Lemonade War Discussion Guide
Lemonade War Discussion Guide
Lemonade War Discussion Guide
By Jacqueline Da v i e s
Special Features
Fourth-grader Evan Treski is people-smart. He’s Any of the following questions might be presented as
good at talking with people, even grownups. His an essay topic as well.
younger sister, Jessie, on the other hand, is math- • Have you ever felt competitive with someone you
smart, but not especially good with people. So when are close to, like a sibling or a good friend? How
the siblings’ lemonade stand war begins, there really was this embodied? What did you do? How was it
is no telling who will win—or even if their fight resolved?
will ever end. Brimming with savvy marketing tips • Evan is so angry with his sister he can barely stand
for making money at any business, definitions of it! Has Jess consciously done anything to harm her
business terms, charts, diagrams, and even math brother? Explain the root of Evan’s anger.
problems, this fresh, funny, emotionally charged • Jacqueline Davies chose to create Evan and jess as
novel subtly explores how arguments can escalate characters that don’t fit the stereotypes of boy sand
beyond anyone’s intent. girls, in terms of both their academic strengths and
challenges and their social strengths and challenges.
Do you think that these stereotypes (girls ad
intuitive but not good at math, boys as good at
math but not so good at reading people’s feelings)
get in the way at your school?