Traffic Engineering and Management

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1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Define traffic engineering What is the scope of traffic engineering? What are the characteristics of road users? What are the characteristics of vehicles? Explain skid resistance and braking efficiency. What is off tracking? What are the various traffic studies? What are the characteristics of roads

PART-B 1) A) Explain the scope of traffic engineering in detail B) Explain the various definitions for traffic engineering 2) Explain the road use characteristics and vehicular use characteristics in detail. 3) What are the components of traffic engineering and explain the components of road? 4) Explain the components of traffic. 5) Explain in detail about the land use characteristics of traffic engineering. 6) a) In a braking test, a vehicle travelling at a speed of 30kmph was stopped by applying brakes fully and the skid marks were 5.8m in length. Determine the average skid resistance of the pavement surface. b) A vehicle travelling at 40kmph was stopped within 1.8 seconds after the application of brakes. Determine the average skid resistance. c) A vehicle was stopped in 1.4 seconds by fully jamming the brakes and the skid marks measured 7m. Determine the average skid resistance.

d) A vehicle moving at 40kmph speed was stopped by applying the brake and the length of skid mark was 12.2m. If the average skid resistance of the pavement is known to be 0.70, determine the brake efficiency of the test vehicle. e) A vehicle has a wheel base of 6.4m . What is the off tracking while negotiating a curved path with a mean radius of 32m. UNIT-2 PART-A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. PART-B 1. Explain in detail about traffic volume study measuring the traffic volume and presentation of traffic volume study. 2. Explain in detail about the speed studies, measuring the speed and presentation of speed data. 3. A) Spot speed studies were carried out at a certain stretch of a highway and the consolidated data collected are given below. Speed range, kmph No of vehicles Speed range, kmph No of vehicles observed observed 0 to 10 12 50 to 60 255 10 to 20 18 60 to 70 119 20 to 30 68 70 to 80 43 30 to 40 89 80 to 90 33 40 to 50 204 90 to 100 9 Determine (i) the upper and lower values or speed limits for regulation of mixed traffic flow and (ii) the design speed for checking the geometric design elements of the highway. Explain the importance of traffic studies. Explain the ferm pcu with various examples. What are the methods of volume counting? What are the different types of speeds? Explain the presentation of spot speed data. Explain 85th , 98th and 15th percentile speed. What is model and median speed? What is the importance of origin and destination studies? Explain speed and delay study in traffic engineering. Define traffic volume, density and capacity. Explain the types of traffic flow characteristics. Derive the relation between speed, travel time, volume, density and capacity.

B) The table below gives the consolidated data of spot speed studies on a section of a road. Determine the most preferred speed at which maximum proportion of vehicles travels. Speed range, kmph No of vehicles Speed range, kmph No of vehicles observed observed 0 to 10 0 50 to 60 216 10 to 20 11 60 to 70 68 20 to 30 30 70 to 80 24 30 to 40 105 80 to 90 0 40 to 50 233 C) The consolidated data collected from speed and delay studies by floating car method on a stretch of urban road of length 3.5km, running North-South are given below. Determine the average values of volume, journey speed and running speed of the traffic stream along either direction. Trip No Direction of Journey Total No of No of No of trip Time stopped vehicles vehicles vehicles Min-sec delay overtaking overtaken from opp. Min-sec Direction 1 N-S 6-32 1-40 4 7 268 2 S-N 7-14 1-50 5 3 186 3 N-S 6-50 1-30 5 3 280 4 S-N 7-40 2-00 2 1 200 5 N-S 6-10 1-10 3 5 250 6 S-N 8-00 2-22 2 2 170 7 N-S 6-28 1-40 2 5 290 8 S-N 7-30 1-40 3 2 160

4) Explain in detail about the origin and destination studies with method of collecting O & D data, presentation of O & D data. 5) a) Explain traffic capacity study, determination of theoretical capacity, factors affecting practical capacity, design capacity and level of service. b) Explain passenger car unit in detail. 6) Explain accident studies, causes for accidents, accident studies and records, accident investigation. 7) A vehicle of weight 2.0 tonne skids through a distance equal to 40m before colliding with another parked vehicle of weight 1.0 tonne. After collision both the vehicles skid through a distance equal to 12m before stopping. Compute the initial speed of the moving vehicle. Assume coefficient of friction as 0.5. Case (ii) When the two vehicles approaching from right angles collide 8)Explain in detail about the relationship between speed, travel time, volume, density and capacity with appropriate diagrams and graphs. 9)Explain parking and pedestrian studies.

UNIT-3 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) PART A What are four phases in Traffic Regulations and laws? Explain them briefly. Explain the concept of One way streets with their Advantages and disadvantages. What are the main Traffic control devices? Explain Traffic Signs with various types of Traffic signs. Explain Regulatory signs and name their sub-divisions. Explain Warning Signs. Explain Informatory signs with their sub-divisions. What are the advantages of Traffic Signal. What are the dis-advantages of Traffic Signal. What are the types of Traffic signal? What are the types of Traffic signal system? What are the different types of Road Markings available? What are the methods available in Traffic Signal Design? What are the different types of Pavement Markings available? What are the different types of Kerb Markings available? Explain briefly about traffic control aids. Explain briefly about Street Furniture. What are the computer Applications in Traffic Signal Design.

PART B 1) a) Explain the Importance of Traffic Signs? b) What are the General principles of Traffic signs? c) What are the Types of Traffic Signs? d) Explain the Practices followed by the Americans, UN, IRC, Europeans in using the Mandatory signs. 2) Explain with appropriate diagrams for the following Signs. Danger Signs (Warning signs/Cautionary signs), Prohibitory Signs Mandatory Signs Informatory Signs Indication signs Direction Signs, Advance Direction Signs, Place Identification signs. Overhead Signs Route Marker Signs Location, Height and Maintanance of Traffic Signs

3) a) b) c) d) e) 4) a) Briefly explain about Traffic Lane Lines and overtaking zone markings and No overtaking zone markings. b) Explain about the Pavement edge lines, Carriage width Reduction Transition markings, Obstruction Approach marking? c) Explain about Stop Lines, pedestrian Crossings, Cyclist Crossings, Route Direction Arrows, Word Messages. d) Explain about Markings at Approaches to Intersections, Parking Space limits, Object Markings. 5) a) Explain the British Practices, American Practices and indian Practices in Signal Design. Also the explain the concept of Pedestrian Signal Indications. b) What is Signal Face? Explain about the Numbers required and Locations for Signal Face. c) What is Amber Period. Red/ Amber period and Innergreen Period? d) Fixed Time Signals and Vehicle-Actuated Signals. 6) Explain how will you find the Optimum Cycle Length and Signal Settings for an Intersection with Time Signals. What are the functions of Road Markings? Explain the types of Road Markings? What are the general principles of Longitudinal Pavement Markings? Write short notes on materials and colours used in Road markings. Explain the concept of Centre line marking.

7) a) A fixed time 2-phase signal is to be provide at an intersection having a North-South and an East-West road where only straight-ahead traffic is permitted. The design hour flows from the various arms and the saturation flows for these arms are given in the following table.

North Design hour flow(q) in PCUs/hour Saturation flow(s) in PCUs/hour 800

South 400

East 750

West 1000





Calculate the Optimum cycle time and green times for the minimum overall delay. The intergreen time should be the minimum necessary for efficient operation. The time lost per phase due to starting delays can be assumed to be 2 seconds. The value of the amber period is 2 seconds. Sketch the timing diagram for each phase.

b) A three phase traffic signal is to be installed at a right angled crossing of two city streets. The site is average and the approaches are 12 m wide between kerbs. The approaches are straight and level and the parking is prohibited on them. One of the phases is to be a pedestrian only phase occurring at the end of each cycle. Starting delay may be taken as 2 seconds. An all red period of 4 seconds is to be provided after each vehicle phase to allow clearance of the right turning vehicles left over in the crossing. The design hour traffic volumes in PCUs/hour are given in the following table. From N E S W To E S 800 W 70 S 60 W 500 N 50 W 60 N 660 E 60 N 70 E 680 S 60

PCUs/Hr 40

Calculate the optimum cycle time for the fixed time installation. Sketch the phasing diagram for the each phase. Draw a diagram showing the timings for all the three aspects for the complete cycle. Make suitable assumptions for Amber and for the pedestrian interval. 8) Explain briefly about the Traffic Control aids. What are the general principles of Street furniture. Explain neatly about the different types of Street furnitures with appropriate diagrams. 9) Explain about the need for street lightings. What are the common terms and definitions used with concept of Street lightings? Explain the laws of illumination. Explain about Mounting height and Spacing of Street lighting. Name the types of Lamps used in street lighting. 10) Write short notes on a) Illumination of Traffic Rotaries. b) Lighting Dual Carriage ways. c) Lighting of Roads Carrying only Local Traffic. d) Bridge Lightings. e) Tunnel Lightings. f) High Mast lighting. g) Maintenance of Lighting Installations.

UNIT-4 PART-A 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Explain the term point of conflicts. What are the various types of traffic islands used? What are the various types of intersections? What is At grade and grade separated intersections? Explain diamond crossing. How will you find the practical capacity of rotary roadway?

PART-B 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) What is intersection, what are two broad classifications of intersections & explain them in general. Explain in detail about the conflicts at intersection with various conditions and examples. What are the different types of At grade intersection and explain them with diagrams. Explain in detail about the grade separated intersections, advantages of grade separated structures. Explain in detail about the design of parking facility. Explain in detail about the design of rotary intersection with all the design factors in detail. Also explain the advantages and limitations of traffic rotary.


PART A 1) What is Transportation System Management (TSM) ? 2) What is Transportation Demand Management (TDM) ? 3) Define ITS? 4) What is Traffic Segregation? 5) Define Traffic Calming 6) Briefly Explain Tidal flow operations in Traffic Management. 7) What are the limitations of Traffic Forecasting? 8) Explain the concept of Exclusive Bus Lanes. 9) What is the purpose of One way streets? 10) What is Aggregate and Disaggregate Models in Traffic Forecasting. 11) Define Period of Forecasting. PART B 1) Explain in Detail about i) Traffic System Management. ii) Traffic Demand management along with the techniques adopted in TDM. iii) Traffic Management and its scope.

2) a) Explain Briefly about Traffic Forecasting and its Limitations and also explain about the different types of Traffic. b) Explain the various methods of Traffic Forecasting and also explain the mathematical modeling used in Traffic Forecasting. 3) Explain in Detail about the Restrictions of Turning movements a) The problem posed by Turning Traffic. b) Prohibited Right turning Movement. c) Prohibited left Turning Movements. 4) a) Explain in detail about the purpose of One way Streets b) advantages of one way streets c) Disadvantages of One way street working, d) Need for proper Signing. 5) A) Explain in detail about Tidal flow operations, methods used in them, Special measures required in Tidal flow method. B) Explain about Exclusive Bus lanes. 6) What is ITS? What are the various applications of ITS? Explain about ITS in various Countries.

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