English Experience Press Grammar Zappers

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Grammar lessons which make te
the ‘difficult bits’ EASY !

Mark Fletcher

● Prepositions

● Present Simple /Continuous

● Irregular Past

● Present Perfect / Past

Brain friendly Publications ce

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Grammar Zappers is designed for teachers with limited preparation time who want to
provide lively, motivating language skills lessons to introduce, test or revise the use of
Prepositions; use of The Past Tense; use of The Present Perfect / Past Tenses; and use of The Present
Simple / Continuous Tenses.

Grammar Zappers
by Mark Fletcher
Illustrated by Mark Fletcher
Copyright © English Experience
Telephone/Fax: (44) 1303 238880
E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: www.brainfriendly.co.uk
ISBN 1 898295 08 5

Conditions of sale permit the photocopying / printing of these masters for student use.
It is not permitted to subsequently use copies to generate further copies for resale.
Walter’s Royal Thursday (Prepositions)
1B Text
2A / B Memory Map
3A Picture Cards
3B Gap Text

Hot Chestnuts (Present Simple / Continuous)

4A / B Text
5A / B Memory Map
6A Exercises
6B Picture Cards
7A / B Gap Test

Fantastic Fondue Company (Irregular Past)

8A / B Text
9A / B Memory Map
10A Exercises
10B Picture Cards
11A / B Gap Test

The Great Escape (Present Perfect / Past)

12A / B Text
13A / B Memory Map
14A Exercises
14B Picture Cards
15A / B Gap Test

Full Teaching
Notes included

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Grammar Zappers!

Welcome to Grammar Zappers!

This is one of an exciting new range of Brain friendly Publications materials giving students
the benefit of recent research into how the brain “learns”.

Using Grammar Zappers

First, of course, familiarise yourself with the contents of each lesson. They follow the same format and contain the following
photocopy masters:
- a story text full of examples of the target grammar
- 2 Memory Map pages to help recall the language
- a page of pictures to cut up
- a page of exercises
Note - a Cassette with active concert readings of all 4 lessons is available (ISBN 1898295 13 1).
The guidelines below use each lesson over 3 x 45 minute sessions. That would give excellent exploitation of the material and
variety of activity. Timing can be shortened by selecting stages (or by giving some stages as homework). Equally, the lessons
can be extended into projects with extra creative writing / role play activities.
Approximate timing of the stages is shown. T = Teacher / Ss = Students.

1. T reads text dramatically, using humour, mime, props etc.
Ss listen and get the general theme. (5 minutes)

2. T distributes photocopied text and reads through again. Ss follow text, underlining any especially interesting language or
anything not understood.
Methodology Enrichment
This stage is very effective as a Suggestopedic Active Concert.
T. reads to classical music, matching the reading to the music, and allowing pauses to
emphasise the key language. (This is how the text is presented on the cassette)

3. Comprehension. Ss work in pairs/small groups - going through text, checking what has been underlined and helping one
T available as required. (5 minutes)

4. Picture game. T cuts up and distributes one set of 12 pictures to each group of 3 or 4 students. Ss work on a table or
Teaching Notes Page A

floor, to put the pictures into their correct order. (5 minutes)

5. Each S takes 3 or 4 pictures, finds a line in the text which matches it, and writes that line on the back of the picture.
(The pictures have been drawn to illustrate lines containing the target language). Correct order and lines are given in the
Cut Out Pictures section overleaf.
(5 minutes)

6. In the same small groups, Ss take turns to read out the lines they have written on their pictures. Everyone underlines
the 12 lines in the text as they hear them. (10 minutes)

7. A ‘milling’ exercise. In their small group, or around the whole class, Ss exchange picture cards and, as they do so, read
out the line on the back. The idea is to get so familiar with the 12 lines that the cards can be handed around with
minimum need for checking. (5 minutes)

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Grammar Zappers!
8. Working in pairs Ss read the text aloud to each other. (10 minutes)

9. T distributes copies of the Memory Maps and reads through text again. This time Ss follow on the Memory Maps and add
words as necessary. (5 minutes)

10. Ss work on their own looking through the Memory Maps, trying to recreate the text accurately, and checking with the text.
With a strong group, a more dynamic way to do this is to work in threes. One ‘prompter’ has the text, and the other two Ss work
from the Memory Maps.(15 minutes)

11. Consolidation - Ss sit quietly just listening as T reads through text again. (10 minutes)
Methodology enrichment
This step is best done as a Suggestopedic concert. Ss sit quietly. T. reads with a gentle Baroque music background.

Hot Chestnuts . . . . Cut Out Pictures

1 l I live and work in Lenk.
2 a I meet a lot of people in my job and my hands are never cold.
3 b My husband’s coming out of the ski station.
4 d I’m working on a story now.
5 c I like to practice in the mountains.
6 j We’re staying for three nights and playing at the ‘Bear’.
7 e The one looking through binoculars.
8 f Enrico from Rome is staying at home.
9 g That’s strange. They’re all standing in a line.
10 k I fall over every ten seconds.
11 h I’m studying photography at night school.
12 i It’s starting to snow again.

Fantastic Fondue Company . . . . Cut Out Pictures

1 a I went south, where it was much hotter.

2 c I saw the most beautiful building in the world.
3 e It’s the biggest fast food market in the world.
4 i Some had TV’s on their knees.
5 j We often had business meetings in the sauna.
6 f At the weekend I drove north through the forests.
7 d I had to drink a lot of beer there too.
8 l It broke a mirror and a window pane, came back and hit him on the head again!
9 g One night the villagers caught lots of fish.
10 b On my way back I stopped at the coast again, and danced all night at the carnival.
11 h I didn’t feel very well.
12 k They bought everything I had and gave me this beautiful hand made mat.

Great Excape . . . . Cut Out Pictures

Teaching Notes Page B

1 a It looked into the front room window.

2 b He arrived in England a week ago.
3 c I’ve had these snails since 1980.
4 d So far we’ve found four of the snails.
5 i One has read the complete works of Shakespeare.
6 e The one at Stonehenge woke up and gave rides to visitors.
7 j The fourth has climbed Nelson’s Column.
8 f The fifth went into a shop at three o’clock.
9 e We’ve just signed a contract with Dr Bauer.
10 h We’ve already started to build a special enclosure.
11 k Have you seen the newspaper? Dr Bauer has gone home.
12 l They’ve sent it all to London Zoo.

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Grammar Zappers!
12. T and Ss work through the Exercise page. (25 minutes)

13. Divide into ‘acting’ groups of 4 or 5 Ss (the story texts have up to 8 parts so Ss may take more
than one part). Allow time for Ss to study text and pick out their own lines. Groups read through
once for practice and then again imaginatively and dramatically, using props etc. Encourage fun and creativity.
( A strong group could practice and try without the text). (20 minutes)

Hot Chestnuts
Ex. 1 Do/Does questions - 5 Is/Are questions - 10
Ex. 2 a) She’s a writer: She writes a thriller every year: She’s working on a new book: She’s going out to dinner.
b) He likes to practice in the mountains: He’s playing at ‘the Bear’ tonight;
He’s travelling from town to town; He’s much too busy to sleep.
c) They’re learning to ski; They’re complete beginners; There are lots of chestnut trees in their garden.
Ex. 3 Where do you live? Where are you staying? What are you doing in Lenk?
Who are you waiting for? (Why are you looking through the binoculars?)
Is Enrico coming to Lenk? Do you often come here?
How long are you staying? What are you doing tonight?

Fantastic Fondue Company

Ex. 1 1 India 2 USA 3 Finland / Lapland 4 Australia 5 Brazil 6 Saudi Arabia
- and number 7 Scotland.

Number 1: went to a very large country.../saw the most beautiful building in the world/didn’t sell many fondue sets.
Number 2: ...gave a demonstration/said the research staff could produce take-aways / sent a fondue set to the President.
Number 3:...had business meetings in the sauna/drove north/watched the Northern Lights.
Number 4:...made a lot of phone calls/travelled long distances / explained about fondues.
Number 5: ...flew south/ate fondue with fishy stew/danced all night.
Number 6:...tried to cook/didn’t feel well/slept under the stars.
Number 7: ...took some free samples/looked for a fantastic animal.

Great Escape
Ex. 1 a)10 b)7
Ex. 2 One of the snails has just arrived in Edinburgh.
So far the snail has read six Shakespeare plays.
Since ten o’clock the snail has drunk another two litres of wine.
The snail hasn’t come down Nelson’s Column yet.
Ex. 3 One snail bought some wine in Folkestone. One gave rides at Stonehenge.
One climbed Nelson’s Column in London. One read the works of Shakespeare in Oxford.
Ex. 4 Q1 How long has Dr Bauer had the snails?
Q2 When did Dr Bauer arrive in England?
Q3 How many has London Zoo bought?
Q4 Why did London Zoo decide to buy the snails?
Q5 What did the snail do at Stonehenge?
Q6 Why did the snail go into the shop?
Teaching Notes Page C

Q7 Have you ever seen a pink snail?

Walter . . . . Cut Out Pictures

1 g The alarm went off at four o’clock.
2 l Walter put on his very best clothes.
3 e He checked in and got on the plane.
4 j Then he looked at a magazine.
5 c He introduced himself to the sentry on duty.
6 k The one on the left is my favourite corgi.
7 f Here’s one. A present from me to you.
8 i What’s on the menu today?
9 b Walter asked for a hot dog.
10 a In the evening he went to the airport by taxi.
11 h She was sitting on her throne and talking to people from all over the world.
12 d He put his suitcase away.

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“It’s a pocket-size-instant-tea-machine.
WALTER’S ROYAL THURSDAY Very useful for a busy Queen.
Fill it with water, and put the tea in here.
Switch it on - the instructions are clear.
Early on Thursday morning Quick as a wink.
Walter was fast asleep. It’s ready to drink!
The alarm went off at four o’clock - Here’s one - a present from me to you.
It really gave him quite a shock! It’s made by hand,
He yawned, and stretched, as he scratched his head, and guaranteed for ten years.”
opened his eyes and jumped out of bed.
Walter put on his very best clothes. “Thank you very much, Walter,” said the Queen.
Goodness me! Look at those! “It’s the smallest tea pot I’ve ever seen,
A red silk shirt - very bright. And such a nice colour, a pretty green.
Blue trousers - very tight I haven’t got a pocket,

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and a smart new jacket - very white. so I’ll carry it under my crown.
Grammar Zappers!

“It’s time to go, Now it’s time for lunch.

I mustn’t be late. Be careful! The plates are made of gold!
I’ve got to be in England by half past eight.” Mmm... What’s on the menu today?
Would you like hot dog, or fish and chips?”
Walter arrived at the airport in good time. Walter asked for a hot dog.
He checked in and got on the plane. “But not Corgi, please, your Majesty.”
It took off on time.
During the flight Walter had breakfast After lunch Walter had a look round Central London,
and looked out of the window. and in the evening he went to the airport by taxi.
Then he looked at a magazine. He got home at eleven o’clock, and turned on the TV.
He was interested in an article on ”Inventions.” There was a programme about the Queen!
The plane landed at Heathrow She was sitting on her throne
and Walter got the tube to Central London. and talking to people from all over the world.
He got off at St. James’s Park She was also drinking a small cup of tea.
and walked to Buckingham Palace. Walter smiled. He took off his white jacket
He introduced himself to the sentry on duty. and hung it up.
“Hello, I’m Walter. He put his suitcase away.
I have an invitation from the Queen. “I’m glad the Queen’s enjoying her tea.
I hope she’s in today.” I think I’ll make a cup for me!”
“Yes Sir. She’s at home.
And She’s expecting you for lunch.
I’ll show you the way to her room”
When Walter met the Queen he bowed politely.
“I’m very pleased to meet you, Walter.
I’ll show you round the palace before lunch.
Here we are in the banqueting hall.
Do you like those pictures on the wall?
The one on the left is my favourite Corgi.
It was painted by dear Philip in 1940.
Now, Walter, tell me about your invention.”
Grammar Zappers!

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Grammar Zappers!

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Grammar Zappers!

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“It’s a pocket-size-instant-tea-machine.
WALTER’S ROYAL THURSDAY Very useful . . . . . . a busy Queen.
Fill it . . . . . . water, and put the tea . . . . . . here.
Switch it . . . . . . - the instructions are clear.
Early . . . . . . Thursday morning Quick . . . . . . a wink.
Walter was fast asleep. It’s ready to drink!
The alarm went . . . . . . . . . . . . four o’clock - Here’s one - a present . . . . . . me . . . . . . you.
It really gave him quite a shock! It’s made . . . . . . hand,
He yawned, and stretched, . . . . . . he scratched his head, and guaranteed . . . . . . ten years.”
opened his eyes and jumped . . . . . . . . . . . . bed.
Walter put . . . . . . his very best clothes. “Thank you very much, Walter,” said the Queen.
Goodness me! Look . . . . . . those! “It’s the smallest tea pot I’ve . . . . . . seen,
A red silk shirt - very bright. And . . . . . . a nice colour, a pretty green.
Blue trousers - very tight I haven’t got a pocket,

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and a smart new jacket - very white. so I’ll carry it . . . . . . my crown.
Grammar Zappers!

“It’s time . . . . . . go, Now it’s time . . . . . . lunch.

I mustn’t be late. Be careful! The plates are made . . . . . . gold!
I’ve got to be . . . . . . England . . . . . . half past eight.” Mmm... What’s . . . . . . the menu today?
Would you like hot dog, . . . . . . fish and chips?”
Walter arrived . . . . . . the airport . . . . . . good time. Walter asked . . . . . . a hot dog.
He checked . . . . . . , and got . . . . . . the plane. “But not Corgi, please, your Majesty.”
It took . . . . . . . . . . . . time.
. . . . . . the flight Walter had breakfast . . . . . . lunch Walter had a look . . . . . . Central London,
and looked . . . . . . the window. and . . . . . . the evening he went . . . . . . the airport . . . . . . taxi.
Then he looked . . . . . . a magazine. He got home . . . . . . eleven o’clock, and turned . . . . . . the TV.
He was interested . . . . . . an article . . . . . . “Inventions.” There was a programme . . . . . . the Queen!
The plane landed . . . . . . Heathrow She was sitting . . . . . . her throne
and Walter got the tube . . . . . . Central London. and talking . . . . . . people . . . . . . all . . . . . . the world.
He got . . . . . . . . . . . . St. James’s Park She was also drinking a small cup . . . . . . tea.
and walked . . . . . . Buckingham Palace. Walter smiled. He took . . . . . . his white jacket
He introduced himself . . . . . . the sentry . . . . . . duty. and hung it . . . . . .
“Hello, I’m Walter. He put his suitcase . . . . . .
I have an invitation . . . . . . the Queen. “I’m glad the Queen’s enjoying her tea.
I hope she’s . . . . . . today.” I think I’ll make a cup . . . . . . me!”
“Yes Sir. She’s . . . . . . home.
And She’s expecting you . . . . . . lunch.
I’ll show you the way . . . . . . her room”
. . . . . . Walter met the Queen he bowed politely.
“I’m very pleased . . . . . . meet you, Walter.
I’ll show you . . . . . . the palace . . . . . . lunch.
Here we are . . . . . . the banqueting hall.
Do you like those pictures on the wall?
The one . . . . . . the left is my favourite Corgi.
It was painted . . . . . . dear Philip . . . . . . 1940.
Now, Walter, tell me about your invention.”
Lady I’m a writer. I write a thriller every year.
HOT CHESTNUTS I’m working on a story now.
Ah. My husband’s coming out of the ski station.
Monica Hello. I’m Monica Marroni. He’s carrying another picture -
I live and work in Lenk. Oh no! A white cat sitting on the snow!
As you see, I’m standing by the ski lift. Goodbye for now.
I come here every day in winter We’re meeting friends in an hour
because I sell hot chestnuts to the skiers. and going out to dinner.
Would you like some?
Here you are. Monica Good luck with your new book.
I meet a lot of people in my job, - What’s it called?
and my hands are never cold!
Ah. A lady is coming towards my chestnut stall. Lady ‘Murder on the Lenk Ski Lift!’
She’s wearing an orange anorak - but she looks cold.

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Monica Here come two more customers.
Grammar Zappers!

Lady Brrr. I’m frozen. Can I have some chestnuts please? One of them is carrying a trumpet!
Monica Certainly. Where are you from? Musician 1 Beautiful afternoon ... but it’s getting colder.
Lady I’m from England. I’m visiting Lenk on holiday. Musician 2 Yes. It may snow later.
Monica Is this your first visit? Monica They’re talking about the weather.
They must be English too.
Lady Yes it is. I’m staying at ‘the Lion’ for a week.
Musician 1 Two bags of chestnuts please.
Monica Do you enjoy winter sports?
Monica Here you are.
Lady Well ... to be honest, I don’t, Why are you carrying a trumpet?
but my husband loves it here.
Musician 2 We’re jazz musicians on tour.
Monica Where is your husband? Is he skiing? We’re travelling from town to town
this winter, and playing in clubs
Lady No. He’s up the mountain painting another picture. and bars.
I like to practice in the mountains.
Monica Is he an artist?
Monica Be careful not to start an avalanche!
Lady No. He works in a frozen food factory Where are you playing tonight?
but he paints pictures in his spare time.
His favourite colour is white. Musician 1 We’re staying in Lenk for three nights
and playing at ‘The Bear’.
Monica What do you do while your husband is You must come and hear us.
Monica I will. Do you like here?
Musician 1 Oh yes. We’re having a very good time.
We ski all day and play jazz all night.
Monica When do you sleep? Mother Can I take a photo of you?
I’m studying photography at night school.
Musician 2 Sleep? We don’t sleep. I take hundreds of pictures a year.
We’re much too busy to sleep! ‘Bye.
Monica Certainly. I’m sure you’re taking lots of
Monica I recognise the girl over there. pictures here.
The one looking through binoculars.
Excuse me. You’re Hilary Hollywood, aren’t you? Mother Smile please. Say ‘cheese.’
(click). Thank you.
Hilary That’s right. I’m waiting for my boyfriends to arrive.
Child 1 It’s starting to snow again.
Monica Boyfriends?
Monica And it’s time for me to close the stall.

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Hilary Yes. They’re coming to see me here. I’m going to England in the Spring.
Grammar Zappers!

Manuel from Spain is coming by train, and There are so many places I want to see.
Jean from France - he loves to dance
and Irish Mike is coming by bike! Father You must come and visit us Monica.
But Enrico from Rome is staying at home - There are lots of chestnut trees in our
he’s getting married today. garden.
You can open an English branch of your
Monica Can I have your autograph please? business!
Hilary With pleasure. An autograph for a hot chestnut. Monica I know ‘a change is as good as a rest’
‘Fair exchange is no robbery.’ but for my holiday .....
sight seeing’s best!
Monica Some more people are getting off the ski lift.
They’re looking in this direction.
Yes. They’re coming over here.
That’s strange, they’re all standing in a line.
Father Is this the queue? Hot chestnuts for three,
and, do you sell tea?
Monica I don’t sell drinks, I’m afraid, but here are the chestnuts.
Are you on holiday here?
Mother Yes, We’re staying with friends, and learning to ski.
We’re complete beginners - but it’s fun.
Child 1 I fall over every ten seconds
but it doesn’t matter, I enjoy it.
Child 2 We come from the South of England, near the sea.
It doesn’t often snow there.
Grammar Zappers!

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Grammar Zappers!

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Exercise 3
Can you complete this conversation with Hilary Hollywood?
You ..............................................
Exercise 1
H.H. I live in California.
Take 2 coloured pens/pencils. With one of them underline all the ‘do/does’ questions. You ..............................................
With the other colour underline all the ‘is/are’ questions. How many of each kind can you find?
H.H. In Lenk.
Exercise 2 - Descriptions You ..............................................
Who is this? She’s wearing an orange anorak. H.H. I’m making a film here.
Her husband works in a frozen food factory. You ..............................................

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a) Write 4 more things about her:
H.H. I’m waiting for some friends.
Grammar Zappers!

......................................... You ..............................................

......................................... H.H. No. He’s staying in Rome.
......................................... You ..............................................
H.H. Yes. Very often. I come to Switzerland three or four times a year.
You ..............................................
The jazz musician. He’s travelling from town to town.
H.H. For ten days. Then I’m going back to America.
He’s staying in Lenk.
b) Write 4 more things about him: You ..............................................
........................................ H.H. Manuel, Jean, Mike and I are going to listen to jazz at the Bear.
........................................ Notice
The PRESENT CONTINUOUS is also useful for things in the FUTURE.
Can you find and underline:
........................................ “I’m going to England in the Spring”.
“ We’re meeting friends in an hour”.
The family. They’re staying with friends “ Where are you playing tonight?”
They come from the South of England.
c) Write 4 more things about them:
Grammar Zappers!

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HOT CHESTNUTS Lady I’m a writer. I . . . . . a thriller every year.
I . . . . . on a story now.
Monica Hello. I’m Monica Marroni. Ah. My husband . . . . . out of the ski station.
I . . . . . and . . . . . in Lenk. He . . . . . another picture -
As you see, I. . . . . by the ski lift. Oh no! A white cat sitting on the snow!
I . . . . . here every day in winter Goodbye for now.
because I . . . . . hot chestnuts to the skiers. We . . . . . friends in an hour
Would you like some? and . . . . . out to dinner.
Here you are.
I . . . . . a lot of people in my job, - Monica Good luck with your new book.
and my hands . . . . . never cold! What’s it called?
Ah. A lady . . . . . towards my chestnut stall.
She . . . . . an orange anorak -but she . . . . . cold. Lady “Murder on the Lenk Ski Lift!”

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Grammar Zappers!

Lady Brrr. I . . . . . frozen. Can I have some chestnuts please? Monica Here . . . . . two more customers.
One of them . . . . . a trumpet!
Monica Certainly. Where . . . . . you from?
Musician 1 Beautiful afternoon - but it’s
Lady I. . . . . from England. I . . . . . Lenk on holiday. getting colder.
Monica . . . . . this your first visit? Musician 2 Yes. It may snow later.
Lady Yes it is. I . . . . . at “the Lion” for a week. Monica They . . . . . about the weather.
They must be English too.
Monica . . . . . you . . . . . winter sports?
Musician 1 Two bags of chestnuts please.
Lady Well ... to be honest, I . . . . . ,
but my husband . . . . . it here. Monica Here you are.
Why . . . . . you . . . . . a trumpet?
Monica Where is your husband. . . . . . he . . . . . ?
Musician 2 We . . . . . jazz musicians on tour.
Lady No. He. . . . . up the mountain . . . . . another picture. We . . . . . from town to town this winter,
and . . . . . in clubs and bars.
Monica . . . . . he an artist? I . . . . . to practice in the mountains.
Lady No. He . . . . . in a frozen food factory Monica Be careful not to start an avalanche!
but he . . . . . pictures in his spare time. Where . . . . . you . . . . . tonight?
His favourite colour is white.
Monica What . . . . . you . . . . . while your husband . . . . .? Musician 1 We . . . . . in Lenk for three nights
and . . . . . at “The Bear”.
You must come and hear us.
Monica I will . . . . . you . . . . . it here?
Musician 1 Oh yes. We . . . . . a very good time.
We . . . . . all day and . . . . . jazz all night.
Monica When . . . . . you . . . . . ? Mother Can I take a photo of you?
I . . . . . photography at night school.
Musician 2 Sleep? We . . . . . sleep. I . . . . . hundreds of pictures a year.
We’re much too busy to sleep! ‘Bye.
Monica Certainly. I’m sure you . . . . . lots of
Monica I . . . . . the girl over there. pictures here.
The one looking through binoculars.
Excuse me. You’re Hilary Hollywood, . . . . . you? Mother Smile please. Say “cheese.” (click). Thank you.
Hilary That’s right. I . . . . . for my boyfriends to arrive. Child 1 It . . . . . to snow again.
Monica Boyfriends? Monica And it’s time for me to close the stall.
I . . . . . to England in the Spring.

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Hilary Yes. They . . . . . to see me here. There . . . . . so many places I . . . . . to see.
Grammar Zappers!

Manuel from Spain . . . . . by train,

and Jean from France - he . . . . . to dance - Father You must come and visit us Monica.
and Irish Mike . . . . . by bike! There . . . . . lots of chestnut trees in our garden.
But Enrico from Rome . . . . . at home - You can open an English branch of your business!
he . . . . . married today.
Monica I . . . . . ‘a change is as good as a rest’,
Monica Can I have your autograph please? but for my holiday .....
sight seeing’s best!
Hilary With pleasure. An autograph for a hot chestnut.
“Fair exchange . . . . . no robbery.”
Monica Some more people . . . . . off the ski lift.
They . . . . . in this direction.
Yes. They . . . . . over here.
That’s strange, they . . . . . all . . . . . in a line.
Father . . . . . this the queue? Hot chestnuts for three,
and, . . . . . you . . . . . tea?
Monica I. . . . . sell drinks, I’m afraid, but here . . . . . the
. . . . . you on holiday here?
Mother Yes, We . . . . . with friends, and . . . . . to ski.
We . . . . . complete beginners - but it’s fun.
Child 1 I . . . . . over every ten seconds
but it . . . . . matter, I . . . . . it.
Child 2 We . . . . . from the South of England, near the sea.
It . . . . . often snow there.
FANTASTIC FONDUE COMPANY No. 2 Oh yes. I sold a lot more than that.
Fondue is, of course, a traditional Swiss meal of melted cheese - delicious! Where I went, people are used to foreign foods.
The Fantastic Fondue Company wants to export Fondue sets (cooking equipment and cheese) They asked about fondue take-away!
all over the world. A team of Sales executives visited seven different countries. Now they are As it’s the biggest fast food market in the world,
going to give their reports. I said our research staff could produce that.
Oh yes . . . There was one other small complaint.
Chairman Welcome to the meeting everybody. I gave a demonstration
Let’s hear first from Number One. of a friendly fondue party -
Where did you go? but some had TV’s on their knees
How did you get on? and quickly covered them in cheese!
Apart from that - a great success.
No. 1 I went to a very large country learned a lot about the place
and met a lot of people. and even sent a fondue to the President.
Unfortunately they weren’t very interested in fondue sets.
Chairman Tell us about your trip, Number Three.

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Chairman Why was that? Did you make some useful contacts?
Grammar Zappers!

No. 1 Because they don’t like cheese very much, No. 3 I spent a lot of time quite naked -
and not many of them drink alcohol. talking to customers, you understand.
Chairman Did you stay in one place Chairman I’m sorry. I don’t understand at all.
or did you travel around? You’re selling cheese and not strip tease!
No. 1 I started my journey in the capital No. 3 Let me explain.
which is in the north of the country. We often had business meetings in the sauna
I had time to do some sight seeing. It’s a popular place for recreation.
I saw the most beautiful building in the world, The people I met thought fondue was just right
and I took a lot of photos. for a long, dark, snowy winter’s night.
At the weekend I drove north through the forests.
Chairman Very interesting, but did you sell any fondue there? I watched the northern lights for hours.
I sent Father Christmas a sample pack.
No. 1 Just a moment, please. Unfortunately, he sent it back.
Then I went south, where it was much hotter.
Chairman How long were you there?
Chairman How many fondue sets did you sell altogether? When did you get back?
No.1 Well . . . I did my best but . . . No.3 I was only there for four days.
I came back by reindeer on Wednesday.
Chairman Please tell us. We haven’t got all day.
Chairman You went to the other side of the world, didn’t you, Four?
No. 1 Not many I’m afraid. How long did you stay?
Six in the north and seven in the south. When did you get back?
Chairman Thirteen! In a country of six hundred million people! No. 4 Yes. It was a twenty-hour flight.
Number Two. Did you have more success? When I got there I made lots of phone calls
and travelled long distances across the country.
Chairman Were the people friendly?
No. 4 Oh yes. Very open and friendly. No. 5 Not that I can show you . . .
I explained to them about fondues but I came home with a heart full of memories.
but I didn’t do much business, I’m afraid.
No. 6 Can I tell you about my trip now?
Chairman Why not? Didn’t they like the idea? I arrived back yesterday after a most interesting journey.
No.4 They’re great meat eaters, you see, - Chairman Why was it interesting? How did you travel?
and I had to drink a lot of beer there too!
I spent two weeks travelling around No. 6 I went part of the way by land rover
and got back three days ago. and part of the way on an animal.
Look I bought this souvenir.
Chairman What sort of animal was it?
Chairman Be careful!

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My father once threw one of those. No. 6 It was large,difficult to ride,
Grammar Zappers!

It broke a mirror, and a window pane, and rather bad tempered.

came back and hit him on the head again! The people I met were very hospitable
Where did you go, Number 5? but they don’t drink alcohol at all.
In the evening we sat round the fondue stove
No. 5 I flew south, then got a boat up river. and I tried to cook - it wasn’t easy!
I had a wonderful, exciting unforgettable, I had to use milk instead of wine. . .
adventurous trip. The men ate first, and then the women.
At night I slept under the huge bright stars.
Chairman That’s all very well, I didn’t feel very well.
but who did you meet? but my new friends enjoyed the meal.
Did you sell many fondue sets? They bought everything I had
and gave me this beautiful hand-made mat.
No.5 Oh yes. I found some remote tribes in the jungle.
I told them about fondue Chairman So, thank you all for your reports.
and showed them how to cook it. We’ll think about the information and details
They wanted an enormous one, and plan a way to double fondue sales!
so everyone met in the central hut.
We cooked great quantities of cheese,
and the villages put their bread on spears.
Chairman Did you try the local food?
No. 5 One night the villagers caught lots of fish.
They celebrated with a special dish, -
something new. . .
We ate fondue with fishy stew!
And drank an interesting brew.
On my way back I stopped at the coast again,
and danced all night at the carnival.
Chairman Did you bring back any souvenirs?
Grammar Zappers!

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Grammar Zappers!

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who drank whisky with his breakfast fondue . . .
Exercise 1 Exercise 2
Sco What did they see? Where did they stay? Who did they meet?
d What did they eat? What did they buy? How much did they sell?
Which 6 countries did they go to? nl How long did they stay? When did they get back?
Ita d

Write - 3 pieces of information about each of the Sales executives.


Use a different verb in each sentence !

eri Number 1 went to
Am Sau
di A
Number 2 went to rabi
H a
ii Number 3 went to na Number 1 ...................... Number 5 ...................

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................................................... ................................................
Grammar Zappers!

Number 4 went to
................................................... ................................................
Number 5 went to
Fra M
Russia ex a
ico Japan di
Number 6 went to In
Number 2 ...................... Number 6 ....................
................................................... .................................................
And what about Number 7 ?
.................................................. .................................................
No. 7 My journey was quite short.
It was enjoyable, but next time I’ll go in summer.
Chairman What was the weather like?
Number 3 ...................... Number 7 ....................
No. 7 Damp and chilly most of the time - ................................................... ................................................
but that was good for business.
These people eat strange things like haggis, ................................................... ................................................
so a fondue was no problem for them!
I took some free samples
and on my first day there
they decided to eat fondue for breakfast.
It was a great success.
After that we went for a very long walk Number 4 ......................
and looked for a fantastic animal in a lake.
Chairman Did you find it?
No. 7 One of my guides said he saw it -
but he was the one
Grammar Zappers!

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FANTASTIC FONDUE COMPANY No. 2 Oh yes. I . . . . . a lot more than that.
Where I . . . . . , people are used to foreign foods.
Fondue is, of course, a traditional Swiss meal of melted cheese - delicious! They . . . . . about fondue take-away!
The Fantastic Fondue Company wants to export Fondue sets (cooking equipment and cheese) As it’s the biggest fast food market in the world,
all over the world. A team of Sales executives visited seven different countries. Now they are I . . . . . our research staff could produce that.
going to give their reports. Oh yes . There . . . . . one other small complaint.
I . . . . . a demonstration
Chairman Welcome to the meeting everybody. of a friendly fondue party -
Let’s hear first from Number One. but some . . . . . TV’s on their knees
Where . . . . . you go? and quickly covered them in cheese!
How . . . . . you get on? Apart from that - a great success.
I . . . . . a lot about the place
No. 1 I . . . . . to a very large country and even . . . . . a fondue to the President.
and . . . . . a lot of people.

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Unfortunately they . . . . . very interested in fondue sets. Chairman Tell us about your trip, Number Three.
Grammar Zappers!

Did you . . . . . some useful contacts?

Chairman Why . . . . . that?
No. 3 I . . . . . a lot of time quite naked -
No. 1 Because they don’t like cheese very much, talking to customers, you understand.
and not many of them drink alcohol.
Chairman I’m sorry. I don’t understand at all.
Chairman Did you . . . . . in one place You’re selling cheese and not strip tease!
or . . . . . you travel around?
No. 3 Let me explain.
No. 1 I . . . . . my journey in the capital We often had business meetings in the sauna
which is in the north of the country. It’s a popular place for recreation.
I . . . . . time to do some sight seeing. The people I . . . . . thought fondue was just right
I . . . . . the most beautiful building in the world, for a long, dark, snowy winter’s night.
and I . . . . . a lot of photos. At the weekend I . . . . . north through the forests.
I . . . . . the northern lights for hours.
Chairman Very interesting, but did you . . . . . any fondue there? I . . . . . Father Christmas a sample pack.
Unfortunately, he sent it back.
No. 1 Just a moment please.
Then I . . . . . south, where it was much hotter. Chairman How long . . . . . you there?
When . . . . . you get back?
Chairman How many fondue sets . . . . . you sell altogether?
No.3 I . . . . . only there for four days.
No.1 Well , I . . . . . my best but ... I . . . . . back by reindeer on Wednesday.
Chairman Please tell us. We haven’t got all day. Chairman You . . . . . to the other side of the world, didn’t you, Four?
How long . . . . . you stay?
No. 1 Not many I’m afraid. When did you . . . . . . . . . . ?
Six in the north and seven in the south.
No. 4 Yes. It . . . . . a twenty-hour flight.
Chairman Thirteen! In a country of six hundred million people! When I . . . . . there I . . . . . a lot of phone calls
Number Two. Did you . . . . . more success? and . . . . . long distances across the country.
Chairman Did you . . . . . back any souvenirs?
Chairman . . . . . the people friendly? No. 5 Not that I can show you ...
but I . . . . . home with a heart full of memories.
No. 4 Oh yes. Very open and friendly.
I . . . . . to them about fondues No. 6 Can I tell you about my trip now?
but I didn’t . . . . . much business, I’m afraid. I . . . . . back yesterday after a most interesting journey.
Chairman Why not? Didn’t they . . . . . the idea? Chairman Why . . . . . it so interesting? How did you . . . . . ?
No.4 They’re great meat eaters, you see, - No. 6 I . . . . . part of the way by land rover
and I . . . . . drink a lot of beer there too! and part of the way on an animal.
I . . . . . two weeks travelling around
and . . . . . back three days ago. Chairman What sort of animal . . . . . it?
Look I . . . . . this souvenir.
No. 6 It . . . . . large,difficult to ride,

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Chairman Be careful! and rather bad tempered.
Grammar Zappers!

My father once . . . . . one of those. The people I . . . . . were very hospitable

It . . . . . a mirror, and a window pane, but they don’t drink alcohol at all.
. . . . . back and . . . . . him on the head again! In the evening we . . . . . round the fondue stove
Where did you . . . . . , Number 5? and I . . . . . to cook - it wasn’t easy!
I . . . . . use milk instead of wine...
No. 5 I . . . . . south, then . . . . . a boat up the Amazon. The men . . . . . first, and then the women.
I . . . . . a wonderful, exciting unforgettable, At night I . . . . . under the huge bright stars.
adventurous trip. I didn’t . . . . . very well.
but my new friends . . . . . the meal.
Chairman That’s all very well, They . . . . . everything I had
but who . . . . . you meet? and . . . . . me this beautiful hand-made mat.
Did you . . . . . many fondue sets?
Chairman So, thank you all for your reports.
No.5 Oh yes. I . . . . . some remote tribes in the jungle. We’ll think about the information and details
I . . . . . them about fondue
and . . . . . them how to cook it. and plan a way to
They . . . . . an enormous one, double fondue sales!
so everyone . . . . . in the central hut.
We . . . . . great quantities of cheese,
and the villages . . . . . their bread on spears.
Chairman Did you . . . . . the local food?
No. 5 One night the villagers . . . . . lots of fish.
They . . . . . with a special dish, -
something new...
We . . . . . fondue with fishy stew!
And . . . . . an interesting brew.
On my way back I . . . . . at the coast again,
and . . . . . all night at the carnival.
Over to our Natural History reporter for more details.
Reporter Yes. It’s strange but true.
THE GREAT ESCAPE Apparently the snails belong to a Dr. Bauer.
He arrived in England a week ago.
Dennis Margaret! I’ve just seen an enormous snail Dr. Bauer is with me now.
go past the house! Dr. Bauer. One of the snails has come to London.
Is it a danger to the public?
Margaret Don’t be silly, dear.
There are no enormous snails. Dr. B A danger? Not at all.
I’ve had these snails since 1980.
Dennis But this one was huge. They’re always charming and friendly.
It looked into the front room window.

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I’m going to ring the police. Reporter When did they escape?
Grammar Zappers!

(ring ring)
Duty Officer Duty Officer. Can I help you? Dr. B I put them to bed in my caravan last night.
Unfortunately I forgot to lock the door.
Dennis Officer. An enormous snail has just gone
down our street. Reporter The Chief Inspector of Police has just joined us.
Let’s get the latest on the situation from him.
Duty Officer Don’t panic Sir. Give me the details.
How big was the snail? Chief of So far we’ve found four of these snails.
When did you see it? Police One has got on to the roof of a train and
What colour was it? is travelling to Edinburgh.
We’ve seen another one in a library in Oxford.
Dennis I saw it about five minutes ago. One has reached Stonehenge -
It was about two metres high - and it was pink! it’s asleep in the stone circle.
The fourth has now arrived in Trafalgar
Duty Officer Really, Sir? Square.
Do you often see enormous pink snails?
Dennis Certainly not. I’ve never seen one before.
Duty Officer Very well, Sir. I’ve made a note of your call.
My other phone is ringing. Goodbye.
Police station ... a huge pink snail?
Thank you Madam. Someone has already reported it.
I’ll send an officer to investigate at once!
Announcer Good afternoon. Here is the one o’clock News .
The Americans have landed on Mars.
The price of oil has come down by fifty per
cent, but our main story today is even stranger.
Several enormous pink snails have invaded Britain!
Dr. B But there are five snails!
Hasn’t anyone seen the fifth one?
Reporter What did you do when the snail came in?
Reporter So. A mystery. Where is the fifth snail?
And, - one more question Dr. Bauer. Shopkeeper I asked if it was old enough to buy alcohol.
Why are the snails pink? It didn’t say ‘No’, so I sold it a bottle.
Dr. B That’s easy. They live on red wine. Reporter With me now is the Director of London Zoo.
I hope they’ve all had some today. You have some exciting news I believe.

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Reporter More news on this amazing story in our next Zoo Director Yes. We’ve had hundreds of phone calls from the public.
Grammar Zappers!

bulletin. The British people love the snails.

So, we’ve just signed a contract with Dr. Bauer.
A small shop in a village near Folkestone. The Zoo is going to buy two of them.
Dr. Bauer has given us lots of information
Shopkeeper Did you see the one o’clock news? about their favourite food - and lifestyle.
We’ve already started to build a special enclosure.
Customer Yes. I wonder if they’ve found that other snail yet.
Shopkeeper What’s that noise outside? A week later
Customer The door’s opening ..... Margaret Dennis. Dennis. Where have you been?
I’ve been looking for you.
Have you seen the newspaper?
TV News Dr. Bauer has gone back home.
It says ‘Last night the eccentric
Announcer Here is the Nine o’clock News. Naturalist left England.
One of our famous pink snails Three of his giant pink snails went with him.’
has now read the complete works of Dennis? Are you alright? You don’t look well.
Another has visited Edinburgh and Glasgow. Dennis I’ve just had another terrible shock.
The one at Stonehenge woke up this I went to the supermarket to get some wine,
afternoon and gave rides to visitors. - red, of course, a bottle or two.
The fourth has climbed Nelson’s Column. They’ve sent it all to London Zoo!
The fifth went into a shop at three o’clock
and bought two litres of red wine.
Our reporter is interviewing the shopkeeper.
Grammar Zappers!

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Grammar Zappers!

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The Great Escape Exercise 4
Exercise 1
These are the answers. What are the questions?
Take 2 coloured pens/pencils. In one colour underline all the sentences containing JUST/
Example: A1. He’s had them since 1980.
(These words are associated with the Present Perfect tense). In the other colour underline all So Q1. is “How long has Dr. Bauer had the snails?”
the sentences with AGO / WHEN / DID (These words are associated with the Past tense).
How many sentences of each kind can you find?
Q2 .....................................................
Exercise 2 A2 A week ago.

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Q3 .....................................................
Grammar Zappers!

A reporter is telling the story of one of the snails. What does she say?
Example:12 o’clock (already) “Here is the 12 o’clock News. One of the giant snails has A3 The zoo has bought two.
already arrived in London.”
Q4 .....................................................
Make other news reports: A4 Because they had hundreds of calls from the public.
5 o’clock (just)
9 o’clock (so far) Q5 .....................................................
10 o’clock (since) A5 It gave rides to visitors.
Midnight (yet)
Q6 .....................................................
Exercise 3 A6 Because it wanted to buy some wine.
Connect the places and what happened - and then tell the story. Q7 .....................................................
Example : ‘One snail went to Edinburgh and Glasgow by train.’ A7 A pink snail? No I haven’t.
Grammar Zappers!

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The price of oil . . . . . . down by fifty per
cent, but our main story today is even stranger.
Several enormous pink snails . . . . . .Britain!
Over to our Natural History reporter for more details.
THE GREAT ESCAPE Reporter Yes. It’s strange but true.
Apparently the snails belong to a Dr. Bauer.
He . . . . . . in England a week ago.
Dennis Margaret! I. . . . . . just . . . . . . an enormous snail Dr. Bauer is with me now.
go past the house! Dr. Bauer. One of the snails . . . . . . to London.
Is it a danger to the public?
Margaret Don’t be silly, dear.
There are no enormous snails. Dr. B A danger? Not at all.
I . . . . . . these snails since 1980.

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Dennis But this one . . . . . . huge. They’re always charming and friendly.
Grammar Zappers!

It . . . . . . into the front room window.

I’m going to ring the police. Reporter When . . . . . . they . . . . . . ?
(ring) (ring)
Duty Officer Duty Officer. Can I help you? Dr. B I . . . . . . them to bed in my caravan last night.
Unfortunately I . . . . . . to lock the door.
Dennis Officer. An enormous snail . . . . . . just . . . . . .
down our street. Reporter The Chief Inspector of Police . . . . . . just . . . . . . us.
Let’s get the latest on the situation from him.
Duty Officer Don’t panic Sir. Give me the details.
How big . . . . . . the snail?
When . . . . . . you . . . . . . it? Chief of So far we . . . . . . four of these snails.
What colour . . . . . . it? Police One . . . . . . on to the roof of a train and
is travelling to Edinburgh.
Dennis I . . . . . . it about five minutes ago. We . . . . . . another one in a library in Oxford.
It . . . . . . about two metres high - and it . . . . . . pink! One . . . . . . Stonehenge -
it’s asleep in the stone circle.
Duty Officer Really, Sir? Do you often see enormous pink snails? The fourth . . . . . . now . . . . . . in Trafalgar Square.
Dennis Certainly not. I . . . . . . never . . . . . . one before.
Duty Officr Very well, Sir. I . . . . . . a note of your call.
My other phone is ringing. Goodbye.
Police station ... a huge pink snail?
Thank you Madam. Someone . . . . . . already . . . . . . it.
I’ll send an officer to investigate at once!
TV News
Announcer Good afternoon. Here is the one o’clock News.
The Americans . . . . . . on Mars.
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Dr. B But there are five snails!
. . . . . . anyone . . . . . . the fifth one?
Zoo Director Yes. We . . . . . . had hundreds of phone callsfrom the public.
Reporter So. A mystery. Where is the fifth snail? The British people love the snails.
And, - one more question Dr. Bauer. So, we . . . . . . just . . . . . . a contract with Dr. Bauer.
Why are the snails pink? The zoo is going to buy two of them.
Dr. Bauer . . . . . . us lots of information
Dr. B That’s easy. They live on red wine. about their favourite food - and lifestyle.
I hope they . . . . . . all . . . . . . some today. We . . . . . . already . . . . . . to build a special enclosure.
Reporter More news on this amazing story in our next bulletin.

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A week later
Grammar Zappers!

A small shop in a village near Folkestone.

Margaret Dennis. Dennis. Where . . . . . . you . . . . . . ?
Shopkeeper . . . . . . you . . . . . . the one o’clock news? I . . . . . . looking for you.
. . . . . . you . . . . . . the newspaper?
Customer Yes. I wonder if they . . . . . . that other snail yet. Dr. Bauer . . . . . . back home.
It says ‘Last night the eccentric
Naturalist . . . . . . England.
Shopkeeper What’s that noise outside? Three of his giant pink snails . . . . . . with him.’
Dennis? Are you alright? You don’t look well.
Customer The door’s opening .....
Dennis I. . . . . . just . . . . . . another terrible shock.
TV News I . . . . . . to the supermarket to get some wine,
- red, of course, a bottle or two.
Announcer Here is the Nine o’clock News.
One of our famous pink snails They . . . . . . it all to
. . . . . . now . . . . . . the complete works of Shakespeare! London Zoo!
Another . . . . . . Edinburgh and Glasgow.
The one at Stonehenge . . . . . . up this
afternoon and . . . . . . rides to visitors.
The fourth . . . . . . Nelson’s Column.
The fifth . . . . . . into a shop at three o’clock
and . . . . . . two litres of red wine.
Our reporter is interviewing the shopkeeper.
Reporter What . . . . . . you . . . . . . when the snail came in?
Shopkeeper I . . . . . . if it . . . . . . old enough to buy alcohol.
It . . . . . . n’t say ‘No’ so I sold it a bottle.
Reporter With me now is the Director of London Zoo.
You have some exciting news I believe.
Grammar Zappers!
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