Turner BrecciaComplexes Sept2011
Turner BrecciaComplexes Sept2011
Turner BrecciaComplexes Sept2011
* a diatreme breccia is the vent zone of a maar-type or hydromagmatic volcanism, and results from a phreatomagmatic eruption. * a phreatomagmatic breccia MUST have evidence for a juvenile magmatic component = juvenile clasts and matrix. * a phreatic or hydrothermal breccia is formed by over-pressured fluids but with no direct magmatic component.
* phreatomagmatic and phreatic breccias commonly occur within the same breccia complex.
Deposit Type
high-sulfidation high-sulfidation high-sulfidation high-sulfidation high-sulfidation
5.8 13 27 +3
28 ~2
if the meteoric water supply is exhausted then the magma will continue to rise in the breccia column or margins as dikes or domes, which explains the common association of diatremes and flow dome fields.
from Corbett, 2003; The Ishihara Symposium: Granites and Associated Metallogenesis
Unmineralized quartz tourmaline altered diatreme breccia with slightly deformed juvenile clasts and strong reaction rims in clasts and in the matrix.
Deformed, basaltic juvenile clasts with chilled, reaction margins in k-feldspar altered phreatomagmatic breccia.
wispy-textured juvenile quartz - porphyry clasts in clay-altered, polymict phreatomagmatic breccia
Textures: Clasts
Accretionary lapilli
Ladolam, Lihir Island, PNG Breccia facies of the Ladolam alkalic epithermal gold deposit, Lihir Island, Papua New Guinea Jacqueline Blackwell, Jocelyn McPhie, David R. Cooke, John Robinson
Martabe, Indonesia Clast with accretionary lapilli in clay-pyrite altered, unmineralized diatreme breccia
Argillized phreatomagmatic breccia (barren) with basement shale clasts in the Carachugo Norte pit.
Yanacocha, Peru Hypogene exfoliation of large juvenile clast of argillized dacitic porphyry in diatreme = rapid depressurization.
Martabe, Indonesia Fluidized matrix to diatreme breccia with altered clasts and pyritic margin to clasts
Yanacocha, Peru Pascua, Chile slump block of bedded breccias and APE Au-Ag mineralization in tuffaceous units on margin of diatreme crackle-brecciated granite breccia. marginal to the Pascua diatreme
Bald Mountain, Queensland, Australia Silica-hematite-altered cracklebrecciated competent quartzite unit on the diatreme margin.
IS epithermal veins in cone fractures around the margin of the Santa Barbara diatreme breccia, Peru (Wasteneys, 1990)
Upper facies in a maar diatreme breccia at Wau, PNG, including slide blocks along lowangle detachment faults, deformed lacustrine beds, hydrothermal eruption breccias, tuff rings, shallow hotsprings-style alteration with gold mineralization and endogenous domes (Sillitoe, 1984).
Pascua, Chile Unmineralized, steam-heated silica alteration in bedded eruption breccias above deposit.
in permeable breccia facies below the flared out margin of a flow dome eg. Yanacocha
in breccia zones below and between slide blocks of relatively impermeable wallrocks eg. Peasquito and Rattlesnake Hills in well-defined epithermal veins radial or concentric outwards of the breccia margins eg. Santa Barbera in Peru. mineralized clasts may signify the presence of deeper porphyry and skarn mineralization eg. Lepanto / Far South East in the Philippines and Rinti in Indonesia.
70m 16 g/t
High-grade gold mineralization (eg 70 m @ 16 g/t Au) hosted in massive silica trapped below less permeable, clay and alunite-silicaclay altered flow dome rocks. This mineralization was blind below clay altered and unaltered barren rocks.
felsic dome
Kelian, Indonesia
Carbonate-base metal gold mineralization hosted in diatreme breccia with fluid flow focussed along low-angle detachment faults which formed large-scale slump blocks sliding back into the breccia column.
m RL 600 V 500 V V 400 V V V 300 V 200 V 100 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V
0M 300
m RL 600
Diatreme Breccia
Chlorite-magnetite Biotite -magnetite Fault Clast of Chalcopyrite -Bornite mineralized Tonalite Proposed Drill Hole
Andesite Volcanics
Rinti, Indonesia: mineralized porphyry clasts within diatreme breccia. The porphyry remains undrilled.
Gold in Soils
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ppb Au
0 500 1000
Diatreme Breccia
1 Km
breccias in the early stages of exploration eg. Veladero in Argentina, Rosia Montana in Romania. in many cases diatreme breccias are barren due to the presence of relatively impermeable clays. This clay alteration also causes recessive weathering. competent rock units on the margin of diatreme breccias are highly favorable targets. upper parts of diatremes (maar volcanoes) are very complex
lower parts of diatreme breccia may be invaded by felsic intrusions (porphyries), which may also be mineralized eg. Peasquito in Mexico, Spring Valley in Nevada and Yanacocha in Peru.
the presence of pervasive crackle-type brecciation, arcute hydrothermal breccia dikes, bedded eruption breccias and / or interbedded lacustrine sediments, mineralization associated with circular patterns in aerial photography or satellite imagery may all signify the presence of a diatreme breccia.
Characteristics of Diatreme Breccias
* dominantly clay-altered with dacitic clasts as the juvenile component. * gold mineralization in fractured and brecciated silica-altered wall rocks flaring out away from the diatreme margins * gold mineralization is post-diatreme but not hosted in most of the diatreme due to the impermeability of the clays * diatreme hosts dacitic to rhyodacitic domes, and at depth young porphyry intrusions with associated late breccia phases. * minor bedded, eruptive facies were recognized at the surface * hypogene exfoliated dacitic clasts and fluidal textures are present * marginal silicified rocks are strongly crackle-brecciated with hydrothermal (phreatic) breccia and pebble dikes.