7 Steps To A Terrific Life

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In pursuit of a terrific life…and lasting

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Terrific Life

The C.W. “Terrific” Roberts


C.W. “Terrific” Roberts

Educator, Author, Motivational Speaker
Founder & Director: Success Concepts

Clephane W. “Terrific” Roberts

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A Terrific Life
Seven Steps To A
Terrific Life
The C.W “Terrific” Roberts Pattern

A Success Concepts International Publication

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A Terrific Life

Success Concepts International Publications

P.O. Box 3514
St. John’s
268-721-7732 (mobile)
718-247-4370 (international)

Printed and bound by www.lulu.com/content/ 876208

Copyright ©2007 by Clephane W. “Terrific” Roberts

No part of this book may be reproduced or

transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic
or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or
by any information storage and retrieval system,
without permission in writing from the publishers.

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A Terrific Life
Dedicated to my wife Rose “The most talented, trustworthy and industrious
lady I have known” and to my princes - Arden and Chaldane and my
princesses – Rochère, Ronelle, Nedra and Abedra. You are natural
champions for real!

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A Terrific Life
In appreciation to Mike Litman #1 Best-selling Author of Conversations
With Millionaires. Thanks for giving me a hand-up and for assisting me to
become aware of my full potential as a motivational speaker and especially
for inspiring me to put my thoughts in print.

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A Terrific Life

Introduction …………………………………………………………………7

Step I: Know Yourself………………………………………………..….…9

Step II: Believe In Yourself…………………..…………………………...11

Step III: Expect The Best Results………………..…………….…………13

Step IV: Develop A Positive Mindset……………………………….....…15

Step V: Use Positive, Glad Words To Express Yourself…………..……17

Step VI: Surround Yourself With The Positives…………………...……21

Step VII: Live Each Day As If It Is Your Last Day……………………..24

About the Author………………………………………………………...…29

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A Terrific Life

It is very possible for you to have a terrific

day every day. To have a terrific day is to
choose positive emotions of joy, gladness and
peace as your frequent mode of emotional

Seven steps to a terrific life introduces you to

seven simple and practical, yet powerful
principles that can bring about positive change
in your life as you make application.

We live in a world that is bombarded with all

kinds of negative factors that constantly make
appeals to our attention. The sad news is that
the majority of individuals are constantly
bowing down and idolizing these negative
options. The great news is you can change the
way you are thinking about yourself if you are
not satisfied with the kind of person you are by
changing the way you are thinking about
yourself right now.

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A Terrific Life
Here are seven simple, yet powerful steps to
help transform the way you are thinking about
yourself right now and subsequently have a
terrific day every day.
Clephane W. “Terrific” Roberts

O God
Above the heavens.
Your glory be
Seen throughout
The earth!
Yes. Yes. Yes.

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A Terrific Life


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A Terrific Life
Before leaving home every day, if and when you
do, remind your self of whom you are. You are a
child of God – A child created in the image of
Infinite Intelligence. You are an expression of
Divine thinking. Before you were conceived
and before you breathe one breath of air, you
were wrapped and cuddled in Divine

You are fearfully and wonderfully made – in

spirit, soul and body. You are awesome! You
are an individual of purpose and destiny. You
are created for a magnificent function in this life.
According to world renoun motivator, Zig
Ziglar, “You were born for accomplishments;
you are engineered for success and you are
endowed with seeds of greatness.” You are
somebody special, gifted and intelligent,
powerful, important, unprecedented, inherently
wise and awesome. A natural champion.
Extraordinary. That’s the real you. Encourage
no doubt about this reality.

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A Terrific Life


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A Terrific Life
To believe in yourself is to have faith in the
person you are. To believe in yourself is to live
and respect yourself for whom you are.
Believing in yourself is to have faith in the fact
that you have what it takes to touch the world in
a positive way. Believing in yourself ties
closely with knowing yourself and believing
firmly in the facts about you. Believe firmly
that you are extraordinarily the best, not in
comparison but by design and nature. Believing
that you are in the best places, you are in a
position to serve and build up and never exploit
and pull down. To believe in yourself is to
believe in your special gifts and abilities, your
inborn and cultivated attributes. Believing in
yourself will bring you to the sound belief and
understanding that your unique human
performances equal to your inborn attributes,
plus your acquired attributes times your attitude
(HP=IA+AAxA), in keeping with the Brian
Tracey philosophy in his book, Maximum

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A Terrific Life


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A Terrific Life
When you wake up in the morning, think:
Today is the best day of my life and the best is
coming to me; then speak the same words
quietly to yourself several times. Today is the
best day of my life and the best is coming to me
in currents. When you do this, you create a
psychological environment of positive
expectancy: and guess what, what you expect is
what you are likely to get. You are actually
activating a natural mental law – the law of
expectation. If you sow thoughts of successful
expectations, you are likely to reap a harvest of
bountiful prosperity. If you sow thoughts of
limited and lacking expectations, you are likely
to reap a harvest of parallel limitation and lack.
If you expect terrible results, you are likely to
get them; if you expect the best, you are likely to
get the best. As of today, expect of and for
yourself nothing less than the best, and it is
likely to manifest in your world – wherever that

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A Terrific Life


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A Terrific Life
Develop A Positive

Napoleon Hill and coauthor W. Clement Stone

in their Success Classic, “Success through a
Positive Mental Attitude” suggests that a
positive mental attitude is the foundation to a
successful life. Acting with joy and gladness is
dependent upon thinking thoughts of joy and
gladness. The psychosomatic (mind and body)
relationship is very real, relevant and crucial.
The way you think affects the way you act and
feel and the way you act and feel triggers your
thinking. When you get up in the morning and
you are not feeling and behaving right, examine
your thinking and choose to think right thoughts
instead. Your acts will soon match your
thoughts. Consider this carefully and understand
how important it is for you to develop a positive
mindset everyday – how important it is for you
to make it a habit of thinking positive, glad
thoughts daily.
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A Terrific Life
Your habitual mindset produces a certain kind of
feeling, which produces certain kinds of actions,
behaviours and performances; these in turn
produce certain kinds of results in your life.

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A Terrific Life


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A Terrific Life
Every language is gifted with words that are
positively or negatively charged. It will be of
much benefit to you if you avoid the negatively
charged words and make it a habit to use
positively charged words to express yourself on
a regular and daily basis.

Words are seeds which germinate in the mind

and create a harvest of emotional edification or
emotional destruction or pull-down. I think this
is one of the most practical steps I use to have a
terrific day every day. Consider this – when
someone asks you “How are you?” What is your
response? “Fine thanks!” I consider this to be an
emotional expression of verbal mediocrity. You
have used this expression for years. It is time to
replace this with some other highly emotionally
charged verbal alternatives. I’ll introduce you to
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A Terrific Life
seven positive, glad words – one for each day of
the week. On Mondays when asked how are you
today, try from next Monday to say
MARVELOUS! instead of fine. Observe the
response of the one who greeted you.
It’s Tuesday –How are you?
TERRIFIC ! That’s my borrowed word
It’s Wednesday – How are you?
It’s Thursday – How are you?
It’s Friday – How are you?
It’s Saturday – How are you?
It’s Sunday –How are you?

These are just seven of the many positive words

in the English Language - words we can use to
express our emotions deliberately.

Promise me this. Borrow a positive, glad word

from your Native Language; then use it to

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A Terrific Life
express your feelings for one month and see
what happens.

Exercise: Choose your word right now. What’s

it? _____________________. Choose it now.
Don’t put it off. Unleash your greatness,
according to international motivator and best-
selling author Mike Litman, by defeating the
thief of procrastination today – right now!

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A Terrific Life


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A Terrific Life
Your surroundings - your environment is a
powerful factor in determining whether you
have a terrific day every day or not. Don’t
underestimate the power of your atmosphere.
Check the following formula to illustrate the
power of your atmosphere.

Atmosphere + Attitude Æ Actions

Your atmosphere is actively triggering your
consistent thought patterns which in turn are
creating your actions. Your actions in turn are
defining your behaviour and daily performances
which are producing your daily results. And
that’s powerful!

From today therefore, be cautiously selective

concerning the following
atmospheric/environmental factors
(a) the books you read
(b) the magazines you leaf through
(c) the songs you sing and listen to
(d) the television programmes you view
(e) the games you take part in
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A Terrific Life
(f) the places you visit
(g) the things you eat and drink
(h) the persons you hang with
(i) the chat rooms and web sites you visit
on line etc.

The ancient sayings still make a lot of sense

today. Ponder carefully
“Birds of a feather flock together”
“You lie with dogs you get up with flee”
“If you want to be wise keep company
with the wise.”
Consider and understand this: To surround
yourself by and with successful people is likely
to influence positively your success; but to
surround yourself with and by failures will
definitely influence you to fail. The ball is in
your court today. Play it well.

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A Terrific Life


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A Terrific Life
If you know for sure that tomorrow will be your
last day, how would you live today? I would live
it to the fullest. I would be myself and be my
very best.

Yes my friend, to live each day as if it is your

last day is to be your best. Real living boils
down to being your best; and to be your best is
to live a principle-centred lifestyle. This is the
only kind of life that truly satisfies. Live each
day as if it is your last by greeting each day with
love in you heart as taught by Og Mandino in
his motivational classic – The Greatest Secret
In The World.

When you greet each day with love in your heart

you live a life of gratitude. You wake up and
give thanks in every situation and in everything
according to biblical teaching by Paul, one of
the greatest biblical philosophers and
motivational speakers.

When you greet each day with love in your

heart, you live a life of optimism. You focus on
the bright and productive side of life. You don’t
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A Terrific Life
worry about anything. You live with confidence
and wonderful expectations.

When you greet each day with love in your

heart, you live a life of joy and gladness. You
think thoughts of creativity and speak words of
life to every creature you meet. You “reach for
excellence” and “make a positive difference”
in your world in keeping with the aim and motto
respectively of Success Concepts International
(SCI) – Antigua.

When you greet each day with love in your heart

you live a life of thoughtfulness and
unselfishness. You think of the well-being of
others before you conclude them. You are
sensitive to the needs and feelings of your fellow
beings. You come to understand that your life is
about service - service to God and friendship to

When you greet each day with love in your

heart, you live a life of generosity. You are
sharing and caring. You give without an eye of
reciprocity from the one to whom you give or
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A Terrific Life
with whom you share, but not without an
understanding of that law of reciprocity – that
when you give you activate a universal principle
which flows back to you.

Finally, when you greet each day with love in

your heart you live a life committed to intimacy
– “a life committed to righteousness,
faithfulness, victory and excellence” according
to my soon to be published book, 90 Days To
Spiritual Intimacy: A Devotional Pattern For
The Facilitation of Spiritual and Personal
Transformation. On a daily basis, you connect
with the Divine – Spirit with spirit- the Infinite
with the finite and watch the effects in your
body, soul and spirit, relationships and finances
transcend estimation.

Yes my friend, adopt these seven steps in your

daily walk; then begin to run and eventually soar
with excellence. You can have a terrific day
everyday if you resolve to have a terrific day
every day. It’s an attitude and you can choose
your attitude which determines your success
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A Terrific Life
Practice these simple yet profound habits and
experience for yourself a terrific life – a life
marked by gladness, joy, peace, success and

Thanks for reading and have a terrific day

everyday; for everyday above the ground is a
T-E-R-R-R-R-R-I-F-I-C DAY!!!

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A Terrific Life
“C. W. “Terrific” Roberts is one of the most motivational and
inspirational people in the world today. Do whatever you can to
get near him because he will help to transform your thinking”
Mike Litman - #1 Best Selling Author: Conversations With

Clephane W. "Terrific" Roberts is a proud son of Caribbean soil and a confident child
and expression of the Creator and King of the Universe. He is committed to a life of
Spiritual intimacy which he considers his inexhaustible source of empowerment and
success. This is evident from his commitment to lifelong learning which led to self
education from motivational sources which include some of the top motivational
personalities in the world. He was inspired by the likes of the late Napoleon Hill, Brian
Tracy, Zig-Ziglar, Ed Foreman, Og Mandino, Dr. Robert Anthony, Denis Waitley, Jim
Rhon, Bob Proctor, John Dilemme, Anthony Robins, Les Brown, Jeffrey Combe, Mike
Litman and Dr. Robert Schuller just to name a few.
Scholastically, Roberts has been influenced by institutions including Antigua State
College, University of the West Indies, University of Southern Caribbean and Atlantic
Union College.
Roberts has touched and influenced literally thousands of lives nationally and
regionally as an educator of twenty five years, through some soul-stirring, life-changing,
inspirational and motivational programmes via the pulpit, tent meetings, the classroom,
radio and television, youth camps, motivational workshops and seminars.
C.W. “Terrific” Roberts is the well-loved moderator for the popular children's
educational television programme "National Spell Bound Championship" in Antigua and
Barbuda. He is also a drug and alcohol awareness prevention educator for Crossroads
Centre-Antigua. He is the author of the audio programme – 7 Steps To A Terrific Life
and the soon to be published books – 90 Days To Spiritual Intimacy, Motivational
Nuggets for Personal and Professional Development and Life-changing Imperatives For
The Caribbean Youth and The Young At Heart.
For nearly a decade, Mr. Terrific has been serving as CEO and Director of Success
Concepts International - an organization founded in 1997 upon Kingdom and power
success principles; through this medium, Roberts encourages and promotes personal and
professional development through motivational workshops, seminars, camps and
possibility thinking sessions.
C.W. “Terrific” Roberts is also co-founder of Little Diamonds Day Care and Pre-
school, APC (Sanitizing Service Provider) and most recently the Natural Champion
Network in Antigua and Barbuda.

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A Terrific Life
Roberts, a proud member of Success University thinks that this is an awesome opportunity for
personal and professional empowerment. He is the husband of Rosemarie Roberts for 19 years
and is the proud father of four champions – two boys and two girls and the grand father of two
harvests of feminine delights. Roberts and his family reside in the beautiful twin-island nation of
sea, sun, and warm friendly people - Antigua and Barbuda in the heart of the Caribbean.


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A Terrific Life

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