Oct12c Elec
Oct12c Elec
Oct12c Elec
In polling conducted before Hurricane Sandy hit the east coast, the presidential contest shows little movement and remains close. President Barack Obama holds just a one point lead over Mitt Romney, within the polls margin of error. In this poll, Romney is viewed as stronger on the economy. The President does better on foreign policy areas, but his lead over Romney has narrowed on some measures. President Obama continues to have an advantage on empathy, but more see Romney as a strong leader. Women now support President Obama by eight points, while Romney has a seven point lead among men. Independents support Romney as well.
The Presidential Race The poll was conducted in the days before Hurricane Sandy made landfall on the East Coast. In the poll, the presidential election remains close and little changed. President Obama has just a one point lead among likely voters, within the polls margin of error. Results of a CBS News Poll released last week were similar. 2012 Vote for President (Among likely voters) 10/30 10/22 Barack Obama 48% 48 % Mitt Romney 47 46 Undecided 3 4
9/2012 49% 46 4
With just a week to go before the election, 10% of likely voters are still uncommitted, saying they are either undecided or could change their minds about who to vote for. Enthusiasm about voting is higher among supporters of Mitt Romney than it is among those supporting President Obama. Enthusiastic about Voting (Among likely voters) Obama voters Romney voters 59% 68% 29 20 11 11
Most likely voters now claim to be paying a lot of attention to the campaign, including similar percentages of Obama and Romney voters.
Attention to the Campaign (Among likely voters) Obama voters Romney voters A lot 78% 79% Some 17 20 Not much/none 5 1 About nine in 10 of each candidates supporters say their mind is made up. Who is Supporting Who? There is still a gender gap in the race: women support the President, while men support Romney, although each candidates lead is in single digits. Each candidate gets strong support from their respective political parties, but Mitt Romney now holds a lead among the swing voting group of independents. Romney retains the support of white voters, while the President enjoys strong support from nonwhites. Who Would You Vote for if the Candidates Were? (Among likely voters) Obama Romney Total 48% 47% Men Women Republicans Democrats Independents Whites Non-whites The Candidates on the Issues Mitt Romney now leads the president on the economy by six points; the two candidates were running closer on this issue earlier this month. Romney continues his advantage on handling the deficit (and has widened it). He also leads the President on handling illegal immigration. President Obama leads his Republican rival on foreign policy and terrorism, but his lead on those issues has narrowed. He also has an advantage on the issues of Medicare and abortion. The candidates are close on taxes and health care. 44% 52% 6% 93% 39% 39% 83% 51 44 91 5 51 56 14
Who Will Do a Better Job? (Among likely voters) Now Previously Obama Romney Obama Romney Economy and jobs 45% 51 45% 48 (10/22) Foreign policy 49% 44 50% 41 (10/22) Terrorism & security 49% 44 49% 42 (10/22) Budget deficit 39% 54 42% 48 (10/22) Health care 48% 45 50% 46 (9/14) Taxes 46% 47 48% 46 (9/14) Medicare 51% 42 50% 43 (9/14) Abortion 51% 39 n/a n/a Illegal immigration 42% 48 n/a n/a The President continues to be seen as the candidate who would do more to help the middle class. Who Will Do More to Help the Middle Class? (Among likely voters) Now 9/14 52% 54% 43 40
Obama Romney
Romney, however, has an advantage on the issue of bipartisanship. By a large margin, voters think Romney rather than the President would work better with both Republicans and Democrats in Congress. Who Will Work Better with Republicans & Democrats In Congress? (Among likely voters) All Reps Dems Inds Obama 39% 6% 80% 27% Romney 50 89 8 57 Voters views of the two candidates differ sharply on corporate taxes. 80% think President Obama would raise taxes on business if he were re-elected; 70% think Mitt Romney would not do so if he becomes president. About half think each man would raise taxes on people like them if elected. Would He Raise Taxes on (Among likely voters) People like you Businesses 50% 80% 42 15 52% 44 23% 70
Obama would Obama would not Romney would Romney would not Candidate Qualities
As has been the case throughout this campaign, President Obama continues to have an advantage over Romney on empathy: A majority says he understands the needs and problems of people like them. The President enjoys an even larger advantage when asked specifically
about the needs of women in the workforce. However, more voters think Romney has strong qualities of leadership than say that about the President. Obama vs. Romney: Empathy and Leadership (Among likely voters) Obama Romney Strong qualities of leadership Yes 59% 67% No 39 30 Understands needs and problems Yes 59% 49% No 39 48 Understands needs & problems of women in workforce Yes 66% 46% No 29 50 But some voters perceive Romney as pandering to voters. 54% of likely voters say Romney says what people want to hear, while 42% thinks he says what he believes. Views of the President on this characteristic are more closely divided. Do the Candidates Mostly Say (Among likely voters) Obama Romney 50% 42% 47 54
On handling an international crisis, more voters express a lot of confidence in the President than in Romney. Confidence in Handling an International Crisis (Among likely voters) Barack Obama Mitt Romney Now 10/22 Now 10/22 A lot 40% 38% 30% 30% Some 22 24 27 28 A little 15 15 15 16 None at all 22 22 26 25 More than half of voters think each candidate has made it clear what he would accomplish if elected, but four in ten disagree. Made Clear What They Would Accomplish (Among likely voters) Obama Romney 57% 53% 41 46
Yes No
Overall, more than four in 10 likely voters describe each candidates positions as being about right. 42% think the Presidents views are too liberal, while 35% think Romneys are too conservative.
Among moderates, six in 10 say the Presidents positions are about right. Fewer say that about Romney. In fact, 44% of moderates think Romneys positions are too conservative for them. Obamas Views on Issues (Among likely voters) All Lib Mod Cons 42% 2% 31% 74% 9 23 6 6 46 75 60 17
Romneys Views on Issues (Among likely voters) All Lib Mod Cons Too conservative 35% 75% 44% 7% Not conservative enough 15 9 10 23 About right 45 9 40 68 The Debates Two in three likely voters say the presidential and vice presidential debates have been important in their presidential vote decision, including 34% who say the debates have been very important. Among those who say they were important, Romney has a slight lead, 51% to 45%, over President Obama. The President The Obama administration receives negative marks for their handling of the recent attacks in Libya. Just 39% of Americans approve of how they have handled that, and more, 45%, disapprove. About three in 4 Americans have heard or read a lot about the attacks. Obama Administrations Handling of Libya Attacks (Among all) All Reps Dems Inds Approve 39% 12% 66% 32% Disapprove 45 77 18 48 Evaluations of the administration on this measure are more negative among likely voters. Just 38% of them approve, and 51% disapprove, including 57% of independents. The Presidents approval rating overall is 50%; 42% disapprove. ___________________________________________________________________
This poll was conducted by telephone from October 25-28, 2012 among 898 adults nationwide, including 798 registered voters. The sample size for likely voters is 563. Not all likely voters are assigned the same probability of voting. Phone numbers were dialed from samples of both standard land-line and cell phones. CBS News and The New York Times originally intended for the interviewing for this poll to continue through Tuesday evening. By Sunday the demographic characteristics of the sample were similar to what would have been expected had interviewing continued. The error due to sampling for results based on the entire sample could be plus or minus three percentage points. Among registered voters and likely voters, the error due to sampling could be plus or minus four percentage points. The error for subgroups may be higher. Percentages may not add to 100% due to rounding. This poll release conforms to the Standards of Disclosure of the National Council on Public Polls.
CBS NEWS/NEW YORK TIMES POLL Before the Storm: The Presidential Race October 25 28, 2012 >attn< How much attention have you been able to pay to the 2012 Presidential campaign -a lot, some, not much, or no attention so far? ** LIKELY VOTERS ** ***** Party ID ***** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 78 80 79 73 19 19 15 22 3 1 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
q1 Thinking about November's presidential election, overall, would you say you are very enthusiastic, somewhat enthusiastic, not too enthusiastic, or not enthusiastic at all about voting? Very Somewhat Not too Not at all DK/NA 62 24 9 3 2 72 16 8 1 2 67 26 5 2 1 49 29 15 5 2
q2 Compared to past presidential elections, how would you describe your level of enthusiasm about voting in the 2012 presidential election this year -- are you more enthusiastic than usual, less enthusiastic, or about the same as usual? More enthusiastic Less enthusiastic Same DK/NA q3 HELD FOR FUTURE RELEASE q4/q5 If the 2012 presidential election were being held today and the candidates were Barack Obama for President and Joe Biden for Vice President, the Democrats, and Mitt Romney for President and Paul Ryan for Vice President, the Republicans, would you vote for Barack Obama and Joe Biden or Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan? If DEPENDS or DONT KNOW: Well as of today, do you lean more toward Barack Obama and Joe Biden or more toward Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan? Obama/Biden Romney/Ryan Won't vote (Vol.) Other (Vol.) DK/NA 48 47 0 1 3 6 91 0 0 2 93 5 0 0 1 39 51 1 2 7 50 14 36 1 60 9 31 0 43 8 48 1 47 25 27 0
q6 Is your mind made up or is it still too early to say for sure? ** LIKELY VOTERS Obama Voters % 90 10 0 ** Romney Voters % 95 4 0
Mind made up Too early to say for sure DK/NA q7 HELD FOR FUTURE RELEASE
Total % 93 7 0
q8 Would you describe your support for [Selected Candidate] as strongly favoring [Selected Candidate], or do you like [Selected Candidate] but with reservations, or do you support [Selected Candidate] because you dislike [Candidate NOT Selected]? * LIKELY VOTERS Obama Voters % 68 19 12 1 ** Romney Voters % 57 25 17 1
Strongly favor Like but with reservations Dislike other candidate Don't know/No answer
Total % 63 22 14 1
q9 Regardless of how you intend to vote for President in 2012, who do you expect to finally win the 2012 presidential election-Mitt Romney or Barack Obama? ** LIKELY VOTERS ** ***** Party ID ***** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 36 70 6 37 49 15 83 44 4 2 4 7 11 13 7 12
q10 As far as making progress on the important issues facing the country is concerned, does it really matter who wins the 2012 presidential election, or will things be pretty much the same regardless of who is elected president? * REGISTERED VOTERS * ***** Party ID ***** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 72 76 78 61 25 21 17 36 3 3 4 3
Really matters who wins Things will pretty much same DK/NA
q12/Q13 If the 2012 election for U.S. House of Representatives were being held today, would you vote for the Republican candidate or the Democratic candidate in your district?/ Well as of today, do you lean more toward the Republican candidate or more toward the Democratic candidate? ** LIKELY VOTERS **** Party ID Rep Dem % % 91 4 7 94 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 1 ** ***** Ind % 49 38 1 1 7 4
Republican Democratic Other (vol.) Won't Vote (vol.) Depends (vol.) DK/NA
Total % 46 48 0 0 3 2
q14 Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as President? *** TOTAL RESPONDENTS *** ***** Party ID ***** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % Approve 50 9 89 42 Disapprove 42 88 5 44 DK/NA 8 3 5 13 q15 Do you feel things in this country are generally going in the right direction or do you feel things have pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track? Right direction Wrong track DK/NA 39 54 7 6 89 4 73 17 10 30 63 7
q16 Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling foreign policy? Approve Disapprove DK/NA 47 41 12 11 83 6 81 7 12 41 44 16
q17 Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling the economy? Approve Disapprove DK/NA 46 47 7 9 88 3 83 10 7 37 53 10
q18 Do you approve or disapprove of the way Congress is handling its job? Approve Disapprove DK/NA 15 75 10 17 73 10 18 71 10 11 79 10
q19 How would you rate the condition of the national economy these days? Is it very good, fairly good, fairly bad, or very bad? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** ***** Party ID **** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 2 0 6 0 30 11 50 24 36 39 31 38 31 49 12 36 1 1 1 2
q20 Do you think the economy is getting better, getting worse, or staying about the same? Better Worse Same DK/NA 36 28 35 1 13 47 39 1 63 6 30 2 27 35 37 0
q22 Which comes closest to your view about the tax cuts passed in 2001 and 2003? 1. The tax cuts should be continued for everyone. 2. The tax cuts should only continue for household incomes under $250,000 a year. 3. The tax cuts should expire for everyone. Continue for all Continue for under $250,000 Expire for all Don't know/No answer 35 42 15 8 56 28 11 5 20 53 20 7 33 41 14 11
q23 Which comes closest to your view about illegal immigrants who are currently working in the U.S.? 1. They should be allowed to stay in their jobs and to eventually apply for U.S. citizenship. 2. They should be allowed to stay in their jobs only as guest workers, but not to apply for U.S. citizenship. 3. They should be required to leave their jobs and leave the U.S. Allowed to stay and apply Stay as guest worker Required to leave Don't know/No answer 51 20 24 5 39 21 33 7 67 16 14 3 44 23 28 6
q24 Overall, what do you think is the best way to reduce the federal budget deficit--by cutting federal spending, by increasing taxes, or by a combination of both? Cut federal spending Raising taxes Combination of both Don't know/No answer 30 2 64 5 46 2 50 2 18 1 77 5 30 2 61 6
q27 Is your opinion of Barack Obama favorable, not favorable, undecided, or haven't you heard enough about Barack Obama yet to have an opinion? ** LIKELY VOTERS ** ***** Party ID ***** Rep Dem Ind % % % 5 91 35 90 4 48 2 4 15 0 1 2 2 0 1
Total % 46 46 7 1 1
q28 Is your opinion of Mitt Romney favorable, not favorable, undecided, or haven't you heard enough about Mitt Romney yet to have an opinion? Favorable Not favorable Undecided Haven't heard enough Refused 44 43 11 3 0 85 9 3 3 1 7 79 11 3 0 44 36 17 2 0
q29 Is your opinion of Joe Biden favorable, not favorable, undecided, or haven't you heard enough about Joe Biden yet to have an opinion? Favorable Not favorable Undecided Haven't heard enough Refused 37 43 10 10 0 6 83 4 7 1 74 5 8 14 0 27 46 19 8 0
q30 Is your opinion of Paul Ryan favorable, not favorable, undecided, or haven't you heard enough about Paul Ryan yet to have an opinion? Favorable Not favorable Undecided Haven't heard enough Refused 35 34 11 20 0 73 5 7 15 1 5 63 7 25 0 32 29 20 19 0
q31 In deciding how you will vote for President this year, which ONE of the following issues will be most important to you: 1. terrorism, 2. foreign policy, 3. the economy, 4. the budget deficit, 5. taxes, 6. health care, 7. education or 8. something else? Terrorism Foreign policy The economy Budget deficit Taxes Health care Education Something else DK/NA 2 5 51 8 3 15 10 5 2 2 5 66 10 3 11 1 3 1 2 2 39 4 4 20 22 4 3 2 7 49 10 2 15 5 9 3
q32 And which one of the following issues will be NEXT most important to you: 1. terrorism, 2. foreign policy, 3. the economy, 4. the budget deficit, 5. taxes, 6. health care, 7. education or 8. something else? AMONG LIKELY VOTERS WHO CHOSE ECONOMY AS TOP ISSUE IN Q31 % 9 15 2 21 13 27 12 0 1
Terrorism Foreign policy The economy Budget deficit Taxes Health care Education Something else DK/NA
q33 Regardless of how you intend to vote, which candidate do you think would do a better job handling each of the following issues - Barack Obama or Mitt Romney? Which candidate would do a better job handling the economy and unemployment? ** LIKELY VOTERS ** ***** Party ID ***** Rep Dem Ind % % % 5 89 37 94 8 56 1 2 1 0 0 2 0 1 5
Total % 45 51 1 1 2
q34 Regardless of how you intend to vote, which candidate would do a better job handling health care? Obama Romney Both (vol.) Neither (vol.) DK/NA 48 45 1 2 3 8 86 1 4 2 88 6 1 0 4 44 50 1 2 4
q35 Which candidate do you think would do a better job handling the federal budget deficit -- Barack Obama or Mitt Romney? (IF NECESSARY: Regardless of how you intend to vote, which candidate do you think would do a better job handling the federal budget deficit -- Barack Obama or Mitt Romney?) Obama Romney Both (vol.) Neither (vol.) DK/NA 39 54 1 2 4 5 93 1 1 0 80 13 2 2 3 28 61 1 4 7
q36 Which candidate would do a better job handling foreign policy? (IF NECESSARY: Regardless of how you intend to vote, which candidate do you think would do a better job handling foreign policy Barack Obama or Mitt Romney?) ** LIKELY VOTERS ** ***** Party ID ***** Rep Dem Ind % % % 8 88 47 86 7 43 1 0 1 2 0 2 3 5 7
Total % 49 44 1 1 5
q37 Which candidate would do a better job handling taxes? (IF NECESSARY: Regardless of how you intend to vote, which candidate do you think would do a better job handling taxes -- Barack Obama or Mitt Romney?) Obama Romney Both (vol.) Neither (vol.) DK/NA 46 47 1 2 4 6 88 2 2 2 85 11 0 1 2 40 47 1 3 9
q38 Which candidate would do a better job handling Medicare? (IF NECESSARY: Regardless of how you intend to vote, do a better job handling Medicare -- Barack Obama or Obama 51 11 91 Romney 42 84 5 Both (vol.) 1 1 0 Neither (vol.) 2 1 1 DK/NA 4 3 3 which candidate do you think would Mitt Romney?) 46 43 2 3 7
q39 Which candidate do you think would do more to help middle class Americans? (IF NECESSARY: Regardless of how you intend to vote, which candidate do you think would do more to help middle class Americans -- Barack Obama or Mitt Romney?) Obama 52 10 94 47 Romney 43 88 4 43 Both (vol.) 1 1 0 1 Neither (vol.) 1 1 0 2 DK/NA 4 1 1 8 q40 Which candidate do you think would do a better job of dealing with the issue of abortion? (IF NECESSARY: Regardless of how you intend to vote, which candidate do you think would do a better job of dealing the issue of abortion -- Barack Obama or Mitt Romney?) Obama 51 13 89 46 Romney 39 76 7 38 Both (vol.) 0 1 0 0 Neither (vol.) 1 1 0 2 DK/NA 9 9 4 14
q41 Which candidate do you think would do a better job of dealing with illegal immigration? (IF NECESSARY: Regardless of how you intend to vote, which candidate do you think would do a better job of dealing with illegal immigration -- Barack Obama or Mitt Romney?) ** LIKELY VOTERS ** ***** Party ID ***** Rep Dem Ind % % % 4 81 36 88 11 49 1 1 1 3 2 5 4 4 8
Total % 42 48 1 3 6
q42 Which candidate do you think would do a better job of dealing with terrorism and national security? (IF NECESSARY: Regardless of how you intend to vote, which candidate do you think would do a better job of dealing with terrorism and national security -- Barack Obama or Mitt Romney?) Obama Romney Both (vol.) Neither (vol.) DK/NA 49 44 2 1 5 10 85 2 0 3 89 6 2 1 2 42 46 2 2 8
q43 Which candidate do you think would work better with both Democrats and Republicans in Congress? (IF NECESSARY: Regardless of how you intend to vote, which candidate do you think would work better with both Democrats and Republicans in Congress - Barack Obama or Mitt Romney?) Obama Romney Both (vol.) Neither (vol.) DK/NA 39 50 2 3 5 6 89 3 1 1 80 8 2 3 6 27 57 2 6 9
q46 Do you think Barack Obama has strong qualities of leadership, or not? Has 59 24 94 56 Does not have 39 75 4 42 Don't know/No answer 2 1 1 2 q47 Do you think Barack Obama does or does not understand the needs and problems of people like yourself? Yes 59 21 93 59 No 39 77 7 39 DK/NA 2 2 0 2 q48 Do you think Barack Obama says what he believes most of the time, or does he say what he thinks people want to hear? Says what he believes What people want to hear Don't know/No answer 50 47 3 17 81 1 90 8 2 38 57 5
q49 How much confidence do you have in Barack Obama's ability to handle an international crisis -- a lot, some, a little, or none at all? ** LIKELY VOTERS ** ***** Party ID ***** Rep Dem Ind % % % 6 83 26 19 12 36 26 2 19 48 1 19 2 1 1
Total % 40 22 15 22 1
q50 Do you think Barack Obama has made it clear what he wants to accomplish if he were re-elected President, or not? Clear Not clear Don't know/No answer 57 41 2 37 63 0 82 16 1 48 47 5
q51 Do you think Barack Obama's views on most issues are too liberal for you, not liberal enough, or just about right? Too liberal Not liberal enough About right Don't know/No answer 42 9 46 3 77 9 10 4 4 10 84 1 48 8 39 5
q52 How much confidence do you have in Barack Obama's ability to make appointments to the Supreme Court -- a lot, some, a little, or none at all? A lot Some A little None at all DK/NA 40 19 9 30 2 6 14 18 58 3 81 13 4 2 0 27 29 6 34 4
q53 If he were re-elected President, do you think Barack Obama would raise taxes on people like yourself, or wouldn't he do that? Would Would not DK/NA 50 42 8 79 13 8 18 74 8 56 37 7
q54 If he were re-elected President, do you think Barack Obama would raise taxes on big business, or wouldn't he do that? Would Would not DK/NA 80 15 6 82 15 3 75 19 6 82 10 8
q55 Do you think Barack Obama understands the needs and problems of women in the work force, or not? Yes 66 40 92 63 No 29 51 7 32 Don't know/No answer 5 10 1 5
q58 Do you think Mitt Romney has strong qualities of leadership, or not? ** LIKELY VOTERS ** ***** Party ID ***** Rep Dem Ind % % % 94 38 73 5 57 25 1 6 2
Total % 67 30 3
q59 Do you think Mitt Romney does or does not understand the needs and problems of people like yourself? Yes 49 86 16 51 No 48 13 83 44 DK/NA 2 2 1 5 q60 Do you think Mitt Romney says what he believes most of the time, or does he say what he thinks people want to hear? Says what he believes What people want to hear Don't know/No answer 42 54 3 74 23 3 12 85 3 45 51 4
q61 How much confidence do you have in Mitt Romney's ability to handle an international crisis -- a lot, some, a little, or none at all? A lot Some A little None at all Don't know/No answer 30 27 15 26 2 64 28 5 3 1 5 21 21 52 1 27 33 17 19 4
q62 Do you think Mitt Romney has made it clear what he wants to accomplish if he were elected president, or not? Yes No Don't know/No answer 53 46 2 83 16 1 28 71 1 51 46 3
q63 Do you think Mitt Romney's views on most issues are too conservative for you, not conservative enough, or just about right? Too conservative Not conservative enough About right Don't know/No answer 35 15 45 6 5 12 82 1 60 22 9 9 37 10 47 6
q64 How much confidence do you have in Mitt Romney's ability to make appointments to the Supreme Court -- a lot, some, a little, or none at all? A lot Some A little None at all DK/NA 31 27 11 29 2 65 27 3 3 2 7 17 16 58 3 26 36 12 23 3
q65 If he were elected President, do you think Mitt Romney would raise taxes on people like yourself, or wouldn't he do that? ** LIKELY VOTERS ** **** Party ID *** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 52 25 80 47 44 71 16 48 4 4 4 4
q66 If he were elected President, do you think Mitt Romney would raise taxes on big business, or wouldn't he do that? Would 23 28 20 22 Would not 70 59 78 72 DK/NA 7 14 2 6 q67 Do you think Mitt Romney understands the needs and problems of women in the work force, or not? Yes No Don't know/No answer 46 50 4 83 13 4 14 83 3 44 50 5
q68 If elected, how closely do you think Mitt Romney would follow the economic policies of George W. Bush--very closely, somewhat closely, not too closely or not at all closely? Very closely Somewhat closely Not too closely Not at all closely DK/NA 27 40 18 12 4 9 49 30 10 3 51 31 8 7 3 19 40 18 19 5
q69 Since he became the Republican nominee, do you think Mitt Romney has become more moderate in his positions, more conservative, or hasn't he changed his positions? More moderate More conservative Hasn't changed More liberal (Vol.) DK/NA 33 18 40 0 8 31 16 52 0 1 35 16 34 1 13 33 21 35 0 10
q70 Since becoming president, do you think Barack Obama has become more moderate in his positions, more liberal, or hasn't he changed his positions? More moderate More liberal Hasn't changed More conservative (Vol.) DK/NA 26 25 44 1 4 13 43 40 0 4 31 12 51 2 4 32 22 41 0 5
q71 Which comes closest to your view of Barack Obama's economic policies? 1. They are improving the economy now, and will probably continue to do so, or 2. They have not improved the economy yet, but will if given more time, or 3. They are not improving the economy and probably never will. ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** ***** Party ID ***** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % Improving economy 31 6 59 22 Not improved but will 27 14 32 31 Not improving and never will 38 74 5 44 Made economy worse (Vol.) 1 3 0 1 Don't know/No answer 3 2 3 3 q73 How much have you heard or read about the recent attack on the American consulate in Libya and the killing of the U.S. ambassador - a lot, some, or not much? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** ***** Party ID ***** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 47 61 39 45 30 24 36 29 21 15 25 23 2 0 1 3 0 1 0 0
q74 Do you approve or disapprove of how the Obama Administration has handled the recent attacks in Libya? Approve Disapprove DK/NA 39 45 16 12 77 10 66 18 16 32 48 20
q75 Which of these comes closest to your view? 1. Abortion should be generally available to those who want it. 2. Abortion should be available but under stricter limits than it is now. 3. Abortion should not be permitted. Generally available Available but limits Should not be permitted Don't know/No answer 46 32 20 2 29 42 28 1 62 24 12 1 42 33 21 4
q76 What would you like to see Congress do when it comes to the health care law? 1. Expand the health care law, OR 2. Keep the entire health care law as it is, OR 3. Repeal the part of the law that requires Americans to obtain health insurance if they don't have it, but keep the rest of the law intact, OR 4. Repeal the entire health care law. Expand the law Keep entire law in place Repeal the mandate only Repeal the entire law DK/NA 22 21 19 29 8 6 6 22 59 7 36 36 15 4 8 21 17 21 31 10
q77 In order to keep Medicare financially sound, do you think it will be necessary or not necessary to make changes to the program? IF YES: Do you think major changes or minor changes will be necessary? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** ***** Party ID ***** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 39 52 26 42 39 35 45 37 13 6 21 10 9 8 8 11
q78 Which of these two descriptions comes closer to your view of what Medicare should look like for people who are now under 55 who would be eligible for Medicare coverage in about ten years? 1. Medicare should continue as it is today, with the government providing seniors with health insurance, OR, 2. Medicare should be changed to a system in which the government would provide seniors with a fixed amount of money toward purchasing private health insurance or Medicare insurance. Should continue as is Should be changed DK/NA 63 29 7 46 44 10 80 16 4 60 31 9
q79 From what youve heard or read, do you think Barack Obama is removing U.S. troops from Afghanistan too quickly, not quickly enough, or is he handling this about right? Too quickly Not quickly enough About right Don't know/No answer 17 24 52 6 35 28 29 8 4 18 76 2 17 28 47 8
q80 Thinking about Iran, which comes closer to your opinion? 1. Iran is a threat to the United States that requires military action now. 2. Iran is a threat that can be contained with diplomacy now. 3. Iran is not a threat to the United States at this time. Threat requiring action now Threat that can be contained Not a threat at this time DK/NA 20 55 16 8 30 59 9 2 11 60 21 8 23 48 16 13
q83 Compared to past presidential campaigns, do you think the campaign this year has been more positive, more negative, or about the same as past campaigns? More positive More negative About the same DK/NA 10 45 42 3 8 44 46 2 16 44 37 3 5 47 45 3
q86 Have you been contacted on behalf of either Presidential candidate over the past couple of weeks whether it was by a letter, by e-mail, by telephone, or in person by a campaign worker? Yes, Romney Yes, Obama Yes, both No contact Don't know/No answer 10 13 21 54 2 21 4 17 56 3 3 26 20 50 0 8 7 25 57 3
q87 How concerned are you that you will encounter problems that might prevent you from voting or prevent your vote from being counted accurately - very concerned, somewhat concerned, not very concerned, or not at all concerned? ** TOTAL RESPONDENTS ** ***** Party ID ***** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 11 8 14 9 17 14 19 16 13 12 12 15 57 64 52 57 2 2 3 2 Likely Voters % 10 17 13 59 1
q88 In general, would you say the presidential and vice presidential debates have been very important, somewhat important, not very important or not important at all in your voting decision for President? ** LIKELY VOTERS ** ***** Party ID ***** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 34 36 38 29 32 36 29 31 12 8 11 17 21 19 21 23 0 0 0 1
q89 Which one of the following is your main source of political news and information -Television, Internet, newspaper, radio, talking with others or social media like Facebook and Twitter? *** REGISTERED VOTERS *** ***** Party ID ***** Total Rep Dem Ind % % % % 58 61 65 47 21 16 16 29 7 8 8 7 5 9 2 6 3 4 3 3 4 1 4 7 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 Unweighted 898 257 297 344 798 563 175 (31%) 200 (36%) 188 (33%) Weighted 242 321 335
Television Internet Newspaper Radio Talking with Social media Don't follow Other source DK/NA Total Total Total Total
Total Registered Voters Total Likely Voters Republican likely voters Democratic likely voters Independent likely voters