AOD Documentations
AOD Documentations
AOD Documentations
The main aim of the project is to develop a user friendly application which giving information of various fields. Here the user can search what type of information he wants. He can search the data and directly get the data. Generally the application contains Advertiser, User. The advertiser advertises about his organization or any thing he can post. The advertiser has to register with us as an advertiser. If he is a registered user, then he login as an advertiser. The advertiser has to maintain his own login details. The advertiser has to submit accurate details about him and about his organization or about his work. And he has to provide valid contact details. Similarly when the user wants to search the information for this he has to login as a user. For this he has to register in the site. And he has to provide a validate information. The user has to maintain a valid data and he has to provide accurate information .The user can search data in different fields. He has to use search option. Based on the search option he gets the results. The administrator has takes are of the communication between user and advertiser. The administrator has takes care of information security. For this the programmer has to use different technologies to over come the security problems.
FBSCS is a popular free ad server used for advertising on Many Cities in India. Use FBSCS to take control of the advertising on your sites. Generally the application contains Advertiser, User. The advertiser advertises about his organization or any thing he can post. The advertiser has to register with us as an advertiser. If he is a registered user, then he login as an advertiser. The advertiser has to maintain his own login details. The advertiser has to submit accurate details about him
FBSCS offers Classifieds on many areas such as Real Estate, Shopping, and Cars/Bikes for rental or sales, Finance, Tours/Travels, Training, Jobs, Colleges and Universities and many more. FBSCS is a online website for many classifieds the user can post their ads for free of cost so the seeker can contact the seller provided either the contact details with no service charges.
This site is for FBSCS members who wish to advertise their products online. It allows members to create ads and post them to the system. To put ads into the system, go to the FBSCS and log in as a FBSCS member.
Existing System
The Exist System is a time consuming process to find the information about the different fields. It is difficult to communicate with the regarding fields.
Proposed System
The Proposed System has maintained new innovative technologies to provide good information to the user. The system provides the information of various fields and various technologies. The user search the information and he can directly communicate with the particular information.
A Feasibility study is a preliminary study undertaken to determine and document a project's viability. The results of this study are used to make a decision whether to proceed with the project, or table it. If it indeed leads to a project being approved, it will before the real work of the proposed project starts - be used to ascertain the likelihood of the project's success. It is an analysis of possible alternative solutions to a problem and a recommendation on the best alternative. It, for example, can decide whether an order processing be carried out by a new system more efficiently than the previous one.There are different aspects in the feasibility study. Economic feasibility study Technical feasibility study Schedule feasibility study Organizational feasibility study
Cultural feasibility study Legal feasibility study Marketing feasibility study Economic feasibility study This involves questions such as whether the firm can afford to build the system, whether its benefits should substantially exceed its costs, and whether the project has higher priority and profits than other projects that might use the same resources Here there is no problem. This firm has fully equipped hard ware, and full fledged software, so no need to expend money on these things. And as the client and the developer are one, there is no further problem in economic issues. Technical feasibility study This involves questions such as whether the technology needed for the system exists, how difficult it will be to build, and whether the firm has enough experience using that technology. The proposed system was developed in .NET Framework 1.1; of course some technical support was taken from Java for Web services, SAP for Inventory Information also. All required software and hardware are available with the organization hence the project is technically feasible. Schedule Feasibility study This involves questions such as how much time is available to build the new system, when it can be built as the organization considered this project as prestige issue, entire team has put their maximum attempt and completed in intime. More over the priority is given as high for this project. So it is feasible as per schedule. Organizational Feasibility study This system has enough support from organization to be implemented successfully. As the strategy is well applied on both economic and schedule issues, it did not bring any excessive amount of change.
Cultural Feasibility study It is completely inbuilt software, and can be used for the engineer. So there is no need to concentrate on cultural issues. Legal Feasibility study As the organization has legal council, Legal scrutiny things are typically standard. As it is only one project in this particular domain, there are no legal issues. Marketing Feasibility study As, this projects working functionalities are high, hence it can affect the single and multi-dimensional market forces in the commercial society. TECHNOLOGIES Software Requirements:
: : : : : :
Windows XP/2003 Server Visual Studio 2005. C#.Net, Asp.Net SQL Server 2005. AJAX IIS 5.0
Hardware Requirements: Intel Celeron/ P3/p4 RAM (SD/DDR) Hard Disc : : : 600 MHz or above. 128MB or above. 10GB or above.
Software Requirements Specification (SRS) is a complete description of the behavior of the system to be developed. It includes a set of use cases that describe all of the interactions that the users will have with the software. Use cases are also known as functional requirements. In addition to use cases, the SRS also contains nonfunctional (or supplementary) requirements. Non-functional requirements are requirements which impose constraints on the design or implementation (such as performance engineering requirements, quality standards, or design constraints). An SRS is basically an organization's understanding (in writing) of a customer or potential client's system requirements and dependencies at a particular point in time (usually) prior to any actual design or development work. It's a two-way insurance policy that assures that both the client and the organization understand the other's requirements from that perspective at a given point in time. The SRS document itself states in precise and explicit language those functions and capabilities a software system must provide, as well as states any required constraints by which the system must abide. The SRS also functions as a blueprint for completing a project with as little cost growth as possible. The SRS is often referred to as the "parent" document because all subsequent project management documents, such as design specifications, statements of work, software architecture specifications, testing and validation plans, and documentation plans, are related to it. It's important to note that an SRS contains functional and nonfunctional requirements only; it doesn't offer design suggestions, possible solutions to technology or business issues, or any other information other than what the development team understands the customer's system requirements to be. A well-designed, well-written SRS accomplishes four major goals:
It provides feedback to the customer. An SRS is the customer's assurance that the development organization understands the issues or problems to be solved and the software behavior necessary to address those problems. Therefore, the SRS should be written in natural language, in an unambiguous manner that may also include charts, tables, data flow diagrams, decision tables, and so on.
It decomposes the problem into component parts. The simple act of writing down software requirements in a well-designed format organizes information, places borders around the problem, solidifies ideas, and helps break down the problem into its component parts in an orderly fashion.
It serves as an input to the design specification. As mentioned previously, the SRS serves as the parent document to subsequent documents, such as the software design specification and statement of work. Therefore, the SRS must contain sufficient detail in the functional system requirements so that a design solution can be devised.
It serves as a product validation check. The SRS also serves as the parent document for testing and validation strategies that will be applied to the requirements for verification.
SRSs are typically developed during the first stages of "Requirements Development," which is the initial product development phase in which information is gathered about what requirements are needed--and not. This information-gathering stage can include onsite visits, questionnaires, surveys, interviews, and perhaps a return-oninvestment (ROI) analysis or needs analysis of the customer or client's current business environment. The actual specification, then, is written after the requirements have been gathered and analyzed.
Functional requirements capture the intended behavior of the system. This behavior may be expressed as services, tasks or functions the system is required to perform. In product development, it is useful to distinguish between the baseline functionality necessary for any system to compete in that product domain, and features that differentiate the system from competitors products, and from variants in your companys own product line/family. Features may be additional functionality, or differ from the basic functionality along some quality attribute (such as performance or memory utilization).
OUTPUT DESIGN Outputs from computer systems are required primarily to communicate the results of processing to users. They are also used to provide a permanent copy of the results for later consultation. The various types of outputs in general are: External Outputs, whose destination is outside the organization, Internal Outputs whose destination is with in organization and they are the Users main interface with the computer. Operational outputs whose use is purely with in the computer department. Interface outputs, which involve the user in communicating directly with
OUTPUT DEFINITION The outputs should be defined in terms of the following points: Type of the output Content of the output Format of the output Location of the output Frequency of the output Volume of the output Sequence of the output
It is not always desirable to print or display data as it is held on a computer. It should be decided as which form of the output is the most suitable. OUTPUT MEDIA In the next stage it is to be decided that which medium is the most appropriate for the output. The main considerations when deciding about the output media are: The suitability for the device to the particular application. The need for a hard copy.
The response time required. The location of the users The software and hardware available. The cost.
Keeping in view the above description the project is to have outputs mainly coming under the category of internal outputs. The main outputs desired according to the requirement specification are: The outputs were needed to be generated as a hot copy and as well as queries to be viewed on the screen. Keeping in view these outputs, the format for the output is taken from the outputs, which are currently being obtained after manual processing. The standard printer is to be used as output media for hard copies.
INPUT DESIGN Input design is a part of overall system design. The main objective during the input design is as given below: To produce a cost-effective method of input. To achieve the highest possible level of accuracy. To ensure that the input is acceptable and understood by the user.
INPUT STAGES: The main input stages can be listed as below: Data recording Data transcription Data conversion Data verification
INPUT TYPES: It is necessary to determine the various types of inputs. Inputs can be categorized as follows: External inputs, which are prime inputs for the system. Internal inputs, which are user communications with the system. Operational, which are computer departments communications to the system? Interactive, which are inputs entered during a dialogue.
INPUT MEDIA: At this stage choice has to be made about the input media. To conclude about the input media consideration has to be given to; Type of input Flexibility of format Speed Accuracy Verification methods Rejection rates Ease of correction Storage and handling requirements Security Easy to use Portability
Keeping in view the above description of the input types and input media, it can be said that most of the inputs are of the form of internal and interactive. As Input data is to be the directly keyed in by the user, the keyboard can be considered to be the most suitable input device. ERROR AVOIDANCE At this stage care is to be taken to ensure that input data remains accurate form the stage at which it is recorded up to the stage in which the data is accepted by the system. This can be achieved only by means of careful control each time the data is handled. ERROR DETECTION Even though every effort is make to avoid the occurrence of errors, still a small proportion of errors is always likely to occur, these types of errors can be discovered by using validations to check the input data. DATA VALIDATION Procedures are designed to detect errors in data at a lower level of detail. Data validations have been included in the system in almost every area where there is a possibility for the user to commit errors. The system will not accept invalid data. Whenever an invalid data is keyed in, the system immediately prompts the user and the user has to again key in the data and the system will accept the data only if the data is correct. Validations have been included where necessary. The system is designed to be a user friendly one. In other words the system has been designed to communicate effectively with the user. The system has been designed with pop up menus. USERINTERGFACE DESIGN
It is essential to consult the system users and discuss their needs while designing the user interface: USER INTERFACE SYSTEMS CAN BE BROADLY CLASIFIED AS: 1. User initiated interface the user is in charge, controlling the progress of the user/computer dialogue. In the computer-initiated interface, the computer selects the next stage in the interaction. 2. Computer initiated interfaces In the computer-initiated interfaces the computer guides the progress of the user/computer dialogue. Information is displayed and the user response of the computer takes action or displays further information. USER_INITIATED INTERGFACES User initiated interfaces fall into tow approximate classes: 1. Command driven interfaces: In this type of interface the user inputs commands or queries, which are interpreted by the computer. 2. Forms oriented interface: The user calls up an image of the form to his/her screen and fills in the form. The forms oriented interface is chosen because it is the best choice.
COMPUTER-INITIATED INTERFACES The following computer initiated interfaces were used: 1. The menu system for the user is presented with a list of alternatives and the user chooses one; of alternatives. 2. Questions answer type dialog system where the computer asks question and takes action based on the basis of the users reply.
Right from the start the system is going to be menu driven, the opening menu displays the available options. Choosing one option gives another popup menu with more options. In this way every option leads the users to data entry form where the user can key in the data. ERROR MESSAGE DESIGN: The design of error messages is an important part of the user interface design. As user is bound to commit some errors or other while designing a system the system should be designed to be helpful by providing the user with information regarding the error he/she has committed. This application must be able to produce output at different modules for different inputs.
NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS The qualities we desire of a problem solution other than those concerning its functionality, e.g. its robustness, its efficiency, its security, its extensibility, its maintainability, its portability, etc. Our Catalog Management Application meets these following non functional requirements
Performance Requirements: End users will use this solution for better productivity and hence quicker information retrieval is mandatory. Quality Requirements: The application has maintained good search options which generate accurate information. Usability: Once the application is developed it can be used for different search purposes.
And all the users use the system according to their requirements. Security: The application is available for all users who are registered with us. For this user has to provide accurate details. Supportability: The application is more supportable. It allows modifying without causing any high level architecture changes. These changes can be done managerial people. Scalability: The application is more scalable. It can be use full for different search purposes and can be used for different people.
Microsoft.NET Framework The .NET Framework is a new computing platform that simplifies application development in the highly distributed environment of the Internet. The .NET Framework was used for following reasons:
Its compatibility with the Operating System. Since both .NET and Windows are the products of MICROSOFT.
It provides a consistent object-oriented programming environment for user. To provide a code-execution environment that minimizes software deployment and versioning conflicts.
To provide a code-execution environment that guarantees safe execution of code, including code created by an unknown or semi-trusted third party.
To provide a code-execution environment that eliminates the performance problems of scripted or interpreted environments.
To make the developer experience consistent across widely varying types of applications, such as Windows-based applications and Web-based applications.
To build all communication on industry standards to ensure that code based on the .NET Framework can integrate with any other code. The .NET has three main components: Frame work Base Class Library CLR(Common Language RunTime)
FRAME WORK: It is collection of language & Technology(Specification).Technology here refers to a web technology and an application that is available in different languages like,, etc BASE CLASS LIBRARY : It is the other main component of the .NET .Its a object-oriented collection of reusable types that you can use to develop applications ranging from traditional command-line or graphical user interface (GUI) applications to applications based on the latest innovations provided by ASP.NET, such as Web Forms etc,..It contains all the predefined classes that are available in .NET
CLR(Common Language Runtime): The common language runtime manages memory; thread execution, code execution, code safety verification, compilation, garbage collection and other system services. It consists of mainly two components: 1. CLS(Common language Specification) 2. CTS(Common Type System)
CLS: It Contains Pre-Defined Class Libraries that are available in different languages like C#.Net, J#.Net, VB.Net.etc.., Like Packages that are available in java, .Net contains NAMESPACES. System is the root namespace for all the classes in .Net
CTS: This is common for all languages in .Net. It Contains all common data types & these are available in all languages in .Net
. . . For example, you can use the .NET Framework to develop the following types of applications and services:
Console applications. Scripted or hosted applications. Windows GUI applications (Windows Forms). ASP.NET applications. XML Web services. Windows services.
C# Language C# (pronounced See Sharp) is a simple, modern, object-oriented, and type-safe programming language. C# has its roots in the C family of languages and will be immediately familiar to C, C++, and Java programmers. Several C# features aid in the construction of robust and durable applications: Garbage collection automatically reclaims memory occupied by unused objects; exception handling provides a structured and extensible approach to error detection and recovery; and the type-safe design of the language makes it impossible to have uninitialized variables, to index arrays beyond their bounds, or to perform unchecked type casts. C# has a unified type system. All C# types, including primitive types such as int and double, inherit from a single root object type. Thus, all types share a set of common operations, and values of any type can be stored, transported, and operated upon in a consistent manner. Furthermore, C# supports both user-defined reference types and value types, allowing dynamic allocation of objects.
ADO.NET (Active X Data Objects .NET ) ADO.NET is designed specifically for the purpose of data connectivity of an .Net application with a database . ADO objects, such as the Connection , Command DataSet , DataReader, and DataAdapter.
For When dealing with connections to a database, there are two different options:
SQL Server .NET Data Provider (System.Data.SqlClient) and OLE DB .NET Data Provider (System.Data.OleDb). In these samples we will use the SQL Server .NET Data Provider. These are written to talk directly to Microsoft SQL Server. The OLE DB .NET Data Provider is used to talk to any OLE DB provider (as it uses OLE DB underneath).
1.Connections For connection to and managing transactions against a database. Connections are used to 'talk to' databases, and are represented by provider-specific classes such as SQLConnection. Commands travel over connections and result sets are returned in the form of streams which can be read by a DataReader object, or pushed into a DataSet object. 2.Commands: For issuing SQL commands against a database Commands contain the information that is submitted to a database, and are represented by provider-specific classes such as SQLCommand. A command can be a stored procedure call, an UPDATE statement, or a statement that returns results. You can also use input and output parameters, and return values as part of your command syntax. The example below shows how to issue an INSERT statement against the Northwind database.
3.DataReader :
For reading a forward-only stream of data records from a SQL Server data source.
The Data Reader object is somewhat synonymous with a read-only/forward-only cursor over data. The DataReader API supports flat as well as hierarchical data. A DataReader object is returned after executing a command against a database. The format of the returned DataReader object is different from a recordset. For example, you might use the DataReader to show the results of a search list in a web page. 4.DataSets For storing, Remoting and programming against flat data, XML data and relational data.
The DataSet object is similar to the ADO Recordset object, but more powerful, and with one other important distinction: the DataSet is always disconnected. The DataSet object represents a cache of data, with database-like structures such as tables, columns, relationships, and constraints. However, though a DataSet can and does behave much like a database, it is important to remember that DataSet objects do not interact directly with databases, or other source data.. Data coming from a database, an XML file, from code, or user input can all be placed into DataSet objects. Then, as changes are made to the DataSet they can be tracked and verified before updating the source data. This DataSet is then used by a DataAdapter (or other objects) to update the original data source.
5.DataAdapters (OLEDB/SQL) Pushing data into a DataSet, and reconciling data against a database. The DataAdapter object works as a bridge between the DataSet and the source data. Using the provider-specific SqlDataAdapter (along with its associated SqlCommand and SqlConnection) can increase overall performance when working with a Microsoft SQL Server databases. For other OLE DB-supported databases, you would use the OleDbDataAdapter object and its associated OleDbCommand and OleDbConnection objects.
ASP.Net(Active Server Pages.NET) ASP.NET is a programming framework built on the common language runtime that can be used on a server to build powerful Web applications. ASP.NET offers several important advantages over previous Web development models:
Enhanced Performance. ASP.NET is compiled common language runtime code running on the server. Unlike its interpreted predecessors, ASP.NET can take advantage of early binding, just-in-time compilation, native optimization, and caching services right out of the box. This amounts to dramatically better performance before you ever write a line of code.
World-Class Tool Support. The ASP.NET framework is complemented by a rich toolbox and designer in the Visual Studio integrated development environment. drag-and-drop server controls, and automatic deployment are just a few of the features this powerful tool provides.
Simplicity. ASP.NET makes it easy to perform common tasks, from simple form submission and client authentication to deployment and site configuration. For example, the ASP.NET page framework allows you to build user interfaces that cleanly separate application logic from presentation code and to handle events in a simple, Visual Basic - like forms processing model.
Security. With built in Windows authentication and per-application configuration, you can be assured that your applications are secure.
ASP.NET Web Forms provide an easy and powerful way to build dynamic Web UI.
ASP.NET Web Forms pages can target any browser client (there are no script library or cookie requirements).
ASP.NET Web Forms pages provide syntax compatibility with existing ASP pages.
ASP.NET ships with 45 built-in server controls. Developers can also use controls built by third parties.
ASP.NET server controls can automatically project both up level and down-level HTML.
ASP.NET templates provide an easy way to customize the look and feel of list server controls.
ASP.NET validation controls provide an easy way to do declarative client or server data validation.
SQL SERVER DATABASE A database is a structured collection of data. Data refers to the characteristics of people, things and events. SQL Server stores each data item in its own fields. In SQL Server, the fields relating to a particular person, thing or event are bundled together to form a single complete unit of data, called a record (it can also be referred to as raw or an occurrence). Each record is made up of a number of fields. No two fields in a record can have the same field name. During an SQL Server Database design project, the analysis of your business needs identifies all the fields or attributes of interest. If your business needs change over time, you define any additional fields or change the definition of existing fields.
SQL Server Tables SQL Server stores records relating to each other in a table. Different tables are created for the various groups of information. Related tables are grouped together to form a database.
Primary Key Every table in SQL Server has a field or a combination of fields that uniquely identifies each record in the table. The Unique identifier is called the Primary Key, or simply the Key. The primary key provides the means to distinguish one record from all
other in a table. It allows the user and the database system to identify, locate and refer to one particular record in the database.
Relational Database Sometimes all the information of interest to a business operation can be stored in one table. SQL Server makes it very easy to link the data in multiple tables. Matching an employee to the department in which they work is one example Foreign Key When a field is one table matches the primary key of another field is referred to as a foreign key. A foreign key is a field or a group of fields in one table whose values match those of the primary key of another table. Referential Integrity Not only does SQL Server allow you to link multiple tables, it also maintains consistency between them. Ensuring that the data among related tables is correctly matched is referred to as maintaining referential integrity. Data Abstraction A major purpose of a database system is to provide users with an abstract view of the data. This system hides certain details of how the data is stored and maintained. .
SYSTEM DESIGN Systems design is the process or art of defining the architecture, components, modules, interfaces, and data for a system to satisfy specified requirements. One could see it as the application of systems theory to product development. PROJECT DECOMPOSITION
An administrator has all the privileges that of the guest as well as the normal registered user. Along with these common features an administrator has the administrator related features such as creating new users and granting roles to those newly created users. The roles granted by the administrator cannot be changes by the user. An administrator can create new user as a guest or as a user or an administrator. The access levels are as per the grants done by the administrator. An administrator can also be part of a team and could lead a project team this is possible only if administrator when building a team includes himself in the team section. If included as a manager he is not a part of the team but supervisor of the team. The register option on the homepage of the application is provided only to register a new user as a guest.
The Administrator has to provide the security to the information. For this administrator has to maintain different techniques.
User The user has to provide accurate details in the registration form. The information will be help full for communicating. The administrator has to post the information to the users. Login. Search for ads. Select any ads. Contact the advertiser.
Advertiser He is the person who uploads his items in to the site and display list of items he sells. His major tasks are Login. Post his details. Choose items category. Post his ads in it. Provide details of items.
TESTING Introduction: Software Testing is the process of executing a program or system with the intent of finding errors. It involves any activity aimed at evaluating an attribute or capability of a program or system and determining that it meets its required results. Software is not unlike other physical processes where inputs are received and outputs are produced. Where software differs is in the manner in which it fails. Most physical systems fail in a fixed (and reasonably small) set of ways. By contrast, software can fail in many ways. Detecting all of the different failure modes for software is generally infeasible.
Software testing activities: Different types of testing activities are listed below: Unit Testing System Testing Integration Testing Performance Testing Installation Testing
Authorization Testing
Black box testing or functional testing: This testing is used in computer programming software engineering and software testing to check that outputs of a program, given certain inputs, conform to the functional specification of the program. The term black box indicates that the internal implementation of the program being executed is not examined by the tester. For this reason black box testing is not normally carried out by the programmer. In most real-world engineering firms, one group does design work while a separate group does the testing. A Complementary technique, White box testing or structural testing, uses information about the structure of the program to check whether it performs correctly or not. Techniques in Black box Testing: 1. Equivalence partition 2. Boundary value analysis Equivalence partitioning: A technique in black box testing is equivalence partitioning. Equivalence partitioning is designed to minimize the number of test cases by dividing tests in such a way that the system is expected to act the same way for all tests of each equivalence partition. Test inputs would be selected from each partition. Boundary Value analysis: Boundary values analysis is a technique of Black box testing in which input values at the boundaries of the input domain are tested. It has been widely recognized that
input values at the extreme ends of, and just outside of, input domains tend to cause errors in system functionality. In Boundary value analysis values at, and just beyond, the boundaries of the input domain are used to generate test cases to ensure proper functionality of the system.
Unit Testing: Unit Testing is a procedure used to validate that individual units of source code are working properly. A unit is the smallest testable part of an application. In procedural programming a unit may be an individual program, function, procedure, etc., while in object-oriented programming, the smallest unit is a method, which may belong to a base/super class, abstract class or derived/child class. System Testing System testing of software or hardware is testing conducted on a complete, integrated system to evaluate the system's compliance with its specified requirements. System testing falls within the scope of black box testing, and as such, should require no knowledge of the inner design of the code or logic. As a rule, system testing takes, as its input, all of the "integrated" software components that have successfully passed integration testing and also the software system itself integrated with any applicable hardware system(s). The purpose of integration testing is to detect any inconsistencies between the software units that are integrated together (called assemblages) or between any of the assemblages and the hardware. System testing is a more limiting type of testing; it seeks to detect defects both within the "inter-assemblages" and also within the system as a whole. System testing is performed on the entire system in the context of a Functional Requirement Specification(s) (FRS) and/or a System Requirement Specification (SRS). System testing is an investigatory testing phase, where the focus is to have almost a destructive attitude and test not only the design, but also the behavior and even the believed expectations of the customer.
CONCLUSION The main aim of the project is to develop a user friendly application which giving information of various fields. Here the user can search what type of information he wants. He can search the data and directly get the data. Similarly when the user wants to search the information for this he has to login as a user. For this he has to register in the site. And he has to provide a validate information. The user has to maintain a valid data and he has to provide accurate information .The user can search data in different fields. He has to use search option. Based on the search option he gets the results.
FUTURE IMPROVEMENT The feature improvements of the projects are listed below. Providing good search facilities based on certain location and place. Providing On-line money transaction. Providing On-line Registration. Direct communication through Audio or Video Chatting facilities. Providing the information about the Real estates. Taking the user feed backs and applying the user feed backs. Improving the application into various fields. Providing Online Shopping