5S A Way of Life

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Imposible is nothing

A way of life
War against waste starts with workplace improvements and housekeeping Benefits of this methodology comes from deciding what should be kept, where it should be kept, and how it should be stored.
Six Sigma Department

What is 5S ?
A method to reduce Waste
Sustain Sort Stabilize

A method to improve Safety Promote employee satisfaction Good housekeeping A barometer of how well the business is being run The basis to become a World Class Company A way of life Culture within the organization
Six Sigma Department Standardize Shine

Six Sigma Department

What are the steps for 5S ?

Sort Focuses on removing any item from the workplace that
is not immediately needed

Stabilize Focuses on efficient and effective storage methods:

arrange items so that they are identified and easy to reach

Shine Cleanliness: sweep the floors, wipe off equipment, paint

walls and equipment

Standardize - Formalize activities, frequencies, and

responsibilities ; Standardize best practices

Sustain - Discipline, practice, audit, and repeat these

procedures so that they become a way of life
Six Sigma Department

Advantages of implementing 5S
SAFETY All items are visible Potential safety hazards labeled Less congestion NEATNESS (CLEANLY) Orderly arrangement Systematic Only needed items LESS FATIGUE No unnecessary movement Reduce needed movement Reduce distance of movement FASTER Easy identification No need to reach for items Anyone can understand the work place QUALITY Better product quality Consistent quality Positive customer perception

Six Sigma Department

Examples of 5S



Six Sigma Department

Examples of 5S



Six Sigma Department

Examples of 5S



Six Sigma Department

Examples of 5S



Six Sigma Department

Examples of 5S



Six Sigma Department


Examples of 5S



Six Sigma Department


Examples of 5S

Before After
Six Sigma Department


Examples of 5S
Before After

Six Sigma Department


Examples of 5S - Stabilize at SL2/3

Before Sleeves arrangement After

Six Sigma Department


Examples of 5S - Shineat BA1 and smoking area

Smoking area cleaned every day

BA1 operators painting dangerous area

Six Sigma Department


Examples of Set in Order Edile workshop

Six Sigma Department


5S at my office
Before After

Six Sigma Department


5S at my office (details)

Six Sigma Department


Pilot implementation at ...............
Audit Team: ................ .................. .....................
Six Sigma Department


5S implementation Plan at SL2/3

Responsible: . Date: . Team:
Time Step Initial Audit Week 31 August 12 Week Week Week 32 33 34 Week 35 Week 36 Septembrie 12 Week Week 37 38 Week 39 Week 40

Director Aproval .................. Issued by: .

Octombrie 12 Week Week Week 41 42 43 Week 44

S1. Sort S2. Stabilize S3. Shine S4. Standardize S5. Sustain
Results pannel Before / After Final Audit Top Management reporting
S1 / Sortare, standardele de separare, ne indic: Ce este i nu este necesar. Etichetele, frecvena i responsabilitile. Procedurile de eliminare. S2 / Stabilizare / standardele de sortare i stabilire a ordinii, indic: Cum trebuie s arate panourile de semnalizare i unde trebui e amplasate. Semnificaia diferitelor culori. Pe unde se pot deplasa muncitorii. Zonele periculoase. Ce mbrcminte de protecie este necesar. Cum ar trebui s arate semnalizarea de pe echipamente. S3 / Strlucire, standardele de strlucire i inspecie), ne indic: Ce trebuie curat i inspectat. Cum trebuie curat i inspectat. Cine efectueaz curenia i inspecia. Cine este responsabil s se asigure c o zon este curat i inspectat


Six Sigma Department


Audit before 5S implementation at SL2/3

Observations found at SL2/3:

Six Sigma Department


Audit before 5S implementation at SL2/3

Observations found at SL2/3:

Six Sigma Department


Audit before 5S implementation at SL2/3

Observations found at SL2/3:

Six Sigma Department


Audit before 5S implementation at SL2/3

Observations found at SL2/3:

Six Sigma Department


Audit before 5S implementation at SL2/3

Observations found at SL2/3:

Six Sigma Department


Audit before 5S implementation at SL2/3

Observations found at SL2/3:

Six Sigma Department


5S - Sort example at SL2

Six Sigma Department


5S - Sort example at SL2

Tools used with high frequency

Red Tag

Six Sigma Department


5S - Sort example at SL2

Calculator Cutie marker Dublu adeziv Scotch Tyco

Scotch panzat


Micro drept Micro rotund


Imbus Linear Dorn Pe verticala Cutie cale

Six Sigma Department


Prepare Standardize (Set In Order) at SL2

Design stand for tools at SL2:

Six Sigma Department


Steps for 5S implementation:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Task 5S posters Presentation of 5S in weekly meeting 5S training of Department Chiefs Pilot 5S implementing at SL2/3 5S training of Team Chiefs and General Foreman Plan of implementation for every workplace
(fill in template already done)


Done Aug 7 Aug 8-10 (9) Started on July 26 End of Aug 17 End of Aug 24 End of Aug 31 End of Oct 31 First week of November Second week of November

Initial audit with pictures and list of observations 5S implementation Final audit with pictures Reporting improvements to Directors

Implementation will continue with other Divisions

Six Sigma Department


Responsibilities of a workplace leader to implement 5S

Learn as much as you can about 5S Educate co-workers Be enthusiastic and promote 5S Take initiative by implementing 5S in your area Ask your manager for support and resources Participate in implementing and promoting 5S Bring your 5S ideas to your manager Lead by example
Six Sigma Department


Sort Sustain

Stabilize Standardize Shine

Six Sigma Department


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