Term Paper: Amity University, Uttar Pradesh
Term Paper: Amity University, Uttar Pradesh
Term Paper: Amity University, Uttar Pradesh
I owe a great many thanks to a great many people who helped and supported me during the making of this project. My deepest thanks to Professor__________ , the Guide of the project for guiding and correcting various documents of mine with attention and care. He has taken pain to go through the project and make necessary correction as and when needed. I express my thanks to the Head of the Department Professor___________, for extending his support. I would also thank my Institution and my faculty members without whom this project would have been a distant reality. I also extend my heartiest thanks to my family and well wishers.
This is to certify that Ms. Sneha Jain, student of B.Tech. in Aerospace Engineering has carried out the work presented in the project of the Term paper entitled "Wind Tunnel" as a part of First year programme of Bachelor of Technology in Aerospace Engineering from Amity Institute of Aerospace Engineering and Research Studies, Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh under my supervision.
1.Introduction 2.Wright Brother's contribution 3.Making of a Wind Tunnel 4.How a Wind Tunnel works? 5.Types of Wind Tunnels 6.Flow Visualization 7.Pressure Measurement 8.Measurement of Aerodynamic Forces 9.Testing 10.Discussion 11.Conclusion 12.References
A wind tunnel is a research tool used in aerodynamic research. It is used to study the effects of air moving past a solid object. Wind tunnels are large tubes with air moving inside. Researchers use wind tunnels to learn more about how an aircraft will fly. The wind tunnel moves air around an object, making it seem like the object is really flying. The wind tunnel was envisioned as a means of reversing the usual paradigm: instead of the air's standing still and the aircraft moving at speed through it, the same effect would be obtained if the aircraft stood still and the air moved at speed past it. In that way a stationary observer could study the aircraft in action, and could measure the aerodynamic forces being imposed on the aircraft. Later, wind tunnels were used to study the effects of wind on manmade structures or objects needed to be studied, when buildings became tall enough to present large surfaces to the wind, and the resulting forces had to be resisted by the building's internal structure. Determining such forces was required before building codes could specify the required strength of such buildings. The object to be tested is fastened in the tunnel so that it doesnot not move. The object can be a small model of a vehicle. It can be a full-size aircraft or spacecraft. Most of the time, powerful fans are used to move air through the tube. How the air moves can be studied in different ways. Smoke or dye can be placed in the air and can be seen as it moves. Threads can be attached to the object to show how the air is moving. Special instruments are often used to measure the force of the air on the object.
Wind tunnels were first proposed as a means of studying automobiles (primarily airplanes) in free flight. The wind tunnel was envisioned as a means of reversing the usual paradigm: instead of the air's standing still and the aircraft moving at speed through it, the same effect would be obtained if the aircraft stood still and the air moved at speed past it. In that way a stationary observer could study the aircraft in action, and could measure the aerodynamic forces being imposed on the aircraft. Later, wind tunnel study was used to study the effects of wind on manmade structures or objects needed to be studied, when buildings became tall enough to present large surfaces to the wind, and the resulting forces had to be resisted by the building's internal structure. Determining such forces was required before building codes could specify the required strength of such buildings.
Still later, wind-tunnel testing was applied to automobiles, not so much to determine aerodynamic forces but more to determine ways to reduce the power required to move the vehicle on roadways at a given speed. In these studies, the interaction between the road and the vehicle plays a significant role, and this interaction must be taken into consideration when interpreting
the test results. In an actual situation the roadway is moving relative to the vehicle but the air is stationary relative to the roadway, but in the wind tunnel the air is moving relative to the roadway, while the roadway is stationary relative to the test vehicle. Some automotive-test wind tunnels have incorporated moving belts under the test vehicle in an effort to approximate the actual condition.
WRIGHT BROTHERS' WIND TUNNEL REPLICA The Wrights drew back the curtain on the elusive laws of physics that allow us to fly and exposed them in neat rows of numbers.The Wrights were the first to verify laboratory results with actual flight tests. If they had never done anything beyond compiling and verifying their lift and drag tables, we would still remember the Wright brothers for their substantive contribution to the development of aviation.The wind tunnel also marked an important change in the intellectual posture of the Wright brothers. Prior to September 1901, they were more enthusiasts than scientists. They were well read in
They decided to build a wind tunnel and balances. Once the Wrights determined to collect their own lift and drag information, there was a phenomenal change in the brothers over the span of a few months. They quickly put their inexperience behind them and carefully thought through the aerodynamic forces on a wing in flight, defining in their own minds what they should measure. Once they had made these measurements, they learned to apply their new data properly to aircraft design and came to a better understanding of the relationship between lift, drag, and wing shapes than anyone else in their field. By January of 1902, they were creative and confident scientists pushing back the frontiers of aeronautics.
Lighting is usually recessed into the circular walls of the tunnel and shines in through windows. If the light were mounted on the inside surface of the tunnel in a conventional manner, the light bulb would generate turbulence as the air blows around it. Similarly, observation is usually done through transparent portholes into the tunnel. Rather than simply being flat discs, these lighting and observation windows may be curved to match the crosssection of the tunnel and further reduce turbulence around the window. Various techniques are used to study the actual airflow around the geometry and compare it with theoretical results, which must also take into account the Reynolds number and Mach number for the regime of operation.
speeds close to the speeds of sound. The highest speed is reached in the test section. The Mach number is approximately one with combined subsonic and supersonic flow regions. Testing at transonic speeds presents additional problems, mainly due to the reflection of the shock waves from the walls of the test section. Therefore, Perforated or slotted walls are required to reduce shock reflection from the walls. Since important viscous or inviscid interactions occur, both Mach and Reynolds number are important and must be properly Simulated. Large scale facilities or pressurized or cryogenic wind tunnels are used. 3. Supersonic wind tunnel A supersonic wind tunnel is a wind tunnel that produces supersonic speeds (1.2<M<5) The Mach number and flow are determined by the nozzle geometry. The Reynolds number is varied changing the density level (pressure in the settling chamber). Therefore a high pressure ratio is required (for a supersonic regime at M=4, this ratio is of the order of 10). Apart from that, condensation or liquefaction can occur. This means that a supersonic wind tunnel needs a drying or a pre-heating facility. A supersonic wind tunnel has a large power demand leading to only intermittent operation. 4. Hypersonic wind tunnel A hypersonic wind tunnel is designed to generate a hypersonic flow field in the working section. The speed of these tunnels vary from mach 5 to 15. As with supersonic wind tunnels, these types of
tunnels must run intermittently with very high pressure ratios when initializing. Since the temperature drops with the expanding flow, the air inside has the chance of becoming liquified. For that reason, preheating is particularly critical (the nozzle may require cooling). High pressure and temperature ratios can be produced with a shock tube. 5. Subsonic and transonic wind tunnel Transonic wind tunnels are able to achieve speeds close to the speeds of sound. The highest speed is reached in the test section. The Mach number is approximately one with combined subsonic and supersonic flow regions.
Because air is transparent it is difficult to directly observe the air movement itself. Instead, multiple methods of both quantitative and qualitative flow visualization have been developed for testing in a wind tunnel. QUALITATIVE METHODS 1. SMOKE Smoke is used to visualize the air flow patterns. 2. TUFTS Tufts are applied to a model and remain attached during testing. Tufts can be used to gauge air flow patterns and flow separation.
(Image taken at the Kirsten Wind Tunnel using fluorescent mini-tufts. Notice how separation starts at the outboard wing and progresses inward. Notice also how there is delayed separation aft of the nacelle. Fluorescent mini-tufts attached to a wing in the Kirsten Wind Tunnel showing air flow direction and separation.) 3. EVAPORATING SUSPENSIONS Evaporating suspensions are simply a mixture of some sort or fine powder, talc, or clay mixed into a liquid with a low latent heat of evaporation. When the wind is turned on the liquid quickly evaporates leaving behind the clay in a
(China clay on a wing in the Kirsten Wind Tunnel showing reverse and spanwise flow.) 4. OIL When oil is applied to the model surface it can clearly show the transition from laminar to turbulent flow as well as flow separation.
(Oil flow vis on straight wing in the Kirsten Wind Tunnel. Trip dots can be seen near the leading edge.) 5. FOG Fog (usually from water particles) is created with an ultrasonic piezoelectric nebulizer. The fog is transported inside the wind tunnel (preferably of the closed circuit & closed test section type). An electrically heated grid is inserted before the test section which evaporates the water particles at its vicinity thus
forming fog sheets. The fog sheets function as streamlines over the test model when illuminated by a light sheet.
(Fog (water particle) wind tunnel visualization of a NACA 4412 airfoil at a low
speed flow.) 6. SUBLIMATION If the air movement in the tunnel is sufficiently non-turbulent, a particle stream released into the airflow will not break up as the air moves along, but stay together as a sharp thin line. Multiple particle streams released from a grid of many nozzles can provide a dynamic three-dimensional shape of the airflow around a body. As with the force balance, these injection pipes and nozzles need to be shaped in a manner that minimizes the introduction of turbulent airflow into the airstream.High-speed turbulence and vortices can be difficult to see directly, but strobe lights and film cameras or high-speed digital cameras can help to capture events that are a blur to the naked eye. High-speed cameras are also required when the subject of the test is itself moving at high speed, such as an airplane propeller. The camera can capture stop-motion images of how the blade cuts through the particulate streams and how vortices are generated along the trailing edges of the moving blade.
Pressure across the surfaces of the model can be measured if the model includes pressure taps. This can be useful for pressure-dominated phenomena, but this only accounts for normal forces on the body.
A typical lift coefficient versus angle of attack curve. With the model mounted on a force balance, one can measure lift, drag, lateral forces, yaw, roll, and pitching moments over a range of angle of attack. This allows one to produce common curves such as lift coefficient versus angle of attack. Note that the force balances itself creates drag and potential turbulence that will affect the model and introduce errors into the measurements. The supporting structures are therefore typically smoothly shaped to minimize turbulence.
surface. 9. Pressure distributions on a test model can also be determined by performing a wake survey, in which either a single pitot tube is used to obtain multiple readings downstream of the test model, or a multipletube manometer is mounted downstream and all its readings are taken (often photographed).
Wind tunnel tests are performed to measure the air movement of the fans at a specific pressure exactly. By determining the environmental circumstances during the measurement and by revising the air-tightness afterwards, the standardization of the data is warranted. There are 2 possible ways of measurement - a complete fan or an impeller on a hydraulic installation. Two measuring tubes enable measurements of lower air currents (< 30.000 m/h) as well as higher air currents (< 60.000 m/h). The determination of the Q/h curve of the fan is one of the main objectives. To determine this curve (and to define other parameters) air technical, mechanical as well as electro technical data are measured.
Air technical 1. Static pressure difference (Pa) 2. Amount of moved air (m/h) 3. Average air speed (m/s) 4. Specific efficiency (W/1000m/h) 5. Efficiency Electro technical 1. Tension (V) 2. Current (A) 3. Cos 4. Admitted power (W) fan / Impeller 5. Rotations per minute (RPM)
LOW-SPEED OVERSIZE LIQUID TESTING Air is not always the best test medium to study small-scale aerodynamic principles, due to the speed of the air flow and airfoil movement. A study of fruit fly wings designed to understand how the wings produce lift was performed using a large tank of mineral oil and wings 100 times larger than actual size, in order to slow down the wing beats and make the vortices generated by the insect wings easier to see and understand.
AQUADYNAMIC FLUME The aerodynamic principles of the wind tunnel work equally on watercraft, except the water is more viscous and so imposes a greater forces on the object being tested. A looping flume is typically used for underwater aquadynamic testing.
1. "US Navy Experimental Wind Tunnel" Aerial Age Weekly, 17th January 1916, pages 426-427 2. "400mph Wind Tests Planes" Popular Mechanics, July 1941 3. "Video Player > Test Pilot discussion". Space.co.uk. Retrieved 2011-06-28.
4. Goldstein, E., "Wind Tunnels, Don't Count Them Out," Aerospace America, Vol. 48 #4, April 2010, pp. 3843