and TLoad, seeTechnical reference manual - RAPID Instructions, Functions and Data types.
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3.13.4 Value
3.13.4 Value
Parent Value belongs to the type Type, in the topic Motion. Cfg name value Description Defines the values for the action values defined in parameter Name. Allowed values
Name: NoOfRetry Value: 1-1000 Description: Defines number of times the number of times a routine with a recoverable error is called before the system is stopped. Defines if instructions should be possible to simulate in manual mode. Defines whether or not ModalPayLoadMode shall be used. When ModalPayLoadMode is used, any payload is set by the GripLoad instruction. When ModalPayLoadMode is not used, the optional argument TLoad is used for setting payload.
0 or 1
ModalPayLoadMode 0 or 1
Related information Name on page 129. NoOfRetry on page 130. SimulateMenu on page 131. ModalPayLoadMode on page 132.
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3.14.1 The Task type
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3.14.2 Task
3.14.2 Task
Parent Task belongs to the type Tasks, in the topic Controller. Cfg name Name Description The name of the task. Usage This is the public identity of the task. Allowed values A string with maximum 30 characters. The first character may not be a digit. Limitations Editing the task entry in the configuration editor and changing the task name will remove the old task and add a new one. This means that any program or module in the task will dissapear after a restart with these kind of changes.
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3.14.3 Task in Foreground
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3.14.4 Type
3.14.4 Type
Parent Type belongs to the type Tasks, in the topic Controller. Cfg name Type Description Controls the start/stop and system restart behavior of a task. Usage When creating a new task, use the Type parameter to configure how the task should be started. Limitations A task that controls a mechanical unit must be of the type NORMAL. The parameter Type can only be used if you have the option Multitasking. Allowed values
Value: NORMAL Description: The task reacts on START/STOP requests given from the FlexPendant or other sources. The task is stopped when an emergency stop occurs. At warm start, the task restarts at the current position. The task is not stopped by emergency stops. The task is normally not stopped by the stop button on the FlexPendant. This can be configured on the FlexPendant by the operator. The task restarts from the beginning at all warm starts. Modules will be reloaded if the file with automatic loaded modules is updated. The task is not stopped by emergency stops. The task is normally not stopped by the stop button on the FlexPendant. This can be configured on the FlexPendant by the operator.
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3.14.5 Check Unresolved References
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3.14.6 Main Entry
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3.14.7 Trustlevel
3.14.7 Trustlevel
Parent Trustlevel belongs to the type Tasks, in the topic Controller. Cfg name Trustlevel Description Trustlevel handles the system behavior when a SEMISTATIC or STATIC task is stopped or not executable. Usage If a task that handles safety supervision stops, it might be dangerous to continue running the task that controls the robot motion. Use TrustLevel to set the behavior of NORMAL tasks when a SEMISTATIC or STATIC task stops. Limitations The parameter Trustlevel can only be used if you have the option Multitasking. Allowed values
Value: SysFail Description: All NORMAL tasks will be stopped. Besides that the system is set to system failure state (SYS_FAIL). All jogging and program start orders will be rejected. Only a new normal restart (warm start) resets the system. This should be used when the task has some safety supervisions. All NORMAL tasks will be stopped. The system is forced to Motors off state. Taking up the system to Motors on resets the system. All NORMAL tasks will be stopped but are restartable. Jogging is also possible. Only the task itself will stop.
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3 Topic Controller
3.14.8 Use Mechanical Unit Group
3 Topic Controller
3.14.9 MotionTask
3.14.9 MotionTask
Parent MotionTask belongs to the type Tasks, in the topic Controller. Cfg name MotionTask Description Indicates which task is the motion task, e.g. can be able to run RAPID move instructions. MotionTask must be used even though only one task is configured in the system. Usage Set MotionTask to YES for the task that will be used for robot move instructions. Limitations Only one task in the system can be a motion task unless you have the option MultiMove. The parameter MotionTask is only used if you have the option Multitasking. Allowed values YES or NO. The default behavior is NO. The value must be set to YES for one, and only one, task. Related information Application manual - MultiMove. Application manual - Engineering tools.
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3 Topic Controller
3.14.10 Hidden
3.14.10 Hidden
Parent Hidden belongs to the type Task in the topic Controller. Cfg name Hidden Description RAPID tasks may be hidden, which may be used to prevent inexperienced end users from tampering (accidentally deleting or changing) with the contents. Note that the hidden contents is not protected! It can easily be shown again by setting the parameter value to NO. Note that any hidden contents will still be available when using the SetDataSearch instruction to search RAPID data. Limitation This parameter is available when using multitasking systems only, such as MultiMove. Changes to the parameter will become effective only after performing a P-start. Allowed values YES or NO. Default value is NO.
3 Topic Controller
3.14.11 RMQ Type
The default value is None. Related information For more information about RAPID Message Queue, see Application manual - Robot communication and I/O control, section RAPID Message Queue.
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3.14.12 RMQ Max Message Size
3 Topic Controller
3.14.13 RMQ Max No Of Messages
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3.14.14 RMQ Mode
The default value is Interrupt. Related information For more information about RAPID Message Queue, see Application manual - Robot communication and I/O control, section RAPID Message Queue. RAPID instructions are described in Technical reference manual - RAPID Instructions, Functions and Data types.
4 Topic I/O
4.1 The I/O topic
4 Topic I/O
4.1 The I/O topic
Overview This chapter describes the types and parameters of the I/O topic. Each parameter is described in the section for its type. Description The I/O topic contains parameters for I/O boards and signals. The parameters are organized in the following types: 1 Access Level 2 Bus 3 Cross Connection 4 Fieldbus Command 5 Fieldbus Command Type 6 Signal 7 System Input 8 System Output 9 Unit 10 Unit Type Configuration results Changed I/O parameters requires a restart of the controller. Otherwise the changes will have no effect on the system.
4 Topic I/O
4.2.1 How to define I/O units
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4.2.2 How to list available unit types
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4.2.3 How to define the unit type
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4.2.4 How to define input and output I/O signals
Available input and output I/O signals The I/O signals can be of different types. The type of I/O signals available depends on the actual unit type. Typical I/O signal types on a fieldbus I/O unit are: 1 Digital inputs and outputs 24 V DC 2 Digital inputs and outputs 120 V DC 3 Analog inputs and outputs +-10 V 4 Analog outputs 0 to +10 V The I/O signal types possible to configure in the robot system are: Limitations Maximum 8192 user I/O signals can be defined in the robot system. This includes digital, analog, and group I/O signals of both input and output type. Prerequisites Before defining an I/O signal, that is not Virtual, you must: 1 Configure the Bus. 2 Make sure the appropriate Unit Type is available, either by creating it or by using a predefined unit type. 3 Configure the Unit. 4 Make sure the appropriate Access Level is available, either by creating it or by using a predefined access level. How to define input and output I/O signals To define I/O signals: 1 In the topic I/O, choose the type Signal. 2 Add a new one or select an existing I/O signal to be changed or deleted. 3 Restart the controller. Continues on next page
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Digital input, DI Digital output, DO Analog input, AI Analog output, AO Group input, GI Group output, GO
4 Topic I/O
4.2.4 How to define input and output I/O signals Continued Related information How to define an I/O signal group on page 155. The Signal type on page 191.
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4.2.5 How to define an I/O signal group
How to define an I/O signal group To define an I/O signal group: 1 In the I/O topic, choose the type Signal. 2 Add a new one or select an existing I/O signal to be changed or deleted. 3 Enter, delete, or change the values for the parameters. Set the parameter Type of Signal to value Group Input or Group Output. The required parameters depend on the type of signal. See parameter descriptions and examples of typical configurations in the description of the type Signal. 4 Restart the controller. Related information How to define input and output I/O signals on page 153. The Signal type on page 191. Example If an I/O signal group spans over 4 digital input I/O signals on the fieldbus I/O unit, the maximum value is 15 (24-1) and the minimum value is 0.
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4.2.6 How to define system inputs
How to define system inputs To define a system input: 1 In the topic I/O, choose the type System Input. 2 Select the system input to change, delete, or add a new one. 3 Enter, change, or delete the values for the parameters. To add or delete the system action values Interrupt, Load and Start, Motors On and Start, Start, and Start at Main you must also define the parameter Argument 1. To add or delete the system action values Interrupt and Load and Start you must also define the parameter Argument 2. 4 Save the changes. Rejected system inputs If the system is in manual mode or cannot perform the defined system action due to any other unfulfilled requirement, no error message is displayed. When a system action is rejected the error message is stored in the error log (ELOG). Related information The System Input type on page 219. The Signal type on page 191.
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4.3.1 The Access Level type
All Internal
Example In this example, it is only possible to modify I/O signals with this access level with RAPID and local clients in manual mode. Remote clients cannot modify these I/O signals.
Parameter: Name Rapid Local client in manual mode Value: Default Write enabled Write enabled
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4.3.1 The Access Level type Continued
Parameter: Local client in auto mode Remote client in manual mode Remote client in auto mode Value: Read only Read only Read only
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4.3.2 Name
4.3.2 Name
Parent The parameter Name belongs to the type Access Level, in the topic I/O. Cfg name Name Description The parameter Name specifies the logical name of the access level. Usage The name of the access level is used as a reference to the specific access level when configuring the I/O signals. Default value The default value is an empty string. Allowed values A string following the RAPID rules described in the manual RAPID overview, chapter Basic elements. The name must be unique among all named I/O objects in the I/O system configuration. Note! Names differing only in upper and lower case are considered to be equal.
4 Topic I/O
4.3.3 Rapid
4.3.3 Rapid
Parent The parameter Rapid belongs to the type Access Level, in the topic I/O. Cfg name Rapid Description The parameter Rapid specifies the level of access granted to RAPID instructions. Usage Specify the level of access that should be granted to RAPID instructions when accessing objects associated with this access level. Default value The default value is Read only. Allowed values Write enabled Read only
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4.3.4 Local Client in Manual Mode
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4.3.5 Local Client in Auto Mode
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4.3.6 Remote Client in Manual Mode
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4.3.7 Remote Client in Auto Mode
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4.4.1 The Bus type
Depending on the installed options, there can be other predefined I/O buses not described in this manual. Related information More information about the I/O bus configuration can be found in the manual for the respective fieldbus option, for example Application manual - DeviceNet. Continues on next page
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4 Topic I/O
4.4.1 The Bus type Continued Example DeviceNet This is a typical DeviceNet bus. Please refer to Application manual - DeviceNet for more information about DeviceNet.
Parameter: Name Type of bus Connector ID Label at Fieldbus Connector Recovery time DeviceNet master address DeviceNet communication speed Value: MyDeviceNet DeviceNet First board DeviceNet connector on board in PCI slot 4 5 2 250 kbps
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4.4.2 Name
4.4.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Bus, in the topic I/O. Cfg name Name Description The parameter Name specifies the name of the I/O bus. Usage The name of the I/O bus is used as a reference to the specific I/O bus when configuring the I/O units on the I/O bus. Default value The default value is an empty string. Allowed values A string following the RAPID rules described in the manual Technical reference manual - RAPID overview, chapter Basic elements. The name must be unique among all named objects in the I/O system configuration. Note Names differing only in upper and lower case are considered as equal.
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4.4.3 Type of Bus
Additional information The value Virtual is useful if a configuration from another robot system should be temporarily tested without having all the I/O hardware available. If Type of Bus is set to Virtual for I/O buses not available, it is possible to run the system in simulated mode using the imported configuration. Related information Connector ID on page 169.
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4.4.4 Connector ID
4.4.4 Connector ID
Parent Connector ID belongs to the type Bus, in the topic I/O. Cfg name ConnectorID Description The parameter Connector ID specifies were the hardware is located for the specific type of fieldbus being represented by this I/O bus configuration. Usage Connector ID is used to connect an I/O bus to a specific hardware. If the I/O bus is representing a hardware bus, for example DeviceNet, Connector ID is an enumeration of the hardware (of the same type) located in the computer module. The enumeration is made on a left to right basis, that is for the PCI bus the first board is the board located in the slot furthest to the left. If the hardware supports multiple channels (for example the dual PCI card for DeviceNet) the enumeration is made from the top to bottom. Limitations The fieldbus option installed in the system must support several boards/channels of the same type in the controller, otherwise First board/channel is the only valid value. There can be maximum two boards in the system. Each board can have maximum two channels. Default value The default value is an empty string. Allowed values The allowed values are determined by the available and installed fieldbus options.
Value: First board/channel Second board/channel Third channel Fourth channel Description: Always available Fieldbus specific Fieldbus specific Fieldbus specific
Additional information If the type of I/O bus is Virtual or if the installed fieldbus option supports several boards of the same type, the value Second board and higher can be available.
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4.4.5 Label at Fieldbus Connector
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4.4.6 Automatic Bus Restart
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4.4.7 Unit Recovery Time
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4.4.8 Path to Bus Configuration File
The path can be specified as HOME. This is interpreted as the path to the home directory of the current system. Example To target a file with the name my_pbus_cfg.bin located in the home directory of the current system:
4 Topic I/O
4.5.1 The Cross Connection type
4 Topic I/O
4.5.1 The Cross Connection type Continued signals with overlapping unit map in a cross connection can cause infinity signal setting loops. Related information For more information about Logical Cross Connections, see Application manual - Robot communication and I/O control. Unit Mapping on page 199 Invert Physical Value on page 207
4 Topic I/O
4.5.2 Resultant
4.5.2 Resultant
Parent Resultant belongs to the type Cross Connection, in the topic I/O. Cfg name Res Description The parameter Resultant specifies the digital or group I/O signal to which the result of the condition formed by the actor I/O signals will be stored. Whenever the outcome of the condition formed by the actor I/O signals is altered the Resultant I/O signal will take the same value as that outcome. Usage Specify the I/O signal that will be effected by the outcome of the condition formed by the actor I/O signals. Default value The default value is an empty string. Allowed values A string defining a digital I/O signal or group I/O signal that is defined in the robot system.
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4.5.3 Actor 1
4.5.3 Actor 1
Parent Actor 1 belongs to the type Cross Connection, in the topic I/O. Cfg name Act1 Description The parameter Actor 1 specifies the first digital or group I/O signal that forms the actor expression of the cross connection. Whenever the value of the I/O signal referred to by Actor 1 is altered, the logical condition formed by the cross connection will be evaluated and the value of the I/O signal referred to by Resultant will be updated (if needed). Usage Specify the first of the digital or group I/O signals that forms the condition that will control the value of the I/O signal referred to by Resultant. With the Logical Cross Connections, the Actor 1 parameter can be part of a more complex statement formed by combining it with other parameters such as Invert Actor 1, Operator 1, and Actor 2. Default value The default value is an empty string. Allowed values A string defining a digital I/O signal or group I/O signal defined in the robot system. Related information Resultant on page 176.
4 Topic I/O
4.5.4 Invert Actor 1, Invert Actor 2, Invert Actor 3, Invert Actor 4, Invert Actor 5
4.5.4 Invert Actor 1, Invert Actor 2, Invert Actor 3, Invert Actor 4, Invert Actor 5
Parent Invert Actor 1, Invert Actor 2, Invert Actor 3, Invert Actor 4, and Invert Actor 5 belong to the type Cross Connection, in the topic I/O. Cfg name Act1_invert, Act2_invert, Act3_invert, Act4_invert, Act5_invert Description The parameter Invert Actor 1 specifies whether the inverted value of the I/O signal referred to by parameter Actor 1 will be used in the evaluation instead of the actual I/O signal value. The parameter Invert Actor 2 specifies whether the inverted value of the I/O signal referred to by parameter Actor 2 will be used in the evaluation instead of the actual I/O signal value. The parameter Invert Actor 3 specifies whether the inverted value of the I/O signal referred to by parameter Actor 3 will be used in the evaluation instead of the actual I/O signal value. The parameter Invert Actor 4 specifies whether the inverted value of the I/O signal referred to by parameter Actor 4 will be used in the evaluation instead of the actual I/O signal value. The parameter Invert Actor 5 specifies whether the inverted value of the I/O signal referred to by parameter Actor 5 will be used in the evaluation instead of the actual I/O signal value. Usage The Invert Actor 1 parameter can be used when forming complex cross connection expressions by specifying if the inverted value of Actor 1 should be used. The Invert Actor 2 parameter can be used when forming complex cross connection expressions by specifying if the inverted value of Actor 2 should be used. The Invert Actor 3 parameter can be used when forming complex cross connection expressions by specifying if the inverted value of Actor 3 should be used. The Invert Actor 4 parameter can be used when forming complex cross connection expressions by specifying if the inverted value of Actor 4 should be used. The Invert Actor 5 parameter can be used when forming complex cross connection expressions by specifying if the inverted value of Actor 5 should be used. Default value The default value is No. Allowed values Yes No
4 Topic I/O
4.5.4 Invert Actor 1, Invert Actor 2, Invert Actor 3, Invert Actor 4, Invert Actor 5 Continued Related information Actor 1 on page 177.
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4.5.5 Operator 1, Operator 2, Operator 3, Operator 4
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4.5.6 Actor 2, Actor 3, Actor 4, Actor 5
4 Topic I/O
4.6.1 The Fieldbus Command type
Several I/O units of the same type, for example all DeviceNet d350 units, can receive commands via the type Fieldbus Command Type. To address one specific I/O unit, use the type Fieldbus Command. Limitations The Fieldbus Command has the following limitations: Related information The Fieldbus Command Type type on page 186. Example
Parameter: Assigned to unit Type of Fieldbus Command Value Value: My_d350 LinkAddr 5
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4.6.2 Assigned to Unit
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4.6.3 Type of Fieldbus Command
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4.6.4 Value
4.6.4 Value
Parent Value belongs to the type Fieldbus Command, in the topic I/O. Cfg name Value Description The parameter Value specifies the value of the command for the I/O unit specified. Usage The controller sends commands to the fieldbus at start. Use the type Fieldbus Command to address specific I/O units on the fieldbus and the type Fieldbus Command Type to address all I/O units of a specific type. Default value The default value is an empty string. Allowed values A string with maximum 32 characters. Related information The Fieldbus Command Type type on page 186.
4 Topic I/O
4.7.1 The Fieldbus Command Type type
4.7 Type Fieldbus Command Type 4.7.1 The Fieldbus Command Type type
Overview This section describes the type Fieldbus Command Type, which belongs to the topic I/O. Each parameter of this type is described in a separate information topic in this section. Cfg name EIO_COMMAND_TYPE Type description A Fieldbus Command Type is a start command for a specific type of I/O unit on a fieldbus. Usage The type Fieldbus Command Type is used at start to send commands to a specific type of I/O unit on the fieldbus, for example all DeviceNet I/O units of the type d350. Limitations The Fieldbus Command Type has the following limitations: Maximum 200 fieldbus command types can be defined in the robot system. Maximum 100 fieldbus command types can be defined on one (1) I/O unit.
Additional information The type Fieldbus Command Type has lower priority than the type Fieldbus Command. Related information The Fieldbus Command type on page 182. Example
Parameter: Name Type of unit Default value Download order Path Service Value: LinkAddr d350 1 1 6,20 64 24 01 30 01,C6,1 Set Attribute Single
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4.7.2 Name
4.7.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Fieldbus Command Type, in the topic I/O. Cfg name Name Description The parameter Name specifies the logical name of the fieldbus command type. Usage The name of the fieldbus command type is used as a reference to the specific fieldbus command type when configuring the fieldbus commands. Default value The default value is an empty string. Allowed values A string following the RAPID rules described in the manual Technical reference manual - RAPID overview, chapter Basic elements.
4 Topic I/O
4.7.3 Type of Unit
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4.7.4 Default Value
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4.7.5 Download Order
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4.8.1 The Signal type
Usage By specifying an I/O signal, a logical representation of the real or virtual I/O signal is created. The I/O signal configuration defines the specific system parameters for the I/O signal that will control the behavior of the I/O signal. Many of the parameters depend on the type of the I/O signal, therefore it is recommended that the parameter Type of Signal is assigned first. Prerequisites Before defining a new I/O signal it is necessary to make sure that the appropriate Unit and Access Level are available (either by creating them or using a predefined Unit respectively Access Level). Limitations The I/O signal has the following limitations: Predefined signals There are a number of predefined I/O signals in the robot controller. These are described in Operating manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant. Depending on options installed there can also be other predefined I/O signals. Example digital input The following is a typical example of a digital input I/O signal (DI).
Parameter Name Value ObjectAtPlace
Maximum 8192 user I/O signals can be defined in the robot system. Maximum 1024 digital input signals can be defined on one (1) I/O unit. Maximum 1024 digital output signals can be defined on one (1) I/O unit.
4 Topic I/O
4.8.1 The Signal type Continued
Parameter Type of Signal Assigned to Unit Signal Identification Label Unit Mapping Category Access Level Default Value Filter Time Passive Filter Time Active Invert Physical Value Default 0 0 0 No Value Digital Input board10 X4:4 11
Example analog output The following is a typical example of an analog output I/O signal (AO).
Parameter Name Type of Signal Assigned to Unit Signal Identification Label Unit Mapping Category Access Level Default Value Store Signal Value at Power Fail Analog Encoding Type Maximum Logical Value Maximum Physical Value Maximum Physical Value Limit Maximum Bit Value Minimum Logical Value Minimum Physical Value Minimum Physical Value Limit Minimum Bit Value Signal Value in System Failure State Default 0 No Twos complement 21474.8 10 10 32767 -21474.8 -10 -10 -32767 Keep current value (no change) Value Speed Analog Output board10 X6:4 16-31
Example group input The following is a typical example of a group input I/O signal (GI).
Parameter Name Value StatusGroup
4 Topic I/O
4.8.1 The Signal type Continued
Parameter Type of Signal Assigned to Unit Signal Identification Label Unit Mapping Category Access Level Default Value Invert Physical Value Default 0 No Value Group Input board10 X2:1-X2:8 0-7
Example virtual digital input The following is a typical example of a virtual digital input I/O signal (DI).
Parameter Name Type of Signal Assigned to Unit Signal Identification Label Category Access Level Default Value Filter Time Passive Filter Time Active Invert Physical Value Default 0 0 0 No Value StatusDigital Digital Input
Example virtual analog output The following is a typical example of an virtual analog output I/O signal (AO).
Parameter Name Type of Signal Assigned to Unit Signal Identification Label Category Access Level Default Value Signal Value at System Failure and Power Fail Store Signal Value at Power Fail Analog Encoding Type Maximum Logical Value Maximum Physical Value Default 0 Keep Current Value (no change) No Twos complement 10 10 Value StatusAnalog Analog Output
4 Topic I/O
4.8.1 The Signal type Continued
Parameter Maximum Physical Value Limit Maximum Bit Value Minimum Logical Value Minimum Physical Value Minimum Physical Value Limit Minimum Bit Value Value 10 0 -10 -10 -10 0
Example virtual group input The following is a typical example of a virtual group input I/O signal (GI).
Parameter Name Type of Signal Assigned to Unit Signal Identification Label Category Access Level Default Value Filter Time Passive Filter Time Active Default 0 0 0 Value StatusGroup Group Input
Related information The Unit type on page 288. The Access Level type on page 157. Operating manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant.
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4.8.2 Name
4.8.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Signal, in the topic I/O. Cfg name Name Description The parameter Name specifies the name of the I/O signal. Usage The name of the I/O signal is used as a reference to the specific I/O signal when: Default value The default value is an empty string. Allowed values A string following the RAPID rules described in the manual Technical reference manual - RAPID overview, chapter Basic elements. The name must be unique among all named objects in the I/O system configuration. Note! Names differing only in upper and lower case are considered to be equal. Related information The Cross Connection type on page 174. The System Input type on page 219. The System Output type on page 259. Accessing the I/O signal (that is reading or writing its value) in RAPID. Configuring cross connections. Configuring system inputs and system outputs.
4 Topic I/O
4.8.3 Type of Signal
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4.8.4 Assigned to Unit
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4.8.5 Signal Identification Label
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4.8.6 Unit Mapping
Additional information I/O signals can be mapped to bits in the range 0 to 511 unless the physical characteristics of the I/O unit to which the I/O signal is assigned, adds further constraints on this range. Overlapping of unit maps is not allowed. That is, the Unit Mapping must not refer to the same bit more than once. Mapping more than one I/O signal against the same bit(s) in the I/O memory map can cause unpredictable start values for these I/O signals, since their order of evaluation cannot be controlled. For example, if an inverted group output signal is mapped to the same bits as some digital output signals, the status of these bits will depend on the order in which the I/O signals are dealt with. We recommend not to map several I/O signals to the same bit. Continues on next page
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4 Topic I/O
4.8.6 Unit Mapping Continued The size of the I/O signal (that is, the number of bits in Unit Mapping) is restricted. The restriction depends on the type of I/O signal. Following are the restrictions:
1A 2A
Digital signals must be mapped to exactly one bit. Analog signals must be mapped between 2 and 32 bits.1 Group signals must be mapped between 1 and 32 bits.2
virtual analog I/O signal is mapped to 23 bits. virtual group I/O signal is mapped to 23 bits.
Example Examples of valid mapping of a digital signal (1 bit): 0 13 4, 6-7 16-31 8-15, 0-7 0-7, 15-7
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4.8.7 Category
4.8.7 Category
Parent Category belongs to the type Signal, in the topic I/O. Cfg name Category Description The parameter Category provides a free-text categorizing to an I/O signal. Usage Category is optional to use for categorizing the I/O signals so that tools (for example software tools) can filter and sort signals based on these categories. Limitations I/O signals defined as Safety or Internal are hidden for the user in RobotStudio and FlexPendant. Default value The default value is an empty string. Allowed values A string of maximum 16 characters. Additional information The category of all safety-related I/O signals (internally loaded by the system) are set to Safety.
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4.8.8 Access Level
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4.8.9 Default Value
Limitations This parameter has lower priority than the Store Signal Value at Power Fail parameter. Allowed values Depending on the type of I/O signal, the following values are allowed:
Type of I/O signal Allowed value Digital Analog Group
0 or 1 Any value in the range Minimum Logical Value to Maximum Logical Value. Any value in the range 0 to 2size-1 (size = number of bits in the Unit Mapping parameter).1
values can be given only in the range 0 to 106. Above 106, the value is rounded to six digits Default value The default value is 0. Related information Store Signal Value at Power Fail on page 204. Signal Value at System Failure and Power Fail on page 218. Minimum Logical Value on page 214. Maximum Logical Value on page 209. Unit Mapping on page 199.
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4.8.10 Store Signal Value at Power Fail
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4.8.11 Filter Time Passive
Additional information Note that many I/O units have built-in hardware for filtering I/O signals. This filter time is then added to the value of Filter Time Passive. Related information Type of Signal on page 196. Filter Time Active on page 206.
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4.8.12 Filter Time Active
Additional information Note that many I/O units have built-in hardware for filtering I/O signals. This filter time is then added to the value of Filter Time Active. Related information Type of Signal on page 196. Filter Time Passive on page 205.
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4.8.13 Invert Physical Value
Inverting a group I/O signal will make each individual bit in the group inverted. Prerequisites This parameter is only applicable on digital or group I/O signals, that is Type of Signal must be set to one of these types or this parameter will be ignored. Default value The default value is No. Allowed values Yes No Related information Type of Signal on page 196.
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4.8.14 Analog Encoding Type
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4.8.15 Maximum Logical Value
Hence there is no scaling or offset factor between the logical and physical representation of the value of an I/O signal. Additional information The logical value is a representation of a signal that makes it possible to handle the signal in quantities known from the real world feature it corresponds to rather than the physical value used to control it. For example it would be more natural to set the speed of a moving axis in mm/s (the logical value) rather than the amount of voltage needed to attain that speed (the physical value).
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4.8.15 Maximum Logical Value Continued Related information Minimum Logical Value on page 214. Maximum Physical Value on page 211. Minimum Physical Value on page 215. Type of Signal on page 196.
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4.8.16 Maximum Physical Value
Hence there is no scaling or offset factor between the physical and bit representation of the value of an I/O signal. Related information Minimum Physical Value on page 215. Maximum Logical Value on page 209. Maximum Bit Value on page 213. Minimum Bit Value on page 217. Type of Signal on page 196.
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4.8.17 Maximum Physical Value Limit
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4.8.18 Maximum Bit Value
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4.8.19 Minimum Logical Value
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4.8.20 Minimum Physical Value
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4.8.21 Minimum Physical Value Limit
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4.8.22 Minimum Bit Value
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4.8.23 Signal Value at System Failure and Power Fail
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4 Topic I/O
4.9.1 The System Input type
Additional information Most system inputs are 0 to 1 level sensitive. The pulse length has to exceed 50 ms or according to the configured filter settings for I/O signals. The System Input signal SimMode is both 0 to 1 and 1 to 0 level sensitive. Related information How to define system inputs on page 156. Filter Time Passive on page 205. Filter Time Active on page 206.
4 Topic I/O
4.9.2 Signal Name
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4 Topic I/O
4.9.3 Action
4.9.3 Action
Parent Action belongs to the type System Inputs, in the topic I/O. Cfg name Action Description Input signals can be assigned to specific system status. Status defines the system action to be triggered by the signal. The system status is handled by the system without an input from the user. Allowed values The following values are allowed and described on the following pages: Related information How to define system inputs on page 156. Backup on page 222. Disable Backup on page 224. Interrupt on page 225. Limit Speed on page 227. Load on page 229. Load and Start on page 231. Motors Off on page 233. Motors On on page 234. Motors On and Start on page 236. Reset Emergency Stop on page 237. Reset Execution Error Signal on page 239. Start on page 240. Start at Main on page 242. Stop on page 244. Quick Stop on page 245. Soft Stop on page 246. Stop at End of Cycle on page 247. Stop at End of Instruction on page 248. System Restart on page 249. SimMode on page 250.
4 Topic I/O Backup
Argument 5
Prerequisites The following prerequisites have to be considered: A digital signal input with a defined signal name has to be configured in the system. The parameter Argument 3 has to be defined with the backup path. The parameter Argument 4 has to indicate if the backup shall have a unique name or if an existing backup shall first be deleted. The parameter Argument 5 has to indicate if the backup shall have the date in the name.
Limitations The backup order is ignored with a warning if a backup is already in progress. Additional information The system output Backup Error tells if the backup was successful or not. The system output Backup in progress tells if the backup process is active or not. Continues on next page
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4 Topic I/O Backup Continued The ordered Backup will take the program control during the operation. Related information Action on page 221. Argument 1 on page 251. Argument 3 on page 254. Argument 4 on page 255. Argument 5 on page 256 Backup Error on page 263. Backup in progress on page 264.
4 Topic I/O Disable Backup
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4 Topic I/O Interrupt Interrupt
Parent Interrupt is an action value for the parameter Action that belongs to the type System Input in the topic I/O. Cfg name Interrupt Description The action value Interrupt executes a routine and after running the routine the execution will resume to the same instruction as before. If neccessary, a regain movement is always performed before the interrupt routine executes. Interrupt can be used by a PLC to let the robot go to a service position. Arguments When the parameter Action is set to Interrupt, the parameters Argument1 and Argument2 must also be used.
Parameter: Argument1 Argument2 Allowed value: The name of the routine to be executed. The task in which the routine defined in Argument1 should be executed.
Prerequisites The following prerequisites have to be considered: A digital input I/O signal with a defined signal name has to be configured in the system. The program execution has to be stopped. The parameter Argument 1 has to be defined with the name of the routine to be executed, for example routine 1. If the option MultiMove is installed, the parameter Argument 2 has to be defined with a task in which the routine should execute.
Limitations The parameter has the following limitations: The system has to be in automatic mode. You cannot use this action value if the Stop, Stop at end of Cycle, or Stop at end of Instruction actions are set. The Interrupt action is not valid during program execution.
4 Topic I/O Interrupt Continued Additional information When the execution is stopped, the robot still remembers the point to which it is supposed to go. To prevent the robot going to this position when the Interrupt routine starts and delay it until after the Interrupt, the following RAPID sequence can be used in the Interrupt routine:
PROC A() StopMove\Quick; !Prevent current move instruction to continue StorePath; !For later use currpos:=CRobT(); !Save current position --------- ! Place the code for the routine to run here. ----MoveJ currpos,v600,fine,toolx; !Move back to programmed position RestoPath; !Restore StorePath StartMove; !Restore StopMove ENDPROC
After the StartMove instruction, the stopped movement will continue to move to its fine point. When the routine A has been executed, the normal program can be restarted. Signal sequence The signal sequence for Interrupt is:
A: Interrupt (IN) B: Cycle On (OUT) Related information Action on page 221. Argument 1 on page 251. Argument 2 on page 253.
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4 Topic I/O Limit Speed
4 Topic I/O Limit Speed Continued Additional information A system output signal (also called LimitSpeed) can be configured to reflect the status of the the System Input Signal LimitSpeed.
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4 Topic I/O Load Load
Parent Load is an action value for the parameter Action that belongs to the type System Input in the topic I/O. Cfg name Load Description The action value Load loads a RAPID program (files of type .mod, .prg, and .pgf) from a mass storage device. The program starts from the beginning. Note! The previously loaded files (of type .prg or .pgf) will be unloaded. Load can be used by a PLC to load a program, instead of using the FlexPendant. The program pointer is set to the main entry routine after the module has been loaded. Program pointers in other tasks are not affected. Arguments When the parameter Action is set to Load, the parameters Argument1 and Argument2 must also be used.
Parameter: Argument 1 Argument 2 Allowed value: The name of the program file to load, including the file format (.mod, .prg or .pgf). Always define the path to the file, e.g. HOME:ModuleA.mod The task in which the program defined in Argument 1 should be loaded.
Prerequisites The following prerequisites have to be considered: A digital input I/O signal with a defined signal name has to be configured in the system. The program control has to be available, that is not used by any other resource. The parameter Argument 1 has to be defined with the program file name. If the option MultiMove is installed, the parameter Argument 2 must be defined with a task for which the program or module should be loaded.
Limitations This action value has the following limitations: The controller has to be in automatic mode. Load is not valid during program execution. If the current program has been changed, the changes will not be saved before the load.
4 Topic I/O Load Continued Additional information If the System Input should be used to load modules in many tasks, it is necessary to use a mechanism so that all modules are not loaded at once. The reset routine needs to be used, see section The Event Routine type on page 84. This routine is called once the module is loaded. This routine can then trigger the call for loading the next module by setting an I/O signal (for example SetDO \SDelay := 0.2, do_module_loaded, 1;). By doing this a chain of calls is made to load all wanted modules. Related information Action on page 221. Argument 1 on page 251. Argument 2 on page 253.
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4 Topic I/O Load and Start
Prerequisites The following prerequisites have to be considered: A digital input I/O signal with a defined signal name has to be configured in the system. The controller has to be in Motors On state and the program control has to be available, that is not used by any other resource. The parameter Argument 1 has to be defined with an existing program file name. If the option MultiMove is installed, the parameter Argument 2 must be defined with a task for which the program or module should be loaded.
Limitations This action value has the following limitations: The controller has to be in automatic mode.
4 Topic I/O Load and Start Continued You cannot use this action if the Stop, Stop at end of Cycle, or Stop at end of Instruction actions are set. Load and Start action is not valid during program execution. The run mode will always be set to Cyclic. If the controller is in Motors Off state, only the load is performed. If the current program has been changed, the changes will not be saved before the load.
A: Load and Start (IN) B: Cycle On (OUT) Related information Action on page 221. Argument 1 on page 251. Argument 2 on page 253.
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4 Topic I/O Motors Off
A: Motors Off (IN) B: Motors Off (OUT) Related information Operating manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant.
4 Topic I/O Motors On Motors On
Parent Motors On is an action value for the parameter Action that belongs to the type System Input in the topic I/O. Cfg name MotorOn Description The action value Motors On sets the controller in the Motors On state. This action can be used by a PLC to set the controller in Motors On state. Prerequisites The following prerequisites have to be considered: A digital input I/O signal with a defined signal name has to be configured in the system. The safety chain has to be closed. To check if the safety chain is closed, use the parameter Run Chain OK of the type System Output.
Limitations The action value has the following limitations: The controller has to be in automatic mode. The controller cannot be in the Motors On state if the system input I/O signal action Motors Off is high. The Motors On action is not valid during program execution.
A: Motors On (IN) B: Motors On (OUT) Related information Motors Off on page 233. Run Chain OK on page 280. Continues on next page
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4 Topic I/O Motors On Continued Operating manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant, chapter Handling inputs and outputs, I/O.
4 Topic I/O Motors On and Start
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4 Topic I/O Reset Emergency Stop
Limitations The controller has to be in automatic mode. Additional information To reset an emergency stop, set the signal sequences according to the image.
A: Reset Emergency Stop (IN), Order B: Emergency Stop (OUT), Response Continues on next page
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4 Topic I/O Reset Emergency Stop Continued C: Run Chain OK (OUT), Response
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4 Topic I/O Reset Execution Error Signal
4 Topic I/O Start Start
Parent Start is an action value for the parameter Action that belongs to the type System Input in the topic I/O. Cfg name Start Description The action value Start starts a RAPID program from the current instruction, continuous or cycle run mode. Start can be used by a PLC to start the program execution. The Program Pointer needs to be set in all tasks before starting the program. The action will be rejected if the program pointer is missing in any task. Arguments When the parameter Action is set to Start, the parameter Argument1 must also be used, specifying continuous or cycle. The default value is continuous. Prerequisites The following prerequisites have to be considered: Limitations This action value has the following limitations: The controller has to be in automatic mode. You cannot use this action if the Stop, Stop at end of Cycle, or Stop at end of Instruction actions are set. The Start action is not valid during program execution. A digital input I/O signal with a defined signal name has to be configured in the system. The controller has to be in Motors On state and the program control has to be available, that is not used by any other resource. The parameter Argument 1 has to be defined with the run mode.
4 Topic I/O Start Continued Additional information The signal sequence for Start is:
A: Start (IN) B: Cycle On (OUT) Related information Argument 1 on page 251. Action on page 221.
4 Topic I/O Start at Main
4 Topic I/O Start at Main Continued Additional information The signal sequence for Start at Main is:
A: Start at Main (IN) B: Cycle On (OUT) Related information Argument 1 on page 251. Action on page 221.
4 Topic I/O Stop Stop
Parent Stop is an action value for the parameter Action that belongs to the type System Input in the topic I/O. Cfg name Stop Description The action value Stop stops the RAPID program execution. All robot movements will be stopped on the path with no deviation. This stop is the slowest stop and will take a couple of hundred milliseconds extra since the demand is to stop exactly on the programmed path. The extra delay is due to a deceleration ramp that needs to be recalculated to be able to stop on the path. A program cannot be started when this signal is high. This stop is similar to a normal program stop using the stop button on the FlexPendant. Stop can be used by a PLC to stop the program execution. Prerequisites A digital input I/O signal with a defined signal name has to be configured in the system. Additional information The signal sequence for Stop is:
1 A 0 1 B
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4 Topic I/O Quick Stop
4 Topic I/O Soft Stop
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4 Topic I/O Stop at End of Cycle
4 Topic I/O Stop at End of Instruction
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4 Topic I/O System Restart
4 Topic I/O SimMode SimMode
Parent SimMode is an action value for the parameter Action that belongs to the type System Input in the topic I/O. Cfg name SimMode Description The action value SimMode shall be set when the simulation mode shall be entered. Arguments When the parameter Action is set to SimMode, the Argument1 must also be used.
Parameter Argument1 Allowed value LOAD
When Argument1 is set to LOAD, the robot shall run without payload when the signal is set. Prerequisites A digital input I/O signal with a defined signal name has to be available, that is, not used by any other resource. Signal sequence
Additional information A system output signal (also called SimMode) can be configured that reflects the status of the system state SimMode.
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4 Topic I/O
4.9.5 Argument 1
4.9.5 Argument 1
Parent Argument 1 belongs to the type System Inputs, in the topic I/O. Cfg name Arg1 Description Argument 1 is an argument required to perform the system actions Interrupt, Load and Start, Motors On and Start, Start, Start at Main, Load, or Backup. If the parameter Action has one of the action values listed above then Argument 1 must also be set. Allowed values The following values are allowed:
System action: Interrupt Load and Start Allowed value: The name of the routine to be executed. The name of the program file to load, including the file format (.mod, .prg or .pgf). Always define the path to the file, for example HOME:ModuleA.mod The name of the program file to load, including the file format (.mod, .prg or .pgf). Always define the path to the file, for example HOME:ModuleA.mod Cfg value:
Motors On and Start Run mode continuous or cycle, default CONT (continuous) or CYCLE value is continuous. (cycle) Start Start at Main Backup Run mode continuous or cycle, default CONT (continuous) or CYCLE value is continuous. (cycle) Run mode continuous or cycle, default CONT (continuous) or CYCLE value is continuous. (cycle) The name of the backup. No name will indicate that the system name shall be used.
Related information Action on page 221. Interrupt on page 225. Load and Start on page 231. Motors On and Start on page 236. Start on page 240. Start at Main on page 242. Load on page 229. Backup on page 222. Continues on next page
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4.9.5 Argument 1 Continued Argument 2 on page 253. Argument 3 on page 254. Argument 4 on page 255.
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4.9.6 Argument 2
4.9.6 Argument 2
Parent Argument 2 belongs to the type System Input, in the topic I/O. Cfg name Arg2 Description Argument 2 is an argument required to perform the system actions Load and Start, Interrupt and Load, that is when the parameter Action is set to Load and Start, Interrupt or Load, Argument 2 must be set too. Usage Argument 2 is used to define a task. Prerequisites Action must be set to Load and Start, Interrupt, or Load. Limitations Argument 2 is only used with the option MultiMove. Allowed values
System action Load and Start Interrupt Load Allowed value The task in which the program defined in Argument 1 should be loaded. The task in which the module or program defined in Argument 1 should be loaded. The task in which the program defined in Argument 1 should be loaded.
If MultiMove is not installed, then Argument 2 must be set to T_ROB1. Related information Action on page 221. Load and Start on page 231. Interrupt on page 225. Load on page 229. Argument 1 on page 251.
4 Topic I/O
4.9.7 Argument 3
4.9.7 Argument 3
Parent Argument 3 belongs to the type System Input, in the topic I/O. Cfg name Arg3 Description Argument 3 is an argument required to perform the system action Backup, that is, when the parameter Action is configured to Backup. Usage Argument 3 is used to define the path for a backup. Prerequisites Action must be set to Backup. Allowed values
System action Backup Allowed value The path of the backup.
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4 Topic I/O
4.9.8 Argument 4
4.9.8 Argument 4
Parent Argument 4 belongs to the type System Input, in the topic I/O. Cfg name Arg4 Description Argument 4 is an argument required to perform the system action Backup, that is, when the parameter Action is configured to Backup. Usage Argument 4 is used to define if the backup shall have a uniqe name or if a backup with the same name shall be deleted first. Prerequisites Action must be set to Backup. Allowed values
System action Backup Allowed value Unique Name or Overwritten. Default value is Unique Name.
4 Topic I/O
4.9.9 Argument 5
4.9.9 Argument 5
Parent Argument 5 belongs to the type System Input, in the topic I/O. Cfg name Arg5 Description Argument 5 is a required argument for the system action Backup, that is, when the parameter Action is configured to Backup. Usage Argument 5 is used to define if the backup shall have date added in the name of the backup. If UniqueName is set as Argument 4, the sequence number will come after the date. Prerequisites Action must be set to Backup. Allowed values
System action Backup Allowed value AddDate or NoDate. Default value is NoDate.
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4 Topic I/O
4.9.10 Argument 6
4.9.10 Argument 6
Parent Argument 6 belongs to the type System Input, in the topic I/O. Cfg name Arg6 Description Argument6 is an argument required to perform the system action LimitSpeed, that is, when the parameter Action is configured to LimitSpeed. Usage Argument6 is used to define if the speed reduction shall be for a specified motion task or all motion tasks. Prerequisites Action must be set to LimitSpeed. Allowed values
System action LimitSpeed Allowed value A robot from the type Robot in the topic Motion.
4 Topic I/O
4.9.11 System Input Actions
Note 1: Do not affect the ongoing Backup Note 2: Motor On only Note 3: Execution error triggered during program execution Note 4: Ongoing Backup will be deleted Note 5: Only load of the program module is performed Note 6: The cause of the System Failure can have impact on the function for the given System Input Actions
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4 Topic I/O
4.10.1 The System Output type
Predefined system outputs Motors On is predefined in the robot system. This output is linked to the Motors On lamp on the controller. Additional information The actions are valid for both manual and automatic mode unless stated otherwise in the value descriptions. Related information The Signal type on page 191.
4 Topic I/O
4.10.2 Status
4.10.2 Status
Parent Status belongs to the type System Output, in the topic I/O. Cfg name Status Description Output signals can be assigned to specific system actions. Status defines the system status that triggered the signal. The system actions are handled by the system without an input from the user. Allowed values The following values are allowed and are described on the following pages: Auto On on page 262. Backup Error on page 263. Backup in progress on page 264. Cycle On on page 265. Emergency Stop on page 266. Execution Error on page 267. Limit Speed on page 268. Mechanical Unit Active on page 269. Mechanical Unit Not Moving on page 270. Motors Off on page 271. Motors On on page 272. Motors Off State on page 273. Motors On State on page 274. Motion Supervision On on page 275. Motion Supervision Triggered on page 276. Path Return Region Error on page 277. Power Fail Error on page 278. Production Execution Error on page 279. Run Chain OK on page 280. Simulated I/O on page 281. TaskExecuting on page 282. TCP Speed on page 283. TCP Speed Reference on page 284. SimMode on page 285.
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4 Topic I/O
4.10.3 Signal
4.10.3 Signal
Parent Signal belongs to the type System Output, in the topic I/O. Cfg name Signal Description Signal is the name of the configured digital output I/O signal to use. It connects the system output with a configured digital output I/O signal. Prerequisites A digital output I/O signal with a defined name has to be configured in the system. Allowed values Available configured digital output I/O signal names. Related information The Signal type on page 191.
4 Topic I/O Auto On
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4 Topic I/O Backup Error
4 Topic I/O Backup in progress
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4 Topic I/O Cycle On Cycle On
Parent Cycle On is a value for the parameter Status that belongs to the type System Output in the topic I/O. Cfg name CycleOn Description If Status has the value Cycle On, the I/O signal is set when the robot program is executing. During path recovery operations, the I/O signal is set. Additional information Cycle On is also active for Service and Event Routine execution. The signal sequence for Cycle On is:
4 Topic I/O Emergency Stop
A: Reset Emergency Stop (IN), Order B: Emergency Stop (OUT), Response C: Run Chain OK (OUT), Response
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4 Topic I/O Execution Error
If Argument 2 is not specified with a task name, the I/O signal will react on execution errors in any task. In this case, the I/O signal stays high until any of the events listed above occur for any of the tasks. The signal state is not kept after power fail (warm start). Related information Reset Execution Error Signal on page 239. Argument 2 on page 287.
4 Topic I/O Limit Speed
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4 Topic I/O Mechanical Unit Active
4 Topic I/O Mechanical Unit Not Moving
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4 Topic I/O Motors Off
4 Topic I/O Motors On Motors On
Parent Motors On is a value for the parameter Status that belongs to the type System Output in the topic I/O. Cfg name MotorOn Description If Status has the value Motors On, the I/O signal is set when the controller is in the Motors On state. Additional information If the controller is in guard stop, the output starts pulsing with a frequency of 1 sec. If the controller is not calibrated or the revolution counter is not updated, the output will pulsate even faster in manual mode. Motors On can be used to detect if the controller is in Motors On and whether the controller is synchronized or not. Related information Motors On State on page 274.
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4 Topic I/O Motors Off State
4 Topic I/O Motors On State
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4 Topic I/O Motion Supervision On
4 Topic I/O Motion Supervision Triggered
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4 Topic I/O Path Return Region Error
The distances of the zones can be configured in the type Return Region in the topic Controller. Related information The Path Return Region type on page 116, in the topic Controller.
4 Topic I/O Power Fail Error
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4 Topic I/O Production Execution Error
The I/O signal value is not kept after a warm start. *) Note! This is not a replacement for Motion Supervision Triggered. Additional information Using Production Execution Error does not effect the functionality in the option Collision Detection, nor can it replace the option Collision Detection. Related information Execution Error on page 267. Motion Supervision Triggered on page 276. System errors are described in parameter Trustlevel on page 140. The instruction SystemStopAction, see Technical reference manual - RAPID Instructions, Functions and Data types.
4 Topic I/O Run Chain OK
A: Reset Emergency Stop (IN), Order B: Emergency Stop (OUT), Response C: Run Chain OK (OUT), Response Example In Manual mode the safety chain is opened and Run Chain OK is not set.
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4 Topic I/O Simulated I/O
4 Topic I/O TaskExecuting TaskExecuting
Parent TaskExecuting is a value for the parameter Status that belongs to the type System Output in the topic I/O. Cfg name TaskExecuting Description If Status has the value TaskExecuting, the I/O signal is set when the configured task is executing. During path recovery operations, the I/O signal is not set. Prerequisites The parameter Argument 2 has to be defined with a task name. Limitations The parameter Argument 2 can be configured only with the name of a NORMAL task.
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4 Topic I/O TCP Speed
4 Topic I/O TCP Speed Reference
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4 Topic I/O SimMode SimMode
Parent SimMode is a value for the parameter Status that belongs to the type System Output in the topic I/O. Cfg name SimMode Description If status has the value SimMode, the I/O signal is set when the state SimMode is set. The signal is cleared when the state SimMode is cleared. Arguments/Prerequisites When the parameter Status is set to SimMode, the parameter Argument 3 must also be used, specifying the type of SimMode. Currently only Load is available as SimMode. Additional information After a warm start, the system output signal SimMode will also reflect the state SimMode. Related information SimMode on page 250.
4 Topic I/O
4.10.5 Argument
4.10.5 Argument
Parent Argument belongs to the type System Outputs, in the topic I/O. Cfg name Arg1 Description Argument is an argument required to perform the system actions TCP Speed, TCP Speed Reference, or Motion Supervision On, that is when the parameter Action has one of the action values listed above, Argument must be set too. Allowed values If the parameter Status has the value TCP Speed, TCP Speed Reference, or Motion Supervision On, the allowed value for Argument is a robot from the type Robot in the topic Motion. Default value is ROB_1. If the parameter Status has the value Path Return Region Error or Motion Supervision Triggered, the allowed value for Argument is a robot from the type Robot in the topic Motion. If no robot is specified, the I/O signal reacts on any robot. If the parameter Status has the value Mechanical Unit Active, the allowed value for Argument is a mechanical unit of the type Mechanical Unit in the topic Motion. Default value is ROB_1. If the parameter Status has the value Mechanical Unit Not Moving, the allowed value for Argument is a mechanical unit of the type Mechanical Unit in the topic Motion or empty. Default value is empty. Related information Action value TCP Speed on page 283. Action value TCP Speed Reference on page 284. Action value Motion Supervision On on page 275. Action value Mechanical Unit Active on page 269. Action value Mechanical Unit Not Moving on page 270. The Robot type on page 597 in the topic Motion. The Mechanical Unit type on page 508 in the topic Motion.
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4 Topic I/O
4.10.6 Argument 2
4.10.6 Argument 2
Parent Argument 2 belongs to the type System Outputs, in the topic I/O. Cfg name Arg2 Description Argument 2 is an argument required to perform system action TaskExecuting or Execution Error, that is when the parameter Status has the value TaskExecuting or Execution Error, Argument 2 must be used to specify the task name. Allowed values If the parameter Status has the value TaskExecuting or Execution Error, the allowed value is a task name from the type Task in the topic Controller. Related information TaskExecuting on page 282. Execution Error on page 267.
4 Topic I/O
4.11.1 The Unit type
Predefined units The following I/O units are predefined and located on the Local I/O bus: Continues on next page
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4 Topic I/O
4.11.1 The Unit type Continued Depending on installed options, there can be other predefined I/O units not described in this manual. Related information Type of Unit on page 291. Connected to Bus on page 292. The Bus type on page 165. The Unit Type type on page 299. For more information on safety signals, see Operating manual - IRC5 with FlexPendant. Example
Parameter: Name Type of Unit Connected to Bus Unit Identification Label Unit Trust Level Unit Startup State Store Unit State at Power Fail DeviceNet Address Value: board10 d327 MyDeviceNet U137, placed in process cabinet C5 1 - Error when lost Enabled No 10
4 Topic I/O
4.11.2 Name
4.11.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Unit, in the topic I/O. Cfg name Name Description The parameter Name specifies the name of the I/O unit. Usage The name of the I/O unit is used as a reference to the specific I/O unit when configuring the I/O signals and fieldbus commands on the I/O unit. Default value The default value is an empty string. Allowed values A string following the RAPID rules, as described in Technical reference manual - RAPID overview, chapter Basic elements. The name must be unique among all named objects in the I/O system configuration. Note! Names differing only in upper and lower case are considered to be equal.
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4 Topic I/O
4.11.3 Type of Unit
4 Topic I/O
4.11.4 Connected to Bus
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4 Topic I/O
4.11.5 Unit Identification Label
4 Topic I/O
4.11.6 Unit Trustlevel
Loss accepted
4 Topic I/O
4.11.6 Unit Trustlevel Continued Additional information The table below shows the robot system behavior depending on the Unit Trustlevel value and the I/O units logical state, when the I/O units physical state changes.
Unit Trustlevel I/O unit logical value: state: Required Activated Event report at I/O Controller state: Program state: unit state change: Yes Yes No Yes N/A No System failure No Change No Change System stop N/A No Change Stopped No change1 No change1 Stopped N/A No change
Deactivated Deactivated
Execution stops when the I/O unit or any I/O signal on the I/O unit is accessed. It is not possible to deactivate any I/O unit with Unit Trustlevel set to Required.
4 Topic I/O
4.11.7 Unit Startup State
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4 Topic I/O
4.11.8 Store Unit State at Power Fail
4 Topic I/O
4.11.9 Regain Communication Reset
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4 Topic I/O
4.12.1 The Unit Type type
Usage The Unit Type is used when detecting I/O units and Fieldbus Command Types in the I/O system. Predefined unit types The following Unit Type instances are predefined in the controller:
Unit Type: Virtual LOCAL_GENERIC Description: Simulated I/O unit located on the Virtual I/O bus with input data size of 128 bytes and output data size of 128 bytes. I/O unit located on the Local I/O bus with input data size of 4 bytes and output data size of 4 bytes.
Related information How to define the unit type on page 152. Example This is an example of a Unit Type with a DeviceNet bus from ABB Robotics.
Parameter: Name Type of Bus Vendor Name Product Name Vendor ID Value: d327 DeviceNet ABB Robotics Combi Unit 75
4 Topic I/O
4.12.1 The Unit Type type Continued
Parameter: Product Code Device Type Major Revision Minor Revision Production Inhibit Time Explicit Messaging Quick Connect Connection 1 Type Connection 1 Interval Connection 1 Output Size Connection 1 Input Size Value: 2 100 5 0 10 Enabled Enabled Polled connection 50 6 2
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4 Topic I/O
4.12.2 Name
4.12.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Unit Type, in the topic I/O. Cfg name Name Description The parameter Name specifies the name of the unit type. Usage The name of the unit type is used as a reference to the specific unit type when: Default value The default value is an empty string. Allowed values A string following the RAPID rules described in Technical reference manual - RAPID overview, chapter Basic elements. The name must be unique among all named objects in the I/O system configuration. Note Names differing only in upper and lower case are considered to be equal. Configuring I/O units. Configuring cross connections.
4 Topic I/O
4.12.3 Type of Bus
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4 Topic I/O
4.12.4 Vendor Name
4 Topic I/O
4.12.5 Product Name
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4 Topic I/O
4.12.6 Internal Slave
5.2 Type Automatically Switch Jog Unit 5.2.1 The Automatically Switch Jog Unit type
Overview This section describes the type Automatically Switch Jog Unit which belongs to the topic Man-machine Communication. Each parameter of this type is described in a separate information topic in this section. Cfg name AUTO_SWITCH_OF_JOG_UNIT Type description The type Automatically Switch Jog Unit is used to automatically activate a mechanical unit when switching to a program editor on the FlexPendant, that uses the mechanical unit. The default setting is that a mechanical unit is not activated automatically when switching to a program editor using an deactivated mechanical unit. Limitations There can be only one set of parameters of the type Automatically Switch Jog Unit in the system.
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5.3.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Backup Settings, in the topic Man-machine Communication. Cfg name Backup_name Description Name defines the suggested name for the backups created from the FlexPendant. Usage The name of the backup. Allowed values A string defining the name. Additional information The suggested name is not defined only by this parameter. If Unique Name is set to Yes and if a backup already exists with the same name, an increasing number is added to the end of the name. If the Name parameter is undefined, the default backup name SystemName_Backup_Date (for example, SystemX_Backup_20100101) is suggested. Related information Unique name on page 313.
5.3.3 Path
Parent Path belongs to the type Backup Settings, in the topic Man-machine Communication. Cfg name Backup_path Description Path defines the suggested path for the backups created from the FlexPendant. Usage The path for the backup. Allowed values A string defining the path. Additional information If the Path parameter is undefined, the default backup path /hd0a/BACKUP is suggested. Example 1 The environment variable BACKUP: can be used. BACKUP:SysInBackup
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5.4 Type Most Common Instruction 5.4.1 The Most Common Instruction types
Overview This section describes the types Most Common Instruction - List 1,Most Common Instruction - List 2, and Most Common Instruction - List 3 which belongs to topic Man-machine Communication. Each parameter of this type is described in a separate information topic in this section. Cfg names MMC_MC1 MMC_MC2 MMC_MC3 Type description The system contains lists of instructions to use when programming the robot. There are also three lists available to adapt to personal requirements. These are called Most Common Instruction - List 1, Most Common Instruction - List 2, and Most Common Instruction - List 3. The three lists are set up of a number of parameters equal between the lists. Therefore the parameters are described together in this manual. Required parameters Only the system parameter Name requires a value. Related information Instructions and their optional arguments and syntax are described in Technical reference manual - RAPID Instructions, Functions and Data types. Example: Instruction without argument To create a MoveJ instruction without arguments, only the parameter Name is required if Name is set to MoveJ, exactly as spelled in RAPID.
Parameter: Name Parameter Number Alternative Number Instruction Name Only for Motion Task Value: MoveJ
By setting Name to MoveL/T, the button label in the picklist will clearly state to the user that this is a MoveL instruction, using the Time option. The parameter number we use is 5, see table below, and we use alternative 2 for [\T]. Since Name is not set to only MoveL, we must use Instruction Name to specify to the system that it is a MoveL instruction. Only for Motion Task states that it will only be available for motion tasks. The syntax for the MoveL instruction is:
Parameter Number: <instr> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Value: MoveL [\Conc] ToPoint [\ID] Speed [\V] or [ \T] Zone [\Z] [\Inpos] Tool [\WObj] [\Corr]
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5.4.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the types Most Common Instruction - List 1, Most Common Instruction - List 2, and Most Common Instruction - List 3 in the topic Man-machine Communication. Cfg name name Description Name defines the name to be visible on the button in the picklist. Usage If Name is set to an instruction or procedure spelled exactly as in RAPID, no other parameters require a value. But, if Name contains more information, as recommended when using instructions with arguments, then the parameter Instruction Name specifies the actual instruction syntax. Allowed values The instruction name, a string with maximum 32 characters, e.g. "MoveJ". Note Do not use a backslash (\) in the name! Names using a backslash will cause errors, unlike when programming in RAPID. If an additional switch or argument is used, it is recommended to include this in the name for clarity and append the name with a slash (/) and the argument, e.g. "ArcL/On". Furthermore if an optional argument is included in the name then the parameter Instruction Name must be set to the instruction. Related information Technical reference manual - RAPID Instructions, Functions and Data types. Instruction Name on page 320. Examples
Value: MoveJ ArcL/On Description: The instruction MoveJ. The instruction ArcL with the argument On.
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Related information Instruction Name on page 320. Parameter Number on page 318. Technical reference manual - RAPID Instructions, Functions and Data types.
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5.5 Type Most Common I/O Signal 5.5.1 The Most Common I/O Signal type
Overview This section describes the type Most Common I/O Signal which belongs to the topic Man-machine Communication. Each parameter of this type is described in a separate information topic in this section. Cfg name IO_MOST_COMMON Type description It is possible to have hundreds of I/O signals in the system. To simplify working with them it is possible to group them to a list of the mostly used signals. This list is defined by the type Most Common I/O Signal. Prerequisites A signal must be configured in the system for the signal name. Example This is a typical example of an often used I/O to be included in the list.
Parameter: Signal Name Signal Type Value: MySignalDI1 DI
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5.6.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Production Permission in the topic Man-Machine Communication. Cfg name name Description The parameter Name specifies the name of the permission. Usage The name of the permission is used as a reference to a specific permission when configuring the system. Allowed values RUN Mode.
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5.6.3 Permission
Parent Permission belongs to the type Production Permission in the topic Man-Machine Communication. Cfg name permission Description The parameter Permission specifies whether switching to Cycle_mode while running in the Auto mode should be allowed or not. While running in the Auto Mode, it is normally possible to choose between Cycle_mode and Continuous_mode. In certain circumstances, this is not desired: always when running in the Auto Mode, the Continuous_mode must be active. The parameter type restricts or permits switching to Cycle_mode while in the Auto mode. If the name is set to RUN Mode, the permission may be set to Restricted in Auto, and it will not be possible to switch from Continuous_mode to Cycle_mode while in the Auto Mode. Allowed values
Value Changeable in Auto Restricted in Auto Description This setting enables the system to be switched to Cycle_mode or Continuous_mode while running in the Auto Mode. This setting prohibits the system to be switched to Cycle_mode while running in the Auto Mode. Only Continuous_mode is possible.
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6 Topic Motion
6.1 The Motion topic
6 Topic Motion
6.1 The Motion topic
Overview This chapter describes the types and parameters of the Motion topic. Each parameter is described in the section for its type. The topic Motion is extensive, with some 40 types. This manual revision covers the most commonly used parameters and types. Description Motion contains parameters associated with motion control in the robot and external equipment. The topic includes configuring the calibration offset and the working space limits. The described parameters are organized in the following types: 1 Acceleration Data 2 Arm 3 Arm Check Point 4 Arm Load 5 Brake 6 Control Parameters 7 Drive Module 8 Drive System 9 Drive Unit 10 Force Master 11 Force Master Control 12 Friction Compensation 13 Jog Parameters 14 Joint 15 Lag Control Master 0 16 Linked M Process 17 Mains 18 Measurement Channel 19 Mechanical Unit 20 Motion Planner 21 Motion Supervision 22 Motion System 23 Motor 24 Motor Calibration 25 Motor Type 26 Path Sensor Synchronization 27 Process Continues on next page
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6 Topic Motion
6.1 The Motion topic Continued 28 Relay 29 Robot 30 Robot Serial Number 31 SG Process 32 Single 33 Single Type 34 Stress Duty Cycle 35 Supervision 36 Supervision Type 37 Transmission 38 Uncalibrated Control Master 0 Configuration results Changed motion parameters requires a restart of the controller. Otherwise the changes will not have any effect on the system. An exception to the rule is the motion supervision parameters which do not require a restart. See the type Motion Supervision section for more information.
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6 Topic Motion
6.2.1 How to define base frame
For detailed information about each parameter, see the descriptions in the Robot type section. 4 Save the changes.
6 Topic Motion
6.2.1 How to define base frame Continued Additional information The illustration shows some examples of frame definitions.
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6 Topic Motion
6.2.2 How to restrict the work area for articulated robots
6 Topic Motion
6.2.3 How to restrict the work area for parallel arm robots
6.2.3 How to restrict the work area for parallel arm robots
Robot work area The work area for a parallel arm robot is restricted by defining a cube in which the TCP0 is allowed to move.
P1 P2
The coordinates are defined in the base coordinate system and the work area is checked with respect to the predefined tool, tool0. It is not possible to check the position with respect to another tool. To restrict the robot work area for parallel arm robots: 1 In the Motion topic, choose the type Robot. 2 Edit the parameters Upper Work Area and Lower Work Area for the coordinates x, y, and z. 3 Save the changes. Note The system parameters that define the work area for parallel robot are valid only for IRB 340 and IRB 360 robots. Related information Upper Work Area x, y, z on page 610. Lower Work Area x, y, z on page 611. How to restrict the work area for articulated robots on page 335.
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6 Topic Motion
6.2.4 How to define arm check point
P1 z3 x3
Limitations The value for the Use Check Point parameter must be identical to the name used for the arm check point. Bound check point The check point can also be restricted to stay outside a defined cube, when the robot is moving. The cube is defined by six coordinates, three upper and three lower, see illustration, all being related to the robot base coordinate system. Thus the defined cube will work as a stationary world zone, where the inside of the cube is the forbidden area for the arm check point.
P1 P2
6 Topic Motion
6.2.4 How to define arm check point Continued How to define arm check point To define the arm check point: 1 In the Motion topic, choose the type Arm Check Point. 2 Edit the parameters for the check point. For detailed information, see the descriptions in the Arm Check Point type section. 3 Make a note of the Name parameter value to use later. 4 Save the changes. 5 In the topic Motion, choose the type Arm. 6 First select arm 3 to connect the check point to the arm. Then edit the parameter Use Check Point. The value has to be identical to the name used for the arm check point (step 2-3 above). For detailed information about the parameters, see sections Arm type and Arm Check Point type. 7 Save the changes. 8 To restrict the check point, choose the type Robot in the topic Motion. 9 Edit the parameters Upper Check Point Bound and Lower Check Point Bound for the six coordinates. For detailed information about the parameters, see section Robot type. 10 Save the changes. Related information The Arm type on page 355. The Arm Check Point type on page 375. Upper Check Point Bound x, y, z on page 612. Lower Check Point Bound x, y, z on page 613. The Product manual for the robot.
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6 Topic Motion
6.2.5 How to define arm loads
If more than one load is mounted on the same arm, the total weight and the center of gravity for the loads have to be calculated. How to define an arm load To define an arm load: 1 In the topic Motion, choose the type Arm Load. 2 Select the arm load to define. 3 Enter or change the parameters of the arm load and save your changes. For detailed information about each parameter, see the descriptions in the type Arm Load. 4 In the topic Motion, choose the type Arm and select the arm that the load is mounted on. 5 For the selected arm, choose the Use Arm Load parameter and select the name of the arm load in the list of defined loads. 6 Save the changes. Continues on next page
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6 Topic Motion
6.2.5 How to define arm loads Continued Related information The Arm Load type on page 378. The Arm type on page 355.
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6 Topic Motion
6.2.6 How to optimize drive system parameters
Default and optimal values All drive system parameters have nominal values after installation. For improving the robot's performance, these parameters can be adjusted according to the robot's actual installation. CAUTION Parameter settings outside the range of the robot's installation may negatively affect the robot's performance. How to optimize the mains tolerance To optimize the tolerance for the mains power supply: 1 In the topic Motion, choose the type Mains. 2 Edit the Mains Tolerance Min parameter according to the robot's installation. For detailed information about each parameter, see the descriptions in the type Mains. 3 Save the changes. Example to show how the mains tolerance can affect the robot performance The systems with 220-230V single phase mains can be optimized using the mains tolerance. For example, for the IRB140T 6kg robot with the default settings 220V mains and mains tolerance min -0.15, the max speed for the corresponding joints become as shown in the following table.
Joint 1 2 3 4 5 6 Max speed Default settings 229 deg/s 228 deg/s 245 deg/s 348 deg/s 360 deg/s 450 deg/s Max speed mains tolerance min = 0.0 250 deg/s 250 deg/s 260 deg/s 360 deg/s 360 deg/s 450 deg/s
6 Topic Motion
6.2.6 How to optimize drive system parameters Continued Setting the mains tolerance min to 0.0 means to have a mains of 220V single phase. At 230V this is equivalent to 230V -4.3%. For more detailed performance data, see the respective robot product specification. CAUTION Changing the mains tolerance min can create a situation where the system stops due to a too low DC-bus voltage, rectifier saturation, or some other error code. In this case the tolerance must be increased. Related information The Mains type on page 498.
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6 Topic Motion
6.2.7 How to tune motion supervision
6 Topic Motion
6.2.8 How to define transmission gear ratio for independent joints
6 Topic Motion
6.2.8 How to define transmission gear ratio for independent joints Continued To get an exact representation of the transmission gear ratio: 1 In the Motion topic, choose the type Transmission. 2 Decide which for joint to define the transmission gear ratio. 3 Set the parameter Transmission Gear High to the value N1 x N2. 4 Set the parameter Transmission Gear Low to the value n1 x n2. Related information The Transmission type on page 690. Application manual - Motion functions and events.
6 Topic Motion
6.2.9 How to define external torque
z y
If the estimated value of a significant external torque is too low, there can be unnecessary path deviations and the manipulator might be damaged. If the estimated value is too high, the performance of the manipulator is reduced due to restrictive acceleration limits. How to define external torque To define external torque: 1 In the Motion topic, choose the type Arm. 2 Select the arm to edit. 3 Set the desired values for the parameters External Const Torque, External Proportional Torque, and External Torque Zero Angle. 4 Save the changes. Related information The Arm type on page 355. External Const Torque on page 368. External Proportional Torque on page 370. External Torque Zero Angle on page 371.
6 Topic Motion
6.2.9 How to define external torque Continued Example A coiled hose is mounted and affects joint 6 as follows: 0 Nm at 0 degrees. 5 Nm at 200 degrees. This external torque can be defined using the following formula: A = 0, 0 = 0, k = 5 / (200 (pi / 180))
6 Topic Motion
6.2.10 How to define supervision level
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6 Topic Motion
6.3.1 The Acceleration Data type
6 Topic Motion
6.3.2 Name
6.3.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Acceleration Data, in the topic Motion. Cfg name name Description The name of the set of Acceleration Data. Usage Name is used to reference a set of Acceleration Data from the parameter Use Acceleration Data in the type Arm. Allowed values A string with maximum 32 characters.
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6 Topic Motion
6.3.3 Nominal Acceleration
6 Topic Motion
6.3.4 Nominal Deceleration
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6 Topic Motion
6.3.5 Acceleration Derivate Ratio
6 Topic Motion
6.3.6 Deceleration Derivate Ratio
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6 Topic Motion
6.4.1 The Arm type
6 Topic Motion
6.4.2 Name
6.4.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Arm, in the topic Motion. Cfg name Name Description Name defines the name of the set of parameters for type Arm. Allowed values A string with maximum 32 characters.
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6 Topic Motion
6.4.3 Independent Joint
6 Topic Motion
6.4.4 Upper Joint Bound
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6 Topic Motion
6.4.5 Lower Joint Bound
6 Topic Motion
6.4.6 Independent Upper Joint Bound
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6 Topic Motion
6.4.7 Independent Lower Joint Bound
6 Topic Motion
6.4.8 Calibration Position
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6 Topic Motion
6.4.9 Performance Quota
6 Topic Motion
6.4.10 Jam Supervision Trim Factor
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6 Topic Motion
6.4.11 Load Supervision Trim Factor
6 Topic Motion
6.4.12 Speed Supervision Trim Factor
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6 Topic Motion
6.4.13 Position Supervision Trim Factor
6 Topic Motion
6.4.14 External Const Torque
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6 Topic Motion
6.4.15 Use Arm Load
6 Topic Motion
6.4.16 External Proportional Torque
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6 Topic Motion
6.4.17 External Torque Zero Angle
6 Topic Motion
6.4.18 Load Id Acceleration Ratio
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6 Topic Motion
6.4.19 Angle Acceleration Ratio
6 Topic Motion
6.4.20 Deactivate Cyclic Brake Check for axis
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6 Topic Motion
6.5.1 The Arm Check Point type
6.5 Type Arm Check Point 6.5.1 The Arm Check Point type
Overview This section describes the type Arm Check Point, which belongs to the topic Motion. Each parameter of this type is described in a separate information topic. Cfg name ARM_CHECK_POINT Type description If an extra load, such as a transformer or a welding-bar roller, is attached to arm 3, a point on this equipment can be defined as a check point. The robot will then monitor the speed of this point so that it does not exceed 250 mm/s in manual reduced speed mode. Related information How to define arm check point on page 337.
6 Topic Motion
6.5.2 Name
6.5.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Arm Check Point, in the topic Motion. Cfg name name Description Name defines the name of the arm check point. A check point can be used to let the robot monitor the speed of that specified point Allowed values A string with maximum 24 characters. Related information How to define arm check point on page 337.
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6 Topic Motion
6.5.3 Position x, y, z
6.5.3 Position x, y, z
Parent Position x, Position y, and Position z belongs to the type Arm Check Point, in the topic Motion. Cfg names position_x position_y position_z Description Position x defines the x-coordinate of the position of the check point, specified on the basis of the current frame of the arm (in meters). Position y defines the y-coordinate of the position of the check point, specified on the basis of the current frame of the arm (in meters). Position z defines the z-coordinate of the position of the check point, specified on the basis of the current frame of the arm (in meters). Allowed values A value between -3 to 3, specifying the position in meters. Related information How to define arm check point on page 337.
6 Topic Motion
6.6.1 The Arm Load type
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6 Topic Motion
6.6.2 Name
6.6.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Arm Load, in the topic Motion. Cfg name name Description Name specifies the name of the arm load setting it belongs to. Allowed values A string with maximum 32 characters, specifying the name. Related information How to define arm loads on page 339.
6 Topic Motion
6.6.3 Mass
6.6.3 Mass
Parent Mass belongs to the type Arm Load, in the topic Motion. Cfg name mass Description Mass specifies the mass of the equipment mounted on a robot arm. Allowed values A value between 0 and 500, specifying the weight in kg. Related information How to define arm loads on page 339.
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6 Topic Motion
6.6.4 Mass Center x, y, z
6 Topic Motion
6.6.5 Inertia x, y, z
6.6.5 Inertia x, y, z
Parent Inertia x, Inertia y, and Inertia z belongs to the type Arm Load, in the topic Motion. Cfg names inertia_x inertia_y inertia_z Description Inertia x defines the x-component of the arm load's moment of inertia relative to the load's mass center around the arm's coordinate axes. Inertia y defines the y-component of the arm load's moment of inertia relative to the load's mass center around the arm's coordinate axes. Inertia z defines the z-component of the arm load's moment of inertia relative to the load's mass center around the arm's coordinate axes. Allowed values A value between 0 and 100, specifying the moment of inertia in kgm2. Related information How to define arm loads on page 339.
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6 Topic Motion
6.7.1 The Brake type
6 Topic Motion
6.7.2 Name
6.7.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Brake, in the topic Motion. Cfg name name Description Name defines the name of the brake. Allowed values A string with maximum 32 characters.
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6 Topic Motion
6.7.3 Control Off Speed Limit
6 Topic Motion
6.7.4 Control Off Delay
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6 Topic Motion
6.7.5 Brake Control On Delay
6 Topic Motion
6.7.6 Brake Control Min Delay
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6 Topic Motion
6.7.7 Absolute Brake Torque
6 Topic Motion
6.7.8 Brake Ramp Speed Limit
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6 Topic Motion
6.7.9 Max Brake Time
6 Topic Motion
6.8.1 The Control Parameters type
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6 Topic Motion
6.8.2 Name
6.8.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Control Parameters, in the topic Motion. Cfg name name Description Name defines the name to use for the control parameters. Limitations Name is only useful if you have the RobotWare option Advanced Shape Tuning. Allowed values A string with maximum 32 characters.
6 Topic Motion
6.8.3 Friction FFW On
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6 Topic Motion
6.8.4 Friction FFW Level
6 Topic Motion
6.8.5 Friction FFW Ramp
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6 Topic Motion
6.9.1 The Drive Module type
6 Topic Motion
6.9.2 Name
6.9.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Drive Module, in the topic Motion. Cfg name name Description Defines the unique name of the drive module. Allowed values A string with maximum 32 characters.
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6 Topic Motion
6.9.3 Number
6.9.3 Number
Parent Number belongs to the type Drive Module, in the topic Motion. Cfg name number Description Defines the identifying number of the drive module. Usage The drive module number is used to identify the drive module by other system parameters. Allowed values An integer between 1 and 4.
6 Topic Motion
6.10.1 The Drive System type
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6 Topic Motion
6.10.2 Name
6.10.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Drive System, in the topic Motion. Cfg name name Description Defines the name for the drive system. Allowed values A string with maximum 32 characters.
6 Topic Motion
6.10.3 Use DC-Link
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6 Topic Motion
6.10.4 Use Drive Unit
6 Topic Motion
6.10.5 Current Vector On
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6 Topic Motion
6.11.1 The Drive Unit type
6 Topic Motion
6.11.2 Name
6.11.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Drive Unit, in the topic Motion. Cfg name name Description Defines the name for the drive unit. Allowed values A string with maximum 32 characters.
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6 Topic Motion
6.11.3 Drive Unit Position
6 Topic Motion
6.12.1 The Force Master type
Values for position, torque, force, etc. are specified for calibration and gun closing. Limitations Force Master can only be used for servo tools. Non-editable parameters The following parameters are visible but not editable in the software configuration tools: Force Detection Speed Max Pos Err Closing
As a consequence, the above parameters are not described in the manual. Related information Application manual - Servo motor control.
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6 Topic Motion
6.12.2 Name
6.12.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Force Master, in the topic Motion. Cfg name name Description The name of the Force Master. Usage Name is used to reference a Force Master from the parameter Use Force Master in the type SG Process. Allowed values A string with maximum 32 characters.
6 Topic Motion
6.12.3 Use Force Master Control
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6 Topic Motion
6.12.4 References Bandwidth
6 Topic Motion
6.12.5 Use Ramp Time
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6 Topic Motion
6.12.6 Ramp when Increasing Force
6 Topic Motion
6.12.7 Ramp Time
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6 Topic Motion
6.12.8 Collision LP Bandwidth
6 Topic Motion
6.12.9 Collision Alarm Torque
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6.12.10 Collision Speed
6 Topic Motion
6.12.11 Collision Delta Position
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6 Topic Motion
6.12.12 Force Detection Bandwidth
6 Topic Motion
6.12.13 Delay Ramp
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6 Topic Motion
6.12.14 Ramp to Real Contact
6 Topic Motion
6.13.1 The Force Master Control type
6.13 Type Force Master Control 6.13.1 The Force Master Control type
Overview This section describes the type Force Master Control, which belongs to the topic Motion. Each parameter of the type is described in a separate information topic in this section. Cfg name FORCE_MASTER_CONTROL Type description Force Master Control is used to prevent a servo tool from closing with too high a speed. If a servo tool is not completely closed when the force control starts, it can gain too much speed, which can cause damages when contact is reached. This can happen if the programmed thickness is too high, or if the servo tool tips are not properly calibrated. If the tool is ordered to close with a higher force, it might tolerate a higher speed at impact. The speed limit can be defined as a function of the closing torque, which is a function of the ordered tip force. The loop gain used for regulating the speed when it exceeds the limit is also specified. Up to 6 points can be defined for speed limit and speed loop gain.
Ordered closing torque: torque 1 torque 2 torque 3 torque 4 torque 5 torque 6 Speed limit: Speed Limit 1 Speed Limit 2 Speed Limit 3 Speed Limit 4 Speed Limit 5 Speed Limit 6 Speed loop gain: Kv 1 Kv 2 Kv 3 Kv 4 Kv 5 Kv 6
Speed limit 1 and Kv 1 are valid for all torque values lower than torque 1. The highest defined speed limit and loop gain are valid for all torque values higher than the highest defined torque. For torque values between defined points, linear interpolation is used. If only one point is defined, that speed limit and speed loop gain is valid for all torque values. Limitations Force Master Control can only be used if you have servo tools. Related information Application manual - Servo motor control. Continues on next page
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6 Topic Motion
6.13.1 The Force Master Control type Continued Example In this example, four points are used to define the speed limit and speed loop gain. Any values given for point 5 and 6 are ignored. The parameters in the type Force Master Control are set to the following values:
Parameter: No. of speed limits torque 1 torque 2 torque 3 torque 4 Speed Limit 1 Speed Limit 2 Speed Limit 3 Speed Limit 4 Kv 1 Kv 2 Kv 3 Kv 4 Value: 4 2 4 7 9 200 400 500 600 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.8
The results of this configuration are the following graphs for speed limit and speed loop gain:
Torque (Nm) Speed limit (rad/s on motor) Speed loop gain (Nms/rad)
6 Topic Motion
6.13.2 Name
6.13.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Force Master Control, in the topic Motion. Cfg name name Description The name of the Force Master Control. Usage Name is used to reference a Force Master Control from the parameter Use Force Master in the type Force Master. Allowed values A string with maximum 32 characters.
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6 Topic Motion
6.13.3 No. of Speed Limits
6 Topic Motion
6.13.4 Torque 1
6.13.4 Torque 1
Parent Torque 1 belongs to the type Force Master Control, in the topic Motion. Cfg name torque_1 Description Torque 1 defines the ordered closing torque for the first point in the speed limit graph (see Example on page 423). Usage Define the speed limit and speed loop gain you want for some torque values. Set Torque 1 to the torque value of the first point you want to specify. Limitations Torque 1 is used for servo tools and can only be used if you have the option Servo Tool Control. Allowed values A number between -1000 and 1000 in Nm. The default value is 1 Nm. Related information Application manual - Servo motor control.
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6 Topic Motion
6.13.5 Torque 2
6.13.5 Torque 2
Parent Torque 2 belongs to the type Force Master Control, in the topic Motion. Cfg name torque_2 Description Torque 2 defines the ordered closing torque for the second point (if more than one) in the speed limit graph (see Example on page 423). Usage Define the speed limit and speed loop gain you want for some torque values. Set Torque 2 to the torque value of the second point you want to specify. Prerequisites No. of Speed Limits must be set to 2 or higher, otherwise the value of Torque 2 is not used. Limitations Torque 2 can only be used if you have servo tools. Allowed values A number between -1000 and 1000 in Nm. The default value is 2 Nm. Related information No. of Speed Limits on page 425. Application manual - Servo motor control.
6 Topic Motion
6.13.6 Torque 3
6.13.6 Torque 3
Parent Torque 3 belongs to the type Force Master Control, in the topic Motion. Cfg name torque_3 Description Torque 3 defines the ordered closing torque for the third point (if more than two) in the speed limit graph (see Example on page 423). Usage Define the speed limit and speed loop gain you want for some torque values. Set Torque 3 to the torque value of the third point you want to specify. Prerequisites No. of Speed Limits must be set to 3 or higher, otherwise the value of Torque 3 is not used. Limitations Torque 3 can only be used if you have servo tools. Allowed values A number between -1000 and 1000 in Nm. The default value is 3 Nm. Related information No. of Speed Limits on page 425. Application manual - Servo motor control.
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6 Topic Motion
6.13.7 Torque 4
6.13.7 Torque 4
Parent Torque 4 belongs to the type Force Master Control, in the topic Motion. Cfg name torque_4 Description Torque 4 defines the ordered closing torque for the fourth point (if more than three) in the speed limit graph (see Example on page 423). Usage Define the speed limit and speed loop gain you want for some torque values. Set Torque 4 to the torque value of the fourth point you want to specify. Prerequisites No. of Speed Limits must be set to 4 or higher, otherwise the value of Torque 4 is not used. Limitations Torque 4 can only be used if you have servo tools. Allowed values A number between -1000 and 1000 in Nm. The default value is 4 Nm. Related information No. of Speed Limits on page 425. Application manual - Servo motor control.
6 Topic Motion
6.13.8 Torque 5
6.13.8 Torque 5
Parent Torque 5 belongs to the type Force Master Control, in the topic Motion. Cfg name torque_5 Description Torque 5 defines the ordered closing torque for the fifth point (if more than four) in the speed limit graph (see Example on page 423). Usage Define the speed limit and speed loop gain you want for some torque values. Set Torque 5 to the torque value of the fifth point you want to specify. Prerequisites No. of Speed Limits must be set to 5 or higher, otherwise the value of Torque 5 is not used. Limitations Torque 5 can only be used if you have servo tools. Allowed values A number between -1000 and 1000 in Nm. The default value is 5 Nm. Related information No. of Speed Limits on page 425. Application manual - Servo motor control.
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6 Topic Motion
6.13.9 Torque 6
6.13.9 Torque 6
Parent Torque 6 belongs to the type Force Master Control, in the topic Motion. Cfg name torque_6 Description Torque 6 defines the ordered closing torque for the sixth point (if all six points are used) in the speed limit graph (see Example on page 423). Usage Define the speed limit and speed loop gain you want for some torque values. Set Torque 6 to the torque value of the sixth point you want to specify. Prerequisites No. of Speed Limits must be set to 6, otherwise the value of Torque 6 is not used. Limitations Torque 6 can only be used if you have servo tools. Allowed values A number between -1000 and 1000 in Nm. The default value is 6 Nm. Related information No. of Speed Limits on page 425. Application manual - Servo motor control.
6 Topic Motion
6.13.10 Speed Limit 1
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6 Topic Motion
6.13.11 Speed Limit 2
6 Topic Motion
6.13.12 Speed Limit 3
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6 Topic Motion
6.13.13 Speed Limit 4
6 Topic Motion
6.13.14 Speed Limit 5
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6 Topic Motion
6.13.15 Speed Limit 6
6 Topic Motion
6.13.16 Kv 1
6.13.16 Kv 1
Parent Kv 1 belongs to the type Force Master Control, in the topic Motion. Cfg name Kv_1 Description Kv 1 defines the proportional gain in the speed loop for the torque specified in torque 1. This gain determines how fast the speed is regulated when the speed limit is exceeded. Usage Set Kv 1 to the proportional gain you want for the first point in the speed limit graph (see Example on page 423). Limitations Kv 1 can only be used if you have servo tools. Allowed values A number between 0.001 and 100. The default value is 0.5. Related information Torque 1 on page 426. Application manual - Servo motor control.
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6 Topic Motion
6.13.17 Kv 2
6.13.17 Kv 2
Parent Kv 2 belongs to the type Force Master Control, in the topic Motion. Cfg name Kv_2 Description Kv 2 defines the proportional gain in the speed loop for the torque specified in torque 2. This gain determines how fast the speed is regulated when the speed limit is exceeded. Usage Set Kv 2 to the proportional gain you want for the second point (if more than one) in the speed limit graph (see Example on page 423). Prerequisites No. of Speed Limits must be set to 2 or higher, otherwise the value of Kv 2 is not used. Limitations Kv 2 can only be used if you have servo tools. Allowed values A number between 0.001 and 100. The default value is 0.5. Related information Torque 2 on page 427. No. of Speed Limits on page 425. Application manual - Servo motor control.
6 Topic Motion
6.13.18 Kv 3
6.13.18 Kv 3
Parent Kv 3 belongs to the type Force Master Control, in the topic Motion. Cfg name Kv_3 Description Kv 3 defines the proportional gain in the speed loop for the torque specified in torque 3. This gain determines how fast the speed is regulated when the speed limit is exceeded. Usage Set Kv 3 to the proportional gain you want for the third point (if more than two) in the speed limit graph (see Example on page 423). Prerequisites No. of Speed Limits must be set to 3 or higher, otherwise the value of Kv 3 is not used. Limitations Kv 3 can only be used if you have servo tools. Allowed values A number between 0.001 and 100. The default value is 0.5. Related information Torque 3 on page 428. No. of Speed Limits on page 425. Application manual - Servo motor control.
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6 Topic Motion
6.13.19 Kv 4
6.13.19 Kv 4
Parent Kv 4 belongs to the type Force Master Control, in the topic Motion. Cfg name Kv_4 Description Kv 4 defines the proportional gain in the speed loop for the torque specified in torque 4. This gain determines how fast the speed is regulated when the speed limit is exceeded. Usage Set Kv 4 to the proportional gain you want for the fourth point (if more than three) in the speed limit graph (see Example on page 423). Prerequisites No. of Speed Limits must be set to 4 or higher, otherwise the value of Kv 4 is not used. Limitations Kv 4 can only be used if you have servo tools. Allowed values A number between 0.001 and 100. The default value is 0.5. Related information Torque 4 on page 429. No. of Speed Limits on page 425. Application manual - Servo motor control.
6 Topic Motion
6.13.20 Kv 5
6.13.20 Kv 5
Parent Kv 5 belongs to the type Force Master Control, in the topic Motion. Cfg name Kv_5 Description Kv 5 defines the proportional gain in the speed loop for the torque specified in torque 5. This gain determines how fast the speed is regulated when the speed limit is exceeded. Usage Set Kv 5 to the proportional gain you want for the fifth point (if more than four) in the speed limit graph (see Example on page 423). Prerequisites No. of Speed Limits must be set to 5 or higher, otherwise the value of Kv 5 is not used. Limitations Kv 5 can only be used if you have servo tools. Allowed values A number between 0.001 and 100. The default value is 0.5. Related information Torque 5 on page 430. No. of Speed Limits on page 425. Application manual - Servo motor control.
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6 Topic Motion
6.13.21 Kv 6
6.13.21 Kv 6
Parent Kv 6 belongs to the type Force Master Control, in the topic Motion. Cfg name Kv_6 Description Kv 6 defines the proportional gain in the speed loop for the torque specified in torque 6. This gain determines how fast the speed is regulated when the speed limit is exceeded. Usage Set Kv 6 to the proportional gain you want for the sixth point (if all six points are used) in the speed limit graph (see Example on page 423). Prerequisites No. of Speed Limits must be set to 6, otherwise the value of Kv 6 is not used. Limitations Kv 6 can only be used if you have servo tools. Allowed values A number between 0.001 and 100. The default value is 0.5. Related information Torque 6 on page 431. No. of Speed Limits on page 425. Application manual - Servo motor control.
6 Topic Motion
6.14.1 The Friction Compensation type
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6 Topic Motion
6.14.2 Name
6.14.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Friction Compensation, in the topic Motion. Cfg name name Description Name defines the name of the friction compensation. Limitations Name is only useful if you have the RobotWare option Advanced Shape Tuning. Allowed values A string with maximum 32 characters.
6 Topic Motion
6.14.3 Friction FFW On
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6 Topic Motion
6.14.4 Friction FFW Level
6 Topic Motion
6.14.5 Friction FFW Ramp
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6 Topic Motion
6.15.1 The Jog Parameters type
6 Topic Motion
6.15.2 Name
6.15.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Jog Parameters, in the topic Motion. Cfg name Name Description Name defines the name of the Jog parameters data. Allowed values A string with maximum 32 characters.
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6 Topic Motion
6.15.3 Configurable Linear Step Size
6 Topic Motion
6.15.4 Configurable Reorient Step Size
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6 Topic Motion
6.15.5 Configurable Joint Step Size
6 Topic Motion
6.16.1 The Joint type
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6 Topic Motion
6.16.2 Name
6.16.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Joint, in the topic Motion. Cfg name name Description Name defines the unique name to use for this joint. Allowed values A string with maximum 32 characters.
6 Topic Motion
6.16.3 Logical Axis
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6 Topic Motion
6.16.4 Use Drive System
6 Topic Motion
6.16.5 Use Process
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6 Topic Motion
6.16.6 Lock Joint in Ipol
6 Topic Motion
6.16.7 Follower to Joint
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6 Topic Motion
6.17.1 The Lag Control Master 0 type
6.17 Type Lag Control Master 0 6.17.1 The Lag Control Master 0 type
Overview This section describes the type Lag Control Master 0, which belongs to the topic Motion. Each parameter of the type is described in a separate information topic in this section. Cfg name LCM0 Type description The type Lag Control Master 0 is normally used for control of axes without any dynamic model. This is the case for some additional axes. For axes that have a dynamic model, Lag Control Master 0 is only used in exceptional cases.
6 Topic Motion
6.17.2 Name
6.17.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Lag Control Master 0, in the topic Motion. Cfg name name Description The name of the Lag Control Master 0. Usage Name is used to reference a Lag Control Master 0 from the parameter Normal Control Master in the type Joint. Allowed values A string with maximum 32 characters.
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6 Topic Motion
6.17.3 Kp, Gain Position Loop
6 Topic Motion
6.17.4 Kv, Gain Speed Loop
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6 Topic Motion
6.17.5 Ti Integration Time Speed Loop
6 Topic Motion
6.17.6 Forced Control Active
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6 Topic Motion
6.17.7 Forced Factor for Kp
6 Topic Motion
6.17.8 Forced Factor for Ki
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6 Topic Motion
6.17.9 Raise Time for Kp
6 Topic Motion
6.17.10 Notch Filter Active
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6 Topic Motion
6.17.11 Notch Filter Frequency
6 Topic Motion
6.17.12 Notch Filter Width
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6 Topic Motion
6.17.13 Notch Auto Mode
6 Topic Motion
6.17.14 Auto No Weave Frequency
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6 Topic Motion
6.17.15 Auto Min Frequency
6 Topic Motion
6.17.16 Auto Max Relative Change
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6 Topic Motion
6.17.17 FFW Mode
The default value is 0. Recommended value is 1. Related information Application manual - Additional axes and stand alone controller.
6 Topic Motion
6.17.18 Bandwidth
6.17.18 Bandwidth
Parent Bandwidth belongs to the type Lag Control Master 0, in the topic Motion. Cfg name bandwidth Description Defines the controller bandwidth when FFW Mode is set to 1 or 2. Usage A high bandwidth value gives faster control but increases risk of vibrations and overshoot. The default value is recommended, but can be reduced if undesired vibrations occur. Allowed values A value between 3 and 40. Default value is 25. Related information FFW Mode on page 477.
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6 Topic Motion
6.17.19 Df
6.17.19 Df
Parent Df belongs to the type Lag Control Master 0, in the topic Motion. Cfg name resonance_frequency Description Reduces oscillations. Usage Df can be used to damp oscillations of the axis due to mechanical resonance. Initially Df should be left at its default value. It can be adjusted once the other controller parameters have been fixed (Kv Gain Speed Loop, Kp Gain Position Speed Loop, Ti Integration Time Speed Loop, and Inertia). Df is only used when FFW Mode is set to 2. Allowed values A value between 2 and 100. Default value is 100. Related information FFW Mode on page 477. Kp, Gain Position Loop on page 463. Kv, Gain Speed Loop on page 464. Ti Integration Time Speed Loop on page 465. Inertia on page 482.
6 Topic Motion
6.17.20 Dw
6.17.20 Dw
Parent Dw belongs to the type Lag Control Master 0, in the topic Motion. Cfg name resonance_damping Description Can reduce oscillations further when Df is set. Usage The default value of Dw is recommended. Allowed values A value between 0.002 to 1. Default value is 0.01. Related information Df on page 479.
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6 Topic Motion
6.17.21 Delay
6.17.21 Delay
Parent Delay belongs to the type Lag Control Master 0, in the topic Motion. Cfg name delay_time Description Reduces overshoot. Usage Delay can be used when Df is set, to reduce overshoot but it impairs the axis coordination when increased. The default value of Delay should normally not be changed. Allowed values A value between 0.0 and 0.02. Default value is 0.004. Related information Df on page 479. Dw on page 480.
6 Topic Motion
6.17.22 Inertia
6.17.22 Inertia
Parent Inertia belongs to the type Lag Control Master 0, in the topic Motion. Cfg name inertia Description Defines the additional axis inertia (if rotation) or mass (if translation). Usage Inertia is used for calculating the torque when FFW Mode is set to 2. Allowed values A value between 0.0 and 10,000. Related information FFW Mode on page 477.
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6 Topic Motion
6.17.23 K Soft Max Factor
6 Topic Motion
6.17.24 K Soft Min Factor
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6 Topic Motion
6.17.25 Kp/Kv Ratio Factor
6 Topic Motion
6.17.26 Ramp Time
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6 Topic Motion
6.18.1 The Linked M Process type
6 Topic Motion
6.18.2 Name
6.18.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Linked M Process, in the topic Motion. Cfg name name Description Name defines the identity of the linked motor process. Usage The Name is used when referencing the linked motor process. The linked motor process defines the behavior of a joint for Electronically Linked Motors. Allowed values A string.
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6 Topic Motion
6.18.3 Offset Adjust. Delay Time
6 Topic Motion
6.18.4 Max Follower Offset
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6 Topic Motion
6.18.5 Max Offset Speed
6 Topic Motion
6.18.6 Offset Speed Ratio
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6 Topic Motion
6.18.7 Ramp Time
6 Topic Motion
6.18.8 Master Follower Kp
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6 Topic Motion
6.18.9 Torque follower
6 Topic Motion
6.18.10 Torque distribution
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6 Topic Motion
6.18.11 Follower axis pos. acc. reduction
6 Topic Motion
6.19.1 The Mains type
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6 Topic Motion
6.19.2 Name
6.19.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Mains, in the topic Motion. Cfg name name Description Name specifies the name of the mains tolerance setting it belongs to. Allowed values A string with maximum 32 characters, specifying the name. Related information How to optimize drive system parameters on page 341.
6 Topic Motion
6.19.3 Mains Tolerance Min
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6 Topic Motion
6.19.4 Mains Tolerance Max
6 Topic Motion
6.20.1 The Measurement Channel type
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6 Topic Motion
6.20.2 Name
6.20.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Measurement Channel, in the topic Motion. Cfg name name Description Name defines the axis computer's channel name. Allowed values A string with maximum 32 characters.
6 Topic Motion
6.20.3 Use Measurement Board Type
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6 Topic Motion
6.20.4 Disconnect at Deactivate
6 Topic Motion
6.20.5 Measurement Link
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6 Topic Motion
6.20.6 Board Position
6 Topic Motion
6.21.1 The Mechanical Unit type
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6 Topic Motion
6.21.2 Name
6.21.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Mechanical Unit, in the topic Motion. Cfg name name Description Name defines the name for the mechanical unit. Allowed values A string with maximum 32 characters.
6 Topic Motion
6.21.3 Use Activation Relay
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6 Topic Motion
6.21.4 Use Brake Relay
6 Topic Motion
6.21.5 Use Connection Relay
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6 Topic Motion
6.21.6 Use Robot
6 Topic Motion
6.21.7 Use Single 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
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6 Topic Motion
6.21.8 Allow Move of User Frame
6 Topic Motion
6.21.9 Activate at Start Up
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6 Topic Motion
6.21.10 Deactivation Forbidden
6 Topic Motion
6.21.11 Deactivate PTC superv. at disconnect
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6 Topic Motion
6.21.12 Activate from any motion task
6 Topic Motion
6.22.1 The Motion Planner type
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6 Topic Motion
6.22.2 Name
6.22.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Motion Planner, in the topic Motion. Cfg name name Description The name of the motion planner. Usage This is the public identity of the motion planner. It is used by the parameter Use Motion Planner in the type Mechanical Unit Group. Allowed values A string with maximum 32 characters. The name must not be changed! Related information The Mechanical Unit Group type on page 95 in the topic Controller.
6 Topic Motion
6.22.3 Brake on Time
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6 Topic Motion
6.22.4 Dynamic Resolution
6 Topic Motion
6.22.5 Path Resolution
The acceleration value of an additional axis (and the robot) is decreased using the first parameter of the RAPID instruction AccSet. The acceleration derivative is decreased using the second parameter of the RAPID instruction AccSet. The speed is increased. The distances between closely programmed positions are decreased. The number of simultaneously controlled axes are increased. Using coordinated interpolation. Using Weldguide. Using the option Conveyor Tracking. Using RAPID controlled path correction. Using multitasking with computationally demanding RAPID programs. Reorienting with a small or no TCP movement.
6 Topic Motion
6.22.5 Path Resolution Continued Related information Technical reference manual - RAPID overview. Application manual - Motion coordination and supervision.
6 Topic Motion
6.22.6 Queue Time
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6 Topic Motion
6.22.7 Teach Mode Max Speed
6 Topic Motion
6.22.8 Process Update Time
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6 Topic Motion
6.22.9 Prefetch Time
6 Topic Motion
6.22.10 Event Preset Time
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6 Topic Motion
6.22.11 CPU Load Equalization
6 Topic Motion
6.22.12 Restrict placing of circlepoints
If a circle point is modified (modpos) then the planned path is recalculated so that when restarting the program the robot will follow the new path if the conditions for restricted placing of circlepoints are fulfilled, regardless of if the function is activated or not. Related information Technical reference manual - RAPID Instructions, Functions and Data types.
6 Topic Motion
6.22.12 Restrict placing of circlepoints Continued Example The example shows a planned path from P10 to P20 in anti clockwise direction (A). If the robot is standing between P10 and P20 when execution is started then the robot might want to use the other direction (B). If Restrict placing of circlepath is set to Yes then an error message is displayed that the TCP is not within safe limits.
6 Topic Motion
6.22.13 Use Motion Supervision
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6 Topic Motion
6.22.14 Motion Supervision Permanent Off
6 Topic Motion
6.22.15 Motion Supervision Max Level
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6 Topic Motion
6.22.16 Remove Corner Path Warning
6 Topic Motion
6.22.17 Time Event Supervision
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6 Topic Motion
6.22.18 High Interpolation Priority
6 Topic Motion
6.22.19 Speed Control Warning
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6 Topic Motion
6.22.20 Speed Control Percent
6 Topic Motion
6.22.21 Use spline parameters
NOTE! mp1 stands for motion planner 1, that is, robot 1. mp2 stands for motion planner 2, that is, robot 2. Limitations The parameter is valid only for IRB 360.
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6 Topic Motion
6.22.22 Use additional interp. object batch
6 Topic Motion
6.22.23 Bandwidth of path pose filter
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6 Topic Motion
6.22.24 Circle Speed Priority
6 Topic Motion
6.22.25 Number of Internal Event Objects
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6 Topic Motion
6.23.1 The Motion Supervision type
6 Topic Motion
6.23.2 Name
6.23.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Motion Supervision, in the topic Motion. Cfg name name Description Name defines the name of the motion supervision setup. Limitation This parameter cannot be changed. Related information How to tune motion supervision on page 343.
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6 Topic Motion
6.23.3 Path Collision Detection
6 Topic Motion
6.23.4 Jog Collision Detection
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6 Topic Motion
6.23.5 Path Collision Detection Level
6 Topic Motion
6.23.6 Jog Collision Detection Level
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6 Topic Motion
6.23.7 Collision Detection Memory
6 Topic Motion
6.23.8 Manipulator supervision
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6 Topic Motion
6.23.9 Manipulator supervision level
6 Topic Motion
6.24.1 The Motion System type
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6 Topic Motion
6.24.2 Name
6.24.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Motion System, in the topic Motion. Cfg name name Description Name specifies the name of the Motion System type. Allowed values A string with maximum 32 characters.
6 Topic Motion
6.24.3 Min Temperature Cabinet
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6 Topic Motion
6.24.4 Max Temperature Cabinet
6 Topic Motion
6.24.5 Min Temperature Robot
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6 Topic Motion
6.24.6 Max Temperature Robot
6 Topic Motion
6.25.1 The Motor type
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6 Topic Motion
6.25.2 Name
6.25.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Motor, in the topic Motion. Cfg name name Description Name defines the name of the motor. Allowed values A string with maximum 32 characters.
6 Topic Motion
6.25.3 Use Motor Type
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6 Topic Motion
6.25.4 Use Motor Calibration
6 Topic Motion
6.26.1 The Motor Calibration type
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6 Topic Motion
6.26.2 Name
6.26.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Motor Calibration, in the topic Motion. Cfg name name Description Name specifies the name of the motor calibration setting it belongs to. Usage Name is used to reference the Motor Calibration from the parameter Use Motor Calibration in the type Motor. Allowed values A string with maximum 32 characters.
6 Topic Motion
6.26.3 Commutator Offset
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6 Topic Motion
6.26.4 Commutator Offset Valid
6 Topic Motion
6.26.5 Calibration Offset
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6 Topic Motion
6.26.6 Calibration Offset Valid
6 Topic Motion
6.26.7 Calibration Sensor Position
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6 Topic Motion
6.27.1 The type Motor Type
6 Topic Motion
6.27.2 Name
6.27.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Motor Type, in the topic Motion. Cfg name name Description The name of the Motor Type. Usage Name is used to reference a motor type from the parameter Use Motor Type in the type Motor. Allowed values A string with maximum 32 characters.
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6 Topic Motion
6.27.3 Pole Pairs
6 Topic Motion
6.27.4 Stall Torque
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6 Topic Motion
6.27.5 ke Phase to Phase
6 Topic Motion
6.27.6 Max Current
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6 Topic Motion
6.27.7 Phase Resistance
6 Topic Motion
6.27.8 Phase Inductance
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6 Topic Motion
6.28.1 The Path Sensor Synchronization type
6.28 Type Path Sensor Synchronization 6.28.1 The Path Sensor Synchronization type
Parent This section describes the type Path Sensor Synchronization which belongs to the topic Motion. Each parameter of this type is described in a separate information topic in this section. Cfg name PATH_SENSOR_SYNC Type description The type Path Sensor Synchronization define settings for sensor synchronization. The parameters of this type are used to set limits for the movements of a robot that is synchronized with an external device. Limits can be set for allowed deviation between calculated and actual position, and minimum/maximum TCP speed. Limitations Path Sensor Synchronization can only be used if you have the option Sensor synchronization installed. Related information Application manual - Motion coordination and supervision, chapter Sensor synchronization.
6 Topic Motion
6.28.2 Name
6.28.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Path Sensor Synchronization, in the topic Motion. Cfg name name Description Name defines the name for the path sensor synchronization. Allowed values A string with maximum 32 characters.
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6 Topic Motion
6.28.3 Max Advance Distance
Usage If the interpolated position of the sensor axis is ahead of the actual position, a collision may occur. For example, if the robot enter a press based on the information that the press is open, but the press is actually still closed, the robot may move into the closed press. This can be avoided by using Max Advance Distance. If Max Advance Distance is exceeded, motion and execution is stopped. Limitations Max Advance Distance can only be used if you have the option Sensor synchronization installed. Allowed values A value between 0.01 and 5.0 (meters of movement on the external device that is connected to the sensor). Default value is 0.1.
6 Topic Motion
6.28.4 Max Delay Distance
Usage If the interpolated position of the sensor axis is behind the actual position, a collision may occur. A robot that is moving in an area where the external device will be later in the cycle can collide with the external device because of the incorrect timing. This can be avoided by using Max Delay Distance. If Max Delay Distance is exceeded, motion and execution is stopped. Max Delay Distance can be disabled by setting its value to 0. Limitations Max Delay Distance can only be used if you have the option Sensor synchronization installed. Continues on next page
584 Copyright 2004-2012 ABB. All rights reserved. 3HAC17076-1 Revision: Q
6 Topic Motion
6.28.4 Max Delay Distance Continued Allowed values A numeric value between 0.0 and 5.0 (meters of movement on the external device that is connected to the sensor). Default value is 0, which means that the supervision of the delay distance is not used.
6 Topic Motion
6.28.5 Max Synchronization Speed
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6 Topic Motion
6.28.6 Min Synchronization Speed
6 Topic Motion
6.28.7 Synchronization Type
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6 Topic Motion
6.29.1 The Process type
6 Topic Motion
6.29.2 Name
6.29.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Process, in the topic Motion. Cfg name name Description Name defines the identity of the process. Usage The Name of the process is used by a joint to call the process. The process calls a linked motor process (type Linked M Process) or a servo gun process (type SG Process). Limitations This parameter is useful only if you have either of the RobotWare base functionality Electronically Linked Motors or option Spot Servo. Allowed values A string.
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6 Topic Motion
6.29.3 Use SG Process
6 Topic Motion
6.29.4 Use Linked Motor Process
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6 Topic Motion
6.30.1 The Relay type
6 Topic Motion
6.30.2 Name
6.30.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Relay, in the topic Motion. Cfg name name Description The name of the Relay. Usage Name is used to refer a Relay from the parameters Use Activation Relay, Use Brake Relay, and Use Connection Relay in the type Mechanical Unit. Allowed values A string with maximum 32 characters.
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6 Topic Motion
6.30.3 Output Signal
6 Topic Motion
6.30.4 Input Signal
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6 Topic Motion
6.31.1 The Robot type
6 Topic Motion
6.31.2 Name
6.31.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Robot, in the topic Motion. Cfg name name Description Name defines the name of the robot. Limitations This parameter cannot be changed.
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6 Topic Motion
6.31.3 Use Robot Type
6 Topic Motion
6.31.4 Use Old SMB
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6 Topic Motion
6.31.5 Use Robot Calibration
r1_uncalib r2_uncalib r3_uncalib r4_uncalib Absolute Accuracy is deactivated for the robot. not_used_un- not_used_un- not_used_un- not_used_un- Absolute Accuracy is deactivated for the calib calib calib calib robot. Should only be used if no other value is selectable.
6 Topic Motion
6.31.6 Use Joint 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
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6 Topic Motion
6.31.7 Base Frame x, y, z
6 Topic Motion
6.31.8 Base Frame q1, q2, q3, q4
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6 Topic Motion
6.31.9 Base Frame Moved by
6 Topic Motion
6.31.10 Gravity Alpha
6 Topic Motion
6.31.10 Gravity Alpha Continued Lower Joint Bound on page 359. Gravity Beta on page 608.
6 Topic Motion
6.31.11 Gravity Beta
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6 Topic Motion
6.31.12 Gamma Rotation
6 Topic Motion
6.31.13 Upper Work Area x, y, z
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6 Topic Motion
6.31.14 Lower Work Area x, y, z
6 Topic Motion
6.31.15 Upper Check Point Bound x, y, z
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6 Topic Motion
6.31.16 Lower Check Point Bound x, y, z
6 Topic Motion
6.31.17 Use Six Axes Corvec
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6 Topic Motion
6.31.18 Track Conveyor with Robot
6 Topic Motion
6.31.19 Max External Pos Adjustment
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6 Topic Motion
6.31.20 7 axes high performance motion
6 Topic Motion
6.31.21 Time to Inposition
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6 Topic Motion
6.31.22 Orientation Supervision Off
6 Topic Motion
6.31.23 Conveyor Tool Change Mode
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6 Topic Motion
6.31.24 Mech.Unit Not Moving Detection Level
6 Topic Motion
6.32.1 The Robot Serial Number type
6.32 Type Robot Serial Number 6.32.1 The Robot Serial Number type
Overview This section describes the type Robot Serial Number, which belongs to the topic Motion. Each parameter of this type is described in a separate information topic in this section. Cfg name ROBOT_SERIAL_NUMBER Type description The type Robot Serial Number contains parameters that define the robots serial number. Related information The Robot type on page 597.
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6 Topic Motion
6.32.2 Name
6.32.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Robot Serial Number, in the topic Motion. Cfg name name Description Name specifies the name of the robot that the serial number belongs to. Allowed values A string with maximum 32 characters.
6 Topic Motion
6.32.3 Robot Serial Number High Part
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6 Topic Motion
6.32.4 Robot Serial Number Low Part
6 Topic Motion
6.33.1 The SG Process type
When calculating the force-torque function, the origin (force=0, torque=0) is considered to be an extra point in the diagram. For tip force values between points,
6 Topic Motion
6.33.1 The SG Process type Continued linear interpolation is used. For tip force values higher than the highest defined tip force, extrapolation from the last two points is used. Example In this example, four points are used to define the relation between tip force and motor torque. Any values given for point 5 to 10 are ignored. These parameters and values are configured:
Parameter: Number of Stored Forces Tip Force 1 Tip Force 2 Tip Force 3 Tip Force 4 Motor Torque 1 Motor Torque 2 Motor Torque 3 Motor Torque 4 Value: 4 50 200 500 1800 3 7 10 15
The results of this configuration is the following graph for motor torque as function of tip force:
6 Topic Motion
6.33.2 Name
6.33.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type SG Process, in the topic Motion. Cfg name name Description The name of the SG Process. Usage Name is used to reference a SG Process from the parameter Use SG Process in the type Process. Allowed values A string with maximum 32 characters.
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6 Topic Motion
6.33.3 Use Force Master
6 Topic Motion
6.33.4 Sync Check Off
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6 Topic Motion
6.33.5 Close Time Adjust.
6 Topic Motion
6.33.6 Close Position Adjust.
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6 Topic Motion
6.33.7 Force Ready Delay
6 Topic Motion
6.33.8 Max Force Control Motor Torque
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6 Topic Motion
6.33.9 Post-synchronization Time
6 Topic Motion
6.33.10 Calibration Mode
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6 Topic Motion
6.33.11 Calibration Force High
6 Topic Motion
6.33.12 Calibration Force Low
Calibration Force Low affects the gun position calibration. Usage It is recommended to set Calibration Force Low to a value close to the lowest force you intend to use the servo gun for, but not a higher value than half the value of Calibration Force High. Limitations Calibration Force Low can only be used if you have servo tools. Allowed values A numeric value between 0 and 12000 (N). The default value is 1500 N.
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6 Topic Motion
6.33.13 Calibration Time
6 Topic Motion
6.33.14 Number of Stored Forces
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6 Topic Motion
6.33.15 Tip Force 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
6 Topic Motion
6.33.15 Tip Force 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Continued Usage Measure the tip force and the motor torque for some different values. Set Tip Force 1 to the tip force value of the first point you want to specify, and Motor Torque 1 to the corresponding motor torque. Set Tip Force 2 to the tip force value of the second point you want to specify, and Motor Torque 2 to the corresponding motor torque. Set Tip Force 3 to the tip force value of the third point you want to specify, and Motor Torque 3 to the corresponding motor torque. Set Tip Force 4 to the tip force value of the fourth point you want to specify, and Motor Torque 4 to the corresponding motor torque. Set Tip Force 5 to the tip force value of the fifth point you want to specify, and Motor Torque 5 to the corresponding motor torque. Set Tip Force 61 to the tip force value of the sixth point you want to specify, and Motor Torque 6 to the corresponding motor torque. Set Tip Force 7 to the tip force value of the seventh point you want to specify, and Motor Torque 7 to the corresponding motor torque. Set Tip Force 8 to the tip force value of the eighth point you want to specify, and Motor Torque 8 to the corresponding motor torque. Set Tip Force 9 to the tip force value of the ninth point you want to specify, and Motor Torque 9 to the corresponding motor torque. Set Tip Force 10 to the tip force value of the tenth point you want to specify, and Motor Torque 10 to the corresponding motor torque. Limitations Tip Force can only be used for servo tools. Allowed values A numeric value between 0 and 20000 (N).
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6 Topic Motion
6.33.16 Motor Torque 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
6 Topic Motion
6.33.16 Motor Torque 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Continued Set Motor Torque 1 to the motor torque value of the first point you want to specify, and Tip Force 1 to the corresponding tip force. Set Motor Torque 2 to the motor torque value of the second point you want to specify, and Tip Force 2 to the corresponding tip force. Set Motor Torque 3 to the motor torque value of the third point you want to specify, and Tip Force 3 to the corresponding tip force. Set Motor Torque 4 to the motor torque value of the fourth point you want to specify, and Tip Force 4 to the corresponding tip force. Set Motor Torque 5 to the motor torque value of the fifth point you want to specify, and Tip Force 5 to the corresponding tip force. Set Motor Torque 6 to the motor torque value of the sixth point you want to specify, and Tip Force 6 to the corresponding tip force. Set Motor Torque 7 to the motor torque value of the seventh point you want to specify, and Tip Force 7 to the corresponding tip force. Set Motor Torque 8 to the motor torque value of the eighth point you want to specify, and Tip Force 8 to the corresponding tip force. Set Motor Torque 9 to the motor torque value of the ninth point you want to specify, and Tip Force 91 to the corresponding tip force. Set Motor Torque 10 to the motor torque value of the tenth point you want to specify, and Tip Force 10 to the corresponding tip force. Limitations Motor Torque can only be used for servo tools. Allowed values A numeric value between -100 and 100 (Nm).
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6 Topic Motion
6.33.17 Squeeze Position 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
6 Topic Motion
6.33.18 Soft Stop Timeout
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6 Topic Motion
6.34.1 The Single type
6 Topic Motion
6.34.2 Name
6.34.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Single, in the topic Motion. Cfg name name Description Name defines the name of the single. Allowed values A string with maximum 32 characters.
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6 Topic Motion
6.34.3 Use Single Type
6 Topic Motion
6.34.4 Use Joint
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6 Topic Motion
6.34.5 Base Frame x, y, z
6 Topic Motion
6.34.6 Base Frame q1, q2, q3, q4
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6 Topic Motion
6.34.7 Base Frame Coordinated
6 Topic Motion
6.34.8 Mech.Unit Not Moving Detection Level
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6 Topic Motion
6.35.1 The type Single Type
6 Topic Motion
6.35.2 Name
6.35.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Single Type in the topic Motion. Cfg name name Description Name defines the name of the single type. Allowed values A string with maximum 32 characters.
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6 Topic Motion
6.35.3 Mechanics
6.35.3 Mechanics
Parent Mechanics belongs to the type Single Type in the topic Motion. Cfg name mechanics Description Mechanics defines what type of mechanics the single type uses. Allowed values The following mechanics are available/allowed:
Value: TRACK FREE_ROT SG_LIN EXT_LIN EXT_ROT SS_LIN SS_ROT Description: Linear track motion Rotating axis Servo Gun Conveyor, linear Conveyor, rotating Sensor synchronization, linear movement Sensor synchronization, rotating movement
Related information Application manual - Additional axes and stand alone controller.
6 Topic Motion
6.36.1 The Stress Duty Cycle type
6.36 Type Stress Duty Cycle 6.36.1 The Stress Duty Cycle type
Overview This section describes the type Stress Duty Cycle, which belongs to the topic Motion. Each parameter of the type is described in a separate information topic in this section. Cfg name STRESS_DUTY_CYCLE Type description The type Stress Duty Cycle is used to protect axes, gearboxes, etc. Damages due to too high mechanical forces are avoided by setting limits for speed and torque. Limitations Parameters of the type Stress Duty Cycle can only be defined for additional axes.
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6 Topic Motion
6.36.2 Name
6.36.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Stress Duty Cycle, in the topic Motion. Cfg name name Description The name of the Stress Duty Cycle. Usage Name is used to reference a Stress Duty Cycle from the parameter Use Stress Duty Cycle in the type Drive System. Allowed values A string with maximum 32 characters.
6 Topic Motion
6.36.3 Speed Absolute Max
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6 Topic Motion
6.36.4 Torque Absolute Max
6 Topic Motion
6.37.1 The Supervision type
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6 Topic Motion
6.37.2 Name
6.37.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Supervision, in the topic Motion. Cfg name name Description The name of the supervision. Allowed values A string with maximum 32 characters.
6 Topic Motion
6.37.3 Brake Release Supervision On
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6 Topic Motion
6.37.4 Speed Supervision
6 Topic Motion
6.37.5 Position Supervision
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6 Topic Motion
6.37.6 Counter Supervision
6 Topic Motion
6.37.7 Jam Supervision
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6 Topic Motion
6.37.8 Load Supervision
6 Topic Motion
6.37.9 Power Up Position Supervision
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6 Topic Motion
6.37.10 In Position Range
6 Topic Motion
6.37.11 Zero Speed
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6 Topic Motion
6.37.12 Affects Forced Control
6 Topic Motion
6.37.13 Forced on Position Limit
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6 Topic Motion
6.37.14 Forced off Position Limit
6 Topic Motion
6.37.15 Thermal Supervision Sensitivity Ratio
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6 Topic Motion
6.38.1 The type Supervision Type
6 Topic Motion
6.38.2 Name
6.38.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Supervision Type, in the topic Motion. Cfg name name Description The name of the Supervision Type. Usage Name is used to reference a Supervision Type from the parameter Use Supervision Type in the type Supervision. Allowed values A string with maximum 32 characters.
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6 Topic Motion
6.38.3 Max Force Control Position Error
Limitations Max Force Control Position Error can only be used if you have servo tools. Allowed values A numeric value between 0 and 0.10 (meter). The default value is 0.03 m.
6 Topic Motion
6.38.4 Max Force Control Speed Limit
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6 Topic Motion
6.38.5 Dynamic Power Up Position Limit
6 Topic Motion
6.38.6 Teach Max Speed Main
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6 Topic Motion
6.38.7 Teach Max Speed DSP
6 Topic Motion
6.38.8 Max Jam Time
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6 Topic Motion
6.38.9 Max Overload Time
6 Topic Motion
6.38.10 Auto Max Speed Supervision Limit
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6 Topic Motion
6.38.11 Influence Group
6 Topic Motion
6.38.12 Alarm Position Limit for Brake Release
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6 Topic Motion
6.38.13 Position OK Ratio for Brake Release
6 Topic Motion
6.39.1 The Transmission type
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6 Topic Motion
6.39.2 Name
6.39.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Transmission, in the topic Motion. Cfg name name Description The name of the Transmission. Usage Name is used to reference a Transmission from the parameter Use Transmission in the type Joint. Allowed values A string with maximum 32 characters.
6 Topic Motion
6.39.3 Rotating Move
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6 Topic Motion
6.39.4 Transmission Gear Ratio
6 Topic Motion
6.39.5 Transmission Gear High
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6 Topic Motion
6.39.6 Transmission Gear Low
6 Topic Motion
6.40.1 The Uncalibrated Control Master 0 type
6.40 Type Uncalibrated Control Master 0 6.40.1 The Uncalibrated Control Master 0 type
Overview This section describes the type Uncalibrated Control Master 0, which belongs to the topic Motion. Each parameter of the type is described in a separate information topic in this section. Cfg name UCCM0 Type description The type Uncalibrated Control Master 0 is used to regulate uncalibrated axes. If one axis in a mechanical unit is uncalibrated, Uncalibrated Control Master 0 is used to regulate all axes in that mechanical unit.
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6 Topic Motion
6.40.2 Name
6.40.2 Name
Parent Name belongs to the type Uncalibrated Control Master 0, in the topic Motion. Cfg name UCCM0 name Description The name of the Uncalibrated Control Master 0. Usage Name is used to reference an Uncalibrated Control Master 0 from the parameter Uncalibrated Control Master in the type Joint. Allowed values A string with maximum 32 characters.
6 Topic Motion
6.40.3 Kp, Gain Position Loop
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6 Topic Motion
6.40.4 Kv, Gain Speed Loop
6 Topic Motion
6.40.5 Ti Integration Time Speed Loop
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6 Topic Motion
6.40.6 Speed Max Uncalibrated
6 Topic Motion
6.40.7 Acceleration Max Uncalibrated
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6 Topic Motion
6.40.8 Deceleration Max Uncalibrated
acceleration data, type, 349 access level, type, 157 application protocol, type, 37 arm, type, 355 arm check point, type, 375 arm load, type, 378 Auto Condition Reset, type, 72 automatically switch jog unit, type, 308 motion planner, type, 520 motion supervision, type, 547 motion system, type, 556 motor, type, 562 motor calibration, type, 566 motor type, type, 573
NORMAL task type, 137 NoSafety trustlevel, 140
backup settings, type, 22, 310 brake, type, 383 bus, type, 165
operator safety, type, 110
path return region, type, 116 path sensor synchronization, type, 581 physical channel, type, 53 PROC.cfg, 29 process, type, 589
communication, topic, 33 configuration files, 29 controller, topic, 69 control parameters, type, 392 cross connection, type, 174
relay, type, 593 robot, type, 597 robot serial number, type, 622 Run Mode Settings, type, 122
drive module, type, 397 drive system, type, 400 drive unit, type, 22, 403, 405
EIO.cfg, 29 event routine, type, 84
safety run chain, type, 125 SEMISTATIC task type, 137 SG process, type, 626 signal, type, 191 single, type, 647 single type, type, 655 SIO.cfg, 29 STATIC task type, 137 stress duty cycle, type, 658 supervision type, type, 677 SYS.cfg, 29 SysFail trustlevel, 140 SysHalt trustlevel, 140 SysStop trustlevel, 140 system input, type, 219 system misc, type, 128 system output, type, 259 system parameter definition, 27
fieldbus command, type, 182 fieldbus command type, type, 186 force master, type, 408 force master control, type, 422 friction compensation, type, 444
I/O, topic, 149 Internal Slave, 305
jog parameters, type, 449 joint, type, 454
lag control master 0, type, 461 linked m process, type, 487
task, type, 134 topic definition, 27 transmission, type, 690 transmission protocol, type, 62 type definition, 27
mains, type, 498 man-machine communication, 307 measurement channel, type, 502 mechanical unit, type, 508 mechanical unit group, type, 95 MMC.cfg, 29 MOC.cfg, 29 modpos settings, type, 100 most common I/O signal, type, 322 most common instruction, type, 315 motion, topic, 331
uncalibrated control master, type, 696 unit, type, 288 unit type, type, 299
warning at start, type, 328
Contact us
ABB AS, Robotics Discrete Automation and Motion Box 265 N-4349 BRYNE, Norway Telephone: +47 51489000 ABB Engineering (Shanghai) Ltd. 5 Lane 369, ChuangYe Road KangQiao Town, PuDong District SHANGHAI 201319, China Telephone: +86 21 6105 6666
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ABB AB Discrete Automation and Motion Robotics S-721 68 VSTERS, Sweden Telephone +46 (0) 21 344 400