Physics and The Paranormal
Physics and The Paranormal
Physics and The Paranormal
categories, these are; Spiritualism, Rationalism and Compatibilism. Spiritualism is the beliefs of paranormal phenomena are real and are cause by the existence of another plane of existence where the laws of physics do not apply. Rationalism is defined as A belief or theory that opinions and actions should be based on reason and knowledge rather than on religious belief or emotional response. This is where all laws of physics apply. There is also the belief of Compatibilism that in my opinion is the most credible. Compatibilism is where the paranormal phenomena are thought to be real and part of our physical world, even though a part of the physical world that is not completely understood by current scientific knowledge. To progress understanding of the understanding of the relationship between physics and the paranormal, one needs to have a sound understanding of it. Sadly most resources available to beginning investigators do not meet these requirements. Novices are persuaded to get hold of gaussmeters and digital thermometers without being given a detailed explanation to what such scientific devices do, what they measure or even how they relate to paranormal research. On occasions armature paranormal investigators like myself are told that cold or warm sports are a likely indicator of paranormal activity. Also gaussmeter readings between 1.9 and 7.3 milligauss rage signal the presence of a ghost But there is not one account of why this is the case. This article is to act as a fundamental foundation for armature investigators. Amongst discussing commonly used terms I will also explain the bedrock which they are built on. Electromagnetic Energy and the EM Field Electromagnetic energy is the movement of photons. It covers a range of energies from Radio Waves all the way to Gamma Rays. Electromagnetic energy exists everywhere and in everything. Proof of this can be found when examining an atom, the nucleus and electrons take up less than one per-cent of its total volume. The remaining space is occupied by photons that are being traded between the positive nucleus and the negative electrons, thus the universe is made up of mainly energy - this is in terms of volume, not mass as photons have no mass. The movement of electrons creates an electromagnetic field, the electrons carry an electric field (E-Field) which creates a corresponding magnetic field (H-Field) due to its motion. In simplest terms, the flow of electrons creates a magnetic field, we measure these combined fields as EM Fields. You may be thinking what does this have to do with ghosts; this had everything to do with ghosts. A theory that is currently being researched at the University of Surrey, it states that our consciousness does not exist in one part of our brain, but rather in the EM Field that surrounds our whole body. As living this we are enlivened by electricity. Electrical impulses are transmitted throughout the nervous system to the brain. Relative physics clearly states that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only changed or transferred. Therefore when we die the electromagnetic energy is not destroyed simply changed or transferred. If this theory is true then it is possible that our consciousness could survive the death of our body. Paranormal investigators have hypothesized a connection between paranormal phenomena and oscillations in local EM Fields. This correlation is what is trying to be established when local EM Fields are measured with a gaussmeter meter. But there is another possible explanation for the correlation is a developing body of evidence that suggests that strong EM Fields can change brain activity, these strong EM Fields may cause hallucinations and other such experiences. This leaves a question begging, what is creating these EM Fields to begin with?
However there is also a myth that spreads throughout the ranks of paranormal research. Some researchers will tell you that EMF readings in the 1.9 and 7.3 milligauss range are an indicator of ghostly activity. But lets be clear; there is NO scientific data that supports this statement. In my opinion I believe that the equipment used can explain this myth. Gaussmeters are not designed for paranormal research; instead they detect Extra Low Frequencies (ELFs) for electronic equipment for example a mobile phone. These meters generally read anywhere between one and ten milligauss range. When a novice investigator first starts experimenting with these tools, they will typically pay little attention to EM Field oscillations of one milligauss or less (the needle barely moves), so a reading of two milligauss or greater is worthy enough to get the novices attention. Due to these meters having a very small range almost anything generating a considerable field (including mobile phones) would send the needle off the scale. Field fluctuations are important and they are one of a few things paranormal investigators are looking for, but dont get fixated on specific numbers. The Peltier Effect Physicist Jean Peltier discovered the Peltier Effect in 1834. The Peltier Effect can be defined as; when an electrical current bypasses two different conductors, heat is either released or absorbed depending on the direction if the current. Furthermore the amount of heat released/absorbed is directly proportional to the strength of the current. You can find this principle of physics in many everyday applications including refrigerators. Again you maybe thinking what does this have to do ghosts? Here we encounter one of the most famous types of paranormal phenomena the cold spot or the hot spot. If - as I hypothesized earlier in the article paranormal activity is directly proportional to EM Fields, then a moving EM Field would be closely followed by temperature fluctuations. The temperature either hotter or colder depends on the type of conductor in contact with the field. Whether the paranormal exist or not is up to you to believe but the unexplained will be explained by science.