Filinvest Profile

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Practicum Case Study on Filinvest Alabang Inc.

Submitted by: Shekainah M. Ganuelas BOM44

Submitted to: Ms. Monina Remulla



One of the most common types of training is on-the-job training. With this type of training, individuals will learn as they are working. Most of the time, this type of training comes from an employee or a manager. The theory behind this type of training is that it is easier to learn by doing than by listening to theory. Many people learn better when they start performing the tasks they will be responsible for. Listed below are other theories learned and applied in the said company:

Job analysis. Job analysis is a method of determining major areas of tasks where training may be needed. It involves the dissecting of a job into its component events or parts. This analysis allows a trainer to better understand what an employee does in an organization. Job analysis involves the "task identification" of a particular job.

Task analysis. The output of the job analysis is a list of broad job tasks, based on importance, learning difficulty, and frequency of doing the task. Six Sigma at many organizations simply means a measure of quality that strives for near perfection. Six Sigma is a disciplined, data-driven approach and methodology for eliminating defects

Six Sigma defect is defined as anything outside of customer specifications. A Six Sigma opportunity is then the total quantity of chances for a defect. Operations Strategy. It is a plan that makes best use of resources which specifies the policies and plans for using organizational resources. It is for the design and management of operations functions.

Core Competencies. Strength of workers, modern facilities, market understanding, best technologies, financial know-how, and logistics. Tactical decisions. Focus on specific day-to-day issues like resource needs, schedules, & quantities to produce

Marketing. Should understand what operations can produce. Finance. Should know and understand operations concepts and needs. Information systems. Enables the information flow throughout the organization. Human resources. Must know and understand job requirements and worker skills. Accounting. Needs to consider inventory management, capacity information, and labor standards.



Filinvest Alabang Inc. (FAI), is a major destination in southern Manila that services all segments of the population with a wide array of retail, office and residential developments. However, need not only they transform an underutilized property into a model of urban development but they should also transform their trainees and interns for their own individual improvement and development. Trainees participating in fully on-the-job training enjoy few opportunities to exchange views and experiences with other trainees. As an intern, I am concern with the lack of networking among trainees. Filinvest also lacks in giving their employees as well as trainees a proper seminar and training. Improved productivity has become universally accepted and that it depends on efficient and effective training. It has further become necessary in view of advancement in modern world to invest in training. Training is a systematic development of knowledge, skills and attitudes required by employees to perform adequately on a given task or job. New entrants into organizations have various skills, though not all are relevant to organizational needs. Training and development are required for staff to enable them work towards taking the organization to its expected destination.



Based on the given issues and concern on Filinvest, I recommend as an intern and student that on-thejob trainees would appreciate opportunities to share experiences with other trainees. So trainees must be exposed not only in the corporate world but also to other trainees so that they could also learn the problems and mistakes of other trainees. I would also recommend to the company that they should provide seminars and other training activities not only to their staff and employees but to their interns as well to further develop their abilities and personality as well as rotation of trainees to other departments so that they would understand and learn more how the company operates. Filinvest should improve the duties and responsibilities of their trainees so that they would provide students with a formidable training ground as they complete a school requirement of practical experience

in corporate environment as well as it would enhance their knowledge and capabilities. They should teach their trainee how to be more focus to their work, and be aggressive in order to learn.



An OJT or internship program provides opportunities to go through the actual methodologies of a specific job using the real tools, equipment and documents. In effect, the workplace becomes a development venue for a student-trainee to learn more about his chosen field and practice what he has learn from the school. On-the-job training is a never-ending process. Patience and wisdom are required of superiors, who must be able to delegate authority and give recognition and praise for jobs well done. Effective coaches will develop the strength and potentials of subordinates and help them overcome their weaknesses. On-the-job training is one of the oldest and most used types of training. Training is immediately applicable to the job because OJT occurs on the job using actual tools and equipment. Indicated below is the summary of PLOC and other functions accomplished during the OJT program: Explaining the responsibilities and requirements of fully on-the-job training to the trainee. Ensuring that the employer is able to teach the relevant competencies. Providing skills training to trainees which the employer is able to provide. Mentoring and coaching the trainees. Keeping the trainees motivated and enthusiastic. Monitoring working conditions of the trainee. Advising and providing support to trainees. Supplying resourcesfor example, learning materialsto trainees. Conducting assessments and evaluations.

In this case study, classroom learnings and theories used and applied have been showed. A number of suggestions for improvements to the system of fully on-the-job training have been also given and highlight areas of importance.

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