Recycling of Energy Through Microbes With The Help of A Low Cost Incubator
Recycling of Energy Through Microbes With The Help of A Low Cost Incubator
Recycling of Energy Through Microbes With The Help of A Low Cost Incubator
Presented By: Krishna Ghosh, Sanhita Roy (Biotechnology-3 rd Year) Kanchan Roy (Biotechnology-2 nd Year) Guided By: Dr.Basumita Ghosh
Introduction Now a days in nature the amount of conventional energy sources like Coal, Petrol, Diesel etc. are decreasing gradually. So it is necessary to find out other energy sources. Here we have produced electricity by recycling energy through microbes with the help of a low cost incubator. Incubator is a device which can maintain the ambient temperature as each microbe exists in a definite temperature. Without this optimum temperature any microbiological or molecular biological work isnt possible where microbes are involved directly or indirectly. It is a very essential device for the microbe based laboratory such as Molecular biology, Microbiology etc. In general incubator is a very costly device and it occupies a lot of space within laboratory. So our effort is to produce an incubator in simplest way with a minimum cost and size. It has a temperature range from 35-50 degree centigrade. From this project we want to recycle energy through microbes with the help of a low cost incubator.
TLC Jar, Bulb(60w),Thermometer, Thermocol, Thermostat, Wire & Holder, Conical Flasks, Petri dishes, Laminar Chamber, Graphite rods(2 pcs), Plastic Pipe, Test-tube, Vessels(2 pcs), Beakers, Board, Paper, M-Seal, Multimeter,
Waste Water, Agar Medium, Liquid Medium, 1N solution of NaCl, Agar Powder, Coconut milk.
A graphite rod is immersed in this vessel and it is used as cathode. A NaCl containing glass vessel of same volume is connected through a salt bridge (which is made by 1N NaCl with 1% agar in a both side open test-tube) with the cathode, and it is treated as anode. Both the vessels are connected through the salt bridge. Two pipes are fixed to the cathode vessel for changing the food supplement & microbes within the vessel. The total set up is made air tight by m-seal so that ions can be exchanged without any barrier. Because air is not at all a good conductor of ions. Now the other end points of the graphite electrodes are connected to a multimeter to measure the voltage produced by microbes through organic supplement. Here voltage is produced by electrolysis. Microbes produce negative ions (such as malic acid) by degrading the organic supplements and NaCl produced positive ions Na+. These ions exchange and create an electric drift. This electric drift produced electricity.
Data from our observation has proved that we can recycle the energy through this technique. Actually this microbial energy is generally wasted. But here we utilized this energy for producing electricity by converting this energy to electrical energy. That is here we recycle this energy by this technique. It is the simplest and also a low cost process for producing electricity. Because all the raw materials which we have used for this
purpous are cheap and also easily available. Even we can use rotten vegetables, fruits etc as microbes food instead of the liquid medium which we have used for microbes food previously. This can make this technique more cost effective. At the present day when a deficiency is observed in conventional energy sources this process will become a very useful technique for producing electricity. Whereas other conventional energy sources produce various poisonous gases and other poisonous waste. This technique is also pollution free and friendly to environment. It also produces malic acid as a side product which is costly and an essential material for fermentation lab. Now, solar energy is also an unconventional energy source, but it is much costly for poor common rural people. Now we have got 1.25 volt from 600 ml volume of vessel. If we increase the volume of vessel then the amount of electricity also increases. Even by a larger scale we can provide electricity in a city also. Moreover if we use genetically modified Bacteria such as geo bacter instead of general bacteria then the electricity also increases. Because modern science has discovered that geo bacter produces more negative ions than general bacteria. It is nearly 8 times than general bacteria. So by using geo bacter we can produce a huge amount of electricity. It will be great if we can provide our set-up in rural areas, where electricity hasn't reached till date & for those people who is unable to bear the charges of electric power. That is our project's fruitfulness.
We are grateful to our teachers of the Biotech Department for encouraging us to carry out this work and the ample guidance we received throughout the project .We would also like to thank our parents for their cooperation.