Regards TSD Chowdary Research Scholar Mail Id:- [email protected] Mobile Phone No:+91 9539004477
other mode
4. The Performance Appraisal Policy /formats are reviewed every year 5. Is Top Management
6. The Appraisal system / goal setting is aligned with Yearly Business goals of
my Branch /Department
7. Performance appraisal format
is easy to understand
8. Do you need help to fill up various data being sought in the format 9. The Appraisal form contains all relevant points/aspects to improve business
13. Are you imparting any training to enable employees to understand the performance appraisal process 14 How do you rate the effectiveness of such training
15. My H R department well trained and effective in Administering performance Appraisal System in my bank 16. Health aspect ( medical History ) of each employee forms part of yearly Appraisal system review 17. In my bank, Appraisal review is done every :18. Do you expect the appropriate appraisal once in
PART B- PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL ADMINSTRATION PROCESS 19. Head Office / Regional office /Branch Office circulates the annual corporate Business goals to all employees well before the year commences 20. My Bank establishes Performance Standards/ Goals to be achieved during the year for each employee (Goal Setting) 21. Newly Joined employees goal setting is completed within 22. Performance Appraisal Process is used for confirmation of newly joined employees (Probation period completion ) 23. My Bank effectively Communicates Performance Expectations /Key Result Areas (KRA) and time lines to each employee 24. My banks appraisal system effectively measures employees Actual Performance systematically & scientifically 25. Appraisal system is fair and transparent ( free from bias/Partiality) and ensures that performance achievement /gap is discussed with the employee 26. My Bank uses modern methods of Appraisal 27. In my opinion, Public Sector Banks Performance Appraisal System is effective
28. In my opinion Private Sector Banks performance Appraisal is effective 29. In my opinion multinational Banks use latest and effective Performance Appraisal Process 30. Line Managers /Review Managers take effective measures in implementing the Performance appraisal Process 31. My bank collects feedback /suggestions from all employees on Effectiveness of Performance Appraisal review process 32. In my bank all positions /jobs outcomes & goal setting are clearly measurable PART-C PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL REVIEW PROCESS
33. Every year Appraisal process awareness workshops are conducted for all employees before initiating the appraisal process 34. Self Appraisal rating against the Goals set (at the beginning of the performance year) is the first step in my Banks performance Appraisal process 35. My immediate Manager /Reviewing officer follows the Appraisal process as per policy guidelines as per goal setting done at the beginning of the year 36. One on One meeting ( face to face ) is a must with my immediate Manager to complete the appraisal process (mutual dialogue/discussions take place during the process) 37. Employees Potential Appraisal is done during performance appraisal and recorded 38. Training & Development Needs / Improvement areas are identified ( both technical /Behavioral ) and discussed with the employee 39. Reviewing Managers rating ensures that employee gets fair assessment 40. Can employees challenge the appraisal rating, if they are not satisfied? 41. How effective is this mechanism?
42. Appraisal ratings/ notes are made available to the employee (not kept as confidential) and acknowledgement is taken from the employee 43. In my view, Performance Appraisal Review Process helps in my banks business growth and employees growth PART-D PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL RATING LINKAGE TO REWARDS/CAREER 44. Appraisal Process ensures equal weight age to functional (KRA) performance competencies and Behavioral competencies 45. Appraisal ratings in my bank are strictly linked to decide annual increment percentage 46. Poor performers also equally get rewarded in my bank ( No effectiveness of Ratings) 47. All promotion decisions are strictly based on appraisal ratings 48. Appraisal helps in identifying High Potential employees 49. Appraisal ratings help in Career /Succession planning pipeline (employees) identification 50. Appraisal ratings are used in all employee Transfer decisions 51. Foreign postings / Critical Job Postings are based on Appraisal ratings 52. Non-performers/Low performers are identified through Performance Appraisal process 53. Non-performers/Low performers in my bank are suitably trained 54. Top rated employees are sent for Special assignments / Training programs 55. Training Calendar is prepared based on employees Training need identification
PART- E Performance Appraisal System- Organizational Growth 56. My Bank analyses the Appraisal Ratings in identifying Organization competency Index 57. The Employees competency Index helps in framing corporate business Strategy 58. Performance Appraisal in my bank increases employee Productivity/business
growth 59. Performance Appraisal review system enhances Individual Employee Development 60. Performance Appraisal System develops High performance Team work culture among employees of the Bank 61. Appraisal System enhances Innovation & Creativity of employees 62. Top Management uses Goal setting as a tool to align all employees KRAss/ goals with the Corporate goals /objectives 63. My Bank uses Appraisal notes towards employee Coaching/counseling/Mentoring 64. My bank gets more benefits (ROI) than costs in administering the appraisal System 65. My bank uses Appraisal ratings as feedback tool towards top grade hiring ( hiring best talent) of new employees 66. My bank uses 360 degree feedback process to identify employee Developmental needs 67. How effective is the involvement of various stake holders, in making a success of the appraisal system?
46 -50 Yrs
Below Graduate Post CAIIB Graduate Graduate 75. Your total Service in Years <5 Yrs 6-10 Yrs 11-15 Yrs 16-20 Yrs
21-25 Yrs
>25 YRs
76. Your present branch Category Rural SemiUrban Urban Metro Specialized Banking Branches
77. Your branch size based on business Small Medium Large Extra Large
78. Are you working in ZO/ RO/ CO 79. Your service in Officer Category >5Yrs 6-10 Yrs 11-15 Yrs 16.20 yrs >20 Yrs