Selection of Dual Soft Handoff Leading To Improvements in Wireless Communication

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International Journal of Computer Science and Network (IJCSN) Volume 1, Issue 5, October 2012 www.ijcsn.

org ISSN 2277-5420

Selection of Dual Soft Handoff Leading to Improvements in Wireless Communication


Sayem Patni, 2Prof. B. G. Hogade, 3Prof. D. S. Kurule

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, Terna College of Engineering Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Department of Electronics, Terna College of Engineering Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, Terna College of Engineering Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

In this paper we try to go through the different algorithms for handoff and select a combination of three emerging algorithms for Dual Soft Handoff. Moreover we go deeper into the actual workings of DSH with some results based on moments of Handoff

2. Handoff Algorithms

Keywords: Wireless Communication, Soft Handoff,

Mobile Communication, Handoff Mechanics.

1. Introduction
With the development of wireless technology, wireless local area network (WLAN) and mobile communication have been penetrated into all aspects of our life. Roaming is the general topic for mobile nodes (MN). Because of the limitation of sending power and coverage, handoff is necessary and frequent when a MN roaming in WLAN. IEEE 802.11 deploys hard handoff. It disconnects with the current access point (AP) at first, and then connects to new AP. There is a handoff interval during which MN can't send or receive any data. There are many studies on how to diminish this interval or how to buffer data and resend them after reconnecting. But the existing interval may be intolerable for real-time applications such as video monitor system, voice over IP (VoIP) and kinds of alarm systems. With this we are trying to introduce a solution for eliminating the interval without data link and providing seamless data transmission during roaming with high speed.

Fig 1: Handoff algorithm criteria Conventional Handoff Algorithms. Handoff algorithms are distinguished from one another in two ways, handoff criteria and processing

International Journal of Computer Science and Network (IJCSN) Volume 1, Issue 5, October 2012 ISSN 2277-5420

of handoff criteria. Fig shows Handoff Algorithms at Glance. Signal Strength Based Algorithms There are several variations of signal strength based algorithms, including relative signal strength algorithms, absolute signal strength algorithms, and combined absolute and relative signal strength algorithms. Relative Signal Strength Algorithms: According to the relative signal strength criterion, the BS that receives the strongest signal from the MS is connected to the MS. The advantage of this algorithm is its ability to connect the MS with the strongest BS. However, the disadvantage is the excessive handoffs due to shadow fading variations associated with the signal strength. In many of the existing systems, measurements for candidate BSs are not performed if field strength for the existing BS exceeds a prescribed threshold. The disadvantage is the MS's retained connection to the current BS even if it passes the planned cell boundary as long as the signal strength is above the threshold. A variation of this basic relative signal strength algorithm incorporates hysteresis. For such an algorithm, a handoff is made if the RSS from another BS exceeds the RSS from the current BS by an amount of hysteresis. Emerging Handoff Algorithms. Dynamic Algorithms: Programming Based Handoff

below a level required for an acceptable service to the user. An optimal solution is derived based on dynamic programming and is used for comparison with other solutions. [26] Pattern Recognition Based Handoff Algorithms: Pattern recognition (PR) identifies meaningful regularities in noisy or complex environments. These techniques are based on the idea that the points that are close to each other in a mathematically defined feature space represent the same class of objects or variables. Explicit PR techniques use discriminate functions that define (n-1) hyper surfaces in an ndimensional feature space. The input pattern is classified according to their location on the hyper surfaces. Implicit PR techniques measure the distance of the input pattern to the predefined representative patterns in each class. The sensitivity of the distance measurement to different representative patterns can be adjusted using weights. The clustering algorithms and fuzzy classifiers are examples of implicit methods. The environment in the region near cell boundaries is unstable, and many unnecessary handoffs are likely to occur. The PR techniques can help reduce this uncertainty by efficiently processing the RSS measurements. Prediction-based Handoff Algorithms: Prediction-based handoff algorithms use the estimates of future values of handoff criteria, such as RSS. Signal strength based handoff algorithms can use path loss and shadow fading to make a handoff decision. The path loss depends on distance and is determinate. The shadow fading variations are correlated and hence can be predicted. The correlation factor is a function of the distance between the two locations and the nature of the surrounding environment. The prediction based algorithm exploits the correlation property to avoid unnecessary handoffs. The future RSS is estimated based on previously measured RSSs using an adaptive FIR filter. The FIR filter coefficients are continuously updated by minimizing the prediction error. Depending upon the current value of the RSS (RSSc) and the predicted future value of the RSS (RSSp), handoff decision is given a certain priority. Based on the combination of RSSc and RSSp, hysteresis may be added if it will not affect the handoff performance adversely. The final handoff decision is made based on the calculated handoff priority.

Dynamic programming allows a systematic approach to optimization. However, it is usually model dependent (particularly the propagation model) and requires the estimation of some parameters and handoff criteria, such as signal strengths. So far, dynamic programming has been applied to very simplified handoff scenarios only. Handoff is viewed as a reward/cost optimization problem. RSS samples at the MS are modeled as stochastic processes. The reward is a function of several characteristics (e.g., signal strength, CIR, channel fading, shadowing, propagation loss, power control strategies, traffic distribution, cell loading profiles, and channel assignment). Handoffs are modeled as switching penalties that are based on resources needed for a successful handoff. Dynamic programming is used to derive properties of optimal policies for handoff. A signal strength based handoff as an optimization problem to obtain a tradeoff between the expected number of handoffs and number of service failures, events that occur when the signal strength drops

International Journal of Computer Science and Network (IJCSN) Volume 1, Issue 5, October 2012 ISSN 2277-5420

Neural Handoff Algorithms: Most of the proposed neural techniques have shown only preliminary simulation results or have proposed methodologies without the simulation results. These techniques have used simplified simulation models. Learning capabilities of several paradigms of neural networks have not been utilized effectively in conjunction with handoff algorithms to date. A signal strength based handoff initiation algorithm using a binary hypothesis test implemented as a neural network. Fuzzy Handoff Algorithms: The fuzzy handoff algorithm has shown to possess enhanced stability (i.e., less frequent handoffs). A hysteresis value used in a conventional handoff algorithm may not be enough for heavy fadings, while fuzzy logic has inherent fuzziness that can model the overlap region between the adjacent cells, which is the motivation behind this fuzzy logic algorithm. It incorporates signal strength, distance, and traffic. The methodology proposed in this paper allows systematic inclusion of different weight criteria and reduces the number of handoffs without excessive cell coverage overlapping. A change of RSS threshold as a means of introducing a bias is an effective way to balance traffic while allowing few or no additional handoffs. A combination of range and RSS modified by traffic weighting might give good performance. Different fuzzy composition methods to combine the cell membership degrees of different criteria methods can be adopted.

Fig 2: Soft-Dual-Handoff architecture

MN has two network cards (N1, N2) with directional antennas mounted back-toback. In topic, we put forward the Dual-Soft-Handoff scheme to support fast seamless roaming in WLAN. When the MN moves from L1 to L2, it can receive signal from AP0,2, AP1,2, AP2,1, and AP3,1. The RSS2,1 strengthens while RSS1,2 lessens continuously. However, after the MN passes L2, the RSS2,1 falls to zero very quickly, and the RSS1,2 keeps the link in a period of time. Therefore, N1s handoff from AP2,1 to AP3,1 should be completed before arriving L2. Data transfer is taken on by N2 through AP1,2 at this time. When the MN arrives L2, RSS2,2 is at its maximum and N2 can find AP2,2. N2 needs to switch to AP2,2 before RSS1,2 is under the threshold. The MN has connected with AP3,1 by N1, so data communication is held by N1 and AP3,1. Fig. 2 describes the general process of DSH during the MN roaming from Li to Li+1. It includes two phases. Phase 1 is the forward handoff, and the new AP (NAP) is in front of the MN. It includes: 1) Data transfer between N2 and APi,2; 2) N1 switches from APi+1,1 to APi+2,1. Phase 2 is the backward handoff, and the NAP is in back of the moving MN. It includes: 1) Data transfer between N1 and APi+2,1; 2) N2 switches from APi,2 to APi+1,2. Here one network cards handoff occurs while the other works normally, so the data link cant be interrupted.

3. Dual Soft Handoff

The Dual-Soft-Handoff scheme discussed in this topic is shown in Fig. 5. Network B is a large network connected by switches and routers. MN is the mobile node which can transfer data with nodes in Network B through APs along the line. Each access point has two APs with directional antennas mounted back-to-back. APi,j is the AP at point Li, and j shows its antennas direction: j=1: Its opposite with MNs moving direction; j=2: Its the same with MNs moving direction.

International Journal of Computer Science and Network (IJCSN) Volume 1, Issue 5, October 2012 ISSN 2277-5420

Figure 3 Directional attenuations coverage

It includes two back-to-back APs. With directional antennas, APs coverage is similar to a polygon, which is different from the omni-directional antenna.
Figure 5. N1s forward handoff and N2s backward handoff

In Fig. 5, N1/N2 begin to switch at P1/P3, and finish switching at P2/P4; the distance needed for handoff is d; the distance from the switching point to the OAP is dth; the distance between Li and Lj is Di,j; l is the APs effective coverage; is the maximum deviation angle of MNs track.
Figure 4 Receiving sig attenuation model of the MN

It describes the change of the signal strength of APs during the MNs moving. In Fig. 4, Li is the location of AP; RSSi,j is the Nj Received Signal Strength of APi,j; Ti is the time MN passing Li; t1 is the time N1 can switch; t2 is the earliest time N1 finishing switch; t3 is the time N2 beginning to switch; t4 is the time N2 must finish the switch; Smin is the threshold of N1 to be able to probe a AP. There are different policies to handle the handoff while passing L2 from L1: 1) MN finishes the handoff only before the original AP (OAP)s signal reaches the connection threshold. 2)MN switches immediately when new AP (NAP)s signal reaches the connection threshold. If we adopt the former, it has some risk of N1s handoff not fulfilling accidently. So we choose the latter: N1 starts its handoff at t1, just since probing AP3,1s signal; and N2 also starts handoff at t3(t3 = T2) when receiving signal from AP2,2. This policy can ensure both the handoff and the data communication.

Model for DSH The program describes the major work of Soft-DualHandoff. It records moments and positions of handoffs, which are used to make later handoff trigger more accurately.

Dual_Handoff (int D_AB ) { // N2 takes charge of data transfer with AP1,2 i = 1; while ( dis_current() < D_AB ) { // D_AB=|AB| if ( distance_fw () >= L_cov - distance_ap( i, i+1) ) if ( probe(i, FW)==true) //find APi,1s signal if ( trigger_handoff(N1, i, FW) == true) { Handoff(N1, i, FW ); // N1s forward handoff data_handover( N1 ); //N1 takes over data transfer } if ( distance_bk () >= distance_ap( i, i+1) ) if ( probe( i, BK) == true) // find APi,2s signal if ( trigger_handoff(N2, i, BK) == true) { Handoff(N2, i, BK ); // N2s backward handoff

4. Dual Soft Handoff Specifics

Handoff triggering time Using the immediate handoff policy, its clear that the backward handoff to be triggered when passing the access point. But the triggering time of forward handoff is worthy researching. Fig.5 illustrates N1 and N2s handoff model.

International Journal of Computer Science and Network (IJCSN) Volume 1, Issue 5, October 2012 ISSN 2277-5420

data_handover( N2 ); //N2 takes over data transfer }i++;}} Message flow in Dual Soft Handoff

If the MN moves with the deviation direction , the distance is d.

Figure 6 Message Flow in Dual Soft Handoff Equations pertaining to DSH If MNs velocity is (t) and passes the distance d(t) in a period of t ( 1 t 2 ). The distance d(t) can be denoted as:

When d d (t )cos d (t) , d is the minimum distance for successful handoff in the direction of APs and dmax = d(t). We can get and which can be amended by history data: from fig.

5. Results And Performance Analysis

According to the above analysis, we need to verify whether the Dual-Handoff model runs correctly. We designed a program to simulate the moving mode of MN. The simulation refers to some settings of subway data communication environment. It is supposed that the MN moves on the constant acceleration with the maximum velocity vmax. Thj,i is the time Nj begins to handoff from APi,j to APi+1,j; Tcj,i is the time Nj connects to APi+1,j; Data transfer between Nj and APi+1,j until Tdj,i. To reduce the interference, channel 1, 8 assign to AP0,2 and AP1,2; channel 4, 11 assign to AP1,1 and AP2,1, and so on.

Figure 7 MN running at different speed in three stages Fig is supposing that MN moves from station A to B, it goes through three stages: accelerating with the acceleration a1; moving with even speed; decelerating with the acceleration -a2. So we can get v(t) and d(t):

International Journal of Computer Science and Network (IJCSN) Volume 1, Issue 5, October 2012 ISSN 2277-5420

Moments Table 5.1: Different Parameters involved with meanings, values and units Paramet Meanings Value er Distance between A 2000 and B Distance between 170 adjacent APs 230 L Coverage of each AP 300 MNs maximum 60/80/1 velocity 20 Accelerating/Decelera 30/40 ting Time Handoff Time 300

Moments for N1 (Vm = 80)

140 Unit m m m Km/ h s ms TIME 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 A 0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 29 38 46 54 64 74 83 91 12

Table 5.2: The Moments of Dual Soft Handoff (for 80km/h) VMAX=80KM/H, TA=30S, 170M< DI,J = DTH_N2< 230M, 70M<DTH_N1<130M N1(s) I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15.76 28.56 37.86 46.41 54.29 64.41 73.55 82.50 91.15 120.00 16.06 28.86 38.16 46.71 54.59 64.71 73.85 82.80 91.45 120.30 24.22 32.94 42.39 51.66 60.21 68.09 78.21 87.35 95.12 23.92 32.64 42.09 51.36 59.91 67.79 77.91 87.05 94.82 N2(s) 24.22 32.94 42.39 51.66 60.21 68.09 78.21 87.35 95.12 28.86 38.16 46.71 54.59 64.71 73.85 82.80 91.45 40 120.00 20 0 TIME 60 100 80

B 16 29 38 47 55 65 74 83 91 12 C 24 33 42 52 60 68 78 87 95

Moments for N2 (Vm = 80)


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A 24 33 42 51 60 68 78 87 95 B 24 33 42 52 60 68 78 87 95 C 29 38 47 55 65 74 83 91 12

International Journal of Computer Science and Network (IJCSN) Volume 1, Issue 5, October 2012 ISSN 2277-5420

Table 5.3: The Moments of Dual Soft Handoff (for 120km/h) VMAX=120KM/H, TA=30S, 170M< DI,J 230M, 70M<DTH_N1<130M N1(s) I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
, , , ,


Moments for N2 (Vm = 120)



200 TIME 150 100 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 C 23 30 36 41 48 54 60 63 90 B 20 27 33 40 45 50 57 62 65 A 20 27 33 39 45 50 57 62 65

12.87 23.32 30.24 35.94 41.19 47.94 54.03 60.00 63.17 90.00

13.17 23.62 30.54 36.24 41.49 48.24 54.33 60.30 63.47 90.30

19.83 26.86 33.36 39.54 45.24 50.49 57.24 61.86 65.16

19.53 26.56 33.06 39.24 44.94 50.19 56.94 61.56 64.86

19.83 26.86 33.36 39.54 45.24 50.49 57.24 61.86 65.16

23.32 30.24 35.94 41.19 47.94 54.03 60.00 63.17 90.00

From Tab. 5.2 to Tab. 5.3, we can find that:

Moments for N1 (Vm = 120)


, , , , , 7 , , , , , 8 These mean that one network cards data link maintains until another ready to built new data link; and the handoffs wont happen simultaneously. Therefore, the SDH can provide seamless connection during MNs fast roaming.
, ,


6. Conclusion
150 TIME The proposed Soft-Dual-Handoff scheme aims at providing high quality data link for the rapid motion nodes. It has high reliability, which is important for applications such as subway control, video or audio transmission. If one link is broken- down, the SDH switch automatically to single network card mode, which 10 can earn time for resuming from failure.



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C 20 27 33 40 45 50 57 62 65

The SDH requires only the cooperation of mobile B 13 24 31 36 41 48 54 60 63 90 nodes, and AP neednt any modification. Therefore, A 13 23 30 36 41 48 54 60 63 90 AP can adopt standard IEEE 802.11 serial products to save investment. In fast MSs, a handoff occurs frequently in WLANs due to their small coverage area. It implies that the frequency of handoff s will increase especially in WLANs, so a large number of handoff requests must be handled. Therefore, the handoff

International Journal of Computer Science and Network (IJCSN) Volume 1, Issue 5, October 2012 ISSN 2277-5420

dropping probability is increasing, and the service quality (e.g., GoS) becomes worse. On the other hand, the CDMA system is large enough to accommodate fast MSs, and lower handoff request rates, thus resulting in lower burden and good service quality. It is safe to assume that either slow or stationary MSs transmit more data and that fast moving stations communicate at lower data rates. Therefore, according to the MS speed, the load balancing handoff between WLAN and CDMA results in good service quality and the avoidance of unnecessary handoff s. Our proposed methods adopt the mobility management concept through the MS speed cost function to minimize the GoS. REFERENCES 1) John Y. Kim and Gordon L. Stuber, CDMA Soft Handoff Analysis in the Presence of Power Control Error & Shadowing Correlation, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 245-255, April 2002 Bechir Hamdaoui and Parameswaran Ramanathan, A Network Layer Soft Handoff Approach for Mobile Wireless IP-Based Systems, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 22, No. 4, pp. 630-642, May 2004 Qian Hong-Yan, Chen Bing & Qin Xiao-Lin, A Dual-Soft-Handoff Scheme for Fast Seamless Roaming in WLAN, 2010 Second International Conference on Networks Security, Wireless Communications & Trusted Computing, pp. 97100, 2010. John Y. Kim, Gordon L. Stuber, Ian F. Akyildiz & Boo-Young Chan, Soft Handoff Analysis of Hierarchical CDMA Cellular Systems, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 54, No. 3, pp. 1122-1134, May 2005 Sung Jin Hong & I-Tai Lu, Effect of Various Threshold Settings on Soft Handoff Performance in Various Propagation Environments, pp. 2945-2949, VTC 2000 Yali Qin, Xibing Xu, Ming Zhao & Yan Yao, Effect of User Mobility on Soft Handoff Performance in Cellular Communication, Proceeding of IEEE TENCON02, pp. 956-959, 2002 Rajat Prakash and Venugopal V. Veeravalli, Locally Optimal Soft Handoff Algorithms, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology Vol. 52, No. 2, pp. 347-356, March 2003

Mr. Sayem Patni received his B. E. Degree in Electronics and Telecommunication from Xavier Institute of Engineering, Mumbai University in 2010. He is currently pursuing his M. E. Degree in Electronics and Telecommunication (Project Viva) from Terna College of Engineering, Mumbai University. He has worked at Xavier Institute of Engineering as a Lecturer for one year from July 2011 to June 2012. He has passed GRE and TOEFL with a score of 1390 and 106 respectively. He has published and presented 9 papers in International Conferences and Journals. He has attended various STTP programs ranging from Wireless to Microwaves to Software Enrichment. Currently he is working on development of Dual Soft Handoff and its applications. Prof. B. G. Hogade received B. E. and M. E. in Electronics from Marathwada University and Gulbarga University in 1991 and 1999 respectively. He has presented and published around 28 papers. Currently he is working as an Associate Professor and PG Guide in Electronics in Terna Engineering College, Navi Mumbai. He is also pursuing his Ph. D. from NMIMS, Mumbai. Prof. D. S. Kurule received B.E. in Electronics from Dr.B.A.M.U, Aurangabad & Electronics & Telecommunication from Mumbai University. He has presented and published 10 papers in National & International Conferences. Presently he is working as Asst. Prof. & Project Convener For P.G. (EXTC) students in Terna Engineering College, Navi Mumbai.







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