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October Newsletter

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TELEPHONE 705-428-2639 FAX 705-428-0562 Jane Seymour, Principal [email protected] Deborah Prairie, Vice-Principal [email protected] Paul Sloan, Superintendent [email protected] Caroline Smith, Trustee [email protected] Ben Murray, Student Services Janice McLeod, Student Success Kelly Lalonde, Special Education Joan Walsh, Cooperative Education

October 12, 2012 PRINCIPALS CORNER

What an exciting start to the 2012-13 academic year. School activities are in full swing with students at every grade level participating in clubs, sports and other extra-curricular activities. It was with great pride that we held our fall Academic Awards Assembly where over 80 students at SCI were recognized for their tremendous academic accomplishments last year. It was equally joyful to hear the period two music class, directed by Mr. Pauze, play their musical selections. Our new Grade 9 Spartans are connecting with our school community and had a great start to the year with the Spartan Start in August, first morning of school, as well as our Grade 9 Spirit Day in September. Our new Link Crew, consisting of senior student leaders, is providing the mentorship, support and enthusiasm to help our newest Spartans become part of our family. Student Council has already organized several School Spirit Days: Green, White & Blue Day and Super Hero Day. The Halloween Dance coming up on Thursday, October 25 and the Haunted House, open to all families in our community on Friday, October 26, give our students more opportunities to connect with each other and the larger SCI / Clearview Township community. SCI continues to provide high quality educational opportunities to each and every one of our students from classroom instruction to experiential learning through field trips and excursions and co-curricular activities. SCI is a vibrant school where teachers and students work together to achieve their academic and personal goals. If you have any questions, concerns, ideas, or suggestions, please call. Jane Seymour, Principal and Deborah Prairie, Vice Principal

Oct. 12 Oct.18 Oct. 22 Oct. 24/25 Oct. 25 Oct. 26 Oct. 29 Nov 7 Nov 7 Nov 7 Nov. 7 Nov. 8 Nov. 11 Nov. 14 Nov. 15 Nov. 16 Nov. 23 Nov. 26 Nov. 26 Nov 29, 30 TBA Dec. 12 TBA TBA Dec 19 Dec. 21 Dec. 26January 4 Jan. 7 Jan. 10-25 Jan 15,16,17 Jan. 16-23 Jan. 24-30 TBA Jan. 28 Feb.1 Progress Report Cards Student/Parent/Teacher Interviews 4-5 & 6-8 pm Picture Retake Day Josten Ring Sales (lunch time) School Dance 7-10 pm Haunted House School Council Mtg. 7:00-9:00 pm Library Take a Kid to Work Spartan in Training Day Grade 8 Open House 6:00-9:00pm Term 1 Ends Term 2 Begins Remembrance Day Coop Information Meeting for Sem. 2 Students Mid-Term Report Card Distribution Secondary P.D. Day Awards Assembly Full Disclosure School Council Mtg. 7:00-9:00 pm Library Variety Night Program Cdn Open Math Challenge Coop Employer Appreciation Breakfast & Career Fair Holiday Cheer Activities (Student Council) University Applications Due Christmas Concert Holiday Assembly Holidays Return to Classes EQAO Math Testing Grad Photos Moratorium on all school activities Final Evaluations for Sem. 1 College Applications Due School Council Mtg. 7:00-9:00 pm Library P.D. Days

MISSING FORMS We are still missing a large number of photo waivers, insurance forms, computer use, code of conduct forms and information verification forms. If you have not signed and returned them to the school, please do so as soon as possible. Forms are available at the main office and on the schools website. VOLUNTEERS ARE REMINDED TO RETURN THEIR OFFENCE DECLARATIONS AND VOLUNTEER DRIVER FORMS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. If you are not already a volunteer and wish to become one, please call the school for information. If you volunteer at another SCDSB school, that school can transfer your volunteership to us. Thank you!

GROUP GRAD PHOTO November 15 RING SALES October 24 and 25 at lunch time



We invite parents/guardians to attend our monthly School Council Meetings the last Monday of every month 7-9pm in our School Library. All parents/guardians are welcome!


We would like to thank all our parents who have come forward to serve on the 2012-2013 SCI School Council. Donna Lawson is our current 2012-2013 School Council Chair for S.C.I. "Additional Parent Support is Requested"- Calling all Parents/Guardians! This year, our goal is to build an ever stronger-in number and voice-membership for SCI School Council to continue the work from last year's Council. The target is to have at least 20 more parent/guardians on our School Council representing students and families at all grade levels in our school. More parents'/ guardians' voices will continue to ensure our strong partnerships with school, home and community. Our present SCI School Council membership consists of 8 caring/regular members. However, our current SCI School Council members are requesting additional voices to keep SCI strong. We discuss field trips, fundraising plans, admin team profiles, school improvement plans, student events and activities, food and beverage policy, in addition to all SCDSB policies. Our focus is on the unique strengths and needs of SCI. Last year, we applied to the Ministry of Education and received a PRO (Parent Reaching Out) Grant of $1000 for a Positive Parent Engagement Plan. We chose two events to support parents/guardians who requested to keep positive and caring connections with adolescents and school staff. This year the Pro Grant is being used for the Meet the Teacher BBQ and the second event will be held in the Spring to celebrate student excellence and to thank our school volunteers. The monthly meetings are Monday evenings from 7-9 pm in our Library. We do not have meetings in December or June. So for the next 7 meetings this school year, we are requesting your involvement, connections, strengths and voice. Please keep SCI a vibrant community secondary school and share your voice within our great school community. Please contact either Donna Lawson, School Council Chair, or Jane Seymour, Principal to let us know you are interested in being a positive voice for SCI School Council membership. The next meeting of the SCI School Council will take place on Monday October 29th, 2012 from 7-9 pm in the SCI Library. All are welcome to attend. In addition, members of the SCI School Council are invited to attend a special meeting of all SCDSB School Council Members on Tuesday Oct 23, 2012 at the Education Centre (Hwy 26, Midhurst) in the Roy Edwards Room from 7-9 pm.

Our Attendance/Lates policy is intended to improve the success of our students. All students who miss a day (in full or part) are to bring a note from their parent/guardian to the office upon their return to school. Alternatively, a parent/guardian may phone the school on the day of the absence. Thank you for helping us keep accurate records of your childs attendance.


School Bus Transportation and School Closures Parents are responsible for deciding if it is safe for their children to leave for school during severe weather conditions. School bus operators determine during pre-dawn hours if it is unsafe for buses to travel during inclement weather. As well, school superintendents and principals together determine whether school closures are necessary, depending on local weather conditions for each area of Simcoe County. (School closure decisions are based on severe weather conditions and NOT on school bus cancellation decisions.) In addition, please note the following procedures relating to severe weather: We have specific inclement weather zones. For example, when the weather is severe in the Collingwood, Clearview area only buses in the West Simcoe County Weather Zone would be cancelled. Special needs transportation is also included in this weather zone bus cancellation procedure. This information will be posted on our school website as well this year. Bus cancellations and school closures will be announced on local radio stations and the home page of the Board web site www.scdsb.on.ca, as well as other media broadcasts. Please be aware of your childs bus number and bus company name. During very cold temperatures, please take extra measures to ensure children are dressed appropriately and please do not send children to the bus stop too early (to avoid having them standing in cold weather for lengthy periods). Tune in early to radio and other media broadcasts to avoid having to phone the school.


Upcoming Events, Career and Academic Information, Seminars, Services, and Initiatives Supporting SCI students in their endeavours!!! You are encouraged to attend Parent/Guardian-Teacher Evening at SCI on Thursday, October 18 from 4 to 5 pm and 6 to 8 pm. Students can arrange interview times for their parents/guardians with their subject teachers. The partnership between home and school is one of the keys to our students success, and this event is a great opportunity to develop and strengthen those connections. We look forward to meeting with you! Grade 12 students from SCI travelled to Collingwood on October 2nd for the University Information Program. This

event saw representatives from 21 universities across Ontario in one location talk about their programs and answer the questions of our Grade 12 students. The information gathered by students will help them make appropriate choices for their University applications this Fall/Winter. There will be a College Information Fair for students in our region hosted at Georgian College (Barrie) on Monday, October 22nd from 9:00 to 11:00am. Students interested in attending should sign up in Guidance. In-school College and University Seminars have already begun at SCI. Senior students have been invited to sign up for an opportunity to listen and speak to representatives of many of Ontarios colleges and universities regarding programs, admission requirements, tuition, scholarships, residence and school life. Further information about all of these sessions is available in our Guidance Office.

Stayner Collegiate Institute is pleased to provide an exciting education planning resource for our students. MyBlueprint Education Planner (www.myBlueprint.ca) lets your child create an engaging and interactive Education Plan. They can build customized high school course plans, instantly identify the post-secondary options that are available to them and explore valuable information about apprenticeships, college programs, university programs and workplace opportunities across Canada! They can even access this resource from home. With this direct access from home, you can be more informed and involved with your childs education and future planning. Log in and learn about courses, graduation requirements and the endless options available to your child. The My Profile feature allows you to set goals, save unlimited plans, short-list programs and occupations of interest, record extra-curricular activities and more. To access the site, visit www.myBlueprint.ca and input the Activation Key. (S.C.I.'s Activation Key: stayner) myBlueprint helps you to assist your child in making the most informed decision about his or her education. We encourage you to get started today and explore the website with them. In mid-November, SCI will be offering College and University Application Workshops. If you plan to attend a post-


Humber College York University Brock University Western University Niagara College Wilfred Laurier Ryerson University University of Windsor Canadore College Lampton College Cambrian College University of Guelph Oct 9th @ 1:00pm Oct 10th @ 12:00pm Oct 12th @ 9:00am Oct 15th @ 11:00am Oct 15th @ 8:30am Oct 24th @ 9:00am Oct 26th 1:00pm Oct 31st @ 8:30am Nov 6th @ 12:00pm Nov 7th @ 10:00am Nov 14th @ 12:00pm Nov 15th @ 12:00pm

A Haunting at SCI
Stayner Collegiate Institute will be hosting a Haunted Tour the evening of Friday, October 26th 2012 from 6:30 9pm This event will be open to staff, students and members of the community. Admission fees are: $2.00 for students, and $7.00 for a family. Dont miss out!
Any students interested in volunteering should speak to Ms. Green. Community Service Hours will be earned for helping out with this event.

First Nation, Mtis and Inuit Families and Community

The Simcoe County District School Board is hosting an information session on the Culture Card: A Guide to Build Cultural Awareness. Parents, families and community members are invited to attend. Guest Presenter: Gertie Beaucage Tuesday October 23, 2012. 9:00am-12:00pm. Roy Edwards Room, Simcoe County District School Board, Midhurst Please RSVP to Lisa Ewanchuk, Principal of First Nation, Metis and Inuit Education 705-734-6363 ext 11475 or at [email protected]

We need your email address!

This is a reminder for all SCI parents that we are making the transition to a more environmentally friendly school by sending home as much correspondence as possible by email. Please ensure that Ms Perrin in the Office has your current email address so that we can contact you and send important messages and documents directly to your inbox. You can email her directly at [email protected] with your address. Thank you.

secondary institution in Ontario you MUST come to one of these sessions to learn how to apply on-line. It is also very important that you research the programs and schools you are interested in attending NOW so that you are prepared to apply before the deadlines. myBlueprint.ca is an excellent research tool. In doing your research, think about your strengths, interests and future goals. Be sure to check admission requirements against your Status Sheet to ensure you have all the required courses to get into your desired program. If you would like help getting started with your research, feel free to come to Guidance and make an appointment to speak with a Counsellor. Later this Fall and Winter, students are encouraged to keep their eyes and ears open for upcoming inschool seminars on topics such as Careers, Trades, and Apprenticeship, Student Exchange, and GAP YEAR Volunteer/Travel opportunities. Hey, Grade Twelve students! Dont forget that you must complete your 40 hours of Community Service and get your completed community service sheet to Guidance as soon as possible so that this important graduation requirement is behind you. Forty hours of giving to your community can be easily achieved if you start in Grade 9. Students in Grade 12 are encouraged to complete their service ASAP and hand in the required documentation so that your graduation date is not delayed. Deadline for submission is April 19, 2013. Grade 9 Take Your Kid to Work Day will be held on Wednesday, November 7th this year. Paperwork and permission forms will soon be sent home for parents to complete and return to the school. This special day provides a chance for young people to get a glimpse of the adult work world. If it is not possible for your child to accompany you to a workplace on this day, an alternate relative or friend of the family would be acceptable. Look for further information on this initiative in the coming weeks. We are very fortunate and pleased to welcome a number of community partners and agencies to SCI. Confidential appointments with our teen health nurse are available every month and with our counsellor from the Georgian Bay Family Health Team once a week. Students may request an appointment by filling out an appointment slip (available in Guidance) and submitting it in the drop box located in

Student Services, or through the link on the school website. SCIs Guidance Department is pleased to offer any information and/ or support to help youshort term support, problem solving, academic and career planning, and the list goes on and onAll the best for a successful Semester One! ~ Mr. Murray (Dept. Chair), Ms. Thompson (Guidance Counsellor), and Mrs. Fawcett (Guidance Secretary)


To support schools in promoting school bus safety to students, the Simcoe County Student Transportation Consortium (SCSTC), in partnership with our Bus Operators, will be offering School Bus Evacuation Training to all home-toschool transported students. During the week of October 15th-19th, school bus drivers will be completing planned School Bus Evacuation procedures with their students at the conclusion of their morning runs before the buses leave the school property.

Did you know that vandalism on SCDSB property costs taxpayers almost one million dollars a year? Vandalism affects everyone. It negatively impacts on your childs learning environment. As well, this criminal act negatively affects neighbourhood property values. Vandalism forces taxpayer funds to be redirected from classroom and school improvements. SCDSB schools teach students about the importance of respect for people and property. Schools ensure parents and students are aware of the Code of Conduct and consequences for inappropriate behaviour. Police and communities partner with schools in promoting positive educational environments. If you are responsible for accidents in the school causing replacements, or causing vandalism, then you will be requested to pay the costs of those specific replacements. Parents can help by talking to their children about vandalism and its consequences. Anyone with information about acts of vandalism on SCDSB property should contact school officials or the police.

Extra Math Help

Math help is available Tuesday to Thursday 11:15 - 11:45 with out an appointment. Monday and Friday please make an appointment with your math teacher ahead of time.

The "FRENCH CLINIC" is now open at lunch on Monday, Wednesday and Friday 12:00-12:30 Mr. Arnott will also happily make time for you before or after school. See him to make arrangements.

The Best Camp in Clearview was a huge success in August 2012!

Over 75 grade nine students chose to start their high school career early. Spartan Start gives new students a chance to meet staff, senior leaders, new friends and get to know SCI before school starts! Its more fun than should be allowed at school!

On Thursday, September 20th SCI hosted our first Meet The Teacher BBQ. Our SCI R&B Band and Beet 350 showcased their talents in the gym. The students introduced their families to their subject teachers in a very casual SCI friendly style. The SCI Community worked together with a great deal of smiles and happy connections. This fall event was co-planned by the School Council and School Staff last May. A great time was enjoyed by all attending. Thank You, SCI Community!


The Robotics team has started up. The students are keen to start the fundraising activities and community service. The mentors are ever so supportive and the parent group is excited to support the Cybergnomes as they plan to compete in 3 Regional FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition in science & Technology) Meets in March 2013.


Learning from Experience We are now into our 2nd month of our Cooperative Education work experience. For many students, these workplace exposures are their first work experiences. Talk to your children about workplace etiquette and socially acceptable behaviour, about the importance of attendance and punctuality and about the need for completion of assignments as due. Most important ---- Talk to your children about SAFETY IN THE WORKPLACE. Help them to learn from these new experiences. Placements include but are not limited to:
Retail Design Social Work Child Care Carpentry Dentistry Music/Recording Interior Design Pharmacy Library Animal Care Small Equipment Maintenance Electrician Automotive Technician Automotive Repair Heavy Equipment Maintenance/Repair Equestrian Trainer Child and Youth Worker Graphics Massage Therapy Graphic Design Planning & Development Real Estate Food Services Elder Care Hair and Aesthetics Plumbing Millwright / Welding Construction Horticulture Agriculture Photography Geothermal Energy

Dan White (centre) at his apprenticeship placement

Certification: Stay tuned for potential certifications such as Forklift & Propane training, Fall Arrest Training, CPR, WHMIS (on-line as requested) to be scheduled. Employer Appreciation Breakfast will be Wednesday December 12th from 7:30 8:30 a.m. All students MUST attend. Career Fair Displays, highlighting our Employers and the Workplaces will be in the school @ 9:00 a.m. on December 12th. Any students interested in an Apprenticeship should speak with their Coop teacher. Please contact the Coop department at any time to discuss any concerns or questions you may have about the program. We look forward to meeting you during the Student/Parent/Teacher Conference, Thursday, October 18th. Mrs. Walsh and Mr. Morris Cooperative Education Department


We are very pleased to announce an exciting international field trip scheduled to occur in October 2013. From Thursday, October 10 to Saturday, October 19, 2013, a select group of CCI and SCI students will have the opportunity to explore London and Paris on an educational tour with Promtour. During our tour, we will visit many of the most famous cultural, literary and historical landmarks of both London and Paris, including Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace and the Tower of London; the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame Cathedral and the Louvre. The benefits of travel for students are extensive and immeasurable. Students from both CCI and SCI travelled to Europe to participate in the D-Day commemoration ceremonies in the spring of 2010. Our students experienced the excitement of travel to significant historical and cultural destinations. They gained confidence and a whole new perspective on the world. You can be sure they all will be talking about their trips for years to come! The cost of the planned 10-day trip is $3449. This price includes round-trip airfare, hotel accommodations, daily breakfast and dinner, a full-time Promtour Tour Director, entrance fees to attractions, guided sightseeing , RBC Youth Insurance and tips. If your child has expressed an interest in participating in this exciting opportunity, please contact Ms. Rachel Moritz at 428-2639 or [email protected] for more information.


Student Council would like to thank everyone for supporting the Terry Fox run. Your efforts did not go unappreciated. This year we raised over $700 as a school. We would like to congratulate Ms. Rusnaks class, who met the challenge and collected the most money. A special thank-you also goes out to Ms. Saunders class who came in second place for the most money collected. Robby Ledger must also be recognized for his amazing spirit and stamina during the walk. He beat his record from last year and completed 10 laps of the route. We look forward to an even more successful Terry Fox Run in 2013!

Robby Ledger


The 2012-2013 student council is busy planning for an exciting year. School clothing will be on sale soon and the clothing orders should be delivered before Christmas. Students will receive orders forms, but they will also be available on our website. On October 24th we are having a cultural day to celebrate various cultures throughout the world. Each home room will be assigned a culture and there will be a prize for the class that best represents the assigned culture. Last years cultural day was a great success and we hope to see everyone even more involved this year. We are having a Halloween dance on October 25th from 7-10 p.m. in the gymnasium. Tickets are $5 in advance and $7 at the door. Tickets will be on sale in the lobby at lunch from October 19th until October 25th. Dressing up is encouraged! Students are reminded that they must have a student card in order to attend the dance. October 31st will be costume day. Students are encouraged to celebrate Halloween by dressing up in school appropriate costumes. The class that shows the most spirit will receive home room points! We have a number of fun activities planned for November and December, so stay tuned for more details.

Life Skills and Learning Centre classes traveled to the GNE to take in Education Day. The weather was great, and so were the students! We really enjoyed seeing the demonstrations, and cheering on other students from our school as they showed their animals.


A big welcome goes out to Ms. Cameron who has joined the Physical and Health Education department this year. During the first two weeks of school, students in most classes completed a number of fitness tests in order to assess their overall levels of fitness in the areas of cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular power and endurance, coordination, agility and flexibility. The goal over the rest of the semester is to work towards self-improvement and they will get a chance to repeat each test towards the end of the semester. During the last two weeks of September, students were introduced to various exercises that will help improve their fitness levels using inexpensive equipment such as resistance bands, stability balls, and medicine balls. Our message to students is that fitness does not necessarily require expensive gym memberships, but rather a few simple objects and some creativity when designing workouts. With the beautiful weather we are enjoying lately, many of our classes have been spent outside on the field and baseball diamond and we hope that this fine weather will continue throughout the month of October. Please feel free to contact the Phys. Ed. Department if you have any questions or ideas to share.

Ms. Rusnak's grade 11 Parenting class is very excited about the new Empathy Belly program which will be used by students this semester. During the next few months, members of the class will be wearing the empathy belly (which weighs about 20-25 pounds) for about 4 hours each, during for the morning or the afternoon while at school. This experience will educate students about the physical changes and stresses on the body a woman is likely to feel during the later stages of her pregnancy. The follow-up assignment is to take part in the Baby Think It Over Program carrying an infant simulator around for a few days to help students understand the very demanding needs of infants. Feel free to discuss these programs with participants to learn more about their benefits or contact Ms. Rusnak at 705-428-2639, ext.42858 with any questions or comments.

Thank you to Danelle Chaudet for allowing us to use her photo.

Driver Education Courses

The Simcoe County District School Boards (SCDSB) Driver Education courses are available for registration for teens and adults. The Driver Education program, offered through the Learning Centres throughout Simcoe County, features qualified instructors, 20 hours of in-class instruction, 10 hours of independent work unit projects, and 10 hours of individual in-car instruction. The program meets all Ministry of Transportation requirements and is a Ministry Approved Course Provider. Driver Education is available at the Learning Centres in Alliston, Angus, Barrie, Bradford, Collingwood, Elmvale, Stayner, Midland and Orillia. Additional information and the registration form can be downloaded by clicking here or visit: http:// www.thelearningcentres.com/learning-centres-programs/driverseducation-programs.


Childrens Treatment Network, in collaboration with the Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB) will be hosting an event to help students, parents and educators navigate community resources available for children with special needs, ages 0-19. This event takes place on Wednesday, October 17, 2012, from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., at Barrie Free Methodist Church, 284 Cundles Rd. East, Barrie, Ontario. Community agencies will highlight services available and break-out sessions will be presented. Event information, including break-out session topics and times, is available at http://scdsb.on.ca/programsservices/special-education/upcoming-events/


ENVIRONMENTAL HIGH SKILLS MAJOR PROGRAM AT SCI Have you ever thought about becoming an Outdoor Sport and Recreation Guide, perhaps you are thinking of a career in Forestry Conservation or Marine Biology. Maybe you even want to be a Landscape Architect or an Environmental Engineer? What do all these careers and countless others in the current and future job market have in common they are all connected to the environment. If you think you may want a career in the environmental sector in the future or are unsure what you want to do, why not try out our Environmental Specialist High Skills Major Program? Students complete this program while attending regularly scheduled classes, but the program helps focus learning so you can explore opportunities available for environmental careers and gain valuable sector recognized training and certifications. No matter where you plan on heading after high school workplace, college, university or apprenticeship the Environmental Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) program could help you on your way. Its not too late to sign up for the program this fall, just make an appointment in student services to chat with Mr. Murray about being a part of this exciting program.

Fall sports are in full swing at SCI! The season kicked off on September 17th, with a victorious home soccer game for our varsity boys team. Other teams competing are Jr. and Sr. Girls Basketball, Jr. and Sr. Boys Volleyball, Sr. Tennis, and Cross-Country Running. Family and friends are always welcome to cheer on our Spartans at home games. Following is a list of upcoming games. Also, you can check the league schedule and results for all games in the county by visiting the SCDSB website at www.scdsb.on.ca, click on Student Street, then Secondary Athletics. Oct. 4 Girls Basketball vs. Barrie Central Oct. 10 Boys Volleyball vs. ODCVI Oct. 16 Girls Basketball vs. Holy Trinity Oct. 18 Cross Country Running at Blueberry Trails Oct. 22 Jr. Boys Volleyball vs. Nouvelle Alliance Oct. 24 Sr. Boys Volleyball vs. Le Caron LIBRARY NEWS Our Library Advisory Committee has met several times already this year and the group has great ideas to make the library an even better place. One of these activities will be our field trip to Chapters in Barrie in October. Book Group has had one meeting and many new members showed up to talk about the books theyre reading. Book Group meets every second Friday before school in the Library. The White Pine reading program will start at the end of October with the announcement by the Ontario Library Association of the official list of ten books. Students should listen to announcements for information about how to participate in this amazing program that celebrates the best of Canadian young adult literature.


The Canadian and World Studies Department would like to let everyone know that we will be taking students on some trips this fall to enhance their classroom learning. The grade 9 Geography classes will be going to Toronto with Mrs. Brown to participate in the walking tour of the city. We will take the bus to Yorkdale shopping centre where we will board the subway to the downtown core. We will visit Queens Park, Yorkville, the University of Toronto, Chinatown, the Eaton Centre and walk through some of the 6 km of underground mall to the C.N. Tower. The bus will pick us up after we have gone up the tower to view some of the land uses of Canadas largest city. The bus will depart at 8:00 a.m. and return at about 6:15 p.m. The academic class will be going on Thursday, November 1st and the applied class on Thursday, November 15th. Mr. Bowmans grade 12 law class will be sharing a bus with Mrs. Browns class on November 1st to go to Toronto as well. They will begin their trip at Queens Park where they will take a guided tour of the provincial parliament building and see the House of Commons in session. They will then visit Osgoode Hall Law School for a tour of their facilities and end the day sitting in the Ontario Courthouse on University Avenue to experience a real trial.

Students and parents are reminded that all textbooks are loaned to students for their use and must be returned to the school at the end of each semester. In the event a textbook is lost or damaged, the student will be responsible to pay for its replacement.


If you have lost items, please check at the office. Unclaimed items will be donated to charity twice a year.


S.A.I.D. - D O N T D R I V E I M P A I R E D! SCIs Students Against Impaired Driving group has, for over eighteen years, presented the message to students and the community that impaired driving killsimpairment being defined as under the influence of substances such as alcohol or drugs. With a new executive this year (headed by Emily Walker) and members representing various grade levels, we seek to carry on the tradition and to make a difference not just in the school but, also, in the community. Anyone in general who is interested in helping to promote our message is encouraged to see Mr. Arnott or join us in room 118 Thursdays at 10:50. We need people to run contests, research facts on the MADD site, make announcements, and even take part in such great traditions as Bring Your Own Banana during our SAID Week especially during that week leading up to the Victoria Day weekend. SAID thanks you for being a part of a change in peoples minds and in this community! See our scrap metal fundraiser flyer attached to this newsletter. FRENCH DEPARTMENT All students are to be commended on their efforts to succeed but encouraged to always meet deadlines on assignments and to seek extra help during lunchtime or after school when in difficulty with new structures or concepts. Touching base with Mr. Arnott while in the midst of a major project or the day before an important unit test can make a huge difference in terms of overall success. Students are reminded of the French Department policy on the use of the internet for translation from English to French. Like plagiarism, the use of internet translation sites is strictly forbidden without the consent of your teacher. Do not put your success or that of others into jeopardy and do be aware that many of the sites do a very poor job. Use your own brain powerand a French-English dictionary!

starting very soon. Students have also expressed an interest in starting up a Jazz Band. This will begin very soon as well. Below is the rehearsal schedule for our SCI musicians. Senior Concert Band Choir R&B Band Jazz Band Tuesdays 2:30 4:00 Wednesdays 11:15 11:45 Wednesdays 2:30 4:00 Thursdays 2:30 4:00

Our grade 9 music class has become our Junior Band, and practices are during class time. Upcoming Events Performing for Byng Public School on Thursday, October 25 Variety Night at SCI on November 29 & 30 Christmas Concert on Wednesday, December 19 MusicFest in late January The musical Wizard of Oz in early March Trip to Washington D.C. in late April Fundraising has already started with selling grocery cards that are available in the office and popcorn sales on Fridays. We are also planning to sell citrus fruit again this year in time for Christmas. Thanks to all the students for a great start this year and thanks to all of our parents/guardians for their ongoing support of our music department. Mr. R. Pauz

T.F.C. (Teens For Christ) continues to meet on Tuesdays at lunch. The group is open to all interested students and hopes to continue contributing to areas of need in the community. Listen to announcements for news of activities through which we hope to assist the local food bank and The Door in Stayner. See Mr. Arnott for details. All are welcome.

Lockers are on loan to you by the school. Please attach items with masking tape only. Use your markers on paper and tape it into your locker. If you damage or disfigure the locker you are using, you can be held responsible for repairs.

SCI MUSIC DEPARTMENT It is with great pleasure that I have this chance to show how exciting things are in our music department. We have an active concert band that has already performed at Septembers awards assembly. We have also started an R&B band that had a short performance at our recent barbecue and meet the teacher evening. Students from SCI were part of a choir concert on September 24. This was part of the Colours of Music festival in Barrie. Choir for our students will be

It's not too late to get your yearbook from last year. You can purchase a yearbook for $45. See Ms. Moritz in the library.




CYBERGNOMES The Cybergnomes plan to attend 3 Regional FIRST Meets in March 2013. If you are interested helping our Robotics Team, donations to support the team would be greatly appreciated. The Team will also be doing many fundraising activities and are having pie sales, flower bulbs sales and other fundraising events. Thank you for your continued support to Science and Technology at Stayner Collegiate.









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