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Seahawk Scoop Seahawk Scoop

Friiday,, Octtober 19,, 2012 Fr day Oc ober 19 2012

MISSION: To create an educational atmosphere that inspires students to reach their maximum potential through the love of learning and the development of responsible citizenship, while providing an appropriate education that results in success for all students.


HOMECOMING PARADE TODAY - OCT. 19 @ 1:00PM EARLY RELEASE Car Riders will need to be picked up at 12:30pm.
Bus Riders- Elementary students will load buses @ 12:30 pm. M/S & H/S will load @ 12:35. Buses depart
@ 12:45pm. Students will ride their regular bus to the parade and will be taken to their afternoon bus stop (which includes the after-school programs) after the parade. Parents will not be allowed to pick up bus riders from the parade site. All teachers will be assigned to a bus & brought back to the school via bus after the parade.


NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS - MONDAY, OCT. 22 Due to Parent Conference Day


TODAY, OCT. 19, 8:30-10:30am

$10 includes unlimited games, Bouncy House, 4 tickets for concession stand. Individual tickets may be purchased for 25 cents each. Fundraiser for 2nd & 4th Grades End of Year Trips


All grade levels may participate in the dress-up days. Events are restricted to certain grade levels. FRIDAY: DRESS- Seahawk Spirit Day EVENT- Homecoming Parade- 1:00pm.

**PERT Prep & Tutoring: Starting Wed, Oct. 24, high school students may attend tutoring for the PERT in room 1021 (Millender), 2:15-3:30pm. Thereafter, tutoring will be available every Monday-Thursday when school is in session. Sponsored by Gulf Coast State College. **Tutoring for Elementary Students: Tutoring has started at the after-school programs. If you would like to sign your child up for tutoring, contact Harolyn Walker. **Math Tutoring for M/S & H/S Students: Tutoring will be offered every Tuesday & Thursday from 2:15-3:00pm. M/S & H/S math teachers will be available in their classrooms.
LUNCH FOR FRIDAY- 10/19/12 Menu not available @ press time


**Fri, Oct 19: - EARLY RELEASE -REGULAR BELL SCHEDULE FOR M/S & H/S M/S students are to remain in their 4th period class until 12:05. M/S & H/S will both go to lunch @ 12:05. -End of 1st Nine Weeks -Elementary Fall Festival: 8:30-10:30am. Fundraiser for 2nd & 4th -Guest Speaker: Justin Hoffmann in all Ms. Malcolms classes -Homecoming Parade: Elementary students load buses @ 12:30pm. M/S & H/S load @ 12:35. Buses depart school @ 12:45pm to parade. Parade begins at Big Top grocery store @ 1:00pm. -Homecoming Football Game vs W. Gadsden: Festivities begin @ 7:00pm, Kickoff @ 7:30pm

**Mon, Oct 22: -NO SCHOOL STUDENTS- Parent/ Teacher Conferences No children/students allowed on Campus until after 3:00pm as inmates will be on campus working! **Tue, Oct. 23: -Field Trip/ Estuary LIFE Program: 7th Gr. Science classes to Millender Park, 8:30am-1:30pm -M/S & H/S FCA meetings in the gym during lunches -9th Grade Officers meeting in room 802 (Nichols) during lunch -Away Varsity Volleyball District Tournament @ Blountstown Time: TBA -4th Grade Parent meeting in room 315 (Barber) @ 7:00pm **Wed, Oct 24: -Field Trip/ Estuary LIFE Program: 7th Gr. Science classes to Millender Park, 8:30am-1:30pm -NHS meeting in room 1220 (Duhart) during breakfast -SGA meeting - no meeting this week -PERT Prep/ Tutoring in room 1021 (Millender), 2:15-3:30pm sponsored by Gulf Coast State College **Thur, Oct 25: -PLAN TESTING -Elementary AR Social on stage in cafeteria during lunch -H/S Brain Bowl meeting in room 1021 (Millender) during lunch -District Varsity Volleyball Championship @ Blountstown 7:00pm

Mark Your Calendars School Picture Re-Takes: Fri, Oct. 26 M/S Literacy on the Lawn: Wed, Oct. 31, 12:00-1:30pm No School Seafood Festival: Fri, Nov. 2 Daylight Savings Time Ends: Sun, Nov. 4 No School Veterans Day: Mon, Nov. 12 No School Thanksgiving/Fall Break: Mon-Fri, Nov. 19-23

**Teachers/ Free School Supplies: The new TLC Stores grand opening (Tools 4 Learning) will be Saturday, Oct. 20! The date on the flyer in your mailboxes last week was wrong. Be sure to take the flyer & your class roster on Oct. 20 to the grand opening to select free supplies for your students. The store is located at the Apalachicola Community Services Center - 192 14th Street. (Supplies are more for KG thru 8th grades.) **Staff: The school board will accept anonymous questions for a Workshop to be held Thurs, Nov. 8, in the FCS lunchroom. All questions must be placed in the box in Mrs. Brownings office area on or before Fri, Oct 26. All staff are welcome to submit questions and to attend the Workshop at 3:30. Anyone that would like to address the board in person will have the opportunity to step up to the mike. M/S Teachers Meeting: Tues, Oct. 23, in room 1007 (Countryman), 2:20pm School Leadership Meeting: Wed, Oct. 24, in room 117, 2:30pm Flu Shots: Mon, Oct. 22, 8-10:00am, the FCHD will give flu shots to school employees in the FCS nurses clinic. Cost is $25 or must have ID & insurance card. Contact Vanessa Edenfield @ ext. 1012 AXA Representative: Thurs, Oct. 25- Jean Christie will be at the School District office, 8:00am-noon and at FCS campus, 12:30-4:00pm. Be sure to see her regarding 403b Tax Shelter Annuities, Drop info, or retirement planning. To set up a specific time to meet with her, email her at [email protected] or call her at 229/403-1623. FACULTY MEETINGS- 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of each Month SCHOOL BASED LEADERSHIP MEETINGS- 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of each Month


Debbie Braswell (10/15) Laura Baney (10/18) Monte Joseph (10/20) Charles Justice (10/20) Ryan Sandoval (10/21)

**Walk-In Mammograms: FREE to Franklin County Women with NO INSURANCE!
Fri, Oct. 19, starting @ 9:30am at Weems Memorial Hospital in Apalach. Refreshments will be served. Sponsored by Franklin Needs, Inc - The Calendar Girls

**Haunted Houses: Take Stock In Children & the Youth Advisory Council in collaboration with the Franklin County
Education Foundation are hosting two Haunted Houses on Oct. 31 (one in Apalach and one in Cbelle @ 1581 West Hwy 98) to raise funds for college scholarships!! Look for flyers and information about how to purchase $5 tickets. Come and have a scarily good time with tons of goodies.

Nano Bits . . . Powered by Progress Energy and the Franklin County Education Foundation!
Households will save a lot of energy by turning off appliances when not using them. Did you know a leaky faucet can fill a soda bottle every 30 minutes? That amounts to wasting approximately 8,298 liters per year!! BOX TOPS for EDUCATION: The Franklin County School PTO is collecting Box Tops! Please send all Box Tops to your child's teacher. Middle and High parents can save them too! Please turn your Box Tops in to Mrs. Laura King or Ms. Leigh Smith

The Franklin County Adult Education Courses will be offering GED classes at the Franklin County School in the near future. The next GED Test will be given Oct. 29 & 30, 2012 at the Franklin County School library at 6:00pm. To register for the test or for classes, contact Maxine Creamer @ 670-4481. The Franklin County Adult Education Courses do not discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, National origin, age, handicap, or marital status. **The Federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act states that children & youth who lack a fixed, regular, & adequate nighttime residence are considered homeless. If, due to a loss of housing, a child must live in a shelter, motel, vehicle, campground, on the street, in abandoned buildings, or doubled-up with relatives or friends, then he/she is eligible to receive services provided under the McKinney-Vento Act. For additional information contact Sandi Hengle, Homeless Liaison, at the Franklin County School District Office in Eastpoint, 670-2810 or cell number 323-0982.

**PARENTS Register to receive automated emergency calls from the Franklin County Sheriff Dept. You will be notified of any emergency situations in Franklin County (for example; emergency school closings, road closings). Go to www.franklinsheriff.com , on the top right of home page- click on Franklin County Florida Emergency Notification System emblem & complete required information.

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