This atlas is aimed to illustrate the appearance of various planetary nebulae visible in small telescopes (between 8 and 15 cm of aperture) from suburban locations. The surface brightness of several of these objects is so high that they can be easily observed from suburb locations. Most of the observations have been performed with a good achromatic refractor of 120 mm of aperture and 1000 mm of focal length.
This atlas is aimed to illustrate the appearance of various planetary nebulae visible in small telescopes (between 8 and 15 cm of aperture) from suburban locations. The surface brightness of several of these objects is so high that they can be easily observed from suburb locations. Most of the observations have been performed with a good achromatic refractor of 120 mm of aperture and 1000 mm of focal length.
This atlas is aimed to illustrate the appearance of various planetary nebulae visible in small telescopes (between 8 and 15 cm of aperture) from suburban locations. The surface brightness of several of these objects is so high that they can be easily observed from suburb locations. Most of the observations have been performed with a good achromatic refractor of 120 mm of aperture and 1000 mm of focal length.
This atlas is aimed to illustrate the appearance of various planetary nebulae visible in small telescopes (between 8 and 15 cm of aperture) from suburban locations. The surface brightness of several of these objects is so high that they can be easily observed from suburb locations. Most of the observations have been performed with a good achromatic refractor of 120 mm of aperture and 1000 mm of focal length.
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Massimo Zecchin
The Brightest Planetary Nebulae
Observing Atlas White version 2012-5 This atlas is aimed to illustrate the appearance of various planetary nebulae visible in small telescopes (between 8 and 15 cm of aperture) from suburban locations, providing a description and the related observational, physical and location data. Both the considered range of aperture and quality of the sky are common to many amateur observers, who are forced to deal with a gradual increase in light pollution. However, the surface brightness of several of these objects is so high that they can be easily observed from suburb locations, and in some cases even from city centers. In more isolated areas, with a limit visual magnitude of at least +5, small telescopes are able to show relatively weak planetary nebulae. Most of the observations have been performed with a good achromatic refractor of 120 mm of aperture and 1000 mm of focal length, which in the case of nebulae of small angular extent can be used profitably at magnifications in the order of 250x. Occasionally, or in the case of older observations, a 127/1250 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope, a 114/1000 Newtonian, a 102/500 refractor and a 20x80 binoculars have been used. The sketches were executed with pencil on white paper, and then scanned and processed with an image editor program, with which a slight blur to the nebula has been usually applied in order to make the look even more realistic. Objects data were taken from The NGC/IC Project ( and PNebulae (, while the used star maps are from Takis 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas ( The adopted seeing scale is that of Antoniadi modified (1-excellent, 6-very poor). The objects are arranged according to their right ascension. I hope that this collection may be useful for your observations. Good vision and clear skies, Massimo Zecchin Cittadella (Italy) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I thank Diego Barucco and SilviaElena for their precious suggestions This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA. List of the objects NGC/IC Con. RA Dec Mag Common name NGC 40 Cep 00h 13m 00.9s +72 31' 20'' 12.3 Bow Tie Nebula NGC 246 Cet 00h 47m 03.2s -11 52' 20'' 10.9 Skull Nebula NGC 650-1 (M76) Per 01h 42m 18.1s +51 34' 16'' 10.1 Little Dumbbell Nebula C 351 Per 03h 47m 32.95s +35 02' 48.3'' 12.0 C 2003 Per 03h 56m 22.01s +33 52' 30.4'' 11.5 NGC 1514 Tau 04h 09m 17.0s +30 46' 33.3'' 10.9 Crystal Ball Nebula NGC 1535 Eri 04h 14m 15.78s -12 44' 21.6'' 9.6 Cleopatra's Eye C 418 Lep 05h 27m 28.19s -12 41' 50.4'' 9.3 Spirograph Nebula NGC 2022 Ori 05h 42m 06.1s +09 05' 10'' 11.6 C 2149 Aur 05h 56m 23.85s +46 06' 17.2'' 10.7 Red Sword Nebula C 2165 CMa 06h 21m 42.67s -12 59' 14.0'' 10.6 NGC 2392 Gem 07h 29m 10.8s +20 54' 42'' 9.1 Eskimo Nebula NGC 2438 Pup 07h 41m 50.4s -14 44' 09'' 10.8 NGC 3242 Hya 10h 24m 46.2s -18 38' 34'' 7.7 Ghost of Jupiter NGC 3587 (M97) UMa 11h 14m 47.71s +55 01' 07.7'' 9.9 Owl Nebula C 4593 Her 16h 11m 44.53s +12 04' 17.2'' 10.7 White Eyed Pea NGC 6210 Her 16h 44m 29.4s +23 48' 00'' 8.8 Turtle Nebula NGC 6543 Dra 17h 58m 33.37s +66 37' 59.1'' 8.1 Cat's Eye Nebula NGC 6572 Oph 18h 12m 06.37s +06 51' 13'' 8.1 Blue Racquetball NGC 6720 (M57) Lyr 18h 53m 35.09s +33 01' 44.5'' 8.8 Ring Nebula NGC 6781 Aql 19h 18m 28.3s +06 32' 23'' 11.4 Snowglobe Nebula NGC 6804 Aql 19h 31m 35.43s +09 13' 30.6'' 12.0 NGC 6818 Sgr 19h 43m 57.76s -14 09' 11.4'' 9.3 Little Gem Nebula NGC 6826 Cyg 19h 44m 48.17s +50 31' 30.4'' 8.8 Blinking Nebula NGC 6853 (M27) Vul 19h 59m 36.33s +22 43' 16.0'' 7.4 Dumbbell Nebula NGC 6884 Cyg 20h 10m 23.65s +46 27' 39.6'' 10.9 NGC 6891 Del 20h 15m 08.85s +12 42' 15.2'' 10.5 NGC 6905 Del 20h 22m 23.02s +20 06' 16.4'' 11.1 Blue Flash Nebula NGC 7008 Cyg 21h 00m 32.8s +54 32' 35'' 10.7 Fetus Nebula NGC 7009 Aqr 21h 04m 10.7s -11 21' 49'' 8.0 Saturn Nebula NGC 7026 Cyg 21h 06m 18.55s +47 51' 08.0'' 10.9 Cheeseburger Nebula NGC 7027 Cyg 21h 07m 01.69s +42 14' 10.1'' 8.5 Magic Carpet Nebula NGC 7048 Cyg 21h 14m 14.1s +46 17' 28'' 12.1 Disk Ghost NGC 7293 Aqr 22h 29m 38.35s -20 50' 13.2'' 7.3 Helix Nebula NGC 7662 And 23h 25m 53.93s +42 32' 06.1'' 8.3 Blue Snowball From Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas - Map 2 Instrument type: Refractor Aperture: 120 mm Focal lenght: 1000 mm Eyepiece: Planetary HR 4 mm Magnification: 250x Filter: no Seeing: 5-6/6 Visual magnitude: ca. 4.5 Location: Cittadella (PD) - Italy Date: December 10, 2010 Notes: Rounded shape and undefined border. The brightness is slighly higher in the central area. The central star is well visible, although it is a little disturbed by the nebulosity. Object data RA: 00h 13m 00.9s Dec: +72 31' 20'' Const.: Cepheus Mag: 12.3 Size: 38''x35'' CS: 11.6 mag NGC 40 - Bow Tie Nebula N E 1' From Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas - Map 85 Instrument type: Binoculars Aperture: 80 mm Focal lenght: - Eyepiece: - Magnification: 20x Filter: - Seeing: 3-4/6 Visual magnitude: ca. 6.5 Location: Monte Tomba (TV) - Italy Date: August 31, 1989 Notes: The nebula is relatively faint and shows a rounded shape with uniform brightness and sharp border. Object data RA: 00h 47m 03.2s Dec: -11 52' 20'' Const.: Cetus Mag: 10.9 Size: 4.6'x4.1' CS: 12.0 mag NGC 246 - Skull Nebula N E 10' From Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas - Map 36 Instrument type: Refractor Aperture: 120 mm Focal lenght: 1000 mm Eyepiece: Flat Field 8 mm Magnification: 125x Filter: O-III Seeing: 3/6 Visual magnitude: 4 - 4.5 Location: Cittadella (PD) - Italy Date: December 30, 2010 Notes: Rectangular shape elongated NE- SW, and relatively low brightness. It is present a brighter condensation near the SW border. The nebula is more evident with the O-III filter, which shows also a slight decrease in brightness between the two lobes. Object data RA: 01h 42m 18.1s Dec: +51 34' 16'' Const.: Perseus Mag: 10.1 Size: 2.7'x1.8' CS: 17.5 mag NGC 650-1 (M 76) - Little Dumbbell Nebula N E 1' N E 1' From Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas - Map 58 IC 351 Instrument type: Refractor Aperture: 120 mm Focal lenght: 1000 mm Eyepiece: Planetary HR 4 mm Magnification: 250x Filter: no Seeing: 3-4/6 Visual magnitude: 4.5 Location: Cittadella (PD) - Italy Date: January 3, 2011 Notes: The nebula appears as a fuzzy star and may be easily confused with the stars in the field. Details are not recognizable. Object data RA: 03h 47m 32.95s Dec: +35 02' 48.3'' Const.: Perseus Mag: 12.0 Size: 8''x6'' CS: 15.8 mag IC 2003 Instrument type: Refractor Aperture: 120 mm Focal lenght: 1000 mm Eyepiece: Planetary HR 4 mm Magnification: 250x Filter: no Seeing: 3/6 Visual magnitude: 4 - 4.5 Location: Cittadella (PD) - Italy Date: December 30, 2010 Notes: The nebula appears as a tiny round spot slightly condensed in the center. It looks almost stellar. Object data RA: 03h 56m 22.01s Dec: +33 52' 30.4'' Const.: Perseus Mag: 11.5 Size: 7''x6'' CS: 15.0 mag From Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas - Map 58 N E 1' From Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas - Map 57 Instrument type: Refractor Aperture: 120 mm Focal lenght: 1000 mm Eyepiece: Flat Field 16 mm Magnification: 62.5x Filter: O-III Seeing: 3-4/6 Visual magnitude: 4.5 Location: Cittadella (PD) - Italy Date: January 3, 2011 Notes: The nebula is visible with the O-III filter only, and its shape is rounded. The brightness of the central star overlooks that of the nebulosity. It is barely recognizable a decrease in brightness of the NE zone. Object data RA: 04h 09m 17.00s Dec: +30 46' 33.3'' Const.: Taurus Mag: 10.9 Size: 2.3'x2.0' CS: 9.4 mag NGC 1514 - Crystal Ball Nebula N E 5' From Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas - Map 81 Instrument type: Refractor Aperture: 120 mm Focal lenght: 1000 mm Eyepiece: Planetary HR 4 mm Magnification: 250x Filter: no Seeing: 2/6 Visual magnitude: ca. 4.5 Location: Cittadella (PD) - Italy Date: December 23, 2011 Notes: Round and relatively bright. The brightness increases toward the center, without a marked central peak. The border is a little fuzzy. Object data RA: 04h 14m 15.78s Dec: -12 44' 21.6'' Const.: Eridanus Mag: 9.6 Size: 48''x42'' CS: 12.1 mag NGC 1535 - Cleopatra's Eye N E 1' N E 1' From Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas - Map 80 Instrument type: Refractor Aperture: 120 mm Focal lenght: 1000 mm Eyepiece: Planetary HR 4 mm Magnification: 250x Filter: no Seeing: 3-4/6 Visual magnitude: ca. 4 Location: Cittadella (PD) - Italy Date: March 5, 2011 Notes: The nebula is well visible and bright despite the light pollution of this area of the sky. The shape is rounded, with uncertain WNW-ESE gentle elongation. Undefined border. The centre is brighter and condensed probably due to the central star. Object data RA: 05h 27m 28.19s Dec: -12 41' 50.4'' Const.: Lepus Mag: 9.3 Size: 14''x11'' CS: 10.2 mag IC 418 - Spirograph Nebula From Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas - Map 80 Instrument type: Refractor Aperture: 120 mm Focal lenght: 1000 mm Eyepiece: Planetary HR 4 mm Magnification: 250x Filter: no Seeing: 3-4/6 Visual magnitude: 4.5 Location: Cittadella (PD) - Italy Date: January 3, 2011 Notes: The nebula is relatively faint but visible without filters. It appears as a little disc with uniform brightness. Nice image. Object data RA: 05h 42m 06.1s Dec: +09 05' 10'' Const.: Orion Mag: 11.6 Size: 28''x27'' CS: 15.9 mag NGC 2022 N E 1' From Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas - Map 32 Instrument type: Refractor Aperture: 120 mm Focal lenght: 1000 mm Eyepiece: Planetary HR 4 mm Magnification: 250x Filter: no Seeing: 4-5/6 Visual magnitude: ca. 4 Location: Cittadella (PD) - Italy Date: February 5, 2011 Notes: Relatively bright nebula with an undefined border and a marked central condensation, which probably corresponds to the central star. A vague E-W elongation is recognizable. Object data RA: 05h 56m 23.85s Dec: +46 06' 17.2'' Const.: Auriga Mag: 10.7 Size: 15''x10'' CS: 11.6 mag IC 2149 - Red Sword Nebula N E 1' N E 1' From Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas - Map 103 IC 2165 Instrument type: Refractor Aperture: 120 mm Focal lenght: 1000 mm Eyepiece: Planetary HR 4 mm Magnification: 250x Filter: no Seeing: 3-4/6 Visual magnitude: ca. 4 Location: Cittadella (PD) - Italy Date: March 5, 2011 Notes: The nebula has the appearance of a fuzzy star. It reveals its non-stellar nature only at high magnifications. Object data RA: 06h 21m 42.67s Dec: -12 59' 14.0'' Const.: Canis Major Mag: 10.6 Size: 9''x7'' CS: 17.9 mag From Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas - Map 54 Instrument type: Refractor Aperture: 120 mm Focal lenght: 1000 mm Eyepiece: Planetary HR 4 mm Magnification: 250x Filter: no Seeing: 3-4/6 Visual magnitude: 4.5 Location: Cittadella (PD) - Italy Date: January 3, 2011 Notes: Bright and rounded nebula. The central area is brighter but does not show an abrupt border. The central star is well visible and a little disturbed by the nebulosity. Object data RA: 07h 29m 10.8s Dec: +20 54' 42'' Const.: Gemini Mag: 9.1 Size: 47''x43'' CS: 10.5 mag NGC 2392 - Eskimo Nebula N E 1' From Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas - Map 102 Instrument type: Newtonian (Tanzutsu) Aperture: 114 mm Focal lenght: 1000 mm Eyepiece: Ortho 12.5 mm Magnification: 80x Filter: no Seeing: 3/6 Visual magnitude: ca. 5.5 Location: Cittadella (PD) - Italy Date: February 13, 1988 Notes: Relatively faint nebula, which is visible without problem with averted vision. Rounded shape and uniform brightness. The image is nice because of the numerous stars of the M 46 cluster. Object data RA: 07h 41m 50.4s Dec: -14 44' 09'' Const.: Puppis Mag: 10.8 Size: 73''x68'' CS: 17.0 mag NGC 2438 N E 5' From Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas - Map 99 Instrument type: Refractor Aperture: 120 mm Focal lenght: 1000 mm Eyepiece: Or. 12.5 + barlow 3x Magnification: 240x Filter: no Seeing: 2/6 Visual magnitude: ca. 4 Location: Cittadella (PD) - Italy Date: May 6, 2011 Notes: The nebula is bright despite its low elevation and the light pollution of this area of the sky. It shows a relatively uniform oval area elongated NW-SE, surrounded by a less defined and fainter halo. Object data RA: 10h 24m 46.2s Dec: -18 38' 34'' Const.: Hydra Mag: 7.7 Size: 45''x36'' CS: 12.3 mag NGC 3242 - Ghost of Jupiter N E 1' From Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas - Map 42 Object data RA: 11h 14m 47.71s Dec: +55 01' 07.7'' Const.: Ursa Major Mag: 9.9 Size: 3.4'x3.3' CS: 16.0 mag NGC 3587 (M 97) - Owl Nebula Instrument type: Refractor Aperture: 102 mm Focal lenght: 500 mm Eyepiece: Flat Field 8 mm Magnification: 62.5x Filter: O-III Seeing: 3-4/6 Visual magnitude: ca. 4.0 Location: Cittadella (PD) - Italy Date: March 10, 2012 Notes: The nebula is well visible with averted vision and O-III filter. It shows a rounded shape and uniform brightness. The border is undefined. N E 5' From Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas - Map 45 Instrument type: Refractor Aperture: 120 mm Focal lenght: 1000 mm Eyepiece: Planetary HR 4 mm Magnification: 250x Filter: no Seeing: 3/6 Visual magnitude: ca. 5 Location: Cittadella (PD) - Italy Date: June 26, 2011 Notes: The nebula has the appearance of a faint rounded halo surrounding the central star, which disturbs the observation. The border is undefined. Object data RA: 16h 11m 44.53s Dec: +12 04' 17.2'' Const.: Hercules Mag: 10.7 Size: 12''x10'' CS: 11.2 mag IC 4593 - White Eyed Pea N E 1' From Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas - Map 45 Instrument type: Refractor Aperture: 120 mm Focal lenght: 1000 mm Eyepiece: Planetary HR 4 mm Magnification: 250x Filter: no Seeing: 3/6 Visual magnitude: ca. 5 Location: Cittadella (PD) - Italy Date: June 26, 2011 Notes: Bright nebula showing a slighly oval shape elongated E-W and a fuzzy border. The brightness increases slightly at the center. Object data RA: 16h 44m 29.4s Dec: +23 48' 00'' Const.: Hercules Mag: 8.8 Size: 20''x13'' CS: 12.9 mag NGC 6210 - Turtle Nebula N E 1' From Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas - Map 4 Instrument type: Refractor Aperture: 120 mm Focal lenght: 1000 mm Eyepiece: Planetary HR 4 mm Magnification: 250x Filter: O-III Seeing: 4-5/6 Visual magnitude: ca. 4 Location: Cittadella (PD) - Italy Date: August 28, 2010 Notes: Oval shape elongated NE- SW, and high brightness. The border is sharp and shows an undefined irregularity with the O-III filter. A decrease in brightness is barely visible in the central area. Object data RA: 17h 58m 33.37s Dec: +66 37' 59.1'' Const.: Draco Mag: 8.1 Size: 23''x17'' CS: 11.1 mag NGC 6543 - Cat's Eye Nebula N E 1' From Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas - Map 67 Instrument type: Refractor Aperture: 120 mm Focal lenght: 1000 mm Eyepiece: Planetary HR 4 mm Magnification: 250x Filter: no Seeing: 2-3/6 Visual magnitude: ca. 5 Location: Cittadella (PD) - Italy Date: June 27, 2011 Notes: The nebula shows a very high surface brightness and a pale blue colour. The shape is slightly oval, elongated N-S. The center is slightly condensed. Object data RA: 18h 12m 06.37s Dec: +06 51' 13'' Const.: Ophiuchus Mag: 8.1 Size: 16''x13'' CS: 13.1 mag NGC 6572 - Blue Racquetball N E 1' Instrument type: Refractor Aperture: 120 mm Focal lenght: 1000 mm Eyepiece: Edge On Planet. 5 mm Magnification: 200x Filter: no Seeing: 3-4/6 Visual magnitude: ca. 4.5 Location: Cittadella (PD) - Italy Date: July 15, 2010 Notes: Evident oval shape elongated NE-SW, and sharp border. The central area is distinguishable from the ring, which is slightly brighter along the long axis. Object data RA: 18h 53m 35.09s Dec: +33 01' 44.5'' Const.: Lyra Mag: 8.8 Size: 86''x62'' CS: 15.3 mag From Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas - Map 43 NGC 6720 (M 57) - Ring Nebula N E 1' From Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas - Map 66 Instrument type: Refractor Aperture: 120 mm Focal lenght: 1000 mm Eyepiece: Flat Field 16 mm Magnification: 62.5x Filter: O-III Seeing: 3/6 Visual magnitude: ca. 4.3 Location: Cittadella (PD) - Italy Date: August 17, 2011 Notes: The nebula is faint and well visible with the O-III filter only. It is rounded and devoid of details. The border is relatively definite. Object data RA: 19h 18m 28.3s Dec: +06 32' 23'' Const.: Aquila Mag: 11.4 Size: 1.9'x1.8' CS: 15.0 mag NGC 6781 - Snowglobe Nebula N E 5' From Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas - Map 66 Instrument type: Refractor Aperture: 120 mm Focal lenght: 1000 mm Eyepiece: Flat Field 16 mm Magnification: 62.5x Filter: O-III Seeing: 3/6 Visual magnitude: ca. 4.3 Location: Cittadella (PD) - Italy Date: August 17, 2011 Notes: The nebula is distinguishable with the O-III filter but is visible with uncertainty without filter. It has a rounded shape with an indistinct border. It is uncertain an increase of brightness toward the center. Object data RA: 19h 31m 35.43s Dec: +09 13' 30.6'' Const.: Aquila Mag: 12.0 Size: 62''x49'' CS: 14.3 mag NGC 6804 N E 5' From Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas - Map 90 Instrument type: Refractor Aperture: 120 mm Focal lenght: 1000 mm Eyepiece: Planetary HR 4 mm Magnification: 250x Filter: no Seeing: 4-5/6 Visual magnitude: ca. 5 Location: Cittadella (PD) - Italy Date: August 27, 2011 Notes: The nebula is bright and rounded, resembling a small planet like Uranus. The border is well defined. Details are not recognizable with certainty. Object data RA: 19h 43m 57.76s Dec: -14 09' 11.4'' Const.: Sagittarius Mag: 9.3 Size: 22''x15'' CS: 16 mag NGC 6818 - Little Gem Nebula N E 1' From Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas - Map 17 Instrument type: Refractor Aperture: 120 mm Focal lenght: 1000 mm Eyepiece: Planetary HR 4 mm Magnification: 250x Filter: no Seeing: 3-4/6 Visual magnitude: ca. 5 Location: Cittadella (PD) - Italy Date: August 7, 2010 Notes: Oval shape elongated E-W, and very high brightness, which increases in the central part. The central star is well visible. The blinking effect is visible at low magnifications only. Object data RA: 19h 44m 48.17s Dec: +50 31' 30.4'' Const.: Cygnus Mag: 8.8 Size: 27''x24'' CS: 10.4 mag NGC 6826 - Blinking Nebula N E 1' Instrument type: Refractor Aperture: 120 mm Focal lenght: 1000 mm Eyepiece: Flat Field 16 mm Magnification: 62.5x Filter: O-III Seeing: 2-3/6 Visual magnitude: ca. 5.5 Location: Cittadella (PD) - Italy Date: September 10, 2010 Notes: Impressive image. General hourglass shape. The brighter area is placed near the SW corner. The two lateral handles, elongated NW- SE, are faint and visible with the O- III filter and averted vision only. Object data RA: 19h 59m 36.33s Dec: +22 43' 16.0'' Const.: Vulpecula Mag: 7.4 Size: 8.0'x5.7' CS: 13.9 mag From Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas - Map 42 NGC 6853 (M 27) - Dumbbell Nebula N E 5' From Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas - Map 17 Instrument type: Refractor Aperture: 120 mm Focal lenght: 1000 mm Eyepiece: Planetary HR 4 mm Magnification: 250x Filter: no Seeing: 3/6 Visual magnitude: ca. 5 Location: Cittadella (PD) - Italy Date: July 4, 2011 Notes: Small but well distinguishable nebula that shows a rounded shape and is slightly condensed. The border is fuzzy. Object data RA: 20h 10m 23.65s Dec: +46 27' 39.6'' Const.: Cygnus Mag: 10.9 Size: 5.6''x5.0'' CS: 15.7 mag NGC 6884 N E 1' From Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas - Map 41 Instrument type: Refractor Aperture: 120 mm Focal lenght: 1000 mm Eyepiece: Planetary HR 4 mm Magnification: 250x Filter: no Seeing: 3/6 Visual magnitude: ca. 4.3 Location: Cittadella (PD) - Italy Date: August 17, 2011 Notes: Bright and rounded nebula showing a fuzzy border. It shows a central condensation of stellar appearance. Object data RA: 20h 15m 08.85s Dec: +12 42' 15.2'' Const.: Delphinus Mag: 10.5 Size: 10'' CS: 11.1 mag NGC 6891 N E 1' Instrument type: Refractor Aperture: 120 mm Focal lenght: 1000 mm Eyepiece: Planetary HR 4 mm Magnification: 250x Filter: no Seeing: 3/6 Visual magnitude: ca. 5 Location: Cittadella (PD) - Italy Date: July 4, 2011 Notes: The nebula is well visible without filters, and shows uniform brightness and a relatively distinct border. It is barely recognizable an overall oval shape elongated N-S. Object data RA: 20h 22m 23.02s Dec: +20 06' 16.4'' Const.: Delphinus Mag: 11.1 Size: 42''x35'' CS: 14.0 mag NGC 6905 - Blue Flash Nebula From Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas - Map 41 N E 1' Instrument type: Refractor Aperture: 120 mm Focal lenght: 1000 mm Eyepiece: Flat Field 8 mm Magnification: 125x Filter: O-III Seeing: 2-3/6 Visual magnitude: ca. 5 Location: Cittadella (PD) - Italy Date: June 27, 2011 Notes: Interesting nebula showing an asymmetrical curved shape. The northern part is brighter, sharper and bends toward the east. The southern border is more undefined. Object data RA: 21h 00m 32.8s Dec: +54 32' 35'' Const.: Cygnus Mag: 10.7 Size: 98''x75'' CS: 13.2 mag NGC 7008 - Fetus Nebula From Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas - Map 17 N E 1' From Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas - Map 64 Instrument type: Schmidt-Cassegrain Aperture: 127 mm Focal lenght: 1250 mm Eyepiece: Edge On Planetary 5 mm Magnification: 250x Filter: no Seeing: 3/6 Visual magnitude: ca. 4.5 Location: Cittadella (PD) - Italy Date: August 19, 2011 Notes: It is easily visible the elongation of the nebula and an angularity at the two extremes. The brightness is high and uniform, and the border is a little fuzzy. Object data RA: 21h 04m 10.7s Dec: -11 21' 49'' Const.: Aquarius Mag: 8.0 Size: 44''x23'' CS: 12.8 mag NGC 7009 - Saturn Nebula N E 1' Instrument type: Refractor Aperture: 120 mm Focal lenght: 1000 mm Eyepiece: Planetary HR 4 mm Magnification: 250x Filter: no Seeing: 5-6/6 Visual magnitude: ca. 4.5 Location: Cittadella (PD) - Italy Date: December 10, 2010 Notes: The nebula is well visible. A vague rectangular shape slightly elongated E-W is recognizable. The N- S extensions of the nebula are not clearly visible. Object data RA: 21h 06m 18.55s Dec: +47 51' 08.0'' Const.: Cygnus Mag: 10.9 Size: 27''x11'' CS: 14.5 mag NGC 7026 - Cheeseburger Nebula From Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas - Map 17 N E 1' Instrument type: Refractor Aperture: 120 mm Focal lenght: 1000 mm Eyepiece: Planetary HR 4 mm Magnification: 250x Filter: no Seeing: 3-4/6 Visual magnitude: ca. 5 Location: Cittadella (PD) - Italy Date: August 7, 2010 Notes: The nebula shows a parallelogram shape, with very sharp northern and western borders, whereas the other two are undefined. The area close to the western apex is very bright and shows an almost stellar appearance. Object data RA: 21h 07m 01.69s Dec: +42 14' 10.1'' Const.: Cygnus Mag: 8.5 Size: 18''x10'' CS: 16.3 mag NGC 7027 - Magic Carpet Nebula From Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas - Map 17 N E 1' Instrument type: Refractor Aperture: 120 mm Focal lenght: 1000 mm Eyepiece: Flat Field 8 mm Magnification: 125x Filter: O-III Seeing: 3/6 Visual magnitude: ca. 5 Location: Cittadella (PD) - Italy Date: July 4, 2011 Notes: Faint nebula, visible with the O-III filter only. It shows a rounded shape and uniform brightness. Object data RA: 21h 14m 14.1s Dec: +46 17' 28'' Const.: Cygnus Mag: 12.1 Size: 1.02' CS: 19.1 mag NGC 7048 - Disk Ghost From Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas - Map 17 N E 1' From Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas - Map 87 Instrument type: Refractor Aperture: 120 mm Focal lenght: 1000 mm Eyepiece: SWA 20 mm Magnification: 50x Filter: O-III Seeing: 2-3/6 Visual magnitude: ca. 4.5 Location: Cittadella (PD) - Italy Date: September 30, 2011 Notes: Large but very faint due to significant light pollution in this part of the sky. Rounded shape and very confused border. A darker central area is not clearly recognizable. The O-III filter highlights an arc to the NE, which is part of the ring structure. Object data RA: 22h 29m 38.35s Dec: -20 50' 13.2'' Const.: Aquarius Mag: 7.3 Size: 17.57' CS: 13.5 mag NGC 7293 - Helix Nebula N E 5' From Taki's 8.5 Magnitude Star Atlas - Map 14 Instrument type: Refractor Aperture: 120 mm Focal lenght: 1000 mm Eyepiece: Planetary HR 4 mm Magnification: 250x Filter: no Seeing: 3/6 Visual magnitude: ca. 4.5 Location: Cittadella (PD) - Italy Date: November 25, 2011 Notes: Very bright and barely elongated NE-SW. The border is relatively defined. A decrease in brightness in the center gives a ring appearance to the nebula. It is recognizable a vague increase in brightness on the eastern side. Object data RA: 23h 25m 53.93s Dec: +42 32' 06.1'' Const.: Andromeda Mag: 8.3 Size: 32''x28'' CS: 13.2 mag NGC 7662 - Blue Snowball N E 1'