Judaism Glossary: Preferred Form Main Variants Explanation
Judaism Glossary: Preferred Form Main Variants Explanation
Judaism Glossary: Preferred Form Main Variants Explanation
Most of the terms included in this section are Hebrew in origin. However, since the Jewish diaspora,
many terms reflect the different countries where Jews have settled. For example, many words are in
Yiddish, a common language (a mixture of German, Russian and Hebrew) developed by Jews
throughout Central and Eastern Europe. The preferred form in this glossary uses the Sephardic
pronunciation, which is equivalent to modern Hebrew as spoken in srael today. As with all
transliterations, there may be acceptable differences in the ways in which words are spelt.
Afikomen (Greek) Dessert. Portion of a matzah eaten near the end of
the Seder.
Agadah Aggadah Telling. Rabbinical teachings on moral values.
Aleinu Key prayer at the conclusion of each service.
Aliyah To go up. (i) Being called to read the Sefer Torah
in the synagogue. (ii) The migration of Jews to
Amidah Standing. The standing prayer.
Aron Hakodesh Holy Ark. The focal point of the synagogue,
containing Torah scrolls.
Ashkenazim Jews of Central and Eastern European origin.
Bar Mitzvah Son of Commandment. A boys coming of age at
13 years old, usually marked by a synagogue
ceremony and family celebration.
Bat Mitzvah Bat Chayil Daughter of Commandment. As above, but for
girls from 12 years old. May be marked differently
between communities.
Bet ha Knesset Beit ha Knesset
House of Assembly. Synagogue.
Bimah Dais. Raised platform primarily for reading the
Torah in the synagogue.
Brit Milah Berit Milah, Bris Circumcision.
Challah Hallah Enriched bread used particularly on Shabbat and
during festivals.
Chazan Hazan Cantor Leader of reading, singing and chanting in the
services of some synagogues.
Chumash Five. The Torah in book form, used in the
synagogue and the home.
Circumcision Religious rite of Brit Milah, performed by a
qualified mohel on all Jewish boys, usually on the
eighth day after birth.
Gemara Gemarah Commentary on the Mishnah included in the
Genizah Storage place for damaged religious texts.
Haftarah Completion. Passages from Neviim (Prophets)
read in the synagogue (linked to weekly Torah and
festival readings).
Hagadah Haggadah Telling. A book used at Seder.
Halakhah Halacha The Way. The code of conduct encompassing all
aspects of Jewish life.
Hanukiah Chanukiah
Nine-branched Hanukkah lamp used at the festival
of Hanukkah.
Hanukkah Chanukah Dedication. An eight-day festival of lights to
celebrate the re-dedication of the temple following
the Maccabean victory over the Greeks.
Hasid Chasid
Hasidim (pl.)
Pious. Member of the Orthodox movement of
Hasidism Chasidism A religious and social movement formed by srael
Baal Shem Tov (from the 1 8th century onwards).
Havdalah Distinction. Ceremony marking the conclusion of
Hebrew vrit Ancient Semitic language; language of the Tenakh
(Hebrew-Scriptures) and used by Jews for prayer
and study. Also, everyday language in srael.
Huppah Chuppah Canopy used for a wedding ceremony, under
which the bride and groom stand.
srael One who struggles with God. The phrase refers to
the world-wide Jewish community; the land of
srael and the modern state of srael.
Kabbalah Cabala Jewish mysticism.
Kaddish Prayer publicly recited by mourners.
Kashrut Laws relating to keeping a kosher home and
Ketubah Ketubbah Document that defines rights and obligations
within Jewish marriage.
Ketuvim Writings. Third section of the Tenakh.
Kibbutz Kibbutzim (pl.) sraeli collective village based on socialist
Kiddush Holy. A prayer sanctifying Shabbat and festival
days, usually recited over wine.
Kippah Yamulkah
Head covering worn during prayers, Torah study,
etc. Some followers wear it constantly.
Knesset Assembly. sraeli parliament.
Kol Nidrei Kol Nidre All vows. Prayer recited on the evening of Yom
Korach Name of the leader who defied Moses in the
Kosher Kasher Fit; proper. Foods permitted by Jewish dietary
Ladino Language used predominately by Sephardim.
Magen David Shield of David, popularly called Star of David.
Maimonides Rabbi Moses ben Maimon (1135-1204), a leading
Jewish philosopher, medical writer and codifier of
Jewish law.
Mashiach Moshiach
The anointed one who will herald in a new era for
Judaism and all humankind.
Matzah Matzot (pl.) A flat cracker-like bread which has been baked
before it rises; used at Pesach.
Menorah Seven-branched candelabrum which was lit daily
in the Temple.
Mezuzah A scroll placed on doorposts of Jewish homes,
containing a section from the Torah and often
enclosed in a decorative case.
Midrash Collections of various Rabbinic commentaries on
the Tenakh.
Mikveh Ritual bath used for the immersion of people and
Minyan Quorum of ten men, over Bar Mitzvah age,
required for a service. Progressive communities
may include women but do not always require a
Mishnah First writing down of the Oral Tradition. An
authoritative document forming part of the Talmud,
codified about 200 CE.
Mishkan Dwelling. The original travelling sanctuary used
prior to the building of the permanent Temple in
Mitzvah Mitzvot (pl.) Commandment. The Torah contains 613 Mitzvot.
Commonly used to describe good deeds.
Mohel Person trained to perform Brit Milah.
Moshav Moshavim (pl.) Collective village or farm in srael.
Ner Tamid Eternal light. The perpetual light above the Aron
Neviim Prophets. Second section of the Tenakh.
Noachide Laws Seven laws given to Noah after the flood, which
are incumbent on all humankind. These laws form
the foundation for a just society.
Parev Parveh Neutral foods, which are neither milk nor meat, eg,
vegetables, eggs, fish.
Pesach Passover Festival commemorating the Exodus from Egypt.
One of the three biblical pilgrim festivals. Pesach
is celebrated in the spring.
Pikei Avot Pirke Avoth Sayings of the Fathers. Part of the Mishnah
containing ethics of Rabbinical sages.
Pikuakh Nefesh Save a soul. The setting aside of certain laws in
order to save a life.
Progrom Organised attack on Jews, especially frequent in
19th and early 20th century Eastern Europe.
Purim Festival commemorating the rescue of Persian
Jewry as told in the book of Esther.
Rabbi My teacher. An ordained Jewish teacher. Often
the religious leader of a Jewish community.
Rashi Rabbi Shlomo ben Yitzhak (1040 -1105). A French
rabbinical scholar and leading commentator on the
Torah and Talmud.
Rebbe Rabbi. The term used by Hasidim for their
religious leader.
Rosh Hashanah Rosh Ha-Shanah Head of the Year. Jewish New Year.
Seder Order. A home-based ceremonial meal during
Pesach, at which the Exodus from Egypt is
recounted using the Hagadah.
Sefer Torah Torah scroll. The five books of Moses handwritten
on parchment and rolled to form a scroll.
Sephardim Sefardim Jews originating from Mediterranean countries,
especially Spain, North Africa and the Middle East.
Shabbat Shabbos Day of spiritual renewal and rest commencing at
sunset on Friday, terminating at nightfall on
Shatnez Shaatnez Garments containing a forbidden mixture of wool
and linen.
Shavuot Weeks. One of three pilgrim festivals. Shavuot is
celebrated in the summer, seven weeks after
Shekhina The divine presence.
Shema Major Jewish prayer affirming belief in one God.
The Shema is found in the Torah.
Shemot Names. Seven holy names of God.
Shiva Seven days of intense mourning following the
burial of a close relation. During this period, all
ordinary work is prohibited.
Shoah Desolation. The suffering experienced by
European Jews at the hands of the Nazis,
including the systematic murder of six million Jews
between 1933 and 1945.
Shofar Rams horn blown at the season of Rosh
Siddur Order. Daily prayer book.
Simchat Torah Rejoicing of the law. Festival celebrating the
completion and recommencement of the cycle of
the weekly Torah reading.
Sukkah Sukkot (pl.) Tabemacle; booth. A temporary dwelling used
during Sukkot
Sukkot One of three biblical pilgrim festivals, Sukkot is
celebrated in the Autumn.
Synagogue Shul
Bet Haknesset
Bet Hamidrash
Building for Jewish public prayer, study and
Tallit Tallith Prayer shawl. Four-cornered garment with fringes.
Talmud Mishnah and Gemara, collected together.
Tefillah Tefila Self-judgement. Jewish prayer and meditation.
Tefillin Tephilin Tfilin
Small leather boxes containing passages from the
Torah, strapped on the forehead and arm for
morning prayers on weekdays.
Tenakh Tanakh The collected 24 books of the Jewish Bible,
comprising three sections: Torah, Neviim, and
Ketuvim (Te;Na;Kh).
Teshuva Repentence. Returning to God.
Tikkun Olam Tikun Care for the world and environment.
Torah Law; teaching. The Five Books of Moses.
Tzedaka Righteousness. An act of charity.
Tzizit Tzittzit Fringes on the corners of the Tallit. Also
commonly refers to the fringed undervest worn by
some Jewish males.
Yad Hand-held pointer used in reading the Sefer
Yahrzeit Year-time. Anniversary of a death.
Yeshiva College for study of the Torah and Talmud.
Yiddish Language used predominantly by Ashkenazim.
Yishuv ngathering. The Jewish community of srael.
Yom Hashoah Day to commemorate the Shoah.
Yom Kippur Day of Atonement. Fast day occurring on the tenth
day after Rosh Hashanah; a solemn day of Tefillah
and Teshuva.
Zionism Political movement securing the Jewish return to
the land of srael.