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Chap ter 1



Historical perspective

The archaeological and historical record over several millenia shows that the basic construction materials used to create human shelter were the same in all parts of the world and derived from the earth or from plant life, used as locally available and depending on climatic conditions. Figure 1.1 shows an example of a Stone Age house at Skara Brae in the Orkney Islands (c.2500 BC). As societies became more complex, so the requirement for buildings and public facilities progressed beyond the need for rudimentary shelter. This gave rise to the evolution of masonry construction from rather crude assemblages of small stones or stone slabs jointed with mud to very large structures built from carefully shaped blocks. Thus by 2700 BC the Egyptian King Zoser had constructed the famous stepped pyramid at Sakkara. Many other pyramids were built by the Pharaohs in the following centuries, as tombs for themselves, without the use of cranes, pulleys or lifting tackle but of course with immense expenditure in labour and material. The Egyptians also built numerous temples of much greater complexity than the pyramids, demonstrating a very high degree of engineering skill in masonry construction. Other societies in the Middle East used masonry and in particular the Sumerians developed the manufacture of clay bricks using moulds as early as 3000 BC. These bricks were generally sun dried although fired clay was known and used for the outside of important buildings. A later example of early brick construction on a large scale is King Nebuchadnezzar's Palace in Babylon on the River Euphrates in Iraq, built about 600 BC (Fig. 1.2). The Greek civilisation used essentially the same techniques as the Egyptians, using stone walls, piers and lintels, but built much more sophisticated palaces and temples. The Romans, their successors as the dominant civilisation in the Middle East and Western Europe, were even greater builders and there are examples of their buildings and structures for almost every purpose. They used stone and fired clay bricks and a most significant development was their invention of pozzolanic cement made by the addition of sandy volcanic ash to lime mortar. This was used both for concrete and for mortar, yielding material of great strength and extending the application of masonry construction to aqueducts, bridges and domes as well as walled buildings exemplified by the basilica at Trier, Germany (Fig. 1.3) built in AD 300. Roman building continued in the Byzantine or Eastern Empire especially with the construction of churches, some on a very large scale such as Hagia Sophia in

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Figure 1 Skara Brae in Orkney. A domestic building interior in a New Stone Age settlement of the .1 third millenium BC.

Figure1 Side view of King Nebuchadnezzar's Palace in Babylon, Iraq, built about 600 BC. Restored at .2 the end of the 20th century.

Constantinople (now Istanbul) in the 6th century AD. Through the Middle Ages the most notable masonry buildings in Europe were churches, cathedrals and castles. The latter ranged from vast complexes with formidable defensive walls to relatively small towers in disputed areas. An example of a border tower is Borthwick Castle, near Edinburgh (Fig. 1.4), built in 1430 with walls over 4 m thick. Such massive construction was necessary for their purpose but showed no great technical finesse and eventually they were unable to withstand the battering from ever more powerful cannons, and after their military value came to an end, some were converted into residences. An example of such a conversion is Dalhousie Castle (Fig. 1.5), also near Edinburgh,

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Figure1 The Roman basilica at Trier,Germany, Built in AD 300 by Constantine the Great. Restored to .3 its original form in the 19th and 20th centuries and now used as a church.

Figure1 Borthwick Castle, near Edinburgh, is an example of a late medieval tower house built in1453 .4 to afford protection from marauders. Its structure is largely unaltered and it has been in continuous occupation for over 500 years and is now a hotel.

which was built in the 12th century and converted into a country house in the 19th century and is still in use as a hotel. More often, however, the landowner built a new mansion or palace on or close to the site of the original castle, leading to a new style of masonry building, sometimes on a very grand scale. Many `stately homes' of this kind

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Figure 1 Dalhousie Castle, Midlothian, originally built in the 12th century, is even older than Borth.5 wick Castle but has been completely altered and in the 19th century reconstructed as a country house. Now used as a hotel.

were built between the 16th and 19th centuries and are now valued as part of the national heritage. Cathedrals built between the 11th and 14th centuries reached an extremely high technical and aesthetic level of building using stone masonry, as may be seen from Fig. 1.6 which shows the interior of Durham Cathedral. In the 18th and 19th centuries the Industrial Revolution took place in Europe, the population expanded rapidly and towns and cities grew proportionately. This resulted in building on a previously unprecedented scale. With the exception of some industrial building, this was almost entirely in masonry and timber until near the end of the 19th century. Some of the building in towns and cities was of a high standard but housing for the new working class was generally not and rapidly deteriorated into slums. A great deal of construction was required for new industrial development and transport infrastructure through this period, again built largely in masonry but increasingly with cast and wrought iron and eventually in steel and concrete. The latter materials have in the 20th century displaced masonry for many purposes but masonry has retained a predominant position in relation to low and medium rise housing and for non-structural purposes in buildings in which the structure is steel or concrete. The earliest high rise buildings were in fact built in masonry. One of the early `skyscrapers' in Chicago, was the Monadnock Building (Fig. 1.7), now preserved for its historic interest. This building is 16 storeys in height and of brickwork.

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Figure1 Aview of the interior of Durham Cathedral, begun in the year1093 and thus in use for almost .6 1000 years.

Figure1 The Monadnock Building, Chicago, built in 1896. Represents the ultimate in high rise brick.7 work designed according to conventional rules, resulting in walls 1.8 m thick at ground level.

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Figure 1 Borough High Street Flats, London. Mid 20th century planning ideas in the UK led to the .8 construction of high rise residential buildings in brickwork. Research made it possible for these to be built to 18 storeys with bearing walls no thicker than 225 mm.

One of the main factors permitting the adoption of such buildings was the development of reliable lifts but, as the wall thickness at the ground floor level of the Monadnock Building was 1.8 m, it was clear that, at least with the structural rules governing wall thickness available in the 1890s, this was not a practical proposition because of the loss of useable space at the lower levels. Thus little more was heard of high rise masonry buildings until the 1950s when apartment buildings in brickwork of up to 18 storeys were built, first in Switzerland, with a structural wall thickness of 150 mm or less. This was possible on the basis of research work at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. Similar work undertaken in the UK at the Building Research Station led to the publication of a code of practice for bearing walls in 1948 and a decade or so later to the construction of high-rise buildings such as the apartment building shown in Fig. 1.8. Extensive research in many countries has led to the development of more sophisticated codes of practice but in recent years masonry has been used almost entirely for low to medium rise buildings and for cladding of steel and concrete buildings and the potential for high rise construction has not been fully explored. Figures 1.91.12 show examples of late 20th century masonry buildings and the use of the material as cladding.

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Figure1 Clinton Grange apartment block, Edinburgh.Cavity walls with concrete block inner leaf and .9 facing brick outer leaf.

Figure1 St. Barnabas Church, Dulwich, London. An interesting contrast with masonry church con.10 struction of earlier centuries. (Courtesy The Brick Development Association and H.O.K. Architects.)

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Figure 1 1 Offices in Sunderland. A brick building constructed with a view to compliance with the re.1 quirements of sustainability. (Courtesy The Brick Development Association and Marshall Clay Products Ltd.)

Figure 1 Two interpretations of natural stone cladding. (a) Crowne Plaza Hotel, Edinburgh. The .12 structure is large panel concrete with stone masonry 150 mm thick as the outer leaf of a cavity wall. (b) Scottish National Museum, Edinburgh. Sandstone slabs, 75 mm thick, individually attached to the concrete structural wall.

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Applications of masonry wall construction

As discussed in the preceding section, until about one hundred years ago masonry was the dominant construction material for buildings of any size. In the 20th century, however, it has been displaced for many applications by steel and concrete but, remains of great importance for low and medium rise buildings, for cladding of buildings and for internal, non-loadbearing walls where the structural function is met by one or other of these newer materials. The market for masonry construction may be divided into housing and non-housing sectors, the latter including industrial, commercial and educational buildings as well as a wide variety of buildings used for administrative and recreational purposes. In addition, there is a limited use of masonry construction for infrastructure, for example for retaining walls. In all sectors there is a significant requirement for masonry in the repair and maintenance of existing buildings. Masonry walls may be external or internal and may be loadbearing, providing the structure, or non-loadbearing, sub-dividing space or acting as the cladding of the building. The design criteria to be satisfied in these applications differ although in many cases the same wall is required to meet more than one function; thus a loadbearing wall may also have to enclose space and provide sound insulation and fire protection. Similarly, in low-rise construction, as in housing, the outer walls have such combined functions and in both cases external walls must provide weather exclusion and define the appearance of the building. Reinforced and post-tensioned masonry overcome the low tensile strength of the material and extend its use in situations where considerable lateral forces have to be resisted. The most obvious application of these techniques is to buildings located in seismic areas but they are also relevant where non-loadbearing panels are subject to substantial wind loads. Walls of cellular or T cross-section are particularly suitable for large, single cell buildings and in this case the potential for the adoption of such walls is greatly extended by post-tensioning.


Advantages of masonry construction

The first advantage of masonry wall construction lies in the fact that a single element can fulfil several functions thus leading to simplified and economical construction. These functions can include structure, fire protection, sound insulation, thermal insulation, weather exclusion and sub-division of space. Masonry materials are available with properties capable of meeting these varied requirements, requiring only to be supplemented by the use of other materials for thermal insulation, damp-proof courses, wall ties and the like. The second major advantage relates to the durability of masonry materials which, with appropriate selection, can be expected to remain serviceable for many decades, if not centuries, with relatively little maintenance. From the architectural point of view, masonry offers great flexibility in terms of plan form, spatial composition and facing for which materials are available in an almost infinite variety of colours and textures. These features offer great flexibility in design, as has been demonstrated in buildings of many different categories. It might be noted, however, that one architectural advantage of masonry construction has been

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exploited only to a limited extent in recent times, namely, the ease with which curved walls can be built, economically and without complication, thus enabling the architect to depart from the rigidity of the rectangular grid which is so much a feature of modern building. The architectural possibilities are also extended by the use of reinforcement or prestressing. The nature of masonry is such that its construction can be achieved without very heavy and expensive plant, a factor that leads to economy. Although dependent on skilled labour for a high standard of construction, productivity has been maintained by the use of larger units, improved materials handling and off-site preparation of mortar. Further development of site methods has taken place in recent years, particularly in Germany and the Netherlands and there are at least limited possibilities for prefabrication all of which can be expected to maintain the competitive position of masonry construction. The advantages of masonry wall construction are thus considerable but, as with all materials, appropriateness to the application has to be considered. Thus both overall and detail design must have regard to the characteristics of the material. Most problems encountered in masonry buildings arise from differential movement between dissimilar materials and from rain penetration. Avoidance of such defects depends on the adoption of suitable materials and details and the achievement of a reasonable standard of construction. Foundation movement is also a source of trouble but is not specifically a problem of masonry construction.


Factors affecting the design of masonry buildings

Before proceeding to the design of masonry walls as such, it will be necessary to give attention to a number of factors relating to the building as a whole. Thus it is necessary to consider the implications of the weight of the masonry as it affects the supporting structure if the masonry is not loadbearing. If the structure is loadbearing it is important to ensure that the layout of the walls is consistent with overall stability and is such as to avoid susceptibility to failure in the event of accidental damage. It must also be considered whether the area taken up by masonry walls is significant in relation to the available floor area. From the construction point of view, availability of the necessary skilled labour, the construction time and its phasing with the overall building schedule will also be relevant factors at the preliminary design stage. Having resolved these questions, the masonry will be designed to meet criteria relating to imposed loading, thermal, acoustic and fire conditions and resistance to rain penetration. Consideration must also be given to durability and movement, particularly in relation to contiguous elements or materials. Appearance of external surfaces in terms of colour and texture is important and if applied facings or finishes are required, compatibility with the masonry has to be assured. The various design parameters are specified in codes of practice. Thus for example, loading requirements for buildings are set out in Eurocode 1 (EC 1) for dead, imposed, fire, snow and wind loads. This document refers to `actions' which may be either `direct', i.e. a force or load, or `indirect' which may result, amongst other things, from an imposed or constrained deformation. Other requirements may be imposed by

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building regulations: for example, in the UK measures to protect the public against the consequences of failure resulting from accidental damage are laid down in such regulations. Eurocode 6: Part 1-1 sets out the basis for structural design of masonry walls and Part 2 general design, selection of materials and execution. Effective use of these documents is, however, dependent on a full understanding of the properties of the materials being used, the relevant structural principles and construction methods which will be discussed in subsequent chapters of this book.


Future trends

As indicated above, the predominant use of masonry walling is in low to medium rise buildings and for cladding of steel and concrete frame structures. In the UK the standard construction for external walls is the cavity wall, typically with clay brick outer leaf and concrete block inner leaf. The choice of materials for such walls is increasingly being determined by thermal insulation requirements. In many parts of Europe where driving rain is less severe there is a preference for solid walls built from thicker blocks. Again, however, thermal requirements are an increasingly important factor driven by the need for higher energy efficiency. For masonry to retain its place as a primary construction material, particularly as a cladding, there will be a need to improve building techniques with a view to reducing construction time on site. The means of achieving this may be expected to include the use of larger units requiring the use of mechanical handling in placing them on the wall. Such units will be dimensionally accurate leading to thinner jointing and the use of smaller quantities of mortar, possibly of new types. In the Netherlands, a method has been developed whereby units for a complete wall are delivered to site rather than simply by consignment of units, some of which may have to be cut. In this connection site time may be saved by modular dimensioning of walls having regard to standard unit sizes. Prefabrication of walls has been attempted in the past but has considerable logistic and economic limitations. Future use of offsite construction is likely to be limited to smaller elements, which would not call for highly expensive factory plant, transportation and lifting equipment. In addition to these well known trends there has recently entered into prominence the need to take account of `sustainability' and possible climate change in decisions relating to building design, particularly in response to the now generally accepted phenomenon of global warming. This has two aspects: first, whilst the causes and mechanism of climate change are not fully understood, it is undoubtedly exacerbated by the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere so that in seeking to reduce such emissions there is a need to adopt methods of construction and use of buildings which will have this effect. Secondly, although global warming may result in an apparently rather small mean temperature increase, it may result in weather changes leading to greater extremes being experienced. Thus in some places there may be a greater frequency of storm force winds, in others higher rainfall or the reverse, an increase in summer temperatures with consequent liability to desiccation of clay soils. Also, a rise in sea level is expected, leading to flooding in many low-lying areas. All of these effects have implications for building performance and construction. Although their extent is uncertain and may not be evident for a considerable time, buildings are expected to last for many decades and therefore prudence dictates that due allowance

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in the design of buildings be made in the immediate future for the possible effects of global warming. The particular implications for the use of masonry may include further requirements for improved thermal efficiency, both for heating and cooling, to reduce the need for CO2 producing fuels. The same pressure will lead to preference being given to masonry units, which have relatively low energy demand in their production. On the whole, however, it can be expected that masonry will be well placed to meet sustainability requirements.

Further reading
Lynch, G. (1994) Brickwork: History Technology and Practice, Donhead, London. The role of brickwork in our environment, Hammett, M., Brick Development Association, BDA Publ. SP 2, 1991. The design of curved brickwork, Hammett, M. and Morton, J., Brick Development Association, BDA Publ. DN12, 1991.

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