The Gangetic Delta - in The Calcutta Review 1859
The Gangetic Delta - in The Calcutta Review 1859
The Gangetic Delta - in The Calcutta Review 1859
ART I 1. Johnstons Physical Atlas, London and Edinburgh 1856 2. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal 3. M.S.S. Field Books of Lieut. Hugh Morrieson, of the 4th Regiment Bengal Native Infantry and Lieut. W.E. Morrieson, Bengal Engineers: Surveyors of the Soonderbuns 1812- 1818 4. The Englishman, Calcutta 1858 5. Memoir of a Map of Hindustan. By Major Rennell, Surveyor General of India, London 1788 6. Chart of the Gulf of Bengal, Sheet V, Palmyra Point to Chittagong. By Captain Richard Lloyd, Indian Navy 1840.
THE Gangetic Delta is an extensive tract of cultivated and forest-covered country, composed of alluvial or transported soil brought down the country by the Ganges and Brahmapooter rivers, and their numerous tributaries; the watersweepings of two basins whose aggregate area is 432,480 square miles. The Ganges, in its course of 1680 miles through the plains of India, receives the following eleven rivers, the Ram-Gunga. Goomtee, Gogra, Soane, Gunduk, Rapty, Betwa, Coosce, Chumbul, Mahanuddee, and Jumna, some of which, as Rennell observes, are equal to the Rhine, and none smaller than the Thames. To these we must add innumerable minor streams called Nullahs, but which in England would be represented by the lsis, Cherwell, Itchin, Severn, Orwell, Humber, Dee and Frent. Eighteen of these rivers are several hundreds of miles in length, and none less than fifty, whilst there are hundreds under fifty miles in length, all assisting to fill the mighty river Ganges. The Delta is intersected from North to South by many broad rivers, and by endless creeks running one into the other filled for the most part with salt water where near the sea. This tract of land, in form resembling the Greek letter Delta occupies approximately 28,080 square miles of superficial area, or double the area of the Delta of the Nile; measuring from West to East, or from the right bank of the Hooghly river opposite to the Saugor tripod on the South West point of Saugor Island, to Chittagong it is 270 miles in width; presenting to the Bay of Bengal a series of low, flat mud-banks, covered at high water and dry at low water; a few miles from low water mark commence mangrove swamps, a little further inland trees appear, and lastly cultivation; the nearest cultivation in the central portion of the Delta being forty-seven miles from the sea. In the sea front of the Delta there are nine principal openings having a head stream, that is, having water flowing direct from the Ganges, or from the Megna or
Brahmapooterthey are 1, The Ganges; 2, the Megna or Brahmapooter; 3, Horinghatta ; 4, Pussur; 5, Murjatta or Kagga; 6, Barapunga; 7, Mollinchew ; 8, Roymungul or Juboona; 9, Hooghly. Besides these large rivers there are numerous openings having no head stream, being mere salt water tidal estuaries; these openings or headless rivers are the deepest as no silt or deposit is poured into them from the higher lands. The Soonderbuns take their. name from two Hindee words, meaning the Beautiful Forests, and in whatever light we regard them, whether as a tract of country possessing an abundant Pachydermatous Fauna, or a flora peculiar to itself, whether we look at it as the stronghold of gigantic and destructive Saurians, voracious sharks and peculiar fish; whether as a tract of country of the most beautiful aspect, but at the same time most fatally pestilential; we must still view it as a curious and an anomalous tract, for here we see a surface soil composed of black liquid mud supporting the huge rhinoceros, the sharp- hoofed hog, the mud-hating tiger, the delicate and fastidiously clean spotted deer, and nourishing and upholding large timber trees; we see fishes climbing trees; tides running in two directions in the same creek and at the same moment; we see wild hog and tigersanimals generally avoiding water, swimming across the broadest rivers as if for amusement; in one creek a dead calm, in the next a raging sea; in some creeks the abundance of insect life is overpowering, in others close by, not a living creature is to be seen; some creeks are deadly to sleep in, others perfectly free from miasma; some are dry at low water, in others and those contiguous no bottom can be found at ten fathoms; in one, all is fog and doubt, in the next, all is in the brightest sunshine; and many other anomalies present themselves, all rendering the Soonderbuns a spot of much interest, offering as they do so many subjects for investigation and research. Most travellers in passing through this labyrinth of interminable forest, mud and water, become exceedingly wearied with the monotonous appearance of the banks of the rivers and creeks, and are only too glad when they escape into the open and cultivated northern parts of the Delta, where all the breadth of the land is one vast sheet of rice cultivation. The soil of the Soonderbuns is composed superficially of a black vegetable mud, supporting a tangled mass of tropical vegetation growing down to the water's edge, and mostly overflowed by every spring tide; the black mud alternates with bands of sand, but nowhere have we seen the sand forming the superficial stratum. The constant addition to and renewal of the soil, the first by deposition, the latter by the abundance of decaying animal substance found on its surface in the form of dead molluscae, annelidae, larvae and exuviae of insects that fall from the forest trees, affords to the crowded forest a never-ending feast, no single foot of ground being disengaged. All is occupied by a luxuriant growth of Soondree trees, beautiful in form and foliage as their name implies, also Sonneratia, Nipa Palms, Banian, Peepul and other trees with an abundant undergrowth of liliacae, weeds and plants. A section through the Soonderbun soil, as lately ascertained by boring, shows how ancient is the soil upon which
this beautiful forest grows; it tells of wonderful changes in the face of the once deep valley now filled up by the Deltaic alluvion, hundreds and hundreds of feet in depth, when the ocean sweeping round the base of the Himalayah mountains covered what is now the valley of the Ganges, and joined the sea at the mouths of the Indus. The old idea, that the Soonderbuns were at one time densely populated, and that cities flourished where now liquid mud a few inches above the mean sea level alone is to be found, is doubtless founded on fact; that the surface of the Soonderbuns has sunk more than once below the level of the ocean there can be no doubt, as will be explained further on; that they will ever be re-populated in their present state is highly doubtful; that the present forest will ever be destroyed by clearance is also very doubtful, as the present Northern limit of forest closely represents the Southern limit of fresh water in the North Eastern monsoon, or when the salt water is at its lowest level. After a careful perusal of all available histories connected with the Soonderbuns and of the neighbouring countries, and after a diligent search us far as circumstances would allow, we cannot see or find any grounds for supposing that that portion of the Soonderbuns, lying between Saugor Island on the West, and the Horinghatta river on the East, and extending from the sea to Issureepoor on the Juboonah which falls into the Roymungul, has ever been inhabited. Fresh water tanks, dug either by the salt-makers or by pirates do appear on the banks of many of the rivers, a few temples or their remains have also been discovered, but only in the Northern portions of the Soonderbuns. In lot No. 129 that has been lately cleared and occupied by a village of Native Christians we remarked baked bricks, remains of buildings, fruit trees not indigenous to the country, and a large but shallow tank, all evidences of former occupation, but these remains are close upon the water's edge; and nowhere in the interior of this extensively cleared lot, have any other traces of man's occupation of the land appeared far removed from the river, or from where the usual salt-works would be carried on. In the Island of Saugor, which lies upon the extreme edge of the Deltaic basin, consequently lying higher than the centre of the Delta, the remains of tanks, temples and roads are still to be seen, showing that it was once more densely populated than it is now, and native history informs us that Saugor Island has been inhabited for centuries. During the operation of clearing Saugor Island in 1822 to 1833, and later when clearing away the jungle for the Electric Telegraph in 1855-56, remains of buildings, tanks, roads and other signs of man's former presence were brought to light. Again upon the Eastern portions of the Soonderbuns, where the country has been cleared of forest, mud-forts are found in good numbers, erected most probably by the then occupiers of the soil to ward off the attacks of the Mughs, Malays, Arabs, Portuguese, and other pirates who in times gone by, that is, about A. D. 1581, depopulated this part of the country. The Mughs even advanced so far to the Westward as to depopulate the whole country lying between the river Horinghatta and the Rabnabad Channel, but we
know of no trace of the land having been occupied further to the Westward of the Horinghatta. If the central portions of the Soonderbuns were ever occupied, and at the present day they can only boast of a black semi-liquid mud surface, washed by most spring-tides and by every cyclonic wave, there must we come to the conclusion that the whole country has subsided, and that all buildings and masonry, and indeed all traces of human beings ever having lived and flourished on such a spot, must have sunk at the same time into the soft soil and disappeared. Rennell says, (1788 A. D.) "In some ancient maps and books of travels, we meet with a city named Bengalla; but no traces of such a place exist. It is described as being near the Eastern branch of the Ganges; and I conceive that the site of it has been carried away by the river: as in my remembrance a vast tract of land has disappeared thereabouts. Bengalla appears to have been in existence during the early part of the last century." If we consider the unsubstantial nature of the foundation of the Soonderbuns, which, at the distance of only one hundred and twenty feet from the surface, consists of a bed of semi-fluid sand forty feet in thickness, and then remember the terrible convulsions that have at different periods shaken the Delta to its deepest foundations, we must not be surprised to find that the liquid mass, unable to support the superincumbent weight, has repeatedly bulged out seaward, reducing the level of the Delta, submerging whole forests, together with their fauna and flora. That forests now lie under the Soonderbuns we have seen with our own eyes; in excavating a tank at the new town of Canning at the head of the Mutlah, large Soondree trees were found standing as they grew, no portion of their stems appearing above ground. Their numbers may be imagined when we state, that in a small tank only thirty yards across, about forty trees were exhumed, ten feet below the surface of the country, their timber un-decayed, showing that no very great period of time has passed over their submergence. If the present level of their roots could suddenly become the level of the country, the whole Soonderbuns would be under water. At a lower level than these trees, beds of a peaty mass composed of decayed and charred wood is pierced in Calcutta, Hooghly, Dum-Dum and elsewhere, at a depth varying from eight to eighty feet. At Dum-Dum we have pierced it, in digging a well at nine feet, and a little further to the East of the station at the end of the Artillery range in excavating a tank in a Baboo's garden the same stratum was pierced at twelve feet. The catalogue of earthquakes that have shaken the Delta is a long one, though only extending over a little more than one hundred years. Captain Baird Smith enumerates, in his Memoir of Indian Earthquakes, one hundred and sixty-two distinct earthquakes between the years 1800 and 1842; many of these convulsions were felt in the Delta. Captain Baird Smith likewise refers his readers
to an interesting account of a great storm and earthquake that devastated Calcutta in 1737, published in the Gentleman's Magazine printed in 1738-39, which runs thus: "In the night between the 11th and 12th October 1737, there happened a furious hurricane at the mouth of the Ganges which reached 60 leagues up the river. There was at the same time a violent earthquake .which threw down a great many houses along the river side: in Golgotta (Calcutta) alone, a port belonging to the English, two hundred houses were thrown down, and the high and magnificent steeple of the English Church sunk into the ground without breaking. It is computed that 20,000 ships, barks, sloops, boats, canoes, &c, have been cast away; of nine English ships then in the Ganges, eight were lost, and most of the crews drowned. Barks of 60 tons were blown two leagues up into land over the tops of high trees: of four Dutch ships in the river three were lost with their men and cargoes; 300,000 souls are said to have perished. The water rose forty feet higher than usual in the Ganges.'' The steeple of the Church was described to have been lofty and magnificent, and as constituting before this period the chief ornament of the settlement. Upon the 11th of November 1842 occurred a severe earthquake of which Calcutta appeared to be the centre of emanation; the shocks extended to Darjeeling in the Himalayah mountains or 300 miles North; to Chittagong or 250 miles on the East; and to Monghyr or 210 miles on the West; it was also felt on board the Agincourt, seventy miles South of the Floating Light. That the surface of the Soonderbuns has more than once sunk below the level of the ocean cannot be doubted; the evidences of subsidence are too palpable to be misunderstood, and we know also that the whole coast from Cape Negrais to Akyab on the Eastern coast of the Bay of Bengal is now undergoing the process of upheaval. This fact was brought to notice in 1840, by means of the nautical surveys of the Brig Childers, when engaged on the lowest coast of Arracan. From these surveys "It appears that the Island of Reguain or Flat Island, as well as all the other islets and rocks on that part of the coast of Arracan, is undergoing a process of upheaval. The whole coast from Akyab to Cape Negrais, is indented by deep and narrow gulfs, similar to the fiords of Scandinavia. This District lies within the prolongation of the great volcanic band of the Sunda Islands, which extend from Java to Sumatra, Barren Island and Narcondam: and indeed all the Islands on the coast of Arracan bear evident marks of subterranean fire. In the Island of Cheduha alone, 300 miles South East from the Sandheads, in latitude 18.61 North, Longitude 93.28 East there are two mud volcanoes which rise to a height of from one hundred to two hundred feet. This line of upheaval is in the direction of N. W. by N., to S. E. by S. It is one hundred geographical miles in length, and varies in breadth from twenty miles to a very narrow strip of Islets and rocks. The
upheaval has been greatest in the middle of the line. At the Tevvibles it was 13 feet; at different parts of the N. W. reefs of Cheduba 22 feet; at the North point of the Island 16 feet; at the middle on the West coast 13 feet; at the South end 12 feet; and the Islands South of Cheduba to Foul Island 9 to 12 feet. The first symptoms of upheaval appeared about the year 1750 or 1760, on the occurrence of a great earthquake by which the sea was driven over the land and the effects of which were felt as far as the City of Ava. An earthquake is said to have occurred one hundred years earlier, and the inhabitants believe that a similar phenomenon occurs every century." [Johnston's Physical Atlas] In addition to the above we may state, that in the Island of Kyouk Phyoo, 35 geographical miles North or nearer the Soonderbuns, a volcanic eruption took place suddenly, east of the station, at 6 P. M. in June 1852. The Calcutta Daily Papers say: "On Christmas eve 1855 the Island was illuminated by a most magnificent sight, a huge column of fire was thrown up by the Volcano which lighted up the Island for miles around." "In April 1857 about 10 A. M. the Volcano was again in commotion." Whilst the coast about Ramree and Reguain was rising, we find that it was sinking at Chittagong, for we learn from the Philosophical Transactions, Volume Llll., and from the Journal of the Asiatic Society, Volume X., pp. 351-433, as condensed by Sir James Lyell, that "The town of Chittagong in Bengal, was violently shaken by an earthquake on the 2nd April, 1762, the earth opening in many places, and throwing up water and mud of a sulphureous smell. At a place called Bardavan a large river was dried up; and at Bar Charra, near the sea, a tract of ground sunk down, and 200 people, with all their cattle, were lost. It is said that sixty square miles of the Chittagong coast suddenly and permanently subsided during this earthquake, and that Ces-lung-Toom, one of the Mug mountains, entirely disappeared, and another sunk so low, that its summit only remained visible. Four hills are also described as having been variously rent asunder, leaving open chasms from thirty to sixty feet in width. Towns which subsided several cubits were overflowed with water: among others Deep Gong, which was submerged to the depth of seven cubits. Two volcanoes are said to have opened in the Seeta Cunda hills. The shock was also felt at Calcutta. While the Chittagong coast was sinking, a corresponding rise of the ground took place at the Island of Ramree and at Cheduba." (See Map) As we are writing, the earthquake of the 24th of August 1858, so distinctly felt in Calcutta on that day, is still being written about in the daily journals; it appears that Prome in Burmah, barely fifty miles East of the active volcanoes at Ramree and Cheduba, has suffered considerably, many pagodas have been
shaken down and houses destroyed. A correspondent writing from Kyouk Phyou gives the following graphic description of this severe earthquake. "The 24th of August 1858: We had rain all yesterday and to day; in all the Pluviometer showed 7-3 inches. The weather was anything but cheerful. There was a heavy sombre ill-fore boding, nasty Arracan atmosphere pervading the whole of the Island. In the midst of this, the H. C. S. V. Proserpine had just undergone some repairs, and had started early in the morning for Akyab, but she had not made much way when certain indications in the Barometer induced the Commander, Captain Eales, to return and anchor again opposite the wharf. The day passed on drearily till between 4 and 5 P. M. a slight shaking of the floor was first perceptible (such as would be felt when a person heavily treads the boards of an old house,) this was suddenly followed by a rumbling noise and a vibratory motion of the ground, till the earthquake became so violent that the stoutest heart was obliged to fly his house. An officer writing to a friend ' on the occasion said, " I never in the whole course of my life ' felt anything like it- Indeed it was terrific in the extreme." The rocking of the earth had so confused many that for a while, they seemed as if they had lost the power of utterance. This state of the upheaving vibratory action of the earth from E. to W. lasted for about 2 minutes, and then suddenly ceased, but in that short time the injury to property was extensive. No lives were lost but an idea may be formed by the following detail. "The Magistrate, Captain F. W. Ripley, fled in the rains and with some friends reached the beachhis house being perfectly new escaped unhurt. Several clocks were tossed off their brackets, and much valuable property completely smashed to pieces. "The Military Officer, Lieutenant Evans, Commanding Detachment A. L. Battalion, had every thing belonging to him well shaken, his crockery and glass-ware and sundry articles on shelves knocked to pieces. His house, which is old, stood out ' bravely, though dreadfully mauled. "The Medical Officer in charge of the Station, with his infant child and wife, ran out and sought shelter under a friendly tree, but all his articles of a fragile description shared the same fate as above. "The Salt Superintendent, Mr. J. Hind, has had his house almost rendered untenable, and much property which cannot be named utterly destroyed. The School House; the Commissioner's Circuit bungalow, as also the Cutcherry much and seriously damaged. The Principal Jail gate lost its upper part of solid masonry. It is said that several pagodas have been upset and toppled down hill; the earth opened in varied places, and a peculiar bluish soft sandy matter devoid of any smell exuded from them, and finally the horrible scene closed by an ' eruption from the volcano. In fact such a fearful convulsion of the earth has not been witnessed in Arracan by the oldest inhabitant.
"The Barometer was 29.82. The Proserpine was lying in 11 fathoms of water at the time of the shock, and the sensation felt by those on board was much like that experienced when running on a reef, and the vessel, it is said, trembled in every part of her." From the South-Eastern point of Java in South Latitude 9 and East Longitude 114, to Chittagong a distance of 3000 miles, are twenty-seven known active volcanoes and twenty-nine extinct ones. We know also that volcanic fire has frequently broken out from the bosom of the ocean opposite to Cheduba Island in Latitude 19 N.; and a few miles South of Pondicherry in 1757 A. D. a sub-marine eruption also took place. The volcanic fire near Cheduba as described to us by an eye-witness, rose into the air as a brilliant column of fire in 1846, illuminating the sea for miles; and if we cross the Delta to the Rajmahal hills which lie upon the Western flank, we meet with evidences of several outpourings of Lava having taken place at different epochs; and numerous Thermal springs close to these hills still proclaim the existence of lingering and smouldering, but deeply seated subterranean fires. Also twenty miles North of Chittagong is Seeta Koond, a hot spring, the gaseous exhaltations on the surface of which may be inflamed by the application of fire. With such disturbing powers flanking the Delta East and West, and with the assistance of numerous earthquakes that descend the Assam valley, traverse the Delta, and so pass on to the South, we must cease to marvel, if upon boring through the Deltaic soil, we find that its surface has more than once subsided below the ocean, only coming to the surface again to become once more covered by forest with an abundant tropical underwood, or as soon as the abundant alluvion brought down by the Ganges and Brahmapooter had filled up the shallow estuary, covering up at the same time the submerged forests, which with their underwood and drowned Fauna have served to form the beds of peat and bones that are everywhere found below the present surface. In the year 1813 Lieutenant J. Colvin of the Engineers describes a bed of bones that was pierced at Dum-Dum as follows: "The soil is throughout a fine garden mould, from two to three feet thick:there are no nalas visible, but Dum-Dum is nearly surrounded by jheels and salt water lakes. The bones form a kind of regular line with some intervals of a foot or two between them; they lie pretty close together, their interstices filled with earth. They are so soft that all but the thickest bones break on endeavouring to separate them from the earth. I cannot say to what animal they belong, but I am very sure there are no animals at Dum-Dum to which such large bones could have belonged, and I have never heard of any kind of deer near the place, the tree found at a depth of 18 feet below the ground; it seems to be Soondry, as is the case with most of the wood found in similar situations elsewhere [As. Soc. Journ. Vol. II. P. 650]. The following abstract Report of the Proceedings of the Committee appointed to superintend the Boring operations in Fort William, Calcutta, from their
commencement in December 1835 to their close in April 1840, will be read with interest, showing as it does the immense chasm that has been filled with alluvion : "After penetrating through the surface soil to a depth of about 10 feet, a stratum of stiff blue clay 15 feet in thickness was met with. Underlying this was a light colored sandy clay, which became gradually darker in color from the admixture of vegetable matter, till it passed into a bed of peat at a distance of about 80 feet from the surface [This peat Dr. Falconer also found to contain seeds of the Euryale ferox, bones of birds and fishseeds of Cucumis Madraspatana and another cucurbitaceous plant, leaves of Saccharum Sara and Ficus Cordifolia. Dr. Hooker says this "indicates a very different state of the surface at Calcutta at the date of its deposition than that which exists now and also shows that the estuary was then much fresher."P. 341, Vol. II. Himalayan Journal].Beds of clay and variegated sand, intermixed with kunkur, mica, and small pebbles, alternated to a depth of 120 feet, when the sand became loose and almost semifluid in its texture. At 152 feet the quicksand became darken in color and coarser in ' grain, intermixed with red water-worn nodules of hydrated oxide of iron, resembling to a certain extent the laterite of South India. At 159 feet a stiff clay with yellow veins occurred altering at 163 feet remarkably in color and substance, and becoming dark, friable, and apparently containing much vegetable and ferruginous matter. A fine sand succeeded at 170 feet, and this gradually become coarser and mixed with fragments of quartz and felspar to a depth of 180 feet: at 196 feet, clay impregnated with iron was passed through, and at 221 feet, sand recurred, containing fragments of limestone with nodules of kunkur and pieces of quartz and felspar; the same stratum continued to 340 feet, and at 350 feet a fossil bone, conjectured to be the humerus of a dog, was extracted. At 360 feet a piece of supposed tortoise shell was found, and subsequently several pieces of the same substance were obtained. At 372 feet another fossil bone was discovered, but it could not be identified, from its being torn and broken by the borer; at 392 feet a few pieces of fine coal, such as are found in the beds of mountain streams, with some fragments of decayed wood, were picked out of the sand, and at 400 feet a piece of limestone was brought up. From 400 to 481 feet fine sand, like that of the sea-shore, intermixed largely with shingle, composed of fragments of primary rocks, quartz, felspar, mica, slate and limestone prevailed, and in this stratum the bore has been terminated." [Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal Vol. IX. page 686] Mariners, when approaching the Sandheads, having no land in sight, not even the height of a span to guide them, are obliged to trust entirely to their lead to inform them of their position. The sand that is brought down by the rivers hardens under the surface of the sea into a concrete, nearly as hard as rock, to touch upon which is fatal to any craft; but as the waters descending the rivers cut a sub-aqueous channel through this sand, the lead informs the pilot at once, whether he is on a bank or in a channel. Government Pilots are always cruising a
few miles from the land, and at night continually burn blue lights to inform ships of their position. The segregation of the sand from the mud is as follows; the freshes or heavy rains bring down from up-country vast quantities of sand and earth calculated at 40,000 million cubic feet, or nearly one-third of a cubic mile, rendering the waters of all the rivers opaque or of a dull yellow color. This body of water rushing along with great impetuosity reaches the sea; a contest immediately takes place between the rushing water and the advancing tides, the effect is to cause the heavier sand to subside which is done on either side of the river channels, forming the Sandheads, the finer particles of mud are driven back or up the rivers, and deposited upon the ten thousand Islands over which the tide sweeps; but, as all the finer particles of sand and mud are not thus thrust back upon the Soonderbuns, some portion of the alluvion is carried out to sea for forty, fifty, and even for sixty miles, where silently and slowly it finds its way to the bottom of the ocean, forming the soft, impalpable purple mud so well known to pilots and others approaching the shores of India. At sixty miles from the Soonderbuns the ocean is free from any appearance of natant impurities, but nevertheless a certain amount of alluvial matter is subsiding to the bottom of the sea that number of miles from the land, that probably only commenced to sink at forty miles from the Soonderbuns. Dr. Hooker alludes to the vast increase of the land on the Eastern flank of the Delta by the deposition of soil driven up by the waves; he says: "The mainland of Noacolly is gradually extending seawards, and has advanced four miles within twenty-three years: this seems sufficiently accounted for by the recession of the Megna. The elevation of the surface of the land is caused by the overwhelming tides and South-West hurricanes in May and October: these extend thirty miles North and South of Chittagong, and carry the waters of the Megna and Fenny back over the land, in a series of tremendous waves, that cover islands of many hundred acres, and roll three miles on to the main land. On these occasions the average earthy deposit of silt, separated by micaceous sand, is an eighth of an inch for every tide; but in October 1848, these tides covered Sundeep island, deposited six inches on its level surface, and filled ditches several feet deep. These deposits become baked by a tropical sun, and resist to a considerable degree denudation by rain. Whether any further rise is caused by elevation from below is doubtful; there is no direct evidence of it, though slight earthquakes annually occur; and even when they have not been felt, the water of tanks has been seen to oscillate for three quarters of an hour without intermission, from no discernible cause." The great tidal wave taking its origin in the Southern ocean, rushes with impetuosity up the Bay of Bengal, breaking in angry surf all along the Coromandel coast, and at times cutting off all communication between the shipping and the shore. This wave, when aided by the South West monsoon, and
by the full or change of the moon, rushes with great impetuosity up the rivers of the Delta, where it is opposed by the freshes that descend from the up-country during the prevalence of the South West monsoon. The following description of the bore, taken from the Illustrated London News, is from the pen of the writer of this article: "The South-West monsoon has set in, bringing with it the dangerous tidal bore, which for three or four days at the full and change of the moon is seen racing up the Hooghly river at the rate of twenty miles an hour, dashing from side to side of the river according as the bends, or reaches deflect it in its course. Upon the approach of this wave a distant murmur is heard which soon turns into the cry ban ! ban ! ban ! from the mouths of thousands of people, boatmen, sailors, and others who are always on the look out for this much dreaded wave. This cry is the signal for all sorts of craft to push out into the centre of the river, the only spot where the wave does not curl over and break. Should any boat or larger craft be caught in that portion of wave that breaks, instant destruction is inevitable. Numerous boats from the up-country provinces are lost every year from the crews being ignorant either of the existence of the bore, or from not knowing the correct position to take up so as to meet it. Ships at anchor in Calcutta though not exposed to the breaking portion of the wave frequently part their cables when struck with the wave. "Standing on the shore during the rapid, rushing passage of the bore, it is curious sight to see the lower portion of the river or that nearest to the sea, six or eight feet higher than the upper portion of the river, the tide rising that number of feet in an instant. The height of the bore in the Hooghly varies from five to twelve feet, it is exceedingly dangerous in some parts of the river, but more moderate in others; it never breaks on both sides of the river at the same time. Deep water destroys its force, but shallow water, or a sand bank, brings out all its power and fury." Dr. Hooker mentions, that at the mouth of the Megna river, " the great object in the navigation is to keep afloat, and to make progress towards the top of the tide and during its flood, and to ground during the ebb in creeks were the bore (tidal wave) is not violent; for where the channels are broad and open, the height and force of this wave rolls the largest coasting craft over and swamps them." The bore in 1782 flowed as far as Nuddea in the Hooghly, but at the present day it falls short of that place by many miles, not ascending much beyond Sooksagor. It reaches Dacca on the Boree Gunga, and Custee on the Horinghatta branch. Amongst the calamities that have overtaken the Soonderbuns we must not omit to mention the great inundations caused by cyclones or hurricanes. About 1584 the tract lying between the Horinghatta and the Ganges, known as the Backergunge or Burrisal District, was swept by an inundation, succeeded
immediately afterwards by an incursion of Portuguese and Mugh pirates. In .June 1822 this same tract was again inundated, 10,000 inhabitants perishing and many houses and property destroyed. In 1737 A. D. happened the great Calcutta storm before quoted. In 1763 A. D. the river Megna rose six feet above its usual level at Lukhipoor. In 1833 A. D. Saugor Island was submerged 10 feet; the whole of the population, between 3000 and 4000 souls, together with some of the European superintendents perished; at Kedgeree a building 18 feet high was completely submerged. The Duke of York, East Indiaman we saw high and dry in the rice fields near Fultah in the Hooghly. In 1848 A. D. the Island of Sundeep was submerged. In addition to these dangers to which the Soonderbuns are subject, we may add the history of a dreadful malady, common to all the forest tracts in India, known as Jungle Fever, and which reigns in full power in the Soonderbuns. If a person from the effects of fatigue or from constitutional liability, or from an incautious exposure to the night air in a jungle tract of country, becomes obnoxious to Jungle Fever, he becomes aware of the fact upon the 8th or 10th day alter inoculation by a severe headache attacking him; the pain of which not only gives the sufferer an unearthly and ghastly look, but even disturbs during its duration the features of the countenance, twisting the eyeballs out of position. The second or third day of the headache induces a fearful delirium lasting from five to seven whole days and nights with occasional but short lucid intervals, at the end of which period the brain being heavily effused the patient dies; or if he rallies, his life for many days hovers in an uncertain state between time and eternity. The slightest neglect or mismanagement of the patient's case proves fatal. We have known a fine young man die in the act of being raised in his bed by his nurse for the purpose of having his linen changed; this was done in kindness but against the strict injunctions of the medical man, who had ordered complete rest and no disturbance of the patient. The bad effects of Jungle Fever cling to a person for many years even after convalescence. Major Rennell, the Surveyor General of India in 1788, says of the East India Company: "Whatever charges may be imputable to the managers for the Company, the neglect of useful science, however, is not among the number. The employing of geographers, and surveying pilots in India; and the providing of astronomical instruments, and the holding out of encouragement to such as should use them, indicate, at least, a spirit somewhat above the mere consideration of gain: but above all, the establishment of an office at home, for the improvement of hydrography and navigation, their judicious choice of a superintendent for it, reflects the highest honour on their administration; and ought to convince us, that in a free country, a body of subjects may accomplish what the state itself despairs even to attempt. For however surprising it may appear, it is nevertheless true, that the first maritime nation in the world has no good chart to direct its fleets towards its own coasts ; nor even a criterion by which the public
may be enable to judge of the merit of a hydrographical production whatsoever. So that the soundings on the coast of Bengal are better known than those in the British channel, of which, no tolerable chart exists, even at this day (1787). During the late war, an East India ship owed her safety to the knowledge obtained from a chart of the mouths of the Ganges (made and published by order of the Company) into one of which she escaped from two French cruisers, and afterwards came into the Hooghly river by the inland navigation. We had just become masters of the hydrography of America, when we lost the sovereignty of it. I hope no one will think ominously of our Indian possessions from this circumstance; but even if he does, he may make himself easy on the score of Great Britain." In the years 18121818, that portion of the Soonderbuns lying between the Hooghly river and the Bara Punga, was surveyed by two young brothers, Lieutenants in the Honorable Company's army. Their names were Hugh Morrieson of the 4th Regiment Native Infantry, who is supposed to have died of Jungle Fever at Jessore contracted whilst surveying in this unhealthy tract; and W. E. Morrieson in the Bengal Engineers, who was killed by a grape shot upon the 3rd of January 1815, at a place called Jeetghur, in an unsuccessful attack upon the Goorkhas. By the kindness of Major Henry Landor Thuillier, the courteous Deputy Surveyor General of India, we have had access to the field books of these adventurous officers, and from them we shall freely quote; and as we do so we shall be able to show the dangers and difficulties encountered and overcome by these two brave young men, who were frequently up to their knees in mud with no secure foundation for their theodolites. Perplexed beyond measure we find them carrying on their work, and when about to take an angle after having fixed their instrument, we find the following occurrence noted in the field book: "Just as the Theodolite was rectified, and we were about to take the first angle, a tiger made a great spring from somewhere into a bush, about six yards from us, and there we lost sight of him." Again, in another river, it is recorded. "Went on shore to take a Latitude, and as the bank was very muddy the dandies (sailors) pulled the dingy (canoe) up to the jungle close to the only dry spot where we were observing the sun. Both of us were much annoyed by the trembling of the mercury and abused the people around us for moving and shaking the ground, but they said they were perfectly quiet. Having finished the observation, one of the sepoys said there was a tiger close along side, that had been creeping up toward us, and for the last minute he and the animal had sat looking at each other; we now heard a slight noise in the jungle, the two sepoys fired, and outsprang a tiger and ran off; he was only about 4 yards from us, he on one side of a bush whilst we were on the other. Had the musket snapped or the fire been delayed he would have been amongst us."
Their night operations were not undisturbed for we find that " whilst weighing anchor, the Pansway joined me and gave the ' report that just at the time the first rocket was left off, a tiger ' made an attack, but being alarmed at the noise of the rocket he retired till about 4 hours afterwards he again swam to the boatthe people fired upon him, he then began making a great noise, on which they cut the cable and made the best of their way against the tide." After this entry, Hugh Morrieson naively remarks "I cannot corroborate one observation with another unless I give up a day; for in the jungly parts I would not choose to go on shore for a star at night." We should rather think not; and yet in the most dangerous tigerish parts of the Soonderbuns, Lieutenant Morrieson met charcoal-burners and wood-cutters who had been located there for ten days in one place. Fuqueers or pseudo holy mendicants attend the wood-cutters to preserve them from the tigers, and the ceremony performed by these impostors is thus noted, but not described in the field book. "I saw a company of woodcutters performing a religious ceremony, asking the gods of the Soonderbuns at what place they might cut woodthey received for answer in another khal (creek) at some distance." It is evident our surveyors had no tiger charmers in their retinue, for the entries in their field books of attacks made by these animals, either on the persons of their attendants or upon the boats, are very numerous; for instance, an entry dated 1812 runs as follows: "Whilst the people were cooking their dinners on the bank of Saugor Island, a tiger sprung upon an old dandie, (sailor) One of my sepoys advanced with a hatchet (with which he had been cutting wood) and is said to have hit the tiger on the head; the blow however was fatal to himself, for the tiger left the old man who was not much hurt and carried off the sepoy." Again, "Just as I was preparing to go on shore for a latitude, a dandee (boatman) was carried off by a tiger from a dingee (boat) which had gone near the shore to cut some wood." In the Roymungul river as night set in " the guards in the pinnace got hungry, they set off in a pansway (small boat) to join their boat, and just as they reached it, a tiger sprang from the shore and made for them; after however expending 21 cartridges they succeeded in missing him and he made his escape." At half past 3 in the morning "a tiger came on board a boat and killed my Jemadar after causing great alarm," after this we find the following very natural remark;" the manjees to-day protested against returning to the jungles, both on account of the tigers, and their boats being much damaged by worms." The protest it appears had but little effect, for soon after, they were aroused in the night, "by a tiger making an attack upon one of the pansways. He had got his two fore paws on the side with his head and breast up in the boat, when the people
set up a shout, he dropped and went off, several shots were fired by the different boats; we heard no more of him; he left the marks of his claws on the boat." These animals, although they claim the water as their territory, are not always successful in their attacks, but their land attacks are generally fatal, as we see in numberless cases recorded in the field books. Here is one. "This day a man of the name of Gunga Ram, mangee to one of the boats, was carried off by a tiger. The wind was high and the ebb having set in he could not reach the place he wished to anchor in, and as he was driven near the shore he went on the mud with the goon (tow-line) in his hand, all the other people on board advised him not to go; he had not been above a minute on shore when the tiger sprung upon him and carried him off." The next day they "dropped down to the spot where the tiger seized the mangee but could see only a few feet marks." It is not only in the densest parts of the Soonderbuns that the tigers are so destructive and troublesome, but upon the outskirts of the forest where cattle or human beings can be obtained do we also find these pests at full work, devouring all that comes in their way; " The natives have a great dread of this part (Bussunpoor on the North and Western Soonderbuns) on account of the tigers, several people having been carried away from Bankra." "Frequent attempts have been made to re-establish the villages of Kosbas and Syacottee but without effect, the settlers being always driven away by those disagreeable neighhours." On the edge of the jungle on the Pussur river the country was formerly much more cultivated; " but the tigers became so numerous the people left it; it is now partially cultivated only ' at Diggerazabad. During all seasons of the year the people say they shut themselves up about 5 o'clock in the evening and stir not out till the sun be well up. But in the rains the tigers come in numbers and at all hours of the day. The people are constantly carried off." Surely this catalogue of persecutions by the wild beasts upon the unhappy Bengali should close, but they have other enemies to deal with, for we find the following remark at Eksurra, Hogla khal, Banstullah, &c. on the edge of the forest. "In the rains all this country is under water, the only communication between village and markets is by boats, the people make muchans (stages) inside their houses to keep themselves dry, and in this manner they are carried away in great numbers by the alligators." The industry of the Soonderbun Bengali must be sorely tried; Lieutenant Morricson makes the following entry to account for the abundance of handsome timber (Soondree) that he observed in the Kurhuria creek "Where I found two wood boats who explained the reason why the wood in the Talka khal is so fine;there are so many tigers in it that the people cannot venture there, wood has been cut down and carried away, but a great deal that was cut they left; thinking themselves lucky in getting away out of the Nullah any how,"and yet to this moment Calcutta is entirely supplied with fire-wood from
this dangerous locality; again. "Found a great number of wood-cutters who informed me that five days ago they lost two men by tigers, exactly at the same time on each side of the river. The name of the uppermost khal (creek) of the two is Soona Mookee, but that of the lower one has not been revealed to them in any of their dreams, which is the usual way. This place is thick of tigers and fine Soondree wood, there must either be one tiger watching our fleet or else there must be one at every khal (creek) we enter, but I rather think it is the same one following us; we have seen his feet marks on the bank of every creek we have remained one night in." The surveyors also had several encounters with alligators, the fate of one of which will be read with pleasure; "Observing a very large alligator on the bank we fired at him, he was wounded and after taking to the water he again came to the shore, we went in the pansway to him and put two balls into his head, on which he made a charge open mouthed at the boat but sunk from pain before he reached us, he was about 10 yards from us when he rose, we put two balls through his body aiming for his spine, he charged us again and got in below the boat apparently endeavoring to upset it, but not being able to succeed we lost him." They however found the alligator dead on the shore on the morrow, "15 feet in length, very thick, and with a most enormous mouth," on opening "him we got the bangles, rings, and other ornaments of a woman out of him." In the Roymungul river "Having come to an anchor we saw a rhinoceros on the opposite side of the river drinking. I crossed in a pansway, he allowed me to approach to within 30 or 40 yards, I fired at his head and put the ball through his cheek, he ran off into the jungle before I could get a second aim at him. On reaching the pinnace I learnt from the party I had sent on shore that they had been successful in finding a tank of good water under the cocoanut trees, it was however surrounded by long grass and other jungle, the haunts of many rhinoceroses, they had made a regular bed in it. Being anxious to save a trip all the way to Chandcalley (in the North) for fresh water, I went on shore with an armed party carrying fire-brands with which we soon set the whole place in a blaze. I left it to burn out meaning to return in a day or two to try and fill our casks." It further appears that the country at the mouths of the Mollinchew and Roymungul rivers is infested by rhinoceroses and deer, the whole ground being cut up by their feet. A region such as the Soonderbuns, crowded as it is with savage wild animals both on the land and in its waters, and possessing as it does a pestilential climate for many months in the year, could hardly escape being invested by the
heathen natives with supernatural traditions and marvellous stories, and for one only can we find space; it is taken from the field books. "The people up in the cultivation told us that down near the mouths of the Mollinchew and Juboona, there is a palace, but the spot they could not mention, indeed there is a degree of fable attached to it, for they believe it to be inhabited; during the stillness of night the great drums of the palace and the bells may be heard, but in the day time no such noise can be noticed." Man in conjunction with the beasts of the field, the monsters of the deep, and the malaria of the forests, has assisted in rendering the Soonderbuns a place of bad repute; for we learn from the not nearly exhausted field books that "About this time four very large dingees larger than the pinnace, each having about 50 men on board, passed us at a prodigious rate. We reckoned them Dacoits (pirates or robbers) from their appearance, and when we called to them they returned no answer, nor paid the least attention; it is very probable that may be a set of fellows going out to look for boats in distress, that have been separated from the regular fleets by stress of weather, and of course helpless against such a number of men." The description of the wild beasts as extracted from the Field books of the brothers Morrieson, bearing date 18121818, is applicable to the state of the Soonderbuns in 1859; the line of cultivation may have been, since their day, pushed a few hundred yards further South, but the tigers to this day are as savage and as numerous as they were then; the alligators are as hungry and as cruel; and the rhinoceros as plentiful and as stupid; the deer still abound in herds, and pigs are found everywhere; but we are happy to say that all biped nuisances such as pirates, have been, under the continued and unceasing harrying of our Magistrates, completely cleared out of all the once pirate infested rivers and creeks. We take our leave of the Field books with regret, and in doing so we cannot refrain from giving the last entry made by Hugh Morrieson; it is dated the 28th February 1818 and is as follows: "I am now so ill that I can no longer carry on the survey, I have therefore got bearers to carry me by Dawk to the Station of Jessore." There it is supposed he died; the deadly Jungle Fever had seized upon our bold surveyor. The names of the rivers and creeks in the Soonderbuns are for the most part of Sanscrit, Hindee or Bengalee extraction; the Mahomedans have named but few, the English none, unless the Hooghlv, the most important but by no means the largest river, can be said to have been named by them. Most of the names allude
to the Hindoo Gods and Goddesses, some to the trees most common on their banks, a few to the animals most numerous in their vicinity; all are named, well known and frequented. The following few names with their meanings will give an idea of the good taste or otherwise of the namers of these rivers. Brahmapootra.The Son of Brahma, the creator of the world. Megna."Meg" a cloud "na." not; the advice given by boatmen not to attempt the passage of this dangerous river if the weather is cloudy or threatening. Ganges." Gunga" The River, par excellence. Horinghatta.The deers' watering spot. Deer abound along the banks of this river. Arapungassya.Manufactory of punga or salt. Porikhal.Fairy creek. Juboona.The sister of Jum, Hindoo God of hell. Bhuddur.The gentle river. Debeechur,The alluvion or Island of Debee, the Goddess of hell. Beeskhal.The poisonous creek. A slight glance at the fauna of the Soonderbuns may not be uninteresting. In the quotations from the Field books of the brothers Morrieson we have touched pretty freely upon the depredations caused by the tigers, we will now merely mention the names of the principal animals found in this tract, with a few interspersed anecdotes of some of the most remarkable ones. Of Mammalia we find the rhinoceros, hog, spotted deer, buffaloe, bara singha or large stag, tiger, leopard, wild cat, otter, red monkey, jackal. Ophidia;Boa constrictors, cobra de capello, water-snakes, tree-snakes, kurait, sea serpents, and many others, besides, gosamp, lizards, scarlet crabs, shrimps and insects in abundance, not to forget mosquitoes that swarm in black clouds. The rivers everywhere abound in delicious fish; amongst the curious fish may be mentioned the Anabas Scandens (Koee -Hindoostani) an ugly, voracious little fish about five inches in length, mottled brown and yellow. They may be seen hanging on to the mangrove stems by spines arranged along the margin of the gills, three and four feet above the level of the receding tide, from which elevated position they drop into the water by scores when disturbed by a boat or a
steamer passing, or they may be seen floundering about upon the black mud where they lie in hundreds sunning their little ugly bodies. The Periopthalmus is another ugly little mud fish found in great quantities on all the mud banks in company with the scarlet crab. Sharks are numerous in the Soonderbuns; the hammer headed shark, a frightful animal (zygoena), is also occasionally caught off the Sandheads. Birds;adjutants of two kinds, one the common Ardea Gigantea, the other the marabout adjutant, from which is obtained the beautiful feathers bearing that name. Fishing and other eagles, vultures, kites, hawks, owls, minahs, doves, parroquets, flycatchers, orioles, jungle fowl, woodpeckers, sandpipers, egrets, waders, small and large spoonbills, one kind not much larger than a small snipe, pelicans, storks, paddy birds, herons, snipe and many other birds are found in abundance. Crocodiles properly so called (Hind-Mugger-Koomeer) of enormous size are seen in every creek, in every river; they have a broad flattened muzzle with unequal teeth of a formidable size and shape, the outline of the jaw, where the teeth are seen protruding interlocked with each other, is a waving line giving to this ugly animal a fierce and cruel aspect. These animals varying in size from a span in length to 18 and 23 feet, are usually seen lying on the surface of the black mud basking in the sun; they sleep very soundly for we have seen a steamer going at full speed and making the usual splash and noise pass within ten paces of a sleeping crocodile without disturbing its slumbers. To a casual observer they resemble mud-covered logs of wood, and it is not until the large square and glittering scales which are of exceeding strength and beauty when closely examined, and the elevated and doubly dentelated ridge or crest that runs along either side of the tail, become visible, or are seen to glisten in the sun, that the shapeless mass is found to be a fierce, carnivorous and dangerous animal. We have never seen the Gangetic Garial in the Soonderbuns; he appears to love the sweeter and, comparatively speaking, quieter waters of the upper rivers and their clean sand banks, where they may be seen in scores, lying with their mouths wide open, but for what purpose it is difficult to divine, unless it is to get rid of numerous small red filamentous worms that cluster about their fauces. The lower jaw being prolonged backward beyond the skull occasions the upper jaw to appear moveable, which it is when accompanied by the whole of the skull, or entire head, but not otherwise. We have been informed by an eyewitness, and one in whom we place implicit confidence, that he has seen a small brown bird alight upon the tongue of an open mouthed alligator, and pick these worms from the throat as he lay upon a sand bank in the Ganges. It is generally believed that the crocodile, or as it is termed in India the snubbed nose alligator, always remains in fresh water; this is not the case, as they are found all along the Chittagong and Arracan coast, never far from the shore it is true, but still in bona fide salt water, where they are as dangerous as sharks.
In the rivers of the Delta where they flow through the cultivated portions of the country, stakes are driven into the bed of the river at the watering places, or ghauts, opposite to the villages, where the inhabitants may bathe in security and draw water for domestic purposes; but even this precaution is not always sufficient to ward off the attacks of the fierce crocodiles. The crocodile being an amphibious animal finds no difficulty, when pinched by hunger, in turning the flank of the stakes, and taking up his post within the enclosure, where he silently awaits his prey. A friend of ours, whilst surveying on the banks of the Goraee, was witness to a shocking occurrence in connection with these enclosures. A young Hindoo girl about 14 years old, came to got a pitcher of water, and had hardly put her feet into the water, when a crocodile, who had been lying in wait inside the enclosure, rushed at the poor girl, seized her in his formidable jaws, scrambled up the banks of the river, holding the shrieking, struggling girl well up in the air by the middle of her body, and plunged heavily into the river outside of the stake. A smothered scream, a ripple upon the water, a few bubbles, and the frightful scene was closed. A more daring attack by a Soonderbun crocodile than even the above is well known. It occurred a few years ago at Koolna: a gang of ironed convicts were being inspected by the Magistrate prior to their being sent off to another and a more distant jail; the men numbering with their guards about fifty were drawn up in line on the raised embankment or levee of the river; the examination was proceeding, when a crocodile rushed up the bank, seized a manacled prisoner by the legs, dragged him from the ranks, and in moment, and that before any assistance could possibly be rendered, had plunged into the river and disappeared. It appears from some excellent tables prepared and printed by the Committee on the Drainage of Calcutta 1857 that the highest high water, being the highest rise of the river Hooghly spring tides during the freshes, or from July to September, from 1806 to 1835, was 20 feet 6 inches. In August 1856 neap tide rose 15 feet 6 inches, above the datum sill of the Kidderpore dock, and upon the 18th August 1856, spring tide rose to 22 feet 3 inches above the same datum. In the dry season, the lowest fall of river spring tide at Calcutta, is to 1 foot 9 inches above the datum of Kidderpore dock; the neaps 2 feet 8 inches; whilst the tides in the Salt Lakes only fall to 7 feet 10 inches above datum.
Table Shewing the Relative height of the River Hooghly and the Salt Water Lakes
The greatest rise of the Hooghly at Calcutta being 23.4; average spring 17.41. The greatest rise of the Salt Lakes being 12 feet. This is on the Western side of the Delta; how different from what occurs on the Eastern side, where the tides rise from forty to eighty feet. It has been asked, but no one has yet answered the question, why the Soonderbuns should not be, as has been Holland, reclaimed from the sea and occupied by man. Holland and the Soonderbuns are about on the same level, that is, they are not above the level of-spring tides; but Holland which has only 123 miles of sea front, to the Delta's 270 miles, is well protected all along the greater portion of the coast of the North sea by a line of broad sand hills and downs, in some parts so high as to shut out the view of the sea, even from the tops of the church spires; the inhabitants have therefore only to dam the banks of the rivers penetrating into the country through these bulwarks to preserve the country from inundation. The Soonderbuns on the contrary has no defence whatever to seaward, not even an inch in height, every spring tide and every cyclone wave dashes its waters over the land, deluging the country with waves, the impetuosity and volume of which are unknown and unheard of in Europe; waves 30, 40 and even 60 feet in height have been known to rise in the Bay of Bengal, to dash over the highest trees, and to deluge the whole country for miles inland. The Soonderbuns in their present state can never be inhabited, they are too exposed to the fury of the Tropical Hurricanes that arise in the Bay of Bengal, and their unhealthiness is so great, from the stagnated air and corrupting vegetable deposits, that no human beings can ever hope to struggle against such fearful odds; but should this tract ever share in the upheaval that is now going on near Arracan and on the Tenasserim coast, well and good; rich would be the soil that would be brought under the plough, and great would be the population that would be found to occupy the Seaboard tract. Until that time arrives, we must be content to know, that the Soonderbun tract only forms a great, an inaccessible, and an impregnable defence to India towards the sea. The very mud at the foot of the jungle, that mud that has just been stirred up by a large striped crocodile as he lazily slipped into the water, starting in his passage shoals of bull-headed periopthalmi or mud fish that lay basking in the sun, offers a bar to invasion, and has an interest attached to it. To know from whence it was brought is impossible, but we may conjecture, we may give way to fancy, and imagine its having once formed a part and portion of the snow-clad gneiss summit of Kunchinjunga, that in ages long past was precipitated from an elevation of 28,000 feet or nearly five and a half perpendicular miles down its steep flanks to the glaciers at its feet, probably crumbled down by an earthquake to mingle with the moraines, where acted upon by snow, sharp frosts, rain and sunshine, its felspar and horneblende have been reduced to what we now see it, a black mud; its heavier particles of quartz reposing under the ocean at the Sandheads, a part and portion of the hard and dangerous sand banks that stretch away from the Soonderbuns for many a weary mile. Or this mud may have travelled from the flanks of Deodhunga, the lately elected monarch of the
Himalayahs, 29,002 feet in height; or it may have been swept from the source of the Ganges, or from the source of the T.' Sanpo or Brahmapooter, or from the high basaltic table land of Omurkuntuk, far South of the Gangetic valley; or it may have been a portion of an avalanche from the forked Donkia, in Tibet, the waters from which flow into the Teesta and so into the Brahmapooter. But wherever it has come from, let us be content to know that it has travelled far, and that it has undergone many a hard rub and many a hard blow, ere it was reduced to the soft black Soonderbun mud, upon which we just now saw the great Saurian reposing.