Guidelines For Submission of Papers For ESSENCE
Guidelines For Submission of Papers For ESSENCE
Guidelines For Submission of Papers For ESSENCE
MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSION An article should not exceed 2500 words or 10 pages of A4 size. Electronic copy of the final manuscripts must be submitted in MS-Word format (.doc format) in a CD or via Email to [email protected] with a copy to [email protected] and [email protected] MANUSCRIPT PROCEDURE:
TITLE PAGE: The title page of the manuscript should be the first page and should include Title of paper, Name of Author/authors, address and e-mail. A Declaration by the author/authors be attached stating that this article is prepared by him/her and it is neither presented in any seminar nor it has been submitted for any journal elsewhere. The certificate should state that there are no copyright infringements in text/data used. ABSTRACT: Each manuscript must have an abstract of about 150-250 words incorporating objectives methods and important conclusion of the study. This page of text should show the title but NOT the author's name.
MAIN TEXT: All manuscripts must be double spaced, in 12 point Times Roman font size, with page numbers on the bottom right corner. In review of literature, names of journals, newspapers and other publications should be mentioned. List of articles used for review may also be acknowledged at appropriate place. For all research papers, cross references and their sources must be displayed.
CONCLUSION: The article should normally end with findings and summary statement of the main conclusions.
FOOTNOTES: Footnotes in the text must be numbered consecutively and appropriately placed at the end of article.
TABLES, Figures etc.: Tables must be numbered consecutively with Roman numerals. Please check that your text contains a reference to each table. Authors must check tables to assure that the data shown and that the title, column headings, captions, etc. are clear and to the point. Very extensive detailed tables should be placed in appendix. Figures and photographs may also find appropriate place in the article. REFERENCES: References must be typed on a separate page, double-spaced, at the end of the paper. The formats suggested are: (a) Pande S. S.,(2006), "Blog Marketing, The Management Accountant,36(9), June, 37, Kolkata. (b) Barua S., (2009), Genesis of Financial Services & their Marketing, in "Marketing of Financial Services, Himalaya Publishing House Limited, New Delhi, pp. 44-45. (c) Pande, S. S. & Barua, S.(2009), Why Services Marketing in Marketing of Financial Services, Himalaya Publishing House Limited, New Delhi, pp. 44-45 REVIEW PROCESS:
The Editorial Board has right to modify paper before mailing to referees. All research Papers are subject to final approval by Referees. The Board of Referees constitutes subject experts and accordingly papers will be reviewed by them. The decision of the referees will be final. Please note that for papers accepted, no remuneration is payable, however, five reprints of each paper will be sent to the author along with a copy of journal. Author is responsible for checking the manuscript for clarity, grammar, spellings, punctuation, and consistency of references, to minimize editorial changes. Author must submit their manuscript in the format as prescribed for the Journal. Suggestions of referees will be communicated to the author for incorporation in the revised manuscript.
DISCLAIMER CLAUSE: Views expressed by author are his/her personal academic contribution and they are in their personal capacity. Board of Management and SPSU administration will not be responsible for any possible outcome. Similarly the SPSU administration will not be responsible for any action arising out of reliance on views expressed by authors.