AircooledTech S Tools-On-The-Cheap - DIY Soda Blaster
AircooledTech S Tools-On-The-Cheap - DIY Soda Blaster
AircooledTech S Tools-On-The-Cheap - DIY Soda Blaster
Soda 8IasIer or Carb CIeanine &
CIeanine and rebuiIdine your carbs can be diIIicuII Ihese days. The reaIIy eood
cIeaners oI yesIer-year are no Ioneer avaiIabIe now IhaI Ihey have been deemed
"bad Ior Ihe environmenI" and ouIIawed. The cIeaners we couId aIways counI on
are now eIIecIiveIy rendered aImosI useIess. Awe yes, ! remember beine abIe Io
buy a eaIIon can oI carb-dip aI Ihe IocaI parIs sIore and iI wouId sIrip decades oI
erime away over niehI wiIh one 12 hour soakine. Now Ihe same brand bareIy
Ioosens varnish IeI aIone cIeans iI away wiIh days oI soak Iime. . . You sIiII need Io
eeI carbs cIean, buI chemicaIs Ioday |usI can'I do iI aIone and you don'I wanI Io
spend an aIIernoon scrubbine aII Ihe nooks and crannies oI your carb housines.
WhaI's a euy (or eaI) Io do??
8IasI Ihem!! "8uI waiI", you say, "8IasIine my carbs wiII IiII Ihem wiIh eriI IhaI
!'II never eeI ouI and my expensive carbs wiII be ruined." The soIuIion is Io use
bakine soda as Ihe media. Yes, common, househoId bakine soda!! "8uI don'I ! have
Io own a bIasIine cabineI or pressure bIasIer in order Io bIasI my carbs??" The
answer is NO. 8eIow is a IisI oI Ihe iIems you need in addiIion Io an air source Iike
an air compressor:
-1 - air eun aIIachmenI
1 - Iwo IooI IeneIh oI 7/16" cIear vinyI hose
1 - one IooI piece oI wood doweI, meIaI rod or Ihick wire
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1 oI 9 31/10/12 06:41
1 - box oI bakine soda
1 - smaII roII oI Iape (maskine or ducI)
1 - sharp kniIe (or razor bIade)
NOT: As Iar as air compressors are concerned Ior bIasIine, Ihe bieeer Ihen
beIIer. The more CM iI IIows Ihe beIIer Ihe resuIIs wiII be. !I you Iry and bIasI
wiIh a Iiny 2 eaIIon compressor, you wiII be disappoinIed. or besI resuIIs use a
compressor wiIh aI IeasI a 2S eaIIon Iank IhaI IIows aI IeasI 6 - 7 CM. ! personaIIy
use a 60 eaIIon, Shp, upriehI, !neersoI Rand and eeI IanIasIic resuIIs. Aeain, Ihe
bieeer compressor Ihe beIIer.
You sIarI by cuIIine your IeneIh oI vinyI hose approximaIeIy 2-2.S IeeI Ione.
VinyI hose is avaiIabIe aI home sIores Iike Home DepoI, Lowes, eIc. Ior around
$2.00 Ior a 10 IooI roII. Then measure Irom one end in abouI 2" and mark iI wiIh a
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2 oI 9 31/10/12 06:41
Take your kniIe or razor bIade and make a smaII cuI across Ihe hose ONLY
Ihroueh one side. The cuI needs Io be |usI Iaree enoueh so IhaI Ihe Iip oI Ihe air
wand aIIachmenI wiII sIick inIo Ihe hose. SIick Ihe Iip oI Ihe air wand inIo Ihe
hose and IeI iI sIick in abouI 1/4" - 1/2".
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3 oI 9 31/10/12 06:41
PosiIionine your wand Iip Iike Ihis wiII creaIe a venIuri eIIecI in Ihe hose causine
Ihe soda Io be puIIed up Irom Ihe box by Iow pressure and mixed wiIh Ihe hieh
pressure air Irom Ihe wand. Use one IeneIh oI Iape Io wrap around Ihe end oI Ihe
air wand and hose. This wiII keep Ihe hose in Ihe proper posiIion on Ihe wand Iip
durine bIasIine.
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4 oI 9 31/10/12 06:41
! cuI Ihe oIher end oI Ihe vinyI hose aI a 4S deeree aneIe Io aIIow beIIer IIow oI
Ihe soda inIo Ihe hose. Then ! Iape Ihe piece oI doweI, meIaI rod or wire Io Ihe
oIher end oI Ihe hose. This wiII heIp keep iI Irom curIine up in Ihe box oI soda and
heIp you keep eood IIow inIo Ihe hose. You wiII need Io periodicaIIy shake Ihe box
Io keep Ihe soda IIowine niceIy.
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S oI 9 31/10/12 06:41
Now you have your uIIra Iow-Iech & cheap soda bIasIer ready Ior bIasIine!!
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6 oI 9 31/10/12 06:41
WARN!NC: 8IasIine shouId ONLY be done ouIside in a weII venIiIaIed area such
as a paIio or concreIe driveway. OI course proper eye proIecIion and a Iace mask
shouId aIways be worn. 8akine soda is noI poisonous buI iI IeeIs Iike your
breaIhine a soII drink iI you inhaIe iI and iI's irriIaIine, so proIecI Ihose Iunes!!
8akine soda wiII eeI aII over you and Ihe surroundine area, buI don'I worry, iI
won'I harm anyIhine. ]usI wear some cIoIhs you don'I need Io wear Ior a hoI daIe
IaIer because Ihey wiII be coaIed whiIe when you're done. Ad|usI your air
pressure Io abouI 80 - 90 psi on your compressor. You onIy need Io hoId Ihe
bIasIer Iip abouI 6" or so Irom your carb parIs and beein Ihe bIasIine.
Soda is a soII media and wiII noI harm Ihe IacIory Iinish oI your carbs. !I
removes aII oreanic maIIer Irom Ihe carb bodies as weII as heavy corrosion scaIe
in aIuminum. !I wiII noI remove rusI or corrosion Irom sIeeI hardware; iI onIy
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7 oI 9 31/10/12 06:41
removes Ihe scaIe buiId-up. You can IreeIy bIasI inIo passaees and Ihe carb bowIs
since soda dissoIves wiIh waIer!!
Once you are Iinished bIasIine, simpIy pIace aII your parIs inIo a poI oI warm Iap
waIer. The soda wiII dissoIve inIo Ihe waIer and Ieave NO RS!DU behind. Then
bIow ouI Ihe passaees wiIh air |usI as you normaIIy wouId and your carbs are
ready Ior re-assembIy.
The mess on Ihe concreIe cIeans up |usI as easy. SimpIy spray iI down wiIh Ihe
earden hose Io dissoIve Ihe soda. NO causIic chemicaIs Io seep inIo Ihe eround
waIer Ior IuIure eeneraIions Io deaI wiIh; Ihis is a reaI "ereen" soIuIion Io carb
cIeanine and iI's inexpensive Ioo.
8eIow are a Iew beIore and aIIer phoIos oI some rare Porsche 3S6 carbs IhaI !
cIeaned wiIh Ihis exacI Iow-Iech bIasIer. The resuIIs speak Ior IhemseIves. ToIaI
cosI Ior Ihis bIasIer is abouI $S incIudine Ihe box oI soda!! So Ihe nexI Iime you
need your carbs cIeaned, eive Ihis AircoolcdTcch; Tools-on-thc-chcp soda bIasIer a
Iry and see whaI you Ihink. !'II beI you never eo back Io chemicaI carb cIeaners
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8 oI 9 31/10/12 06:41
See Ihe Caraee NiehI euys IeaIure video oI my soda bIasIer in acIion here:
Do you have a cheap buI eIIecIive IooI soIuIion Ior a VW probIem?? Send me your
Iricks, Iips and cooI, Iow-buck soIuIions and who knows, you may have iI IeaIured
here in Ihe IuIure.
-MaiI Me
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CopyriehI 2002 AII riehIs reserved.
Revised: ApriI 10, 2010 .
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9 oI 9 31/10/12 06:41