A Good Teacher Makes All The Difference
A Good Teacher Makes All The Difference
A Good Teacher Makes All The Difference
by Paul
This line is the introductory line to an on-line offer to get a teaching degree.
Its message troubled me considerably for while I do believe the statement to
be absolutely true…’a good teacher does make all the difference” even
while I over look the fact that the word “educator” might have been more
correct than the word :”teacher”, the intent, I thought, was to call attention
to that particular relationship that exists between a young person and a
more experienced one who gets the reward of seeing the “glow of
understanding” as it brightens up the face. Later, if we are lucky that “glow”
turns into a torrent of energy that can literally change the world.
One of the significant inhibitors to all aspects of this procedure, that is the
“road to enlightenment” is the culturally encouraged practice of social
deceit…where you convince those about you that you are what you want
them to see you as…but that you are not, Of course, the only reason that
sort of duplicity works is when the audience is ignorant. Two hundred years
ago we were warned about that and a good education was thought to be the
foundation of a working democracy.
Well, it seems, the United States of America, no longer has a working
democracy which is what I started to realize forty years ago, but, being a
slow learner, or a hopeful believer, the truth of what I had discovered in my
research into aspects of creative behavior while at The University of Northern
Iowa hadn’t really blossomed fort h until 9/11.
Then, while I was some 6-7,000 miles away from New York and a neighbor-
friend called me over to witness the dramatic television presentations of the
planes hitting the towers, I sensed that the explanation being voiced to us
by the TV announcer was incorrect and this it was probably a factor of
premature judgment. Later, I came to the conclusion it was not premature
judgment at all, but a deliberate attempt to mislead and to till the ground
before seeding it with tares . (ζιζάνιον).
The comparison between that event and my UNI research is this: my research
revealed that creative people as determined by two tasks of creativity ,one verbal,
one non-verbal, and independently composed tests of lying revealed that those
determined, by my tasks, to be creative were also identified by these lying tests
not to lie for personal advantage , but sometimes, to make errors.
My UNI tests also revealed that that those judged creative consistently received a
GPA average (in both high school and undergraduate college levels) one (1) point
below those students who were allowed to proceed into the teacher preparation
curriculum, thus assuring the teaching profession that there would be, at least a
majority, of non-creative liars to assure the continuance of their agenda.
This agenda may be much more complex and duplicitous than had first appeared to
me forty years ago and behaviors of those individuals assigned to be webmaster at
school websites , who have been given the powers to decide what teachers should
read and they should not read and who have decided that since they have the
power to shape events about which they know nothing have decided to enjoy the
roller-coaster ride of destruction their inappropriate “playfulness” engenders…no
matter how many young lives and genuine professional aspirations are demolished
in the meantime.
Eric Catalfamo
U.S. Embassy Valletta
So I might ask, what is the proper punishment for a U.S. Consular Diplomat having
blocked the communication of a U.S. Citizen to his Embassy? Where is there the
concept of democracy in this behavior? I see none, but I do see an extension of the
acceptance of lying based on consensual opinion …we must agree with each other,
mustn’t we, so that life will be smooth.