All-Round Confidence Language: Goal Category
All-Round Confidence Language: Goal Category
All-Round Confidence Language: Goal Category
all-round confidence
learn to speak, understand and write greek progress quickly beyond the basics explore the language in depth
teach yourself
aristarhos matsukas
For over 60 years, more than 50 million people have learnt over 750 subjects the teach yourself way, with impressive results.
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Introduction how to use this book pronunciation gUide 1 2 6
V&laoou! hi! ask for and give personal information; introduce people; use Greek greetings
engage in 'small talk'; enquire about each other's health; converse about common daily activities; talk about what jobs people have; count from 1-10
tAa va n10UIl& OU~KI! tva let's have a glass of ouzo! order drinks; ask for local drinks; count from 11-20 47
05 06
revision test 1 nou &ival '1 AKpOnoA'l; where is the Acropolis? ask for directions; understand simple instructions; find your way around; count from 101-1 000
76 82
KaAa Ta~i61!have a nice trip! make travel arrangements; find out about public transport; purchase tickets and make reservations; tell the time; count from 1000-10000
key to the exercises glossary of grammatical terms grammar summary index of grammatical terms and thematic vocabulary Greek history timeline
a CD
enquire about rooms; make hotel reservations; check in or check out; explain a problem with your room 09 9tAT& TinoTa; how can I help you? buy things; enquire about prices; state preferences; name fruit and vegetables; name colours 10 11 revision test 2 tAa; nOI0C;ival; hello! who is it? 150 157 131
make telephone calls; make arrangements to meet someone; suggest what to do and where to meet; talk about business plans 12 ixa tva Tpollpa novoKtcpaAo! I had a terrible headache! express feelings; talk to a doctor; ask for remedies; name different professions; name different sports 13 TI Kalpa &KaV; what was the weather like? 189 talk about the weather; use expressions of time; get the gist of a weather forecast; name the months and seasons 14 nou n~yaT&yla noaxa; where did you go for Easter? express wishes or congratulations; express opinions and state preferences; describe past events 15 revision test 3 230 210 use appropriate language at a social function; 172
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Special thanks for this new edition go to Rebecca Green, Ginny Catmur and Sue Hart, my editors at Hodder & Stoughton; also to my students in New York City, Athens, and now in Berlin who have shown me over the years what is important and fun when learning Modem Greek. Welcome to Teach Yourself Greek! This is a course designed for learners with no previous knowledge of Greek; it can also be used by students with some previous knowledge of Greek to revise and consolidate their language skills. Whatever your aims in using this book, you can learn at your own pace and to the level you need. By the end of the course you should be able to communicate in most everyday situations, while visiting Greece. The language you will learn in this book is that of everyday life in Greece, so you can familiarize yourself with Greek people, their customs, the climate and the country. The emphasis is on the communicative aspect of the language; fITst just try to get the gist of the dialogues, bearing in mind the name of the unit. There are many phrases in the fITst four units (designed as a 'survival package' - a basic introduction to the language you need in Greece) which are best learned as phrases. You will meet the grammar explaining the structure of the phrases in later units. This book will teach you the standard spoken language used today in Greece. It's called demotic meaning 'popular' or 'everyday' language, as opposed to katharevousa, a form of Modem Greek, which is almost extinct. For a fuller explanation of the history of the Greek language, turn to page 273.
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have to stretch your imagination and bend the odd pronunciation rule to spot them. Here are some fIrst examples of loan words: problem, music, politics, idea, programme, system. Have a go at the Similar or different exercises in the Practice section of each unit. There are at least ten words in these exercises throughout this book that test your ability to make associations between what you already know and what you are learning. These associations can sometimes be difficult to detect: for example the words puOo~ (myth), pttpo (metre) and 1tEpiooo~ (period) are easily detected once you know the Greek alphabet, but the word PtPAio (book) does not carry an immediate association, although bibliography does. You might be relieved to know that there are a large number of English loan words in Greek too, for example complex, stress and camping. Many sports are also identical in both languages, for instance tennis and volleyball. New technology has also introduced many terms in Greek: computer, fax, and email are a few examples. In Greece many signs are in English, including the street sign for 'stop', the sign 'we' for public toilets, and even 'P' for car parks. Sometimes, there is a Greek word for these words, but the English word is generally used in everyday language.
When you feel confIdent with the material in the unit, you can check your understanding with the Practice section. The exercises are designed to practise communication, although there are some grammar exercises as well. There is generally a further dialogue in the A little extra! section with new vocabulary which provides additional material on the subject. The last section, marked with people and their country.
D, looks
There are three revision tests in Units 5, 10 and 15 - with exercises focusing both on communication and grammar which will consolidate your newly-acquired knowledge and will allow you to check your progress. A mini test is included at the end of each unit except after the revision units. There is also a comprehensive revision test after Unit 15. The following sections are included at the back of the book: Key to the exercises Here you can fInd the answers to all the exercises in each unit. Try to work through the exercises by yourself before you turn to this section to check your answers. Glossary of grammatical terms Here you can look up the grammatical terms used throughout the book and you will [md a short explanation and some examples. Grammar summary This section provides examples of Greek articles, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions and verbs. Index of grammatical terms and thematic vocabulary Here you can fInd out where a grammar point was fIrst explained or a topic introduced. Greek history time line Here you can check the most important dates and events in Greek history. Greek language time line Here you can discover the evolution of the Greek language through the centuries. Taking it further Many suggestions and sources of real Greek language are collected here for you especially if you have access to the Internet. English-Greek glossary Some useful words and phrases you may need to look up on a visit to Greece or as you work through the course. Greek-English glossary Most words and phrases covered in the fifteen units of this book.
Read the introduction in English at the beginning of each dialogue before you read, or listen to, the dialogue. The dialogues marked with are on the recording which accompanies this book. To develop good pronunciation, you are strongly advised to use the recording as much as possible. Study the dialogue and the vocabulary after the dialogue. Words from all units can be found in the Greek-English glossary at the end of the book. In the Language notes section you will fInd explanations of the new material, as well as useful facts connected with the subject matter of the dialogues. There are also many new words in this section. Learning these words is extremely important since vocabulary is the backbone of any language - as well as extremely useful when visiting Greece or talking to Greek people elsewhere. Grammatical points are explained in the Grammar section. There are tables and examples to help you learn the verbs, nouns, adjectives and pronouns. How you absorb the grammar is up to you. There is also a useful grammar section at the end of the book.
there are some exercises that cannot be done with the book alone but in such cases the material is always covered by other activities in the specifIc unit or in the Revision tests. It is not vital to acquire a perfect accent. The aim is to be understood; here are a number of techniques for working on your pronunciation: 1 Listen carefully to the recording, native speakers or your teacher. Whenever possible repeat aloud. 2 Record yourself and compare your pronunciation with that of a native speaker. 3 Ask native speakers to listen to your pronunciation and tell you how to improve it. 4 Ask native speakers how a specifIc sound is formed. Watch them and practise at home in front of a mirror. 5 Make a list of words that give you pronunciation trouble and practise them.
As in French, German, Spanish and other languages, Greek nouns have gender. In Greek, there are three genders: masculine, feminine and neuter. They are marked (m), (0 and (n). You will also find the following abbreviations: (sing) singular (pI) plural (lit.) literally (fml) formal (infml) informal
A a B ~
A 0 E Z ~ H 11 8 () I 1 K K A A M J1
N v l; 00 II 1t P p
1: (J/ ~
t l)
[nil [ksi] [6mikron] [pi] [ro] [sigma] [taf] [fpsilon] [fi] [hi] [psi] [omega]
Greek punctuation is very similar to that of English. The only obvious difference is the semicolon [;] which is used as a question mark in Greek! The Greek semicolon looks like an English full stop slightly raised.
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Greek, unlike English, is a phonetic language. This means that you can read or pronounce any word once you know the alphabet, something similar to German, Italian or Spanish. Distinguish the different sound of [TH] and [th]. The first is used to produce the sound of A 0 as in this, though or thus. The second is used to produce the sound of 8 () as in thin, thought, or thug. Be careful with two letters that have almost the same name: E [epsilon] and Y l) [fpsilon].
A written accent is used in all words of more than one syllable to show where the stress falls, both in the Greek script and in the transliteration. Try to observe this as carefully as possible. Changing the stress can alter the meaning entirely, so pay close attention. Capital letters have no stress marks. You can read more about 'stress and intonation' on pages 12-13.
Pronunciation guide
AA, ~~,
The sounds of vowels and consonants in each sub-group above are explained in the following section.
D Vowel sounds
I1 00 Yv firo
0 :l
Xx If',,,
8c a
o' :l
*There is no equivalent sound in English. Examples of consonant sounds: aeroplane helicopter hero idea oxygen hypothesis hour
I1 00 Yv firo
aEponAuvo EAtKOntEpO llProw; tOEa [0] o~uyovo [i] uno9EcrT\ [0] cipa
ytayui OlULoKpatia scioto geatpo
[th] [k]
AI.. Mp Nv
AEJ.l0Vt 1l0U(}l l1 K vocrtaA yia ~EvoooXdo muvo pUOto craAUta Kocrllo~ tpevo uno9EcrT\ cprotoypa<pia xopo~
Greek vowels can be short or long. The transliteration system used in this course does not show this since in Greek, unlike English, you will rarely fmd word pairs such as fit-feet or sit-seat. Consequently, the Greek word crnin house is transliterated as [spiti] although the first [i] is longer than the second. Remember that HTJ, 11, and Yv have the same sound (i as in sit). Also, 00 and firo have the same sound (0as in lot).
fin Pp 1: 0'/<; Tt Yv
D Consonant
vas in vet 1 gh soft gh sound* 2 y as in yes TH as in this z as in zip th as in thin k as in kit I as in let mas in met n as in net ks as in banks pas inpet
[vita] [gMma] [THelta] [zita] [thita] [kapa] [lamTHa] [mil [nil [ksi] [pi]
[m] [n] [ks]** [p] [r] [s] [z] [t] [i] [f] [h] [ch] [ps]
[vutiro] [gh<ila] [yaya] [THimokratia] [z6THio] [theatro] [kithara] [lem6ni] [musikJ.1 [nostalghia] [ksenoTHochio] [piano] [raTHio] [salata] [k6zmos] [treno] [ip6thesi] [fotoghrafia] [hor6s] [6chi] [psihologhia]
butter milk granny democracy zodiac theatre guitar lemon music nostalgia hotel piano radio salad cosmos/world train hypothesis photography chorus/dance no psychology
AI.. Mp Nv
** The letter S ~ [ksi] sounds like the x in six or box. Please note that all these transliterations are approximate sounds and only the recording or native speakers can offer the exact sound.
a Two-letter
AI EI 01 OY at Et
The following two-letter vowels have only one sound, short or long, depending on whether they are found in a stressed syllable or not. [e] [i] [i] [u] [aIfa-yota] [epsilon-yota] [ornikron-yota] [ornikron-ipsilon] e as in set i as in inn i as in inn u as input
I b as in boy 2 mb as in timber I d as in day 2 nd as in end The g, b and d sounds occur at the beginning of Greek words, whereas the ng, mb and nd sounds occur within a Greek word. Examples of two-letter consonants [ng]
[g] [ng]
The remaining two-letter vowels have two different sounds each: [af] [av] ref] rev]
yKOA<j> uyKupa
[aIfa-ipsilon] [epsilon-ipsilon]
[00] [b]
* It is always [af] and ref] when at> or Et>is followed by any 0, K, ~, a, (j), "I., '" letter. ** It is always [av] or rev] when at> or Et>is followed by any p, y, 0,
~, A, 11, v, p, letter or any vowel. Examples of two-letter vowels:
[ne] [aftokinito] [avghustos] rime] [efkeria] [evropi] [ikonirnia] [uranos] yes car August
v'to/lu'ta /lOV'tEpVO
[anglia] [golf] [angira] [anhos] [bravo] [lamba] [domata] [mondemo] [tzaz] [tsigharo]
The following two same-letter consonants are always pronounced as the one letter consonant. [v] [k] [1]
[m] [n] [p]
chance Europe economy Uranus/sky
Two-letter consonants
[gMma-gMma] [ghama-hi] [taf-sigma] [taf-zita] ng as in England (Not as in engine) Db as in inherent ts as in sets dz as in adze
:Eu~~a'to (Saturday) !>KK!>V'tP1KO~ (eccentric) /lE'taAAo (metal) 1tpoypa/l/la (programme) 'tupavvia (tyranny) 11t1to8po/lo~ (hippodrome) 't()ppavo~ (tyrant) yAO)crcrUpW(glossary) Bp!>'t'tavia (Britain)
vas in vet k as in kept Ias in let mas in met n as in net pas inpet r as in rent s as in set t as in tent
The remaining two-letter consonants have two different sounds each: I g as in go 2 ng as in England
to Os IlTJ
Intonation focuses on the rise and fall of the level of the voice, which often adds meaning to what is being said. A statement in Greek is changed into a question by changing the intonation of the voice without changing the sequence of words or adding question words. To turn a statement in Greek into a question the voice should go up at the end of the sentence instead of going down. You should remember that falling intonation is used in statements and raising intonation is used in questions. Question-words such as do ... ?, does ... ?, did ... ?, or inversions like you are -. are you are not used when formulating questions in Greek. Two examples to illustrate this point are given below: You speak English. [milate anglika] MtMts
AyyAtKa. AyyAtKa;
TO, T~
~, l\J
2 When the final letter v in a word is followed by a new word starting with K, ~, 1t, 't or 'II then the two words sound as one and the corresponding combinations create the following sounds: tvay Ka<pt toy ~tpro osyn:aro crtTJYItlvo tTJy.w:axvro v+K v+~
a1to tTJVEA..MiOO. ---~~ Are youfrom Greece? [iste ap6 tin elaTHA] Elms a1to tTJVEAMOa;
v+t v + 'I'
Here are some exercises for you to practise on. Each question concentrates on a specific feature of the alphabet. When in doubt, you can check your answers in the Key to the exercises section at the back of the book. 1 There are some unique capital letters in the Greek alphabet. Can you fill out the grid working horizontally to complete the alphabet?
Try to ask a native speaker to say them at a normal speed and pay attention to these sound combinations.
You have probably noticed that most Greek examples in this section have a stress mark. This mark is used to show the main or primary stressed syllable in a given word. It always falls on one of the Greek vowels and never on a consonant. It is primarily used with words of two or more syllables, although there are a few exceptions of onesyllable words with a stress mark. This is the case when two words have a similar sound but different function and meaning, for instance, the word 'I meaning the without a stress mark and or with a stress mark. The stress mark can be used on lower case vowels and only on an initial capital vowel letter in a proper name (names for people or places), for example KaAa [kala] well/fine, or l\vva [ana]. No stress mark is used, when the word is spelled out in capital letters only, for example ANNA [ana].
2 There are also some unique lower case letters in the Greek alphabet. Can you fill out the grid below working horizontally to complete the alphabet?
3 Some Greek letters look like English but have a different sound. See if you can get them right. i B: [b] or [v] ii H: [i] or [h] iii P: [p] or [r] iv X: [h] or [x] 4 Lower-case Greek letters can be divided into three groups according to how they are written. We can do the same in English: a letters on the line like a, c, e, etc.; b letters with risers above the line like b, d, f, etc.; c letters with descenders below the line like g, p, q, etc. Can you group the Greek letters accordingly? The fIrst three have been done for you.
'tptvo 1tuivo
A nAta
Jl1tUcrKS1: aEp01tAUVO
8 Match the words on the left with the words o~ the right to fo~ word-pairs. Check your answers on the recordmg. If you don t have the recording, check your answers at the back of the book. a b c d e [ne] Vat [musikJ.lJ.10UO"tKrl [salata] craM'ta [anglia] AyyAia [golf] yKOAcp f [anhos] ayxo~ ii iii iv v vi [domata] v't0lui'ta [stres] cr'tPE~ [MIa] J.11taAa [raTHio] paolO [6chi] OX! [elaTHa] EAMoa
a b c
a 13 y
a b c d
5 Some capital Greek letters do not have an obvious association with their corresponding small letters. Can you complete the grid?
ir vA ix~ iiL\ viM xT iiiH viiN xiV iv K viii E xiiil
9 Now practise your pronunciation by saying so~e n~es of geographical regions in Greece. If you have the recording, listen to each one fIrst and look them up on the following map to see where each place is. One of the regions is not on the recording; see if you can fInd which one is missing.
6 Some Greek streets are named after British/American people or places. Try to match the English names on the left with the Greek script on the right. a b c d BYRON HILL KENNEDY VICTORIA i KENNENTY ii BIKTQPIA III BYPQN iv XIAA
[atiki] - [nisia saronikU]ATTIKH - NHtIA tAPQNIKOY [kiklaTHes] KYK.AA..AEt [THoTHekanisos] - ilQilEKANHtOt [vorioanatolika nisia egheu] - BOPEIOANATOAIKA NHtIA AIr AIOY e [thraki] - [samothraki] - 0PAKH - tAM00PAKH f [makeTHonia] - MAKEilONIA g [thesalia] - 0EttAAIA h [ipiros] - HIIEIPOt i [evia] - [sporaTHes] - EYBOIA - tIIOPAilEt j [kendriki elaTHa] - KENTPIKH EAAAilA k [nisia ioniu] - NHtIA IONIOY I [pelop6nisos] - IIEAOIIONNHtOt m [kriti] - KPHTH Did you pick up the word for Greece [ebiTHa] EnOOa and the word for islands [oishi] vllm.a? They will come in handy later on. [kali epithichia]! KUAllE1tl'tVXiu stands for good luck! Now you are ready to move on to the fIrst unit.
7 Most examples in the Pronunciation guide used words which are similar in Greek and English, for instance radio and [raTHio] paOlO. Can you remember two sports, two instruments, two countries, and two means of transportation? If you can't remember everything, the box overleaf will help you. You can write in Greek script or transliteration.
II 0
, I
II' Ii
~< C")
Iii I!
j k
e ~
I ~ m~
In this unit you will learn how to ask for and give personal information introduce people use Greek greetings
Tim and Mary Johnson are a young British couple both with one-year work placements in Greece. Tim works for a bank and Mary is an archaeologist. Listen to, or read the conversations they have at a party in their early days in Athens. Mary Jean-Pierre Mary Jean-Pierre Mary Jean-Pierre Mary Jean-Pierre [yasas] [pas sas lene]? Hello! What's your name? [yasas] [me lene Hello! My name's Jean-PierreDepardieu] Jean-Pierre Depardieu. [pos]? Pardon? (lit. What?) [Jean-Pierre Depardieu] Jean-Pierre Depardieu. [a] [ke apo pu Iste]? I see! (lit. Aha.~ And where
TOnapiol [to parisi] &o&ie;;[esls] '1 AyyAia [i anglla] TOJ\ovlUvo [to IanTHina]
which place (n) the (n) Paris you? (How about you?) England (f) London (n)
are you from? I'm from France. From which part? From Paris. How about you? (lit. You?) From England. From London.
Tim meets Domenico at a party; he's trying to find out how many languages Domenico speaks. Tim Domenico Tim Domenico Tim Domenico Tim Tim Domenico Tim Domenico Tim Domenico Tim [yasas] [pas sas lene]? [Domenico di Capo] [ti ghloses milate]? [italika] [mono italika]? [mono italika] [a]
Hello! What's your name? Domenico di Capo. What languages do you speak? Italian. Only Italian? Only Italian. I see! (lit. Aha.~
re:la aa~! no><; a~ Mve:; a re:la aa~! Me:Mve: Jean-Pierre Depardieu. no><;; Jean-Pierre Depardieu. Aa! Kal ana nou e:(ate:; E(jJal ana TTlraM(a. Ano nOlO jJtpo~; Ano TOnap(al. Eae:(~; Ano TTlvAyyA(a. Ano TOJ\ov~(vo.
Hello! how (what) What's your name? (lit. 'How are you called?' or 'How do they call you?? ( my name is Aha! (Oh, I get it!) and from where you are lam the (f) France (f)
re:la oa~! no><; a~ Mve:; a Domenico Di Capo. Tl YAwaae:~jJLAOTe:; ImAIKo. Movo ImAIKo; Movo ITaAIKO. Aa!
TI [ti]
~& Un [me lene] Aal [a] Kal [ke] an6 [apo] noli [pu] &ioT& [iste] &i~al [Ime] T'l(v) [tin] '1 raAAia [I ghalla]
Mary Antonio Mary Antonio
Listen to, or read, the conversation and try to get the gist before reading the translation below.
Mary Mary
[egh6 fme ap6 to 10nTHfno] I am from London (myself). [kseris anglika]? Do }OUspeak (lit.know) &Igish? [6chi] [THistih6s] [m6no No! Unfortunately not! Only italika ke tora elinika] Italian and now ... Greek! [pos se lene]? What's your name? [Ant6nio] [esena]? Antonio. Yours? [meri i maria] Mary or Maria. [oreal [yasu meri] That's nice! Take care, Mary! [yasu ant6nio] 'Bye Antonio. rela aou! Eiaal ITaA6c;; Nal, e(llal! ATl6 TlOla Tl6AT]; ATl6 TO MlAO.VO,aAAa Twpa Ilevw OTT]VA8Jiva. Eyw e(llal aTl6 TO Aov~(vo. =epelC; AyyAIKa; 'oXI! toUaTUXWc;!M6vo ITaAIKa Kal Twpa ... EAAT]VIKa! nWc; ae Mve; AVT6vI0. Eatva; Ma(pT] Ji Map(a. Qpa(a! rela aou MaipT]. rela aou AVT6vIO.
Italian (n) (origin) which town (t) Milan (n) but now I live
Language notes
Greetings and farewells
You have already met 1E1a GOV! [yasu] (informal, for addressing people you know) and 1Ela Ga~! [yasas] (formal, for people you don't know, or for addressing more than one person). They are both expressions used every day by young and old alike. The word 1E1a [ya] comes from V1Ela [ighia] (health) and the expression actually means health to you! There are three other meanings of this expression: goodbye - when leaving, bless you - when sneezing and cheers! - when drinking.
o lTaAoe; [0 ital6s] nOlo [pya] I') noAI') [i p61i] TO MIAovo [to milano] aAAo [ala] Twpa [t6ra] .,tvw [meno] CJTl')v [stin] I') A9~va p athfna] eyw [egh6] AyyAIKO [anglika] 0XI [6chi] ~tpele;; [kseris]? liuCJTuxwe;[THistih6s] EAAI')VIKO[elinika] nwe; 0& A&V&; [pos se lene]? &o&va [esena] ~ [i] wpaia [oreal oou [su]
Athens (t)
Although 1E1a GOV,1E1a Ga~ or simply 1Ela [yasu-yasas-ya] can be used throughout the day, Greeks use other greetings and farewells too, such as KaA.l1fltpa [kalimera] (good morning), KaA.O flEGl1fltpl [kal6 mesimeri] (have a nice siesta!) KaA.O a1t01EVfla [kal6 ap6ghevma] (have a nice afternoon), KaA.l1G1ttpa [kalispera] (good evening), KaA.O ppa3v [kal6 vraTHi] (have a nice evening) and KaA.l1vl>Xta [kalimbta] (good night). KaA.l1fltpa stands for both good morning and good day in English. In formal greetings you may hear XaipEtE [herete] (hello) and in certain regions the repeated form XaipEtE! XaipEtE! The answer is also XaipEtE although sometimes you might hear both expressions XaiPEtE! 1E1a Ga~! together as an answer. The formal avtio [andio] (goodbye) tends to be used less and less. It is still used however to mean a 'final goodbye' .
you know (here, do you know?) unfortunately / I am sorry but ... Greek (language) What's your name? (infm.lsing.) you or good, nice, wonderful to you / you (sing.)
vela! vela ooul vela oac:;! KaAl']llepa! KaM Ileanllepl! KaM anoveUllal KaAo13pMu! KaAl']vUXTQ!
and so on) or when you address more than one person; this is the 'formal' (fm.) or plural form.
velal vela oou! vela oac:;! KaAl']llepa! KaM Ileanllepll" KaAl']artepa! KaAO anoveullal" KaAo13pMu!" KaAl']vuXTa!"
Other languages also have different forms of formal and informal address for you are: 'tu est' and 'vous etes' in French, or 'du bist' and 'Sie sind' in German. Saying yes and no In Greek as in most languages you can answer a question fully or give a shorter answer. Notice the following example and the four possible answers: EtO'at haA~; Are you Italian? Nat, haA~. Yes, I am Italian. Nat, Yes, I am. Nat. Yes. Or you can even give a silent answer by tilting your head forward a couple of times. Soon you will meet other ways of saying 'yes' such as Jio.J.tata, aJiE and 1tro~!with their corresponding uses. The opposite of vat (yes) is 6Xt (no). This is often confusing to the ears of many foreigners because the Greek word for yes (vat) sounds like the English no. Notice also the head nodding that usually accompanies a Greek yes or no!
1 Asking questions
It is easy to ask a question in Greek; just remember that the pitch of your voice goes up. Elaat ltaJ.6~ means you are Italian when the pitch of your voice goes down at the end, and are you Italian? when the pitch of your voice goes up at the end. You will be pleased to know that to ask questions in Greek there are no changes in word order as in English, such as you are - are you? or the addition of extra words, such as 'you love me - do you love me?' The English semicolon (;) is the question mark (?) in written Greek. The Greek semicolon is a mark we do not use in English; it is a raised full-stop! (-). The verb &iflal [Ime] to be Notice the statement and the question forms of the verb E1Jiat (l am).
eillm elvm [ime) [ine)
I am
you are (infm) he/she/it is
are you? (infm) is he/she/it? are we? are you? (fm)
&loa I [ise)
&lllaO'Te [imaste) we are elooO'Te/elO'Te [isaste) [iste) elvol [ine) they are you are (fm)
lleV-lJ) [meno) llev-elC:; [menis) Ilev-el [menij llev-eTe [menete) Ilev-ouv [menun)
I know you know he/she/it knows we know you know they know
You use daat when talking to one person that you know well, or when he or she is younger than you; this is the 'informal form' (infm.). However, when you use daaatE or datE to one person, it is probably out of respect (with an older person, higher social status
Here are two examples you saw in the dialogues earlier in this unit:
a b c d
BEpEtE raAAtKa; HcrtE haM~; Eicrat ano tTjv AYYAia; Ano nota nOATj;
i ii iii iv
Ano to MtMvo. 'OXt, ano tTjv haAia. Nat, ~Epro. 'OXt, OEVEll-lat.
All nouns will appear in the vocabulary boxes with the appropriate definite article. For example:
a Mapia TIEtpOU. b 'OXt, I-l0VOEAATjVtKa. c KaATjI-lEpa, nffi~ cra~ AEVE; d MtMtE AyyAtKa;
4 Complete the dialogue using the information in italics.
o NiKOc;
Greek definite articles are also used with proper nouns (words which have a capital letter), so that Mary is 11Maip11 in Greek, rather than simply Maip11. Likewise there are articles in front of city names such as:
o NiKOc;
o NiKOc;
Tj A8rlva to Aovoivo
o NiKOc;
rela aa~! n~ aa~ Mve; a Say your name. Ana nou elOTe; b Tell him which country you are from. Ana nOLO Iltpo~; c Tell him which city/town you come from. Tl YAwaae~ IlL'll.oTe; d Say which language(s) you speak.
Don't worry if you don't grasp everything immediately; soon it will all fall into place.
1 See if you can cope with some typical situations that you might encounter in Greece: a You have been introduced to a young Greek woman. Ask her name. b You have just seen a friend in the street. Say hello and ask him how he is. c You meet your boss in the street. Say hello and ask her how she is. d You meet a Greek colleague in the hotel where you are staying. At various times of the day, how would you say: 'good morning', 'good evening' or 'good night'? e You are so confused that you want to say: 'I'm sorry, I don't speak Greek.' How would you say that? f You have just arrived in Greece and you want to find people who speak English. How would you ask: 'Do you speak English?'
a I-lE b AE~Et~ C uyEia d YAfficrcrE~ e I-l0VO f nOATj g Ota<popE'ttKO h VUXta I-lEpa j Ell-lat
6 Listen to the following conversation and fill in the missing words. The shaded vertical word means 'Greece'. If you don't have the recording try to fill in the gaps from the words in the box below. a
i health (hygiene) ii languages (polyglot) iii only (monopoly) iv metropolis v night vi morning vii different viii words (lexicon) ix lam x
Mary Robert Mary Robert Helen Robert Helen Robert Helen Robert Helen
rela aou a _ rela aou Mapia. Na aou aUOTtiaw TTlV C _ rela aou b ! Eiaal C NOl, eillal. Eau; Eyw eillal ano T'lV d _ Ano nOlO llepOC;; Ano TO Ail3epnouA. To l;epelC;; 'OXl, e TO l;epw! Eau, ano nou f _ Ano TTl E>eaaaAoviK'l.
Mary Antonio Mary Antonio Mary Antonio Mary Antonio Mary Antonio Mary
rela aou! a __ ITaAOc;; NOl, b __ ' Ano nOla C __ ; Ano TO MlAOVO, d __ Twpa Ilevw OTllv A8tiva. Eyw eillal ano TO Aovt5ivo. e __ AyyAlKO; 'OXl! b.UOTUXWc;! f ITaAlKO Kal Twpa ... EAA'lVIKO! nWc; ae AEve; AVTOVIO. 9 __ ; Maip'l ti Mapia. h __ I rela aou Maip'l. rela aou AVTOVIO.
l)ev POlJnepT
EMl1v(l)a oopa(a
POlJn&pT [robert] No CJou CJUCJTI1CJw su sistfso] [na TO Aip&pnouA [to Ifverpul] li&v TO ~tpw [THen to ksero] 1'1 8&CJCJoAoviKI'I [i thesalonfki]
Robert (m) let me introduce ... to you Liverpool (n) I don't know it Thessaloniki / Salonica (1)
A little extra!
The extra dialogue below will add some useful phrases to your vocabulary. Try to get the gist of the conversation ftrst before looking up the vocabulary. This should prepare you for real situations where you understand some of the conversation, but not all of it.
7 Listen to the following list of words on the recording and write each one below its corresponding sound. If you don't have the recording, use the words in the box below. [a] as in cat [e] as in bed
8 Listen to Dialogue 3 in this unit again and ftll in the missing words. If you don't have the recording try to ftll in the gaps from the words in the box.
[a] [esi mari-zofij [menis I see! How about you, me ali ghaliTHa]? Marie-Sofie, are you
staying with another French woman? [ne] [meno me tin Yes, I'm staying with monfk] [apo to parisi] Monique from Paris. [a] [oreal! [yasas lipan]! I see! That's nice! Well, take care! [yasu] 'Bye! [yasu marfa]! Take care, Maria!
10 Tick the most appropriate answer to the phrasesyou hear. If you don't have the recording, match the most appropriate answer to the four phrases listed below.
a b c d i ii i ii i ii i ii NUl KUl OXt. rEta cra~ AOt1tOv. Mevro crtO ~EvoboXEio 'AKp01tOAt~'. Mevro IlE Ilia <lAATJ rEPllaviba. EivUl KOVt<l aAAa bEV ~epro 1tou. Qpaia! rEW cra~ AOt1tOV! rEta cra~! rEta crou!
Marie-Sofie Gabi Mary Marie-Sofie Mary Gabi Mary Gabi Mary Marie-Sofie Mary Marie-Sofie Gabi
rela aae;! E~w IlEVeTe; NOI Kal 0XI! Eyw IJEVW e~w. H rKOlJnL0Xl. nou IJEVele; KOlJm; r MEvw OTO~evo~oxelo 'AKponoAle;'. nou elVOl TO~evo~oxelo 'AKpanoAle;'; EIVOIKOVTO aMo ~ev ~EPWnou. MEVWlJe IJla oMT] replJaVI~a. Aa! Eau MapI-Zo<pI, IJEvele;lJe oMT] raMI~a; NOl, IJEVW TT]VMovlK ana TOnaplOl. lJe Aa! Opala! rela aae; Aomav! rela aou! rela aou, Mapla!
Phrases: a EboSlleVEtE; b IIou lleVEt~ Gabi; c IIou EiVUl to ~EvOboxEio 'AKP01tOAt~'; d rEta cra~ AOt1tOV!
a 'Personal' questions
Be prepared to meet people who ask what we consider 'personal' questions from the very first moment you are introduced. Most Greeks don't differentiate between 'What's your name?' and 'How much do you eam?'! You could easily be asked the following questions, maybe not on your first day in Greece and some only by friends or acquaintances, but you have to be prepared. How much do you weigh? Are you married? How many children do you have? How old are you? I think you look fatter! Have you put on weight? How much did you pay for your car/house, (etc.)? How old is your husband/wife? Just remember that these are cultural differences and the questions are not intended to make you feel uncomfortable.
9 True or false? Mark (,/) for true, and (K) for false. a b c d H Mapi-Zo<pi lleVEt crtO ~EvObOXEio'AKp01tOAt~'. H rK<lIl1tt lleVEt IlE Ilia rEPllaviba. H MoviK bEV EivUl a1to tTJ raAAia. To ~EvoboxEio 'A1tOAArov' EiVUl KOVt<l crtO ~EvoboxEio 'AKP01tOAt~'. el5w [etho] GTO [sto] ~evol5oxelo [to ksenoTHohfo] KOVTO [konda] l.Ie[me] 1.110 [mia] oAAIl [ali] I.Ila oAAIl [mia ali] Il repl.lavll5a [i ghermaniTHa] Il raAAil5a [i ghaliTHa] eau [esij Aom6v [lipan]
here the hotel (n) near with one/a other/another another German woman French woman you then/well
Personal space
When you are in Greece,you will notice that you havevery little personal space: queues at concert halls, bus stops or banks are not particularly Orderly.To understand Greek queuing habits you have to experience them! 'Queuing' in Greece would actually be 'jumping the queue' but beware! Many Greekswould not hesitateto complain if you try it.
U1tO't'llv EAMou [ehiTHa] U1tO't'llv AYYAiu [anglia] (MsyuA'll Bps'tuviu) [meghali vretania] U1tO't'llv Icmuviu [ispania] U1tO't'llV hUAiu [italfa] U1tO't'll rUAAiu [ghalfa] U1tO't'll rSpllUviu [ghermania] U1tO't'llV EAf3S'tiu [elvetia] U1tO't'll LOU'lloiu [suiTHfa]
0 8 0 0
U1tO't'll Muoph'll [maTHriti] U1tO't'll Proll'll [r6mi] U1tO'to TIupicn [parisi] U1tO'to BSPOAivo [verolino] U1tO't'll ZUpiX'll [zirichi] U1tO't'll L'toqOAIl'll [stokh6Imi]
Mini test
1 Can you remember the Greek for the followi~g ten i!"po~ant words from this unit? Try to write your answers 10 transhteratlOns or Greek script.
2 Can you remember the following ten important phrases from this unit? Use transliteration or Greek script. i ii iii iv v What's your name? Where are you from? From which city/town? From London, England. My name's... vi Do you speak English?
3 The five phrases below use the informal way of addressing people. Can you change them into formal Greek? Use transliteration or Greek script.
i [pos se lt~ne]? TIme; ae AEVe; ii [apo pu ise]? A1to 1tOUdaat; iii [pu menis]? TIou J.lEVete;; iv [millis anglikli]? MtMe; AyyAtK<i; v [ylisu] relU aou.
In this unit you will learn how to engage in 'small talk' enquire about each other's health converse about common daily activities talk about what jobs people have count from 1 to 10
Mary naVV'le; Mary navv'le;
Mary Johnson meets her Greek colleague rl(OPYo~ IIa7taM7tol)AO~ [Y6rgos Papad6pulos] at the Greek Archaeological Society lounge.
formal way
oAol J.lf:cpwval;ouv
mistake (n), false colleagues(m/f) everyone (lit. all the people) they call everybody calls me (people call me)
Mary naVv'le; Mary naVV'le; Mary naVV'le; Mary naVV'le; Mary naVV'le; Mary naVV'le;
Mary strikes up a conversation in a corridor ~t,the P~lyglot ~stitute (IlOAUY AffittO I van tOUto) [Polugloto Instttuto] With the director rl(iVVll~ AVtffiVtOl) [Y3nnis Antoniu].
[kalimera kirie andoniu] [ti kanete]? [kalimera maria] lime kala] [esi pas ise simera]? [kala] [eho omos pende mathimata simera] [po-po] [p-yos kani to proghrama su]? [esis kirie andoniu] [a ne]! [to ksehasa]! Good morning, Mr Andoniou! How are you? Good morning, Maria. How are you doing today? Fine, but I have five classes today! Wow! Who arranges your schedule? You, Mr Andoniou! Oh, yes! I forgot that!
rela aae; Kuple nana~OnOUAe! TI KaveTe; rela aou Maipl1. TI Kavele;; KaM, KaM. EuxaplOTw, eaeie;; KI eyw KaM eillal. l\iyo KoupaaIlEVOe;,aMa ylaTi Ilou IlIMe; OTOV nAl1aUVTIKO; liev ~EpW!liev ~EPWKaM EMl1vIKa. Eival Maoe;; 'OXI, ~ev eival Maoe; .. , aMa eillaOTe auva~eA<pol. 'CAOIIle <pwva~ouvrlwpyo. EVTa~elrlwpyo '"
KUplf: [kirie]
Mr what / how you do, you are doing (pl.lfm. form) you do, you are doing (sing.linfm. form) well, fine, good, OK thank you you (pl./fm.) tired why? a little (bit) you speak to me you speak
KaAl1llEpa Kuple AVTwviou! TI KaveTe; KaA111lEpa Mapia. Eillal KaM, eau nwe;Eiaal millEpa; KaM, EXW0IlWe;nEvTE llaaTillaTa millEpa! (laughing). nw! nw! nOloe; Kavel TOnpoypalllla aou; Eaeie; Kuple AVT(llViou! A, Val! To ~Exaaa!
you (sing./infm.) how are you? today I have but, though five classes (n), lessons, courses Wow!
nOloe; [pyos] TO npoypa .. [to pr6ghrama] a nOloe; Kanl TO npoypa .. oou; a [pyos kani to pr6ghrama su]? TO ~&xaoa! [to ksehasa] ~&xaoa [ksehasa]
who schedule (lit. programme) Who arranges your schedule? I forgot that! I forgot
~&V TO n10T&uw! [THen to pistevo] nwe; nae;; [pos pas]? noAu KaAa [poll kala] nOO&e;; [p6ses]?
I don't remember!
Domenico Di Capo, an archaeologist, meets Mapuivva Ayye'AolJ (Marianne Angelou), a Greek archaeologist who spent three months in Italy last year. They meet at the National Archaeological Museum.
[yasu domeniko] [herome pu se ksanavlepo] [pos Ise]? [yasu mariana] [THen to pistevo] [se ksanavlepo stin athlna] [pos pas]? [Ise kala]? Ume poll kala] [esl pos lsa]? [kala] [poll kala] [p6ses meres Ise stin athlna]? [eho tris meres stin athlna] [nomlzo teseris] ... [hm]! [THe thimame]! Hi, Domenico. I'm glad to see you again. How are you doing? Hi, Marianne. I don't believe it! I see you in Athens again. How's it going? Are you OK? I'm just fine. How are you? Fine, just fine. How many days have you been (lit. are you) in Athens? I've been (lit. I have) three days in Athens. I think four ... Hm! I don't remember!
[eho tris meres stin athlna] ... 1'1 . pa [i imera] 1'I & vo .~ [nomlzo] i T&OO&ple; [teseris] X"'! [hm]! 8u . . l [thimame] a a
How are you doing? How's everything? very well, pretty good how many? I have been in Athens for three days day(f) I think four hm! I remember
Language notes
Asking 'How are you doing?'
This is possibly the most frequent Greek question! It is used throughout the day and along with KaAa and 1tOAUKaAa, is the most frequent 'formula question' and 'formula answer'. KavE'tt is the plural and formal form of the verb Kavco. This question has two different meanings: How are you doing? What are you doing? The question How are you? and its answer Very well, thank you are, as in English, a formula question/answer (something we say but d? not necessarily mean). In Greek you probably won't hear Et>Xap\O'tCO at the end of the reply. T\ KaVt~; and n KaVttt; are only two ways of enquiring about somebody's health; here are some examples of other ways commonly used:
rela oou NTOl..ltvIKO. Xalp0l..lal TlOU oe ~ava/3MTlw. nwe; elom; rela oou Maplovva. /),.ev TO TlIOTeuw! I:e ~ava/3MTlw O1TJV A8riva. n<Jic;Tlae;; Elom KaM; Ell..lal TloM KaM. Eou TlWe;eloal; KaM, TloM KaAO! n6oee; I..Itpee; elom O1TJvA8riva; 'Exw Tpele; I..Itpee;OTTJv A8riva ... NOI..II~w Ttooeple;... XI..I' /),.e 8ul..l0l..lal.
xaipo . l [herome] a ~ava13Atnw [ksanavlepo] xaipo . l nou 0& ~ava13Atnw a [herome pu se ksanavlepo] n10T&UW [pistevo]
How are you doing? How are you? How's everything with you?
You will hear other ways of asking this question in later units; here are some common answers:
Oxl noM lCaA.U not very well ~ 'ta M/le lCaA.UI guess I'm all right!
fiapaKaAol (You're welcome) and tiftota (don't mention i!) are the two most common responses. llapaKaAol is a useful word m Greek; it has many meanings depending on context. Please when asking for something Hello when answering the phone Come in when answering the door What can I do for you? in a shop Take a seat pointing to a chair . What did you say? or Pardon? asking someone to repeat something
Mr, Mrs and Miss, preceding a name, are 0 KVP10~,T) K\lpia and T) OtO'ft01vioa in Greek; the corresponding contracted forms are K., Ka, and oiOO. (Ms does not have a Greek equivalent yet.) These forms change when you address a person directly. There are some exceptions to this rule of course. Notice the difference in the following examples: TIafta~ dVal lCoupacr/lEVo~. KUPlt TIafta, n lCuve'te; o lC. (lCUpl0~) TIaftaMftO\lA~ eival lCoupacr/lEVo~. KUPlt TIanaMftO\lAt n lCuve'te; lC. (lCUPtO~)TIanaMnouAo~ d Val K6Pl~!
o lC. (lCUpl~)
Dialogue 3 introduced the numbers 3 and 4. Here are the numbers 1-10 for you: How are you doing, Mr Papas? Mr Papadopoulos is tired. How are you doing, Mr Papadopoulos? Mr Papadopoulos is a gentleman! I Eva/J.1ia or J.1tCl [enaslmfa/mya] 2 ODO[TRio] 3 'tpia!'tpei~ [tria/tris] 4 'tEcrcrepa!'tEcrcrepl~ [t6sera/reseris] 5 ftEV'te [pende] 6 7 8 9 10 E~l [eksi] eft't6./e<p'tu [epWefta] OlC'to)/ X'tO)[okt6/oht6] 0 eWEa/eVV1u [enea, enhi] OElCa[1Heka]
In the second and fourth examples Mr Papas and Mr Papadapoulos are addressed directly so the ending changes. The ending of the family name usually denotes the place of origin: TIanaMftO\lAO~ - from the Peloponese TIaftaMKT)~ - Crete MaplClit~ - Cephalonia Ma'tcroulCa~ - Epirus Maupo~ - Northern Greece MaupioT)~ and EA/laMYAO\l Asia Minor and Anatolia. The endings of women's names are slightly different: lCa TIaftaOOftOVAO\l lCa TIanaOUKT) lCa MaPlCatO\l lCa Ma'tcrouKa lCa Maupo\l lCa MaupioT) and lCa EA/laAoYAO\l (the only one with no change)
The numbers 1, 3 and 4 have different forms because of grammatical rules. The numbers 7, 8 and 9 have two different forms because of phonetic rules. Study them and learn them by heart.
1 Saying who
Personal pronouns (words like I, you, he, they) are part of Eng~ish verbs since they defme who is doing or receiving the action. Although Greek has equivalent corresponding words they are normally left out and mostly used only for emphasis.
There are two common Greek prefixes Xat~T)- as in Xat~T)oT)J1T)tpio\l and llafta- as in llaftaoT)J1T)tpio\l that actually denote an ancestor-'s profession: TIaft~ means priest, for instance.
In this example, the form lC6;vt~ of the verb lCUVrodiscloses the personal pronoun you. Study and learn the following personal pronouns:
Singular Plural
Thanking someone
E\lxaplO'tol (thank you) and t\lxaplO''tol ftoA6 (thanks a lot) are the two most common expressions for thanking someone. XiAla euxaplcr'tO) (many thanks) literally means 'one thousand thanks'.
you he (m) she (f) it (n)
They has three forms for the masculine, feminine and neuter cases. As mentioned in Unit 1, all nouns - words such as KUptOc; (gentleman), l1ptpa (day), ~voooXdo (hotel) - have the corresponding masculine, feminine or neuter article in the vocabulary boxes.
Iltvw ~tpw
<pwvo~w IlIAOW
live / stay or I am living / I am staying knowdo / I make or I am doing / I am making call or I am calling speak or I am speaking
2 Indefinite articles
o KUPlO~- masculine 11 11~Epa - feminine TO ~EvoooXdo - neuter The indefinite article (a or an in English) also shows the gender: Eva~ KUPlO~
~ia 11~Epa
Eva ~EvoooXdo
Don't worry about not understanding everything immediately. Leave some questions for later! Everything will make sense in time.
The words tvac; (m), pia (pta) (f) and tva (n) can also be used as the numeral one: Eva ~EvoooXdo a hotel or one hotel
::tp&l KOV&l<; OYYAIKO; [kseri kanfs anglikal? Does anyone know English?
1 See if you can react to the following situations: a b c d e f You are asked about your health. Say that you are very well. You want to ask: 'How about you?' (infm. and fm. form) You would like to enquire about K. Maupo~'s health. You are asked to join a group of people. Tell them that you are a little bit tired. In the beginning you will forget a lot. How do you say 'Oh, I forgot that! '? How would you tell someone that you have only been in Athens for two, three, four and five days?
Tl KaVETE; Tl KaVETEEOd>; Tl OOUA-Ela KaVE1~; nOlO~ KaVEl 'to 1tpoypa~~a; nocro KaVE1;
How are you doing? What are you doing here? What do you do? (lit. What job (OOUA-Ela) do you do?) (j) Who makes the schedule? How much is it?
Match each question with the most appropriate answer. a b c d Tt KaVtn~; i EiJHll KaA.a,EUlaplmro! Eivat Meo~; ii No~il~co E~l. Tl KaVETEKUplE AVTcoviou; iii 'OX1, OEVdvat. nocrE~ ~EPE~ dcrat EOd>; iv KaM EcrU;
Rearrange these lines to make a dialogue. a b c d KaM, 1tOA-U KaM. Ecru; AEV ~EpCO.'Exco Evav 1tOVO(0 1tOVO~ pain (m nro~ 1ta~; Eicrat KaM; nou;
Although Greek verbs are conjugated (you add different endings to the stem - see Unit 1), most verbs have the same ending forms in the present tense. The various forms of the present tense in English such as I do, I am doing are translated by one single form in Greek.
:! a1'1 :I'i
< 1'1
c From
Ana TT]E>eooaAoviKTl. naoe~ Iltpec; eiOTe OTTlV EMMa; d I think only two or three days.
8 Listen to Dialogue 3 in this unit again and fill in the missing words. If you don't have the recording, try to fill in the gaps from the words in the box below. rela oou NTOlltVIKO. a nou oe ~avaI3Mnw. no><;b __ ; rela oou Maplovva. f:.ev TO c ! I:e ~aval3Mnw OTTlV A8ilva. no><;na~; EioQl KaAO; d __ noM KaAO.Eou; e __ b __ ; KaM, noM KaM. f __ Iltpec; b __ OTTlV A8ilva; 'Exw Tpel~ Iltpec; OTTlVA8ilva g __ Ttooepl~ ... Xll! f:.e h __ .
Similar or different? Match the list on the left with the list on the right.
f g h j 6
institute national (ethnic) museum centre schedule (programme) archaeological all (everyone) polyglot pain x angel
Can you recognize some of the words you have already learned? Find as many words as you can horizontally, vertically and diagonally - of two, three, four and five letters.
0 E
N 0 A
I: n
7 Listen to the following list of words and write each one below its corr~sponding sound. If you don't have the recording, use the words In the box at the top of page 43. [i] as in inn [0] as in or
[sighnami] [i kiria Johnson eTHa mlmi]? [malista] leTHa meni] [borite na tin fonaksete]? [me lene] [yargho papaTHapulo]
Excuse me, is Mrs Johnson staying here? Yes, she is. Can you call her (please)? My name's George Papadopoulos.
[mis6 lepto] [bor6 na THo] [an to kliTHij line eTHo] [THen fne eTHo] lara fne sto THomatio tis]
[yasu meri] [ti kanis]? [fse kala]? [yasu yorgho] [fme kala] [ala IIgho kurazmenij [eho tris meres stin athfna mono] [ala THen kimame katholu]! [tha pame sinema] [i ochi]? [THen ksero] [THe nomfzo] [fme malon poll kurazmeni]
Hi, Mary. How are you doing? Are you OK? Hi, George. I'm OK but a little tired. I've been in Athens for only three days, and I can't (lit. don't) get any sleep at all! Shall we go to the cinema (movies) or not? I don't know ... I don't think so ... I'm really (lit. rathef) very tired.
[to kliTHij opa lara] TO l)W.,.oTIO[to THomatio] Tile; [tis] CJTO l)W.,.oTIOTile; [sto THomatiotis] Ka80Aou [kath6lu] 8a no.,.e; [tha pame]? TO olve.,.o [to sinema] .,.oAAov [malon]
TO Mell)i
key (n) then the room (n) her in her room at all shall we go? cinema (n) rather/probably
True or false? Mark (,/) for true and (K) for false. a b c d
0 K.
H Kn Johnson eival o'to AOIl1tU (lobby). H Kn Johnson eival o'to ocollano 'tTl~. H Kn Johnson 9n 1taet (will go) crtlleva. &~(a) IJ&V&I;
nH Ka Johnson
llevEI; rlWPVO
We have already seen KUpIOe;(K.).Kupia (Ka) and l)eonolvil)a (l)il)a) are used as courtesy titles in Greek. Kuploe; (K) has two forms: KUpIOe;when you talk indirectly about someone; and Kuple when you address someone directly. is a title attached to the name of medical doctors or professionals with a PhD, EdD, or LLD. Meolt or MaVTo.,., as Monsieur and Madame in French, are used less and less by the new generation. What is interesting and different is the use of K., Ka or l)il)a with the first name of a person only (such as K. ntiJpyoe; Mr George) as a semi-formal form that does not exist in English.
rEIO OOU MoIP'l. Tl KOVEIC;;EIOOl KaAO; rEIO OOU rIWPVO. EIIlOI KoM aAM AlVO KOU~OOllev'l. 'Exw TPEIC;llepEC; OTI']v A8fJvo 1l0VO, oMo ~EV KOIIlOIlOI Ko8oAOU! eo nOllE OlVEIlO fJ 6XI; AEV ~epw ... ~E VOIlI~W ... EIIlOI IlOMov noM KoupOOlleV'l ... again are you able to, can you her just a minute if
nwl nwl
Interjections are words that give flavour and emphasis to a statement or question. The translations of these probably wouldn't help you much. It is best to use your imagination and try them out. In the first two units you came across: Aa! nw! nw! X.,.! Mna! that denote understanding, admiration, uncertainty, and surprise in the corresponding contexts. This list will increase in the units to come, so start looking out for these interjections.
noAI [pal i) .,.nop&iTe va [borite] Tllv [tin] "'100 Aemo [mis6 lept6]
av [an]
Mini test
1 Can you remember the Greek for the following ten important words from this unit? Try to write your answers in transliteration or Greek script. i ii iii iv v thanks Greek tired all right today vi vii viii ix x but excuse me sure only rather
2 Can you remember the following ten important phrases from this unit? Use transliteration or Greek script. i ii iii iv v How are you doing? I'm tired. How are you? I forgot that. Is it a mistake? vi vii viii ix x I don't believe that! I'm just fine. I don't remember. Just a moment! In a little while.
3 The five phrases below use the formal way of addressing people. Can you change them into informal Greek? Use transliteration or Greek script.
i [ti kanete]? Tt KaVEtE; ii [pos iste]? rrro~ EiatE;
iii [yasas kiria Johnson] rEta aa~ Kupia Johnson iv [iste kala]? ElatE KaA6.; v [eTH6 menete]? Eoro J.l,EVEtE;
In this unit you will learn how to order drinks order breakfast order Greek appetizers ask for local drinks count from 11 to 20
>a < a
"C l'J l'J. l'J.
nwpyoe; Mary nwpyoe;
rto)pyo~ IIa1ta061touAo~ invites Mary Johnson to join him for a drink in a local ouzeri-tavema. Mary, let's have a glass of ouzo at Alexandra's. Where is (lit. the) Alexandra's? It's close by, at the Panathinea Park, a vel}' nice 'mezethopolio'. 'Mezethopolio', what's that? I don't understand. 'Mezethopolio' is a tavern with many appetizers and a lot of ouzo. ... A little while later ... at Alexandra's ... Are you ready to order? (lit. What are you having, please?) Two (glasses of) ouzo and a plate of assorted appetizers. Right away!
< a
[i alexandra]
c: a.
Mary nwpyoe;
I')Taptpva [i taverna] noAAoue; [polus] o aepplTC)pOe;[0 servit6ros] 8a nopeT& [tha parete] '1 nOIKIAia[i pikilia] alJtawe; [amesos]
come flet's go at let's go and have (lit. (you) come and (we) drink) park (n) a park in Athens Alexandra (t) (here = the name of an avenue and tavern) nice (lit. beautiful) (infm.) tavern offering a large number of appetizers appetizers (m), snacks (cold or hot starters) tavern (t) many waiter (n) (lit. the servant) will you have assorted appetizers straight away
>a < a
c:. < a
g ~
Iep6lTopoe; nwpyoe;
with water!
How do people (you, the Greeks) drink ouzo in Greece? Straight, on the rocks, or with water: Ouzo with water: That's it! Let me have (lit. pour/put) some (lit. little) water: Here you go! Do you drink ouzo in England? Yes, I've got a (lit. girl) friend who likes ouzo. She usually drinks ouzo with lemonade. Phew! Ouzo with lemonade! Awful!
and Mary drink ouzo. [pos pinete to uzo] [stin elaTHa]? [sketo] [me pagho] [i me ner6] [uzo me ner6] [att6 ine] [vale mu ligho ner6]. [oriste]! [pinete uzo stin anglia]? [ne] [eho mia fili] [pu tis aresi to uzo] [pini sinithos] [uzo me lemonaTHa] [uf]! [uzo me lemonaTHa]! [apesio]
Malp!'], tAa va mOUj.1E tva ou~aKI OTT]<;ME~av5pa<;'. nou elvQl TI']<;'ME~av5pa<;'; Elval KovTa OTO napKo navaSJivala, tva noM 0j.10Pcpo j.1E~E50nwAElo. ME~E50nwAElo ... Tl Elval aUTO; !iEV KaTaAa13alvw. ME~E50nwAElo EIVQl j.1la Ta13tpva j.1E nOAAou<; j.1E~t5E<;... Kal noM ou~o. ~E Alyo ... OTT]<; E~av5pa<; M ...
rlwpyoe; Mary
rlwpyoe; Mary
[ochi] pne thavmasio] [mu arc!lsi polij [stin anglfa] [pfnume epfsis metaksa] [skato i me koka kola] [metaksa me koka kola]! [ttani]! [THe thEllo n'akuso] [alo pya]
Breakfast in 'America'!
Are you ready (to order)? No, could you bring us the menu please? Yes, of course, right away.
Gabi, Marie-Sofie and Domenico have breakfast in 'America', breakfast room of the Apollo Hotel. I&PPITOpoC; [fste etimi]? Marie-Sofie [ochi] [mas farnete ton
katalogho parakalo]
n<ix; nlv&n: TO OU~o OTTlVEMMa; !KETO, Il& nayo r; Il& V&po. ou~o Il& V&po! AUTO &IVal! BaA& IlOU 'A.iyoV&po. OpIOT&! mV&T& OU~o OTTlvAyyAla; Nal, XW ilia <plAT]nou TTJ<:; apO&l TO OU~o. myel ouvr;8wc; OU~OIl& A&IlOvMa. Ou<p! Ou~o Il& A&IlOvMa! AnalOlo! 'OXI &IVal 8aullaOlo! Mou apO&1 noM. !TTJv Ayy'A.ia nIVOUIl& &nIOTJ<:; M&Tal;a OKETOr; Il& KOKa KOAa. M&Tal;a Il& KOKa KOAa! <l>TaV&I! i& 8AW va aKouow I aMo ma ..,
you drink straight on the rocks (lit. with ice) water (n) that's it! / this is it! pour/give here you are! that she likes usually lemonade (t) phew! awful (adj.) marvellous (adj.)/wonderful also That's enough! hear I don't want to hear any more (any longer)!
Gabi Domenico
niV&T& [pfnete] OKeTO [skatol IJ& noyo [me pagho] TO V&PO [to nero] aUTO &ivai! [afto ine] poA& [vale] OpiOT& [oriste] nou [pu] TI'JC; peo&1 [tis arasi] a ouv';8wc; [sinfthos] I'JA&lJovolSa [i lemonaTHa] oucp! [uf]! anaiolo [apasio] 8auIJooio [thavmasio] &niol'JC;[epfsis] <l>TOV&I![ftanij! aKouow [akuso] A&v 8eAw va aKouow oUo ma!
[THen thalo n'akuso alo pya]
I&PPITOpOC; EIOT& TOIIlOI; TOV KaTaAoyo napaKaAw; Marie-Sofie 'OXI, Ila<:;<PPV&T& I&PPITopoC; Nal, 13l3ata,allOWC;. !& AlYo ... I&PPITOpoC; EIOT& TOIIlOI Twpa; Marie-Sofie 6AOUIl& Mo npwlva 'KOVTlVVTaA' Kal Mo 01l&AT&<:;l& ~allnov. 'Eva yaMIKO Ka<p,Eva Toal I Kal Mo XUIlOU<:; OpTOKaAl. n 6A&T& TO Toal Il& A&IlOVI r; YaAa; I&PPITOpoC; Toal Il& A&IlOVI, &UxapIOTW. Gabi Ila<:;'A.iyo !30UTUPOKat llapll&AMa &nIOTJ<:; Domenico <I>PT& . Marie-Sofie Kal <ppuyaVI<:;r; ",will Ou<p! I&PPITopoC; AIlOWC;... allOw<:;!
tTOIPOI [etimi] cptpV&n: [femete] pac; cptPV&T& [mas femete] cptpn: pac; [ferte mas] o KaToAoyoC; [0 kataloghos] TO npwlvo [to proino] KOvTlvtVTaA [kontinental] op&Atn:C; [omeletes] TO ~apnov [to zambon] o Kacptc; [0 kafes] TO TaOI [to tsai] o xupOC; [0 chimos] TO nopTOKoAI [to portokali] TO A&poVI [to lemoni] TO yoAa [to gMla] TO POUTUpO [to vutiro] 1'1papp&Ao~a [i marmelaTHa] cppuyavltc; [frighanyes] TO IIIwpi [to psomij oucp! [uf]!
ready you bring (Could you) bring us menu (m) Qit. catalogue / list) breakfast (n) continental omelettes ham (n) coffee (m) tea (n) juice (m) orange (n) lemon (n) milk (n) butter (n) marmalade (f) toast bread (n) I've had it! Enough! No more! phew!
Greek coffee
Coffee drinking is a social event in Greece that takes place at any time of day. EJ..J..'1VlKO<; Greek coffee) is also called ~ll~UVt\VO<; ( (Byzantine coffee) or t06pKlKo<; (Turkish coffee), but nowadays the distinction of aKi:to<; (no sugar), JiEtPlO<;(one spoonful of sugar) and yJ..llKO<; (two spoonfuls of sugar) is sufficient for ordering. Two companies dominate the Greek (AOllJiW'I<;) and Bravo (M1tpci~o). coffee industry: Loumidis
In most places you can also order KU1tOlltolVO(cappucino) or O"1tptaao (espresso), Bu;vvolla (viennois) or YUJ..J..lKO<;, (French coffee) and ~Eat1\ aOKoJ..atU (hot chocolate), or KUKao p(Kp'lJi~ (cocoa). NE<; KU'PE(instant coffee), ~Eato<; (hot coffee) or 'PPU1tE (iced coffee) are very popular as well. Taal (tea) is readily a~ailable in most places but Kp60 taal 1\ taal JiE 1tuyaKlu (iced tea) IS rarely found in Greece.
a Numbers 11-20
The numbers 11-20 are listed for you below. Read the notes again about 1-10 on page 39. 11 tv'teKa [endeka] 12 ocOoeKa [TH6THeka] 13 oeKa'tpia [THekatria] oeKa'tpeic; [THekatris] 14 oeKa'ttcrcrepa [THekatesera] oeKa'ttcrcreplC; [THekateseris] 15 OeKa1ttv'te [THekapende] 16 oeKat~t [THekaeksi] 17 OeKae1t'ta [THekaept<i] 18 oeKaoK'tcO [THekaokt6] oeKaox'tcO [THekaoht6] 19 oeKaevvta [THekaenea] oeKaeVVta [THekaenia] 20 eiKocrt [fkosi]
Language notes
Greek tavernas
ME~Oo1tooJ..l:1o an informal taverna offering a large selection of is appetizers to accompany ouzo, retsina or beer. The word itself denotes -1t00J..1:10 (selling) and JiE~EOE<; (appetizers). Greek appetizers include t~ut~iJn (tzatziki) - a yoghurt, cucumber and garlic dip; tupuJioauJ..atu (taramosalata) - fish-roe dip; Kt'PtEOE<; (keftethes) - meatballs; tllpOmtu (cheese pie); and a1tUVUKOmtU(spinach pie). Tavernas (tU~EpVU) also offer a large selection of appetizers and local specialities. These are very informal places and many outdoor tavernas are open from early spring to late autumn. Restaurants (Eat\Utopto or pEatopav) often demand more formal dress.
1 Plural forms
Did you notice the plural form in the first dialogue of this unit? 060 oll~aKlu And the singular form: EvU oll~aKl one glass of ouzo two glasses of ouzo
In English there are also many ways of expressing plural nouns; such as car-cars, box-boxes, knife-knives, ox-oxen, sheep-sheep. Here are some common plurals of some of the nouns you have already met in Greek:
I">a < a
a/the nice (handsome) friend Evac,/O OJ.lOP<pOc, <PiAOC, a/the nice (handsome) friend Evac,/o 1tOAUOJ.lOP<Poc, <PiAOC,
the snack - snacks the ice - ices the menu - menus
And for a feminine noun: cI>iAl1 J.lia/ 11<piA 11 J.lia/l1 0J.l0P<Pl1 iAl1 <p J.lia/l1 1tOAUoJ.l0P<Pl1<piAl1 friend (f) a/the friend a/the nice (beautiful) friend a/the nice (beautiful) friend
< a
0 c
I"< a
c a.
the love - loves the assorted platter - platters the lemonade -lemonades
I"< a
See if you can deal with some more situations you are likely to encounter in Greece. a You are in a JiE~EOO1troAtiO. Order a glass of ouzo and a plate of assorted appetizers. You are tasting ouzo for the ftrst time: give your impression by saying 'excellent' or 'awful'. You are having a drink with a friend. How would you say 'I like it a lot' or 'I don't like it much'? You are ordering a glass of ouzo. How would you say 'straight up' or 'on the rocks'? You are in a coffee shop. How can you ask for the menu? 'Tea with milk' is what you like. Ask for it.
~ ~
b c d e f 2
What's obvious from this example is that in English you have to ask in order to distinguish between a male or female friend; in English 'friend' is generic whereas in Greek you use either qiAo(~) (male friend) or qiA'I (jemalefriend).
Match each question with the most appropriate answer. a b c Tt dvat J.lE~E<)01tWAEio; i 'Eva ou,o Kat J.lia 1totKtAia. Tt ea 1taPE'tE; ii 'OXt, J.lE"(Ma. EiCJtE E'tOtJ.lot; ill Mia 'ta~Epva J.lEJ.lE1;EOEC,. E>EAE'tE mat J.lEAEJ.lOvt; iv 'Oxt,!
3 Adjectives
In Greek a noun requires that everything that precedes it agrees with it in gender. ME~tOO1troAtiOis a neuter noun (i.e. 'to JiE~EOO1troAtiO); look at the following examples of the neuter noun and adjectival relationships: ME1;EOO1tWAEtO taverna (n) Evaho J.lE1;EOO1tWAEtO a/the little taverna Evaho oJ.l0P<PoJ.lE1;EOO1tWAEioa/the nice little taverna Evaho 1tOAU0J.l0P<P0 a/the very nice little taverna J.lE1;EOO1tWAEio And for a masculine noun: cI>iAOC, Evac,/o <PiAOC, friend (m) a/the friend 3
d e f
Nat, ~E~ata.
the English sentences to complete the following
Translate dialogue.
Iep!3ITopoe; TI ea nopen:
>Q < Q
C. 'C I') 1').
IE AiyO... EiaTE tTOIIlOI; b Yes, an iced-coffee and an instant coffee. TinOTO aMo;
Alltowc:! IE Aiyo ... d Gould you bring us the bill, please? AlltoWC;!
< Q c
~ ~
Use the clues to complete the crossword. The shaded vertical word stands for 'Right away!' - often said by Greek waiters - but do they actually mean it? a b c d e f coffee marmalade coffee without sugar instant coffee how/what cinema
'Evo YOMIKO KOcpt, tvo Toal KOI Mo f __ nopTOKaAI. AEIlOVI h __ etAETE TO Toal 9 __ yaAo; ToaillE AEIlOVI, EUXOplaTW. i __ 1l0C; Aiyo ~OUTUPO KOI 1l0PIlEA6.~o EniOllC; KOI cppuyovltC; it i AlltOWC: ... olltoWC;! ... oucp!
>Q <
'C I') 1').
< Q
Ile !lJlOlll
0 W
Similar or different? Did you recognize any more words in Unit 3? Match the list on the left with the list on the right. a b c d e f g h f3olhupo Kocpe mipKo J.lopJ.leM8o crOKOAOtivo KOtaAoyos AeJ.lOVt cpiAOS/cpiAll 0lleAetes tof3epvo i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x friend chocolate tavern catalogue/menu/list omelettes coffee butter park marmalade lemon
A little extra!
nropyos IIoltaOOltOUAos, Domenico Di Capo and Mary Johnson have just arrived at 'Neon' - a cafe in the centre of Athens. rKiJpyoC; Domenico [ti tha parume peTHia]? [egho lea na parume uzo] [ke me mfa megMli pikilfa]
What are we going to have, guys Oit. children)? I'm suggesting that we have ouzo and a large plate of assorted appetizers.
7 Listen to Dialogue 3 of this unit again and fill in the missing words. If you don't have the recording try to fill in the gaps from the words in the box below. I&PPITOPOC; Marie-Sofie I&PPITOPOC; EiaTE a __ ; 'oXI, lloC; b __ TOV KOTaAoyo, nopoKoAW; NOl, c __ , OlltOWC:. IE Aiyo ... I&PPITOPOC; Marie-Sofie EiaTE tTOlllOI TWpO; etAoullE Mo d -e __ IlE ~ollnov. 'KOVTlvtvTaA' KQI ~uo
nwpyoC; Domenico
[pali uzo]! [egho thelo na pyo] Ouzo again! I want to have [ufski sfmera] lena kati whisky today. A Gutty sark] [me paghakia] Sark on the rocks. [ki egho thelo mfa bfra] And I want a beer: A [mfa Heineken] 0 mfa Amstel] Heineken or an Amste/. [tote egho tha pam ena uzakJl Then I'll have a small [ke mia mikri pikilfa] [yatf (glass of) ouzo and a fmaste stin elaTHa]? small plate of assorted appetizers. We are in Greece after all Oit. Why are we in Greece?).
[kala les]! [na parume ena bukali retsina] ... [ehun retsina eTHo]? [THe nomizo] [eTHo ine kafe-bar] [as rotisume omos] nwPVOc; Domenico TI Sa mipoulle nalolO;
You're right! Let's have a bottle of retsina ... do they have retsina here? ... 1 don't think (so). It's a coffee bar (here). Let's ask anyhow (lit. though).
True or false? Mark (.t') for true and (K) for false. a b c d '01.01 9&AOUV ou1;;o IlE 1t01K1Aia. H Ka Johnson 9&AE1 1l1a Il1tUpa. 0 K. DiCapo 9&AE1 &va ouime1. 0 K. Ila1taoo1touAo<; 9&AE1 1l1a pE'tcriva.
Eyw Mffi va nopou/le ou~o Kal /lla /leyciA'l nOAI ou~o! Eyw SEAOO va moo OUIOKI mi/lepa. 'Eva 'Cutty Sark' /le nayoKla. KI eyw Amstel. SEAoo /lla /lnupa. MIa Heineken /lla r') /lla /lIKPr') ... A~
9 Tick the most appropriate answer to the phrases you hear. If you don't have the recording, match the most appropriate answer to the four phrases listed below. a
TOTe eyw Sa nopoo Eva OU~oKI Kal fiaTI el/laOTe OT'lV EMooa; KaAo Ae~! Na nopou/le EXOUVpeTolva
VO/lI~oo. Eow pooTTioou/le O/l~ ... TO Kacpt [to kafe] TO IJnap [to bar]
. . . lie
i ii i ii i ii i ii
e&Affi va mffi ouicrK1 crrjllEpa. e&Affi Ilia Il1tUpa. 'Eva 'Cutty Sark' IlE miyo. Eyw Mffi va mipoullE ou1;;o. Ou1;;o Kat Ilia IlEyuAll 1t01K1Aia. Mia Heineken rj Ilia Amstel. A<; Pffi'trjcroullE Ollffi<;. OU1;;UK1Kat Ilia 1l1Kprj 1t01K1Aia.
Atw [Ieo]
lJ&voAoc;l-1')! -0 [meghalos] noAI [pali] mw [pyo] 9tAw va mw [tMlo na pyo] TO OUiOKI [to uiski] OI1IJ&pa [simera] IJ& navoKla [me paghakia] I'JIJnljpa [i bira] IJIKp6c;1-I1I-6 [mikrosl-i/-o] VlaTi [yatij KaAo A&C;![kala les]! TO IJnouKoAI [to bukali] I'Jp&Toiva [i retsina]
(here) cafe (n) bar (n) I'm suggesting/saying large (adj) again I drink I would like to drink whisky (n) today with ice cubes / on the rocks beer (f) small because you're right! you're talking sense! (lit. well you are saying) bottle (n) retsina (f) Greek wine flavoured with resin let's ask
Phrases: a IluA1 ou1;;o! b Eyw 9&Affi va mffi ouicrK1 crrjllEpa. c K1 EyW 9&Affi 1l1a Il1tUpa. d Eow ElVat Ka<p& ll1tap.
Metaxa brandy is another national drink, and it comes in three-, fiveor seven-star bottles. Wine (Kpaoi) comes in white (aonpo), red (KOKKIVO)or rose (po~t). You should try retsina (p&Toiva) - the wine flavoured with resin that Greeks sell in their ouzeri or tavernas. Ouzo 12, Ouzo Tsantalis (TaOVTaATJ), Ouzo Mitilinis (MUTIAtiVTJc;), Retsina Kourtaki (KOUpTOKTJ), etsina Markopoulou (MapKOnouAou), R Hatzimihali (XaT~TJI-Ux6:ATJ), Papaioannou (nana"iwovvou), Boutari (MnOuTOPTJ)or Cambas (Ka!Jnoc;) are some of the many good Greek drinks. You must try them to find out which you prefer!
1 Can you remember the Greek for the following ten important words from this unit? Try to write your answers in transliteration or Greek script. i ii iii iv v water also bread milk usually vi vii viii ix x menu breakfast marvellous awful beautiful
2 Can you remember the following ten important phrases from this unit? Use transliteration or Greek script. i ii iii iv v Here you go! Can I have some ... ? That's it! That's enough! I don't want... vi vii viii ix x Do you drink ouzo? What is 'mezethes'? I don't understand. I like it a lot. I have a friend.
3 The five phrases below use the formal way of addressing people. Can you change them into informal Greek? Use transliteration or Greek script.
i [ti tha parete]? Tt mipE'tE; ii [vaIte mu nero]? BaA'tE !Jot) vEp6;
iii [pinete ghaIa]? IIiVE'tE yUAu; iv [mas femete] ... ? MuC; <pSPVE'tE... v [iste etimi]? EiO'tE s'tOtj.lOt;
; In this unit you will learn how to order food in a restaurant ask for local specialities enquire about Greek eating habits count from 21 to 100
T~m. J?hnson joins a colleague, ruivvTJ<; ATJJ.lTJ'tpiou [Yannis DllllitrfU], for lunch. They go to <I>iA010'tpOV[Filoistron], a trendy taverna at eTJodo [Thiseo] facing the Acropolis.
[THen katalaveno tipota]! fine ola sta elinika]! [ela tora]! fine ola sta anglika]! [vevea-vevea]? [tzatziki]? [taramosalata]? [melitzanosalata]? [ti ine afta]? [endaksi]! [tha parangilo egh6 ya sena] [na parume mia pikilia] [apo tus uzomezeTHes pu ehun] [egho thelo musaka]! [THen ehun musaka eTHo] [miso lepto] [ehete musaka]? [ochi]! [ehume mono] loti lei 0 kataloghos] [oreal! [tote thelume mia taramosalata] [mia tiropita] [piperies ghemistes] [dolmaTHakia ke sutzukakia] [a] eke mia salata epochis] [malista] [tha pyite kati]? [tim] [thelis retsina] [i ena karafaki uzo]? [mal on ena karafaki] [ki'ena bukali nero] I don't understand anything! Everything's in Greek! Come on now! Everything's in English! Really? Tzatziki? Taramosalata? Melitzanosalata? What are these? All right! I will order for you. Let's have a plate of assorted appetizers from the starters (lit. ouzo) on offer. I'd like moussaka! They don't have moussaka here. Just a moment. Do you have moussaka? No! We've only got what's on the menu. OK! (lit. Nice.~ Then we'd like an (order of) taramosatata, cheese pie, stuffed peppers, dolmathakia, and soutzoukakia. Ah, and a seasonal salad. Yes. Will you have anything to drink? TIm, do you want retsina or a small carafe of ouzo? I'd rather (have) a small carafe (of ouzo) and a bottle of water.
EVTOE;EI!ea napayyELAW EVWVIa otva. Na nopoullE ilIa nOIKLAia ana TOUe;OU~OIlE~t~Ee; nou txouv. Evw etAW 1l0UOaKo! l::.EV txouv 1l0UOaKO E~W. MIOO AEmO. 'EXETE 1l0UOaKO; 'oXI! 'EXOUIlE 1l0VO O,TI MEI 0 KaToAOVOe;. (lpa'la! TOTE etAoullE Ilia TapallOOaAaTa, Ilia TupomTa, nmEplte; VEIlIOTte;, vToAlla~oKla Kal OOUT~ouKoKla. A! KQlllia OaAaTa EnoxTie;. MOAIOTa. ea mEiTE Kon; TIll, etAEle; pEToiva Ti tva Kapa<poKI ou~o; MoMov tva Kapa<poKI Kl tva IlnOuKoAI VEpO. understand nothing/anything everything Come on now! tzatziki (yoghurt-eucumber dip) (n) taramosalata (f) aubergine salad/dip (f) I will (place the) order for you
KOTOAopoivw [katalaveno] TinoTo [tipota] oAo [ola] 'EAo TWpO! [ela tora]! TOT~TQKI [to tzatziki] 11 TopolloaoAaTo
[i taramosalata]
11 IIAIT~ovoaoAaTo
[i melitzanosalata]
80 nopoyyilAw yw YIOaho
[tha parangilo egh6 ya sena] vo napoulI [na parume] o lIouaoKac; [0 musakas]
l::.Ev KaTaAal3aivw TinoTa! EivQl oAa OTa EMT)VIKO! 'EAa Twpa! EivQl oAa OT' AyyAIKO! Bt13Qla! Bt13Qla! T~aT~iKI; TapallOoaAaTa; MEAIT~aVOOaAOTa; Tl Eival aUTO;
let's have moussaka (m) (layers of aubergine, potatoes and minced meat topped with bechamel sauce) vToAlloliaKlo [dolmaTHakia] rice, or rice and minced meat, wrapped in vine leaves mnpltc; YIIICJTtC; green peppers filled with rice, [piperies ghemistes] or rice and minced meat OTIAt1 0 KOTaAoyoc; whatever is on the menu loti lei 0 kataloghos] (lit. whatever the menu says) aouT~ouKaKlo [sutzukakia] spicy meatballs in tomato sauce 11 noxq [i epochij season (f) 80 miT KaTI; [tha pyite katij? Will you have anything to drink? (lit. will you drink anything?) TO KopocpaKI [to karafaki] small carafe of ouzo TO IInouKaAI [to bukali] bottle (n)
Tim TalJ&ia~ Tim
Souvlaki or gyros?
[yasas]! [yasas]I [ti tha parete]? [Emasuvlaki loksandras] [mfa patates] [ke THfo bires] [bira se potiri] ~ bukali]? [bira bukali] [ehete Heineken]? [mono Amstel] [endaksi THio Amstel] [poso kanun]? [pende evro] [oriste, efharisto] [kali sas oreksi]! Hello! Hello! What are you having? One Loxandra souvlaki, (an order of) French fries, and two beers. Draught or bottled beer? Bottled beer. Have you got Heineken? Only Amstel. OK, two Amstel. How much are they? Five euros. Here you go, thanks. Cheers! (lit. Good appetite.~
At the counter
[ap'ola]? (Would you like) everything on it? I'm sorry? (lit. what?) What did you say? Would you like everything on the pitta bread? I don't understand. (confused) Would you like tzatziki, onion(s), tomato(es)? But, of course! Qit. Oh yes,yesf) On both? On both kalamaki and gyro?
Tim and Mary have discovered a souvlaki place in the centre of Athens and they often go there for a snack.
Tun is trying to place the order but he can't quite understand one
TalJ&ia~ Tim TalJ&ia~ Tim TalJ&ia~ Tim TalJ&ia~ Tim TalJ&ia~ Tim TalJ&ia~ Tim TalJ&ia~ Tim TalJ&ia~
[thelete ap'ola] [mesa stin pita]? [THen katalaveno] [aporimenos] [thelete tzatziki, kremiTHi, domata]? [a] [ne-ne]! [ke sta THio]? [ke sto kalamaki] [ke sto ghiro]? [aporimenos] [ne-ne]!?
rela oa~l rela oa~! Tl 8a nQpeTe; 'Eva OOUI3AQKl"W~QVTpac;, Ilia naTQTe~ KQl QUo Ilmjpe~. Mnupa oe nOnlPl r; IlnOUKaAl; Mnupa IlnOUKQAL. 'ExeTe Heineken; MovoAmstel. EVTQ~el QUo Amstel. nooo KQVOUV; ntVTe eupw [5] OpiOTe, euxaplOTw. KaAr; oa~ ope~T]!
An' OAa;
Tl; Tl einaTe; etAeTe an'oAa Iltoa OTTlv niTa; t:.ev KaTaAal3aivw. (anoPPT]lltvO~) etAHe T~aT~iKl,
vTOIlQTa; A! val, VQlI KQl OTa ~uo; KQl OTO KaAallQKl KQl OTOyupo; (anoppT]lltvO~) Nal, val(;l). [0 pangos] the counter (m) everything on it? What did you say? on (the pitta) (lit. inside the pitta) pitta bread confused the onion (n) the tomato (t) in both? both ... and ...
0/'1 TalJ&ia~ [oli tamias] TO ooupAaKI [to suvlaki] o vupo~ [0 ghiros] TO nOTllPI [to poUri] lJio nOTaT&~ [mia patates] OpiOT&! [oriste]! KoAI\ oo~ 6p&~I'J!
[kaH sas oreksi]!
the cashier (m/t) chunks of pork on a skewer (n) usually a combination of pork and lamb thinly sliced glass (n) a portion of chips (French fries) here you are! here you go! bon appetit (to you)!
o naVKo~
on'6Aa [ap'ola] TI &inon; [t'ipate]? Mtoo [mesa] '1 nlTo or '1 niTTo [i pita]
TO KP&IJIJUi51 kremiTHi] [to '1 VTOlJaTa [i domata] KOI OTO i5uo; [ke sta THio]? KOI ... KOI ... [ke ... ke ... ]
Language notes
Greek cuisine
Greece has a rich, ethnic cuisine with many well-known dishes. To a visitor it is simply a matter of taste; some dishes might taste delicious and others might never be tried again! Below is a list of oU~Opt~Ebt~ (ouzo snacks). Why not try them!
Sydney and Melbourne where Greek communities flourish, but also in many smaller places and, of course, allover Greece.
22 23 30
Numbers 21-100
ElKom Eva [eikosi ena] ElKom ouo [ikosi TIfio] ElKom tpla [ikosi tria] tpuivTa [trianda] tpuivta Eva [trianda ena] crapuvta [saranda]
60 70 80 90 100
1ttvt'Jvta [peninda] E~l1vta [eksinda] E~Olll1vta [evTHominda] oyMvta [oghTH6nda] EVEvt'Jvta [eneninda] EKatO [ekat6]
Bon appetit!
AUIo.VO Cabbage Mo.po6A.l Lettuce PromK'l Russian salad TOVOOo.A.clto. Tuna salad c()Eto. Feta cheese l:o.'Yo.VclKl Fried cheese 1 1
1.60 1.20 1.60 1.60
Ko.A.o.po.pci.Klo. Squid AOUKclVlKO XCOPlcltlKO Spiced sausage M1tUptEKl Hamburger patty rOplbt~ ao.'YovclKl Fried shrimps no.tcltt~ T'l'Yo.VltE~ French fries nOlKlA.lo. Assorted appetizers
2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 1.6 Opt~'l [kali 6reksi] is said to wish someone a good meal. During meals you might hear 'Ytlo. aou!, or 'Ytlo. ao.~!,or 'Ytlo. po.~! (cheers) when raising and/or clinking glasses. An interesting expression with no English equivalent is Ko.A.l1 lroVt'l''l! at the end of a meal meaning 'have a good digestion!'.
Grammar notes
1 The verb 'to have'
The verbs tlpo.l (to be) and EICO &X-W [eha) (to have) are the most frequent &X-&IC; [echis) verbs in many languages. The &X-&I [echi) verb EICOis 'regular', meaning &X-Ou~& [ehume) that it has regular endings like &X-&T& [ehete) other verbs you have already &X-OUV [ehun) learned, such as ~EP-CO, pEV-CO or KOtOA.oPalv-coamong others. '-I have you have he/she/it has we have you have they have
>~. o.
Case Nominative
'1:l 1'1
TOU of the
c d e f g
Ask for the menu, and the bill! How would you ask: 'Will you have anything to drink?'? How would you ask for a small bottle of ouzo 'Mitilinis'? How do you say: 'Come on now!'? And the question: 'How much are they?'?
Match each question with the most appropriate answer. a b c d 3 a b c d e f Tt eivat uU'tU; 'Exe'te yupo; Tt eu nupuyyelAe'te; Tt elnu'te; .::\uo Ilnupe~ Kat Iliu KOKUKOAu. ii .::\ev elnu 'tino'tu! iii Be~uiro~! An'oAu; iv TIotKtAiu Kat ou1;olle1;E()e~.
Don't be alarmed by the number of different articles and endings: the wrong choice does not make a lot of difference when used in context because a careful listener will understand. With frequent use of the language, they will become second nature to you. It is better to use the language incorrectly rather than waiting until you can speak it perfectly. Start enjoying the language, and don't be afraid of it!
Rearrange these lines to make up a dialogue. Tino'tu! Movo vepo! EuXuptO"'tOulle. Tt eu 1ttehe; Tt eu nupe'te; Miu O"UAa'tuenoxrJ~. EiO"'te E'tOtIlOt; BE~atU!
3 Word order
In English the word order of a sentence is constant: subject before verb, and verb before object, for example I (subject), want (verb), moussaka (object). To add emphasis in English you change the intonation whereas in Greek you can change the word order. Here are some examples to show how many variations of word order are correct for one sentence: Eyro eEAro 1l0\)O"UKU! Eyro 1l0\)O"UKU eEAro! 0EAro eyro 1l0UO"UKU! 0EAro 1l0UO"UKU eyro! MO\)O"UKU eyro eEAro! MOUO"UKU eEAro eyro! In fact the fIrst variant, which corresponds to the English word for word, is the most frequent form. 4
1 Can you respond to the following situations? a b Say 'bon appetit' to someone at the beginning of a meal, and 'good digestion' as they fInish their meal. You are not sure whether a restaurant has a specifIc dish or not. How could you ask for an aubergine salad, a platter of assorted appetizers, a snack to accompany ouzo or moussaka?
You are in a Pizza Hut in Greece. Look at the menu overleaf. Can you recognize the ingredients below before you place your order? a b c d e npuO"tve~ 1ttneptE~ 'tovo~ IlnEtKOV nenepovt CPPEO"Kta 't0IlU'tU i ii iii iv v pepperoni fresh tomato green peppers tuna bacon
f g h j
vi Monterrey Jack vii mozzarella viii green salad ix Chef's salad x cheddar
7 Listen to Dialogue 3 in this unit again and fill in the missing words. If you do not have the recording try to fill in the gaps from the words provided below. Two of the words are used more than once.
You have decided on a Cheese Lover's salad. What will you get?
MOToaptMa, Kpel!l!ul)1 nem:povl, I!OOXGpl, npGOlVll mneplG, Kall!aVITGpla XOlpelvo
TI;Tla b t>evd
4 6.50 7.00
I!e I!naxaplKG, Kal l!aVITGpla mnepovl, npGOlVll mneplG,
4 6.50 7.00
A, Val, val! KOI aTO ~uo; f f aTO yupo; (onOPPllllevOC;) NOI, val (;!).
npGOlVll neneplG
4 6.50 7.00
fJeoo KOl
KQl l!aVITGpia
l!eiYl!a I!OVTeptu
nou npOTlI!GTe
MOToaptMa, q>ptoKla Kal
Kpel!l!ul)I, TO ontOlaA piyaVll, l!e[Yl!a
TOI!GTO, q>tTa, I!aupec; eAltc;, npGOlVll mneplG, nenepovl, I!ac; ana l!aVITGpia
A little extra!
4 6.50 7.00
3 TUplG
D Ordering
at Goody's
Have you ordered? Oit. Have you been helped?) No. I'd like a cheeseburger, a portion of French fries, and a small coke (lit. small size). I would like to ask something. What's in the Greenburger? It has pickles, onions, tomatoes, green salad and dressing.
6 XroPUl't\Kll auAeJ.'tu [horhitiki salcita] is probably the most popular salad in Greece. It is a tossed salad consisting of: a olives e b b feta cheese c tomatoes d onions e peppers d f cucumbers g vinegar h oil Fill in the crossword with the Greek names of these ingredients.
[ehete eksipiretithij? [ochij [tha ithela ena hamburger me tirij [tighanites patates] [ke mia koka kola] [mikro meghethos] [egho thelo na roUso kati] [ti echi to grin berger mesa]? [echi anguraki] [pikla] [kremiTHi] [domata] [prasini salata ke dresing]
[endaksi] lena grrnberger gevma ya mena] [me seven ap] [ki'ena klab sanduits] [ya tin tonia] [THen ehume seven ap] [mono sprait] [endaksi sprait tote]
All right, a Greenburger menu for me with 7 up and a club sandwich for Tonia. We don't have 7 up, only Sprite. All right, Sprite, then ...
True or false? Mark (of) for true and (K) for false.
a b
d e
0 NiKO~ 9tAEt tva Xall1tOuPYKEP YEulla. 0 navvll~ 9tAEt tva club craVtOUlt~. H Tovta 9tAEt tva Greenburger. 0 NiKO~ 9a 1t1Et Ilia KOKa KOAa IltKpo IltYE90~. H Tovta OE 9a 1t1Et ti1tota.
OE 9a 1ttEt 7up.
o Beyond language
Fast-food places
Both ooul3AaKI [suvlaki] and yupo [ghlro] places are in competition with international fast-food. Hamburger places are everywhere in Greece nowadays. International fast-food chains stand next to Greek fast food restaurants such as Corner's, Goody's, Neon's, Lebel's, Pitta Pan and Hambo.
'EX&1 ayyoupaKI nlKAa, KP&IlIlU~I, vTOllaTa, npaOlvll aaAaTa Kal dressing. EVTa~&I, Eva Greenburger Y&Ulla Yla IlEVa Il& 7 up Kal Eva club aaVTou"lT<; Yla TT]v TOvla. YnaAAI1Aoe; l:i&V &XOUIl& 7up 1l0VO Sprite. EVTa~&I, Sprite TOT& ... navvl1e;
&X&T& &~unI1P&TI18&i;
[ehete eksipiretithij
TO xalJnOupyK&P
[to hamburger] TO Tupi [to tirij
have you been helped/ served? hamburger (n) cheese (n) french fries, chips (lit. fried potatoes) small size (n) I'd like to ask something. 6it. I want to ask something) I want / I'd like small cucumber (n) pickle (f) meal (n) sandwich (n)
breakfast places in Greece offering continental except in tourist areas during the summer.
[tighanites patates]
Many Greeks still enjoy a heavy lunch and an afternoon siesta before returning to work. However, the fast pace of the modern business world has changed and nowadays a light lunch, such as sandwiches or salad, frequently replaces a heavier meal. Dinner is still the most enjoyable meal of the day. After a hard-working day many Greeks go out for dinner. Tal3tpV&e; [tavernes] (tavernas) are an everyday option whereas more expensive restaurants (&CJTlaTopla) [estiatoria] are for special occasions. Dinner is usually the largest meal of the day, starting late, around 9 p.m., and lasting for two or three hours.
Diminutive endings/forms
You have already met several words ending in -oKI [-aki] such as KapacpaKI, ayyoupaKI, ou~aKI, or oou!3AaKI. These words are not in a dictionary because they are the diminutive form. Here are some examples and the words they derive from: 11 Kapoq>a TO ayyoupl TO Ou~o 11ooul3Aa
3 The five phrases below use the formal or plural form of addressing people. Can yo~ ch~ge them into informal Greek or singular form? Use transhteration or Greek script.
i [ehete eksipiretitlnl? 'EXEtf: E~U1t11PEt11eEl; ii [THen ehume ... ] ~EV eXOUJlE ...
[ti ipate]? Tt El1tll'tE; iv [thelete salata]? eeAEtE ouMtu v [tha pyite kati]? eu 1ttEltE lean;'
The three diminutive endings most commonly used in Greek are: -elK1.[-ili], -oula [-ula], and -\taa [itsa]. These correspond roughly to the English endings of -let and -ing: book--+booklet, drop--+droplet, duck--+duckling. These endings imply something 'smaller' or 'younger' especially in names. Avva [ana] (Anne), for example, becomes Avvoula [anula] (little/young Anne, Annette). They might also be used as a term of endearment, such as Avvoula or Noula [nUla](for an older Anne). They are also used affectionately without implying 'lesser', for example KaqE [kafe] (coffee) becomes KaqEOOK1.[kafeTHili]; Kpaal [krasi] (wine) becomes KpaaUK1. [krasili]; or J11tupa [bira] (beer) becomes J11tup\taa [biritsa].
Mini test
1 Can you remember the Greek for the following ten important words from this unit? Try to write your answers in transliteration or Greek script.
i season ii bottle in glass vi tomato vii chicken viii ten
ix twenty x thirty
2 Can you remember the following ten important phrases from this unit? Use transliteration or Greek script.
i Bon appetit! ii It's all in Greek! iii It's all in English!
vi A bottle of water.
vii Do you want retsina? viii I'd rather have ouzo.
Check your progress so far. Once you have completed the following exercises, compare your answers with the correct ones at the back of the book. Identify any areas that still need some work and go over them again before you start the next unit. t Respond to the following situations in Greek: a b c d e f g b You are tasting Greek coffee for the fIrst time. Give your opinion by saying: 'It's excellent!' or 'It's awful!'. Ask for the 'menu' or the 'bill'. Ask for a medium, sweet or black Greek coffee. Ask for a 'tea with milk' or 'tea with lemon' . A friend tells you 'EAa va 1ttOUJ,lE tva OU1;UKt'. hat will W you do? A friend asks you 'IlUJ,lE crE J,lta 'l'apo'tal3tpva;'. Where does he or she want you to go? You would like a light breakfast. Ask for some toast with butter and marmalade. You look tired. Say to a friend that you are tired because you didn't sleep at all. You have been asked: '0a nUJ,lEcrlVEJ,lU OXt'; What does rl it mean and how could you answer? Someone asks you: 'Ilou J,lEVE'tE nopa;'. What does he or she want to know? How will you answer? Try without
tn _. o
3 In this unit you will review Greek greetings introductions common daily activities food and drink numbers cities, countries and languages
_ <.
Kat nou J,ltVEt~; L1EVEiJ,lat nOAu KaA.<icrrlJ,lEpa. rta'ti; Tt EXEt~; Eyw J,ltvro J,lE'tTJMoviK ano 'to Ilapicrt. IlUJ,lE yta Eva OU1;UKt; L1EV'to ntcr'tEuro. 'EXEt~ J,lOVO ouo J,ltPE~ cr'tTJVAerlva Kat ... Ilw~ na~; Eicrat KaA.<i; To ~tpro ... aAA.<i XaiPOJ,lat nou ElJ,lat EOW. Nat. NOJ,li1;roElVat KaAo yta 'tOy novo. 'EXro EOWEva novo. Twpa J,lEVro J,lEJ,lia UAATJEpJ,lavioa cr'tO KEV'tpO. Ecru; r
Singular or plural?
You have learned a lot of words in the singular and plural forms in the fIrst four units. Can you complete the lists below?
a ? b yAwcrcra
J,lnOUKuAta ?
S. III 0' ::J
ATI:TPAAIA ATI:TPIA c BEAno d rAAAIA e rEPMANIA f nBPAATAP g dANIA h EABETIA i El:00NIA a Ordering a souvlaki
k I m n o p q r
0' ::J
Masculine, feminine or neuter? You have probably realized how important it is to know the articles of Greek nouns. Test your memory by putting the words from the box below into the correct column. To help you, there are five of each gender. AOSOC; vuX"ta Kaq>e~ 1a~epva 1Uponl1a Ile~tc; Neuter 'to KQTOAoyoc; ~evo60XelO TQ~{61
You are with some friends at the IIITI A IIAN (Pitta Pan) souvlaki place somewhere in Greece. You order the following: one item under IIITIA IIAPAaO~IAKH (Traditional pitta) two items under IIITT A XnPIATIKH (Villager's pitta) three items under EAAHNIKE~ NO~TIMIE~ (Greek specialities) one small and two large bottles of beer
II II111
11. I!111 I~ 1
nOAl1 novo~
5 Countries
Opposite is a list of 26 countries, Can you make out the names for Great Britain, Ireland, Australia, France and Spain? How many more can you recognize before looking at the answers?
Reading Greek
Here is a label from everyday Athenian life. Can you make out its message?
Foreign languages
Greeks often ask what languages you speak. Here is an advertisement for language-learning courses. Tick all the languages you recognize.
o c.n
noy MnOPEITE NA MA0ETE '" o AyyN.KO VIa business o EMT]VIKO '(La I;i:vouc; 0 KopeCmKa o AyyALKO'(La apxapiouc:; o Ef3paiKo 0 MaAalOiaKO o Ayy1l.LKO npOXCllpT]j.!tvouc; '(La o laTlOlVIKO 0 NOpf3T]VIKO o Apaf3IKO o IVOOVTJOIQKO 0 OMaV~LKO o Aq>pLKQvLKa o IV~LKO 0 nOAwVLKO o raMLKO '(La apxapiouc; o IpAaV~LKO 0 nOpTOVaALKO o raMN.KO VIa npoXCllpT]j.!tvouc:; D laAaV~LKO D PWOOIKO o repilaVIKO VIa apxapiouc:; D IcmavIKo D ~epf30KPOOrLKa o kn:MKol\anv. A!JepIK. 0 ~OUT]~IKO o repilaVIKO VIa
npOXWPT]j.!tvouc; Dt.av~a D ITaALKO D Klv~a D TaOAav~o 0 Cl>IVAaV~LKO
o c.n
Here is a list of the ten largest cities in the world in 1995 and a projection of the ten largest cities in 2015. The numbers represent millions of inhabitants. Can you make out the names of the cities and the countries?
10 Listening comprehension
Listen to the last dialogue of Unit 4 again and fill in the missing words. If you don't have the recording try to fill in the gaps from the words provided below. YnaAAIlAoc; NiKOC;
'EXT a __ ; 'OXl. ea l'j8Aa Eva XOllnouPYKP Il Tupi, TTJyavITE~ b __ Kal Ilia KOKa KOAa IlIKPO
navvllC; YnaAAIlAoc; navvllC; YnaAAIlAoc; navvllC;
EVci>8EAW va d __ KOTl. TI EXI TO Greenburger IlEaa; 'EXI ayyoupoKI niKAa, e __ , vTolloTa, npOOlVT] f __ KQl dressing. EVTO~I, Eva Greenburger vulla VIa 9 __ Il 7up Kal Eva club aovTouIT~ VIa TTJvTOvla. f1v h __ 7up 1l0VO Sprite. EVTO~I, Sprite TOT ...
e~un~peT~ae[ Kpe~~u6l
Tim and Mary are having some difficulties finding the way to the Acropolis in Athens.
Tim A9r}vaioe; Tim A9r}vaioe;
In this unit you will learn how to ask for directions understand simple instructions find your way around count from 101 to 1000
o A9r}vaioe; [0 athineos] oUYYVWIJr} [sighn6mi] nan IJ& Ta noCSla; [pate me ta p6thia]? IJ& A&wcpop&io [me leoforio] lJaKpla [makria] TouAaXIOTov [tulahiston] CS& lJae;n&Ipc:i(&1va n&pnaTalJ& [THemas pirazi na perpatame]
Athenian (m) excuse me are you going on foot? by bus far at least we don't mind walking
I ask I speak I walk we like to take a stroll (lit. strolls) exercise (1)(lit. gymnastics) stay until Temple of Zeus (lit. Olympus Zeus' Columns) at the traffic lights turn right at the end uphill (1) you will see left on your right
ME auyxwpEITE, E;tP&TE nou EivOl 01 ITJ'jAEe; TOU OAUI-llliou t1.l6e;; NOl I3tl3ala, &laTE noM KOVTa. ITph\JTE O'TT]V npWTT] vwvia ~EE;la Kal ea ~EiTE TIe; ITJ'jAEe; TOU OAullniou t1.l6e;IlnPOaTa aae;. AEV KaTaAal3aivw KaAa EAAT]VIKa. MLAaTE Aivo mo OlVa; Nal I3t13Ola. ITT] vwvia, ~EE;la. AE~la KaTaAal3aiv&TE; METa 01 ITJ'jAEe; Eival KOVTa, noM KOVTa, KaTaAal3aivETE; Nal, VOl, KaTaAal3aivw. EuxaplaTw. IE Aivo ...
Mary IuyyvwllT], nou Eival 01 ITijAEe; TOU OAullniou nSpaOTIKOe; Na! AE I3MnETE; E~w IlnPOaTa aae;! I'JA8I'Jvaia p athinea] o nepaOTIKOe; [0 perastik6s] IJS auyxwpslTe [me sinhorite] nplllTI'J [pr6ti] I'Jvwvia p ghonfa] JlnpOOTO [brosta] JlnPOOTa aae;! [brosta sas] nlO alVa [pyo sigha] OTI'Jvwvia [sti ghonfa] va! na! As pAtneTs; [THe vlepete]?
the Athenian (1) passer-by (m) I'm sorry / excuse me first corner (1) in front (directly) in front of you slower on the corner there! Can't you see?
D 2 Excuse me ...
Tim and Mary are wondering if they have taken a wrong turn. They ask for directions again.
Tim [me sinhorfte] [kserete pu fne] [i stiles tu olimbfu THi6s]? [ne vevea] [fste poli konda] [strfpste stin pr6ti ghonfa THeksia] [ke tha THfte tis stiles tu olimbfu THi6s] [brosta sas] [THen katalaveno kala elinika] [milate Ifgho pia sigha]? [ne vevea] [sti ghonfa] [THeksia] [THeksia katalavenete]? [meta i stiles fne konda] [polf konda] [katalavenete]? [ne - ne] [katalaveno] [efharist6] [se ligho] ...
Mary [sighn6mi pu fne i stiles tu olimbfu THi6s]? nepaOTIKOe; [na] [THe vlepete]? [eTH6 brosta sas]
[oreal [epitelus Msame] [THen andeho] [tin poll zesti stin athina] [allthia] [kimi poll zesti] ...
Language notes
Public transport
LUYYVWIl'l.nou e:iVOl'l e:iao~oc; Yla T'lV AKponOA'l; EKe:i novw! Ave:13e:iTe: aUTO Ta aKaAOnOTla. LTO TAOC;Sa ~e:iTe: T'lV e:iaoM. EivOl llaKpIO; EillaOTe: J1~'l noAli KOUpaallVOI ... OXl. EiOTe: noAli KOVTO. EiaTe: IlnpOOTO OT'lV AKponOA'l. AnAO ~e:v IlnOpe:iTe: va ~e:iTe: T'lV e:iao~o ana e:~w. TI e:inaTe:; H e:iao~oc; Yla TllV AKponOA'l e:iVOlniaw ana aUTO TO MVTpa. EiOTe: 1l0VO ne:vJ1vTa (50) IlTpa ana T'lV e:iao~o. Opaia! EmTAouc; <pToaalle:! b.e:v aVTXW Tllv noAli ~OT'l OT'lV ASJ1va. MJ1Se:la! Kove:1 noAli ~0Tll ...
entrance (1) there over there! go up step (n) tired simply from here behind these trees tree (n) fifty metres at last! we arrived I stand I can't stand too much heat really! / that's true! it is very hot
,u: 'ta 1toota [me ta p6THia] onfoot ,u: 'to A.&(l)(j)Optio[me to leoforfo] by bus ,u: 'to 'tpOul [me to tr6lei] by tram JI&'to 1tovA.Jlav [me to pulman] by coach JI&'to 'tptvo [me to treno] by train JI&'t'lv papKa [me tin vlirka] by boat ,u: 'to 1tA.oio [me to plio] by ship ,u: 'to Kapcipt [me to karavi] by ship ,u: 'to a&po1tA.O;VO to aeroplano] [me
by plane
1'1 ioo~oC; [i fsoTHos] Ki [ekij Kd navw! [eki pimo]! anpdn [anevfte] TO oKaAonaTI [to skalopati] KOupaOIJ&voc; [kurazmenos] anAa [apla] ano [ap6 eTH6] niow ano [pfso ap6] aUTa Ta ~&VTpa latta ta THendra] TO ~&vTPO [to THendro] nv~vTa (50) [penfnda] IJ&Tpa [metra] R1T&AouC;![epitelus]! cpTaOalJ [ttasame] aVT&XW [andeho] ~V aVT&XW TI'IV noAli ~&OTI'I [THen andeho tin poll zesti] aA~8la! [allthia]! Kanl noAli ~&OTI'I [kani polf zesti]
,u: 'to 1alOoVpt [me to ghaiTHUri] by donkey ,u: 'to 0;1..010 [me to alogho] by horse
Travelling by taxi (,u: 'to 'ta~i) is another popular and still inexpensive way of travelling in Greece, but in Athens this can be a memorable experience because: a taxi won't always stop when you hail one. You have to shout your destination point as the taxi slows down! you often have to share a taxi with other passengers! a taxi might not take you exactly where you want to go, but drop you off at the closest point en route! In other cities and in smaller towns the taxi situation is a little bit better, with taxi stands at designated and central points, but usually there are not enough taxis to cope with the high-season influx of tourists.
Understanding directions
Have a look at these verbs which are essential understanding directions. to giving or
turn go
go continue, carry on show
. .. turn at the first corner second third fourth fifth . .. turn in to the first street second third fourth fifth
aplO"'tepa (left) o't'aplo'tepa
(on the left)
to) before the nouns. Where is the the the the the the Parthenon? station? Acropolis? square? centre? school? when giving or
IIOD eiVal
Notice the effect of the three genders on the spelling of the ordinal numbers. If you are trying to find your way around Athens, or another city or town, you will find these phrases very useful. You will also find it useful to become familiar with the names of places and shops below and on the next page.
The following words and phrases are important trying to understand directions.
at at at at at
traffic lights crossroads end (of a corridor) end (of a street) centre (of a town/city)
Police station
Church (EKKAl'loia)
2 Verbs - a summary
How are you getting on with your Greek verbs? Here is a summary of some of the basic rules mentioned in previous units: Rule 1 Don't look for words like I, you or they. Example: Ecru; ll1tpocr'ta cr'tllV AKp01tOAll. Eia'tE instead of EaEi<;Eia'tE (you are) (Revise Unit 2, Grammar note 1) Rule 2 Don't look for questions starting with do or does. Example: Ka'taAa~aive'tf:; Instead of EaEi<; KU'tUAUpuivUE you simply use KU'tUAUpuivUE; (Do you understand?) (Revise Unit 1, Grammar note 1) Rule 3 Don't look for different verb forms distinguishing between 1 stand or 1 am standing; Greek uses only one form. Example: Aev aV'teXffi'tllv 1toM !;ecr'tll o'tllv Aei}va: (I can't stand too much heat in Athens.) AVtEXffican be 1 stand or 1 am standing. (Revise Unit 2, Grammar note 3) Rule 4 AE/AEVgives the negative form. Examples: Ae ~Ae1te'te. You don't see. Av Ka'taAa~aivffi. 1 don't understand. Aev av'teXffi aAAo ma! 1cant stand it any longer. Don't confuse 0Xl (no) with OEV(not) preceding verbs: 'OXl, oev Ka'taAa~aivffi: (No, 1 do not understand.) Rule 5 Different make a difference! endings
KaTaAal3aivw KaTaAal3aiv&lC; KaTaAal3aiv&1 KaTaAal3aivoUII& KaTaAal3aiv&T& KaTaAal3aivouv
I understand you understand he/she/it understands we understand you understand they understand
Fish shop
Greengrocer's Butcher's
1 Giving commands
There is a specific verb form used to give commands, such as go!, come here!, ask (me anything!). This is called the 'imperative'; it is best to learn these in context. Remember that the verb form distinguishes between you (informal), usually ending in -E or -a, and you (formal and plural), always ending in -tE. You have already seen some verbs in the imperative form earlier in this unit (page 88). Here are some more:
you (informal) you (formal/plural)
Group I: KU'tuAaPaivffi is a regular Greek verb. Practise and become familiar with the different forms of the verb. (Revise Unit 1, Grammar note 2)
130A <pep
Group II: You have already met some verbs ending in -aro such as 1tEp1tu'taro (to walk), pro'taro (to ask), JllAaro (to talk, to speak). The endings of these verbs differ from verbs such as KU'tUAUpuivro (to understand), UV'tEXro(to stand), Kavro (to do) (Group I). What is worth noting here is that these verbs have a 'full' form and a 'contracted' form: the meaning does not change but, in terms of frequency, the 'contracted' form is the one most commonly used. Practise and become familiar with the different forms of these verbs. The verb JllAaro(ro) is a good example:
I speak you speak he/she/it speaks we speak you speak they speak
You have some trouble following the directions given by another person; how would you say: 'I don't understand Greek well. [Can you] speak more slowly?' Evm IlUKpui0 nup8evffiva<;; i Nm, clvm KOVtU. Eivm KOvtU 11AKp61toA11; ii 'OXt, OEVeivm J.1UKptU. nou clvm to Epf.X8etO; ill To Epi:.X8EtOclvm CITllvAKp61tOA11 Tt eivm to Epi:.X8etO; iv ~EV nUtE J.1etU 1tOOta; Auto OEVEiVUt KUAl1YUJ.1VUcrttKl1. To ~f.pOUlle, UAA.aOEV1tetpuI;Et! nUJ.1E J.1iu~OAtU crtO Kf.VtpO t11<;A811vu<;. nou 1tUtE; 'OXt, 1tuJ.1eJ.1eto UutoKiv11to. :rUYYVWIl'l, nou e(vQl '1 nAaTe(a;
a Stay on this street.
Numbers 101-1000
eKUtO[ekat6] eKUtOVMo [ekat6n TRio] eKUtOV1tevrlvtu f.VU[ekat6n peninda ena] otuKOOtu/otUKOOtOt/otUKOOte<; [1Hiak6sia, lHiak6si, lHiak6sies ] tptaKOcna/tptaKOcnOtltpwKOcne<; [triak6sia,triak6si,triak6sies] tetpaKOOtul tetpaKOOtOtI tetpaKOOte<; [tetrak6sia, etc.] 1tevtuKOOtul 1tevtuKOOtOtI 1tevtUKOOte<;pendak6sia, etc.] [ e~uKOOtul e~uKOOtOtI e~UKOOte<; [eksak6sia, etc.] e1ttuKOOtulemUKOOtOtle1ttUKOOte<;eptak6sia, etc.] [ OKtUKOOtul KtUKOOtOtI O OKtUKOOte<; [oktak6sia, etc.] eVVtuKOOtul eVVtuKOOtOtI eVVtUKOOte<; [eniak6sia, etc.] XiAtu/XiAtOtlxiAte<; [chilia, chili, chilies]
d a b c d e
100 102 151 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
KQl lleT<i;
b Then, turn left at/into the third back street. KQl lleT<i,nou va n<iw; c Then, continue straight on. The square is on the right.
1 Respond to the following situations. a b c d e
d You're welcome!
You would like to attract the attention of a passer-by. How do you say: 'I'm sorry' or 'Excuse me'? How would you ask: 'Where is the Apollo Hotel'? You want to know if it is far or close by. How would you ask 'Is it far?' or 'Is it close by?' Translate these directions into English: ~~ui, vOia, apuJtpc1 and iala? Which forms of transport are related to: tpOAl, A(O(JK)pEio, 'ta~i? A friendly local person has just given you instructions to get to where you want to go. How would you say goodbye and thank him for the advice?
Can you match the list on the left with the list on the right? Sometimes the associations might not be as obvious as you might expect. a b
d e
g h
1tOOtU KEVtpO UUtO(Kiv11to) tpit11 ywviu J.1EtpU tPEVO tpoAel tu~i Uep01tAUVO yuJ.1VUcrttKl1
i auto(mobile) ii metres
ill foot specialist (podiatrist) iv trolley v gymnastics/exercise vi trigonometry (three comers) vii aeroplane viii train ix centre x taxi
::l 0
Practise the different forms of Greek verbs that you have learned so far. Select the correct form to complete the sentence.
A little extra!
~ ~
KUVOUJ,1E KUVOUV 1 MEivE'tE dvat J,11topd avteXEt Mdvouv dcrat J,11tOpOUJ,lE avteXffi 1
>' ;:!
0::l 0
va OEltE [ ,.l1tOpEltE AEV 't'J1VEicrooo a1tO E&O. Eyro OEV__ seO"'t'J1. __ myu-my<i! AevKIrtaAa/hi\W. -'t'J1V [ avteXOUJ,lE
f g
7 Listen to Dialogue 3 in this unit again and fill in the missing words. If you haven't got the recording fill the gaps using the words in the box. Mary A9rJVaioc; Mary A9l1vaioc;
rUVVVWllll. nou elval 11 a __ Vla TllV AKponoAll; EKe( b __ . Ave~elTe auni Ta oKaAonana. rTO C __ 8a 6ehe Tl"Jvelo060. EIVOl d __ ; EIllaaTe e __ noM f __ . 'OXl. 9 __ noM KovTa. 9 __ IlnpoaTa aTllV AKponoAll. AnM 6ev h __ va 6elTe Tl"JV elo060 ana e6w. Tli __ ; H elo060e; Vla Tllv AKponoAll elvOl nlow ana aUTa TO 6EVTpa. ELaTe j __ m:vrivTO (50) lleTpa ana Tllv elo060. k __ I EmTeAOUe; q>Taoalle! l::.ev I __ Tl"JV noM m __ aTllV A8riva. AAri8elai Kavel nOAU m __ ...
Cl)iAoC; Mary
Mary A9l1vaioc;
the city from the top: reach it by cable car or walk up.)
11nAaT&ia [i platfa] TO KoAwvaKI [to kolomiki] square (f)
High-class neighbourhood in central Athens (with the most expensive real estate, full of expensive stores and trendy street cafes and pubs).
easy everywhere especially, particularly on the top where to start? in, inside afterwards, then to write map (m) maybe, perhaps later on to show to, towards do you want to come?
The Athens Underground (TO M&TPO Tile; A9l1vae; or YnoY&IOe; or HA&KTpIKOe;) is being extended. The original line connects Piraeus harbour with the northern suburbs of the city. One of the two new extensions will eventually reach the newly-built airport 'Eleftherios Venizelos', north east of Athens. OI:E OpyavlolJ0C; Illil1PolipolJwV EAAaliac; (the Greek Interrail Organization) connects western Greece with Athens via the ITa9IJo n&Aonovvlloou (the Peloponnese railway station) and northern Greece via the Larissa railway station (ITa9IJO Aapiool1C; or Aaplooac;). Piraeus harbour serves all the Greek islands. ol\n OpyavlolJ0C; AllJtvoe; n&lpalwc; (Piraeus Port Authority) runs all the routes. There is an extensive bus system both in the city (aoTIKI1 oUyKolvwvia) and intercity/country-rail (un&paOTIKIl oUyKolvwvia KTEI\). All buses in larger cities now have a ticket-validating machine on board. On train platforms there are also ticket-validating machines - IJl1xavl1lJa. Otherwise, there is a conductor (&lonpaKTopac;) on the bus or train. The &KlioTllpla &IOITl1piwv (ticket booths) are small, one-manned, self-standing booths centrally located throughout the city where single tickets, packs of ten tickets or IJl1vlaia KapTa (monthly cards) are on sale. Taxis (Ta~i) are usually yellow, grey, blue or white depending on the city. Neither taxi nor bus journeys are expensive, compared with elsewhere in Europe and you are guaranteed a memorable experience that you might, or might not, want to repeat!
ano nou
[ap6 pu na ksekinfsume]? IJtoa [mesa] tn&ITa [epita] ypacpw [ghrafo] o xapTI1e; [0 hartis] iowe; [fsos] UOT&pa [fstera] li&ixvw [THfhno] npoe; [pros]
9tble; va tp9&1e;;
[thelis na erthis]?
True or false? Mark (,f) for true or (K) for false. a b c d e 0 Tim Kat 11Mary eSAOUV oouv ~eplK(i a~lOeSata. va Tou~ apscret to Zamteto ~6vo. ,1e ~nopouv va nave navtou ~e ta noota. 0 cpiAO~ ypacpet crtOVXapt11nro~ va nave. 0 Tim protaet: 'esAet~ va speet~;'
Mini test
1 Can you remember the Greek for the following ten important
o Greek directions
A lot of information is given via non-verbal communication - hands directing you straight on, left or right, (navw 11KaTw)! Greeks use maps less and ask questions more often than other people do.
words from this unit? Try to write your answers in transliteration or Greek script.
i excuse me ii far
vi vii viii ix x
2 Can you remember the following ten important phrases from this unit? Use transliteration or Greek script. i On foot. III At the traffic light. ii By bus. iv It's a good exercise!
98 ~
viii I can't stand the heat! ix We are very tired. x It's very hot!
3 The five phrases below use the formal way of addressing people.
Can you change them into informal Greek? Use transliteration or Greek script. i [elate eTH6]? EMtE EOc6! ii [minete eki]! MdVEtE EKEt! iii [stripste aristera]! I:tpi'l'tE aptcrtEp<i! iv [pigMnde efthia]! IImaivtE w9Eia! v [sinechiste Isia]! I:uvEXicrtE ima!
o :I
CD ...-+ "D
-~ --
In this unit you willieam how to make travel arrangements find out more about pUblic transport purchase tickets and make reservations tell the time count from 1 000 to 10000
At a travel agency
Tim and Mary are planning to go on a trip outside of Athens. They ask a travel agent (tal;Eto\rotn:6~ 1tpciKtOpa~ [taksidiutik6s pniktoras] or simply 1tpciKtOpa~) about visiting Thessaloniki. npOKTopac;
[kalimera sas] [parakal6 kathfste] [ti tha thelate]? [skept6maste na pame sti thesalonfki] [kata tin THiarkia ton THiakop6n] [pos thelete na pate] [me aeroplano] [treno i leoforfo]? [aft6 fne to pr6vlima]! [THen kserume] [borfte na mas voithfsete]? [ne] [as THume pr6ta to aeroplano] [sti thesalonfki petai i olimbiakij p ap6lon] [ke i skai bas] [iparchi ptfsi kathe mera] [iparhun ptfsis] [to proij [to mesimeri] [ke to vraTHi] [p6si 6ra fne i ptfsi]? [perfpu penfnda lepta] [ke p6so kani to isitfrio]? [t6ra perfpu enenfnda evr6] [me 61es tis eterfes] [aplf metavasi m6no]? [6chi] [met'epistroffs]
Ka8eion: [kathfste] oKmopal [skeptome] IKemopaon: va nope [skept6maste na pame] KaTo TI'IV lSlopKela
[kata tin THiarkia]
I help let's see first I fly there is flight (t) there are how long is the flight? (lit. how much time is the flight?) around, about, approximately minute (n) how much is the ticket? with eve/}' airline ~it.with all the companies) airline company (t) simple (adj.) one-way, single round trip, retum vacation
neTowlneTw [petao/pet6] unopxel pparchij 1'1 mrjol'l P ptfsij unopxouv ppamun] nool'l wpa eival 1'1 mrjol'l;
[p6si 6ra fne i ptfsij? nepinou [penpu] TO Aemo [to lept6]
Me oAec;TIC;eTalpiec;
[me 61es tis etenes]
npOKTopac; npOKTopac;
KaATJlltpa oae;! napaKaAw KaSEiOTE. Tl Sa StAaTE; ~KEm6IlaOTE va nOllE OTTJeEooaAoviKTJ KaTO TTJv i510pKEla TWV i51aKonWv. nwe; StAETE va nOTE, IlE aEpOnAOVO, TptVO rl AEWCPOPEio; AUT6 EivOl TO np613ATJlla! liEV ~tpoUIlE. MnopEiTE va Ilae; 130TJSrlOETE; Nal, ae; i50ullE npwTO TO aEpOnAOvO. ~TTJ eEooaAoviKTJ nETOEl TJ OAUllnlaKrl, TJAnoMwv KOI TJ Sky Bus. YnoPXEl mrlOTJ KOSE Iltpa. YnoPXouv mrlOEle; TO npwi, TO IlEOTJlltPI KOI TO 13poi5u. noOTJ wpa EivOl TJmrlOTJ; nEpinou nEvrlvTa (50) AEmo. KOI nooo KOVEI TO ElOlTrlPlO; Twpa nEpinou EVEvrlvTa (90) EUpW IlE 6AEe; TIe; ETalpiEe;. AnArl IlETo13aOTJ 1l0VO; 'OX1IlET'EnlOTpOCPrle;
anA-Oc;I-ry-o [apI6s/-f/-6] anArlpeTapaol'l [aplf memvasi] peT' emOTpocprjc;[met' epistroffs] lSlaKontc; [THiakopes]
with retum)
09.30 07.51 08.32
.13.46 16.48 23.16 18.27 20.29 21.47 17.46 13.47 16.45 18.47 20.46 10.46 09.08 12.09 15.10 17.08 08.08 11.06 14.05 16.04 07.30 10.29 13.29 19.09 18.05 17.01 13.16 16.18 19.17 21.19
12.30 17.00
09.31 12.32 15.29 11.12 14.11 17.09 12.12 15.12 18.11 12.48 18.48 13.16 16.19 19.17
By train?
[enenfnda evro] [fne Ifgho akriva] [kserete ta THromoloya tu ose]? [ochi] [ya ta THromoloya tu ose] [prepi na pate] [sta ghraffa tu ose] [polf konda apo eTHo] [pu fne ta ghraffa tu ose]? [parte tin panepistimfu] [efthfa kato] [to THeftero steno fne i sfna] [strfpste THeksia] [ke fne sta penfnda metra] [THeksia sas] [se Ifgho] ... [sighnomi] [pote echi treno ya ti thesalonfki] [parakalo]? [miso lepto na THo] [echi stis THfo ke fkosi] [ke kani trianda evro] [aplf metavasi] [THefteri thesi] [thelete na kanete kratisi]? [THen kserume akoma] [mu THfnete ena proghrama] [me ta THromoloya ya thesalonfki]? [parte ena apo apenandi] [efharistume] EVtvi}vTa (90) eupw tivQl Aiyo aKpll3o. =tptTt Ta 5polloMYIa TOUOI:E; OXI.ria Ta 5pOlloAoYIa TOUOI:E nptntl va nOTt OTaypacptia TOUOI:E, noM KOVTO ana t5w. nou tivQl Ta ypacptia TOUOI:E; nOpTt TllV naVtmOTlllliou tu9tia KOToo. To 5tUTtpO OTtvo tival II I:iva. I:TphjJTt 5t~IO Kal tivQl OTantvi}vTa (50) IltTpa 5t~IO oae;. I:t Aiyo ... I:UyyVWllll, nOTt tXtl TptvO yla Tll 6tooaAOviKll napaKaAw; Mloo Atmo va 500. 'EXtl OTIe; o Kal tiKOOI (2.20) M Kal KOvtl TPIOVTQ (30) eupw anAi} IltTo13aOll 5tuTtPll 9tOll. 6tAtTt va KOVtTt KPOTllOll; f::,.tV~tpoUllt aKolla. Mou 5ivtTt tva npoypalllla Ilt Ta 5polloAoyia yla 6tooaAoviKll; nOpTt tva ana antvaVTI. EuXaplOTOullt.
Ninety euros sounds expensive so they look into taking the train.
aKplj3a [akriva] ~polJoAoYlo [to THromoloyo] nptn&1 va naT& [prepi na pate] TO ypacp&io [to ghraffo] KaV&1 [kani] I'Jatol'J [i thesi] I'JKpaTI'JOI'J[i kratisi] napT& &va ana antvavTI [parte ena apo apenandi]
expensive timetable (n) you have to go office (n) costs (here) class (f) reservation (f) get one from across (the room)
By bus perhaps?
Tim and Mary are still checking their options so they go to the K TEA: travelling by bus is still the most inexpensive way around and the Bus Port Authority is full of people, noises and hubbub. [pu fne] [to ghraffo pliroforion] [parakalo]? n&paCJTIKOC; [mesa s'afto to ktfno] Tim [efhansto] [se Ifgho] ...
[yasas] [kathe pate iparchi leoforfo ya ti thesalonfki]? [miso lepto na THo] [iparchi ena pu fevghi] [se misf ora] ~partlun thesis akoma] [p6sa isitfna thelete]? [sighn6mi ala THe fevghume sfmera] [p6si ora kani to taksfTHi]? [kani pendemisi me eksi ores] [thelete na kratfsete thesis]? [p6so kani to isitfno] [me epistrofij? [to aplo fne] [[kosi evro] [ke me epistroff trianda evr6] [p6te prepi na klfsume thesis]? [mia mera prin] [efharistUme polij [efharistume] [tfpota]!
nOU tiVQl TOvpacptio nAllPOCPOPlwv napaKaAw; n&paCJTIKOC; Mtoa o'aUTo TOKTipIO. Tim EuxaplOTW. I:t Aivo ... rtla oae;. Ko9t nOTt unOPXtl Atoocpoptio Via T'l 6tooaAoviKll;
Mary YnaAAI1Aoc;
MlOO A&mO va Z>w. YmlPX&l eva nou CP&UY&l0& Illcnl wpa ('h). YnoPXouv eeO&l~ aKolla. nooa &lolTiJpla eeA&T&; Luyyvwllll aMo Z>&CP&uyOUIl& cnlll&pa. noOll wpa KOV&l TO TOf;iZ>l; KOV&l n&VTelllOll (5'12) Il& ef;l (6) WP&~. 8eA&T& va KpaTiJO&T& eeO&l~; nooo KOV&l TO &lOlTtlPlO Il& &mOTpocptl; To anM &iVOl &iKOOl (20) eupw KOI Il& &mOTpocptl TplovTa (30) &Upw. nOTe npen&l va KA&ioOUIl& eeO&l~; Mla Ilepa nplv. EuxaplOTOUIl& noAu. EuxaplOTOUIl& TinoTa!
BEO'T)can also mean position, post, place or thesis. Most languages have words with more than one meaning. Compare the word match in the following contexts: He went to a football match. He met his match in his wife. This blouse is a good match for your skirt! Other examples from this unit are ftUaCO-ftE'tro meaning fly and throw; AEft'tOmeaning minute and thin. You will find more examples in later units, so make a note of the exact meaning in context.
11nAI1Pocpopia [i pliroforfa] ypacp&io nAI1PocpoplWY [ghraffo pliroforion] TO KTiplO [to ktfrio] Ka9& n6T&; [k8the pOte] CP&uyw [favgho] 0& ~.IIo~wpa [se misf ora] 119tol1 [i thasij nOOl1 Wpa KaY&I; [p6si ora kanij? TO anA6 [to aplo] ~& &mOTpocp~ [me epistrofij nplY [prin] TinoTa [tfpota]
information (f) information desk building (n) how often Qit.eve/)' when)? I leave in half an hour seat(f) how long does it take? one-way (n) retum, round-trip in advance (lit. before) not at all, don't mention it! (lit. nothing)
Not at all!
You have already learned the words and phrases to thank or apologize to someone (see page 38). Here's a reminder in case you've forgotten some. EuXapto'tO) EuXapto'to) nOAD XiAta EUXapto'tO) thank you thanks a lot many thanks (lit. a thousand thanks)
Two possible replies you might hear are: ITapaKaAo) Tino'ta! You're welcome! Not at all! Don't mention it!
Language notes
...second class
You have met two meanings for the word 9EO'T): lass in Dialogue 2, c and seat in Dialogue 3. Below are the different classes available when travelling by boat or aeroplane. npO)'tll Stall 5ED'tEPll Stall 'tPi'tll Stall 'touptonKtl Stall first class second class third class tourist class
XiAUXO'vyyvroJ1T)iterally meaning 'one thousand apologies' is used l when somebody has made a serious mistake - along the lines of I am terribly sorry or I am so sorry. Simply O'vyyvroJ1T) r J1EO'VyxCOpd'tE o can be used for 'sorry' or 'excuse me'.
Round trip
When you buy a ticket ('to E10'1't1\pl0)you will have to specify UftAO (one-way) or J1EE1t1O''tpOcp1\ two-way (return). You might also hear: 1l0VO1tTlyat E(lit. just going) V anAtl IlE'tuJ3aOll (lit. single transfer) llE'tu EmO't~ / IlE't'EmO't~ / IlE EmO't~ (lit. with return).
/ ll'EmO't~
If you want to be specific about the time, use O't11Jlla (at one), and O''tle;()60, tpEte;, tEO'O'Epte;, nEVtE and so on (at two, three,four,five). When it is on the dot of the hour, you use aKptlJroe; (exactly).
1.24 J.lia Kat dKOcrt 'tEcrcrEpa 1.48 J.lia Kat crapav'ta OK'too Use Kat (past) for 1-30 minutes past the hour and napc1 (to) for 31-59 minutes past the hour; but note that Kat is the only word used when telling the time from a digital watch or clock. Look at this diagram: t5Uo napa nevn: t5Uo napa atKa Ilia KQl TeTapTo
6.00 E~t 11oopa aKpt~OO~ 10.00 oEKa 11oopa aKpt~oo~ 12.00 ooooEKa 'to J.lecr11J.lEpt 12.00 ooooeKa 'to ~paou
1 More about word order
Pay attention to the position of words like 'us', 'me', 'them' - they come before the second verb in Greek but after the second verb in English. These are another form of personal pronouns. Compare the two forms below: eyw eOli aUTOc; aun; aUTO
I you he
~ 12
t5Uo napa TeTapTo t5Uo napa eiKOOl t5Uo napa eiKOOl neVTe
you him (m) herlf) it (m)
we you
Ilac; us aac; you TOUC; them (m+~ TIC; them If) them (n) Ta
Look at the following examples: M1topoo va O'E~o11erjcrffi. I can help you. M1topd va Jlae; ~o11erjcrEt. He can help us. M1t0POUJ.lE tO~ ~o11erjcroUJ.lE. We can help them. va M1topoo va O'ae; ~o11erjcrffi; Can I help you? (pI. + fm.) Llev 1.l1tOPEl'tE JlE ~o11erjcre'te. You cannot help me. va Do not confuse them with words like Eyro (I), E0'6 (you), autOC; (he) and so on. These are subject personal pronouns - look back at Unit 2 to remind yourself. ~E ~o11eoo. Eyro crE ~o11eoo. Ma~ ~o11eoUv 1toM. AU'toi Jlae; ~011eOUV1toM. I help you. I help you. (lit. I and nobody else!) They help us a lot. They (and nobody else) help us a lot.
Other important words used in telling the time are: Kat 'tE'tap'to quarter past 1tapa 'tE'tap'tO quarter to Kat Iltcrrj half past AE1t'to/AE1t'ta minute/minutes Tt oopa dvat; 'EXE'tE oopa; M1topd'tE va J.lou 1tEl'tE 't11v oopa; SEpE'tE 'tt oopa dvat; oopa/oopE~ hour/hours vffipi~ early apya late
What time is it? Do you have the time? Can you tell me the time?
2 Greek spelling
As the Greek language has undergone major shifts in the last 25 years, there is confusion about some spellings and sometimes more than one spelling is used. Don't worry about this; native speakers also have trouble with spelling sometimes. In this unit, words like <rV'Y'YVcOJi11 (excuse me) or ta~EiOt (trip) could also be spelt <rvyvcOJi11only one y), or ta~iot (only t instead ( of &t). These are correct spellings. Other examples are &tatpEia or &tat pia (company), nita or nitta (pitta bread), JiaKpuJ. or JiaKpVU (far), MavcOA11C; r MavoA11C; (Emmanuel), and tPtvo or tpaivo o (train).
1001 1002 2000 2001 3000 4000
Numbers 1001-1OO
xiAta Eva [chtna ena] xiAta (1)0 [chtlia THio] (1)0 XtAtcioe~ [Tllio chilhides] ODOXtAtcioe~ Eva tpet~ XtAtcioe~ 'tEcrcrept~ XtAtcioe~ 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 nEVte XtAtcio&~ E~t XtAtcioe~ entci XtAtcioe~ OK'tcO XtAtcioe~ evvea XtAtcioe~ atKa XtAtcioe~
1 You are at a travel agency and would like some details about a journey you plan to make. How would you ask:
3 Prepositions
Words such as on, to, at, in and so on are called prepositions. Greek prepositions can be characterized as 'simple' (one word) or 'compound' (two words). There are four 'simple' prepositions:
ano yta
Compound prepositions include: a1tEVav'tt (ano) ll1tpocrtci ano Oi1tAa cre (e)ncivro anO/cre Kci'tro cr& IlEcra cre E~ro ano
f g 2
Is there a flight every day? How long is the flight? How much is the flight? Is it one way or round trip? Can I make a reservation now? Can I have a timetable? How often? How long? How much?
across from, opposite in front of next to over/on to down by, down to, under inside outside b
d i ii iii iv
Kcige nO'te u1tciPxet 'tPEVO; TIo'te npEnet va KAeicroUIl&9Ecret~; TIOD eivat 'to rpacpeio TIA11POCPOptcOV; TIO<J11 cOpa eivat 11n'ttlcr11; EKei nEpa! Ae f3Atnet~; ADO cOpe~ aKptf3cO~. Kcige IlEpa vOlli1;ro. 'E~t IlEP&~ nptv.
When <r&is followed by the definite article (words like to, 'ta, 't11V) it is reduced to <r- and the two are written as one word. Some examples: Eillat cr't11(cre + 't11) 0&crcraAoviK11 TIciro cr't110ecrcraAoviK11. 'Eva etcrt'ttlpto yta t11 0ecrcraAovi K11. Moo JlOOacr'tll 0ecrcraAovlKll H AKp01tOA11elVat anEvav'tt a1to eocO. Ai1tAa cr'to (cre + to) crXOAelO.
d I am going to Thessaloniki. A ticket for Thessaloniki. I live in Thessaloniki. The Acropolis is across from here. Next to school.
f g
Complete the dialogue using the information in italics. npaKTopac; You npaKTopac; You npaKTopac; You npaKTopac; You npaKTopac; You npaKTopac; You KaA'll..ltpa oa<;! TI StAen: napaKaAw; a I'd like two tickets for Rhodes. (Via T'l PMo) Me TO Kapal3l r; TOaepornavo; b How much is it by boat? TI stOll StAeTe;
7 Listen to Dialogue 3 in this unit again and fill in the missing words. If you don't have the recording, try to fill in the gaps from the words provided below. nOU elvQI TOvpacpelo a __ Tim nepaOTIKoc; b o'aUTOTOKTlpIO. Tim EuxaplOTw. Le AlVo ... rela oa<;. KaSe nOTe c __ Aewcpopelo Via T'l eeooaAovlK'l; Mloo Aemo va d __ . Ynapxel tva nou e __ 0& I..llcrr;wpa (Y2). Ynapxouv etoel<; elOlTr'JplaStAeTe; LUyyVWI..l'laAAQ 5ev f __ crr;l..lepa.nOO'l wpa KQV&I O9 __ T ; KQV&InevTtl..llO'l (5Y2) I..let~1 (6) wpe<;.etAeT& va KpaTr'JoeTe __ h ; nooo KQVelTOelolTr'JPloI..lei__ ; Tim YnaAAI'IAoc; To arno elval20 eupw Kall..le i__ 30 eupw. j __ nptnel va KAelooul..leStoel<;; Mary . YnaAAI'IAoc; MIa I..ltpa k __ EuxapiOTOUI..l&oM. n Tim EuxaplOTOUl..le. Mary ! YnaAAI'IAoc; e __ napaKaAw.
c Second
40. I..l0VO nriVQlve. d And the round trip? 70. 5eUTep'l StOll Kal 60. e How long does it take? ~eKaoKTw wpe<;. f What! 18 hours! I can 't stand four hours on a boat!
Match the list on the left with the list on the right. a b ffipu 't6vo~ v'tOf..l<i'tu 9toTj 1tp6f3ATjf..lU 'touptonKtl
d e f g h j 6
1tOAUyAffi't'tO KtV'tpO
Using the central letter and at least one other, how many words can you make? Check that you know what all the words mean! Here's an example to start you off: nOTE.
unapXel nAl1POq>OPIWV
Ta~i~1 enI01'POq>i'\
8 What time is it? Say the following times in Greek. If you have the recording, listen to them a couple of times, and repeat.
a b c d e
f g
a In the taxi
Ta~IT~~C; Eml3clTl'JC; Ta~IT~~C: Eml3aTI'JC: Ta~IT~C: Eml3aTI'JC: Ta~IT~~C:
A little extra!
A passenger (E1tt~atTJ~[epivatisD travelling to the airport is having
o Ta~IT~~C:[0 taksitzis] o &ml3aTI'JC:[0 epivatis] TO a&pol5p6~IO [to aeroTHromio] ~n&pl5&uw [berTHevo o Kalp6c: [0 keros] ixou~& Kalp6 [ehume kero] I'JKivl'Jol'J [i kinisi] I'JanOOK&U~ [i aposkevij TIC:anooK&uic: oac: [tis aposkeves sas] ocp&iAw [ofllo] KpaT~OT& Ta pima [kratiste ta resta]
taxi/cab driver passenger (m) airport (n) I mix up/confuse time/weather (m) there's time / we rush (lit. we have traffic (f) luggage/suitcase your luggage (lit. the suitcases I owe keep the change
'Exouv 1tOAU KatPO va 1taVEO'tOaEpOOpOJ.llO. IIavE O'tOOU't1KO aEpOOpOJ.llO. H 1ttrlO'TJ lVat 0''t1~OKto)Kat tEtapto. E 0 E1tt~atTJ~OCPElAEt 13. 0 E1tt~atTJ~1tEtaEt O'tTJPooo.
Mini test
1 Can you remember the Greek for the following ten important words from this unit? Try to write your answers in transliteration or Greek script. i about vi seat ii flight vii airport iii office viii traffic iv information ix luggage v building x change 2 Can you remember the following ten important phrases from this unit? Use transliteration or Greek script. i ii iii iv v There's time! vi Keep the change! vii I always get it mixed up. viii Where are you going? ix What time is it? x It's one o'clock. It's half past one. It's quarter to two. Many thanks! You're welcome!
Tl~ anooKEuE~
Eml3aTI'JC: Ta~IT~C: Em l3aTI'JC: Ta~IT~~C: Eml3aTI'JC: EuxaplOTw. Tl O<pElAW; 'EvTEKa EUpW aKpll3w~. OPIOTE owoEKa EUpW. KpaTt;OTE Ta pEOTa. EuxaplOTw KQl KaAO Ta~EIOI. EuxaplOTw, vela oa~.
3 The five phrases below use the formal way of addressing people. Can you change them into informal Greek? Use transliteration or Greek script. i ii lli iv v [parakal6 kathiste] ITUpUKUA-IDu8dcr"tE. K [parte to] ITap"tE "to. [thelete isitiria]? etA-E"tE Etcrmlpta; [borite ... kserete]? Mnopd"tE ... ~tPE"tE; [pu pate]? ITODna"tE;
In this unit you will learn how to enquire about rooms make hotel reservations check-in or check-out explain a problem with your room
Tim and Mary are surprised that there are so many tourists and that so few of them book accommodation in advance. Here is a typical conversation in this situation.
[psahnete ya THomatia]? [ne ehete THomatia]? [eho ana THomatio] [ya enikiasi] [ya poses meres to thalete]? [ya tris meres] [boro na THo to THomatio]? [vavea] [elate ap'eTHo] [THen ine makria] [aho aftokinito] [afti ine i valitsa sas]?
\lJaxvw [psahno] TO i5w~aTlo [to THomatio] Il volKiaoll [i enikiasi] Via volKiaOIl [ya enikiasi] an'i5w! [ap'eTHo]! TO aUTOKivIlTO![to aftokinito] Il paAiToa [i valitsa] vaTO! [nato]! i5 ~ou aptol! [THe mu aresi]! KaAuTpoc;, -Il, -0 [kaliteros, -I, -0] lJvaAuTp0C;, -Il, -0
-I, -0] [pyo] ~OUxOC;, Il, -0 [isihos, -I, -0] naipvw [perno] 8a TOnapw [tha to parol o VTOnlOC;0 dopios] [ o ToupiOTac; [0 turistas] [meghaliteros,
I'm looking for room (n) rent (f) for rent this way! ~it.from here) car (n) suitcase (f) here it is! (also va TO!) I don't like Ot)! better larger more quiet I take I will take it local person (m) tourist (m)
[se Iigho] ...
[oriste] [nato] [ochi] [THe mu aresi] [ahete kati kalitero ke meghalitero]? [aho alo ana] line pyo isiho] [ala pyo akrivo] [na to THo]? [a] [malista] [afto ine endaksi] [tha to parol llJoxveTE: YlO 6ooIlOTlO; Nol. 'ExeTE: 6ooIlOTlO; 'Exoo tvo 6oollOTlO YlO evolKioOll no nooee; Iltpee; TO etXeTe; rlO Tpele; Iltpee;. Mnopw vo 600 TO 6ooIlOTlO; Bt130l0. EAaTe on'e6w! f:.ev eivQl 1l0KpUO. 'EXoo OUTOKivTlTO.Aun; eivQl Tl 130XiTOOOOe;; Nol. Ie Aiyo ...
A tourist is asking about room availability at the reception desk of a local hotel. Y1tllAA:IlA~ l>1tO~Xl1<; [UpaIilos upothochis] (Y1t.l>1t.) or PEaE'I'10vla'tu<; [Resepsionistas] are the words for receptionist.
OpiaTe! NOTo! 'OXl, 6e 1l0U optoel! 'EXeTE: KOTl KaAUTepO KOl lleYaAUTe po; 'Exoo oAXo tvo. EivQl mo nouxo oAXo TllO OKpl130.
[kalimera sas] [parakalo]? [kalimera sas] [ehete THomatia]? [veveos] [thelete monoklino i THiklino]? [ena THiklino] [ya simera to vraTHi mono] [me farTHi krevati] [an ehete] [malista] [mise lepto parakalo] [ehume ena pu vlepi ston kendriko THromo] [achi thea] [ala echi lighi fasaria]. [episis ahume alo ana] [pu via pi stin esoteriki avli tu ksenoTHochiu], line poli pyo oreal [ke pyo isiho] [nomizo] loti afto me ti thea] [tha ine kalitero ya mena] [simbliroste afti tin kMa paramonis] [ke ipoghrapste eTHo parakal6] [oriste]! [to THomatio sas ine to eksakosia ikosiTHio] [ston ekto orofo]. [elate na sas paolo [0 grum] [tha sas voithisi] [me tis valitses]
ToupiOTpla Yn.un.
KaATJIlEpa oae;. napaKaAW; KaATJIlEpa oae;. 'Exen: 6oollo.Tla; Bel3a[wc;. eEAeTe 1l0VOKAlVO!i 6[KAlVO; 'Eva 6[KAlVO Vla olillepa TO I3pMu Ilovo. Me q>apM Kpel3o.Tl av ExeTe. Mo.AlOTa. MlOO Aemo TlapaKaAw. 'Exoulle Eva TlOU I3MTlel OTOV KevTplKo 6p01l0, Exel eEa aMo. Exel AlYTJq>aoap[a. ETl[OTJe; Exoulle 6.M0 Eva TlOU I3MTlel OTTJV eoooTeplK!i auM TOU ~ev060xe[ou, e[vOl TloM mo oopa[o KOl mo !iouxo. NOIlll;oo OTl aUTO Ile TTJeEa ea e[vOl KaMTepo Vla ellEva. I:uIlTlATJPwOTe aUT!i TTJV Tlapallov!ie; Kal UTlOVpo.lVTee6w TlapaKaAw. Op[OTe! To 6oollo.TlO oae; e[vOl TO 622 OTOV EKTO opoq>o. EAaTe va oae; Tlo.oo.0 VKpoull ea oae; 130TJe!ioel Ile Tle; l3aAIToee;.
Tim and Mary have made a reservation with a hotel in the centre of Thessaloniki. They have just arrived at the hotel.
Tim P&CJ&IjIloviOTae;
I') P&CJ&IIJlOV resepsion] [i unaAAI')Aoe; unolioX,.e; (Yn.un) [o/i ipalilos ipoTHochis] 1J0voKAIvo [mon6klino] liiKAlvo [THiklino] cpapliue;, -la, -u [tarTHis, -ia, -ij nou pAin&1 [pu vlepi] &CJWT&pIKOe;, -0 -,., [esoterikos, -I, -0] I') auM [i avlij CJUlJnAI')PWOT& [simblir6ste] I') KapTa napalJOvl1e; P karta paramonis] unoypaljlT& [ipoghrapste] OTOV &KTOopocpo [ston ekto oroto] EAaT& va CJae; aw n [elate na sas pao] o YKPOUIJ [0 grum] I') ToupiOTpla [i turistria]
single room double room wide facing (lit. that faces/sees) inner, inside courtyard (f) fill out registration card sign on the sixth floor
Tim P&CJ&IjIloviOTae;
AlVO ...
'ExeTe Ko.Vel Kpo.TTJOTJ Eva 6IKAlVO. eEAeTe Vla va Exel eEa !i TJouXla; EIllaOTe TloM KoupaollEvOl. ea TlPOTlIlOUOalle Eva 6oollo.TlO Ile TJoux[a. OK! To 6oollo.TlO oae; e[vOl TO 325 OTOV 30 (TpITO) opoq>o. MOAle; I3ve[Te aTlO TO aoavoEp 6e~lo.. OplOTe TO KAel61 oae; KOl KaA!i 6lallov!i' EuxaplOToulle, aMo. TlOU e[vOl TO aoavoEp; A, OUyyvwIlTJ, OTOTEAOe;TOU 6la6pollou.
my name is
'1 KpaT'10'1 [i kratisi] &XW KaVel KpaT'10'1 [eho kani kratisi] KaAwc; OpiOaTe! [kal6s orisate] ypallln [ghrapste] '1 lileu8uvo'1 [i THiefthinsi] o apl8J,1oc; [0 arithm6s] TO lilapaTilPIO [to THiavatirio] o OTuAoc; [0 stil6s] eUxapiOTWC; [efharistos] 8a npOTIJ,lOUOaJ,le [tha protimusame] J,lOAlc; yein ana TO aaavotp p [m6lis vghite ap6 to asanser] TO Dellii [to kliTHij KaAI\ lilaJ,lovl\1 [kall THiamonij! OTO T&Aoc; TOU lilalipoJ,lou [sto telos tu THiaTHr6mu] TO T&Aoc; [to telos] o lilalipoJ,loc; [0 THiaTHromos] o peoelllloviOTac; [0 resepsionistas] (lit. I am called/named) reservation (f) I have made a reservation welcome! write down address (f) number(m) passport (n) pen (m) gladly we would like/prefer just as you come out / step out of the lift key (n) (have) a good stay! at the end of the corridor end (n) corridor (m) receptionist (m)
NOll NOl, EillOl '1 Mary Johnson an6 TO iSWIlOTIO325. To Ilnovlo iSEVeXEI KoupTiva ... Ma ... Kaveva Ilnovlo iSEVeXEI KoupTiva ... KOl nu>c;Sa KOVWVTOUc;; Xwpic; KoupTiva Ka Johnson; Xwpic; KoupTiva; Ma TO VEpO; M'lv aTEvaxwpleaTE KaSoAoul Ta VEpO <pEuyouv a'eva AEmo. To Ilnovlo OTEyvwvEI yptlyopa-yptlyopa! E??? (AnoPP'llleV'l KAEiVEI TO T'lAe<pwvo).
val! [ne]
TO J,lnavlo [to banio] '1 KoupTiva [i kurtina] TO VTOUc;[to duz] J,la Kav&va J,lnavlo liev &xel KoupTiva [ma kanena banio THen echi kurtina] Kavw VTOUc;[kano duz] J,laTa npa; [ma ta nera] TO npo [to ner6] J,I'1OTeVaXWpl&OTe Ka8oAou! [mi stenahorieste kath6lu] OTeVaXWpl&J,lal [stenahorieme] OTeyvwvw [steghn6no] YPl\yopa [ghrighora] YPl\yopa-YPl\yopa [ghrighora-ghrighora] anopp'1J,1&vOc;, -'1, -0 [aporimenos, -i, -0] Deinl TO T'1A&cpWVO [kllni to tilefono] TO T'1A&cpllJVO tilefono] [to
hello (on the phone) bathroom / tub (n) curtain (f) shower(n) but ... none of the bathrooms has a curtain
take a shower but the water? How about the water? (lit. the waters) water (n) don't worry at all! I worry I dry up fast extremely fast
Mary has called reception to complain about there being no shower curtain. Listen and read the following interesting exchange (more cultural than linguistic ... ).
PeoelllloviOTac; Mary [ne] [ne] [ime i Mary Johnson] [ape to THo~at~o] [triak6sia ikosi pende] [to banio THen echl kurtina] ... [mal ... [kanena banio THen echi kurtina] ... [ke pos tha kano duz]? [horis kurtina] [kiria Johnson] [horis kurtina] [ma ta nera]? [min stenahorieste kath6lu] [ta nera fevghun] [s'ena lept6] [to banio steghn6ni] [ghrighoraghrighora] [e] [aporimeni kllni to tilefono]
she hangs up (the phone) (lit. she closes the phone) telephone (n)
Language notes
Different accommodation
All kinds of accommodation are available in Greece. Early reservation (Kpcl'tTJatJ) and confIrmation (E1tlJJt~aiCOOTJ) are essential, especially in summer.
:E:&vo&.X&io(hotels) are listed in six categories from A to E by the Greek government according to the level of comfort offered. MO't&A (motels) are located along main motorways on the mainland. IIavoox&io (inns) and IIavm6v (boarding houses) are both types of 'bed and breakfast' - good value, clean and safe accommodation. Students could try the :E:&v6va~N&6't11'ta~ (youth hostel for men and women), or the XAN (YMCA for men only), or XEN (YWCA for women only).
In small towns and villages you will see signs saying EVOlKtcJ.~ov'tat (rooms to let), EnUtAcop&va (furnished rooms), EnUtAcop&va otapt:piapa'ta (furnished apartments) and MncJ.v1Ka(bungalows) - all offer an inexpensive stay in Greece, but it's a good idea to check out the place before deciding to stay.
TO AOJ.lnu [to 16bi] TO J.lnaAKOVI [to balk6ni] 1"1 aouiTa [i suita] 1"1 TouaAtTa [i tualeta] npwlvo KOvTlvtVTaA [proin6 kondinendal] npwlvo aJ.ltplKav [proin6 amerikan] TO atpl3lC:; ~wJ.laTiou [to servis THomatiu] o TI"IA&cpWVI"ITllC;[0 tilefonitis] TO TI"IAtcpwvo [to tilefono] TO J.livl-J.lnap [to mini-bar] o J.lnoucptc; [0 bufes] TO &P-KOVTiaIOV [to er-kondision]
lobby (n) balcony (n) suite (1) toilet (1) continental breakfast
telephone operator (m) telephone (n) mini-bar (n) buffet (m) air-conditioning
tpi'to<; (3<;) opocpo<; oeutf:po<; (2<;) opocpo<; 1tproto<; (1"<;) opocpo<; to 1tUtUpt/o T\fltOPOCPO<; to tcroyeto 'to T\fltU1toyeto to u1toyeto MEVW crtOV tEtUptO (4") opocpo. Auto eiVUl to tcrOyeto. To OtUflEptcrflu floU eivUl mo u1toyeto. IToAM ~UXupo1tAumeiu EXOUV 1tUtUpt / T\fltOPOCPO.
3rdjloor 2ndjloor 1st jloor mezzanine ground jloor between cellar and groundj1oor cellar/basement 1live on the fourth jloor. This is the groundjloor. My jlat is in the basement! cellar. Many pastry shops have a mezzanine.
Kpe~~oTl/-a llov6
eu rjgeAu . . . ... ; EVU flOVO oWfluno EVU Ot1tAO oWfluno Mo ot1tM oWflunu
l'dlike ... Do you have. . . ? a single room a double room two double rooms
[i kamariera]
[o/i servit6ros] TO aaavatp [to asanser] 1"1 J.lnavltpa [i baniera] TO cpouaylt [to fuaye] TO J.lnap [to bar]
maid (1) manager (m + 1) waiter (m + 1) (lit. servant) lift/elevator (n) bathtub (1) foyer (n) bar (n)
a a a a a
Jl1tpoo'tCi / o'tTIv 1tPOOO'l'TI 1tior%'tO 1tioro Jlepo<; 1tpo<; 'tTI eUAaooa 1tpo<; 'tTJVaUAtl
at the front at the back facing (towards) the sea facing (towards) the courtyard
To ovoJla JlOU. H OtEUeUVOTI ou. o To ota~a'ttlPtO 'tOU. To KAEtoi oa<;. Ta oroJluna Jla<;.
My name [lit. the name mYel)] Your address His passport Your key Our rooms
The following phrases are often used instead of Elm (l have made a reservation):
U1t<lPlEt Jlia KPUtTJOTJ at' ovoJla . . . Elro KAEiOEt Eva oroJluno yta ... na
there's a reservation in the name of ... I have booked a room for ...
O'llJiEpa to ~pQou (jor tonight, lit. for today the night) is a OtlJlEpa 'to 1tproi OtlJlEpa 'to JlEoTJJlept otlJlEpa 'to a1toYEUJla
this morning this afternoon this evening
If the speaker asks: Eva JiOVOOmJiano 11a O'llJiEpa to ~pQou JiOVO, the two words JiOVO and JiOVO might confuse you in the same sentence. Movo is single and JiOVO is only. This is one of the phonetic word pairs that you should learn. For the time being learn the three pairs below.
Two of the very few other verbs that are also similar to this verb are JiE "'&VE(my name is / I am called / I am named) from Unit 1, and JiE 1tElpa~El (l mind / I am bothered) from Unit 6.
!lE nelpOl;el oe nelpOl;el TOV/TIlV!TonEtpOl;el !lae; nelpC!l;EI oae;nelp~1 TOUe;nelpOl;EI
I mind you mind he/she/it minds we mind you mind they mind
!lE N:ve oeN:ve Tov!Tr]v!TO N:ve !lae; N:ve oae; N:ve TOUe;"AevE
lam called you are caJIed he/she/it is called we are called you are called they are called
The verb Ji'ap&O'El (like) changes to Jiou apEO'ouv or Ji'ap&O'ouv and the verb JiE 1tElpa~El (mindlbothered) to JiE 1tElpa~Ouv when the noun following is plural. Look at these examples:
Mou apEoEt 'to ~EvooolEiO. Mou apEoouv 'ta ~EvooolEia. ~ou apeoEt 0 JlOUOaKu<;; LlEv 'tou apeoouv ot oaAu'tE<;! ME 1tEtpu1;;EtTI 1tOAAtl1;;eo'tTJ.
a rWlpy0<;
I like the hotel. I like (the) hotels. Do you like moussaka? He does not like salads! Much heat bothers me. George and Mary bother me. I don't mind Coca Cola.
TI Mapia
>< 1'1
1'1 1'1-
>< 1'1
1'1 1"1-
'C Q.
d i ii iii iv
'I'axvete yta oOlllana; 'Exete KaVet KpatT\aT\; EMAete va txet 9ta tl T\auxia;
Auttl dvat T\ paUma am;;
an:vaXOlpl&J.I01 OTeVaXOlpl&aOI OTeVaXOlpl&TOI OTevaXOlpl0J.l0an: OTeVaXWpl&OTe OTevaxwplouVTOI f
etAOl tva lleyaAo oOlllano Ile Olpaia 9ta. 'Exete; rta noae~ Iltpe~ to 9tAete; [\ev ~tpOl. ~a~ netpa~et; 'Exete oOlllana yta evOtKiaO'T\; OXt! etAete IltKPO tl lleyaAo; NOlli~Ol Vat! EMte an'eow!
I think you think he/she/it thinks we think you think they think
a Hello! My name is Joanna Wilke. I have booked a room for two nights. KaAW<; p(aan: Kup(a Wilke. IUllnATJPwOTeTTJv o KopTa TlapalloVtle; oae; TlapaKaAw. MTlopw va XWTO 15la13aniplo oae;; b Here you are! Can I have a pen, please? Euxap(OTroc; ... eA&Te TO 150l1l0TlO 13MTl&l va TlpOe;TO 15pollOIi OTOTl(OOllpOe;; l c I don't mind. I am very tired and I would like to
sleep right away.
1 Respond to the following situations:
Match the word on the left with the words on the right.
Find out if a room is available. Specify what kind of bed you want: single/double? Ask if the hotel has a single room for four nights. Say you want a double room with a shower/bath. It should be quiet and have a sea view. Ask the price of the room. Tell the receptionist that you have made a reservation. You don't like the room they have given you. How would you say: 'I don't like the room. It is not quiet and it does not have a view'.
toupiatpta Kapta KevtptKO eaOlteptKtl Kouptiva tT\AtcpOlVO aouha atppt~
h i j
card esoteric (inner - inside) curtain suite micro (-economy, -waves) telephone tourist service reception x central
Can you recognize some of the words you have already learned? You can find the words by reading the letter-squares horizontally or vertically. There are at least nine words horizontally and nine words vertically that will be familiar to you. A
Mary p&O&lIJloviOTac;
Xwp(C; C __ ; Ma Ta f __ ; 9 __ crrevaxwplEcrre KaSoAou! Ta f __ <peuyouv a'Eva Aerno. To lJn<iVIO h __ YPiJyopa-YPiJyopa! E?? (AnOPP'lIJEV'l KAe(vel TO T'lM<pwvo.)
I 0
H t::..
T 0 M 0
= A
p E
0 I
M 0 A
= E
P T 0
0 A
9 Listen to a receptionist assigning different rooms. Number them 1-10 in the order you hear them. If you don't have the recording, study these numbers in Unit 5.
To OCOlJatlO aU(; eiVUl to ... 325 747 780 821 825 954
7 Listen to the following list of words on your recording and write each one below its corresponding sound. If you don't have the recording, use the words in the box below. [af] [ef] [ev]
554 557
Mini test
1 Can you remember the Greek for the following ten important words from this unit? Try to write your answers in transliteration or Greek script. i ii iii iv v
8 Listen to Dialogue 4 in this unit again and fill in the missing words. If you don't have the recording, try to fill in the gaps from the words provided in the box on the next page.
P&O&lIJloviOTac; Mary P&O&lIJloviOTac; Mary P&O&lIJloviOTac;
NOl! NOl, e(lJal 11Mary Johnson ano TO a __ 325. To b __ 6ev EXel C __ . Ma ... d __ IJncivlO 6ev Exel C __ Kal n~ Sa e __ VTOUC;; Xwp(C; C __ Kup(a Johnson!(?)
vi vii viii ix x
2 Can you remember the following ten important phrases from this unit? Use transliteration or Greek script. i ii ill iv v Don't worry! vi First/second/third ... floor vii No, I don't like it! viii My name's... /I'm called... ix I've made a reservation. x A room for tonight. Have you got rooms to let? Have a nice stay! I'll take it. Just a moment please!
3 The five phrases below use the formal way of addressing people. Can you change them into informal Greek? Use transliteration or Greek script. i ii iii iv v [ehete THomatia]? 'EXE'tE oroJ.uina; [simblir6ste eTH6] LUI!1tAllProcr'tE EOro. [ipoghrapste elol Y1tOypa'l''tE EKE\. [kal6s onsate]! KaAro~ OpiO"U'tE! [mi stenahorieste]! Mll cr'tEvaXroptcr'tE!
a c
In this unit you will learn how to buy things enquire about prices state preferences name fruit and vegetables name colours
JlaQ [mazij
[isos] KalvouPYIOc;!-aI-o [kenurios] Il KptJla [i krema] TO npoawno [to prospero] Il KoAwvla p kol6nia]
Mary is planning to visit a department store and a colleague of hers decides to join her.
together perhaps new cream (f) face (n) cologne/perfume (f) my cream will be running out I complete / I end / I run out shortly/soon where do you think we should go? (lit. where are you saying we go?) department store (let's) go! OK, let's get going!
p krema
mu tha teli6sij
[to polikatastima] naJl&! [pame]I aVT&, naJl&! [ande pame]l
nwAIlTqe; Iwavva
XP&la~OJlal [hriazome] Ta IjJWVla [to ps6nia] 9a q9&Aa [tha ithela] TO cpop&Jla [to f6rmema] Ta KaAAuvTIKa [ta kalindika] TO nOUKaJllaO [to pukamiso] Il napta [i parea] 9tA&Ie; napta; [thelis parea]? KaAuT&poc;!-rV-o [kallteros] JlaQ Jlou [mazi mu] Iwavva nwAIlTqe; Iwavva
[eTH6 imaste] [ttasame]! [ne] [tha roUso ton politij [ya andrika pukamisa] [sighn6mi] [pu ine ta andrika pukamisa]? [sto vathos] [tha vrume megMIi pikilia eTH6] lime sighuri] [kita]! [a] line orao ala skuro] [ligho pyo anikt6] [ti hr6mata forai 0 Tim]? [sinithos anihta ke mon6hroma] [aspro - siel - kitrino] [ke kamia fora kafe] [emana mu aresun ta righe pukamisa] [ala THen tu arasun kath6lu]
I: uyyvw1lT), oe noLOV 6pocpo eivOl TO OV~PlKO nouKolllOO; I:TOV TeTOpTo, OTOTIltillo OV~plKWV. Mary eAo va nopoulle TO ooovoep. Eyw So ove13w on6 TIC; oKoAec;. To ooovoep eivOl noM IllKPO KOl exw KAelOTocpo13io! EVTo~el, nOlle ana TIC; oKoAec;. To AST)voio exel KUAlollevec; oKciAec;. Tl Aec;; EVTO~elo I:e Aiyo ...
Mary Iwavva
E~w eilloOTe, cpTooolle! NOlo eo pWTtiOW TOV nWAT)Tti YlO OV~PlKO nouKolllOO. I: uyyvw1lT), nou eivol TO OV~PlKO nouKolllOO; I:TO 13oSoc;. eo 13poulle lleyciAT) nOIKtAio EillOl oiyoupT). KoiTO! A, eivol wpoio aMo OKOUpO. "iyo mo OVOIKTO. Tl XPWIlOTO cpopoel 0 Till; I:uvtiSwc; OVOIXTO KOI 1l0VOXPWIlO, oanpo, OleA, KiTplVO KOI Kallio cpO Kocpe. Ellevo Ilou opeoouv po TO plye nouKolllOO OAAO ~ev TOU opeoouv KOSOAOU. TI lleyeSoc; cpopoel; Meooio ti TO 36 voullepo. No evo wpoio. I:'opeoel;
IJpiOKW [vrfsko] 11nOIKIAia [i pikilfa] oiyoupoc;f-I'II-o [sfghuros/-i/-o] &i~al oiyouPIl [fme sfghuri] KoiTa! [kfta]! KOITa~w [kitazo] oKoupoc;f-a/-o [skuros/-a/-o] avoIKT6c;f-~/-6 [aniktos/-f/-6] TO xpw~a [to hr6ma] cpopaw(w) [forao(6)] TO ~ov6Xpw~o [to mon6hromo] aonpo [aspro] oltA [siel] KiTplVO [kftrino] Kacpt [kafe] plyt [rigM] TO ~ty&8oC; [to megethos] ~&oaio [meseo] TO VOu~&PO [to numero]
I'm sure look! I look dark light colour (n) I wear single colour white sky blue yellow brown striped size (n) medium number, size (n)
Tim Mary
Tim and Mary buy their fruit, vegetables and flowers in the I.U'iKt'i uyopa [laiki aghoni] (market) that takes place close to their hotel on Tuesdays. lro<lvva [Imina] Joanna, Mary's colleague, is visiting them this morning.
[tha pame sti laikf sfmera]? [ke vevea tha pame] [fne triti simera] [ti tha fame an THen pame]? [po-po] [milas san eliniTHa nikokira] [ehete laikf aghora stin anglfa]? [6chi akriv6s to iTHio] [ala kati par6mio] [tha ffghume telos pandon]? [se Ifgho] ... nWAIlT~C;
av15pIK6c;f-~-6 [andrikos/-f/-6] TO T~~~a [to tmfma] OTOT~~~a aV15plKwv [sto tmfma andrik6n] av&lJaivw [aneveno] 11oKaAa [i skala] 11M&IOTocpolJia [i klistofovfa] KuAI6~&v&C; oKaA&c; [kili6menes skales] KUAIOp&Voc;I-qI-o [kili6menosl-V-o] TI A&C;;[ti les]?
I go up
staircase (f) claustrophobia escalators (f)
Iwavva Mary
[61a ta k6vo] [61a ta maher6no]! [ti lei aft6s]? [mi se niazi] [tha parete mfla]? [6chi ap6 eTH6] [pyo kato fne pyo ftina] [ke pyo kala] [tha parume mfla ke portokalia] [ap6 ton kir-k6sta]
CZI lit-
-4 lit -4 -4
Kup KWOTae;
Kup KWOTae;
[kalimera stus ksenus mas] [kalimera kir-k6sta] [fHen ehete meghalitera mila simera]? [fHen eho meghalitera] [ala ine trip6leos] [ke ine nostim6tata] [ke ta portokalia] [merli pu lene] [merli] [endaksi] [fH6ste mas] [ena kil6 mila] [ke THio kila portokalia] [p6so ine]? [tria evr6] [ke THeka lepta] [pyos echi kala marulia] [ke h6rta kir-k6sta]? [eTH6 THipla mu] eo nal.le OTT]AO"iKti atil.lepo; KOI l3el3olo eo nal.le. EIVOI TPITT] atil.lepo! TI eo cpal.le ov 5ev nal.le; nw, nw! MLAac; oov EMT]v150 VOIKoKupa! 'ExeTe AO"iKti oyopa OTT]VAyyAIO; 'OX1 OKPII3Wc; TO 1510, oMa KaT! nopol.lolO. eo cpuyoul.le TeAoc; navTwv;
'1 T piTI"I [i trfti] ea nal-l [tha pame] ea cpa1-1 [tha fame] '1 VOIKoKupa [i nikokira] napOlJoloc;l-<ll-o [par6miosl-al-o] TtAoe; navTwv [tal os pandon] K6pw [k6vo] I-Iaxalpwvw [maher6no] GAaTO K6l3w,GAaTO lJOXalf)(iJvw
[6ra ta k6vo ola ta maherono]
nWAI"IT';e; Tim Iwc]vva
AlYO ...
Kup KWOTae;
Kup KWOTae;
'OAO TO KOI3W,OAOTO 1.l0XOlpWVW! TI Mel OUTOc;; MT] oe vOl(l~el. eo napeTe I.ltiAO; 'OXI on6 e5w. nlo KaTw elvOl mo cpTT]va KOI mo KoAa. eo napoul.le I.ltiAO KOI nopToKaAlo on6 TOV KUp KWOTO. KoAT]l.lepO OTOUc;~evouc; 1.l0c;! KoAT]l.lepO, KUp KWOTO. !::.ev exeTe l.leyoMTepo I.ltiAO atil.lepo; !::.ev exw l.leyoMTepo, oMa elvOl Tpm6Aewc; KOI elvol VOOTII.l6TOTO.KOI TO nOpTOKGAlO, l.lepAI nou Mve, l.lepAI! EVTa~el. !::.wOTe 1.l0c;evo KLAOI.ltiAO KOI Mo KLAa nopToKaAlo. n600 elvOl; Tplo eupw KOI MKO Aema. nOlOc; exel KOAa I.l0POUAIO KOI X6pTO KUp KWOTO; E5w 51rno I.l0u.
Atw [lea] 1-1'1 O vOla(1 [mi se niazi] TO l-I';Ao [to milo] mo KCITW[p-yo kato] TO nopTOKaAI [to portokali] KUp [kir]
o ~tvoe; [0
market (1) fruit, vegetable, and flower market (lit. popular market) Tuesday we will go we will eat housewife (1) similar at last, anyhow I cut I cut/slice something with a knife common expression used by farmers meaning that their produce is of such good quality that they are willing to let you try it before you buy I say never mind apple (n) further down orange (n) Mr foreigner (n) larger Tripolis (Greek town) delicious extremely sweet as they say, as the rumour goes kilo (n) lettuce (n) greens next to me
CZI lit-
>lit -4 lit -4 -4
'1 TpinoAI"I ~ tripolij v6OTll-loc;l-J1/-0 [n6stimos/-i/-o] I-ItpAI [merlij nou Atv [pu lene] TO KIA6 [to kilo] TO l-IapouAI [to marulij x6pTa (horta] llinAa I-I0u [fHipla mu]
Language notes
Colours can be distinguished as aV01K'tll Xp<Olla'ta (light colours) or (dark colours). Many objects, including clothes, flags, or walls, can be:
O'Ko6pa xprolla'ta
!:: C'I
j;l ~.
~ovoXP(O~oC;1 -lll -0 ()iXP(O~oC;1-lll -0 'tpiXP(O~oC;1-lll -0 'tc'tpaXP(O~oc;1 -lll -0 1tOAUXP(O~oC;1 -0 -lll The printed designs are usually:
one-colour( ed) two-colour( ed) three-colour( ed) four-colour( ed) multi-colour( ed)
[to roTHakino]
pty,,; (striped) KUpO (checked) 1toua (spotted/dotted) c~1tpt~,,; (print) AOUAouM'to (jlowery/jloral)
TO K&POOI [to kerasij I'JIJnavova [i banana] I'JcppoouAa [i fraula] I'JKapu~a [i kariTHa] o xoupIJOC; [0 hurmas] o avavoc; [0 ananas] o YlaplJOC; [0 yarmas]
peach cherry banana strawberry coconut date pineapple (kind of) peach
oanpo [aspro] IJaupo [mavro] KITPIVO [kftrino] KOKKIVO [k6kino] aanpoIJaupo [aspr6mavro] npoolVo [prasino] IJnAt [ble] Kacpt [kafe] YKpi~o[grfzo]
po~ [roz]
white black yellow red black and white green blue brown grey pink orange burgundy rose
AAXANIKA [Iahanika] VEGETABLES TO KapOTO [to kar6to] carrot TO otAlvo [to selino] celery TO IJapouAI [to maruli] lettuce TO AoXaVO [to lahano] cabbage TO Kouvouni~1[to kunupiTHi] cauliflower TO KaAaIJnoKI [to kalab6ki] com TO KoAoKuSOKI [to kolokithaki] courgette, zucchini I'JnaToTa [i patata] potato I'JVTOIJOTa [i domata] tomato I'J IJ&AIT~OVa[i melitzana] aubergine, eggplant o apaKoc; [0 arakas] pea o IJai"yyavoc; [0 maindan6s] parsley o OVISOC;[0 anithos] dill
These are all feminine nouns except Saturday which is neuter. You have probably noticed the association between OEU'tEPO<;1 -Tt/-o (second) and AEu'ti:pa (Monday) - the second day of the week. Likewise, Tpi'tTt (third day of the week), TEtap'tTt (fourth day of the week), IIi:J11t'tTt(fifth day of the week). IIapaO'KEuTt comes from 1tapaO'KEUa~ro (to prepare, in a religious context), ~a~~a'to from Sabbath and KUp1aKtl (day of the Lord, day of rest). The expressions on Sunday, on Monday and so on, and the plurals on Sundays, on Mondays etc. are: 'tTJVKupWKl1 'tTJv AEU'ttpa 'tTJv TphTJ 'tTJv TE'tUP'tTJ 'tTJv IItf.l1t'tTJ 'tTJv IIapaoKEul1 'to Lu~~a'tO and nc; KuptaKtc; nc; AEU'ttpEC; nc; TphEC; nc; TE'tUp'tEC; nc; IItf.l1t'tEC; nc; IIapacrKwtc; 'ta Lu~~a'ta
/ finish
/ go
/ see / go up
/ ask
/ eat
//eave / take
/ / / / / / / /
will finish will go will see will go up will ask will eat will/eave will take
In the second list you'll notice that certain verbs change their form completely. BAi:1tro becomes 9a &0 and 'tproro becomes 9a tparo. These are irregular verbs which have new forms for certain tenses. It's best to learn the new verb forms when they first appear in a dialogue. There are further explanations about the future on page 267. Here are the future conjugations of two important verbs: Sa KOvW SaKOvEI<; SaKOvEI Sa KOvOUIJE Sa KOvETE SaKOvouv
/willdo you will do he/she/it will do we will do you will do they will do
Most shops are usually open (av01K'talav01X'ta) 9.00-15.00 nc; AW'ttPEC;, TE'tUP'tEC;Kat Lu~~a'ta, 9.00-13.30 and 17.30-20.30 nc; TphEC;, IItf.l1t'tEC; and IIapacrKwtc;. (AW'ttPEC;: Mondays, TphEC;: Tuesdays, etc.) Shops are closed (KAE10''ta)1"1<; KuplaKi:<; (on Sundays). Usually shops are open all day, from 9.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m., all week long, including Sundays in the resorts during summer. San6pw SancipEI<; SancipEI SancipoUIJE SancipeTe Sancipouv
/ will take you will take he/she/it wiNtake we will take you will take they will take
1 Talking about the future
You have encountered 9a (will) in the previous units. 0a is the marker introducing you to a future action, such as will eat, will go, will drive. Greek verbs can be listed in two categories: those that change and those that don't in the future tense. Look at the verbs below: No change KOVW ~epw ocpEiAW / do
/ know /owe
2 Making comparisons
You have already seen several adjectives. Now have a look at the comparatives. KaAUTepO lJeyaAUTepO mo aKpl136 mo KOTW
better larger more expensive further down
mo mo mo mo
There is a helpful list of adjectives with the different endings at the back of the book (see page 260). For now learn the word mo (more) with certain adjectives and the ending -t~1 -p1)1 -tpo (-er) with other adjectives:
Another important word in comparisons is U1tOusually meaning from but here meaning than. Certain adjectives have two comparative forms - something that does not exist in English. Note the following examples:
IlEYaA09 -TJI -0 (large!blg)
vOcmllO<;/-TJ/-o (delicious)
.< <
T) nAa~ TT)C; nAa~ TT)V nAa~ nAa~ 01 TWV nAa~ TIC; nAa~
IlEYaA6tEpo<;l -TJI -0 (larger/bigger) mo I1EYaAosl -TJI -0 (larger/bigger) vOO'nI1OtEpo<;l -0 (more delicious) -TJI mo vOcml1o<;l-TJ/-o (more delicious)
Many proper names such as to Ai~&p1toVA-Liverpool), to Aovoivo ( (London), to IIapicfl (Paris) and to MtA-avo (Milan) don't have any other form, except in the genitive.
1 Respond to the following situations in Greek. a b c A friend of yours is going shopping. Ask him if he wants your company. How would you say: 'I need to do some shopping', 'I must do some shopping', and 'I want to do some shopping'? How would you ask: 'Which floor is the men'slwomen's! children's (avOptKolVI yuvatK&lrov/ natOtKolv) section! department?' You need to buy a skirt or shirt. How would you refer to one, two, three, or a multi-coloured skirt/shirt? How would you also specify the design if you want striped, checked or spotted? You are talking to a sales person. Say that you need something smaller, better and cheaper!
Auto EiVUl to aKQt~OtEQO O"1tin O"tTJvAlhjva. This is the most expensive Auto EivUl to 1tto aKQt~O O"1tin house in Athens. O"tTJvA9rjva.
3 Loan words
Loan words from foreign languages don't have different forms for the genders (m/f/n) or the cases (nominative, genitive or accusative), or for singular and plural. More than 80% of loan words are neuter, including the ones you have already met.
TO ~nap bar (English) TO oaVTou"iTC; sandwich (English) TO xa~nOUPVK&P hamburger TO nouA6j3&p sweater (English) KOVTlvtVTaA continental TO aoavotp lift (French) TO olv&~a cinema (French) TO ~a~n6v ham (French) TO VKapa~ garage (French) ~lvl6v minion
Below are four colour tests. Fill in the blanks. Each colour counts for five points to a total of one hundred points (20 X 5 points). Study the colours again if you score less than 75 points!
Wine colours white = red = rose =
Solve the clues from (a)-if). All are seven-letter words that end in the centre circle. You are trying to find: one fruit, two floors/storeys and three colours. If you take one letter from each word you will reveal the colour 'green', which is another sevenletter word. f Your clues: a b c d e f floor colour colour fruit floor colour
TESTS Your extra points! black = white = Your three favourite colours ... 3 Complete the dialogue using the information in italics. Iwavva
Tl SeAen: napaKaAw;
a Ask for one kilo of oranges and two kilos of apples.
TinoTa oMo;
b Ask if the watermelons are delicious.
6 Listen to Dialogue 3 in this unit again and fill in the missing words. If you don't have the recording fill in the gaps from the words provided below. Tim Mary
d That's it for the time being. How much are they?
OplOTeTOpeOTa oa~.
f Thanks. Goodbye!
A friend has given you a list of groceries. Match the list on the left with the one on the right. a b c d e f g h j 1l0UO~apba ll1tavava avava<; Kapow 1ta~a~a oeAlvo Kpam oOKoAa~a Kacpt<; v~olla~a i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x cherry carrot tomato celery banana chocolate coffee mustard potato pineapple
ea mille OTTj a'iKriorillepa; A Kat f3ef3ataSa nOlle. E'lVat TpITT] orillepa! Tl Sa a __ av oev mille; nw, nw! MlM,~ oav b VOlKOKUpO! 'ExeTe Aa'iKriavopo OTTjV AyyAla; 'OXl aKplf3w~ TOC __ , aMo KaT! d __ ' ea cpuvoulle TeAo~e __ ; ~e AIVO, .. nWAI'JTfic; 'OAa Ta KOf3W, oAa Ta llaxalpwvW! Tim Tt Mel aUTo~; Iwavva MTjoe f __ ' ea 9 __ IlriAa; Mary 'OXl ana eow. nlO KOTW elval mo h __ Kat mo KaAo. ea i __ IlriAa Kal nopToKoAla ana TOVKUp KWOTa. Kup KWOTac; KaATjllepa OTOU~ __ j Ila~! Tim KaATjllepa KUp KWOTa.l1ev exeTe k IlriAa orillepa; l1ev exw k __ , aAAo elval TpmoAew~ Kal elval I __ . Kat Ta nopToKoAla, llePAl nou Mve, llepAl!
CIl I't-
1'1 of of
EVTa~el. m __ lJae; Eva KIM IJrlAa KQl iSuo KIAa nOpTOKQAla. n __ eival; Tpla eupw Kal l5Ka Aema. nOlOe; Exel KaAa 0 __ Kal p __ KUp KWOTa; EiSw q __ lJou.
CIl 1'11'1 of 1'1 of of
q>alJe ~EVOUe; lJeyaAUTepa napOIJOIO aWOTe nape Ie; iiSlO lJapOUAla vOla~el nooo VOOTllJOTaTa iSinAa
Opening hours
Study the opening hours mentioned in these adverts before you answer the 'true or false' questions on page 148.
"""'.AH% 5
[i TH6si]
quality (t) taste (t) sq. = square instalment (t) credit card (t) annual interest VAT a.m. = ante meridiem
THI\. 8624843
[i pistotikf karta] [etisiosl-al-o] TO &TT1TOKIO [to epit6kio] ClnA [fi-pi-a] TT.IJ. = TTpO lJ&o'1lJJ3piac; [pro mesimvrfas] [meta mesimrfas]
IJIJ = IJ&Ta lJ&o'1lJJ3piac; '1 .\tOX'1 [i leschi] o l)iOKOC; [0 THfskos] TO Mtyapo MOUOIK~C;
club (t) record (m) Music Hall (n) classic Europe (t)
KaTO TIC;I'}J.I&pec; WV T napacnooewv [kata tis imeres ton parastaseon] I'}napocnaol'} [i parastasi] nAI'}pocpopiec; [pliroforfes]
TO ~wpo [to THoro]
2 Can you remember the following ten important phrases from this unit? Use transliteration or Greek script.
performance information present (n)
i ii ill iv v
Do you want company? vi What's your size? I don't have it with me. vii Never mind! Let's take the lift/elevator. viii Do you have biggerlbetter. .. ? It's on the fourth floor. ix Come here, next to me! I'll ask the sales person. x Remember the days of the week?
Advert 1
a b c 'Exouv KaArl1tOl6'tTJ'ta Kat KaArl YEUcrTJ Eival aV01X'ta Ka9E J.1epa. 'Exouv Mo 'tTJAE<pffiV1Ke~ ypaJ.1J.1e~. ~EV exouv KO't01tOUAarl yupo. ~EV Eival aV01K'ta 'tTJVKUP1aKrl TTJv neJ.11t'tTJKAElVOUV cr't1~ 3.00 J.1.J.1. Avoiyouv cr'tl~ 8.30 1t.J.1. a9E J.1epa. K ~EV avoiyouv 't1~ KUptaKe~. KAEivffi(I close), avoiYffi (I open)
3 The five phrases below are given in the present tense. Can you change them into the future tense? Use transliteration or Greek script. i [teli6no sfmera] TEAEHovfficrrlJ.1Epa. ii [vlepo tile6rasi] BAe1tffi'tTJAEopacrTJ. Hi [ksero elinika] Eepffi EAATJV1Ka. iv [kano ghimnastikJ.l Kavffi yUJ.1Vacr't1Krl. v [tr6-0 musaka] Tproffi J.10ucraKa.
e f g h
Advert 2
Advert 3 i To Meyapo
j k I
MoumKrl~ eXE1 AecrXTJ ~icrKOU. Ka'ta 't1~ 1tapacr'tacrEl~ Eivat aV01K'ta Kal 't1~ KuplaKe~. rta 1tATJPo<popiE~cr'tO 'tTJA&<pffiVO 7282159. ~EV avoiyEl 't1~ KuplaKe~ Xffipi~ 1tapacr'taO"TJ.
Mini test
1 Can you remember the Greek for the following ten important words from this unit? Try to write your answers in transliteration or Greek script. ii iii iv v
i shopping dress/es
cream soon marketls
vi vii viii ix x
Check your progress so far. Once you have completed the following exercises, compare your answers with the correct ones, which can be found at the back of the book. Identify any areas that still need some work and go over them again before you start the next unit. 1 Respond to the following situations in Greek: a b c How would you ask: 'Where's the station?', 'Where's the square?' and 'Where's the centre?'? Someone speaks too fast for you, tell him: 'I don't understand Greek well. Can you speak a little bit slower?' . You hear '1:'t'ov 1tPO.ltO bPOIlO bE~ta', '1:'t'11 bEU't'EP11 yrovia bE~ta' and '1:'t'0 't'pho cr't'EVO bE~ta'. Did you understand everything? You're looking at apples. Ask for their price. The answer was 'Eva wpro to KtAO'. How expensive are they? Ask for three kilos anyway. You ask a friend to go to the park with you. Her reply is 'ME 't'a 1tObta rj 't'o UlYrOKiv11to;What did she ask? Ask for a map at a 1tEpi1t't'EpO.As soon as you get it ask for the price. You are in a travel agency. Ask if there is a daily flight to Thessaloniki. The answer is positive. Now ask how many flights there are a day and what is the timetable. Ask for the bus timetable from Athens to Thessaloniki and when you have to book the bus seats. The price is EtKOm 1ttV't'E EUpro.First, how much is it? Second, ask if this is the price for one way or a return trip. You are at a department store looking for shirts. The sales person asks: '1:ac; aptcrouv 't"aVOtK't'a rj 't'a crKoupa xprolla't'a; Ta 1l0Voxproila 1tOuKalltcra rj 1tOAuxprolla;' What did s/he ask and what is a possible answer from you?
o' ~
f g
< -en -o
2 In this unit you will review simple directions purchasing tickets and making reservations telling the time enquiring about travelling enquiring about rooms and making hotel reservations enquiring about prices and buying things colours the numbers 101-10 000
Below is a list of many colours you already know, and some new ones. Can you match the list on the left with the list on the right? a b
d e f g h j
Il1tE~ Il1tE~crKOUpO KPEIl Ilro~ Kacpt avotK't'o acr11lltVto YKpi~o xpucro 1tpam vo 1tOp't'oKaAi
mauve silver gold fawn grey beige vii orange viii green ix cream x tan
i ii iii iv v vi
Below is a list of different kinds of fabric. Can you match the list on the left with the list on the right? a b c d e f g h j k I m n KUl!l1AO cru'ttv cpUVtA(A)U KUI.17tUpv'ttVU AWO vauAov 7ttKt 7t07tAtVU peytov cru'ttv crout't 'tOUtV't 'tOOAt ~eAoooo
S' !!l.
i satin ii linen iii gabardine iv pique, cotton v camel-hair vi tulle, fine silk vii rayon viii flannel ix poplin x nylon xi tweed xii velvet xiii satin xiv suede
to get to ANeIAilN 27. Luckily you've got the map. You are on the comer of A. I:yrrpOy Avenue) and XAPOKOIIOY street. Say aloud down how to get there.
c Imagine you are in a Greek town, standing where the x is marked on the map below. You will hear three people asking about the square, the school and the station. Which letters on the plan correspond to these places?
a You are in Amerikis Square with your car. Listen to a passerby telling you the way to TalJtpva 'to APXoV'tOcJ'1t\'to. What did the speaker say? Repeat and write down the directions to APxov'tOcJ7t\'to.
M01.:XONIU:lfiN rINE
Name the means of transport below. (Here's some help: for d use I!e 'tu 7tOOtU,and for k 'tptxov'tu~.)
IN. "lib ~
](1 ~
I . ..
; ,-
i. !e.
6 rtroPYOI:; is planning to go to L1tE'tO"S~ (Spetses) for a short visit and he needs to book a hotel room. Listen to him making enquiries on the phone and read the conversation below before deciding whether the phrases below are true or false. nwpyoc;
KpaT~a&IC; KaAT)lltpa oa~. ea r'j8eAa va KOVWIlia KPOTT)OT) Yla 3 I3poola oa~ napaKaAw. rla non:; rla aUplo. 'ExeTe OWIlOTla; It OWIlOTlO 8tATe napaKaAw; 'Eva OiKAlVO, Ile tva omM Kpe130Tl aAAo 0Xl Ile ouo 1l0VO Kpel30Tla! MlOO Aemo napaKaAw va oW TO KOllnLOUTep. A 1l0AlOTa, txoulle ouo OWIlOTla oiKAlva Il omAo Kpel30Tla. 'Eva I3Mnel TO oTa81lo KQl TO oeUTepo I3Mnel TT)8oAaooa. npOTlIlW TT)8oAaooa. EuxaplOTw. T'ovolla oa~ napaKaAw KQl TT) oleu8uvOT) oa~. Kl tva TT)Mcpwvo. NQl, MYOIlQl ...
The sentences below are jumbled up. Put them in the right order adding the time at the beginning of each phrase. The times are: 10:00, 10:15, 11:30, 13:00, 14:30, 15:30. a b c d e f ~__ ota~a1;st s<j>'Il/lspioa Kat ~A.E1tSt'!'IlASopaO"'Il. 1t'llyaivst yta ",rovta. O"'IlKrovs'!ata1to 'to Kps~an. '!proSt /lsO"'Il/lsptavo. 1tivst Eva VS~ Ka<j>E. 1t'llyaivst O"'to/l1tap yta Ilia /l1tupa.
nwpyoc; a b c d e f g h
Mia Kpa'!'IlO"'Ilyta 1tEV'!S~paota. Mia Kpa'!'IlO"'Ilyta Eva OiKAtvO. Mia Kpa'!'IlO"'Ilyta Eva /lOVOKAtVO. 'Eva OiKAtVO/lS ()Uo /lova Kps~ana. 'Eva oW/lano /lS eEa 'to O"'tae/lo. 'Eva oW/lano /lS eEa '!'Il eaAaO"O"a. To oW/lano EXSt '!'IlA.Ecpwvo. Ot KpanlO"St~ eEAOUV ovo/la, OtSUeUVO"'Il '!'IlAE<j>WVO. Kat
9 Listen again to the second dialogue in Unit 9 and fill in the missing words. If you don't have the recording, try to fill the gaps using the words in the box on the next page.
oe nOlOV apolpo
Ta avoplKo.
a __
Iwavva Mary
~. o' ::I
LTOV TeTapTo, OTO b avoplKwV. Mary Aa va no.poulle TO c _ Evw 8a avej3w ana Tl~ oKo.M;~. Ta c _ elVQl noM IllKPo. Kal KAelOTolpoj3la! EVTo.~el, no.Ile ana Tl~ d . To A811vala exel KUAlalleve~ d . Tl Ae~; EVTo.~el.
Le AIVo ...
Mary Iwavva
Iwavva Mary Iwavva Mary
Eow elllaOTe, e _ NQl. ea pumjow TOV nWAI1Trj Vla avoplKo. nouKo.llloa. Luyyvwlll1, nou elVQl TO avoplKo. nouKo.lll0a; LTOf _ ea j3poulle llevo.Al1 g EIIlQl OIVOUPI1.KOITa! A, elvQl wpalo aMo. OKOUpO./\lvo mo h _ Tl XPwilaTa lpOpo.el 0 Tim? Luvrj8w~ avolXTo. Kal i , o.onpo, OleA, KITPlVO KQl Kaillo. lpOpo. Kalp. Elleva 1l0U apeoouv Ta j nouKo.Ill0a aMo. oev TOU apeoouv Ka8aAou. Tl k lpOpo.el; Meoalo rj TO 36 I _ NO.Eva wpalo. m _
CD 0
=r (W) (W)~
<0 0
0 0
In this unit you willleam how to make telephone calls make arrangements to meet someone suggest what to do and where to meet talk about business plans
At Amanatides' office
KaA'1lltpa oa~. napaKaAw; KaA'1lltpa oa~. 'Exw pavTel30u Ile TOV K. AllavaTii5'1. rpalJlJaTta<; MaAlOTa, KaSiOTe napaKaAw. Tovolla oa~; Tim Ovolla~ollal Tim Johnson, eillOl ouvai5eAcpo~ TOU K. AllavaTii5'1 . .llouAeuw OT'1VWestminster Bank. rpalJlJaTta<; A! MaAloTa. MlOO Aemo Sa TOV napw OTO eowTeplKO . . . (KaTel3o.~el TO aKOUOTlKO). K. AllavaTii5'1~ Sa oa~ i5el oe Mo Aema. ea oa~ cpwvo.l;w EuxaplOTw ... Tim napaKaAw, aKoAouSf]OTe Ile. rpalJlJaTta<; XaipeTe Kuple AJ..laVaTii5'1. Xaipollal nou oa~ Tim l;avaI3Mnw.'J<; rela oa~ K. Johnson, Tl Ko.veTe; EAaTe, napTe Illa KaptKAa. 'ExeTe xalpeTioJ..laTa an6 T'1 OU~UVOIlou. Kl aUTO eivOl tva IlnouKaAI OUiOKI VIa aa~.'J<; A! noM euvevlKo eK Iltpou~ oa~. Na T'1~ i5waeTe Tl~ eepllOTepe~ euxt~ IlOU Kal Ta cptAlKOTepa xalpeTiallaTa IlOU. Na Il'1V TO l;exaaen:! 'OXl, 0Xl. .lle ea TO l;
Is there a public phone (I can use)? (lit. Do you have a phone (I can use)?) out of order xaAaolJ tvo<;J-I'J/-o kiosk (n) / newsstand TO n&pinT&po TomKo<;J-.,/-o local Un&paOTI KO<;J-I1f-O long distance he dials (lit. takes) the number naipv&1 TOV apl8IJo my name is (lit. I am called) AtyolJal 8a .,8&Aa I would like 8a .,8&Aa va KA&iow tva I'd like to make an appointment (lit. 'close' an appointment) paVT&!Jou TO paVT&!Jou appointment (n) he would be able to, he could 8a IJnopouo& av &ivai l.iuvaTov if it is possible o n&plnT&pa<; news stand salesperson / owner (m)
What can I do for you? How can I help you? sit down Ka9ioT& T'OVOlJa oa<;; your name? ovolJa~olJal my name is (lit. I'm named) 0/1'J ouval.i&Acpo<; colleague l.iouA&uw I work I'll call his extension (line) 9a TOVmipw OTO&CJWT&pIKO ... she is hanging up the receiver KaT&!Ja~&1TO aKouOTIKO receiver (n) TO aKouOTIKO I call cpwva~ aKoAou8&iOT& IJ& follow me hello (formal) xaip&T& take a seat napT& IJla KaptKAa greetings/regards Ta xalp&TiolJaTa on your behalf &K IJtpou<; oa<; 8&PIJOT&po<;J-rV-0 warmer TI<; 9&PIJOT&p&<;&Uxt<; IJOU my warmest wishes wish (f) I'J &UX., cpIAIKOT&pO<;J-rV-o friendlier
Language notes
Greek kiosks
To 1tEphm:po, of great importance in everyday Greek life, does not just sell sweets, magazines and newspapers. The kiosks are freestanding, central booths - usually one square metre - and you can ask there for directions, information on local properties, local gossip and so on. 1tEpt1t'tEpa<;(the owner) will sell anything from stationery to children's toys, and from ice-cream to worry beads! There is usually a public pay phone and in remote villages this could serve most of the local inhabitants. Below is a list of what is readily available at a Greek 1tEpi1t'tEPO:
r'I eCPr'l~epilia/-ec; TO neplolilKo/-Ka r'I oOKoAaTa/-T&C; r'I yKocpptTa/-T&C; r'I ToiKAa/-ec; TO naywTo/-a r'I Kapa~tAa/-ec; '0 OTuAoc;l-oi TO ~oAupl!-a TO ~upacpl!a TO ypa~~aToor'l~o/a o cpaKdAoc;lol TO TOlyapo/-a newspaper/-s magazine/-s chocolate/-s choco-wafer/-s chewing gum ice-cream/-s candy/-ies pen/-s pencil/-s razor/-s stamp/-s envelope/-s cigarette/s
A business meeting
The president of a UK-based company is visiting Mr Amanatides and exploring the possibility of setting up a branch of her company in Greece. Tim introduces her to Mr Amanatides.
A~aVaTilir'lC; No OO~ vvwpiow TI']V Kupia Smith. Xoipw noM Kupio Smith (:~:lli8). KOAWoopioon: OTI']V EM0:50. Ko8iOTe. Kl xoipw noM. f1ev IlIAO:W KOAO: EMI']VIKO: oMo: npoono8w. AUTi] elVOl I'] KO:pTOIlou. MlAO:Te unepoxo! MOKO:pl va ,.IlAOUOOVOAOI eTOl! Mo Ko8iOTe, Ko8iOTe! No OO~ npoocpepw KO:Tl;eo meiTe KO:Tl;'Evov Kocpe, evo OVOl/JUKTlKOiow~; "Eva ve~, av 5ev oo~ Ko:vel Kono. Kl eva lleTplO VIa Ilevo. H Tpo:ne~o Ilo~ eAni~el va ~eKlvi]ooulle ilIa KOAi] ouvepvooio. Kl aUTO eUXOIlOl ... No cpUyw;Eoei~ IllACrre KaAUTepa EMI']VIKO:ana Ilevo. No Ill'] cpuvel~! ~e xpelo:~ollol VIOTi ~epel~ noMo: ana TO EMI']VIKO Tpone~IKO OUOTI']1l0.
Smith Tim
va aac; yvwpiaw . xaipw noAu npoana9w r'I KapTa untpoxa ~aKapl npoacptpw TO avaljlUKTIKO av liev aac; Kavel Kono r'I Tpane~a dni~w ~eKlvw r'I auvepyaaia euxo~al TO OUOTr'I~a Tpane~IKoc;l-l1/-o
let me introduce ... to you glad to meet you /try card (f) excellent I wish / would that / if only / may I offer refreshment (n) if it's no trouble (to you) bank(f) I hope I start co-operation (f) I wish / I hope system (n) banking
D Introductions
As you now know there are many different ways of saying 'my name is' in Greek. In this unit you have ovopa~opat, Atyopat, 'to ovopa POll Eival, but remember also pE AEvE.These all mean 'my name is'. When referring to your first name you can use pucpo ovopa (lit. small name) and for your last name or surname E1ti9UO or E1tCOVllpO. 11010 EtVat 'to E1tiee'tO cru~; rpa"''tE 'to E1trovullo cru~. 11010 EtVat 'to 1l1KPOcrou OVOIlU; ME AEVEKwvcr'tuv'tivo. I1ro~ AEyecrat; What's your last name? Write your surname. Whats your first name? My name is Konstantine. Whats your name?
Ovo~oJ.Ull Kc:bcn~ AJ.lUvUnOlls. My name is Kostas Amanatides. Ilms ers AEVS; Whats your name? llms ovoJ.ui~serat; Whats your name?
This is my card
Kapta here means business card; it can also mean postcard and can be used in with various other words: 1ttertrotlKt] KUp'tU 'tPa1tS~lKt] KUp'tU 'tllAS<ProvlKt]KUp'tU eK1t'trotlKt] KUp'tU credit card bank card phone card discount card
The word K01tO (toil) has many useful meanings in different contexts. This book should have been EAAl1vlKa lropi~ K01tO! (Greek without toil! / Greek without hard work!). If you look back at the earlier units, you will see how far you have come. Congratulations! Study the examples below and see how important K01tO~is. Don't forget: Tu aya9a K01tol~ K'tolVtal! (No pain, no gain!) MllV KUVSlS'tOYK01tOvu'peels. L\sv sivat KUeOAOUK01t0s. Euxupler'tm yta 'tOY K01tO erou. Mueuivro EAAllVlKU Xropis K01tO. A~i~Sl 'tOy K01tO. EiVat XUJlEvos K01t0s. Don't bother to come. Its no bother at all. Thanks for your trouble. I learn Greek without any difficulty . Its worthwhile. It's a waste of energy/effort.
OTE (Opyav1(JJ1o~ TIlAt1t1.K01VrovU.oVEnaoa~) the Greek Telephone Company has installed digital phones for public use in several central locations. You need a tl1AtqKl)V1KtlKapta from a 1ttpi1tttpo, or from other shops with the sign TRAEKAPTEI: EL\Q (Phone cards on sale here) (THAE-<proVlKss-KAPTEI:). The telephone instructions are all in Greek. You might need these most important ones: BAA TE THN KAPT A INSERT CARD Br AA TE THN KAPT A TAKE CARD OUT L\EN AEITOyprEI OUT OF ORDER (lit. it doesn't function) XAAALMENO OUT OF ORDER OUT OF ORDER (lit. malfunction) BAABH Don't forget these other useful phrases: 't01ttKO 'tllAE<Provo u1tSpUertlKO 'tllAE<Provo local telephone call long-distance telephone call
A fourth example is: ea 1tpotlJlouera I would prefer (the conditional tense) from Unit 8. Here they are in full:
aa DaEAa aa DaEAE<; aa DaEAE aa aeAal-lE aa aeAaTE aa DaEAav aa DI-lOUV
The word tl1A&qKl)VO actually refers to the telephone itself, but the word has replaced tl1At<pIDVl1J1atelephone call) in most instances. ( You also know: operator (as a person) or answering machine receiver
I would like you would like he/she/it would like we would like you would like they would like I would be you would be he/she/it would be we would be you would be they would be
aa I.LnOpOuoa aa 1-1IlOPOUOE<; aa I-lnOpOuoE aa I-lnopOUOal-lE aa I-lnOpouoaTE aa I-lnopouoav aa npoTlI-l0uoa aa npOTlI-l0UOE<; aa npOTlI-l0uOE aa npoTlI-l0uOal-lE aa npoTlI-l0uOaTE aa npOTll-lOuoav
I would be able you would be able he/she would be able we would be able you would be able they would be able I would prefer you would prefer he/she/it would prefer we would prefer you would prefer they would prefer
English will and would are replaced in Greek with 9a followed by a verb in different tenses: ea I will like ea s1J,lat I will be ea ..,eEA.a I would like ea "'J,lOUV I would be
3 Subjunctive
The subjunctive has two main functions in Greek. The first one was mentioned in the previous paragraph - as the second verb in a sentence preceded by va: va 1taro. I want to go.
The second main function is more idiomatic. The simplest way of getting to grips with this function of the subjunctive is to learn examples in phrases as you come across them. There were many examples of this second, idiomatic function of va in the three dialogues of this unit. Look at the following list of examples: 'Eva A.E1t'tO oco 'to va Just a minute, let me see (so I 1tpoypaJ,lJ,la 'tOU. can see) his schedule. Na 't11~&OcrE'tE eEpJ,lOtEpEC; n~ Give her my best regards. (lit. (1hope) you (to) give her my best regards) Don't forget that! (lit. (1hope) (you) not to forget that!) Na crac; yvropicrro 'tOY Let me introduce Mr Smith to you. KUpto Smith. (lit. (1would like) to introduce to you Mr Smith.) MaKapt va J,ltA.oucrav If only everybody could speak OA.OtE'tO"t! like this! (lit. (1wish that) everybody speaks so!) Can I offer you anything? (lit. (Can) I (to) offer you anything?) Na <puyro; Shall I go? (lit. (May) I to go?) 'EA.a va J,lE()Et~. Come and see me. (lit. Come to see me)
It is essential for you to remember here that the verb form of the second verb (the subjunctive - see the Glossary of grammatical terms, page 255) takes the same verb forms in the future tense preceded by 9a. Notice that, in the following examples, the same changes occur in the future and the subjunctive. All verbs are from Unit 9 (Grammar point 1).
Main verb form T&A&Il.i>vW Tt1waivw I3Mnw av&l3aivw pWTOW(W) TPWw <P&uyw na[pvw Future verb form SUbjunctive verb form StAW va StAw va StAwva StAw va StAw va StAW va StAw va StAw va n:AE:lWaW now
<paw <puyw nopw
The verb form is the same in the future and subjunctive. Refer to Unit 9 again for the full conjugation of this verb form. You also use this verb form in situations where two verbs in the same sentence have different personal pronouns, as in 'I want him to go'.
StAW StAW StAW StAW StAW StAW va va va va va va now nac; nOI nOIl miT nav()
( want (me) to go ( want
1 Respond to the following situations you are likely to encounter in Greek. a b e d You are at a 1tEpi1t'tEpO.Ask the 1tEPt1t'tEpa~ for one local and one long-distance telephone call. Introduce yourself and say where you work. Someone is saying:, aKOA.OUeEicr'tE J,lE.What will you do? Someone is visiting you. How could you say 'Sit down' or 'Have a seat.'?
you to go to
You are talking to a colleague. How could you say: 'My regards to your wife.'? Use the phrase 'Don't forget that!'. Introduce Mr Smith to your friend. Introduce rt(opyo~ to rUiVV1K Welcome someone at your home. Write out both phrases.
f g h j 6
Match each question with the most appropriate answer. a b c d e 'EX6't6 'tllAE<Provo; eEA6't6 yta 't01tlKO tl un6pacrnKo 'tllAE<Provo; I10't6 ea eEAa't6 va KAdcr6't6 pav't6~ou; Xaip6crm nou fJ6 ~ava~AEn6t~; Na crou npocr<pEpro Kan;
't01tlKO aptellO~ 'tllAE<Provo 6crro't6ptKO Kap'ta crucr'tlllla npoypalllla pav't6~ou OAOl 1t6PlOOtKO
esoteric system schedule/programme all arithmetic telephone magazine/periodical topic(al) appointmenvrendezvous card
::I 0
i Mtcro A6n'to va oro 'to npoypafJfJa fJou. ii Nm, Eva ava'l'uKnKo av 06 crou KaV6t KOno.
f g h 7
Rearrange these lines to make up a dialogue. a b c d e f g Nm ano n~ 8.30 nfJ-2.00 fJ.fJ. Eivm Mo napa 'tE'tap'tO. ~6 nota 'tpan6i;a ea na~; EuxofJm va naro nptv (va) KAetcrOUV. I10't6 avoiyouv Ot 'tpan6i;6~; 8EP6t~; Tt cOpa eivm 'tcOpa; ~'tllV Tpan6i;a I1icr't6ro~.
4 Complete the dialogue using the information in italics. AIJOVOTil5llC; You AIJOVOTil5llC; nOlov xpel(i~ecrQl VI'aUTOTO pavTe13ou; a I need Nicholas because his Greekis vel}' good. 0 rl(0PV0c; ~Epel KaAlhepa Kal eivQI <pT'lvOTepoc; . b I don't care who is cheaper. I care who is better! NOfJi~w0 rlwPV0c;. Ecru TI Aec;; c Let's start with Nicholas and if there is a problem with (npo13A'l\.1aT1KiJ)co-operation, then we will see. Mnopei va eival noM apva TOTe. d It's never too late! EAni~w va ExelC;~iKIO!(I hope you are right) (lit. you have right)
f g h S
I want to go to the square. Hello! I have an appointment with Mr Petrou. He wants us to go to Thessaloniki tomorrow. I would like a single room with a bath and a TV. Where's the restaurant? That would have been (lit. would be - in Greek) better for me. I would prefer a room with a view. A refreshment (a soda) if it's no trouble for you.
Can you recognize some of the words you have learned in this unit? Remember you can find the words horizontally and vertically. H ~ K
AIJOVOTil5llC; You
~ I
N ~
p ~
n n n
H ~
words. If you don't have the recording try to fill in the gaps using the words in the box below. Na oae; a T'lV Kupia Smith. b __ ~ noM Kupia Smith (LlllS). KaAwoopioan: OTTJvEAMOa. c _ Kl evw b noM. !lev lliAaw KaM EAA'lvlKa aAM d . Aun; eival '1 KapTa IlOU. MiAaTe e ! MaKapl va lliAouoav oAol ETol! Ma c "c ! Na oae; f _ KaTl; 'Evav Kaq>E,Eva avaljJuKTlKOiowe;; 'Eva vee;, av Oev oae; Kavel 9 _ Kl Eva IlETPlOVla IlEva. H Tpane~a Ilae; h va ~eKlvJiooulle Illa KaAJi i _ Kl eyw aUTO j _ Na q>uvw; Eoeie; lliAaTe KaAUTepa EM'lvlKa ana IlEva. Na Il'l k ! Le I VlaTi ~Epele; noMa ana TO EM'lvlKO Tpane~lKo oUOTTJlla.
oivouv cruvaAAaYlla. 01 rope<; "tcov "tpa1te~rov cruvrj9co<; eiVat am) n<; 8.00 1t.Il. IlEXP1 n<; 2.00 J..l.Il.KaSe AeUtEpa IlEXP1 IIEIl1t"tTJKat cr"tTJ<; 1.30 1l.1l. "tTJvIIapacrKeurj. ~"tTJV EAMoa u1tapxouv 1tavco a1to OeKa1tEv"te ~Eve<; "tpa1te~e<; 01tco<;TJ Westminster, TJ Barclays, TJ Citibank Kat aAAe<; 1tOAAE<;. M1topei KaVEva<; va Exe1 Aecp"ta cre cruvaAAaYlla rj wpro rj Kat "ta Mo.
several resemblance (f) similar more than (lit. over than) private except for state national commercial credit (f) Ionian agriculture labour (f) almost machine (f) I accept I give exchange (n) until ~&vo~-I"I/-o foreign Kavtva~KalJia/Kav&va somebody (m)/ somebody (f)/something (n) Ta A&CPTO money (pI.) Kal Ta liuo both (lit. and the two) apK&TO~-~/-o 1"1 0IJOIOTI"ITa ililo~-a/-o novwano IliIWTIKO~-~/-o &KTOc;ana KpaTIKo~-~/-o &9VIKO~-~/-0 &lJnopIKo~-~/-o 1"1 niOTwal"l IOVIKO~-~-O aYPoTIKO~ -~I -0 1"1 &pyaaia CJ)(&li6v I"IlJl"Ixav~ litxolJal liivw TO auvoAAaYlJa IJtXPI
xpelti~o\.lal yvoopiooo
A little extra!
Greek banks
Read the following text about Greek banks carefully, then try questions 10 and 11 on pages 169 and 170. To EAA'lVn::o "tpam;~t1co cruc:J"tlWa &xe1 apKe"t&<; 0J..l010"t'l"te<; ..le"to AyyA1KO. AAM oev eivat aKp113ro<; to J " i010. Y1tllPXOUV 1tllVCOa1to O&Ka EAA'lV1K&<;"tpa1te~e<;. 'OAe<; eiVat 101COnK&<; "tpa1te~e<; eK"to<;a1to "t'lV Tpa1te~a "t'l<; EAMoo<; 1tOU eiva1 KpanKrJ. 01 J..leyaAU"tepe<; EAA'lV1K&<;tpa1te~e<; eiva1 'l E9v1KrJ, 'l EJ..l1tOP1KrJl '
a b c d e
Y 1tapxouv 1tOAA.&<; 101COnK&<; KpanKE<; "tpa1te~e<;. Ka1 H Tpa1te~a EAMoo<; eivat KpanKrJ. H EAMOa &xe1 1tavco a1to 1000 "tpa1te~lK&<;J..lTJxavE<;. Mep1KE<; "tpa1te~e<; oivouv cruvaAAaYlla. EiVat aVOlX"ta a1to AeUtEpa IlEXP1 IIapacrKwrj.
f g h
H Westminster dvat AYY/vtlCtl'tpa1tE~a. Ot 'tpa1tE~E~ lC/vdvouv (J'tl~ 2.30 'tl~ IIapa(J1CEUs~. AEV !-mopEi lCavsva~ va SXEt /vEcp'ta (JE (Juva/v/vaYJ.1a.
11 Answer the following questions. a b c 'EXEt 0J.10tO'tT\'tE~ 'to AYY/vtlCO J.1E 'to E/v/vT\VtlCO 'tpa1tE~tlCo (Ju(J'tT\J.1a; IIo(JE~ EUT\VtlCS~ 'tpa1tE~E~ u1tapxouv; IIo(JE~ ~SVE~ 'tpa1tE~E~ u1tapxouv; IIffi~ J.11topd lCavsva~ va sXEt 'ta /vEcp'ta 'tOu; IIotE~ 'tpa1tE~E~ OExov'tat tl ilivouv (JuvaUaYJ.1a; IIo'tE avoiyouv lCat 1tO'tElC/vdvouv Ot 'tpa1tE~E~;
ii I'd like to make an appointment. ill If it is possible. iv I'm glad to see you again. v Take a seat!
vii Don't forget that. viii My regards to your wife. ix Let me introduce Mr. X to you. x How do you do? or Greek
3 The five phrases below are given in the present tense. Can you
change them into the future tense? Use transliteration script.
e f
In a list of the 20 most profitable companies on the Greek stock market, the first five places are held by the five largest banks. The next 15 places go to other banks, investment companies, and dairy, cigarette and canning companies. More than 50% of Greeks have independent sources of income (&loOlirU.lOTi&C;), around 20% are manufacturers (PIOl.ll1xovo1) r o tradespeople (&l.InOpol), around 5% are hired workers (1.IIo8wTOQ, more than 15% are freelance/self-employed (d&u8&pol &noyydI.lOTi&C;) and about 7% are pensioners (OUVTO~IOUXOI). One in two Greeks has a phone (TI'JA&cpWVO), almost one in three has a radio (p6liIO), and nearly one in four has a TV set (TI'JA&6pool'J).
Mini test
1 Can you remember the Greek for the following ten important words from this unit? Try to write your answers in transliteration or Greek script. i ii iii iv v te1ephone/s kioskls cardls bankls appointmentls vi vii viii ix x later tomorrow today regards refreshments
2 Can you remember the following ten important phrases from this unit? Use transliteration or Greek script. i Can I make a telephone call? vi Sit down please!
Taoia Mary Taoia Mary Taoia Mary
Mary didn't go to her office yesterday and one of her colleagues is quizzing her. KaAlllJtpa Maipll. Ie xaoalJe XSee;! nou rloouv; 'HlJoUV ai5laSeTT]. Eixa tva TpOlJepO novoKtcpaAo Kl tTm tlJelVa aniTL. Eiom KaAUTepa arllJepa; Nal, aAM eXTte; oAa 13ou"j~av010 KecpaAl IJOU. nrlyee; oe Kavtva ylaTpo; liev nrlya oe ylaTpo. EXTte; TO lJeOTJlJtpl nrlya o'tva cpaplJaKeio. 0 cpaplJaKOnOlOe; IJOU ti5woe tva lOXUpO xam Yla novoKecpaAOUe; KallllJlKpaviee;. rlaTi eixee; lllJlKpaviee;; liU01Uxcix;, txw lllJlKpaviee; ana TOTe nou rllJOUV IJlKPO nmi5i. Av eivQl tTOl, ylaTi i5ev KaSloee; aniTl; KaSolJouv aniTl ouvtxela exste;. BaptSllKa! 'HpSa OTT] i50uAela va napw Aiyo KaSapo atpa! liev Sa i50uMljJw OIJW<;! A! Opaia! Eye..> vOlJl~a nwe; IJOVO 01 'EAAllvee; i5e i5ouAeuouv oKAllpa. Kal 01 'AyyAOI OTav txouv novoKtcpaAO ... you were yesterday we missed you sick (not feeling well) I had awful, terrible headache (m) pain (m) head (n) so, because of that I stayed house (n) my head was spinning did you go? doctor (m + f) chemist's/pharmacy chemist (m + f) she gave strong
a ~<><
00 -'C
In this unit you wilileam how to express feelings talk to a doctor ask for remedies name different professions name different sports
1100UV (&)x9&e; 0& xaOall& a~la9&TOe; 1-1') 1-0 &ixa TpOII&pOe; 1-11 1-0 o novoK&cpaAoe; o noVoe; TO K&cpaAI KI '&TOI &1I&IVa TO oniTI oAa poui1;av OTO K&cpaAI 1I0U nl1y&e;; 011') YlaTpOe; TO cpapllaK&io 011')cpaPllaKonoloe;
3:Mj;/. III
III j;/.
~ ~ "e..S
g-s:: ::t 0
=:.~ ~ <: <: .... ~
~ Q.
:e = ~. :e
en 0
- .,
CD ~ CD en ~ ~ CD en
~ ~ ~ ~ t:j P.~
- .~ Q.
:ll'l 0-' <~ 0 iIll'I1'1-<
~D D-t >''0
00 -'C 1'1
OTO Kpe13aTI l..Ie TpOq>lKT] ~T')AT')l11PlaOTl. OI Twpa K eyw tna9a unepK6nwOTl. KOI ell..lal XAwI..l6e;.Tl aAAo 9a Ylvel; noM l..Iaupa TO I3Mnele;. MT')v elOOl T600 anOl0l6~o~oe;. Ta EAAT')vIKaoou YlvovTal KaMTepa I..Itpa l..Ie TT')V T')l..Itpa. ~UVT]910ee; TT')V A9T]va. AyanT')oee; l11V EAAT')VIKT]Kou~lva. KOI eloOl tvae; noM KaMe; Tpane~IK6e; unaAAT')AOe;. l aAAO geAele;; T Na T]I..I0UVylaTp6e;! Na T]~epa Tl exw nagel ... 'H l..Iayelpae; ... va l..Iayelpeua 0lTJ Mary Yla va l..IT')v nagel TPOq>IKT] T')AT')l11PlaOTl. ~ Eyw Mw va T]OOUVmMToe;! rIa va eioOl noM LlJI1M 6Tav YKplvla~ele; eTOl va I..IT')..Inopel va oe aKouel I Kavevae;! KaAT] OUI..I130UAT]! ~ae; euxaplOTw Kuple naUAOU.
Language notes
In case of emergency
In a serious medical emergency people always use their mother tongue, wherever they are. Nevertheless, it is important for you to develop a working vocabulary for feelings, talking to doctors, asking for remedies and understanding basic medical jargon. Here are a few basic phrases: Xpeui~oJ,1at Eva yta'tpo yptlyopa/ aJ,1Ecrm~. 'Eva yta'tpo 1tOUva J,1tAa AyyAtKa. IToD eiVat 'to ta'tpeio; L\ev atcr9avoJ,1at KaAa. 'EXm 1tupe'to. 1tOVoKEq>aAo.
:l 1'1 0-'
appwOToc; 1-1l 1-0 XAwpOC; 1-11 1-0 cpaivopal tna8a vauTia Il vauTia TI aAAo 8a yiv&l; noAu paupa Ta pAtn&lC; analolol5o~oC; 1-1l 1-0 IJtpa P& TIlV Ilptpa ouvI1810&C; ayanIlO&C; o/ll unaAAIlAoc; va I1pouv ylaTpoc;! va 11~&pa . TI txw na8&1 o pay&lpac; va lJay&ip&ua o/ll mAoToc; uLIJIlAoc; 1-11 1-0 YKplvla~w tTOI va PIlV pnop&i va 0& aKOU&1Kavtvac;! Il oUlJpouAIl
ill pale I look I was seasick seasickness, nausea what else is going to happen? you see everything black, you are vel}' pessimistic (idiom) pessimist day by day you became used to you loved, you fell in love officer (here), clerk, employee (m + f) I wish I were a doctor! (so I could) know ... what I am suffering from cook(m) (so I could) cook pilot (m + f) high I complain/moan so, it is not possible for anyone to hear you! advice (f)
Wheres the doctors office? I don't feel well. I have got a fever/temperature. headache. ('to Keq><iA.t: head) pain in the belly/ stomach (ll KOtAta: belly)
Atcr9avoJ,1at appmcr't"O~. Ifeel ill. aOtage'to~. sick. vau'tia. seasick. ~aAIl dizzy. Idioms Tt exen:; Whats the trouble? IToD 1tova'te; Where does it hurt? ITocro Katpo exe'te au'tov How long have you had 'tov 1tOVO; this pain? :EllKolcr'te'to J,1aViKtcra~. Roll up your sleeve., youeehe/~a1tA.oXrte. Please undress / lie down.
~ !:!.
00 -'C
I') '1:1
0/11 E101KO<; 11E~E'taO"ll 0/11 aAAEPY1KO<; 11KOP'tlsOVll 111tEV1K1AA1Vll 'to aV'tl~lO'tlKO 'to cpUpJ.laKO 119Epa1tEla 'to av'tlO"l11t'tlKO 11O"tlv'taYtl
specialist examination allergic cortisone penicillin antibiotic medicine treatment antiseptic prescription
running TO T~OUVTO Skiing TO KoAUIJPI football I'Jno6I'JAaaia volleyball I'J mnaaia rowing TO xavTlJnoA fencing TO IJnaaKTlJnoA
Here is some useful vocabulary (adverbs and adverbial phrases) for talking about how often you do something:
(m) 11IlUTl)
(n) TO OTolla
Indefinite frequency
(0) 0 Aalllo~
(P) TO X.&PI
(g) 11 11&011
(5) 0 Kapn~
(t) TO lIclKTUAO
novm / ouvexelo ouvtl8WC;/ VOPJ.l0A oxeMv novTo / ouxvo J.lepIKe<; popec;, neplol>IKo c onovlO oxel>ov nOTe nOTe
Definite frequency
noli IOU
Basic body parts 1 t) KUpOla heart 2 'tU 1tVlmpOVW lungs 3 'to (J'topaXl stomach 4 'to at>KID'tl 5 'tu &v'ttpa 6 'tu (J1tJ.axvu
liver intestine bowels
Aemo every wpo / wploiWC;/ -0 every J.lepo / T'Jl.lepT'Joiwc; / -0 every ej3l>oI.lMo / ej3l>>loiWC; / -0 every I.IrlVO l.IT'JvloiwC;-0 / / every Xpovo / XPoVloiWC; -0 / eTT'Joiwc; every /
minute hour / hourly day / daily week / weekly month / monthly year / yearly
The following professions can be found in this unit: 0/11 YlQ'tpo<; doctor 0/11 cpapJ.laK01tOlo<; chemist 0/11 VOO"OKOJ.l0<; I-a nurse 0/11 tl1tUAATtAO<; clerk 0 J.luyclpa<; cook 01tlAO'tO<; pilot
Do you like sport? Do you like to participate in sport or do you prefer to watch it on TV? Many sports J1tOp) have the same name as in English, but are spoken with a slight Greek accent, such as 'tEn; (tennis). Jogging is 't~OyK\V 11 'YPll'Y0PO paot)v (brisk walking!). Study the sports on the next page and learn the ones you like to watch or participate in.
Now test your memory on some professions from previous units by covering up the Greek: 0/11 O"cp~t'topo<; /-a o 'ta~l'tstl<;
waiter/waitress taxi-driver
The cartoons below depict some other popular professions. Look out for those that are similar in both languages.
Have a nice weekend! (a wish heard on Fridays/Saturdays) Have a nice rest! (a wish heard when people leave work at the end of the day)
Bon appetit! Have a good digestion! Have a nice stay! (at hotels)
1 Talking about the past
So far you have met the present and the future tense in Greek. In the next few units we are going to look at the past tense. Here are two important verbs tlput (1am) txco (1have) in the past tense. I1pouv(a) l1oouv(a) I1Tav(e) I1paOTav l1oaOTav I1Tav(e)
I was you were he/she/it was we were you were they were
I had you had he/she/it had we had you had they had
Note that the usual ending -co becomes -a, and there is an additional letter at the beginning of some verbs. Below is a long list of all verbs you have already met in the past tense - all from Unit 12, except the ftrst three.
I forget (Unit 2)
I say
1'1 '0
mlYa[vw C5[vw KciSollal 13apl&llal &PXOllal VOIl[~w naSa[vw Kcivw m:pvw KOAUIl13w m:pnaTw TP&XW ouvllSI~W ayanciw ~&PW
I go I give I sit/stay I am bored I come I think I suffer I do/make I spend I swim I walk I run I get used to I love I know
mlya tcswoa KciSloa 13ap&SIlKa l'jpSa vOllloa &naSa &Kava n&paoa KoMIlnT]oa m: pnciTT]oa &TpE~a ouvl'j Sloa aycinT]oa l'j~Epa
I went I gave I sat/stayed I was bored I came I thought I suffered I did/made I spent I swam I walked I ran I got used to I loved I knew
The additional letter E- is missing from the we and you forms in the plural. The following verbs, have a similar conjugation in the past tense: e<p'taoa 1arrived exaoa I lost eJ.1Etva I stayed eoO)oa I gave bra9a eKava e'tpE~a rJ~Epa I underwent I did/made I ran I knew
All these except for 1\~Epa take the prefix E-,and 1\~Epa adds l)- as a prefix.
1 Respond to the following situations in Greek. a b It's Monday. You meet someone who wishes you 'KaArJ (E)f3ooJ.1aoa'. What will you answer? It's the first day of the month. You want to wish a Greek friend a good month! What do you say? You have just finished eating. A friend of yours says, 'KaArJ XrovE\jfll!' What will you say? You haven't seen someone for some time. How would you say: 'We missed you. Where have you been?'? It's Monday. Ask a friend how his weekend was and where he spent it. There is an emergency. Ask for a doctor right away. A friend of yours does not look well. Ask: 'Are you sick? You look kind of (lit. a little bit) pale!'.
Don't be discouraged by this list; you already know some of them especially in the main verb fonn, and some verbs don't change much in the past tense: vOJ.1i~O)--t vOJ.1toa KavO) ---t eKava ~epO) ---t rJ~Epa But some of the verbs do change dramatically: epxoJ.1at
c d e f g
It might be a good idea to keep referring back to this list until you feel confident that you are familiar with them all.
Match each question with the most appropriate answer. a b c d e i ii iii iv v Ilro~ 1tepaOE~ 'to I:af3f3a'toKUptaKO; IlrJYE~ 1tOU9EVa; 'EXE'tE xa1tta yta 1tOVoKE<paAou~; Tt 1tpe1tEt va KavO) yta'tpe; Ilro~ at09avEo'tE orJJ.1Epa; Nat f3ef3ata. 'EXE'tE Kat llJ.1tKpaviE~; 'E'tot Kt e'tot. Aiyo KaAU'tEpa a1tO xge~. APKE'tU KaAa av Kat OEVeKava 'ti1to'ta! Ilpe1tEt va J.1EiVE'tE o1tin ouveXEta. Nat, o'to o1tin 'tOU aOEA<pou(brother) J.1ou. in the box
2 &J.I&lva - I stayed
As previously mentioned, some verbs add a letter to the stem in the past tense. In the verb JlEvo> (1stay), JlEV- is the stem and -0> is the ending. Notice the changes that take place in the present, future and past tenses of this verb. Stem / Ending
Il&V - w
Stem I Ending
Iltv - EIC;
Iltv Iltv Il&V Iltv El OUIlE ETE ouv
Describe what happened to you. The vocabulary on the next page might help you!
I stay, you
stay, etc.
a b
I:Kov'ta\jfa OE J.1ia 1te'tpa (stone) ... K'tU1tll0a 'to KE<paAtJ.10U o'tov 'tOixo (wall) ...
d e
'EKO'l'o 'to OUK'tUAO ~OU ... 'Emooo 'to Xept ~OU o'tTJv 1tOP'to ... 'E1tl>oo 01tO n<; O"1CUAE<; (stairs) ...
iv v
K'tU1tTJOO'to xepto ~OU Kat 'to 1tOOtO ~OU. eo1tooo 'to 1tOOt ~OU.
---+ ---+ ---+ ---+ ---+ ---+ ---+ ---+
oKOVTaq>TWI trip over KO~W I cut KTunw I hit mavw I catch neq>Tw I fall ~ya~w I take out llaTwvw I bleed crnaw I break
Tptl'W ToupToupi~ 1'& nOVa&1 1'& nOVa&1 0 aplOT&pOc; I'ou (j)I'OC; o (j)I'OC;
I shiver/I am shivering I am shaking it hurts (lit. to me it hurts. or I hurt) my left shoulder hurts shoulder (m)
Tell the doctor what's wrong with you using the expressions below and overleaf. Match the pictures to the phrases.
5 Complete the dialogue using the information in italics. IT&AloC; You IT&AloC; You IT&AloC; You IT&AloC; You
KaAT')llepa, o xaoall! nOli rioouv;
b c d e f
To KEq>UAt ~ou ~oui1;Et. Ato9uvOllat vo KUVW E~E'tO (I vomit). Tpe~w (I shiver), 'toup'tOupi1;w (I am shaking) KpUO eXffi KpUUOE<;(I feel a chill). 'EXffi 'tPO~EPO 1tOVoKeq>oAo. L1EV eXffi Ka90Aou OPE~TJ. 'EXffi 'tPO~EPO KOlM1tovo. (TJ KOlAtU belly) ME 1tOVUEt 0 apto'tEpO<; ~ou ro~o<;.
a1to 'to
nooo KQlPO elllv~; I stayed for three days. nriY~ 1l0VO~ oou (alone) ri Il TTJyuvaiKa oou; d I went alone and my wife came the next (nollvo~ /-T')/-0) day. IT&AloC; npaoaT wpaia; You e We had a good time. Especially (Ii5IKa) my wife because she went shopping every day! IT&AloC; TuXpoi! (Lucky you!) EIli~ Ilivall crniTl ylaTi T') ITeMa riTav appwO"TT'). f I//? What was wrong with her? You ITtAIOC; EiX ouveXla i5lappola. 9 That's not nice. How is she now? You ITtAloC; KaAUTpa, KaAlITpa. h I hope she gets (va yivl) better soon! You
You are looking for two words about sport, two words from your list of definite and indefinite frequency vocabulary, two words about health, and two professions. The vertical, shaded word means continually. Tim
IlEpa Ile TIlV IlIlEpa. f TIlV Aer;va. Ayo"lloee; TIlV EAAIlVlKr; Kou~iva. Kal eioQl Evae;noM KaMe; Tpane~IKoe;9 . Tl MAO eEAelC;; Na rlllouv YlaTpOe;!Na r;~epa Tl EXWnoeet. .. 'H h " .. va Ilayeipeua 0TIl Mary Yla va Illlv nOeel TpOcpIKr; 1lAIlTllpiaOll. 6 Eyw Mw va r;oouv mMToe;! rIa va eioal noM i oTav YKplvlo~elC;ETOIva Illl Ilnopei va oe aKouel KavEvac;! KaM j I !ae; euxaplOTw Kuple naUAOU.
7 Match the words on the left with the words on the right. a b c d e f g h 1tovo<; 't1;;ouv'tO Xav'tl!1tOA cpapl!aKElO lWtKpavia vamia mAO'to<; 1tvEtll!ovia aAAEpytKO<; aVn~tonKo
<.poiveoOl oU\l\3ouM\
i nausea ii antibiotic
iii iv v vi vii viii ix x pilot pneumonia allergic judo handball migraine chemist/pharmacy pain
8 Listen to Dialogue 3 in this unit again and fill in the missing words. If you don't have the recording try to fill in the gaps using the words provided in the box. K. nauAou Tim
K. nauAou
; I\iyo XAWIlOC;
K. nauAou
!:lev eillQl a aAM. aloeOVOllal aKolla a610eeTOC;. !:lev ~avanow OTIC; !nETOec;! rlaTi; Eival Eva wpaio c _ !TO Ta~i61 Enaea vauTia. !TO C 11 Mary Ellelve oTO Kpe130Tl Ile TpOcplKr; 61lAIlTllpiaOll. KQl T(.lpa eyw Enaea d _ KQl eillal XAWIlOC;. oMo ea yivel; Tt noM Ilaupa Ta 13MnelC;.Mllv eioal TOoO e __ . Ta EMIlVlKO oou yiVOVTal KaAuTepa
a ~<><
0 -eo
;Ill 1'1-
0"" >'1)
00 -"C
Mini test
1 Can you remember the Greek for the following ten important words from this unit? Try to write your answers in transliteration or Greek script. i ii iii iv v yesterday sick doctor/s pharmacy medicine vi weekend
2 Can you remember the following ten important phrases from this unit? i I need some fresh air! ii How was your weekend? iii It was a nightmare! iv It was wonderful! v I like swimming a lot. vi I need some rest.
3 The five phrases below are given in the present tense. Can you change them into the past tense? Use transliteration or Greek script.
In this unit you will learn how to talk about the weather use expressions of time get the gist of a weather forecast name the months and seasons
nOTe oUOTe eTal exoupe TIlAecpwvl1ael TO Tpll1pepo &XOUVoxeiiloaei TdlKO o Kalpoc; pac; Ta xaAoel oAa TtAOC; novTwv T&TOIOnaAloKalpo! eKeivo~I'J/o
AplOTeiiillC; Mary
o geoc;
Pll bC; TtTola AOyla!
never before like that we have called long weekend (lit. three-day event) they have planned at the end, finally the weather messes up everything after all such awful weather! that God (m) don't say this kind of thing (lit. such words)
HAEK't'PO and Aptcrn:io'll~ fmally hear the end of the story; Mary tells them everything!
nec; pac; eixape npoypappaTiael Toaa noUo npoypaTa aKouyeaal cpaiveaal OTevaXWPIlP&VO~-rV-o &xoupe noel TO yeyovoc; iiev &xel ~avaauPPei nw, nw! 9d pour pac; &xel pyoAel Tllv niOTIl! TI auv&pel iiev &XWOTevaXWPll8ei
li& OTapaTI'JO&nOTE cpTaOap& &mOTp&lIIap& I'JIOTopia li&v &iliaT&; li& cpavaT&; li& pIMoaT&; va aKOUOOUP& TO palilo TOU OKaopou! TO KaOTpo 9a pac; olil'Jvouoav 01 E)&pponuA&c; TO 9&p&Tpo TO pnavlo Via pnavlo nou T&TOla TUXI'JopwC;! aYTi 0 TpOXOC;! o TPOXOC; I'J&UKalpia TOU XPovou!
everything sounds (Is) gloom and doom! it was raining (it had been raining) cats and dogs (here) (lit. chair legs) it never stopped we arrived we returned story (t) (lit. history) didn't you watch? (lit. see) didn't you eat? didn't you talk? to listen to radio (n) (eating) to bursting point! castle (n) they would drive us an archaeological site resort (n) swim (n) for swimming we were out of luck! No such luck! instead
I3PEvlltvOl Kl EmKlv~UVOI. EM> 0IlWe;, 5E I3MnEle;; MT] 1l0U IltAaTE VIa TO J\OV~IVO! rt'aUTO txw tASEl OTT]VEMMa. f).EV i)SEAa aMEe; I3poxte; Kat XlOVla. 'A'A.'Ao KpUO Kat naywvu]. 'HSEAa i)AlO, SQAaooa Kat allllou~la! ApIOT&ilil'JC; XalpOllat nou T]Westminster Bank ~E O'tOTEtAE OTT]V Kal3aAa i) TT]v =:avST]. EKEI va ~Ele; XElll<i>VEe; .. . Mary f).EV EIVat OIlWe; XElll<l>Vae; Twpa. Elvat aVOl~T] Kat nEpillEva nwe; Kat nwe; auT!') TT]v Enoxi). 'QAOI Ilae; tAEyav on EIVat T] KaMTEpT] Enoxi) OTT]VASi)va. HA&KTpa AUTO va AtyETal! EIVOl npaYllan T] KaAUTEpT] Enoxi) ...
&X&I vupiopaTa
Who was to blame? The weather, the season, Lamia itself or London? Listen to and read the last part of their conversation.
'ExoullE anocpaoloEl va llT]v nallE OTT]J\allia ~ava! QlJTE TOU Xpovou, OIJTE TOU napaxpovou, OUTE nOTt! AplOT&llil'JC; rlaTI I3pE Tim. KOITa TOV KatpO cnlllEpa. 'EXEl ilia untpOXT] AlaKa~a Kl tva ~POOEPO aEpaKI. J\tvE on IlnopEI va I3pt~El TO I3pMu aAM ~E VOIlI~W. Kl 0 KatpOe; EIVat napollOlOe; OTT]J\allia cnlllEpa. Mary MT]v TOU 1l1MTE Yla TT]J\allla! HA&KTpa f).EV tXEle; ~IKlO 01lW<;Tim. I:TO J\ov~lvo I3ptXEl KaSE Iltpa. npoxTte; tPl~E xaM~1. 'QAOI 01 ~POIlOl Elval
we have decided neither ... nor ... the year after next adds emphasis to a statement weather (m) sunshine (t) cool Oittle) wind, breeze (n) wind (m) rum our has it that (lit. it is said that) pnop&i va 13p&~&1 it might rain right (n) TO liiKIO the day before yesterday npoX9&c; it hailed (lit. hail was dropped) &PI~& xaAa~ hail (n) TO xaAa(1 13P&VP&voc;!-I'J/-o wet dangerous &mKivliuvoc;!-I'J/-o &XW &A9&1 I have come rain and snow (lit. rains and fJPOX&C; al Xlovla K snows - they are both plural) cold (n) TO KpUO frost (t) I'Jnavwvla o I1AIOC; sun (m) sea (t) I'J9aAaooa sand (t) I'Jappoulila li&v 0& &OT&IA& you were not sent towns in northern Greece I'J Ka13aAa/l'J:av91'J &K&i va li&lC; X&IPWV&C;! there you (could) realize (lit. see) winters! &XOUP&anocpaoio&1 OUT& . OUT& . TOU napaxpovou 13P& o Kaipoc; I'JAlaKalia lipoo&poc;!-rV-o TO a&paKI o a&pac; A&v& OTI
lie OTapaTl10& nOTt cpTaOap& &mOTptljlap& I1IOTopia li&v &iliaT&; lie cpayaT&; lie pIMoaT&; va aKOUOOUP& TO palilo TOU OKaopou! TO KaOTpo 9a pae; Olil1youoav 01 0&pponuA&e; TO 9tp&Tpo TO pnavlo Yla pnavlo nou TtTola TUXI1opwe;! aVTi tX&1 yupiopaTa 0 TpOxOe;! o TpOXOe; 11&UKalpia TOU XPovou!
everything sounds Os) gloom and doom! it was raining (it had been raining) cats and dogs (here) (lit. chair legs) it never stopped we arrived we returned story (f) (lit. history) didn't you watch? (lit. see) didn't you eat? didn't you talk? to listen to radio (n) (eating) to bursting point! castle (n) they would drive us an archaeological site resort (n) swim (n) for swimming we were out of luck! No such luck! instead the tables tum! (Greek expression) wheel (m) chance (f) next year!
I3pEYlleVOl Kl EmKiv~uvol. E~w 0IlWe;, ~E I3MnEle;; MT] 1l0U IllAaTE Yla TO "ov~ivo! rl'auTo exw eASEl OTT]VEMMa. I1EV 1l8EAa aMEe; I3poxee; KQl Xlovla. MAo KpUO KQl naywvla. 'H8EAa IlAlO, 8dAaooa Kal allllou~la! ApIOT&ilil1e; XaipOIlQl nou T]Westminster Bank ~E O'eOTElAE OTT]V Ka13aAa Il TT]V::av8T]. EKEi va ~Ele; XElllwVEe; ... Mary I1EV EivQl ollwe; XElllwvae; Twpa. EivQl aVOl~T] Kal nEpillEva nwe; Kal nwe; aUTIl TT]V Enoxll. 'OAOI Ilae; eAEyav on EivQl T] KaMTEpT] EnoXIl OTT]VA8llva. HAtKTpa AUTO va MYETal! EivQl npaYllaTl T] KaMTEpT] EnOXIl ...
tXOUP& anocpaoio&1 OUT&... OUT&... TOU napaxpovOU IJp& o KalpOe; 11AlaKalia lipoo&poc;l-l1I-o TO a&paKI o atpae; Aev& OTI pnop&i va Ppt~&1 TO liiKIO
Who was to blame? The weather, the season, Lamia itself or London? Listen to and read the last part of their conversation.
'EXOUIlE anocpaoioEl va llT]v millE OTT]"allia ~ava! OUTE TOU Xpovou, OUTE TOU napaxpovou, OUTE nOTe! ApIOT&ilil1e; rlaTi 13PETim. KoiTa TOV KQlPO mlllEpa. 'EXEl Ilia unepoXT] AlaKa~a Kl Eva ~POOEPO aEpaKI. "eVE on IlnopEi va 13pe~El TO 13pMu aAAa ~E VOlli~w. Kl 0 KQlpOe;EivQl napollOlOe; OTT]"allia mlllEpa. Mary MT]v TOU 1l1AaTEYla TT] "allia! HAtKTpa I1EV eXEle; ~iKlO 0IlWe; Tim. I:TO "ov~ivo 13peXE:l a8E K Ilepa. npOXTee; epl~E xaAa~1. 'OAOl 01 ~POIlOl Eival
tPI~& xaAa~ TO xaAa~1 PP&yptvoc;l-l'J/-o &mKivliuvoc;l-I1/-o txw tA9&1 ppoxte; Kal X1ov1a TO KpUO 11naywvla o ~Aloe; 119aAaooa 11appoulila li&v 0& tOT&IA& 11KapaAa/11 :av911 &K&iva li≤X&lpWV&e;!
we have decided neither ... nor ... the year after next adds emphasis to a statement weather (m) sunshine (f) cool ~ittle) wind, breeze (n) wind (m) rumour has it that (lit. it is said that) it might rain right (n) the day before yesterday it hailed (lit. hail was dropped) hail (n) wet dangerous I have come rain and snow (lit. rains and snows - they are both plural) cold (n) frost (f) sun (m) sea (f) sand (f) you were not sent towns in northern Greece there you (could) realize (lit. see) winters!
winter (m) spring (t) I looked forward to Odiom), I was very eager/excited ... season (t) that goes without saying! indeed
'Exel uypaaia. It's humid, Pixvel xaM~1. There's hail. Xlov(~el aUV&xeLO. It's snowing constantly. 'EXel auvveq>lo's cloudy today.
The four seasons are: o xel~wvae; winter Il aVOI~1l spring TO KaAoKaipl TO cp81vonwpo
summer fall, autumn
Language notes
The weather in Greece
There are three verbs used frequently in conversations about weather: KUVEI,EXEI and ivaI. Typical questions about the weather are:
Tt lCatpO KUVEIcrr]J!Epa; Tt lCatpO EXEI cr'tl1v A9rjva; IIol~ ivaI 0 lCatpO~ cr'to Aovoivo;
What s the weather like todny? Whats the weather like in Athens? Whats the weather like in London?
Eival U1tEPOXO~,eiVat E~aicrto~, eivat 9auJ!acrto~. Eival acrxru!O~, eiVat a1taicrto~, eivat lCalCo~. Eival ai9pto~, eiVat acr'ta'to~. 'EXEl cruvvE<jna, tvtalCaOa, ",txatva, ~poxrj, XaMs\. Kava sOOnJ, lCpOO, 'JI6xpa, 1tayffivul. 'I'lxali~EI, PpEXEI, piXVEI xaM~I, Xlovi~EI.
Some useful words and examples:
o ovello<; o T)AlO<; 'll\JlXQAa '1 J3poxT) '1 KQTcuyi&1 wind sun drizzle rain
Its marvellous, its brilliant, its wonderful. Its awful, its terrible, its bad. It s fair, it s unsettled. Its cloudy, sunny, there's dri:aJe,rain, hail. Its hot, cold, chilly,frosty. It drizzles, it rains, it hails, it snows.
o lavouaploe; I 0 revaplle; o Cleppouaploe;I 0 ClAePaplle; o MapTIOe; I 0 MapTIle; o AnpiAloe; I 0 AnpiAIle; o Maloe; I 0 Malle; o louvloe; I 0 IOUVIle; o louAloe; I 0 louAIle; o AUYOUOTOe; 0 AuyoUOToe; I o Iemt~pploe; I 0 Iemt~PPIle; o OKTWPpIOe;I 0 OKTWPPIle; o Not~pploe; I 0 Not~PPIle; o A&Kt~pploe; I 0 AeKt~PPIle;
January February March April May June July August September October November December
As you can see there are two words for each month; both are frequently used. All the months and 'winter' are masculine, 'spring' is feminine and 'summer' and 'autumn' are neuter. Have you noticed that the months are similar to English? Listen to the exact pronunciation of the seasons and months if you have the recording. Here are some more useful expressions:
<!>uaoel aTlllepa. 'Exel AlaKol)a aTlllepa. ll.ILxaAi~el OTTlVAeT)va; 'OXl J3ptxel. Pixvel KaTaLyil)a.
It's windy today. There is sunshine today. Is it drizzling in Athens? No it's raining, There's a thunderstorm.
in in in in
Expressions with months take TOY layouaplO TOY AnpiAlo TOY IOUYIO ... but TO Cll&ppouaplo TO MapTIO TO Maio
in January in April in June
a '6
a < .!'!
Joan can read, can't she? It's easy, isn't it? It's not hard, is it?
So Greek is quite easy, isn't it? What answer would you give to: Tu EAAT\V1KU OEVelvm noM OUcncOAU.E1:0"1OEVelvm; ' If you say: Nm, t1:0"1elvm!' then you are on the right track! Keep up the good work!
'f3PE~E KupEKAonooupu! 'DAU UKOUYOV1:U1 IlUUpU K1'UpUXvu! Tpc.Oro1:0UcncuO"llou! 'EXE1 yupiO"llu1:u 0 1:pOxoe;! Tou Xpovou, 1:0Unupuxpovou! IIEpillEVU ncOe;Km ncOe;!
The cartoon illustrates the Greek notion of time, especially in a business context and particularly in the public sector where assignments move slowly, or stand still, before, or after, coffee! The cartoon's question probably refers to a supervisor or boss and a certain deadline. It reads: (for) when did he/she say that he/she wants it? rIA rIA rIA rIA MEElA YPIO A YPIO I:HMEPA TQPA for for for for the day after tomorrow tomorrow today (right) now
'Tag' questions
The following examples show you the different forms of 'tag' question in English that have only one equivalent in Greek! It's very easy for you to remember. '1:0"1OEVelvm; Isn't it? 'E1:O"1 OEVEivm; 'E1:O"1 OEVelvm; 'E1:O"1 OEVelVU1; George studies hard, doesn't he? Mary does not work, does she? Tim cannot swim, can he?
1 This and that
You have seen lots of words like a\>'toc;;, \>'to and a\>'tc1in previous a units, and 'toO'a, a\>'to, 'toO'o, 't&'t010,&K&lVO, 't&'tOla and a\>'tll in this unit. These are all pronouns; like the other pronouns you have already learned they have different forms for gender (mlf/n), singular or plural. These are 'demonstrative' pronouns rather than personal, or possessive, pronouns, which were explained in previous units. The most important demonstrative pronouns are:
Try to learn the different forms of these pronouns in the box below. You can refer back to this page whenever you need to.
Singular Nom. Gen. Ace. Plural Nom. Gen. Ace. aUToi aunov aUToue:; aUTte:; aUTWV aUTte:; aUTO. aUTwv aUTO. Masculine aUToe:; aUTou aUTov Feminine aun') aUTtie:; aUTti(v) Neuter aUTO aUTou aUTO
aUTOc;,aUTrl,aUTO &K&ivoc;, &K&ivl1, &K&ivo TOOOc;, TOOI1, TOOO T&TOIOc;, T&TOla, TTOIO
this that so, so much, so big, so many such (a),of such a kind
not, don't,
Here are some examples from this or previous units: Au'ta 'ta MV'tpa Au'to~ 0 OpOJ.lO~ Au'to 'to K'tiplO Toaa nOAAa'ta Au'to 'to YEYOVO~ These trees (Unit 5) This street (Unit 5) This building (Unit 6) So many things (Unit 13) Thisfact (Unit 13) So far (Unit 13) Such terrible weather! (Unit 13) That three-day (weekend!) (Unit 13) Such words! (Unit 13)
Can you remember how to make negative sentences in Greek? If you are still not sure, this section will review the most important uses in daily speech. AE(v) This is used with a verb for negative meaning.
etAW Eillal Mnopw etAEI 'HSEAE ea no.w ~E OOtEtAe
Don't confuse the use of a\>'toc;;,a\>'tll and a\>'to as demonstrative pronouns with a\>'t6c;;,a\>'tll, a\>'to as personal pronouns! The fIrst always come before nouns and the latter before verbs. Some examples: . . . (before nouns) A\>'toC;; OpOJ.lO~ 0 A\>'tll T] yuvaiKa A\>'to 'to K'tipto But ... (before verbs) A\>'toC;; SXEt 060 anina. A\>'tll dVal A\>'to dVal aKpt~o. He has two houses. She is a nurse. It is expensive. This street (m) This woman (f) This building (n)
-'IiE StAW -. IiEV Eillal -. IiEV IlnopW -. IiEV StAEI -. IiEV tiSEAE -. liE Sa no.w -. liE OEOOtEtAE
I don't want I am not I cannot He doesn't want He didn't want I won't go He didn't sendyou
Notice that it is always before the verb: AE(v) + verb -. AE 9SACO AE(v) + 9a + verb -. AE 9a naco AE(v) + (personal pronoun) + verb -. AE aE sa'tEtAE MT](v) There are two basic uses: a With imperatives MT]v 'tpco~! MT]v na~! Don't eat! Don't go!
MTJv 'to KaVS1~! MTJ J.1ou J.11Aa~! MTJv 'tou J.11Aa'ts! 0eAw va J.1TJv 1taw. A1to<paoioaJ.1s va J.1TJv 1taJ.1s. M1topd va J.1TJ puyw. < M1topro va J.1TJ paw. < dsv J.11tOPro J.1TJ paw. va <
'Ox1 This is used like the English 'No'. 'Ox1, 'Ox1, 'OX1, 'OX1, 'OX1,
crrEVQ)(CllPt4tal "IT]M<pwvW
b With the second verb in a subjunctive form. I don't want to go. We decided not to go. I might not leave. I am able not to eat. I am not able not to eat.
a i) o a < !!
Here is the simple conjugation of this tense: exw exLC:; eXl TTJA<pwvJiOl TTJA<PWVJiOl TTjA<pwvJiOl
I have called you have called he/she/it has called we have called you have called they have called
I don't want to eat. my name is not George. I can't! we cannot. we won't leave.
Ta~ .. This is a click of the front teeth while breathing in, often accompanied by a nod of the head. The tilting of the head for a no answer is 'up-and-down' in non-verbal Greek rather than 'left-toright' in non-verbal English! This non-verbal difference combined with the confusing sound of 'yes' (val) that sounds almost like 'no' means that you need to be careful when native speakers use it.
'ExouJ.1s 1taSl. Ma~ exsl~ ByaAsl 'tTJv 1tio'tTJ. 'Exw o'tsvaxwPTJ9d. 'ExouJ.1s 'tTJAS<pWVtlOSl. 'Exouv OXSOlaOS1.
We have been (gone). We have sweated our guts out. I have worried. We have called. They have planned.
'EBpsxs sxge~ 1tev'ts rops~ 1tptV va o'taJ.1a'ttl0s1. 'EBpsxs 1tpoxge~ o'tav tlP9s o rtaVVTJ~. 'EBps~s KapSKA01tOOapa yw sBo0J.1tlv'ta ouo rops~. 'EBpsxs ouvexsw KapSKA01t()Oapa!
An important point that is not always initially obvious, is that the verb form used in the present perfect is a familiar form already learned as part of the future tense. Look at the list overleaf:
c d e i ii iii iv v a b c d e
Eierat er-rEvoXWPTlJJsVTI; IIwe; r]-rov -ro m~i<>l eroo; 'EXEl -rTlAEcpwvr]erEl er-rTlMopio; 'Hmv JJoopo Kl'apoxvo. MTI pw-rae;! 0 r]Atoe;, TIeaAoerero, TI0JJJJoo<>la! Nat npOXese;. rto-ri pO)-rae;; 'H-rov oieptoe; croVSXE10. IIapo nOAo, yta-ri 'l'lXOAi1;ElS~O)! Mo KoM (OK, but idiom)! Tl KatpO elXE; Nat, oAM <>EVKavoJJE -rino-ro MyO) (due to) -rou KatpOO. L\T1AO<>r], nr]yo-rE noOeEva; <>EV AonaJJat noo -ro OKOOO). Eixo-rE npoypoJJJJo-rierEl vo KavE-rE nOAAa npaYJJo-ro; Anoierto Kat aer-ro-ro KaeE JJSpo. AKpl~roe;! L\EVnr]yoJJE noOeEva! Kl qro. IIapo noAO . . . Mae; eXELe; 3yQAEL 1 Tl")vniCTTl"J! naTi iSElJae; AEe;Tl
(one, single time) Study the list below and compare the two verb forms in the past: m;ya TllAEcpwvllaa OXEisaaa i Eina e13pE~E ecpuya ecpaya
I went I called I planned I said it rained /left I ate
I was going I was calling I was planning I was saying It was raining I was leaving I was eating
I was eating/ I had been eating you were eating he/she/it was eating we were eating you were eating they were eating
g h
au lJ13aivEL;
1 Can you talk about the weather in Greek? a b c d How would you ask: 'What's the weather like in Greece?'? If they ask you the same question about the weather back home, how would you say: 'It's often cloudy.'? 'It's often rainy.' 'It snows in the winter, and it is very cold.' 'I like it when it is sunny and chilly.' 'Does it snow or hail in Greece?' Someone told you: 'To KOA01caipl KavEl nOAo 1;scJ"tTl er-rTlvEAM<>o oAAa <>EV SXEl oypocrio!'. What did he say? Tl eroo opseret er-rTlvEAAa<>o; Tl KatpO SKOVE;
very unsettled.
You 5 a
aVTieETO).,. 'EAa 1J1lKavELe; TOl Twpa ... e e What do you want me to do? i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix aerogram June story March I telephone castle May July hail
Match the words on the left with the words on the right. Kaer-rpo ler-ropio xoM1;l OEPO-YPOI!I!O 100Atoe; Ioovtoe; -rllAE<jlwvro Ma'ioe; Mapnoe;
f g h
::! -6
What are the past tense (simple and continuous) forms of the following verbs?
1 May
Labour Day Whit Monday Assumption National Holiday Christmas Day Assembly Day
::! -6
a b c d e f g h ave~aivro ~A,e,tro 7taipvro 7tllyaivro protclro(ro) teAetrovro tproro cpeuyro -. aVe~llKa -. -. -. -. -. -. -.
-. ave~atva -. -. -. -. -. -. -.
Ayiou TIvEUJ.1ato~ KoiJ.1TJO"TJ 0eotOKOU E8vt1(~ EnEtEto~ nVVTJO"t~ XptO"tOU :Euva~t~ tTJ~ 0eotOKOU
louv. 12 June Auy. 15 Aug. OKt. 28 Oct. ~EK. 25 Dec. ~EK. 26 Dec.
< !!
< !!
D a b E
Do you know the signs of the zodiac? What are the months for: Aerov KapKivo~ c d LKOp7ttO~ Taupo~?
Do you still remember the names of the four seasons and months of the year? The quiz below will test your memory and knowledge! A Which season?
Test your translation skills: a b c d e f g You look very concerned. What happened? You have often been to Corfu, haven't you? The weather messed up our plans. What awful weather! I don't like it at all. Did you watch TV? Did you eat? Did you talk? You'll have the chance to go back again. Yes, indeed. Next year, at the earliest!
B Which months belong to each season? Write the months in the spaces provided.
Winter a Spring
d e
g __ h __
Can you recognize some of the words you have already learned? Remember to look horizontally and vertically.
j __ k __ 1 __
p y
6. y
C Below is a list of most of the Greek public holidays. Can you put them in two lists to separate the religious holidays from the rest?
0 B I
I I 0 I
0 I
0 H
A yiou BamA-dou Ayta 0eocpuVEta Ka8apu ~EUtEpa Euayy. 0eotOKOU MEyuA-TJTIapaOlCEU'll AnONTIM:XA ~taKatvTJO"iJ.1ou
lav. 1 Jan. lav. 6 Jan. Map. 6 Mar. Map. 25 Mar. Anp. 21 Apr. Anp. 23 Apr. Anp. 24 Apr.
New Year's Day Epiphany Ash Monday National Holiday Good Friday Easter Day Easter Monday
0 E
A little extra!
The weather
Look at the following weather information, and answer the true or false questions.
Mary HAtKTpa
0EPMOKP AI:IEI: A9i)va 35 0Ea/vlKTl 32 natpa 32 Aaploa 35 IcoavvlVa 34 HpciKAaO 35 El;cotPlKOi> <l>paVKlpOUptT)
Aovoivo napim
temperature (f) abroad, overseas (n) TO ~WTPIKO Il AUKWCJia Nicosia (Cyprus) 1186AaCJCJa sea (f) TapaYlltvoc;l-Il/-0 rough (sea) storm, tempest (f) 11TplKUllia aCJ8vl\c;I-l\c;I-tc; weak ICJ)(U poc;l-I\/-o strong 8UAA~llc;l-llc;l-C; stormy, thundery Il 8lit:AAa storm, hurricane (f) TomKoc;l-l\/-o local TomKtc; VCPWCJIC; hazy (cloudy) in places local (scattered) showers TomKtc; PPOXtC; TO vtcpOC; smog (n) vcpA~llc;l-l1c;1-c; cloudy, overcast pOpIOaVaTOAIKoc;l-l\I-o north-eastern north-western POPIOliUTIKOc;l-l\/-o I\plIoc;l-l1/-o tranquil, quiet
Mini test
1 Can you remember the Greek for the following ten important
words from this unit? Try to write your answers in transliteration or Greek script. i ii iii iv v trip/s weather worried television history vi vii viii ix sunshine breeze rain snow x sea
2 Can you remember the following ten important phrases from this unit? i ii iii iv v I've planned/called. vi You are (not) right. You soundllook ... vii This is the best time in Athens. The rain never stopped. viii It's not winter now, it's spring! It rained cats and dogs! ix What's the weather like? You'll have the chance to x It's fair/unsettled/awful! go back again. marvellous.
3 The phrases below are given in the present tense. Can you change them into the future tense? Use transliteration or Greek script. i ii iii iv v [pigheno taksffHi] TITJYaivro'ra~iot. [rotao sta anglikci] Pro'ruro cr'r'AyyAtKU. [fevgho noris] <I>EUYro vropi<;. [perno tilefono] TIaipvro 'rTJAe<j>rovo. [kcini zesti] KUVEt secr'rTJ.
a b c d e f g h j
H 9EPJ.lOKpacria crTrl <I>pavK<j>oup'rTJ dvat 1tapoJ.lota J.lE 'rTJv 9EPJ.lOKpacria crn<; BpU~eA.A.E<;. H ProJ.lTJeXEt 'rTJv U"'TJAO'rEPTJ 9EPJ.lOKpacria. To Aovoivo eXEt 'rTJ xaJ.lTJAO'rEpTJ (lowest) 9EPJ.lOKpacria. Ymipxouv 'rpEt<; EAATJVtKe<;1tOAEt<; J.lE 'rTJV iOta 9EPJ.lOKpama. MEptKOi UVEJ.lOt vat tcrxupoi cr'rTJ9uAacrcra. d LE J.lEptKUJ.lepTJ'rTJ<; AMoa<; 0 Katpo<; Eivat ucr'ra'ro<;. E LE J.lEptKUcrTJJ.lda TJ 9uAacrcra Eivat 1tOAU'rapaYJ.levTJ. L'rTJVKpl1'rTJ 0 KatpO<; dvat ucr'raw<;. L'rTJ 0EcrcraAoviKTJ 0 KatpO<; dvat ai9pw<;. 0 KatpO<; 9a dvat crXEMv ai9pw<; aUpto.
Tim and Mary are talking about their Easter holiday. nOU mlvaTE Vla noaxa q>tToe;; KOl nou liEV mlvallE; ElxallE nOEL OTO It>lOKOplio' IlETO OTllv 18oKll' IlETO OTll ~wM>Vll' Kal TtAoe; OTa rlOVvEva. AI')~.111TPI')C; KaAO, Ila nou KovaTE AVOOTaOTJ; AVOOTaOTJ KovallE OTO It>lOKOplio. 'EXOUIlE tvav Tim KaAO q>LAOTOV navaYti nou Ilae; EIXE KaAtoEl OTO It>lOKOplio OAll TIl MEVOAll BliollMa. nOU Elval TO It>lOKOplio; AKOUOTO TO txw aMo liE 8UIlOllal. OUTE Kl EIlEle; TO ElxallE E;avaKOUOEI. AAAo oTav vvwploallE TOV navaYti OAO Vl'auTo Ilae; IlLAOUOE. Mae; tAEVE OTl ElvOl tvae; napalioOlaKOe; OlKlOIlOe; nou OVTEE;ETOUe; OElOIlOue; TO 1953. Mae; tAEVE Vla Tllv tiouXll, tipEllll13palilvti l;wti, Vla Ta IlEvdAa VlWT, KOTEpa KOl lOTloq>opa q>lllllolltvwv EMtivwv Kal E;tvwv nou nOVE EKEI KOl onwolitinoTE Vla Tllv LjJapoTa13tpva TIle; Taoiae;, TIle; aliEAq>tie; TOU. It>ovaTE KaAO LjJOPllillAaliti; 'OAll TIl MEVdAll BliollMa. Kal Tllv KuplaKti EVW, Elxav tilill 13dAEl apvOKl OTO q>OUPVO Kal KaTOlKOKl OTTJoou13Aa, EIlEle; q>OVaIlE nOAl LjJopl! AvaOTaoia Tl AEe; 13PE nOllil IlOU; Tooo KaAO; Tim nOU va oae; AtIlE ...
Arll.lllTpl')C; eixalJ& nO&1 I') AVOOTaOI') nou KaVan AVOOTaOI'); we had gone Resurrection (f) Where did you celebrate Easter? (lit. where did you spend (do) Resurrection?) he had invited us Holy Week I've heard about it we had heard it before wernet traditional settlement (m) that withstood, survived earthquake (m) tranquil
In this unit you will learn how to use appropriate language at a social function express wishes or congratulations express opinions and state preferences describe past events
lJac; eiX& KaAto&1 I') M&yoAI') (E)p~olJo~a aKOUOTa TO txw TO &ixalJ& ~aVaKOUO&1 yvwpioalJ& napa~oola KOc;l-.y-o o OIKIOIJ0C; nou aVT&~& o O&IOIJOC; rlP&lJoc;l-I')/-o
:I 0
~ ~ ...
::J a. ~ oR ~
rj ~11 TO VIWT TO K6T(T)&PO TO ICJTlocp6po CPrjl.llolJivoc;l-rV-o oTKaJoiSl1noT& rj IJIapoTapipva cpavaT&; iSl1AaiSll &ixav l1iSrjpaA&1 11s 11 i TO apvaKI apvaKI CJTO cpoupvo TO KaTOIKaKI KaTOIKaKI CJTrjooupAa TI A&e;PP& naliSi IJOU;
life (f) yacht (8aAaIlTlYoc;) (n) cutter (n) sailing boat (n) famous definitely fish taverna (f) did you eat? in other words they had already prepared (put) already lamb (n) lamb in the stove (oven) kid, young goat (n) kid on the spit what are you telling me, my dear? (lit. what are you saying, my child?) so good? where (how) can we start? What can we tell you?
have you had your name day? (here) (or birthday) I have / I celebrate my birthday VlopTa~ or name day holiday (f)/celebration 11VIOPTI1 xp6vla noAAa! many happy returns! (lit. many years) xp6vla oou noAAa many happy returns to you! va ~110&1e;! may you live long! / enjoy your life! &KnAl100W I surprise (eKnATiTTwleKnATioow) wish (f) 11&UXIl &ixalJ& unoCJ)(&9&i we had promised o Ka9I1VI1TI1e; teacher; tutor (m) I learn lJa9aivw I use XPrjOllJonOIW liSou Aom6v! here you go! / here's the proof! IJnpapo oae;! well done (to you), Bravo! I've just remembered Twpa 9uIJ119rjKa (lit. now I remembered) congratulations to your wife! va xaip&oal Trj vuvaiKa oou! (lit. enjoy your wife~ KI &o&ie; 6, TI &m9ulJ&iT&! may your wish come true! (lit. and whatever you like/wish.~ whatever 6, TI I wish, I desire &m9ulJw I got you (idiom) o'imaoa I catch, I hold mavw
:I 0
~. -<
c. a ...
::J a.. ~ oR ~
Tim and Mary have just realized that it was their friend Anastasia's name day a few days earlier. nw, nw aee Ilou! To l;exaoa! AvaOTao(a, YlopTa~ec;; Nat rlopT6.~w TTlv Tlllepa TOU n6.OXa. Tim I:UyvWIlTl Kal XPovla noM6. TOTe. Mary Nal, VOl XPovla oou noM6.! Na ~TioelC;! AvaCJTaoia EuxaplOTw, euxaplOTw. M'eKnATioeTe OllwC;. =epeTe oAec; TIC;EMTlvIKec; EUxec; ... E(xalle unooxe6e( OTOV Ka6TlYTlTTi Ilac; TWV EAATlVIKWV va TIC; 1l6.6oulle Kal va TIC; XPTlOlIlOnOloulle. li50u Aomov! Opa(a; .drjIJI1Tprje; KOI l3el3ala wpa(a. Mnp6.13ooac;! Tim A! Twpa 6uIlTi6TlKa. Kl'eou LlTlIlTiTPTlva xa(peoal TTlv yuva(Ka oou! I:WOT6.; .dI1IJI1Tprje; I:WOT6.,OWOT6., uxaplOTw. Kl eoe(c; O,TI em6UlleLTe! e Mary '0, Tl em6ulloulle; E? Aa! AUTOi5ev TOKaTaAa!3a(vw... .dI1IJI1Tprje; TeAlK6. o'emaoa Mary ... AvaCJTaoia
TIm and Mary are still telling their friends about their Easter holiday and what it was like leaving Fiscardo. KailleT6. n<i>c; ;yaTe OTTlV166.KTl; m 0 navaYTic; e1Xe KloAaC;IllATioel oe K6.nOlouc; <pLAOUC; TOU nou e(xav Eva IllKp6 OK6.<pOC;. AUTO( llaC; m;yav anevaVTI OTOVT]oi TOU Oi5uooea. E(val noM KovT6.. =epelC;, eTol i5ev eival; .dI1IJI1TPI1e; 'OXI i5ev l;epoull&. Ll& Ilac; tX&T& nel nou &(VOI TO <l>IOK6.pi50! Tim OX! I:uyVWI..lTl! To <l>IOK6.pi50 &(VOI OTO mo 136p&lo I..ltpoc; TTlC;K&<PaAAOVI6.C;. AvaCJTaoia
And in Yannena?
~e Alyo
... KOI nou AETe I.le TO OKa<po<;elX0l.le nepaoei KOVTa ana TO ~Kopmo TO Vl101 TOU OvaOl1, enelTo m;yol.le OTI1V AeuKai5o, on'eKel OTI1V npe13e~o KOI OT0I.l0nioOl.le OTO MovTelo TTl<; towi5WVI1<;nplV vo <pTaOOUl.leOTO rlavvevo. KOI Tl wpo <pTaooTe OTO riavvevo; MeTa ana MKO wpe<; To~eli51 <pTaOOl.leOTO rtavvevo yupw OTI<; neVTe TO npwL toev e[X0l.le K011.l118e[ K080AOU KOI ell.l0OTov noM KOUpOOl.levol. neVTe 11 wpo TO npwl; To MovTelo TlTOV OVOIKTO eKelvl1 TI1V wpo; <IluOlKa KOI 0Xl. 'Enpene vo ~ovonal.le TTlv aMl1l.lepo I.le TOU<;YVWOTOU<;.lo<; ana TO riavvevo ... I (he) had already talked to motorboat (n) you haven't told us yet northern say it, come out with it! keep secret (n) to continue my story, on that subject then ~diom) Oit. and that you are saying ... ) we had sailed island (n) Onasis (a Greek tycoon, shipowner, businessman, and owner of Scorpio island) we stopped before arriving/getting (lit. before we (to) arrive) we hadn't slept at all of course, naturally we had to the next (lit. other) day acquaintance, known (person or thing)
Tim and Mary are still recounting their exciting adventures in Yannena (or Ioannina = lroo.vvlVa). They were particularly excited about the Vrellis Wax Museum. Listen and read the last part of the conversation.
KOI OTO rtavvevo; nou m;yon:; Mo<; elXov nE:I OT! 80 I.lo<; m;yOlvov o'evo novl1yupl e~w ana TO rUl.Vvevo. EKel OKOU00l.le TOmKTl, nopoi50010KTl I.l0UOIKTl KOI e[i50l.le VTomou<; VO xopeuouv. 'HTOV nOAU evi5lo<pepov KOI KaTI i510<popeTIKOylo 1.l0<;. nOU aMou nTlyoTe; Mo<; elXov unooxe8e[ vo I.lo<; i5el~ouv TO Mouoelo Keplvwv 01.l010l..laTwv TOU BpeAAI1. MOAI<; i5eKo Aema e~w ono TO rlavvevo. 'HTOV noM ouvopnoOTIKo KOI evi5lo<pepov. KOI elvol TO I.l0V0i5IKO OTTlV EMai50 on'ooo ~epouv 01 YVWOTO[ 1..10<;. IVOl KaT! oVTIOTolXO l..Ie TO Mouoelo E TTl<; Madame Tussaud's OTOAovi5lvo. nw, nw! toev TO e[xo ~OvoKouoel! Tpol..lepo! <IlOVTOOTIKO!Exoul..le TeTolo l..I0uoe[o OTTlVEMai5o; ' H EMai50 exel TOOO l..IuOTIKa nou I..I0AOVOTIelX0l..le i5lo13aoel KOI elX0l.le Kavel tpeuvo nplv vo ep80ul..le OTI1 xwpo 00<; KIOAO<; T'lV npWTI1 I.lepo ei5w KOTaAa1301..le TI 11i510I..l0VTl1..10<; e[vol noponavw O 90 ana ouvopnoOTIKTl. KOI i5ev neool..le e~w! XO[p0I..I01 nou T'OKOUW. MOKapl vo e[xo KI eyw TTlv [i510 eVTunwOl1 OTOVm;yo ...
AvaOTaCJia Mary
&iX& KIOAoe; JuAI1CJ&1CJ& TO CJKOcpOe; ~& lJoe; &X&T&n&1 OKOIJO pOP&loc;l-o/-o n&e; TO KpOTOW(W) TO IJUOTIKO KOI nou A&T&
OTOIJOTI1CJOIJ& nplv Vo CPTOCJOUIJ& ~&V &iXolJ& KOIIJIl9&i Ko90Aou CPUCJIKO &np&n& vo TIlv oAAIl IJ&PO o yvwOToc;l-l1I-o
9a lJae; nl1yalvav TO navIlyupl &~W ana TOni Koc;l-l1I-o VTonloc;l-a1-o XOP&UW &v~lacp&pov nou aUou; ~&ixvwI~&i~w K&PIVoc;l-r)l-o TO 0lJoiwlJa CJuvapnaOTIKoc;l-I1I-6 aVTiOToIXoc;l-l')I-o
they would have taken us (religious) fair (n) outside local local I dance interesting where else? I show / to show wax model (n), image, figure unique/exciting corresponding
TpOI.l&p6! cpaVTaGTIK6! &ixal.l& KOV&I tp&UVa 11xwpa nplv va tp90ul.l& KI6Aac; napanovw Kal C5&vntoal.l& t~w!
awesome! fantastic! we had done (some) research country (f) before coming (lit. before we (to) come) already more than and we didn't miscalculate!, and we guessed right! (lit. and we didn't fall outside!) I wish I had the same impression impression (f)
H A vaataaT) can actually refer to the Easter mass or service or to the resurrection itself. Many Greek cities and towns have local traditions varying from rUplaJ1a tOU E1tltacpiou (Epitaph's Procession) on Good Friday to cooking lamb, or cracking red-dyed eggs on Easter Sunday. This is a very special time of the year, rich in cultural heritage so if you have the opportunity to visit Greece at Easter don't miss it! K<ivro/1tepVolTIlv Avamu<J11 '" I celebrate/l spend (the days of) Easter .. ,
Language notes
Easter in Greece
Greek Orthodox Easter is probably the most important religious holiday in Greece; it usually falls one or two weeks after our Easter. The week before Easter Sunday (KuplaK1\ tOU IIaaxa), you'll notice Athens getting emptier and emptier, and by Good Friday (MyaA.T) IIapaaKu1\) approximately four million people have left the city for the villages (xropla) they come from. Around this time the Greeks use lots of expressions of good wishes: Xpovla 1tOA.A.a Many happy returns!
An idiom addressed to the person who celebrates a name day or birthday. Na ~1\at! Na aa~ ~1\al! May you live long! (you-plural) May he!she live long!
An idiom addressed to the parents of a newly-born baby. Euxaplato> or uxaplatOUJ1 are two possible answers to the last three expressions.
This is an expression used on occasions such as name days, birthdays, religious holidays. The best response is 1tiaT)~! likewise or XpOvla (aoulaa~) 1tOA.A.a any happy returns (to you) too! M KaA.o IIaaxa! Happy Easter! This is a wish used usually before Easter Sunday particularly when people are leaving for the break and they probably won't see each other again until after Easter. XplatO~ A VEatT)! Christ has risen! This is used on Easter Sunday and the few days following. The best response is probably the same XplatO~ AVEatT)! and sometimes AA.T)9O>~ VEatT)! Truly he was A resurrected or AA.T)9O>~ KUpl~! Truly it was the Lord! 0 H MeyuA.'ll (E)f3oolluoa Holy Week starts on MyaA.T) AWtEpa (Good Monday) and lasts until MyaA.o I:appato (Easter Saturday) and Easter Sunday. The day after Easter Sunday is AUtEpa tOU IIaaxa (Easter Monday.)
Translating 'again'
Sava and 1taA.lboth mean 'again', Sava appears as a prefIx to many verbs, as you have seen in previous units, such as: ~aVapA.E1tro ~avaKouro ~avatpo>ro ~ava1tT)yaivro I I I I see again listen/hear again eat again go again
IIaA.l cannot be used as a prefIx although it could be used with the above verbs as a second word: PA.E1tro 1taA.l aKouro 1taA.l tpo>ro 1taA.l 1tT)yaivro 1taA.l I I I I see again listen/hear again eat again go again
Instead of 1tUA.l ou could have used the word ~uvu in the last four y examples e.g. PA.E1tro ~ava I see again.
Sava also has another meaning with certain verbs: AEV 'to EiXaJlE ~avaKo6CJEl. We hadn't heard about it before. TllV o.A'J..l1 Jltpa AEV 1tECJaJ1E t~ffi! 'E1tECJEt~ffi ano 'to aU'toKivl1'tOhptvo. To ~o.~o E1tECJE1to 'ta a xtpta Jlou. To X10V1E1tE(j)'tE cruvtXEta.
You know, don't you? Isn't that right? the next day (lit. the other day) We guessed right! He fell out of the car/train.
Tt ffipa 'J..E~ Eivm; va 'EAa, a~ nOUJ1E crn~ ntv'tE. AEV ~ePffi n va 1t0>. Atffi on eXffi va 1t0>! Ko.n Jlou J.El on . . . AE~ va ~pe~El; M 11Jlou 1tEl~! nE~ 'to AOlnov! Tt El1ta'tE; Tl 'J..E~ yta JlUl nl'tcra;
The snow was coming down / falling down steadily. H nJlrl yUl 'ta cppou'ta E1tECJE.The price of fruit went down. H eEPJlOKpacria 1tE(j)'tEl. The temperature is dropping. 'E1tECJano.vffi cr'tl1 Mapia. I came upon/across Maria / I bumped into Maria. I was completely taken aback! I was completely surprised. nE(j)'tO>o.PPfficr'tO~. I fall ill/I am taken ill nE(j)'tO>yta unvo! I go to bed!
AEO> has some irregular forms in certain tenses. The main ones are: M(y)w
I say/tell I will say/will tell I said/told I have/had said/told say/tell
Note that both 'J..E(y)o> and 1tE(j)'tO>ave the same imperative form: h nECJ'tE (Tell) or nECJ'tE (Fall)!
1 The past tense
This unit contains many more verbs in the past tense. The list below has the main and the past form of the most important ones.
NO. Aomov!
Here you go! Here's the proof! Here you go! Here you are!
do meet stand eat
-. -. -. -. -.
I forget TlI0VW I hold I arrive <pTOVW I stop aTallaTOW lam eillal I see 13Mnw KaTaAa13aivw I understand
-+ -+ -+ -+ -+ -+ -+
I forgot l;exaaa eTllaaa I held I arrived e<pTaaa aTallOT'laa I stopped I was eillouv ei~a I saw KaTGAa13a I understood
Here is a list of verbs from this unit in the past perfect tense:
..... now we had gone -+KaAW he had invited we had done again .....;avaKovw l
they had prepared we had promised he had talked we had sailed we had slept they had said I had heard again we had read we had done ..... 3o~w 1
~. <
c. a -4
(here) ..... un6axoll0l ..... IlIAaw(w) -+ nepvow(w) ..... KOIIlOIlOl ..... M(y)w ..... l;avaKouw ..... ~la13o~w ..... KOVW
I promise I talk I sail (here) I sleep I say I hear again I study/read I do
As a reminder, here's the full conjugation of two of these important verbs in the past tense.
I went ... I ate ...
~ .R ~
Important key words used with this new tense or the present perfect are:
still, till, yet not longer, (no) more already already just
Some examples from the dialogues of this unit and other situations are:
Now that you are familiar with the present perfect tense featured in Unit 13, this new tense called the past perfect tense will create no difficulties for you. It is formed with the past tense form of the verb Elm followed by the same verb form as in the present perfect. Some examples:
exw noel
exel~ noel exel noel exoulle noel txeTe noel txouv nael
I have gone you have gone s/he/it has gone we have gone you have gone they have gone
..... ixa noel e ..... ixe~ noel e ..... ixe noel e ..... ixalle noel e ..... ixaTe noel e ..... ixav noel e
I had gone you had gone s/he/it had gone we had gone you had gone they had gone
Evro elXov tl0TJ j3<iA.el OpVo.Kl O"'tO <poupvo . . . o IIovoytl<; dxe Kl0AO<; ... 1l1AtlO"el L\ev dxo <po.el OKOIlO, o'tov tlASe 0 rtropyo<;. MOA1<; MKO Ae1t'to. E~ro 01t0 'to rto.vvevo. L\e SEAro 1tl0 KO<pE. L\e Il1tOPro 1tl0! AKOIlO lloS01vro EAATJV1Ko.. MOA1<; ElXO <po.el, tlPSe 0 rtropyo<; a'to O"1tln.
Since they had already put a lamb in the oven . . . Panagis had already spoken! talked to ... I hadn't eaten yet when Giorgios came. Just ten minutes outside Yannena. I don't want coffee any more. I can't take it any longer! I still learn Greek. I had just finished eating (lit. eaten), (when) Giorgios came home.
3 Adverbs
Words such as aKopa, ma, K101.a~,1to.1.1,~avo. and p01.1~are adver?s. Adverbs can be divided into four groups according to their meamng: a place or direction b of time e of manner d of quantity
IIOlO~ cra~ eiXe KaAtcrel; To eixa'te ~avaKoucrel; rtop'taSe~, t'tcrt oev eivat; rta'tl tlcracr'tav 'tocro KOUpacrlltVOl; IIou aAAou 1ttlya'te;
'OXI, tl-rav 111tPcO't11 <popa. rta'tl oev eixulle KOlIl11eei KUeOAOU. IIoueeva, yta'tl oev eixulle uu'tOK1V11'tO.
You have already learned many adverbs in the previous units. Here is a list of the most important in each group. Remember that most adverbs have one form. Study the list below and refer back to it whenever you need to.
Place and direction nou; where? nougeva nowhere ei5w here eKei there enavw up, above KaTw down, under I.Itoa in, inside t~w out, outside l.IeTa~U between vupw (a)round KovTa near l.IaKpla far n6n:; when? T6Te then
iv v a b e d e
0 <plAo~ Ilu~ 0 IIuvaytl~. Nat exet~. 'H'tav 'ta yevvteAlU Ilou. 'EAa 1te~ Ilu~. Tl Kava'te; KI'aKolla KuAu'tepu. 'H'tuv 'tocro evolU<ptpOV. rvropicrulle 't11~PUOtvtlsrotl 't11~Pooou. IIepacra'te ropaiu n~ OlaK01tt~; Eivat 1tpaYllan 01tro~Mve; IIou vu cra~ Atro; IIe~ Ila~, 1te~ Ilu~. Mu~ tcrKacre~!
noX;; how? aAAloX; otherwise tTm so, like l.Ia~i together, with 6nwc; as, like oavas, like
nOAu much, vel}' momore ALVOsome, little apKeTa enough OXeMv almost TouMXIOTO(V) at least Ka96Aou not at all nepinou about
g 4
1 Respond to the following situations in Greek.
a b e d e
You want to ask someone 'How do you say that in Greek?' You want to find out if someone has had his/her name day. What are the expressions used when congratulating someon~ for his wife / her husband / their child's name day? What wdl your answers be when you hear: Na Stlcrw;! Na Stlmm;! Na crm; Stlmn! Xpovla 1t01.1.o. a very common expression. How will is you reply? You want to find out two specific details: Ask 'Where did you go?' and 'What did you do?' Ask 'Where else did you go?', 'What else did you do?'
Match the words on the left with the words on the right. a
b c d e f g
< a -t
~ J:!
KO'tSpO ylOl't lCU1ts'taVtOe; vuu'tT)e; <pUV'tUcr'tlKO <PT)/llcr/lEVOe; /l1tpaf3o <pumKa /loucrsio U1tVO
sailor/nautical famous bravo captain yacht naturally, physically hypno(therapist) cutter fantastic museum
:I 0
To crmn J,lUc; Sival 'to crxoAsio !CUlto ' cpapJ.1U1Csio. H KmspiVT) slVUl__ cr'tT)0sauuAovllCT). Amo lC6.vSl supcO. To'tU1;swllC6.vsl crnc;oJrnO~SC;. r~t<m 'to n.c!vro rtiwts [
E1;ro /ls'tu1;u
~. <
c. a -t
< D ::I a,
~ J:!
Practise the different forms of Greek verbs in past tenses. Choose the correct words from the boxes to complete the sentences. a SX'tEe;.
'EXro <p'tacrsl Eixu <p'tacrsl 'E<p'tucru yvroplcrse; yvroplsse; sixse; yvropicrsle; EXSle; <pasle; sixse; <pasl sixse; 'tproSl cr'tU/lu'toucru sixse; cr'tU/lu'trlcru EXro cr'tU/lu'trlcrSl EXSle; DSl siDSe; sixse; DSl exro 1;sxacrsl sixu 1;sxacrsl 1;exucru
01troe; 1tlO
U/lEcrroe; 1taAl
'to 1tptv vu
L\sv if:JSAa va 1tplVva <p't00r0cr'tT)V A9i]va, aM<i f3JJ:1tSte; ... Tl cr'tT)v 'tT)AsopUcrT)1tpOx'tEe;; Au! Au'to 'to 1tOU/lou sl1tSe;!
Can you recognize some of the words you have already learnt?
0 T A
0 A
Choose the correct adverb of place, time, manner or quality to complete the sentences. a
1tocro 1tocro
'tocro 'tocro
1to'ts 1troe;
= -
9 Listen to Dialogue 4 in this unit again and fill in the missing words. If you don't have the recording try to fill in the gaps using the words in the box. AvaOTaoia Mary KOI OTa rUlvveva; nou nTlYaTe; Ma~ eixav nel on Sa Ila~ mlYOlvav o'eva a e~w ana Ta rlavveva. EKei aKouoalle TomKr;, b 1l0UOlKr;Kal ei~alle vTomou~ va xopeuouv. 'HTav nOAu C KOI KaTl ~lacpopenKo Yla Ila~. nou aAAou mlYaTe; Ma~ eixav d va Ila~ ~ei~ouv TO Mouoeio Keplvwv 0llolollaTwv TOU BpeAAIl. MOAl~MKa Aema e~w ana Ta rlavveva. 'HTav nOAll e KOI C . Kal elval TO 1l0Va~lKO OTllV EAAMa an'ooo ~epouv Ol f Ila~. Elval KaTl aVTIOTolXo Ile TO Mouoelo Tll~ Madame Tussaud's OTOAov~lvo. nw, nw! liev TO e1xa ~avaKouoel! 9 I <J>avTaOTlKo!Exoulle TETOlO Ilouoelo OTIlV ' EAAMa; H EAAMa exel Tooa h nou 1l0AOVOTl elxalle ~la13aoel KOIeixalle Kavel epeuva nplV va epSoulle 0Tll i oa~ KloAa~ TllV npwTll Ilepa e~w KaTaM13alle on II ~laIlOVr; Ila~ Sa eival j ana ouvapnaOTIKr;. Kal ~ev neoalle e~w! k nou T'aKouw. MaKapl va eixa Kl eyw TllV i~la I Mav mlya ... eVlunwOT'\ yvWCJ1'o[ napaf>OOlaKn
little extra!
Rhodes is one of the most popular destinatio~s for tourists g?ing to Greece. It has a very cosmopolitan summer lIfe and many things to offer young people. Listen to and read the dialogue below. KW(JTac; ~Tll PMo mlyaTe; Tim 'OXl aKolla. AAAa exoulle aKouoel Tooa nOAAa Yl'auTr;V. Eival oAa npaYllan aAr;Sela; KwoTac; NOI eival. 'Exel Tooa nOAAa va npoocpepel. 'Exel TllV naAla nOAll, TO MaVTpaKI, TO Evu~pelO, TO MouOelo, apXOloAoYIKOU~ xwpou~, Tllv AKponoAIl 0Tll Alv~o ... Tim Kl'ano 13pa~lvr;~wr;; KWOTac; EKel ~ev exel va ~IlMljJel TinoTa ana Tll 13pa~IVr;~wr; onolao~r;noTe aAAll~ KoOllonoAlnKll~ nOAll~ lilOKoSr;Ke~, valT KAalln, IlnOUaT, Ilnupapie~, Ilnap, eOTlaTOpla naVTOUKOOIlO~, avTou KoOlloouppor;. ... n Tim Kal nw~ nael Kavel~ eKei; KWOTac; EUKoAa. Me TO aeponMvo oe 45 Aema KOI Ile TO nAOIOoe 14 wpe~. AAAa TO13lonKo enine~o eivOl ana Ta mo aKpl13ao'oAIl Tllv EAAMa. EivOl aKpl13ava na~ eKei, va llelVel~ eKei, va ~laOKe~aoel~ eKel. AAAa eival wpaia. , Tim Mr;n~ TeAIKa eva~ Xpovo~ va ll11v eivOl apKeTo~ OTllv EAAMa! npenel llaAAOV va ~IlTr;ooulle aAAOV Eva Xpovo napaTaOil ana Tl~ ~ouAele~ Ila~ Yla va Tll llaSOUlle KaAllTepa ... KWOTac; AUTOVOlli~w Kl eyw. KaAi) TUXll! I'JaM8la npoocptpw naAla n6AI'J TOMaVTpaKI TOvu~pio o xwpOC; I'Jl\iv~oC;
truth (f) I offer old town, old quarters
AvaOTaoia Mary
evf>laq>epov TPOlJepo
a village 54 km south of Rhodes City ~I'JAUW I become jealous / I am jealous KoolJonoAiTIKoc;l-l'J/-o cosmopolitan onolao~~noT aAAI'JC; whatever else / other I'J~IOKo8~KI'J disco discotheque (f) TOvalT KAalJn nightclub (n) I'JIJnOUaT nightclub with Greek music (f)
r'llJnupapia TO IJnap o KOOIJOC; r'I KOOIJOOUPPO~ &uKoAa TO 1310TIKO&nin&i5o i5laOK&i5o~w 11i5oUA&IO KaM TUXI1! 11napOTaOI1
pub(t) bar (n) people (lit. cosmos), crowd (m) crowd, sea of people, throng easily standard of living
Music was once a part of the language and played an important part in works such as Homer's epics. That 'musicality' has somehow been lost. Some of the many kinds of Greek music are: J\O'iKt;1l0UOlKt; eAocpplo AO'iKt;1l0UOlKt; iS1l1.l0TIKt; I.l0UaIKt; vllcruilTIKO TpoyouiSlO t; vllauilTlKIl I.l0UOlKt; pellTleTlKO
popular music light popular music regional, folklore music island songs or island music rebetica (many call it
'the Greek blues') Different kinds of music have, in turn, created different dances. Some of the most popular are: KoA0I.l0TloVO, eI.lTleKIKO, ~ aupToKI, aupTo, aouaTO and TOlq>TeTeAI.Recently a form of 'table dancing' has developed - it is a unique experience for both tourists and locals.
10 Mark
a b c d e f g h
H Pooo~ ~1tOpEi va 1tPOcrCPEPEt 1tOAAa cr'tOv 'toupicr'ta rj E1ttO'1CE1t'tll (visitor). LlEVEiVat o~ro~ 1tOAUKOcr~01tOAhtKll 1tOAll. Y1tapXEt Kat AKP01tOAll cr'tO Xropto (village) 'tll~ Aivoou. H ~paOtvrj ~rorj 'tll~ OEV EiVat crav/o1tro~ (like) aAAE~ KOcr~01tOAhtKE~ 1tOAEt~. 'EXEt 1tOAAE~OtcrKo9rjKE~, vat't KAa~1t Kat ~1toua't. 'EXEt 1toM KOcr~OaAM 6xt Kat KOcr~OcrUpporj. To 1tAoio KaVEt 14 o)PE~. To ~tOnKo E1ti1tEOO EiVat xa~llA6. Tim XPEta1,;E'tat Eva Xpovo 1tapa'tacrll yta va OEt Kt aAAo 'tllV EAMOa. 0 Ko)cr'ta~ 'tOu OiVEt 'tllV EUXrj "KaArj 'tUXll".
1 Can you remember the Greek for the following ten important
words from this unit? Try to write your answers in Greek script. i ii iii iv v this year friendls life sailing boatls fish vi vii viii ix x teacherls islandls music of course museurnls
2 Can you remember the following ten important phrases from this unit? Where did you go for Easter last year? We had heard it before. We ate a lot of fish. Did you have your name day? Many happy returns! vi May you live long! vii May your wish come true! viii He has already spoken to some friends. ix You have not told us yet... x It was very interesting.
n Greek music
Music has always been essential to the Greek way of life. The nation's educational system is based on languages, philosophy, mathematics, physics, physical education and music! These are the Greek words for some musical instruments: 11 Mpo lyre TO I.lTlOU~OUKI bouzouki TO aovToupl dulcimer TOAOOUTO lute TO KAopivo clarinet o I.lTloyAollo~ baglamas 11cpAoyepo flute ii iii iv v
3 The phrases below are given in the present tense. Change them
into the past tense, using either transliteration or Greek script. i ii iii iv v [pu pate]? lIou 1tan:; [ine sinarpastik6]? Eivat cruvap1tacrnKo; [eho tin endiposi] 'EXro 'tllv Ev'tU1trocrll. [to vlizo pefti] To ~a1,;o 1tEcpn:t. [pos pas]? lIo)~ 1ta~;
Check your progress so far. Once you have completed the following exercises compare your answers with the correct ones, which can be found at the back of the book. Identify any areas that still need some work and go over them again so that you're completely satisfied. 1 Respond to the following situations in Greek. a b What are the expressions used when congratulating someone for his wife I her husband I their child's name day? What are the expressions used on Mondays I first day of the month I first day of the year? If someone else uses those expressions what will your answer be? When do you use 'XPOV1U 1toAAn!'? If you are addressed with this expression, what will your reply be? Ask about the weather: 'What's the weather like in Greece today?' or 'What was the weather like in Greece yesterday?' or 'What will the weather be like in Greece tomorrow?' . You are asked: 'PiXVSl I3poxt~ rj xuMl;l O"'tTJv A9rjvu;'. Give an appropriate answer. You are asked 'ncb~ ElVUl O"tlvrj9(j)~ 0 KUlPO~ O"'tTJv MsynATJ Bps'tuviu;' Give an appropriate answer. A friend of yours does not look well, ask: 'Are you sick? You don't look very well. Shall I call a doctor?' 'Long time no see! Where have you been? I've missed you. George!' If George is a good but 'long-lost' friend, how will you say these phrases? You want to find out someone's profession, ask: 'What do you do for a living?' then tell himlher that you are a banker, painter, book-keeper, nurse, builder or teacher. Ask someone what kind of sports he or she likes. Then tell him or her that you like swimming, cycling, horse-riding, volley-ball, running and soccer.
i: o
c d
_ <. tn _.
In this unit you will revise making arrangements and meeting someone initiating and carrying out busines talks talking to a doctor and asking for remedies talking about the weather using appropriate language at a social function expressing opinions and stating preferences different professions and sports naming months and seasons 2
e f g h
CD tn
Someone has handed you the two business cards below. You look at them and you want to ask some questions. How would you say the following in Greek? a b c d e f 'Oh, you are a manager!' 'What's the name of your hotel in Greek?' 'Rhodes is an island, isn't it?' 'Do you have both restaurants and apartments?' 'Where's Fiscardo?' 'Please give me your telephone number.'
Nicholas Statiras
F&B Manager
The map below shows the temperatures in most major European cities. See if you can answer the following questions. a b c d e f g
I o'
ESlP'EROS lP'AJLACE JH[OTElL faliraki p.o. box 202 - 85100 rho~s (0241) 85751-4 telex: 292601 espp GR-fax: (0241) 85744
The advertisement below offers some good deals to major European cities. Look at it and answer the following questions: a b c d e f IIoO"o UKPlf3rj dVal T) 1ttrjO"T) Y1UAovoivo; H 1ttrjO"T) yta to Dublin dVUl <ptT)VOtEpT) rj UKplf30tEPT) U1tOtT)v 1ttrjO"T) 1Uto Edinburg; Y IIota dVal T) 1tlO UKplf30tEPT) 1ttrjO"T)O"tT)vEupw1tT); Tu E10"T)trjP1U dVal 1l0VOvu 1tu<;rj IlE E1tlO"tPO<prj; IIffi<;ElVUlT)KroV/1tOAT)KrovcrtuvnvOU7tOAT)crt'AyyAlK(l; ( II01E<; Eival Ol hUA1KE<;1tOAEl<;; 5 Below is a list of many emergency telephone numbers in Greece. Study the list, and answer the questions below: What are the telephone numbers for the following?
400 500 350 325 365 200 350
a b c d e
f g h j
Fire Chemists in Athens Chemists in the Suburbs First Aid I Red Cross Tourist Police
234 ~. III
26 A vrOYHOY
~0Tj t>.pOOTjAcrruvo~a<; I\llJevapXEio AoeEVOlp6po nUpool3ecrrIKJ'j .6.lwf;Il NapKWTIKWV.. ...... .. AVTlj..IeTWnlOTj nUpKaylwv t>.lll~P&uoVTa & t.lOVUKTEp&UOVTO <l>aplJaKE{a A8rJvlilv t>.lll~p&UOVTa & ll.lOVUKTEpEUOVTa l>aplJaKEia npoacrr{wv < npWTE<; BOIl6EI<; (Epu9p6<; ITaUpO<;) ElpllIJEP&UOVTE<; nmpoi A8rJvwV-n&Ip<nliJ<; EXPRESS SERVICE El\nA OOIKTjBol')9&IO HELLAS SERVICE TOUPlcrrlKIl AcrruvolJ[a
.6.&ATio Katpou 100
108 166 199
6 Being able to decipher information about cultural events from the Greek press is handy when visiting Greece. Overleaf are advertisements for two different cultural events. Read the information and answer the following questions. a b c d e
When do they both take place? What kind of events are they? How long (how many days) is each event? Does the first event start in the morning or in the evening? How would you translate ArrAIKO <l>ELTIBAA MIIAX? Do you know the name rUWrOY NTAAAPA? Which one of the two events is less expensive and why?
Alain Germain
~. re.
Write out the names in Greek of the months which have a 30, and b 31 days. Then c write the names of the days of the week. Use the definite articles (0, 11, to) if you can remember them. Can you match the pictures of the following office items with the list of items?
M!'Jn~ I tva~ Xpovoc:; va jJT]v ElVQl apKETo~ OTTJVEMMa! nptnE m va ~T]n'tOOUjJEoMov tva Xpovo napOTaOT] ano Tl~ iSOUAElt~ jJa~ VIa va TT] jJ080UjJE KaAuTEpa ... KWOTac; AUTO VOjJl~W Kl EVW. KaA!'J n _
TEAIKO MOlo l5laOKEl5cioElc;
9 Listen to the last dialogue of Unit 14 again and fill in the missing words. If you don't have the recording try to fill in the gaps from the words provided overleaf.
Congratulations on choosing Teach Yourself Greek in your efforts to learn this beautiful and rich language. Aristarhos Matsukas, the author of this book, will be more than happy to hear your comments. Your comments and/or suggestions will help us to improve future editions. You can contact the author directly at the following e-mail address: [email protected] or by writing c/o Teach Yourself, Hodder & Stoughton, 338 Euston Road, London NWI 3BH, England. Even though you have reached the end of the book, you should not close it, but instead continue practising to improve your Greek. Set yourself goals, and speak the language whenever you are in the company of Greeks, so that you keep on learning. Good luck!
KWOTac; I:TTJPMo m;vaTE; 'OXI aKolla. AAM EXOUIlE a Tooa nOAM Vl'aun'tv. ElVQl oAa npoVjJaTl b , KWOTac; NQl eival. 'EXEI Tooa noMa va c 'EXEI TTJV naAlO noM], TO MaVTpOKI, TO Evu5pElO, TO MOUOElO, apXQlOAOVIKOU~ XWPOU~, TT]V AKpOnOAT] OTTJAlV50 ... Tim Kl'ano I3pa5lv!'J d _ KWOTac; EKEl iSEV EXEI va ~T]MljJEI TlnOTQ ano TTJv I3pa5lv!'J d onOlao5!'JnoTE OAAT]~ e nOAT]C:;.f ___ , VO'iT KAajJn, jJnouoT, jJnupaplEC:;, jJnap, EOTlaTopla ... naVTou 9 , navTou KOOjJOOUPpo!'J. Tim KQl n~ nOEL KaVElC:; KEl; E KWOTac; h . ME TO aEpon'Aovo OE 45 AEmo Kal jJE TO OE 14 WpE~. MM TO j EnlnE50 Elval ano Ta mo aKpll30 O'OAT] TT]V EMo5a. Elval aKpll30 va na~ EKEl, va jJElVEI~ EKEl, va k EKEi. AMo ElVQl wpala.
Kal.:1] T6X11!
Introduction 1 r, L\, e, A, S, n, I:, $, 'P, !1 2 ~,y,0, 9, lC, A, 1I, ~, cr, cp, '1', 0) 3 [v], [i], [r], [h] 4 a a, e, T), 1, lC, V, 0, 1t, cr/r", 't, U, 0); b ~, 0, 1;, 9, A, ~; c y, 1I, p, cp, X, 'I' 5 i y, ii 0, ill T), iv lC, V A, vi 1I, vii v, viii ~, ix cr/~, x't xi U, xii 0) 6 a iii,
b iv, c i, d ii 7 lI1tacrlCe't[basket]; 'tevvl~ [terns]; lC19apa [kithara] -1tlavo [piano]; AnAia [anglia] - EAMoa [ehiTHa]; 'tpEVO [treno] - aepo1tMvo [aeroplano] 7 a v, b iv, c i, d vi, e iii, f ii. 8 'kriti' was not on the recording.
'< o
cra~ AEve; b rela crou! Tl lCclvel~; c rela cra~! Tl lCclve'te; d lCaAT)lIEpa,lCaAT)cr1tEpa,lCaAT)VuX'ta.e L\ucr'tuXffi~, Oev ~EPo) EAAT)VllCU;M1M'te AYYAllCa; 2 a iii, b iv, c ii, f d i. 3 c, a, d, b. 4 a Me AEve POll1tep't, b Eillat a1to 'tT)v AYYAia, c A1to 'to Aovoivo, d AYYAllCcl (raAAllCa, haAllCa, EAAT)VllCa) 5 a x, b viii, c i, d ii, e iii, f iv, g vii, h v, i vi, j ix. 6 a POll1tep't, b EAEVT), EAAT)vioa, d AnAia e L\ev, f Eicrat: c shaded word = EAAaoo (Greece). 7 a: aAAcl, va, a1to, cra~. e: A.Eve, val, ~EPo), lie. 8 a dcrat, b eillat, c 1tOAT), aAM, d e SEpel~, f 1I0VO,g EcrEva, h !1paia. 9 a X, b ./, eX, d ./. 10 a i, b i, c i, d ii. Mini test 1 i yeta cra~ [yasas], ii yeta [ya], ill lCaM [kala], iva1to [ap6], v eoffi [eTH6], vi 1tOU[pu], viii Vat [ne], viii 0Xl [6chi] , ix lie [me], x lCov'ta [konda] 2 i nffi~ cre AEve [pos se lene?], ii A1to 1tOUdcrat [ap6 pu fse?], ill A1to 1tOla 1tOAT) [ap6 pya p6li?], iv A1to 'to Aovoivo, AnAia [ap6 to 10nTHfno anglia], v Me AEve ... [me lene], vi M1M~ AnAllCa [milas anglika]?, vii MEVO)cr'to/cr'tT)V ... [menD sto/stin], viii MEVO)cr'tO/cr'tT)V...
Unit 1 1 a n~
>< CD
-en CD en
[meno sto/stin], ix Eivat KOV'tU[ine koncta], x i\sv ~EPCO[THen ksero] 3 i TIro~ cra~ AEVS [pos sas lene]?, ii Ano nou dcr'ts [apo pu iste]?, ill TIou ~EVS'tS [pu menete]?, iv MtAU'tS AYYAtKu, [milate anglika]?, v rSta cra~ [yasas]
Mini test 1 i vspo [nero], ii snicrll~ [episis], ill 'Vco~i [psorrul, iv yUAa [ghala], v cruvrjflco~ [sinfthos], vi Ka'tuAoyo~ [kataloghos], vii npcotVo [proino], viii flau~ucrto [thavmasio], ix anaicrto [apesio], x o~oP<Po [omorfo] 2 i Opicr'ts [oriste], ii BUAs ~ou Aiyo [vale mu ligho], ill Au'to sivat [afto ine], iv cI>'tUVSt fuini], v [ i\sv flEACO [THe thelo], vi IIivs'ts ou~o; [pinete uzo]? vii Tt sivat '~S~EDS~'; [ti ine mezeTHes]?, viii i\sv Ka'taAa~aivco [THen katalaveno], ix Mou apEcrSt noM [mu aresi pohl, x 'Exco ~ia <piAll [eho mfa tili] 3 i Tt fla nupst~; [ti tha paris]? ii BUAs ~ou vspo [vale mu nero], ill TIivst~ yUAa; [pfnis ghala]? iv Ma~ <pEPVSt~; mas fernis]? v Eicrat E'tOt~O~/E'tOt~l1; rise etimos/etirni]? [
Unit 4
1 a KaArj 'OpS~l1! KaArj XrovS'Vll! b Mrjnco~ EXS'tS ~sAt't~avocraAu'tU; notKtAia; ~tKprj notKtAia yta 'to ou~o; ~oucraKu; c Tov Ka'tuAoyo napaKaAro - 'to Aoyaptacr~o napaKaAro; d 1ttshs Kun; e 'Eva ~tKPO ~nouKuAt ou~o MunArjvll~; f 'EAa 'tropa! g TIocro KUVOUV; 2 a iv, b iii, c i, d ii. 3 e, f, c, d, b, a. 4 a Tov Ka'tuAoyo napaKaAro. b Nat. (Mrjnco~) EXS'tS ~ocrxapicrts~ ~npt~6As~; c Ev'tu~st! Mia XOtptVrj ~npt~OAa, Eva ~oucraKu Kat ~ia craAU'ta snoxrj~. d 'Eva ~tKPO ~nouKuAt ou~o. Ti ou~o EXS'tS; e 'Eva ~tKPO ~nouKuAt MunArjvll~. f Tino'ta UAAOyta 'tllv ropa. 5 a iii, b iv, c v, d i, e ii; f vii, g x, h vi, i viii, j ix. 6 a EAIE~, b cI>ETA, c NTOMATE~, d KPEMMYMA, e TIITIEPIE~, f ArrOYPIA, g BY M, h AAM. 7 a sina'ts, b flEAS'tS, c ~Ecra, d Ka'taAa~aivco, e v'to~u'ta, f Kat. 8 a eI', b X, eX, d ./, e ./, f X.
Unit 3
1 a 'Eva ou~o (OU~UKt)Kat ~ia nOtKtAia. b eau~ucrto! Anaicrto! c Mou apEcrSt nOAu - i\s ~ou apEcrSt. d crKE'tO~S nuyo. e 'tOY Ka'tUAoyo napaKaAro! f 'Eva 'tcrut ~S YUAa, napaKaAro. 2 a iii, b i, c iv, d ii. 3 e, b, d, c, a, f. 4 a Ma~ <pEpVS'tS'tOY Ka'tuAoyo napaKaAro; b Nat, Eva <ppanE Kat Eva VS~ (Ka<pE). c Tino'ta UAAOyta 'tllv ropa. EuXaptcr'tro. d (Ma~ <pEpVS'tS)'to Aoyaptacr~o napaKaAro; 5 a KAcI>E, b MAPMEAAM, c ~KETO, d NE~, e TIQ~, f ~INEMA: shaded word AMEI:!U:. 6 a vii, b vi, c viii, d ix, e ii, f iv, g x, hi, i v, j iii. 7 a E'tOt~Ot, b <pEpVS'tS,c ~E~ata, d npcotvu, e O~SAE'tS~, f XU~OU~,g ~s, h rj, i cI>EP'tS,j 'Vco~i. 8 a X, b X, c X, d X. 9 a i, b i, c ii, d i.
Mini test 1 i snoxrj [epoclnl, ii ~nouKuAt [bukali], ill nO'trjpt [potiri], iv na'tu'ts~ [patates], v KPS~~uDt [krerru'THi], vi v'to~u'ta [domata], vii KO'tonouAo [kotopulo], viii DEKa [THeka], ix SiKOcrt [!kosi], x'tptuv'ta [trianda] 2 i KaArj oPS~l1! [kill oreksi], ii Eivat oAa cr'ta EAAllVtKu! [ine ola sta elinika], ill Eivat oAa cr'ta AyyAtKU! [ine ola sta anglika], iv fla napayydAco syro yta crEva [tha parangflo egh6 ya sena], v eEACO1ttnSptE~ YS~tcr'tE~ [thelo piperies ghernistes], vi 'Eva ~nouKuAt vspo [ena bukali nero], vii eEASt~ psmiva; [thelis retsina]?, viii eEACO~UAAOVou~o [thelo malon uzo], ix TIocro KUVOUV; [poso kanun]?, x Eyro flEACO va pco'trjcrcoKun [egho thelo na rotfso kati] 3 i 'Exst~ s~unllPs'tllfld; [echis eksipiretitlnl?, ii i\sv EXCO [THen eho], iii Tt dns~; [ti ipes/t'pes]? iv eEASt~ craAU'ta; [thelis salata]?, v fla 1ttSt~ Kun; [tha pyis kati]?
Unit 5 1 a Eivat u1tepoxo~! Eivat u1tuimo~! b Mou OiVE'tE'tOy KU'tUAoyo 1tUpUKuAro.cIlep'tE J.lou 'to AOYUP1UcrJ.lO 1tUpUKuAro. c cIlep'tE J.lOU(eu rjeEAU/eeAro) evu J.le'tp1O, yAUKO,O"Ke'to (EAAl1V1KO) Ku<pe. d 'Evu 'tcrU1 J.lEyUAU. 'Evu 'tcrU1 J.lEAEJ.lOV1 1tUpUKuAro.e The invitation was Come and have a glass of ouzo (with me). You could probably answer Qpuiu, miJ.lE Y1a Eva OU~UK1 ~uYYVolJ.1l1, or dJ.la1 KoupacrJ.levo~/ -11.f The invitation is to go to a fish taverna. g Mou <pepvE'tE AiYE~<ppuyav1e~, POU'tl1PO Kat J.lapJ.lEAuoa. h KoupacrJ.levo~ y1a'ti OEVK01J.lUJ.la1 KaeOAOU. i Shall we go to the cinema? rta'ti 0X1; TIUJ.lE!Or 'OX1 crrjJ.lEpa! j He or she wants to know where you live. Mevro cr'tl1v Aerjva 'tropa. Mevro cr'tO Aovoivo 'tropa, and so on. 2 f, b, c, i, e, g, a, j, d, h. 3 a 'to J.l1tOUKUA1, 01 YArocrcrE~, 01 XUJ.loi, b C d 01 <ppuyav1e~, e 0 Ka'tUAoyo~, f'ta oroJ.luna, g 11(l1)J.lepa, h 'ta OU~UKta, i 01 J.lE~eOE~ 111t01K1Aia, k 01 OJ.lEAe'tE~,I 'ta j ou~a, m 'to,n 0 crUVUOEA<pO~. 0: 1tOVO~,Ka<pe~, 4 Ka'tuAoyo~, XUJ.lO~, .lE~e~;11: 1tOAl1,J.lepa, vUX'ta, 'tapepva, J 'tupo1tt'ta; 'to:, M.eo~, ~EvoooXdo, 'ta~io1, J.loucrdo. 5 a Australia, b Austria, C Belgium, d France, e Germany, f Gibraltar, g Denmark, h Switzerland, i Estonia, j Ireland, k Spain, I Italy, m Cyprus, n Luxemburg, 0 Morocco, p Great Britain, q Norway, r South Mrica, s Holland, t Hungary u Portugal, v Greece, w Sweden, x Thailand, y Turkey, z Finland. 6 Mou OiVE'tEEva crouPAUK1KaAaJ.lUK11tapaKaAro, ODO1thE~ xrop1unKE~ J.lEyupo, J.l1a J.lEpioa J.l1tt<p'teK1toAh1KO, J.lia 1 J.lEpioa crE<p'taA1e~KU1tptaKe~ Ka1 J.lia craAu'ta Xrop1UnKl1. E1ticrl1~ J.lia J.l1KprjJ.l1tUpaKat ODOJ.lEYUAE~. (This is of course not the only possible order you could place for this exercise. It serves only as an example.) 7 The Athenian, open since 1932; its speciality is ouzo with appetizers. 8 1995: Tokyo (Japan), Sao Paolo (Brazil), New York (USA), Mexico City, Bombay (India), Shanghai (China), Los Angeles (USA), Peking (China), Calcutta (India), Seoul (South Korea); 2015: Lagos (Nigeria), Jakarta (Indonesia), Karatchi (Pakistan), Dhaka (Bangladesh). 9 a Business English, Beginner's English, Advanced English, Arabic, Afrikaans, Beginner's French, Advanced French, Beginner's German, Advanced German, Danish; b Greek for foreigners, Hebrew, Japanese, Indonesian, Hindi, Irish, Icelandic, Spanish, Spanish (Central and South America), Italian, Chinese; C Korean, Malay, Norwegian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbo-Croat, Swedish, Thai, Finnish. 10 a E~U1tl1PE't119d, b 1ta'tu'tE~, C J.leYE90~, d pro'trjcrro, e KPEJ.lJ.lU01, craM.ta, f g J.leva, h eXOUJ.lE.
Unit 6 1 a ~uyyvroJ.ll1 - ME cruyxropEhE. b TIou EiVa1 to SEVOOOXEioA1tOAArov;C Eiva1 J.laKp1U;- Eiva1 KOVtU; d right, straight, left, straight ahead, e trolley bus, bus, taxi, f rE1a cra~ Ka1 EUxap1cr'tro (1tOAU)!g L1EvKu'taAapaivro EAAl1V1KU KaM.. M1AU'tE Aiyo 1t1Omyu; 2 a ii, b i, C iii, d iv. 3 e, d, a, f, b, C 4 a MdvEtE cr'autov tOV OpOJ.lo.b MEtu, cr'tphjftE ap1crtEpU cr'tO tpho cr'tEVO.c MEtu, cruvEXicr'tE ima (EUeEia). H 1tAa'tEia dvat crta OE~lU. d TIapaKaAro. 5 a iii, b ix, c i, d vi, e ii, f viii, g iv, h x, i vii, j v. 6 a KUVOUJ.lE, MdvE'tE, b C Eivat, d J.l1tOpEi'tE,e av'texro, f Katepa, g M1AU'tE. 7 a Eicrooo~, b 1tuvro, c teAO~, d J.laKp1U,e rj0l1, f KoupacrJ.leV01, g Eicr'tE, h J.l1tOpEi'tE,i Ei1tatE, j J.lOVO, ropaia, k I avtexro, m ~ecrtl1. 8 a.l, b~, c~, d.l, e .I. Mini test 1 i cruyyvroJ.ll1[sighn6rni], ii J.laKp1U[makria], ill ap1crtEpU [aristera], iv OE~lU [THeksia], v yrovia [ghonia], vi EOro [eTH6], vii EKEi [elal, viii Eicrooo~ [fsoTHos], ix 1tAatEia [platfa], x Kev'tpo [kendro] 2 i ME ta 1t001a [me ta p6THia], ii ME (to) AEro<pOpEio[me to leoforfo], ill ~'to <pavup1 [sto fanan], iv Eivat KaArj yUJ.lVacrnKrj! [me kill ghimnastikf!], v ~tpi"'tE oE~1<i/ap1crtEpU [strfpste THeksfa/aristera], vi ME crUyxropEi'tE [me sinhorfte], vii TIou EiVat 'to/11/0 [pu me o/i/to], viii L1EV av'texro 'tl1v ~ecr'tl1! [THen andeho tin zesti!], ix EiJ.lacr'tE 1tOAU KoupacrJ.leV01 [fmaste poll kurazmeni], x KUVE1 1tOAU~ecr'tl1! [kani poll zesti!] 3 i 'EAa EOro![ela eTH6!], ii MEivE EKEi! [mfne ekf!], ill ~'tpi"'E ap1crtEpU! [strfpse aristera!], iv TIrjyatVE Eu9Eia! [pfghene efthfa!] v~uveX1crE icr1a! [sin6chise fsia!] Unit 7 1 a Y1tUPXE11ttrjcrl1 Ku9E J.lepa; b TIocrl1 ropa KUVE111 1ttrjcrl1; c TIocro KUVE1111t'trjO"ll;d EiVat J.lOVO 1trjyatVE rj J.lEt'E1ttcr'tPO<prj~; M1topro va KUVroKpU'tl1crl1tropa; f M1topro e va exro Eva; g KueE 1tO'tE; TIocro cruxvu; (both mean 'how often?'). TIocrl1 ropa ... ; is 'how long?' and 'how much?' is TIocro KUVE1... ; 2 a iii, b iv, c i, d ii. 3 b, e, c, a, d, f, g. 4 a ea rj9EAa OUOE1cr1trjP1Uyta ('tl1v) Pooo. b TIocro KUVE1J.lEto Kapup1; c L1EU'tEPl1 eecrl1. d Kat J.lE't'E1ttO"'t"PO<prj~; e TIocrl1 ropa KUVE1;f Tt; L1eKu OKtro (18) roPE~! Eyro OEVuv'texro 'tecrcrEp1~ (4) roPE~ cr'to KUpUP1! 5 a vii, b viii, c ix, d x, e ii, f i, g iii, h iv, i v, j vi. 6 TO the, TIOY where, TOY of the, TON (in) to the, NTO do, TIOY that; TO~O so much, TIOTE when, TIOTE never, TIO~H how long,
T01:H so much, NEPO water, 1:0YT shoot, 1:TON (in) to the, PENO Renault, NETO net; TPENO train, 1:TENO back street, IIETPO Peter, NTOn shower, TOYIIE wig, IIE1:TO say it; IIOYPE1: mashed potatoes, IIOPTE1: doors, TOYPNE tour. 7 a 1tAll1'o<P01'lcOV, /lEO"a, c U1t(i1'XEl,d oro, e <pEuyEl, b f <PEUYOU/lE 'ta~iol, h 9EO"El~,i E1ttO"'t1'O<PrJ, g j 1tO'tE,k 1t1'tv, 1 'ti1to'ta 8 a OK'tcO Kat 'tE'ta1''tO, b EVVEaKal EiKOO"t tE'tE, 1 C E1t'tU1ta1'U &SKa, d 't1'ElO"rJ/llO"U, E~l 1ta1'U &SKa, f Ilia, e g E1t'tU/llO"ll,h 't1'El~ 1ta1'u EiKOO"t1tEV'tE,i 'tEO"O"E1'l~, E1t'tU j Kat 1tEVrJV'taOUO,k 'tEO"O"E1'l~ EiKOO"t't1'ia, 1EVVEaKat Kat O"a1'uv'ta EVVlU,m E1t'tUKat OcOOEKa, /llU/llO"ll, 0 Ilia Kat n O"a1'uv'ta 't1'ia. 9 a ./, b ~, c ~, d ~, e ./.
Mini test 1 i 1tE1'i1tou [peripu], ii 1t'trJO"ll[ptisi], ill y1'a<pEio [ghrafio],
(priest), AnPA (presents) 0, MONO, EXETE, XEPI (hand), TO, 101: (virus) 7 Iafl y1'u<pro,au'to~, Ka<pE~,lef/ EUKOAO, Uxa1'lO"'tcO, E Eu9Ela, levl a1toO"KEurJ,YEU/la, <PEUyro. 8 a Aro/lu'tto, b M1tuvto, c Koup'tiva, d KavEva, e Kuvro, f NEPU, g Mll, h 1:'tEyVcOVEl. 9 1-821, 2-825, 3-554, 4-954, 5-557,6-747,7--421, 8--480, 9-780, 10-325. 10 a./, b./, c ./, d ./, e ~, f ~, g ./, h ~.
iv 1tAll1'o<po1'ialE~ [pliroforia/es], v K'ti1'to [ktirio], vi 9EO"ll [thesi], vii aE1'OO1'O/lto [aeroTHr6mio], viii KivllO"ll [kinisi], ix a1tOO"KEUrJI [aposkevi/es], x 1'EO"'ta[resta] 2 i 'EXOU/lE E~ Kat1'O! [ehume ker6!], ii K1'a'trJO"'tE 'ta 1'EO"'ta![kratiste ta resta!], ill IIuv'ta 'ta /l1tE1'OEUro [panda ta berTHevo], iv IIou 1tU'tE; [pu pate]? v Tl c01'a EiVat; [ti 6ra iDe]? vi Eivat Ilia (ll c01'a) [iDemia i 6ra], vii Eivat /llU/llO"ll [iDe miamisi], viii Eivat OUO1ta1'u 'tE'ta1''to [iDeTRio para tetarto], ix XiAla EUXa1'lO"'tcO! [chilia etharist6!], x IIa1'aKaAcO! [parakal6!] 3 i IIa1'aKaAcO, Ku9lO"E! [parakal6, kathise!], ii IIu1'E 'to! [pare to or plirto], ill 9EAEl~ ElO"t'trJ1'to;[thelis isitirio]?, iv M1to1'El~ ... 3E1'El~; [boris ... kseris]? v IIou 1ta~; [pu pas]?
Unit 8 1 a 'EXE'tE oro/lu'tta; b ea rJ9EAa Eva /lOVOKAtvo/oiKAtvO. c 'EXE'tE Eva /lOVOKAtvoytCl 'tEO"O"E1'l~ ll/lE1'E~; d ea rJ9EAa
[THomatio/a], ii aU'toKivll'tola [aftokinito/a], ill 'tou1'iO"'ta~lE~ [turistas/es], iv ~aAhO"a/E~ [valitsa/es], v K1'U'tllO"ll!Kpa'trJO"El~ [kratisi/kratisis], vi OlEU9uvO"ll [THiefthinsi], vii a1'l9/l0~ [arithm6s], viii ola~a'trJ1'to [THiavatirio], ix O"'tUAO~stiI6s], x v'tou~ [duz] 2 i Mll [ O"'tEvaxro1'lEO"'tE! stenahorieste!], ii IIpol'to(~)/oEmE1'o(~)1 [mi 't1'ho(~) opo<po~ [pr6toslTHefteros/tritos 6rofos], ill 'OXl, OE /lOU a1'EO"El![6chi THe mu aresi!], iv Tovo/la /lOU ElVat ... [t6noma mu iDe...], AEYO/lat... [leghome ...], ME AEVE... [me lene ...], v'EXro KUVElKPU'tllO"ll[eho kani kratisi], vi 'Eva oro/lu'tto Yla a1t0'l'E I crr]/lE1'a ('to ~1'uou), [ena THomatio ya ap6pse I simera to vraTHi], vii 'EXE'tE oro/lu'tta Yla EvolKiaO"ll; [ehete THomatia ya enikiasi]? viii KaArJ OtCl/lovrJ![kali THiamoni!], ix 9a 'to 1tUpro [tha to parol, x MlO"OAE1t'tO1ta1'aKaAcO![mis61ept6 parakal6!] 3 i 'EXEl~ oro/lu'tto; [echis THomatio]?, ii 1:U/l1tArJ1'roO"E Eoffi! [simblirose eTH6!], ill Y1tOY1'a'l'E EKEi! [ip6ghrapse eki!], iv KaAffi~ O1'lO"E~!kal6s 6rises or kalos6rises!], [ v Mll O"'tEvaxro1'lEO"at![mi stenahoriese!]
Unit 9
Eva OiKAlVO/lE v'tou~//l1tuvto, rJO"UXo gea 'tll 9uAaO"O"a. /lE e IIoO"o KuvEllEivat (au'to 'to oro/lu'tto); f 'EXro KUVEl K1'u'tllO"ll. g AEV /lou a1'EO"El'to oro/lu'tto. AEV ElVat rJO"UXO Kat OEVeXEl 9Ea. 2 a iii, b ii, c i, d iv. 3 d, b, c, e, a, f. 4 a rEla O"a~!ME AEVEJoanna Wilke. 'EXro KAElO"ElEva oro/lu'tto Yla ouo /lE1'E~. b O1'iO"'tE!M1to1'ffi va EXro Eva O"'tUAO 1ta1'aKaAcO;c AEV /lE 1tEl1'U~El.Ei/lat 1tOAUKOU1'aO"/lEVll Kat 9a 1t1'o'tt/louO"a va KOl/lll9ffi a/lEO"~. d IIou ElVat 'to aO"avO"E1'; 5 a v, b ix, c vii, d i, ex, f ii, g iii, h vi, i iv, j viii. 6 Horizontal: eE1:H, EXEI, 3ENOAOXEIO, MEPE1:, eA, IIPOTIMn, NEPO(Y), 1:KEIITONTAI, ANAMONH (waiting). Vertical: APE1:n, eEA, eA, ENT A3EI, 1:0Y,
a eEAEl~ 1tapEa; b X1'ElU~O/lat val II1'E1tEl va I eEAro va KUVro/lE1'lKU 'I'ffiVla. c 1:E 1tOtoV o1'o<po Eivat 'to 't/lrJ/la avo1'lKcOVI YUVatKElroVI 1tatOlKcOV; ea rJ9EAa Ilia d /lOVoXPro/lll I oiX1'ro/lll I 't1'iX1'ro/lll I E/l1tPl/lE <pouO"'ta.ea rj9EAa Eva /lovoX1'ro/lO I oiX1'ro/lo I 't1'iXpro/lo I E/l1t1'l/lE 1tOUKU/llO"O. PlyE, Ka1'o rj 1touu. e ea 1t1'o'tt/louO"a KU'tt /llK1'O'tE1'O,KaAU'tE1'o Kat <p9llVO'tE1'O! 2 TEST 1: KOKKtvO,1t01''tOKaAi, 1t1'uO"tvO;TEST 2: uO"1t1'O, KOKKlVO,1'O~E;TEST 3: (probably optional!) Kh1'lVO, Ka<pE, /l1tAE, KOKKtvO;TEST 4: KOKKtvO,1t01''tOKaAi, Kh1'tvo, 1t1'uO"tvo,yaAli~to, /l1tAE, /lro~. TEST 5: /lau1'o, uO"1tpO 3 a ea rj9EAa Eva KlAO 1t01''tOKUAtCl Kal OUOKlAa /lrJAa. b Eivat vOO"'tt/la 'ta Ka1'1tOU~ta; c AcOO"'tE /lOU Eva /llKPO, 0Xl 1tto 1toM a1to 1tEV'tEKlAU. d Au'tu yta 'tllV cOpa. IIoO"o
Kavouv; e Opicr'ts!, ~eKa wpro f Euxaptcr'tro, rSta cra~. 4 a viii, b v, c x, d ii, e ix, f iv, g i, h vi, i vii, j iii. 5 a YTIOrEIO, b KITPINO, c r AAAZIO, d Bn~INO, e ~OrEIO, f KOKKINO. 6 a cpa!!s, b EUl]vioa, c ioto, d 1tapo!!oto, e 1tav't(ov, f votasSt, g 1tapst~ h cp'tl]va, i 1tapou!!s, j ~evou~, k !!syaAu'tspa, Ivocrn!!o'ta'ta, m ~rocr'ts, n IIocro, 0 !!apouAta, P xop'ta, q oi1tAa. 7 a./, b ./, eX, d X, e ./, f X, g ./, h ./, i ./, ./,k ./, I ./T. j Mini test 1 i \jIroVta [ps6nia], ii cpops!!a/cpope!!a'ta [f6remalforemata], ill Kpe!!-a [krema], iv cruv'to!!a [sindoma], v ayop-6.I e~ [aghonVes], vi ~ev-o~/l] [ksenos/i], vii !!tlA-o/a [mHo/a], viii 1top'toKaAt/a [portokaIila], ix acr1tpo [aspro], x !!aupo [mavro] 2 i eeASt~ 1tapea; [thelis parea]?, ii ~sv 'to exro !!asi !!OU [THen to eho mazi mu], ill 'EAa va 1tapou!!s "CO acravcrep [ela na parume to asanser], iv Eivat cr'tov 'te'tap'to opocpo [me ston tetarto 6rofol, vea pro'ttlcrro 'tOY 1troAl]'ttl [tha rotiso ton polit11, vi Tt !!eys90~ cpopa~;[ti meghethos foras]?, vii Ml] crs votasSt! [mi se niazi], viii 'Exs'ts !!syaAu'tspaIKaAU'tspa; [ehete meghaliteralkalitera]?, ix 'EAa soro, oi1tAa !!ou! [ela eTH6 THipla mu], x KuptaKtl [kiriaktl, ~w'tepa [THeftera], Tphl] [triti], Ts'tap'tl] [tetarti], IIe!!1t'tl] [pemdi], IIapacrKWtl [paraskevi], ~appa"CO[savato] 3 i ea 'tsAStrocrro crtl!!~spa, [tha teli6so simera], ii ea Oro 'tl]Asopacrl] [tha THo tile6rasi], ill 9a ~epro EUl]VtKa (cruv'to!!a) [tha ksero elinika (sindoma)], ivea Kavro yU!!VacrnKtl [tha kano ghirnnastikIl, vea cparo !!OucraKa [tha faD musaka].
Unit 10
1 a IIou sivat 0 cr'ta9!!o~; - IIou sivat l] 1tAa'tsia; - IIou sivat 'to Kev'tpo; b ~sv Ka'taAapaivro EAAl]vtKa KaAa. MtAU'ts Aiyo 1tto O"1ya;c Right on the ftrst street, Right on the second comer, Right on the third block (side street), d IIocro Kavouv 'ta !!tlAa; - llkilo - Mou oivs'ts 'tpia KtAU !!tlAa cra~ 1tapaKaAro; e IIa!!s cr'to 1tapKO; On foot or by car? f 'Exs'ts xap'ts~; IIocro KavSt (au'to~) 0 xap'tl]~; g Y 1tapxst 1t'ttlcrl] cr'tl] escrcraAoviKl] Ka9s !!epa; IIocrs~ 1t'ttlcrSt~ u1tapxouv 'tl]v l]!!epa; Kat 1to'ts; h Mou oivs'ts "CO 1tpoypa!!!!a !!S 'ta OPO!!oAoyta a1to A9tlva yta escrcraAoviKl]; IIo'ts 1tpe1tst va KAsicrro gecrl]; i 25 Eivat !!OVO1ttlyatvs tl !!s't'S1t1cr'tpoCPtl~; j Do you like light or dark colours? One-coloured shirts or multiple colours? Mou apecrouv 't'aVOtK'ta xpro!!a'ta Kat cruvtl9ro~ 'ta !!Ovoxpro!!a. This is not the only possible answer. 2 a vi, b iv,
c ix, d i, e x, f ii, g v, h iii, i viii, j vii. 3 a v, b i, c viii, d iii, e ii, f x, g iv, h ix, i vii, j xiii, k xiv, I xi, m vi, n xii. 4 a ~'tpi\jl'ts os~ta cr'tl] Mu9tl!!vl]~. IIl]Yaivs'ts 060 cr'tsva. Kav'ts Os~ta cr'tl] yrovia 1tOUsivat "CO TEXACO. IIl]yaivs'ts !!OVOEva 'ts'tpayrovo Kat cr'tl] ~1tap'tl]~ cr'tpips'ts 1taAt os~ta. H 'tapepva 'to Apxov'tocr1t1'to sivat cr't'aptcr'tspa cra~ a1tevavn a1to 'to yKapaS 'tl]~ SHELL. b IIl]Yaivro w9sia yta 060 'ts'tpayrova. ~'tpiPro os~ta cr'tl] ~roKpa"COu~Kat l] A't9iorov sivat 'to ()su'tspo cr'tsvo. 0 apt9!!o~ 27 sivat cr'tl] yrovia A't9i()rov Kat ~roKpa'tou~. c H 1tAatEia - IIou sivat l] 1tAa'tsia 1tapaKaAro; IIl]yaivs'ts w9sia. Ms'ta a1tO'tpia cr'tsva, cr'tpi\jl'ts os~ta. H 1tAa'tsia sivat cr'tl] !!ecrl] "COU 'ts'tpayrovou oS~ta cra~ Letter A. To aXOAElO- IIou sivat "CO crxoAsio 1tapaKaAro; ~'tpi\jl'ts os~ta crtOV 1tPro"CO OPO!!o. IIpoxropsicr'ts su9sia yta Mo 'ts'tpayrova Kat cr'tpi\jl'ts aptcr'tspa. Ms'ta 'to 1tPro"CO cr'tsvo "CO crxoAsio sivat cr't'aptcr'tspa cra~ 1tptV "CO 'teAo~ "COU 'tE'tpayrovou. Letter B. 0 ata0J10C; - IIou sivat 0 cr'ta9!!o~ 1tapaKaAro; - EiVat 1tOAUEUKOAO. E~ta EOrocr'to 1tPro'to ~ cr'tEVO. ME'ta a1to 'tpia 'tE'tpayrova cr'tpi\jl'ts aptcr'tEpa Kat sivat aKptpro~ cr'tl]V E1tO!!EVl]yrovia cr't'aptcr'tEpa cra~. Letter C 5 a!!E "CO aEp01tAaVO, b !!E "CO 1tootlAa'to, c !!E 'tOY l]AEK'tptKMu1tOyEto, !!E 'to !!E'tpO, d !!E 'ta 1toota, e !!E 'to 'tpevo, f!!E 'to AErocpopsio, g !!E 'to Kapapt/ 1tAoio, h !!E 'to aU'toKivl]"CO,i !!E "CO 'ta~i, j !!E "CO E~1tpe~ 'tpevo, k 'tpexov'ta~, I !!E 'to 1tOUA!!av. 6 a X, b ./, eX, d ./, eX, f X. g We don't know. It is not mentioned in the dialogue! h./ 7 a vii, b viii, c iv, d iii, e v, f vi, g ii, h i. 8 a OK'tro, b e~t, c ev'tEKa, d E1t'ta, e oro()EKa, f 'tPEt~, g Mo, h !!ia, i 1tev'tE, j 'tecrcrEpt~. 9 a ~n~ 'tpwJ'l1!!tO"U b ~~ EV'tEK<4-11O"U ~n~ OeKa ... d ~'tl] !!ia ... ... ... c e ~n~ OeKa Kat 'te'tap'to ... f ~n~ 06o!!tcru ... ; c, e, b, d, f, a. 10 a 1tOUKa!!tcra, b 't!!tl!!a, c acravcrep, d crKaAE~, e cp'tacra!!E, f pa90~, g 1totKtAia, h avot1C'to, i !!Ovoxpro!!a, j ptye, k !!eys90~, I VOU!!EPO,m cr'apecrEt.
Unit 11
1 a M1topro va Kavro Eva 't01t1KOKat Eva U1tEpacrnKo 'tl]Aecprovo; b ME AevE .. , Kat oouAEUro / EpyaSO!!at cr'tl]V ... c You have to follow himlher! d Ka9tlcr'tE! IIap'ts !!ta KapeKAa! eTa XatpE'ticr!!am !!OUcr'tl] crusuyo crou/cra~. f Ml]v 'to ~ExacrEt~! g (rtavvl]) Na crou yvropicrro / crucr'ttlcrro "COV K. Smith. h rtaVV1'], va crou yvropicrro / crucr'ttlcrro "CO rtropyo. i KaAro~ OptcrE~! KaAro~ tlP9a'tE! 2 a v, b iv, c i, d iii, e ii. 3 e, a, f, b, d, c, g. 4 a XpEtaSO!!at 'to NtKOAa yta'ti ~epst 1tOAUKaAU EAAl]vtKa. b ~EV !!E VOtasEt 1tOto~ sivat
cp'tllvOn:po<;. ME voui1;;El 1t010<; ElVat KaAU'tEp0<;. C A<; ~EK1Vr]0"0UIlEIlE 'to N1KOAa Kat av U1t<iPXE1 1tpO~Alllla IlE 'tllV O"uvEpyaO"ia 'to'tE ~Ae1tOUIlE. d Ilo'te OEV ElVat 1tOAUapyu. 5 a viii, b v, c vi, d i, e x, f ii, g iii, h ix, i iv, j vii. 6 a ave~ro, b oro, c 1tUPro, d 1turo, e pro'tr]O"ro,f 'tEAElroO"ro,g cpuro, h cpuyro. 7 a 0eAro va 1turo O"'tllV1tAa'tEla. b Nat! 'EXro pav'tE~ou IlE 'tOY K. Ile'tpou. c 0eAEl va 1tUIlE O"'tll 0EO"O"aAoviKll auplO. d 0a r]9EAa Eva 1l0VOKA1VO Il1tUVlOKat 'tllAEOpaO"ll. e Ilou IlE ElVat 'to EO"na'tOplO; f (AU'to) 9a r]'tav KaAu'tEpa Yla Ileva. g 0a 1tpOnllouO"a Eva orolluno IlE gea. h 'Eva ava\jfuKnKo, av OEVO"a<;KUVEl K01tO. 8 Horizontal: 1:AL, AN, KAIP01:, EAA, TOPA, OM01:, ANEBO, THN EEKINH1:0; Vertical: H0EAA, TPOO, 1:TH, TH1:, IlAIPNO. 9 a yvropiO"ro, b xaipro, c Ka9iO"'tE, d 1tpoO"1ta9ro, e u1tepoxa, f 1tpoO"cpepro, g K01tO, h EA1ti1;;El, O"UvEpyaO"ia, j EUXOllat, k CPUYE1<;, i I XPE1U1;;0lla1. 10 a./, b ./, c ./, d X, e ./, f ./, g X, h X. 11 a Nat eXE1 1tOAAe<;01l010'tll'tE<;. b Y1tUPXOUV1tuvro a1to oeKa. c Y 1tUpXOUV1tuvro a1to oeKa 1tev'tE. d 1:E O"uvuAAaYlla, O"Ewpro r] Kat 'ta ouo. e 'OAE<;01 TpU1tE1;;E<; oexov'tat Kat oivouv O"uvuAAaYlla. f Avoiyouv O"n<; 8:00 1t.Il. Kat KAElVOUVO"n<;2:00 1l.1l. EK'tO<;a1to IlapaO"Kwr] 1tOU KAElVOUVO"'tll 1:30 1l.1l.
Mini test
Ilovo<; Kal II O"u1;;uyo<; Ilou r]A9E 'tllv E1tOIl&Vllllilepa. e IlEpuO"allE ropaia. El01KU II aU1;;uyo<;Ilou 010n 1tr]yalV& Yla \jfroVta Ku9E Ilepa. f A.PProO"'tll; Tl 'tll<; O"uvai~El; (Tt EiXE) g Au'to OEV ElVat ropaio. Ilro<; Eival 'tropa; (Ilro<; 1tUEl 'tropa) h EA1ti1;;rova yiVEl KaAu'tEpa O"uv't0lla! 6 a IlOL\01:<1>AIPO, b KOA YMBI, c 1:YNH001:, d IlOTE, e Arx01:, fEEETALH, g IlIAOT01:, h ZOrPA<1>01: Shaded word: 1:YNEXEIA. 7 a x, b vi, c vii, d ix, e viii, f i, g iii, h iv, i v, j ii. 8 a upproO"'to<;, b cpaivEO"at, c VllO"i, d U1tEPK01troO"ll, e a1tatatooo~o<;, f O"UVr]910"E<;,U1tUAAllAO<;, lluYElpa<;, g h i \jfllM, j O"UIlJ3oUAr]. 9 a./, b ./, eX, d X, e ./, f./, g./, h X.
Mini test 1 i Exge<;/x9E<;, ii upproO"'t-O<;/ll/o, iii Yla'tpo<;, iv cpapllaKElO,
1 i'tllAecprovo/a, ii 1tEpi1t'tEpo/a, iii Kup'ta!E<;, iV'tpU1tE1;;a!E<;, v pav'tE~ou, vi apyo'tEpa, vii auplO, viii O"r]IlEpa, ix XatpE'tiO"lla'ta, x ava\jfuKnKOIu. 2 i M1topro va KUVro/ 1tUpro Eva 'tllAecprovo / 'tllAEcprovlllla; ii 0a r]9EAa va KAElO"ro Eva pav'tE~ou, iii Av ElVat ouva'tov, iv Xaipollat 1tOUO"E ~aVa~Ae1tro, v Ilup'tE Ilta KapeKAa! vi Ka9iO"'tE 1tapaKaAro, vii Na Il11V'to ~EXUO"E'tE, iii Ta XatpE'tiO"lla'ta 1l0U O"'tll O"u1;;uyo v O"a<;,ix Na O"a<;yvropiO"ro 'tOy KUplO 'X' x Xaipro 1tOAU; 3 i 0a 1turo auplO [tha pao avrio], ii 0a pro'tr]O"roauplO [tha rotiso avrio], iii 0a cpuyro vropi<; [tha figho noris], iv 0a 1tUpro 'tllAecprovo [tha paro tilefono], v 0a ave~ro 'tropa [tha anevo tora] Unit 12 1 a KaAr] J3oolluoa! or E1tiO"ll<;!b KaM Ilr]va! c EuxaplO"'tro, E1tiO"ll<;! 1:E xuO"allE! Ilou r]O"ouv; e Ilro<; 1tepaO"E<;'to d 1:aJ3J3a'toKUptaKO; Ilou 1tr]yE<;;f 'Eva yta'tpo alleO"ro<;! (YPr]yopa!) g EtO"at upproO"'tO<;;<1>aivEO"atAiyo XAroll0<;! 2 a iii, b v, c i, d iv, e ii. 3 a v, b i, c ii, d iii, e iv. 4 a vii, b v, c vi, d iv, e iii, f i, g ii. 5 a 'HIlOUV 'ta~iol O"'tllv Kpr]'tll. b 'H'tav 'ta~iol yta oouAEle<;. c 'EIlElVa 'tpEl<; llePE<;. d Ilr]ya
v cpuPllaKo/XU1t1, vi 1:aJ3J3a'toKuplaKo, vii apKE'tu, viii O"oJ3apo<;/r]/o, ix Il1tUVlO/KOAUIl1tl,x J3uollv 2 i XPE1U1;;0llat Aiyo Ka9apo aepa!, ii Ilro<; r]'tav 'to 1:aJ3J3a'toKuplaKo O"OU; iii 'H'tav eva<; ECP1UA'tll<;! iv'H-rav 9aulla!, v Mou apeO"El 1tOAU 'to KOAUIl1t1,vi XpE1Ui;0llat AiYll aVu1tauO"ll, vii MllV 'to AE<;!, viii EtVat KaAr] O"UIlJ3oUAr]!, A10"9uVOilat ix upproO"'to<;/aolu9E'to<;/i;uAll/vau'tia!, x 'EXro 1tupE'tOl 1tOVoKecpaAo/1tOVOAalllo. 3 i AYU1tllO"a'tllv EAMoa. [agMpisa tin elaTHa], ii KOAUIl1tllO"a1tOAU.[kolimbisa poli], iii 'H~Epa EAAllV1KU[iksera elinika], iv'EKava YUllvaO"nKr] [ekana ghimnastikJ.l, v'Ecpaya 1l0uO"aKu [efagha musaka] Unit 13 1 a Tl KatpO KUVEl O"'tllv EAMoa; b 'EXE1 O"UVVECP1U O"uxvu. c BpeX&l 1tOAAe<;cpope<;. d XlOvii;El 'to XElllrova Kat KUV&l 1tOAUKpUO. e Mou apeO"El o'tav eXE1 AlaKuoa Kat KUVEl \jfUxpa. f PiXVEl X10V1r] xaMi;l O"'tllv EAMoa; g In summer it is very hot in Greece, but it's not humid. 2 a ii, b iv, c v, d i, e iii. 3 e, b, c, g, a, f, d, h. 4 a Tl va O"a<;1tro; b L\EV ~epro. L\Ev exro 0"'tEvaxrop1l9Ei 1to'te UAAO'tEe'tO"1.c 0 KatPO<; r]'tav a1taiO"lO<;Kat 1tOAUuO"'ta'to<;. d 'OX1. 'OA01 1l0U eAEyav on KatpO<; 9a r]'tav aWplO<; Kat 9aUIlUato<;. A v'tWE'ta ... e Tl geAE1<;(geAE'tE) va KUvro; 5 a vi, b iii, c ix, d i, e viii, f ii, g v, h vii, i v. 6 b Eioa-eJ3AE1ta, c 1tr]pa-e1tatpva, d 1tr]ya1tr]yalVa, e pro'tllO"a-pro'touO"a, f'tEAEiroO"a-'t&AEirova, g ecpayae'tproya, h ecpuya-ecpwya. 7A a KaAoKaipl, b cp9lV01tropO, c XElllrova<;, d UV01~1l. B a L\EKellJ3PlO<;,b IavouuplO<;, c <1>EJ3pOUUPlO<;,Mupno<;, e A1tpiAlO<;, f MUlO<;, g IOUVlO<;, d h IOUAlO<;,i AuyouO"'tO<;, j 1:E1t'tellJ3plo<;, k OK'tro~plO<;, I NoellJ3plO<;. C Religious holidays: 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13. D a IOUAlO<;- AuyouO"'to<;, b IOUVlO<; IOUAlO<;,c OK'tro~plO<; -
Ilou apEcrouv 'to KOADlll3t/ 111to011Aacria / 11 t1t1tacria / 'to 130Aw Il1tOA / 'to 'tpoXao11v / 'to 1toMmpatpo. 2 a Aa! Eicrat llava't1;;sp (otw9uvtT\e;)! b llwe; AEvs 'to ~svoooXsio crae; cr'ta EAA11VtKa;c H Poooe; sivat v11cri. 'Etat OSVsivat; d 'Exs'ts Kat scrna'topta Kat Otallspicrlla'ta; e llOD sivat 'to <I>tcrKapoo; f Mou oivs'ts 'tOy apt91l0 't11AS<pwvou crae;, 1tapaKaAw; 3 a 380. b H 1t'ttlcr11'tou ~oul3Aivou sivat aKptl3o'tsp11. c H 1t'ttlcr11'tou ~oul3Aivou - 500. d Eivat IlS S1ttcr'tpo<Ptl. e Istanbul. f Pc.6Il11, <I>AffipsV'tia, Bsvs'tia, MtMvo. (Rome, Florence, Venice, Milan) 4 a 'Exst KaM KatpO Ils AtaKaoa Kat IlSptKEe; cruVVS<ptEe;. t't11 Maopi't11 Kat 't11 b ~allacrKo IlS 37 l3a91l0De;.c t'tO OcrAo IlS 20 l3a91J0ue;. d Atlantic Ocean. e Mediterranean Sea. f llpaya, MauP11 eaAacrcra, Atcrcral3wva, BspoAivo, BpU~EAASe;.g Kov'ta cr't11 Maopi't11, Bapcrol3ia Kat ~alJacrKo. 5 a 100, b 108, c 166, d 199, e 109, f 191, g 9-107, h 9-102, i 9-150, j 9-171. 6 a Tov Auyoucr'to, b Theatrical play - eW'tptKo EpyO / Concert - KOV'tcrEp'tOor cruvauAia, c ~uo 11IlEpSe; d To Bpaou - 9:00 1l.1l. e ENGLISH BACH FESTIVAL, f Probably the most popular Greek singer. By 2000 he had been singing many kinds of Greek and international music for over 35 years. g To 9W'tptKO EPYO, yta'ti EXSt Stcrt'ttlpta yta <POt't11'tEe; (students) yta 5. 7 a A1tpiAtoe;, louvtoe;, tS1t'tElll3ptoe;, NoElll3ptoe;. b lavouaptoe;, Mapnoe;, MaYoe;, 10uAtoe;, Auyoucr'toe;, OK'twl3ptoe;, ~sKElll3ptoe;. c 11KuptaKtl, 11 ~w'tEpa, 11Tpi't11, 11Ts'tap't11, 11llEIl1t't11, 11llapacrKSUtl, 'to tal3l3a'tO. 8 a ii, b v, c iii, d vii, e i, f vi, g iv, h viii. 9 a aKoucrSt. b aAtl9sta, c 1tPOcr<pEPSt, 1;;rotl, d e Kocrll01tOAi'ttK11e;, otcrK09tlKSe;, g KocrIlOe;,h sUKoAa, 1tAoio, f j I3tonKo, k OtacrKsoucrSte;, l'tsAtKa, m llaAAov, n'tuX11.
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The following explains, the most important grammatical terms, in a brief and simple way. Further explanations and examples in Greek are given in the Grammar summary section starting on page 257. The Index of grammatical terms and thematic vocabulary includes the corresponding units in which these grammatical terms or thematic vocabulary are introduced. adjective Adjectives are words which describe people or things. They give more information about the noun they describe, e.g. a big car (big = adjective I car = noun). See also comparative and superlative. Summary on page 260 and Unit 3. adverb Adverbs are words which usually give more information about the verbs they describe, e.g. move quickly (move = verb I quickly = adverb). Summary on pages 260-1 and Units 12 and 14. article There are two types of article: definite and indefinite. In English, 'the' is the definite article and 'a, an' are the indefinite articles. These words come before the noun they describe, e.g. a book I the book. In Greek, there are more than three words for these articles. Summary on pages 257-8 and in Units 1 and 2. case This describes the different forms (inflections) taken by nouns, pronouns, and adjectives depending on their function in a sentence. English has four inflections and most words have no more than two forms. The following nouns and pronouns can show this: booklbooks and lime, helhim. Greek, as a much more inflected language, uses usually three out of five existing cases especially nominative, genitive, and accusative, e.g. who, whose, and whom. See also article, inflection, gender and noun in this section. See Unit 4. comparative We need the comparative form of the adjective when we make comparisons. In English this usually means adding '-er' to the adjective or putting the word 'more' before it. For
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example, 'cheap ---. cheaper' or 'expensive ---. more expensive'. Comparative works similarly in Greek. See also adjective and superlative. See Unit 9. demonstrative or demonstrative pronouns Words like 'this', 'that', 'these' and 'those' are called demonstratives. Summary on page 262 and Unit 13. gender Gender is one of the categories into which nouns are divided and this mayor may not correspond with sex. In Greek, nouns are divided in masculine, feminine, and neuter categories, e.g. 'the man' 0 UVOPUi;[0 andras] is of masculine gender, 'the woman'T\ y\)vaiKa [i ghineka] is of feminine gender, and 'the child' 'to 1taloi [to peTHi] is of neuter gender. See also article, case, inflection, and noun in this section. Summary on page 257 and Units 1 and 3. imperative The imperative is the form of the verb used to give directions, instructions, orders, or commands, e.g. 'come here', 'go there', or 'get up'. Summary on page 268 and Unit 6. infinitive The infinitive is the basic form of the verb. This is the form that you will find entered in a dictionary. In Greek, infinitives usually end in -m [0], -am/m [a%], -J!al [me], and -El [i]. See also verb. inflection or inflexion This is an ending or other element in a word that shows its grammatical function (whether singular or plural, masculine, feminine, or neuter, subject or object, and so on). For example the's' in 'books' or 'he walks'. Greek uses many more inflections compared to English. See also case. interjections Interjections are words that give flavour or emphasis in a statement or question, e.g. 'aha' for understanding, or 'hm' for uncertainty. noun and proper noun (or proper name) A noun is the name of a person, place or thing. Words like 'John', 'Mary', 'England', 'Greece', or 'table' and 'house' are all nouns. The names of persons or places are called proper nouns and are spelled with an initial capital letter. In English, most nouns can be with an article, except the proper nouns, whereas in Greek all nouns, including proper names, will take an article. For example, England T\ AYYA-ia [i anglfa] is literally 'the England'! See also gender, inflection, case, and article. Summary on pages 258-9. object See word order for further explanation. personal pronoun As their name suggests, personal pronouns refer to persons, e.g. 'I, you, she, we, they'. In English, these pronouns are necessary to make a distinction between 'I speak' and
'we speak' whereas in Greek the verb ending will make that distinction. In Greek, personal pronouns are mostly used with a verb only for emphasis. See also pronouns. Summary on pages 261-4 and Units 2 and 7. plural See singular for further explanation. Unit 3. possessive Words like 'my, his, our, their' are called possessives, as are words such as 'mine, yours, ours', etc. See also pronoun. Summary on pages 262-3 and Unit 8. preposition Words like 'on, in, to' etc. are called prepositions. They usually show the position of something and normally precede a noun or pronoun. Summary on pages 264-5 and Unit 7. pronoun Important and frequent words like 'Ilhe', 'me/him', 'my/his', or 'mine/his' are pronouns. They often stand in the place of nouns which have already been mentioned. Pronouns are grouped in several sub-categories including personal, reflexive, demonstrative, and possessive. proper name See noun. reflexive pronoun Words llike 'myself, yourself, ourselves' are called reflexive pronouns. See also pronoun. Summary on page 262. reflexive verb A verb is reflexive when the subject and the object of that verb are one and the same, e.g. 'I shaved myself' instead of 'the barber shaved me'. Not all reflexive verbs in English happen to be reflexive in Greek. There are also some reflexive verbs in Greek, e.g. Ku90J!al [kathome] (to sit) or K01J!UJ!al [kimame] (to sleep) which are not reflexive in English. See verb and Unit 8. singular The terms singular and plural are used to make the contrast between 'one' and 'more than one thing' in nouns, ego 'book/books' . subject The term 'subject' expresses a relationship often between a noun or pronoun and the verb. See verb and word order. subjunctive or subjunctive mood The subjunctive mood is rarely used in English today. In the example 'I insist that he come', 'he come' (not 'he comes') is in the subjunctive form of the verb. Greek uses the subjunctive much more frequently than English. See also verb and Unit 11. superlative The superlative is used for the most extreme version of a comparison. This usually means adding '-est' to the adjective or putting the word 'most' before it. For example, 'cheap ---. cheapest' or 'expensive ---. most expensive'. See also adjective and comparative. Summary in Unit 9. tense Most languages use change in the verb form to indicate an aspect of time. These changes in the verb are traditionally referred to
as tense and the tenses may be past, present or future. This principle is carried out also in Greek verb forms expressing time in past, present, or future. See Units 12 and 14 for the simple past (I went), Unit 13 for the past continuous (I was going) and present perfect (I have gone), and Unit 14 for the past perfect (I had gone). See Units 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 for the simple present (I go) and the present progressive (I am going). For the future tense, see Unit 9 (I will go). See also imperative, reflexive verb, subjunctive and verb. verb A verb denotes action, being, feeling, or sensation, e.g. 'I go, she is, we think, they exist'. The verb is always preceded by a single word or group of words usually either a noun or a pronoun, e.g. 'my mother cares' or 'she cares', which is often called the subject of the sentence. In this example for instance, the subject shows 'who' cares. English verbs cannot stand meaningfully without a subject, whereas Greek can do so more flexibly by changing the endings in the verb form. For example, 1tllro [plio] 'I go', dVal [fuel 'she is' or vot<i~e'tal [niazete] 'she cares'. See also subject and tense. Summary on page 265. word order This refers to the correct sequence of words in a sentence. For example, in the sentence 'the book belongs to my father' there are two important points to note: ftrst is the minimal word-units, which show which words belong together, in this case, 'the book', 'belongs' and 'to my father'; and second their inflexible sequence or rigid order in English, in this case the subject (the book) before the verb (belongs) and the verb before the object (to my father). In Greek, there is a similar notion about minimal word-units, but not about inflexible order of subject-verb-object sequence. The above example can be rendered in six different ways in Greek - the speaker places the part of the sentence that he/she would most like to emphasize at the beginning of the sentence. See also subject, tense and verb. Summary in Unit 4.
This grammar summary is intended mainly guide to the language used in the course. complete grammar, although some elements appear in the course and are included for progress a little further.
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You can skim through this section before you start Unit 1 and you can always refer back whenever you meet a new grammatical point in a unit and compare it with the notes here. Grammatical explanations in the Grammar section in the course are somewhat short and to the point, with some examples for practical application. Here the approach is different and more organized and systematic in terms of grouping grammatical points together. The most important grammatical groups outlined in this section are: Articles, Nouns, Adjectives, Adverbs, Pronouns, Prepositions and Verbs. In most instances you will ftnd tables to which the different groups belong, along with a few examples and direct references back to units.
3 3
The words a, an and the are called articles in English. A and an are called indefinite articles and the is called the definite article. All articles come before a noun. Greek articles have a lot more than three forms! This is because the nouns they deftne are divided into three genders: masculine (m), feminine (f) and neuter (n). The Greek words for a, an and the are therefore different for each gender. This is one of the reasons that all nouns in the course are given with their gender, i.e. (m), (f) or (n). In addition, each noun group has further forms in the singular and plural, so the articles have to agree with these, too.
Greek also has different endings for nouns and their articles (and adjectives - see below) when nouns are used in different ways within a sentence - for example, if they are the subject or the object of the sentence. These different forms of nouns are called cases. There are three main cases: nominative (nom) - the subject of the sentence; genitive (gen) - this shows possession, that something belongs to someone; and accusative (acc) - the object of the sentence. English grammar has virtually lost all examples of case. The English word 'who' is perhaps the only one that can actually illustrate this idea. It is 'who' in the nominative case, 'whose' in the genitive case and 'whom' in the accusative case. The following tables show the different forms of Greek articles.
in the sentence (its case) - nominative, genitive, accusative. When you look up nouns in a dictionary you will find them in the nominative singular form. You can usually tell their gender by their endings. Most masculine nouns end in -u~ [-as], -T1~[-is] and -o~ [-os], most feminine nouns in -u [-a] and -T1[-i], and most neuter nouns in -1 [oil, -0 [-0] and -JiU [-ma]. The course has introduced most nouns in the nominative case either in singular or plural. Some genitive and accusative forms have appeared in a few dialogues without any special mention. As a rule of thumb, remember that nouns in the nominative case come before the verb and indicate the subject of the sentence, nouns in the accusative case come after the verb and indicate the object. The genitive case is used to show possession. The different forms are set out below:
Singular (nom) (gen) (ace) o <piAOe; filos] [0 'tou <piAOU[tu filu] tOY <piAO [ton filo]
Plural at <piAOt[i fili] 'tcov <piACOV filon] [ton tOUe; <piAOUe; tus filus] [
evoe; [en6s]
Evav [enan]
evoe; [en6s]
Eva [ena]
Singular (nom) (gen) (ace) 1'\ Koul;;iva[i kuzfna] tlle; Koul;;ivac; [tiskuzfnas] tllv Koul;;iva[tinkuzfna]
Plural ot Koul;;iw:e;i kuzfnes] [ tCOV Koul;;tvc.&v kuzin6n] [ton ne; Koul;;ivee;tis kuzfnes] [
"Cwv [ton]
n~ [tis]
Articles are often used with the preposition (J&[se] at, to, in, on, creating compound definite articles in the genitive and accusative cases only. The words in the singular are: (J'tO\) [stu], (J'tTl~[stis], (J'to(v) [sto(n)], (J'tTl(v) [sti(n)], and in plural: (J't(l)V[ston], (J'tO\)~ [stus], (Jn~ [stis], (J'tu [sta]. These compound words cannot stand as two separate words, e.g. (J&+ 'to\) [se] + [to].
Singular (nom) (gen) (ace) to ~t~Aio [to vivlio] tOU ~t~Aiou [tu vivliu] to ~t~Aio [to vivlio]
Plural ta ~t~Aia [ta vivlia] tCOV ~t~Airov[ton vivlion] ta ~t~Aia [ta vivlia]
The names of people and things are called nouns. As stated above, Greek nouns are divided into three genders, and each gender has a singular and plural form, and changes according to the role it plays
3 Adjectives
Adjectives are words which describe people or things. They give more information about the noun they describe. Note: a car (noun), a big car (adjective-noun), a big red car (adjective-adjective-noun). The endings of adjectives change according to the noun they describe, i.e. masculine, feminine or neuter endings, singular or plural, nominative, genitive, accusative. Most adjectives have the same endings as the word ptyaA~ [meghalos] big below:
Adverbs are often 'doubled up' for the purpose of emphasis, e.g. YPllYopa-YPllyopa [ghrighora - ghrighora] very quickly or (maVta - anaVta [spania - spania] very rarely.
Important and frequent words like I, you, he or my, your, his or myself, yourself, himself or me, you, him etc. are pronouns. Pronouns are grouped in several sub-categories: personal, reflexive, demonstrative, possessive, relative, interrogative and indefinite pronouns.
Accusative weak
IJOU[moo] GOO [soo] tOO [IU] 't1]<;[tis] tOO [IU] lIll<;[mas] Ga<; [sas] t~[tus]
E~[emena] EGM [esena] aotov [aftOn] alYl'lj(v) [afti(n)] aoto [aft6] EIJO<;[emas] EG~[esas] autoo<; [afuIs] aot<; [aftes] aota [afui]
lIE [me] GE [se] tOV [ton] 't1](v) [ti(n)] to [to] lIll<;[mas] Ga<; [sas] t~[tus] nqtt<;[tWtes] taltal
Masculine (nom)
he she it
we you (pi)
Adverbs are words which usually describe the way things happen. U~e adjectives, which give more information about the nouns they desc~be, adverbs give more information about the verbs they descnbe. Many Greek adverbs end in -a [-a] or ~ [-os], something similar to the English ending -ly for many English adverbs. Some examples include: YPllYopa[ghrighora] quickly, KaM [kala] well, nicely, ptpata [vevea] of course/surely. Many Greek adverbs are formed from their corresponding adjective. Notice the changes below: YPt1yop~ [ghrighoros] fast, quick -+ YPllyopa [ghrighora] quickly, 1(aAo<;kalOs] good, nice -+ KaM [ [kala] nicely, ~E~alO<;[veveos] certain, sure -+ ptPata [vevea] surely. Unlike adjectives, adverbs have only one form. There is a small exception to this remark regarding a few adjectives which have two almost similar forms which are interchangeable in use. Some examples are ~E~ata [vevea] and ~c~airo<;[veveos] of course, surely and O"mlvla[spania] and O"naviro<; [spanios] rarely.
The personal pronouns have both a strong and a weak form in the genitive and accustative cases. Most Greek verbs like txm [egho] I have take the nominative form of the personal pronoun, which is not absolutely necessary as it is in English, because the ending of the verb itself shows who is the subject. Some verbs like pou apEatt [mu aresi] I like or J1t AEVt [me lene] I am called take the accusative form of the personal pronoun. All strong forms are used for the purpose of emphasis in Greek. Actually it is possible to use both the strong and weak form for extra emphasis. E.g. tptva pou aptatt 'to pclGtO [emena mu aresi to raTHio] I (I) like the radio or tptva pt AEVtATJP1l'tPTJ [emena me lene THimitri] I (I) am called Dimitri.
Words like myself, yourself, etc. are reflexive pronouns. They are not as common in Greek as in English and they usually appear only in the accusative form with prepositions, e.g. 11& 'tOV t:av'to pov [me ton eaftO mu] with myself, n!& 'tov t:av'to 'tTJ~[ya ton eaft6 tis] tm:. herself, a'tov (at: + 'tov) t:av'to 'tov~ [ston eaft6 tus] to themselves.
Possessive pronouns have only one form in Greek. They always come after the noun they modify, whereas in English they come before the noun. In Greek, the noun is accompanied by its corresponding article, e.g. 'to a1tin pov [to spiti mu] my house, 'ta a1tina pa~ [13 spitia mas] our houses, tpiA~ 'tTJ~[0 mos tis] her friend,ol tpiAOl 'tov~ [i mi tus] their friends.
These words are called possessive pronouns in Greek grammar and possessive adjectives in English grammar!
this these that those such a such + pi so much so many
Feminine autTj [aful aUtEe;[aftes] EKE1VTI [ekini] EKEtVEe; [ekines] tEtota [tetia] tEtotEe; [teties] tocrTl[tosi] tocrEe;[toses]
Neuter auto [afto] aut<i [afta] EKEtVO [ekino] EKEtVa[ekina] tEtOto [tetio] tEtota [tetia] tocro [toso] tocra [t6sa]
who which that whatever
autOe; [aft6s] autol [aful EKEtVOe; [ekinos] EKEtVOt [ekini] tEtOtoe; [tetios] tEtOtot [tetyi] tocroe; [tosos] tocrOt [tosi]
The different forms in the singular and plural for av't~, t:KElvo~ and 'toao~ are identical with the adjective pt:'YciA~, -TJ, -0 as shown in the previous paragraph in this section. The demonstrative pronouns av'to~ and t:KElVO~ need the corresponding article for the noun in use, e.g. au't6~ [aft6s o andras] this man, EKEivTJTJyuvaiKa [elani i ghineka] that woman, au.a 'ta 1tatOta [afta ta peTHia] these children.
Question words like what? who? how? where? are interrogative pronouns. Some have only one form, some more than one for mlffn use. what? where? how? why? when? n; [ti]? 1tOU; pu]? [ 1tc.6e;; [pos]? ytati; [yiatJ.l? 1tOtE;[p6te]?
/lou [mu]
who? which? how much? which ones? how many?
Indefinite pronouns
Words like each one, everyone, someone, no-one, etc. are indefinite pronouns. Some have only one form, some more than one for m/f/n use.
all, everything something, anything? nothing, anything? every, each <SA-a [6Ia] + plural Kun [kati] ,l1tO,e [tfpote] KuSe [kathe]
There are also some two-word prepositions. All of them are followed by nouns in the accusative. Accusative
Neuter KUSEvU[kalhena] 6Aa[6Ia]
Masculine everyone (m/fln) everybody (mlfln) + (PI) some (PI) someone, something (mIfIn) one, one (person) (mlfln) no-one, nothing (mIfIn) KUSEvlX'; [kathenas] bAot [6li] ~ptKoi [merikIl KWtotor, [kapios] Kuveit:, [kanis] KUVEvlX'; [kanenas]
Feminine KuSe~iu [kathemfa] bAet:, [6Ies] ~ptKEr, [merikes] KWtolU [kapia] K~iu [kamfa] K~iu [kamfa]
[merika] KWtOtO[kapio]
1tClvroo.1tO Katro o.1tO fl1tpOata o.1tO 1tiaro o.1tO KOVta at: y6pro o.1tO Jttao. at: E~ro o.1tO
[pano ap6] [kato ap6] [brosta ap6] [piso ap6] [konda se] [THIpia se] [ghiro ap6] [mesa se] [ekso ap6]
over, above underneath, below in front of behind close to next to aroundfrom inside outside, out of
KUVEva[kanena] KUVEva[kanena]
Words that indicate action, being, or feeling are called verbs. Kavro [kano] I do, fltMro [milao] I speak or fltvro [meno] I live are three examples from the several verbs this course includes.
6 Prepositions
Prepositions in English are such words as between,from, in, by,for, with, etc. All corresponding Greek prepositions have only one form. The word following Greek prepositions will sometimes be followed by a noun in the genitive or more often in the accusative case. Some frequent prepositions are: Genitive t:vo.vtiov flUo.~i> U1tEP Accusative o.1tO
Remember that a dictionary will list these three verbs, and all others, using the I form of the verb in the present tense. This is the main form used for reference to Greek verbs (as the infinitive form in Englishto do, to speak, to live, etc. - does not exist in Greek). Verb tenses refer to different points in time, such as the present, the future and the past. This course relies mostly on present tense, touches on the future and past tenses, and introduces some verb forms after the word yo. [na] to and imperatives. Also, remember that personal pronouns, words like I, he, they, etc. in English, are not necessary in Greek because of the change in the verb ending. So, Kavro can be seen as Kav- (the verb stem which remains unchanged) and -ro (the verb ending which tells you whether I, he, they, etc. is performing the action). There are principally two verb endings in Greek for the I form: -ro [-0] and flo.t [-me], e.g. 1tEpt~EVro [perimeno] I wait and KaeOflo.t [kathome] I sit. The course introduces you to the main verb groups (or conjugations there are two main conjugations) in both the active voice (verbs
flt: XropiC;
ending in -ro) and the passive voice (verbs ending in -optl-apt). The present tense for the main verb groups found in the course are set out below. Once you memorize the different endings, you will be confident enough to use them in context. Remember that the majority of Greek verbs fall into the ftrst conjugation.
Future tense
The future tense in Greek is formed with the particle 9 [tha] (equivalent to will in English) and the verb. Some verbs do not change their form in the future tense, but most do. Below you see a list of verbs belonging to both groups: Verbs without any different form in the future
Active voice 1 Conjugation EXID[eho] I have EXt~ [ehis] you have Ext[ebj]he/shenthas EXOVpt [ehume] we have EXU [ehete] you have EXOVV [ehun] they have OO..ID[thelo] I want OU.~ [thelis] you want OEl\ [theli] he/she/it wants OEA.OVptthelume] we want [ OEA.U[thelete] you want OEA.OVV() [thelun(e)] they want
9 tipt [tha ime] I will be, 9 &lro [tha eho] I will have, 9 ;&pro
[tha ksero] I will know and 9 1taro [tha plio] I will go. Verbs with a different form in the future Most verbs belong to this sub-group. Some are: oivro -. eu orocrro eEAro -. eu eEA'I\crro ~EVro-. eu ~Eivro 1tuipvro -. eu mipro cr'tEAVro-. eu cr'tdAro <pEpVro eu <pEPro -. <pEUyro eu <puyro -. [tha [tha [tha [tha [tha [tha [tha TH6so] theliso] mino] parol stJ.1o] fero] figho] I I I I I I I will will will will will will will give want stay take send bring leave
Group A
Verbs with an irregular form in the future Some verbs have a completely new form in the future. Some are: f3AE1tro eu oro -. EPlO~at -. eu Epero 1;ro-. eu 1;'I\crro 'tproro -. eu <pam xuipo~at -. eu Xupro [tha [tha [tha [tha [tha THo] ertho] ziso] fao] har6] I I I I I will will will will will see come live eat be glad
1U:lvOro/1U:lvID [pinao'pin6] I am hungry J11tope)[bor6] I can 1ttv~ [pinas] you are hungry J11tOPE~[boris] you can 1t\va(\) [pina(.i)] he/she/it is hungryJ11topti [bon1 he/she/it can 1t\vapt [piname] we are hungry J11topo6pE[bonime] we can 1t\vat [pinate] you are hungry J11topEitE[borite] you can 1t\vo6v() [pin6n(e)] they are hungry J11topo6v() [bonin(e)] they can Both groups in the second conjugation include verbs always stressed on the last syllable in their main form. Passive voice
The different endings for I, he/she/it, you, etc. are the same as those in the present tense. Below are two verbs &lro and CJ't&Avro ith their w full forms in the future:
9a ExOO [tha eho] I will have 9a crtEiAro [tha stOo] I will send 9a cn:dAi:; [tha stills] you will send 9a crtEiAi:l [tha stili] he/she/it will send 9a II'tEO..oupl: [tha stiIume] we will send 9a cn:dAEtE [tha stOete] you will send 9a O't&iAoIlV [tha stiIun] they will send
Xaipopm [herome] I am glad XaipEcmt[herese] you are glad XaipEtCll[herete] he/she/it is glad XCIlp{JJuJm [heromaste] we are glad xaipEcm: [hereste] you are glad XaipovtCll [heronde] they are glad
A.tntOpcn [Iiplime] I am sorry A.vmJmn[lip3se] you are sorry A.umltCll lip3te] he/she/it is sorry [ A.V1tlJpacm: [Iip6maste] we aresorry A.tntOlm: [Iipliste] you are sorry A.vnoMCIl[lipUnde] they are sorry
9a ExOllfIE [tha ehume] we willlulve 9a ExEtE [tha ehete] you willlulve 9a Ex0IlV [tha ehun] they will have
I will be you will be he/she/it will be we will be you will be they will be
EJ. _
::::s 0-
Past tense
Unit 12 presented many aspects of the past tense in Greek. Here you are provided with the full conjugation of two frequent verbs in the past tense: KavO) - EKava [kano - ekana] (to do) and ~EPo) - t1~Epa [ksero - iksera] (to know). h:uva [ekana] &KaVtc;ekanes] [ &KUVt ekane] [ KaVaJit [kaname] KaVatt [kanate] tKuvuv [ekanan]
I did you did slhe/it did we did you did they did Pleasenote that 54/3, for example,refersto page 54, Unit 3. adjective 54/3 adverb 179/12,222/14 alphabet,6/1ntroduction article definitearticle 24/1 indefinitearticle 40/2 plural 53/3 diminutiveendings 74/4 propername 38/2,161/11 numbers 39/2,67/4,92/6, 109n possession 124/8 preposition 10817 pronoun demonstrative 198/13 personal 39/2 possessive 124/8 seasons 195/13 spelling 10817 sports 178/12 stores 89/6 subjunctive 165n tag-questions 196/13 tense/mood conditional 163/11 future 140/9,163/11 imperative 90/6 past 181/12 perfect 200/13 present 22/1, 40/2 reflexive 126/8 time 106n
cc D1
3 m m
tl~tpa [iksera] tl~tptc; [ikseres] tl~tp& [iksere] ~&paJ1& [kserame] ~tpatt [kserate] tl~tpav [ikseran]
I knew you knew slhe/it knew we knew you knew they knew
colours 138/9 comparisons 141/9 countries 30/1 days of the week directions 88/6 139/9
::::s 0-
gender 40/2,54/3 greetings 21/1 health 177/12 holidays 204/13 hotel expressions 121/8 meansof transport 87/6 months 195/13 music 228/14
o (')
Go! Turn! Get off! Get out! Continue! Stop! Walk! Drive!
negative 23/1 verbs be 22/1 negativeexpressions 198/13 be named noun(seealso gender) masculine,feminine,neuter 67/4 do 40/2
III _.
c.!r . >c
::I ::I
ia 3
()3 lll () III _.
eat 202/13 go 220/14 have 67/4 know 23/1 like 125/8 live 23/1 mind 125/8 remember 126/8 speak 92/6 stay 23/1 telephone 201/13 think 126/8 worry 126/8 vegetables 139/9 weather expressions 194/13 wishes 180/12,216/14 word order 68/4
Timeline 3200 Bc-22oo BC 2000 Bc-17oo BC 1600 Bc-12oo BC 776 BC 500 BC-400 BC
Events Bronze Age in Cyclades and Crete First Greek speakers; Golden Age and palaces in Crete The beginning and end of the Mycenaean culture First Olympic Games Parthenon was built; Golden Age under Pericles; drama originates with Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripedes Plato's Academy was founded; time of Alexander the Great The Roman Empire Constantinople was built; Crusaders Ottoman Empire; Greek independence Balkan Wars; Territory from Turks World Wars I and II Civil War; CommunistslPromonarchy Military junta in power Democracy returns to Greece Greece becomes a member of the European Union Olympic Games in Athens
400 Bc-300 BC 200 BC-AD 300 AD 300-1200 1453-1821 1912-1913 1923-1944 1945-1949 1967-1974 1974-present 1982 2004
3 (I) _.
273 [
Timeline 2000
Events Ancient Greek. Greek belongs to the large family ofIndo-European or Indo-Hittite languages. It developed across the Balkan peninsula around 2000 BC. The language has undergone enormous phonological, morphological, lexical, and syntactical changes coming into contact with neighbouring and faraway nations and people speaking many different languages. The Greek alphabet is believed to have derived from the Semitic alphabet, specifically that of Phoenicians. Archaic Greek. The Phoenician alphabet which was introduced to Greece around 1100 BC contained 22 separate signs for the consonants but none for the vowels. The Greeks innovated the letters, a, E, 1, 0, U, with the value of vowels as known today. Texts were written in syllabic script.
Classical Greek. The alphabet, which started replacing the syllabic script, continued to undergo many reforms and changes. The most notable change was the changing of the direction of writing from left to right instead of from right to left. City states had many different language variations at the time but the four main groups or dialects were the following:
Arcado-Cypriot, Ionic-Attic.
Hellenistic Greek. The Ionic form of the alphabet was adopted by most city states, thus making a uniformed alphabet throughout the Greek world. During Hellenistic times the Greek alphabet has served as a model for the Latin and Cyrillic alphabet. The Attic dialect, actually an offspring of the Ionic, finally dominated the other dialects in the first century when philosophers such as Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates made Athens the centre of the Greek civilization. In this period and especially close to AD 337, a new form of the Attic dialect appeared with simpler syntax and morphology, a stress accent, and loan words from Latin and Semitic origins. This was the Koine (the common) dialect also called the Hellenistic Koine or the Alexandrian Koine. Hellenistic Greek is the form also known as New Testament Greek (in which the Gospel and other books of the New Testament of the Bible were first written). Byzantine Greek. This was both an imperial and an ecclesiastic language. It is still the ecclesiastic language of the Greek Orthodox church today. Modern Greek. The majority of the foreign words in the Greek language are of Turkish origin because of the occupation from 1453-1821. After 1821, the language was principally divided into the general vernacular (Demotic Greek), and the language of education and literature (Katharevousa), which existed in parallel development for twenty centuries and competed for acceptance and establishment for about 150 years after the Turkish occupation. Demotic Greek prevailed as the
everday spoken language whereas Katharevousa continued in government and scientific books. Demotic Greek was proclaimed the official language of Greece in 1977 and the use of one stress mark instead of five took place in 1982. Classical Greek word forms continue to have a great influence in the world's scientific and technical vocabulary, and make up a large part of the technical vocabulary of English.
.. 3'
.-+ m
~ ~ This section gives you many suggestions of sources to help you develop your interest in Greek language and culture. It also provides you with a number of email addresses and Internet sites which can give a different dimension to your search. Some of the sites listed are bilingual but others are only in Greek. Good luck!
_. .-+
~ ~
If you are in Athens, check out Eleftheroudakis bookshop at 16 Panepistimiou St. for the largest selection of books in English about Greek or Greece. Their website is and their email [email protected]. The National Book Centre of Greece issues a bi-monthly magazine promoting Greek books in translation abroad. They can be found at 76 Emmanuil Benaki St. or at The free Travelling in Greece brochure is very informative and available from any GNTO office in Greece or abroad. Their address is 2 Amerikis St. and their Internet address is below under the Travel heading. Check out for the largest selection of maps or travel books in English on Greece.
Cultural heritage a sophisticated online magazine about Greece. the website of the Ministry of Culture and hosts many of the country's museums. has fabulous 3-D models of the Parthenon. the website of the Foundation of the Hellenic World. brings Ancient Greece alive. the site for the World Council of Hellenes Abroad.
Transport gives ferry timetables. offers train information. gives bus timetables and routes. the website for the new Athens airport.,,, or offer flight information. gives information about cruise ships.
2!: ;:,
a.m. alan/one about/approximately across/opposite adventure story/thriller afterwards, later again agree airplane airport almost along/together always America and angry another, more anything anything? apartment building apartment/jlat appetizer, starter April architect area armchair around, about arrive
Travel a website about travel and holidays in Greece. The Greek National Tourism Organization can be found under You can also access for travel agencies, tourist offices and tourist attractions. offers frequently updated information on the weather. The site offers hotel accommodation allover Greece. the largest travel agency in Greece.
[pi-mil [enas], [mfa], lena] [perfpu] [apenandi] [peripetia] [meta] [paIi] [ksana] [simfon6] [aeroplano] [aeroTHr6mio] [sheTH6n] [mazi] [panda] [amerikf] [ke] [thimomenos, -i, -0] [aIos, -i, -0] [otiTHipote] [tipota]? [polikatikia] [THiamerizma] [orektik6] [aprflios] [architektonas ] [h6ros] [polithr6na] [ghiro] [fthano] [6pos] [san] [athina]
_. :T
Greek language
Information about online Greek language courses can be obtained from If you are interested in Greek poetry in English, send an e-mail [email protected]. Writing to [email protected] will connect you to the Greek Language Centre of the Ministry of Education which can offer valuable information about Greek classes or language examinations. is a study-abroad-programme of the College Year in Athens.
Miscellaneous offers an extensive array of Greek recipes. lists several Greek wines from all over Greece.There are two daily newspapersin English: and is the largest Greek portal on the web for Greek speakers. is an important site for everyone interested in the Olympic Games in Athens in 2004. Some sites for Greek music are:,, or Online auctions can be found at Greek comics can be purchased at
The publisher has used its best endeavours to ensure that the URLs for external websites referred to in this book are correct and active at the time of going to press. However, the publisher has no responsibility for the websites and can make no guarantee that a site will remain live or that the content is or will remain appropriate.
n.l!. Eva<;, I!ia, Eva m:pinou anEVaVtl nept1tEteta (f) I!eta naAt/~ava <nJ1!q>rovcb aeponAavo (n) aepOopOl!lO (n) crXe06v I!asi navta Al!e ptlCtl (f) lCat 8UIUOI!EVO<;, -0 -11 aAAo<;, -11, -0 Otltlnote tinota; nOAUlCatOllCia (f) otal!Eptcrl!a (n) OpelCtllCO (n) AnpiAto<; (m) apXttElCtOva<; (mlf) Xcbpo<;(m) nOAu8pova (f) yupro q>8avro onro<;/ crav A8tlva (f)
o tn
280 m
August Australia autumn/fall availability baby baby boy baby girl balcony/porch banana bank basement basketball bass (fish) bathroom, bathtub bathroom, toilet be be able be glad be happy be interested be pleased beach bean beautiful, nice bed bedroom bedroom beef beefsteak beer behind beige bell between beverage, drink big, large bill black block/square blue blues (music) boat book
[iivgustos] [afstralia] [fthin6poro] [THiathesim6tita] [mor6] [bebis] [beba] [balk6ni] [banana] [triipeza] [ip6ghion] [basket] [Iavriiki] [biinio] [tualeta]
Auyoucr'to~ (m) Aucr'tpUAiu (f) cp9tvo1tropo (n) otu9l:crtl!0't1']'tu (f) l!ropo (n) l!1tEl!1t1']~(m) l!1tEl!1tU (f) l!1tUAlCOVt(n) l!1tuvuvu(f) 'tpU1tl:SU (f) U1t0Yl:tOV (n) l!1tU<:TlCl:'t (n) AU13PUlCt(n) l!1tUVtO (n) 'tOUUAE'tU(f) eil!at l!1tOPro xuip0l!Ut xuipro/Ol!at l:VOtUCPEPl!Ut xuipol!ut 1tAUS(f) cpucrOAt (n) ropuio~, -U, -0 lCpl:13un (n) lCPl:13U'tOlCUl!UPU (f) U1tvoorol!u'ttO (n) l!ocrxupicrtO~, -u, -0 l!1ttcp'tElCt (n) l!1tUpu(f) 1ticrro l!1tl:S lCOUOOUVtn) ( l!l:'tu~u 1to'to (n) l!eyUAO~, -1'], -0 AOYUPtUcrl!O~ (m) l!uupO~, -1'], -0 'tl:'tpuyrovo (n) l!1tAl: l!1tAOUS(n) 13UplCU(f) 13t13Aio(n)
i CD u:I
~ ~
-= <
[bor6] [herome] [herome] [enTHiaferome] [herome] [pIaz] [fas6li] [oreos, -a, -0] [kreviiti] [krevatokiimara] [ipnoTHomiitio] [mosharisios, -a, -0] [bifteki] [bira]
bookshop booklet bottle bottled (mineral) water bouzouki (instrument) boy bravo bread breakfast bridge brother brown bus bus station bus stop busy but but butter cafe can can/tin car carpark card carrot cash desk celery central centre century cereal chair changing room cheap check checked cheque child church cigarette cinema close to
[vivliopolio] [filiiTHio] [bukiili] [emfialomeno ner6] [buzUki] [agh6ri] [briivo] [psOlml [proin6] [ghefrra] [aTHelf6s] [kafe] [leoforio] [stathm6s Ieoforion] [stasi Ieoforion] [apasholimenos, -i, -0] [alii] [mal [vUtiro] [kafeteria] [bor6] [kuol [aftokinito] [parkin] [karta] [kar6to] [tamfo] [selino] [kendrik6s, -i, -6] [kendro] [e6nas] [THimitriakii] [karekla] [THokimastirio] [fthin6s, -i, -6] [eksetiizo ] [kar6] [epitaglnl [peTHi] [eklisia] [tsigharo] [sinemii] [kondii]
13t13At01troAl:io (n) cpUAAaOtO(n) Il1tOU1CUAtn) ( l:l!cptuArol!EVO Vl:pO (n) l!1tOUSOUlCt n) ( uyopt (n) l!1tpu13o 'l'rol!i (n) 1tprotvo (n) YECPUpU(f) UOl:ACPO~ (m) lCUcpE Al:roCPOpeio (n) <:T'ta9J,16; Aerocpopeirov (m) cr'tucr1'] Al:roCPOpeirov (f) U1tUcrXOA1']l!EVO~, -0 -1'], UAAa l!U 13ou'tupo (n) lCUCPl:'tEptu (f) l!1tOPro lCou'ti (n) uu'tolCiv1']'to (n) 1tUplCtv (n) KUp'tU (f) lCUpO'tO (n) 'tUl!eio (n) crEAtvO (n) lCl:V'tptlCO~, -tl, -0 lCEV'tpO (n) atrovu~ (m) 01']l!1']'tptUlCU(nlpI) lCUpEKAU(f) OOlCtl!Ucr'ttlPtO (n) cp91']vo~, -tl, -0 l:~l:'tUSro lCU (rnlf/n) pro l:1tt'tuytl (f) 1tatoi (n) l:lClCA1']criu (f) 'tcrtyupo (n) crt Vl:l!U (n) lCOV'tU
281 m :l
i ~
[bez] [kuTHuni] [metaksi] [pot6] [meghiilos, -i, -0] [Ioghariazm6s] [miivros, -i, -0] [tetriighono] [bIe] [bIuz] [varka] [vivlio]
~ iil CD ~
I 1\1
closed closetlwardrobe coca cola coffee coffee house coffee (medium sweet) coffee (sweet) coffee (without sugar) comedy company computer conservatory contrast, antithesis cook cooked foods corner counter courgette, zucchini cousin cousin credit card creme caramel croissant cucumber cup currency customs cutlet dance (verb, noun) dark date daughter day December deposit, down payment dessert dialogue difficult dill dining room dinner disagree discotheque
[klist6s, -i, -6] [du1apa] [k6ka k61a] [kafes] [kafenio] [metrios] [ghlik6s] [sketos] [komoTHia] [eteria] [kompiuter] [tzamaria] [antithesi] [maghirevo] [maghirefui] [ghonia] [pangos] [ko10kithaki ] [(e)ksaTHe1fi] [ (e )ksaTHelfos] [pistotiki kcirta] [krem karame1e] [kruasan] [angUri] [flitzcini ] [n6mizma] [te10nio] [briz61a] [horevo] [hor6s] [skUros, -a, -0] [imerominia] [k6ri] [(i)mera] [THekemvrios] [prokatavo1i] [ghlik6] [THiciloghos] [THisko1os, -i, -0] [cinithos] [trapezaria] [vraTHin6] [THiafon6] [THiskothiki ]
KAStO"'tO~, -11, -0 v'tOUAa1tU (f) KOKU KOAU (f) KU<pE~(m) KU<psvsio (n) jlE'tpto~ (m) YAuKo~(m) O"KE'tO~(m) KWjlwoiu (f) l::'tUtpsiu (f) KOjlmou'tl::p (n) 't1;ujlupiu (f) uni61::0"11 (f) jluYl::tPl::uw jluyl::tpeu'tu (n/p1) ywviu (f) 1tUYKO~(m) KOAOKU6uKt (n) (I:: ~UOEA<P11 ) (f) (1::)~UOI::A<pO~ (m) mO"'tw'ttKl1 KUp'tU (f) Kpl::jl KUpUjlSAE (n) KpouuO"av (n) u'Y'YOUpt(n) <pAu't1;uvt (n) VOjltO"jlU (n) 'tI::Awvl::io (n) jl1tpt1;6Au (f) XOPI::UW, xopo~ (m) O"KOUPO~,-U, -0 11jlI::POjl11viu (f) KOP11 (f) (11)jlepu (f) L1I::KEjl~Pto~ (m) 1tPOKU'tU~OAl1 (f) yAUKO (n) OtUAOYO~(m) 8UO"KOAO~,-11, -0 uvt60~ (m) 'tpu1tl::1;upiu ~PUOtvO (n) Otu<pwvcb OtO"K0611K11 (f)
dislike doctor door dorado or gilthead double room down dress dress myself drink early easy eat eight eight hundred eighteen eighty eleven England English (language) entrance envelope euro evening ever every everything/ail everywhere exactly excuse me excuse me 1 pardon me exit fail family father February ferry fifteen fifth fifty film (movie) film (camera) finally
[antipath6] [yatr6s] [p6rta] [tsipfua] [THiklino] [kato] [f6rema] [dinome] [pino] [noris] [efko1os, -i, -0] [tr6-0] [okt6]/[oht6] [oktak6sia ]/[ ohtak6sia] [THekaokt6] [oghTH6nda] [endeka] [anglia] [ang1ika] [isoTHos] [fake1os] [evr6] [vraTHi] [pote] [kathe] [61a] [pandu] [akriv6s] [sighn6mi] [me sinhorite] [eksoTHos] [pefto] [ikoghenia] [pateras] [fevruanos] [feribot] [THekapende] [pemptos, -i, -0] [peninda] [ergho] [film] [te1ika]
uV'tt1tu6cb ytu'tpo~ (mlf) 1tOP'tU (f) 'to"t1tOUpU (f) OiKAtVO (n) KU'tW <poPSjlU (n) v'tUVOjlUt 1tivw vwpi~ I::UKOAO~,-11, -0 'tpcbro oK'tcbloX'tcb oK'tuKoO"tu/oX'tuKoO"tu OI::KUOK'tcb oyoov'tu EV'tI::KU A 'Y'YAiu(f) A'Y'YAtKU(n/p1) siO"ooo~ (f) <pUKI::AO~m) ( eupcb ~puou (n) 1tO'tE Ku61:: OAU 1tuv'tou UKpt~cb~ O"uyvcbjl11 jll:: O"Unwpl::l't1:: (pl/fml) E~OOO~(f) 1tE<p'tW otKOyEVl::tU (f) 1tU'tEPU~ (m) <1l1::~POUUPto~(m) <pEpUjl1tO't (n) OI::KU1tEV't1:: 1tEjl1t'tO~, -11, -0 1tI::vl1v'tu EpyO (n) <ptAjl (n) 'tI::AtKU
~ ~
! i
m :l
! ~
finish first fish fish restaurant five five hundred flat, apartment flight floor flying dolphin, hydrofoil football for fork fortnight forty four four hundred fourteen fourth France free French (language) friend from front fruit fruit and vegetable market garage garlic German (language) Germany get up girl glass go go for a walk good evening good morning goodnight grandchild granddaughter grandfather grandmother
[teli6no] [pr6tos, -i, -0] [psan] [psarotaverna] [pende] [pendak6sia] [THiamerizma] [ptfsi] [6rofos] [iptameno] [poTH6sfero] [ya] [pirUni] [THekapenthfmero] [saranda] [teseris, -is, -a] [tetrak6sia] [THekateseris, -is, -a] [tetartos, -i, -0] [ghalfa] [eleftheros, -i, -0] [ghalika] [ffios] [ffii] [ap6] [brosta] [fn1to] [laikf aghora] [garaz] [sk6rTHo] [ghermanikli] [ghermanfa] [sik6nome] [korltsi] [potfri] [pao ]/[pigheno] [pao v6lta] [kalispera] [kalimera] [kalimllta] [eng6ni] [engoml [pap6s] [yaya]
'tEAEuovco 1tpo)'tOC;, -11, -0 ",Upt (n) ",apo'tapEpva (t) 1tEV'tE 1tEv'taKoO"ta /haltEptO"lta (n) 1t'tr\0"11(t) OPOlpOC;(m) t1t'tUItEVO (n) 1toMO"lpatpo (n)
1ttPOUVt (n) OEKa1tEv6r\ItEpO (n) O"apuV'ta tEO"O"EptC;,-tC;, -a tEtpaKoO"ta oEKatEO"O"EpEtC;,-EtC;, -a tEtaptOC;, -11, -0 raUia (t) EAEu6EpoC;, -11, -0 yaAAtKu (nlpl) lpiAoC; (m), lpiA11 (t)
grandson grape Greece Greek (language) [Greek blues] [Greek coffee] [Greek pastry] [Greek pastry] [Greek restaurant/taverna] green grilled foods ground floor half hallway hand basin happy have he heating hello/goodbye (pllfml) hello/goodbye (pllfml) hello/see you (sing/infml) her herb here here you are! h'/ I, his hobby homemade hospital hotel house/home how/what hungry husbandlwife, spouse I I'm sorry / excuse me iced coffee/frappe idea immediately in
[engon6s] [stafili] [elliTHa] [elinika] [rebetika] [elinik6s kafes] [baklavas] [kataffi] [taverna] [prasinos, -i, -0] [psita] [is6ghion] [mis6s, -f, -6] [hol] [niptfras] [eftihizmenos, -i, -0] [eho] [aft6s] [thermansi] [herete] [yasas] [yasu] [tis] [aromatik6 fit6] [eTH6] [orlste] [yasu] [tu] [h6bi] [spitik6s, -f, -6] [nosokomio] [ksenoTHohfo] [spfti] [pos] [pinazmenos, -i, -0] [sfzighos] [egh6] [sighn6mi] [frapes] [iTHea] [amesos] [se]
EYYOVOC;m) ( O"'talpuAt (n) EAMoa(t) eAA11VtKU (nlpl) pEJ.l1tEnKa (nlpl) EAA11VtKOC; alpEC; (m) K lt1taKAapUC; (m) Ka'tailpt (n) 'tapEpva(t) 1tpuO"tvOC;, -11, -0 "'11'tu (nlpl) to"OyEtoV (n) IttO"oC;, -r\, -0 xcoA (n) vt1ttr\pac; (m) EUtuXtO"ItEVOC;,-11, -0 EXCO autoc; 6EPltavO"11 (t) xaipE'tE yEm O"ac; yEta O"ou t11C; apCOltanKO lpUtO (n) EOcO OpiO"tE yEta O"ou tOU X0It1tU (n) O"1ttttKOC;,-r\, -0 VOO"OKOItEio(n) ~EVOOOXEio (n) O"1tin (n) 1tcOC; 1tEtvaO"ItEVOC;,-11, -0 O"U~uyoC;(rn/t) EycO O"UyvcOlt11/O"UyyvcOlt11 lppa1tEC; (m) tOEa (t) altEO"coc; O"E
285 '2.
iii' m :l
i ~
lt1tpoO"tU lppoutO (n) AuiKr\ ayopu
YKapu~ (n) O"KOPOO(n) YEPltaVtKU (nlpl) rEPltavia (t) O"T]KcOVOltat KOpitO"t (n) 1tOtr\ pt (n) 1tuco/ 1t11yaivco 1tUCOpOAta KaA11O"1tEpa KaA11ItEpa KaA11VUXta EyyOVt (n) EyyOVr\ (t) 1ta1t1tOUC; m) ( ytaytu (t)
m :I
i ~
infonnation (piece of) instant coffee interesting introduce Ireland island music it Italian (language) Italy its January jazz music joblwork juice July June kilo kiosk kitchen knife know lamb late later lawn/grass learn leave left lemonade letter lettuce lift/elevator light (colour), open light light bulb (I) like like (as if) likely, probable likely, probably little live
[plirofona] [nes kafes] [enTHiaferon] [sistino] [irlanTHfa] [nisi6tika] [aft6] [italika] [italia] [tu] [ianuiirios] [tzaz] [THulia] [chirn6s] [iUlios] [il1nios] [kil6] [penptero ] [kuzfna] [maberi] [ksero] [arnm] [argM] [argh6tera] [ghrasfTHi] [matheno] [fevgho] [aristera] [lemonaTHa] [ghrama] [maruli] [asanser] [anikt6s, of, -6] [fos] [ghl6mbos] [maresi] [san ]/[6pos ] [pithan6s, of, -6] [pithan6s] [lighos, -i, -0] [meno]
1tAT\pocpopta (f) ve~ Kacpg~ (m) evotacpgpov crUcrttlVID IpAaVOta (f) VT\crWlttKa (nlpl) auto ttaAtKU (nlpl) ltaAta (f) tOU lavouuplO~ (m) t~a~ (f) oOUAetu (f) XUIlO~(m) (m) 10UVlO~(m) KtA.6 (n) 1tept1ttepo (n) KOU~tVa(f) Ilaxatpt (n) ~gpID apVUKt (n) apyu apyotepa ypacrtot (n) llaeatVID cpeuyID aptcrtepu Aellovuoa (f) y pUlllla (n) llapOUAt (n) acravcrgp (n) aVOlKto~, -tl, -0 CPID~n) ( yA.6Il1tO~(m) Il'apgcret crav / 01tID~ ltteavo~, -tl, -0 (adj) ltteavo>~ (adv) Atyo~, -T\, -0 IlgVID
living room London love lucky luggage lunch lyre main mainly manlhusband map March market marmalade/jam married (I'm .. ,) May may / is possible to me (after a preposition) me (after a verb) medium, middle melon mezzanine (floor) midday/afternoon middle milk mine minute mirror Miss mixed Greek salad moment month more more morning mother motorcycle mountain Mr/Sir MrslMadam much/very museum mushroom
[sal6ni] [lonTHino] [aghapi] [tiher6s, -f, -6] [aposkevf] [mesimerian6] [lira] [kfrios, -a, -0] [kirios] [iindras]/[ sfzighos] [hams] [mamos] [aghora] [marmelaTHa] [pandremen-os/-i] [maios] [bon na] [fsos na] [(e)mena] [mu] [meseos, -a, -0] [pep6ni] [irni6rofos] [mesimeri] [mesi] [gMla] [THik6 mu] [lept6] [kathreftis] [THespimlHa] [horiatiki salata] [stighnnl [minas] [p-yo] [peris6teros, -i, -0] [prof] [rnitera] [motosikleta] [vun6] [kfrios] [kiria] [polis, poli, polf] [musfo] [manitiiri ]
craA.6vt (f) AOVOtVO(n) ayu1tT\ (f) tUxepo~, -tl, -0 a1tOcrKeUtl (f) lle<JTtlleptaVO (n) Mpa (f) KUPlO~, -a, -0 KUptID~ uvopa~/cru~uyo~ (m) XUPtT\~ (m) Mupno~ (m) ayopu(f) llaplleMoa (f) 1taVtpellgV-o~/ -ll Maio~ (m) ll1topet va/{crID~ va (e)llgva Ilou Ilecraio~, -a, -0 1te1tovt (n) lllltoPOCPO~(m) llecrT\llgpt (n) IlgcrT\ (f) yUAa (n) OtKO Ilou Ae1ttO (n) KaepgcptT\~ (m) oecr1tOlvtoa XIDptUnKll craMta (f) crn Ylltl (f) Iltlva~ (m) lttO 1teptcrcrotepo~, -ll, -0 1tPIDt(n) ll11tgpa (f) 1l0tocruKAgta (f) ~ouvo (n) KUPlO~ (m) KUpta (f) 1tOAU~,1tOAAtl, 1tOAU Iloucreto (n) llaVttupt (n)
:I 'eo
i ~
music musician must / have to my name name (first) name (last) national naturally naught/zero near, close to need neighbourhood never newspaper next to nice, beautiful nice, beautiful nine nine hundred nineteen ninety no not not (Do not ... ) nothing novel novel November now number, size (of clothes) nurse nurse October of course, naturally often oh O.K., all right one one hundred one thousand one thousand
[musikIl [musik6s] [prepi na] [mu] [6noma] [mikr6 6noma] [epitheto] [ethnik6s, -I, -6] [fisika] [miTHen] [konda] [hriazome] [ghitonia] [pote] [efimen'THa] [THipla] [oreos, -a, -0] [6morfos, -i, -0] [enea ]/[ enia] [eniak6sia] [THekaenia] [eneninda] [6chi] [THen] [min]/[mi] [tipota] [nuvela] [mithist6rima] [noemvrios] [t6ra] [numero] [nosok6ma] [nosok6mos] [okt6vrios] [vevea] [sihna] [ah] [kala], [endaksi] [enas], [mia], [ena] [ekat6] [htlies] [htlji]
~OU<nKTj(t) ~OU<nKO<; (mlt) 7tpe7tet vu ~ou ovo~u (n) ~tKPO ovo~a e7tieuo eeVtKO<;,-Tj, -0 cpU<nKU ~11Mv KOVtU xpetul;;o~at yettovtu (t) 7tote ecp11~epi8u (t) 8i7tA.u ropuio<;, -a, -0 o~opcpo<;, -11, -0 evveu/ evvtu eVtuKo<na 8eKaeVVtU evevrjvta OXt 8ev ~11V/~11 ti7tota vou~eA.a(t) ~UetcrtOP11~u (n) Noe~~pto<; (m) tropa vou~epo (n) VOcrOKO~U(t) VOcrOKO~O<; (m) OKtro~pto<; (m)
one thousand one-family house orange (colour) orange (fruit) orangeade our out, outside ouzo oven over p.m. pair parsley passport pear penthouse petrol/gas petrol/gas station pharmacy pianist pianist pineapple pink plate play play (theatre) please/you're welcome police pop music pork portion post office potato pound (sterling) pound (kilo) practical prefer prepare price private problem prospectus purple
[hflia] [monokatikia] [portokali] [portokali] [portokalaTHa] [mas] [ekso] [uzo] [fi1rnos] [pera ]/[pano ap6] [mi-mi] [zevgMri] [maindan6s] [THiavatirio] [ahlaTHi] [retire] [venzini] [pratirio venzinis] [farmakio] [i pianistria] [0 pianistas] [ananas] [roz] [piato] [pezo] [ergho] [parakal6] [astinomia] [laika] [chirin6] [men'THa] [tachiTHromio] [patata] [lira] [kil6] [praktik6s, -I, -6] [protim6] [etimazo] [tirm1 [iTHiotik6s], [-i], [-6] [pr6vlirna] [prospektus] [mov]
e~ro oul;;o (n) cpoupvo<; (m) 7tepa /7tuvro a7to
I;;euyupt (n) ~uivtavo<; (m) 8ta~utTjpto (n) axA.li8t (n) pettpe (n) ~evl;;iv11(t) 7tputTjpto ~evl;;iv11<;n) ( cpap~aKeio (n) 11mavicrtpta (t) o mavicrta<; (m) avuvu<; (m) pol;; muto (n) 7tail;;ro epyo ucrtUvo~iu (t) A.UiKU (nlpl) XOtptvO (n) ~epi8a (t) taxu8po~eio (n) 7tatuta (t) A.ipa (t) KtA.O 7tpaKttKo<;, rj, -0 7tPOtt~ro etot~ul;;ro tt~rj (t) t8trottKO<;, -rj, -0 7tPO~A.11~U (n) 7tpocr7teKtou<; (n) ~ro~
KuM, eVtu~et evu<;, ~ia, Eva eKUtO xiA.te<; (t) XiA.tot (m)
290 c ~
m ::s iii
question radio rain rarely read realize, see reception red red mullet reservation residence restaurant restaurant serving grilled meat restaurant serving fish return retum/round trip right (direction) right (you're right) river rock rock music room round (in shape) run running sad salad sale/discount same Saturday saucer school science Scotland sea season seat (to sit on) seat (class) second second (with time) second (Just a ... )
[er6tisi] [raTHi6fono] [vrochIl [splinia] [THiava.zo] [vlepo] [katalaveno] [ipoTHochIl [k6kinos], [oil, [-0] [barbUni] [kratisi] [katikia] [estiat6rio] [psistaria]/ [hasapotavema] [psarotavema] [epistrefo] [me epistrofil [THeksia] [THikio] [ehis] [potam6s] [vrahos] [rok] [kamara ]/[THomatio] [strongiI6s, -f, -6] [treho] [trohaTHin] [lipirnenos, -i, -0] [salata] [ekptosi] [fTHios, -a, -0] [savato] [piatili] [sholio] [epistfrni] [skotfa] [thaIasa] [epochIl [kathizma] [tMsi] [THefteros, -i, -0] [THefter6Iepto] [ena lept6]
Epcb,.., cr.., (t) palholprovo (n) ~poxrj (t) cr1t<lvla ola~u~ro ~ASltro !Ka,aAa~alvro UltOooxrj (t) KOKKlVO~,-.." -0 1.11tap~ltOUVln) ( KpU,..,cr.., (t) Ka,OlKla (t) Ecrna,oplo (n) ",..,cr,aplu (t) / xacraltO,a~Epva (t) ",apo,a~Epva (t) E1tlcr,PElpro ~E E1tlcr,pOlprj (t) OE~lU OlKtO (n) (EXEl~/-E,E) lto,a~o~ (m) ~puxo~ pOK (n) Ku~apa (t) / Oro~uno (n) cr,poyyuA6~, rj, 0 ,psXro 'pOXUO..,v (n) AUlt"'JlEVO~,-.." -0 craA<i,a(t) EKlt,rocr.., (t) lOtO~, -a, -0 :Eu~~a'rO (n) 1tla,UKl (n) crXOAElO(n) E1tlcr,rjJl.., :EKro,la (t) SUAacrcra(t) EltOXrj (t) KuSlcrJla (n) SEcr.., (t) OEU,EPO~, ..,-, -0 Oeu,EpOAE1t'rO (n) Eva AE1t'rO
i ~
I -<
see see again sell September seven seven hundred seventeen seventy shampoo she ship shirt shoe shoe lace shop window shower side single (I'm ... ) single room sister sit sitting room six six hundred sixteen sixty size sky sky blue sleep slip-ons (loafers) slipper small small bouzouki small dishes/starters smoke smoking so (therefore) so (to such an extent) soap soda water sofa soft soft drink
[vlepo] [ksanavlepo] [puI6] [septemvrios] [epta]/[ eM] [eptak6sia ]/[eftak6sia] [THekaefta] [evTHominda] [sambuan] [aful [plio] [karavi] [pukfuniso] [paputsi] [korTH6ni] [vitrina] [duz] [plevra] [eIefther-os/-i] [mon6klino] [aTHelfi] [kathome] [kathistik6 ] [eksi] [eksak6sia] [THekaeksi] [eksfnda] [meghethos] [uran6s] [ghala.zios, -a, -0] [kimame] [pandofle] [pand6fla] [mikr6s, of, -6] [baghlamaTHili] [mezeTHes] [kapnfzo] [kapnizma] [etsi] [t6sos, -i, -0] [sapuni] [s6THa] [kanapes] [malak-6s/-f/6] [elafrolaika]
~ASltro ~aVa~ASltro ltoUAcb :EElt'S~~PtO~ (m) E1t'rcilElp,U Elt,aKocrla/Elp,aKocrla OEKaElp,U E~OO~rjV'rU cra~ltouuv (n) au,rj ltAOlO (n) / Kapu~l (n) ltOUKU~lcrO(n) ltaltou,m (n) KopMvl (n) ~l'rplVa (t) V'rou~ (n) ltAEUpU(t) EAEUSEp-O~/-.., (rn/t) ~OVOKAlVO (n) aOEAlprj (t) KuSo~al KaSlcrnKo (n) E~l E~aKoma OEKaE~l E~rjv,a ~EYESO~(n) oupavo~ (m) yaA<i~tO~, -a, -0 KOlJlUJlal ltaV,OlpAE (n) ltaV,olpAa (t) JllKPO~, -rj, -0 JlltaYAaJlaMKl (n) JlE~EOE~(rn/pl) KaltVl~ro KUltVlcrJla (n) E,m ,ocro~, -.." -0 craltOUVl(n) crooa (t) KaValtE~ (m) JlaAaK-o~/ -rj/-o EAalppOAdiKU (nlpl)
291 c ~ ~ c
m ::s
I -<
m :l
ii ~
son sorry soup soup spoon space, area Spain Spanish (language) speak sport spring stamp stay (verb) stay stay sterling stilllyet stool story/history straight straight ahead straight ahead strawberry striped studio/bedsit study study stuffed peppers/tomatoes suitcase summer Sunday supermarket sure! surprised sweet swim swimming Sydney
[yos] [sighn6mi] [supa] [kut31i] [bOros] [ispanfa] [ispanika] [millio] [spor] [liniksi] [ghramat6simo] [kathome]/[THiameno] [THiamoml [paramoml [sterlina] [ak6ma] [skamb6] [istoria] [efthia] [efthia brosta] [isia] [fraula] [righe] [garsoniera] [THiavazo] [matheno] [ghemista] [valitsa] [kalokeri] [kirialal [supermarket] [amelI [vevea]! [ekpliktos, -i, -0] [ghlik6s, -ia, 6] [kolimb6] [Mnio] [sITHnei]
ytOe; (m) cruyvcf>/.l11 (m) crou1ta KOUtaAt (n) xcf>poe;(m) Im[Uvia (f) tcr1taVtKa (nlpl) /.ltAaro cr1tOP(n) aVot~11 (f) ypa/.l/.latocrll/.l0 (n) Kli90/.lat / Ota/.lEvro ota/.lovl1 (f) 1tapa/.lovl1 (f) crt&pAiva aKO/.la crKa/.l1tO(n) tcrtopia (f) &u9&ia &u9&ia /.l1tpocrta iata <ppaouAa(f) ptYE (mlf/n) yKapcroVtEpa (f) ota~a1;;ro /.la9aivro Y&/.ltcrta (nlpl) ~aAitcra (f) KaAoKaipt (n) KuptaKl1 (f) crou1t&p/.lapK&t (n) a/.lE! ~E~ata! EK1tAllKtOe;,-11, -0 yAuKoe;, -ta, -0 KOAU/.l1tcf> /.l1tavtO ~iov&u (n) tpa1tE1;;t (n) 1tiVK 1tOVK(n) 1taipvro ta~Epva(f) ta~i (n) tmli (n)
table [trapezi] table tennis [ping pong] take [perno] taverna! Greek restaurant [taverna] [taksi] taxi tea [tsm]
KOUtaAaKt (n) oacrKaAa(f) oucrKaAOe;(m) tllA&<proVtKOe; 9aAa/.lOe;(m) television [tile6rasi] tllA&Opacrll (f) [THeka] ten OEKa [tenis] tennis tEVte; (n) thanks (lit. I thank you) [efuarist6] &UXaptcrtcf> thanks (lit. we thank you) [efuaristt1me] &UXaptcrtou/.l& thatlwho (in statements) [pu] 1tOU the [0], [i], [to] 0, 11, to (mlf/n) [theatro] theatre (n) 9EatpO (n) [tus] their tOue; theirs [THik6 tus] OtKO tOUe; /.l&ta then, afterwards [meta] then/after thatllater [epita] E1t&tta there [eki] &K&i [thesaloniki] Thessaloniki 8&crcraAoviKll (f) they (f) [aftes] aUtEe; they (m or m+f) [aful autoi they (n) [afta] auta [nornizo] vO/.li1;;ro think [trltos, -i, -0] t pitoe;, -11, -0 third thirsty [THipsazmenos, -i, -0] Ot'l'acr/.lEVOe;,-11, -0 O&Katp&ie;, -&ie;, -ia thirteen [THekatris, -is, -ia] [trianda] thirty tptavta though, although [6mos] I [molon6ti] O/.lroc;/.lOAOVOtt / thought [skepsi] crKE'I'11(f) [tris, tris, tria] tp&te;, tp&te;, tpia three [trak6sia] three hundred tptaKOata [thn1er] thriller/horror (ftlm) 9piA&P (n) [isitmo] &tcrttl1PtO (n) ticket cf>pa(f) time (what ... ) [6ra] [hr6nos] time (much ... ) xpovoe; (m) [pinakas THromologhion] mvooroc;oPOI.lOAoyirov (m) timetable [kurazmenos, -i, -0] Koupacr/.lEVOe;,-11, -0 tired [kurastik6s, -i, -6] KoupacrttKOe;, 11, 0 tiring to (used with verbs) [na] va [ston], [stin], [sto] to/in/at the crtOV, crtllV, crtO [mehri] /.lEXpt to, until crl1/.l&pa(n) [simera] today [tualeta] tOUaAEta (f) toilet vto/.lata (f) [domata] tomato
m :l
i ~
ca 6'
I ~
toothbrush toothpaste towel town/city train train station travel agency trip triple room trout truth twelve twenty two two hundred tzatziki (yoghurt garlic dip) underground understand, see, realize understand (language) unfortunately until until up upset up to usually vegetable view (opinion) view (sight) volley ball
[oTHond6vurtsa] OOOVtO~OUptO"u (f) [oTHond6pasta] ooovtonuO"tu (f) [petseta] netO"etu (f) [p6li] nOAll (f) [treno] tpevo (n) [stathm6s trenon] O"tuS~o~tpevrov(m) [taksiTHiotik6 ghrafio] tW;101ffitlKOypacpeio (n) [taksfTHi] ta~iOl (n) [triklino] tpiKA1VO (n) [pestrofa] neO"tpocpu (f) [alithia] uArjSeta (f) [TH6THeka] orooeKu [!kosi] elKOO"l [THio] ODO [THiak6sia] OlUKOcrtU [tzatziki] t~Ut~iKl (n) [metr6 ]/[ilektrik6s] [vIepo] [katalaveno] [THistih6s] [mehri] [6spu] [pano] [taraghmenos, -i, -0] [mehri] [sinithos] [lahanik6] [apopsi] [thea] [v6lei] [vesel [perimeno] [servit6ros] [servit6ra] [ksipnao] [ualia] [perpatao/-6] [v6lta] [thelo] [vlepo] [ner6] ~etpo (n) / llAelCtplKo~ (m) ~Aenro lCUtUAU~uivro ouO"tuxroc; ~EXPl roO"nou nuvro tUPUY~EVOC;, ll, -0 ~EXPl cruvrjSroc; AUXUVllCO (n) uno\jfll (f) Seu (f) ~oAeu (n)
we weather week weekend welcome (you're) welcome! well (e.g. I'm well) well (e.g. well, what?) what when (in questions) when (within a sentence) where white white wine why window wine winter woman/wife work work (noun) world write writer yard year yellow yellow peach yes Yes, sure! Of course! you (pllfml) you (pllfml) (to you) you (singlinfml) you (singlinfml) your (pllfml) your (singlinfml) yours
[emfs] [ker6s] [evTHomaTHa] [savatokiriako] [parakal6] [kalos6rises/-sate] ! [kala] [lip6n] [ti] [p6te] [6tan] [pu] [aspros, -i, -0] [aspro krasi] [yati] [parathiro] [krasi] [chim6nas] [ghineka] / [sizighos] [THulevo] [THulia] [k6zmos] [ghrafo] [sighrafeas] [avli] [hr6nos] [kitrinos, -i, -0] [yiarmas] [ne] [malista] [esis] [sas] [esena] [esi] [sas] [su] [THik6 sulsas]
q.u;i~ KU1PO~(m) e~oo"uiou (f) :EU~~UtOKUP1UKO (n) nupuKuAro KUAroO"opl-O"e~1 O"ute! KuM A011tOV t1 note OtUV nou uO"npo~, -ll, -0 uO"npo KpuO"i (n) Yluti nupuSupo (n) KpuO"i (n) xel~rovu~ (m) yUVUiKUI O"u~uyo~ (f) oouAeuro oouAelu (f) KOO"~OC; (m) ypucpro O"uyypucpeu~ (mlf) uUArj (f) XPOVOC; (m) lCi'tPlVOC;, ll, -0 Y1UP~UC; (m) Vat ~UA10"tU eO"eic; O"uc; eO"evu eO"u O"uC; O"ou OllCOO"oulO"U~
b i
ca 6'
wait waiter waitress wake up Wales walk walk, stroll, car ride want watch water
we (no Greek script) (n) nepl~evro O"ep~ltopoC; O"ep~ltOpU ~unvuro OuuAiu (f) nepnuturol oro ~OA.tU(f) SEAro ~AEnro vepo (n)
. I
This glossary includes all vocabulary found at the end of each dialogue. Additional vocabulary can be found in the Language notes and Grammar sections.
Aa Aha (Oh, I get it!)
aya1tliO) [love AYYAia England (f) AYYAtKli English (language) ayyoupUKt small cucumber (n) ayopu market (f) aypo'ttKo<; / -rj /-0 agricultural urxo<; stress (n) alhu8eto<; / -T\ /-0 sick aepUKt wind (light), breeze (n) aepa<; wind (m) aepollpo~tO airport (n) A8rjva Athens (f) A8T\vaia the Athenian (f) A8T\vaio<; Athenian (m) ateoucra room, hall (f) attia cause, reason (f) aKo~a (T\) still, yet aKouyo~at[sound aKoucr'ttKO receiver (n) aKouO)[listen, [ hear aKpt~U expensively aKpt~o<; / -rj /-0 expensive AAe~uvllpa Alexandra (f) aArj8eta truth (f) aArj8eta! really!, that's true aAAa. but aUepytKo<; /-rj /-0 allergic aAAtro<;otherwise UAAO<;/ -T\ /-0 other, another a~ecrO)<; once at a~~oulltu sand (f) av if avaKat vtcr~evo<; / -T\ /-0 renovated avavu<; pineapple (m) ava1tauo~at [ rest avu1taucrT\rest (f) AvucrtacrT\ Resurrection (f) aVatoAtKo<; / -rj /-0 eastern ava",uK'ttKo refreshment (n) avllptKo<; / -rj /-0 male ave~aivO) [ go up live~o<; wind (m) aVT\q>opa uphill (f) livt80<; dill (m) aVotKto<; / -rj /-0 light / open livot~T\ spring (f) avtexO) [ stand avti instead av'tt~tOttKO antibiotic (n) av'ttcrt1t'ttKO antiseptic (n) avticrtotXo<; / -T\ /-0 corresponding Avll6vT\oO) Anthony a~t08eato sight (n)
tn ::T
_. -
o tn
a1tatcnooo~O<; 1-11 1-0 pessimist a1taicno<; awful a1tAO<; I -rj 1-0 simple a1tAU simply
ypa<poo I write
yprjyopafast ypi1t1tTl influenza (f) yUjlVacrttlCrj exercise (f) (gymnastics) yuvailCa woman (f) yupor; gyros (m) yupoo round yoovia comer (f)
ow po present
~ ::lI
a1t0pP11jlVo<; 1-11 1-0 confused a1to<Jl(urj luggage, suitcase (f) a1toq>acri~oo I decide A1tpiAtO<; I A1tpiA11<;April (m) upa then apad<; pea (m) apt9jlo<; number (m) aptcrtpU left aplCtU enough aplCto<; I -rj 1-0 several apVulCt lamb (n) uppoocrto<; ill (m) apxttlCtOva<; architect (m, f) acravcrp lift (n) acr9vrj<; I -rj<; I -<; weak ucr9jla asthma (n) ucr1tpO white acrtUVOjltlCO<;policeman (m) utOjlo person (n) Auyoucrto<; August (m) au~uvoo I increase aU~11crTJincrease (f) aupto tomorrow (n) autolCivTlto car (n) auto<; Irj 1-0 this, he, she, it 13uoTlv walking, jogging (n) 13a9rjr; I -tu I -u deep, dark 13aAitcra suitcase (f) 13aptjlat I am bored 13uplCa boat (f) 13yu~ooI take off, pull out 13t13Aiobook (n) 13totllCor; I-rj 1-0 standard (of
13optor; I -a 1-0 northern 13optur; north winds 13oUtupo butter (n) 13p untranslated emphatic particle 13pYjlvOr; I -TI 1-0 wet 13pi<Jl(oo find I 13poxrj rain (f) 13ucrcrtvrjr; I -rj I -i burgundy 13ucrcnvo morel yUAa milk (n)
yaAU~to sky blue, indigo raAAia France (f) raHioa French woman (f) YUjlOr;wedding (m) yuVtl glove (n) yyovor; event, fact (n) YVVTlcrTl birth (f) rpjlavioa German woman (f) yujla meal (n) YUcrTJ taste (f) ytapjlUr; (kind of) peach (m) ytati because ytati why? ytatpor; doctor (m, f) ytOptu~oo I celebrate ytoptrj holiday (t), celebration ytoot yacht (n) YlCapu~ car park, garage (n) YlCoq>pta waffle (chocolate) (f) Y1Cpi~or; I -a 1-0 grey YlCptVtU~oo complain, I moan I YlCPOUjl orter (m) p YAUlCO sweet (n), cake yAwcrcra language (t) yvwcrtOr; I -rj 1-0 acquaintance, known ypa13uta tie (t) ypajljlatocrTljlo stamp (n) ypajljlrj line (f) ypaq>eto office (n)
~ ::lI
oTlATltTlpiacrTl poisoning (f) ota13atrjpto passport (n) OtalC01tr; vacation OtUOpOjlOr; corridor (m) OtaVUlCtpUcrTJ (staying) overnight
Otuppota diarrhoea (f) OtacrlCli<i~ooI entertain (reflexive) otu9uvcr11 address (f) OilCto right (n) OilCAtVOdouble room (n)
oivoo I give
13A1too see I 13oTl9uoo(00) I help 13oAujl1tOAvolleyball (n) 13optoavatoAtlCor; I -rj 1-0 north-
omAOr; I -rj 1-0 double Ot<Jl(09rjlCTI isco, discotheque (f) d oi<Jl(or; record (m) McrTl installment (f) OOUAtU work, job, employment (f) OOUAUoo work I OPOjlOAOYto timetable (n) OpOjlOr; street (m) opocrpOr; I -rj 1-0 cool oucrtuXWr; unfortunately, I am sorry
but ...
if ':z
I -<
EPXO~at I come Em;t~ you (pI., pol.) EcrEvayou EcrUyou (sing. and fam.) Ecrmpouxo underwear (n) EcrrotEptKO~ / -rj /-0 inner, inside Etatpta company (f) Etrjcrto~ / -a /-0 annual Etot~O~ /-11 /-0 ready Etm so, like that EUKatpta chance (f) EUKoAaeasily EUKOAO~/-11 /-0 easy Eupm1tll Europe (f) EUxaptcrtm (I) thank you EUxrj wish (f) EuXO~at I wisM hope ECPll~Eptoanewspaper (f) EcptUA nightmare (m) tll~ EX6E~yesterday EXroI have ~UAll dizzy (f) ~a~1tov ham (n) ~axap01tAacrtEtO pastry shop (n) ~llAEuro I become / am jealous ~roypucpo~ painter (m, f) ~rorj life (f) rj or rjoll already rjAto~ sun (m) l1~tKpavta migraine (f) rjPE~O~ /-11 /-0 tranquil, quiet rjcruxo~ /-11 /-0 quiet
0EO~ God (m) 6Epa1tEta treatment (f) 6EpEtpO resort (n) 6Ep~oKpacrta temperature (f) 0EP~01tUAE~an archeological site, Thermopiles 6EP~OtEPO~ /-11 /-0 warmer 0EcrcraAOVt ll Thessaloniki/ K Salonica (f) 6Ecrll class, seat (f) 6uEAAa storm, hurricane (f) 6u~u~at I remember (f) tOtrottKO~ / -rj /-0 private Iavouupto~ / rEVuPll~ January
tOto~ / -a /-0 similar tOt~ especially IovtKo~ / -rj /-0 Ionian IOUAto~ / IOUAll~ July (m) Iouvto~ / Iouvll~ June (m) t1t1tacrta riding (f) tcrOyEto ground floor (n) tcrtto1tAola sailing (f) tcrttocpopo sailing boat (n) tcrtopta story, history (f) tcrxupo~ / -rj /-0 strong tcrro~maybe, perhaps ltaAtKU Italian (language) ltaA.6~ Italian (m) tmOE~violet Kttpto building (n) Ka611Yllt11~ teacher, tutor (m) Ka60Aou not at all Ku60~at I sit/stay Kat and Kat ta QUo both KatvOupyto~ / -a /-0 new KatpO~ time / weather (m) well, fine, good, OK KaAa~1tOKt corn (n) KaAAUVttKU cosmetics (pI.) KUA tcra sock (f)
6aAa~l1Yo~ yacht
6uAacrcra sea (f) 6aAacrcrrj~ / -rj / -t sea blue (f) 6uvato~ death (m) 6au~ucrto~ / -a /-0 marvellous 6EUgoddess (f) 6Ea view (f) 6EAroI want/like
KaA.UtEpO~/-11 /-0 better KaAm~ OptcratE! welcome! Ka~aptEpa maid (f) KavEAa cinnamon (f) KavEArj~ /rj /-t cinnamon KavEva~ / -ta / -a nobody (m, f, n) Kavo canoe (n) KUVroI do/make KaAOKatpt summer (n) Ka1tEtuvto~ captain (m) KapU~t ship (n) Kapa~oKuPll~ skipper (m) Kapa~EAa candy (f) KapacpuKt small bottle of ouzo (n) KapotaKo~ / -rj /-0 cardiac KapEKA01tOOapochair leg (n) KapKtVO~ cancer (m) Kapo cheque red KapOtO carrot (n) Kap1tO~t watermelon (n) Kupta card (f) Kapuoa coconut (f) KUcrtpO castle (n) KatatytOa (thunder) storm (f) KataAa~atvro I understand KatUAoyo~ menu (m), catalogue, list KUtotKO~ inhabitant, resident (m, f) KatcrtKUKt kid, goat (n) KUtro down, under KacpEbrown KacpEvEto coffee shop (n) KacpE~ coffee (m) KacpEtrj~ / -11 / -t coffee brown KEpa~to* /-rj /-t brick red KEpa~tOt tile (n) KEpUcrtcherry (n) KEptVO~ /-11 /-0 wax KEcpUAt ead (n) h KtA.Okilo (n) KtVllcrll traffic (f) KtOAa~ already KitptVO yellow KAacrtKo~ / -rj /-0 classic
KAEtOtkey (n) KAEtcrtocpo~ta claustrophobia (f) KAt~att~O~EvO~ /-11 /-0 airconditioned KO~roI cut KOtAtU belly (f) KotA01tOVO~ stomach-ache (m) KOKKtvOred KOAOKU6tsquash (n) KOA.OVta perfume (f) KOAu~~mI swim KOAU~1ttswimming (n) KOAroVUKtneighbourhood in central Athens KOVtUnear / close to KOVttVEVtaA continental K01trocrllexhaustion (f) KOPtt~oVll cortisone (f) KOcr~01tOAittKO~cosmopolitan KOcr~O~ people, crowd (m) KOcr~Ocruporjcrowd, throng (f) KOt(t)EpO cutter (n) KOUVOU1ttOt cauliflower (n) Koupacr~Evo~ /-11 /-0 tired KOUpttVa curtain (f) KOUcrtOU~tsuit (n) Kpaturo(m) I keep KPUtllcrll reservation (f) KpattKO~ /-rj /-0 state KpEa~ meat (n) KpE~a cream (f) KPE~~UOtonion (n) KpoUa~Ep01tAOtocruise ship (n) KpUOcold (n) Kpuro~a cold (n) KtllVtatpO~ vet (m, f) Kttpto building (n) Kttcrtll~ builder (m) KtU1tmI hit KUAtO~EVO~/-11 /-0 rolling, on rollers KU1taptcrcr* /rj / -t cypress green KU1taptcrcrtcypress (n)
if ':z
KUptaKrj Sunday (f) KUpU:Mr Kupiroe; mainly Kro1tllAacria rowing (f) A&ro[say M90e; mistake (n), false Aai"Koe;/ -rj /-0 popular
Aat~oe; throat (m) M~1ta lamp (f)
~ ~ ~
~uva'tsp manager (m, f) Mav'tpUKt the harbor for yachts, sailing and fishing boats in Rhodes (n) ~ap~Moa marmelade (f) ~apOuAt lettuce (n) Mup'ttoe; / Mup'tlle; March (m)
~ae; our
~tMro(oJ) [ speak ~ivt-~1tap mini-bar (n) ~tvtOV minion ~'tu ~crll~~piae; p.m. =
~.~. =
Aaxavrje; / -rj / -i cabbage green AaxaVtKO vegetable (n) MXavo cabbage (n)
A&yo~at my name is A~OVUOalemonade (f) A~6vt lemon (n) A1t'tOminute (n) A&crXllclub (f) AUKrocria Nicosia (Cyprus) (f) ACP'tU money (pi.) AtaKuoa sunshine (f) Ai~p1tOUA Liverpool (n) Ai yo some, little At~&Vae; ort (m) p Aivooe; Lindos, a village 54 kIn
with (f)
MyuAll (E) ~oo~uoa Holy Week ~YUAOC; -ll /-0 large / ~yaAu'tpOe; / -ll /-0 larger M&yapo MoucrtK1\e; Music Hall
south of Rhodes City Aoytcrn!e; book keeper (m) Aomov then, well M~1tu lobby (n) Aovoivo London (n) AOUAouM'to flowery, floral AUKa~ll't'toe; a hill in the centre of Athens (m) ~uytpae; cook (m) ~asi together, with ~a9aivro [learn ~a9ll'trje; student (m) ~ai"v'tavoe; parsley (m) MUi"oe; / MUlle; May (m) ~aKUpt [wish, would that, if only,
may ~aKptufar ~unov rather, probably
~&y90C;size (n) ~SOO1troAiO tavern with a selection of appetizers (n) ~S&e;appetizer, snacks (m) ~9aupto the day after tomorrow ~toJvro [ reduce ~At'tsuva aubergine, eggplant (f) ~At'tsavocraAu'ta aubergine,
eggplant dip (f)
~&vro [live, [ stay ~ptKU some ~&pA.textremely sweet ~&pOe; lace (n) p ~&cra in, inside ~craioe; / -a /-0 medium ~'tu~acrll going (f) ~'taKi vllcrll transport (f) ~'ta~u between ~&'tpo metre (n) ~&XPt until ~rjAo apple (n) ~llxav1\ machine (f) ~ia / ~ta one, a ~tKPO small ~tKpOe; /-1\ /-0 small MtMvo Milan (n)
post meridiem ~oAte;just ~OA.U~t encil (n) p November ~ovo only vo~isro [ think ~OVOKAtVO bed, single room (f) VOP~UAnormally one ~ovoxpro~o single colour vocroKo~a nurse (f) ~oumy vocroKo~io hospital (n) ~oucraKue; moussaka (m) vocroKo~oe; nurse (m, f) ~oucr'tupoa mustard (f) vocr'tt~oe; / -ll /-0 delicious ~oucr'tapo1\e; / -rj / -i mustard vocr'tt~o'ta'toc; / -ll / -0 most yellow delicious ~1ta! wow! (surprise) VOU~POnumber, size (n) ~1taAKoVt balcony (n) v'toA~aMKta dolmadakia ~1tavuva banana (f) v'to~u'ta tomato (f) ~1tavt&pa bathtub (f) v'tomoe; / -a /-0 local ~1tUVto swimming (n)/bath v'toue; shower (n) ~1tap bar, pub (n) ~1tUp~1tKtoUbarbecue (n) ~avu again ~1tUO"K't~1tOA basketball (n) ~aVa~A&1tro[ see again ~1tPOuro [mix up ~KtVoJI start ~1tA&blue ~voooXio hotel (n) ~1tOPoJ[ can ~&VOe;/ -ll /-0 foreign ~1tooo't night club (with Greek ~&pco [know music) (f) ~xvoJ [forget ~1tOUKuAtbottle (n) ~llPu ashore (f) ~1tOucp&e; buffet (m) ~tcpaO"Kiafencing (f) ~1tpocr'tu in front ~upucpt razor (n) ~1tupa beer (f) ~1tupapia pub (f) OOT1Y0C; driver (m, f) ooov'toyta'tpoe; dentist (m, f) ~UO"'ttKO secret (n) OtKtcr~oe; settlement (m) ~ro~ violet ~oJAOe; ier (m) p OK'toJ~ptoc; / OK'toJ~Plle; October (m) 6A.Oteveryone [people] VOtKOKUpU housewife (f) vu! there! OAOe;/ -ll /-0 everything vat! hello (on the phone), yes O~A&'ta omelette (f) vut't KAa~1t night club (n) O~oto'tTJ'ta resemblance (f) vu'to! here it is! (also va 'to!) o~oiro~a model (n), image, figure vau'tlle; sailor (m) o~opcpoe; / -TJ /-0 beautiful vau'tia sea-sickness, nausea (f) O~1tp&Aaumbrella (f)
a:l a:l
~ ~
~ ~
o~ro<; but, though ovo~u~O~Ut my name is 01tro<;as, like 01trocroTj1t0t/; definitely opicrte! Here you are! Here you go!
opocpo<;floor (m)
ocro as much as 0, tt whatever ou~epi ouzeri (n) oui01Ct whisky (n) oupuvTj<; I -Tj I -i sky blue oupuvo<; sky (m) oute ... oute ... neither ... nor oucp! Phew! OcpeiAro I owe OXt no 1tUYUKtice cube (n) 1tUYKO<; counter (m) 1tuyroVtU frost (f) 1tuyroto ice-cream (n) 1tueuivro I suffer 1tutoi child (n) 1tuipvro I take 1tUAt again 1tUAtOKUtpO<;awful weather (m) 1tUA coat (n) to IIuvueTjvUtU a name of a park in
1tUpUXPOvou the year after next 1tUpEU company (f) IIupiO"t Paris (n) 1tUpKOpark (n) 1tUPO~Oto<; I -u 1-0 similar 1tutUtU potato (f) 1tUttVU~ ice-skating (n) 1turo I go IIE~1ttll Thursday (f) 1tevTjvtu 50 1teVtKtAAivll penicillin (f)
1tEvtefive 1te1tovt melon (n) 1tepucrttKo<; passer-by (m) 1teptoOtKU periodically 1teptoOtKO magazine (n) 1tepi1tou about, approximately 1tepimepo kiosk, news stand (n) 1tepvm I spend 1tep1tuturo (m) I walk 1tEpcrt last year 1teturo (m) I fly, /throw 1tEcptro I fall 1tllyui vro I go 1ttU already muvicrtu<; pianist (m) muvro I catch, I hold 1tiKAU pickle (f) 1ttA.6to<; pilot (m, f) 1tiVUKU<; tatistical table (m) s mo more mcrteuro I believe 1ticrtll credit (f) mcrtrottKo<; I -Tj 1-0 credit 1ticrro U1tO behind 1tttU I 1tittu pitta bread IIA. 1tAUteiU sq. square 1tAUteiU square (f) 1tAlleUVttKo<; plural (m) 1tATjPll<; 1-11<;I -e<;complete 1tAllpocpopiu information (f) 1tAoio ship (n) 1t.~. = 1tpO ~ecrll~piu<; a.m. = ante meridiem
1tveu~oviu pneumonia (f) 1tOOllAucriu cycling (f) 1toMcpatpo soccer (n) 1tOtKtAiu selection (f) 1tOto<; I -u I -0 who, which 1tOtotlltU quality (f) 1tOAll town (f) 1tOAUmuch, very 1tOAuKUtuO"tll~u department store
po.Oto radio (n) puvte~ou appointment (n) pecre",tov reception desk (f) pecre",tovicrtu<; receptionist (m) petcrivu retsina (Greek wine) (f) ptYE striped POMKtVO peach (n) poA.6t watch, clock (n) Po~1tept Robert (m) (m) I ask crtllv into, to the Eo.~~uto Saturday (n) EU~~UtOKUptUKO weekend (n) cruv as, like cro.VtOUlt<; sandwich (n) cru<; your cretcr~o<; earthquake (m) crEAtvo celery (n) cre~tvo.ptO seminar (n) Ee1ttE~~ptO<;, Ee1ttE~~Pll<;
1tovuro I hurt 1tOVOKEcpUAO<; headache (m) 1tOVOAUt~O<; ore throat (m) s 1tovo<; pain (m) 1tOptOKUA* I-Tj I-i orange 1tOptoKUAt orange (n) 1tocro; how much? 1tOtE never 1tote; when? 1tOU that 1tOU; where? 1tOUU spotted, dotted 1tOUeevu nowhere, anywhere 1tOUKU~tcrO shirt (n) 1touA.6~ep sweater (n) 1tPUwutt indeed 1tpo.O"tvo green 1tptV before 1tpoypu~~u schedule (n) 1tpo1tepO"t the year before last
1tpo<;to, towards 1tpocr1tUem I try 1tPOcrCPEPro offer I 1tpocrcpo po. offe r (f) 1tpocrro1tO face (n) 1tpOXeE<; the day before yesterday 1tprotvO brealifast (n) 1tpmto<; 1-11 1-0 first mTjcrll flight (f) mmcrll decrease (f) 1tro! 1tro! Wow! 1tm<;! of course! 1tm<;; how?/what?
crep~ttopo<; waiter (m, f) crEP~t<; oro~utiou room service (n) crTj~epu today
1tuvllYupt (religious) fair (n) 1tUVtU always 1tUVtOU everywhere 1tuvro on the top I on lover 1tUpUOOcrtaKO<; I -Tj 10 traditional 1tUpUKUAm please I you're
1tupuAiu beach (f) 1tUPU~ovTj stay (f) 1tUPU1tuvro more than IIUpU01CeuTj Friday (f) 1tUpucrtucrll performace
criyoupo<; 1-11 1-0 sure O"tEAsky blue O"tve~o. the cinema (n) O1Co.AU staircase (f) O1CUA01to.ttstep (n) O1Co.cpO<; motor boat (n) O1CE1ttO~Ut I think, I plan O1CEtOstraight O1Ctskiing (n) O1COVto.cptro trip over I O1COUPO<; -u 1-0 dark I cro~upo<; I-Tj 1-0 serious crOKOAo.tU chocolate (f) crOKOAUtTj<;I -Tj I -i chocolate
taramosalata (f) crOUttU suite (f) 'tEAEloJVOl I complete, I end, I run crOU't~OUKUKlU spicy meat-balls in out tomato sauce 'tEAlKU at the end, finally cr1tUVlU rarely, seldom 'tEAO~ end (n) cr1tUOl I break cr1tttl house (n) 'tEcrcrEPl~ four TE'tUp'tTJ VVednesday (f) cr'tU'tlcr'tlKO~ I -rj 1-0 statistical 'tE'tOlO~ I -u 1-0 such (a), of such cr'tU<pUAl grape (n) a kind cr'tUX'tTl ash (f) 'tE'tpUKAWO four beds (n) cr'tUX't* I-rj Ii ash grey 't~U't~iKl yoghurt, cucumber, and cr'tf:yVoJVOl I dry up garlic dip (n) cr'tEVUXOlPlEIlUl I worry 't~ouv'to judo (n) cr'tEVUXOlPllllEVO~ I -TJ 1-0 'tTJ(v) the worried, troubled 'tTJAE<pOlVTJ'trj~ telephone operator cr'tTJ~ at (the) (m) cr'tO at (the) 'tTJAE<pOlVO telephone (n) cr'tOlXEiu data 'tTJV her cr'tUM~ pen (m) cruyyvoJllTJ excuse me 'tTJ~ her 'tl what, how O"UIl~OUArj advice (f) 'tlll rj price (f) O"UIl1tATJPoJVOlfill out 'ti1to'tu not at all, don't mention it! O"UVUOEA<pO~colleague (m, f) 'tllrjllu section (n) O"UvuUUYIlU exchange (n) 'to the (n) cruvUp1tUcr'tlKO~ I -rj 1-0 unique, TOVlU Tonia, Antonia (f. name) exciting 'tomKo~ I -rj 1-0 local crUVEOplO conference (n) 'tocro~ I -TJ 1-0 so, so much, so big, cruvEpyucriu co-operation, so many collaboration (f) 'to'tE then crUVEXElU continually 'tOu his (m), its (n) cruVTJei~Ol I get used to 'tOUUAE'tU toilet (f) cruvrjeOl~ usually 'tOUAUXlO"'tO(V) at least cruVVE<pO cloud (n) 'tOup'tOUpi~Ol I am shaking cruv'tuyrj prescription (f) cruV'tU~lOUXO~ retired person (m, f) 'tOu~ their 'tPU1tE~U bank (f) cruV't0IlU shortly, soon 'tPU1tE~lKO~ I-rj 1-0 banking crucr'tTJIlU system (n) 'tPEIlOl I shiver O"UXvu often, frequently 'tpEXOl I run cr<patpo~oAiu shot put (f) 'tPtaV'tU<pUAArj~ I -rj I -i pink crXEOlu~Ol I plan 'tplUV'tU<pUAAO rose (n) crXEOOV almost 'tPlrjIlEPO long weekend crXEoov 1tO'tE hardly ever 'tpiKAWO three beds (n) 'tU~EPVU taverna (f) 'tplKUlliu storm, tempest (f) 'tUPUYIlEVO~ I -TJ 1-0 rough Tpi1tOATJ Tripolis (Greek town) (f) 'tUpUIlOcrUAU'tU egg-fish salad,
TpttTJ Tuesday (f) 'tPOIlEpO! awesome! I awful! 'tPOIlEPO~ I -rj 1-0 awful, terrible 'tPO<plKO~ I-rj 10 food 'tpOXUOTJV running (n) 'tpOXo~ wheel (m) 'tpoJOl I eat 'tcrUl tea (n) 'tcruv'tU bag (f) 'tcriKAu chewing gum (f) 'tupi cheese (n) 'toJpu now U1tUAATJAO~ officer, clerk, employee
(m, f)
<POPEIlU dress (n) <POUUYlE foyer (n) <poucr'tu skirt (f) cI>IIA VAT <ppUOUAU strawberry (f) <ppou'tO fruit (n) <ppuyuvlu rusk (f) <p'tTJVO~ I -rj 10 cheap <pUAucrcroIlEvo~ I -TJ 1-0 guarded <pUO"lKUof course, naturally, physically <pOlVa~Ol I call <pOl'tOypU<plKrj IlTJxuvrj camera (f) XUiPE'tE hello (formal) XUlpE'ticrIlU'tU greetings, regards xuipOIlUl I am glad XUAU~l hail (n) XUp'tO<pUAUKU~ briefcase (m) XUAucrIlEVO~ I -TJ 1-0 out of order XUIl1tOUpyKEp hamburger (n) XUV'tIl1tOA handball (n) XUVOl I miss xum pill (n) XUP'tTJ~ map (m) XEllloJVU~ winter (m) XeE~ yesterday XlOVl snow (n) XAOlIlO~ I -rj 1-0 pale XIl! hm! XOpEUOl I dance xop'tu greens XOUPIlU~ date (m) XPElU~OIlUl I need XPUcrU<plKU jewellery XPTJO"lIl01tOloJ I use Xpovo~ year (m) XPoJllU colour (n) X'tE~ yesterday XUIlO~ juice (m) XoJpu country (f) XoJpo~ site (m), space, area (m)
U1tUAATJAO~ U1toooxrj~ receptionist (m, f) U1tUPXEl there is uydu health (f) uypucriu humidity (f) U1tEPUcr'tlKO~ I -rj 1-0 long distance U1tEPK01tOlcrTJ over-exhaustion (f) U1tEPOXO~ I-TJ 1-0 excellent U1t0YElO cellar (n) U1tOAOl1tO~ I -TJ 1-0 rest ucr'tEpU later on, after, afterwards uIjITJM~ I -rj 1-0 high <puivOIlUl I look <pUKEAO~ envelope (m) <pUVUPl traffic lights (n) <puv'tucr'tl KO! fantastic! <pupM~ Ita I -u wide <pUPIlUKEio chemist's (n) <pUPIlUKO medicine (n) <pUPIlUK01tOlO~ chemist (m, f) cI>E~POUUPlO~ I cI>AE~UPTJ~ February (n) <pEuyOl I leave <PTJlllcrIlEVO~ I -TJ 1-0 famous <peW01tOlpO fall, autumn (n) <plAlKO'tEPO~ I-TJ 1-0 friendlier <popUOl( oJ) I wear
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