County Down Guide & Directory 1886
County Down Guide & Directory 1886
County Down Guide & Directory 1886
Entered at Stationers' Hall.] [All Rights reserved.
Silks, Dresses, Costumes, Mantles, Shawls, Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, Laces, Underclothing, Shirts and Ties, Hosiery, Fancies, Umbrellas, Berlin and Fancy Wools, Prints, Muslins, Household Linens, Trimmings, Smallwares, Knitting and Lamb's-Wools, Blankets, Flannels, Manchester, Woollens, Hats and Caps, Ready Mades, Boots and Shoes, Butterick's Patterns, Upholstery, Bedstead and Bedding, Carpets.
GINGER A L E , " ArOmatiC." The Original Brand-
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V I T E the attention of Householders to their prices, and to the quality of the Goods of their Manufacture. They are Agents for FirstClass Houses in H a r d w a r e ,
Newry, are of good workmanship." The Freeman's Journal says: ' The Show of Hardware Goods of
Through and Return Tickets (the latter available for one month in the wilitier and two months in the summer season) are issued at1,Belfast to all the principal towns in England, and also from the following Stations in Ireland: Antrim, Clones, Limavady, Portrash Ballymena, Coleraine, Londonderry and Ballymoney, Cookstown, Magherafelt Bandalstown Banbridge, Dungannon, Monaghan,
Have always in Stock a full Assortment of the following Plain Coatings, Plain and Fancy Overcoatings, Plain and Fancy Suitings, Trouserings and Vestings.
Silk Hats, best makers, Felt Hats do., CapsGent's and Boys', Shirts White and Coloured, Night Shirts and Cardigan Jackets, Collars and Cuffs (half dozens at Wholesale Prices), Silk Handkerchiefs, Silk Mufflers, Silk Scarfs and Ties, Kid Gloves, Woollen Gloves, Fabric Gloves, Braces and Belts, Umbrellas, Jewellery, Trouser Stretchers.
Calicoes, SheetingsCotton and Linen, White Quilts, Cojoured Quilts, Towels and Toilets, Table CoversCotton and Tapestry, Fronting Linen, Diapers, Table Cloths and Tabling, Prints and Cretonnes, Damasks, Furniture Fringes, Window Hollands, Oil Cloths, Table Baizes, Flannels, plain and fancy, Shirtings, Linens and Tickings.
English and French Dress Goods, Trimmings, Skirts and Skirtings, Haberdashery, Small Wares, Knitting Wools, HosieryLadies' and Children's, GlovesKid and Fabric.
Millinery Silks, Velvets and Velveteens, Laces and Ribbons, Flowers and Feathers, Lace Curtains, Lappet Blinds, Infants' Hats and Hoods, Infants' Cloaks and Pelisses, Muslins, Fancy Goods.
READY-MADE & BLANKET DEPARTMENTReady-Made Clothing of all Sizes and Classes. Boys' Jersey Suits, Boys' Hats and Caps, Boys' Shirts, &c. BlanketsCrib Blankets, Down Quilts.
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occupies in area fourth place among the Counties of Ulster. Its total of statute acres is 611,927. In thrift and industry it has no superior. Although a large proportion of the inhabitants profit by the entensive employment of capital in the linen and other industries, there is no county in which a greater effort is made, intelligently, to secure satisfactory results from land cultivation. The varieties of scenery, which give attractiveness to Ireland as a whole, are liberally dispensed in the County Down. In the tillage and grazing districts, the farms, in great part, are composed of gentle hills, developing eccentricities which tax the resources of the ploughman, while producing charmingly picturesque effects. Down is fifty-one miles long and thirty-seven miles broad. Within this limit there are to be found mountains of stupendous height, a coast line one hundred and twenty-five miles in extent, a lough penetrating the land for 17 miles, numerous wooded, rofcky and verdurous islands, inhabited and uninhabited, Danish and other forts, caves, cairns and stone monuments of the ancients. Carlingford Lough, divides Down and Louth at the Southern end, Armagh is at its Western border, the Irish Sea at the East, and Antrim at the North, with its great town, Belfast, partly in the County Down and advancing, with giant strides, toward the interior. The population of Down, originally made up extensively from England, Wales and Scotland, continues to be recruited largely from these sources. For instance, in 1841, 877 natives of England and Wales were found in the county. Between 1841 and 1881 this number had increased to 2,301. In 1841 the natives of Scotland gave a total of 809. In 1881 the total was J )333- The natives of Leinster in 1841 stood 1,543 and in 1881 their number had increased to 2,450. Munster was represented by 323 of her natives in 1841 and had increased its force to 555 in 1881. Connaught had 265 representatives in 1841, and added 42 to this number in forty years. The total population in 1841 was 361,446, and in 1881 it was 272,107. In 1881 those who
" I certify that the two samples of Breadone of White, and one of Wheatenwhich were submitted to me for analysis on behalf of
" I often meet with Bread made from good Flour, but spoiled by bad treatment of the dough whilst being mixed and fermented, but these samples have been well baked. " I can recommend it with confidence to consumers. "Signed. CHARLES A. CAMERON, " Public Analyst for the Counties of Dublin and Down. " Dated this 15th December, 1884."
T IE .A.
The Golden Eagle. MILL STREET, NEWRY.
II could read and write numbered 162,047; those who could read only numbered 45,796. English and Irish were spoken by 908 persons, and of the entire population two were compelled to confine their discourses exclusively to the Irish tongue. Down, for the convenience of local government, is divided into the baronies of Ards, upper and lower, Castlereagh, upper and lower, Dufferin, Iveagh, upper and lower, Kinelarty, Lecale, upper and lower, Mourne, and the lordship of Newry. The County town is Downpatrick. In regard to the ancient inhabitants of Down, the same differences of opinion exist that are met in the historical records of the rest of Ireland. According to some authorities, Ullagh, a Norwegian, reigned supreme in a territory including all of Down and a portion of Antrim. This was before the Christian era. The name continued to be borne by the territory or kingdom, and the Kings of Ullagh resided at Downpatrick, whither St. Patrick directed his steps in 432, converted the reigning prince, founded religious houses, and watched over their interests until his death in 493. Between the years 940 and 1111 Danish rovers busied themselves in plundering and burning the dwelling-places of the inhabitants. The British connection began in 1177. John DeCourcy, an adventurer of great prowess, arrived in Dublin that year, with the authority of Henry II. to possess himself of all the lands of Ulster that he might succeed in wresting from the native chiefs. At the head of 22 men-at-arms, and 300 soldiers, he started for Downpatrick, and after a journey of four days, without incident, he arrived at his destination. MacDunleve, the Prince of Ullagh, having had no intimation of his coming, was unprepared for defence, and sought safety in flight. DeCourcy fortified himself while MacDunleve was summoning the native chieftains to his assistance, and successfully resisted all efforts to dislodge him. He built castles in various parts of the county, and was so firmly established as a ruling baron that he considered himself powerful enough to take a hand at king-making in England. When King John succeeded his brother Richard, 1199, DeCourcy favoured the cause of Prince Arthur, Duke of Brittany, son of John's elder brother Geoffrey, and continued in revolt after the king had succeeded in purchasing the acquiescence of his foreign opponents. DeCourcy had, in the meantime, devoted himself to works of religion. MacDunleve, Prince of Ullagh, was murdered by the servants of DeCourcy in 1200, an act of treachery on their part, which DeCourcy punished by banishment. King John, determining not to allow DeCourcy to rust in his rebellion, sent Hugh and Walter De Lacy to subdue him. This they found to be attended with great
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Bonded Stores, Distillery Premises,
danger, and after a battle, in which they were badly worsted, Hugh De Lacy offered a reward for his capture. DeCourcy invited him to decide the issue by single combat, but De Lacy declined on the ground that as an officer of the King he could not have personal combat with a rebel. The capture of DeCourcy was secured by the aid of his own servants, who, having been bribed by De Lacy, seized him while at his devotions in the Cathedral churchyard of Downpatrick. Before accomplishing their purpose, thirteen of them were killed by DeCourcy with a cross, snatched from a grave and used as a weapon of defence. He was soon afterward (1203) sent a prisoner to England. Hugh De Lacy succeeded to the possessions of De Courcy, and became Earl of Ulster. His descendants from time to time made themselves obnoxious to the Kings of England. During the reign of Edward II. they were in revolt, and fled to Scotland to avoid capture by the forces of Lord Justice Mortimer. It was due to their representations, backed by the native Irish Chiefs, that Edward Bruce, brother of the King of Scotland, was induced to embark for Ireland in 1315. Bruce visited the County Down, and caused himself to be proclaimed King at the Market Cross of Downpatrick. Within three years from the date of his entry, he was defeated and slain near Dundalk by the English, under General De Bermingham. By marriage with the heiress of the Chief of the De Lacy's, title to the lands of Down became invested in Walter De Burgho, Earl of Ulster. His successor William, 1333, was assassinated by his own servants. The widow, with her infant child removed to England, whereupon the baronial title to the lands of Down reverted to the Kings of England. The native chieftains, who continued from the beginning to dispute possession of the county with the English, were of the septs of O'Neill, Magennis, Macartan, Slut-Kelly, and Macgilmore. In addition to their efforts in this direction, there was a disturbance occasioned by the refusal, in the sixteenth century, by the abbots of Down to acknowledge the spiritual ascendancy of Henry VIII. On that occasion Lord Grey, then Lord Deputy, marched into the Lecales, and took possession of Dundrum and seven other castles. During the war of 1641, directed by the Confederate Parliament at Kilkenny, bloody scenes were witnessed in various parts of Down. At the southern border, Narrow Water Castle was destroyed by the Confederates, and Sir Con Magennis took the town and Castle of Newry. In the war between William and James, 1689-90, the advance^ Army of King William entered near Bangor. Newry was burned by the Duke of Berwick on
Wholesale and Family
4 ki|d g Kildkfe
15 his retreat from the forces of Duke Schomberg. William camped under the walls of Hillsborough Castle during his passage through the county. In the Rebellion of 1798, the first battle in the North was fought in Down, at Saintfield, 9th of June, and the last stand in Down was made at Ballynahinch, on the 13th of the same month. GEOLOGY, MOUNTAINS, RAILWAYS AND ROADS. |EOL0GISTS find in the County Down much to interest them. There is an extensive granite area, within which are the Mourne Mountains, the highest, Slieve Donard, 2,796 feet above the sea level. This is mainly composed of granite. On the summit there is crystallized hornblende, in the granular variety of which garnets occur. Red crystals of feldspar and pyrites are found among the stones forming the strand along the coast at the foot of the mountains. Green stone, green stone slate, feldspar, porphyry, grauwacke, and grauwacke slate, freestone and limestone are plentiful. Granite occupies the chief space, and is extensively quarried for building and other purposes. The farmers between Newcastle and Kilkeel use their spare time in preparing it for shipment. Much of their choicest pastures and tillage spots have been procured by the removal of granite boulders. Rough hewn blocks, for winter-working, are seen in temporary fences, in gaps, and against house walls along the route mentioned. The principal freestone quarries are in the Scrabo Hill, Lower Castlereagh. Many of the finest houses of the county gentry are of this stone. It is light grey, and is very effective as a dressing to brick. Limestone is confined to a few places in the county. There are quarries in the vicinity of Downpatrick, Moira, and Comber. At the Moira Quarry there is a very curious admixture of flints of various shapes. Slate quarries are numerous, but the efforts to put their products into profitable competition with those of Bangor, Wales, Killaloe, and Ormonde have not proved successful. Lead has been found in various places, notably in Conlig Hill, owned partly by Lord Dufferin and Lord Londonderry. A company has been working the lead mines on the Londonderry side, but during late years with diminished profit, owing to the effect of trade depression upon a pottery company which was its chief customer. Coal has been discovered on the shore of Strangford Lough, on the banks of the Lagan ; also near Moira, and in other parts of the county, but the seams were not of sufficient depth to make its digging a paying enterprise. On the eastern side of Strangford
Tower Tea.
Is sold to give the public the benefit of the great fall in the price of Tea.
The London Two & Fourpenny Tea, at 2/4 per lbIs a Fine quality Indian Blend.
Lough a fruitless search was made for it through a bed of greenstone and sandstone, to a depth of 500 feet. Some years ago, the present Lord Kilmorey, believing that a rich silver mine existed in Leitrim Hill, near Kilkeel, had a shaft sunk 400 feet. Cornish miners were employed for the purpose. Silver was found, but the yield did not prove sufficient to cover expenses. In the matter of railway accommodation, Down compares favourably with the rest of the Irish counties. The Great Northern Company caters in a most satisfactory manner for the Southern and Western sections. It has Newry, Banbridge, Gilford, Dromore, and Hillsborough upon its lines, and goes to Ballyroney within two and a-half miles of Rathfriland. It now controls the Newry and Warrenpoint Railway ; and a tramway connects Warrenpoint with Rostrevor, a distance of about two miles. The Belfast and County Down Company has almost exhausted the room for line building in the North and South Eastern, and middle sections. It has 68 miles of road at present, reaching from Belfast to Newcastle, by way of Downpatrick, from Belfast to Donaghadee by way of Newtownards, from Belfast to Bangor by way of Holywood, and from Belfast to Ballynahinch by way of Comber and Saintfield. The longest stretch of road is to Newcastle, 38 English miles. The mission of the Company will be complete when the line has been extended round the coast from Newcastle by way of Kilkeel to Greencastle, a distance of 13 > Irish miles. There is a steam ferry boat at Greencastle, running in connection with the Newry and Greenore Railway, and thus Newry could be brought into more direct railway connection with Downpatrick. At present the journey has to be accomplished by way of Belfast. From the tourist point of view the case is different. The lack of railway facilities between Newcastle and Greencastle is the excuse for a continuance of the " long car" system, with its manifold attractions. There are first-rate hotels on the coast, and wonders of Nature which cannot be identified much less appreciated in a glance from a railway carriage window. About 2,454 miles of public roads are liable to repairs at the expense of the County Down ; of these 1,146 miles are in the North and come under the supervision of Mr. Henry Smyth, C.E., County Surveyor. The Southern Division has 1,308 miles, which come under the supervision of Mr. Bernard B. Murray, C.E., County Surveyor. The roads in the North and South are excellently well kept. It is a pleasure to travel over them even in Winter. In Summer they are charming, leading, as they do, through a country unsurpassed for the beauty and variety of its scenery.
Alex. Wheelan,
Building Contractor.
ANCIENT GOLD ORNAMENTS, BRONZE TRUMPET, BRASS, BRONZE, AND STONE CELTS, STONE IMPLEMENTS, BELLS, CRANOGES AND WOOLLEN COSTUMES. jjNCIENT gold ornaments have been found in various parts of the County Down, some of them of considerable intrinsic value, and all possessing features of great interest for antiquarians. Specimens of massive formation were dug up near the old church of Rathmullen, not far from Killough. A torque, sumptuously decorated, and enriched with gems, was found in the parish of Bailee, within a few miles of Downpatrick, in 1834. An excavation in an earthen fort, near Loughbrickland, 1826, revealed several ornaments in fine gold. During the progress of the drainage works at Loughadian, parish of Aghaderg, nearly sixty years ago, part of a tiara was taken out of the mud. In the Royal Irish Academy (Dublin) collection of Irish Gold Ornaments, are some from the County Down. They belonged to the late Mr. A. C. Welch of Dromore. The first, a spoon-shaped object, one and eleven-sixteenths of and inch in width, and two and three-quarter inches long. It is slightly concave, and has a slender tang with triple row of small punched dots, near the edge. It weighs two pennyweights and sixteen grains. The second was a bowed object with disc terminations and copper core ; one disc gone. It was found at Edenordinary. The third is a specimen of ring money, a quarter of an inch thick and three-quarters of an inch in diameter, weighing six pennyweights and three grains. The fourth is an unclosed hoop-shaped ring, with copper core having double longitudinal flutings. The core is visible to the extent of a quarter of an inch at the centre of the circumference. It is fiveeighths of an inch in diameter, a quarter of an inch in width, two-tenths of an inch in thickness, and weighs two pennyweights and ten grains. It was found at Ballymacormack. Nothing belonging to the County Down in the Royal Irish Academy receives more notice from visitors than the immense bronze trumpet. It occupies a prominent place to the left of the Museum entrance. While cutting peat in a bog near Ardbrin, parish of Annaclone, this wonderful instrument was found by a workman in 1809. The bog had been the site of a lake which was drained about the middle of the seventeenth century. Of the five distinct kinds of trumpets found in Ireland this is considered the finest. Along the convex margin it measures eight feet five inches, and consists of two parts, each formed of very strong sheet bronze, in color yellowish red. The joining along the seam is done by means of a rivetted plate, developing the
'21 highest order of handicraft. At the opening oi the larger end the trumpet is three and a half inches wide, and five-eighths of an inch wide at the smaller end. The rivetting of the edges is also a wonder of mechanical skill. The bronze strap covering the joining on the inside has small circular headed studs rivetted on the outside. There are 638 rivets in the lower portion. In many parts of Down, brass, bronze and flint hatchets have been found. While cleaning the fosses of the great fort at Lisnagade, near Scarva, 1832, some very fine specimens in brass and stone, were thrown up; a brass cauldron and spear and arrow heads were amongst the "find."' Several brazen swords, spear heads and skeans were taken from Loughadian while it was being drained. Skeogh, in the parish of Dromore, has yielded several celts, arrow heads, and ancient weapons of stone and bronze. In 1834 a bronze celt was found at Sketrig Island, Strangford Lough. It is in the Belfast Museum, along with a bridle-bit and other articles in bronze from Down, and a stone mould for bronze celts, found near Ballynahinch in 1843. This contains moulds for four celts, the largest being six inches long and four and a-half inches broad. In the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, there are excellent specimens from Down, including a copper celt with semilunar edge, oval socket, and wide loop ; a large sledge axe of serpentine shape, measuring 8^ inches long, 4^ inches broad at the cutting edge, and also at back ; it is indented to the width 2f inches in the centre at top and bottom. The aperture is very large, has nearly parallel polished sides, is one inch and five-eighths in the clear, and three quaiters of an inch thick. It was found near Killyleagh, and presented by the Rev. Dr. Hinks. One of the best specimens of flint spear heads is likewise in the Down collection. It is 6 | inches long and nearly two inches broad. Dean Dawson presented it to the Academy. It had previously been in the collection of Mr. Welch of Dromore. An antique chalice and a quern were found in the old graveyard, one mile to the East of Hilltown. Antique bells have turned up in various places. Among the number was one found in a bog, 1764, near Rathfriland, and a clogh-ban, or white bell, found in the old churchyard of Kilbroney, about sixty years ago. A large bell was taken from the bed of the river Lagan, near Waringstown. It was inscribed with the legend : " I belong to Donaghcloney." Stone implements from Down monopolize a fair share of attention in the Catalogue of the Royal Irish Academy. Whorls, of sandstone, chiefly used for the ends of distaffs, are also plenty. Among the pottery specimens is an ancient pitcher, 13 inches
I J i i i V DIRECT IJiiiV
Thereby saving to the purchasers many of the intermediate charges and profits otherwise intervening between them. TWO qualities are manufactured, which are sold at
each of which is considered J. LlQ - D S S t value obtainable at the respective prices. On receipt of remittance, sent post free, in 6 lb. parcels from the
Head Office,
and sold by Agents in all the towns and villages of importance throughout Down and other counties.
23 high, and 32 inches in girth. It is very thin, and only weighs 5 lbs. 10 oz. It is stained a dark color on the outside, and glazed. The bottom is so globular that it cannot stand upright. It is tastefully decorated round the neck, and for some distance down the sides. The handle is different in curvature from any modern vessel of like shape. It was found in a cranoge at Lough Faughan. This cranoge, or artificial island, according to tradition, was used as a place of refuge from the O'Neills. About the year 1840 a canoe, formed from a solid piece of oak, was found in the vicinity of the island. Canoes of the same kind have been discovered elsewhere in the county; one, with a pair of oars, at Islanderry, Parish o( Dromore, and one at Meenan bog, near Loughbrickland, 1826. The weight of curious interest in the Royal Irish Academy Museum objects, outside the Gold Room, centres at the case containing specimens of antique woollen costumes. These were presented by (he Earl of Granard 84 years after their discovery in hard gravel, 4^ feet under a bog at the eastern foot of Drumkeeragh. Bones of a female, and long tresses of auburn hair, had around and upon them ten different articles of dress, each varying in color, grist of thread, and arrangement of weaving. The articles, all woollen, came into possession of the Countess of Moira, grandmother of Lord Granard. She describes some of them thus :" A coarse camlet, probably petticoat, herringbone, finer quality, open huckaback, light fragment of gauzy woollen veil, of most delicate texture, greenish, hard, closelywoven mohair camlet, outer surface having rows of elevations, from each knob of which depended a small black tab, now reddish brown. May have been part of tunic." ROUND TOWERS, FORTS, CAVES, STONE MONUMENTS, CROSSES, ABBEYS, AND CASTLES. | o W N originally must have had a considerable number of round towers. A very fine one stood near the grave of St. Patrick at Downpatrick. {t was removed since the restoration of the Cathedral. The remains of one are near the Episcopal Church, in the parish of Maghera. During a storm in 1704 twenty feet blown down, lay in a column unbroken ; a small portion is still left. In the cemetery of the Presbyterian Church, Drombo, there is one 40 feet high. It was repaired in 1880 by a few gentlemen interested in antiquities. About 50 years ago a stone coffin, with remains, was removed from the centre of the tower to the Belfast Museum. At a distance of 50 yards the tower is
Cabinet JUaktr,
Gilt Cornices, German Cornices, Brass, Mahogany, Black and Gold, Walnut and Birch Poles, Ends, &c. Carpets planned, made and laid down by Experienced Upholsterers. A well selected Stock of Pier, Cheval, and Toilet Glasses, Girondoles and Fancy Brackets, &c.
All Orders carried out with promptitude, and with the utmost attention to details.
Requiring Repairs, Re-Upholstering, or Covering, will have the same care as new work ; and in many instances Old Couches, Easy Chairs, &c, can be remodeled and modernised to advantage.
25 encircled by a trench 13 feet deep. It was discovered by the father of the present sexton, John Quarrell, the third generation of sextons. At the rebuilding of the Presbyterian Church in 1882, at a cost of ,2,500, the architect being Mr. MacKenzie, of Belfast, the trench was found again ; the sexton became interested, and has since traced it all the way round. During my visit to the cemetery in April, 1886, I found him building a vault in a portion of the trench, and examined the mass of material he had thrown out. It was composed of leal mould and bones of animals, including, it is supposed, those of the Irish wolf-dog. The county abounds in ancient earthen forts. Among the most attractive are those of Scarva, Newry, Downpatrick, Dro more, Donaghadee, Tanvalley, and Dundonald. The one in Scarva demesne is the " Dane's Cast." It is supposed to extend from Lough Neagh to the sea. Lisnagade, or " the fort of a hundred," is in the same parish, and is so called because a great many smaller forts can be seen from it. In the parish of Drumgooland there are several raths and forts. Some are perfect, and others have been partly removed for topdressing purposes. A Danish rath in the parish of Bright has the ruins of Castle Screen. Forts are also to be found in the parish of Magherally, vicinity of Banbridge, in the parish of Knockbreda, near Belfast ; Balloo, Killinchy, in the vicinity of Ballynahinch, in the parish of Comber, and several in the parish of Rathmullen. Twentyfive were traced fifty years ago in the parish of Bangor. Tanvalley fort, one of the largest and most perfect in the North of Ireland, is near the Episcopal Church, in the parish of Annaclone, between three and four miles south-east of Banbridge. In its vicinity are several of smaller proportions. Numerous forts exist in the parish of Anahilt, reached by way of Hillsborough. The largest has been brought into use for burial purposes. It had four enclosures, the whole occupying over nine acres. There is a large rath at Bankmore, and a smaller one at Ballytrustin, in the parish of Ballyphilip. There are also forts at Tara Hill, a few miles from Portaferry, at Tullylish, near Banford, at Anadorn, parish of Loughinisland, and at Clough. In the parish of Drombo there were eight forts of great size. The largest was composed of loose stones, earth, &c, and from its general outline, gave the impression that a fortified town anciently existed in the vicinity. The " Giant's Ring," also in the same parish, and within half a mile of Purdysburn, and four miles of Belfast, is a circular entrenchment enclosing about ten acres. A Cromlech in the centre rests on eight upright stones, and slopes toward the East. Mr. Thomas Gray is the tenant of the adjoining farm. The third Viscount Dungannon
Downpatrick, Holywood, Bangor, Dundrum, Comber, Newcastle, Ballygowan, Kilkeel, Newtownards, Warrenpoint, Ballynahinch, Newry, Note.Agents wanted in unrepresei Lisburn, Hillsborough, Dromore, Banbridge, Ballyroney, Castlewellan.
27 took a deep interest in the preservation of "The Ring." He had a wall built around it in 1811, and an inscription placed at the gate earnestly recommending it to the care of his successors. At the other side of the wall there is a tablet commemorating the visit of his Viscountess, Sophia, to the "Ring," April 4th, 1856, " as well as the cordial and affectionate manner in which she was received by the adjacent tenantry on the occasion." The Ring is a favourite pic-nic ground for excursionists. The number of discovered caves in Down is quite large, but there is reason to believe that it is altogether out of proportion to the number undiscovered. Newcastle has more belonging to the former category than any other place in the county, and in connection with many of them there are stories of thrilling human interest. Near the Castle of Dromore a cave hewn out of the solid rock, was revealed in 1817. The floor was strewn with cinerary urns. A trench recently discovered at Drombo, circling a round tower, was evidently used as a place of refuge. It ran its course at a distance of fifty yards from the tower, and was thirteen feet high. A cave discovered in 1834., near Rostrevor contained cinerary urns. In the vicinity of Ardglass is the cave of Ardtole from which the townsland is named. At Dundonald, a cave has its opening at some distance from the great fort, and passes under it. A cave was discovered in the parish of Tyrella in 1832. It has three chambers, measuring respectively, 60, 45 and 24 feet in length. Stones, without mortar or cement, were used in its construction. The roof is formed with flags. There is a cave in a hill, near Killough. It is 102 feet long and is divided into four chambers, the furthest and largest being circular The smugglers' cave at Craigavad is interesting. In the townland of Finnis, parish of Dromara, there is an artificial cave, ninety-four feet long, five feet in height and six feet wide. A transept near the centre is thirty feet long. The roof consists of granite slabs. The Rev. Elgee Boyd, rector of the parish, had the mouth protected by an iron door in 1833. A cave three feet wide, five feet high and sixty-two feet long exists in the churchyard of Donaghmore. It has two chambers and a transept nearly thirty feet broad. The roof is composed of large flat stones and the entrance is marked by a curious old cross. According to the weight of good opinion, most of the cromlechs were originally covered by cairns, the stones of which, being loose and handy, were removed for building purposes. Cairns, without the colossal stones in the interior, were also numerous. The remains of many, and some still nearly perfect, are to be found throughout the county. One on Slieve Croob consists of a platform upon which there are eleven smaller cairns. Remains of a large cairn are visible on Scrabo Hill. At Anadorn, parish
Oil and Water Colours, Brushes, Sketch Books, Gold and Silver Ink, Prepared Canvas, Academy Boards.
Bibles, Testaments, Church Prayer Books, Hymnals, Presbyterian Psalter, Family Prayers, Illustrated Books for Presentation, Roman Catholic Prayer Books, in. every variety of Binding.
. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Bags, Photographic Albums, Writing Desks, Despatch Cases, Work Boxes, and Baskets, Wedding and Birthday Presents.
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Agents for J. PULLAR & SONS, Dyers, PERTH.
29 of Loughinisland, there is a cairn which once measured sixty yards in circumference. The largest one is at Drumiller, in the parish of Ahaderg. Before it proved a temptation to avoid the laborious work of quarrying, it was 60 feet high and 226 feet in circumference. Cromlechs, known also as Druidical altars, nearly all possessing similar features, are found in many of the parishes. The great stone of one in Ballygraphan, near Comber, measures nineteen feet by six, and is four feet in thickness. One known as the " Kempe stone," is in a field at Greengraves, near Dundonald. There is also one in the demesne of Mountstewart, Newtownards. Near Kilkeel is one, the table of which is nine feet long, and eight feet six inches wide. There is one near the shore of Loughinisland Lake, and another on the slope of the hill, East of Causeway Water. In the parish of Clonduff, about twomilesfromHilltown,is the cromlech known as "Cloughmore," The table stone, a block of granite, is about 50 tons weight and is elevated to a height of about fourteen feet. It was once circled by large stones. Near the ruins of Knock Church, in the parish of Knockbreda, are the remains of a cromlech Several are in the parish of Newry. At Legananny, in the parish of Drumgooland, there is a large one, the table of which is supported by three upright stones of great size. One at Slidderyford, near Dundrum, is seen from the railway train. In the neighborhood on a hill called Slieve-na-boil-trough, is another with a large table stone, coffin-shaped. The vicinity of Downpatrick, in this respect, is rich in its possessions. In the parish of Bailee, close to Slieve-na-griddle, there is a table stone eleven feet long and nine feet broad. In the district of Castlewellan there is a cromlech which excites a great deal of curiosity. But by reason of its surroundings, that in the " Giant's Ring," is best known and receives the largest number of visitors. Stone circles of a very interesting nature are found in two places near Downpatrick, and there is one in the vicinity of Portaferry. Standing stones are also very numerous m Down. Their purpose, it is supposed, was to mark the place in which human remains had been deposited in cinerary urns. A great number of these urns have been dug up in the county. Comber has given several to the Belfast Museum. Excavations between the upright stones of Cromlechs have yielded many perfect specimens. Excavations in the forts and explorations in the caves have been similarly fruitful. The stone crosses in the County Down are comparatively few. Chief amongst them is one which now occupies a secure position in the gable of the Drumgooland Parish school-house. It is
"1%/rT object is to supply the Public
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Agent for Inglis & Co.'s Celebrated Belfast Bread and Pastry. Flour, Meal, and Bran.
sculptured in low relief, is between eight and nine feet high, and was removed from the churchyard in the vicinity for greater safety. There is a cross in the old churchyard of Kilbroney, and one which marks the site of a cave in the churchyard in Donaghmore. There is a very fine granite sculptured cross at Dromore, which has been rescued this year from a position of neglect in company with the town stocks. Some excellent examples of ancient sepulchral slabs, sculptured, are found at Movilla Cemetery, near Newtownards; Kilclief, near Strangford; Rubane, near Kircubbin; Grey Abbey ; Saul, near Downpatrick ; Killyleagh; Dunsford, near Ardglass; Ballynoe, Parish of Bright, near Downpatrick ; and at Maghera, near Newcastle. One of two found at Ballymaclean, parish of Bangor, is in the Belfast Museum with one found near the old church of Bangor, and presented in 1823. A perfect specimen was dug up some time ago in'the old cemetery at Holywood, and is treasured in the church ruin. Among the abbeys which once flourished in the County Down the best known were those which were founded and presided over by St. Patrick, at Downpatrick and at Saul, where he died in 493. There were two at Comber, one founded by St. Patrick, and the second, in 1201, by Brien Catha Dun, progenitor of the O'Neill's of Clandeboye. Inch, near Downpatrick, founded by John DeCourcy; Erynagh, near Downpatrick, founded by Magnell, King of Ulster, and destroyed by DeCourcy, 1177 ; Bangor, founded in 555 by St. Comgall; Ballyphilip, near Portaferry; Dromore, founded by St. Colman ; Kilclief, presided over by disciples of St. Patrick; St. Eugene and St. Neill ; Newry, founded by M'Loughlin, King of Ireland, 1157; Newtownards, founded, 1244, by Walter de Burgho ; Movilla, near Newtownards, founded by St. Finian, 550 ; Parish of Slanes, near Portaferry ; Tullyhoe, parish of Tullylish ; Ardquin, in the Ards ; parish of Drombo; Grey Abbey, founded in 1199, by Africa, wife of DeCourcy, and daughter of King Godfred of Man ; and St. Andrew de Stokes, better known as the Black Abbey, founded by DeCourcy about the year 1180. This stood within two miles of Grey Abbey, but of the foundations nothing remains. The last fragment of wall was removed by a fanner, renting the adjoining lands, about twenty years ago. In the ruins of Grey Abbey a sepulchral slab is to be seen which belonged originally to the Black Abbey. It is seven feet long, has an ornamental moulding carried round the edge, and a floriated cross, with eight points. John DeCourcy and his followers built many castles in the County Down to defend their possessions from the native chieftains. Twenty-seven commanded Strangford Lough, and
Stock is one of the Largest in the trade, and there is no Cheaper house anywhere, -whether for
33 a number of them still continue to heighten the picturesque features of the shore line. Raymond Savage erected one at Ardkeen, which successfully resisted the attacks of Shane O'Neill in 1567. There are Jordan's, King's, Cowed, Margaret, and Horn Castles at Ardglass. The most interesting is that in which Simon Jordan successfully defended himself for three years, until relieved, against the followers of Tyrone, 1611. Con O'Neill's Castle occupied a fort on one of the Castlereagh hills, near Belfast, and was an object of such tender solicitude to a few gentlemen of antiquarian tastes that they contracted with a mason to build a wall around it. When the work came to be paid for it was found that the mason had quarried the ruins to build the wall. The site of the first castle built by DeCourcy is now occupied by the Post-office at Downpatrick. The ruins of Dundrum Castle, built by DeCourcy for Knights Templar, and held by them until 1313, are extensive and attractive. Greencastle, built by Walter De Burgho, stands on the verge of Carlingford Lough. It played a part of more or less importance in nearly all the efforts of the English to maintain their supremacy in Ulster. The Irish destroyed it in 1343, and it was rebuilt soon afterward. Edward Bruce took it in 1315, and Cromwell caused it to be dismantled in 1645. The surrounding scenery is incomparably beautiful. A ferryboat runs to Greencastle twice a day from Greenore, at the opposite side of the lough. Kilclief Castle, which is about two miles south of Strangford, was at one time the Palace of the Bishops of Down. MacCartan's Castle stood on Castle Hill, in the parish of Loughinisland. The head of the sept lost his possessions in the district through having joined the rebellion of the Earl of Tyrone. The Castle of Newry was built by DeCourcy, destroyed and rebuilt by Marshal Bagnal. Narrow Water Castle was originally built by Hugh De Lacy in 1212. It was destroyed in 1641, and rebuilt by the Duke of Ormonde in 1663. Portaferry Castle, the remains of which still exist, was built by the founder of the Savage family, a follower of DeCourcy. Seafin Castle, on the Bann, in the parish of Drumballyroney, was held by the Magennises during many generations, and was one of their chief places of defence and refuge. The castles at Strangford are, Audley's castle, on a rock opposite Portaferry, Castle Ward ; one on the creek further down; and one at the quay. They were erected by DeCourcy's followers. There are remains of Screen Castle, parish of Bright ; Clough Castle, on a Danish fort; Quoile and Walshestown castles, near Downpatrick ; and Gilford Castle. A castle was erected at Newtownards, by the O'Neills, in the fourteenth century. The ancient castle at Killyleagh has been restored by the Hamilton
iRDIT Trees, Forest Trees, Ornamental Scrubs, Flowing Plants, Cnlinary Plants, and everything required in a Garden.
T H E FAMOUS NEWRY NURSERIES contain a magnificent collection. In addition to ordinary Stock, there is always something novel, really interesting, and rarely to be met with elsewhere. Intending Planters and all lovers of Plants should inspect the Stock, if at all convenient; otherwise send for Catalogues. Professional advice given, and Contracts taken for Planting, laying out Lawns, Pleasure Grounds, Gardens, &c. Applications for Gardeners and Land Stewards attended to.
Cattle Feeding Cakes and Meal.
Purchasers of the above should call at the principal
family. A portion of Dromore castle stands ; it was built for the protection of Bishop Tod. Hillsborough castle, built in the reign of Charles I., is in fair preservation. Three walls of Rathfriland castle remain ; it was the principal seat of the Magennises. Bright castle occupied a strong position overlooking Killough. There are remains of it. Ruins of Kirkistown, Sketrick, Rostrevor, and Mahee castles, are still in evidence. The castle built by Felix Magennis, at Newcastle, has been taken down. There are some remains of a castle built by DeCourcy on the shore of Quintin Bay in 1184. There are foundations of Castles at Scarva, and Lisnagade in the same parish. Not a vestige of Moira castle remains. The ancient castle of the Whites occupied Killinchy fort, and the site of the castle, built by Sir Marmaduke Whitchurch, on Loughbrickland, in 1585, was occupied by a dwelling-house in 1812. FARMING, FARMING SOCIETIES, MARKETS AND FAIRS. jjARMINGr in the County Down, as I already intimated in the opening chapter, is conducted in a manner highly creditable to those engaged in it. Tillage monopolizes a large part of the energies of the farmers, and has been profitable in seasons when good prices prevailed in the markets. The total extent under crops in 1884 was 279,668 statute acres, and in 1885 it was 284,070, showing an increase of 4,402 acres, the chief contributory to which was flax. In this item alone (22,284 acres) there was an increase of 3,087 acres. Down is now by far the largest flax-growing county in Ulster. When the new system of scutching has been brought into general use, the area under the crop is likely to be doubled in a few years. It is claimed for this system that through it there will be an increase of about 40 per cent, in the amount of good rough fibre taken from the straw. Under the old system a large part was turned into tow in the process of scutching, with a proportionate reduction in the farmer's profits. The new invention releases the fibre from the straw without turning any part of it into tow. Wheat, as a crop, is decreasing in extent. Between 1884 and 1885 the decrease was 499 acres. Oats, potatoes, turnips, and carrots, are steady crops. Down is the largest potato-growing county in Ulster. In 1885 it had 48,417 acres, an increase of three acres over the previous year. The shipment of potatoes to England and Scotland has been extensively carried on for years ; in fact, potatoes are the principal freight sent from the smaller ports. The total number of acres
In connection with this department are Printing Works embracing almost every variety of modern and fashionable Types, and the latest improvements in Press Machinery. All Orders executed with the utmost despatch, and in the best style. Parcels of Printing sent to any part of Ireland Carriage Paid.
under tillage in 1885 was 215,079, an increase of 1,749 o v e r the previous year. The number of acres under meadow and clover in 1885 was 68,991, an increase of 2,653 over the previous year. Very nearly half the total area of the county was under crops in 1885. The number of horses of all ages, in 1885 was 31,301, an increase of 357 over the figures of the previous year. There was an increase of 24 in the number of mules (119) and of 285 in the number of donkeys (1,483), an increase of 2,916 in the number of milch cows (54,183) and'4,666 in the total number of cattle (149,553), an increase of 7,815 in the total number of sheep (58,203), of 220 in the number of pigs (48,612) and an increase of 12,456 in the number of poultry (625,477). A considerable amount of butter is made, and there is a strong disposition manifested among the farmers, particularly in the grazing districts, to take advantage of the best dairying methods. During the present year (1886) a Creamery Company has been established in the vicinity of Banbridge. Its operations are being watched with keen interest. Upon the results will depend the action in a like direction to be taken in other parts of the county. Farming societies have done good work in the County Down. The North-East Society, which now makes head-quarters at Belfast, sprang from a ploughing society, the first in the North of Ireland, established at Bangor in 1816, through the efforts of J. R. Cleland. Many of the members of this society are residents of the County Down, as are likewise many of the exhibitors. Mr. G. Gerald Bingham is secretary, and the office is at the Ulster Buildings, Belfast. The Killyleagh, Killinchy, Kilmood and Tullynakill Farming Society ranks next in age to the Bangor Ploughing Society. It was established in 1818, and was organized asaploughing society. The chief founders of it were Robert Johnstone, Ballywoolen House, and Thomas Taylor, The Fort, both gentlemen of energy and intelligence. The annual shows of the Society are held alternately at Killyleagh and Killinchy. The President is the Earl of Dufferin, the Hon. Secretary, James Gourley, J. P., Derryboy Cottage, Killyleagh, and the Treasurer, John Ringland ofCluntagh, Killyleagh. Subscriptions are regulated according to the size of the farms. Members holding 40 acres and upward 10s. annually, under 40 acres, 5s. In 1885 the prizes in the cattle department aggregated ,32 9s. 6d. Mr. Gourley, the efficient and courteous honorary secretary, has found time, in addition to his other duties, to collect a great deal of material concerning the history of the Eastern part of the county. The Lecale Fanning Society was established in 1844 and holds its annual show at Downpatrick. The officers are J. R.
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M'Connell, treasurer ; D. G. M'Cammon and James Reid, jun., secretaries. There are five classes of members. Those of the first pay annual subscriptions of i or more, second class, farmers holding 50 acres and upward, not less than 10s., third class, farmers of from 25 to 50 acres, 5s., fourth class, farmers of from 10 to 25 acres, 2S. 6d., fifth, farmers of 10 acres and under, is. Premiums are not given to more than one person in the same class and section. As an encouragement to the others, members rated first class, do not compete for money prizes, but are awarded certificates of merit. In 1884, premiums aggregating in value ^68 5s., were given for cattle, farms, flax, green crops and cottages. The Banbridge Farming Society was established about eight years ago. The officers are J. M'Kibbin, treasurer, M. W. Blackwood, hon. secretary, Robert Shooter, secretary. Competitors in the horse and cattle departments must be subscribers of not less than five shillings, and in the sheep, swine, poultry, butter and flax, not less than two-and-sixpence. Winners of 4 in prizes to contribute 1, and of more than I 1 os., each in poultry classes alone, at least ten shillings. In 1883 the amount given in prizes aggregated / 9 3 13s. County Down is well supplied with markets and fairs. Great improvements have been made in the principal market places, particularly in those of Newry, Banbridge and Dromore. TRADE, MANUFACTURES AND FISHERIES. IjRADE in the County Down is generally conducted so as to produce healthy activity and prevent recklessness. The business people are cautious, prudent and, as a rule, exceedingly hardworking, in some of the towns and villages keeping their shops open until after nine o'clock at night. The competition is very keen in nearly every branch of trade, with the result that the consumers get the worth of their money everywhere. Manufacturing enterprises, other than [those associated with linen, although not numerous, are of considerable importance. Tanning is confined to Newry. There are seven tanneries in that town operated by different owners. Two iron foundries, two mineral water factories, one salt factory, and five flour mills are also at Newry. Three of the flour mills rank among the largest in Ireland, and have the improved machinery. Cabinet furniture manufacture is on a respectable footing. There are mineral water factories at Banbridge, Newtownards, Downpatrick. Comber, and Castlewellan, two distilleries at Comber, under one
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management, a potato and soup canning factory at Portaferry, " brickworks at Newry, and brick-making on a smaller scale is carried on in various parts of the county. There are extensive lime works at Moira and Bangor, and steam stone polishing works at Newry. At Newtownards there are four factories devoted to the knitting and weaving of woollen yarns. One gives attention to skirtings, shirtings, and shawls, the second to bed-quilts, the third to hosiery and petticoats, and the fourth to hosiery, jerseys, and Cardigan jackets. Rope-making is done at Newry and Banbridge. Stone quarrying is an important industry, and is carried on extensively in the vicinity of Newry, Newtownards, Castlewellan and elsewhere. Linen is the staple manufacture of the county. Newry has five mills, three engaged in spinning, and two in weaving. The river Bann, from Banbridge to Gilford, has six weaving factories, two immense thread mills, six bleacheries, and two beetling mills. Newtownards has two weaving factories and one bleachery; Castlewellan one spinning mill, one weaving factory, and a bleachery; Donacloney has a weaving factory and bleach works ; Ravarnet has one weaving factory ; Hillsborough has one, there is one close to the Antrim border at Lisburn, and one at Bloomfield. Killyleagh has two spinning mills, Comber one, Drumaness one, Sprucefield one, and Bloomfield one. The Lambeg Bleach Works of the Messrs. Richardson are in Down and Antrim, near Lisburn. There is a small bleachery on the Down side of the Lagan at Lisburn. There are bleacheries at Dromore and Kilbroney, near Rostrevor, dyeing and finishing works atForestbrook, near Rostrevor, and a beetling mill at Newtown, near Rostrevor. Tapes are manufactured at Newtownards, and twines at Lisburn, in Down. At Newtownards there are printing works in connection with a handkerchief factory, and a shirt and collar factory. Newry has an apron and handkerchief hemstitching factory. Banbridge has a hemstitching factory, and there are four of a similar kind at Dromore. Two factories at Dromore are devoted to the weaving of linen cambric handkerchiefs. Handloom linen weavers may still be counted by the thousand in Down. With a few exceptions every district in the county has a number of them. They receive the yarns from agents in the rural districts on certain days, and weave them with looms set up in their own cottages. At Newtownards and vicinity it is estimated that there are at least 800. In the vicinity of Dromore several hundred work for firms making a special feature of handloom linens. Embroidering is a branch of industry which gives employment to thousands of women in every part of the county. Down has been long famous for work of this kind, and maintains its reputation in spite of the fact
43 that there are few schools in the connty having special departments for teaching the art. The finest workers are among the middle-aged married women. In this summary of the industries I have taken no account of Ballymacarrett, for although in the County Down, it is a part of the Borough of Belfast, and will be treated under the head of Belfast in my book of the County Antrim. Ballymacarrett is a hive of manufacturing enterprise. Deep sea fishing is carried on to a considerable extent by the inhabitants of the villages along the Down coast. Ardglass is the chief point of interest in connection with this industry. In the herring fishing season as many as 500 luggers discharge there. Steamboats attend and carry the fish every day to Holyhead. Twenty-five of the luggers are owned by residentsKilkeel ranks next to Ardglass. It is not uncommon to see a fishing fleet of 300 sail there in summer. It has a good safe harbor Kilkeel has 30 sail and 35 row boats engaged in fishing, doughy has 19 sailing luggers and 30 row boats ; Kircubbin has an interest in 15 luggers, and Portavogie, which is about three miles from there, has 40. This place has a natural harbor, protected by high rocks, in which there are thirteen feet of water at low tide. Annalong has 15 luggers and about 20 row boats, Bally water 8 or 9 row boats, Bangor about 18 cutter-rigged and three or four smaller boats, Portaferry has 8 luggers and about 20 row boats, Newcastle, 50 row boats, and Killough has about 50 men who fish in sailing yawls and row boats in summer,'and ship as sailors during the winter. Ail the luggers own ed in the County Down go to Kinsale for the mackerel fishing in spring. HUNTING, COURSING, AND RACING. flUNTING continues to enjoy its old-time popularity in Down. Several packs of hounds and harriers are maintained, and game being plenty, nothing interferes to spoil sport. The packs include the County Down Stag Hounds, Newry Harriers, Down Harriers, and Lecale Harriers. Capt. Ker is Master of the stag hounds, which number about 35 couples. He keeps the kennels at his own residence, Montalto, Ballynahmch. The pack was established by him seven years ago; Saunders was first huntsman. Captain Ker hunts the hounds at present. The hunting district comprises the whole county. There are usually three meetings each week in the seasonTuesday, in the Banbridge district; Thursday, Downpatrick ; and Saturday, Belfast. The stags are kept in the deer-park at Montalto. Members of the hunt number over 120. They have an annual dinner at Belfast. The subscription is ten
guineas. Outsiders following the hounds are supposed to pay ten shillings field-money at each meet. Mr. T. G. Gordon, J.P., Delamont, Killyleagh, is treasurer. The average attendance ot members during the season is about 40. Mr. Thomas D Arcy Hoey, J.P., Dromalane House, Newry, is the present Master ot the Newry Harriers, having succeeded Mr.Henry Thomson, ).F., Altnaveigh House, Newry, in 1869. The pack had been previously, for many years, hunted by the late Mr. John Gordon, , of Sheepbridge, one of the most prominent of County Down sportsmen. Mr. Hoey also hunts the pack himself, and has done so since his advent to the mastership. The hunting district consists of a circuit of about seven miles, between Lougnbrickland and Newry. Few of the farmers ride to hounds, but all are favorable to the sport, and help to preserve the haresThe minimum subscription toward the maintenance of the pack is 5 ; field-money for non-members, 2s. 6d. The kennels are at Drumcashlone, within an eighth of a mile of Newry. lne pack consists of twenty couples, and the average height is twenty '"The'North Down Harriers, originally known as the Dufferin Hunt, consist of 20 couples of an average height of 21 inches. Mr I. B. Houston, D.L., Orangefield, is Master, and Mr. Richard Baxter, Belfast, secretary and treasurer. The kennels are at Ballynichol near Comber, Sam Burgess is huntsman. ine Master subscribes ,20, and the other members 10 each. INO field money is collected. A circuit of between four and five miles around Comber, constitutes the hunting country. Col Forde, D.L., Seaforde, is Master of the Lecale Harriers, the oldest pack in the county. It was established by the Forde family. The district includes the country from Annsborough to Ardglass, and from Ballynahinch to St. Johns Point Mr. Charles Murland, J.P., is treasurer; Rudw ck has been huntsman for twenty-four years. His son is first whip The pack consists of twenty-eight couples with an average heigh? of twenty-four inches. Kennels are Kept near Cough A kindly interest is manifested in the sport by the farmers, who help to keep an abundant supply of hares. Mi.Henry Thomson, J.P., has a private pack of harriers, cons'Stmg of thirteen couples, average height seventeen inches he has had it since 1878. The kennels are at Newry.but although he hunts occasionally in Down, his grounds! e chiefly in Armagh. The Carr.ckblacker Harriers twenty couples, a County Armagh pack, hunt >n Down three days a week, in the vicinities of Gilford and Banbndge Mr. John B. Atkinson, Portadown, is Master. The club known as " T h e Down Hunt," has its head-quarters at
Robert (iraliam,
6 KILDARE STREET, General Groceries Italian Warehouse Goods Wines and Spirits Guinness s XX Stout and Bass's Pale Ale Flour, Meal and Bran
47 Downpatrick, and meets there on the second Tuesday, of November, second Tuesday of January and second Tuesday of February in each year. Its Club House is called " The County Rooms." Between 80 and 90 members are at present in good standing. The entrance fee is 20 guineas, and the annual subscription 5 guineas. Election is by bollot, at which at least 15 members must be present. One black bean excludes. Major T. J. D. Forde, Drumcerra, Annerly, is secretary and treasurer. Presidents hold office for only two nights. There are four dinners at each meeting, at which none but members can be present. Two days of the meeting are spent with the Lecale Harriers, and two with the Stag Hounds. The morning costume of members includes trousers or breeches, drab coat, with silver buttons, bearing the arms of the club, and tall silk hats. Evening full dress consists of ordinary black trousers, black vest and swallowtail coat with scarlet facings and gold buttons, bearing the club arms. Mr. Robert Moorhead has been steward of the club since 1857. Coursing is also a favourite sport in Down. This year local meetings have been successfully held at Banbridge, Rathfriland, and Moneyreagh, near Comber. The great meeting of the county is held annually at Mourne Park, near Kilkeel, by the Mourne Park Coursing Club. Lord Kilmorey established the meeting about six years ago, and managed it until 1&85. He gave the grounds without charge, and spent money freely in improvements. Hares t were imported at his expense to keep up the stock. In 1884-5 n e hares showed more stamina. The meetings hitherto have been held annually, in September, and continued for three days in succession. In 1885 there was a departure from the plan of the foundation. Lord Kilmorey now receives .200 a year rent for the ground. Mr. John Annett, jun. is secretary and treasurer. The club has upward of 100 members who pay an annual subscription of l each. Lord Kilmorey is president and invariably presides at the draw, which takes place at Rostrevor. The attendance averages from 300 to 400 on each day of the meeting. Stakes are usually from 4 los. to 6 10s. each. The range is from 32 to 64 dogs. At the meeting in 1885 the gate money amounted to 120. The club is largely supported by English and Scotch coursers. Racing in the county is confined to the Maze and Downpatrick courses. That is to say, what may be called the regular racing. These races were established under a charter to the Down Corporation of Horse-breeders, by James II. William III. founded what is now known as " The Queen's Plate," dating his patent at Hillsborough Castle, June 21st, 1690. The Maze is an excellent course, flat and steeplechase, two miles round. Two
" Queen's Plates " are given, and the conditions are less circumscribed than those in connection with the Downpatrick meeting. Mr. T. G. Gordon, of Killyleagh is Hon. Registrar. The racjs are usually held in July of each year, for two days. In " the good old times " they were held each day for a week, alternating with Downpatrick every second year. The last meeling at Downpatrick took place on the 31st of March and 1st of April, in conditions more open than they have hitherto been. The stakes on the first day consisted of the Ulster cup, value 30 sovs., with 30 sovs. added, the Downshire stakes, a handicap of 100 sovs., added to 3 sovs. each, pony plate of 21 sovs., Dufferin plate of 80 sovs. for hunters, Stag hunters cup, value 30 sovs., Farmers challenge cup value 45 sovs., presented by Mr. John M'Connell, J.P., with 30 sovs. added, and the Ballydugan plate of 40 sovs. On the second day they included the County Down Hunts' cup, value 30 sovs., presented by Mr. John Mulholland, D.L., with 30 sovs. added, for County Down hunters, Lecale plate of 80 sovs., Iveagh plate of 80 sovs. for hunters, Montalto cup, value 30 sovs., Downpatrick plate of 40 sovs., Castlereagh plate, value 30 sovs., and the Railway plate of 35 sovs., for hunters. Mr. Charles Murland, J.P., Ardnabannon, Castlewellan, was treasurer, and Mr. Wm. Hutton, Ligamaddy House, Downpatrick, hon secretary. A special feature of the Downpatrick races is the large number of county hunters brought out. The course, one mile and a quarter round, is a first-rate one. ANGLING, BOATING, SAILING, RIFLE SHOOTING, LAWN TENNIS, CRICKET, FOOT-BALL, LA-CROSSE, CURLING AND CYCLING. JJOWN is fairly well off in the matter of streams and ponds that are stocked with trout. The flax water has done injury to some of the best, but enough remain in good condition to satisfy those who have time and inclination to fish them. Newry anglers who are particular to keep to the County Down can be sure of good sport at Hilltown. The Bann, which passes there, has excellent brown trout. At a distance of two miles, Irish, from Rathfriland, in the same river, the fish are first-rate. Warrenpoint has plenty of trout in its reservoir, and the sanitary authorities issue licenses to anglers at 10s. each. Kilkeel has, within a distance of three miles, the Ballykeel River, the Whitewater and the Caseywater, all of which are right good for trout and may be fished without hindrance. These streams are also accessible from Newcastle. The Shimnah joins the sea at the latter named place and for a
or to J . SEABIGHT ~
short distance toward Tollymore Park, has trout. Tn the vicinity of Dundrum the Moneycaragh River is good for trout. Ballylough Lake, less than a mile from Castlewellan, has plenty of trout. Mr. Charles Murland, J.P., the owner, partly preserves it, but he is too hospitable to resist the desire of any well disposed angler who may wish to wet a line in it. Lord Annesley has two heavily stocked trout lakes at Castlewellan. At the junction of the Ballynahinch river and the Glasswater, within a short distance of Crossgar, there is good trout fishing to be had. Ballynahinch river is nearly all fair. Between Dromara and Dromore the Lagan is good for trout. Near Moira some very large trout were landed last season. Boating in the best amateur style is done by the Rowing Club at Newry. This club has given a good account of itself in " all comers " contests, and some of its men have won valuable prizes. It holds an annual regatta at Newry in conjunction with the Athletic sports. There are sailing clubs at Donaghadee and Bangor, and Killyleagh holds an annual regatta in which sail and rowboats compete. Two clubs keep up the prestige of the county for rifle-shooting. One has its head-quarters at Newtownards and the other at Dundrum. Lawn tennis has been gaining ground in popular estimation. There are several flourishing clubs in the county. Newry has a club exclusively devoted to tennis, and the members of the Newry Rowing Club divide their energies between the river and the tennis court. There are clubs at Holywood, Belmont, Kilkeel, Downpatrick, Dromore and Banbridge. Cricket holds its own against all the new-fangled attractions. Newry has two clubs, Banbridge two, Killyleagh two, and each of the following places one each : Comber, one of the best in the county, Downpatrick, first-rate, Holywood, Belmont, Dromore, Hillsborough, Waringstown, Dundrum and Clough. Foot-ball clubs exist at Bangor (2), Newtownards, Newry, Banbridge (2), Crossgar, Ballynahinch and Donaghadee. Lacrosse, as a game, received a footing in the county in 1872. Newtownards was the first town in Ireland to succumb to its allurements. Clubs have since been established at Bangor, Bloomfield, and recently at Newry. Curling is done at one place only in the county, where a club was established about eight years ago by Mr. Wm. Sibbaid Johnston, J.P. Further particulars will be found under the head of Newtownards. There are Cycling clubs at Newry, Newtownards and Bangor.
Arranged Alphabetically. CHURCH OF IRELAND. BanbridgeK. M'Clelland, sol Diocese of Down, Connor and Downpatnck Thomas Gracey, Robt. Whiteside, Win. Russell Dromore. BishopRight Rev. W. Reeves, NewryMl. Denvir, sol, Edw. Greer D.D. Chancellor Diocsan CourtThos. COAST GUARD STATIONS. Lefroy, Q.c, Ardmore, Bray (See Towns and Villages.) CIRCUIT CROWN COUNSELCONVICT PRISON, H. Fitzgibr.on, Q.c , D.Fitzgerald, DOWNPATRICK. W. G. Huband, G. N. Oulton GovernorMl. Murphy COMMISSIONERS For administering Oaths in the R. C. Chaplain^Rev. R. Headley Supreme Court of Judicature, Med. O.Dt. J. K. Maconchy Ireland. CORONERS. BallynakinekV*. F. Walker BanbriageWm. MacCormac, A. Jos. Dixon, so'., Banbridge Dr. R. C. Parke, Newtownards M'Clelland. sol., Jno. Scott CO. COURT JUDGE. BangorDavid Harvey Thos. Lefroy, Q.c., Ardmore, CastlewcllanG. W. Hillyard Bray DonaghadeeM. Smith Dnvnpatrick Thomas Gracey, RegistrarCharles Higginson Robert Denvir, Robt. WhileCO. INFIRMARY, side. Jno. Marshall. W. Russell DOWNPATRICK. DromoreR. S. Edgar, Wm. Trras.Col. W. B. Forde, Seaford Pre=ton. SurgeonJ. K. Maconchy, M.B. Kilkeel Moses Wilson KeivryMl. Denvir, sol., R. H. Ast. Sur. & RegistrarA. M. Whitestone, M.B. Doherty, Edw. Greer, R. G. O. Johnston, sol. COUNTY SURVEYORS. NewtownardsJames Netterfield, North DivisionH. Smyth, C.E., A. D. Simpson Downpatrick. Ees.Newcastle, PortaferryG. E. Bowen, J.P. Co. Down Rathjriland'R. B. Meek South DivisionBernard 3. MurCOMMISSIONERS. ray, c.F.., Newry Perpetual Commissioners for taking Co. Surveycr*s AssistantsT. S. Nolan, Downpatrick ; John W. acknowledgments of Deeds by Bassett, Saintfield; J. M'Aleenan married women in Ireland.
(8T Being an Importer of Coals direct from the Mines, in my own Vessels, I am able to offer Special inducements to Consumers.
I. tt. CUNNlNQttftM,
Yard and Workshops
Casllewellan, C. Kearney, Newry; Hy. Chappell. Newtownards; Jas. Mitchell, Kilkeel; W. T. Henry, Hillsborough ; H. N. Reid, Dunmore, Ballynahinch; T. II. Lemon, Ballymacarrett CO. TREASURER. Belfast Bank, Belfast CROWN AND PEACE. Office, Court House, Downpatrick ClerkGeo. L. MacLaine, Wandsworth House, Strandtown Chief AssistantThomas Gracey, Victoria Terrace, Downpatrick CROWN SOLICITOR. James Murland, Downpatrick Hawlbowling Rock, off Carlingford Bay (fixed light) South Rock, off the Ardes, light revolving every minute and half Ardglass harbour St. J ohn's Point, revolving light LUNATIC ASYLUM, POWNPATRICK. Governors meet first Saturday of every month Res. Med. Sup/Dr. G. St. G. Tyner Visiting Phys.Dr. J. K. Maconchy Ast. Res. Med. S.Dr. E. E. Moore ChaplainsRev. Canon Price,C.I. Rev. T. Macafee, Presb.; Very Rev. P. O'Kane, V.F.R.C
Clerk andStorekeeper-SI. Rea
MatronSarah M. Tyler DEPUTY LIEUTENANTS. (See Magistrates marked thus ) MAGISTRATE, DIVISIONAL. Meade, John, Burrenwood, Castle- Fras. N. Cullen, Belfast wellan MAGISTRATES. FACTORY INSPECTOR. Marked thus * are Deputy H. J. Cameron, Belfast Lieutenants. FISHERY CONSERVATORS. Adamson, Dr. J. G., Lurgan Alexander, G., Erindale, Carlow ClerkWm. Eeilly, Dundalk Alexander, Capt. H.G.S., The Lodge, Seaforde GRAND JURY. Allen, George, Mountpanther, Office, Court House, Downpatrick Clough SecretaryRobert Gordon, J.P., Anderson, John, Hillbrook, Holywood Highlands, Clough SolicitorJames Murland, Down- Anderson, Prof. R. J., Beech Hill Andrews, John, Maxwell's Court, patrick Comber LIEUTENANT AND CUSTOS Ancketell, W. R., Quintin Castle, Portaferry ROTULORUM. The Earl of Dufferin, Clandeboye Annesley, Earl, The Castle, Castlewellan House, Clandeboye Vice LieutenantSir Thomas Atkinson, fas. B., Greyabbey M'Clure, Bart., Belmont House, Bailie, Major Jas., Ringdufferin, Killyleagh Strandtown Bangor, Viscount, Castleward, LIGHT HOUSES. Downpatrick Lesser Copeland Island (fixed Barbour, James, Ardville, HolyK light) V wood
PLAIH MQ PAMGY MKER, Flour and Provision Merchant,
Barbour. John D., Fort House, Lisburn Barren, Wm. N., Kinghill House, Newry Batt, Robert N., Purdysburn, Belfast Beauclerc, Aubrey De Vere, London Bell, S. A., Bellvievv, Lurgan Black, Wm., Woodlord Blakeney, Stewart, Reagh Island, Comber Blakiston-Houston, Jno, Orangefield, Belfast Bollon. Dr. Reuben, Bangor Bowen, Geo. E., Portafeny Bradshaw, Rev. Jos., England Brady, D. C , Newry Brown, John Shaw, Edenderry House, Newtownbreda Brownlow, \V. C. B., Bryansford, Castlewellan Brownlow, James, Killynether Castle, NewtownarSs Brush, Augustus, Drumnabreeze House, Magheralin Brush, Geo., Giihall, Dromore Campbell, Ale::. F., Dromore Lodge, Warrenpoint Canning, Hon. A. S. G., Rostrevor Capron, F. L., Lisburn Carmichael, David, Merview, Millside Carmichael, Wm., Rathmona, Donaghadee Carson, Wm., Kensington Villa, Bangor Carvill, P. G., Moygannon, Rostrevor Chorley, Wm., Seymour Hill, Dunmurray, Belfast Clanmorris, Lord, Newbrook, Ballyglass Clarke, David K., Rosebank, Crossgar Cleland, David, Greenvale, Crossgar Cleland, James, Tober Mhuire, Crossgar "leland, John, Downpatrick Cleland, John, Stormount Castle, Dundonald Olose, John Forbes, Kilkeel Coates, David L., Clonallon, Strandtown Coates, Jno., Seacliff, Bangor Colbert, R. W., Lisnacreevy House, .Rathfriland 'owen, Andrew, Glenhanna, Bangor *Cowan, Sir Ed. P., Knt., Craigavad, Belfast Cowan, SI. P., The Lodge, Hilltown Craig, Col. John, Myra Castle, Downpatrick Craig-Laurie, R. Myra Castle, Downpatrick Craig. Jas, Craigavon, Strandtown Crawford, Thomas D., Fortbreda, Newtownbreda Crommelin, F. A. D., Carrowdore Castle, Donaghadee Davidson, William, Ballywoolen House, Killyleagh Davis, Wm., Ulster Bank, Downpa trick *DeIacherois, D l , Manor House, Donaghadee Deramore, Lord, Belvoir Park, N ewtownbreda *De Ros, Lt.-Gen. Lord, Old Court, Strangford Dickson, Benjamin, Gilford Dickson, Dr. J., Ballynahinch Donnan, Henry, Portaferry Douglas, Dr. A. E., Coolbawn, Warrenpoint Douie, Jas. L , Moira Duffin, Chas., Strandtown Lodge, Strandtown Dunville, R. G., Redburn, HolyWood Dwyer, Fr. Belvedere, Lisbum Er^kine, Jas. F., The Yews, Newry Ewart, Wm., Glenmachan House, Strandtown Ferguson, Robert, Sydenham House, Strandtown
greatest care from the most reliable sources. Although HrGH-CLASs SEED is hisfirstconsideration, the PRICES are MODERATE, and will bear very favourable comparison with those oi Other respectable Seed Houses. Agent for The Drogheda Chemical Manure Co.'s Celebrated Manures, Bibby's famed Calf Meals, &c. M. J. D. has a large and varied stock of Wire Flower Stands, Hanging Baskets, Balloons, Handsome Wreaths of Immortelles, Metallic Crosses and Chaplets, Bouquets of Everlasting Flowers, Flower pots, Farmers Sacks and Bags, and many other items in connection with the business.
Plumbing work of every description done upon the best Sanitary Principles. Hot Water Apparatus fitted up according to the most improved methods. Estimates given without charge, and Contracts taken in any part of the country. BRANCH HOUSE:
Ferguson, Thos.,Edenderry House, Haughton, Thos., Banford Hdnse Banbridge Gilford Fforde, James, Raughlan, Lurgan Hawthorn, Dr. Saml. F., Dromore Filgate, F., Sackville street Club, Hay, James, Annefield, Killyleagh Hayes, Fredk. Wm., Seapatrick Dublin House, Banbridge Forde, Col. W. B., Seaforde Forster, Adam S., Carpenham, Henesey, Edward G., Dundrum Henry, John Q., Mourae Abbey, Rostrevor Gage, Marcus, Cultra House, Kilkeel Heron, Alex., Greenfield House, Holywood Gallagher, Andrew, Newcastle, Rathfriland Heron, James, Tullvveery House, Newry Garrett, J. H. M., Rowallane, Killyleagh Heron, Wm. C , Maryfield, HolySaintfield wood Gartlan, George Henry, Cabra Heron, William C , Mount Alta, House, Newry Dromore Gibson, Wm., Ballyobegan House, Hill, Lord Arthur W.,24 Belgrave Ballywalter Square, London, S.W. Glenny, Jas. S., 71 Upper Arthur Hoey, Thos. D'Arcy, Dromalan' street, Belfast House, Newry Gordon, Alex. F. St. G., Delamont, Horner, Francis, Trevor Hill, Killyleagh Newry Gordon, A. M. H., Delamont, Howe, Thos. S., Cromlyn Lodge, Killyleagh Hillsboro1 Gordon, Jiobt., Highlands, Cloiigh Gordon, Robert A., Summerfield, j Hurst, W. J., Drumar.ess, Ballynahinch Dundonald Gordon, Samuel, Mount Kearney Hutton, John, Ligamaddy House, Downpatrick Gordon, Dr. Wm., Saintfield Gourley, Jas., Derraboy Cottage, Innes, A. C. Dromantine, Newry Jaffe, Jos. J., Edenvale, Strandtown Killyleagh Gracey, Lieut.-Col. Alex., Bally- I Johnson, Sir Wm. G., Belfast ! Johnston, John, Lurgan Hossett, Bailee, Downpatrick Graham, O. B., Larchfield, Lisburn Johnston, Wm. Sibbald, Glen House, Newtownards Greer, Edw.,Moygannon,Rostrevor Joy, Robert, Millmount, Banbridge Greer, Geo., Woodville, Lurgan I Keegan, John J., Brooklyn, HolyGreer, John, Portaferry wood *Hall, Major Wm. J., Narrow Kelly, Charles Russell, Killough Water Castle, Warren point Hamilton, Col. G. W. R., The Kennedy, John, Lacken House, Rathfriland Castle, Killyleagh Hamilton, Capt. G. R., Knock, Kennedy, Robert J., 1 Custom House Square, Belfast Belmont Hancock, Jno., The Manor House, Keown-Boyd. Richard, London Ker, Capt. Rd. W. B., Montalto, Lurgan Ballynahinch Harland. SirE. J., Bart., Ormiston, Kilmorey, Earl of, Moume Prk, Strandtown Newry Harrison, John, Ulster Club, BelKinghan, Samuel, Glenhanna, fast Bangor Harrisonjohn, Mariville, Dromoie
Kingscote, John B., Bryansford, Castlewellan Lemon, Archibald D., Edgecombe House, Strandtown Leslie, Charles E. T., Killowen, Newry Leslie, Rev. J. C. W., Ballibay, Co. Monaghan Liddell, Win., Donacloney Lindsay, John, Ballydown, Banbridge Lindsay, Walter, Tullyhenan, Banbridge Londonderry, Marquis of, Mountstewart, Newtownards Lowry, John, Ballymacashen, Killinchy Lurgan, Lord, Brownlow House, Lurgan Lyons, Wm. T. B., Brookhill, Lisburn McArdle, Daniel, Belle View, Warrenpoint McCance, Lt.-Col. John, Knocknagoney, Strandtown McCartan, Michael, Crossgar House, Dromara McCartan, Thos., Bayview House, Rostrevor McClelland, A., Banbridge, McClelland, Dr. R. B., Banbridge McClenehan, Jas. M., Rathfriland McClintock, Hy. S-, Kilwarlin House, Hillsboro' * McClure, Sir Thos., Belmont House, Strandtown Macauley, Jas., Stratheame, Dunmurray, Co. Antrim McConnell, lohn, Comber McConnell, Wm. R-, Donaghadee McCullagh, John, The Abbey Newry MacDonnell, Allan, North Lodge, Newry McGeorge, Ebenezer G., Belfast MacKintosh, Pk., Newtownards Maclaine, Lachlan, Shrigley, Killyleagh McMaster, Hugh Dunbar, Dunbarton House, Gilford McMinn, Alex., Herdstown House, Donaghadee McNabb, Rd., Ballyblack, Portaferry McNally, John P., Linten Lodge, Warrenpoint McRobert, John Rademon, Listooder, Crossgar Magenis, Dr. Edw., Lurgan Malcolm, James, Lurgan Martin, David, Kilbroney, Sostrevor Martin, David, Littleton House, Newry Martin, Simon, Bishopscourt, Downpatrick Maxwell, Gen. John P., Drummdoney House, Kilkeel Maxwell, Major R. P., Finnebropue, Downpatrick May, Dr. Jos., Rathfriland Mayne, Jos., Catherine Lodge, Warrenpoint. Mayne, Wm., Mount Pleasant, Newtownards Menown, Andrew, Regent St., Newtownards. Miller, Hy. P., Portaferry Minniss,JohnR.,MossvaleDromore Montgomery, Lt.-Col. Wm. E., Greyabbey Montgomery, Col. F. O., Army and Navy Club, London, S.W. Montgomery, Hugh, Rosemount, Greyabbey . Morrow, Robt., Legacurry, Lisburn Mulholland, Hy. L., Ballywalter Park, Newtownards * Mulholland, John, Ballywalter Park, Newtownards Murland, Charles, Ardnabannon, Castlewellan Murphy, Edw., Dunfanaghy Murphy, Joseph, Lurgan Murray, James, Ballygowan Musgrave, Dr. S., Lisbum Nesbitt, John, Downshire Road, Newry * Nugent, Major A., The Lodge, Strangford
The Illustrated 32 page Catalogue, with Engravings of all Fashionable Garments now worn by Ladies and Children.
* Nugent, Gen. Andrew, Portaferry Shaw, Thomas, Kircubbin Shaw, W. E., The Lodge, CastleHouse, Portaferry wellan O'Hagan, Felix, Newry Shillington, J. J., Glenmachan O'Hagan, John James, Newry Parke, Dr. R. C., Newtownards Tower, Strandtown Patterson, Robert L., Croft House, Skelly, Robt, Marybrook, Dromara Smyth.William, Brookfield, BanHolywood bridge Patterson, Jacob L., Clandeboye * Perceval- M axwell, Rt., Grooms- Smyth, Dr. Win., Banbridge Sprott, Robert, Dromore port, Bangor Percival, Wm., Rubane, Kircubbin Stannus, Walter T., The Manor House, Lisbum Perry, Jno. M. Perrymount, Clough Posnett, George, 47 Upper Mount Stewart. Alex. J. R., Ards, Cashelmore, Letterkenny street, Dublin * Price, James C , Saintfield House, Stewart, Dr. SI., Donaghadce Stone, 81., Barn Hill, Comber Saintneld Price, Major J. N. Blackwood, Stranaghan, Wm., Castlewellan Stronge, Chas. E. S., Bryansford, Saintfield House, Saintfield Castlewellan Quinn, Peter, The Agency, Newry Quinn, J. T. C,Tower Hill, Newry Taaffe, Jos. J., Edenville, Strand1 town Ramsay, Alex., Mourne Park, Tate, John, Ballymote House, Kilkeel Downpatrick *Reilly, John Temple, Scarva Thomson, Henry, Altnaveigh House, Scarva House, Newry Richardson, Jonathan, Lambeg Thompson, Dr. Wm., Anahult House, Lisburn House, Hillsboro' Richardson,Thomas W.,Bessbrook, "Trevor, Baron, Brynkinalt, Chirk, Newry, Moyallen, Gilford Denbighshire Ritchie, William B., The Grove, Uprichard, Henry A., Elmfield, Belfast Gilford Robertson, William Netherleigh, Valentine, Thomas, The Moat, Strandtown Strandtown, Belfast Robinson, Wm. A Ballycultra> Vaughan, Geo. M., Quilly House, Belfast Dromore Roden, The Earl of, Tullymore Park, Bryansford, Castlewellan Waddell, Robert, Magheralin, Lurgan Rogers, Geo. M., Hazelbank, Walker, A. W., St. Leonards, Laurencetown Warrenpoint Ross of Bladensberg, John, RosWalker, Geo., Regent House, trevor House, Rostrevor Newtownards *Ross of Bladensberg, Robert, Walker, Wm., Banbridge Rostrevor House, Rostrevor Russell, Charles, King's Castle, Wallace, H. J., Belvedere Lodge, Newry Ardglass Russell, Geo., Cloughey, Down- Wallace, Bart., Sir Rd., Antrim Castle, Co. Antrim patrick Sharman-CrawfoVd, A r t h u r , Wallace, Wm. N., Waterfoot House, Newcastle Crawfordsburn, Belfast Seeds, Robert (QC), II Fitz- Walmsley, Jas., Ballykeel House, Kilkeel william Square, E., Dublin
plain & tnamental painter, Paper Hanger & Glazier,
Carver, Gilder, and Picture-Frame Manufacturer,
Ward, Lieut. Col. Jas., Lisburn Lalceview, Dbwnp.; Major and *Ward, Robt. E., Bangor Castle, Adj. F. S. F. Sk.kes, the Ter., Bangor Downp.; Quarter Master G. F. Ward, Capt. Hon. Som. R. H., Savage, Saul st, Downpatrick ; Surgeon E. F. Nelson, The lsle-o' Valla, Strangford Hill, Downp. ; Sergt. Major A. *Waiing, Colonel Thomas, Harrison, Saul ten, Downp. Waringstown House, Waringstown yd Batt. R. I. Rifles Head Watson, Francis, Lake View, Quarters, NewtownardsCol. Lurgan Earl of Dufferin, Clande! oye Weir, Dr. Marshal), Clanwilliam House, Clandeboye ; Lt. Col. House, Dromore G. W.R. Hamilton, The Castle, *Whyte, Jno. J., Lotighbrickland Killyleagh; Major Geo. R. House, Loughbrickland Hamilton, Knock, Belfast; Wilson, Abraham, Newry Quarter Master T. H. Lane, Wilson, Moses, Kilkeel Newtownards ; Sergt.-Major J. Workman, Thos., Craighdarragh, Bowen Craigavad Woulfe, S. R., Tiermaclane, Ennis, POLLING DISTRICTS. Co. Clare. North DownDonaghadee, BanMAGISTRATES RESIDENT. gor, Six-Koad-Ends, Holywood, Dundonald, Newiownards, ComBanbridRt District. C. E. B. ber, Moneyreagh, Ballyblack, Mayne, Portadown Newtownbreda, Knock, Florida, Dtnonfatrick District Captain Ballygowan,Gre5 abbey, Glastry, Chas. L'Estrange, Downpatrick Vortaferry, Ballymacarrelt Newry DistrictCol Richd. C. Evanson, Newry East DmvnDrumbo, Lisburn, Saintfield, Ballvnahinch, DunMARRIAGESDISTRICT more, Killyleagh, Killinchy, REGISTRARS. Crossgar, Seafoide, Diumaness, Banbridge Wm. MacCormac Kilmegan, Downpatrick, BallyTmvnfatrickJas. Jordan culter, Tyrella, Ardglass KilkcelThos." Graham West DownHillsborough, Moira, NewryJas. Burns Waringstown, Gilford, BanNewtozoimrdsA. D. Simpson bridge, Scarva, Loughbrickland, Annaclcne, Dromore, Dromara MILITARY. District of Belfast South DownCloghskelt, Castlewellan, LetalHon, Newcastle, Stations .- Downpatrick (Erigade Rathfriland, Hilltown, Mayo Depot) and Newry Bridge, Newry, Four-MileMILITIA. House, Warrenpoint, Rostrevor, Kilkeel, -Annalong. Sth Ball. R. I. Rips Head Quarters, Downpatrick Col. W. B. Forde, Seaforde ; Lt. Col. POOR LAW UNIONS. Thos. Waring, Waringstown ; Major & Hon. Lieutenant- Portions of (he Unions of Belfast, Lisburn and Lurgan are in the Col. G. F. Grant, Callan, Co. Co. Down. Kilk.; Major C. C. Johostone,
LOCAL GOV. BD. OFFICERS. Vice-ChairmanCapt. John Ross of Bladensberg Med. InspectorDr. Woodhouse Deputy V.C.A. Walmsley InspectorR.. T. Hamilton TreasurerBelfast Bank, Kilkeel AuditorR. M. Studdert Clerk, &c.Thomas Graham MasterSI. Ormsby . BANBRIDGE UNION. MatronMargt. Oimsby (Partly in Armagh) ChaplainsRev. E. O. Pratt, C.I.; Rev. R. White, Presb.; Rev. Dr. Guardians meet every Monday Marner, R.C. Chairman]. T. Reilly, D.L. jyed. O.Dr. W. W. Wilson Vice-CAairmai^-A]ex. Mulligan Relieving 0.Jas. Mackintosh, Deputy V.C.Robert Skelly Kilkeel TreasurerUlster Bank, Ld., Banbridge NEWRY UNION. Clerk, &cEdvv. Wyly MasterJames Craig (Partly in Armagh) MatronSarah A. Craig Chaplains Ven. Archdeacon Guardians meet every Saturday Stewart, C.I.; Rev. John Quail, ChairmanMajor Hall, D.L, R.C., Rev. Jas. Scott, Presb Med. OfficerDr. John Hawthorne Vice-ChairmanWm. Atkinson Rleievmg OfficersR. Hamilton, Deputy V. CRt. Harpur, j.p. Banbridge ; SI. Beck, Oakhill, TreasurerBelfast Bank, Newry Clerk, &v.Jos. Bell Dromore ChaplainsRev. Thos. Hardy, R.C., Rev. A. L. Ford, C. I.. DOWNPATRICK UNION. Kev. Thos. Cromie, Presb Guardians meet every Saturday. Med. O.Dr. S. E. Martin ChairmanCol. W. B. Forde, D.L, Relieving OfficersJohn Andrews, Newry; Wm. Johnston, RathfriVice ChairmanVS. N. Wallace, land D.L. Deputy KCDavid Cleland, J.P. Treasurer Ulster Bank, Ld. NEWTOWNARDS. Downpatrick Guardians meet every Saturday Clerk, &=c.JohnW. Montgomery MasterSpencer Kingsland ChairmanJames Pollock MatronJessie M'Cartney Vice-ChairmanRobt. O. Young ChaplainsBev. Canon Price,C.I.; Deputy V.C.Hugh Ferguson Rev. Wm. "White, Presb.; Rev. TreasurerBelfast Bank, N'ards John M'Erlain, R.C. Clerk, &cJas. Colville Med. 0.Dr. E. F. Nelson MasterH. C. Finlay Relieving OfficersJn. Telford, MatronMrs. Eleanor Spratt Downpatrick, Jn. Morrow, ChaplainsRev. Thos. Watters, Crossgar; Robt. Roddy, PortaPresb.; Rev. P. M'Convey, R.C.; ferry Rev. Dr. J. G. Pooler, C.I. Med. 0.Dr, R. C. Parke KILKEEL UNION. Relieving Officers D. M'Kee, Guardians meet every Monday N'ards,; Jno. Boyd, Gransha, Bangor ChairmanEarl of Kilmorey
For the Best Value in
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Special attention given to Repairs which arc done neatly and at the Shortest possible Notice with Leather or Gutta-Percha.
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Dist. InspectorsV?. T. Croghan, Banbridge ; T. Dunne, Downpatrick ; Henry F. Ward, Newtownards ; C. C. Oulton, Ratbfriland; Wm. M, Davies, Newry
SCHOOL INSPECTORS, NATIONAL. District RegistrarJ. M. Higgin- DownpatrickWm. Healy NewryE. MacCreanor son, j . p . , Belfast NewtownardsJ. B. Skeffington
Diocese of Dromore. SHERIFFS. Bishop Most Rev. John Pius High Sheriff Robt. G. Dunville, Leahy, D.D. D.L., J P., Redburn, Holywood Sub-Sheriff Hugh C. Kelly, sol., R. I. CONSTABULARY. Ballymacarrett Force five officers and 266 men. Sheriff's Returning OfficetHenry County InspectorJohn Harcourt, T. Stewart, 33 Lower Ormond Downpatrick Quay, Dublin
Carriages of every description built on the shortest notice. New and Second-band Carriages on Sale. Carriages Sold on Commission.
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Plain and Fancy Bakers and Flour Merchants,
28 & 3O HILL. STREET, Bakery and Stores, Castle Street,
NEWRY. (Population, 15,590, in 1881.) ', EWRY occupies a position on the border line of Down and Armagh, and is an important trading centre for both counties. Its strong attractions, from the commercial point of view, were originally manifested when inland water ways were of more consequence than at present. Lough Neagh is connected with the sea by a navigation system which broadens in the Clanrye Valley, gives Newry a floating dock of respectable proportions, and permits the entrance of vessels of large tonnage from Carlingford Lough, five miles distant. In the matter of railway communication with the outer world, Newry is very well served. The Great Northern road, between Belfast and Dublin, passes at Goragh Wood, Co. Armagh, where it is met by a single track from town, three and a half miles in length. Belfast is 44J miles by this route. There is a line between Newry and Armagh, which has proved of considerable advantage. A railway to Greenore provides daily communication with England via Holyhead. There is a five mile line to Warrenpoint, and an electric tramway to Bessbrook, opened for traffic in 1885. This net-work of railways has done wonders for the Newry markets, and has given a great stimulus to the general business. The manufacturing enterprises in good times would compare favourably with those of the best towns of Ireland. Three extensive flax spining mills, two linen weaving factories, and an apron factory, give large employment to girls. There arefiveflour mills, three of them possessing immense power. Two iron foundries of longestablished reputation, two mineral factories, salt works, stone polishing mills, seven tanneries, cabinet furniture manufacture, and coach-building are amongthe leading industries. Minor branches are very numerous. Granite quarries, of high repute, exist in the vicinity, and are worked energetically, the products forming a valuable addition to the exports. A stranger entering Newry at the Edward Street railway station need not walk far to become favorably impressed. The principal portion of the town lies at the foot of a high hill on the County Down side. Hill Street, the longest and broadest thoroughfare, is occupied by well-built warehouses. Margaret and Marcus Squares agreeably break the monotony of its course, the former opening the way to Water and North, both first-rate business streets, from Monaghan street, at the opposite side of the river.
Our Stock of Suitings, Coatings and Trouserings, for style and quality is unsurpassed.
In this Department we keep a Large and Fashionable Stock of all kinds of Gentlemen's Outfitting1.
Marcus Square connects the Mall with Hill Street, and Mill Street, also an intersection, connects King Street with Castle Market and High Streets. On the Armagh side are Sugar Island, Canal Street, Monaghan Street, Catherine Street, Needham Street, Queen Street, King Street, Bridge Street, Edward Street, Corry Square, Merchants' and Buttercrane Quays, and Albert Basin, which contains the shipping. The canal and river run through the town for the greater part, side by side, and are crossed by many bridges. AND SINCE THE ARRIVAL OF THE ENGLISH. | H E popular idea associates St. Patrick with the planting of the yews at Newry, and as reference is often made to the fact in history, it is not all improbable that he may have marked in this way what he regarded as a good site for a religious foundation. St. Patrick died at Saul, near Downpatrick, in 493, and there is no evidence that his wishes, if he ever expressed any, were carried into effect until 1140. In that year Saint Malachi established an abbey for monks of the Cistercian Order, and in was richly endowed by MacLoughlin, King of Ireland. In the Charter, which is still preserved, the place is referred to variously as " the pass at the head of the strand," and as " having the flourishing head of a yew tree." The name Newry has been evolved by a singular process from these and other references. The Abbey was dedicated to the Virgin, St. Patrick and St. Benedict, by MacLoughlin, with the intimation that those who had large landed possessions might add to the endowment. The Lordship of Newry, Newry parish in Armagh, the Barony of Mourne, Omeath and Cooley, in Louth, and lands in other places, were eventually included under the jurisdiction of the Abbot of Newry. In 1162 the abbey, monks' library and the famous yew trees were destroyed by fire. Soon afterward the abbey was rebuilt, and the future town began to grow. John DeCourcy, Earl of Ulster, fought with the Irish in the Clanrye Valley, 1178. Many of his men were drowned, a circumstance which impelled him to erect a castle at the passage of the river, at Mill Street. O'Donnel More marched to Newry, 1236, and received the submission of the chiefs of Ullagh. In 1237 Hugh DeLacy, successor of DeCourcy in the Earldom of Ulster, confirmed the charter of MacLoughlin. to the Abbey of Newry, and gave to the abbot the dignity of a mitred prelate. The next item of interest in the history of the town, was its burning by Teig O'Conor and Teig McTuathal. Maurice Fitzgerald erected BEFORE
Every description of Glass, China, and Earthenware in the Newest and most Artistic Designs, This house is in direct communication with the Leading Potters of the United Kingdom and the Continent.
Narrow Water Castle in 1253 to protect
out to an English Comnuss.oner named Stuke y tor 63, Elizabeth would not sanction the purchased ^ a t at j r ^ ^ n eiz i diff ^ Bg d course of their differences, Shane had s eiz ^ d B g a s 0 f a r r e s t o r e d but he managed tc.regain t V***t y Sydney, in , 5 75. peace and order at Newrj' ^ , ^ 1 . ^ f % , t J d with inhabiduring a visit, wrote of it as a place we, H had been tants and much improved in beauty s and a endeavouring to naketbe towna^ecu ^ f i e d j ^ f ^ d popular place for merchants. H P h e r e s i g n e d in to induce the^assist ^ ^ reversi f
CLASSICAL MASTERW. JOHNSTON, B.A., Ex-Classical Scholar, Q.C.B., and Exhibitioner, R.U.I.
TO THE TRADE. Bottler of Guinness's XX Stout and Bass's Pale Ale. Delivery by Van in town and district every day.
FAMILY GROCER, 8ea, TOme, Spirit anti profaision f&txti>mt, 47 LOWER MILL STREET,
O'Neill, in I 5 9 8. Bagnal was slain. His sister had then been dead for some time Arthur Bagnal, a minor, succeeded to the estates. In 1600 Lord Mountjoy came to Newry at the head of an arrny, and two years later O'Neill submitted. Newry had 300.houses in 1612. A patent granted by James I in ^ I S , conferred upon Arthur Bagnal, powers equal to those of an abbot. He exercised episcopal jurisdiction, and used the monastic seal. n the same year a charter of incorporation was given to the town It provided for the appointment of a provost and twelve frePe burgesses, to hold o X e for life, the successors to be appointed by the survivors. The Provost was to be elected annually, and the borough was to return two Members oParl.a ment The first Provost was Anthony Holmes and the_ first Members of Parliament elected were Captain (afterward Sir Arthur) Bassett, and John Leigh. Newry was an assize town in i 6 n Arthur Bagnal, who was first named on the burgessrol died in 1637. He was succeeded by his son, Nicholas, a boy efght yearsold. In the war of .64...Sir Con. Magennis entered Newry and was well received by the people. He died while the wa/was in progress. Newry Castle was eventually surrendered to the English, who shot and hanged sixty ot the townspeople. The fact is also recorded that a number of women a n T c h i Z n were cruelly put to death by sol f.ers at the bridgeOwen Roe O'Neill assumed command of the Irish in I&43Newry continued to be held by the Roy^ 1 5 1 5 " 1 , 1 , 6 ^,,, after then retaken by the Parliamentarians, and held until after ^execution of Charles I. In. the revulsion of feeling *hich followed in Ireland, the Royalists re-entered and w e r e m p " session when Cromwell's forces, under Col. Venables _without a shot, received its surrender. Nicholas Bagnal was Pardoned
Douse, Cburcb, an& sbip painters, Decorators, rainers, Sifln mriters,, ano picture Jrame fl no picture Jrame
charter created by James II. was illegal, but unlike other Irish towns, Newrv does not appear to have reorganized under the old charter. Nicholas Bagnal died in 1712, and having no male heir he left the property to Edward Baylie and William Nedham. The latter received the portion which included Newry. ine remains of the Abbey were extensive, and had to be removed in 1788 to facilitate works of public improvement. Newry did not join in the Rebellion of 1798, but many of its residentsl lwere imprisoned on suspicion of being favourable to it. W l l ? m Nedham died in 1806. His heir was a nephew, but as he did not continue on good terms with him, the property was lett to Robert Nedham, Viscount Kilmorey, of Shavmgton, in bnropshire. The Viscount was not a kinsman, was only in part a namesake, and had not even an acquaintance with his benefactor. THE NEWRY NAVIGATION SYSTEM, TOWN GOVERNMENT, WATER SUPPLY, MARKETS, AND GAS. 1EWRY had made so much progress after the advent of William that it eclipsed Carlingford. The Customs head-quarters were removed to it from there in 1720. 1 Collieries were then at work in the County 1 yrone, and a proposition was made to build a canal from Newry to Lough Neagh. An Act was passed in 1730 for this purpose, and the canal was opened in 1741- By this move the trade of the port was greatly benefited. In 1755 Parliament appropriated 4,000 for the improvement of the river, which was then so shallow that vessels of twenty tons could not reach the quays in safety. By various Acts of Parliament the powers for the management of the canal were changed, until it came a.last to be understood that the work was only to be success* y^accomDlished bv placing it in the hands of a locally constituted oody In i82y9,Pby vfrtue of an Act of Parliament, the control was given to the Newry Navigation Company consisting of the MarqguUof Downshire! Earl of Kilmorey andott,ers named and of the subscribers to the stock. The gift.of_the water way from Carlingford Lough via Newry and Portadown to Lough Neagh, about 36 miles, was made on condition that they should raise z capital of 80,000, to be expended in nnprovement. The system was very much run down at the time Since then there has been expended under this head over 200,000. The Company borrowed 42.000 from1 the government, at from 5 to 4 per cent., repaying 6,000 a^pewd of twenty years. In 1876 a reorganization of the financial
BY T H E COUNCIL OF T H E SANITARY INSTITUTE OF GREAT BRITAIN, After a deferred and Practical Trial and Chymical Examination. This is the Highest Testimonial and best Guarantee of Genuineness, Purity, and Excellence of these Waters.
First Prize Medal for their Mineral Waters at the Dublin Exhibition, 1882.
Bottlers of Bass's Pale Ale and Guinness's Extra Stout-
system tookj place. A sinking fund was established, providing for the extinction of the balance in thirty-five years, by an annual payment ef 1,780. The first dividend, two per cent, on the paid up capital, 66,000, in shares of 50 each, was then paid, Nov. 1876, and the second of one per cent., in the following May, making a total for the year of 3 per cent. Since then the dividends paid to shareholders have averaged 3i per cent. In January, 1886, the entire debt to the Government, under the old Act, was .31,000. The Albert Basin was constructed under the old Act at a cost of ,8,000. It consists of 3I acres. Owing to the building of the sewage aquaduct, there is a bar at the entrace which prevents vessels of greater draught than 12 feet six inches frcm getting into it. The original basin, now called ''The Old Basin," is chiefly used for storing log timber. The Newry navigation at present consists of a navigable river from Warrenpoint to the Victoria Lock at Fathom, a mile and a half, English, of a ship canal, built by William Dargan for the company, from Fathom to the Albert Basin three miles, a quayage through Newry for vessels drawing lo| feet of water, and an inland canal from Newry to Portadown, 18 miles, English. The canal to Lough Neagh is under another jurisdiction. Horse-power is used inland, and steam-power toward the sea. The shortest lock is 61 feet long and 14 feet wide. The Victoria Lock at Fathom is 220 feet long and 50 feet wide. It is constructed of granite blocks. In 1884 the Navigation Company secured a new Act of Parliament enabling it to cut a channel in the Newry River and Carlingford Lough, for a distance of over three miles. The navigation was depending on a tidal river in which there was only a depth of 2 feet six inches at low water, spring tides. It will be increased to 7 feet throughout a width of 120 feet. The Newry1 Navigation Company borrowed 40,000 from the Government for this work, at 4 per cent. ; payment is to commence in 1890, and the principal is to be cleared off in 20 years by yearly instalments. The bill provides that the Company shall at no time declare a dividend of more than 5 per cent. Any surplus from that amount is to go toward a reduction of the loll, which under the old Act was is. id. per ton register. No charge on cargo. The directors of the Navigation Company are ex-officio Harbor Commissioners. There is a separate Board known as the Carlingford Lough Commissioners, 12 in number, two of whom are named by the Newry 'I own Commissioners, two by the Newry Navigation Company, and two by the Newry, Dundalk and Greenore Railway Company. It was organised under an Act of Parliament passed in 1864 for the purpose of having a Navigable channel cut through the bar of Carlingford Lough.
t I p r Itaimfaetttm # ftatjier
It was promoted in the interest of Newn,, and was; so and equitable " that it was extended to all the towns.
which is four miles ^jtof Newry in Armagh. ^ Ace g the terms of the contract, tne l o " l " , delivering this
= ^ o h ^ ^ ^ ^ e Barcroft, and John Fredenck Hams composmg the Spinning Company, Limited^and OM n , ^ ^ K S
Board. Mr. John G. '.^ " a p o w e r s to increase the lake, but it requiredg P ^ K the 4ounding banks.. The
. ^ ^
drainage area, and the heignt o r ^ ^ V a n jg c Q n . water which, in quality, was declare 4 reBe rvoir 250 feet veyed by iron pipes three miles to a service Commissioners Ne higher than * e lel of wry^ poQr L a w va,uatjo d charge householders is. in t w ^ j u d i c i o u s i y distributed, for provide twenty-eight free -ounta.n ^ in> C o m p a n y had a the benefit of the poor. TJeessD ^ ^ ^ ^ , g e t the
ing of its mills, and it was convenient to receive it from Camlough. After satisfying the statutory requirements in regard to Newry, the increase proved sufficient to drive eleven mills on theway from the lake to Carrowbawn, one mile from the borough boundary, where the waste is taken by the Navigation Company into the canal, and paid for by a fixed sum of 100 a-year. Eight of the eleven falls on the stream are used for power purposes by the Bessbrook Spinning Company itself. The owners of the other three pay 2 5s. per foot of fall per annum. One of the provisions of the Water Act empowered the Town Commissioners to acquire property and establish regular markets for the sale of all kinds of produce on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. In compliance with this, five market-places were enclosed in convenient parts of the town, at a cost of over ,17,000. They were ready for use in 1873. Previous to that time the markets were held in the streets, without regulation or tolls. The Act empowered the Town Commissioners to borrow ^42,000. Of this amount ^27,000 was spent on the water scheme alone. It was borrowed from English Insurance Companies, at five per cent., and will be paid off by a sinking fund of i per cent, in thirty years. Gas was first used in Newry in 1822. It was supplied by an English Company, which in 1857 sold its interest to locallyorganized shareholders, under the title of the Newry Gas Consumers' Company, Limited. The Town Commissioners, under an Act of Parliament, in 1879, bought out the Consumers' Company for ^28.500. The paid-up capital of the Company was .13,500 and the difference between this and the sum paid was supposed to cover the good-will. The works, then and still in Kilmorey street, were in a bad condition, and it took 8,000 to put them into good shape. The enabling Act permitted the Commissioners to borrow ^40,000, but they only took 32,000, husbanding the rest of the power for use in case electricity should have to be provided instead of gas. The old company chaged 5s. 5d. per 1,000 feet for the gas. The Town Commissioners, in 1879, reduced the rate to 5s. Some time afterward they reduced it to 4s. 7d. This is intended merely to cover expenses, interest at 4J per cent., and one per cent, sinking fund, the debt to be extinguished in forty years. The income of the Town Commissioners is drawn from the tolls of the markets, the monthly fair, from the water supply, gas supply, street sweepings, and from a general improvement rate. Out of this interest is paid on loans, cost of departmental management, street repairs, &c. The market tolls are regulated to provide for the ordinary working and interest on loans. Hiring fairs, after the Scottish pattern, have proved very successful at Newry.
(Bessfaoofc Spinning Compttg, l i
N.B.Special Monthly List kept for Changing all kinds of Foreign Monies, and American Dollars Cashed at FOUK SHILLINGS EACH.
Parcels and Merchandise smt over the Globe. -
Plumber, Gasfitter, Bell-hanger, Tin, Iron, and Copper-plate worker, 15 LR. NORTH STREET, NEWRY.
Enameled and Plain Baths, Water Closet Fittings, Force and Lift Pumps.
Iron Tube and Fittings ; Sheet Lead ; Lead and ComP"1 Pipes-Foreign Opal and Cut fclohes; Paraffin Lamps and Lamp Fittings (Foreign and EnslI*")' Lanterns; Sllyered Reflectors ; Billiard Fittings, * c , * *
EPISCOPAL, PRESBYTERIAN, REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN, UNITARIAN, CONGREGATIONAL, AND METHODIST CHURCHES, CHRISTIAN BRETHREN AND SOCIETY OF FRIENDS. ||T. PATRICK'S Episcopal Church is the most ancient in Newry. It was built by Sir Nicholas Bagnal, in 1578, and has been destroyed and rebuilt. Over the main entrance are the Bagnal arms, and date, the name in this instance being spelt Bagnol. The edifice itself is unpretending, but the view from it is not surpassed by any at Newry. In the churchyard are the burial places of many of the principal families of the town and vicinity. Improvements in the church-interior begun in 1879, were completed this year at a total cost of over 900, nearly all raised by voluntary subscription. They include a new chancel, with granite facing, Dungannon freestone quoins, and window dressings. The arch of balhstone, rises from black limestone polished columns, resting on corbels of bathstone. The inside windows have bathstone dressings, and the heads are ornamented in early English tracery. In the summary of work done may be mentioned the putting up of new choir stalls, reading desks, brass Communion rail, gas fixtures, and heating apparatus, and the re-fitting of pews. Mr. Matthers, of Canal-street, presented a lectern, and from the proceeds of a special fund, a new and beautiful pulpit was provided. The body is of Caen stone, and the supporting pillars of Cork and Connemara marbles. The organ loft dates from 1879. ^ r - Alex. Wheelan was the contractor for building the chancel, re-fitting pews, organ loft, &c, Mr. S- Fleming, the gas fixtures, and Mr. John Thompson the painting and decoration, and it may be said generally of the results, that they are in the highest degree creditable. The Rev. Francis King, D.D., present incumbent, has occupied the position during a period of 33 years. St. Mary's Episcopal Church has also been undergoing a change of interior. St. Mary's occupies what, in the past, was often referred to as " the low ground." It is in Gothic style of architecture, and has a tower and spire rising to a height of 190 feet. The foundation stone was laid in 1810, and the church opened for divine service in 1819. The walls are of granite, and thetotal cost, including the site, was over/15,000. The improvements to the interiorwerefinished this year. Amongthemost important of them was the erection of a new chancel, 25 ft. by 21 ft., and 50 ft. high, with a splendid window, elaborate in flowing tracery, of Armagh limestone. The tiling of the floor, encaustic after ancient examples from Christ Church, Dubliji.was
Tea, Coffee and Provision Merchant,
Plain and Fancy Biscuits, Jams, Jellies, &c.
done at the expense of Mr. Henry Thomson, J.P. The chancel arch is of bathstone. At the south side a structural change had to be made for an organ chamber. The old organa very good instrumentwas removed to it from the gallery, and overhauled and re-decorated by the makers at a cost of ^130. To give effect to this alteration a portion of the side galleries was removed, and two bathstone pillars with arches sprung from the chancel, substituted for the wall supports, at a cost of ,50, subscribed by the rector, Rev. Samuel Smartt, M.A. The old oak pews were remodeled to the fashionable shape. New choir stalls and reading desks in oak, were presented by the widow and sisters of the late Rev. T. B. Swanzy, M.A., formerly rector of the parish, who died in 1884. The pulpit, a very fine one, in Caen stone and marbles, was presented by the family of the late Archibald Erskine, M.D., who died in 1881. Mr. Thomas Erskine Swanzy presented the lectern, as an offering to the memory of his father. There is a new Communion rail of lacquered brass. The baptismal font, Caen stone, was purchased with the proceeds of a penny subscription by the Sunday school children, assisted by Mrs, Wheatley, one of the teachers. The architect was Mr. Thomas Drew, R.H.A., and the builders, Messrs. Cullen Brothers, of Portadown. A portion of the paint work was done by Mr. John Thompson. Upward of 2,000 was expended in the contract alterations. The walls of the church interior are largely occupied by tablets, one of which commemorates Sir Trevor Corry, Baron of Poland, who died in Pomerania, 1781. He left 3000 to the poor of Newry, and 1000 to aid in the erection of a new church in Newry, 37 years before the building of St. Mary's. An inscription to the memory of another of the Corry family, the Hon. Isaac, is equally interesting. He filled the post of Chancellor of the Exchequer in the Irish Parliament, and died in 1813. According to tradition the Act of Union was signed at his residence, Deramore House, near Newry. The Presbyterian Churches of Newry, in connection with the General Assembly, are in the same neighbourhood, the older being in Sandy's street. It was erected in 1827, and its first minister was the Rev. Mr. Shields. The present minister is the Rev. J. C. Ferris. In 1876 the interior of this church was remodeled by Mr. Alex. Wheelan, builder, at a cost of about .1,000. The work included new pews, in pitch pine, gallery front, also in pine and pierced in gothic style, a pulpit, carved pitch pine, standing on 12 pillars, hot water heating apparatus, &c. Mr. W. J. Watson, C.E., was the architect. Well kept grounds, inclosed by a handsome iron railing, serve to give effect to the outlines of the building, and to heighten its substantial
Paints, Oils, Colors, Crown and Plate Glass, Ac, Ac
attractions. The Downshire Road Church dates from 1843. It is a modest edifice of large capacity. There are ornamental grounds, but of far too limited proportions. The Rev. Win. Wylie, is the present minister. In 1885 nearly ,500 was spent in renovating the interior of this church, and putting up a new pulpit, composed in part of pitch pine, yellow pine, and American walnut. Messrs. Young and MacKenzie, Belfast, were the architects. Mr. Alex. Wheelan, the contractor, and the painting was done by Mr. John Thompson. At Riverside is the handsome brick church of the Reformed Presbyterian Congregation. This edifice was erected in 1866 by the Presbyterians, under the general Assembly, at a cost of 2,200. The Rev. Mr. Legate, its minister in 1883, went to Australia, and an agreement was arrived at by which the congregation was dissolved, part joining the Sandy's street church, and part the Downshire Road church. The trustees sold the building to the Reformed Presbyterians, who had previously been worshipping in the old Meeting House, High street. The bum agreed upon for the purchase was ^800, to be divided equally between the two churches referred to. Rev. S. Lyons is the present minister of the Reformed presbyterians. In Needham Place isthe First Presbyterian, Unitarian Church, It is in the gothic style, graceful and elegant in proportion, and has a handsome spire. The date of the erection was 1853. In the interior arrangements simplicity is the ruling idea. Comfortable seating accommodation is all that has involved expenditure. The only expensive decoration is a stained window, erected by the late Mr. Robert Greer, for many years an active member of the congregation. Shortly after his death in 1867, a brass plate was placed under the window inscribing it to his memory. The present minister is the Rev. J. A. Crozier. John Mitchel's father was minister of this body in the old Meeting House, High street. His remains lie in the green attached to it and near his grave is that of the son. Ebenezer Chapel, the place of worship of the Congregationalists, is on Trevor Hill. It was erected in 1816, and is a neat, solid edifice. Mr. Isaac Stewart, Sunday school superintendent, has been connected with it for thirty years. The membership in January, 1886 was about 70. Rev. John Gleeson is the minister. The Church is aided by the Irish Evangelical society. Methodism is represented by one Church, a substantial building, close to the Presbyterian Church in Sandy's street. It stands in inclosed, tastefully planted grounds, and beside it is the commodious well-appointed manse of the minister, Rev. James Donnelly. Mr. Donnelly's associate in charge of the circuit is the Rev. John Chambers.
H E COLLEGE is within convenient distance of the Town of Newry. The salubrity of its situation is best evidenced by the unvarying good health of the students. 1 ne Grounds attached to it are spacious and beautifully wooded, and afford every facility for outdoor games and exercises. The additional Buildings recently erected at a cost of .4>5OO> have been so arranged as to meet all the requirements ot an educational establishment Each student enjoys the exceptional advantage of occupying a single room, furnished vntn every convenience. The class and study halls are lofty ana well ventilated, and in connection with the main building there is a spacious and well lighted cloister suitable for indoor recreation in wet weather^ . ,, r The course of instruction, which- is directed by nigm) competent masters, is designed to prepare students w Professional and Commercial pursuits, as well as for Universities and higher Ecclesiastical Colleges, and comprises a full course of Greek, Latin, English, French, Mathematics, etc., and the various other branches necessary t qualify students for the Civil Service, the Intermediate, ana other Examinations. REQUISITES^
Each Pupil is required to be provided with the following outfit, viz. Two suits of clothes, a great coat, sheets, pillow cases, and the ordinal requisites for dressing.
Sitmi, .-num. Board and Tuition (without washing), _ a o Os. Od. per Am Board and Tuition (with washing), .-. t i l l 8. Od. " The Peuslon Is pnyable quarterly, In advance. Music and Medical Attendance (when necessary) are extra charge*.
The Pupils are supplied with bread and butter and tea, for breaktasi. bread and butter or bread and soup for luncheon, meat, etc., for dinne and bread and tea for supper. T i_ The Academic Yoar, which commences September ist and ends J J 1st, is divided into four terms : the first commences September 1st, w second November 16th, the third February ioth, the fourth April 301 There are usually three vacations during the yearfrom December 2i to January 7, from Wednesday in Holy Week to Wednesday a" Easter, and from first week in July to first week in September.
The Christian Brethren have their chief meeting place on Trevor Hill. Several members of the society of Friends reside in Newry. They attend at the Bessbrook Meeting House, which occupies a beautiful site on the summit of a gentle hill. The electric tram starts from Newry in time tor meeting. CATHOLIC CHURCHES, CONVENTS, ST. COLMAN'S COLLEGE, CHRISTIAN BROTHERS, &c. jJT. PATRICK'S, the Cathedral of the diocese of Dromore, occupies a prominent position in Hill street. It is built throughout of granite. The foundation stone was laid in 1825, and the consecration ceremony took place three years later. The handsome front is surmounted by battlements, and octagonal towers. In the interior there is a large seating capacity. Heavy granite pillars separate the aisles from the nave. There is a good organ. At the back of the altar is a large window of stained glass, erected in memory of the Rev. Father MacCartan, by the Holy Family of Newry. At the left of the Virgin's altar the first window was placed in 1882, in memory of Thomas and Anne Hughes, by their sons, Patrick Joseph and Thomas Francis. The second window representing four scenes from the life of Christ, baptism, teaching, blessing of children, and quieting the waters, was erected to the memory of Patrick Grantby, by his nephews, Edward and Henry MacCartan, 1885. The stain<Sd glass window on the right of the altar of St. Joseph is sacred to the memory of Patrick Carr, erected by his widow, Margaret Carr, 1885, and represents the marriage of Joseph and Mary, the Holy Family asleep on their journey, the going up fo the temple, and the death of Joseph. Next to this is a second window to her nephew, by Margaret Carr, 1885. St. Mary's Chapel, in Chapel Street, was erected in 1789, and to a certain extent is the most interesting of the Catholic houses of worship in Newry. In the burial ground attached to it are interred some of the human remains which were dug up at the time of the removal of the remains of the abbey. The chapel is in the shape of a Greek cross, minus one of the arms. Three very deep galleries are approached in the old-fashioned way, by steps on the exterior. Over the six doors are transome lights of stained glass, presented by the Rev. Father O'Hagan. The altars are simply decorated. Hanging above are pictures of the Passion and of the Virgin, the gift of a Dublin lady. A large window on the left, representing the Madonna
HULL S T R E E T , 15ttVV'
p Jfamilg ffirottr, C , Mint,, Spirit, anb ffitneral |rofasiw ME E T 3 3 OASTLE M STRE T ET, N E W R Y .
ffitpattmenls:Groceries, 'Wines and Spirits, Flour, Meal, Bran, Pollardf ^ Butter, EggB, &c. .
and Child, is in memory of Edward Quinn and Family. Another of the same size by Meyer of Munich, representing the death of St. Joseph, was erected this year upon the right of the altar, by James, Joseph, and Elizabeth Torley, in memory of their father James Torley, of Temple Hill. From the paths of the burial ground there is a fine view of the valley. The interest is greatly enhanced by the extraordinary number of magnificent yews, developed to unusual proportions by reason of their favorable position on this southern slope. Robert Sutton, the sexton for 37 years past, planted the greater number in his time. The tomb of Bishop Garvey, 1763, is on the old ground, and approached by the same path is the resting place of Rev. Dr. Blake, i860, built of grey stone against a gable-like elevation of granite, set in the wall. A handsome and chaste Celtic cross, by Emerson, of white marble, is in memory of the Murtaghs of Belfast. Near the foot of the hill is the site of a former chapel, and upon it a few stones removed from the old abbey. Of the Dominican Church, in Queen Street, justice requires it to be said that a more beautiful and symmetrical edifice is not to be found in Ireland. From its ornate and lofty tower to the least finished detail, it is a harmonious work. Three arched doorways opening from a broad platform, reached from the street by a flight of steps, are of Portland stone, the central one being particularly deep and richly ornamented. The nave is supported upon splendid pillars of polished granite, which rest upon white polished marble bases. The capitals, in Portland stone, are different in design, and support six arches at each side, over which are twelve clerestory windows. A pulpit worthy of the house has been erected by Patrick M'Donnell, in memory of his wife, 1884. This beautiful work of art is of white veined marble, set with carved panels of Carara marble, the largest face one being the transfiguration. The pulpit rests on green marble pillars. A handsome organ loft of carved Portland stone over the entrance, contains a fine instrument. The Church floor is tiled, and that of the chancel is richly carpeted in green, overlayed with crimson cloth. St. Joseph's altar is of pure white and colored marbles, set with creamy bas-reliefs in Caen stone, representing the saint in his fatherly relation, the Holy Family and death of Joseph. The altar of the Virgin is a work of great elegance, abounding in marble carving of flowers and delicate filagree. The High altar is at present a temporary one. Seven graceful lancet lights back the chancel, and the apse is azure with emblematical panels. Broad spaces are everywhere left open for the insertion of rich detail, but so far as the work has progressed, all has been produced from the best materials, with a true idea of artistic harmony and effect. The building of the
monumental Sculptures.
In Grey, Red, Blue and Green Granites, Italian and Irish Marbles,
Branch at Downshire Road, BANBRIDGE-
Is the only semi-weekly paper in the Counties of Down, Armagh and Antrim, throughout' which it circulates extensively, as also all over Ireland by post. The CHRONICLE contains the County, Poor Law, Municipal, Local Government, Land Act and Railwa) Advertisements. ProprietprJ. E. EMERSON.
church was begun in 1871 ; Mr. Ashland was the architect, and Mr. Peter Shane, clerk of works. Mr. Wm. Campbell did the painting and decoration. Very Rev. J. T. Willard, O.P., was Prior at the time. He was succeeded about 1874 by Very Rev. Thos. A. O'Callaghan, O.P., who, having become coadjutor Bishop of Cork, was succeeded by Very Rev. V. P. Flood, O .P. During his stay the organ (presented by the late John Quinn) was put in at a cost of ^700. Mr. Quinn also gave the Rosary altar, the window over it, and statue, total cost, j8oo. St. Joseph's altar cost ,325. It was presented by Miss Rose Connor. Very Rev. T. F. Purcell, O.P., was appointed Prior in 1883. Since then the tower and spire have been erected by Mr. Jas. McAdorey, builder, Dundalk, at a cost of ,2,000. The Convent has also been added. The total amount expended on Church and convent thus far is about 16,000. .Attached to the convent is a fruit and vegetable garden. It adjoins that of the old Brewery House, Mr. James Warnock's residence, in which are some splendid yews. Half-way up High Street, a comely and neat building indicates the Convent of St. Clare. The nuns are popularly referred to as " the poor Clares." They came to Newry from Harold's Cross, Dublin, in 1830. Offshoots are in Cavan, established i860, and Keady, Armagh, 1871. An Australian contingent went out in 1883. This convent is also parent to the convent at Kenmare, and the celebrated " Nun of Kenmare " was a novice here. Between 400 and 500 children are taught under the National Board of Education. Many of the poorer ones are clothed, and, to the utmost extent of limited means, are fed. A small elegantly-decorated chapel, in the Gothic style, was built after the nuns came into possession. The schoolrooms are large and well ventilated. For the Abbey grounds in the rear it would be difficult to say too much. Rising by a gradual ascent to a great height above the town, they afford a charming prospect and perfect breathing place. The convent gardens are handsomely laid out. The Convent of the Sacred Heart, presided over by the Sisters of Mercy, runs from Catherine-street to Canal Street. Broad sunny corridors, adorned with pictures and mottoes, are thorough between both streets. The convent chapel is tastefully fitted, and has some good paintings, the largest depicting the scene of Thomas doubting. Not the least of the attractive features are beautiful terraced gardens with ample conservatory and statuary embellishments. A department in which are about 350 children, is taught under the authority of the National Board of Education, and there is a sewing school of about 70 pupils, the work of which, by reason of its superior excellence,
Dissolved Bones, Superphosphate, Bone Manure, Special Manures, Ammonia Fixed Guano, Special Top-Dressing Manure, Special Dissolved Bones, Dissolved Bones & Bone Meal, Challenge Turnip ManureAll sold with Guaranteed Analysis, " High Quality" "Moderate Price," "Abiding Results."
Irish Branch Offices 7 BACHELORS W A L K , DUBLINJOHN KENNEDY, ManagerDepots at all the Principal Seaports-
101 has had purchasers in Australia, America, and other parts of the world. A first prize medal and certificate were obtained at the Cork Exhibition in 1883. for fine sewing and lace work. At the Dublin Exhibition of 1882, certificates of merit were awarded for similar productions. This convent was founded in Canal-street by the Rev. Mother Mary O'Connor, in 1855, and was a branch from Kinsale. The extension to Catherine-street was made in 1863. The Home for the Aged and Orphans in Kilmorey-street, founded by Mr. Thomas Fagan, is in charge of the sisters. St. Colman's Diocesan College is at Violet Hill, a suburb of the town, possessing in its surroundings mountain, woodland, and valley scenery of the most charming character. Magnificent beeches divide the grounds from the canal and river. The palace of the Bishop adjoins the College and shares with it the attention ofvisttors. The ereotion of New buildings three storeys in height, of Belfast brick, dressed with Newry granite, was begun in 1877. Most Rev. John Pius Leahy, D.D., the venerable bishop of the diocese laid the foundation stone in June of that year, and the sermon on the occasion was preached by the late eloquent Dominican, Very Rev. Thomas N. Burke, O.P. The day was wet but shelter was afforded, by an awning for the large number qf people who attended, In the spring of 1879 the opening ceremony took place. There is a library of over 2,000 books. A new avenue is one of the substantial improvements. It cost nearly 400, and has the advantage for day pupils, of shortening the distance from the College to the centre of the town by about half a mile. Very Rev. Henry O'Neill is president. At Mount St. Patrick, in Chapel-street, are the School and Convent of the Christian Brothers, they were erected in 1805 and endowed by the Most Rev. Dr. Lennon, Bishop of Dromore. The situation is exceedingly good. Schools in Kilmorey and Margaret streets are also taught by the Brothers. The latter is held in a handsome brick building erected for the purpose. WALKS AND DRIVES, HANDSOME PLACES OF RESIDENCE, THE CROWN FORT, &c. jjN every direction from Newry are walks anc drives abounding in beautiful scenery and places of interest. The five miles of road to Warrenpoint have con^Sl stantly in view the river valley, and the ever-varying heights of Down and Armagh. Handsome private residences are numerous at both sides of the river. On the Armagh side are those of Mr. Henry Barcroft, the Glen; Mr. Henry
of the
draw attention to his Printing Establishment, which has been expressly designed and fitted up for the rapid production of every class of Printing, whether of an ordinary commercial character, or of any other Typography. description of
shall receive the promptest attention, for Bookwork of every description; Sermons, Pamphlets, Reports of Societies, Rentals, Law Customs and Forms, Forms for Public Institutions,
Parties, Business Circulars, Invoice Heads, Note Headings, Receipt Books, Order Books, Forwarding Books. ?^'
brokers' Tickets, Ball Programmes, Concert Programmes, Admission Cards, Shopkeepers' Delivery Bills, Labels o all kinds, Shop and House Window Bills, Posting Bill* Handbills, Ornamental Printing in Gold.
103 Thomson, J.P., Altnaveigh House ; Mr. T. D'Arcy Hoey, J.P., Dromalane House ; and Mr. James M'Mahon, J.P,, Bellevue. Mr. Barcroft's place has a glen formed by the action of a mountain stream, which in its course, from a high elevation, produces several cascades and pools, framed by trees of lordly proportions, and by ornamental shrubs, into pictures of sylvan beauty sweetly and refreshingly inviting. The walks through the glen, by the kindness of Mr. Barcroft, are open to the public. Mr. Hoey's place, Dromalane House, has a park of 6j acres, in which some of the loveliest effects of landscape gardening are visible. There are grottoes, open rock-work, a cascade, and two trout ponds fed by a sparkling brook, and shaded by large trees which have captivated the hearts of a colony of rooks. Dromalane House is near the Dromalane Spinning Mill, and was the residence of its original owner, the late Mr. Hill Irvine. It occupies the site of the birthplace of John Mitchel, and he died in it. Mr. Irvine was married to one of Mr. Mitchel's sisters; John Martin, also a brother-in-law of Mr. Mitchel's, caught cold while attending the funeral of the latter, and died in the same house. Along the Downshire road ' are many private residences of a most substantial sort, some of them being very elegant. The road begins at the junction of Trevor Hill and Sandy's street, and is marked by a tall granite monument which perpetuates the memory of Trevor Corry, whose services as a magistrate secured him much public respect. Among the handsome private places in the vicinity of Newry are Ivy Lodge, residence of Mrs. Swanzy ; Sheepbridge House, residence of Mrs. Cowan ; and Ashgrove, residence of Mr. Moorhead. Ashgrove House was built by Mr. John O'Hare for the late Mr. J. M. Magee, Sessional Crown solicitor for county Armagh, and cost ,4,000. Some of the finest buildings in Newry, notably, the large flour mills of Messrs. Sinclair & Son, were erected under contract by Mr. O'Hare. On the Eathfriland Road, above the town, is the Crown Fort, from the antiquarian point of view, most interesting of the sights of Newry. It is an earth-work 112 feet high, with a base almost circular, having a circumference of 585 feet. The fosse surrounding it is 20 feet broad and 10 feet in depth. It is supposed that the celebrated battle of Magh Rath, 637, was fought in the valley around this mount instead of at Moira. Domnahll, the chief king, and the forces of the southern provinces were opposed by king Cougal of Ullagh, at the head of an army composed of his own people, and of mercenaries. Cougal was defeated and slain. Shane O'Neill, 1567, in his rebellion against the English, also used the Crown Fort as a base of operations.
[Arranged Alphabetically. Institutions not mentioned here should be sought in the County Directory. For names of Farmers, Landowners and others, see Newry Alphabetical Directory.]
M'CANN, A. & J-. HlU st
Lower Water st Dempsey, Mrs. M. A. 18 Sugar 1 M'Conville, Ternce, 19 Hill st
APRON AND PINAFORE and Castle st MANUFACTURERS. M'Elroy, John, 67 Canal st The Newry Manufacturing Co., M'Kitterick, Wm., 22 Canal st Mall MAGINNIS & SON, North ATHLETIC CLUB. President, T. D'A. Hoey, J.P. ; Henry Thomson, J.P., v.p. ; T. J. Marron, sol., Secretary; A. B. MacDonald, Treasurer AUCTIONEERS. Anderson, Jno., 5 Caulfield ter Livingston, Joseph, 3 Queen st Murtagh, ML, High st Small, Peter, 48 Castle st Rafferty, Mrs., 21 Castle st 33 Mill st
BANKS. ... Bank of Ireland, Trevor hiU, DONALDSON, WM, 31 Francis Homer, J.P.. agent Belfast Banking Co. Ld, Trevor North st hill, Jas. M'Farland, manager Grant,'Hugh, 58 Mill st Northern Banking Co., JW-. HUDSON AND TOMAN, 1 Mall Trevor hill, G. B. Moore, M.oMark. Chas. A., 16 Monaghan st Bank, I A , H i l l * LLOYD'S AGENT T. O'D. Kelly, manager . (AUSTRIAN) Ulster Bank, Ld., Marcus sq. open Thursday's only, M. D. G. Mancini, 4 Kilmorey st Blackwood, Banbridge, manager BACON CURERS. BATHS CO., L D , Brown, Robt., 17 Merchants qy Canal st H Gordon, Jas. G., 8 Monaghan st Dr. S. E. Martin, chairman; K. n Sinclair, Jas., 4 Canal st Doherty, secretary; John & * Watson, SamL, 24 Water st Hamilton, attendants
107 BLACKSMITHS AND HORSESHOERS. (See Smiths.) BOOT MAKERS AND BOOT WAREHOUSEMEN. Craig, William, 98 Hill st Cunningham, John, 20 North st Delaney, J. E., 30 North st Garrity, Thos., 28 North st Hill, Edward, 89 Hill st M'Court, Matt., 25 Hill st M'Gleenan, John, 36 Mill st M'Guffin, John, 36 North st M'Guffin, R. jun., 42 North st Magee, J. & Co., 14 Hill st M ' G I N N E S S , P . , 26 North street Maginnis, John, 23 Lr North Marshall, Jno., I Lr. North Mathers, Francis, 27 Hill st Miller, Andrew, 22 Market st Nixon, J. A., 26 Hill st Sheridan, Edw., 56 Mill st Toiley, Joseph, 19 North st Tyler, J. & Sons, 10 Hill st BUILDERS. Aiken, James, Monaghan st
Canal st Mahood & Murray, Monaghan st
Canal st CABINET MAKERS. Chambers, W. J., Basin Walk Gordon, Jos.. 2 Mall Hennessy, David, 7 Lr. North
88 Hill st M'Ateer, Henry, 35 Hill M'Avoy, J. & L., 2 Market CARLINGFORD LOUGH COMMISSIONERS, Offices, 63 Hill st D. C. Brady, D.L., Chairman > Earl Kilmorey, Admiral Dent, ColG. M. Dobbin, R.A., J.P., Dr. BOTTLERS OF PORTER AND Henry G. Gray, J.P.; John L. ALE (WHOLESALE). Henry J.P.; Arthur H. Holland Boden, Peter, 7 King st Hibbert, J.P.; John P. M'Nally.j.p; M'Kevitt, Mrs. M., Market James MacMahon, J.P. Newry Mineral Water Co., Ld., Robert A. Plunkett, Secretary; Downshire road Capt. Thomas Smith, ast. secretary Rice, James, Market street and and Harbour Master Queen street BRICK MANUFACTURERS. CATHOLIC CLUB CO., LD. House 31 Hill street Boyd, Andrew, 70 Church st Fowler, VVm., Talbot st Directors :J. F. Small, sol.; Jas. Rice, T.c; T. J. M'Cartan, J. BRIDEWELL. Kilmorey st., Joseph Lawson, M'Mahon, Peter Boden, Peter Byrne, P. M'Conville, B. Rice, keeper John Treanor, secretary; P. BUTCHERS, O'Hare. treasurer (see Victuallers.) This Club was established in 1881 BUTTER MERCHANTS. for social purposes. The roll of Greer, Jas. & Co., Merchants' qy membership contained about 150 Hanlon, Mrs. A., Market street names in January 1886. SubscripHarcourt, Jos., Butter Crane tions, men 10/-, youths 5/-. The Mulgrew, James, Butter Crane attractions include reading room Sinclair, James, Canal street and billiard room. There is no bar
CLANRYE CLUB, LD. Club House, Mall Established in 1879 for sods! purposes. Nominal capital 2,000 in shares of $ each. About 80 CATHOLIC CLUB Junior Debating Society, 31 Hill members in 1886, including shareSt., J. H . Harmon, secretary; Wm. holders. House built by Company at a cost of ^500. Annual subCrilly, treas. scription 10/6. Election by ballot Jos. tupton, prest., Edw. Lamb, CATHOLIC WORKING MENS sec, B. Rice, treas CLUB, LD. Club House, The Mall COACH BUILDERS. This club was established about Finlay, Robt., Needham st ten years ago with a view to educa- Lawson, Charles, 61 Hill st tional advancement. On certain M'Court, Henry, Edward st and nights of the week instruction is Catherine st given to the cllildren of members. Stewart, Isaac 42 Win. st In January 1886, the organization COAL MERCHANTS. was changed into a limited liability Greer, Jas. & Co., 16 Merchants' company with a capital of ^'1,000 quay in shares of 10/- each P. Neary, president, P. Waters, Guy, G. jun., 45 Merchants' qy Hughes, P., 52 Merchants' quay sec., William Campbell, treas Hunter, Wm. J., 3 Bridge st CHANDLERS (MANUFAC- Savage, James, junr. & ^ > TURING). Merchants quay , Collins, M'. & B., 24 Castle st Wallace, Hugh J., 40 Merchants Strain, John, 8 Sugar Island CATHOLIC CLUB Debating Society, 31 Hill St., J. H. Russell, secretary
Merchants' qy COLLEGE. ANDERSON AND M'CEEA. 35 & 36 Water st St. Colmans, Violet Hill, Very CONNOR, Dr. S., Hill st Rev. Hy. O'Neill, President, set Hamilton. W. R. & Co., 60 Hill st index M'lLWAINE & CO,, 49 Rev. Hugh O'Neill and Patrick Crowley, Professors Hill st CHRISTIAN BRETHREN. COMMERCIAL NEWS ROOM Meeting places Trevor Hill and 63 Hill street Monaghan st About 100 members maintain this news ro m by subscriptions ot CEMETERIES. 30/- each per year James WarSt. Patrick's (C.I.) Church st nock, hon. secretary and treasurer Meeting House, Well Lane, off CONFECTIONERS. Church st Bulger, Ed., 19 High st Meeting House Green, High st Crawford, Wm., 44 Castle st Loughoran, off Banbridge road Frusher, Wm., 11 Chapel st Old Catholic Chapel, Chapel st
IO9 Hughes, Thos., Market st McAlinden, John, 55 Hill st McKay, Thos. J., 1 Hill st Murdoch, vVm., Hill st CONGREGATIONAL. Ebenezer Chapel, Trevor hill Rev. John Gleeson, Minister, Kes, 21 Sandy's st CONSULAR AGENT. France and Italy, D. G. Mancini 4 Kilmorey st CONVENTS. Mercy, Catherine st Poor Clares, High st COOPERS. Stewart, James, 18 King st Jordan, John, 46c Mill st Hanna, I)., Meeting House lane Hanna, S., Meeting House lane DISPENSARY. 5 Mall. Medical OfficersDrs. McBride and Crossle DOCTORS. (See Physicians and Surgeons.) DOMINICAN Church and Priory, Queen st; Very Rev. Thos. F. Purcell, O.P., Prior; Rev. R. B. Cranfield, O.P., Sub-Prior ; Rev. Danl. Magennis, O.P., Rev. F. Murphy, O.P. DRAPERS.
92 Hill st Agnew, Mrs., 46 Hill st. Byrne, A., & Co., North and Hill sts
6 North st Campbell. H., 39 Hill st Clarke, S. W., & Co., 6 Margt st Crothers, R , 13 Sugar Island "Cunningham, J no., 7 Margaret st CORN MERCHANTS. Denvir & Son, 96 Hill st Ewen, Mrs., Margaret st (See Grain Merchants.) Fitzsimons, James, 80 Hill st F O S T E R &Co., Hiilst COURT HOUSES. arrighty, Thos , 28 North st. Trevor hill and Ballybot. ienny, Isaac, Needham place Haughey, Anne, 13 North st CRICKET CLUBS. Ledlie, Thos. P. & Co., North st Newry ClubR. Dempster, ittle, Mrs., 19 Lr. North st Capt.; Jas. Wilson, Secretary; McCaffrey, j . , 41 North st E. T. Griffith, Treas. McCartan, T. J., 22 North st Commercial ClubR. A. Ridges, McCormick, Jas., J1 Hill st Captain ; G. F. Alderdice, Vice- McDonald, Thos., Hill st Capt.; David Ferris, Secretary; McGinnis, Ptk., 10 Market st McGuire, John, 20 Market st A. Sinclair, Treasurer McMahon, John, Margaret st McStay, James, 15 North CYCLING CLUB. Maginnis, P., jun., 10 Market st John MacKnight, Captain ; H. Marshall, E. & Pearson and W. S. Sinclair, Vice- Milligan, James.M., I Sugar Island Lr. North Capts.; Wm. Barclay, Treas. ; E. Moore, N. & E., 21 Kildare st 2 R. Hopkins, Secretary Mullan, P., 12 Hill st. CORK FACTORY. Kean, Mrs. S. A., 6 Mall
. FLAX SPINNERS. Bessbrook Spinning Co., IA, TRBANOR, JOHN, 66 Hill Dromalane Mill. Dempster, Robt., Corn Market street Wilson, T. A. andS-, 16 Sugar I Wilson, A., Edward st FLESHERS. DRUGGISTS. , (See Victuallers.) (See Chemists and Druggists) O'Connor, T. P., I Margaret st O'Rorke, Mrs. A., 54 Hill st DYERS. Keatinge, F r , Mill st FLOUR MERCHANTS AND DEALERS. (See also Bakers and Grocers.)
EMIGRATION AGENTS. Kildare st Dymond, John J., n Merchants' M'CANN, A. & J-. Hills'4 quay Castle st ,, Guy, Geo., jun, 45 Merchts.' qy WILSON, JOHN, 2J Merchants' quay. FEVER HOSPITAL, FLOUR MILLERS. Rathfriland road. (See Millers.) Dr. B. S. Booth, medical officer; FOOTBALL CLUB. Rev. J. C. Ferris, secretary ; James Newry, Ground Warrenpomt. M'Farland, treasurer'; Miss Mary E. Ellis, matron. R. Dempster, capt.; Win. Walker, secretary FIRE BRIGADE. Engine HouseThe MalL FORESTERS' SOCIETY. The Newry Volunteer Fire RoomsPound st Brigade was established in 1877 through the public-spirited efforts FOUNDRY, BRASS. of a few of the business men, inC a n a l st cluding the captain, Mr. R. F. Blair, Henry, 95 Maginnis, the 1st officer, Mr. FOUNDRIES, IRON. Albert Scott, and Mr. Alexander Lucas and Son, Canal bank M'Clelland. The Town Commissioners undertook the expense of Newry Foundry Co, Edward st an outfit for twelve volunteers, who, FOWL DEALERS AND in emergency, are reinforced by six SHIPPERS. paid men. A manual engine, hose, hose cart, ladder, and fire-escape Dunne, Ml., Abbey yard form the equipments. The fire- M'Ginnis, Jas., 9 North st escape was procured at a cost of M'Glade, Hy., 13 Market st ^50, subscribed privately at the M'Glade, John, 17 High st solicitation of the captain. The GAS WORKS. water supply is sufficient to afford KiWeyst. Owned by a pressure from the plugs great enough to reach the roof of the town, and managed Dy n Gibb, under the supervision ot highest house in town.
committee of the Town Coir.mis- Dempsey, Mrs.M. A., 18 Sugar I. sioners. John Kemaghan, secre- *Dowdall, Dl, I Boat st Res., Warrenpoint. Wm. *Dromgoole, Charles & Son, II Eakm, collector. Res., 94 Hill st Monaghan st Terence J. Rice, Meter Inspector, Fegan, James, 10 Water st Res. 5 Chapel s t ' Fisher, Joseph, Albert basin *Gordon, Jos., 27 North st GLASS, CHINA & EARTHEN- GRAHAM ROBERT, 6 WARE. Kitdare street Barry, MI., 5 Mill st *Hanratty, Ben., 19 Market st Corcoran, P., 52 Hill st *Hanratty, SI., 26 Boat st Grant & Co. (E. & H. M'Cartan Heather, John, 8 Water st 54 North st "Hughes, P., 52 Merchants' qy ROME, JAMES, .7 Sugar "Johnson, Adam, 1 Canal st Lennox, Dl., Buttercrane Island *Lowery, Jerh., 28 Castle st GRAIN MERCHANTS. *M'Avoy, Bernard, Lr North st The Millers are also Grain Mer *M'J81ain & Co., 67 Hill st chants, *M'CANN, A. & J-, Hill st and Castle st "eatty, Jos., Merchants' quay Frazer& Co., Merchants' ay M'CLELLAND, R-, 33 Greer, Jas. & Co., 16 Merchants' Castle st quay M'CRINK, HENRY, 54 hands, Rt., 30 Merchants' qy Merchants' qy Stewart, Donald, Canal quay M'Court, John, 9 King st THOMPSON, JAMES, *M'Cutchin, I & I., 3 Canal st M'Kevitt,Mrs.M., 1 Market JMldare street *M'Parland, B. F., 57 Lower GREEN-GROCERS. North st Cartmill, Wm., 34 Canal st "Mallon, Bernard, 6 Canalst Grant, Mrs., 19 Castle *Malion, Laur., 1 Castle Gribben, P., 63 Castle Marron, Pk., 3 Mill st GROCERS MOORE, FRANCIS & who are licensed to sell wines and CO., Margaret square spirits, MURPHY, JAMES, 9 Marked thus [*] sell provisions. Sugar Island *Anders"n, Mrs. M. E., 3 Sugar I O'Hare, Bros., 16 Water stst Murtagh, Mary, 12 Market O'Hare, H. & M.,Wm. st si BODEN, PETER, 7 King st O'Donnell, Dl., 28 13 Castle O'Hare, John, 49 Mill st Boyle Bros., t$ Hill st O'Neill, James, 5 King st gyd, Andrew, 70 Church B Roche, "Patrick, 16 Market st yd, Thos., Needham pi ooney, Danl., 20 Merchants' terfield, Mrs. C , Lr. Water quay A"^' E d l v - ' 4O William st Rooney, P., 40 King st CONNOLLY, P. & CO. 56 Ryan, Edw., 57 Castle st Kyan, John, 36 Castle f Merchants' quay & 19A Hill st Walmsley, Andrew, 65 Hill st ,Xr'1!g- J- and Co., 7 Kildare st Watson^ SI., 24 Water st
*Ctf N N I N G H AM,
l-HOS., 47 Lower Mill st
112 *Wright, James, Stream st Wylie, W m . J . , 4 Sugar Island GROCERS who do not sell Wines and Spirits, Marked thus* sell provisions *Adams, Thomas, 111 Canal st * Anderson, Jas., I Merchants'qy Anderson, Mrs., High st Campbell, R. & Co., 29 Merchants' quay. Clarke, W. J., 13 Hill st Collins, H., 5 Hill st Collins, M. & B., 24 Castle Gordon, Jas. G.. 8 Monaghan st Gallagher, J. J., 24 Market Grant, Patk., 77 Boat st Green, T. & Co., 2 Margt. sq Hamilton, Jas., Merchants'qy Hand, Wm. H., 26 Merchants' quay Hanna, SI., 48 Mill st
HARMONIC SOCIETY. Established 1832, by Joseph Lupton, of the flour mills, Queen St., its conductor. Average strength eight members. No subscription. All instrumental performers. Meetings for practice at Dr. Kean s HOLLINGSWOBTH, S-, Needham place 32 Water st HARBOR COMMISSIONERS Jordan, Charles, 9 & 13^ Mary st (See Navigation Co.) Livingston. Jos., 3 Queen st Harbor Master : M'Veigh, Jas., *M'DonnelI, John, 22 Water st 32 M'Givern, Pk., 35 Boat st Martin, Nesbitt and Irwin, 90 Hill HARRIERS. street (See chapter on Hunting)
North st, upr. Morrow, S. J., Kilmorey and William streets Nicholson, John C. & Co., 3 Kildare st and 23 Merchants' qy O'Hare, Bernard, 20 Water st O'Hagan, F., Margaret st O'Hare, Peter, 12 Water st. Patterson, Eobt., 2 New st Renshaw, Jno., Monaghan st Robinson, T. J., 55 Monaghan st
H. M. CUSTOMS. Custom House, 91 Merchants' qy B. M. Hearn, Collector, supt. of Mercantile Marine and receiver of wreck ; John Doherty, clerk and deputy S. of M. M. and B. of W.; John Walsh, A. C. Spy. Wm. M-Oann & Edwin Marshall, Examining officers; John Cooke, Wm. Browett and M. Farrelly, out-door SANDS, ROBERT, 30 officers; R. J. Doherty, housekeeper and messenger Merchants' qy HOME Small, Peter, 48 Castle Smith, Jas., 16 Castle For Aged Women and Orphans' Sturgeon, W. J., 10 Merchants' Kilmorey St. In 1879 the buildings were purTHOMPSON, JAMES, Kildare st chased at auction by Mr. Thomas
42 Upr. Mill st LLOYD'S AGENT Joseph Fisher, Albert Basin Lloyds (Austrian) agentG. D. HOTELS. Mancini, Kilmorev st Loan Co., Ld., Newry, 6 Trevor Imperial: Jos. J. Byrne, Marcus sq Hill, Wm Gillespie, mgr., G. R. Newry : E. Sheridan, Cony sq Armstrong, auditor Temperance: Miss. Parks, M'Alister ter MANURES, ARTIFICIAL. Victoria: Mrs. Dawson, 86 Hill (see also seed merchants) White t : Rooney Bros, Margt st Anderson & M'Crea, Water st INLAND REVENUE. Jordan," Chas., 9 & 13\ Mary st Income tax, office, Canal Bank MARINE STORES. M. D. Golden, Surveyor, Res.7 Caulfield ter.; Robinett Grandy, Barry, Michael, 5 Mill st Collector. Res.Warrenpoint; Curran, Hugh, 23 Castlest Jos. M'Gaffin, Clerk, Res.Sheep- O'Hare, H. & M., 13 Castle st town MARKETS. Excise Office, 48 Canal St.J. C. Larkin, supervisor. Res9 Sandy's Held on Tues., Thurs., and Sat. Needham stgrain and grass st.; Francis Mulligan, Ride Officer seed, Tuesdays Thursdays, and Res.48 Canal st Saturdays ; pork, sheep, and pigs, Thursdays only. John Martin, elk IRONMONGERS. King stflax, Thursdays only ; Boyd, P. K., 64 Hill st BYRNE, JOHN, 37 North st butter, Tuesdays and Saturdays. Thomas M'Mullan, clerk CATHCART, J. &CO.,2 9 Mary st, northhay and straw, North st., Tuesdays, Thursdays, and SaturColman, Thos. J., 39 North st days. Edward Kelly, clerk. MacDonald, A & Co., Hill st Mary st, southpotatoes, fruits, Magee, Thos. 51 Hill st nursery and other plants, hides, Quinn, E. & Sons, Margaret st and fowls, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Rooney, Bros., Margaret st and Saturdays. Fras. Mathers, elk Market st (retail)meat, eggs, LAWN TENNIS CLUB. and butter, cabbage, &c, TuesCourts, Rathfriland road, Robert days, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Henry P. Doherty, clerk. Erskine, secretary and treas
Fegan, of North st. and adapted to the purpose of a home for aged women and orphans. The ceremony of dedication was performed in Sept. of the same year, by the Most Rev. Dr. Leahy, Bishop of the diocese. In January, 1886 the inmates included 35 old women and 15 children. The expenses are met by voluntary contributions, Mr. Fegan, the founder, from his private purse, providing for probable deficits.
LINEN MANUFACTURERS. Forestbrook Linen Co., The Quay MacDonnell, Allan, Damolly LEATHER MERCHANTS. (see also tanners.) Murray, Saml., 43 Mill
[ MONUMENTAL SCULPTORS MASONIC. Nelson Lodge, 18, Savings' Baird, Wm., Mary st Bank. F. C. Crossle, M.B., secretary. Union Lodge, 23, and St. EMERSON, JOHN E-, Basin Walk Patrick's Lodge, 77, Masonic Hall, Hill st. Wm. S. Tinkler, secre- Ewen, C. & Son, Monaghan st tary, 77 NAVIGATION COMPANY, Office, Canal Bank, MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT. DirectorsDr. Saml. Connor, Justin H. M'Carthy, 20 Cheyne Wm. Brown, T. D'A. Hoey, J.P., gardens, Chelsea, London Dr. H. G. Gray, J. F. Erskine, MERCHANT TAILORS. J.P., A. R. Walker, J.P., Allan BARCLAY & HOPKINS, MacDonnell. J.P., Patk. Murphy, 67 HiU st R. A. Gradwell, J.P., J. F. Harris, Clarke, S. W. & Co., 6 Margt. st Peter Quinn,j.P., Francis Horner, JPPOSTER & CO., Hill st. Geo. R. Armstrong, Secretary; Hardy, Peter, 4 Market st B. B. Murray, Engineer; Alex. Savage, Pk., 72 Hill st Gartlan, Solicitor; William H. Treanor, John, 66 Hill st Mitchel, Cashier ; Jas. M'Veigh, Ulster Clothing Co., Northst Harbor Master; J. R. Monaghan, METHODIST CHURCH AND Inland Inspector ; Captain Arthur MANSE, O'Neill, Dock Master. Sandy's street Rev. Jas. Donnelly, Rev. Jno. NATIONAL LEAGUE, Chambers Hall, Castle st. MILITARY. John Smith and Patk. M'ConBarracks, Barrack st; 1st Batt. ville. Secretaries. Northumberland Fusiliers, Lt.-Col P. Fitzroy, commanding; Capt. NEWRY CLUB, LTD. T. S. L. H. Armstrong, adjutant; Club House, 15 Margaret st H. T. Garnett, quarter-master R. G. O. Johnston, sol., SecreMILLERS, FLOUR & CORN. tary ; P. J. M'Loughlin, Treasurer; Wm. Tilbury, Steward. Beatty, Joseph, Merchants' qy [In 1867, the Newry Club was Fennell, Jas:, Buttercrane qy established upon acapitalof 1000, Lupton & Son, Queen st in 200 shares of 5 each. Entrance O'Hagan, Felix, Catherine st Sinclair & Son, Canal quay, and fee one guinea ; subscription one guinea; country members halt a Sugar island Walker, A. R., Hill st guinea] NEWS AGENTS. MINERAL WATER (See Stationers.) MANUFACTURERS.
ReporterTues. Thurs. and Sat., office, 78 Hill st ; James Burns, proprietor. TelegraphTues. Thurs. & Sat., office, 48 Hill st; Jas. Henderson, proprietor NURSERYMEN. M'Gaffin, James, Sandy's st Rodger M'Clelland & Co, office, 76 Hill st ORANGE HALL, Downshire road. Saml. Tweedie, Caretaker (Six lodges meet here) PAINTERS. Adams, Win., 19 Canal st Mill st and Mary'st Gilmer, John, 31 Canal st
Crossle, Francis C., 10 New st Keane, Hugh J., 6 Needham pi M'Bride, Andrew, 56 Hill st McCartan, ML, 34 Hill st Martin, Saml. E., 8 Trevor hill Savage, John, 58 Hill st PIANOFORTE WAREROOMS
Sugar Island
North st DONALDSON, JOHN, 87 PAWNBROKERS. Anderson, Mrs. E., High st Hill st Harcourt, Rd., High st FLEMING, S., 4 North st Little, Wm., 22 Castle st McGrath, Robt., 55 Hill st Tweedie, Wm., 12 King st Maguill, M., 43 Lr. North st Weir, Thos., Market square MCKNIGHT, JAMES, IS PETTY SESSIONS. Lr North st Trevor Hill Court-house, every PLYMOUTH BRETHREN. Wednesday, at 10.30 a.m. (See Christian Brethren.) Ballybot Court-house, every Monday, at 10.30 a.m. Robert POST OFFICE, Erskine, clerk ; office, 63 Hill St. 42 Hill street. Res The Yews Post-master and stamp distributor, Henry Loughran ; chief clerk, PHOTOGRAPHERS. John Colter ; supervising officer, Erly, Patrick, 45 Mary st John Bond ; clerks, Jos. McParland, Jas. Shaw, Jno. O'Connor, M'Kay, T. & Co., 62 Hill st A. Magennis, Geo. Kean, R. H. Micklethwaite, W. R., 4 Hill st Govers, M. Galloghly, E. Z. PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS. Lowans, F. W. Frazer ; lineman, Jos. Roden; parcel post ast., Pk. Booth, B. B., 3 Trevor hill Norton. Connor, Samuel, 79 Hill st
Sub Pott-office, Sugar Island Mark J. Doyle, P. M. ; assistants, Jas. Gordon, Jas. Monaghan. Open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
North st., Upper
PRESBYTERIANCHURCHES Downshire road Rev. William 31 and 33 Mill st PUBLICANS. Wylie, minister. Res., Down(See Spirit Retailers.) shire road Sandy's streetRev. J. C. Ferris, QUARRY OWNERS. minister. Res., Downshire rd Baird, Robt., Ballynacraig Campbell, A. F., Ballynacraig PRESBYTERIAN Cooper, Saml., Derryleckagh YOUNG MEN'S SOCIETY. Emerson, J. E., Basin walk Meets at Institute (Y.M.C.A.), Finnegan, P., Glenville Hill street, 108 members in 1886. McCullough, J., & Sons, Croreagh Rev. m , Wylie, president; Toman, Jas., Ballynacraig Rev. J. C. Ferris, Rev. A. S. Weir, Jos., Cloughenramer Lyons, G. F. Alderdice, vice-preREFORMED PRESBYsidents ; Alex. McClelland, W. W. TERIAN. Martin, secretaries ; H. A. Savage, treasurer; W. D. Watt, editor; Church, Riverside : Rev. A. S. A. G. Graham, librarian. Lyons, Minister. ResidenceBally nacraig. PRESBYTERIAN JUNIOR RAILWAY STATIONS. SOCIETY. Great Northern, Edward st.; Meets at Y.M.C. Institute, Hillst. Henry Sloan, Station-master Established 1885. Newry, Dundalk and Greenore, A. J. Graham, president; T. B. Edward st passengers ; Bridge Graham, secretary; W. Rennie, stgoods; Mr. Bowles, Stationast. sec. ; J. Fisher, treasurer; master J. R. Grubb, editor. Newry, Warrenpoint, and RosPRINTERS, LETTERPRESS. trevor, Edward st and Bridge st; Patrick Clarke, Station-master, Collins & Co., Hill st Dublin Bridge McCaw, James, 12 Sugar Island. RATES, TOWN & WATER. Magowan W. and S., 106 Hill st Newrv Keporttr, 78 Hill st CollectorH. J. Livingstone, Newry Telegraph, 48 Hill st Res., Warrenpoint Wright, Jas., 33 Water st ROPE MANUFACTURERS. PROVISION MERCHANTS. Davidson, Win., 2 Sugar Island McParland, Thos, 28 Pound st (See also Grocers & Bacon Curers.) Moore & Dunwaddy, Sono pi Byrne, F.dward A., 21 Lr. Water st ROWING CLUB. HOLLINGSWORTH, S., Robt. F. Maginnis, Captain; J32 Water st C. Graham, Vice-Capt. ; Alex. McCANN, A. & J., Hill st McClelland, Secretary; Hy. Marand Castle st shall, Treasurer Mclvor, H., & Co., 7 North st
R. I CONSTABULARY. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH . (C. I.) BarracksCanal street. Hide Church st. : Rev. Francis King, market, and Church st. Wm. M Davies, D.I., Res., Trevor hill D. D., Incumbent, Res.DownJames McQuade, H.c , Canal st. shire road; Rev. J. G. Burton, James Williams, H.c., Hid( M.A., Curate market; James Campbell, Sergt., ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Church st SOCIETY. SADDLERS. Rev. Ml. McConville, D.D., Clarke David, 25 Water st Spiritual Director; Patk. Cronan, President; R. H. Doherty, and Doherty. John, 2^ Monaghan st P. McConville, Vice-Presidents ; Hillan. David, 29 Water st John Treanor, Treasurer; Peter Lee, Wm. J. 47 Monaghan st O'Hare, Secretary. Meets at 8 McGurk, D., 3 Water st o'clock every Wednesday evening Rice, Bernard, 100 Hill st at the Cathedral. Weir, Thos., 30 Water st
SALT WORKS CO., LTD. Bank Parade. SAILORS' HOME. 34 William street ; Wm. Fry, Caretaker. This home has accommodation for about 20 sailors,at 6d. per night, and has single rooms for captains at is. per night. It is kept in good condition, and has smoking room, reading room, library, and garden. The management is confided to a committee of ladies. ST. MARY'S CHURCH (C. I.) Hill st.: Rev. Samuel Smartt, M.A., Incumbent, Res.Caulfield terrace; Rev. M. F. H . Collis, B.A., Curate, Res.Canal st ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC CATHEDRAL. Hill st. : Rev. Thomas Gallery, Admr.; Rev. Ml. McConville, D -D., CO, Rev. Jas. Carlin CO, Rev. Murtagh McPolin, c . c , Rev. John Rooney, c.c., Rev. Felix Maginnis, c.c. Res.Parochial House, 40 Hill st SANITARY AUTHORITY. OfficersDr. Francis Crossle New st; Dr. A. McBride, Hill st Sub-OfficersWm. Ferguson, Canal st; Patrick Boland, Mall SAVINGS BANK. Parade: Open Tuesday, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. ; George McCracken, Actuary; George R. Armstrong, Auditor SCHOOLS. Christian Brothers.-Upr. Chapel st, Kilmorey st, and Margaret st. Director: Rev. Bio. John F.'tzsimons. Church of Ireland.Infant School Stream st. Mistress : Miss Copeland. Ragged School, Talbot st. Master: Mr. Leech. Scriptural School, Downshire rd. Mistress: Mrs. White. Model School.Catherine st, Up. Head Master (Boys): Wm. Delap Watt, Ast. Thos. Doherty. Head Mistress (Girls): Miss K. G. O'Connell, Ast. Mrs. A. B. Rainey. Infants department : Miss Anna M. Armstrong, Ast. Miss A. S. MacMasters. H
Intermediate, Corry square. Head j Master: Wm. Stoops, A.B. Ast. Master, Wm. Johnston, A.B. Ladies' DepartmentTeachers, Misses Agnes Day and Mary Gillespie. NationalBallybot, boys and girls, Mistress, Miss M. J. Cuyler, Ast. Miss Teresa Gordon. Boat stWm. Grant, master. ConventsSisters of Mercy, Canal st, Poor Clares, High st William stMaster: Ed. Creaney. Mistress: Miss Teresa Hill. Windsor HillMaster: Jos. Bell. Mistress: Mrs. Gillespie.
SHIP BROKERS. Fisher, Jos., Albert Basin Guy, G., jun., 45 Merchants' qua) Moore & Dunwoody, Soho place SHIP BUILDERS. Hunter, Jas., Canal quay Hunter, Moses, Kilmorey st SHIP CHANDLERS. Moore & Dunwoody, Soho pi
SHIP OWNERS. Dundalk and Newry S.S. Co., Ltd Fisher, Jos., Albert Basin Greer, Jas. W., Merchants' quay Hanratty, Simon, Boat st Hunter, John A., Buttercrane qy SEED MERCHANTS. Hunter, Moses, Kilmorey st Marked thus * sell manure, Newry Salt Works Co., Ltd t grass seed only. Redmond, W. F. & Co., Merchants Bennett Bros., 18 New st quay Campbell, R. & Co., 29 Merchant? Wilson, John, Merchants quay SHIP SMITH. Bell, Robert, Soho pi DOYLE, MARK J.,3&S SHORTHAND ASSOCIATION Sugar Island Athenaeum, Hill st Frazer & Co , Merchants quay Henry Thomson,J.P., President; McCutchin, J. and I., 3 Canal st T. D'A. Hoey, J.P., Vice-Pres.; McDowell, John, 22 Water st Martin, Nesbitt &. Irwin, 90 Hill John MacKnight, sec. and treas. street tMoloughney, Jno., 2 Corn market SMITHS, HORSESHOERS &c. Curran, John, 14 Merchants' quay O'Hare, Bernard, 20 Water st McElerney, Jas., Monaghan st O'Hare, Peter, 12 Water st McClelland, Saml. & Son, 39 Renshaw, Jno., Monaghan st Rodger, McClelland & Co., 76 Mall Hill street Mooney, John, 18 Hill st Sands, Robt., 30 Merchants quay Morgan, James, Water st Sinclair, Jas. 4 Canal street Niblock, Jos., Monaghan st tStewart, Donald, Canal quay Whitfield, James, Catherine st Castle street.
THOMPSON, JAMES, Kildare street Watson, Saml., 24 Water st SERVANTS' REGISTRY OFFICES. Henry Mrs., 15 Sandys st Middleton, Mrs., Bridge st
SOLICITORS. Atkinson, J. Searight, 7 H i U s t Carey, Thos., 7 Marcus sq Gartlan, Alex., 12 Needham pi Halpin, John, 35 Kilmorey st Johnston, R. G. O., 10 Trevor hill
Marron, Thos. J., 44 Hill st Moore, John H., 9 Needham pi Mullan, Robt. A., 9 Trevor hill Small & Donnelly, 37 Hill st SPIRIT RETAILERS. Acheson, Mrs. M. J., King st Armour, Mrs. Ellen, 13 Canal st Bragg, John, 45 North st Carr, Margt., 12 Margt st Carroll, Bridget, 7 Market st Connor, Mrs. M. A., 25 Bridge st Crilly Bros., 4 Monaghan st Crozier, Spence, 6 Sugar Island Crowley, Patk., 24 Monaghan st Donnelly, Rose, 24 Sugar Island Fegan, Thos., 4 North st Flood, Richd., 71 Monaghan st Gordon, Wm. J., Stream st Grant, Hugh, 58 Mill st Hanna. Jos., 16 Canal st Hynes, John, 89 High st Guy, Geo., jun., 45 Merchants' qy Jennings, Patrick, 2 Margt st Kane, Jas., 22 Edward st King, K. &J., 36 William st Lamb, Neal, 73 Monaghan st M'Alpin, Wm., Kiln st M'Ateer, J., 31 Castle st M'Cann, Mrs. T. I Monaghan M'Cormack. Miss M. A., 75 Hill st M'Clorey, Hy., Needham pi M'Keown, Thos., William st M'Knight, John, 46 M'ghan M'Knight, John, 17 Needham st Mackin,Thos., 55 Lr. North Marron, Mrs. E., Mill st Magill, Mrs. Mary, Edward st Maguire, Mrs. Mary, King st Mancini, D. G., 4 Kilmorey st Mark, Patk., 35 Water st Marron, Ellen, 29 Mill st Maxwell, George H., 54 Canal Morgan, Isaac, 7 Boat st Murphy, Thomas, 16 Edward st Murtagh, Daniel, 24 Hillst Neill, John, 18 Canal st O'Higan, Mrs. E., Mill st O'Hare, H. F., 9 Merchants' qy O'Hare, Fatk. Castle st
O'Kane, Pk., 20 Monaghan st O'Rorke, Hugh, t High st O'Rorke, Robt., Needham st. Reed, Mrs. Eliza, 29 Canal st R I C E , J A M E S , Market st Roche, Patk , Market st Ryan, Andrew, 9 Edward st Smith, J., 6 Monaghan st Tumulty, Joseph Whigham, Joshua, Drumiller SPIRIT MERCHANT, (WHOLESALE & RETAIL)
Sugar Island STATIONERS, BOOKSELLERS, &c. Marked thus* are News Agents. Cassidy, E. (E. Alderdice), 8 Margaret st Collins & Co., Hillst *Fitzmaurice, Ed , 34 North st *Irwin, Jos., 21 Hill st *M'Caw, Jas., 12 Sugar Island Magowan, W. & S., 106 Hill
WARNOGK, J- & COMargaret sq. Wright, Jos., 33 Water st STEAMSHIP CO. Dundalk & Newry S S. Co., Albert Basin TANNERS. Campbell, Hugh, Courtney hill Campbell, P., 36 Boat st Dowdall, Daniel, I Boat st Dowdall, M. J., 11 Quay st Dowdall, Peter, 40 & 42 Boat st Murphy, Pk., 3 Marcus sqr Murray, Saml., 43 Mill st TEMPLARS (I.O.G.T.) George Wight, Lodge No. 136, Ebenezer School Room, Trevor Hill ; J. Reid, W.C.T. ; Jas. Anderson, w v.T.; Susan Hancock, w.s.; R. Prenter, w.T. Blue Ribbon Lodge No. 10,
I2O TOWN CLERK. Athenaeum, Jas. Shaw, w.C.T. ; Robert H. Doherty; office, 6 Saml. Hollingsworth, P.w.C.T.; Toshua Pearson, w.s.; J. B. Huey, Marcus sq.; Res. 29 King st; Ast. w.T. Hugh G. Maxwell; Res. 78 Canal Lily of the North, No. 116, street Orange Hall, Downshire road, TOWN COMMISSIONERS. Edw. Gregg, w C.T. ; J. Searight Atkinson, w.v.T.; A. Holmes, w.s. West WardJames MacMahon, J.P., chairman ; Robert Lucas, Jas. TIMBER MERCHANTS. Savage, jun.; A. tV. Sinclair, J-P; (Marked thus* have Saw Mills.) Jas. Sinclair; Robt. Dempster, J.P. North Ward.J. K. Todd, Wm. Carvill Bros., Merchants' qy Redmond, "W. F. & Co., Mer- Frazer, Rbbt. Glenny, Jas. Cathcart Henry, Jas. Fegan, Jno. chants' cfy M'Dowell South WardA. J. Small, F, TIMBER ("NATIVE) MERO'Hagan, J.P.; Danl. Dowdall. CHANTS. Savage, James jun. & Co., Mer- John F. Small, sol.; James Rice, Dr. HughJ Kean chants' quay Meet every Monday at 11 a.m., TIN SMITHS. except on the first Monday of each Baxter, m . , Pound st month at noon. Board room 6 Brennan, Jas. M'Alister's ter Marcus square Cosgrove, Bernard, 8 Boat st TOWN SOLICITOR. l'isher, Win., 32 Lr. North st Thomas Carey, office, 7 Marcus Magralh, James, 83 Canal st sqr. Res.Warrenpoint M'Grath, Robt., Catherine st TOBACCONISTS. (The Grocers also sell Tobacco.) Clarke, W. & Son, Margaret st Egan, Richard. 59 Hill st Mullan, Peter, 16 Hill st TOWN SURVEYOR. J. L. D. Meares, C.E., office, 6 Marcus sq. Res.65 Bridge st.; Assistant, J. Binney, Res.Warrenpoint
TRAMWAY CO., NEWRY * TOTAL ABSTINENCE BESSBROOK ELECTRIC _ SOCIETY. Terminus Edward st Henry Barcroft, President; Hugh John G. Richardson, chairman of J. Wallace, J.P., treasurer; J. J. Shannon, hon. sec.; W. H. Hand, Directors, H. Harrison, secretary ast.sec UNDERTAKERS. This Society was established in 1849. It had about 400 members BYRNE, EDW. A , Lwer in 1886. Expenses are met by Water st voluntary contribution. Interest Gordon, Tos.. 2 Mall T in the working is maintained by public lectures, reading room, &c. M'AREVEY, JOHN JThe Athenaeum building in which the meetings are held, belongs to MCRINK, HENRY, 54 the society. Merchants' quay M'Kevitt, Mrs. M., 1 Market st
121 Marron, Pk., 3 Mill st O'Neill, Jas.,5 King st UMBRELLA MAKERS. M'Veigh, Felix, 30 Lr. North Richardson, Jn. t Lr. North UNION WORKHOUSE. Old Monaghan Rd. (See County Directory) UNITARIAN PRESBYTERIAN CHUKCfJ, Needham placeRev. J. A. Crozier, Minister; Ees.The Manse, Monaghan st. Heany, John, 10 North st Ruddy, John. Market Ruddy, T,, Market Sloan, Bernard, 68 Hill st WATCHMAKERS. Blackham, M., 17 Mary Cordner, W. H., 33 Hill st Ferguson, M. V., 22 Sugar I M 'Neice, John, ip Margt. st Marshall & Son, 73 Hill st. Pace. Hugh, 18 Sandy's st 108 Hill st WATER SUPPLY. Controlled by Town Commissioners, H. J. Livingston collector WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS (Wholesale only.)
VETERINARY SURGEONS. D'ARCY, MATT. & Co., Monaghan st Bradley, Hugh. Needham place Duncan, Alderdice & Co., Hill st Mark, Jas., Monaghan st H E A V Y , P . D-, Monaghan st M'Nally, J. & J . P , Mall Y. M. C. A. VICTUALLERS. Under auspices of the Church Campbell. Bernard, 25 North of Ireland. Meets at Institute Clarke, W i n , 104 Hill st belonging to the society, 81 Hill st Collins, J., 43 North st Rev. Francis King, D D., PresiCrawford, Robt, 33 North st dent ; David Buchanan, secretary; Lnlly, John, 5 Water Rev. M. H. K. CoIIis. B.A., CleriCurran, T. & H., 16 North cal secretary ; Wm. N. Channon, I>evlin, Pk., 1 Kildare st treasurer
E (Jejrre to intimate that our constant aim is to Eell . ! honest and genuine article, at the lowest possible p n j
and we are now giving the BEST VALUE and showing w
most fashionable Goods in the trade. By examination and comparison the public may easily observe the superior value we offer, and their valued support and patronag , while effecting a considerable saving to themselves, will be to us practical proof that they appreciate our system of business.
ffieneral tapers atttJ Outfitters,
NEWRY AND PART OF POSTAL DISTRICT. ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY. :o : Names not found under this head should be sought in the Newry Directory to Business, Professional and Public Bodies, and in the County Directory. The Post Offices of Poyntzpass, abbreviated P'pass, Jerretts pass, (J'pass) Cabra, Kilcoo, Ardarragh (Ardara), Magherasaul (M'saul), Lisnacree, Killowen, and Donaghmore (Donamore) being under the Newry postal authority, the names of the principal farmers receiving letters through them are given here. This arrangement is rendered necessary by reason of the fact that a great many letters addressed to sub-post offices are delivered by rural postmen on the way from the head office. Marked thus are farmers or landowners.
A AND B. Accles, J. carpenter, McAIister's Adatnson, C , L'brague, P'pas Agnew, A., Mgr., McBlain & Co., 67 Hill st
Linen, underclothing, and general drapery warehouse, 46 Hill st *Agnew,G.,G'loughan, L'nacree Alderdice. G. F. (Duncan Alderdice &Co\ Res., Needham place
MRS., Baby
CO., tea merchants, wholesale BARCLAY & HOPand family grocers, Italian and Provision warehousemen, 7 Hill st K I N S , tailors, clothiers, &c., 67 Hill st (see index) Allen, D., K'savan, P'pas Barcroft, Henry, Bessbrook Spin*Allen, J., Killvsavan. P'pas ning Co., Ld. Res. The Glen ALLISON BROS., dra- Barr, A., prov., 85 Canal st *Barr, W., C'rovaddy, J'pass pers, 92 Hill st. See index ANDERSON & McCEEA, *Baron, W. N., Kinghill, Cabra druggists, &c, 35 & 36 Water st. *Bartley, T., B'derphy, Lisnacree Beatty, R., C'rovaddy, J'pass See Index Bell, J., elk. union, Carneygat Anderson, D., dairy, D'shire rd Anderson, J., jun., reptr., C'field T *Bell, J., Corgary, Donamore Anderson, J., comr., 12, N'ham pi Bell, J., Gransha, Ardara Anderson, Prof. R. J. (J.V.), Beech Belmont, The Misses, D'shire rd Bennett, J., M'Cara, M'saul Hill, Jerrettspass Berrell, J., s.s. capt., 5 Hill st Andrews, J. (R.O.), 10 Cecil st Armour, Mrs. Ellen, restaurant, Bigham, H., T'nasoo, Kilcoo 13 Canal st
Armstrong, Geo. R., Secretary Navigation Co., Canal Bank Armstrong, Joseph, Magherasaul Atkins, Miss, I Paternoster R Atkinson, J. Searight (LL.D.), sol., Incorporated Law Society's Gold Medalist, Agent for the United Kingdom Temperance and General Provident Institution ; Fire Agent for Guardian Assurance Co.; Agent for Lancashire and Yorkshire Accident Insurance Co.. Ld., 70 Hill st
I24 Bigham, S., Ardaghy, Kilcoo Bigham, T., T'nasoo Kilcoo Bigham, W., Ardaghy, Kilcoo Bingham, K., L'hrague, P'pas Blue, M., T'veagh, Killowen Blue, R.. T'veagh, Killowen Newry Reporter, 78 Hill st, Res. Warrenpoint, see index Byrne. B., B'doalty, KilWen
baker, &c, 21 Lower Water st see index) Byrne, T- Derrycraw, J'pass
*c., 7 King st. See index BYRNE, JOHN, ironBond, J., Sup. P.O., 7 Sandys st Bond, T., com. trav., 7 Sandys st monger, &c, 37 North st. Res., Kihnorey st Bookes, P., B'lough, J'pass Bourke, A. T., bkpr., Needham st Byrne, J. J., hotel pr., Marcus sq Byrne, Mrs., 24 Barrack st *Boyd, J., Corcreaghy, Ardaia C AND D. BOYD, THOMAS, grocer, provision, wine, and spirit mer- Calter, J. (B.M.), 25 Kilmorey chant, and pipe manufacturer, CAMPBELL & SAVAGE, Needham place drapers, &c, 6 North st {see index) Boyd, W., horse dlr., Church st Campbell, H., cars., 24 Queen st. Boyle, M., fish dlr., 53 Castle Campbell, M. delf, 16 Up. Chapel Boyle, Miss S., tracts, 5 Sandys Campbell, P. .1.' 32 Kilmorey st Bradford, A. M., A'bawii, Dona- Campbell. P. K., 20 Castle st more CAMPBELL, R & CO-. Bradford, R., A'ragh, Donamore Bradford, W., Eingolph, Dona- Wholesale and retail grocers, seeci merchants, &c, 29 Merchants more Bradley, F., clothes, 45 Kilmorey S p b e l l , Mrs. E., (CampbeU & Brady, D. C , D.L., 6 Bridge st Savage) Res., Bridge st Brady, J., Finnaird, Ardaia Campbell, R., Magherasaul Brennan, H., B'curry, Killowen CAMPBELL, WM- decoBroi.ks, F.. K'anarney, J'pass rator, &c, 60 Mill st & Mary st {see index) . BROWN, ALEX & SON, plasterers, &c, Kilmorey Card well, T., bill p. contr., 9 Canal Carroll, Mrs. Trevor, hill st {see index) Carswell, J., S'hill, Donamore Brown, John (A. B. & Son) Brown, J . M., B'gappoge, Cabra Carter, Miss C , Chequer hill _ C A R V I L L , BtiOS-..timBrown, J., Damolly ber, iron and slate merchants, Brown, James Scott, Ardarragh Brown, R., provision curer., 17 wholesale and retail ironmongers, saw mills, &c, Merchants' quay Merchants' quay Brown, S., comr. tr., 41 Queen st Buttercrane quay Casey, J., mtr. mar., 27 Kilmorey Brown, Thomas, Ardarragh Bryson.Rev. John, 0. D., Minister Cassely, M., horse dlr., Pound st Presbyterian Church, Fourtowns, Cassely, W., carrier, Bells Row Res. Canal st CASSIDY, ELIZABETH Buchanan, D., bk., 2 Windsor (E. Alderdice), stalioner, new> hill agency and fancy warehouse, Bullock, T., (h. o.) 7 Up. Chapel Margaret st __ Burnett, Rev. L., Presb. M., DonCATHCART, J- & CO-. amore BURNS, JAB., proprietor hardware merchants, &c, *y North st [see index)
Channon.'W. ,fman compr.,56Cana! Cinnamond, James, Magherasaul Clarke, H., hair dr., 2 Mill, Clarke, L., potato dlr., 11 Boat st Clarke, W., clothier, 12 North *Clegg, G., L'horne, Donamore Cleland, W. J., com. agt,, Basin W Colbert, P., clothes, 15 Castle Coleman, Thos. J., ironmonger, 39 North st Colgan, R., prov., 61 Bridge *Colgan, Thomas, Lisnacree Collins, J.. cattle d., M'ghan st Collins, James, Magherasaul Colpoyse, Mrs., Downshire rd Connell, J., dairy, 7 Mall Connelly, J., furniture, 4 Mill *Connell, O.,I_isserboy, Donamore Crilly, P., grocery, 98 Queen Cronan, Pk., Merchants' Quay Crossle, Dr. F. C . 10 New st
clothier and general outfitter, 13 Sugar Island Cully, W., M'mo-e, Donamore Cumming, W.,Maghery, L'nacree Cummins, W., Ringclare, Donamore
ironmongers, &c, 8 North st. (see index) Cunningham, D.. Lisnacree builder, Canal St. (see index Cunningham, J., K'savan, P'pas Cunningham, J,, Savilbeg, Arda Cunningham, J., Saval More grocer, &c.,47 Mill St. (see index) *Curren. P., Derryboy
grocers, &c, 56 Merchants' quay and 19.A Hill si [see index) C O N N O R , D R . S-, Medical Hall, 79 Hill st. (see index) Connor, A., Derrycraw, J'pass Convery, M., M'brist, Donamore Convey j L., I.oughadian, P'pas Cooper, S., Mills and Quarry, Derrylecka "Copeland, G., Derryboy *Copeland, Jas., C'enramer Copeland, Jno., C'enramer Copeland, Mrs. J., Dromantine, Donamore ^Copeland, Mrs. M., B'carattybeg <-orr, P., provisions, 12 Mary Corry, Mrs., Sandy's st Cowan, Mrs., Sheepbridge House Courtney, W., elk., 3 Talbot st Cowan, R., Drumcashlone Craig, Wm., boot merchant, 98 Hill st. (see index) *Craney, A., B'laugh, Donamore 'Craney, J., jun, Corgary, Donarnore Craney, L., R'clare, Donamore Crangle, P., A'yoghill, Lisnacree Crawlord, A., Finnaird, Ardara Crawford, H., Finnaird, Ardara Crawford, R., Finnaird, Ardara Crawford, Wm.
wholesale wine and spirit stores, Monaghan st see index Dalzell, W. carrier, Dromalane Dane, S., tailor, 1 Hill st Davidson, W., rope mftr., Sugar I Davis, Mrs., Barrack st Davison-Cowan, Rev. J., Rector (C. I.) Donamore Dempster, John, 65 Canal st Denvir, Ml., solr., comr. for taking affidavits in the Supreme Court of Judicature in Ireland and for taking acknowledgments of married woiren. Agent for the Reliance Mutual Life Asrnce. Co. and the Guardian Fire Insrce. Co., 53 Hill st. Res., 40 Canal st Devlin, M., Fofanyrea, Kilcoo Devlin, S., millinery, 102 Hill Dilger. J. (P. M'Ginnis, 26 North st). Res., 37 Kilmorey st Dinsmore, J., B'attymore, P'pas Dinsmore, J., Loughadian, P'pas Dinsmore, K., B'attymore, P'pas Dinsmore, W., L'adian, P"pas Dixon, J., ho. agt., 67 Kilmorey Doherty, Hy. .ho. J'agl., Kiln st
plumber,&c., 87 Hillst (see index) Donaldson, T., Damdlly Donaldson, W., L'ree, Ardara
auctioneer, &c, 31 North st see index Donelly, P., bill poster, 58 Castle Donnelly, J., C'enramer Donnelly, Joseph, Small & Donnelly, solicitors, 37 Hill st Dooley, E., C'rovaddy, J'pass Douglas, Capt. W. C , B'nedan, Killowen Downey, C , Finnaird, Ardara DoTiey, J., Drumboniff, Cabra *Downey, P., D'boniff, Cabra,
merchant, 32 Castle st. {see index) merchant, &c, 3 and 5 Sugar Island (see index) Doyle, P., Letallion, Cabra Doyle, T. (C.B.O.) 20 up. Chapel Drake, J., Denycraw, Donamore Drennan, Robt., foreman cutter, 7 Sandy's st
Erskine, Mrs., Sandy's pi * Fearon, E., B'edmond, Killowen *Fearon, E., Ballintur, Killowen Fearon, F., hardware, &c., North st Fearon, Ml., haidware.&c,Northst Feehan, J., reprtr., M'ghan st Feehan, Mrs., grocery, Monaghan Fegan, J., land agt, Clanrye cot * Fegan, J., Sliev'laigy, Kilcoo Fegan, Thomas, spirit mt.. 4 North Fennell, J., Flour Mills,The Quay *Feran,Mrs., A'yoghill, Lisnacree Ferguson, W., Town I., 71 Canal * Fitzgerald, F., D'miller, J'pass *Fitzpatrick, A., J'moyle, Cabra *Fitzpatrick, H., Droena, Kilcoo *Fitzpatrick, P., Moyad, Kilcoo Fitzpatrick, P., slater, 62 High *Fitzsimmons, P., B'tur, Killowen Flanagan, W., Post master, Cabra &c, 46 North st {see index) Forbes, J., comr. trav., 16 Talbot Forde, T., provisions, 3 North
S O N , general grocers, tea, wine spirit and provision merchants, 11 Monaghan st Dromgoole, Henry (C. D. & Son) Duddy, M., comr. tr., 2 up. Edward
D I C E & CO-, wholesale wine, spiritand tea merchants, 74 Hill st Duncan, S. (D. A. & Co.), Riverside Dunn, J , provisions, Lr North passenger agent, &c-, II Merchants' quay. Res,. 10 Cowan st. (see index) E, F, AND G. Eaten, Mrs., millinery, 94 Hill Elliott. W. P.. engr., 39,Kilmorey
Steam Polishing Stone Works, GORDON, JAS. Q-, Basin Walk grocer, flour, and provision merErskine, J. P. CJ.P.), The Yews
&c, 45 & 47 Hill st see index Foster, Robert (F. and Co.), Res., Dowr.shire road Fowler, Enoch, grocery, 2 Cowan Fowler, Jos. Corry, estate aRti Trevor Hill. Res., Laurel Iiodge Fox., P., hair dr., 8 Hill Frazer & Co., grain merchts, &c, Merchants' quay Freeman's Journal Office, 63 Hill Gartlan, G. H. (j.p.),CabraHouse Gil holy, B. M., organist, Margt.sq Gillespie, W., Loan Co. manager, Trevor hill Glasgow, Mrs., Downshire pi Glennon, P. (C.B.O.), Well. I * Glenny, J., 2 Bridge st Glenny, J., elk., 87 Canal st Glenny, M^s Mary, 87 Canal st Glenny, Mrs., 13 Sandys st Glenny, R. (1 .c.J, 4 Trevor hill Goodman, B., Kinghill, Cabra Gordon, G., Carnacally. Ardara
chant, wholesale and retail, and bacon curer, 8 Monaghan st Gordon, S., Savilbeg, Ardara Graham, D. H., 13 Lr. North Graham, J., carrier, 97 High Graham, J., comr. tr., 44 Canal st Graham, W., mason, 6 Lr. North Graham, R., clothier, Lr. North grocer, &c, 6 Kildare st. (w< index)
(M.A.), Proprietor Newry Telegraph, 48 Hill st Henning, W. J., elk., 37 Queen Henry, j . Cathcart (J. Cathcart & Co.), 29 North st * Henry, R., Commons Henry, "Wm., Commons Herd, R., Sinclair st Herd, W., Ry. Insp. 60 Kilmorey Herron, T., elk., 9 Lr North st *Hesley, F., C'enramer *Heslip, I., Imdel, Ardara Heslip, J., Imdel, Ardara *Heslip, S., Finnaird, Ardara Heslip, W. jun., L'liska Higgins, P., fish dlr., 4 Mary *Hollingsworth, D., Kilcoo
grocer, &c. 32 Water st (see index) Hooke, Thos. R., 12 Needham Houston, I., T'veagh, Killowen Huet, W. E., dentist, Margt. sq; res., Abbey yard Hughes, B., cars, 27 King st Hughes, E. B'curry, Killowen Hughes, P., B'tur, Killowen Hynes, R., architect, 8 Wm. st Innes, A. C., (D.L.) Dromantine Irvine, T., Corgary, Donamore in, J. Courtney hill Irwin, J,. stationer, 21 Hill Irwinj Rd., 6 Cecil st Irwin, Thos. (Martin, Nesbitt and Irwin) 90 Hill st Ivor, J. B., bookbinder, Basin w *Jackson, R., Ringclare, Donamore Jardine, Mrs. A., B'laugh, Donamore Jeffrey, R., L'home, Ardara Jennings, F., B'lough, Ardara Jennings, J., C'cally, Ardara Johnson, J., mill mgr., Edward st Johnston, J., Ardaghy, Kilcoo Johnston, Miss I., Tremont, Donamore ohnston, W., carpenter, M'ghn st
H, I, J. K AND L. Halligan, Miss, 42 Canal st Halpin, John, solicitor, silver medalist at final examination Incorporated Law Society ; agent for the Commercial Union Fire and Life and Marine Insurance, 35 Kilmoreyst Hamilton, G.,Ex. R.N., 17 Caulfield ter Hamilton, James (R. Campbell and Co.) ; res., 103 Canal st Hand, 8., cars., Sinclair st Hann, Wm., Commons Hanna, 8., Ballykeel, Ardara *Hanna, W., B'keel, Ardara Harcourt, J., M'drumbrist Harcourt, J., grocer, Donamore Harford, G., slater, 8 Market % Harper, J., Corgary, Donamore Harper, J., Buskhill, Donamore Harper, T., Buskhill, Donamore JORDAN CHAS-, grocer, Harpur, J., a c , 14 Sandys st Harshaw, J., Ringolish, D'more Ac, 9 & 13^ Mary st (see index) Hartness, A., furniture, 3 Castle I Kane, M. C'chullion, Kilcoo
Kearney, B., mason, 44 Lr. North Kearney. C. (c E.), 19 Cauifield t. Keenan, J., cattle dlr., 55 High Keenan, P , cattle dlr., Oeeve Keenan, P., cars, 38 Castle st Kennedy, Matthew, brewery agent, M'Allister's terrace Kennedy, T., horse bkr., Henry pi Kenny, J., agt., I I Cecil st Kenmare, W., B'derphy,Lisnacree Keown, R., S. W. Clarke & Co., 6 Margt *Kerr, G., L'liska *Kerr, P., C'rovaddy, J'pas *Kerr, J , B'holland U Kerr, Kobt., 72 Canal st Kilbraith, H.J., a c , 17 Kilpatrick, B. T'veagh, Kilowen Kilpatnck, J., millwright. Canal Kilmorey Estate Office, Mill st, J. Q. Henry, Agent King, B , Letalion, Kilcoo Lupton, f., jun., (L. and Son), 30 Monaghan Lynch, Theo., organist, 35 Queen M. Mackin, M., fowl br., 107 High *Mackrell, E., Shinn, Ardara *Magee, B., Bdonalty, Killowen Magee, Mrs., Tudor lodge *Magennis, A., B'lough, J'pass *Magennis, P., D'antine.Donamore Maginn, A., I'moyle, Cabra Maginn, J., grocery, 23 Boat *Maginn, Mrs. R., Fofanyrea, Kilcqo
bakers, &c, 11 North st (see index) Maginnis, Robert F., (M. & Son) Maginnis, D., clothier, 2 Cecil Maginnis, E , carrier. 63 Kiimorey Maginnis, H., fish dlr., Geo. lane K I N N E AR & CO., grocers, Maginnis, W., cars, 23 Edward st Ac, 83 Hill st (see index) Magowan, W. & S., printers, 106 Lamb, E. A., h cars. Abbey yard H.11 st Larkin, T.. Drumiller, J'pas. Magrath, T., locksmith, Basin W LAWSON, CHARLES, Maher, M., Ex R.I.C., 22 New coach builder, The Newry *Malcomson, J., C'bane, Donamore Coach Factory (established over *Malcomson", J., Curley, Ardara Mann, R., Ex-S.-major, 74 Canal a century). 61 Hillst Marron, Misses, 50 Kilmorey Lawson, C , jun., 9 Kilmorey st LEDLIE, THOS. P- and Marron, Thomas J., sol. ; agent CO-, drapers, North st (see in- for the Norwich Union Fire and Life Insurance Society, 44 Hill st dex) LEE, JAMESand SONS, 'Marshall, A., Ringclaro, DonaPianoforte warerooms, 81 Hill st more ( See index) Marshall, R., T'murry, Donamore *Lennon, Edward, Magherasaul Marshall, SI.J.,C'bane,Do?amore Leslie. Charles (j-P.), Kilowen Martin, David (J.P.), Littleton *Little, J., Buskhill, Donamore Martin, Henry Tempest, editor, 46 Little, J., Altnaveigh Hillst Little, Mrs., draper and grocer, 19 Martin, H., Buskhill, Donamore Lr North st; res., Margaret sq Martin, J., carrier, Dromalane Long. R., com. trav., 49 Canal MARTIN, NESBITT and Loughlin, S., smith. &c, J'pass I R W I N , wholesale grocers * Loughran, Misses, Windsor hill seed merchants, 90 Hill st *Lowans. W., Dromalane Martin, Wm., elk., Soho pi Lowry, Edw., Ballykeel, Cabra Martin, Wm., 39 Queen st Lucas, E. (L. & Son), Merchts' qy Mathers, W., Druraantine, DonaLupton, C , com. agt., 54 Queen st more
grocer(&c., 2 North st up (see index) Mathews, Mrs. A. (P.M.), Killowen Mathews, A., B'doalty, Killowen Maxwell. J., A'cavan, Donamore May, R. B., sub bk. mgr., Trevor hill Mehaffy, H., comr. tr., 30 Cecil Mehaffy, J., Tierney, Donamore *Miller, Geo., Commons Mills, Dr. S., A'Cavin ho., Donamore Mills, W. H. (V.S.), Ardarragh Mills, H., Ballykeel, Ardara Mitchel, W. H. (N. N. Co.), Trevor Hill Moffit, D., Carnmeen Moffett, H., B'tur, Killowen Moffit, James, Lisduff Moffit, John, 12 Talbot st Moffil, Samuel, Derryboy Molloy, Mrs., Windsor hill, CO.. wine merchants, &c, Hill st and Margaret square (see index) Moore, J. elk , Commons Moore. Mrs E., provisions, Kiln Moorhead. H. B., Ashjjrove Morgan, E., B'curry, Killowen iMorgan, H., B'ran, Killowen Morgan, H., Shinn, Ardara Morgan, J., fowl br., Bridewell Morgan, J., B'ran, Killowen Morgan, J., Drumboniff, Cabra Morgan, Mrs. C , spirit dlr, Kilcoo Morrow, Saml., Magherasaul Morrow, S. J., grocer, &c, Kilmorey and Wm. streets {see index) Mulholland, A., Magherasaul Mullen, J., Damolly
Murney, E., B'curry, Killowen Murney, P., B'curry, Killowen Murnin, J., Post Master Kilcoo Murphy, E.. B ran, Killowen
cabinet, furniture manufacturer, &c., 88 Hill st (see index) McAteer, B., cattle dlr., 26 Castle McAteer, G., B'holland L McAteer, J., hair dr., 18 Mary McAteer, J., provisions, 1 Chapel McAteer, J., provisions, 36 High McAteer, P., B'holland L McAteer, T., Greenan McAvoy, A., Drumiler. J'pass Me \.voy, W.. L'boy. Donamore M c B L A I N & CO.,wholesale and relail tea, wine and spirit merchants and family grocers, 67 Hill st McBlain, Misses, Trevor hill McBride, James, Magherasaul *McBride, John, Magherasaul McCaherty. P., Turmore, Ardara MURDOCH, WM., Athe- McCarthy, J., C'cally, Ardara nteum Dining and Refreshment McCanaley, Miss, Sandy's st Rooms, caterer for picnics, McCANN, A. & J-, grocers, soirees, and wedding parties, 82 &c, Hill st & Castle st (see index) Hill st KF McGinn, H., provisions, m High Murdock, S., Shinn, Ardara McCarroll, Hy., Greenan Murdock, T., Lisnaree, Ardara Murdock, T.,Sen., Lisnaree, A'ara McCartan, E. & H. (see Grant * Co.) Murnan, P., B'weely, Cabra
grocer, &c.,o. SugarIsland(Mr index) Murphy J., cattle dlr, Wm. st Murphy, M., fowl br., 46 Church Murphy, P., pig dlr., 53 N'ham st Murray, B. B. (Co. S.), D'shire rd Murtagh, J., grocery, 57 High McAlister, II., slater, Boat st McAlister, J., C'ullion, Ktlcoo McAlister, W., W'smith, Lr. North McAlmden, B., B'money, Kilcoo M:Alinden, D., J'moyle, Cabra McAlinden, P., A'tober, Donamore McAlpin, J., ticket agt., 53 Canal McAnuff, P., Turmore, Ardara McAnuff, J., Turmore, Ardara McAnuff, P-. Shinn, Ardara
McCartan, J., clothier, Lr. North McCarty, Ry. I., 25 M'ghan st McCaw, James, printer, A c , 12 Sugar Island (see index) McCaw, W. J., comr. tr., 9 Caulfield place McClean, W., com. trav., 43 Canal McClelland, A- (R. McC. & Co.), 76 Hill McClelland, D., C'enramer
wholesale and retail grocer, tea and seed merchant, 22 Water st McElearney, J., cars, 38 Mill McEvoy, P., Lisduff McElroy, Mrs., millinery, &c, 3 Hill st (see index) McGaw, A., Shinn, Donamore *McGaw, J., Savilmore, Ardara McGaw J., Drumantine, J'pass McGafEn, I., Sheeptown
grocer, 33 Castle st (see index) McClelland, W., C'enramer McClements, J., Lisduff McComb, J., ho. agt., 15 Kilmorey *McConnell, J., Dromalane McConville, P. (ho.), 23 North McConnell, W. J., elk., Cloghoe McConville, Miss Alice, underclothing shop, 18 Market st
P-. boot
warehouse, &c, 26 North st (su index) McGivern, B., Greenan McGovern, SI., elk., 7 New *McGrath, H., Creeve *McGrath, P., Creeve McGrath, W., locksmith, 13 Mill outfitter, 20 Market st *McIlroy, H., Dcraw, Donamore *McIlroy, S., D'tine, Donamore
coach builder, The Northern Coach Factory, .Edward st & Catherine st McCourt, J., tow mrcht., 9 King McCourt, J., slater, 2 Hill McCoy, C., grocery, 116 Chapel McCoy, Michael, 43 Monaghan st McCrea, John (Anderson and McCrea), res., Sandy's st *McCreedy, A., T'nasoo, Kilcoo McCourt, L., Corgarry, J'pass
chemists and druggists, 49 H l U s t (see index) * McKay, C , Stang, Cabra McKeague, S., Corgary, Ardara *M'Kelvy, Mrs., Donamore M'Keon, J., clothes, 14 Mary McKenna, J., hair dr., 21 Water McCRINK, HENRY, McKenna, P., hair dr., 9 Mill grocer, &c, 54 Merchants' quay McKevitt, M., hair dr., 7 Water McKevitt, P., slater, 40 High (see index) McCiink, Stphn. (Henry McCrink) 'McKibben, James, Magherasam McCullagh, J. (J.P.), The Abbey *McKiverkin, Henry, Ardaragh *McCullaghI J., D'antine, J'pass *McKnight, J., Fofanyrea, Kilcoo *McUullagh,T., D'antine, J'pass' *McKnight, J., B'attybeg, P r ^ McCullough, W. J., cars, 17 Mall MCKNIGHT, JAS., p'm*McElroy, II., C'creehy,Donamore *McEnerney, J., Curley, Ardara ber, &c, 15 North st lr (" *MuEvoy, P., S'more, Ardara index) , MacDonnell, Allan, linen manu- MacKnight, John, Trevor hill facturer, Damolly; res., North McKnight, W., cars, 17 N hamst Lodge McLau^hlin, J., B'weely, Cabra MacDONALD, A.,& CO., McLoughlin. J., land, Greenan ironmongers, &c, Hill st (see McLoughlin,. J. P., steamship index) agent, Laurel hill McDonald, B., cars, Ruddle's r McLoughlin, E., B'keel, Cabra McLoughlin, M., Letalion, Cabra
*McLoughlin, Owen, Greenan McLoughlin, Rev. F. (P.P.), Donamore McLoughlin, T., Greenan MacMahon, J. (J.P.), Bellevue McMahon, M., fish dl., M'Alister's ter *McMaster, J., A'tober, Donamore *McMeehan, John, Magherasaul *McMinn, J.,Castle Enigan.Ardara
family grocer, provision, wine, & spirit merchant, 57 Lower North st McParland, A., carrier, 36 Mall McParland, T., com. trav., Merchants' quay *McPoland, B., Stang, Cabra *McPoland, J.. B'keel, Cabra McPolin, R., Stang, Cabra McRoberts, J., furniture, 41 Castle McShane, Jn., cars, 42 Cowan N, O, P, Q & R. "Nesbitt, A., Cullion, Ardara Nesbitt, John (J.P.), 15 Downshire road Neville, J., Commons Newell, Mrs., Downshire rd {see index)
nd tea merchants, 3 Kildare st and 23 Merchants' quay Nicholson, W , elk., 41 N'ham st *O'Brien, C , B'nacraig CVCallaghnn, E. prov., Mary CVCallaghan, J., tailor, M'ghan st O'Connell, Misses. Prospect pi Ogle, Miss, Windsor hill O'Hagan, E , cars, 40 Castle O'Hagan, John J. (;.P.), (Matt D'Arcy & Co.) ; res., Abbey yd O'Hagan, Mrs. E.,Millst 'O'^Hare, D., Derrycraw, J'pass O'Hare, E., K'arnarney, J'pass ^OjHare, F., M'brist, Donamore O'Hare, F., Derrycraw, J'pass O'Hare, H., Savilbeg, Ardara
132 Reavy, P., grain store, 21 Mall *Rnsh, F., B'money, Kilcoo res., Beech hill Russell, Hugh, Magherasaul *Reavy, P., Derrycraw,Donamore Russell. J. H., elk., 18 Kilmorey REAVY, P. D-, veterinary street surgeon, 6 Monaghan st ; res., 21 Ryan, J , road contr., Sheeptown Caulfield terrace [see index) Ryan, P., Greenan Redmond. J. W., mill mgr, 36 Hill S, T, U & W. REDMOND, W. F. and CO-, timber and slate merchants, ST. COLMAN'S &c, Eagle Sawing, Planing and DIOCESAN COLLEGE, Moulding Mills, Merchants' qy Violet hill [see index) *Reid, Jas., L'liska Rei'.Iy, J., fancy wools, Margt. sq *Sands, D,, B'curry, Killowen *Sands, J., Turmore, Ardara Reilly, P , poultry br., 45 Boat Rennie, H. F., f n ftr, I Caulfield p *Sar.ds, J., Ballyholland, h Reynolds, j . , Ins. supt., 3 C'field t SANDS, ROBERT, grocer, RICE, JAMEB, mineral &c, 30 Merchants' quay; res., 59 water manufacturer, &c, Market st Canal st [see index) a-d Queen st [see index) *Sands, S., B'holland, L *Rice, J., Derrycraw, Donamore Sands, W., L'adian, P'pass *Rice, P., Corcreeby, Donamore Savage, A., K'anainy, J pass *Rice. P., jun., C'creehy,Donamore Savage, F., Lurganare, )'$&& Rice, P., grocer, 5 Chapel Savage, jun. and Co., coal Richards, J., ex R.I.C., 7 Canal merchants,James, Merchants' quay &c, street Richardson, J., hair dr, Lr North {see index) Savage, James, jun. ; res., Windsor Riddle, W. (C.B.O),2oKing hill RIGBY, FREDK., leather merchant, &c, 42 Upr. Mill st Savage, T-> Lurganare, J'pass (see mdex) Savage, J., B'ran, Killoweu Savage, M., Lurganare. J'pass Kobb, D , carrier, 51 Boat Savage, P., B'ran, Killowen Robinson, T-, Gransha. Ardara RODGER, M C C L E L - Savage, W., Lurganare, J'pass L A N D and CO , nurserymen, Saunderson, Mrs., Courtney bill Scott, D., Finnaird, Artlara &c, 76 Hill st [see index) china warehouse, 17 Sugar Island tea and coffee merchants, importers (see index) of sporting ammunition, and *Roonan, W., jun., Kinghill, Cabra agents to Messrs. Pigou, WilB ROONEY BROS, .wholesale and Lawrence, Limited, London, & retail ironmongers, Margaret st 71 Hill st , ROONEY, DANIEL, tea, Scott, Albert (Geo. Scott & Sons;, Abbey yard wine and spirit merchant, wholeScott, R., Finnaird, Ardara sale and retail, 20 Merchants' qy Scott, Walter (Geo. Scott & Sons;, Rooney, P., horse dlr., 21 C'field p! Rooney, W., na.t. teacher, Dona71 Hill st . more Scott, Wm, carpenter, 82 Canal Ross, Robt., mill mgr., Dromalane Shannon, C . B'gart. Lisnacree Rowland, R., fn. compr., 6 New Shanks, G., L'brague, P'pass *RuddockJ.,Ringclare, Donamore Shanks, S., Poyntzpass
Shaw, H. P., bk. pro. mgr., 7 Trevor hill Shaw, Jas. (P. 0 . elk.), Priory ho Sheridan, J., carrier, Abbey yard 'Shilliday, G., T'nasoo, Kilcoo Shilliday, S., Ardahy, Kilcoo Shimmons, Alex. (John Wilson), 21 Merchants' quay Shimmons, E., Kiln st Shimmons, Wm., 40 Needham st Silcock, Chas. F. (T. Moore and Co.) ; res., Prospect place Spencer, W., fowl br., Lr. North Stephens, J., cashier, Margt. sq Stevenscn, Miss A., Drumiller, Donamore Stewart, D., fish curer, Canal qy Stewart, Isaac, coach builder, 42 William st {see index) Stewart, Mrs., B'edmond, Killowen Stokes, J., Wm. st S T O O P S , W . (B.A.), Principal Intermediate School, Corry sq {see index) Sturgeon, W. J.. grocer, 10 Mer qy Swanzy, Mrs. and the Misses, Ivy lodge "Taylor, J., Killysavan, P'pass "Taylor, J., Killysavan, P'pass Taylor, J., cars, 57 Canal st Taylor,, M. & E., fancy goods, 85 " .' M. Hill Taylor, R., journalist. 57 Canal Thomson, E. W., Downshire rd Thomson, H. (J.P.), Altnaveigh ho Thomson, Miss, Downshire house
millers and grain merchants. tlanrye flour mills, Indian corn 'U and stores, Canal quay; office, Sugar Island Sinclair, A. W. (j.p.), S. and Son singer Sewing M. Co., 20 Sugar Island *Skillen, Miss J., C'creehy, Donamore *Sloan, Andrew, Ardarragh 'Sloane, B., B'doalty, Killowen Sloane, Edward C , jeweller, . 108 Hill st (see index) THOMPSON, JAMES, oan, Joseph, Ardarragh grain merchant, &c, Kildare st c o a n e -J'. B'curry, KiUc {see index) Sloan- " " '
wholesale & retail grocers & seed merchants, 15 Sugar Island ^ a l l A. J. (T.C.,, 3 7 Hill st small, John, F. (Small & Don- Todd, R., Ringclare, Donamore "<%, solicitors), coroner for Co. Toman, J. quarry, B'nacraig ^ f g h , South Division, Ad- Torley, James, Temple hill Commissioner, gold *Torley, M., C'creehy, Ardara *Torley, M., Carnacally, Ardara t Law Society, 37 Hill st g 3 *Trainor, J., C'rovady, J'pass ' Traynor, P., C'rovady, J'pass 3Uh ., provisions, 73 Castle ^ l.l % . , E x I . R . , 2 9 K i l m o r e y Treanor, C , Cullion, Ardara h TEBAN0R,JOHN,draper, , . J., Corcreehy, Donamore &c, 66 Hill st {see index) bloar,,J., Finnaird, Ardara Treanor, J., fruiterer, 44 North Wu" J " C o r g ay . Ardara C Tritton, R., a c , 44 Church g r . W v R - J U n Cy c r eDonamore " ' c h y - D o n a " *Trousdale, F., B'gapoge, Cabra more' R *Turley, H., Camacally, Ardara Smith,Wn,., Magherasaul Ulster Clothing Co., North st Waddell, J., rent col., 12 Cecil
Jloan, R., T'murray, Donamore hloane, T., B'derphy, Lisnacree Sloan, W., B'curry, Killowen
*Waddell, J., Ouley, Ardara Wallace, G. H., comr. tr., 39 N'ham at Wallace, J., Drutniler, J'pass Walker, A.R., flour mills, 29 Hill st *Walmsley, J., B'gart, Lisnacree *Walmsley, W., Drumiler, J'pass *Walsh, M., Greenan Ward, J. (c.B.o.), 16 Kilmorey White, G., carpenter, L'liska Whiteside, S. & C , fancy goods, 20 Hill *Wilie, C , Killysavan, P'pass *Wilie, D., Killysavan, P'pass *Wilie, J., Killysavan, P'pass *WUie, J., Killysavan, P'pass Willis, G.S., h. cars, 23 Kingst
decorators, &c, 17 North st (see Wilson, Abraham, flax spinning mills, Edward st index) Wilson, A., tailor, 47 Canal st *Ward, T., Finnaird, Ardara Wilson, C , By. T.C., 36 Canal st WARNOCK, J. & CO., WILSON, JOHN, coal booksellers, stationers, etc., merchant, &c, 19A & 21 MerMargaret sqr. [see index) Warnock, James (J. Warnock & chants' quay (see index) Withers, J., hair dr., 23 Hill st Co.) ; res., 31 Queen st Watson, W. J. (c.E.), 13 Sugar I. Woods, Mrs. A. (v.M.),-Oonamore *Watterson, D., B'gapoge, Cabra Woods, T., Donamore *Watterson, J., B'gapoge, Cabra Wright, G., Corcreechy, Ardara Wright, J-, Lisserboy, Ardara *Weir, G., Damolly Wright, J., grocer, Stream st Weir, S., Damolly Wright,J..printer,&c,33 Waterst WHBEi-AN, ALEX., Wright, John, 4 Windsor hill builder, 10 Canal st (see index) Wright, T., Ardahy, Kilcoo Whennery, Wm., newspaper Young, J., Cargabane, Donamore manager ; res., 101 Canal st
J. CATHCART & CO., Manufacturing Ironmongers and Hardware Merchants, 29 North St., NEWBT.
IN THE NEWRY DISTRICT. M/5.DDRESSES of letters to persons residing in a sub-postal > district should include the head office, thus: Annalong, Newry. ANNALONG. JWING to a liberal expenditure on behalf of the Government, this village promises to be one of the most prosperous in Down. In 1850 a pier was completed by the Board of Works, at a cost of nearly ,i, 500, of which ,1,653 igs. 3d. was a grant. Further improvements have recently been made to the harbor, under contract from the Board of Works, and when completed, will cost .3,550. Herring fishing off the coast, in good seasons, has been profitable. Some 15 fishing luggers belong here. A charge of 2s. 6d. per year is made upon each for the use of the harbor. 120 trading vessels entered during the year ending in 1886. The chief import is coal, and the exports granite and potatoes. There is a depth of about 12 feet, spring-tides, at the pier-head -r neaps, 8 feet. A charge of 2d. per ton on the register of a trading vessel is made. There is nothing on cargo in or out. Annalong is situated in the south-eastern part of the county. Its nearest railway station is Newcastle, 6 miles, Irish. Kilkeel, 4 miles, Irish, is the nearest police station. Lord Kilmorey is the principal owner of the district, the lands of which are rocky, and are used mostly for tillage. The crops raised are potatoes,flax,and oats. Population, 218 in 1881. Glassdrummond is in this postal district. Church of IrelandRev. Canon A. Hamilton, A. Robinson Dudgeon Harbor MasterWin. M'Burney Post MasterWm. M'Math DispensaryDr. Wilson Presbyterian ChurchRev. SmL DrapersW.Gordon, A.Robinson Burnside Grocers, &c.A. Gordon, sen., R.C. ChurchRev, Tas. Keatinp S A. Gordon.jun., Jno. Gordon, sen,, P.P. Jno. Gordon, jun., Jno. Gordon, Schools (National) Robert
M'Lean (C.I.); John M'Crumb and Mrs. M'Kibben (Presbyterian) Ship Owners Alex. Gordon, Wm. Gordon, A. Himilton, Jno. Orr, Alex. Robinson Spirit RetailersJno. Gordon, Wm, Gordon, P, O'Hare, Jas. Robinson Quarry OwnersAlex. Gordon, John Gordon, A. Hamilton FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, &c. (Glassdr,Glasdrummond) Annett, J., JB'veaghmore Atkinson, Maxwell, Mullartown Clarke, J., Glassdrummond Gordon, John, Atinalong Gordon, R., Mullartown, Glassdr. Haughian, D.,M'darraghbeg Haughian.R., Mullart'n., Glassdr. Irvine, John, B'more Irvine, E., B'more M'Burney, T., M'beg M'Burney, W., M'more M'Cormack, R., Mullart'n, Glasdr M'Kibben, J., Moneydaramore M'Kibben, ]., Moneydarabeg M'Veaghj., Glassdrummond Moore, N. Ballyvaghmore Newell, J., Glassdrummond Purdy, James, M'more Robinson, A., M'more Russell, J., M'beg
BALLYDUGAN AND BALLYKILBEG. jETTERS for Ballykilbeg, which is a rural post-office, are forwarded from Ballydugan, also a rural postoffice. Although both offices are within three miles of Downpatrick, for convenience sake they remain under the Newry authority. Mails are also sent to them from Downpatrick. The lands of the districts are good for pasture and tillage. Ballydugan Lake, beautiful in its surroundings, s about two miles from Downpatrick. During the war of 1641, Ballydugan House was destroyed by fire, and the owner, Col. White, was slain. Ballykilbeg is famous as the birthplace of Mr. Wm. Johnston, M. P. Huddleston', W., M'ghrlagan Post MistressMiss Ann Jarvis Irvine, J., jun., Ballydonnell FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, Irvine, W., B'donnell
(B'beg. Ballykilbeg). Black, SI., Hollymount Blair, W., Tullymurry, B'beg Cochran, Rt., Woodgrange Cochran, SI., Woodgrange Dickson, Jas., Ballydonnell Dickson, Robt., Bonecastle Dickson, Samuel, Ballykilbeg Fitzpatrick, W., Ballyrolly, B'beg Galway, J., Bonecastle Gibbons, W., Ballykeel, B'beg Gribbin, P., M'ghrlagan Hall, James, Hollymount Huddleston, T , BaJttyroUy
Jervis, James, Ballydugan Jerris, Jas., Corbally, B'beg Jervis, J., Corbally, B'beg Johnston, Major C , Ballydugan Johnston, William, Ballykilbeg Kinner, John, Hollymount M'Cammon, D. G., Hollymount M'Cashen, J., Corbally M'Cullen, W., Ballydugan Magenis, J., Woodgrange Martin, W. (J.P.), Ballydugan Maxwell, S. P., Ballydugan Mo Neill, J., M'ghrlagan Neill, Pierce, Cargagh Neill, Robert, Cargagh
Neill, R t , Woodgrange Neill, 81., Ballydonity Neill, SI., Woodgrange Nesbitt, C., Woodgrange Newell, J., Ballyrolly, B'beg Nesbitt, A., Woodgranpe Nesbitt, S., "Woodgrange Patterson, H., B'donnell Rea, John, Woodgrange Robinson, H., To'corran Robinson, T., Ballyrolly, B'beg Rooney, H., Ballydrain, B'beg Scott, J., Corbally, B'beg Shields, H., T'corran Strain, J., Tullymurry, B'beg Strain, R., Woodgrange Taylor, T., Magherlagan Wilson, P., B'donnell, B'beg Wightman, W. A., Magherlagan
Church of I.-.Rev. A. Langtry Embroidery SchoolMiss Bella Bailie, mistress Grocers Mrs. Graham, H. Halliday, Mrs. Ann Patterson HotelRoden Arms Post MasterHy. Halliday R.C. ChurchRev. F. Watters R.I.C.J. Murphy, sergt Schools (Lord Roden)Wm. & Mrs. Bourke FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, &c. Hamilton, J., Burrenbane
Kane, Daniel, Ballyhafry Killen, Mark, Burrenbane M'Anulty, W., Burrenreagh M'Cartan, P., jun., Burrenreagh M 'Carten, Edward, Moneyscalp M'Clean, J., Moneyscalp M'Clean, R., Burrenbane M'Guinness, B., Burrenreagh O'Hare, John, Burrenbane Pray, Henry, Ballyhafry Spanke, Capt. G. W., Ballyhafry Stronge, C. E.S. (j.p.), The Cottage Wallace, John, Ballyhafry Walsh, J., jun., Burrenbane
CASTLEWELLAN. [N beauty of situation, no town in the county can surpass Castlewellan. As a business centre it also compares favorably. The farmers of the district, after an expenditure of labor, not easily calculated, have succeeded in greatly improving their lands. At the eastern entrance, on the way to Newcastle, which is distant a little over two miles, dry stone walls, from 7 to 8 feet high, and broad enough for carriage drives, give some idea of what has been done to change fields of rocks into fair pastures. The town consists of two squares and a connecting street. In the upper square there is a market house, with tower and clock. The market is held every Monday. At one time brown linens, and linen yarns, in large quantities, were sold. Now the commodities include hay, straw, potatoes, turnips, fowl, eggs, butter, and grain in the season. Hiring markets are held in May and November of each year, and a fair for the sale of cattle, sheep, &c, on the second Monday of each month. Granite quarries in the neighborhood are extensively worked. Lord Annesley resides at Castlewellan in winter. His demesne has an entrance from the upper square, and is open to visitors on Mondays. There are some fine trees in it, and a lake abounding in trout. The castle, which was rebuilt about 30 years ago, has a good view of the Mourne Mountains. Dundrum is about 4 miles from Castlewellan. On the outskirts of the town, the Church of Ireland has a commanding position. The grounds enclosing it are terraced, and contribute not a little to accentuate the points of architectural excellence of which it has many. It is in the Gothic style, has a handsome porch, and a most graceful spire. The expense of the building and decoration was borne by the late Lord Annesley, whose remains are entombed under the
(P. F. M'Cartan)
iFamtlg Groceries, TOnes atrti Spirits, HOME & FOREIGN PROVISIONS.
H A R D W A R E , IRON and TIMBER. English, Scotch and Welsh CoalsS T A T I O N E R Y AND BOOKS.
Drugs and Patent Medicines. PAINTS, OILS AND COLORS.
chancel. A new Roman Catholic Church is the latest acquisition to the ecclesiastical structures. It adorns the lower square, and is a conspicuous feature of the landscape, impressing the stranger afar off. T h e architectural effects are produced in the early English Gothic style. The beauty of the blue granite of the district is strikingly manifest in this edifice. In July, 1880, the foundation stone was laid by the late Bishop of Down and Connor, the Most Rev. Dr. Dorrian. Rev. Dr. Green, Belfast, preached the sermon on the occasion. The church was dedicated in September, 1884, by the Very Rev. V. P . Flood, O.P. Very Rev. John McWilliams, V . F . , the present parish priest, p r o moted the fund from which the amount of money spent upon the building has been drawn. T h e Mooney Bros, contributed *i,7oo ; and 1000 was realized at a ladies' bazaar. In 1881 the population of Castlewellan was 892. The sub-post offices of Annsborough, Ballyward, Closkelt, IJrumlee, Drumnaquoile, and Leitrim, are served with the mails from Newry through Castlewellan post office. AuctioneersJ. M'AIeenan, J. M'Cartan, Mrs. S. M'Mullan, Miss 0 | l y n n , D . S . Quinn M. M'Nulty, Mss. K. Magennis, BakersMrs. S. Byrne, Robert A. Martin, Wm. Stranaghan, M ss perron, James M'Cartan E.Thompson, "W H- T H O M P sank, NorthernWin. Holton SON & SONS Boots and ShoesJ. Annett, J. Grocers who sell spiritsJohn ^unmngnam, James Dougherty, Flanigan, Thos. Heenan, Mrs. E. *-Hall,A. Trowhear Lindsay, B. M'Cartan, J O H N ^ u y * o f l R e v . J.W.Dickson M ' C A R T A N , Mrs. A. Meharg, lU w J A ar Mooney Bros. HotelsMrs. Morgan, J. O'Neill <-oal MerchantJno. M'Cann Ironmongers, &c. J O H N flispensary-Dr. R. ACromie B i & L M ' C A R T A N , W. H. ThompDm , 7 - "g Hanna, W. Hutton, Mils son & Sons, W. Stranaghan also sold , Mrs ' A - M'Cartney, Miss at Leather dealer (leatherlI'Mullan boot shops)Mrs. S. lt y-Misses E.& S. Murray, Methodist ChurchCircuit l y n n , F . O'Halloran, J. T. Mineral -water manftr.J. King J P r t J Joh Petty Sessions (held first Tues' MissEson day in each month)George W. Hillyard, clerk 3. Carr, PhysicianDr. Geo. Gray Presbyterian C.Rev. H. Watson Works-A. Richmond, mgr Post M.Mrs. M. J. M'Knight R.I.C.David Greer, sergt R. C. Church Rev. John d not sell spirits M'Williams, P.P., V.F., Rev. J . Byme' R o bOwen Flanagan, Greene, C.C. t 5?8,1 - Herron, V . SaddlersJno. Cunningham, A. Kelly, D. Linton, Thos. Martin, C. Thompson
r Sr - - - s
Gibson, W., D'donnell, B'ward Gilmore, J., Dehorned, Closkelt Green, Rt., Postmaster, Closkelt Greenan, J., Moneyslane, B'ward Hart, J., Benraw, Leitrim Hart, J., S'naboley, B'ward Herron, T., B'rainey, B'ward Hull, Thos., Clarkhill Keenan, Peter, Gargary, B'ward Kerr, R., A'hunshigo, Drumlee Loughlin, Miss B., C'varaghan M'Alister, Daniel, Drumnaquiole M'Auley, A., B'rainey, B'ward M'Auley, J., Closkelt M'Auley, S., B'donnell, B'ward M'Auley, W. Moneyslane, B'ward M'Avoy, F., B'drummond,Leitrim M'Avoy, H., B'greehan MBride, J., B'willwill M'Evoy, J., Dehorned, Closkelt M'Cartan, E., B'ginaghy, Leitrim M'Cartan, J., B'druman, Leitrim FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, M'Cartan, M.. jun , B'ginaghy, do M'Cartan, P., B'ginaghy, Leitrim &c. M'Cartan, Rev. P. (P.P.), B'ward Andrews, John, Ballyward M'Combe, Mrs., Dundrine Annesley, Lord, The Castle M'Cracken, A., Ballylough Bell, Alexander, Closkelt M'Cracken, Chas., Drumnaquoile Bell, J., Drumadonnell, Closkelt M'Gaffin, James, Closkelt Bigham, Robert, Drumlee M'llroy, W. H., Benraw, Leitrim Bingham, Mrs. A. Dundrine M'llvernon, H., B'willwill Boden, James, Drumee M'Kinney, C , Drumnaquoile Brown, J. (P.M.), Annsborough M'Mullan, A., Legananny,Leitrim Carson, Alex., Gargary, B'ward M'Spadden, G., Seafin, Carson, James (P.M.), Ballyward Magill, Hugh, DrumleeB'ward Carson, Thomas, Ballyward Malcolmson, R., Closkelt Carson, Wm., Ballyward Malcolmson,W.,Dehomed,CloskeIt Cleland, R., Ballvward Corbett, Robert, Ballyward Legananny, Leitrim Wckson, J., Moneyslane, BVard Martin, J.,D., Clara, Drumnaquoile Maxwell. Dodds, R., jun., D'donnell, B'ward Mitchell, Rev. Mr., Presbyterian Dodds, W., Postmaster, Drumlee minister, Ballyward Doyle, Felix, Closkelt Moore, Rev. W. (c.i.), B'ward Doyle, James, Closkelt Doyle, John, Dehorned, Closkelt Morgan, H., Legananny, Leitrim Morrison, J., Moneyslane, B'ward Doyle, M., Dehorned, Closkelt Morrison, J. B., B'rainey, B'ward Doyle, W., Closkelt Murland, Chas. (J.P.), Ardnabanon Fee, S., B'rainey, B'ward Murland, C. W., Annsborough Fee, S., Legananny. Leitrim Murland, Wm. H., Greenvale Gibson, J., Moneyslane, B'ward Murphy, J., B'rainey, B'ward Gibson, T., D'donnell, B'ward Murphy, O., C'varaghan Schools, NationalOwen and Mrs. Laville (Protestant), B. M'Glane, and Miss M. J. Gilmore (R.C.) Scutch MillsW. M'Nulty Seeds & Manures J o h n M'Cartan, Mooney Bros., W. Stranaghan, W. H. Thompson & Sons Sewed muslin agentsThomas Heenan, Mrs. Watt Spirit retailersJ. King, T. M'Aleenan, John M'C'anu, H. M'Mullan, A. Magennis, Mrs. Morgan, A. Plunkett Timber and IronJohn M'Cartan Undertakers John M'Cartan, Andrew Tufts VictuallersM. Burns, P. Burns, J. Hogan, E. Ward WatchmakerTlios. Kennedy
Murphy, P., Legananny, Leitrim Murray, J., Backaderry, Leitrim Murray, John, Drumnaquoile Murray, P., C'varaghan Murray, P., C'varaghan Nesbitt, A., ClarkhiU Nixon, John, B'willwill Park, S., C'maghery, Drumlee Porter, Jas., Moneyslane, B'ward Porter, Jno., Moneyslane, B'ward Priestly, Alex., Clarkhill Priestly, J., Slievenisky Priestly, John, Ballylough Radcliff, W., C'varaghan Ray, S., Derryneil, B'ward Rooney, J., Derryneil, B'ward Rooney, P., Derryneil, B'ward Rowan, Dr. James, Ballyward Russell, W., Ballylough Castle Russell, W., Ballylough Savage, J., Drumnaquoile Shaw, R., Drumnaquoile Shaw, "W. E. (J.P.), The Lodge Smith, John, Ballylough Castle Spiers, Andrew, Dundrine Strain, John, Drumlee Stranaghan, J., B'rainey, B'ward Tedford, Alex., Leitrim Thompson, H., B'willwill Trusdale, J., C'maghery, Drumlee Turley, P., Dehorned Closkelt Ward', John, Gargary, B'ward Warner, W., Closkelt "Warnock, W., Drumnaquoile Watson, Hugh, Ballylough Whiteside, J., B'rainey, B'ward Whiteside, R., B'rainey, B'ward Wilson, A., C'maghery, Drumlee
Woollen Draper, Haberdasher, and General Outfitter, CASTLEW ELLAU.
Drapery and Millinery Warehouse, Posting Establishment and Funeral Undertaker,
Every Description of Vehicles had on the shortest Notice.
Flax Spinner, Linen Manufacturer and Bleacher,
10 Donegall Square, North, BELFAST11 Lawrence Lane, LONDON, E.C. 4O Heiligegeist Strasse, BERLIN4O Rue des Jeuneurs, PARIS. 84 Worth Street, NEW YORK. 49 West George Street, GLASGOW-
ANNSBOROUGH MILLS AND GREENVALE BLEACH WORKS. ITHIN half a mile of Castlewellan, and three miles of Dundrum, are situated the Annsborough Mills and Greenvale Bleach Works. In and around the beautiful valley, illustrated on the opposite page, are acres upon acres of buildings. In 1800, the late Mr. James Murland founded here the enterprise which has grown to such proportions. His early efforts were directed to the bleaching of linens, and to this purpose he devoted 80 acres. Spinning by machinery and handloom and powerloom weaving were added. In 1828 the mills to the east were erected, and the largest building, used for spinning, dates from 1836. It consists of three storeys, and a dormer story, 240 feet long and 50 feet wide. Stone is the chief material employed in construction. The bleach green was completely remodeled in 1863. Commodious warehouses, stores, and offices, 170 feet long, 36 feet wide, and two storeys high, were put up in 1865. The total acreage under buildings, and available for bleaching purposes at present is 229. In the bleaching department, work is done for other manufacturers. The spinning mill has 10,000 spindles. Part of the yarns produced, all linen, are woven into sheetings and diapers by 100 powerloom?, and the rest sold in the English, Scotch and Continental markets. A traction engine runs twice a day between the mills and the railway station and quay at Dundrum, which is the shipping point for yarns and linens to the European and American markets. Water and steam in conjunction give the motive power in summer, and in winter the water is almost strong enough to drive the machinery alone. The operatives number over 1,000; two-thirds are girls. Most of them live in the village, which now consists of 138 good artizans' cottages with slated roofs, and ample gardens. For the benefit of the workers Mr. Murland, in 1836, provided a schoolhouse for males and females, and it has been ever since under the National Board of Education. There is a news-room in the village, given in the same manner, ?!>d'supplied with gas and fire. The result of the many acts of kindness from employer to employed is seen in the fact that there has never been any trouble about wages. After the death 01 Mr. James Murland, Mr. Charles Murland, J.P., Ardnabannon, succeeded to the chief proprietorship. Associated with him are Mr. C. W. Murland, Annsborough, and Mr. W. Murland, yreenvale. The name of the founder is still kept to the front n ">e business transactions.
Woollcndrapery, Haberdashery, Merchant Tailoring, ana Ready-made Clothing Establishment,
CLOUGH. ||LOUGH is a centre for the distribution of mails from Newry. The sub post offices of Loughinisland, Maghera, Minerstown, Seaforde, and Tyrella are supplied from it. Ini88ithe population of the village was 236, and there has not been much of a change since. It consists of one street of houses, built upon rising ground, at the highest point of which there is a Danish fort, containing the ruins of a square castle. Dr. Cromie, tenant of the lands adjoining this piece of antiquity, has endeavored to heighten its attractions by planting trees at the base of the mound. Clough is in the parish of Loughinisland, in which are many forts, also of Danish origin, and church ruins of considerable interest. At Anadorn, in the same parish, is the site of the castle of the MacCartans, ancient chieftains. The lands of the Clough district are fair for tillage. Oats, potatoes, and wheat are the chief crops. Some flax is grown. Capt. Ker is the owner. Seaforde, a prettily situated village, is within sight of Clough. The nearest Railway station to both is Tullymurry, a little over two miles from each. Dundrum is also two miles, Downpatrickfivemiles, and Castlewellan four miles. Three fairs are held in the year. The handsomest private residence in the vicinity is that of Col. Forde, Seaforde. A richly wooded demesne, lakes, and gardens are among the charms to which the public have free access. Church of Ireland, Seaforde, Life Boat StationTyrella,W.IQuinn, sec Rev. John P., Canon Brown Miller, ComA- Macnuley DispensaryDr. R. Cromie M' DrapersMiss M. Long, Miss A. J. Mat makersMrs. M. B. NaUy, Nixon, A. Ogle, Mrs. Savage Neill Petty Sessions, Seaforde (la?' Grocers who do not sell spirits Tuesday of each month)G. " W. Neill, Clough; Miss Jane Cros- Hillyard, clerk kery, Seaforde Post M.Miss S. E. Moffett Grocers who sell spirits S, Presbyterian CRev. R. Scott Fitzpatrick, P. Sloan, Clough ; J. R.C. Church, SeafordeRev. Jas. Bailie, H. Boyd, and Jas. Cusack, Crickard, P.P., Rev.F. Boylan, Seaforde C.C.
R.I.C.T.Daly, sergt School (National) Thomas Bartley, Clough, W. G. & Mrs. Magahy, Seaforde Scutch millsA. M'Cammon Unitarian Presbyterian Church, SeafordeRev. V m . Napier FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, &c. Adair, John, Ballyvaston Alexander, Capt. H . G. S,, The Lodge, Seaforde Allen, George, Mountpantlier Alexander, H., B'ginney, Maghera Blackwood, C , D'Kelly, Seaforde Blackwood, John, Seaforde Carson, B., R'mullan Lr., Tyrella Carson, G., R'mullan, Tyrella Carson, T., R'nmllan I , , Tyrella Carson, W., R'mullan L., Tyrella Craig, John (P.M.), Seaforde Cro ie, Robert, Clough Cromie, Thomas, Clough Croskery, T., Tyrella N Cunningham, T., M'carragh Cunningham. D., M'carragh Denvir, J., R'mullan U., Tyrella. Denvir, R,, R'mullan Lr., Tyrella Digney, B., Glovett, Tyrella Digney, P., Glovett, Tyrella Emmerson, J., Drumgooland Erwine, J., R'mullan Lr., Tyrella Falloona, John, T'corran Fisher, John, Craigduff Fisher, \V., B'ginny, Maghera Fitzpatrick, B., Diumgooland L Fitzpatrick, Stephen, Clough Fitzsimmons, W., T'corran Fitzsimmons, Wm., Tyrella North Flynn, Charles, Farranfad Forde.Col.W. B.(D L.),SeafordeHo Gillespie, J., Castlenavan, L'island Glover, Robert, Dinnanew Gordon, Kobert (J.P.), Highlands Graham, G., B'kinlar M., Tyrella Green, C. E., Drumgooland Gribben, Owen, Dinnanew Grimes, Matthew, Tyrella North Hanna, p., C'maghery, TyreUa Hazard, B., T'conaught, L'island Hanvey, Jn., Drumaroad, L'island Hay, Savage, Craigduff Haslett, R., Annadorn, L'island Heenan, J., Drumanaghan Heenan, D., Daumanaghan Heenan Hugh, Drumcaw Hogg, R., Carricknab, Tyrella Irvine, J., Glovett, Tyrella Irvine, J., R'mullan L., Tyrella Jelly, J., Glovett, Tyrella Jennings, John, Craigduff Johnston, Fr., Ballykinlar Lr Kennedy, D., Drumcaw, Seaforde Kennedy, T., Drumcaw, Seaford Kennedy, W., K'sticken Kennedy, A., K'sticken Kerr, Henry, M'earragh Killen, S., Tyvella North King James, M'carragh Kirk, S., Carncavil, Maghera Kiikwood, Wm., Cumran Lemon, SI., Drumgooland Lock, H., Glovett, Tyrella Long, Thomas, Dinnanew M'Caulty, W., Drumcaw M'Camman, A., Annadorn M'Cammon,A., Seaforde Demesne M'Cammon, A., jun., D'gooland M'Comb, P., Cumran M.Comb, S., Drumaroad, L'island M'Coubrey, Wm., Castlenavan M'Cullen, R., Ballynagallagh M'Cullen, W., Ballynagallagh M'Dowell, SI., Dinnanew M'Gorian, P., B'ginney, Maghera M'Kibben, W., Glovett, Tyrella M'Mullan, J., M'carragh M'Mullan, W., M'carragh Magennis, E., C'maghery Magoolighan, J., Tyrella North Magorian, B., Ballykinlar, TyreUa Magorian, W., B'kinlar, Tyrella Marmion, N., R'mullan TJ.,Tyrella Marmion, R., R'mullan U.,Tyrella Megrath, W., Tyrella North Megraw, J., C'maghery, Tyrella Melvin, William, Clough Mitchell, John, Claragh Montgomery, H. Parker, Tyrella
Moore, C, R'mullan L., Tyrella Moffett, David, Farranfad Murnan, H., Ballynagallagh Murphy. H., R'mullan L., Tyrella Murray, Miss Churchill, Mara Neil, William, Clough Nesbitt, W,, Cmaghery, Tyrella Newsome, W., B'loghlin, Maghera Orr, W. F., T'conaght, L'island Patterson, W. J., Ardtana, Seaforde Perry, John M. (j.P.), Perrymount Quinn, W., D'anaghan, Seaforde Rea, M., Castlenavin, L'island Rea, S. B., Castlenavin, L'island Rea, Samuel, Craigduff Rooney, H,, B'kinlar IT., Tyrella Savage, J., Drumaroad, L'island Savage, P., Drumaroad, L'island Shaw, D., Drumaroad, L'island Shaw, M., K'sticken Sloane, Adam, Farranfad Smith, David, Drumcaw Smith, Isaac, Knocksticken Smith, J., jun.,B'kinlar L.,TyreIla Smith, Patk., Carricknab Stewart, Edward, Clough Taylor, James, Ardilea Thompson, Martin W., Clough. Thompson, Wm., Dinnanew Trainor, A., B'kinlar U., Tyrella Trainor, J., B'kinlar, Tyrella Trainor, R., B'kinlar M , Tyrella Trotter,W.H.,R'mulan,Minerstown Venny, W., B'vaston, Minerstown Watt, John, M'carragh Wardkw, Hamilton, Ardilea Watt, W., jun., M'carragh Wilson, S., Glovett, Tyrella
DUNDRUM. 1 UNDRUM is a station on the Belfast and County Down Railway, and a seaport of growing importance. It is in the parish of Kilmegan, seven miles southeast of Downpatrick. In 1881 the population was 372. Lord Downshire is the owner. The land of the district is fair for tillage and the principal crops are oats and potatoes. Some flax is raised. Considerable interest has been manifested in the progress of Dundrum by the Downshire family. The third Marquis built a quay which has been improved from time to time, and is now 800 feet long. At the head there are 11 feet of water in ordinary tides. At the quay 10 feet and 8 feet. The tolls are 3d. per ton register upon a vessel fully laden, and id. per ton register in ballast. All coal vessels pay 2d. per ton cargo in addition to the 3d. per ton register. The remains of the castle built for Knights Templar by Sir John DeCourcy, in the 12th century, are still extensive, and are seen to great advantage from the North-eastern approach. When the monasteries were dissolved, the castle and several townlands were given to the Ear. of Kildare. The Magennises were for some time lords of the castle, but it was taken irom them for disloyalty and given to the Earl of Ardglass, from whom it passed to Viscount Blundell, and became Lord Downshire's by inheritance. A fair is held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. The Church of Ireland and Catholic Churches are new and add greatly to the appearance of the village. The former is a memorial to the late Lord Downshire. Quite a reputation has been secured by the Dundrum
149 Rifle Club. It consists of about 30 members. Lord A. Hill is President, Capt. Wallace, Capt. Dl. Teer, secretary, and W. J. Kidd and R. Johnston, treasurers. The Downshire Cricket Club has also head-quarters here. John Dove is Captain, and W. I. Quinn secretary. It has about 36 members.
BakerThos. Davidson Church of I.Rev. Geo. J. Lodge Coal MerchantsJos. Blackwood, East .Downshire ss. Co. Coast GuardJas. Greenham.c.B. DrapersH. M'Cann, J. M'llroy, Wai. Quinn Grain MerchantsJ. Blackwood, Ml. Brady Grocers who do not sell spirits Mrs. A.HillJ. M'llroy,W. Quinn, W. Robinson Grocers who sells spirits D. Blackwood. S. Johnston, H. M'Cann, Mrs. A. J. M'Cann, T. M'Gann, Henry Quinn HotelJames Young Methodist CRev. R. Butler Post M.Miss C. J. M'llroy R.C. ChurchRev. Jas. O'Hara,
R.I.C.Wm. M'Gee, sergt. Schools (Natl.) Jas. Tierney (R.c) (Downshire), D. and Mrs. Teer, c.l. Shipowners Jos. Blackwood, East Downshire ss. Co., John M'Cann Spirit dea'erJas. King Veterinary Portal InspectorMichael Brady Rooney, James, Dundrum Savage, H., Moneycarragh Savage, Wm., Wateresk Small, Henry, Cloughram Taylor, W., Wateresk
Archbold, Miss Barr, P., Moneylane Burns, Robt., B'loughlin Campbell, Wm., Cloughram Conn, John, Wateresk Crail, Wm. Wateresk Doran, Patrick, Moneylane Dumigan, James, Moneylane Elsmore, George, Wateresk Finnegan, Capt. Geo., Dundrum Hazard, R., Cloughram Henesey, Geo. E. (J.P.) Kearney, Arthur, M'carragh Keenan, Henry, Moneylane Lennon, N., Cloughram M'Cann, John, Ballyloughlin M'Cann, T., Ballyloughlin M'Creanor, John, Ballyloughlin M-Creight, Mrs., The Lodge M'Greevy, J., Moneylane M'Kibben, J. N., Ballaghanery Magowan, W., Wateresk Maitland, G., Murlough Mehafly, Jas., Dundrum Pigott, William J., Dundrum Plunkett, R., Moneylane Radcliff, H., M'carragh Robinson, Jas., Moneylane Taylor, T., Cloughram Thompson, J., Cloughram 1 ier, John, Claragh Watson, Jos., Cloughram
Family Grocer,
, Mint, Spirit, anfl agricultural Scetr fStrrcfjant. Agent for Artificial Manures and Peruvian Government Guano
ISO HILLTOWN. ILLTOWN is a well built, pleasantly situated village, 2\ miles, Irish, from Rathfriland, 7 from Newry, 5 from Rostrevor and 5 from Ballyroney, the nearest Railway station. The lands of the district are owned in part by Lord Downshire, Lord Annesley and R. N. Batt, D.L. They are medium in quality and are chiefly used for tillage. Oats and potatoes, among the crops, receive most attention. Only a small portion is under flax. A fair is held on the second Tuesday of each month. The Church of Ireland, in the village, has recently been renovated. On the site of the scutch and corn mills, belonging to the Martin representatives, near the village, John and Felix O'Neill died in 1809. They were said to be the last descendants, in the male line, of the O'Neills of Ulster. Their burial place is in the old church-yard of Clonduff, about half a mile to the East of the village. Some ruins of the ancient church still remain. Near the walls a very handsome antique chalice was dug up in 1832. The grave oi the O'Neills is marked by a stone bearing the well known coat of arms of the sept. The parish of Clonduff once formed part of the possessions of the Abbey of Bangor. Population of Hilltown, 185 in 1881. BakerJohn M'Alinden Church of I Rev. Jas. Elliott DispensaryDr. Elliott DrapersJ. M'Cracken, J. Malone Grocers who do not sell spirits E. Grant, P. M'Evoy Grocers who sell spiritsCatherine Fitzpatrick, Ml. Giennan, J. M'Cracken, J. Malone, P. Morgan HotelHugh Hall Mill, Corn, Martin Reps Post MasterJno. M'Cracken Presbyterian C.Rev. H. Moore R.C. ChurchRev. Jno.Mooney, D.D., P.p., Rev. J. Kerns, c.c, Bev. J. J. Savage, c.c. R.I.C.P. Dowds, sergt. Schools (Natl.)John Carr(R.C) Henry J. Kerr, c.i., Ballygorian Scutch MillsJ. Hall", Martin Reps, S. O'Hagan Spirit RetailersC. Coan, J. Lowry, P. Morgan, S. O'Hare FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, &c. Bell, A., sen., Ballycashone, U. ,, n Bell, A., jun., Caulfield, P., Cleomack Colvin, Jas., Ballyaughian Cowan, P., Ballygorianbeg Darby, C, Ballygorianmore Dickson, James ,, Dixon, Hugh, sen. and jun., BaUygorianmore Downey, B., Carcullion Fitzpatrick, M., Ballygorianm Fitzpatrick, P., Ballygorianbeg Grant, James, Lode Hamil, Henry, Leitrim Kelly, Mrs. Ann, Cleomack Ledlie, John, Ballyaughian Lindsay, Holt W., Carmeen Lockhart, Rev. R., retired Presb. Lyons, Saml., Ballycashone Magill, David, Cleomack MComb, F., Ballygorianm M 'Conville, James, Leode M'Conville, T., Mullaghmore
M'Gill, Jas., Ballyaughian M'Ginr.iss, Edw., Ballymaghery M'Kee, J. sen., B'gorianmore M'Poland, B., Ballygorianm Mooney, Jno., Ballymaghery Morgan, A., Carcullion Morgan, B., Mullaghmore Murphy, C, Goward Murphy, T., Mullaghmore
O'Hagan, Mrs. A., Carcullion O'Hagan, F., Ballyaughian O'Hagan, S., Carcullion O'Neill, F., Ballymaghery Roonan, D-, Mullaghmore Savage, D., Ballymaghery Smith, B., Mullaghmore Stewart, Jas., jun., B'gorianbeg Stewart, Sml.,
Family Groceries Wines and Spirits General Drapery Goods Millinery, Dress and Mantle Making Farm Seeds Artificial Manures Bacon Caring Home and Foreign Provisions Hardware Timber Glass, China and Earthenware
J A . T E S B R . I D G E is a station on the Great Northern
Railway, 4 miles from Rathfriland, 5 from Banbridge, and II from Newry. It is in the barony of Upper Iveagh, and belongs to Acheson Thompson, Q.C. The land 01 the district is medium in quality. It is used for pasture and tillage, the principal crops being oats, potatoes and flax. Buttermaking ig carried on to a considerable extent, and with satisfactory results. The inhabitants are for the greater part of the 'arming class, and amongst them there is a strong feeling in favor of establishing fairs. In its course through the county
152 from the Deer's Meadow, the source in the Mourne Mountains, the Bann flows through Katesbridge, and at this point tempts many anglers to its banks in summer. Indeed it was owing to the bridging of it here that the village came to be named. While the bridge was in progress of erection, the workmen bbarded at the house of Mrs. Kate M'Kay, in view of it, and as a reward for the trouble she had taken to ensure their comfort, it was made to serve the purpose of a memorial. At a prominent point, in the centre of1 the village, is a mound which at one time was of considerable size: It is supposed to have been of Danish Origin. In 1862 it was reduced to the dimensions of an ornamental mbund to facilitate the building of a commodious Presbyterian place- of worship, and manse. General MerchantsAlexander Sorter, K , A M'Elroy Mills, Corn and1 ScutchAlex. Porter, R. A1. M'Elrby, Jas. Russell Post MasterAler. Porter ^ Presbyterian CRev. J. Barnett Station MasterP. Lavery M'Cusker, Daniel, Corbally M'Evoy, Robert, Knockgorm M'llrath, H.. Castlevennon M'llroy, Mrs., Shanaghan M'llroy, R; A., Shanaghan M"Mullan, D., Shanrod M'Neill, John, Ballyroney Magill, Mrs. Ballooly FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, Main, J., B'oolymore &c. Martin, James, Balloolymore Martin, fohn; Shanaghan Bigham, Jas., K'murray Moofehead. A., K?namurray Bigham, William, K'amurray* Morrow, Al.,- Shanaghan Bodel, James, Kilkinamurray Coburn, George, Balloolymore Mulholland, Mrs., Shanaghan Mulligan, A., Ballybrick Copes, Robert, Shanaghau Cosgrave, John, Corbally Neill, S., sen., Ballybrick Cowan, D., Balloolymore Nelson, W., Knockgorm Cromie, W. Knockgorm Osborne, R., K'namurray Cunningham, J., Corbally Patterson, J., Shanrod Ewart, A., Balloolymbre Porter, R., Shanaghan Gillespie, J., Shanrod Rjngland, D., Shanaghan Ringland, Mrs., Kilkinamurray Hawthorne, W., K'murray Henry, Brice, Shanrod Rooney, J., jun., Corbally Henry, Eb., Knockgoftn Ru&sell, James, Balloolymore Herron, A'.,- Ballybrick Simpson, Hugh, Shanrod folly, John, Shanrod Simpson, J. T. Shanrod King, William J., C'venhon Stewart, W., K'namurray Kernaghan, R., Shanaghan Taylor, N., Shanrod M'Anerney, T-, Balloolymore Taylor, Robt., Shanrod M'Ardle, J. Ballyroney WallacS, W., Corbally M'Ardte, P., Ballyroney Watt, Robt., Ballybrick Watt, George, Knockgorm M'Cabe, J., K'namurray Wilson, R., K'namurray M'Clory, H., Castlevennori M'Clure, R., Ballybrick Wright, J., Shanaghan M'Creanor, W., Corbally
Grocer, Tea Dealer, Woollen and Linen Draper, Del/, J, and General Merchant,
Dealer in Iron, Timber, Paints, Oils, Colors, &c, &c. Hearse tajet and Funerals supplied. Steam Scutch Mill, Termer, &c.
I N 1881 the population of Kilkeel was ,i^2- It is in ' the barony of Mourne, on the sea, in the southern portion of the county. At Greencastle, 3J miles, Irish, further south, there is a steam ferry to Qreenore, the nearest railway station. It is 15 miles, Irish, to Newry by road, and 10 miles, Irish, to Newcastle. Kilkeel promisesjto secure a large increase of importance in the near future. It is sufficiently far from a large town to be unaffected by competition, and only lacks railway facilities to fill out the measure of its requirements. At intervals since 1872, harbor works have been in progress. The North pier was raised 8J feet, and lengthened 50 feet, and the inner basin was shortened 100 feet at a total cost of over 10,000. Of this amount the Government grant was over ,7,000. Lord Kilmorey subscribed ^100, and a few others ^50 each. The balance was raised by taxation, and the harbor turned over to the county. In 1885 there was a grant of ^7,400, and a contract entered into with Messrs. Wheelan and Grills for further improvements. The Government contributed threefourths of this amount, and the rest was made up by local suhscription and raised off the barony of Mourne. The additional work means an extension of the pier. The expectation is that tt will be finished this year. There will then be mooring accommodation for about 20 coasting traders, or about 100 fishing luggers. The depth of water at the pier head, springs, is 15 feet, and n feet in the basin. Mr. L. C. Bridgeman, C.E., superintends on behalf of the Board of Works. The pier is about half a mile from the main thoroughfare. The charge on luggers
Departments :~
is 5s. for the season. Vessels with cargo are taxed at the rate of 5d. per ton on the register, nothing on cargo. Potatoes, oats, native timber and granite are the main exports- Coal is the chief import. In good seasons the herring fishing off the coast has been of great value to the inhabitants, a considerable number of whom are fishermen. Some 30 luggers belong to the town, and about 35 row boats, the owners of which fish all the year round. Herring, whiting, haddock, ling, congor eels, skates, mackerel, lobsters and crabs are caught. During the herring seasonJune to NovemberKilkeel is a busy place. It often occurs that 300 sailing luggers, from different parts of the United Kingdom, land their fish at the pier for despatch to the English markets. English trawlers have been known to get within three miles of Kilkeel as much as ,45 worth of fish at one take, and ship them at Greenore for England. Kilkeel has not petitioned to be brought under the Towns Improvement Act. A market for potatoes, oats, live pigs, &c, is held weekly on Wednesdays, and in the season there is a flax market every Tuesday. A fair for cattle, sheep, horses, and produce is held on the last Wednesday of every month. The town consists of two principal thoroughfares, meeting in the Market Square. The Union workhouse is entered from the Newry Road, as is also the Church of Ireland, a granite edifice with square pinnacled and embattled tower, built in 18 J 5. In June of the present year a new transept was completed by Mr. Thomas Grills, builder, at a cost of 720, and a handsome stained-glass window put in to the memory of the late philanthropic rector, Rev. J. Forbes Close. There are two Presbyterian Churches, one of which, " Mourne," was erected in 1831, and the other, " Kilkeel," in 1832. The Catholic Church is about a mile from town, in the Newry direction. There is a Moravian Church which was erected in 1832, and the Christian Brethren have a meeting-place. Lawn tennis is the only game that seems to have taken hold of the popular fancy. A club was established about three years ago by the officials of the Belfast Bank. The great spfcyt for which the district is famous will be found described under the head of Coursing, for which see index. Mourne Park, the beautiful demesne in which is the residence of Lord Kilmorey, is in the vicinity, and open to the public. Lord Kilmorey owns Kilkeel and a large part of the Barony of Mourne. The lands surrounding the town are fertile. They are used chiefly for tillage. Potatoes, oats, wheat, and flax, are the regular crops. The scenery of the district includes the Mourne Mountains. Reference to the druidical altars in this neighbourhood will be found under the head of stone monuments, for which also see index. The ruin of an old church at
Window Glass, plain and ornamental, cut to sizes on the premises. ROODIPAPER WAREHOUSE. Newest Designs English and French patterns to select from.
$. e . 'rRSL8,
Family Grocer, Baker, Provision and Seed Merchant,
Artificial Manures, Ropes, Twine, Ship Chandlery, and Low & O^' 8 Patent Fishing Nets. Paints, Oils and Colors.
Agent for Artificial Manures, and Funeral Undertaker
the side of the town, known as Bridge street, divides attention with the objects of antiquarian interest referred to. Before the Church of Ireland was built it was used as a church by the Episcopalians. The building afterward served the purpose of a parochial school down to about 40 years ago, when the roof was removed. In the churchyard are the burial-places of many of the principal families. The oldest stone upon which the lettering is decipherable, bears date 1690. In a sketch of Kilkeel, written by a visitor some years ago, mention is made of a grave in the old churchyard which contains the remains of a prince, son of a Spanish king, who died on board a man-of-war off the coast. The spot is said to be marked by a holly tree, but it so happens that marks of this kind are very numerous. Dr. Thomas P. Codd, of Dublin, during a temporary residence in Kilkeel, joined me in the effort to identify the grave, but without success. AuctioneersJ. Annett, jun., A. & M. Cunningham, Mrs. C. I.. C. Bridgeman, J. Cunningham Cunningham, Mrs. J, Curragh, A. BakersP. Bragdon, D. Curran, Gordon, Miss E. Grills, Mrs. E. J. H. Grills, S. M'Kee. Miss C. M'Knight, W. M'Murray, Miss J. Mart in, Morgan Bros. P. O'Hagan, Mitchell, P. Morgan, Miss E. Miss C. Quinn, W. Sloan, Mrs. M. Morton, Wm. Ross, H. F. Vaughan J. Thompson Bank, Belfast, M. Wilson Eggs and ButterP. Bragdon, Board of GuardiansSee County Mts. S. Flanagan, Mrs. A. E. M'Cartan Directory Emigration AgentsO. M'Cann, Boots and ShoesMarked thus(*) sell leather, J. Crutchley*, P. P. Small, Hugh Russell Cunningham*, J. Graham*, R. Fowl DealersW. Boardley, Hall. G. Hanna*. W. Hanna*, I. Mrs. M'Cartan Small Glass, China, &c.Miss M.
cutter, and boot & shoe maker, Bridge-st Carpenters J. Anderson, G. M'Knight, J. Morgan Car ServiceNorton & Co. Church of IrelandRev. E.O'B. Pratt, Rector; Rev. G. H. Daunt, Curate Coal MerchantsJas. Doyle, T. Grills, S. Shannon, M. Sloan Coffee Shop~H. M'Ginnis Customs & Lloyd's AgentThos. Grills DrapetsJ. Anderson, G. Annett. J. Annett, Mrs. J. Cumming, J. Cunningham, Misses
HANNA, leather
Henry. Miss E. Mulligan, Miss M. Randall, H. Russell GrocersMarked thus (*) sell spirits. Thus (t) are ironmongersA. Crory & Co.*t, U, Curran, Mrs. S. Flanagan, Jos. H. Grills, W. Hanna, S. Kee, Mrs. A. E. M'Cartan*, G. M'Knight*, W. M'Murray, Miss C. Martin*, Morgan Bros.*t, P. Morgan, W. Norrit*, Mrs. Teresa O'Hagan*f. A. Orr*, J. Orrf, R. Orr, Mrs. E. Ross*, Samuel Shannon* f, W. Sloan, P. Small, M. Sullivan Harbor MasterT. Grills HotelsLindley C. Bridgeman, John Annett, jun.
Mineral Water mftr.T. M'Kee Moravian C.Rev. J. W. Davey PaintersE. Kenmuir, T. Wilson PhysiciansHenry E. Evans, West W. Wilson Petty Sessions, last Tuesday of each month, Robt. Boyd, clerk Post MasterHenry Vaughan Potato ShippersW. Grills, A. Morgan Presbyterian Churches Rev. W. M'Mordie, Mourne, Rev. Robert White, Kilkeel PrinterJ. T. Neilly Provisionsall grocers R. C. ChurchRev. R. Marner, D.D., P.P., Rev. Thos. O'Donnell, C.C., Rev. J. Campbell, c.c. R.I.C.Sergt. Benister SaddlersE. Byrne, N. Doran, H . Walmsley Schools (Natl.)R. Cowser, Presb., John Frazer, C.I., Henry Murray, R.c. Sewed Muslin AgentsMrs. S. Flanagan, Mrs. Henry Seedsnearly all grocers Ship ownersMrs. J. Curragh, J. Doyle, G. Gordon, Thos. Grills, Samuel Shannon Spirit Retailers Mrs. S. Henderson, Mrs. M'Cartan, W. M'Kibbin, W. Newell, A. Orr, Mrs. E. Ross Timber mts.A. Crory & Co., Morgan Bros., Samuel Shannon UndertakersMorgan Bros., Mrs. Teresa O'Hagan VictuallersChas. M'Conville, Jno. M'Conville, Thos. O'Hare WatchmakerRobt. Boyd Annett, Robt., Carganagh Boyd, William, Kilkeel Burnside, Samuel, Annalong Caulfield, R., C'creaghan, B'ardle Close, John Forbes, (J.P.) Cousins, R., B'kenagh W Crone, T., Benagh U, B'ardle Cunningham, Felix, Kilkeel Cunningham, John, Greencastle Crutchley, J., B'veaghmore Dawson, James, Dunavan Doran, P., L'reagh, B'ardle Edgar, J., Benagh U, B'ardle Edgar, John, Kilkeel Edgar, Mrs., Aughnaloopy Fisher, J., Ballymartin Fitzpatrick, Daniel, Ballykeel Fitzpatrick, H., A'hoory Green, J., Maghereagh Hamilton, I., Cranfield Hanna, Wm., Ballinran, Henry, J. Q. (j.P.), Mourne Abbey Higgins, J., D'more, B'ardle Lappin, J., B'magart, B'ardle Lee, Harcourt, Derryogue M'Burney, J., Derryogue M'Creight, James, Ballyardle M'Elroy, H., Greencastle M'Elroy, H., B'gowan, B'ardle M'Givern, T., sen., Greencastle M'Kay, T., Dunavan M'Kee, John, Derryogue M'Kibben, A., M'beg M'Kibben, Ed., Ballymartin M'Murray, SI., Ballinran Magee, H., Lurganr., B'ardle Matier, H. A. (Norton & Co.) Miller, H., Derryogue. Minnis, N., Brackenagh, E. Mitchell, James, Derryogue Mitchell, W., Derryogue Moore, J., B'mageogh Moore, Miss, A'loopy B'nahattan FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, Morgan, H., jun.. B'nahattan Morgan, J., &c. Mulligan, W., Ballymartin Newell, G., D'moie, B'ardle Annett, A. jun., B'kenagh W Newell, Swan, D'more, B ardle Annett, Charles, Cranfield Newell, W., Benagh, V., B'ardle Annett, J. B'reaghbeg Newell, W., D'more, B'ardle Annett, J., Ballykeel Annett, John, Leitrim
Orr, J., M'murphy Orr, John, Benagh, U., B'ardle Orr, Wm., Greencastle Patterson, A., Cranfield Patterson, W., Grange Perry, S., Ballymartin Quinn, Hugh, Cranfield Quinn, James, Aughrim Quinn, John, Maghereagh Ramsay, Mrs., Greencastle Reilly, R., Dunavil, B'ardle Rice, J., B'mageogh Russell, W., D'doney Shannon, SI., Cranfield House Sloane, C., D'more, B'ardle Sloane, J., Benagh, U., B'ardle Sloane, M., D'more, B'ardle Stevenson, J., A'nahoorey Stevenson, J., Maghereagh Walmsley, Andrew, Kilkeel Walmsley, H., A'nahoory Walmsley, J. (J.P.), Ballykeel
Boot and Shoe Warehouse, Leather and Findings,
MAYO BRIDGE. j|AYO Bridge is in the Barony of Upper Iveagh, four miles north-east of Newry, and on the road to Hilltown. The nearest railway station is at Newry. Lord Downshire and Robert Martin are the principal owners. The land of the district is in great part sandy and stony, and is used for tillage. The crops are oats, potatoes, and flax. Less than a dozen houses constitute the village, which takes its name from the bridge spanning the Clanrye at this point. A fair is held on the last Monday of each month. Bellaughley, a rural post-office, also under Newry. is served from Mayo Bridge.
DrapersJ. O'Hare, J. Pooney Grocers[*] sell spiritsMrs.Gribben,* J. O'Hare,* P . O'Hare,* John Rooney. MillsJ. Byrne (corn only), J. Colvin, corn & scutch, R. Hanna, P. O'Hare, scutch NurseryThos. M'Nally Post MasterPeter O'Hare R.C. ChurchRev. E.. M'Cartan, c.c. R.I.C.Thos. Flynn.sergt. School (National), M. Fegan Spirit RetailerJ. M'Court Grant, Peter, Mayo Grimes, Isaac, Clontafleece Harvey, John, Ryan Kelly, Mrs. S. (P.M.), Bellaughley. Loughran, James, Ballyvally Lyster, Joseph, Crobane M'Cullagh, James, Benagh M'Cullough, Robert, Benagh M'Cullough, William, Desart M'Gaffin, Robert, Crobane M'Gladdery, Moses, Sheeptown M'Gladdery, Robert, Sheeptown M'Loughlin, James, Milltown M'Minn, James, Desert Magee, Bernard, Carnany FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, Mallon, John, Desert &c. Martin, James, Sheeptown Bradford J., Sheeptown Murney, Andrew, Sheeptown Breen, Peter, <Croan O'Hare, John, Sheeptown Brown, Henry, Ryan Rooney, Patrick, Bellaughley Brown, John, TPesert Sands, Hugh, Benagh Butterfield, Patrick, Desert Savage, John, Lurgancanty Dodds, John, jun,, Desert Small, John, Edentrumley Duggan, William, Ryan Weir, James, Desert Falloon, Owen, Drumcashlone Weir, Gilbert, Sheeptown Feenan, John, Carrickcrossau Wilson, Benjamin, Derryleckagh Glenny, Henry, Desert Wilson, George, Crobane Gleny, Robert, Desert
" T h e Railway Company have erected a large and commod'crail pavilion for the use of Excursionists when the weather proves unfavorable. Adjoining this stands the Railway Refreshment R o o m s , i " j l Restaurant, recently enlarged and refurnished throughout, and wnosc admirable cuisine is under the capable direction of Mrs. LAWRENCE.
Italian Warehouse Goods, Flour, Meal and Bran.
J. CATHCART & CO., Hardware Merchants and Manufacturers, 29 North. St., NEWEY.
NEWCASTLE. [IRELAND has many beautiful watering places, but among them all there is not one surpassing Newcastle in extent and variety of attractions. There are good bathing places, coast and mountain scenery, too grand for exaggerated description, and walks and drives, numerous enough to fill out the measure of an ordinary mortal's desire for sight-seeing. The village consists of houses with frontage conforming to the shore line of Dundrum Bay, and extending for a mile or more in a half circle. For the greater part the houses serve the purpose of summer residences. Lodges are provided for families, and there are first-rate hotels for tourists and for families who can appreciate a respite from the cares of housekeeping. At the railway station are elegantly fitted refreshment and dining rooms for excursionists. Donard Lodge, residence of the Dowager Lady Annesley, overlooks the beach, and is one of the places open to visitors. The grounds are beautifully laid out and planted, and have much in them to excite admiration, including a shell house, dining room for picnic parties, a water jet reaching a.height of 20 feet, a " hermit's glen," and dark cave, and several cascades. AH other objects pale into insignificance in comparison to the Mourne Mountains, which at Newcastle are so high, and so near as to seem to shut off a great part of the world. Slieve Donard, the summit of the range, 2,796 feet above the sea level, is here seen to much advantage. Many caves and fissures are found in the mountains, and along the shore. Donard's Cave has an opening from the sea. and may be explored by boat. A cave known as Armour's Hole, is about a mile from the village. It was frequented by smugglers when Newcastle had only one house. Armour, a young man of dissolute habits j threw his father into the cave and his body was found next day at St. John's Point about ten miles distant. In the vicinity is " Maggie's Leap," a fissure in
HIS Hotel was originally designed for the convenience and comfort of those desiring to take full advantage of the health renewing qualities of the air at Newcastle, in S u m m e r and Winter. As will be seen by the illustration, it is only two storeys high, thus avoiding the fatigue which attends the climbing of stairs. Accommodation is provided for ioc Visitors. Rooms en suite for Families, including Private, Sitting, and Dining Rooms. An elegantly furnished Ladies' Drawing Room at the southern side of the house commands beautiful views of the sea and the Mourne Mountains.
There is also a large Coffee Room, a Smoking Room, &c, &c. A well laid down grass Tennis Court is one of the attractions of the grounds, which are terraced toward the sea. Safe Surf Bathing from the Hotel Strand. Milk, butter, and vegetables fresh every day from the farm belonging to the hotel. Also carefully fed mutton. Pleasure Boats (sailing and rowing) to order. Carriages, Phaetons, Waggonettes, Cars, and Saddle Horses.
i63 the rock some 90 feet deep, and over 5 feet wide. A girl going to market with a basket of eggs on her head, jumped across this place. Hence the name. Visitors should avoid going too close to the edges which are overhung with moss, and verydangerous. A girl named McCrickard fell into the chasm some twelve years ago, and about two years ago, a young man fell over and was killed in presence of his affianced wife, who narrowly escaped a similar fate. The Blue Lake, at the back of Slieve Donard, reached by a 5 mile climb, has many compensations. Eagle Rock, a fascinating spot, 2 miles up Slieve Donard, was the scene of a tragedy two years ago. A youlh named Doran, while engaged in gathering blue berries, fell and was killed. Bloody Bridge, on the shore, less than a mile, is also a show place. At a distance of two miles on the road to Kilkeel there is a fragment of ruin, said to have formed part of an abbey. One mile further, in the same direction is William's Harbor, according to tradition, one of King William's many landing places. The walks and drives inland most prominently mentioned, lead to Tollymore Park, the residence of Lord Roden, described under the head of Bryansford, and Castlewellan, the residence of Lord Annesley, described under the head of Castlewellan. Both are within a distance of two miles and are open to visitors. Finally there is the strong temptation to make the visit profitable by carrying away some of the rock crystals. They are to be found in the mountains and streams of the various hues of emerald, amethyst, beryl and topaz. Newcastle is owned by Lord Annesley. It derived its name from a castle built by Felix Magennis during the year of the Spanish Armada. It was taken down by Lord Annesley nearly 50 years ago to afford a site for the Annesley Arms Hotel. Newcastle is at the end of the County Down Railway. It is 38 miles, English, from Belfast, 11^ miles from Downpatrick by rail, and 10 miles, Irish, from Kilkeel by road. Some splendid granite quarries are in the neighborhood. Several of the largest stones in the Albert Memorial, London, were shipped from one of them. Four weighed 25 tons each. About ,30,000 was spent in the building of a pier more than 50 years ago. In 1874 about 100 feet of it was carried away, and it has been going at intervals ever since. Safe anchorage for trading vessels of 120 tons was once afforded. Now the pier head at spring tides only shows about eight feet of water. A workingmen's Reading Room, owing its foundation in great part to the thoughtfulness of Col. Ross, Mr. Ed- Vesey and Mr. Charles Knox, is a valuable institution. The visitors use, and help to sustain it. Col. Ross is President and Mr. Wm. Barry, secretary. Newcastle in 1881 had a population
of 840.
i65 BakersM. Higgins, J. Johnston Ch'rch of I.Rev. John Seymour Coast GuardLieut. BrieUcke, R.N. Div. O., W. Ferris, Chief O. Grocers * sell spiritsMrs. M. Barry, W. Beattie*, D. Collins, J. Foland, M. Howe, D. M'Cracken, MissM. Taylor*, Joseph Thornton*, J. Westerman, W. Warne Harbor MasterWm. Barry HotelsAnnesley Arms, Bellevue, Park View Methodist C.Rev. Mr. Johnston PaintersE. Coulter, J. Coulter PostmistressMrs. H . Coulter Presbyterian CRev. J. Mitchell Railway Refreshment Rooms Joseph Lawrence R. C. ChurchRev. E. Watterson R.I.C.James M'Gee, sergt. Schools (Natl.)J. Kane, R. C. S. Clyde, Lady Annesley's School
Clendinning, J. N., Carncavil Creery, Charles, Newcastle Declazeau, Miss, Beresford pi Dodds, R., T'brannigan Doyle, James, Newcastle Eager, Mrs. J. F., Burrendale Hatcher, R. W., Bellevue Hotel Henry, Thos., Carnacavil Humphreys, Mrs., Rowallen Knox, Mrs., The Shimnah Lowry, John, Newcastle Lowry, Robert, Newcastle M'Knight, J., Carnacavil M'Knight, A., Carnacavil Martin, W. R., Newcastle Millis, R.J., Park View Hotel Mulligan, J., Ballaghbeg Murphy, Mrs., Kockmore Murray, The Misses, Wilmer Plaine, A. H., Ballaghbeg Robertson, R., Ross, Col., Annesley Arms Hotel Slacke, Mrs., Ashleigh FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, Smyth, H. (c. s.), Eastern villa &c. Smyth, Rev. S., Annesley, Dowager Lady, Don- Spalier, J. Z., Tollymore Spiers, A., Murlough ard Lodge Stevenson, Adam, Carnacavil Barry, W., sen., Ballaghbeg Beers, Mrs., Brook Cottage Trousdale, Miss A., Annesiey Blakely, Miss, Arundel ter Arms Hotel Brown, E., Ballaghbeg Trousdale, Peter, Annesley Arms Brush, Geo., Ardulin Hotel RATH FRI LAND. JJATHFRILAND had a population of 1,572 in 1881, and is one of the best inland market towns in Ulster. It is in the barony of Upper I veagh, 8 Irish miles northeast of Newry, 2\ Irish miles south of the Ballroney Station, on the Great Northern Railway, and 17 Irish miles south-west of Downpa trick by the old mail road. The land of the district is fair for tillage. It is not used much for pasture. The principal crops grown are potatoes, oats, wheat and flax. John Percy Meade, of the British Army, is the owner. He is the lineal descendant of Alderman Hawkins, of London, who received the site, and a considerable tract of country from Charles II. During the Parliamentary War, Aid. Hawkins provided food, clothing and shelter for 5,000 Protestant Royalists,
General Feeding Stuffs,
Agent for W. & A. GUbey's Celebrated Wines and Spirits.
i67 who fled to London for protection. He also assisted those who had not succeeded in getting away. A little over 30,000 was raised by him for this purpose, and he and his friends raised ^45,000 for use by the king in the public service. Rathfriland was originally spelt with a y instead of an i, and some of the present residents who dislike unnecessary chopping and changing still stick to the y. The history of the town began with Aid. Hawkins, but the high hill upon which it stands was famous long before his time as the natural fortress upon which the Magennises maintained their strongest castle. The streets of the town, all consisting of good substantial slated houses, run up and down, and across the hill. At the summit are three walls of the castle, the highest being about 26 feet, and having a breadth of 27 feet. They are in the garden of Mr. James Nelson, whose comfortable dwelling stands at a distance of about 40 feet. It was built in 1812 by the Scott family, and during the excavation for the foundations several dungeons were found. Human bones, coins, and pieces of armor were turned up at the same time. The late Mr. Thomas Spiers, during a residence of over 20 years after the late Captain Scott, planted ivy around the castle walls, and the growth at present is most luxuriant. At the west side portions of the outer wall and parapet are in fair preservation, forming a substantial boundary between the premises of Mr. Nelson, and those of Mr. David Wilson, and others. The view of the surrounding country from this vantage ground is exceedingly good. From the topmost tower of the castle the naked eye must have been sufficient to have discerned the approach of anything in human shape within a circle of several miles. The Mourne Mountains are to the south-west, and the valley of the Bann, broad and fertile, lies between, helping to form a picture beautiful in the extreme. Five roads appioach the town from different directions and concentrate in Church Square. In the centre of this is the Market House, a building pf ancient appearance. Rathfnland's main reliance is upon the market. Originally this was held on Wednesdays only; now markets are held also on Tuesdays and Saturdays. This is not second to any other district in Ireland for flax. Wednesday is the sale day. Fowls are also sold on Wednesday. Oats and grass seed are sold on Tuesdays and Saturdays, and pork on Tuesdays. A fair is held on the first Wednesday of each month. Butter was once a considerable product of the district. The fanners now find tillage more profitable. Within a radius of about three miles of the town reside some 150 weavers. They are supplied with fine linen yarns from different parts of the county, and do excellent work. Embroidery and hemstitching
Income From Interest, 134.OOO Total Accumulated Funds, ,OS,1S1 FIEB.All classes of risks accepted and rates quoted on application. LIFE.The whole of the ascertained surplus in the Participating Branch belongs to the Policy-holders in that Branch. The rates are moderate, aud the expenses are limited to 10 per cant, of the Premiums. DUBLIN OFFICE40 WESTMORELAND STREET. Local Committee of Direction : J.Mtt-O BTTRKB, Esq., J.P. D.L., Queenstown Castle, Dalkey, Director, National Bank, Limited. W. J. GOQLDINtt, ESQ., J.P. Eden-quay, Dublin, Director, W& S. M. Qonldrng, Limited. MAJOK PERCY R. GRACE, D.L., Boley, Montatown-avenue, Monkstown, Director, Hibernian Bank. JAMES PIM, JUN., 11 Burgh Quay, Dublin, Corn Merchant. JOHN YOUNG, ESQ., DX.,Gaigorm Castle, Ballymena, Chairman of Committa, Northern Bank, &c. WILLIAM COOTE, Secretary. t Agents wanted in districts where the Company is not fully represented.Apply to the Secretary. 43)
573,000 1 * I.<><><>
are done by a large number of the female inhabitants of the district for Belfast and other merchants. Mr. B. B. Meek, who is considered a good authority on the subject, believes that it would pay to have a spinning mill at Rathfriland. The market often has as much as 160 tons of flax in one day, and labor is cheap and abundant. A great improvement has taken place in the business of the town within a period of 50 years. The square was nearly all occupied by thatched houses in 1836. Now there is not one. Places of public worship for Episcopalians (Church of Ireland), Presbyterian (3), Reformed Presbyterians, Methodists, Roman Catholics, Friends, and Christian Brethren are conspicuous in the thoroughfares. The Church of Ireland, an unpretentious edifice at the southern end of the square, was rebuilt in 1818 upon the foundations of the one originally built by Aid. Hawkins. At one time the Society of Friends was sufficiently strong to require a substantial Meeting House, which remains in good condition. The last Friend was Mr. Murphy, a man who had a great taste for antiquity, and to whom the Belfast Museum is indebted for much valued contributions. Rathfriland occupies a part of two parishes, Drumballyroney and Drumgath, the antiquities of which will be found described in the fore part of the book. Within about four miles of;the town, at Dehomet, an iron mine was worked some years ago. Mining was discontinued owing to the difficulties of carriage. It will probably be re-opened very soon, as the G. N. Railway runs at a distance of two miles. The houses of Rathfriland are lighted by gas, but not the streets, for the reason that the Towns Improvement Act has not been availed of. Pumps in the street supply water, and considering the elevation the sewers are perfect. From the social point of view the town is very well off. There are two Masonic Lodges, and an Orange Hall, a Young Men's Christian Association, a Mutual Improvement Society, a lodge of Good Templars, a branch of the National League, and a Lawn Tennis Club of 50 members, established a year ago. The latest addition was a coursing club. About 24 persons own greyhounds in the town and vicinity, and the first meeting was held in February of the present year. The sub-post offices of Ballyroney, Drumdrinagh, Drumgath, and Mayscorner are served with the mails from Newry, by way of Rathfriland. AuctioneersHudson, & Toman, J. B. Johnston BakersMrs. Bell, Jas. Hudson, P- McCaughey, B. B. Meek & Son, Hugh Russell H U G H R U S S E L L . Baker, Confectioner, &c, Downpatrick st BanksBelfast : Edward Taylor, Manager; John McKee, Cashier ; R. J. Cleland, Accountant Hibernian : John McClurg, Manager ; J. J. O'Flynn, Cashier and Accountant Boots and shoes * are leather
3EooI JHraljant anti Insurance Sfyjent,
O " Support Home Inddstry. Boots ana Shoes made on the Premises, ana sola at prices that will compare favorably with those of any house in the trade.
Machines, at 5 5a., on hire at 2/6 per week. In caie of purchase ten per cent, oft*.
Boot & Shoe iSanufacturer, * Heatpn
Dromore St.,
The cheapest place in RathfriUnU fur Boots and Shoes of every kind. B|HUT iMCnlsd eipeditioujily and op moderate l a i m Examine the Value before going elsgwhet
dealersJoseph Foster*, Mrs. D. Heslip*, Michael King*, E Moore CarpentersR. Lawson, R. Livingstone, A. Stewart Chemists and DruggistsAll the physicians compound Christian Brethren. Church of I.Rev. R. E. Briscoe Clog MakersP. Kelly, R. Scott
curers,D. Adamsf, John Bell*, W. Bell*, Mrs. M, Donnelly*, O. T 'itzpatrick*t, P. Fitzpatrick*t, F . irant, Wm. Hamilton, M. Hardy*, Thomas Henningf, J. Hennon*, Jas. Hudson, J. Irvinf, W.Johnston, A. Kirk*, R.Loughin, Miss E. McEnearney*, J. Martin, B. B. Meek & Son, J. Morrisonf, W. Murphyt, M. ROBERT SCOTT, dog Reid*f, Miss Rowan, Miss M. manufacturer for the trade, whole- Shaw, Moses' Spiers, A. Stewart, sale and retail, Downpatrick John Toman*, John Watson, David Wilson*t, HughS. Wilsonf street Coach builder D . W . McFELIX GRANT, Family Mullan grocer, flour and provision dealer, Coal MerchantsJ. Irvin, J. and fancy sewing, hem stitching and embroidery agent. Main st Martin, J. Park, D. Wilson DispensaryDr. J. Elliott WM- HAMILTON, grocer, DrapersS. Annett, Miss M. flour and provision dealer, DroM. Beggs, Jos. Davidson. James more st Cunningham, V m . Davidson, R. THOMAS HENNING, Heron, Mrs. J. Heslitt, Miss E McEnearney, Alex. Rowney, Jas. Family grocer, flour and provision merchant, Downpatrick st Watson, R. Wilson
Draper, Emigration Agent, Dromore st
and News cer, tea, wine, spirit,flour,provision and hardware merchant, Newry st
and provision dealer, Woollen Draper and Milliner, Newry st MOSES SPIERS, Family Grocer, Tea, Wine and Spirit MerGrocer and general hardware chant, Newry st merchant. Church st ALEXANDER R O W N E T , Woollen Draper & Hatter, Millinery & Fancy Goods Warehouseman, dealer in sewing machines & Shipping Agent, Church st Emigration Agents W. Bell, Joseph Davidson, A. Kirk, J. McEvoy, S. Johnston, Alexander Rowney Gas WorksJohn Watson, sec retary, P. Carr, manager Glass, China and Earthenware Edward Byrne, Hugh S. Wilson Grain MerchantsJohn Bell, O. Fitzpatrick, Moffit & Benagh. J- Park, D. Wilson. Grocers marked thus sel spirits. Thus t are provision
M O B N B A R N B Y , grocer
grocer, and provision merchant, Commission Agent for sewed muslins and hem stitching, Newry st and Dromore st
HUGH S.WILSON, Groce'ies, provisions, glass, china, and earthenware, oils, paints and colors, artificial manures, sewed muslin and hem stitching agent, Main st HotelsThe George, R. Johnston. Temperance, D. Dickson Ironmongers.* Timber merchants. A. Heslop, J. Martin*. John Park, M. Reid, Moses Spiers.
172 Merchant Tailor.Wm. Cupples Methodist C.Circuit preacher Millers, corn, * flour alsoR. 8. Corbitt, B. B. Meek & Son* O. Fitzpatrick, A. Heslop, R. Heron, J. Irvin, J. Park, D. Wilson Sewed Muslin AgentsF. Grant John Little, Jas. Watson, John Watson, H. S. Wilson Spirit RetailersJ. Bingham, J. Geddis, S. Johnston, J. Kirk, Mrs. S. M'Caig, H. M'Conville, J. M'Evoy, J. M'Crum, E. Moore, Mrs. A. Morgan, J. Sheerin. Railway StationBallyroney, S. Allely, Stationmaster R. C. Ch.Rev. T. M'Givern, D.D., P.P., Rev. J. O'Hare, c.c. R.I.C.C.C. Oulton, D.I., D. Smith, H.c. UndertakersO. Fitzpatrick, J. Park, Wm. Spiers VictuallersR. D i x 0 n, V. M'Alinden Wool MerchantJ. Cunningham FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, &c. A'clone (Annaclone) Allen, John, B'nafoy, A'clone Allen, M., Aughnavollcg Allen, William, Rathfriland Anderson, W., Aughnavallog Andrews, D. H., B'brick, A'clone Andrews, S., Ballynafern, A'clone Atkins, Jas., Drumgreenagh Beatty, James, Moneygore Beck, J., Cappagh, A'clone Bell, James, Lisnisk Bell, Robert, Kiltariff Bell, Robert, Tirygory Bigham, James, P.M., Ballyroney Bingham, James, Drumgath Blain, Robert, Cross Slakely, R., Edenagarry Blakely, James, Tirygory Boyd, D., Ballynamagna Brown, W., Lisnamulligan Byrne, P , Ballyshiel, A'clone Campbell, J., Lurgancahone Campbell, M., Lurgancahone Carter, M., Lisnacreevy Chain, J-, AughnaYalldg
Chambers, J., Druronascamph Copes, W.. Ballyroney Cowan, W. J., Cappagh, A'clone Creen, J., Lisnacreevy Creen, T., Lisnacreevy Cromie, A., Lisnacroppan Cromie, A., Grallaghgreenan Cromie, A., Ballybrick, Cromie, J,, Aughnavallog Cromie, S., Aughnavallog Davidson A. H. (Wm. Davidson) Davies, Wm- Ballyroney Davis, Jos., Lisnisk Devlin, P., Ballynafern, A'clone Devlin, Rev. II., Annaclone Donaldson, S. Drumgreenagh Dorin, F., Ardbrin Doyle, M., Lisnacroppin Edgar.Rev. S.,BrookvalePresb. C. Fagan, J., sen., Annaclone Fagan, J., jun., Annaclone Farrell, J , A'clone Fegan, H., sen., Lisnavahrog Ferguson, Joseph, Ballyroney Fitzpatrick, H., Ardbrin Foster, D., Grallaghgreenan Fraser, H., sea., Kdenagarry Frazer, Hugh, Ballynagros*! Frazer, K., Lisnacreevy Green, J., Seafin, Ballyroney Groves, G., Edenagarry Haddock, Edw., BaDyroney Hanna, A., Ballykeel Hanna, T., Ballykeel Hanna, J., Ballykeel Harbison, J., Grallaghgreenan Harbison, ]., Ballynamagna Harbison, J., Granshaw Harbison, J., jun., Tullyquilly Harbison, W., sen, Tullyquilly Harshaw, A., Ballynafern Harshaw, J., Ballynagross Harshaw, J., Ballynafern Hazlett, A., Drumdreenagh Hazlett, A., Moneygore' Heenan, J. H., Cavan Henry, J., L'siiggan, A'clone Henry, K., Ballynafoy, A'clone Heron, Dr. A. (j.p), Greenfield Heron, J., Lisnavahrog Hillis, C, T'vally, A'clone Hutchinson, J., Dromorebrague Hutchinson, R., Ballynafem Hutchinson, S., Ballynafern Ingram, John, Tirfergus Ingram, SI., Ballyroney lrwin, J., T'vally, A'clone Jelly, J., T'vally, A'clone Johnston, J., Seafin, Ballyroney Johnston, Robert, Cross Jordan, David, Tirkelly Keane, W., Aughnavallog Keenan, Francis, Barnmeen Kennedy, A., Ballynamagna Kirk, A., Ardbrin Kirk, F., Aughnavallog Kirkpatrick, R,, Lisnisk Knox, John, Tirkelly Knox, R., Tirkelly Linton, Samuel, Tirygory Logan, John, Ballyroney Loughlan, Jas., Lisnamulligan M'Anearney, John A., Curley M'Auley, Rev. Matthew, R'friland M'Avoy, Francis, Barnmeen M'Bride, J., L'siiggan, A'clone M'Bride, J., jun., B'gross, A'clone M'Clean, John, Drumgreenagh M'Clenehan, jas. Martin (J.P.), M'Clory, Michael, Edenagarry M'Connell, John, Cavan M'Conville, P., Drumgreenagh M'Cracken, H., L'siiggan, A'clone M'Cracken, Rev. J.(c.i.), A'clone M'Creedy, A., Drumnascamph M'Creedy, T., Drumnascamph M'Crum, J., Edenagarry M'Crum, T., Edenagarry M'Dowell, Robt., Edenagarry M'Gaffin, J., Ardbrin M'Gafnkin, Robert, Ballykeel M'Ginn, James, Cross M'Givern, B., B'nanny, A'clone M'Givern, P., Annaclone M'Greavy, J., T'vally, A'clone M'Greavy, J., Ardbrin M'llrathJ., T'vally,' A'clone M'Kee.J., Ardbrin M'Kee, Thomas, Ballyroney M'Key, D., B'fem, A'clone
M'Key, Wm., Lisnacroffan M'Kibbon, A., B'foy, A'clone M'Mahon, D., B'nafoy, A'clone M'Mahon, William, Tamary M'MulIan, William, Imdel M'MulIan, Andrew, Imdel M'Neight, J., Aughnavallog M'Neill, H., Ballysheil, A'clone M'Neilly, A., Lisnisk M'Parland, David, Lenish M'Roberts, A., Ballynamagna M'Roberts, S., Ballynamagna M'Spadden, A., Lisnacreevy M'Spadden, W., Ardbrin Macken, J., Ardbrin Magee, James, Eathfriland Magennis, J., T'vally, A'clone Magill, D., Ardbrin Maginniss, A., Barnmeen Marks, J., jun., Lisnisk Martin, J., B'brick, A'clone Martin, J., Lisnavaghrog Martin, John, Ballyroney Martin, R. J., Edenagarry Martin, William, Ballyroney Mitchell, S., Grallaghgteenan Mooney, D., B'brick, A'clone Morrison, Jno., Ardbrin Morrison, Jas., Ardbrin Mulholland, P., Tirygory Mulligan, R., L'sliggan, A'clone Mulligan, W., Jj'sliggan, A'clone Murphy, James, Drumgath Murray, A., B'brick, A'clone Nelson, J., The Castle Niblock, John, Granshaw Niblock, J., Tullyquilly Koble, W., Tullyquilly Ochiltree, H., Ballyroney Oswald, Rev. R. (c.l.), Drumballyroney Parker, J., B'keel, Drumgath > Porter, Marshall, Gransha '1 Reed, Robert, Gransha Reid, Samuel, Ballyroney Rooney, W., Barnmeen Rowan, Thomas, Barnmeen Russell, A., Ballynafern Shannon, D., B'nanny, A'clone Shannon, R., B'nanny, A'clone Shaw, J . E., Lisnacreevy Shilliday, J., Lisnacreevy Sloan, Samuel, Ballykeel Small, Jos., Ballyroney Spiers, Wm., Rathfriland Stewart, A., Drumdreenagh Stewart, A., Tirygory Stewart, A., jun., Tirygory Stewart, J., Ballynafoy, A'clone Stitt, J., B'brick, A'clone Swan, R., Grallaghgreenan ft Swan, S., Grallaghgreenan S Todd, James, Edenagarry Tufts, Wm., Dromore st Tweedy, A., Ardbrin Tweedy, H. Ardbrin Urey, Francis, Ardbrin Watson, Hugh, Imdel Willock, H. S., Tullyquilly Wilson, H. S., Ardbrin Wilson, R., Ardbrin Wilson, Wm., Ardbrin Wright, A., Aughnavallog Wright, R., Drumgath Wright, W., Drumnascamph Young, James, Ballyroney '' Young, John, Ballyroney ,
Family Grocer & Spirit Merchant, Grain <[Seed Warehouse, RATHFRILAND.
GCff Artificial Manures and Oil Cake.
there are good hotels and recreation places. A climb of about a mile to Cloughmore, a stone of great size, amply repays, by reason of the beautiful view which is obtained from it. Rostrevor was originally named Castle Rory, after the founder, a member of the Magennis family, who occupied a strong castle here. It acquired the present name through the marriage of Rose, daughter of Sir Marmaduke Wbitchurch, with Trevor, Viscount DungannonRosetrevor, and by dropping the e in the first syllable, it becomes to a certain extent akin to the name of the present owner. One of the sights of Rostrevor is an obelisk, erected to the memory of General Ross, who fell while leading the British troops to victory at the battle of Baltimore, United States of America, Sept. 12th, 1814. There is a pier at Rostrevor 150 feet long, belonging to the Hon. A. S. G. Canning. The greatest depth of water at it, spring-tide, is 16 feet. The exports are timber and potatoes, and the imports coal. The toll per ton register on ships discharging is ijd., and on cargo from 3s. oxl. to 4s. 6d. A vessel coming in with cargo and going out with cargo, only pays toll on cargo in. The tramway running from the quay to the village, 800 yards in length, and a bridge of three arches, were built in 1880, by Mr. Thomas Grills, of Kilkeel, at a total cost of 3,000, toward the expense of which the county gave ; 1,600, and the balance was subscribed by Lord Kilmorey. Half-a-mile from Rostrevor, at Forestbrook, 75 people are employed at dyeing and finishing linens. At Newtown, a mile and a-half distant, is a beetling mill, and there is a bleach-green, employing forty people, at Kilbroney, one mile from the village. AuctioneerBernard Dunn spirits. Thus t wines only)J' BakersJ. M'Cullough.T.Tin- Cull*, Mrs. C. Crawford*, J, Feaelly ron, J. M'Anulty, J. M'Cullough, , Beetling Mill, NewtownA. D. C. Sinton t Harbor MasterJas. Copeland T. Turrettin Hotels Mourne, Woodside, Bleach Works (linen), KilbroRostrevor neyR. & D. Martin Linen Dyeing and Finishing Carpenters and BuildersJas. Forestbrook Linen Company (Jos. Dunn, Natl. Lightbody Chemist & DruggistR. A. Jones Crawley) Church of I.Kev. W. C. Barker News Agents and Stationers Coal Mts.J. Cull, C. Sloane R. A. Jones, W. Shaw Convent of MercyRev. Mother PaintersW. Brown. W. Harmon, J. Jamison, J. Mahood Russell Presbyterian CRev, T. Gordon DispensaryDr. T. A. Vesey DrapersJ. Culls, J. M'Anulty, Post MasterWm. Shaw B. C. ChurchRev. P. O'Neill, Mrs. S. M'Cullough, Mrs. M. P.P., Rev. A. Lowry, C.C. Smyth Grocers (marked thus * sell R, I. CL. Hollywood, Seigt.
Schools (National)F. Weatherhead, Miss E. Overend (Inft.), Protestant; Chas. Grant, R.C. ; Mrs. Wright, Ladies' Private Schl. Skating Rink and Gardens Spirit RetailersA. Cumming, J. Sloan Victuallers J. M'Quaide, J. White Gwynne, Francis, Drumreagh Hall, Roger, Ballymoney Handcock, Mrs., Drumesk House Homer, Fras, (j.P.), Strathmore Logan, Rev. Thomas MCartan, Thos. (j.P.), B'money M'Farland, James M'Givern, James, Knockbarragh M'Givern, John, Ballinran M'Givern, James, Kilbroney LANDOWNERS, FARMERS, Martin, David (J.P.), Kilbroney AND RESIDENTS. Moore, Mrs., Ranfurley Morgan. Thomas Balfour, Miss, Fairy Hill Nunn, Col. J. L. W., The AnchorBell, Henry S. age Boyd, Mrs., The Quay Nunn, Mrs., The Anchorage Bradley, James, Drumsesk Brooks, Rev. Canon Edward O'Hagan, Felix (J.P ), B'neddan Persse, Capt., Rostrevor Calvert, William Canning, Hon. A. S. G. (J.P.), The Ross of Bladensberg, Capt. John Lodge (J-P-) Garville, Henry, Levallyreagh Russell, Patrick, Ballymoney Caulfield, John, Kilbroney Shields, Peter, Drumsesk Cole, Patrick, Drumsesk Shields, Hugh, Drumreagh Crawley, Jos., Forestbrook Trainor, Laur., Drumsesk Cunningham, Michael Turrettin, A. T., Nevvtown Doyle, Daniel, Knockbarragh Vandeleur, Miss, Old Hall Ensor, Miss, Glen Villa VonSteigleiU, Mrs., Knockbarrow Foster, Adam Samuel (j.P.) Park Gordon, H., St. Bruno's ter Woods, John Greer, Edw. (j.P.), Moygannon Woods, Michael, Ballymoney Gwynne, James D., Drumreagh Wrixon, Popham, Capt. 6oth Rfls. Gwynne, William J. ,,
^ 7 > 77/" TRADE .Jgg X
Bottlers of Guinness's XX Stout and Bass's Bitter Ales-
The only charge made upon shipping is 2d. per ton register for " dockage. Major Hall owns and controls the quays. The exports are cattle and general, and the imports principally coal. Warrenpoint has a water supply conveyed from a distance to a reservoir, provided by the guardians of the Newry Union, as the sanitary authority, at a cost of ^6,000. The town is lighted with gas and is governed by 12 Commissioners under the Towns Improvement Act. Business is largely confined to the Square, the conspicuous features of which are the quays and the railway terminus. There are sustained efforts from year to year to maintain a recreation fund for band and other performances. The town and district are well supplied with churches of different denominations. There is a Church of Ireland at Clonallon, and one at Warrenpoint, in the early English style. It was erected at an expense of over ^800 by Roger Hall, in 1825In 1879 t n e interior was renovated, and new pews, pulpit, reading desk, and Communion rail put in at a cost of 800. Mr. Alex. Wheelan, was the contractor. In March of the present year a new organ was added. The Presbyterian Church, in 1883, under contract with Mr. Wheelan, was provided with a tower and spire, and reseated in pitch pine, at a cost of ^900. A very great change for the better has also been made in the old Catholic Church, by the erection of a fine tower and spire in the Gothic style. A new and beautiful Methodist Church, in memory of Rev. Dr. Coke, was built by Mr. I. H. Cunningham, Newry, in 1885, from designs by Mr. W. J. Watson, architect. It cost 1,500. Dr. Coke, an eloquent clergyman of this deno mination, preached his last sermon at Warrenpoint in the old Methodist Chapel. He died on his way to a distant land to engage in missionary labor. The new church is built on the site of the chapel. Warrenpoint has also a Unitarian-Presbyterian Church. There are several organizations for social purposes, including Orange lodges, Masonic Lodge, Good Templars' Lodge, and a Constitutional Association. A tramway connects the town with Rostrevor, affording a charming ride along the shore for two miles and a-half to the foot of the Mourne Mountains. BakersP. Crawford, Maginnis Borough CourtEvery alternate and Son Monday ; clerk, B. M'Kernan Bank Agencies Belfast and Cabinet MakerG. E. Flanigan Provincial Carpenters and BuildersCurBootmakers, &c.C. Aiken, R. Curran, J. Duff, P. Higgins, R. lett and Son, T. Hanna. P. Torley
TWO-HORSE, or Single at Moderate Charges. CoffinsOak, Deal, or Pine, Polished and fully Mounted according to order.
Church of Ireland, Clonallon Rev. R. E. Glenny ; Warrenpoint, Rev. T. B. Naylor Coach BldrJ. T. M'Clelland Coal MerchantsJ. Courtney, Hugh M 'Ateer and Son, T. Milligan, T. O'Hare and Son ConfectionerA. Glenn CooperW, McGivern DispensaryDr. A. E. Douglas DrapersMisses B E L L a j l d M c M A H O N . M i s s Byrne, Th'os. Caulfield, Mrs. R. Flynn, W. Johnson, Miss M. Kealty, Thos. MGuffin, Misses Murray, Mrs. Thompson, Church street; Mrs. Thompson, Square Emigration AgentsR. A.Jones, Mrs. McKevitt FruitererJ. Doran Gas Co.Ld.Jas.,Coulson, secretary ; J. O'Hare, manager Glass, China, &cJ. Crawford, R. A. Jones GreengrocersMiss A. Curran, P. Cunningham. W. Shields Grocers marked thus |*] sell spiritsMrs. Blytiie, J. Bradley, J. Caulfiekl, John Crawford, Miss E. Elliott, Isaac Lyster*, Hugh M'Ateer and Son*, J. M'Ateer*, Mrs. M. M'Kevitt,* Wm. Millar, Jas. Moffit, J. Monro,* S. Monro,* O'Hare and Sons,* P. O'Neill, PaintersE. Bettridge, J . Coburn, J. Grandy, W. Jones, W. Keown, J. M'Murray PawnbrokerW. Johnston Petty Sessions1st and 3rd Tuesday in each month; clerk, Robt. Erskine, Newry PhysiciansDr. Beatty, Dr. A. E. Douglas, J.P. PlumbersCunningham Bros., A. Henning, John Lewis Posting CarsT. M ' A N U L T Y Post MasterR. A. fones Presbyterian CRev. D. Mitchell ProvisionsAll grocers Railway StationmasterJ. Agnew Restaurant for day visitorsThe R.C. ChurchRev. E. M'MulIen, P.P., Rev. C. Woods, c.c. R.I.C.B. Atwell. sergt. SaddlerJohn M'Hugh Schools (National; W. Orr Jamison, Protestant; J. Nugent, R.C. Seed MerchantsR. A. Jones, Pedlow Bros. Ship BuilderM. Hunter Spirit RetailersMrs. M. Byrne, G. Connolly, .J Connolly, P. Cunningham, T. Cunningham, Mrs. A. Gourley, F. Keenan, G. M'Ateer, Jas. M'Cann, H. M'Conville,
P E D L O W . BROS., STEPHEN McGUIGAN, Globe Hotel, J. M'Knight, J. JAMES SWANN & CO., Magee, H. Price. See also grocers
J. K. Tuhen marked thus [*] and hotels Harbor MasterRobert Brown Timber M e r c h a n t s H u g h Hardware Mts.John Craw- M'Ateer & Son, Curlett and Son ford, Cunningham Bros.. E. BettTown CommissionersG. W. ridge. John Lewis, P E D L O W Francis, j . p . , chairman ; Hugh BROS. Montgomery, Thos. O'Hare, R. H.M. CustomsB. Keelty A. Jones, Jas. M'Murray, Thos. Hotels Beach, C R O W N , M'Murray, Wm.Johnston. Edward Imperial, Railway, Victoria Pedlow, Isaac Corkey, W. J. WatMerchant Tailors Thomas sot, C.E., Jos. Mayne, J.P., & John Caulfield, H. M'Guffin and Son Lewis. B. M'Kcrnan, town clerk; Methodist CRev. J. Hughes Hamilton Keown, sanitary subMills (corn)M. Greer officer News AgentsMisses A. and M. Town Hall"W. Jones, kpr. Crawford, R. A. Jones, J. M'Ginnis
Are now acknowledged to be the Cheapest and Best for all kinds of
New Fruits, Preserves, Potted Meats, Cheese; also Irish Hams and Bacon, and all kinds of Groceries and Hardware.
Tramway to RostrevorManager, Silas Evans, Belfast; auditor, H. Montgomery; supt. & condt,, A. Walker UndertakerT. M ' A N U L T Y Unitarian Presbyterian Church Rev. John F. Kennard WatchmakersJ. Lewis, S. Lewis FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, RESIDENTS, &c. Anderson, Miss, Havelock pi Annett, Miss, Seaview Atkins, Mrs., Victoria pi Atkinson, W. M., Osborne ter Atwell, Miss, organist, Summer hi ohnson, Miss, Prospect Villa Kilpatrick, Mrs., Clonailon Villa Kinnaird, Rev. J. F., Wyndham ter Lecky. C. W. L. B..Fintmora LEWIS, JOHN, watchmaker and licensed jeweller, tuner and repairer of all kinds of musical instruments, hardware and toy arehouse, plumber and gasfitter, hitesmith, &c, 10 Church street (next the church) Linden, Geo., Ballymaconaghy Loughran, Mrs., Victoria pi Lucas, R., Downey ter Lester, Andrew, Donaghaguy M'Anulty, Stephen, Peter st BELL & MACMAHON, M'Ardle, Daniel, (J.P.), Bell View drapers & milliners (see index) M'Cartan, John, Aghavilla Bridge, Miss, Mereham ter M'Comb, Alex, Sol., Sea View Brown, ffm,, Warrenpoint M'Comb, Mrs., Sea View Burns, James, prop,Newry Reporter M'Creight, Tohn, Sea View Byrne, Ml., Aghaville M'GUFFIN, THOS. & Byrne, Wm., Burren S O N S , boot warehouse (see Callan, John, Warrenpoint Campbell, A. (j. p.),Dromore Lodge index) M'Minn, Andrew, Castle Enigan Campbell, Mrs., Rosetta Carey, T., Sol.,St.Leonards-on-Sea M'Murray, | . , Athelboy tev M'Murray, T., Athelboy ter Connelly, Ed., Clonallon Glebe M'Nally, J. P. (J.P.), Linten Lodge Connelly, James, Burren M'Nally, Mrs., Sea View Corkey, Isaac (T.C.) M'Neilly, R., Aghavilly Corrigan, John, Warrenpoint Madden-Hall, Mrs-, Moygannon H Coulter, J., Donaghaguy Crowe, Rev Chas., Warrenpoint Magee, P. F., Burren Magennis, John, Carrogs Cunningham, J., Burren Marks, James, Sea View Cuppaidge. J. E., Tamnaharry Martin, Samuel, Ballydesland Erwin, George, Ballydesland Mayne, Joseph (J.P.), Warrenpoint Eustace, R. (R.N.), Mereham ter MILLER, W M , tea and Francis, George W. (c.T.c. & J.P.) coffee dealer, family grocer, flour Fullerton, Miss, Warrenpoint and provision merchant, Dock sqr Graham, Archd., Burren Graham, Mrs.,Mereham ter MONTGOMERY, H , . Grandy, Robinett, East st Crown Hotel (see in lex) Hall, Major W. J. (D.L.), Narrow Moore, Mrs., Dromore Cottage Water Castle Morrison, Mrs., Dromore Villa Henry, Miss. Mereham ter Nugent. Robert, Donaqhaguay Henry. \V., Ballymaconaghy FEDLOW, BROS., family Higginbotham, Miss, Mereham tei grocers, hardware merchants, &c. Hook, Joseph, Warrenpoint (see index) Homer, Miss, Bay View Robert A., Sea ViewJ O N E S , R. A., chemist & Plunkett, Mrs., Seaview ter Prentice, druggist (see index) Quinn, Peter, Drumbanagher
Richards, W. S., Clonallon Glebe Robinson, Mrs-, Springfieldter Rodger, D., Clonallon Cottage Sinclair, Mrs., Sea View Smith, Rev. W., Warrenpoint Sullivan, Mrs. Havelock pi
Thompson, Capt. W., Moygannon Traverse, J., Ballymaconaghy Walker, A. (J.P.), St. Leonards Wallace, Mrs., Sea View Watson, Win. J. (c.E.). Sea View Whalley,. Rev. Thos., Warrenpoint SWANN, JAMBS & CO, Williams, Mrs., Sea View B , Donaghaguy family grocers, &c. {see index) Wilson, Win. J., Donaghaguy Wilson, Thompson, Capt., Clooneaven DOWNPATRICK. ' ISTORICALLY Downpatrickis the most interesting place in the county. The kings of Ullagh made their chief residence here. St. Patrick directed much of his life's labors from its abbty, and his remains were interred in the abbey cemetery. The Danes for nearly 200 years looked with longing eyes upon it, and at intervals during that period fought hard to secure a permanent footing. It was here also that the adventurous Englishman, Sir John De Courcy, planted his standard. The town was originally built upon a cluster of hills commanding a wide range of view. So long as it was an advantage for defensive purposes, the avenues of business ran at a high elevation. At present the chief business thoroughfares are in the valley, in line wilh the public roads from the surrounding country. Market-street, Church-street and the Circular Road, show the great improvement common sense has effected in modern times. Market-street, which contains the railway station, and Church-street have been opened within 35 years. To ensure greater freedom for traffic, a clock tower was removed that had long stood at the junction of Irish, English and Scotch streets. Near it was the old Market House, the site of which is now occupied by the beautiful Assembly Rooms, partly illustrated in the page devoted to Mr. Roden Johnston's Medical Hall. Mr. John Mulholland, D.L., who purchased the town from the late M r. David Stewart Ker, in 1872, built the Assembly Rooms in 1882 at a cost of ,5,000. The large hall has a seating capacity of 650, and is given for lectures, concerts, and social meetings to the town's people without charge. The Circular Road was opened about 30 years ago. It connects Market-street with Stream-street, and by means of a new road, near the Lunatic Asylum, diverts the traffic from the Ardglass and Killough districts, so as to avoid two very steep hills. The houses in "the low ground" are, for the greater
> 1869.
BTTTEES visit London and the Manufacturing Districts four times every year. The chief feature in this House is the continual increase in the amount of Sales since entering1 into New Premises. This shows the confidence the public place in this system of business. The transactions in the Purchase of Goods are now larger than in years past, so that the Proprietor has increased his Capital in order to pay Cash for all the Goods. The course pursued by R. W. is to ask at once the Lowest Cash Price; and, from his long experience in the Wholesale and Retail Trade, he feels sure that this is the soundest policy, and, in the end, best calculated to secure the confidence of his Patrons and the Public. The Goods in this Establishment are Purchased on exactly the same terms as the besi Wholesale Houses in Dublin or Belfast. R. W. still holds the opinion that parties in the Drapery Trade who Buy on Credit cannot get Value, nor can they give Value to the Public. An Early Call, or Country Orders, will oblige. Goods not in
Stock can be had by Globe Express, or Parcels Post, at once, from London.
A RELIABLE TWEED SUIT MADE TO MEASURE, 4 0 / - UPFirst-class Foremen to take orders. No expense on the Cloth, for paying Foremen. On visiting the Establishment this will be found the Largest, Cheapest, and most Valuable Stock ever shown in this Town.
part, well built and in good condition. Downpatrick is in the North-eastern part of the county, in the barony of Upper Lecale. It has railway communication with Belfast, from which it is distant 26J miles, English. The Quoile river connects the town with Strangford Lough, and is navigable from a point about a mile to the North-west, by way of Church-street. There is a good quay there, but owing to the presence of a bank outside, between it and deep water, access is difficult. In the present state of the river much trouble is experienced in navigating a vessel of 150 tons burden. One mile further down there is a steamboat quay, built in the time of the Ker family, at which vessels of heavier tonnage have to be lightened. The imports are coal, timber, and salt, and the exports potatoes and grain. The lands of the district are good for pasture and tillage. Potatoes, oats, wheat and flax are the chief crops. Markets are held on Tuesdays and Saturdays. First-rate accommodation has been provided by Mr. Mulholland for market purposes. The charges are nominal, merely for weighing, and id. each on odds and ends. A fair-green, consisting of five statute acres, has also been given by Mr. Mulholland. A fair is held on the first Tuesday of each month. Fifty years ago, some 700 weavers found employment here in the manufacture of linens, and two ale breweries were in full operation. There is now no manufacturing industry carried on extensively. The business of the town is mainly depending upon, and regulated according to the wants of the farmers. BEFORE AND SINCE THE ENGLISH CONNECTION j]S the residence of the kings of Ullagh, Downpatrick was the most important place in the county before the English connection. The original name was Rath Keltair, so styled because it was the fortification or castle of Keltair, otherwise Celtchar. It acquired the name of Downpatrick from Dun (fort) and St. Patrick. The fort still remains in good condition. It would take more than a page to endeavor to give a coherent idea of the changes of name undergone by Downpatrick since the earliest period of its mention in historical records. According to the '' Annals of the Four Masters," it was recognized as the dwelling-place of Celtchar in 4020, A.M. The Celtchar last associated with it lived here at the beginning of the Christian era, and was famous in connection with the Red Branch of Ulster. When St. Patrick arrived in 432, he found it attractive enough for a base of operations, and having converted the reigning prince, Dichu, founded an abbey near the fort, and divided his time between it
Licentiate Pharmaceutical Society,
and one at Saul, which he also founded, until his death at the latter place in 493, in the 120th year of his age. The Danish burnings and plunderings were carried on at intervals between the years 940 and m i . John DeCourcy arrived in n77, and, by a feat of arms bordering on the miraculous, drove out the Prince, Mac Dunleve, and firmly established himself in possession. His entire force consisted of only 22 men-at-arms and 300 soldiers, and with this he defeated a sustained attempt to dislodge him on the part of Mac Dunleve, at the head of 10,000 men. In the chapter at the beginning of the book, more extensive reference is made to the life of De Courcy at Downpatrick. He built here the first of a large number of castles attributed to him and his followers. The Post Office, called De Courcy Place, occupies a portion of the site. While the foundations were being sunk, an underground passage was discovered, part of which is now used as a coal cellar. An effort was made at the time by the Post Master, Mr. J. R. M'Connell, to organize an exploring party, but before he had succeeded, a depression in the roadway, industriously filled with rubbish by a a road contractor, increased the difficulties too much for ordinary enthusiasm. A fragment of one of the watch-towers is jealously guarded by Mr. James Jordan, Church street, in whose garden it is. King John paid a visit to Downpatrick in 1220, fifteen years after DeCourcy had been succeeded by Hugh DeLacy in the Earldom of Ulster. In 1315 Edward Bruce visited the town, and finding it out of sympathy, burnt a portion and destroyed the abbey. Toward the close of his career he returned on a similar mission, and having done some more burning and plundering, was proclaimed King of Ireland. Con O'Neill/Earl of Tyrone, plundered and partly destroyed the town in 1552, and his son, Shane, destroyed its gates and ramparts in 1554. Col. Bryan O'Neill, in 1641, attacked the refugee Protestants and the natives of the town, and left a bloody record. Gerald, Eleventh Earl of Kildare, received a grant of the monastic possessions at the time of the dissolution. In 1403 Henry IV. confirmed the municipal privileges enjoyed by Downpatrick for a long time previous to that date. The charter empowered it to elect a mayor, bailiffs and common council. It returned two members to the Irish Parliament until the Union, and thereafter one member until 1885. Mr. John Mulholland, D.L., was its last representative. He had held the position for 12 years. In 1829, at a meeting in the old Market House, it was decided to take advantage of the lighting clause of the Towns Improvement Act (9th, Geo IV.) and Commissioners were soon afterward elected- The powers of local government then acquired have not since been exceeded. Sanitary
authority is vested in the guardians of the poor, and they have been engaged for some years in an earnest effort to find an undoubtedly good source for a water supply. At present, street pumps and wells, none of them very favorably situated, are relied upon to meet the wants of a population which was 3,901 in 1881. To the rest of the county Downpatrick is important as the seat of government. Assizes are held here twice a year. Among the public buildings are the Court House, a handsome edifice, a Convict Prison, built in 1830 at a cost of ,60,000 ; a Lunatic Asylum, County Infirmary, and Union Workhouse, references to which will be found in the County Directory. ABBEYS, GRAVE OF ST. PATRICK, AND CHURCHES SHE Cathedral of Down occupies a part of the site of the abbey founded by St. Patrick in the 5th century. It stands at the head of English street on one of the hills included in the ancient municipality, and is partly surrounded by trees, which form a curtain to the main walls and heighten the picturesque effect of the tower as seen from the North-western approach to the town. The see of Down, now amalgamated with that of Connor and Dromore, had its origin here. Nearly every attack made upon Downpatrick, by armed forces, was in part directed against the abbey. It was destroyed and rebuilt a great many times. An oil painting in thea s vestry shows the condition little more than a fragment of the Cathedral in 1795. It w by comparison with the present proportions. On the western side was a round tower, the highest then in the county. Close to it was the grave supposed to have contained the remains of St. Patrick. The grave has been an object of incessant care by Robert Henry Bell, since his appointment as verger and sexton in 1862. Pilgrims and visitors usually carry away some of the earth, and, to maintain the supply and keep up appearances, require considerable attention. The stone, believed to have been originally placed upon it, is broken. For many years the pieces were preserved outside the chancel wall. Now they are placed around the grave, and help strangers to find it. The cathedral is a building of majestic proportions with embattled side walls and buttresses, an embattled, pinnacled tower of great height, and an embattled, pinnacled gable, on the outside of which are three niches with pedestals bearing the effigies of Saints Patrick, Bridget and Columbkill, or to be more correct, the battered remains of them, found after the cathedral had been destroyed by Lord De Grey, Lord Deputy, in 1538, to
Horatio Croskery
Family Groceries Wines and Spirits Home and Foreign Provisions Farm and Garden Seeds Artificial Manures Iron and Coal.
punish the abbots of the district, who resisted the assumption of spiritual supremacy by Henry VIII. A few years later Lord De Grey was impeached, and this was one of the acts for which he was condemned and put to death. The cathedral interior consists of nave and aisles. The nave is supported by piers of solid masonry, 6 feet wide and 4 feet thick. In 1864, under the supervision of the late Dean Woodward, very extensive restorations and improvements were made at a total cost of about ; 12,000. The crests of the nobility and gentry who subscribed to the fund were set into the walls in panels, contributing much to the richness of decoration. Among the crests then put up, and since added, are those of the Marquises of Londonderry and Downshire, Lords Dufferin, Bangor, Annesley, and Deramore, Lady Sands, Bishop of Down and Connor, Ker, of Montalto; Delecherois, of Donaghadee; Johnston, of Ballykilbeg ; Hamilton, of Killyleagh ; Beauclerc, of Ardglass; Craig-Laurie, of Myra Castle ; Gordon, of .Florida Manor ; Forde, of Seaforde ; Nugent, of Portaferry ; Hall, of Narrow Water Castle ; Stewart, of the Ards; and Woodward, Dean of Down. The expense of rebuilding in 1795 was provided by a grant of 1,000 from the Government and by private subscriptions. It was not reopened for service until 1817, and the tower, which cost 1,900, was not completed until 1^29. The original name of the cathedral was the Holy Trinity ; but it was called St. Patrick's for a long time prior to the reign of James I., who restored the old name. It was recognised as the cathedral of the diocese of Down until 1663. Owing to its dilapidated condition the see was transferred to Lisburn, in that year by Charles II. In 1863, an addition of half an acre was made to the Downpatrick Cathedral Cemetery by the late David S. Ker. The old part is used for the burial of Catholics and Protestants. The abbey of Saul was situated at a short distance to the North-east of Downpatrick. One hundred years ago the remains covered a considerable space. Now a very small fragment only exists. The best authorities agree in the opinion that it was here St. Patrick landed on his second visit to Ireland in the capacity of a missionary. Inch Abbey is about 2^ miles North-west of Downpatrick. It was endowed by De Courcy in 1180, as an atonement for having destroyed the Abbey of Erynagh, which was about two miles, Irish, from Downpatrick. Of the remains, the chancel is the most interesting part. It is heavily covered with ivy. Excavations were made some time since by Major Maxwell, D.L., between the walls of the main building, so that it is now easy to - trace the foundations of the piers which supported the nave. The religious establishments at Downpatrick, of which nothing
Gfrfrin ^ d GSeqefkl M
Family Groceries
(Wholesale and Retail)
Wines and Spirits, Bacon Curing, and American Provisions, Feeding StuffsOILS. C O L O R S A N D PAINTS.
S. & G. QUAIL,
DOWN PATRICK. General Drapery. Carpets and Linoleums. Cocoa Mattings. Room Papers.
now remains, included, in addition to the Abbey of St. Patrick, the Irish Monastery, upon the site of the old gaol, the Franciscan Friary, on the site now occupied by the parish Church of Ireland, a Cistercian nunnery, and a priory of friars of the order of St. John the Baptist. The parish Church of Ireland, in Churchstreet, has a low square tower, and a graveyard in which many of the families of the district have burial places. In Scotch-street is the Methodist Church, a plain structure bearing date 1777. The first Presbyterian (Unitarian) Church is in Stream-street. Its chief exterior attraction consists of a mantle of ivy that completely covers the walls. In the interior are three large galleries with ample seating accommodation. A handsome mural tablet commemorates Jos. Nelson, assistant barrister for Longford, who died in 1847. His father, Rev. James Nelson, D.D., was minister of the church. In the cemetery, which is planted with large trees, and has an appearance of considerable antiquity, are family vaults bearing the names of Croskery, Nelson, Martin, Hastings, Perry, Morrison, Quail, Rowen, Wallace, Moore and Gordon. The Presbyterian Church, in Fountain-street, dates from 1826, and cost 900. It was opened for worship in 1827. There is ample space for a cemetery attached. The principal tombs are those of the Young and Dill families. On Mount St. Patrick, an eminence facing the Circular Road, are the Roman Catholic Church and Convent of St. Patrick. The church is built of Scrabo stone in the Gothic style, and stands in tastefully planted terraced grounds, on the site of the old chapel. It has a tower, but no spire. The foundation stone was laid by the late Most Rev. Dr. Dorrian, Bishop of Down and Connor, a native of the parish, in 1868. The church was opened in 1870, and dedicated by the same bishop in 1872. The total cost thus far has reached ,8,000. It will take about .3,000 more to complete it. The beautiful altar of Caen stone and Irish marbles was presented by Mr. John Russell. It has statues of St. Patrick, his first convert, and of the four Evangelists. The Stations of the Cross, sculptured in relief, presented by the late Miss A. McMuIlan, of Downpatrick, cost nearly ^300. In the Virgin's chapel is a beautiful stained window, erected to the memory of Very Rev. B. McAulay, P.P., V.G., Downpatrick, by his successor, the present parish priest Very Rev. Patrick O'Kane, P.P..V.F., who was also his curate in the parish for 13 years. The Very Rev. B. McAulay built the Parochial House, but it was afterward enlarged by the Very Rev. P. O'Kane at a cost of /800. The convent is built of brick, lined with blue stone, and cost over 7,000, of which j4,ooo was bequeathed by John M'llheron,
Wholesale and Family Grocer, Tea, Wine, Spirit, Seed, Provision & Hardware Merchant,
Agent for the Dublin andWicklow Manure Co., and Richardson Bros, and Co.'s Manures.
Family Grocer,Tea,Wine, Spirit, Seed & Trovision Merchant, Flour, Meal, Bran and Artificial Manures,
Agent for the Anchor Line of Steamships to the United States <S Canada.
Boot, Shoe and Leather 'Warehouse,
199 whose remains lie in the churchyard near those of the Very Rev. B. McAulay. Mr. M'llheron also left ,300 for schools. The balance of the amount expended on the convent buildings was raised at two bazaars held in Downpatrick. The ,8,000 expended on the church, was raised by the efforts of the Very Rev. P. O'Kane. SOCIETIES, CLUBS, ANTIQUITIES, STRUEL WELLS, &c. the social point of view, Downpatrick compares favorably with the largest town in the county. It has provided itself liberally with means of amusement, in lighter vein, and there is strong evidence of a desire to reach a high plane in the cultivation of mind and body. A most worthy organization in connection with the Stream Street Presbyterian Church gives a stimulus to literary effort. The Rev. David Gordon is President, Mr. H. M. Wilson, Hon. Sec, and Mr. R. J. Quail, Treasurer. In May of the present year a movement was successfully initiated for the establishment of a first-rate centrally situated newsroom. A musical society, having at present about 90 members, has been in existence for 14 years. The conductor is Mr. H. Wilson, cathedral organist ; the secretary, Mr. James Reid, jun.; and the treasurer, Mr. Thos. Belshaw. The Down Nursing Society is one of the merciful organizations in which the ladies take a deep interest. There is a Masonic Hall and two Lodges, an Orange Hall and four Lodges, and a Lodge of Good Templars, established 14 years, and having about 50 members. The muscular energy of the young gentlemen finds development through the agency of a cricket club, and of the young ladies through a lawn tennis club. The cricket club has over 50 members; Mr. F. W. Crawley is captain, Mr. John Mitchell, secretary, and Mr. R. Macllwaine, treasurer. It has a good record against the principal clubs in Ulster. The tennis club is connected with the cricket club. It has two grass courts. There is a great deal of tennis playing in private courts throughout the district, and among the ladies are some excellent players. As the head-quarters of the Down Hunt, the town has acquired considerable fame. Particulars concerning this institution, and of the steeple-chases annually held at Downpatrick will be found in the chapter on Hunting, Coursing, and Racing' for which see index. The stone monuments, and druidical remains in the district are very interesting. At about a quarter of a mile from town is ' Samson's stone," on the property of Mr. Mulholland, Mr.
Jos. M'Cartan, tenant. At Raholp, about 3 miles, Irish, are several large stones, one of which is known as the Lord's table. Two druidical circles, almost complete, are within easy access, one near Ligamaddy and the other in the townland of Ballyalton. The former consists of two circles, the inner about 19 yards in diameter, having 22 stones, and the outer 35 yards in diameter with 49 stones. Some of the stones are over 6 feet high. The Ballyalton circle is 43 feet in diameter. It has 8 standing stones. An avenue 32 feet long and 4 feet wide is formed with stones 7 to 8 feet long. One mile east of the town are the Struel springs, four in number, famous in former times for the healing qualities of their waters. They are still, to some extent, visited on St. John's Eve. Duns Scotus, called the subtle doctor, was born at Downpatrick in 1274. AUCTIONEERS. Jordan, Jas., Church st Lithgow, R. T., Saul st Moore & Moffelt, Market st Smylh, J. H., Irish st BAKERS. Darby, Misses C. & E., Scotch st Fitzsimous, Hugh, Irish st Gillespie, Jas., Scotch st Jarvis, John, Irish st McConvey, John, John st Parkinson, John, Scotch st BUILDERS, &c. Crickard, Wm., Scotch st Jordan, Jas., Church st McNamara, Wm., Scotch st CHANDLER. McLester, Mrs. E., jribhst
Irish st S H I E L D S , WM., Market st CHURCH OF IRELAND. Rev. Canon Price, Saul st; Rev. G. W. Lindsay, Church st ; Rev. BANKS. J. N. Lombard, Saul st Northern, English s t : Wm. COACH BUILDERS. Breretbn Martin, Manager, John Lithgow and Son, Saul st Mitchell, Cashier Mcl.oughlin J. T., Church st Ulster, Irish st: Wm. Davis, JOHN 'T. McLOUGHj.p., Manager; S. C. N. Lowry, L I N , Coach Builder, Church st ; A c t t ; H. M. Wilson rirst-class Vehicles kept in stock, BOOTMAKERS, &c. and built to order Marked thus [*] sell leather, COAL MERCHANTS. &c. Diapers also sell boots. Croskery, Horatio, Market st East Downshire S S Co., Market st Dougherty, Jas., Market st Gifford, Henry, Quolle qy Hall, Robt., Irish st Gilmore, John, Stream st Hurst. Robt., Irish st Orr, M. T., Quoile qy *McCartan, Jas., Stream st Maxwell, Mrs. E., Market st CONVENT OF MERCY, O'Hagen, Jas., Circular rd ST. PATRICK'S. Telford, Robt., Iiish st Rev. MotherMrs. Brady
DOWNPATRICK UNION. (See Co. Directory.) DRAPERS. Corry, W. & B., English st Crangle, E. & Co., Irish st Denvir, John, Irish st Filzsimons, Peter, English st Fleming, J., Irish st Gracey Sisters, Market st Hastings, Mrs. T., Church st Johnston & Co., Irish st Martin, T. Q., Market st Moore, Alex., Market st Quail, S. and G., Irish st
GROCERS. Marked thus * sell wines and spirits, t are provision curers, % sell seeds and manures, hardware. *Agar, W., Irish st *Brien, Geo,, Scotch st *Chalke, John, Scotch st
J O B O S K B R Y , HORATIO, Market st
*Darby, Misses C. & E., Scotch st *tJDevlin, P., Irish st Ferguson, Mrs. J., Bridge st JFiUsimons, Jas., Market st Fitzsimons, Miss E., Irish st *Gilmore, John, Stream st Kelly, Misses .E. & E., Scotch st *tJKerr & Belshaw, Scotch st McAllister, Mrs. I., Church st *McAufield, B., Circular rd fJMcBride, W., Market st *M'Cartan, Jas., Stream st *M'Cartan, Patk., Saul st
Market st EMIGRATION AGENTS. Fleming, J., Irish st Johnston, J., Irish st McKee, J., Scotch st Whiteside, Wm., English st FARM IMPLEMENT MAKERS. Ferguson, Jas., Circular rd Tate & Co., Market st FISHMONGER. Rea, John, Market st FOUNDRY. Tate & Co., Market st
Family grocer, fruiterer, tobacconist, news agent, garden seed GLASS, CHINA & EARTHEN- warehouse, Market st JOHN GIL,MORE, Family WARE. grocer, spirit, provision, hardware, Coulter, Mrs. M., English st and coal merchant, carrier and Jordan, Jas., Church st lime agent, Stream st McKettrick, Mrs. M., Irish st McAllister, Mrs. I., Church st HARBOR MASTER. I t . T. Orr, Quoile quay GAS CO. G. Mearns, mgr.; Jas. Jordan, sec. HARDWARE, &c. And grocers marked thus () GRAIN MERCHANTS. Coulter, Mrs., Market st Ken- & Belshaw, Scotch st Gibson, F., Church st McBride, Wm., Market st Tate & Co., English st
H. M. PRISON, (see County Directory) HOLLAND ESTATE. Office, Town Hall, Hon. Somerset Ward, J.P., Agent; John R. M'Connell, Under Agent HOTEL KEEPERS. Denvir, Robt, English st Moffett, Wm., Market st INFIRMARY. (See Co. Directory.) INLAND REVENUE. P. Halpin, Ride Officer LUNATIC ASYLUM. (See Co. Directory.) METHODIST CHURCH. Scotch st.Rev. James Bradshaw MILITARY. Northumberland Fusiliers MINERAL WATER MANUFACTURER. King, Matt., Market st MONUMENTAL SCULPTOR. Hastings, Thos., Church st NEWSPAPER. Down Recorder ; Office Irish st. published every Saturday; J. S. Clarke, proprietor NURSERY. Lindsay, J. & Son, Demesne PAINTERS, &c. Doman, Henry, Irish st Ferguson, Peter, Market st Maguire, John, Market st PAWNBROKER. Coulter, Mrs. E. J., Fountain st
PETTY SESSIONS. First and Third Thursdays of each month. Robt. Whiteside, Clerk PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS. M'Mullen, John, Irish st Maconchy, J. K., Infirmary Moore. E. E., Asylum Nelson, E. F., The Hill Olpherts, J. W., Circular rd Tyner, G. St. G., Asylum Whiteside, A M., Infirmary PLUMBERS. Ferguson, Jas., Circular rd. Frizelle, Wm., Saul st Neill, Thos., Irish st PRINTERS (Letter-Press.) Clarke, J. S., Irish st Newman, Jos., Irish street PROVISION MERCHANTS. All grocers PRESBYTERIAN UNITARIAN CHURCH, Stream st Rev. S. C. Nelson, Rev. David Gordon PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Fountain St. Rev. Wm. White RAILWAY STATION. John Bohill, Master R. C. CHURCH. Very Rev. Patrick O'Kane, P.P., V. F. Rev. Robt. Headley, C.C., Rev. Henry O'Boyle, c.c. R. I. CONSTABULARY. J. Harcourt, c i., T. Dunn, D.I., J. K. Maconchy, Surgeon, Jas. M'Caffrey, H.c. SADDLERS. Cunningham, Jas., Scotch st Heron, Edw., Circular rd Jervis, John, English st M'Kenna, John, Irish st Nixon. Root., Market st Rea, John, John st
203 SCHOOLS. Blue Coat School, English St., Rt. Stewart, Miss S. M'Laughlin Ladies' School, Irish St., Mrs. Gardiner, Miss Stevenson National Schools, Church s t , Jno. Adamson, Miss E. Allen ; Fountain st, A. Spence ; Infirmary lane, Miss M. M'Kittrick ; John st, John Keenan; St. Patrick's Convent of Mercy SCHOOLS, NATIONAL. Win. Healey, D.I., Donardview SEEDSMEN. See also grocers marked thus () Dickson, John, Church st Hunter, Robt., Circular rd Kerr, Miss, Scotch st King, M., Market st Lascelles, John, Market st Lascelles, John, Irish st M Cabe, Jas. Irish st. M'Glennon, Mrs. G , Church st Mackin, A., Church st Magee, Miss C . Market st Maguire, Hy., Circular rd Murphy, Thomas, Stream st Quail, Danl., Church st STATIONERS, BOOKSELLERS, &c. [*] Are news agents. Clark, Andrew, E., English st Clarke, Jos., S., Irish st *Eason, Chas , & Son, Railway station *Fitzsimons, Jas., Market st M'CJartney, J. & W., English st *M'Cutcheon, D , English st TIMBER MERCHANTS (Saw Mills.) Johnston, Perry & Co., Church st TOBACCONISTS. Grocers also sell tobacco. Clark, Andrew E., English st Fit7simons, Jas., Market st Yeates, Tas., Circular rd
Seedsman, Agent for artificial manures and patent cattle medicines; passengers booked to any part of America by Guion, Cunard, National, or Dominion steamships, English st SHIP OWNERS.
Market st. M'Kee, Hugh, Bull's Eye Orr, M. T., Quoile qy SOLICITORS. Clarke & M'Cartan, Church av Crawley, R. J. & Son, English st ANfaRBW CLARK, Murland, Jas. & Co.(B Johnson) stationer, bookseller and tobaccoIrish st nist, fancy goods warehouse, Russell, Wm., Church av Wallace, H. & Co. (W. N. English st. TOWN COMMISSIONERS. Wallace, Jno. Warnock) English st Weir, H . C-, English st D. M'Cutcheon, chairman ; TV. Agar, V.C. ; John R. M-Conneil; SPIRIT RETAILERS. J. Hart, P. Fitzsimons, James Agnew, S., Irish st Lascelles, Gray Quail, Jno. Denvir, Bohill, Thos, Bridge st Jno. Johnston, Jno. Fleming, E. Carlisle. Mrs. R., Irish st Crangle, T. Q. Martin, Jas. M-Cabe Carr, Nichl., Irish st Tas. Dougherty, A. Moore, W. Crickard, Hugh, Church st Moffett, J. M-Kee, Roden JohnCrowe, Jas., Bridge st ston, and Patrick Devlin; Wra. Curoe, Wm, Stream st Whiteside, clerk.
204 UNDERTAKERS. [*] Are cabinet makers. Bohill, Thos., Market st. Denvir, Robt, English st M'Glennon, Mrs., Church st Magee, Mrs. C , Market st Quail, R. J., Irish st VETERINARY SURGEONS. Dunlop, Jas., Church st Hart, Jas., English st VICTUALLERS. Carr, John, Scotch st MCarty, Jas., Market st M'Clurg, Mrs. M., English st Madine, John, Circular rd Skevington, J., Circular rd. Walsh, Jas., Market st WATCH MAKERS. M'Bride, John, Market st M'Bride, Saml., Church st M'Cutcheon, D., English st LANDOWNERS, &c. With the exception of a few of the town residents, all on this list are farmers and landowners. The following are sub-post offices to Downpatrick:Bailee, Ballyalton (B'alton), Ballyculter (B'culter), Bishopscourt (Bishop), Bright, Chapeltown (Chapel), Liggamaddy(Lig), Raholp, Scaddy Tobermoney ^ o b e r ) . Allen, Jn., B'sallagh Allen, Jn.. jun., B'sallagh Allen, Malcolm, Castleward Arnold, John, Coniamstown Bailie, James, Portloughan Bassett, Bean, Turminen, Scaddy Bassett, John, Turminen, Scaddy Bassett, J. W., B'renan, Scaddy Bassett, Rt., B'craig, Scaddy Bassett, Win., B'gavrley, Scaddy Beatty, James, Struel Beatty, V. Demesne FARMERS, Beattie, W., B'sugagh, B'alton Blaney, D., B'waiter, B'culter Blaney, J., Sheeplanore, Chapel Bole, W., B'organ, Bailee Brown, Chas., Audleystown Call, W., B'gross L., Balton Campbell, J , B'gally, Scaddy Campbell, Rev., S., Rector of Hollymount, Saul st Carson, J. B'viggis, Bright Casement, H., Turminen, Scaddy Casement, H., Ballygally, Scaddy Casement, H., B'gawley, Scaddy Cauley, D., T'ratty, B'culter Cavan^ J., B'hossett MBallee Cavan, Jas., Spittle Bailee Cavan, J., jun., Spittle Bailee Cavan, W., B'nagh U., Bailee Chambers, J., T'skeagh, Bishop Chambers. W. H., Spittle Bailee Cleland, John, Ballyalton Cleland John (J.P.), Irish st Clinton, S., Sheeplanore, Chapel Clinton, W., Sheeplanore, Chapel Coatee, William, Quoile Cochrane, Hugh C , Saul st Cochran, H. W., Inch Cochran, Robert, Inch Connor, Bernard, Bright Connor, B., L'poge, B'culter Connor, J., N'grange, Chapel Connor, P., B'waiter, B'culter Connor, RH., Struel Connolly. R.. Sheeplanore, Chapel Cooper, J., B'tlieve, B'culter Cooper, W., B'gawley, Scaddy Coulter, B., Quoile Craig, John, Myra Castle Craig-Laurie, R., Myra Castle Crangle, Edward, Raholp Crangle, H., C'carland, Tt'culter Crangle. J., C'carland, B'culter Crangle, J., C'carland, B'culter Crangle, John, Saul Crangle, W m , Grangecam, Lig Crickard, Chas. Ardmeen, B'alton Creagh, H., Ringawoody. Chapel Creagh, J., jun., R'awdy, Chapel Cromie, A.. Ballyhossett M Cuffy, S., Terminan, Scaddy
Cultra, J., Walshestn, B'culter Cultra, W., B'branagh, Bishop Curry, K., C'nacaw, Raholp Curry, William, Saul Gusack, Edward, Struel Denvir, J., sen., Ballybeg, Chapel Denvir, J., jun., L'poge, B'culter Denvir, J., Loghkeelan, B'culter Denvir, P., Ballybeg, Chapel Dickson, R., B'murray, Bishop Drake, C., Coniamstown, Lig Drake, W. J., Coniamstown, Lig Dougherty, J., Bhornan, Chapel Doyle, A., Sheeplandniore, Chapel Ennis, J., B'gallum, Bright Ennis, J., B'vaston, Bright Ennis, M., C'bane, Bright Ennis, W., C'bane, Bright Fallon, Rev. J. M., Glebe, Bailee Fay, J., Ringawoody, Chapel Fitzsimons, D., B'togher, B'alton Fitzsimons, J., Wtown, Bright Fitzpatrick, J , B'hornan, Chapel Fitzsimons, J., B'sallagh, Bishop Fitzsimons, Ml., Saul, B'alton Fitzsimons: Patrick, Raholp Fitzsimons, P., T'ratty, B'culter Fitzsimons, Rev. R., Audleystown Fitzsimons, T., L'gappoge, B'culter Fiusimons, T , Q'cormick Flannagan. James, Dunanelly Foley, W., B'gawley, Scaddy Foye, A., Coniamstown, Lig Gaylor, John, Irish st Gibson, F., B'gawley, Scaddy Gibson, J., B'gawley, Scaddy Gilchrist, J., B'organ, Bishop Gilchrist, T., B'edock, U., Chapel Gracey. Lt.-Col. A. (J.P.) B'hossett Gray, J., jun., B'craig, .Scaddy Hamill, J., L'keeland, B'culter Hanna, G., B'gross, U., B'alton Hanna, II., Saul, B'alton Hanna, P., Lismore, Chapel Hanna, T., Corbally. Bishop Hanvey, H., B'stokes, B'alton Healey, W., I. N S., Donard View Henvy, T., Cargagh, B'culter Hill, A., B'hossett M., Bailee Hill, T., B'hossett, BaUee Hinds, J., Islandbane, Lig Hinds, P., Gore's Island, Raholp Hinds, P., jun., C. Island, Raholp Hinds, P., Islandbane, Lig Holland, T., B'trustan, B'alton Huddleston, T., Ballyplunt, Lig Hughes, B., Ballyculter Hughes, E., Russell's Qr., Raholp Hughes, Hugh, Raholp Hughes, Tames, Dillon Hughes, j . , B'craig, Scaddy Hughes, J., C'nacaw, Raholp Hughes, Johnston, Raholp Hughes, T., B'renan, B'culter Hughes, William, Dunanelly Humphries, Rev. A.S. Saul Rectory Hutton, J. (J.P.), Ligamaddy Ho Hutton, Jn., Ligamaddy Hutton, W., Ligamaddy Ho Hynds, Hy., Ballyvaston Jennings, C, B'craig, Scaddy Jennings, C, B'craig, Scaddy Jennings, C.. B'cranaghL., Bailee Jennings, F. W., B'craig, Scaddy Jennings, J., B'craig, Scaddy Jennings, R., B'rennan, Scaddy Jennings, T., Market st Johnson, B. N. (s. c. s.), Irish st Johnston, Adam, Bailee Johnston, J., B'newport, Lig
Medical Hall, Irish st (set index) Kearney, J., B'nagh U., Bailee Keenan, Jn., Ballyvange Kelly, John, Ballyalton Kelly, John, Ballystrew Kerr, D., B'clander L., Bailee Keown, J., Cargagh, B'culter Keown, W m , Ardmeen, B'alton Keown, R., B'hornan, Chapel Killen, J., T'grange, Chapel Killen, P., T'grange, Chapel Killen, R , B'hornan, Chapel Kinnsar, J., Ballyplunt, Lig Knox, Charles, Saul st Lascelles, W., B'hossett, Bailee Lascelles, W u , Killavees Laverty, B., Castlescreen, Lig Laverty, E., Carrowbane, Lig Laverty, W., jun., B'newport, Lig
Xiightbody, W., Clougher, Tober Linton, R., B'togher, Raholp Little, John, Church st Lowry, J., New Bridge st M'Allister, B., Grangecam, Lig iVI'AIea, P., Sheeplanore, Chapel M'Allister, J., B'csstle, B'altcm M'Alister, J., Sheeplanore, Chapel M'Cann, J., B'gross L., B'alton M'Oartan, P., Ballybeg, Bishop M'Cavera, J., B'sugagh, B'alton M'Conn, James, Bailee M'Connell, J. A , DeCourcy pi M'Convey, F., T'grange, Chapel M'Convey, J., B'organ, Bishop M'Convey, M.,T'grange L, Chapel M'Convey, V., T'grange, Chapel M'Cullen, J., Marshalstown M'Donnell, J., Audleystown M'Fadden, Wm., New Bridge st M'Ghie, A. J., Castlem, B'culter M'Grath, H., jun., B'ley, Scaddy M'Grath, J., Mghr'money M'Grath, John, Tobermoney M'llmeal, John, jun., Bright M'llmeal, William, Bright M'llroy, Edw., Quoile M'Keating, H.. L'poge, B'cnlter M'Keating, W.,B'menagh, Bishop M'Kee, \V , B'renan, Scaddy M'Kelvey, J., Struel M'Kil>ben, J., Ballyplunt, Lig M'Kibtien, W., Ballyplunt, Lig M'Knight, Wm., Dillon M'Loughlin, Jn , B'gross, B'alton M'Mechan, H.,B'gross L., B'alton M'Mechan, J., B'gross L., B'alton M'Mechan, J., B'nagh, Bailee M'Mullan, Alex., Demesne M'Mullan, J., B'sugagh, B'alton M'Murray, W. J., C'caw, Raholp M'Nabb, John, Clougher M'Watters, H., Lismore, Chapel Magee, K., Ringawoody, Chapel Magee, J., Castlescreen, Lig Magee, J., B'gross L, B'alton Magee, J., B'organ, Bishop Magee, J., B'togher, B'alton Magee, M., B'cruttle, Bishop Magee, P., B'hornan, Chapel Magill, H., Lisboy, Raholp Magill, J,, Lisboy, Raholp Migilton, Hugh, Saul Maglenon, B., Ardmeen Maglenon, H., B'stokes, B'alton Maglenon, Henry, Tobermoney Maglenon, H., L'money, Raholp Maglenon, J., B'togher, B'alton Maglenon, .T., Saul, Raholp Maglenon, P., L'money, Raholp Magreevy, P , B'tlieve, B'culter Martin, J., Lismore, Chapel Martin, Joseph, Tobermoney Martin, S., Grangecam, Lig Martin, Simon, (J.P.), Bishopscourt Martin, W., Ringawoody, Chapel Mason, H,, Coniamstown, Lig Maxwell, Major R. P., D.L.,Finnebrogue Megarry, IL, B'newport, Lig Miller, J., B'clander U.. Bailee Moore, F., B gross L., B'alton Moonan, J., Dunsford, Chapel Moore, J., B'dargan, Bishop Moore,), jun., G'walls L., Bright Moore, W., B'trustan, B'alton Morrison, J., Terminan, Scaddy Morrow, D., Lismore, Bishop Morrow, J., Lismore, Bishop Morrow, J., Dunsford, Bishop Murdock, Wm., Marshalstown Murnin, E , L'poge, B'culter Murphy J., Ballymurray Murphy, J, jun., B'newport, Lig Murpliy, J., B'dargan, .bishop Murphy, T., B'dargan, Bishop Murphy, William, Erinagh Hurray, J., B'dock, Chapel Murray, M., Corbally, Bishop Napier, A., B'nagh, Bailee Napier, Alex., Maiiborough Napier, J., B gross, B'alton Neeper, J., B'nogh U-, Bailee Nesbitt, David, Erinagh Nesbitt, James, Erinagh Newell, J., B'clander, Bailee O'Connor, Felix, Struel Orr, M., Russell's qr., Raholp Orr, S., B'renan, B'culter Orr, W., B'lenagh, B'culter
207 Parkinson, E., B'craig, Soaddy Parkinson, F., B'gally, Sciddy Parkinson, S., B'gally, Scaddy Patterson, J., Ballynoe, Lig Patterson, J., Grangecam Patterson, T. Jan., Bullynoe. Lig Patterson, W., B'dargan, Bishop Perry, Jos., Grove hill Pie, M.. Grangecam Pilsun, Lt. A., Rath villa Polly, R., B'lenagh, B'culter Polly, W., B'lenagh, B'culter Porter, II., Ballyculter Lr Porter, H., L'keeland Porter, J. Casilem., B'culter Porter, Jas., Caslleward Porter, R., B'culter Lower Quail, lt. J., Irish st Reid, James, Viaustown ho Reid, Jas. jiin ,, Roney, B., B'togher, Raholp Ritchie, Bernard, Mghr'money Ritchie, B., Mghr'money Ritchie, M., Mghr'money Robinson, J., B'togher, Raholp Rohinson, S., L'maul, B'alton Roney. J. B'cruttle, Bailee Russell, G. (J.v ), Clougher Russell, H-. B'strew, Lig Russell, P. W., B strew, Lig Savage, E., Sfghr'money Savage, T., Terniinan, Scaddy Seed, J., Castlemahon, B'culter Seed, J., B tlieve, B culter Seed, John. Baliyculter Seed. W.. Ballyc'ulier Lr Hall, Market st (see index) Sloan, W., Ballyrenan, Scaddy Smith, P., Ballyrenan Sp/att, E., Gore's Island, Raholp Starkey, R., Lisboy, Raholp Starkey, W., Coniams, Bright Stewart, Charles, Bright Stewart, G., B'gallum, Bright Stewart, J., Marshalstown Stewart, Robert, Bright Siitt, R., Church Bailee Stitt, R., B'hossett M., Bailee Stockdale, J , Castlem, B'culter Stockdale, W., Whitehills, B'culter Tate, J. (J P.), Ballymote house Tegijart, H., B'mote, Lr, Bright Teggart, H., Grangecam, Lig Teggart, W., B'sugagh, B'alton Thompson, J., B'clander, Bailee Thompson, J., jun., B'clauder U., Bailee Torney, H., B'togher, Raholp Torney, J., Russell's Qr., Raholp Trainer, R-, B'newport, Lig Wallace, W. N. (I). L.), English st Ward.Capt., Hon. S., Isle O valla Waterson, A., Lisboy, Raholp Waterson, D., C'teggart, B culter Waterworth, Jn., Scotch st Watson, J. jun., B'gally, Scaddy Watson, S., B'gally, Scaddy Watson, T., B'gally, Scaddy Watterson, Henry, L'gappoge Watterson, W., Ballylucas, Lig West, John, Quoile West, T., B'dander L., Bailee West Thomas, Quoile draper, &c., 2 Market St., (see index, Whisker, R., B'renan, Scaddy Wilson, C , Carrowbane, Lig
@ racer> OEine, Spirit, ant ^robision
f holesale and Eetail Family Grocer, Meal, Flour. Bi and Gram Stores, I R I S H S T R E E T , DOWNPATRICK-
IN THE DOWNPATRICK DISTRICT. 6fflt,DDRESSES of letters to persons residing in a sub-postal ^ ^ district should include the head office thus : Cloughey, Downpatrick. ARDGLASS. j]RDGLASSis6miles, Irish, South-east of Downpatrick, the nearest railway station. It is on the sea coast, facing Peel, Isle of Man, from which it is distant about 28 miles. Holyhead is about 60 miles. The land of the district is good for pasture and tillage. Potatoes, oats and wheat are the chief crops. Some flax and barley are also grown. Downpatrick is the market town. Mr. Aubrey De Vere Beauclerc, J.P. is the owner, and his agent is Mr. Beauchamp Johnson of Downpatrick. Ardglass had a population of 691 in 1881. The name is derived from a green hill of conical shape, situated to the South-west of the village. It is called the ward, is handsomely planted, and is surmounted by a tower, used as a look-out point by the coastguards. From here a splendid view is obtained of the surrounding country. Ardglass was at an early period in the history of the British connection, one of the most important of the North of Ireland seaports. It had an extensive foreign trade, conducted by a London company, in the time of Henry VI. The town was then incorporated, and elected a mayor. It also had a port admiral. The customs revenue in the reign of Henry VIII. averaged ^5,000 per annum. Buildings in the castellated style, part of which still exist, were used for warehouses. A sale of the customs privileges was made to the government by the Earl of Kildare, owner of the town, in 1637, and there was a transfer of certain rights to Belfast and Newry. The decay of Ardglass as a seaport soon followed. As a fishing station its importance has been steadily maintained. Fifty years ago, during the herring season, from 300 to 500 sailing luggers were frequently in harbor at the same time, disposing of their fish to sloop captains
209 who usually made two trips a week to Liverpool or Dublin, and realized from zo to ,50 on each cargo. This description would suit the state of things at present prevailing from season to season, as to the number of luggers engaged in fishing. The difference is in the method of removing the catch. This is now done by steamers. The fish is carried to Holyhead. The luggers provision at Ardglass, and remain over from Saturday evening to Monday morning. In 1814 a pier was constructed at a cost of ,14,000, and in 1834 an additional sum of .25,000 was spent upon works in the outer harbor ; Sir John Rennie was the engineer. It was then supposed that the requisite degree of safety had been attained for vessels of large tonnage entering the harbor, but it took only a very short time to demonstrate the error. To make it a first-rate harbor of refuge, it would cost about ,100,000 more, and would require the erection of a pier from the opposite side of the harbor, and a cons'derable amount of hard dredging. The outer harbor is under the control of the Board of Works, and a dock in the inner harbor belongs to Mr. Beauclerc. The merchants of the village are very much dissatisfied with the charges levied by the Board of Works on trading vessels. For merely passing through the outer harbor to the inner harbor there is a toll collected of 6d. per ton register. The fishing luggers pay los. per year each for the use of the outer harbor, and 7s. 6d. each, extra, for using Mr. Beauclerc's dock in winter. Fishing vessels entering after the 1st of September only have to pay half dues. The charges levied by the Board of Works on trading vessels are 6d. per ton register, and ijd. per ton wharfage on cargo, coal and salt. A vessel loading potatoes has to pay 4d. per ton cargo ; nothing on register. The tolls are considered too high, and it is believed that the prosperity of the port, from the trading point of view, is retarded by this fact. Reference to the sketch of Killough, two miles to the southward, will shew that the charges there are almost nominal by camparison. The vessels trading at Ardglass range from 70 to 85 tons register. Coal and salt ale the imports, and potatoes the export. The depth of water in the harbor, spring-tides, ranges from 25 to 31 feet. A vessel of 300 tons register could enter in good weather, at high tide. A charge of two pence per ton register nothing on cargois made on vessels using Mr. Beauclerc's dock, and there is no limit as to time in discharging. The castles of Ardglass, of which there are several remaining in good condition, have historic associations. Jordan's Castle is the most interesting. It stands in the centre of the village. Simon Jordan, the owner, in the 17th century successfully defended himself in it for three years against the assaults of
Family Groceries, Provisions, Hardware, Ship Chandler} Coals, Glass, Paints, Oils and Colors, Tar and Varnishes, Wrought and Cut Nails, Tin, Iron and Zinc, Timber, Corkwood, Marine Clocks and Compasses, Brushes, Drapery, Boots and Shoes, Leather and Findings, Stationery and Newspapers, Glass, China and Earthenware.
iftafj ffium anb iFt'stj Salesman,
21 I Con O'Neill's followers. He was relieved by Lord Mountjoy on the 17th of June, 1611. Horn Castle was once occupied by Major Beauclerc, the descendant of William Ogilvie, who bought Ardglass from Lord Lecale, one of the Leinster family. It is novvuntenanted. King's Castle, beautifully situated on the hillside, is at present tenanted by Mr. Charles Russell, J.P. A smaller castle, standing near it, and called " The Tower," was joined to King's Castle, forming a structure of imposing dimensions. Cow'd Castle, is so called to preserve an affinity with Horn Castle, and Margaret's Castle are still in evidence. As a seaside resort, Ardglass has also attractions, and there are many places in the vicinity well worth visiting, including the Cave, and old Church of Ardtole. A reading-room in the village was established about three years ago by the Rev. Thomas Watson. Mr. A. Hunter is secretary, and Mr. James Martin, jun., treasurer. AuctioneerJohn Magee BakersR. Hughes, P. Laverty Bank, Northern, W. B. Martin Board of WorksEngineer and Acting Harbor Master, Wm. Mullins Church of I.Rev. W. Murdock Coal mts.E. Kelly, N. Hunter Coast GuardJohn H. Martin, D.o., Thos. Knight, c.B. DispensaryDr. S. S. Stevenson DrapersJ. Hughes.N. Hunter, J. Martin, jun., A. Moore, Miss E. Ramsay Fish curers and salesmenWm. Bannerman, John Magee Grocers marked thus (*) sell spiritsWm. Bannerman, Wm. Conn, Jno. Hughes*, Rd. Hughes, Thos. Hughes, Natl. Hunter, Chas. Johnston, Edward Kelly*, Jno. Magee*, J. E. Martin*, A. Moore, Miss E. Ramsay Harbor Master for the landlord, Jas. E. Martin Hotel KeepersMrs. Jane Caulfield, Hugh Crangle Methodist C.Circuit News AgentsN. Hunter, Edw. Liscelles Petty SessionsFirst Wednesday of each month, Robert Whiteside, Downpatrick, clerk Post M.Miss M. Keaois R. C. ChurchRev. E. Crawford R.I.C.James Doherty, sergt. School (National) Jos. Watterson, c. I., Edw. Collins, R. c. Sewed Muslin AgentsN. Hunter, Jas. Martin, jun. Ship OwnersR. Gill, N. Hunter Spirit retailersEdw. Lascelles, C. McGee, Mrs. E. McMahon VictuallerT. Hughes FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, &c. Braney, Wm., Ross Carney, Patrick, Ross Carroll, R. H., Crescent Casement, W., Sheeplandbeg Clarke, James, Ardtole Connor, Hugh, Ross Creagh, Hugh, Ballyedock Gilchrist, Wm., Ardtole Gill, Mrs., Crescent Hamilton, Mrs., Crescent Hanna, James, Ardtole Hill, John, Jordan's Crew Hill, Thomas, Ross Hughes, John, Ardglass Hughes, Richard, Ardglass Johnston, Miss, Crescent Kennedy, R., Sheeplandbeg
M'Convey, H., Jordan's Crew M'Giffbrd, Thomas, Ringfad M'Vey, James Ardtole Martin, G., Tullycarnon Menell, George, Ardglass
Napier, Hugh, Ballyhosett Norris, James, Ardtole Parks, James, Ardglass Russell, Chas. (J.P.), King's Castle Small, John, Ardglass
CLOUGHEY. ||LOUGHEY has a population of about 150. It is a fishing village in the barony of Upper Ards. 14 miles, Irish, from Downpatrick, and 4 miles, Irish, from Portaferry. The bay on which it stands, marked "Cloghy' ' on the map, forms a half circle, i\ miles from point to point. The beach is clean sand and has only one obstruction, a small rock almost midway, called after some celebrated person of the name of Charlie. There is a good chance for surf-bathing. Nine fishing luggers belong to Cloughey, and about 30 row boat fishermen live here. The herring fishing is good off the coast in favorable seasons. There is a natural harbor with about 10 feet of water in spring tides. Coasting vessels discharge coal, and take in potatoes and paving stones. The land of the district is fair for tillage. Potatoes, oats and wheat are the principal crops. Kirkistown Castle is about half a mile from Cloughey. The landlord of the district, Mr. Montgomery, has lately had it repaired. Coast GuardSI. Gammon, c.B. Fowl dhs.F. Gilmore, E. Moore Grocers marked thus (*) sell spirits, (f) is a draper, (J) coal merchant jane Bailie*, Jas. Kennedy, T. M'Mullan *tf, Edw. Moore Miller, Corn, H. R. Miller Post M., Wm. J. M'Namara Presbyterian C Rev. R. Whitly Relieving O.R. Rhody School, Natl.Wm. Walker Ship OwnersJ. Drysdale, JM'Cau&land, A. M'Mullen, T. M'Mullen, H. R. Miller, David Young FARMERS, &c. Ambrose, John, Ballyspurge Crawford, Hugh> Cloughey Finnegan, John, Cloughey Watson, John, Cloughey
KILLOUGH. JJILLOUGH. in the barony of Upper Lecale, called "the Garden of Ireland," had a population of 748 in 1881. It is on the sea coast, 5 miles, Irish, South-east of Downpatrick, the nearest railway station. The land of the district is used in about equal proportion for pasture and tillage. Lord Bangor is the owner. Potatoes, wheat, and oats are the principal crops. Some flax is grown. The fishermen, of whom there are about 50,fishin summer in sailing yawls and row boats for herrings, and go to sea in winter. Some of the
older men fish all the year round. Cod, whiting, haddock, congor eels, and mackerel are caught. There is a pier at Killough, belonging to Lord Bangor, which has at the deepest point, 11 feet of water at spring tides. Vessels of 200 tons burden, with light draught have discharged in safety. The imports are coal and artificial manures. The exports, oats, potatoes, and wheat. For use of quay the charge per ton register is i^d. ; nothing on cargo in or out. Fishing boats are exempted from toll. Foreign vessels are required to pay double rates. There is a fixed charge for anchorage when vessels do not go to the quay. Over 18,000 has been Bpent upon the harbor. The principal feature of the village is one broad street, planted with shade trees, producing a most agreeable effect in summer. St. John's Point, situated a short distance to the South-east, has the ruins of a preceptory of Knights Hospitallers. Several springs in the neighborhood possess distinctive features. Shield's Alms Houses, 24 in number, are in the village. The founder made a fortune in trade at Liverpool. One of the qualifications for admission is that the applicant must have an income. Mr. Geo. Swail is governor. BakerP. M'Convey BankNorthern, Wednesdays Ch'rchof I. -Rev. Jas.O'Flagherty Coal MerchantsT. Hinds, C. R. Kelly, F. Murphy Coast GuardG. Colmer, c.B. DispensaryDr. S. S. Stevenson, Grain Merts.J. Carson, C. R. Kelly Grocers. [*] are drapersT. Branney, Mrs. C. Burns, Mrs. E. Hanna, Mrs. C. Hinds,* Jos. Lynn, Jos. Surch* Harbor MasterHugh Finlay Methodist C.Circuit News AgentsMrs. C. Burns, J. Lascelles PhysicianDr. S. S. Parkinson Post M.Jno. Montgomery R. C. ChurchRev. Geoffrey Brennan, p.p., Rev. P. M'Erlain, c.c. R.I.C.Sergt. Young Schools (National)Hugh Finlay (C.I.), Win. Burns, (R.C.) Ship Owners H. Barns, T. O'Brien. Jas. Vaughan Spirit RetailersWm. Burton, Miss C. M'llmale, F. Murphy VictuallerJohn Scott FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, &c. Caher, Thos., Rossglass Carson, W., Ballylig Chambers, Joseph, Ballycam Crawford, W., Rossglass Denvir, Mrs. S., Killough Donaghy, Hugh. Strand Donnan, J., Kildare's Crew Fie, Bernard, Rossglass Hawthorne. E., Kilbride M'Clean, Patrick, Ballycam M'Mahon, F., Kildare's Crew Magorian, E., jun., Lissoid Montgomery, G., Ballygilbert Munce, Joseph, Kildare's Crew Nelson, Robert, Killough Quirk, Rohert, Tullycarnon Ranaghan, T. J., Commonreagh Robinson, Benjamin, Ballycam Seed, Moses, Ballygilbert Shanks, David, Ballygilbert Smyth, W., Ballycam
Spiers, H., St. John's Point Swail, Mrs., Tullycarnon Tier, George, KiUough
Venny, J., Crolly's Quarter Venny, Pk., Crolly's Quarter Wood, R., Ballycam
PORTAFERRY. |]ORTAFERRY deserves to be classed among the most charmingly picturesque places in Ireland. It is over 7 miles from Downpatrick on the Eastern side of the inlet, from the sea to Strangford Lough, and is communicated with by means of a ferry from the village of Strangford on the western side. It had a population of 1,647 in 1881. Soon after the settlement of DeCourcy at Downpatrick, the importance of the point of land forming the site of the town, was made manifest to the progenitor of the Savage family, who was one of DeCourcy's followers. He built a castle for defensive purposes, the ruins of which still exist. It was so strong, and so well garrisoned that it successfully resisted all the sieges of , the Irish chieftains. During the Rebellion of 1798 the yeomanry came into collision with the rebels in the Market Square of Portaferry and compelled them to retreat. The present Market House, a substantial building, was used on the occasion by the yeomanry. Fifty years ago there was a good weekly market on Saturdays. Now it is merely nominal. There is a pier, owned by Gen. Nugent. In spring tides the water is 14 feet at the deepest part, and 10 feet at lowest neap. The chief import is coal, and the exports are potatoes and grain. It is about 3 miles from the bar to Portaferry, and the charge for pilotage is from ; / . to 1, according to agreement, and to the size of the vessel. There are 8 pilots on the lough. A very strong current is produced by the tide in the inlet. The depth of water on the bar is fully 3 fathoms. Although there has been a considerable outlay upon the pier at Portaferry from time to time, the charge on vessels continues to be only 2d. per ton register ; nothing on cargo. Eight luggers and about 20 rowboats for fishing belong here. The luggers go to the herring and mackerel grounds, and the rowboats are used in winter for catching codling, whiting, lobsters, &c. The town is supplied with gas by a local limited liability company, of which Mr. John Ringland is secretary. Mr. Robert Smith is manager of the works. The water is brought from wells to fountains, conveniently situated, and a charge is made of 2d. in the valuation, above 4. There is a sanitary rate of 3d. in the The places of worship include a Church of Ireland, Presbyterian Church. Methodist Church and Roman Catholic Church. Portaferry House, the residence of Gen. Nugent, stands in a beautifully wooded demesne on the
215 verge of the town, and commands a fine view of the lough. At the entrance gate, in one of the principal thoroughfares, are the ruins of Templecranny church. The bell tower was stripped of its heavy ivy mantle about 3 years ago during a fierce storm. It is r.ow fairly well covered again. In the yard attached are the burial places of Protestants and Catholics. Within 2 miles, Irish, of the town there is a druidical circle, about 25 feet in circumference. It is on the farm of Mr. John McNabb, of Keentagb, and is in the vicinity of Quintin Castle. Among the attractions at Portaferry during the summer season is an annual regatta for sail and row boats, managed by Mr. Geo. E. Boiven, J.R, agent to Gen. Nugent. The cricket club is of long standing. It has about 24 members. Mr. R. F. Parks is secretary, and Mr. F. H. O'Ryan, treasurer. There is a Ladies' Clothing Society in connection with the Presbyterian Church, an Orange Hall, a Masonic Lodge, and a branch of the National League. The land of the district is good for pasture and tillage. Potatoes, oats, wheat and flax are grown. Within a mile of the town from 50 to 60 persons are employed in a potato and soup tinning factory. A fair is held on the second Tuesday of each month. At about 4 miles East of Portaferry, is a burial groand with small remains of a building, which, according to tradition, once belonged to a wealthy and extensive abbey. Two miles to the South-east is Tara Hill on which there is an earthen fort. Half a mile further east is Tara Bay. The Priory of Eynes, according to Harris, once occupied a prominent position in the parish of Ardquin, on the way from Portaferry to Belfast. It was seized during the War between England and France, and granted in 1411 by Henry IV. to Thomas Cherle. The bishops of Down, for more than 200 years afterward, made it a residence. Ardkeen is 3 miles north by east from Portaferry. Here are the foundations of a castle, erected by Raymond Savage, in 1196. In 1567 Shane O'Neill endeavoured to take possession, but had such poor luck that he paid no further attention to the Ards above Ardkeen. AuctioneerH. M'Grath BakerJohn Ringland Bank Belfast, W. Hamilton, mgr. Boots and ShoesDrapers sell CarpentersJ. Bailie, H. Beck, D. Crawford, J. M'Manus ChemistF. W. O'Ryan Church of I.Rev.Geo. S.Greer, Rev. Thos. Kingsborough Coal merchts.^*] potato merchts. [t] grain merchts.: Hy. Donnant, Jas. Elliott*f, Jas. Foley*t, D. Patty*, S. Wilson, Church st*
Grain & coal merchant, High st Coast GuardJ. Skinner, c.B. DispensaryDr. A. Dunne Drapers T. Bailie, Mrs. M. Caughey, J. Lawson and Son, Miss E. Little, S. il-Causland, R. M'Donnell, J. M'Dowell, H. M'Grath
Potato merchants, see coal merchants* Post M.Mrs. E. Press Presbyterian C.Rev. J. Boyd R. C. ChurchRev. R. Killen, P.P., Rev. W. M'Court, c.c. R.I.C.R. Barry, Sergt. SaddlersH. Ellison, E. Johnston, J. Magee Schools, Natl.S. R. Campbell, (Presb.) R. Perdue (C.I.) P. Doyle (R.C.) Seedsmen, see grocers Sewed Muslin AgentJ.M'Dowell Ship CarpentersD. Gaw, T. Mahood Ship OwnersT. Curran, H. Donnan, J. Elliott, Jas. Foley, W. M'Donnell, W. M\Nally, Saml. Wilson, Church st Spirit RetailerGeo. Brown, see DAVID PATTY, Family grocer, tea, wine, spirit, also grocers Timber Merchants- J. M'Causprovision, coal and potato merland, Saml. Wilson, The Square chant, Ferry st Victuallers- Hugh Brown, Thos. JOSEPH TDENEY, M'Cappin, A. Mawhinney Grocer & spirit merchant, vendor of P. BERINGER, watch drugs and cattle medicines, High st maker and jeweller ; new watches SAMUEL WILSON, and clocks in stock ; ophthalmic Groceries, general hardware,paints, spectacles ; repairs of all descripoils, & colors, iron, timber, slates, tions ; crystal glasses fitted ; High tiles, bricks, cement, alabaster, St. (Established 1878) bolts, and nuts, nails, all sorts &c, &c., Market sq FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, Harbor MasterCapt. P. Conkey &c. HardwareGeo. Brown, see also Bowen, Geo. E., (J.P.), Market sq grocers + Braniff, Wm., Ardquin Hotel Keepers () sells liquors: Breen, P., Ballyedock Jas. Elliott, S. McCausland, Win. Caughey, Jas., Tieveshilly Park* Caughey, W., Tieveshilly Methodist CCircuit Cavan, W., Kearney News AgentsH. M'Grath, Collins, John, Slanes Mrs. E. Press Co'rran, Pk.,Knockinelder PaintersSI. M'Keown, Hy. Coulter, Jas., Granagh Parkinson Coulter, Jn., Dunevely Petty Sessions, last Tuesday of Crangle, Wm., Ballyquintin each month, S. F. L. Neely, clerk Curran, Jn., Ballywhollart PhysiciansAlex. Dunne, Jas. Denvir, James, Castleboy Hastings, Edw. Smith Dines, Denis, Ardkeen Potato & Soup CanningF. Dines, John, Ballyrusly King & Co., lid., Ballyherley mills Emerson, H., Knockinelder B. Maxwell, director) Emigration Agents, T. Bailie, Mrs. Press Estate AgentG. E. Bowen, J.P. Grain Merchants, see coal merchants t Grocers marked thus [*] sell spirits; [t] hardware [J] seeds, [] leather. M. Andersont,W.Brown*t5:,E. Byrne*, Mrs. E. Crangle*, R. Crangle*, D. Crawfordt, Wm. Donnan*tJ, J. Elliott, T. Hannigan*, T. M'Cobbin, J. M'Causlandft, J. M'Donnell and Sons, R. M'Donnell, T. M'Donnellt, H. M'Grath*, D. M'Polin*, J. Magee, M. Magee,* J. Moreland, David Patty*,Jos.Turney*,Samuel Wilson, The Squaref, Samuel Wilson, Church st*
217 Gowan, Win., Ballyspurge Greer, John, (J.p-)i Portaferry Gunning, SI., Tullymally Hastings, Hugh, Kearney Kerr, Hugh, Ballyfinragh Killen, Rev. R., (P.P.), Tullyboard Kinlay, T. (rate coll.) Ballynickle Knox, 7., High st Lawson, J. H., Priestown Lawson, John, Priestown Lennon, James, Killydressy Lennon, Wm , Ballyweird Little, Francis, Ballyrusley M'Bride, D. J., Thomastown M'Causland, D., Byllyedock M'Convey, J., Priestown M'Creedy, T., Ballywallen M'Donnell, David, Ballyfinragh M'Donnell, John, B'spurge M'Donnell, Robert, Ballydressy M'Donnell, T., Ballyspurge M'Dowell, W., Tullytramon M'Gifford, James, Bailytrustan M'Grath, Ber., Ballymarter M'Graih, E., Ballyrusley M'Kibbin, H., Killydressy M'Kibben, James, Castleboy M'Kibbin, T., T'trammon M'Kinney, J., Keentagh M'Manus, John, Ballyphilip M'Nabb, Daniel, Keentagh M'Nabb, Hugh, Kearney M'Nabb, James, Ardquin M'Nabb, John, Keentagh M'Nabb, Patrick, Parsonhall M'Nabb, R., (J.P.), Ballyblack M'Nown, J., Ballyspurge Mason, James, Tara Mason, Pk., Tara Mason, J?k., Tullymally Maxwell, Thos., Covrocks Maxwell, B., Ballyherley Monan, Jn., Ballyspurge Monan, Pk., B'quintin Monan, T., B'whollart Moreland, W. J., Ballybranigan Nugent, Major-Gen. A., Portaferry ho Orr, James, Kearney Park, Charles, Dooey Parks, Robert, Newcastle Quinn, Charles, Ballyrusley Shanks, N., Ballyquintin Shanks, N., Newcastle Shanks, Robert, Newcastle Savage, Hugh, Marlfield Savage, James, Marlfield Savage, Wm., Newcastle Smith, Hugh, Castleboy Smyth, James, Bailytrustan Stewart, James, Ballymarter Taggart, Henry, Ballyridley Warnock, Moses, Ballyridley Watson, George, Slanes Watson, Thomas, Tara Watson, William, Slanes Wilson, A., Tullycarnon Wilson, D., Tullymacrew Wilson, Thomas, Ballyquintin Young, Hugh, Duncvely
jJTRANGFORD had a population of 434 in 1881. Downpatrick, its market town and nearest railway station, is 7 miles Irish to the South-west. Lord De Ros owns the village, and divides ownership of the district with Lord Bangor. The lands are good for pasture and tillage. Potatoes, oats, wheat and flax are the chief crops. Strangford is situated on the left bank of the inlet to the lough, the name of which it bears. Along the shore, within a mile, are three castles, erected by DeCourcy and his followers. Most prominent among them is Audley's Castle, on a point of land North by West. Strangford Castle is in the village. The resi-
dence of Lord De Ros, Old Court, is delightfully situated, at a slight elevation above the shore line, which is marked by square ivy-covered towers, winding walks, ornamental grounds, and a private chapel, at the service in which the villagers are welcome to attend. Further along the shore, toward the sea, at FerryQuarter, are the house and grounds of Major Nugent. Lord Bangor"s splendid demesne and mansion lie to the west, and within a short distance, ori the way to Downpatrick, is IsleO-Valla, the handsome residence of Capt. The Hon. Somerset Ward. Strangford has a pfter belonging to Lord De Ros. At spring-tide the depth of water here ranges from 11 to 15 feet. A charge of 2d. per ton register is made on vessels discharging; nothing on cargo. Coal is the chief import, and potatoes the export. Vessels of the largest burden can pass through the inlet from the sea to Strangford Lough, but not a little care is required in navigation, owing to the rapidity with which the tide runs in and out, and the presence of rocks near the entrance. A great sea battle was fought at Strangford between the English and Scotch in 1400, with considerable loss to the former. Kilclief Castle is about two miles to the South-east of Strangford. It was the palace of the bishops of Down in ancient times. In the vicinity was an abbey, presided over by St. Eugene and St. Neill, in the time of St. Patrick. Strangford is in the parish of Ballyculter. C.I. (private chapel of Lord de Ros)Rev. Jas. Hogan, minister Coast GuardCapt. J. Richards, R.N., D.o.: J. Helman, c.B. DispensaryDr. F. P. M'Loughlin DraperJ. P. Sweetman Grocers ; marked thus [*] sell spiritsEdw. Bryce*, J. Braniff, Mrs. A. Hinds', T. Murphy*, F. Quayle*
Presbyterian CRev. R.T. Bailey R. C. ChurchRev. P. Maginn, P.P. res., Kilclief; Rev. J7 3. M'Kinly, C.C., Strangford R.I.C.P. M'Hugh, sergt School (National)Geo. Lord Timber MerchantE. Bryce LANDOWNERS, &c. Blaney, James, Glebe, Kilclief Breen, J., Killard U Caugher, James, Kilclief Convery, T., B'wooden, Kilclief Coulter, J., jun., Kilclief Davidson, W.. B'wooden, Kilclief Denvir, R., B'narry, Kilclief Denvir, W , Glebe, Kilclief De Eos, Lord, Oldcourt Fitzsimons, J., Killard U., Kilclief Fitzsimons, J., B'wooden, KilcJief Fitzsimons, Jas., Killard L. Fitzsimons, J., Tullyfoile U. FARMERS,
Groceries and provisions, hardware, glass, china & earthenware, drugs, paints, oils, and colors, artificial manures, newspapers, &c, stationery, posting establishment, mail car contractor, hotel, wines & spirits Harbor MasterGeo. Swail HotelF. Quayle PhysiciansF. P. M'Loughlin, W. W. Thetford Post M.Mrs. E, Wallace
219 Fitzsimons, J., Tullyfoile U. Fitzsimons, J., jun., Killard L. Fitzsimons, P., Strangford Up. Fitzsimons, P., Tullyfoyle, Kilclief Fitzsimons, Thomas, Tullyfoyle Foye, Pk., Killard, L. Gracey, Win., Ballyhoman Hanna, Robert, Kilclief Hanna, T., B'wooden, Kilclief Johnston, John, Cloughy M'Alea, Pk., Glebe, Kilclief M'Grath, P., B'wooden, Kilclief M'Keating, P., Kilclief M'Gibbin, James, Cloughy Magee, B., Glebe Magee, J., B'wooden, Kilclief Magee, J., B'wooden, Kilclief Magee, W., Glebe, Kilclief Mathews, H., Ballynary, Kilclief Murnan, J., Strangford Up. Nugent, Major Andrew, Strangford Lodge Polly, Wm., jun., Glebe, Kilclief Quayle, Francis, Causeway Ho Rourke, Robert, Kilclief Sharvin, J., Kilclief Stitt, Wm., Cloughy Taggart, E., Kilclief Thetford, Dr. William, Strangford Watterson, T., Glebe, Kilclief
' L T H O U G H Banbridge cannot claim to be as ancient and historic as some of the county towns, it has done more than any of them to keep the staple industry of Ulster to the front in the world's markets. The lown forms part of the parish of Seapatrick, and is in the barony of Upper Iveagh, 10 miles, Irish, North-north-east of Newry, 20 miles South-south-east of Belfast, and 60 miles North of Dublin. Originally it was called Ballyvally, the change of name having been brought about through the erection of a bridge over the Bann at this point in 1712. The new mail coach road from Dublin toBelfastthen diverged from the old road which crossed the Bann at Huntley Glen, further North. It was at the latter named place, June nth, 1690, that the army of King William forded the river on its march to the Boyne. Banbridge had a population of 5,609 in 1881. Fifty years previously the total number was only 2,469. The town is included in the Downshire estate, and is surrounded by a Sjood farming district. From its situation on the side of a hill, overlooking the fertile and picturesque valley of the Bann, the first view impresses a stranger most favorably; particularly if he enters by way of Laurencetown, and has an opportunity to glance in passing at the many splendid mills and bleach works lining the river banks. The principal thoroughfare of Banbridge includes Bridge and Newry streets. Until 1832, it was very steep. The Market House stood in the centre, and judging from the engraving preserved in the museum, its archi-
Flour, Meal, Bran, Oilcake and General Feeding Stuffs,
tectural attractions did not compensate for the obstruction occasioned by its presence. Simultaneously with the removal of the Market House a cutting was made in the roadway 200 yards long, and 15 feet deep, uniting the streets already mentioned. The excavation was bridged to form a viaduct between Scarva and Rathfriland streets. This very great improvement was completed in 1834 at a cost of i 19,000. A space sufficiently wide to admit of vehicular traffic was reserved at each side of the cutting so as not to interfere with the requirements of the business houses. In 1885 a further improvement was effected by the erection of a new viaduct of one arch, to replace the old. It consists mainly of blue stone and granite, and the parapet walls are surmounted by four handsome gas lamps. The old bridge was only 23 feet wide, and the new one is 47 feet. Mr. Ml. M'Cartan, of Lisnaree, was the builder, and the engineer was Mr. Wm. M'Keown, assistant County Surveyor, -and Town Surveyor. Towards the total cost, ,419 19s. 6d., the trustees of the Marquis of Downshire contributed 100. The gas-lamps were erected by the Town Commissioners. Near the bridge, on the Scarva-street corner of Bridge-street, a Market House was erected by the Marquis of Downshire instead of the old one. It was finished in 1834 at a cost of .2,000, but is more remarkable for solidity than architectural elegance. I understand that it is soon to be remodeled from a design by Mr. Wm. M'Keown, C.E., which includes a hip-post roof, and conical clock tower. It occupies a central position in the business quarter of the town. A market place, used for the sale of butter and eggs is adiacent. Victoria street has the market place for general produce. Opposite is the Court House, the handsomest edifice of its kind in Down. It is in the Gothic-Italian style, consists of amain building and wings, and was completed in 1873 at a cost of ^2.465. The site was given by the Marquis of Downshire. In the basements are cells for prisoners. Quarter Sessions for the trial of civil bills are held here, but criminal cases;, higher in degree than may be disposed of by summary jurisdiction at petty sessions, are sent to Newry. The streets on the Western and Eastern sides of the river are well built, some of the houses showing much taste in construction and decoration. THE GOVERNMENTAL SYSTEM, MARKETS, WATER SUPPLY, &c. IN the 14th of July, 1865, Banbridge was brought under the provisions of the Towns Improvement (Ireland) Act, by announcement in the Dublin Gazette. The present Lord Kimberly, then Lord Woodehouse, was
Grocery Department.
ffamtlg Groceries
Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, Wings, &c. LADIES', GENTLEMEN'S,
A large assortment of Lamps, Brushes, (Weavers' Brushes), Implements, and Metal Goods. COALS.
Best Four-feet Orrelt Best Household Coals. Whitehaven House CoalsCardiff and Scotch Coals. <gT Orders promptly attended
to select from.
Cheapest & Best in the Trade. Dress and Mantle M a k i n g d o n e on t h e premises. A perfect f,t guaranteed.
Viceroy, and Sir Robert Peel Chief Secretary, at the time. The Town Commissioners are 15 in number. They appoint a chairman once a year, but he does not excercise magisterial powers as at Warrenpoint, although there is a town court presided over by county magistrates of the district. The first attempt at town government was made under the Act passed at the instigation of the tax-payers of Newry in 1828. It was not taken advantage of until 1834. The Marquis of Downshire, under a patent, dated 1767, had power to hold a weekly market and five fairs annually in Banbridge. Early in the history of the town, when simple customs prevailed everywhere else, Banbridge was no worse off in this respect than other places, but after it came to fully appreciate the dignity of local government, the flaws of the market system became apparent, and the rectification was only delayed because of the acquisition of the sanitary authority by the Board of Guardians under the Act of 1874. After much delay and inconsiderate opposition, the sanitary authority came at last into the hands of the Town Commissioners, who on the 25th of May, 1881, received from the Downshire trustees, with the sanction of the Local Government Board, a transfer of the powers embraced in the patent of 1767, and a lease of the tolls at ,100 a year. Up to that time the markets were held on the streets. Immediately after the transfer, the Board of Works advanced ^4,000 to the Comrnissioners, repayable by sinking fund in 30 years. Suitable market places were then prepared and opened in 1882. The market under the patent was held on Mondays. Now there are markets on Tuesdays and Fridays also. On Monday for pork, flax, grass seed, fowl, butter and eggs; on Tuesday hay, straw, grain and turnips ; on Friday pork, hay and straw. The markets are usually well attended, and have steadily improved under the new management. Everything is done with a view to the encouragement of buyers and sellers. In proof of this assertion there is set forth the fact that in 1885, the tolls from all sources came to ^650 5s. od, whereas the expenses for conducting the markets, and the interest on loan, came to .690 2s. 8d., showing a loss of .39 17s. 8d. Fairs are held on the first Monday of every month for cattle and sheep, and for horses and cattle on January 12th, the first Monday in April, June 9th, August 26th, and first Monday in November. The horse fairs of Banbridge, long and justly celebrated, continue to maintain their prestige. A quarterly hiring fair for servants is also a feature. An extra sum of 1,000 has been borrowed from the Board of Works, and has been expended in improvements to sidewalks and roadways. Gas of good quality has been supplied by private enterprise, and it now only requires an abundance of pure water for domestic purposes to almost
' . & !
Oils, Colors and Tarnishes. SPORTING AND FISHING TACKLEAll kinds of Flower, Vegetable and Farm Seeds,
225 complete the full measure of the people's wants. Pumps, not always reliable for purity, do duty at present in nearly all the streets. This subject has occupied a share of public attention for about seventeen years, and during that time various sources have been suggested. It is understood that the Town Surveyor, Mr. McKeown, O.E., is preparing a scheme which may be regarded with favor. During the present year, Mr. Geo. Logan, T.C., has succeeded in gaining considerable public support in favor of an extension of the town boundary. The object is to allow the owners of several large mills and bleacheries, within a radius of a mile and a half, to share in the town taxes. The gentlemen interested on the other side, at a meeting held for the purpose, gave expression to their opinion in this manner " Resolved that we bind ourselves to oppose by every legitimate means the extension of the town boundary of Banbridge. and that we will subscribe according to our valuation whatever expense is incurred thereby." The very latest effort on the part of M r. Logan is in the direction of separation from the county. The town at present is under the control of the County Grand Jury in the matter of road repairs, maintenance of prisoners, lunatics, &c. It pays about ,1.400 on its valuation, and Mr. Logan thinks half this sum would be saved if it undertook to act independently. CHURCHES AND CEMETERIES. [JNE of the finest features of the town is the episcopal Church of Ireland. It stands in ample grounds, handsomely planted, on the Eastern side of the Bann, and is seen to advantage from a public square, the existence of which began with its foundation. The original church of Seapatrick was too far away from the town for convenience sake, and a new one was built in 1834.. It cost .3.000 or ,110 more than the estimate. Of this amount the Ecclesiastical Commissioners gave 1.500, and Lord Downshire, ^600. The remainder was made up by subscriptions, chiefly within the parish. Since then improvements have been made internally and externally, until it has come to be a most symmetrical edifice. Agraceful and substantial tower, with spire, rises from the front, and a double transept gives amplitude to the outlines. The interior is paved in small red tiles, which, near the choir, are beautifully set with glazed and engraved tiles of larger size. The nave is inclosed by two rows of handsome stone pillars with rich capitals of different design. A double faced organ of large size and splendid tone, is fitted to the right side of the choir, whose carved seats and rich appointments, are the chief
Groceries and Italian Warehouse Goods carefully selected to suit a first-rate Family Trade. Teas, possessing Purity, Strength and Flavour, a special feature. In the Provision Department, in addition to the Best Foreign Cuts, the Stock includes Home Curing in all grades. Farm Seeds from the Celebrated Growers. Prize Medal Artificial Manures. Holder of J. J. & S. and other Old Whiskies. Bottler of Bass' and Allsopp's Pale Ales and Guinness's XX Porter. Importer of English, Welsh and Scotch House and Smith's Coals.
In order to keep pace with the popular desire for Inex'pensive Funerals, Special Scales of Charges have been adopted, and may be had on application.
227 beauty of the church. A brass lectern, the gift of Canon Hayes and his brothers, and a pulpit in memory of Rev. Daniel Dickinson, are beautiful works, the latter being elaborately carved Caen stone and marble. Rev. Daniel Dickinson, M.A., was for thirty-eight years rector of the parish, and is further brought to the memony of the parishioners by a finely executed bas-relief portrait in marble, on the left wall of the chancel. The chancel steps are of polished white marble, and the rail brass. On the left of the pulpit a mural tablet, carved in Caen stone, commemorates Capt. F. R. M. Crozier, R.N., the arctic hero. The efiect of the interior as a whole is singularly unpretentious, yet abounding in rich and appropriate ornamentation. Very Rev. Henry Stewart, D.D., Dean of Dromore, is rector. The Methodist Church, on the Western side of the Bann, is seen from the grounds of the Episcopal Church. It faces Downshire Road. The principal material used in construction is blue stone, and it has sandstone dressings. The front is ornamented with pinnacles and surmounted by a pinnacle tower. It was built in 1870 from the plan of Mr. Robert Glass, a native of Banbridge, resident in the United States. The amount expended was 2,000. Mr. Glass gave ,1,000 of this and engaged to foot the entire bill, but owing to a sudden reverse of fortune he was unable to fulfil his promise at the time. Within the last 8 years improvements have been made in the interior. The old Methodist Chapel, in Gospel Lane, dates from 1805, and the Primitive Methodist Chapel, in Scarva street, now out of use, from 1830. Rev. James Carson is minister. Presbyterianism at Banbridge in 1720 began upon the basis of a congregation. Previous to that time it was connected with the congregation of Magherally. The Scarva-street church was erected in 1830. It has a handsome front and porch, composed of four Corinthian pillars, and stands in terraced grounds, on the right of which is a comfortable manse, and on the left the church school-house. Rev. Robert Anderson was the first minister. He died in 1872, after having held the position 42 years. In the vestibule of the church a mural tablet bears evidence of the affection borne for him by his congregation. In 1877 the church interior was rompl' tely remodeled, the seats modernized, a platform, with movable desk, substituted for the pulpit, and the plaster ceiling replaced by recessed paneling. Rev. Thomas Boyd is the present minister. The Bannside Presbyterian Church was erected in 1866. It faces the Ballydown Road, and has small well-kept grounds. The front is plain. About 12 years ago some improvements were made in the interior. It was receiled, and the pews remodeled. Rev. I. Scott is minister.
229 The Presbyterian (Unitarian) Church, Downshire Eoad, was built in 1844. It is a handsome edifice with massive front, supported by four columns in the Ionic style. The interior has large seating capacity. Rev. C. H. Osier is the present minister. In 1846 the Baptist Church was built. It occupies a prominent position near the head of Newiy-street. It was remodeled in 1884, a new front and clock-tower, 54 feet high, put up, and the seating capacity improved. Rev. S. J. Banks is minister. Previous to 1835, and for some time afterward, Banbridge formed part of the Roman Catholic parish of Tullylish. The Church was built in the year mentioned. It is situated upon a gentle eminence in Dromore-street. Exterior and interior improvements have been made from time to time in recent years. It has a turreted gable. A detached bell-tower, of good design, is on the left of the edifice. The interior of the Church is ample in size and neat and simple in decoration. A rural monument, in black and white marbles, commemorates the Rev. Thomas Henry O'Brien, C.C., Newry, 1871. Very Rev. John O'Brien, V.G., is parish priest. There are six Cemeteries in the parish of Seapatrick. Two of them are interesting because of their age, and the local associations attaching. That at Seapatrick village has the gable of the old church, ivy-covered. The graves are sheltered by some fine trees. In Church-street is the Meeting House Green, containing the burial-places of many of the families of the parish. The Catholic Cemetery, entered from the Dromore Road, was consecrated in 1872 by the Most Rev. Dr. Leahy, Bishop of Dromore. It is tastefully laid out. In the middle there is a double circular terrace, surmounted by a large Celtic cross, placed there at the time of the consecration. The public cemetery, available by all denominations, is situated at a distance of less than a quarter of a mile from town. It consists of 2 acres, 3 roods, and 34 perches, statute measure. It was laid out in 1882, by Mr. M'Keown, C.E., Town Surveyor, and is under the control of a Board, appointed conjointly by the Poor Law Guardians and Town Commissioners. Mr. Win. MacCormac is the secretary. The Union Workhouse is in Linen Hall-street. It stands in grounds consisting of about 11 statute acres. The land is cultivated by the paupers, and the crops, consisting almost entirely of vegetables, are consumed in the house. There are 23 electoral divisions in the Banbridge Union, 19 of which are in Down, and 4 in Armagh. At the time of my visit, in January, 580 persons were receiving out-door relief in sums varying from 1/- to 5/per week each, making a total of ,33, which is about the average expenditure, under this head, all the year round. Coarse cloths
BANBRIDGEThe Bread is Extra Good Value, being made from the Finest Flour, and for Colour, Sweetness and Flavour, has no superior. Customers should compare it with other Bread and give it a fair trial. Each Loaf is Stamped with the Name. ASK FOR IT AND SEE THAT YOU GET IT.
Begs to inform the General Public that he Books Passengers by the Allan, American, Anchor, Cunard, Guion, Harrison, National, Warren, and other First-Class Lines of Royal Mai] Steamers to Canada and the United States. By the Orient, New Zealand, Queensland Royal Mail, Clyde, and all other first-class Steamship Lines to Tasmania, Queensland and New Zealand; also by Sailing Vessels to A l l P a r t s o f t h e W o r l d . AGENT FOR T H E " HOWE " SEWING MACHINES. Attends at Rathfoland every Wednesday, from 10 a.m., till Thursday. at I p.m. $g" When writing for information send a stamped addressed envelope for reply.
231 were at one time manufactured in the house. Twelve years ago the looms were sold. They had almost rusted away from lack . of use. THE MUSEUM, BANN PEARLS, CROZIER MONUMENT, SOCIETIES, &c. |NDER the auspices of the Banbridge Literary and Mutual Improvement Society, quite a respectable collection of antiquities has been made. The Museum is in one of the. wings of the Court House, and is well worthy a visit. The society recently held its 33rd annual meeting, when the following officers were elected : Messrs. T. D. Card, solr., chairman; Robert Pavidson, vice-chairman; Thos. Robinson, secretary ; J. Walker, librarian, and Saml. Watt, curator. The Museum has a portrait, in oil, of Bishop Percy of Dromore, 1782-1811, a silk banner of the Loughbrickland Loyalists, 1782, lent by Miss Trevor ; an old musket stock and pike found in the Bann, 1863 ; a pike of 1798, dug up at the sinking of the foundations of the Bridge-street house, 1850 ; several bronze and stone celts ; flint and bronze arrow-heads ; pike-heads of 1798; cavalry buckles, Williamite period ; breastplates of Loughbrickland Volunteers, and Royal Castlewellan Infantry ; Seapatrick Parish poor badge ; 2 brass Dutch snuff boxes, 1690; a cinerary urn found in a cairn on Pecomet Mountain, 1873; three large blue, flowered, earthenware jugs, which belonged to the Banbridge Reading Society in 1795, presented by the representatives of the late Mr, Alexander M'Mullan, 1876. A case of prepared yarns and threads illustrates the improvements in flax manufacture. A number of steel engravings, dated 1783, illustrate the primitive methods of flax cultivation, preparation and manufacture at Scarva. One of the series, dedicated to Viscount Dungannon, presents a view of Banbridge as it appeared in 1783. It shows the old Market House, which then stood upon the site of the Bridge-street Viaduct. A scene on market day represents a number of men in old-fashioned costume, selling brown linens to bleachers similarly habited. In addition to the collection of antiquities belonging to the county, the museum cases are fairly well supplied with exhibits of miscellaneous character from Eastern and Western countries. At a period when the Bann was not utilized for power purposes, it was famous throughout Ireland for its pearl fisheries. A species of mussel, very large in size, throve well in its waters, especially in the vicinity of Banbridge, and produced pearls abundantly. As an article of food it gained popularity only among the peasantry, for the reason that it required very high
Woolienbraper, Ibabe^asber,
Agent for the following Trans-Atlantic Steam Ship Lines: INMAN, I AMERICAN, "WHITE STAR, f ALLAN, CUNARD.
Passengers booked to any part of the United States or Cand* at Lowest Kates.
233 flavoring to make it palatable. The pearls were of a pale brownish hue, and resembled those found in England and France. In the last century the fishery had dwindled to merely nominal proportions, and now an occasional shell, taken from the bed of the river, serves to maintain an interest in the subject among the people of the town and district. Several of the shells are on view in the museum. In a monument, sufficiently meritorious as a work of art, to attract attention anywhere, Banbridge honors one of the most distinguished of her sons. It commemorates the services of Francis Rawdon Moira Crozier, Capt. R.N., and F.R.S., who lost his life in the Polar Expedition, led by Sir John Franklin, J845. He was second in command on board Her Majesty's Ship "Terror," which left England on the 22nd of May in that year. The object was to discover the North-west Passage. Evidence was obtained by Sir Leopold McClintock which set at rest all doubts as to the fate of Sir John and his associates. After the death of the former in June, 1847, the chief command devolved on Captain Crozier. He abandoned the ships in the year following, and made for the great Fish River. Had he survived, the honor of the discovery of the North-west Passage would belong alone to a son of Down, instead of to a son of Wexford, Sir Robert McClure, who made it in 1851. The monument to Capt. Crozier stands in Church Square, opposite the house in which he passed the years of his boyhood, having been born in 1796. Dr. Hawthorn occupies the house, which by it broad steps and generous breadth of doors and windows, is easily distinguishable from the surroundings. The base of the monument is formed of sandstone blocks with projecting corners, on each of which is a polar bear, sculptured in the conventional attitude of the animal. Ships in relief adorn the inscription panels. The pedestal is supported by eight marble pillars, in different colors, the product of Irish quarries. Upon this is a statue, representing the hero in full naval uniform. In the Church of Ireland opposite, a mural tablet, with elaborate inscription, also commemorates the deeds of Captain CroziA Banbridge h a ^ b goodly number of organizations for mental and physical culture, and for benevolent purposes. Reference has already been made in this chapter to the Banbridge Literary and Mutual Improvement Society. It may be added that it has a library of nearly 1,000 volumes. The rooms are in Bridge-street. The Banbridge Literary Society and Debating Club holds its sessions at the Court House. It was established about 6 years ago. In the beginning of the present year the officers ee ' M r " J M - J- Gilles P ie > president; Dr. Wm. McWilliam, .; Mr. C. E. Gillespie, secretary j and Mr. James
Draptr anir Silk ftoccr, BRIDGE STREET,
. A well-selected and fashionable stock of London Millinery, and Plain find Fancy Dress Materials. The Goods offered in every line are procured from the best and cheapest markets, and for quality or price they cannot be surpassed by any house in the trade.
Dennison,'treasurer. All the Protestant denominations are represented in the Banbridge Young Men's Christian Associa-tion. It meets every Tuesday evening in the Scarva-street Presbyterian School House, and has had a prosperous career of about thirty years. Mr. Wm. Smyth, J.P., Brookfield, is president ; Mr. Henry Kirher, secretary; and Mr. Geo. Coburn, treasurer. Attention is given to the cultivation of the minds of the working men, by means of a club in Rathfriland-street, established a few years ago. It has a news-room, well supplied with papers and periodicals. Very Rev. Henry Stewart, D.D., Dean of Dromore, is president; Mr. Wm. Shooter, secretary ; and Mr. Wm. Smyth, J.P., Brookfield, treasurer; notwithstanding which it is non-sectarian. Efforts for the promotion of habits of temperance are being energetically made in the churches of Banbridge, each having a separate organization. Independent of all these is the Women's Temperance Union. The Good Templars have three Lodges in the district, " Bulwark," 82, and "Patriot,"' 158, at BanViridge. The former had, in February of the present year, 42 members ; Mr. Robert Shannon was then W.C.T. The latter, at the same time, had 55 members; Mr. Jos. Walker was W.C.T. At Corbet the Lodge had 42 members ; Mr. John Simms was W.C.T. And the Lodge at Milltown, Lenaderg, " Protection," had 25 members ; Mr. John Smyth, jun., W.C.T. A Temperance Hall, in Dromore-street, was built in 1876. The philanthropic organizations include the Girls' Friendly Society, Mrs. H. Stewart, president ; Mrs. Lefroy and Mrs. N. E.. Smyth, secretaries ; the Auxiliary to the Deaf and Dumb and Blind Asylum, Mr. J. T. . Reilly, D. -L., president; Mr. Saml. Hill, secretary; the Ladies' Provident Society, Mrs. H. Stewart, treasurer; Miss * Sutherland, secretary; and the Poor Relief Fund. There is one Lodge of Rechabites, "Path of Peace Tent"; Mr. J. Lutton is Chief Ruler, and Mr. F. Weir, secretary. Banbridge has two Masonic Lodges336, Mr. Thomas Robinson, secretary; and 119, Mr. W. J. Miller, secretary. It has a Royal Arch Chapter (124). In Banbridge and district there are 21 Orange Lodges. . The Hall is at Banbridge. The musical talent of the town finds scope in the Orchestral Society. It was established about three years ago; has rooms in the Court House, and consists of 12 members, divided as follows: 4 first violins, 1 second violin, 2 flutes, I clarionet, first and second cornet, 1 euphonium, 1 double bass, and 1 viola. Mr. E. S. Mills is conductor ; Mr. Robt. Shooter, secretary ; and Mr. Jas. Craig, treasurer. The town has also two brass bands. A strong effort for the promotion of histrionic taste was made in 1885. In that year the Banbridge Dramatic Club was established. The Downshire
Wholesale and Retail Grocer,
237 Trustees looked with favor upon this development, and granted the free use of the Town Hall for the rehearsals and meetings. The first publicperformances were given in January of the present year. Mr. John McDowell wrote a prologue for the occasion. The drama, " Chimney Corner," and the farces, " Barney the Baron," and " Borrowed Plumes," were represented during a season of three nights. Mr. M. W. Blackwood was acting manager, Mr. Saml. Hill, stage manager, Mr. John George Thomson, secretary, and Mr. Hugh Neill Simms, treasurer. The Banbridge Cricket and Athletic Club has secured a foremost place as the promoter of annual athletic meetings. It was established about 7 years ago, and has scored no end of triumphs. The grounds in the vicinity of the town contain something over 3 acres, and have what is said to be the fastest grass course in Ireland. At the sports held in August, 1885, prizes, aggregating in value %o, were given to the successful competitors. Mr. John Lindsay, J.P., is president; Messrs. J. Livingstone and N. D. Ferguson, secretaries, and Mr. M. W. Blackwood, treasurer. In 1882 the Banbridge Lawn Tennis Club was established in connection with it. It has three grass courts, and several good players, including ladies. Mr. C. A. Hayes is secretary. Mr. M. Larkin was secretary of the Athletic Club meeting, 1886. Football is represented by the Banbridge Academy and Millmount Clubs. Mr. E. Pyper was secretary of the former at the beginning of the year, and the officers of the latter are: Mr. Wm. Scott, captain ; Mr. A. Maxwell, secretary, and Mr. Wm. Taylor, treasurer. A Banbridge Coursing Club, established this year, had its inception at a holiday match held at Christmas, 1885, in a field beside the Castlewellan Road. Reference to the Farming Society will be found in the beginning of the book, for which see index. A creamery company was established this year to give the farmers the benefit of the modern methods of butter-making. A Conservative Association is the latest acquirement. Mr. Wm. Smyth, J.P., Brookfield, is president, Mr. Robt. Davidson, secretary, and Mr. Saml. Hill, Solitude, treasurer. LINEN MANUFACTURE, BLEACHING AND FINISHING. [HE linen manufacturing district of Banbridge now ' almost encircles the town, much of it being outside the boundary, and some extending along the Bann, beyond the limits of the sub-postal district. At Ballydown, Messrs. Crawford and Lindsays' linen factory and bleach
Dresses, Silks, Shawls, Jackets, Skirts, Millinery, Boots, Hosiery, Flannels, Calicoes, Cords, Tweeds, Cloths, Readymade Clothing, Hats> &e.
l^" The goods are selected for this house in the cheapest and best markets, and Sold at the lowest possible prices.
Gentlemen can rely upon getting a Proper Fit, and as Stylish, Well Made Garments as in the time of the Late ROBERT CATHCART.
4 ^ " All the Novelties in Tweeds, West of England Coatings, and all makes of Overcoatings, to band every month.
works, give employment to about 400 people. Of this number 150 are at Ballydown, and the remainder are handloom weavers, living in Down and Armagh. The enterprise was begun by a Mr. William Hudson in 1740. He was well known in different parts of the world. Messrs. Crawford & Lindsays' purchased his interest about the year 1840. The linens manufactured include the finest productions of the handloom, and are sent to the principal European and American markets. They are bleached and finished on the premises. The bleach green in constant use consists of 40 acres, with power to extend to 150, according to requirement. The buildings are extensive, and are picturesquely situated on the Bann. Water and steam, in conjunction, are used for power purposes. Bleaching is also done largely for other manufacturers. At present the firm consists of Mr. John Lindsay, J.P., Ballydown; Mr. Walter Lindsay, Tullyhenan House; Mr. Geo. C. Lindsay, London ; Mr. David Lindsay, London; and Mr. J. C. Lindsay, Newtownards. The London office is at No 1. Angel Court, Friday Street, E.C. Messrs. James Anderson & Co. have their bleachery also at Ballydown, at a distance of about three quarters of a mile from town. They confine their efforts exclusively to linen yarns, and bleach all grades from brown to full white. Messrs. William Malcolmson & Co., of Portlaw, County Waterford, built the works some 20 years ago. The Banbridge Bleaching Company succeeded Messrs. Malcolmson, and in 1884 Messrs. James Anderson & Co. came into possession. They employ 30 people, and use steam as an auxiliary to the water power. The Railway Company's conveyances promptly attend to the delivery and shipping of goods to and from the works. Brookfield is about an English mile from town. Here are situated the Smyths' Weaving Factory, and the concerns of Messrs. Brice Smyth & Son. The latter named firm has been engaged in the manufacture, by handlooms, of fine linen for shirt fronts, over 100 years, giving employment to more than 300 of the cottage weavers of the surrounding country. The Smyths' Weaving Co. was established in 1882, and manufactures fine and coarse linens by power looms, using steam for driving purposes, and providing employment for about 250 people. Mr. Wm. Smyth, J.P., who heads both industries, resides at Brookfield House, in handsomely planted grounds, within view of the factory. The Edenderry Linen Factory, of Messrs. Thomas Ferguson and Co., Limited, occupies an elevation on the Western side of the Bann, and with Edenderry House, the beautiful residence of Mr. Thomas Ferguson, J.P., managing director, forms one of the most conspicuous and pleasing features of the town, as seen
Principal Agencies ' New York: 292 Church Street (H. B. Shaen & Co) London: 75 Aldemanbury. Manchester: 7 Dale Street. Glasgow: 11 Miller Street.
241 from the railway station. The machinery is driven by steam. Weaving by power looms, of which there tare 285, was begun in 1866. Previous to that time, from 1845, h e wo& had been done by handlooms. Medals for excellence of manufacture have been awarded by International Exhibitions at London, Paris, Vienna, and Philadelphia. The buildings cover a large space, and are constructed with the view of securing plenty of light and abundant means of ventilation. About 300 people are employed, chiefly females. The Manchester office is at 51 Mosley Street, and the London office at 24a Wood Street, E.C. All kinds of household linens and damasks are manufactured by the Company, and are sold without brand, to the wholesale trade throughout the United Kingdom and the United States. Messrs. Wm. Walker & Co. employ 300 people in linen manufacture, and Messrs. McClelland & Son, about 200, and there is a handkerchief factory employing 200. MESSRS. F. W. HAYES & CO. [iTHIN a mile of Banbridge, in a North-westerly direction, are situated the Royal Irish Thread Mills of Messrs. F. W. Hayes and Co. They occupy the most historic part of the parish of Seapatrick, and for the convenience of workers, a village, in the immediate vicinity, taking the name of the parish, has grown to considerable proportions. The history of the mills, illustrated on the opposite page, began in 1840. Mr. Frederick W. Hayes was the founder of the firm. For about 10 years the manufacture of Union linens occupied full attention. Ultimately the manufacture of linen threads of every kind displaced the unions. To meet the requirements of this industry a building three storeys high, 175 feet long and 50 feet wide, was erected and fitted with the most approved machinery. It is used for preparing spinning, twisting and spooling thread, cost over .30,000, and was finished and running in 1864. In 1867, a flax store, three storeys high, 185 feet long, and 50 feet wide was added at a cost of about ,5,000. The threads are put up to suit the markets of the European countries, the United States, and the British Colonies. Their merits have stood the test of critical judgment at the International Exhibitions of Dublin, 1882, and Cork, 1883. A gold medal was awarded by each for the excellence of tailors' linen threads, and certificates of merit for flax and tow yarns. The raw material includes Irish, Belgian, and Dutch flax. The founder of the firm was succeeded by his son, Mr. William Hayes. He
Tea, Wine and Spirit Merchants, NEWRY STREET & SCARVA STREET,
BAKTBRIDGE. BT Guinness's Porter and Bass's Pale Ale bottled on the premises.
243 died in 1876, and was succeeded by his son, Mr. Frederick W. Hayes, J.P., who resides near the mills, at Seapatrick House, one of the finest residences in the Ban bridge district. On the hill above the village is the deanery, occupied by the Very Rev. Henry Stewart, Dean of Dromore. The mill property consists of about 60 statute acres. It includes the village, and extends to the river, both banks of which are in it. On the western side is a tastefully planted glen, separated from the river by the Great Northern Railway. Between 700 and 800 people are employed by Messrs. Hayes. Of this number five-sixths live in wellconstructed two-storey houses, belonging to the firm. A Cooperative Company supplies groceries, provisions, and drapery goods to the employes, who are the sole shareholders, on the most economic principles. There is an Episcopal Chapel, and a school-house in the village. The latter was erected by the late Mr. William Hayes, at a cost of .800, and is under the control of the National Board of Education. A large room in it is used for social gatherings, concerts, &c. Agricultural Implement Maker, BANKS. &c.Card, Geo., Dromore st NorthernBridge street, James Agricultural Implement Ware- M'Kibbin, manager houseM'llnain, D., Newry st ProvincialBridge St., Arthur AUCTIONEERS. Haire, manager Gilmore, Arthur, Newry st UlsterBridge street, M. W. Mulligan, Wm. S., Edenderry ter. Blackwood, manager Shooter, Wm. & Son, Rathfril'd st BANN RESERVOIR CO. BABY LINEN. Joseph Dickson, solr. Bambrick, Mrs M., Bridge st BAPTIST CHURCH, BAKERS. Newry Street. Bell, Thos., Newry st Rev. S. J. Banks. Pastor Burnett, Thos., Newry st BEETLING MILLS. Finlay, John, Bridge st Richardson, Sons & Owden, Gribbin, Patrick, Newry st Millmount M'Carrison, W. J., Church st Watson & Armstrong, BallyM'llroy, Jas., Rathfriland st down road Mackey, Mrs, Ballymoney BLACKSMITHS. Maguire, James, Newry st Allen, Thos., Newry st O'Hanlon, Felix, Scarva st Creighton, Jas., Scarva st Robinson, Edw., Church sq Hughes, P., Newry st Thompson, Joseph, Bridge st Willis, Geo., Scarva st. Whitton, I., Bridge st BLEACHERS & FINISHERS. BANBRIDGE DAIRY CO., LD. Anderson, Jas. & Co., Ballyd'nrd J. Sims, Hon. Sec, Parkmount Crawford & Lindsays, Ballydown BANBRIDGE BURIAL BRD. BOOTMAKERS, WAREHOUSES. &c. Hugh Glass. Sol., chairman Wm. Walker, j.p., vice-chairman Atkinson, A., sen., Newry st Cherry, Wm., Newry st Wm. MacCormac, secretary
JOHN DORNAN, Plain and Decorative Painter, Paper Hanger, Glazier, Ac, 31 & 33 Rathfriland Street, BANBRIDGE.
S" Estimates free.
Manufacturer of Saddles, Carriage, Gig and Cart Harness. Patent Leather Collars, &c, 7 Newry Street, BANBRIDGE.
A very superior stock ofWhips,Bridlcs, BitsStirrups, Brushes,Sponges, &*'
Drapers, Milliners an& Dress THUarerooms,
Church Square, BAXBRIWGE. @* Dressmaking according to the Latest Fashions-
DRAPERS. Gill, John, Scarva st Adamson, Mrs. M., Church sqr Kee, Hugh, Newry st Bambrick, W. G., Newry st M'Cammon, John, Newry st rothers, Mrs. M. Bridge st Magill, Thos., Bridge st Northampton Boot Co., Newry st Davidson & Power Bridge st. Finlay & Co., Bridge st ARTHUR ATKINSON, Hewitt, M., Bridge st Sen-, Boot and Shoe manufac- lehoe, M., Bridge st turer, Newry st ,aw, Mrs. A., Church sq BOOT-TOP CLOSER. McAleavey, S. A., Scarva st Hislop, Saml., Rathfriland st McCaldin, Alex., Newry st BUILDERS. Mahood, M. & Son, Bridge st Agnew, Geo., Newry st Main A. & Co., Bridge st Harkness, J., Reilly st MAIN, MRS- L-, Newry st CABINET MAKERS. Megaw, Hugh, Bridge st Hutchison Jas. & Son, Bridge st Smyth, Miss. M., Newry st Proctor, Thomas, Newry st Strong, K. A., Bridge st CEMETERIES. Waddell, Saml., Bridge st , Catholic Cemetery, Dromore Road WEIR, T. H., Bridge st New Cemetery (Non-sectarian), Wilson & Co., Bridge st Newry road Young, T. & Co., Bridge st Old Meeting House Green,Church st EMIGRATION AGENTS. Presbyterian, Scarva st Banks, D. J. Rathfriland st Seapatrick Church Yard CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS. McCaldin, Alex. Newry st GILLESPIE, THOMAS, Wm. J.FIRE BRIGADE. McKeown, C.E., captain Newry st FURNITURE DEALERS. Simms, Jas., Bridge st Carson, David, Scarva st CHURCH OF IRELAND. Parish of Seapatrick, Church Monaghan, D., Scarva st GAS LIGHT CO. square : Rector, Very Rev. Henry Stewart, D. D., Dean of Dromore. Works, Reilly st Samuel Hill, Secy., Jas. Meams, Curates : Rev. W. H. Davis, Rev. Manager O. L. T. Crossley GLASS, CHINA AND COACH BUILDER. EARTHENWARE. McMullan, Hugh, Dromore st Ardery, Misses E. & A., Bridge st COAL MERCHANTS. Love & Sisters, Bridge st Flanigan, John, Church sq McCammon, John, Newry st McKee, H. & Son Newry st Thomson, D., Bridge st McMullan, Win., Dromore st G. N. RAILWAY. MAIN, MRS. Li., Newry st Station MasterJno. Kinghan Mulligan, Saml., Dromore st COMMISSION AGENT. GROCERS. Mcllwrath, Wm., Dromore st Marked thus [] sell spirits, COURT HOUSE. thus [J] sell seeds, thus [f] grais Victoria street, C. Harris, Keepei seed only DOWNSHIRE ESTATE Allen, Jonathan, Newry st Andrews, Jos., Reilly st OFFICE, Bambrick, Jos., Newry st Church Square. H. S. McClintock, agent; Thos. t Bell, F. &. K., Newry st S. Howe, receiver X Cowan, Martin, Church sqr
Meal, Flour and Bran, Guano and Bone Manures.
LEATHER & FINDINGS. McCammon. John, Newry st Smyth, Misses E. & E., Newry st Smyth, Joseph, Newry st MANUFACTURERS. t GILLBSPIB, THOS., LINEN & Lindsays', Ballydown Crawford Newry st Ferguson, Thos. & Co., Ld., Gribbin. Patrick, Newry st Edenderry Halliday Bros., Bridge st McClelland, R. & Sons, Belmont Jardine, Alexr., Dromore st Smyth, Brice & son, Brookfield * Kemaghan, Wm., Newry st Smyths' Weaving Co., Brookfield Legate, Alex., Scarva st London & Counties, Tea Coy. Walker, W. & Co.. Ballydown rd LINEN THREAD Bi idge st t McCourt, Henry, Dromore st MANUFACTURERS. Maguire, J., Newry st HAYES, P. W. & Co., MAIN, Mrs. L., Newry st Seapatrick Morton, John, Newry st MARKETS. Prenter, John, Rathfriland st Victoria and Scarva Streets. Radcliffe, S. A., Newiy st Mondays, Tuesdays, and FriRobinson, Edw., Church sq days ; Jas. Harvey, Clerk; res., Simms, Jas., Bridge st Scarva st Thompson, Jos., Bridge st MARINE STORES. Thomson, Jas. & Son, Bridge st O'Donoghue, Jas., Rathfriland st X Wallace, T. & A., Bridge st Willis, Geo., Scarva st Willis, Mrs. F. J., Newry st MASTER TAILOR. Wilson, Henry, Newry st Hill, Wm., Bridge st MERCHANT TAILORS. S. A. RADCLIFFE, Wholesale and family grocer, Davidson and Power, Bridge st Ewart, A. T.. Church sq meal, flour and bran, mineral water manufacturer, ale & porter Kehoe, M., Bridge st Mcllroy, Saml., Bridge st bottler, &c, Newry st METHODIST CHURCH. HAIR DRESSING ROOMS. Downshire road, D. J. Banks, Rathfriland st Rev. Jas. Carson, Minister HARDWARE. MINERAL WATER Sell timber MANUFACTURERS. Halliday Bros,, Bridge st Radcliffe, S. A,, Newry st * McKe'e H. & Son, Newry st Thomson, Jas. & Son, Bridge st MAIN, M m L., Newry st MONUMENTAL SCULPTOR. Morton, Saml., Bridge st Emerson, J. E., Downshire rd Wallace T. & A., Bridge st HEMSTITCHING. NEWSPAPER. Banbridge Hemstitching Co. Banbridge Chronicle, Wed. & (John Simms) Ballydown rpad Sat., J. E. Emerson, Ed. & HOTEL KEEPERS. Prop., Office, Bridge st Long, Mrs. Jane, Bridge st NIGHT WATCH. McLoughlin, Chas., Bridge st One man (Jos. Stevenson) Tully, Peter, Reilly st PAINTERS. Young, Jiis., Newry st Dornan, John, Rathfriland st INLAND REVENUE. Watt, Saml., Newry st Jos. McHenry, Officer * f Crothers, Saml., Newry st Finlay, A., Rathfriland st * Flanigan Bros., Newry st 1 Flanigan, John, Church sq
General Grocer & Provision Merchant, 1 DROMORE STREET, IB .A. HT IBIR,1 ID C3- IE;
SCAEVA STEEET, Flour, Meal, Bran, Butler and
IVewry Street, BAMtltIIK.
Men's, Women's and Children's Boots and Shoes made to order, of the best materials, at moderate prices. Bepairs neatly and expeditioualy executed. A great variety of ready-made Boots and Shoes in stock to select from.
Dromore Street,
Mitchell, Benjamin, Newry st PAWNBROKERS. Morrow, A., Scarva st McCullough, Mrs. S., Newry st Morton, John, Newry st McWilliam, Wm., Bridge st Morton, Jos., Scarva st Shenley, Mrs. S. J., Bridge st PETTY SESSIONS & TOWN Morton, J. & J., Newry st REGISTBAR OF COURT. MARRIAGES. Held every alternate ThursWm. MacCormac, Newry st day, Wm. MacCormac, Clerk RESTAURANT. PHOTOGRAPHER. McKeown, Miss E., Bridge st Trimble, W. I., Market H. Yard R. C. CHURCH AND PHYSICIANS SURGEONS. PAROCHIAL HOUSE, Dobbin, Wm., Church st Dromore st. Hawthorn, John, Church sq Rev. John O'Brien, P.P., Rev. McClelland, R. B., Bridge st John Quail, C.C. McWilliam, Wm. N., Bridge st ROPE MANUFACTURERS. Smyth, Wm., Newry st Gray, John, Newry st Tweedie, Wm., Newry st Logan, Geo., Newry st PLUMBERS. Close, Wm., Bridge st R. I. CONSTABULARY. Barracks, Church square, Wm. Ewing, Thos., Newry st T. Croghan, D. I ; John McManPOSTING CAR OWNERS. rooiia H , C. Bell, Thos., Newry st SADDLERS. Brown, Alex., Dromore st Bambrick, John, Scarva st Kernaghan, Wm., Newry st Bambrick, Richd., Newry st McCavilt, Jas., Scarva st Bambrick, W. G., Newry st Magee, P., Newry st Macaulay, Saml., Newry st O"Callaghan, Dl., Bridge st Printer, John, Scarva st Prenter, John, Rathfriland st SCHOOLS. Robinson Jas., Newry st Wright, Thos.. Newry st Dunbar MemorialDownshire POST OFFICE. rd, Otto Lunnebach Bridge street, Thos. A. Crozier, Intermediate, Library stJas. P. M. J. Gillespie. Ladies' School, Ballydown PRINTERS & STATIONERS. Emerson, J. E., Chronicle Office RoadMrs. Boyd National, Church st. & square McKinney, Wm., Bridge st Quee, Robt., Newry st (C.I.) Mr. Gibson, Miss Rice, Miss Tate; Friar's place (C.I.) PRESBYTERIAN Miss Kinstry; Dromore st (R.C.), CHURCHES. Bann.side, Rev. Jas. Scot; Scarva D. McConville, Miss Macivor; Seapatrick (Mills) J. Maxwell, st. Rev. Thomas Boyd PRESBYTERIAN (Unitarian) Miss M. Anderson Presbyterian, Scarva st, S. CHURCH, Gillespie, Mrs. M. Gillespie Downshire road Rev. C. H. Osier, Minister Ragged School, Gospel lane PROVISION CURERS, (C.I.), Mr. MacAlister SHIPPERS, Ac. SEED MERCHANTS. Harvey, A., Newry st See also grocers marked thus (J) McAleavey, John, Scarva st Coburn, Jas. 4 Son, Newry st McGivern, B., Newry st Henry, John, Rathfriland st
M'AIeavey, Jno., Scarva st M'llwain, David, Newry st Morrow, A., Scarva st Morton, J. & J., Newry st Mulligan, Win. S., Edenderry ter Thomson, D., Scarva st SOLICITORS. Card, T. D., Newry st Cunningham, Satnl., Bridge st Doyle, P. J., Bridge st Farrell. J'. S., Newry st Glass, Hugh, Bridge st M'Carten, Jas., Bridge st . M'CIelland, A., Bridge st M'William, Fred. G., Bridge st Tyirell, Geo. G:, Bridge st SPIRIT RETAILERS. Bothwell, Patrick, Bridge st Ewart. Mrs. M., Church sqr. Gilfnore, Arthur, Newry st Hamilton, John, Rathfriland st Hill, Edmund, Scarva st Hill, Mrs. E , Bridge st Hooke, Richard, Scarva st Kerr, A., Scarva st M'Aleave'y, J., Scarva st M'Cavitt, Jiis., Scarva st Magee, Patk., Newry st Mitchell, Jas., Dromore st Mulligan, John, Dromore st O'Callaghan, Dan!., Bridge st O'Hare, Mrs. A., Scarva st Ridley, Jas., Scarva st Robinson, Jas., Newry st Russell, Mrs. L., Newry st Strain, Bernard, Kathfriland st Wright, Thomas, Newry st STAMP OFFICE. Miss Ardery, Bridge st STATIONERS, NEWSAGENTS, &c. Ardery, Misses E. & A., Bridge st Emerson, J. E., ChronicleOffice Love & Sisters, Bridge st M'Mahon, Miss M., Bridge st Thomson, D., Bridge st TIN SMITHS. Clements, Wm., Rathfriland st M*Conkey, Peter, Scarva st TOBACCONISTS. Grocers also sell tobacco. Anderson, W J., Church st M'Mahon, Miss M., Bridge st TOWN COMMISSIONERS. Hugh Glass, sol., chairman; Wm. Walker, J.P.; Robert Davidson ; Thos. Gillespie; R. B. M'Clelland, M.D., J. P.; G. Mervyn, Jno. Henry, B. M'Givem, Martin Cowan, Jno. Morton, sen., Rt. Moore, Jas. M'Elroy, Wm. Smyth, M.D., j.p., Geo. Logan, Geo. Card Wm. MacCormac, Town Clerk & Executive Sanitary Officer; Wm. J. M'Keown, c.E.,Town Surveyor; Thos. D. Card, solr. ; Wm. Dobbin, M.D., Medical Officer of Health; Andrew Burnett, Sanitary Sub-officer UNDERTAKERS. Church sq Hutchison, Jas. & Son, Bridge st Wright, Thos., Newry st UNION WORKHOUSE. Linen Hall st See County Directory. VET. SURGEONS. Bradley, Chas., Library lane Magill, Jos., VICTUALLERS. !arr, Jas., Scarva st Irozier, Jas., Church sq rrant, Henry, Dromore st M'Comis, Neill, Newry st WATCHMAKERS. Currie, Jas. Abernethy, Bridge st Hewitt, M., Bridge st Mann, Wm., Bridge st ARMERS, LANDOWNERS, &c. Gar (Garvaghy), B'naskeagh (Ballynaskeagh). idams, C , Carnew, Gar. \dams, John, Ballymoney \gnew, D., M'fernaghan \gnew, J., M'fernaghan \nderson, A., Brookfield Cottage Vrlow, D., Tullyhenan
Arlow, John, Tullyrain Barclay, Alex., Ballynaskeagh Barr, William, Ballydown Beck, Geo.W., Clay Beeton, J., Bellela, Gar. Bell, Wm., Tonaghmore Both-well, Patrick, Bridge st Brown, Andrew, Dromore rd Brown, Bateman, Dromore rd Brown J., Clay, Corbet Brown, T., Clay, Corbet Brown, Thomas, Ballievey Burns, F., Tullyorier, Corbet Burns, P., jun., Tullyorier, Corbet Campbell, B.. Tullyorier, Corbet Cloughley, W. J., Drumneth Clugston, Wm., Kilpike, Copeland, S., Kilmacrew Copeland, T , Tullyrain Corken, J., M'femaghan Cowan, T., Tullyear, Corbet Craig, Wm., Ballymoney Crawford, G., Belleevy Castle Cromie, D., Ballyvally Crothers, Jas., D'lough, Corbet Crothers, W. J., Ballyvarley Cully, Rd., Kilmacrew, Gar. Cummins, W., Carnew, Gar, Cunningham, P., Ouley, B'skeagh Dickson, D., M'fernaghan Dickson, Jn., Ballycross Dickson, Jos., solr., coroner Dickson, Thos.. Ballykelly Dobbin, Rev. W., T'conafcht Donnelly, H., Tonaghmore Dougan, J., Magherally Dugan, Wm., Ballycross Ervin, James, Garvaghy, Ervin, Jno., Ednego Ervin, R., Magherally Ferguson.Thos. (J.p. ),EdenderryHo Friar, T., D'lough, Corbet Gillespie, Robert, Corbet Graham, Miss M., Sallycross Graham, J-, Carnew, Gar Graham, Miss M., Ballycross raham, R., Tullyglush, Gar. . raham, S., Tullyrain Hamilton, J., Tullyrain Hamilton, R., Ballyrponey Cottage Hamilton, S. A., Seapatrick Hamilton, S. G., Ballycross Harrison, J., Tonaghmore Harvey, J., Drumnahare Hawthorn, Mrs.. Scarva st Hayes, F. W. (j. p.),Seapatrick Ho Henderson, A. W., Ednego Henning, H., Carnew, Gar. Henning, W., Carnew, Gar. Heron, R., Drumnagally Hook, James, Corbet Hook, Joseph, Corbet Howe, G., Mountain View ter Jameson A., Ednego, Gar. Jamison, Jos., Banbridge Inches, A. C , Church st Irwin, J., Magherally Irwin, S., A'nacloy, Corbet Irwin, W., Clay, Corbet Jardine, Edward, Creevy Johnston, J., Edenordinary, Gar Joy, Robert IJ:P. ), Millmount Kennedy, Jas., Edenderry( Kemaghan, D., Tullyear King, W., Knockgorm, Gar. King, W., Ouley, B'skeagh Knox, Jos., Tullyhenan Knox, Wm., Drumneth Laverty, W., Ouley, B'skeagh Lindsay, R , jun., p'Ballykelly Lindsay, John (j- )> Ballydown Lindsay, Walter, Tullyhenan Ho Lusk, John, Ballykelly Lowry, Wm., Garvaghy Lyons. Jnhn, Tullyear M'Bride, J., Ballycross M'Cabe, D., Ballymaskeagh Q I L L E S P I B , THOMAS,' M'Call, Chas. H., River View ter general merchant, Newry st (see index) M'Cartan, John, Ballycross Gordon, Jas., Doughery Macauley, A., Tullyglush, Gar. Gordon John, Doughery M'Cammon, Rev. F., Ballyvally Gracey, James. Tullyear M'Cavitt, R., Killaney, Gar Gracey, Wm., Magherally M'Caw, John, Ballycross
252 M'Caw, J. R., Tonaghmore M'Clelland, A. (J.P.), Belmont M'Clelland, Alex., Newry st M'Clelland, B., Knockgorm, Gar. M'Clelland, J., Ballykelly M'Clelland, J., Knockgorm M'Clelland, J., Drumlough M'Clelland, Misses. The Cottage M'Clelland, R., Tullyrain M'CleUand, R , Tullyrain M'CIorey, O., Ballymaskeagh M'Clements, R., Ballygowan M'Clements, R., Ballykelly M'Comb, John, Ballyvarley M'Court, John, Corbet M'Cullough,S., Edenordinary, Gar. M'Givern, P., Cappy, Corbet M'Grath, F.. Ballyvarley M'Keown, Ch., Ballyvarley M'Keown, H., Fednay, Gar. Mackey, H., Edenordinary, Gar. Mackey, R. H., Balleney, Gar. M'Mahon, J., Tullyorier, Corbet M'Mordie, Leslie, Edenderry ter M'Mornie, H., M'fernaghan M'Murray, James, Corbet M'Murray, Robt., Garvaghy M'Quade, David, Lisnaree M'Quade, Henry, Lisnaree Magowan, M. S., Garvaghy M'Mahon, W., Ballycross Mahood,"W. J.,T'conaught, Corbet Malcomson, T., Ouley, B'skeagh Martin, Ch., Kilmacrew Martin, James, Tullyhenan Martin, Jas., Tullyglush, Gar. Martin, Rt., Edenordinary, Gar. Martin, Samuel, Ballydown Martin, Wm., Tullyglush, Gar Matchett, J., Tullyear Mathers, Thomas, Edenderry Mehaffy, J., Ballymoney Mercer, Joshua, Rathfriland st Mervyn, Gore, T . c , Banbridge Mitchell, M., Tullyglush, Gar. Montgomery, J., Magherally Moorehead, R., Fednay, Gar. Moore, Robert, T.C., Church st Morrison, James, Caskum Mon-ison, Samuel, Tullyrain Morton, James, Corbett Mulligan, F., Rathfriland st Mulligan, T., T'connaught Mulligan, J., Ballymoney cottage Mulligan, Jas., Ballymoney Mulligan, Robt., Tullyhenan Mulligan, Robert, Caskum Mulligan, W., Cappy, Corbet Neill, Samuel, Ballykeel Nelson, John, Ballycross Nelson, Thomas, Ballycross Ogle, J., Edenordinary, Gar. Patterson, J. Ouley, B'skeagh Patterson, W., Tullyglush, Gar. Paxton, R. F., Ballyvally, Pepper, A., Ballymoney Porter, J., Ballyvally Porter, J., Dromorebrague Porter, J., Fedany, Gar. Porter,)., Clay,Corbet Porter, T., Tullyear Potts, A., Cappy, Corbet Prenter, Jos., Ballievey Radcliffe, J., L'creevy, Corbet Rea, SI., Tullyhenan Reid, John, Ednego, Gar, Reid, Robert, Ednego, Gar. Robinson, Wm., Balleevy Rodgers, J. H., Caskum Rowan, Andrew, Ballynanny Rowan, Samuel, Ballynanny Rowan, T., Dromorebrague. Russell, T., Clay, Corbet Tussell, Wm., Tonaghmore Scott, James, Ballyvally Sheils, M., Ballycross Shilliday, Wm., Garvaghy Simmington, W. J., Tullyhenan Siirms, H . N., Mutton Hill Ho Smith, R., Killaney, Gar Smyth, John, Garvaghy Sprott, H. D., Ednego, Gar Sprott, Moses, Tullyraine Stevens, Wm., Ballycross Strain, Wm., Ballyvarley Strong, J., Tullyglush, Gar Strong, S., Killaney, Gar Strong, T., Ednego, Gar Templeton, James, Kilpike Templeton, Rt., Bridge st Thompson, Hugh, Caskum Thomson, Thos. C , Seapatrick
Todd, James, Ballynaskeagh Todd, W., Cappagh, Corbet Urey, Robert, Magherally Waddell, D., Ouley, Corbet Waddell, H., Ballygowan WaddeU, H., Ouley, B'skeagh Warnock, John, Ballygowan Watson, D., Kilmacrew Watson, I., Kilmacrew Watson, J., Drumneth Watt, D., Mullaghfemaghan Watt, J., Fedany, Gar Watt, W., Edenordinary, Gar W E I R , T- H-, draper, Bridge st Wilson, S., Kilpike Woods, A., Ballymoney Woods, Jos., Ballyvarley Wright, James, Caskum Wright, J., Tonaghmore Wyly, Edw. (C.U.), Biverviey ter
IN THE BANBRIDGE DISTRICT. ^. of letters to persons residing in a sub-postal ^*~ district, should include the head office, t h u s : Lenaderg, Banbridge.
MESSRS. WILLIAM SMYTH & CO. |N the drive along the Bann from Banbridge to Gilford, among the many sites, there is none more beautiful than that occupied by the Milltown Bleach Works of Messrs. William Smyth & Co. Messrs. Smyth are linen manufacturers, bleachers, finishers and merchants. The illustration on the opposite page gives some idea of the extent of the works, warehouses and bleach green. In this area there are 220 statute acres, a great portion of which is used for the purposes of the concerns. The rest of the land is held in reserve to afford an opportunity for the occasional changing of the surface of the green. In the distance, partly concealed by the hill,are the Banville Beetling Mills, also belonging to the firm. The main works at Milltown are about a mile and a half from Banbridge, and 2 miles, Irish, from Gilford. The buildings are scattered over a considerable space. Steam and water are combined for driving power, the former being used as an auxiliary. There are six iron water wheels. In addition to their own work, Messrs. W. Smyth & Co. bleach for manufacturers and merchants. To facilitate the shipment of goods, the Great Northern Railway Company has a siding conveniently situated, and passenger trains stop at certain hours every day. Ten years ago a foundry was started on the premises. It has a turnery, fitting shop, and allthe appliances for casting and fitting to suit the requirements of the numerous works in the vicinity of every kind. Mr. Charles Smith, who is a partner in the foundry department, is a practical engineer. The buildings now constituting the Milltown Bleach Works, have been extended and adapted to their present uses by a very heavy outlay since 1825. Mr. John Smyth, sen., purchased them at that time. The active members of the firm are Mr. Wm. Smyth, and Mr. John Smyth, jun. Over 250 people are employed in the various branches, and for the most part live in houses built by Messrs. Smyth.
2S6 LOUGHBRICKLAND. [|N 1881, Loughbrickland had a population of 336. Banbridge is 2 miles, Irish, to the North, and Newry 8 miles, Irish, to the South-south west. The land of the surrounding country is good for pasture and tillage. Potatoes and oats are the principal crops. A small amount of flax is grown. Mr. John W. Whyte, J.P., and the Marquis of Downshire are the owners of the district. Loughbrickland was granted to Sir Marmaduke Whitchurch by Queen Elizabeth in 1585. He built a castle on the shore of the lough. Cromwell's army partly destroyed it, and it was ultimately replaced by a private residence, built in 1812. During King William's march to the Boyne he took advantage of Loughbrickland as a camping ground for II days. The Danes were defeated here by the Irish in 1187. Loughbrickland was named from the lough, and the lough, it is believed, received its name from the speckled trout which at one time abounded in its waters. The extent of land under it is 90 Irish acres. Mr. James Cupples, Mr. James Wright, and Mr, James Gray, who lives in America, are tenants of the farms adjoining the shore line. On Mr. Cupple's farm is an earthwork called " the watery fort," of Danish origin. No trout now exist in the lough, but it is well stocked with eels, and has some roach and perch. The overflow is discharged at Scarva into the canal connecting Lough Neagh with Newry. The Rough Fort is passed on the way from Loughbrickland to Banbridge, and Lisnatirney Fort, a Danish earthwork, is on the farm of Mr. Patrick Cranney, about two miles in the Newry direction. The Church of Ireland at Loughbrickland is a handsome edifice. The original church was destroyed with a part of the village during the war of 1641. It was rebuilt in 1688, and in 1878 a new chancel was added by Mr. A. Wheelan, builder, Newry. It was also newly roofed, and the seats modernized, the total cost exceeding 1,100. The Catholic Church, at the opposite side of the street, is also a handsome edifice, and has a fine new tower. There are in the village a Presbyterian Church of good capacity, a Reformed Presbyterian Church, aud a Lodge of Good Templars" Village Hope," 164Batter merchantThos. Senior Church of I.Rev. Hy. W. Lett DispensaryDr. Jno. M'Kain Grocers marked thus () sell spiritsSusan Connolly, WmMorrow, SarahO'Flaherty*, Thos Senior, Eliza White. Mills, corn & scutch*R.Campbell Mills, Scutch, D. Cromie, Mrs. E. J. Megaw, Jas. Mehaffy News Agentsjas. Davis, Thos. Senior Presbyterian CRev. A. O. Buchanan Posting CarsJ. Sands, J. Shields Post Mistress-Miss S. O'Flaherty; James Davis, assistant
Reformed Presbyterian Church Henry, S. A., D'drummuck Hudson, J., Legananny Rev. Gawn Douglas R. C. ChurchRev. Matthew Hutchinson, T., Drumnahare Lynch, P.P., Rev. Hugh M'Avoy, ngram, J., Drumnahare ardine, S. J., Creevey c.c. ,ittle, Alex., Brickland R.I.C.Jno. Hunter, sergt. liittle, George, Shankhill Schools (National) John ValenJttle, J., Glaskermore tine, C.I.; John Byrne, R.c. ^ivingstone, J., Shankhill Mrs. Valentine, Presb. Meenan M'Alden, T., Ballinteggart Saw MillR. Campbell Spirit RetailersA. M'Kain, M'Alister, J., Glaskermore Lisnagannon; E. Maguire, Lough- M'Cammon, H., D'drummuck brickland; Jas. Sands, Ballina- M'Clelland, T., Drumsallagh M'Conville, H., Coolnacran skeigh FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, M'Conville, W., Lisnabrague M'Comb, R., Lisnatiemey &c. M'Cullough, Francis, Creevy Anderson, Geo., Greenan M'Ewen, Thomas, Meenan Beck, James, Cascum M'Givern, O., Drumsallagh Boggs, Hans, Creevy M'Kain, "William, Shankhill Boggs, W., D'drummuck M'Naughton, G., Caskum Brown, S., Coolnacran M'Roberts, J. A., Ballinteggart Bryson, John. B'crattybeg Macaulay, J., Legananny Bryson, C , Ballynagarrick Magill, D., D'drummuck Bulla, J. A., Brickland Maguire, Eugene, Loughbrickland Burns, D., sen., Glaskerbeg W Main, J., D'drummuck Burns, D., jun., Glaskerbeg Marshall, A., B'carrattybeg Byrne, D., Glaskerbeg W Marshall, Geo., B'carrattybeg Campbell, H., Legananny Marshall, H., Loughadian Campbell, R., Bbvennett Megaw, Hugh, Meenan Campbell, W., Drumnahare Megaw, Thomas, Meenan Carswell, R. H., Dramsallagh Mehaffy, J., Drumsallagh Carswell, S.( Carrick Middleton, J., Ballinteggart Carswell, S., B'carattymore Millar, Wm., Loughbrickland Chambers, James, Meenan O'Hagan, P., Drumnahare Copeland, J. A., Tullymore O'Hare, P., Lisnatiernay Copes, Thomas, Brickland Patterson, J., Lisnagade Cowan, J., B'carattymore Porter, John, Drumnahare Cranney, P., Lisnatierney Shannon, J., Tullymore Cromie, David, Greenan Spiers, William, Shankhill Cupples, A., Sljankhill Stokes, Wm., Creevy Cupples, James, Brickland Strain, James, Creevy Dale, John, Brickland Todd, D., Glaskerbeg W Douglas, J. A., Ballymacratty Todd, Joseph, Shankhill Fitzpatrick, E., Drumsallagh Todd, J., Glaskerbeg E Fulton, Samuel, Drumsallagh Todd, Ralph, Ringclare Geoghegan, Jas., Legananny White, W. J., Ballynaskeagh Geoghegan, Jn., Legananny Whyte, J. J., (j.p.), LoughbrickGordon, Hugh, Brickland land Ho Gordon, S., Shankhill Hagan, P., Drumnahare Wright, Rt.,, Ballinteggart Hughey, John, Meenan Young, James, Tullymore
Mines & Spirits.
Agent for the Arklow Manure Company.
26O sion. His remains were interred at Civiltown, one of the divisions of Laurencetown, and in the vestibule of the Church there, a tablet contains the following inscription : " Near this place lie the remains of Samuel Morelle, dissenting clergyman of the parish, who was killed 6th March, 1772, in the parish, in the 28th year of his age, bravely defending the house of Sir Richard Johnston of Gilford, Baronet, when attacked by those lawless insurgents called ' Hearts of Oak,' and ' Hearts of Steel,' who, under pretence of redressing grievances which never existed, disturbed the public peace in that year. He lived to the welfare of his country, to the honor of his Prince, to the glory of his God. He died fuller of faith than of fear, fuller of resolution than of pain, fuller of honor than of days. His particular friend, Sir Richard Johnston, Baronet, who loved him living, and regrets him dead, hath caused this monument to be erected to his memoryManet post funerta virtus? The old Castle at Gilford stood near the river bank, in the town, at the entrance to the main thoroughfare from Banbridge. A portion of the ruin still exists. The Gilford Castle of the present day is modern, and is situated at some distance from it, within the same beautifully planted demesne. Mr. Benjamin Dickson, J.P., is the owner. Mr. Hugh Dunbar M'Master, J.P-, has also a handsome residence within the town limits. It is called Dunbarton House, has highly ornamental grounds, and commands an excellent view. Gilford has a Young Men's Christian Association, of which Mr. W. T. Mercier is president, and Mr. John M'Cready secretary. It also has a news-room, a Lodge of Good Templars, and a brass band. At one time a number of earthen forts existed in the parish of Tullylish. One of the largest was at Banford, upon the site of old parish church, and the road beside it. It stood on the southern bank of the Bann, and was used to guard the river pass. now spanned by a stone bridge. The old " church in the fort:' was destroyed in 1641, and rebuilt in 1698, and a circular aisle added in 1827. A new church was built in recent years nearer to the river. It is constructed of hammered blue stone, has a handsome tower, and cost from .3,000 to ,4,000. On the northern side of the river, in view of the ford, there is a small square building called the " Black Castle." It is ivy-covered, and is used as a lodge at one of the entrance gates to Banford House, the residence of Mr. Thomas Haughton, J.P. At a short distance from it, on the crest of a hill, there are two interesting monuments ; one is a solid rough stone shaft, about 20 feet high and the other consists of a pedestal surmounted by a beautifully sculptured vase, the whole rising to a height of about 12 feet. The inscriptions have entirely disappeared.
26l BANFORD BLEACH WORKS CO. [|HE works of this Company are beautifully situated near the historical river pass from which the name is derived. At this point the Bann Valley, in breadth and formation, is most favorable for the purposes of an extensive bleachery. The land rises gradually on the Northern side to a commanding height, and has enough trees to emphasize the scenic attractions without interfering with the capabilities of the green. In 1795 the site of the bleach works was owned by Mr. Robert J. Nicholson. It was used then as a bleachery, and there were buildings in which brown linens were woven. Mr. Benjamin Haughton purchased of Mr. Nicholson in 1815, and the enterprise was continued on the same lines until i860, when weaving was given up, and all the energies of the concern concentrated in the bleaching department. The business was carried on under the name of Benjamin Haughton & Co. In 1863 Mr. Daniel J. Jaffe having acquired an interest, Benjamin Haughton & Co. became the Banford Bleach Works Co. Mr. John Edgar bought Mr. Jaffe's interest in 1883. Mr. Thomas Haughton, J.P., and Mr. Edgar constitute the present firm, and are merchants as well as bleachers. Since i860, the alterations and additions to buildings, machinery, etc., cos>t ,35,000. The buildings are substantial, mostly two storeys high, and cover nearly two The lands available for bleaching include 177 acres, statute measure. Driving power is procured by a combination of steam and water. Three steam engines give a united horse-power of about 100. The water-fall is 7 feet 10 inches. Two water-wheels give about 100 horse-power. One is a breast wheel, 12 feet in diameter, and 5 feet breast, and the second a turbine, 7 feet in diameter. The Banford Bleach Works are within half a mile of the Lawrencetown Railway Station, and one mile of Gilford. They employ 150 people, of whom only 6 are females. In the vicinity are 32 workers' houses belonging to the firm. The flour mills at Mount Pleasant, adjoining Banford, and the land attaching, including a good residence, were lately acquired. A bleach green formerly occupied the site of the mills and premises. The Belfast office of the Banford Bleach Works Co. is at 3 Linen Hall Street.
MESSRS. DUNBAR, M'MASTER & CO., LTD. I N the opposite page are illustrated the immense thread mills of Messrs. Dunbar, M'Master & Co., Ltd., at Gilford. Over 1,500 people are constantly at work in them, and of the houses in the town, 180 belong to the firm, and are occupied by their employes. Buildings for three schools under the National Board of Education have been erected by Messrs. Dunbar, M'Master & Co., and it is due to their liberality, in a great degree, that there are in the town handsome places of worship for members of the Church of Ireland, Presbyterians and Roman Catholics. The late Mr. John W. M'Master was a large subscriber to the cost of the Church of Ireland, and the parsonage was erected at his expense. The site for the Roman Catholic church was presented by the late Mr. Dunbar. Reading- rooms are provided, and are lighted and heated at the expense of the firm. The history of Messrs. Dunbar, M'Master & Co., Ltd., dates from about the year 1838. Mr. Hugh Dunbar, of Huntley, Banbridge, was the founder. Linen yarn preparation and hand-loom weaving engaged his attention at that time. A few years afterward Mr. Dunbar formed a partnership with Mr. John W. M'Master, of the City of Armagh,nunder the title of Dunbar, M'Master & Co. Mr. Dunbar died in 1847, a ( i Mr- M'Master in 1872. In 1886, a limited liability company was registered. It consists of Mr. H. Dunbar M'Master, J. P., son of Mr. John W. M 'Master, and his six brothers. Since the firm was established, about ^180,000 has been spent upon buildings, machinery, watercourses, etc. Yarns for weaving purposes and threads now constitute the manufactures. These are dyed and bleached upon the premises, which consist of 180 acres. Steam and water in conjunction supply the motive power, and the washing is done in the river Bann, which flows through the dyehouse and bleach works. There are 16,000 spindles used for spinning, and 4,000 for twisting, and with these appliances the threads and yarns spun every week would go around the world three times. The firm has its own lithographing works, and fitting shop for making and repairing machinery. The threads are put up in styles beyond counting, to suit Ireland, England and Scotland, all the Continental countries, the United States, South and Central America, Brazil, Canada, Australia, and the rest of the British Colonies and possessions. Prize medals were awarded to Messrs. Dunbar, M'Master & Co., for threads, at all the Exhibitions where they were in competition. In London, 1862, for " great general excellence," in Dublin, 1865, for " superior quality,"' and in Philadelphia, 1876, for " superior excellence in quality and colors." A branch of the concerns at Greenwich, New York, was established in 1880. It is managed by Mr. John M'Master, and is called Dunbarton Mills. The workpeople are, for the greater part, from Gilford.
5 ]
BakersJ. Calder, R. Davidson, PlumberP. Barr Posting CarsW. Fowler, C. F. M'Ardle, Edw. Sallins Banks Belfast, Fridays ; Hanvey, Geo. Levingstone, W. Phcenix Northern, Fridays BlacksmithsT. Levingstone, Post M.John Hill Hunter Presbyterian C.Rev Wm.Gordon T. Morrow SaddlerJas. Hughes BootsC. Canvron, & drapers Scutch Mills-T. Lockhart, Church of I.Rev. Canon Harding Kernon; Jas. Parks, New Mills CarpenterJ. Stewart Spirit RetailersR. LevingCoalGeo. Levingstone, John stone, A. Muldrew, H. J. Sayers, White Mrs. B. Thompson DispensaryDr. Dobbin R.C. ChurchRev. 3 . O'Hagan, DrapersMrs. J. Getgood. Hunter & Co., J. H Hunter, Geo. Levingstone, ft. M'Connell, D. R.I.C.-M1. Walsh, sergt. M'llroy, Ready Cash Co., R. Saw MillW. Whiteside Schools (Natl.) MillHugh Russell, F. Smith,"Wm. Whiteside Emigration AgentsJ. H. Martin, Miss Anne Doak, Miss M. M'Fall, infant; Number Two Hunter, A. M'Brinn, W. Lappin Friends Meeting HouseMoy- Johnston Hunter, Miss J. M'Pherson; R. C , Castle Hill, Wm. allon Boyle, Mrs. Boyle Gas. Co.J. H. Hunter, sec Seeds & ManuresA.M'Brirm, Grocers marked thus [*] sell spiritsH. Cochrane, Co-Opera- R. J. Martin tive Store, R. Davidson, Mrs. M. Timber MerchantsH. CochA. Dologhan*, Mrs. M. Duffy*, rane, Wm. Whiteside Mrs. E. Fergus*, T. "Fox*, Chas. Town Commissioners H. Hanvey*, H. Joyce, Andrew Dunbar M'Master, J.P., chairman, M'Brinn*, Roht. J. Martin, J. Hugh Cochrane, Andrew M'Brinn, Phillips,*, R. Russell, F. Smith, James Doak, Hugh Martin, Wm. W. Whiteside, D. Wilson Whiteside, Robt. Russell, Jos. HardwareH. Cochrane,H.Joyce Kirk, Geo. Levingstone HotelChas. Henvey Geo. Kinley, clerk, H. Glass, sol. UndertakersC. Hanvey, W. Linen Thread Manufacturers, &c. Phcenix Dunbar, M'Master & Co., Ld. VictuallersT. Fox, G. Kinley Loan FundH. M'Connell J. Kinley, M. Kinley, W. White Methodist C Rev. W. Doonan Millers (corn) Dunbar, M 'Master FARMERS, LANDOWNERS & Co., Ld. &c Millers (flour) W. T. & S- T. [Including Ballynagarrick Mercier, Moyallon 'B'garick), Knocknamuckley News Agents3. Brown, J. H. _K' muckley), Moyallon] Abraham, W. J., Ballydugan Hunter, W. Lappin Adamson, Geo., B'dugan PainterJos. Kirk Adamson, Jno., B'dugan PawnbrokerJ. Doak Petty Sessions held every fonrth Allen, John, Drumarran Wednesday of each month ; clerk, Bel), Mrs., Tullylish Best, Hugh, store mgr. Wm. MacCormac, Banbridge PhysiciansW. Bell, R.M 'Bride, Bingham, W.. B'dugan.K'muckley W. Morton Birch, Geo., Loughans
Birch, Trios., Loughans Blakely, T., Bleary, K'muckley Blane, C., B'dugan, B'garrick Blane, T., Ballydugan Bleakley, T., Bleary, K'muckley Branan, B., Knocknagor Brown, T., Bleary, K'muckley Brown, W., Drumarran Byrne, J. H., Drumarran Calvert, E., Bleary, K'muckley Campbell, M., Drumarran Chambers, Alex., B'garrick Chambers, Geo., B'garrick Chambers, J., jun., B'garrick L Chambers, J., jun., B'garrick Cochrane, Hugh, Loughans Collen, Jos., B'canallon Coulter, John, Loughans Corbett, G., Moyallon Cupples, S., Moyallon Dickson, B. (J.P.), Gilford Castle Donaldson, John, Knocknagore Dreaney, M., Bleary, K'muckley Edgar, John, Mt. Pleasant Ho Ferguson, G., Clare, B'garrick Finlay, Wm, B'canallon Gough, Wm., Drumarran Greenfield, Mrs., Drumiller Harding, J., Loughans Hardy, F., Moyallon Hardy, W., B'dugan, K'muckley Harvey, John, Kernan Harvey, John, Mullabrack Harvey, T., Loughans Haughton, Thomas (J.P.), Banford House Hillis, Robert B., Kernan Hunter, J., Mullabrack Hozac, John, Mullabrack Huntei, W., Mullabrack Joyce, Mrs., Moyallon Kearns, Eben., Ballynagarrick U Kennedy, T., Dumarran Kidd, W. J., B'canallon Levingstone, J., K'muckley Lilburn, Wm, Loughans Lockhart, Mrs., Kernan U M'Anearney, P., Kernan _ M'Anearney, T., Kernan Up :, M'Ardle, J., B'garrick L M'Causland, M. R., mill rngr M'Conville, J., B'garrick L M'Convill, J., B'garrick L M'Convill, J., Bleary, K'mucMey M'Conville, T., B'garick L M'Cracken, H., B'canallon M'Uroy, R., Clare, B'garick M'Master, Hugh Dunbar (J.P.), Dunbarton House M'Master, Mrs., Whitelands Magaffin, Andrew, Keman Up Magaffin, Arch., Keman Up Major, A., K'muckley Matchett, SI., Drumarran Maxwell, A., Bleary, K'muckley M'Gaffin, Richard, Knocknagore M'Master, Percy J., Gilford Castle Mercier, S. T., Drumlin House Mercier, W. T., Moyallon Moore, S., Loughans Neill, T., jun., Clare, B'garrick Oates, Rev. Richard, K'muckley Orr, Rev. J., B'garrick U Parkes, G. G., B'garrick L Parkes, J., B'garrick Richardson, J. G.,Moyallon Ho Richardson, T. W. (J.P.), Moy allon Rogers, J., Ballynagarrick U Skeath J., B'dugan, K'muckley Smith, W., K'muckley Stevenson, Saml., Loughans Stokes, Mrs., Drumaran Summerville, G., K'muckley Thompson, Ross, Knocknagore Thompson, Stephen, Knocknagore Togher, John, Keman Lr Uprichard, H. A. (J.P.), Elmfield Uprichard, Miss, Banvale Weir, Moses, Keman L Whiteside, M., Loughans Wilson, J., Bleary, K'muckley Wilson, W-, Bleary, K'muckley
LAWRENCETOWN. JAWRENCETOWN is in the parish of Tullylish, and barony of Lower Iveagh, z\ miles, Irish, from Banbridge, and about one mile and a quarter, Irish, from Gilford. It is on the Bann, and is a station on the Great Northern Railway. Mr. A. J. R. Stewart, of the County Donegal, is the owner of the district, the lands of which are good for pasture and tillage. The village had a population of 139 in 1881, but is now very much larger. It consists of three divisions. The first is Civiltown, in which is Tullylish Presbyterian Church, a spacious edifice, rebuilt about 7 years ago, at a cost of ,2,000. It has handsome grounds. Reference to the Morelle monument here, will be found under the head of Gilford. The second village division, the Point, has the Roman Catholic Church and schools. The third division, Hall's Mill, contains the Post Office, and a number of workmen's cottages. Several handsome private residences are in the vicinity, including Hazelbank, Mr. Geo. M. Rogers, J.P., and Glenbanna, Mr. Wm. Walker. The avenue to Glenbanna lies through two rows of giant beeches, the branches forming a beautiful bower, 50 feet wide. Lawrencetown is one of the numerous birth places of
Bleachers and Finishers,
the late Alexander T. Stewart, the Irish-American millionaire. Rose Hall, the house in which he was born here, is at present the residence of Dr. William Chambers. A boot maker in the village remembers Mr. Stewart as a boy. As this is the last place where I shall have occasion to mention the t'ann, it will be convenient to state that the supply of water in it is maintained through various impounding agencies from its source in the Mourne Mountains, in order to keep up a tolerably steady summer supply. For this purpose, the Bann Reservoir Co. was chartered. It is empowered to charge each of the fall owners as far as Moyallon, ^10 per year, per foot of fall. Each foot of fall is estimated as 10 horse-power. The fall owners are the principal shareholders. THE SPRINGVALE BLEACH WORKS. MORE delightful situation it would not be easy to find than that of the Springyale Bleach Works. It is not often that the name of a place affords a clue to the nature of its surroundings, but this is one of the exceptions. The vale and the springs are here, and in addition to these attractions are richly wooded hills, and the river running between banks, diversified in the most charming manner. The wooden foot-bridge, shown in the illustration on the opposite page, connects the village of Lawrencetown with the works, and greatly increases the picturesqueness. More than 50 years ago, Mr. James Uprichard, whose family originally came from Wales, founded the Springvale Bleach Works. Associated with him were his brothers, Thomas and Henry, bachelors. Mr. James Uprich'ard's son William succeeded to the proprietorship at the demise of his uncle Henry, about the year 1850. His father and uncle Thomas had been dead for some time previously. Mr. William Uprichard died in 1884, and his son, Mr. Henry A. Uprichard, J.P., entered into possession, and is now sole proprietor, but the name of the old firm is still maintained. During many years linen weaving, as well as bleaching, was done here. At present the operations are confined to bleaching and finishing. The buildings are extensive, the largest being, respectively about 200 feet long, 50 feet wide, and 3 storeys high, and 150 feet long, 50 feet wide and 3 storeys high. Water and steam in conjunction
270 are used for power purposes. There are three iron waterwheels, each 16 feet in diameter, giving a total 'of about 150 horse-power. Two steam engines give 60 horse-power. Over 200 acres of land, belonging to the works, afford bleaching facilities, and there are 260 acres at Elmfield, the private residence of Mr. Uprichard, at a distance of 3 miles, Irish. About 250 people are employed, fths men. There has lately been a considerable amount expended on new buildings and other improvements. In the life-time of Mr. W. Uprichard the outlay on workmen's cottages, and additions to works, machinery, etc., was over , 10,000. Bleaching and finishing are done on commission, and for account of the concerns. THE HAZELBANK WEAVING CO. [HE factory of the Hazelbank Weaving Company stands on the Southern bank of the Bann, at Lawrencetown. In the immediate surroundings are scenic charms, equal to the finest in the district. The roadway which runs at a high elevation on the Northern bank, is cut to give access from the Banbridge and Gilford directions across a substantial wooden bridge. The main building belonging to the Company is of extensive proportions. It is now converted into offices and stores, but was devoted to spinning purposes, by Samuel Law, in the last century. The Hazelbank Weaving Company was formed in 1880. It is composed of Mr. Thomas Dickson and Mr. William Walker Before it came into existence, Messrs. William Waw & Co. had been in occupation of the premises for many years. The weaving of very fine linens was their specialty. The Hazelbank Weaving Co. manufacture drills, rough browns, buckrams, and glass cloths. Linen yarns only are used. These are procured at Belfast, and the product of the factory, in an unfinished state, is disposed of in the same market. When the Hazelbank Weaving Co. entered into possession, there were only 75 looms. This number has since been increased to 200, all having the very latest improvements. During the winter and spring, an iron breast-wheel, 15 feet in diameter, and 8 feet fall, produces about 65 horse-power, and works in conjunction with a steam-engine of 70 horse-power.
In summer the steam has to be increased in proportion to the loss of water. The buildings of modern character consist of a weaving shed, 135 feet long and 100 feet wide ; and two preparing sheds, one 135 feet long and 23 feet wide ; and the other 135 feet long and 36 feet wide. The weaving shed was in existence previous to 1880, and the preparing sheds were built by the Hazelbank Weaving Co. Extra warerooms are also among the latest improvements, the whole necessitating an extensive outlay. The mill premises and grounds cover 17 statute acres. Included in this area is the house of Mr. Walker, and 43 workmen's cottages, all built by the firm. About 200 people are employed. A majority of this number are daughters of small farmers, residing at a convenient distance from the factory. BlacksmithsJ. Donaldson, W. Campbell, Mrs., Clare Flanigan Chambers, John F., Clare Church of I.Rev. A. R. Ryder Chambers, SI., Clare Clougston, Ro., Lisnafiffy CoalJohn Savage Clugston, Jn., Drumhore DraperHy. Lynch Dickson, J., Tullyraine Emigration AgentS. H. Flynn Great Northern RailwayW. J. Dickson, R., Keman Tip English, John, Clare Davidson, station master Grocers marked thus (*) sell Feran, Mrs. A., Knocknagore spiritsJ. Farrell*, H. Lynch, Ferguson, William, Clare Point; H. Lynch, Laurencetown ; Haire, Alfred, Tullylish Jas.M'Gee, Mrs. M.M'Guinness*, Harvey, John Hawthorn, J., Drumhore J. Savage* Linen Bleachers, Finishers, &c. Hawthorn, W., Lisnafiffy Joyce, J. S., Clare J. T. & H. Uprichard Linen Manufacturers Hasel- Kearns, Wm., Clare Kerr, J., Drumnascamph bank Weaving Co. News Agts.T. H. Crone, S. Kerr, W. H., D'scamph Law, Mrs. S., Coose H. Flynn Lindsay, J., sen., D'scamph Post M.S. H. Flynn Presbyterian C.Rev. J. Morrison M'Creanor, S., Clare M'Evoy, John, Tullyraine R. C. Church Rev. B. O'Hagan, P.P., Rev. B. M'Alee- M'llroy, David, K'nagore M'llroy, Geo., K'nagore nan, c.c, Rev. John Doyle, c.c. M'llroy, R., Knocknagore R.I.C.Thos. Kelly Schools (Natl.)R. C, F. M'Stea, Patrick, Drumhore Armstrong, Mrs. M'Mahon; M'William, David, Mill Bank Ho Magee. Jas., Knocknagore Protestant, Miss Gallagher Morrison, J., Drumnascamph Scutch MillsJas. M'Gee Stewart EstateS. H. Flynn, Reid, Felix, D'scamph Rogers, G. M. (j.p.), Haselbank Bailiff ' FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, Shaw, John, Lisnafiffy
272 SCARVA. 3ARVA is on the border of Down and Armagh, and is a station on the Great Northern Railway between Banbridge and Portadown It is 3J miles from Banbridge. The canal from Newry to Lough Neagh passes here. Seen from the train Scarva presents a most inviting appearance. One long street, composing the village, runs at the foot of a beautiful hill. Upon this the Church of Ireland stands. It was built in 1850, and has since undergone changes of interior in accordance with modern ideas. The seats are in the latest style, and there is a handsome reading desk and pulpit. The church-yard is tastefully laid out, and from it there is a fine view of the surrounding country. A private door, from the church-yard communicates with the garden of Mr. Robert^ Taylor, postmaster, and it may be said of this that it has no rival in the county. It is handsomely planted with shrubs, andflowers,and has many well shaded resting places in the course of the climb to the top of the hill. One of these is a tea-house, the principal chamber in a castellated building, defended by mock cannon. Scarva is a great place on the 13th of July of each year. Oh that day the demesne of Scarvagh Jiouse, in the neighborhood, is given by the owner, Mr. J. T. Reilly, D.L., for sham fights by armies representing the hosts of King James and King William. In Mr. Reilly's demesne is a portion of the famous Dane's Cast, reference to which will be found in the fore part of the book. Scarva was once a market town. It had a population of 220 in 1831, and of 186 in 1881. Mr. John Reilly was the founder in 1746. In the war of 1641 several bloody battles were fought here. Between Scarva and Loughbrickland, and thence to Poyntspass, the Army of King William was encamped in 1690. The Royal tent was pitched under an oak in Mr. Reilly's demesne. In 1783 the " Hearts ot Steel," and the Break-of-Day-Boys fought a terrible battle at Lisnagade Fort in the vicinity. Three fairs are held in the year, March, June and September. At the entrance to the village by the high road from Banbridge, there is a pretty cottage used for handloom linen weaving by the brothers Samuel and John Shanks. They have 15 looms at work, and give out yarns to about 22 handloom weavers, who reside in the district. A feature is made of fine and coarse sheetings, the market for which, in the brown state, is Belfast. ElacksmithA. M'Parland CoalS. Hill, J. M'Veigh DispensaryDoctor M'Kain Boots and ShoesA. Hanna DraperR. Taylor CarpenterJos. M'Comb Emigration Agents Robert Church of I.Rev. Richd. Long Taylor, Henry Williams
Railway S. M.John Ogle GrocersO. Bradley, J. Hawthorn, T. Hudson, R. Taylor Hotel Keepers marked thus [*] sells spiritsRobt. Taylor, Henry Williams* Linen Manufacturers (handloom), S. & J. Shanks Methodist Mission, Post Office, meeting once a fortnight, Wednesday evening, 7 o'clock; Bible class every Monday evening at 7 o'clock News AgentR. Taylor Post MasterRobert Taylor Presbyterian Church Rev. John Reid, Diamond Lodge R. C. ChurchRev. F. Lynch, P..P, Lisnagade R. I. CH. Elliott, sergt. Schools(Protestant) Jos. and Mrs. Barrett; R.C.Ballyvarley, Jas. MClary Spirit Retailer- -Margt. Adger
&c. Acheson Robert, jun., Drumiller Acheson, William, Scarva Adamson, W. H. Mullarback Brown, D., Glenloughan Chambers, Dines, Rockvale Douglass, C , Lisnagade Ho. Dunlop, Miss E. J., Drumaran Frazer, D., Glenloughan Gillespie, Wm., Scarva Graham, John, Glenloughan Graham, John, Lisnagade Hawthorne, Robert, Glenloughan Hill, Samuel, Scarva M'Clements, R., Edenderry M'Grath, Hugh, Lisnagade Magenity, Felix, Edenderry Patton, Jas., Glenloughan Keilly, j . T. (D.L.), Scarva House Buddoek, A. & R., Scarva Taggart, Alexander, Edenderry Taggart, John, Edenderry Warwick, Jas., Lake View
P O S T OFFICE, SCARVA. ffirocmes, ISrobisions, <artiina, (klass anli IBelf, Books and Stationery, News Agent.
Farm and Garden Seeds, Emigration Agent, &c.
IN T H E LURGAN DISTRICT. i D D R E S S E S of letters to persons residing in a sub-postal to^ district, should include the name of the head office, thus : Donacloney, Lurgan. The names of the principal farmers residing in the rural sub-postal district of Ballynabraggett, are included in the following list. FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, Knox, George, Kilmore M'Cammond, James, B'nabraggett &c. M'Corry, J., Kilmore Beatty, J., Ballynabraggett M'Geown, George Thos., Kilmore Campbell, J. F., Kilmore M'Geown Jas., Kilmore Campbell, R., Druminavaddy M'Geown, Jos,, Kilmore Clarke, G., Ballynabraggett M'Kittrick, Geo., Kilmore Clarke, Thomas, Kilmore Macoun, John, Kilmore Elliott, W., Ballynabraggett Pennington, Wm., Ballynabraggett Ellis, G., Kilmore Ellis, R., jun., Kilmore Turtle, Thomas, Kilmore Graham, }n., B'nabraggett Uprichard, John, Bleary Graham, W., B'nabraggett Watson, F., Cornreaney Hamilton, John, B'nabraggett Watson, J., Cornreaney Hamilton, William, B'nabraggett Watson, T., Cornreaney Henderson, John, B'nabraggett Wells, Jas., Bleary Kerr, Thomas, Kilmore White, G. Ballynabraggett
DONACLONEY. flONACLONEY is a prettily situated village Ah miles > Irish, North of Banbridge, and 4 miles, Irish, Southeast of Lurgan. The Earl of Clanwilliam owns the district. Flax, oats and potatoes are the chief crops. In the surrounding country are about 100 handloom damask weavers.
Grocers marked thus (*) sells spirits J. Armstrong*, Mary Cairns, W. J. Denison, J. Gallaway, J. Macoun, W. J. Martin Presbyterian CRev. D. Parks Post MasterJohn Doran Schools (National), Banoge R. J. Mercer; Lisnasure, Mrs. Nicholson FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, &c. Armstrong, James, Donacloney Beatty, Robert, Donacloney Cluff, T. G., Monree Hale, Francis, Donacloney Hall, John, Donacloney Hamilton, H.. Ballymacnally Little, Wm., Ballymacnally M'Bride, Robert, Monree M'Climond, John, Banoge M'Dowell, Wm., Banoge M'Knight, Jos., Banoge Martin, W. J., Moygannon , Murphy, R., Ballymacnally Newell, T., Banoge Poots, James, Lisnasure
MAGHERALIN. llAGHERALIN had a population of 373 in 1881, and the village of Dollingstown, in the vicinity, had at the same time, 306. Mr. Robert Dolling is the owner of both. Magheralin is about two miles, Irish, from Lurgan. The Lagan runs within a few perches of the Main street. Linen weaving and finishing are carried on in the district. About 300 women receive constant employment from sewed muslin agencies. There are extensive limestone quarries. T h e monastery of Linn Huachuile once flourished in this parish. It was founded by St. Colman, in the seventh century. The remains, it is thought, are identical with the massive walls still existing at the North side of the churchyard. Near the village was the palace of the bishop of Dromore. Jeremy Taylor was the last bishop who occupied it. BakersR. Allen, R; Lonsdale, R. Patterson Boots and ShoesW. Hyland Church of I.Rev. T. W. Clarendon Grocers; marked thus [*] sells spiritsE. Allen, J. Byrnes*, J. Castle, R. Vance Lime BurnerC. Waddell Mills, Corn and WhitingCoslett Waddell Linen FinisherJas. S. Denison Linen Manufacturer Henry. Mathers, Newford Methodist C .Circuit Post M.Mrs. Julia M'Veigh R. C. ChurchRev. John Magrath, P.p. ; Rev. Geo. M'Corry, C.c. Schools (National)Edw. Haddock, c.i.; John Doran, R.c. Spirit RetailerWm. Murphy FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, &c. Allen, Thomas, Drumlin Bateman, Isaac, Feney Bateman, Wm., Feney Baxter, Jas., Ballymaginn ^err y> James, Gartross Brash, A. E. (j.p.), Dromnabreeze Bunton, Jn., Drumo and D Burns, Hugh, B'makeonan Burns, J., B'makeonan Castles, Wesley, Drumlin aulfield, D., Taughlomney Cluff, G. W., Tullynacross Corbett, G., Gartross Corbett, Wm., Gartross Gilliland, Robert, Ballyleney Gilliland, Wm., Ballykeel Gracey, James, Drumlin Hayes, C., Tullynacross Hayes, Robert, Ballyleney Kennedy, Thomas, Taugbrane Kincaid, Joseph, T'lomney Johnston J,, Drumo andt) Lavery J., Ballymaginn Lilburn, G., Gregorlough Lilburn, R. W., Edenmore Lilburn, W-, Ballymacbrennan Lunn, A., Ballymacateer Lunn, Wm., B'macateer Lynass, John, Lismain Lynass, Jos., Lismain Magowan, Samuel, Tullynacross Martin, Hugh, Feney Martin, John, Edenmore Mathers, H., Newford Ho Mathers, John, Ballymacmaine M'Clean, C , Tullynacross Morrow, Jn., Taughrane Mulholland, Jn., Dollingstown kelson, Geo,, T'lomney Nelson, Jn., T'lomney
276 Patterson, R , B'macbrennan Patterson, R , B'makeonan Patterson, R., Gregorlough Richardson, Mrs,, Kircassock Rowan, Wm., Ballynadrone Sands, H. H., Urumlin Shaw, H., Ballymacateer Sewell, Fr., Prumlin Simpson, John, B'brennan Spence, John, Ballymaginn Spence, Robert, Edenmore Spence, T., Drumo and D Taylor, John, Ballykeel Taylor, R., jun., Ballykeel Taylor, William, Clogher Waddell, Coslett, B'mackeonan Waddell, Rt. (J.P.). Drumcro Ho Watson, H., B'macateer Wells, Sol., B'nadrone
MOIRA. | O I R A is the great limestone and lime-burning centre of the county. It is in the barony of Lower Iveagh, about 4 miles from Lurgan. A station of the- Great Northern Railway, of the same name, is distant from it fths of a mile, and the Lagan Canal runs near the railway. In 1861 the village had a population of 481. About 200 women and girls receive employment through sewed muslin agencies. Lord Deramore owns the district, and the land is good for pasture and tillage. Oats and potatoes are the principal crops. Moira demesne, well planted, is open to the public. It once had a castle. Of this nothing remains but the foundation. In the time of Sir John Rawdon linens were manufactured in the village, and there was a prosperous market. The industry and the market have been discontinued. Four fairs are held in each year. Frogs were first noticed in Iieland at Moria, and in the vicinity a great battle is said to have been fought in 637 between Cougal, and Donald, King of Ireland, ending in the defeat of the former. Bakers T. McCullough. J. Turtle BlacksmithsA. Bell, W. Clarke Boots & ShoesJ. McClure Church of IRev. J K. Barklie CoalR. McDowell, T. Ruddle DispensaryDr. T. H. Brownrigg DrapersW. J. Carroll, ]_>. McDowell. Jos. Smart Emigration Agents Miss J. Watson, T. Ruddle G. N.. RailwayCharles McCartney, station master Grocers marked thus [*] sell spiritsW.J. Agnew.J. Cousins*. J. H. Irwin, D. McDowell, R, McDowell, T. Ruddle* HotelT. Ruddle Lime BurnersJ. Hull jun., Thos., Hull, Wm. Hull G. & MSpence, Jas. Turner Methodist CRev. W. C. Doonan News AgentsW. J. Agnew, D. McDowell, J, McGeown Petty Sessions held last Wednesday in each month. Clerk, A. Stanfield Posting CarsT. Clarke, T. Ruddle Post M.Miss J. Watson Presbyterian CRev. S. Graham R.I.C.Jas. Maguire, sergt SaddlerP. Merwood
School (Natl.) John Doak Sewed Muslin AgentsJ. Hammond, C. B. Lavery Spirit RetailerT. Clarke FARMEES, LANDOWNERS, &c. Agar, A., Magherahinch Allen, J., Gortnamoney Bickett, John, Tullyloob Boyle, Edward, B'oonigan Boyle, Jos., Derrydrumult Brown, Robert, Tullyloob Brown, W., Tullyloob Bunting, John, Bottier Clarke, Win., C'banagh E Cleland, T. G., B'garahan Cleland, Wm, B'garahan Dillon, James, Lurganville Douie, J. L., (J.P.) C'banagh W Gray, John, Derrydrumult Green, Alfred, B'garaghan Greer, J. B., Drumbane Hammond, J., Ballycanal Hammond, J., B'garaghan Heron, J., Clare Hewitt, James, Legmore Hewitt, T., Kilminioge Hewitt, W., Legmore Irwin, J. H., Gortnamoney Kerr, George, Legmore Kerr, John, Tullyloob Langtry, F., Gortnamoney Logan, J., B'garaghan Logan, John, Drumbane Lyness, W. J., Tullyard M'Cartney, A., Lurganville M'Caw, A., Lurganville M'Cullough, J., B'garaghan Martin, G., Lurganville Martin, Thomas, Lurganville Morrow, Jas,, B'garaghan Turner, James, Bottier Waring, Lucas, Waringfield Wilkie, J., Derrydrumult Wilson, Andrew, Clare Wilson, Geo., A'drumman Wilson, Reid, B'garaghan
WARINGSTOWN. flARINGSTOWN had a population of 482 in 1881. It is in the barony of Lower Iveagh, 2 miles, Irish, South-east of Lurgan, the nearest railway station. Col. Thomas Waring, M.P., is the principal owner of the village and district. The land is better adapted for pasture than tillage. Waringstown was originally called Clanconnell. In 1697 it was purchased by William Waring from Cromwellian dragoons. He built a fine residence, which is still in existence. During the war between William and James, he had to fly to the Continent, and the house was used for quarters by James's troops, until the arrival of Duke Schomberg. Samuel Waring, ton of William, while traveling in Holland and Belgium became interested in the manufacture of linen diaper, and subsequently began the industry at Waringstown. It was by him the change of name was effected. The first piece of Irish diaper was made here. At present linen manufacture is carried on by four employers. From 300 to 400 handloom weavers live in the village and neighborhood. BakerS. J. Beattie CarpentersJ. Calder, J.Dogherty BlacksmithJ. Kennedy Church of I.Rev. E. D. Atkinson, Rev. W. O'N. Lindsay, Boots & ShoesJ. Barnes, Curate Hull H. M'Laughlin
for Permanent
Importers of
Garden Implements by best Makers, in great variety. Agents for Phospho Guano, Bone Manure, Vine Manure, and other Fertilizers.
IMMORTELLE WREATHS AND GROSSES In great variety, prices moderate. Catalogues to intending purchasers post free
DispensaryDr. Wm. Frier DraperT. B. Brown Grocers, marked thus (*) sell spiritsW. Atkinson*, T. B. Brown*, W. Irwin, R. Ruddock*, Mrs. Shaw Linen Manufacturers (Handloom)Atkinson & Brown, Jas. Foye, John Kennedy & Son, S. Pennington News AgentsW. Atkinson, T. B. Brown PainterRobt. Maguire Post MasterWm. Brown Presbyterian C.Rev. J. M. M'llrath R.I.C.W. Hughes, sergt. Schools (National)E. L.Todd, (c.l.)i T. Graham, Presb. Seed mts.W. & G. Irwin, (grass seed); J. M'Caw, (flax seed) Timber & Hardware merchants W. Atkinson, T. B. Brown VictuallerW. Irwin FARMERS, LANDOWNERS,
Adamson, Henry, Banoge Atkinson, Abraham, Magherana Atkinson, George, Tullyherron Bailie, Thomas, Anaghanoon Brown, Samuel Brown, T., Magherana Campbell, S., Annaghanoon Chainey, Jn., Corcreaney Chainey, Wm., Corcreaney Dick son, R., Tullyherron Ferguson, ^Adam. Magherana
Frier, Dr. William, Waringstown Geary, James, Clare Gillespie, Jas., Corcreeny Gregson, E., Magherana Hamilton, Lewis, Clare Harvey, David, Clare Henning, John, Tullyherron Humphries, J., Corcreaney Irwin, Jn., Corcreaney Little, James, Clare Logan, James, Banoge M'Cartan, Tosiah, Corcreaney M'Cartan, Win., Corcreaney M'Fall, M., Corcreaney M'Kenzie, J., Tullyherron M'Murray, Thomas, Tullyherron Magowan, John, Corcreaney Mennary, Thomas, Corcreaney Mitchell, A., Corcreaney Montgomery, David, Corcreaney Pegg, William, Bleary Pennington, R., Tullyraine Rennix, John, Bleary Rodgers, T., Tullyherron Spence, G., Corcreeney Spence, W. J., Corcreeney Turkington, W. J., Magherana Uprichard, James, Corcreaney Uprichard, Robert, Bleary Waddell, J., Tullyherron Waring, Col.Thos.(M.P.),Waringstown Ho Weir, Edward, B'macateer Weir, F., B'macteer Wells, John, Corcreaney Whaley, Mrs., Corcreaney
IN THE BELFAST DISTRICT. ADDRESSES of letters to persons in a sub-postal district, should include the head office, thus : Craigavad, Belfast. ASTLEREAGH. JJASTLEREAGH has no post office. The letters are delivered by rural messenger, direct from Belfast. Among the beautiful walks and drives in the surburbs of the town this ranks foremost, including, as it does, the hills of the same name, from which the view of Belfast and
Pronounced by Professors Sir Chas. Cameron, Dublin, and J. F. Hodges, Esq., Belfast, as superior to any Sample of Stouts submitted for analysis, and showing proof of their being manufactured from Malt and Hops only, and of the soundest quality. Widely recommended by the most Eminent Medical Professsors for Invalid's use.
Eminent Gin Distillers. Five First Class and Gold Medals-
the surrounding country is exceedingly good. In an earthen fort, among the hills, was the famous castle of Conn O'Neill. More extended reference is made to it in a special chapter on the Castles of the County, for which see index. The district known to the postal authorities as Castlereagh is in the barony of Upper Castlereagh. FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, Pentland.W., Cregagh Pulman, Thomas, Cregagh &c. Rainey, David, Braniel Bole, F., Slatady Rainey, Hugh, Braniel Busby, Hugh, Braniel Rainey, James, Br^niel Busby, James, Braniel Eainey, John, Camamuck Carlisle, Jos., Cregagh Rainey, T., Carnamuck Carlisle, W. J., Cregagh Rainey, W., sen., Braniel Langridge, S., Castlereagh Rainey, W., jun., Braniel Logan, W. J., Slatady Robinson, J., Castlereagh M'Clune, Samuel, Braniel Robinson, John, Carnamuck M'Cormick, J., B'conaghy Robinson, T., Camamuck M'Clune, R., Braniel Robinson, ,\V., jun-, Carnamuck M'Cue, H., Castlereagh Shields, R., Castlereagh M'CuUough, J., Slatady Smyth, James, Castlereagh M'Cullough, T., Castlereagh Smyth, Wm. R., Castlereagh M'Quoid, Hugh, Braniel Thompson, J. B., Castlereagh M'Quoid, J., Castlereagh Wallace, John, jun., Braniel M'Quoid, John, Braniel Wallace, William, Braniel M'Quoid, John, jun., Braniel Wilson, Thomas, Cregagh Macrae, K., Cregagh Glen Gottage BALLYGOWAN. llALLYGOWAN is a station on the Belfast and Co. Down Railway, 12 miles South-east of Belfast, and 3^ miles North-east of Saintfield. This calculation is made according to English measurement. Mr. R. G. Dunville, D.L., is the principal owner of the district, the land of which is fair. Oats, flax and potatoes are the crops. The village consists of about 25 houses, exclusive of the building recently put up by Mr. A. O. Reid to the memory of his only son. It is constructed of blue stone, relieved by dressings of freestone. A tower in the centre is surmounted by a square white stone, beneath which, in large letters, it is impressively intimated that
" THE TIME is SHORT." Notwithstanding the force of the
inscription, a great deal of time has been spent in controversy concerning the disposition of the building. At a distance of about 2j miles, Irish, is the ancient churchyard of Kilkeeran. j , l i l f h b i l f Chli d It is used exclusively for the burial of Catholics, under the control of the Rev. M. Hamill, P.P. The oldest tomb-stone, bearing date, was erected one hundred years ago. An old flag stone here has considerable antiquarian interest.
282 BlacksmithsW. Cairns, J. Hare DrapersR. Gibson, J. M'Veigh Grocers, marked thus [*] sell spiritsRt. Gibson, W. J. Magee*, D. Megannon*, J. Murray* Post MasterRt. Gibson Presbyterian CRev. T. Woods QuarryRobin Reid Railway S. M.Jas. Webb School (National) Magherascouse, one mile and a-halfT. W. Robinson FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, &c. Eeattie, J., Ballykeel Bennett, James, Edenslate Bennett, J. & W., Ballyknockan Bennett, W., Edenslate Boucher, S., Ballyknockan Bowman, D., Magherascouse Boyce, Henry, Magherascouse Burgess; Mrs. M:, Ballygowan Carse, Jas., Magherascouse Carse, Saml., Magherascouse Carse, Wm, Magherascouse Conley, Geo., Ballycloughan Conley, Hugh, Ravara Connolly, Saml., Ravara Curragh, John, Ballycloghan Davidson, W. J., Ravara Douglas, Robt., Ballyrush Fteimons, Thos., Tullygarvan Frame, Hugh, Ballycreely Frame, James, Ballygowan. Frame, Robt., Ballycreely Garrett, Robt., Tullygarvin Gibson, Samuel, Drumreagh Hanna, H., Drumreagh Hanna, R., Drumreagh Hanna, W., Drumreagh Hare, John, Ballykeigle Hawthorn, Wm., Ballycloughan Jellie, James, Ballyknockan Kennedy, W., Tullygirvan Kerr, James, Magherascouse Lowry, John, Ballygowan M'Caughey, J., Magherascouse M'Cullough, Gawn, Ballyrush M'Culloch, John, Ravara M'Graw, J., Tullygarvan M'Moran, D., Magherascouse Magee, William, Ravara May, C. H., Roc&port Milliken, John, Ravara Minnis, J. W., Ballyknockan Mills, W. G., Ballyknockan Morrow, Jas., Magherascouse Morrow, Rt., Magherascouse Morrow, Wm., Magherascouse Murray, Edward, Ravara Murray, James (J.P-), Ballygowan Murray, P., Ravara Murray, Richard B., Ballygowan Murray, Robert, Ballyrush Murray, Robt., Magherascouse Orr, Samuel, Ballygowan Orr, William, Ballycloughan Petticrew, John, Tullygirvin Pyper, William, Tullygirvan Rainey, Alexander, Ballygowan Reid, A., Ballyknockan Reid, A. Orr, B'gowan Reid, John, Ravara Reid, Robert, Ballycloughan Reid, T., Ravara Ritchie, James, Ballykeigle Simpson, David, Ravara Sloan, R., Ballyrush Thompson, James, Drumreagh Thompson, J., Magherascouse Thompson, John, Ravara Townley, R., Magherascouse Windal, Geo., Ballygowan Wightman, R.,Dnimreagh
BALLYGRAINEY. |]ALLYGRAINEY is a rural post-office in the Lower Ards, 3 miles, Irish, from Newtownards, and at an equal distance from Donaghadee. It is the polling station for the Parliamentary voting district of SixRoad- Ends.
283 FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, &c. Agnew, A., B'fotherly Aicken, J., B'maconnell Aicken, T., B'crochan Aicken, Wm., B'maconnell Anderson, Robert, Granshaw Andrews, D., B'crochan Baird, John, Granshaw Bell, John, Ballygrainey Soyd, John, Granshaw Boyd, William, Ballyree Campbell, Feris, Cottown Campbell, Jas., Cottown Clanny, Ross, B'grainey Crawford, Robt., B'crochan Curragh, Wm., Granshaw Gilliland, Wm., Cottown Hanna, T., B'fotherly Harper, A., Ballygrainey Harrison, W., Granshaw Hays, Robert, Ballygrainey Kennedy, John, Ballygrainey Kerr, James, Gransha"" Knox, James, Gransha Lowry, J., B'maconnell Lowry, T., B'maconnell M'Cartney, Hans, Granshaw M'Clinton, Wm., Granshaw M'Coubrey, Wm., BTotherly M'Cullough, Jas., Granshaw M'Cutcheon, SI., B'fotherly M'Tear.J., Ballyfotherly Miskelly, Henry, Ballygrainey Mitchell, Geo., B'fotherly Moore, Andrew, Ballygrainey Newill, John, Ballyree Pirrie, Jn., Portavoe Pollock, Rt., Ballyfotherly Reid, Hy., Granshaw Reid, Wm., Ballygrainey Semple, Jas., Ballymaconnell Shanks, Hugh, Cottown Stewart, David, Cottown Wallace, Wm., Granshaw
BANGOR. [ANGOR is deservedly the most popular of the sea-side resorts in the Northern portion of the county. It is in the barony of Lower Ards, 12J miles,English,!from Belfast by rail, and 10 miles, Irish, by road. The coast scenery for miles is surpassingly beautiful. There are few watering places where irregularity of the shorelineproducesamore pleasing diversity of scenic effects. The main street of the town descends a gentle hill to the bay, the formation of which is followed in the building of substantial houses. At the Western side a high cliff, terraced almost to the top, is covered by handsome lodges. Further to the west is Crawfordsburn. A description of it will be found under its own heading as a sub-post office. Ballyholme Bay to the East, is less than half a mile from the centre of the town. The walk to it is called " The Promenade." It would not be easy to find a more delightful retreat from the cares of the world than is afforded here. A large part of the space fronting the bay is occupied with comfortable dwellings two and three storeys high. Further to the East is Groomsport, celebrated in history as the point at which, on August 13th, 1689, the advance army of King William landed from 70 transports. It consisted of 10,000 men, under command of Duke Schomberg. Groomsport is a fishing village and coast guard station. It had a population
Worsted Coatings, Irish Tweeds, Scotch do.; English do., Riots and Naps, Ladies' Dresses, Jackets and Mantles,
Hosiery and Gloves, Carpets & Oilcloths, Hearth Rugs & Mats, Flannels & Blankets, Linens and Calicoes, Shirts and Ties, Collars and Cuffs-
28 5 of 346 in 1881. The places of interest within a few miles drive of Bangor are numerous, and all open to the public. Within the limits of the town boundary is Bangor Castle, the residence of Mr. R. E. Ward, D. L. It commands a splendid view of Belfast Lough. Surrounding it is a richly wooded and excellently kept demesne. The principal entrance is near the railway station and the old parish church, and rectory. In the garden wall of the rectory is a fragment of the Abbey for regular Canons founded by St. Comgall, in the sixth century. The Abbey was destroyed by fire in 674, and having been re-built, its wealth excited the cupidity of the Danes. About the year 818 they murdered the Abbot, and, it is said that upon the same occasion 900 of the monks were massacred. Malachy O'Morgair, in 1125, restored and enlarged the Abbey. He also erected an oratory in which, according to St. Bernard, lime and stone were first used in Ireland for building purposes. The original name of the site was " Vale of Angels." During the time of Abbot O'Morgair the abbey acquired possessions in the Isle of Man. Pope Paul II., in 1469, because of the decay of the abbey through the neglect of the abbot, made a grant of it and its possessions to the Order of St. Francis. After the dissolution the O'Neills secured a large part of the lands, and held them until Conn O'Neill's rebellion during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Sir James Hamilton, afterward Viscount Clandeboye, received a grant of the site of the abbey and its Irish possessions from James I. He planted a Scotch colony, made up of natives of Ayrshire. The fragment of the abbey already referred to as forming part of the garden wall of the rectory, is about 150 feet long and about 20 feet at the highest elevation. The old church-yard near it is used for the burial of Protestants and Roman Catholics. Soon after the foundation of the abbey by St. Comgall, a school was established at Bangor. St. Carthagus was president, and so great was its reputation for learning that it was drawn upon for professors when the University of Oxford was restored by King Alfred. In the 18th century an effort was made with good success to establish cotton manufacture on a firm basis at Bangor. The Right Hon. Col. R. Ward, owner of the town, did his utmost to promote the industry. Linenweaving and embroidering were also done in the town and district. After the line of railway to Belfast had been opened, Bangor's attractions as a water-place, brought it into the front rank. It is now also connected with Belfast by steamers, and hardly needs the addition of pleasure gardens to stimulate the desire of the people of that town to increase the number of their visits. The bathing facilities at Bangor are tavorable for both sexes, and as I have already intimated, the
E. & W.
ID A I XJ "5T.
Daily to Garnalea and Groomsport, Every Tuesday to Donaghadee, Every Thursday to Glandeboye,
<c 55 &
28 7 walks and drives in the vicinity are delightful. That to Stricklen Glen is worthy of special mention. The way out lies over Gray's Hill. At the highest point of the road charming views are obtained of the sea, the shore, and the surrounding country. In the distance, to the South-west, is Helen's Tower, rising from the summit of a wooded hill. Clandeboye House, the residence of Lord Dufferin, is in the same direction. Numerous handsome private residences are seen on every side in this beautiful prospect. Returning to the railway station by a second road, the new Roman Catholic Church is passed. At the time of my visit it was approaching completion. The walls are of blue stone with scrabo freestone dressings. Nearer to the railway station is the old second Presbyterian Church. Arrangements are complete for the erection of a new and beautiful edifice for the congregation in the main thoroughfare, where the first Presbyterian Church occupies an excellent site. About 5 years ago this stately old edifice received the addition of a very high and most graceful tower and spire constructed of scrabo freestone, with Scotch red sandstone dressings. The new Church of Ireland, in the street opposite, is a very chaste edifice in which the capabilities of the native blue stone of the district, in conjunction with red sandstone, are very strikingly demonstrated. In line with the church is the new Masonic Hall, also a fine building. It is partly used as a Court House. Bangor received a charter of incorporation from James I., dated 1613. Under it there were 13 free burgesses, one of whom was elected annually to the office of Provost. At present a board, consisting of 9 Commissioners, governs under the Towns Improvement (Ireland) Act, and meets expenses from the proceeds of a general purposes rate. There are 80 gas lamps in the streets, lighted from works purchased for 750 from a private company in 1882. The water supply is brought from a reservoir at Conlig, i\ miles. The elevation is 225 feet above the sea level, and the design of the engineer, put into effect in 1883, involved an outlay of nearly .10,000. For this and other objects the Commissioners borrowed ,19,000 from the Board of Works, to be paid off by a sinking fund in 40 years. The organizations for social purposes at Bangor include the Musical Society, established in 1879, Mr. T. H. Crowe, conductor ; Good Templars, Masonic and Orange Lodges ; a Corinthian Sailing club, established in 1881 ; a Bicycle club, established in 1885 ; a Recreation society ; a Lacrosse club, and two Football clubs. The efforts of the churches to attend to the spiritual wants of the residents and visitors are supplemented by the Bangor Tract Distributors' and Christian Workers' Society. Cotton and linen have disappeared from the town as manufac-
S. general JSorrfjant, MAIN STREET, BANGOR
Drugs and Chemicals, Toilet Requisites, Paints, Oils, and Colors. Family Groceries, Provisions, Flour, Meal and Bran.
doal auto Eimbtx Jftetrfjant, BRICK & TILE MANUFACTURER,
tures. Lime-burning and brick-making are carried on extensively, and form important items in the list of exports. The harbor is owned by Mr. Ward. At spring tides it has a depth of 11 feet at the pier head, and 9 feet further in. The dues on shipping are 2d. per ton register, and id. per ton cargo. The only industry, of long standing, at Bangor, that has survived the changes of time is embroidering. Fifty years ago there was a school of embroidery in the town, established by Mr. Cochrane of Dublin, and those who received instructions in it taught their daughters. In this way the talent has been perpetuated. Twenty-two years ago, Mr. David M'Kenzie established himself as an embroidery and lace manufacturer at Bangor. His designs were so chaste, and the needlework was done so perfectly, that they attracted the admiration of the Duchess of Marlborough. She brought them to the notice of Queen Victoria, and Mr. M'Kenzie presently received an order from Her Majesty, the execution of which was highly commended. Mr. M'Kenzie died about five years ago, having made by sheer force of merit a direct business connection with the families of the nobility and gentry, extending over the United Kingdom. He was succeeded by Mr. John M'Meekan, but the name, David M'Kenzie, so well known, is still maintained in everything concerning the enterprise. Books of designs are issued with the accustomed regularity, and the orders resulting therefrom are sufficient to provide employment for about 100 women and girls. The designs include monograms, crests and fancy lettering for handkerchiefs, night-dress sachets, toilet covers, pin cushion covers, etc., and for all kinds of lace trimming for underclothing. Mr. James Crosbie is also a designer and manufacturer of hand embroidery whose fame is known all over the United Kingdom. Mr. Crosbie is an enthusiast in the particular line in which he is engaged, and knowing the superiority of Irish embroidery, over the Swiss machine work, would like to see its undoubted merits more fully recognized. He is a native of Bangor, and after an experience of 30 years, as a designer for embroidery at Glasgow, returned to his native'place in 1881, and has since devoted himself energetically to the congenial task of increasing the fame of Bangor needlework^ He was an exhibitor at the Cork International Exhibition of 1883, and received a first prize medal, the " highest award for embroidery." He was a competitor at the Dublin Artisans' Exhibition of 1685, and received a bronze medal for "highest merit in white embroidery." He is also an exhibitor at the Edinburgh Exhibition of this year. The orders for hand embroidery, trimmings, insertions, handkerchiefs, underclothing, pillow shams, and sheets, night-dress cases, etc., etc., received from wholesale houses, and direct from families, already
Family Grocer, Tea Dealer and Wine Merchant, Bridge Street,
DAVID ERSKINE, Family Grocer, Tea, Wine, Spirit, Provision and General Hardware Merchant, 19 & 21 BaUymagee Street, BANGOR. ZLJIO-IHITIBOIDY, JOHZ2ST TEA AND COFFEE MERCHANT, GENERAL GROCER AND PROVISION CURER, Meal, Flour and Bran Stores, Ha in Street, B4IGOR.
Family Grocer and Provision Merchant,
Post Car Proprietor, Builder,Contractor, &c; Cement, Alabaster, Slate and Scantling Yard,
Gray's Hill, BANGOB. Furnished Lodgings for Visitors, with good view of the sea.
291 enable him to employ nearly 100 people. Embroidery is a cottage industry, and helps to keep " the wolf" from many doors in the winter season. Bangor had a population of 3,006 in 1881. The land of the district is of average quality. Oats, potatoes, wheat and flax are the chief crops. A market used to be held in the town weekly on Saturday, but it has been discontinued. Two fairs are held in the year. COTTAGE HOSPITAL, AUCTIONEER. Ballyholme road. Brice, Jas. T., Hamilton st BAKERS & CONFECTIONERS Visiting Surgeon, Dr. Bolton Matron, Mrs. Biiicke Little and Co., Sandy row CHRISTIAN BRETHREN. Mathews, John, Main st Meeting House, Hamilton st BANK, BELFAST. CORN & SCUTCH MILLS. E. F. Dennison, mgr., Quay st * Corn only B. & C. D. RAILWAY. Cleland, R. K. Robert Cavan, Station Master Lowry Bros. BLACKSMITHS. *M'Gilton, John, Ballyholme Martin, J., Ballymagee st Matthews, John, Main st Smiley, W., Main st DISPENSARY. Dr. Reuben Bolton, M.o. BOOTS & SHOES. DRAPERS. Diamond, Andrew, Main st Campbell, Fredck., Main st M'Bride, Win. Furey, Hugh, ,, Morgan, Thomas ,, ,, ,, BRICK MANUFACTURERS. Hanna, Wm., Montgomery, Samuel,, ,, Bowman, Jas., Main st Robinson, Miss E,, ,, ,, Pollock, Jas., B'magee st EMBROIDERING, &c. BUILDERS & CARPENTERS. Brown, J., Church st * Carpenter only. Brown, B., Church st Colville, Jas., Main st Crosbie, Jas., Ballymagee st Fletcher, Jas., B'magee st M'Kenzie, David, Main st M'Ferron and Son, Gray's hill EMIGRATION AGENT. *Sibbison, M., Somerset ter Hanna, Wm., Main st CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS. GAS WORKS (Ballymagee st) Cosgrove, Saml., Main st Manager, Hugh Erskine G6rman, Thos. B., Bridge st GROCERS & PROVISION CHURCH OF IRELAND, MERCHANTS. Hamilton street Marked thus [] sell wines and Rev. Ed. Maguire, Abbey st spirits. Rev. H. A. Oliver, Brunswick rd Cleland, Greer, Bridge st COAL MERCHANTS. Colville, Jas., Main st Cosgrove, Saml., Main st Bowman, Jas., Main st "Erskine. David, B'magee st M'Carthy, Jos., Quay place *Furey, Hugh, Main st Neill, Chas., Quay place NeiU, Robert and Sons, Sandy row Gorman, Thos. B., Bridge st Hanna, Wm., Main st COAST GUARD, Lenaghen, Jas., Main st James Hanna, chief officer.
Lightbody, John, Main st M'Cartney, John, Bridge st M'Kee, Henry, Main st M'Kee, W., Gray's hill Matthews, John, Main st Nelson, Miss E., Gray's hill Pim, E. and W., Main st Rippett, Jas., B'magee st HARDWARE. Erskine, David, B'magee st Hanna, Wm., Main st Lenaghen, Jas., ,, M'Mullen, Mrs., ,, Rae, Saml., Quay st Smith, J., Main st HOTEL KEEPERS. Little and Co., Sandy row M'Cormick, Saml., Main st Matthews, Geo., Main st Parks, Mrs. Jane, Quay pi LIME WORKS. Montgomery, Jas., B'magse st Neill, Robert and Sons, Sandy row METHODIST CHURCH, Sandy row. Rev. Thos. Slater ; res., Southwell street NEWS AGENTS. Moore, Miss Agnes, Main st Olley, Mr., Railway Station NEWSPAPER. North Down Herald, Sat., WG. Lyttle, editor and proprietor NURSERIES, &c. Gaw, J. Ballyholme Waddell, Donaghadee rd PAINTERS. Gorman, T. B.. Bridge st Jamison, A., Main st M'FadHen, J., Main st PETTY SESSIONS. Court held first and third Wednesdays of each month; clerk, Jas. H. Barrett, Holywood PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS. Bell, Henry, Sandy row Reuben, Bolton, Main st Higginson, T. H., Main st PLUMBERS. Rea, Samuel, Quay st Smith, John, Main st POST OFFICE, Main st Post Master, John Matthews PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES. First,Main st.Rev. Alex. Patton; Second, Brunswick id, Rev. Wm, Clarke RELIEVING OFFICER, J. Boyd, Ballygrainey B, C. CHURCH, Brunswick road. Rev. Peter M'Cabe, c.c. R. I. CONSTABULARY. Barracks, Main st, Thomas Walsh, sergeant SADDLERS. Barr, John, Main st Robinson, Hy., Main st SCHOOLS. Intermediate, Main st, J. H. Rainey Ladies', Upper Clifden, Miss Magee Lodge School, Miss E. J. Halliday National (Ward), Main st, Win. Macdonnagh, Mrs. W. Macdonnagh Presbyterian, Brunswick rd (I,) Joseph M'Kee, Miss M'Cutcheon; Main st (2), D. Orr, Miss Greer SEEDSMAN. Minnis, Adam, Main st SHIP CARPENTERS. Carson, Thomas, Ballymagee st Lenaghen, Jas., Main st SHIP OWNERS. Crosbie, Mrs. E., B'magee st Francis, Capt. J., Fisher's hill M'Burney, Mrs., Gray's hill M'Cartney & Rippett, B'magee st Montgomery, Jas., B'magee st Neill, Charles, Quay place Neill John, Princetown rd Neill, Robert and Sons, Sandy row SPIRIT RETAILERS. See also Hotels and Grocers marked [*] Cargo, Wm., Main st
Carroll, John, Railway Station Tohnson, Mrs. E,, Quay place M'Currell, Wm.M., B'magee st M'Donald, Saml., Main st M'Mullen, Mrs. E,, B'magee st Mawhinney, Saml., Quay place Morrow, David, B'magee st Neill, Chas., Quay place Savage, Mrs. E., B'magee st TIMBER MERCHANTS. Bowman, Jas., Main st Fletcher, Jas., B'magee st TOWN COMMISSIONERS. Samuel M'Cormick, chairman; David Morrow, John Carroll, m . Hanna, John Francis, Robt. Robinson, Jas. H. M'Murray. Two vacancies. Clerk, Francis Pollock, Ballymagee street VICTUALLERS. For season and otherwise Bowman, Robt., Main st Finlay, Chas., B'magee st Matthews, John, Main st Neill, Hugh, Main st WATCHMAKER AND TOBACCONIST. Irvine, David, Main st FARMERS, LANDOWNERS AND RESIDENTS. Adair, Hugh, Ballyvarnet Agnew, Rt., Balloo, Groomsport Aird, J. Balloo, L., Groomsport Aird, John, Orlock Andrews, J. Balloo, L., Groomspt Andrews, Rt., Ballymageej Andrews, Rt., Groomsport Bell, A., B'connell Bell, Henry, Gray's hill Bell, R., Township Bell, W., Gray's hill Bingham, G. G., Corporation Black, W. J., Township Blakely, T., Balloo U Blair, T., Kinnegar Boyce, W. F., Kinnegar Boyd, Jn., (C.E.), St. Helens Brown, Jn., Sandy row Brown, Win., Castle st Byers, David, Kinnegar Camlin, D., Corporation Canning, J., Kinnegar Carroll, J., Southwell st Chambers, J., Fisher hill Clanny, John, Orlock Cleland, H. S. R., Ballyholme Cleland, E. R., Rathgill Coates, A. H., Corporation Cochrane, J., Township Collier, E. C , Corporation Connor, Mrs., Seacourt Currell, A., Balloo U. Daley, Jas., Ballymagee Dawson, Wm., Township Deans, A., Kinnegar Dixon, Dl., Balloo L. Dunlop, Wm., Upper Balloo Dunn, Wm., Rathgill Emerson, J., B'magee st Ewart, L. M., Ballygrot Groomspt Ferguson, H. (J.P.), Princetown Ir Finlay, C , Ballymagee st Finlay, J., Bailee L. Groomsport Garrett, J. R., Corporation Gaw, John, Upper Balloo Gillespie, D., Corporation Gilmore, Jn., Ballyvernott Glenn, J. iun., Corporation Graham, J, C , Ballyholme Graham, H., Ballyholme Gray, J. E., B'vernott Gray, John, Ballyholme Gray, W. J., Ballyvernott Greene, J. R., Up. CJifden Hamilton, John, Ballyholme Hanna, D., Main st Harvey, David, Quay st Haybum, James, Groomsport Hearne, F. J., Groomsport Henderson, J., Catherine pi Herman, James, Township Homer, F. A., Brunswick R Hunter, Francis, Corporation Jamison, W. H., Kinnegar Johnston, H., B'cormick Jordan, John, Upper Balloo Kennedy, J., Ballyvarnett Kennedy, S., Corporation Killen, W., Ballyholme
Kingan, S., (j.P.) Glenghana Kinnaird, A., B'tragh Groomsport Kinnaird, H., Balloo Groomsport Kinnaird, H., B'tragh Groomsport Latimer,Rev. J., B'cormickGrmspt Lawrence, S., Main st Lowry, C. A. C., B'maconnell Lowry, James, B'maconnell Lowry, J. K., B'maconnell Lowry, W. C., B'maconnell Lowry, T. K., B'maconnell Lockhart, A., Fitzroy ter M'Cullough, Hy., Ballyvarnet M'Cutcheon, D., Ballyholme M'Cutcheon, R., Bailee Groomspt M'Donald, D., B'tragh Groomspt M'Dowell, Hy., Main st M'Laughlin, T., Township M'Loughlin, Wm. H., Ballyholme M'Lean, W. S., Ballyholme M'llveen, H., Gray's h M'Kee, Hugh, Corporation M'Kee, Jn., Corporation M'Kee, Jn., Township M'Kee, Robert, Rathgael M'Kee, W., Ballyholme M'Kee, W., Rathgael M'Murray, J., B'magee st McVeigh, Geo., U. Balloo Maguire, Rt., Quay st Martin, John, Ballymagee Millar, J., Township Montgomery, Hy., Ballymagee Montgomery, Hy. C., Township Moore, J., Township Moore, J., B'cormick, Groomspt Moore, Wm., Corporation Morgan, T., Kinnegar Morrison, The Misses, Rathgill Morten, W. J,, Kinnegar Neil, John, Gray's hill Neill, John, Sandy row Nelson, A., Ballyvernott Nesbitt, Wm., Main st Nicholson, J. S., U. Balloo Nicholson, W. S., Ballyholme Patterson, J., B'cormickGroomspt Pattison, Wm., Corporation Perceval-Maxwell,R.(j.P.) Grmspt Perry, J., B'cormick Groomspt Robb, J., B'cormick Groomspt Robinson, J., B'tragh, Groorospt Robinson, R., Princetown rd Russell, Capt. G., Corporation Russell, L., sen., Catherine pi Sibbot, James, Township Slater, T. W., Southwell st Smiley, J., Ballyvernott Spedding, B., Township Spratt, J., Abbey st Squire, E., Ballyholme Syers, Hy., Abbey st Stevenson, H., Fisher hill Thompson, A., Sandy row Thompson, M. H. (c.E.),B'vemott Thompson, S., B'magee st Ward, R. E. (D.L.), Bangor castle Watson, Capt. W., Southwell st Wheeler, C , Township White, Chas., Corporation White, Jn., Ballyholme White, Wm., Corporation Whitlaw, Wm., Corporation Williamson, Jn., Ballymagee
CTOZHUDsT M A T T H E W S , Tea Dealer, General Grocer, Provision Merchant, & Miller, The Post Office, BANGOR.
f Connected with this Establishment is a First-class Bread and Pastry Bakery. Deliveries by van daily.
Coal Merchant
Ballymagee Street,
and Lime
B A W G- O B.
B E L M O N T A N D KNOCK. ||ELMONT is one of the most delightful of the suburbs of Belfast. The nearest railway station is at Knock, about ^th of a mile from the Belmont post-office. Between the two points are many handsome villa residences. In the immediate vicinity of the railway station nearly all the houses have ornamental grounds. Most of the residents do business in Belfast, which is 3 j miles distant by rail. Sir Thomas McClure, Bart, and Mr. Ward, D.L., Bangor Castle, are the principal owners of the district. Belmont has a Choral Association and a Lawn-tennis Club. GrocerMiss H. Clement Bradley, John, Ballycloughan Methodist CRev. W. Crawford Brown, John H., Seaview ter NurseryHugh Dixon Cuming, Mrs, Cumingville Omnibus OwnerHy. Gowan Clotworthy, S., Maple villa Post M.Miss S. Clement Croft, Joseph, Crofton villa Presbyterian Churches Bel- Daniel, Charles, Bedford cottage mont, Rev. Mr. M'Dermott; Davidson, David, Belmont Davidson, James, Hawthornden Knock, Rev. Jas Heron Dougan, Robert, B'meglaff Railway S. M.T. Wilson SchoolsAcademy,Wm. Pyper; Downey, Michael, Tullycarnet National, Gilnahirk, Mr. Forbes, Eves, John V., Brooklands Spirit Retailers Saml. Barr Ewart, W. Q., Schomberg Gelston, S., Orangefield ter John Boyce Gibson, Wm., Knock FARMERS, LANDOWNERS & Gibson, William, Rushford Hamilton, Major Geo. Rowan RESIDENTS. Hanna, John A., Marietta Allen, J., Wandsworth villas Hanna, Robert, B'meglaff Andrews, John, Knock Headley, Jas., Ballyrussell Bell, Elias H., Ballymaghan Headley, Joseph, Gilnahirk Blackwell, A. W., Wandsworth
Hinde, Wm., Brooklyn Holland, William, Crofton villa Holywood, David, Hillview Jenkins, James, Lauriston Kennedy, David, Ballymeglaff Kennedy, Wm., Ballycneglaff Kennedy, Wm., Castle hill Kirkwood, William, Ballyregan Linton, John, Wesley ter Lynas, Joseph, Nestleton Lyttle, J., jun., Streamvale M'Clements, J., Gilnahirk M'Master, James, Tullycarnet Mann, David, Gilnahirk Martin, George, Ballycloughan Martin, George, Rushford MiUiken, John, Brenthamville Milling, Wm., Washington Ho Moffett, John, Hazelbank Morrow, Thomas, Gilnahirk Nicholl, Washington, Myrtle villa Morrow, Wm., Tullycarnett Ramsay, Robert, Bramiel Reilly, John, Ballycloughan Shanks, A. H., Gilnahirk Shanks, Adam, Gilnahirk Smith, J., Eydalmount Stewart, Hugh, Tullycarnett Stewart, Jos., Carnamuck Stewart, Miss, Wandsworth villas Stewart, Wm., Tullycarnett Wellwood, J. E., B'cloughan Wellwood, Wm., Ballycloughan Wilson, 81., Gilnahirk
BLOOMFIELD. ;LOOMFIELD is a station on the Belfast and Co. Down Railway, a mile and a quarter from Belfast. It has a linen factory, flax and tow spinning mills, and brick works, and promises in the very near future to have a large accession to its population from among the business men of Belfast. T h e building sites are chiefly owned by a company. La Crosse is one of the games in which the young men of the neighborhood excel. They play under the title of the Down Athletic Club, an organization of 10 years standing. BakersConns' Water Baking Co. VictuallerRobt. Reid BlacksmithS. Gilbert RESIDENTS. Bloomfield Land Building Co. Blackiston - Houston, J. (D-i)> Brick Manu'tr.Thos. Crawford Orangefield Grocers, &c.G- Barry, Conns' Cocksedge, P., Up. Beersbridge Water Baking Co., S. Gilbert, J. Cooper, Adam M'Cormick, J. Magee,J. Stewart, Cooper, H. W. Mrs. Watson Cousins, W. R. Avondale vil Crawford, Thomas Linen Manuf trs Ross Bros. Crean, Michael , NurseryJohn Boyd Ferguson, W., Up. Beersbridge ra PlumbersI. Little, J. Shannon Fitchie, James, Maryville Post M.Wm, Somerset Green, I., Up. Beersbridge rd Railway S. M . - W . Somerset Heathwaite, A., Bloomfield av Saw MillsF. Brown SpinnersBelfast Flax and Jute Holmes, J., Up. Beersbridge rd Hunt, C, V., Up. Beersbridge ra Spinning Co., A. Taylor, mgr. Spirit DealersGeo. M'Dowell, King, F. Up. Beersbridge rd Lloyd, L., Plevna, vil Franklin Manderson
McCaramon, W., Beersbridge rd McGimsey, H., Bloomfield av McNamara, J., Bloomfield av Moffett, W. M., Up. Beersbridge rd Patterson, J,, Up. Beersbridge rd Patterson, R. L., Ballymenagh Quinn, F., Up. Beersbridge rd Shannon, Tames, Ballyhackamore Stuart, J., Up Beersbridge rd Thronson, T., Avondale vil Waite. S., Up. Beersbridge rd Watson, Mrs. M. E., Daisy Cottage Weir, J. Bloomfield av Workman, T., Ballyrobert
[ | A . R R Y D U F F is a rural post-office in the barony of
Upper Castlereagh, 5 miles, Irish, south of Belfast, on the road to Saintfield, from which it is distant about 4 miles, Irish. The district forms part of the Downshire property. The farmers describe the land as middling for pasture and tillage. Oats, potatoes, and flax are the chief crops.
Donnan, Thomas, Drumalig BlacksmithW. McKeown GrocersJ. Andrew, W. Clarke Edgar, SI., Carryduff Ewing, James, B'conaghy J. Long, J. Thompson Ewing, W. J., B'conaghy Post MasterW. Clarke Presbyterian C.Rev. S. Burn- Finlay, Kbt., Clontonakelly Finlay, Wm., Knockbracken side Foreman, SI., Knockbracken Sf wed Muslin Agt.J. Long FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, Frame, James, Lisnasallagh Foreman, T., Knockbracken &c. Gamble, Robert, Oughley Adair, Wm., Killinure Gibson, C , Drumalig Anderson, David, B'conaghy Gibson, James, Knockbracken Boal, Hugh, Lisnabreeny Gibson, W., sen., Drumalig Bradley, Jas., Clontinakelly Gibson, W. jun., Drumalig Bodell, David, Carryduff Gilliland, Jas., Carryduff Boyd, Jas., Ballyconachy Graham, Jas., B'garrick Boyd, James, Applevale house Gray, Thos., Ballynavally Brown, William, Carryduff Harris, Hugh, Oughley Carlisle, Robt., B'conaghy Harris, James, Oughley Carlisle, S. M., Lisnabreeny Harris, Robert, Oughley Carnduff, Jn., Knockbracken Hill, Wm., Lisnabreeny Carnduff, S., K'bracken Hunter, John, B'dollaghan Carson,Wm., Ballynavally Jamison, A. J., Killinure Catherwood, D., C'akelly Johnston, G., jun., Oarryduff Catherwood, Wm., C'akelly Johnston, John, CanCheyne, Mrs., Knockbracken Level, John, Clontinakelly Connor, Foster, B'dolkghan Lowe, Thomas, Carryduff Crawford, A., B'conaghy M'Bride, James, Lisdoonan Cumming, H. jun., B'garrick M'Bride, John, Lisdoonan Cumming, J n ., Killinure M'Caughtry, Wm., Knockbracken Cumming, Thos., B'garrick M'Cormick, W. J., B'conaghy Cumming, Wm., B'garrick M'Clinton, James, Ballynavally Dixon, Jas., Lisnabreeny
M'Coughtry, Wm, Killinure M'Dowell, T., Clontinakelly M'MulIan, Robert, Ballynavally Macrory, D., B'conaghy Macrory, J. F., B'conaghy M'Dowell, Jas., B'conaghy M'Dowell, W , B'conaghy M'llveen, Allen, Carryduff Magennis, J., L'sharragh Malcolm, John, Drumalig Malcolm, Robert, Otfley Malcolm, Wm., Ouley Martin, James, Lisdoonan Massy, Matthew, Oughley Morell, Rev. R. J., Knockbracken Mitchell, J. K., L'sharragh Milliken, Wm. J., L'breeny Miskelly, Jno., Ballylenaghan Murray, Thos., B'conaghy MusgravejJDavid, L'breeny Mussen, Wm., B'coriaghy Patterson, Adam, Killinure Patterson, David, Killinure Robb, Kennedy, B'dollaghan Ross, W. J., L'breeny Skelly, Matthew, Carryduff Scott, Hugh, B'conaghy Scott, Jas., Clontonakelly Scott, John. Ballynagarrick Smyth, W., B'conaghy Spence, James, Killinure Spence, James, Mealough Stewart, Eobt., Ballylenaghan Thompson, W., L'sharragh Warnock, William, Mealough Warwick, Thomas, Killinure White, H., Ballylenaghan Wilson, Charles, D'breeny Wilson, Robt., L'sharragh Wilson, Samuel L'breeny Woods, Robert, Knockbracken
BLANDEB6YE is 9 miles, English, from Belfast, by 11 rail, and 3$ miles from Bangor. In the vicinity is Clandeboye House, the residence of Lord Duffenn, and Helen's Tower, a point of interest for all tourists to this part of the country. The railway station formerly called Clandeboye, is now known as Helen's Bay.
FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, Jamison, R., B'sallagh Major Jamison, T-, B'sallagh Major Bailie, SI., Ballygrbtt Kennedy, J., B'sallagh Minor Boyd, Wm., Ballyleady" Lemon, Ch*;., Ballygilbert Bradley, Wm., Ballygrott M'Kee, Hugh, Ballygrott Bradley, Robt., Ballygilbert M 'Kee, Wm., Ballygilbert Brown, G. H., Ballygrott M'Wha, A., B'gilbert Brown, J. S., Ballygrott M'Wha, R., B'gilbert Cooper, J., Ballyleady Miller, Jn., B'sallagh Major Crawford, R., Ballysallagh Majbr Moore, W., B'sallagh Major Dunlop, John, Ballykillaire Moorhead, Jn., B'gilbert Ferguson, J., B'sallagh Major Musgrave, Jn., B'gilbert Finlay, Andrew, B'mallan Olifer, Wm., B'sallagh Major Finlay, J., Ballymullan Smith, J., B'sallagh Major Finlay, Robt., B'sallagh Minor Smith, John, Bangor Gelston, J., B'sallagh Major Thompson, R., Ballygilbert Gilmore, A., jun., B'mullan Trotter, W., Ballygilbert Gilmore, Robt., Ballymullan Wright, Jas., B'sallagh Minor Gotto, Arthur, Ballygprt
299 COMBER. N 1881 Comber had a population of 2,165. It is a I junction on the Belfast and Co Down Railway. niAe 1 barony of Lower Castlereagh, 8 miles, English, Southeast of Belfast, and 3 i miles, English, South-west of Newtownards. The situation of the town is most attractive A number of highly cultivated hills hem it in on all sides, providing a view of rural beauty from nearly every house. Extensive spinning mills, whisky distilleries, and agencies for sewed muslin, and a mineral water factory, enterprisingly operated by Mr. James Milling, provide employment for the people. Vessels ot small tonnage come to anchor in the roadstead within a mile ot Comber, and discharge coals into carts at low water. Lord Londonderry owns the town and a large part of the district, the lands of which are good for pasture and tillage. Flax, potatoes, and oats are the chief crops. Every Tuesday there is a market for potatoes, hay and straw, and turnips. Some years ago a market-house, now devoted to other purposes, was erected, and a strong effort made to establish first-rate general markets, but it did not succeed owing to the nearness of Belfast. Fairs continue to be held four times a year. St. Patrick founded an abbey at Comber, and there was also one founded by the progenitor of the O'Neills of Clandeboye, in honor of the Virgin, but whether the latter was raised on the site of the former is a question involved in doubt. At the time of the arrival of DeCourcy at Downpatrick, it is believed that Brian Catha Dun, head of the sept, had a castle here. He was slain in battle with De Courcy, but the abbey continued to exist until 1543, when the abbot, John O'Mulligan, voluntarily resigned. James 1. made a grant of the site of the abbey and its possessions to Sir James Hamilton, after whose death his successors built a splendid residence on one of the hills overlooking the town. It was called Mount Alexander, and in its construction much of the material was drawn from the walls of the abbey. The residence finally went to decay, but at present part of the site is occupied by a comfortable dwelling. The parish Church of Ireland, in the Square, stands upon the ground formerly occupied by the abbey. The church is in the later style of English architecture, and has a square tower and clock. Foundations of the abbey have frequently been found by Henry Martin, the sexton, when d'ggmg graves. In the church-yard are the tombs of the Andrews, McConnell, and McCance families! The former
Md muraTiabwfcommemorate umembers of the Birch family, and * * m a s o l e u m - ^ *e church int,or mural tablets
c o
J. F. Hodges, Jan., Esq., F. Inst. CJ, F . C S . Berlin, and Public Analyst, bears testimony as follows to the purity and excellence of the Comber Crated Waters: " I have much pleasure in informing you that I have carefully examined the various samples of /ERA TED WA TERS forwarded by you, and that I find them FREE FROM
The departments of General Merchandise connected with this Establishment include : Family Groceries, Farm and Garden Seeds, Artificial Manures, Wines and Spirits, General Ironmongery, Timber, Coal and Iron.
Capt. Wm. Chetwynd, Lt. Unet, and Ensign Jas. Sparks, who fell during the rebellion of 1798, in a battle near Saintfield. In the Square, opposite the church, is a handsome pedestal monument, surmounted by a statue, to the memory of Robert Rollo Gillespie, Major General and K.C.B., "erected by his countrymen and companions, 1845." He was born at Comber, 1766, and fell in battle before the fortress of Kalunga, October, 1814. His last words were, " One shot more for the honor of Down." A statue in St. Paul's Cathedral, London, of Gen. Gillespie, was voted by both houses of Parliament. Comber has two handsome Presbyterian Churches, a Unitarian Church, a Roman Catholic Church, and a Masonic and Orange Hall. The North Down Cricket Club, one of the best County Clubs in Ulster, has head quarters here, and preserves a record of about 30 years excellent work. A hare and hounds club also exists, and at Moneyreagh, in the postal district, a Coursing Club had itsfirstmeeting this year. A large number of earthworks existed in the parish. In 1885 Mr. John Glover, while working in a field on his farm at Ballyloughan, about a quarter of a mile outside the town, discovered several cinerary urns, containing human bones. Urns of the same kind have been found at the Glass Moss, and other places in the parish. Some of the best specimens are in the Belfast Museum. At Ballygraphon, the table stone of a " Druidical altar " lies in a field. It is 19 feet long, 6 feet wide and 4 feet thick. Three Irish oaks of immense size are on the farm of Mr. Wm. Berkley, Nursery Vale. AuctioneerRobt. Todd Ritchie, managing director; J. O. Bank, NorthernJohn Simon- A. Brownlow, secretary; James F. ton, manager; Thos. H. Harpur, Shean, treasurer; David Patterson, acct. foreman BlacksmithsJ. Kane, J. Skillen, Grocers, marked thus [*] sell E. Smyth spiritsGeo. Anderon, J. HarkBootmakersEobt. Blackwood, ness, Mrs. M. A. Heaney, S. P. M'Keag, Saml. Smyth, J. MacDonald, Wm. J. Macdonald, Wightman S. B. M'Keag James Milling*, CarpenterJ. K. Hamilton Hugh Reid, W. I. Reid, J. W. Christian Brethren Ritchie*, R. Simpson, J. Withers, Church of I.Rev. Geo. Smyth R. Withers DispensaryDr. R. Henr) HotelThos. Patton Distilleries Company Inland RevenueThos. Gal way, DrapersMisses E. & M. Long, supervisor, J. G. Patterson, DivJames Milling, W. I. Reid, Tas. J. ision officer bhean, Miss S. Simpson, J. Woods Leather and boot warehouse Emigration agentR. Todd Hugh Reid Flour,MillersI. Andrews & Son Master tailorsWm. T. Geddis, Gas Light Co., Ld.John W. Hy. M'Keag, S. & W. Pinnance
Coal, Timber, Oak and Deal Iron, Plough Coffins Mountings, &c. supplied- _ _
mtfo jurists,
22 Donegall Street, BELFAST,
Offer in their Season the finest quality of
VEGETABLE, FLOWER and FARM SEEDSTheir long experience enables them to procure from t h e m o s t r e l i a b l e s o u r c e s Specialities in Flower Seeds, and all other Choice Seeds, such as must be taken on the character of the Growers. Their regard to economy enables them to s u p p l y everything 1 o n t h e m o s t m o d e r a t e t e r m s , and their care in handling and testing the quality of their Seeds is a s a f e g u a r d a g a i n s t m i s t a k e s . A Speciality of this Establishment is t h e i r N a t u r a l G r a s s M i x t u r e s for Lawns or Ornamental Parks, for Permanent Pasture or Meadow, to suit all kinds of soil, and for Seeds to renovate old pasture or what has been spoiled by previous bad mixtures. Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers, and Miscellaneous Requisites, all from the best makers.
Methodist Church: Circuit Mineral Water Manufacturer James Milling PainterJas. M'Loud Petty Sessions held on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month, ClerkJohn C. MacGowan Physicians Robert Henry, Saml. Wallace PlumberAlfred Ferguson Posting CarsJ. Blackwood, J. Glover, S. Macdonald Presbyterian ChurchesFirst, Rev. Robert Hanna; Second, Rev. D. A. Taylor Printer and stationerM. Kerr Railway S. M.Fr. Munn R.C. ChurchRev. P. M'Convey, P.P. R.I.C.Peter Kirley,-Sergt SaddlersH. Bowman, J. Gibson, Thos. Gibson Schools (Natl.) Mill, A. Stewart; H. Montgomery, C.I.; Mr. Boone and Mr. Boyce, 1st arid 2nd Presbyterian Sewed Muslin Agents R. M'Dowell, A. Raihey, Mrs. Withers SolicitorWm. Shean Spinners, flax and towJohn Andrews & Co. Spirit retailers, see also grocers marked thus (*)R. Carson, M. Falloon, Jas. Jeffry, R. M'Millan, S. E. M'William, J. Niblock, R. Simpson, David Todd Timber, Coal and IronJames Milling, J. W. Ritchie UndertakersJas. Milling, J. W. Ritchie Unitarian, Presbyterian Rev. Thos. N. Dunkerley VictuallersS. Barr, A. Smyth WatchmakerJ. Arnold FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, &c. B'drain (Ballydrain) M'reagh (Moneyreagh) Abernethy, H., Ballynicholl
Adair, John, Ballygraffin Adair, Wm. B'graffin Adair, W., Gransha, M'reagh Allen, G. (J.P.), Unicarville Allen, J., Tullynakill, B'drain Allen, Jn., Unicarville Anderson, A., C'creevy, M'reagh Anderson, R., Cherryvallev Andrews, J. (J.P.), Maxwell court Andrews, T., Ardara Andrews, T. J., The Square Barker, E. S., Bridge st Baxter, W., Tullynakill, B'drain Bell, Robt., Cattogs Bennett, Jas., Ballyloughan Bennett, SI., B'loughan Berkley, Wm., Nurseryvale Boyd, Win.. Ballywilliam Birch, Miss, Bridge st Birch, Mrs., Ballybeen Ho, Bishop, D., Ringneal, B'drain Black, Mrs., The old House Blakeley, S., Reagh Island Blizzard, J. M., Comber Boal, Henry, Ballydrain Bodell, N. S., M'lough, M'reagh Bodell, R., Mealough, M'reagh Brown, John, Ballymelady Brown, J., Gransha, M'reagh Brown, Sal., B'melady Bryce, D., C'kelly, M'reagh Bryce, W,, C'kelly, M'reagh Burges, A., Ballystockhart Burges, Henry, Ballycreely Cairns, Hugh, Ballyrickard Cairns, James, Cherryvalley Caims. John, Cherryvalley Campbell, H., B'killigan Campbell, W., Ballycreely Connery, David, Ballycreely Corbett, Hugh, Ballyrussell Corbett, J., The Bootan Coulter, H., New Comber Coulter, T., New Comber Davidson, James, Camesure Davidson, SI., The Square Dempster, SI., Monlough, M'reagh De Wind, A. (c.E.), Hill View Dickson, Hugh, Castle Espie Dickson, Andrew, Castle Espie
Dickson, W., Ballykeel, M'reagh Duncan, H., Ballyglighorn Dunn, Thomas, Ballykeel Edgar, T., Longlands Ellison, J., Ringneal, "B'drain Fisher, E., Ballymelady Fisher, Jas., Camperdown Ferguson, J., The Moat Ferguson, Jn., Ballystockhart Ferguson, R., Ballyrainey Fisher, M., B'leddy., M'reagh Galbraith, David, Comber Galbraith, Geo., Ballydrain Garrett, J,. T'hubbert, M'reagh Garrett, S., Granshaw, M'reagh Gelston, D., Ballykeel, M'reagh Gelston, H. H.,Ballycreely Gibson, W., Monlough, M'reagh Glover, J., T'hubbert, M'reagh Gordon, Alex., Ringneal, B'drain Gracey, Andrew, Ballystockart Grainger, Robt., Ballynichol Hamilton, Jn., Cherryvalley Hamilton, W. J., Comber Henry, Thos., Reigh Island Herron, John, Crescent Herron, John, Ballyhenry Heron, W.J., Ballyhenry Huddleston, R., Monl'gh, M'reagh Ingram, T., Glenview Jamison, D., jun., B'russell Jamison, John, Ballywilliam Jamison, Robt., Ballycreely Jamison, Robt., Ballyrussell Jackson, Wm., Annadale Jelly, David, Ballydrain Jellie, John, Ballygraffin Jelly, R., Ringneal, B'drain Johnston, A., C'creevy M'reagh Johnston, A., Mahee Island Johnston, Wm, Ballydrain Johnston, Wm , C'creevy, M'reagh Kelly, Alex., Bally] ighorn Kelly, John, Ballykeigle Kelly, John, Drumhirk Kelly, S,, Ringneal, B'draire Kennedy, Wm., Ballystockhart Knight, R., Monlough, M'reagh Knox, G., C'kelly, M'reagh Lees, J., Monlough, M'reagh Lamont, Jas., Granshaw M'reagh Lamont, Jno., Granshaw, M'reagh Lindsay, Hugh, Ballyhenry Lindsay, J. Crawford, Comber Long, Wm., Ringcreevy Lowry, Geo., Ballykeel Lowry, Hugh, Ballyglighorn Lowry, S. L., B'lighorn Lowry, Wm., Drumhirk M'Burney, Thos., Ballyhenry M'Calpin, David, Mt. Alexander M'Cance, Miss, Bridge st M'Cann, J., T'nakill, B'drain M'Cauley, T., Ballybeen, M'reagh M'Clughan, W. J., Moneyreagh M'Clure, J., C'creevy, M'reagh M'Clure, Jn., Ballyrickard M'Cracken, Jas, Ballyrickard M'Cracken, Jas., Ringcreevy M'Connell, John (J.P.), Mill st M'Connell, SI., B'gaughey M'Cullock.J., Granshaw, M'reagh M'Cullough, Alex., Moneyreagh M'Cullough, Matthew, M'reagh M'Dowell, J., The Haw M'Dowell, Jn., Granshaw, M'reah. M'Dowell, Jos,, Ballyhenry M'Dowell, Rt., Cherryvalley M'Gill, H., Lisleen, M'reagh M'Gowan, A., C'creevy, M'reagh M'Gowan, D., jun., Crossnacreevy, M'Gowan, J. C , B'keel, M'reagh M'Gowan, J., Troopersfield M'Gowan, W., jun., Ballykeel, M'Keag, John, Ballydrain M'Kee, Wm., Cullintraw M'Kee, J., Tnlllynakill, B'drain M'Keown, John, Comber M'Kibben, K., Gransha, M'reagh M'Knight, J., T'hubbert, M'reagh M'Master, David, Ballymelady M'Master, Tno., Ballyloughan M'Millan, H., The Haw HOI M'Millan, Jas., Moneyreagh M'Millan, J., Ringcreevy M'Millan, John, Lough View M'Morran, H . , Ballystockard M'Quoid, J., C'creevy, M'reagh M'Whinney, H., Ringcreevy M'Whinney, R., Island HU1
Magill, James, Moneyreagh Magill, R., Lisleea, N'reagh Magill, Robt., Moneyreagh Martin, S., Ballyalley Maxwell G., Ballydrain Maxwell, T. R., C'kelly, M'reagh Minnis, Rd., Castle-Espie Miskelly, D., Lisleen, M'reagh Miskelly, H., Granshaw, M'reagh Miskelly, J., Granshaw, M'reagh Miskelly, W., Lisleen, M'reagh Mitchell, J., Ringneill, B'drain Montgomery, J., Ballygraffin Montgomery, Saml., Ballykeel Montgomery, Wm., Ballykeigle Moore, SI., Ringcreevy Moorehead, David, Ballygraffin Moorehead, John, B'graffin Munn, James, High st Morrow, Hugh, Mount Alex. Munn, D., Ballyalloly, M'reagh Murdock, Alexander, Comber Murdock, Alex., The Crescent Murdock, Wm., Ballyhenry Murdock, Wm., Mount Alex. Niblock, J., Ballystockard Niblock, W., Ballystockard O'Neill, W., C'creevy, M'reagh Orr, Blackley, Ballystockard Orr, Gawn, Gransha, M'reagh Orr, James, Ballyrickard Orr,}., Ballykeel, M'reagh On, W., Ballykeel, M'reagh Patterson, A., M'lough, M'reagh Patterson, R., Ballykeagle Patterson, R., Ballyrush Patterson, S. K., Ballyrush Patterson, Wm., Moneyreagh Patton, John, Ballymelady Petticrew, John, Cattogs Porter, D., Monlough, M'reagh Porter, E., Lisleen, M'reagh Prentice, James, Drumhirk Quinn, James, Drumhirk Reid, H., T'hubbert, M'reagh Riddle, Hy., High st Robb, Wm., Ballynicholl Scott, Israel, Drumhirk Scott, Wm., Ballystockart Shaw, W., Cattogs Shields, Alex., Bridge st Shields, Wm., T'nakill, B'drain Simpson, D., Gransha, M'reagh Sloan, J., Ballynicholl Sloan, J,, Ballystockart Smith, Jn., Moneyreagh Smyth, Jno., Ringcreevy Spence, Jas., Ringcreevy Stewart, D., Tullynakill, B'drain Stewart, J., Island Mahee Stone, SI., Baron hill Thompson, SI., Ballydrain Todd, SI., B'killigan Turkington, W. J., Moneyreagh Waddle, Wm., Castle Espie Watson, Jn., Ballyrussell Watterson, W., sr., L'leen, M'reagh Watterson, W., Lisleen, M'reagh White, J., Lisleen, M'reagh White, J., C'creevy, M'reagh Wilson, J., Ballyaltikilligan White, S., C'creevy, M'reagh White, Wm., Ringcreevy Woods, Hans, Longlands
LEATHER, BOOT & SHOE WAREHOUSE, Family Grocer a n d Provision Merchant, MEAL, FLOUR, BRAN, &c., Glass, Paints, Oils, Colors, Varnishes, Brushes, &c,
CRAIGAVAD. JRAIGAVAD is a railway station 6J miles, English, from Belfast, East by North, and 5f- miles West of Bangor. It has several handsome private residences which command beautiful views of Belfast Lough. In the vicinity of the railway station is the Smugglers' Cave. RESIDENTS & FARMERS. M'Cutcheon, David, Craigavad M'Cutcheon, James, Craigavad Bretland J. C , Craigavad M'Cutcheon, John, Holywood Cooky, Alex., Ballygrainey M'Dowell, A., Ballydavey Cowan, Andrew, Craigavad M'Williams, John, Craigantlet Campbell, Henry, Lome Mitchell, John, Graigavad Crawford, Win., Craigavad Neill, H. J., Eockport Ho Crothers, SI., Ballyrobert Ritchie, John, Ballydavey Duke, John, H.. Ballyrobert Ross, W. A., Craigavad Gibson, John, Ballydavey Rusk, Arthur, Ballycultra Gibson, SI., Ballyrobert Russell, Jas., Ballycultra Graham, Wm., Ballydavey Russell, Wm., Ballycultra Grainger, Win., Ballygrainey Stewart, John, Ballydavey Gray, Thos., Ballydavey Taylor, E., Ballyrobert Greenfield, W. H., Ballygrainey Wallace, Wm. J., Ballygrainey Johnston, J. M., Craigavad M'Cormick, H. M., Ballycultra CRAWFORDSBURN. | R A W F O R D S B U R N is i o | miles, English, East by North from Belfast, and about 2 miles West of Bangor. Carnalea, the nearest railway station, is in the immediate vicinity. Mr. A. Sharman-Crawford, D.L., is the owner of the charming place known as Crawfordsburn. It is one of the many objective points in the drives made by summer visitors at Bangor. A glen, cascade and tastefully planted grounds, are among the attractions. This year Mr. SharmanCrawford made use of the water of the burn to generate electricity for lighting purposes. Lamps are erected in the glen, ana one beside the cascade, on dark nights, produces a beautiful effect. The workmen's cottages, and Mr. Sharman-Crawford s own residence are also supplied with the electric light. RESIDENTS, FARMERS, &c. Magee, S. C , Ballygrott Moffat, John, Ballygrott Cargo, SI., Ballymullan Gribbin, Wm., Ballykillare Moffat, Pk., Ballygrott Moreland, Wm. H., Glenhouse Henderson, A. M., Ballykillare Higginson, J.M. (J.P.),Carnalea Ho Nelson, Hugh, Ballymullan Patton, Hugh, Ballygrott Houston, David, Ballykillare Patton, James, Ballygrott Lepper, F. R., Ballykillare Shannon-Crawford, Arthur (D.L.) Lowry, Wm., Ballykillare M'ConneH, Rt., Ballygrott Thompson, Chas., Ballykillare M'Murray, Thos., Carnalea Wallace, Wm., Ballymullan M'Neill, Hy. t Ballykillare
DONAGHADEE. |ONAGHADEE is 22 miles, English, by rail from Belfast byway of Comber junction, and Newtownards. It is 14 miles, Irish, by road. In 1881 it had a population of 1,861. For many years the star of Donaghadee was in the ascendant, but it fell when the town ceased to be the landing place for the mails from Scotland. Portpatrick is only 22 miles distant, and at one time it was considered highly improbable that cross-channel mail communication would be found more desirable from any other point. While it was a packet station nearly ^300,000 was spent upon harbor works. At the end of the south pier there is a stationary light, and a depth of about 26 feet of water at high tides. The Board of Works is in control, but no tolls are collected from vessels using either the harbor or the quays. Coal and salt are the chief imports, and potatoes almost the only export. Donaghadee at present relies for success upon its manifold attractions as a sea-side summer resort. It has a splendid strand for bathing, and walks and drives, possessing numerous features of interest. On the Northern side of the town, overlooking the sea, is an earthwork, 70 feet high. It is surmounted by a tower, erected during the period of the harbor works, 1821-34, for the safe storing of blasting powder. The view of the channel from here, in clear weather, is very good. The houses can be seen on the Scotch coast, and the Isle of Man is also visible. Donaghadee down to 30 years ago, enjoyed a fame for embroidery, second tono other place in Ireland. Onewarehouse.belongingtoa Glasgow firm, then in existence, used to pay out ,500 a week in "ages. At present from 600 to 800 women and girls of the town and district receive employment through sewed muslin agencies. Donaghadee originally formed part of the possessions of the Black Abbey, reference to which is made under the head of Grey Abbey. At present Mr. Daniel Delacherois, D.L., owns if> and a part of the parish, the lands of which are fair for pasture and tillage. His residence, Manor House, is one of the handsomest in the Ards. The principal crops are potatoes, oats, flax and wheat. Millisle, a village, 2 miles, Irish, to the South, has near it Woburn, the beautiful sea-side residence of Miss G. Dunbar. Carrowdore, a village occupied for the most part by farm laborers, is 2 miles, Irish, further South-west. Within half a mile of it is Carrowdore Castle, the picturesquely situated residence of the landlord of the district, Mr. F. D. Crommelin. Millisle and Carrowdore are served with mails from Belfast by way of Donaghadee. Donaghadee has successful sailing and toot-ball clubs. There is no regular market, and fairs have been discontinued. About 30 sailing and rowing yawls are employed
manufacturerLargest, Choicest, and Cheapest Stock in this Country.Vide Press. Books of Patterns, Price Lists, &c, free to the Trade on application.
AGENTS FOR Threshing Machines, Churning Machines, Bradford's Washing, Wringing, and Mangling Uachines, 4 c , &c.
309 for fishing. Whitefish, eels, lobsters, and cod are caught. The Copeland Islands, in view to the North-east, are a strong attraction for boating excursions in summer. The name was derived from the Copeland family in the 12th century. The_ largest of the group is one mile from the main land, and 2 miles from the town. It contains about 200 acres, and is owned by Capt. Ker, M.P. It has good pasture land, and produces oats, flax, and potatoes fairly well. Seven tenants are in occupation, including Richard Clegg, Mrs. Clegg, widow, John, Matthew and Robert Emerson. The houses are nearly all thatched, but are well kept and comfortable. Until the dissolution the Copeland Islands formed part of the possessions of the Abbey of Holywood. Bakers & ConfectionersA. Hamilton, J. Scott BlacksmithsH. Boomer, J. Martin, A. Ringland BankUlster Agency Carpenters and builders; marked thus [] sell timberJohn Angus*, W. Dunn, J; M'Clure*, J. M'Conkey shop, hardware, paints, oils, and colors, room papers, timber, groceries, china, glass and earthenware, cement and alabaster, New street Church ofl.Rev. R. H . Coote Coal merchants G. B. M'Cready, P. Smith Coast GuardLt. W. T. Down, **. (i.e.), Rosebank ; Geo. Prior, Co.; Jno. Williams, c.B. DrapersMiss J. Caughey, J. E. Davidson, Mrs. Hudson, J. Jamison, G. B. M'Cready, J. M. Robertson Miss B. Emerson, Miss M. A. Hill, H . Keating, D. M'Cance, G. B. M'Cready, Mrs. M. M'Meekan, F. Magowan*, Mrs. I. Muckle, S. Pink, J. Robertson. L. Semple, J. Smith, R. "Walker*
Merchant tailor, draper, and general outfitter, 11 High st Emigration AgentsJ. C. MacGowan, G. B. M'Cready DispensaryDr. Saul Stewart Gas Co.P. Lindsay, sec, 3. Coulter, magr. Grocers marked thus (*) sell spiritsF. Aikin, Mrs. M. Aird, Miss M. Beck, Miss E. Caughey,
Wholesale grocer and woollen draper, iron monger, lime burner, coal importer, hardware, grain and seed rrterchant, artificial manures, ship owner, paints, oils, colors and drugs, High st & Bridge st Harbor MasterW. S. Cruise HardwareJ. Angus, G. B. M'Cready, L. Semple Hotel keepers Miss M. Arthurs, H. Heagen, J. Rushton Light KeepersNew Island, J . O'Donnell; Pier Head, Jas. Healey Methodist C.Rev. R. Morrison Mineral Water mftr.W. H. Connolly News Agents, marked thus (*) are stationersH. Heron*, Thos. MacGowon, F. Magowan*, Mr. Olley, Railway station* NurseryR. Carson, J M'Dowell PawnbrokerA. Ross Petty Sessions held first Thursday of each month, J. C. MacGowan, clerk PhysiciansT. Parr, S. Stewart Posting CarsJ. Arthurs, J . Sloan Post MasterT. MacGowan U
Presbyterian Church, ist, Rev. Campbell, Jn., Ballyhaskin S. Walker; 2nd, Rev. Wm. Campbell, J., B'rolly, M'isle Hamilton, D.D. ; Ballycopeland, Campbell, Jn., Ballywilliam Campbell, J., Millisle Rev. John Beattie Railway S. M.W. Braithewaite Campbell, Wm., Ballyhaskin R. C. ChurchRev. P. M'Con- Campbell, Wm., Drumfad Campbell, W., jun., Drumfad vey, P.P. Carson, E,., Nursery, Carneyreagh R.I.C.W. Davenport, sergt. Caughey, J., Sloanst'n, C'dore Salvation Army, Capt. Appleton Schools (Admiral Leslie) Miss Caughey, W., B'money, C'dore H. Taylor; Natl., J. Charles,(c.i.)- Clegg, Jn., Ballyhaskin J . H. Mathers (1st Presb.) ; J. Clegg, Rd., Copeland I. Chambers (2nd Presb.); Wm. Clotworthy, SI., B'doonan, C'dore Cooper, W., Killaughy, M'isle Morrison (Methodist) Seeds & ManuresG. B. Cosby, H., Grangee, C'dore Crawford, Wm., Killaughey M'Cready, L. Semple Sewed Muslin agentsMrs. M. Crothers, Luke, Ballycross Martin, Jas. Mulholland, Mrs. G. Curtis, C. C , Parade Delacherois, Dl. (D.L.), Manor HO Nevin, Miss S. Smith Delacherois, Capt. D. L., Manor Spirit retailersW. H. Connolly, J. Fullerton, H. Monk, J. Morrihouse son, J. Newell, A. Ross Dickson, Jas., Ganaway VictuallersR. Gibson, J . Dunbar, Miss G , Woburn, M'isle Saunders, R. Saunders, R. Sloan Dunbar, SI., Chill, C'dore FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, Dunn, Capt. S. B., Millisle Emerson, fn., Copeland Island &c. [Including Carrcrwdore (Cdon^, Emerson, M., Copelarid I. Emerson, R., Copeland I. and AtilKsle (ATis/e).] Ewart, Fr., Ganaway Adair, James, Ballyvester Francis, James, Killaughey Adair, James, Craigboy Fulton, J., B'copeland, M'isle Adams, Hugh, Ballycopeland Fulton, Wm., Portavoe Adams, Mrs., Craigboy Garrett, Mrs. I., Bfernis, C'dore Anderson, John, Townparks Gibson, D., B'copeland, M'isle Armstrong, James, Graigboy Gibson, T., B'copeland, M'isle Armstrong, John, Killaughey Gilmore, H-, B'haskin, C'dore Bailie, James, Ballycopeland Gordon, Rt., Ballyhay Beattie, H., B'frenis, C'dore Henry, D., B'black, C'dore Blakely, R., Ballyrolly Heron, C , B'william Boyd, A., B'haskin, M'isle Hill, Rev. John, Ardvill Boyle, S., Millisle Hutton, W., B'grangey, C dore Brain, J., Ganaway, C'dore Jamison, Robt.. Killaughey Brain, T. Ganaway, C'dore Kennedy, A., Chill, C'dore Brown, H., Kill'hey, M'isle Kennedy, J., I'hill, C'dore Brown, Jas., Ganaway Ker, Henry, Portavoe Brown, J., Killaughey, M'isle Knox, John, Ballyvester Brown, T., M'hill, M'isle Knox, T., Ballyvester Brown, Wm., B"money, C'dore Leslie, G., Leslie hill Brown, W. ]., Kill'hey, M'isle Lindsay, P., Parade Boyle, W., Kilbright, C'dore M'Auley, D., Ballycopeland Campbell, Jas., Ballyhaskin
M'Auley, J., Craigboy, M'isle M'Auley, Rev. J., Ballycopeland M'Cance, J., Ballyvester M'Ciean, J., Ballyrolly, M'isle M'Clement, H., Killaughey M'Clure, J., B'haskin, C'dore M'Cracken, James, Millisle M'Cracken, Jn., Millisle M'Cutcheon, D., Grangee, C'dore M'Cutcheon, R., Ballyhay M'Gill, W., B'buttle, M'isle M'Gimpsey, J., Ballyhay M'Keag, D., Grangee, C'dore M'Keag, T., B'buttle, M'isle M'Kee, H., Killaughey, M'isle M'Kee, J., Killaughey, M'isle M'Minn, Alex., Herdstown M'Tear, Wm, Killaughey M'Wha, Dupree, Ballyrolly Mateer, W., Ballywilliam Matier, Mrs. I., B'frenis, C'dore Menagh, W., Grangee, C'dore Miller, Rt., Ganaway, C'dore Moore, John, Ballycross Moore, Samuel, Herdstown Morrison, J., Kilbright, C'dore Palmer, J., B'whisken, M'isle Patterson, John, Ballyrolly Patton, D. J., Ballyhay Patton, H., Kilbright, C'dore
Patton, James, Hogstown Patton, R., Kill'hey, M'isle Patton, Win., Ballywilliam Pink, John, Shore st Ritchie, F., Cullintraw Ritchie, J. W., Cullintraw Ringland J., B'graingey, C'dore Robinson, J., Sloanstown, C'dore Robinson, Mrs., B'frenis, C'dore Robinson, R., B'frenis, C'dore Robinson, W., B'money, C'dore Semple, W. J., Ballyvester Service, J., Herdstown Sloan, B., Hogstown Smith, Charles, D'dee Smith, S., Sloanstown, C'dore Stewart, John, Drumfad Taylor, Jas., Ballyvester Taylor, J., Carryreagh Taylor, Wm., Ballyvester Thompson, S., B'graingey, C'dore Trimble, Robert, Ballyfrenis Walker, John, Ballymacruise Warnock, W., B'whiskin, M'isle Waugh, A., Carryreagh Waugh, H., Ballyvester Whisker,, J. B'william Young, J., Grangee, C'dore Young, R., Millisle
IM: .A. a-
o -w .A.
2 9 NEW STREET, DONAGHADEE, Late of Messrs. F . Green & Co., Belfast; and Alex. Findlater & Co., Dublin, Select jfamilB rocer, m i n e an& Spirit /fcercbant,
DUNDONALD. UUNDONALD is a railway station, 5 miles, English, East of Belfast. The village is in a hollow, surrounded by clusters of low hills. It is about half a mile from the railway station. Mr. John Cleland, D.L., Stormount Castle, owns the village and district. The land is good, and is used more for pasture than tillage. Oats, potatoes ,wheat and flax are the principal crops. Stormount Castle is about a mile nearer to Belfast. It has a richly wooded demesne, and
beautiful grounds. Mr. Samuel Symington, Rockfield, Mr. Francis R. McRobert, Ballyoran House, and Mr. Chas. Lepper, jun., Bessmount House, have handsome places in the vicinity of Dundonald. The name is derived from a large circular earthen fort, close to the Church of Ireland. A cave at some distance below it runs under the fort. BlacksmithsD. Scott, S. Young Gordon, R. (J.P), Summerfield Hanna, A., Ballymiscaw Church of I.Rev. A. Farrell Hanvey, J., Ballyoran Grocer and Spirit O. Shepherd Mills Mrs. Galway, corn and Haslett, SI., Ballyhanwood scutch; J. Hanyey, corn ; T. Kil- Herriott, James, Killeen Herriott, R.,,jun., Ballymiscaw lops, scutch Herriott, T., Ballymiscaw Post Master"Wm. Wallace Presbyterian C.Rev. J.iBingham amison, J., Ballyhanwood Killops, Thomas, Dunlady Railway S. M,H. Magee Kirkwood, \Vm., Ballyregan Saw Mill- John Hanvey Lepper, C , jun., .Bessmount School (Natl.)ri:' Birnie Lindsay, David, Dunlady Spirit RetailerMrs. E. Agnew FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, Lindsay, R., Dunlady MacBeth, R., Carrowreagh &c. M'Cartney, H., Ballyhanwood Baird, Hugh, Ballyregan M'Clements, H., Ballyhanwood Ballagh, R., Carrowreagh M'Clements, SI., Ballyhanwopd Ballagh, \ y m . , Carrowreagh M'Connell, Alexander, Dunlacty Barr, Adam, ,Ballyhanwood M'Cullougn G., Ballymiscaw Bowden, A., Craigantlet M'Cullough, W., Ballymiscaw Bowden, Jas., Craigantlet McDonnell, R., Ballymeglaff Bowden, W^ni.,,Craigantlet M'Dowell, J., Ballybeen Boyd, Hugh, Ballylisbredan M'Dowell, S., Ballyhanwood Boyd, SI., Ballymiscaw M'Kenzie, D., Ballybeen Boyd, W. A., Ballylisbredan M'Kenzie, R., Church Quarter Chancellor, Wm., Solitude Cleland, John (D.L.), Stormount M'Millan, J., B'lisbredan M'Robert, F. R., Ballyoran Up. Castle M'Williams, J., Craigantlet Cooper, R., sen., Ballyoran Meharg, Win., Ballymeglaff Cooper, R., j U n., Ballyoran Morrqw, J. G-. Ballymeglaff Courtney, Wm., Ballymiscaw Morrow, Jn.. Ballymeglaff Dalzelt, J. H., Carrowreagh Morrow, Thomas, Ballyhanwood Davidson, D., Ballyhanwood Morrow, W. R., Ballyhanwood Donnelly, J n ., Ballyrussell Mijnce, Andrew, Killarn Dougan, Robert, Ballyhanwood Nightingale, JVIrs. Rose, Park Dunne, Mrs. E., Ballylisbredan Nightingale, Thomas, Carrowreagh Elder, Wm., Ballylisbredan Pedan, Rt., Craigantlet Ferguson, H., Baliyregan Perry, R. T., Craigantlet Ferguson, T., Ballyregan Petticrew, Mrs., Ballymeglaff Ferguson, William, Dunlady Reid W. J., Ballyrainey Gaway, H., Ballymiscaw Robb, Alexander, sen., Dundonald Gelston, J., Ballyhanwood Robb, A., jun., Ballybeen Gibson, David. Ballyrussell Shanks, R., Ballyhanwood Gibson, John, Ballymeglaff
Sharman D. Neill,
m Special ^MW& .. ^ B y ^be prince of appointment
Belfast tfoss*ttttt.
The premises throughout have been fitted up with the greatest care and good taste, and have been made in every way suitable for the business which is being carried on by Mr. Neill. Wjt j&orthtm JKSfiig. The high reputation for excellence in design for which this firm is remarkable has been fully sustained.
The display in Mr. Neill's establishment never fails to delay the passer-by on his progress through Donegall Place. Every article might almost be called unique, and in addition to the ordinary stock of high class diamond and other jewellery, solid silver plate and plated goods, there are always to be seen specimens of art-work such as are to be procured on the Continent alone. formn$[ lEtltgtapfj: Unique in design, and reflecting no little credit on this enterprising firm. Blister ffirfjo. Among the articles on view are the coffee and tea services, spoons, forks, &c, &c, intended for use in the Belfast Liberal Club. We understand this is only one of the many large orders Mr. Neill has recently received for his celebrated " X A I quality registered " electroplate in competition with the leading local and English firmsa >act which speaks for itself. tSije Ix'vAj Christian 2ftfoocatf. The name of Neill has been connected with the jewellery and watcn trade for close upon a century, the business being one of the oldest established in Ulster.
RECISTEREO IMPORTANT NOTICECustomers w h o cannot m a k e it conveaxtf to personally select their purchases can h a v e specially s e l ^ - t r ? parcels of goods sent to aU parts o f the country, Carriage ram* arcels *r inspection.
Shaw, J., Ballymeglaff Stewart, D., Ballymeglaff Symington, SI., Rockfield House Taggert, A., Craigantlet Trotter, James, Ballyregan Vance, Rev. Isaac, Ballymeglaff Watson, John, Ballyregan Watson, Mrs., Ballyrussell White, Mrs. M., Ballymeglaff Young, W. J., Ballymiscaw Young, SI., Ballymelady
Italian Grocer, Draper and Ironmonger,
Best Materials only kept Most Experienced Cutter. First Class Workmen. Superior Fit, Style & Finish.
Richard Doak is the principal. T h e compensations for residence at Holywood are numerous. It has first-rate public and private schools. Among the number being one the foundation of which was provided for in the will of the late Robert Sullivan, LL.D., a native of the town, who was for 36 years connected with the National Board of Education. H e died in 1868, and his remains are interred in the interior of Holywood Priory Church. A handsome monument marks the grave. Holywood has an abundant supply of pure water, brought from the townland of Ballykeel, one mile, Irish, from town. T h e river of the same name is there impounded between two hills. Gas lamps to the number of 135 are distributed throughout the different streets. There is a new and substantial Town Hall having a concert room capable of seating an audience of 500. The agencies for the improvement of mind and body include the Voung Men's Christian Association, a News room, Masonic Hall, and Football, Crjcket and Lawn Tennis clubs. The Kinnegar, containing about 100 acres, adjoins the shore of the lough. It was acquired by the Government this year for drill purposes, and for ball practice. The Royal Belfast Golf club uses it, and the Ulster Rifle Association has held its annual meetings here for 3 5 years. Holywood has been governed by Commissioners, under the Towns Improvement (Ireland) Act, since 1864. T h e name of the town was derived from a Franciscan Priory, founded in the year 1200 by Thomas Whyte. After the dissolution, its possessions, including the Copeland Islands, were granted to Sir James Hamilton. The remains still exist. .Reference is made to the priory under the head of abbeys and sepulchral slabs, for which see index. In the Belfast Museum is a document of curious interest, signed by the Presbyterian clergy and laity at Holywood, in 1644. It records the fact that in that year a solemn league was made for " the defense of the reformed religion, the safety of the King, and the peace, happiness and security of the three Kingdoms;" Bakers Hutchinson, Stephens Bros. BankNorthern, "Wednesday x>t manftr.-R. Leghorn Uxpenter & BuilderJ. Nimmock Christian Brethren Church of I.Rev. J . B. <-rozier, Rev. T. H. Abrahall U>al merchants- "W. Dunwody, J -Fay Mrs, S. Gilpin, A Gray confectionersMiss E. & Mrst . Berry Dispensary Dr. Dunlop DrapersMrs.R. Lyons, J.Shanks DruggistJ. C. Pa)ne FruiterersJ. Lennox, Mrs. F. M'Crory, T. Magee, R. MiUigan Gas Co.J. H. Barrett, s e c ; C. Todhunter, magr. Grocers, &c.D. Jefrey, Henry Lemnon, J. M'Intyre, J O H N
Hotel KeepersH. M. Ward, Charles M'Cadden
Methodist CRev. H. M'Gahey News AgentJ. Hatton Painters I. Doggert, T. Dunwody, S. M'Keag PawnbrokerW. Harper Petty Sessions held every alternate Monday. J. H. Barrett, clerk Post MasterThos. T. Porter Poulterer Pomeroy . Presbyterian Church, High st Rev. H. Osborne; Bangor rd., Rev. H. Halliday Railway S. M., Rt. M'Kee R.C. ChurchRev. J.O'Laverty,
saddler, manufacturer of every description of harness and hunting and riding saddles, horse clothing, horse rugs, knee caps, spurs, whips, bandages, sponges, chamois &c, &c, High st Salvation ArmyCapt. Sparling Schools (Ladies) Misses Lodge; Miss Reid ; (National) Rd. Doak, C.I.; Edw. Hyland, R.C.; Adam Speers, B.Sc, Sullivan, upper schools Spirit retailersMrs. I. Anderson, Mrs. E. Burns, H. Ellis, J. Fay, H. Lindsay Mrs. M'Cann, H. Miller, Miss Scott Town CommissionersDr. D. Johnston, chairman, J. Shanks, F. Porter, T. T. Porter, Henry Lemon, W. Hunter, Alex. Gray, W. Cambridge, H. Davis. Austin Waiters, Town Clerk Unitarian ChurchRev. C. J. M'Alister VictuallersT. Maxwell, John Patty & Son WatchmakerH. Tittering RESIDENTS, LANDOWNERS & FARMERS. Armour, Jn., Ballykeel Arnold, Edgar, Ballycultra Barbour, Jas , Ballycultra
Bell, Geo., Ballymenagh Binney, Mrs., Riverston Birch, R. S., Ballykeel Black, Rev. J., Hibernia pi Blackwell, R. Ballycultra Boyd, John, Holywood Boyle, J., sol., Ballykeel Brown, John, Ballykeel Burnett, Jn., Martella ho Cambridge, W., Kinnegar Campbell, Jn., Hibernia pi Carson, William, Holywood Chamberlain, R., High st Charley, H. M., Ballykeel Cochrane, Jn., Ckurchill ter Currell, Daniel, Ballycultra Davis, Henry, Fernbank Dennison, Robert, Holywood Despard, Wni., Ballycultra Doran, J. A., Anchor lodge Dunville, R. G. (D.L.) Redburn Erskine, R., Milton st Ferguson, W., Ballymenoch Finlay, A., Church st Fisher, T., Seaview Forsythe, Miss, Ballykeel ho Gage, Marcus, Ballycultra ho Garrett, J. R.,Eialto Gaussen, Wm., Auburn pi Geddis, J., Church view Gordon, J., High st Gordon, Mrs., B'menagh ho Gray, James, Ballymoney Gray, Robert, Knocknagoney Greenfield, T., Farmhill Greenfield, W., Ballycultra Greenhill, J., Place Merdyn Hall, Mrs., Ballykeel ho Hamilton, W. S., Ballycultra Harkness, James, Ballycultra Harrison, R. D., Hollywood ho Heron, John, Mary Field Holden, Jn., High st Hunter, Jas., Hibernia pi Hunter, Wm., Crofton hall Hunter, W., Spafield Jackson, W., Knocknagoney Jamison G., Roland pi Johnston, Dr. David, High st Johnston, F., Marine par
Johnston, J., High st Johnston, Robert, High st Kemp, D. C , Rosavo, Cultra Kerr, Francis, Ballygrainey Kerr, James, Ballycultra Killops, W., Ballydavy Lennox, D., High st Lennox, J., Stewart pi Lennox, J., High st Logan, J. G., Dowushire rd M'Adams, John, Villa Nova M'Afee, J., High st M'Blain, R t , Ballymoney M'Bride, Wm., Ballymenagh M'Cammon, Capt., Woodview M'Cann, John, Ballycultra M'Chesney, J., High st M'Cullough, J., Cornwall villa M'Cully, Rt., Holy wood M'Hugh, E., Millbank M'Lean, J., sol., Place Mervyn Macoun, J. R., Ballymenagh Malcolm, W. H., Riverside Manning, E., Byron st Marsh, John, Glen Lion Martin, J., Kinnegar villa Meadley, T., Ballymenagh Megawr, R., The Prairie Mercer, Hugh, Ballycultra Montgomery, J . N., Byron st Morrison, "W. J., Ballykeel Morrow, D., Church st Morrow, W., High st Munce, J., High st Munster, Alfred, Ballykeel Musgrave, SI, Ballymoney Neill, James, Ballykeel Nelson, 0 . C , sol., Riverstown ter Orr, Wm. J., Hibernia place Patterson f Rd., Woodview Perry, James, Ballycultra Petticrew, R., Ballymenoch Phillips, W. H., Lemonfield Porter, F., Riverside Prenter, G., Ballymenoch Purdy, T., Ballymenoch Pyper, Jn., High st Rea, F., Ballymenoch Reade, P., Ballykeel Robertson, A., Bellvue, House Robinson, W. A. (J.P.), Culloden Scott, Rev. F . M., Ardullagh Ho Shanks, James, Ballymoney Smyth, A., Ballymenoch Smyth, J., Churchill ter Sparks, R. E., Place Mervyn Speers, J., Ballycultra Speers, W., Ballykeel Spence, D., Knocknagoney Spratt, James, Ballymoney Steel, John, Ballycultra Stephens, W. H., Lough View Ho Stevenson, H., Ballymenagh Swaine, W., Ballykeel Teggart, Moses, Shore st Trimble, SI., Ballycultra Vance, G. B., Ballymenoch Wallace, Hugh, Ballymoney Wilson, A. B., Ballykeel Wilson, C. A., High st Wilson, T. H., Marine villa Wallace, J., Ballycultra Wallace, Rd., Ballykeel Ward, T., Walmer'ter Woodside, W., Ballycultra
NEWTOWNBREDA. |EWTOWNBREDA had a population of 302 in 1881. It is a pretty village, situated in the barony of Upper Castlereagh, 2J miles, Irish, South by East from the Royal Exchange, Belfast. The road lies for some distance through Ballynafeigh, now forming part of the borough of Belfast. Newtownbreda is less than half a mile, Irish, from the borough boundary. Belvoir Park, the residence of Lord Deramore, formerly Sir Thomas Bateson, Bart., adjoins the village. The demesne is well planted, has a beautiful lake, and is charmingly diversified by hills. Mr.T. D. Crawford, J.P., and Mr. H. Martin, have handsome places in the neighborhood. The Church of Ireland, not long ago, had a new chancel, and a richly carved pulpit, in Caen stone and marble, the former erected at the expense of Lord Deramore, and the latter presented by Mrs. Capt. ,Ker, of Montalto. Lord Deramore is the owner of the district of Newtownbreda, the lands of which are good fpr pasture and tillage. Potatoes and oats are the principal crops. Church of I.Rev. H. W. Stewart FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, &c. DraperW. J. Fitzsimons Brown, G. H., Edenderry Grocers W. F. Fitzsimons, Brown, Jn. Shaw (j. P.), Edend'ry Brown, Wia- K., Edenderry Miss J. Wilie Clawson, James, Breda News AgentT. M'Mullan Crawford, D., Fort Breda Post Masterf. L. Cleland Gray, Thomas, Ballynahatty Presbyterian ChurchRev. Mr. Deramore, Lord, Belvoir Park Hayes, H., Ballymaconaghy Workman Kertland, E. H., Edenderry R.I.C.F. Campbell, sergt. Martin, J., Ballylenaghan Schools (Mational)P. L. Clel- M'Comb, W., Ballylenaghan Morton, John, Ballylenaghan and, Miss M. J. Gordon Robinson, T., Lisnabreeny Thompson, R., Rnockbracken Spirit RetailerJ. Courtney PURDYSBURN. IJURDYSBURN consists of about 30 houses, occupied chiefly by farm laborers. It is situated at a distance of about 3^ miles, Irish, from the Royal Exchange, Belfast, and is about a mile, Irish, South of Newtownbreda, in the barony of Upper Castlereagh. The chief attractions of Purdysburn are the mansion and demesne of the owner of the district, Mr. R. N. Batt, D.L. In the demesne are three miniature lakes, and yews of immense size. The great charm of the place is the glen through which the burn runs. It is tastefully planted with trees and shrubs, and has most inviting walks. Half a mile from the village, further to the Southward, is the
parish Church of Ballylesson. In view of the church-yard, at a much higher elevation, is the Giant's Ring, the most interesting of the ancient earthworks in the county. A description of it will befoundin the department of the book devoted to antiquities. See index. Church of I., BallylessonRev. Dick, Jas., Ballycowan F. Dudley Gardner, J. Ballycowan Hunter, Wm., Ballycowan GrocerJohn Martin M'Creight, In., Ballycowan Post MasterJohn Martin Magowan, Jas., Ballycowan School (Natl.)R. Entwhistle FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, Murry, John, Ballycowan Murry, William, Ballycowan &c. Spence', Thomas, Ballycowan Bare, R. N. (D.L.), Purdysburn Crawford, Alexander, Ballycowan Stevenson, Andrew, Ballycowan Wilgar, Israel, Ballycowan Crawford, John, Mealough Williamson, John, Ballycowan Davidson, William, Ballycowan STRANDTOWN. [.TRANDTOWN is a beautiful suburb, occupied almost entirely by residences of business and professional men belonging to Belfast. It is at a distance of less than 2 miles, Irish, from the Exchange, East by North, and less than a rriile, English, from the railway station at Sydenham. Sydenham is one mile and three quarters, English, from Belfast. Many of the houses in both places are surrounded by parks, in which the highest effects of landscape gardening are produced. Ballyhackamore, a village on the old mail coach road to Belfast, is also in the Strandtown district, half a mile from the post-office. It has a population of about 300, made up for the greater part of laborers, coachmen and gardeners. Strandtown had a population of 450 in 1881. Sir Thomas McCIure, "art., Mr. Cleland, D.L, Stbrmount Castle, and Mr. Ward, D-L., Bangor Castle, own the district comprising Sydenham, Strandtown and Ballyhackamore. CarpentersW. M'Cracken, W Trainor*, Mrs. Watson Tedford, H. Vance, B'hackamore PhysicianJames Irvine Chnrch of I. Rev. Thos. Post MistressMrs. H. Perry Railway S. M.G. M'Donald Hamilton Grocers (Ballyhackamore)(*)sel!s R.I.C.J. Dougherty, sergt spmtsIsaac Adams, R. Blair, School (Natl.)G. Dickson Muss A. Gardner, S. Logan*, J. Spirit retailers, Ballyhackamore; *t Dowell Saml. Bart, John Boyce Grocers, &c. (Strandtown), (*) RESIDENTS, LANDOWNERS, * n spiritsW. Ballagh*J. Kelly, &c. * M'Calmont, J. Palmer, Mrs: A. Allen, D., Eintore villa
ftiattoforte, gatmomum,
By COLI.ARD & COLLARD, BROADW00D, ERARD, KlRKMAN, BRINSMEAD, and other English Makers of repute. Sole Agents for the North of Ireland for K A P ' S celebrated new Model Short Metal Grand pianos; and SCHIEDMAYER Iron Frame German CottagePianos Agents for the STEINWAY Pianofortes. SPECIAL ATTENTION IS REQUESTED TO THEIR 23 Guinea Check-action Piccolo Pianoforte, in plain Walnut case, Having alt the excellence of Touch and superior quality of Tone of much more expensive instruments.
By ALEXANDRE ET FILS, CHRISTOPHE ET ETIENNE, TRAYSER, and other Esteemed Makers, English and Foreign.
NEW MUSIC AT HALF-PRICE. POST FREE. ALL KINDS OF BAND INSTRUMENTS SUPPLIED. Pianofortes, Harmoniums, &c. Tuned and Repaired by Skilled Workmen.
Andrews, X, jim., Ballycloghan Black, Saml., Glen Ebor Bole, Henry, Strandtown Bodel, Hy., Henrietta villas Bradford, Henry, Sandringham Brown, Ed., Ballvhackamore Byrkmyre, Miss, Culvennon Campbell, J., Sydenham park Campbell, J. A., Upper Sydenham Campbell, P. A., Llandaff villas Carter, Jas., Congleton villas Carlisle, Alex., Lome cottage Carlisle, Mrs., Ashbourne Cherry, G. A., Addisbrae Churchill, Miss, Inverary Clarke, Sampson, Altorf Coates, D. L. (J.P.), Clonallon Connor, Isaac, Connsbrook villas Cornish, Wm., Llahdaff villas Craig, Jas., Craigavon Dalzell, Jas. H., Carrowreagh Davidson, John, Turf lodge Davidson, S. C , Belavon Davidson, Wm., Carrowreagh Dennison, J. M., Palmerston ter Dickson, John, Fairview villas Dinnen, J., sol., Cabin Hill Ho Dowling, John M., St. Heliers Edwards, Alfred, The Laurels Kwart, Wm., Glenmachan House Ewing, P. K., Glendhur Fenton, F. G., St. George's villas Ferguson, Rt., Sydenham House Ferguson, Wm., Dunlady Garner, A. W., G'ville Gilmore, John, Beechcroft Gowan, Henry, Greenwood Green, Isaac, Ballyhackamore Gregg, Henry, Dehra Lodge Gregg, Mrs., Ellerslie Gr egg, Wm., Redcliff Gnmshaw, O'D., Merton Hall Hamilton, Geo. R., Ballycloughan Harland, Sir Ed. J., Bart., OrmisHeyn, F. L., Brandon Towers Hill, H. J., Ulidia Hurley,F.T.,No. I Cremorne villas Hyde, R. C , Essex House Ibbottson, Wm., Belmont Ter Jackson, Thos., Altona Jaffe, Alfred, Edenvale Jaffe, Otto, Canadian villas Jamison, James, Belmont Park Jamison, Robert, ,, ,, Jamison, Wm., ,, ,, Jardine, Robt., Ivy villas Kelly, John, Belmont ter Kennedy, James, Richmond lodge Keown, Thos. H., Dundela villas Kerr, S. P., Seafield Lane, R. Q., Inverary Lappin, Saml., Belmont ter. Lee, Tnos. F., Connsbrook ter Lemon, A. D. (J.P.), Edgecumbe Lewis, R. D., Ty-Ila Logan, Saml., Ballyhackamore Lowry, Wm., Oakley Lowry, John, Palmerston ter Lyons, Thomas, Brookvale house Lyttle, John, Ballyhackamore M'Bride, John, Hazelwood villas M'Cance, Colonel J. (J.P.), KnocUnagoney house M'Clure, Mrs., Culvennon M'Clure, SirT., Bart., Belmont ho M'Cracken, R. J., Seaview ter M'Cracken, R., Farm lodge M'Cullough, Jas., Laurel lodge M'Guinness, Pk., Ivy villas M'Gonigal, D., Connsbrook ter M'lldowie, Geo., Kinedar M'llveen, John, Warboro villa Macllwain, J. H., Brandon villa M'Kibben, John, Ballyhackamore M'Kibben, Wm. M'Master, W. B., Glenardock MacLaine, G., L., Wansdworth ho M'Williams, Geo., Glenview ho Magee, John, Hopemount ton Castle Magowan, Wm., Beaconsfield Hart, Ed. B., Lisnacree Henderson, H. T., Norwood Tower Maguire, Hugh, Wandsworth villas Martin, Alex., Woodland villas Henderson, James Moat, James, Tarbert villas Henderson, Wm., Morrison, Mrs., Killeen cottage Mewitt, Langtree, Tynagort
Miller, Thos., CSononey Mullan, Mrs., Lismullan Mulligan, Mrs., Clonorrial Nelson, Wm. R., Fernville Patterson, Edw., Penryn Patterson, Wm. H., Garranard Payne, Reuben, Dundela Pollock, John, Ballycloghan Pollock, William, AsMield Porter, Alex. Pinkerton, J. C , B'hackamore ho Pirrie, Wm. J., Ashburn Reid, Robt., Ballyhackamore Richards, J. C , Lackfield villas Richter, Ossion, Saxonia Kobb, A., jun.. Brookfale terrace Robb, Wm.. "Woodlawn Robertson, W. (J.P.), Netherleigh Robinson, Miss, Gienanagh Ross, Wm., Ballyhackamore Ross, David, Hugh and John, Dundela house Scott, J., Bantryville cottage Scott, T., Ballyhackamore Shaw, David, Ballycloghan Shaw, Jas., Ballycloghan Sha- , M., Kintore villas Shillington, J. S., Glenmachan trs Smiles, W. H., Canadian villas Stewart, Miss, Consuelo Storey, Jas., Bayview ter Thompson, Wm., Ballyrobert Totten, T-, Margaret villas Trotter, C. F., Connsbrook ter . Turtle, D., Connsbrook ter Valentine, Thos., The Moat Vance, G., sen., Edenview house Vernon, John, Ballymisert Walkington, T. R., Laurel lodge Ward, F. D., Clonaber Watson, John, Clonsilla Watson, Hrs., Strandtown White, Wm., Whiteville Wilson, A., Ballyhackamore Wilson, Chas., Magdala house Wilson, Saml., Bayview ter Wood, S. W., Wandsworth cottage Wolff, G. W., The Den
Ironmonger # faeral Jj-arbfaart
Established Half a Century. Millinery, . Shawls, Mantles, J Hosiery, French and English Gloves, Dress Goods, Collars and Cuffs, Cloths and Tweeds, Manchester Goods, Hats and Caps, Blankets, Umbrellas, Flannels, Scarfs, Shirtings. Hen's- Suits, Trousers, Overcoats. Youth's Suits, Trousers, Overcoats. Juvenile's Suits, Trousers, Overcoats. In the Leading Fabrics and in all Sizes-
U., U.
Goods guaranteed as represented, invariably at Lowest Rates. Prompt and careful attention given to the wishes of Customers.
327 muslin agencies is certainly not less than at the time referred to. The new enterprises include a tape and twine factory, a linen factory, handkerchief printing works, bleach works, a woollen factory, bed-quilt factory, and hosiery, shirt and skirt factories. From the business point of view, Newtownards is a first-rate town. It has well-stocked and handsomely fitted shops, and energetic merchants. In no other town in Ireland have I found such a combination of enterprises in one establishment as job printing, painting, and funeral undertaking. Messrs. J. & R. B. Caughey, of Frances-street, are the originators of this unique idea. Building improvements at Newtownards have kept pace with the general advance. Some worthy accessions have been made to church edifices within recent years. THE DOMINICAN MONASTERY, O'NEILL'S CASTLE, ABBEY OF MOVILLA, &c. ||UCH of the earlier history of Newtownards is associated with religious establishments. It was anciently called the Newtown of Blathmac, the name having been derived from the sept occupying the district. A monastery for Dominican friars was founded herein 1244, by Walter De Burgho, Earl of Ulster. After the dissolution it was granted, with its possessions, to Lord Clandeboye. Some time subsequent to Conn O'Neill's Rebellion, Newtownards was transferred to Sir Hugh Montgomery, by James I. He built a Church on the site of the monastery, and it was used until 1817. When the church in Regent-street was finished the old building served the purpose of a Court-house and was occupied in this way for many years. In i860 it was '' consecrated and set apart as a place of burial" by the Lord Bishop of Down and Connor. It is sacred to the Londonderry family. In a Part of the church said to have been built by Sir Robert Colvil, are the tombs of Alexander Stewart, father of the first Marquis of Londonderry, 1767, and of Lady Ross Colvil, 1623, Robert Colvil, 1697, and Hugh Colvil, 1701. In the nave is the tomb of the fourth Marquis of Londonderry, 1872, and of his widow, Elizabeth, 1885. Numerous inscriptions on the three wge sandstone pillars, dividing the nave from the aisle, commemorate natives of the town. The church ruin stands in Court Square, and is well worth a visit. A high tower in the centre is completely covered with ivy, as are also the walls, interior and exterior. Mr. Martin, bailiff of the Londonderry estate, which includes Newtownards, has charge of the ruin. He lives within a few doors of it, and visitors will find him most obliging.
Wholesale and Reatil Chemist and Druggist,
Has always a supply of Purest Drugs and Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Toilet Soaps, Perfumery, Combs, Brushes,
which has proved so useful for all impurities of the Blood, in Bottles, 1/each.
EfferYescing Saline
Colours, Varnishes, Brushes,
Dyestuffs, Finest Burning Oils,
cooling and refreshing for Heartburn, Headache, Sea Sickness in Bottles, 1/each.
a safe and effectual for Neuralgia, Nervous Debility, remedy, free from unpleasant in Bottles, 1/&c, in Bottles, 1/each. odour. each. Parrish's Syrup Family Aperient Colza, Sperm, Foot or Chemical Food, and finest and Machinery Oils. in Bottles 1/Antibilious Pills, each. in Boxes, 6dand 1/- each.
Horse and Cattle Medicines prepared carefully from Recipes of Celebrated Veterinary Surgeons.
James' Blister, Leming's Essence, Stevens' Ointment, Melville s Ossoline, Purging and Farcy Balls, &c, &c.
At the back of the old church, in Court square, a castle was erected by the O'Neills in the 14th century, but when Sir Hugh Montgomery took possession very little remained. He had a new castle built on the old foundations, and made it his residence. His descendants continued in occupation until it was destroyed by fire. Some of the foundations still exist at the rear of Mr. David Dalzel's house, Castle-street. The Castle Gardens, now belonging to Mr. Geo. Walker, J.P., have much in them to suggest inquiry. Among the rest is a square door-way of sandstone, surmounted by mitres, one at each side, sculptured in relief. Some time ago a lead cannon-ball, about 6 lbs. weight, was found in the gardens, near the site of the castle. It was flattened evidently by contact with a wall. North of the town, off the Belfast road, was the cell of Kiltonga. Reference is made to it in the chapter describing the Kiltonga bleach works. At a distance of about a mile from Newtownards are the ruins of the Abbey of Movilla, founded in the Sixth century by St. Fmian, whose death occurred in 572. It flourished until the dissolution. The site is one of the finest in the county. Two gables, about 150 feet apart, constitute the chief features of the remains. In the side wall, running parallel with the road, there are seven sepulchral slabs, which rank'among the best examples of the kind in Ireland. Three of them on the ground, near the larger gable, are considered the most interesting. On one a shear and withe, are carved' in relief. Archaeologists are 01 opinion that the shear indicates that the stone covers the grave of a woman. Mr. James Appersoh is under a different jmpression. Newtownards was at one time extensively engaged in glove-making, the trade of Mr. Apperson's ancestors. It is a glover's shear that is represented upon the flags, and the withe above it was used to squeeze the oil out of glove leather. In the vicinity of the Abbey a number of the flags are preserved by Mr. Jamison. Among the handsome tombs of modern date in the Abbey Cemetery are those of the Parr and Corry families. The cemetery was enlarged not long ago, and is used *or burial purposes by Roman Catholics and Protestants. It is managed by a Burial Board, composed of Poor Law Guardians and Town Commissioners. TOWN GOVERNMENT, GAS WORKS, MARKETS, &c. NDER the provisions of a charter granted by James I., i6i3,Newtownards was governed by a corporation consisting of a provost, 12 free burgesses, and an indefinite number of freemen, assisted by two sergeants-at-
Plumbers, Gasfltters, Brass Founders, Bell-hangers, &c,
Branch Staopt
2 Conway Square, NBWTOWN ARDSN.B.We are large buyers of Scrap Lead, &c. Prices always given. Highest
mace. The provost was elected annually, and by right of office, acted as judge of the borough court, and as clerk of the market. Vacancies among the free burgesses were filled from the rauks of the freemen, and the freemen were recruited by favor. The corporation eventually ceased to exercise its functions, with the exception of the holding of a quarter court by the provost. Until the Union two members were elected by the borough to the Irish Parliament. Newtownards is at present governed by 15 Commissioners, under the Towns Improvement (Ireland) Act, and the Sanitary Act. The gas works were purchased by the Commissioners in 1884, from a private company, with the approval of the Local Government Board and the rate-payers, for 9,836 10s. This amount was borrowed from the Board of Works, at 4 per cent. For the extension of the Movilla Cemetry ^2,000 was borrowed. Fairs are held on the secqnd Saturday of each month, and on January 23rd, May 14th, and Sept. 23rd. The weekly market is held on Saturday. An effort was made to establish a market also on Tuesday, but it ;did not succeed. A loan of ,2,000 was procured from an insurance company in 1874 for the improvement of the market places. For a like purpose a further sum of ^750 was borowed in. 1878. Repayment of all the money borrowed is provided for by sinking funds. For the current year the general rate is rod. in the , and the burial rate 2d. in the . At present the supply of water is drawn from pumps in the streets, and from wells. The Union Workhouse is within the town limits. It has a farm of 9 acres, which the boys are taught to cultivate in conjunction with the able-bodied paupers. The boys also receive instruction from a tailor and a shoemaker who are officers of the house. Knitting and sewing are taught to the girls. Under the postal authority of Newtownards are 8 sub-post offices. With the exception of Ardkeen, Conlig and Cunningburn, all of these are dealt with under separate headings. The names of the landowners and principal tenant farmers of the three mentioned are given in the alphabetical list of " farmers, landowners, &c.," following the Newtownards trade directory. Ardkeen is a rural office, 11 miles, Irish, from Newtownards, in the vicinity of Portaferry, which see. Conlig is within i\ miles, Irish, of Newtownards, in the direction of Bangor. It had a population of 294 in 1881. The district is handsomely planted. Above >e tillage, in the hill of the same name, are the lead mines, "-unningbum is a rural post office, 3 miles, Irish, from Newrownards, to the South-east. Within 2 miles of it is Mount *?tewart, a residence of the Marquis of Londonderry. The demesne is beautifully wooded, and the gardens are among the nest in the county. Reference to the remains of antiquity at
Mmt nnb Spirit gjtttjjani,
Coal anb limt Jlmjjattts,
333 this place will be found under the head of stone monuments, for which see index. At the junction of High-street, Castle-street and Movilla-street stands the Cross of Newtownards, or to be more correct, the pedestal of the cross. It is hexagonal in form, with deeply recessed panels. The Montgomery arms are visible, also the date, 1636, but the inscriptions have almost disappeared. In 1666 it was erected by the loyal residents upon the site of the original cross, which is said to have been destroyed by the rebels in 1653. CHURCHES, SOCIETIES, &c, &c. HE Churches of Newtownards are numerous, and architecturally creditable. In Church-street the Church of Ireland has a prominent site. It is a noble edifice, constructed of freestone, and has a pinnacled tower and spire. The grounds are ample and tastefully planted. Kev. Canon Pooler, D.D., is rector. The Strean memorial Presbyterian Church occupies one of the corners of West-streei and Mary-street. It has a graceful tower and spire, and is an embodiment of good taste in its interior details. The Rev. Dr. Win. Todd Martin is minister. A fine Lecture Hall, forming part of the memorial, stands at the opposite corner. The lower story is devoted to the purpose of a first-rate Intermediate school, presided over by Mr. Robert M'Kee, M.A. The rest of the Presbyterian churches are plain buildings, with ample seating capacity. It is worthy of remark in connection with one of them, the Regent-street church, that it has had the continued care of tne same minister, Rev. Thomas Watters, for over 50 years. In August, 1885, there was a jubilee celebration by the congregation, and the occasion was taken advantage of to present Mr. and Mrs. Matters with a beautiful silver tea service and a purse of sovereigns. The Roman Catholic Church in North-street is an exceedingly handsome edifice. It is situated on the hill side, and has well kept grounds. Means of cultivating the mind are supplied by the Young wen s Mutual Improvement Society, non-sectarian, of which 'be Kev. James Young is president, and by the Debating Society t R M tedn-i w i ish t h e S t r e a n Memorial Church, of which the Rev. a n . president. In connection with the Church of I 1 , ? there is a flourishing temperance association, having 105 members, and a hall and reading room in the Castlereagh uildinp. The musical talent is developed under the auspices ~, a <-horal Society, conducted by Mr. R. Kemp Atkinson. ' nere are two elocution classes. The Good Templars have a na " m North-street, which cost about 600. There are
i &
V) <D
7 High Street,
6 lodges, 3 working under the Right Worthy Grand Lodge of the World, and 3 under the Right Worthy Grand Lodge. Each division has about 100 members. There is also a juvenile lodge of about 40 members, under the Right Worthy Grand Lodge of the World. There are two Masonic Lodges, and a Masonic Hall in Regent-street, and another at Hartford in the vicinity of the town. Sixteen lodges constitute the strength of the Orange Society. The Orange Hall is in Upper Mary-street. The Ards Lacrosse Club was the first in Ireland. It was established in 1876, soon after the visit of the Canadians and Indians, and has about 30 members. The Ards Football Club, established 7 years ago, has 20 members. The Ards Bicycle Club was established in 1885. In 1881 the Ards Rifle Association was established. Among' the organizers were Messrs. W. Sibbald Johnston, J.P. ; Geo. Rowan Hamilton, J . P . ; Thomas Arnold, Hugh J. Johnston, Alexander Love, William Reid, and William Henry, editor of the Chronicle. The Club practises at the Government range. With ono exception, annual pri2e meetings have been held since the start. The members have taken part in the meetings of the xielfast and Ulster Rifle Associations, and have carried off several first prizes. Mr. W. Sibbald Johnston uses the Rigby match rifle, and the rest of the members the Martini-Henry. Mr. Johnston was one of the Scotch 8 at Wimbledon in 1885 and 1886. About 8 years ago the Kiltonga Curling Club was established. It has 30 members. The matches are held on the Pondy belongingr to the W S i b b a l Bleach s tWorks, kindly given Kiltonga d dub1 e a r l y 6 a b y M r " " J h n o n ' president of the In South-street there is a camp ground containing about 3 acres. Regiments stationed at Belfast and Newry and the f^l.C. of the Banbridge district come here for ball practice. ine rifle range, also taken advantage of by the R.I.C. of the wewtownards district, is within a short distance of the town by t( ie Comber road. The NeKtownards Horticultural and Horse Jumping Society s eone of the most successful of its kind in Ireland. It has been means of cultivating agreeable social relations between the P f R 1 ^ ^ e w t o w r | a r d s and those of the rest of the county, and "wast. The shows are usually held annually in September nfl tne Nursery grounds of Messrs. Alex. Dickson & Sons. * ey have been successful in the highest degree from the "ginning, and have always been favored with delightful eather. The society was established about 30 years ago, the 'orse jumping department having been added 22 years after" Nearly half the exhibits are sent in by cottagers.
337 THE ROYAL NURSERIES. lllSITORS to Newtownards, after having inspected the objects of antiquarian interest, cannot do better than wind up the round of sight-seeing at the nurseries of Messrs Alexander Dickson and Sons. They are within view of the railway entering the town from the Belfast direction. Here will be found the results of 50 years, spent in the most painstaking effort to reach the highest attainable rank among the seedsmen and nurserymen of the United Kingdom. The lands devoted to nursery purposes include about 30 acres, and in addition there is a farm of 110 acres, available for raising seed potatoes, and for testing seed oats, etc. Having plenty of room for experiments, Messrs. Alex. Dickson and Sons have succeeded in doing wonders in the various departments of their extensive enterprise. The raising of roses from artificially fertilized seeds is a special feature of their labors. It has enabled them to carry off over a thousand first prizes, medals and certificates of merit at shows throughout Great Britain and Ireland, and in the Isle of Man. Highest awards have been obtained at the shows of the Royal Horticultural Society of Ireland, Dublin, the Horticultural Society, Liverpool, the West of Scotland Pansey Society, Glasgow, and the West of Scotland Rosarians' Society, Helensburgh. It also secured their appointment to the position of nurserymen and seedsmen to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. About two acres of the nursery are reserved for rose cultivation, and rhododendrons have an acre. The nursery on the Circular Road, about 12 acres, is used for the nurturing of coniferous and other trees, evergreen and flowering shrubs, including the latest novelties that have proved hardy out in the world. Thefinestyews in the County Down are in the Dickson nurseries. About an acre and a half of the 12 acre nursery is laid in grass, and set apart, without cost, for the annual show of the Newtownards Horticultural Society. It takes half and acre or more of glass houses to enable the firm to maintain an average annual production of about 30,000 pot plants. In the processes of development the plants pass through various houses, and are subjected to no end of atmospheric changes until they are ready 'or shipping. The firm of Messrs. Alexander Dickson and Sons was founded in 1836. Mr. Alex. Dickson died in 1880, since which time the business has been carried on by his son, Mr. J->eorge Dickson. A large amount of money has been spent in bringing the nurseries to their present state of perfection, and upon buildings in the immediate vicinity, including a handsome Pnvate residence and offices. The town establishment for the distribution of the nursery products, seeds, bulbs, etc., is at 55 Royal Avenue, Belfast.
THE COURT STREET FACTORY. ||EWTOWNARDS promises to become as famous for knitted goods as Banbridge is for linen manufacture. Some time ago Messrs. Samuel R. Greer & Co. started a knitting factory here as an experiment. Attention was at first directed to the production of men's half hose, and ladies' and children's hose. It soon became apparent that the industry was well suited to the powers of the operatives of the town. Other lines were added, including knitted suits for boys, men's and boys' Cardigan jackets, ladies' jerseys, and knitted petticoats. With these an equal measure of success was achieved. A department was next added for the manufacture of shirts, fronts, collars and cuffs to suit the requirements of the trade, and in this also there were encouraging results. The embroidery of linen and lawn handkerchiefs was also undertaken as a special feature. Newtownards has long enjoyed a well merited reputation for the beauty of its embroideries, so that it was a comparatively easy matter to introduce a branch requiring talent of this kind. While the utmost attention is given to the development of each of the several departments, knitting is made the most prominent feature, none but the celebrated yarns being used. The knitting machines contain the latest improvements, and those employed for children's hose are able to put in double knees, ubIe heels and double toes, a very important matter to those 0 have large families, and arecompelled to economize. Messrs. Samuel R. Greer & Co. issue artistically prepared u ' f6 u S t o t ' l e t r a de, and seem to leave nothing undone to live "P to the promise of their trade mark, illustrated at the head of e opposite apage. The following references in one of their r herS^eC'"S6S avme su ffi cient 'y interesting to merit reproduction enahl~ 'S** r S a cwell of pure spring water in the laundry, it che ? t 0 P d u e that snow white finish, without the aid of micals, that is so seldom to be obtained, and so much desired." W gds may be obtained from the best drapers and h siers everywhere."
34i THE ARDS WEAVING COMPANY. MORE delightful or more healthful situation could not be found than that occupied by the factory of the Ards Weaving Company. In the view to the Southwest is the Scrabo Hill and Londonderry Memorial, and to the North-east, Helen's Tower, rising above the range of gentle cultivated hills, which contribute so much to the beauty of the scenery at Newtownards. The Belfast and County Down Railway runs across the valley to a station within seven minutes' walk, leaving nothing of the town in the prospect but the church spires. A handsome residence on the hill-side, above the factory, partly seen in the illustration, gives point to the combination of attractions in that direction. The Ards Weaving Company was established in 1882 for the manufacture of damasks, and linen and cotton cambrics. Yarns are procured from Belfast and other spinners, and the products, in the brown state, are sold principally to merchants at Belfast) Lurgan and Banbridge. The factory buildings are of brick, 240 feet long, and 210 feet wide, and partly cover premises consisting of about eight statute acres. Power-looms, to the number of 250, are in use, and have the latest improvements. A tandem steam engine, by Combe, Barbour and Combe, Belfast, drives the machinery. Water is procured from a small stream running through the grounds. It has its source in a reservoir among the hills, half a mile distant. Mr. J. Crawford Lindsay is the managing partner of the Ards Weaving Company. The other members of the firm are, Mr. John Lindsay, J. P., Ballydown, Banbridge; Mr. Walter Lindsay, J-P., Tullyhenan House, Banbridge; Mr. Samuel Black, J.P., Mr. John B. Black, and Mr. James A. Black, all of Belfast, the latter named gentlemen forming the Glen Printing Company. 1 he Ards Weaving Company at present employs 220 people, for whom it is intended that cottages shall be built in the immediate vicinity. Mr. Samuel Jones is manager of th,e factory.
343 THE KILTONGA BLEACH WORKS. HISTORICALLY the site of the Kiltonga Bleach Works shares interest with the remains of Movilla Abbey. In this peaceful vale, one mile, Irish, North of Newtownards, once existed the cell of Tonga. It is believed that the original name of the parish of Newtownards was Kiltonga. A cemetery of the Society of Friends lies to the left of the entrance to the works. There is nothing to indicate the names of the departed members. A slight sunken fence, the lines of which are followed by rows of stately lime-trees, divides it from the adjoining lands. The old grave-yard of Killysuggan, used exclusively for Roman Catholic interments, is at the opposite side of the Belfast Road. A rough stone wall was built round it less than two years ago, and certain improvements made in the interior. The estate upon which it is, belonged formerly to the Rev. Joseph Bradshaw. It is now owned by Mr. John Tate, J.P., Downpatrick. More than a hundred years ago, a bleach green existed at Kiltonga, but it was Mr. W. Sibbald Johnston, J.P., who first associated the name with bleach works. When he entered into possession about 12 years ago, there were traces of sprinkling channels, separated by narrow strips of green, curiously illustrating the ancient methods of bleaching. Mr. Johnston's buildings, of stone and wood, cover about four acres, and in these 90 people are employed in bleaching and finishing linen yarns. The finishing process is one which Mr. Johnston applies as a specialty. He has secured a patent for soft finishing of yarns. Belfast and County Down manufacturers and merchants supply the yarns as they come from the spinning mills. The stream running through the bleach works, used for power and other purposes, rises in what is called the Cairn Hill, one of the Scrabo range. It is impounded at Kiltonga, where it forms a handsome pond, and during the season of ice, is taken advantage of by the Kiltonga Curling Club, of which Mr. Johnston is president. Glen House, his private residence, occupies a beautiful acclivity, half a mile to the Southward.
BED-QUILT MANUFACTURE. | H E manufacture of bed-quilts at Newtownards, by Messrs. William Dobbin and Sons, has reached a stage of progress which brings it into the category of successful enterprises. About ioo people are employed by the firm in this specialty. The weaving is done on hand-looms, with the Jacquard attachment. Woollen and cotton yarns are chiefly used, but when desired, linen warps are substituted for cotton. Great attention is given to the designing department in order to keep up with the never-ending desire for novelty. Yarns are bought in the primary condition, and sent to be dyed in Paisley and Glasgow. The colors produced include green, scarlet, crimson, in three or four shades, sage, blue, in three shades, yellow, old and bright gold, black and brown, in several shades. Then there is snow-white, and whites varying in purity until they touch the level of gray. The effects produced with these materials are exceedingly harmonious, and indicate the possession of no small amount of artistic taste. In weight the quilts are from 4 lbs. to 8 lbs , and in width they run from 72 inches to 90 inch-s. The principal lengths are between 2 i yards and 3^ yards. Contracts for the supply of public institutions take a large part of the product. When stipulated, the names of the institutions and the dates of manufacture are inserted in the weaving process. Work is also done for the wholesale trade generally throughout the United, Kingdom, and New Zealand. Mr. Richard Dobbin, father of the senior member of the firm of William Dobbin and Sons, began the manufacture of linen with hand-looms, at Newtownards, more than a hundred years a go- During his life-time, Mr. William Dobbin acquired a thorough practical knowledge of the trade, and for many years superintended the weaving of muslins, on hand-looms, for Belfast nouses. He ultimately transferred his services in a similar capacity to Glasgow manufacturers, and through his agency rom 1.000 to 1,400 people, residing in the town and district, received employment in the weaving of linen yarns. In 1873 he began to manufacture woollen shirtings, skirtings, etc., on his own account. Power-loom weaving having somewhat interfered, he, three years later, adopted bed-quilts as a special feature. Mr. Hu^h B. Dobbin, one of the sons, is at present the managn S partner.
MESSRS. JAMES APPERSON & SONS. O industry at Newtownards more strikingly illustrates the possibilities of persevering effort than that carried on by the firm of Messrs. James Apperson & Sons. Mr. James Apperson is descended from a family of glovers, who resided in this town for many generations, the line ending with his father. - About 20 years ago he began the manufacture, with hand-looms, of striped woollen skirtings and shirtings, chiefly of the " Rob Roy" pattern, and sold the products to Belfast merchants. In 1879 he added bed-quilts to his list, and made them from various designs, including red and black flowers, "dices," composed of red, white, blue and black, " Alberts," composed of red and white, and "Castle," composed of red, with white spots worked with a sewing frame. Quilts gave place to woollen shawls and neckerchiefs in 1884. In this branch a high state of perfection has been attained. Only the common kinds are manufactured. These comprise from 40 to 50 patterns in gray, shades of green, and broken tartan. A change to more extensive premises at the top of Thomas street and Mark street, was also effected in 1884. Three additional warping mills were procured in the same year. Only one had previously been in use. A winding frame, and a two-horse gas engine by Clarke, to drive it, made the sum total of the accessions in 1885. Two power-looms were purchased at the beginning of 1886, l and the intention is to increase the number to six, and put in a " Pirn " winding frame before the close of the year. A large part of the work is still done by hand-loom weavers in town. About 150 people are employed in the busy season. Of these too are weavers. Belfast and Glasgow are the chief markets for the skirtings, shirtings, shawls, and neckerchiefs. From these points they are distributed through the wholesale trade of the United Kingdom. Mr. John Apperson, eldest son of Mr. James Apperson, became a member of the firm ten years ago. The style then was James Apperson & Son. Mr. James Appprson, jun., was admitted to partnership in 1884. and the style was changed to James Apperson & Sons. Mr. J. Francis Apperson, the youngest son,
was taken into the firm this year.
33 High Street, NEWTOWNARDS, raperg, JKtllinfrg, JBrrssas, Jflatttles. Ready-made Clothing, Blankets and Flannels.
Soap $ Candle Manufacturer, Wholesale General Merchant, 25 Oastle Street, and 1 Court Square. WorksZION PLACE,
Meal, Flour, Bran, Seed and Provision W Stores, 15 & 17 Movilla Street, NEWTOWNARDS. Agent for Lawe's Chemical Manures.
AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR, Regent Street, NEWTOW.I Agent (or the Anchor Line of Steamers to New York. Passengers boohed to any part of the United States and Canada.
High Street, NEWTOWNARDS. Gasfitters, Plumbers, Tinplate Workers, Manufacturers of Mineral Waters, and Bottlers (for the Trade only) of Guinness's XX Slout and Bass's and Allsopp's Ales.
[ 349 ]
ARCHITECT & C.E. BUTTER MERCHANTS. Chapell, Henry, High st Boyle, Jas., Castle st M'Kee, Alex., Movilla st AUCTIONEERS. Simms, Hugh, William st Stevenson, John, Regent st Stuart, John, Regent st CABINET MAKER. Bailie, T., High st BAKERS. Ards. Co , Mill st CARPENTERS, &c. Taylor, N., High st Are also Builders. Yates and Cleland, South st *Burrows, Hugh, North st Campbell, Thbs., Castle st BANKS. Belfast, Regent s t ; Wm. Pan- Dawson, Saml., Castle st Ulster, Francis s t : P. Mackin- Doggart, Adam, Greenwell st tosh, j.p. ^Gordon, J. A., Ann st Hanna, John, South st BAPTIST CHURCH. Pound st, Rev. F. J. Ryan; *Paisley, Thos., South st *Wilson, A., Mary st res., Pound st BKD QUILT MANUFAC- CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS. MCL,BMB-VT, J O H N . TURE.RS. Castle st bobbin, Wm. and Sons, South st Pattie, Saml. B., Movjlla st B & C. RAILWAY, Robinson, O., Con way sq : station Master, John Boyd Simpson, Mrs., Conway sq BLACKSMITHS. CHURCH OF IRELAND. Kennedy, Wm., Mill st Church st. Rev. Jas. G. Pooler, M'Gimpsey, Hugh, Greenwell st D. D. (Canon). Rectory, Regent s t ; M'Loughlin, Hugh, West st Rev. J. F. Legge, Curate ; res., Moore, Hugh, Greenwell st Glenford place Smith, Saml., Greenwell st BLEACHER & FINISHER. CHRISTIAN BRETHREN. Johnston. Wm. Sibbalrl, Kiltonga Hall, Mill st BURIAL BOARD. CLOG MAKER. A Menown, j . p . , chairman: Clegg, Henry, Conway sq Mr. M'Roberts.vice-chairman; P. CLOTHING (OLD & NEW). Mackintosh, j.p., secretary ; Geo. Jardine, Wm., Frances st Dickson, ireasurer M Whinney, jas., France st L COFFEE ROOMS. BOOTMAKERS, BOOT Auld and Co., Frances st WAREHOUSES, &c. M'Alester, Mrs., Greenwell st Apperson, Geo., West st Apperson, Jas. and Sons, Mark st M Median, Miss, Regent st a Moore. Mrs. M., ,, nd Thomas st COACH BUILDERS. fjfvey, liobt., Frances st Leary. Green well st M Alister, Mrs. A., High st Morrison Bros., Court sq M Auley, Wm., North st COAL MERCHANTS. JJ-Bride,W. H.,Highst Dunn, Eobt., Regent st M'Cormick, E., Frances st Neill, Charles, Railway M-Lully. Geo., Greenwell st Neill, Robt. and Sons, Frances st MGinness, P . H i g h s t ff Kee, James, High st COOPERS. obson, Simon, High st Aicken, Fred., Ann st ^oape, Robt., f ranees st Dalzell, Jas., Castle st
J. & R. B. CAUQ1TEY,
PRINTERS, Publishers, House Decorators, Room Paper Dealers, Picture Frame Manufacturers, and General Merchants, 69 & 71 Francis Street, NEWTOWNARDS. Hearses, Mourning Carriages, Coffins, bhrouds, and Every Requisite for a Funeral. Wedding and Excursion Parties Supplied with First-Class Machines.
CONWAY SQUARE, NEWTOWNABPSHats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Ties, Umbrellas, &c, &c.
TEA AND COFFEE DEALER, fficnetal ffirocer anto Prabfetutt ffflercfiant,
TOoollen raper anU ffieneral f^abertmefiet, 19 HIGH STREET, N E W T O W N A R D S .
1^- Tweeds, Coatings, Dresses, Mantles, Hats, Caps, Hosiery, Gloves, Shirts, Collars, and Readymades for Boys, Youths and Men.
Ironmonger, Gasfitter, Plumber, &c,
Regent st DAY CAR SERVICE. Norton and Oo.; agent. Wm. Cooper, Post-offiee DRAPERS. Baird, "Wm. (John Baird), Conway sq Blakely, Wm., Church st Brown, Jas. A., High st Clarke, Jas., Frances st Davidson, A., Conwaysq Dunn, Robt., High st Fleming, Miss, High st Johnston, Misses J. & E., High st Kinnaird, Robt., High st Laird. Wm,, Conwaysq M'Call, Edw., High st M'Cormick, E., Frances st Murray, John, Regent st Reid, Wn,., Frances st
Auld & Co., Francis st fBoyle, Jas., Castle st Brien, Robt., East st Carmichael, D. & W., High st Christie, Robt, Court sq Colville, John, High st Crawford, I., Wallace's Deed Crooks, John, Green well Crooks, John, Regent st *Downey, Patk. J., Regent st Ferguson, Robt., Zion place fFinlay, I., Castle place Gibson, Jas., Zion place Gilfillan. T., West st Gill, Wm., Church st Gondy, John & Co., High st Kelly, S. C , Francis st Kerlin, Wm., Regent st Kirk, Wm., Frances st M 'Keag, Miss, Con way sq M'Kee, Alex., Movilla st M'Neilly, A., Regent st Mawhinney, Hugh, Frances st Major, John, Church st *Mayne, Thomas, Highst Moore, A., High st Ross. Saml., Court st Sloan, Alex , North st Taylor, John & Son, Conway sq Taylor, Natl., High st Watson, Alex., South st HANDKERCHIEF MANUFACTURING. Glen Printing & Finishing Co., Ld
Court st Stevenson, Ledgerwood & Co., Regent st HOTELS. Londonderry Arms, High st Ulster, Regent st INLAND REVENUE. Office, Court st ; T. I. Illiff, R.o. IRONMONGERS. Leather merchant. Gibson, Wm. J., High st
Gilmore, M. & P., High st Simpson, A. D., High st NURSERIES. Dickson, Alex. & Sons, Circular and Belfast roads PAINTERS. Bailie & O'Prey, Regent st Caughey, J. & R. B., Frances st Doggart, J. N., East st PAWNBROKERS. Beattie, John, Frances st Mcllveny, Mrs., Regent st Murray, John, Regent st Ramsay, John, Frances st PETTY SESSIONS. Held second & fourth Thursdays of each month, J. C. MacGowan, clerk. Office, Regent st PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS. Jamison, David, Frances st Jamison, D., jun., Frances st McElroy, Frances st Martin, W. B., Conway sq Park, Robt. C. (;.P.), Coroner, Frances st Pooler, Edw. L., Regent st PICTURE FRAME MAKERS. Caughey J. & R. B., Fiances st Davis, Henry, Conway sq PLUMBERS & GA.S FITTERS. Ferguson, A., Castle st Gibson, Wm. J., High st Gilmore M. & P., High st.
Frances stRev. Wm. Wright; res., Springfield Greenwell st Rev. Wm, Mcllwrath ; res., High st MarystRev. Jas. Young, M.A.; res., Mary st Regent stRev. Thos. Watters.; res., Movilla st St^ean, "West stRev. Wm. Todd Martin, D. Lit., res., Brooklands South st- -Rev. Geo. Hughes ; res., Movilla st PRESBYTERIAN (REFORMED) CHURCH. Regenl stRev. Robt. Allen ; res., South st PRINTERS (Letterpress). Caughey, J. & R. B., Frances st Henry, Wm., Frances st R. C. CHURCHES. Ann St. and North stRev. P. McConvey, P.P., Rev. A. Tully, C.C.; res., Parochial House, Ann street R. I. CONSTABULARY. Barracks, Court stH. F. Ward, D.I.; res., Francis st.; Dr. W. B. Martin, surgeon , H. C. SADDLERS. Bell, Robt., Movilla st Bell, Wm., Greenwellst McCutcbeon, John, High st McCutcheon, John, Francis st L McQuaide, Jas., Greenwell st McWhinney, John, Castle st SCHOOLS. IntermediateWest st and Mary st. Robert McKee, M.A., Principal. (See index) Model Mill st, Wm. Craig, Miss H. E. Greaves, Miss M. Bradford National(C.I.) R e g e n t st Alex. Love, Miss Sarah Spence Mill street (Presbyterian) Mrs. McLane; Greenwell st (Presby terian) Thos. Wallace ; Lr. East s (Presbyterian) John Nesbitt; Upr Eastst (non-sec.) Mrs. Doggart," Castle Garden(Walker Mill School) Miss J. Lennox, Miss J. Moore ; Ann st (R.C.) Wm. H. McBride, Miss M. McCall SEED MERCHANTS. See also grocers marked thus (t) (*) are grain merchants. Boyle, Jas., Castle st Dickson, Alex. & Sons, High st and Nurseries Finlay, I., Castle place Iveston, Wm., Francis st Mulholland, C , Movilla st Munce, Robt., Court st "Taylor, John & Son, Conway sq "Taylor, Natl., High st SEWED MUSLIN AGENTS. Anderson, Mrs., Zion place McDonnell, Mrs. E., Ann st Furdy, Mrs. M., Frances st Ramsay, John, Frances st SHIRT AND COLLAR MANUFACTURERS.
Copeland, John, West sr and Con way square Crawford, H., Mill st Ennis, Mrs. E., Regent st Francis, Jas., Frances st Gilmore, P., Frances st Graham, Wm., Greer.well st Hanna, Mrs. E., Regent st Houston, Mrs. L., Regent st Iveston, Wm., Frances st Jackson, Wm. Greenwell st Johnston, Mrs. J., Zion place Kirkpatrick, A. Wallace's Deed Livingston, W. J., Frances st Me Brien, Peter, Con way sq McCartan, Miss E., Castle st McCullough, H. A., Court sq McCutcheon.John, High st McKee, Irvin, Movilla st McKee, John, Castle st McMullan, P., Frances st Mawhinney, John, Mill st Montgomery, A., Mill st Moreland, Wm., Frances st L Morrison, Jas., Castle st Patton, reps., Court st Purse, Miss A., Castle st Shaw, Mrs. M., South st Sluart, John, Regent st Taylor, Mrs. M A . , Castle st STARCH MANFTRS. Taylor, John & Son, South st STATIONERS. Are news agents. Arnold, Thos., Conway sq M'Kenzie, Mrs,, High st Patterson, MissM., High st Woods, Mrs. E., Frances st TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION. Wm. Campbell, president, Mr. M'Knight, treas., Thos. Wallace, secretary TELEPHONE OFFICE. Frances stMrs. Woods TOBACCONISTS. Grocers also sell. Anderson, James, High st TOWN COMMISSIONERS. Andrew Menown, j.p., chairman, John Copeland, John Ramsay, Jas. A. Brown, Robert Dunn, High st, John R. Gray, Robert Dunn, Regent st, Wm. Henry, Hugh Mawhinney, Horatio J. Doggart, John M'Clement, Jas. Finlay, Saml. C, Kelly, Thomas Mayne. Wm. M'Gowan, clerk and executive sanitary officer : office, Mill st.; res. High st; Dr. D.Jamison, Medical ofneerof health; Dr. W. B. Martin, consulting sanitary officer; Geo. Foster, town inspector and sanitary sub-officer. The Town Commissioner meets on the first Monday of each month, at noon, in the Board Room, Mill street UNDERCLOTHING. Dalzell, Miss J., Frances st M'Wuinney, Mrs. R., Frances st Stoupe, Miss J., High st UNDERTAKERS. (See Posting cars, &c.) UNION. (See Co. Directory.) UNITARIAN CHURCH. Frances stRev. Hugh Moore; res.. Yew Villa, Church st VETERINARY SURGEONS. Bailie, Saml., Court sq Delacherois, Louis, IJ igh st VICTUALLERS. Barr, Saml., Conway sq Ferguson, Wm., Frances st M'Whinney. A., High st Murphy, Alex., High st Smyth, Jas., Regent st Smyth, Robt., North st Smyth, Wm , Repent st Whiteside, D , North st WATCHMAKERS. Hedley, W. J.," Frances st Patton, Jas., High st , WEAVING ^Handloom) Doggart, H., Court st Johnston, Saml., East st Kirk, Wm., Frances st M-Master, J., Mill st Patterson, Mrs., West st
Potter, John. East st WOOLLEN MANFTRS. Apperson, Jas. & Sons, Mark st & Thomas st Grant, Wm., Movilla st FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, &c. [Including Ardkeen, Conlig, and Cunningburn Cburn.] Adams, W., Ballyblack Arthurs, Hy., Church st Bailie, J., Ballyewry, C'burn Bailie, T., Ballyewry, C'burn Beattie, T., Regent st Bennett, T., Ballyblack Black, Johnston, Ballyskeagh Bole, John, Ballyblack Boyce, John, Killarn Boyce, Robt., Ballyrogan Boyd, Alex., Ballyblack Boyd, Anthony, Ballyblack Boyd, Frederick, Cunningburn Boyd, Hugh, Drumhirk Boyd, John, Ballyalton Boyd, Patrick, Cunningburn Boyd, Thos., Greengraves Boyd, Wm., Drumhirk Boyd, Wm., Greengraves Brown, Alex., Craiganlet Brown, D., Ballyblack L Brown, J., Ballywatticock Erown, James, Craigantlet Brown, jn., Ballygrainey Brown, John, Commons Brownlow, J., (j.p.), Killynether Casile Brown, W., sen., Drumawhey Burrows, Robt., Ballyblack Byers, Jno., Ballyblack L Camlin, H., Tallynagardy Cam mock, David, Drumhirk Canning, Jn., Ballyblack Carlisle, Jn., Ballyatticock Clotworihy. Jno , Greengraves Colville, Hugh, Killarn Colville, Wm., Castleavery Colviile, Wm., Killarn Colville, Wm., Tullynagardy Cooper. Jas., B'skeagh L Cooper, J., Ballyskeagh L hooper, Robert, Cunningburn Crawford, Jas , Ballyharry Crawford, J. R., Ballvharry Cree, Robert, Ballybarnes Cree, SI., B'barnes Crickard, Wm., Drumhirk Crothers, Rt., Ballycastle, C'burn Cumming, T., Greengraves Dalzell, David, Castle st Dalzell, H., Bailywatticock Dalzell. J., Ballywatticock Dalzell, J., jun., B'watticock Dempster, A., Ballyskeagh L Dempster, J., Ballyskeagh Ditty, John, Ballyrea Ditiy, N., Ballyalicock Ditty, N., jun., Ballyalicock Dobbin, Hugh B., South st Dougan, T., Castleaveary Douglas, Alex., Ballyhay Douglas, John, East st Duncan, David, Ballyblack Duncan. W., Ballyblack Edgar, SI., Logheriescouse Faloona, A., B'ward, Ardkeen Ferguson, David, Ballyalton Ferguson, D., B'castle, C'uirn Ferguson, Edw., Ballyrcgan Ferguson, Hugh, Castleavery Ferguson, Hugh, Greengraves Ferguson, H., sen., Greengraves Ferguson, J., Ballycastle, C'burn Ferguson, J., Ballygreehan Ferguson, Jas., Ballyrogan Ferguson, Jas., Lougheriscouse Ferguson, Nat., Ballycullen Ferguson, Rt., Bowtown Ferguson, Rt., Greengraves Ferguson, SI., Greengraves Ferguson. Wm., Castleavery Finlay, Hill, Cunningburn Finlay, Francis, Ballyhaft Finlay, James, Cunningbum Finlay, James, Zion PI Finlay, J., Ballycastle, C'burn Finlay, John, Ballyhaft Finlay, Jno., Bailywatticock Finlay, John, Cunningbum Finlay, John, Whitespots Finlay, Rt., B'watticock,
Fralajr, SI., Greengraves Finlay, T., Ballyalicock Finlay, Wm., Ballywatticock Gaw, William, Gregstown Gibson, Jas., Ballyskeath H Gordon, Wm., Conlig Goudy, H., Ballyskeagh L Goudy, R., Ballyskeagh L Gray, J. R., Frances st Greer, SI., Milecross Gunning, A., Demesne, Ardkeen Gunning, A. J., T'cross, Ardkeen Hall, Mrs., Frances st Hamilton, Jas., Ballyblack Hamilton, R. T., Conlig Hanna, Alex , Tullyagardy Hanna, Jn , Ballyreagh Hawthorne, J., Drumhirk Henry, Jas., Craigantlet Heron, Wm., Regent st Holmes, John, Drumhirk Hughes, J., B'gelagh, Ardkeen Jamison, Robert, Movilla Johnston, H. J., Glen House Johnston, W., Ballybay Johnston, W. Sibbald (j.P.),Glen H Jones, SI., Millmgr Glen Kane, Jas., Kiltonga Kelly, James, Drumhirk ' Kennedy, Mrs., Greengraves Kerr, Wm., B'wadden, Ardkeeri Lamont, Hugh, Ballyblack Larmour, J. C , Conlig Lemon, Rt., Ballyblack Lemon, W. J., Ballyblack Little, James, Whitespots Lewers, Jos., Drumawhey Little. Wm., Whitespots M'Clune, Thos., Ballyblack M'Connell, H., Ballyblack M'Connell, H., Tullynagardy M'Connell, John, Babyrainey MCormick, N., Conlig M'Cracken, H., Cunningburn M'Cracken, R , Ballycastle.C'burn M'Cracken, Wm., Ballyblack M'CuIlough, Jas., Conway sq M'Cullough, John. Ballyrainey M'Cully, P., Lougheriescouse M'Cully, II., Ballyskeagh M'Cully, SI., Ballyreagh M'Cully, SI., Whitespots M-Cully, Wm., Baliyskeagh M'Cutcheon, A., Ballywatticock M'Cutcheon, J., Lougheriescouse M'Cutcheon, Mrs., Frances st M'Cutcheon, SI.. Ballyskeagh M'Donnld, W., Lougheriescouse MDowell, James, Ballycullen M'Dowell, W.J., Ballycullen M'Gimpsey, A., Drumawhey M'Gimpsey, A., Lougheriescouse M'Gimpsey, D., Lohghenescouse M'Gimpsey, J., jun., L'riescouse M'Gimpsey, J., Lougheriescouse M'Gimpsey, Robt., Drumawhey M'Gimpsey, SI., Lougheriescouse M'Gimpsey, Wm., Drumawhey M'Gimpsey. W. R., Drumawhey M'Grath, W., Lisbane, Ardkeen M'Grattan, E., jun., Bgelagn,
Ardkeen . ,, M'Grattan, J., B'gelagh, Ardkeen M'Grattan, W., Lisbane, Ardkeen M'Kay, Alex., Conlig M'Keating, J., B'ward, Ardkeen LOWDEN, JAS- & CO., M'Keating, Patrick, Ardkeen plumbers, Conway sq (see index) M'Kee, D. (R.o.), Regent st M'Kee, Hamilton, Scrabo Lowry, A., Ballycastle, C'burn M'Kee, James, Drumawhey M'Brine, Jas., Movilla st M'Kee, John, Ballyblack M'Batney, J., Crossnamuckley M'Kee, John, Crossnamuckley M-Bride, T., Ballywatticock M'Kee, John, Drumhirk M'Bride, Wm., Craigantlet M'Kee, R., sen., Drumawhey M'Cann, John, Ballycullen M'Kee, R.,jun., Drumawhey M-Cauley, SI., Ballyblack M'Kee, W.'}., Drumawhey M'CLEMENT, JOHN, M'Kee, W., BaUyskeagh chemist & druggist, Castle st M'Kee, Wm.-, Lougheriescouse (see index)
M'Kee, W m , Whitespots M'Kibben, A., Greengraves M'llwaine, A., Drumawhey M'Master, C., Ballymagreehan M'Master, D., Killynether M'Master, J., Ballyewry, C'burn M'Millen, J., B'sallagh M., Conlig M'Murray, SI., Ballyrogan M'Marray,S.,Cookstown, Ardkeen M'Murray, W., Ballyrogan M'Namara, W.,B'gelagh Ardkeen Macoun, James, Church st Manown, A. (/.P.), Frances st Martin, John A., Court sq Martin, Wm., Lougheriescouse Mawhinney, A., Ballycullen Mawhinney, D., Whitespots Mawhinney, Sml, Drumawhey Mayne,Wm. (j.p.),Mount Pleasant Megraw, Henry, Ardkeen Millar, Wm., Scrabo Miller, Hy. R., Ardkeen Miller, William, Conlig Milliken, H., Ballyskeagh Milliken, J., Tullynagardy Milliken, W., Ballyrogan Mitchell, Wm.. Lougheriscouse Moore, Alex., Killarn Moore, John, Ballyatticock' Moore, John, Killarn Moore, SI., Lougheriscouse' Moore, W., B'atticock Moore, Wm., Bally black Moore, W., B'gelagh, Ardkeen Moore, W. J., B'atticock Morrow, J., Ballyblack Mulholland,W.R., artificial manure Patterson, Alex., Drumhirk Patterson, Isaa;, Ballyreagh Patterson, W. J., Ballyhinney Patton, Alex., Ballyrea Patton, Hugh, Ballyblack Patton, Jn , Ballyhaft Patton, Wm., Ballyblack Patton, W., jun., Lougheriscouse Patton, W., Lougheriscouse Patton, John, East st Rankin, Andrew, Ballyhinney Rankin, G., Ballyhinney Rankin, Jas., Crossnamuckley Rankin, Jas., Drumhirk Rankin, John, Drumhirk Rankin, W. H., Ballyblack Robb, A., sen.. Ballyskeagh Robb, Alex., Tullynagardy Saunderson, Wm., High st
High st (see index) Smith, SI., Ballyhay Stevenson, H., Ballycastle, C'burn Stewart, SI., Lougheriscouse Stowell, Hugh, Ardkeen Thompson, Rt., Ballyblack Thompson, S., Cunningburn Walker, Geo. (J.P.), ilegent Ho Wallace, James, Ballyhinney Wallace, James, Cunningbum Wallace, Robert, Whitespots Wallace, SI., Lougheriscouse Wallace, T., Drumnawhey Wallace, W. J., Drumnawhey Warden, David, Ballyewry Warden, J., Ballywatticock Warden, John, Cunningburn Waugh, W. J., Crossnamuckley agent, Movilla st Wightman, Rt., Ballyalton Munce, Robt., Court st Williamson, David, Cronstown Murray, Hugh Ardkeen Rt., Cronstown Murray, J., Cookstown, Ardkeen Williamson, Ballygreehan Wilson, D., Murray, Patk.. Ardkeen Wilson, Edw., Bgreehan Nelson, Mrs., Frances st Wilson, Jas., Greengraves Orr, Henry, Cronstown Orr, Thomas, Drumhirk
IN THE NEWTOWNARDS DISTRICT. ^ . D D R E S S E S of letters to persons residing in sub-postal ^ districts should include the head office, thus : Portavogie, Newtownards. BALLYHALBERT. |ALLYHALBERT is n miles, Irish, South-east of Newtownards, in the barony of Upper Ards. It forms part of a parish of the same name. Mr. J. Cleland, D.L., Mr. J. Mulholland, D.L., and Mr. J. B. Houston, D.L., are the landlords of the district. The crops are oats, wheat, beans and potatoes. The population in l88[ was 503, chiefly composed of fishermen. A contract has been entered into this year, under the Board of Works, for the construction of a pier at Ballyhalbert, 510 feet long, and of a boat-slip 145 feet long, and for the deepening of the harbor adjacent to the pier.
CarpentersF. Caughey, S. Palmer Curran, DrapersW. Bell, T. C T. M'Olement, Jas. M'Kelvie Grocers marked thus [] sell spiritsCapt. Bell*, W. Bell, T. Curran, T. M'Clement, Jas. M'Kelvie HotelJas. M'Whirk Methodist Church, Glastry Rev. Saml. Cowdy MillerJ. M'Gilton, Ballyhemlin News AgentMrs. M'Kelvie PainterFr. Caughey Posting CarsM. M'Tier Post MasterJas. M'Kelvie Presbyterian Church, Glastry Rev Robert Workman School (National)Mr. Bailie, Miss Watson SEWED MUSLIN AGENTS. T. Curran, M. M'Dowell, Mrs. Mulholland, Mrs. Nevin Spirit RetailerFr. M'Whirk Timber MerchantF. Caughey LANDOWNERS &c. Coffey, John, Ballyhalbert Kilpatrick, David, Ballyhalbert M'Ginniss, W., Ballyhalbert M-Kee, W m , Ballyhalbert M'Kelvie, W. J., Ballyhemlin Miller, Adam, Ballyhalbert Miller, W., Ballyhalbert Moore, John, Ballyhalbert Reid, James, Ballyhemlin Reid, Samuel, Ballyhalbert Ross, Francis, Bailyhemlin FARMERS,
BALLYW A L T E R . J|ALLYWALTER had a population of 595 in 1881, It is a sea-side village in the Upper Ards, 9 miles, Irish, to the south-east of Newtownards. Mr. John Mulholland, D. L., is the principal owner of the district, the lands of which are good for pasture and tillage. Tillage-farming receives more attention than stock raising and dairying. The village has a beautiful strand and a harbor owned by the county. The greatest depth of v/ater in it, spring tides, is 13 feet. A charge of 2d. per ton register is made on vessels ; nothing on cargo. In the vicinity of Ballywalter are the handsome residences of Mr. Mulholland, D.L., and Mr. George Allen. Blacksmiths A. Filson, J. spiritsMrs. S. Askin, Geo. Foster*, Jas- Glover, Sml. Glover, Mawhinney John Hamilton, Mrs. N. Hastings, CarpenterD. Pritchard Church of I.Rev. W. M'Manus Miss M. A. Morrison*, Miss M. Coal Merchants Jas. Glover, Purse, Miss Watson Harbor MasterJas. Glover, jun. Wm. Gibson Coast GuardFredk. Downing, Light Ship- Capt. M. Cumming Lugger OwnersWm. Gibson,, D-O. ; Edw. Laws, C.B. Jas. Glover ; CooperWm. Boden News AgentsWm. Gibson, DrapersW. Gibson, Jas. GloMrs, J. Little ver, Miss M. Purse Emigration AgentWm. Gibson Posting CarsGeo. Foster,Mrs. Grocers marked thus [*] sell J. Little
Post M.Mrs J. Cleland . Presbyterian Churches(i)Rev. J. A. Anderson; (2) Rev. John Rogers School (Natl.)T. R. M'Cluggage, Miss L. Nelson Timber Mt.-Wm. Gibson FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, &c. Alexander, Thomas, Ballywalter Allen, George, Mountpanther Blain, James. Ganoway Blain, William, Ballywalter Baird, Henry, Whitechutch Baird, Hugh, Ganoway Baird, James, Whitechurch Baird, Robert, Ballydoonan1 Baird, Wm., Whitechurch Boyd, Tames, Ballyferris Boyd, Wm., Ballyferris Boyle, Robert, Whilechurch Brown, Jos , Dunover Colville, Robert, Ballywalter Fullerton, G., Whitechurch Gibson, Wm., Ballywalter GKlmore, J., Whitechurch Glover, J. B., Ballyw<er Gray, James, Killyvolgan Hamilton, Andrew, Ballywalter Hamilton, J., Ballywalter Little, Alex., Ballyobegan Lockhart, H., Ballywalter Lyons, J., Ballywalter M'Cracken, James, Dunover M'Cracken, John, Dunover M'Cracken, Kobt., Whitechurch M'Clelland, D , Killyvolgan M'Dowell, Andrew. Ganaway M'Dowell, James, Whitechurch M'Ferran, Rev. Jas., Ballyobegan M-Kee, A., Whitechurch M'Kee, Wni., Ganaway M'Wha. Jas., Whitechurch Mulholland, John (D.L.), Ballywalter Park Moore, Rt., Ganaway Moirison, John, Ballyferris Morrison, Jas., Whitechurch Morrison, Win, Ballywalter Patterson, J., Ballyferris Purse, Wm., Ballywalter Eitchey, Wm., Ballyatwood Robb, John, Ganaway Robb, Jn., Whitechurch Scott, James, Ballyobegan Scott, Thomas, Ballyobegan Taylor, Jas., Ballyatwood Wallace, J., Ballyferris Warnock; Jas., Ballyferris
G R E Y ABBEY. | R E Y ABBEY is in the barony of Lower Ards, 6 miles, 11 Irish, South-east of Newtownards, and 7 miles, Irish, South-west of Donaghadee. It had a population ot 679 in 1881, and is one of the handsomest villages in the county. Two fairs are held in the year, March 28th and October 29th. About 40 hand-loom weavers live in the village. Women and girls to the number of 100, receive employment through sewed muslin-agencies. Strangford Lough approaches within half a mile, and vessels discharge coals into carts at low water. The lands of the district are suitable for pasture ana tillage. It is a good butter-making country, but more attention is given to tillage. Oats, potatoes, and flax are the chief crops. T h e attraction of this place, eclipsing all others, is the ruin ot the abbey from which the village is named. The most interesting portions are in a fine state of preservation. Grey Abbey was founded in 1192, for Cistercian monks, by Lady DeCourcy, wite
of the English adventurer, and daughter of < King Godfred, of the Isle of Man. It was richly endowed and flourished until Conn O'Neill's Rebellion, when the walls were very much injured. Sir James Hamilton received the abbey and its possessions in the Upper and Lower Ards from. James I. Mr. Hugh Montgomery, D.L., is the present owner of Grey Abbey and district. The demesne of his beautiful residence, Rosemont, adjoins the ruin of the abbey, the charm of which is very much enhanced by a baQk ground of forest trees. A magnificent yew stands near the eastern gable, which contains 5 windows, lancet shape, in almost perfect condition. The abbey and grounds are open to the public and are very much visited by excursionists and tourists The Black Abbey stood at a distance of about a mile and a half from Grey Abbey. It was founded by John De Courcy about the year u 8 o . .The last fragment pf ruin was removed by a farmer some years ago. BlacksmithsJ. M'Cartan, H. M'Carthy, W. Morrison CarpentersJno. Jas. & H. Bell Church of I.Rev. Oliver Goldsmith Coal mts.J. Barnes, J. Boyd, H. Taylor & Son DispensaryDr. Peter Mac Arthur DrapersJ. Gaw, H. Taylor & Son, Geo. White Emigration AgentsJ. Bames, J. Boyd Estate AgentJ. B. Atkinson, J.P. Glass, China, &cJ. Barnes (glass only), J. Gilmore, Mrs. E. Hamilton Grocers marked thus [*] sell spirits ; thus [t] seeds ; thus [t] hardware. H. Baird*, J. Barnes+f, Jas. Boyd*, Mis. H. Bunting, Jno. Carson, Mrs. M. Davidson, Jas Fiison, Mrs. J. Forsythe. L. Johnston, Jos. Reid*, Hugh Taylor & SonfJ, Geo. White HotelJas. M-Cance Mills (Com & Scutch)Jas. M'Kee, Tullycavey News AgentsJ. Barnes, L. Johnston, Miss B. M'Conkey, D. H. Wilson Petty Sessions, iecond Monday of every month, F. L. Neely, clerk; res., Portaferry Posting CarsT. Keag, jun., R. Morrison Post MasterJno. Barnes Presbyterian C.Rev. J.Anderson Presbyterian Unitarian Rev. John Miskihnin Relieving O.John Boyd R. I. CJohn Kerr, sergt. School (Natl.) S. W. Butler, Miss M. J. Bunting, Miss L. Warnock (infant) Spirit RetailerW. J. Davidson, Yarn Agents -Mrs. M. Davidson, W. J. Davidson, John Gaw, Hugh Taylor & Son FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, &c. Asken, William, Ballynester Atkinson, J. B. (j.p.) Bailie, J., Ballybogilbow Bailie, J., Blackabbey Bailie, SI., Ballybrain Barnes, James, Kilnatarney Beck, David, Tullycavey Bowden, SL, Tullycavey Brookes, SI., Greyabbey Brown, James, Cardy
Brown, John, Tullycavey Brown, Jos., Ballymurphy Brown, Jos., Ballygarvin Brown, Tho., Tullycavey Byers, Wm., Ballyboley Carleton, Jn., Ballymurphy Carleton, Robert, Cardy Carson, Hugh, Ballynester Caughey, W. J., Ballybrain Colville, J., Ballymurphy Davidson, Andrew, B'murphy Davidson, Mrs. Mt., The Glen Davidson, P., Ballymurphy Davidson, Wm., Ballyatwood Finlay, J., Ballyurnallen Foster James, Ballyboley Gibson, Jos., Blackabbey Gibson, Robt, Ballygarvin Gracey, Wm., Ballyaltikilligan Hall, T., B'boghilbow Hamilton, W., Ballyboley Homer, T^, Ballyaltikilligan Johnston, J., BoIIyboley Kerr, Charles. Ballygarvin Kerr, Wm., Ballygarvin Linton, A.., Ballybrain Little, H., Blackabbey Little, Wm., Killyvolgan M'Cance, J., Kilnatierney M'Cormick, J., Killyvolgin M'Cormick, W., Tullycavey M'Cullough, Mrs. J., Ballyboley M'Kee, J., Blackabbey M'Kee, J., Tullycavey M'Kee, Robt., Killyvolgin M'llboy, T , Ballymurphy Magee, W., Ballyboley Milling, H., Gordonall Montgomery, Hugh (J.P.), Rsemont Montgomery, W. E., Greyabbey Morrow, A. & SI., Cardy Pritchard, J., Ballybrain Purse, Jn., Greyabbey Ringland, Jas., Ballyboley Robson, R t , Ballyboley Stewart, J., Cardy Taylor, J., Kilnatarney Thompson, H., Ballyatwood Walker, Jos., B'boghilbo Walker, Mrs., Ballyboghillbow White, James, Killvolgan White, John, Blackabbey Wright, A., BaUymurphy Wright, H., sen., Ballymurphy
GREY ABBEY, iAMES McCANCE, ProprietorThis hotel is prepared to accommodate tourists and excursion parties with Dinners, Luncheons, and Refreshments.
Agricultural Implements & Artificial Manures-
KIRCUBBIN. |lRCUBBIN, on the Eastern shore of Strangford Lough, is in the barony of Upper Ards, 8 miles, Irish, to the South-east of Newtownards. It had a population of .609 in 1881. Mr. R. E. Ward, D.L., Bangor Castle, owns the village and the principal part of the district, the land of which is fair for tillage. Oats, potatoes, wheat and flax are the crops relied upon by the farmers. Fairs are held at Kircubbin on the first Monday in each month, and on April 28th, May 28th, August 28th, and November 28th. Fifteen fishing luggers are partly owned here. At spring tides there is a depth of 11 feet at the pier head- The exports are grain, beans and potatoes, and the imports coal, salt, and Indian corn. If a vessel enters the harbor in quest of cargo, and makes fast, 2d. per ton on the register, is charged. A vessel discharging coal pays 2d. per ton register and Jd. per ton cargo. If she takes out potatoes or grain, a further charge is made of id. per ton on the cargo, nothing on the register. Fishing boats are free. Mr. Ward owns the harbor. AuctioneerD. M'Gillicuddy BanksBelfast,Tuesday; Ulster Tuesday Brick Manuftr.D. Shaw.Glastry BlacksmithsD. Filson, H. M'Grath Boots and Shoes (see Drapers) CarpentersWin. Gaw, C. Gilmore, 8. M'Kee, Rt. Stone Church of I.Rev. E. A. Lyle, Rev. E. C. Fyfe, curate Coal Merchants marked thus [*] are Potato MerchantsH. Gilmore*, Mrs. E. Maxwell, Thos. Shaw* Corn and Scutch MillsKircubbin Steam Scutching and Grinding Co., Ld.; D. Shaw, Glastry Dispensary- Dr. P. MacArthur DrapersJohn Boyd, Mrs. E. Maxwell, Thos. Shaw Emigration AgentsJ. Boyd, T. Shaw Grain Mercht.Jno. Moore Glass, China, &cJ- Boyd,Mrs. E. Maxwell, Saml. M'Kee Grocers marked thus [*] sell spirits; thus ft] hardwareJno. Boydt, Win. E. Carrickt, Rt Chambers, Chas. Gilmore, Hugh Gilmore*, D. M'Gillicuddy, Saml. M'Kee, Mrs.E. Maxwell,Thos.Shaiv Harbor Master Wm. Gaw, Deputy, John M'Farren Harness MakerHugh M'Gee Hotel Keeper Wm. Martin Methodist CRev. S. Cowdy, Glastry News AgentsD. M'GiUicuddy, Thos. Shaw Posting Cars R. M'Master, Jas. Printer Post MasterThos. Shaw, J.P. Presbyterian CRev. S. Hawthorn R.C. ChurchRev. Pter M'Evoy, p.p., Nuns' Quarter R. I. CHy. Mulvagh, sergt. School (Natl.)James Glover ' (Presb.); Wm. Brown, C. I. Seeds and ManuresJ. Boyd, H. Gilmore, T. Shaw Sewed Muslin AgentsRobert Chambers, Jas. Gibson Ship OwnerThos. Shaw Spirit RetailersWm. J. Finnegan, Jno. Moore, Jas. Printer, A. Torney
Timber Merchts.H. Gilmore, Kerr, J., Ballyobegan Killen. J., Kirkistown T. Shaw M'Carthy, Jn., Rureagh VictuallerRt. Sinclair FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, M'Carthy, Thos., Inishargie M'Carthy, Wm., Glastry &c. M'Climont, Rt., Ballyfrench Allen, Alex., i?alligan M'Connell, Francis, Rureagh Allen, Robert, Innishargie M<Cormick, E., Ballylimp Bailie, Jas., JSArkistown M'Cracken, Thos., Innishargie Bailie, Jno., Kirkistown M'Fadden, Hugh, Gransha Bailie, SI., kirkistown M'Ferran, Jn., Innisharyie Barron, John, .Glastry M'Grath, Rd., Ballycranbeg Boyd, Hugh, Eureagh M'Kelvey, Hugh, Glastry Boyd, John, Kircubbin M'Kibbin, Robt, Fishquarter Caldwell, H., Ballyeasboro' M'Kibbin, Thos., Ballylimph Caughey, Fr., Ballyobigan M'Master, Ja., Ballycranbeg Caughey, Jas., Ballyobigan M'Mullan, Hugh, Rureagh Caughey, John, Ballygan MTear, Hugh, Granshaw Caughey, SI. Ballygan M'Tear, Wm., Granshaw Caughey, 81., Roddins M'Watters, Wm., Innishargie Cleland, SI., Innishargie Martin, John, Ballycranmore Close, James, Glastry Miller, Robert, Innishargie Olingan, SI., Roddins Mitchell, A., Ballyeasboro Coffey, Wm., Ballyeasboro Mitchell, J., Ballycranmore Cowan, Jas.. Innishargie Morrison, Hans, Echlinville Dorrian, Hugh, Rureagh Muckle,' John, Innishargie Dorrian, P., Echlinville Orr, Thomas, Ballyobegan Donnan, R.. Ballycranbeg Palmer, G., Ballyeasboro' Ennis, John, Ballyfrench Palmer, John, Ballygraffin Ennis, T., Kirkistown Palmer, R., Ballyeasboro Ennis, Wm., Ballyfrench Palmer, S., Ballyeasboro Ennis, Wm., Echlinville Palmer, Wm., Ballyeasboro Ennis, Wm., Lisbane Price, James, Balligan Ferris, Thomas, Glastry Quinn, John, Ballycranbeg Finlay,Geo., Ballygarvin Rankin, James, Fishquarter Finlay, Jas., Innishargie Ross, Samuel, Ballyobegan Finlay, Jno., Innishargie Stevenson, A., Innishargie Gowan, SI., Ballyeasboro Stevenson, T., Innishargie Gray, H., Ballyobigan Taylor, Thos., Glastry Harris, SI., Ballygarvin Taylor, Wm., Glastry Hastings, R., Ballyeasboro Thompson, Wm., Rureagh Holland, R., Innishargie Torney, James, Lisbane Hughes, C , Ballyeasboro Warnock, J., Ballygraffin Johnston, David, Balligan Warnock, R., Ballyeasboro Johnston, Hugh, Glastry Wilson, John, Kircubbin Johnston, Robert, Ballyobegan Wilson, Robert, Glastry Johnston, T., Ballyfrench Woods, Wm., Blackabbey Johnston, T., Balligan Workman, Rev. Robert, Rubane Johnston, W., Innishargie Young, Robt. O., Innishaigie Keag, Francis, Ballygraffin Young, Win. 8., Granshaw Keag, Henry, Rubane
PORTAVOGIE. flORTAVOGIE is a fishing village 13 miles, Irish, Southeast of Newtownards. About 40 fishing luggers hail from here. They go to Kinsale in spring, and to the Shetland Islands in summer. Portavogie has a natural harbor protected by rocks 20 feet high. Mrs. Keown Boyd owns the district. The lands are good for pasture and tillage. Oats, potatoes, wheat, and a little flax are grown. BlacksmithJno. Hughes Church of Ireland, Ballyeasborough, Rev. Mr. Greer, Grocers marked thus (*) sell hardware. Henry Adair, John Cully*, Mrs. J. Filson, . Rt. Mahood, Rt. O'Brien*, James Palmer*, Mrs. J. Tennant Posting CarsRt. O'Brien Post MasterRobt. O'Brien School (Natl,)Jas. Lawston Sewed Muslin AgentJnp. CuUy Ship Chan&lerJas. Palmer FARMERS, LANDOWNERS. &c. Brown, Jas., Ratallagh Dorrian, Dl., Ratallagh Hamilton, James, Raiallagh Hamilton, John, Ratallagh Hughes, Hugh, Portavogie Kelly, Hugh, Portavogie Lennon, Charles, Portavogie M'Kee, Wm., Portavogie Palmer, Adam, Portavogie Palmer, las., jun., Portavogie Palmer, Robert, Portavogie Piper, James, Portavogie Piper, Nathaniel, Portavogie Smith, Robert, Portavogie Thompson, Francis, Ratallagh Watson, Thomas, Ratallagh
IN THE LISBURN DISTRICT. IHE sub-post offices in the County Down, under the Lisburn jurisdiction, all receive moreor.less attention in this department. A part of the town of Lisburn is in the County Down, but as it is much the smaller, and belongs to the municipality, reference to it will be more appropriate in the Book of Antrim. Annacloy is a rural postoffice near Crossgar. Ballyaughlis is a rural post-office, including the district of Drumbo, two miles, Irish, North-east of Lisburn. It is also called Gardeners' Lane Ends. Boardmills is a village of 12 houses, 5 miles, Irish, South-east of Lisburn. Kilmore is a village of about 30 houses, one mile, English, West of Crossgar. Lisbane is a rural post-office, within two m >les Irish, of Killinchy, and three miles of Comber. Lisnastrain is a rural post-office, two miles, Irish, East of Lisburn. Ravarnett is a rural post-office, two miles South-east of Lisburn. Letters are sent direct from Lisburn to these offices, and in. every instance should be addressed to Lisburn.
[ 367 ]
FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, Dudley, Rev. ., B'carn, B'aughlis &c Dunlop, John D., Drumbo
[Including Annacloy, Ballyaughlis (B'aughlis), BoardmUls (Bamills), Kilmore, Lisbane, Limastrain, and Ravarnett'] Abbott, Francis, Cabragh Adams, J., urn., Lisbane Adams, T., B'minstra, Lisbane Alexander, A., L'barnet, Lisbane Allan, J. W., Ballygowan Armour, W., Drumbeg Bain, Robert, Cabra Baxter, J., C'croy, Bailies Mill Bell, James, Ravarnett Bishop, D., Conley I., Lisbane Bishop, J., L'barnet, Lisbane Blakely, W., B'ganon, Bo'mills Bradbury, John, Largymore Brown, David (PM-)> B'aaghlis Brown, D., C'veagh, Bbardmills Brown, H., C'crevy, Bailies Mill Brown, J., L'barnet, Lisbane Brown, J., Magharadartin Browne, J., Killaney, Bo'mills Browe, J. H., T'cree, Kilmore Brown, J., Magheradartin Brown, Samuel, Ballyaughlis Brown, S., B'cairn, B'aughlis Campbell, David, Ballyaughlis Campbell, W. A., B'gowan, Campbell, W., L'barnet, Lisbane Carmichael, J., L'ogue, B'aughlis Carmichael, T. S., Ballyskeagh Carson, Samuel, Hillhall Charley, William, SeymourhiU Clark, Robt., Largymore Clark, Wm., Largymore Coates, W. J., B'hatty, B'aughlis Copeland, Jn., T'cree, Kilmore Coulter, S., C'veagh, Bo'mills Crail, Samuel, Ravarnett Creery, Andrew, Kilmore Crosby, S., Carr, B'aughlis Dales, J. R,, Bresagh, Bo'mills Davidson, A., Lisnastrain Davidson, Wm., Lisbane Drennan, D., Drumbeg, B'aughlis Drake, S. & W., Cabra D g , John, Ballymullan Dunn, J., C'roe, Bo'mills Dunn, Jos., Bresagh, Bo:mi!ls Dunwoody, J., Cargycreevy Dunwoody, J. P., Cargycreevy Dunwoody, W., C'roe, Bo'mills Dwyer, F., Belvidere, B'aughlis Edgar, J . J., C'veagh, Bo'mills Edgar, Thomas, D'nelly, Annacloy Ellison, James, Lisbane Ellison, Jno., twine manuftr Entwistle, Hugh, Drumbo Ferguson, J., Creevy, Boardmills Fitchie, A., L'barnet, Lisbane Foreman, J., Drumalig Bo'mills Foreman, W., Drumalig, Bo'mills Fraser, John, Tagnabrick Fullerton, William, Largymore Gardner, James, Largymore Gardner, Patrick, Ballintine Gardner, Robert, Lisnoe Gardner, Thos., Lisnastrain Gardner, W. J., Lisnastrain Gibson, H., sen., T'nagee, L'bane Gibson, SI., T'nagee, Lisbane Gill, J., Killaney, Bo'mills Gill, Mrs. M4 Rockvale, Bo'mills Gilleland, James, Lisnatrunk Gilleland, John, Lisnatrunk Gilliland, Joseph, Cabra Gillespie, R. & S., Boardmills Graham, G., Ballymacbrennan Graham, Jas., Magheradartin Graham, O. B. (/.P.), Larchfield Graham, SI., C'croy, Bailies Mill Graham, S. J., B'gannon, Bo'mills Halliday, David, Cabra Hanna, Jas., Ballycarngannon Harvey, A., C'croy, Bailies Mill Harvey, Jn., C'croy, Bailies Mill Harvey. SI., Cabra Hazard, James, Annacloy Harvey, R., T'yard, B'aughlis Hunter, James S., Hillhall Hutton, Chas., Annacloy Hutton, W., T'nacree, Annacloy Irvine, R. S., Aughnaleck Irvine, S. B., Cargycreevy Jamison, J., Ballyear, B'gannon
3 68
Jamison, J., Carr, B'aughlis Jamison, J., L'bamet, Lisbane Jamison, R., Carr, B'aughlis Jamison, W., L'barnet, Lisbane Telly, B.., T'nagee, Lisbane "Kelsey, H., Ballymullen Kirkpatrick, D., C'roe, Bo'mills Kirkwood, J., D'beg, B'aughlis Kirkwood, J., T'nacree, Kilmore Lilly, J., Drumbeg Lindsay, H. W., Magherageery Lindsay, J., -B'gowan, B'aughlis Lowry, H., L'ba-net, Lisbane M'Adams, Rev. W. H., Boardmills M'Bride, Samuel, Ballybrennan M'Gallister, H., D'nelly, Annacloy M'Clean, Hugh, Ballymullan M'Clelland, A., Cabra M'Clelland, James, Cabra M-Connell, G-, B'hatty, B'aughlis M'Connell, John, Lisnastrain M'Coy, Thomas, Blaris M'Creery, John, .T'ard, B'aughlis M'Creight, Francis, Largymore M'Cullough R., B'cairn, B'aughlis M'Dowell, T., C'roe. Bo'mills M'Kee, Mrs. A., Boardmills M'Kee, Win,, Lisbane M'Kenzie, J., Lisnamore, Kilmore M'Kibbin, W. J., Ravarnett M'Lorn, Daniel. Ravarnett M'Master, J., T'ard, B aughlis M'Minn, Mrs. M., Boardmills M'Murray, R. J., Hillhall M'Murray, Wm., Ballymullan M'Neill, Rev. James, Drumbo Magee, P., D'nelly, Annacloy Majury, S., T'nacree, Kilmore Mariner, P., C'cally, Kilmare Martin, James, Aghnaleck Martin, Jas., Ballymacbrennan Martin, John, Aghnaleck Martin, Robert, Cabra Maxwell, A., Hillhall Maxwell, D., Ballymacbrennan Minnis, A., T'nagee, Lisbane Minnis, T., Tullynagee, LUbane Miskelly, Hugh, Drumbo Mitchell, D., Lisbane Monroe, Richard, Blaris
Montgomery, A., Drumbo Moore, S. W., B'lesson, B'aughlis Moreland, Alex., Carnbane Morrison, R , Annacloy Morrison, W., Annacloy Morrow, A., Ballyhomra Morrow, 'Jas., Ballymacbrennan Morrow, J. T.,.B'garick, B'aughlis Morrow, Robert, Legacurry Ho Morrow, William, Crossan Munce, Denis, Largymore Murdock, James,' Largymore Murdock, R., Ballymullan House Murdock, W. J., Ballymullan Murdock, W. J., Hillhall Mussen, Francis, Largymore Mussen, William, Lisnatrunk Neiil, J., T'cree, Kilmore Niven, Richard, Chromehill Nixon, R., T'nacree, Kilmore Orr, G., B'lesson, B'aughlis Parker, Wm. J. K.,Blaris Patterson, D., L'ogue, B'aughlis Patterson. John, Annacloy Payne, Rev. G. <T., Hillhall Perry, W., Drumalig, Bo'mills Petticrew, T., Drumra- Bo'mills Prentice, W., T'nagee. Lisbane Price, J., L'barnet, Lisbane Reid, Jacob, Ravarnett Reid, John, Ballymullan Richardson, Alex. & John, Lambeg Bleach Works Robinson, J., L'ogue, B'aughlis Robson, Rev. R., Lisnatrunk Seay, Roland, Kilmore Seay, William (P.M.), Kilmore Shanks, Rev. G. H., BoardmUls Shaw, C., Carr, B'aughlis Shaw, D., C'roe, Bo'mills S iaw^J., T'nagee, Lisbane Simpson, W., Bresagh, Bo mills Sintqn, J., linen mftr., Ravarnett Sloan, John, Ballymullan Sloan, SamueL Ballymacbrennan Smilie, W., L'barnet, Lisbane Smith, J., D'nelly, Annacloy Smyth, D., Annacloy Taylor, Jesse, Annacloy Thompson, J., B'leson, B'augU's
Todd, SI., Largymore Todd, Wm,, Largymore Wardlow, Wm., Drumbo Waters, Wm. R., Ballyaughlis Wilgar, Jn., B'lesson, B'aughlis Wilson, Tas., Lisnastrain Young, Mrs. C , Boardmills
and Hardware
BA.LLYNAHINCH. |N 1881, Ballynahinch had a population of 1,470. It is situated on the river of the same1 name, in the barony of Kinelarty, 8 miles East of Dromore, by road, 2\\ miles South of Belfast, by the Belfast and County Down Railway, and 9 miles, by rail, North-west of Downpatrick. Ballynahinch consists of a square and several streets. The houses are nearly all well built, and the places of business are well kept, and impress the stranger most favorably. Being situated in the centre of a first-rate agricultural country, a great portion of which has a limestone basis, the market for form produce, held every Thursday, is stocked to repletion, and buyers are numerous. There is no town in the county where the market produces so complete a transformation from the routine of daily life. Every street has its scene of bustling activity, and in the Market Square, at some time of the day, all the energy is
(Successor to W. J. Bruce),
DEPARTMENTS. Woollens, Mantles & Dresses, Millinery, Hosiery &* Gloves; Prints & Muslins, Hats & Umbrellas^
fjjj* Dressmaking done on the Premises in a Superior Manner,
concentrated. A fair is held on the third Thursday of each month, and hiring fairs on the last Thursday in October, first and second Thursday in November, the last in January, the first and second in February, the last in April, the first and second in May, the last in July, and the first and second in August. The manufacturing industries within the town limits are of exceedingly modest proportions. A hemstitching factory employs about 200 people, irregularly, arid about 400 receive employment through sewed muslin agencies. Within 3 miles, Irish, of the town, at Drumaness, included in the postal district, there are spinning mills giving employment to about 450 people. The Churches of Ballynahinch include three belonging to the Presbyterian body in town, and one at Spa,> within two miles. There is also a methodist church, a Roman Catholic church, and a Church of Ireland. From the architectural point of view the two last named are the most interesting. Both have handsome itowersand spires, and occupy prominent sites in Church-street. The Methodist church was built in 1856, and about five years : ago a manse was built for the minister at a cost of ,600. The .first Presbyterian church was reseated in 1885 at a cost of about ^500. In the cemetery attached to it, are the tombs of many of the old families of the town and district. The second Presbyterian church dates from 1841. About five years ago a manse was built by the congregation for the junior minister, Rev. R. G. Milling, at a cost of ^750. Some years since the third Presbyterian church was rebuilt. There is a good Templars Lodge, containing about 80 members ; an Association for the maintenance of scriptural Presbyterianism, of which Mr. John Cooper is president; two Orange lodges ; a football club, established in 1885, Mr. W. Martin, Capt., Mr. John Smith, secretary, and Mr. Robert Lemon, treasurer; and a. cricket club, established this year, Mr. John Scott, capt., and Mr. Samuel Morrow, secretary. Ballynahinch as a town began to be known in history in the J7'h century. It was founded by Sir George Rawdon, Bart., after the war of 1641, and confirmation of title to the manor was grarfted to the Rawdon family by Charles II. It was inherited by the Earl of Moira, a descendant of Sir George Rawdon. He built a linen-hall, but it did not prove a success. The Ker family acquired the estate by purchase, the present owner being Capt. R. W. B. Ker, M.P. During the Rebellion of 1798 a most determined battle was fought here. The insurgents took possession of Windmill Hill, at the North side of the town, and of the hill in the Moria demesne, now Montalto, at the South side, on the way to Dromara. General Nugent, on the 12th June, arrived
In Bottles, I s . and 2 s . each.
and the most valuable of IRON preparations, with DIGESTIVES. This excellent preparation is particularly calculated to promote Mental and Physical Energy, assist and strengthen the digestion, and enrich and purify the blood.
Lime Juice and Glycerine for the Hair, 7d. and Is. per Bottle. Parrish's Chemical Pood, 9d. and l a 4d. Cold Drawn Castor Oil, 2d. to Is. Cod Liver Oil, 6d, Is., and is. 8d. Walker's Pectoral Cough Mixture, Is. per Bottle. Walker's Blood Mixture, Is. and 2s. per Bottle-
from Belfast at the head of the Monaghan Militia, a detachment of the 22nd Dragoons, and some volunteer infantry and cavalry. Having effected a junction with the forces of Colonel Stewart, who had advanced from Downpatrick, the entire force under his command numbered 1,500 men. An attack made on Windmill Hill resulted in its abandonment by the rebels. They joined their comrades in Moira demesne. Early on the following morning the fighting was renewed, and maintained with great determination for about three hours. At the entrance gate to the demesne, the Monaghan Militia endeavored to make a stand, with two field pieces, but the rebel pikemen charged so furiously that they fell back in a state of demoralization, upon the Hillsborough cavalry. In the meantime the Argyleshire fencibles were making an attack at another side of the hill, producing a diversion which afforded an opportunity for rallying the Monaghan and Hillsborough contingents. The rebels throughout displayed great courage, but they were ultimately compelled to fly to the mountains of Slieve Croob, where the main body was dispersed, and there was an end to the Rebellion in so far as it related to the County Down. The Belfast Museum has some of the " finds " from the battle field. A cavalry sword, dug up by the late Mr. James Stranaghan, a resident of the vicinity, is preserved by his son-in-law, Mr. John Dornan, Banbridge. At Spa, about 2 miles from Ballynahinch, to the Southward, there is a sulphureous chalybeate spring, much frequented in summer by persons afflicted with scrofulous diseases. The valley in which it is situated is beautifully planted. Captain Ker owns the spring, and permits the public to use the waters free of charge. The shortest way to the wells lies through the demesne of Montalto, which Capt. Ker also generously opens to the public. Dunmore, a rural post-office, is also in the Ballynahinch delivery. Apothecaries HallW. & J. Walter AuctioneersD. Hunter, H. McDowell, W. Newell, W. S. Reid BakersW. Lennon, J. Ritchie, J. Scott Bank, NorthernWm. M'Cammon, mgr., John Smith, acct BlacksmithsW. Doman, T. Logan, R. M'Connell. H. Watson Boots and Shoes, (*) sell leather J. Barr, J. Johnston, Hamilton M'Connell*, J. O'Hara, James Smylie* Brick mftr.R. F. Walker CarpentersJ. Black, M. Keenan, T. M'Kelvey, A. Scott China & delfS. Henderson, J. M'Cormick, Mrs. E. Martin China & glassMrs I.Croskery, Wm. Newell Chandler Jas. Lilley Church of I.Rev. E. M. McCready Clog makerT. Unsworth Coach builderWm. Glover
2 A
Drapery, Merchant Tailoring, Boots and Shoes, Dresses and Mantles, Sewing Machines.
Grain, Seed and Meal Merchant,
Church Street and Corn Market,
CoalEast Downshire, S.S. Co. J. Glover Christian Brethren Drapers E. P. Armstrong, H. A. Campbell, J. Cooper, Misses L. & M. Leslie, J. M'Auley, M'Conneil, sisters, W. M'Court, Presbyterian Churchesist. Rev. John Boyd; 2nd, Rev. David Edgar; 3rd, Rev. John Davis Railway S. M.John Galway R.C. ChurchRev. C. O'Haire, p.p., Rev. P. Quail, c.c. R. I C.J. Harvey, sergt SaddlersJ. MKelvey, D. Rea, J. H. Reid School, IntermediateJ.Dewar, NationalPresbyterian 2nd, J. Watts ; 3rd, Rt. Bell; R 0 , F. Gallagher; Atethodist, Miss Fullerton Sewed muslin agents Mrs. Douglas, R. M'Dowell, Mrs. W. Walker SolicitorRichmond A. E. Evans Spirit retailers, see also grocers thus (*)T. Bain, H. Bradley, Mrs. E. Brown, H. S. Cheerie, J. Crawford, J. Glover, W. Hamilton, A. Harrison, W. R. Howard, E. M'Guigrui, J. M'Lean, R. Marsh, J. Reid, W. Reid, R. Rice, J. Rogan, W. M, Stranaghan StationersJ. Bailie, Miss E. Maguire Timber mt,John Connolly Tin smithsJ. Downey, H. M'Dowell. R. Watson Vet. SurgeonF. Russell VictuallersP. M'Kenny, J. Owens Watchmakers J. Bailie, J. Turner FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, &c. {Including Drumaness, Dunmore and Spa.] Abemethy, S., Ballycreen Armstrong, M., Magheraknock Armstrong, Samuel, Ballycreen Armstrong, W., Glassdrummond Barr, John, sen., Burren Barr, J., jun., Burren Barr, Wm., Up Ballykine
Bell, M. (P.M.), Spa
Maguire, J.Martin, J.Martin, jun.. R. Martin, J. Murray, Miss J. Whiteside Emigration agentJ. Bailie Flax and tow spinnersHursts' Drumaness Gas Light Co., Ld.H. A. Campbell, secy.,Alex.Mearns,mgr. Grain merchant.B. M'Cormick Grocers; marked thus (*) sell spirits, thus (f) hardware, thus (|) seedsJohn BailiefJ, W. Chamberstt, Mrs. I. Croskery, S. Dickson*, Wm. Fishbourne^, T. Gordonj, J. Graham, S. Hart, S. Henderson, D. Hunter, R. ] Leahy, Mrs. M. M'Alea*. H. M'ConnelL Mrs. M. M'Kee*, Mrs. E. Martin, R. Maxwell, B. Mooney*, Mrs. M. Morrow, H. Oswald, J.Patterson*, R.PollentJ, R. Rea, Miss C. Rice, S. Robinson. J. Scott, W. Walker, Wallace and
H. R. M'ROBERT, Misses
Co.tJ, J. H. WhitesidefJ
GunsmithR. Barr HemstitchingBelfast H.S. Co. Hotels R. F. Walker's, M'Auley's Temperance Marine storesJ. James, J. M'Cormick Methodist C.Rev. T. Pearson Mill, scutchJ. Macaulay News AgentsJ. Bailie, H. Bradley PaintersS. Heron, Jas. Graham Petty sessions held third Wednesday of each monthJ. B. M'Connell, clerk PhotographerJ. C. Unsworth PhysiciansJ. Dickson, J.P., J. Hamilton, B. Murray Post MistressMiss E.Maguire
raperg, jHUUnerg antr utfitting flEarrijouse, ffigh Street, BALLYNAHINOH.
Boots and Shoes in great variety.
Family Grocer, Seed and Provision Merchant, Church St. & Dromore St., BALLYNAHINOH
$g" Agent for high-class Artificial Manures.
Woollen Draper, Haberdasher and General Outfitter,
Wholesale and Family Grocer, Seed, Provision and Hardware Merchant,
LISBURN STREET, BALLYNAHIKTCH. Posting in all its branches. Agent for Artificial Manures. J \ A _ : M : ; E S 3V
Bennett, J., Magheraknock Black, William, Ballymurphy Blakley. D., Creevytenant Bole, M., Drumgavelin, Dunmore Boyd, S., Edendariff, Dunmore Broome, W., Scribb, Dunmore Bruce, W. J., Harryville Burns, H., Ballylone Big Burrowes, G., Glassdrummond Burrowes, H., Ballynahinch Campbeil, Joseph, Clontonagullion Campbell, TV., Clontonagitllion Carlisle, James, Ballymurphy Cherrie, R. J., Cumber, Dr'ness Coulter, II., Glassdrummbnd Crawford, D., Glassdrummond Crawford, F., Ballymacaramery Cromey, S., B'carn S., Spa Cromie, J , B'nacarnS., Spa Croskery, M , Magheraknock Currie, Hugh, Dramaness Davidson, William, Drumaness Dorrian, F., M'clone, Drumaness Dornan, J., M'clone, Drumaness Douglass, H. R., Ballynahinch Douglas, T., Glassdrummond Dunlop, W., Ballycreen Gibson, Thomas, Burren Gillespie, James, Ballymurphy Gilespie, Jn., Ballvmurphy Gillespie. J., Magheraknock Gordon, John, Burren Gordon, W., M'pany. Dr'ness Graham, J., Ballymaglave Banna, R.. M'ganny. Drumaness Harper, Wro.. C'gullion Hayley, H., Ballylone Big Healey, J., Ballylone Big Hill, J.. Creevytenant Hurst, W. J., Drumaness Irwin, J., Creevytenant Jennings, James, Dunmore Jennings, P., B'clough, Dunmore Johnston, F.f Magheradroll Johnston, J., Burren Kelly, N. (j.p.), Pillar Hill Cot Lewers, A., Creevyargon Lightbody, H W., Mill hill M'Caherty. J." D'gher, Dr'ness M'Calla, J , B'macarn S.. Spa M'Calla, R., Clontonagullion M'Calla. W.. B'maglave S, Spa M'Cammon, R., EMariff, Dunmore M'Cauley, John, Ballynahinch M'Coubrey, W., Dunmore M'Goubrie.W., jun., Spa MCibbon, J., Clontonagullion M'Kee, E., Magheraknock M'Kee S., Ballymurphy M'Kee, W. J., B'glave S, Spa M'Master, F.. Ballykine M'Mullan, J , Dooglen, Dunmore M'Namara, M., M'lone, Dr'ness Magee, J-, Ballynacaramery Maguire, J., jun , Dunmore Maguire, Thomas, Ballynahinch Maitland, D. K., Ballycreen Mariner, J., B'macarn S., Spa Martin, R., Ballylone Big Moag, Alex., Ballymurphy Moag, John, Ballymurphy Mooney, Jn.. Ballylone L Moorehead, J. N.. BallymMrphy Mulholland T., Ballylone Big Nelson, W., T'ragh. Dr'ness Nesbitt, John. Creevytenant O'Neill, H., Dunturk, Dunmore Owens, John, High st Patterson, J., Ballycreen Patterson. J., D'gavelin, Dunmore Rea. W. G , D'dad, Dr'ness Reid, David, Burren Reid, H., Sevaghan. Dr'ness Reid, T., Sevaghan, Dr'ness Kice, A., jun., B'caramery Rice, I)., B'caramery Rice, Jas. & Jn., B'caramery Robinson, S-, jun., Ballylone L Rodgers, J., Magheraknock Russell, S . Raleagh Savage, John, B'lough. Durunore Shaw, J., Clontonagullion Ker, Capt. R. W. B. (M.P.), Mon- Shaw, William, Mourne view Singer, R., Magheradroll Skelly, R., Magheraknock talto Smyth, W., Glassdrummond Kidd, J. G., Magheraknock Knowles, Eer. JT, Spa
Stewart, J., Ballymacarn N Stokes, Robert, Ballymurphy Tate, Jos , Ballymacarn S Thompson, D., Cumber, Dr'ness Thompson, J., Ballykine Up Thompson, J., Raleagh Thompson, R., M'pany, Dr'uess Waddel, Samuel, Dunmore Wade, Rev. G., Dunmore Walker. James, Burren Whiteside, G., Edendariff
CROSSGAR. ||ROSSGAR had a population of 743 in 1881. It is a station on the Belfast and County Down Railway, Si miles, English. North by West from Downpatrick, and 2 l | miles by rail South-east from Belfast. Mr. James Cleland owns the village, and a part of the district, the lands of which are of average quality. Potatoes, oats, flax, and some wheat are grown, and dairy farming is carried on to a considerable extent. A market is held weekly, on Wednesday, for butter, eggs, and fowl. From 200 to 300 women and girls receive employment through sewed muslin agencies. Two handsome churches with graceful spires, one belonging to the Presbyterian body and the other to the Roman Catholics, serve to accentuate the attractions of the village. Crossgar has a Football Club with about 30 members in good standing. The parish of Kilmore includes Crossgar. and many of the residents of the latter take a deep interest in the continued success of the Kilmore Sabbath School Union (Presbyterian). The Jubilee of the Union was celebrated on July 4th of the present year. Rev. T. S. Woods preached the sermon "n the occasion, concluding with a powerful appeal to his large audience never to depart from the " old paths," in matters of doctrine or modes of worship Listooder, a rural post-office, 2\ miles distant, is served from Crossgar.
Bank, Belfast, Tuesday Butter & EggsT. Bell, 8. Ktngon Coach builderW. * H. Smith CoalJ.Campbell, W.Gillespie, S. Kingon Christian Brethren Church of I.Rev. Canon Creery Drapers Misses Donaldson, Mrs. ShawGrocers; marked thus (*) sell spiritsJas., Campbell*. Mrs. M. Campbell, W. Cleland*. Misses Donaldson, W. Law*, Mrs. M. A.. Lindsay*,W.Lowry, J. M Cardie,
M'Donald, T. M'Millan, Mrs. S. Magee, I. Morrow*, Mrs. M. A. Reid*, Misses Robinson, W. Smith, W. & G. L. White Income tax col.W. Morrison Methodist ChurchCircuit Millers* have scutch mills J. Beck*, Miss I. Harris, J. M'Kenzie*, J. M'Robert News AgentsW. J. Duff, W. Law, 3. M'Coubrey, D. Murray Physician, &c.Jas. Carlisle Post M.Wm. Morrison
H. A. M'Clurg, J. M'Connell, J.
Presbyterian ChurchRev. S. G. Thompson R. C. ChurchRev. Edw. Connor, p.p.. Rev J J. Donnelly, c.c. Rev. P. Magill, c.c. R.I.C.A. Newman, sergt. School (Nail.) J . Wright Sewed Muslin agts.D. Murray, Mrs. Robinson Spirit retailersW. Copeland. R. Hutton, Mrs M. Lunday, VV. Moffett, F. Morrow, D. Murray, J. Ritchie. B. Smith Unitarian Church FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, &c. [Including Listooder (Z'toder)] Alexander, Rev. T., Listooder Ball, G., Drumgiven, L'toder Berry, M., Mghr'money Brownlee. Robert. Listooder Carlisle R , D'given, L'toder Clarke, D K. ().v.), K'chy Wds. Cleland, D. (J.P.), C'nonan Cleland,J.,Kminchy Wds. Cleland, J., Tober Coulter, Joseph, Killinchy Wds. Davidson, H . T,, Rademon Davidson, Dr. R., Rademon Duff, James, Cluntagh Jeffrey J., B'dian. L'toder Johnston, Mrs.. Killinchy Wds. Lindsay, J., B'dian, L'toder M'Cullough, Thomas, Listooder M'Cune, W . Killinchy Wds. M'Dowell, i a , Listooder M'Murray, Mrs. Mt., Crossgar M'Robert, J. 'J P.S Rademon mills Mateer, tf., L'owen, L'toder Moffatt, Mrs., C'nonan Moore. J., Drumgiven, L'toder Moreland, R. J., Cranmore ho., Moreland. R. J., Magher'money Morrison, W., C'nonan Morrison, W., jun., Creevy'nonan Orr, James, Rademon, L'toder Patterson, J., Ballydian, L'toder Patterson. J., sen., Listooder Rea, J., Killinchy Wds. Rea, D S., Lissowen, L'toder Rodgers, Geo (P.M.), Listooder Stewait. J., Creevy'nonan Stewart, S., Creevy'nonan Stewart, W., C'nonan Watson, W., Killinchy Wds.
Family Grocer, Seed, Provision, Wine and Spirit Merchant, CBOSSGAB.
Boots and Shoes, Artifical Manures, Funeral Undertaker, and Posting in all its branches, Timber, Iron, and General Hardware, Leather and Findings, Coal, Flour, Meal, and General Feeding Stuffs.
DROMARA. jJROMARA occupies a small space in each of the baronies of Kinelarty, Upper Iveagh and Lower Iveagh, 5 miles, Irish, to the South-west of Ballynahinch, and 5 miles, Irish, to the South-east of Dromore. It contained a population of 221 in 1881, and is part of the Downshire estate. The Lagan runs beside the village. There is a market for butter and eggs every Tuesday, and fairs on the first Friday in February, May, August, and November; and first Friday after 15th March, June, September, and December. Evor MacRorye Magennis forfeited his title to Dromara in the
380 war of 1641. The sub-post offices of Ballykeel, Gransha, Kinallon, and Waringsford are served with the mails from here. Church of I.Rev. J. H. Chap- Crothers, R t , Gransha Davidson, Robt., Kinallen man CoalW. Hart; D. S. M'Auley Dennison, W. J., Enagh
DrapersMrs. A. Kelly, Mrs. R. A. Mallon, Miss Rodgers Grocers, marked thus (*) sell spiritsR. Andrew, Mrs. A. J. Gamble, W. Hart, D. M'Auley, J. M'Cann*, Mrs. R. A. Mallon*, R. Moore Mills (corn & scutch)R. Dodd, R. Walker News AgentsH. Denison, R. H. Sterling Petty Sessionsheld every third Monday in each month; J. B. M'Connell, clerk PresbyterianFirst Ch., Rev. E. Ekin. M.A.; second, W. J. Patton Reformed Presbyterian Church Rev. T. Boyd R . C ChurchRev.D. Mallon,
Dodds, Wm., Woodford ho Ferguson, James, Growell Ferguson, Thomas, Ballykeel Fulton, Henry, Tullyniskey Fulton, John, Kinallen. Gamble, J., Enagh Garrett, Tames, Ountagh Gibson, Hugh, Lappoges Gibson, Thomas, Lappoges Gilmore, J. B. Kinallen Gorman, Dl., Levallyreagh Graham, W., Tullynisky Graham, W. J.. Tullynisky Hamilton, A., Drumadoney Hamilton, Jos., Ballykeel Hamilton, Mark, Ballykeel Hammond, R., Tullynisky Hook, David, Ballykeel Hunter, W., Skeogh Johnston, Wm., Enagh Jones, Hugh, Moydalgan p.p. Jones, Wm., Moydalgan R. I. CP. Smith, serjjt Kelly, W., Carnew, W'ford Schools (Natl)J. Matchett, Kelly, W., Tullindoney Hugh Denison, Miss A. Somer- Kidd, John, Kinallen viUe King, Hugh, Gransha Spirit retailersP. Lavery, Mrs. M'Alester, Bernard, Drinn B M'Kenny, A. Murnan Macauley, S., Carnew, W'ford WatchmakerR. H. Sterling M'Calla, W., Moydalgan FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, M'Cartan, Michael,(j.P.),Crossgar &c. M'Cloughan, J., Skeagh Including Ballykeel, Gransha,JCin- M'Crory, James, Enagh alien and Waringsford ( Wford). M'Greehan, G., A'naskeagh Alexander, John, Ballykeel M'Kenny. Edward, Dirm Bell, Jos., Ardtanagh M 'Key, Henry, Crossgar Bryson, James Lappoges M'Key, John, Dree Campbell. J. B., Leghey M'Murray, Joseph, Gransha Campbell, John, Crossgar M'Murray, Rt., Skeagh Chambers, James, Ballykeel Martin, James, Enagh Chambers, James, Dree Martin, J., Aughnaskeagh Chambers, J., Levallyreagh Martin, Robert, Ballykeel Creighton, A., Skeagh Martin, R., Skeagh Corbett, Wm, Aughnaskeagh Martin, W., Skeagh Cony, William (s.M.), Ballykeel
Meek, W. B., Camew, Wford Moore, John, Lappoges Moore. W., Drumadoney Nicholson, Jn , Moydalgan Nicholson, W.. Drumadoney Patterson, J. C., A'naskeagh Skelly, J., Ardtanagh Skelly, John. Dromara Skelly, S. Moybrick lr Skelly, Rt. (j.p.), Marybrook
Smith, David, Ballykeel Smith, John, G-ransha Somerville, J. C, Ardtanagh Waddell, R., Crossgar Walker, Robert, Crossgar Wallace, John, sen., Gransha Wallace, J., jun., Gransha Waugh, G. (j.r.). S i o n H i U Young, Jn., T'niskey, Wford
DROMORE. ||ROMORE, in the barony of Lower Iveagh, had a population of 2,491 in 1881. It is a station on the Great Northern Railway, 17J miles, English, from Belfast, and 7 miles, English, from Banbridge. The situation of the town in the Lagan Valley, is exceedingly beautiful. Within a short distance, in every direction, there are handsome private residences, and richly wooded demesnes. In the approach by rail the most striking feature in the first view is the great fort at the Eastern end. At the North side of this fort there is a treble fosse, and at the South an out-post sloping to the bank of the river. Various excavations have been made in it with a view to the discovery of hidden wealth. The last one was attended with such consequences to the nervous system of one or two men engaged in the enterprise, that the earth was not replaced. Within the past 15 years there has been a great change for the better at Dromore. A desire to give it a prominence among the principal county towns has been manifested in various ways. The appearance of the business houses has been very much improved, and the new houses added during the time mentioned constitute fully a third of the number inside the boundary. In 1885 the portions of the town divided by the Lagan were connected by a new bridge, 23 feet 6 inches wide, constructed of granite from the design of Mr. Wm. McKeown, C.E., Assistant County Surveyor. It replaced a bridge which was only 13 feet 9 inches wide. Among the houses rebuilt in the square, that of Mr. Robert S. Edgar is the finest. Neither in style nor finish would it be out of keeping in a thoroughfare of Belfast or Dublin. Most extensive changes have been made at the expense of the ratepayers, including a new market place, inclosed in the middle of the Square, and a new Town Hall. To complete these a sum of .3,500 was borrowed from the Board of Works in 1885, repayable by sinking fund in 50 years. Of this amount 1,500 was paid for a reversionary interest in the market tolls, acquired from
fcf" Commissioner for taking Affidavits for the Supreme Court of Judicature.
the last holder of the clerkship of the market, under the authority of the Bishops of Dromore. Markets are held on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and there is a fair held on the second Saturday of each month. Immediately after the passage of the Towns Improvement (Ireland) Act, advantage was taken of the lighting and cleansing clauses. In 1881 the ratepayers decided to secure powers under all its provisions. Nine Commissioners are elected. The general purposes rate for the current year is I s. in the . HISTORY, CHURCHES, CASTLE, SOCIETIES, &c. | HE history of Dromore begins with the time of St. Colman, who founded an abbey here, which secured valuable possessions early in the loth century. Its treasures were supposed to be so great that the Danes frequently made excursions to it for plundering purposes. The Abbey ultimately became the head of a see, with St. Colman as the first bishop. Dromore from that period down to the time of James II. and William III. has suffered from many conflicts and burnings. The O'Neills, MacCartans, and Magennises, in their numerous differences, added greatly to the troubles of the inhabitants. In the reign of James I. the see, found in a state of suspended a* imation, was re-established, and re-endowed with lands extending through several parishes. The Cathedral was re-built, and a palace for Bishop Buckworth was in progress of erection when the forces directed by the parliament at Kilkenny, 1641, set fire to the town, destroying nearly everything it contained, including the cathedral and the palace. Until some time after Charles II. ascended the throne, very little was done to change this condition of things. The famous Jeremy Taylor having been appointed Bishop of Dromore, and of Down and Connor, in 1660, built the present church on the site of the cathedral. He caught fever in 1667 and died in a few days. Although a native of Cambridge, England, he preferred Dromore as a last resting place, and his remains were interred under the chancel. The church was constituted a cathedral by Act of Parliament in the reign of George II. Under the Church Temporalities Act it was provided that the sees of Down, Connor, and Dromore should be united on either becoming vacant. The union was effected in 1842. Thos. Percy, author of the Key to the New Testament, Ac. was Bishop of Dromore for nearly 30 years, from 1782 and during his time, the church was altered and improved, and it has been maintained in good condition ever since. The interior is chaste. There is a handsome pulpit in Caen stone and marbles, and several stained windows contrasting most agreeably in difference of style and deli-
cacy of color. Loyola House, in the vicinity of the town, was for many years the palace of Bishop Percy, whose taste in planting is manifest to this day in the beautifully wooded hills forming a demesne of 211 statute acres. The property was purchased from the Church Temporalities Commissioners by Messrs. Edward and James Quinn, whose remains are entombed in the cathedral church-yard. The Jesuit Fathers purchased of the executors of the brothers in 1883, and the former palace was opened in the following year as a novitiate house for the Society of Jesus in Ireland. Very Rev. Wm O'Farrell, S. J., brother of the Bishop of Trenton, N.J., was the first rector. He was succeeded in 1885 by the present rector, Very Rev. John Colgan, S.J. There are two Presbyterian churches in Dromore, of good capacity, and a Methodist church, built in 1871. The Roman Catholic church of St. Coiman occupies an excellent site. It is a handsome edifice in the early English Gothic style, and dates from 1871. Very Rev. Wm. M'Cartan, V.F., was appointed P.P. in 1859, since which time he has expended about ,17,000 upon new buildings, and in the purchase of parochial property. There is a debt of ^1,500. , The old Cross of Dromore, which has been neglected for many years, is hereafter to occupy a pedestal in a triangular space where the road from Banbridge leads into the town and divides at the East end of the Cathedral. The Castle of Dromore, now owned by Mr. Wm. Harrison of Ballaney, is only a fragment in comparison to what it was. Mr. Wm. Clarke, whose place of business is near it, declares that not a stone has dropped out in 25 years. It was built by Wm. Worsley for the protection of his father-in-law, Bishop Tod. A newsroom in connection with an enterprise for the supply of refreshments on temperance principles, was established in 1885, and has been very successful. The Masonic and Orange bodies are well represented in the town and district. The Dromore Parish Cricket club has about 20 members. " INDUSTRIES. fROMORE was at one time better known than any part I of Ulfter in connection with linen manufacture, and it still maintains a reputation for the fine quality of its productions. The firm of Messrs. Wm. Spiott & Co. founded in 1850, and now consisting of Mr. William and Mr. James Sprott, employ from 300 to 400 hand-loom weavers in the manufacture of linens. Messrs. Wm. B. Miniss and Fons are manufacturers of hemstitched and fancy handkerchiefs. The firm was established in
General Drapery, Boot Warehouse,
4S" Money Lent on Gold and Silver Watches, Plate, . .vellery, and all kinds of valuable property. Storage for Furniture."
Wholesale and Family Grocer, Provisions,
Woollen Draper, Clothier, Batter and General Outfitter, Bridge Street, D ROM ORE.
l8^" Millinery and Fashionable Tailoring.
F A M I L Y GROCER, Tea and Coffee Dealer and General Provision Merchant,
FAMILY GROCER, Tea and General Provision Merchant,
387 1855 by Mr. Wm. B. Miniss. He died in 1885, and the firm now consists of his Sons, Messrs. John R., Edmond and Carley. The linen and cambric are manufactured on the premises from linen yarns only. Messrs. Wm. B. Miniss and Sons employ in their own houses from 400 to 500 people at weaving and hemstitching. They have had the honor of filling an order for linen cambric handkerchiefs given by H. M. Queen Victoria. At the left side of Church-street, entering the town from therailway station, the hemstitching factory of Messrs. John Harrison & Co., occupies a conspicuous position. Tamboring, hemming, and finishing cotton handkerchiefs, are done here for the leading commission and shipping houses of Manchester, Glasgow, and Belfast. The handkerchiefs are sent to the factory in the piece, and are finished and reshipped to the houses to which they belong, or in their interest, to fill orders in different parts of the United Kingdom. About 350 girls are employed by Messrs. John Harrison & Co., all of a better class than those engaged in spinning mills and weaving factories. They live in the town and vicinity, and are paid by the piece. Intelligence and skill count for much at labor of this kind, and girls who possess both, make good wages. Mr. John Harrison, J.P., head of the firm, is chairman of the Town Commissioners. His private residence, Mariville, stands in ornamental grounds adjoining the factory premises. The firm of Messrs. John Harrison & Co. has been established about fifteen years. Mr. John Hamilton, T.C., came to Dromore fifteen years ago to work his patents in hemstitching and embroidering for the sole use of Messrs. Henry Matier & Co., of Belfast. He then had several patents, valuable in this particular field of activity. A beginning was made in Market-square with rooms. After some years had elapsed Mr. Hamilton purchased ground in Meeting-street from Mr. John White of Belfast, and built a factory 100 feet long, 35 feet wide, and 3 storeys high, on the most improved principles for the admission of light and air. He continued to work his patents for Messrs. Henry Matier & Co., and to improve hemstitching machinery. His latest improve-
Cailat, metal taptx antJ tttSttet, CHURCH STREET,
GBOCBE, Jfattitoate, SCinrtet, 3Iran, Seel) & (metal HHel>atit, DBOMOBB. g" ALL FUNERAL REQUISITES.
Eanli, Commfastan & Enaurance Market Square, DROHORE. Commissioner for taking Affidavits for Supreme Court of Judicature.
SEED, IRON AND TIMBER MERCHANT, Agent for Richardson Brothers' Special Manures, Guano, &c. ' All my Seeds are selected with the greatest care, but I give no Warranty either expressed or implied. FUNEBAL UNDERTAKER.
ment is a hooking, counting, and measuring machine, patented by Hamilton & Woods, in 1885. This is also used only for Messrs. Henry Matier & Co. The factory is constructed of brick, and extends from Meeting-street to the edge of the River Lagan. From 400 to 500 people, women and girls, are employed. Of this number some receive work to be done at their own homes. The product of the factory is sent to the warehouse of Messrs. Henry Matier & Co., Belfast. Messrs. William Jardine & Co., Market Square, are manufacturers of shirt-fronts, and manufacturers and finishers of handkerchiefs. The firm was established about the year 1843, and devoted its entire energies to the weaving of fine and coarse linens with hand-looms. In 1868, attention was turned to the making of linen shirt-fronts, and to the hemming and finishing of handkerchiefs by machines. About the year 1877 a department was devoted to the hemstitching and embroidering of fancy handkerchiefs, in from forty to fifty different styles. The other departments were maintained with equal energy. Belfast and Manchester are the principal markets for shirtfronts, and Belfast and Glasgow for handkerchiefs. Messrs. William Jardine & Co. employ 275 women and girls in their factory, and give out work to from 50 to 100 to be done at their own homes. All live in the town and vicinity. The factory buildings consist of a hollow square, 85 feet long, 50 feet wide, and four storeys high. They are constructed of brick, and are well lighted and ventilated. The firm of Messrs. Sprott & Heggan was established in 1884, for the machine hemstitching and finishing of cambric handkerchiefs. The range of work runs from the plainest hemstitching to the most delicate and artistic embroidery. It also includes the attaching of hems in various colors and fabrics. Much taste is required for the successful development of an industry of this kind. Messrs. Sprott and Heggan do a great deal of the finer sorts of needlework, a fact which prevents a very rapid increase in the number of people employed. At the time of my visit, in March of this year, they had 125 women and
girls. Goods are made up for manufacturers of Belfast, Glasgow, and other parts of the United Kingdom. The factory is entered from Market Square. It is constructed of blue stone, and is 65 feet long, 24 feet wide, and three storeys high. The firm consists of Mr. Robert Sprott, J. P., Dromore House, and Mr. James Heggan, Mount street. MESSRS. THOMAS McMURRAY & CO. JJN the approach to Dromore from the Banbridge direction, the Bleach Works of Messrs. Thomas McMurray & Co. are seen from the viaduct of the Great Northern Railway. They are situated in the Lagan valley, and help to form a picture of the most charming character. The viaduct rises above the valley to a height of 74 feet, and consists of seven arches. Messrs. Thomas McMurray & Co. are manufacturers of linen and cambric handkerchiefs, and bleachers and finishers. The linens are of every grade from coarse to the finest shirting and household. In cambric they manufacture in all the degrees of fineness from 6 to 25. The premises consist of 32^ statute acres. Upon this there are several buildings. The largest is about 120 feet long, 40 feet wide, and two storeys high. Water and steam in conjunction are used for power purposes. Entering the town from the railway station, the first large building seen on the right in Church-street contains their lapping rooms, warehouse, and offices. The firm of Messrs. Thomas McMurray & Co. is one of the oldest in Ireland. It was established by Mr. Geo. McMurray, of Waringstown, near Lurgan, about the year 1750, for hand-loom cambric weaving. Mr. Thomas McMurray, his son and successor, removed to Dromore in 1827 and established the present concerns for bleaching and weaving. Soon after his arrival he added linen
weaving. He was succeeded at his death by his son, Mr. William McMurray, and Mr. William McClelland, his son-inlaw. Mr. William McClelland died about 20 years ago, since which time Mr. William McMurray has been head of the firm, and resides at Percy Lodge, immediately adjoining the railway station. Messrs. Thomas McMurray & Co. have agencies for the sale of their goods in London and Paris. AuctioneersG. Preston, J.
Watson BakersP. M'llduflF, J. & W. Mallagh, F. O'Neill, D. Stewart Bunk, NorthernW. S. Laniont Boots and shoesJ. Foster, J. M'Cullough, S. M'llwaine, J. Rowan, A. Watson, Meeting st, Butter, egg & grainA. Sherrard BuilderJ. H. Burns Cabinet makersD. Mitchell, T. Preston Christian Brethren of Ireland (Cathedral) Rev. Canon Hayes, rector; Rev. E H. Nunr.s, curate; Henry W. Hall, organist. Chemists and druggistsJohn Bronte, Henry Graham Coach builderHemy Mullen Coal W. Smith, A. Watson, Meeting St., W. Watson College of the Society of Jesus, Loyola HouseVery Rev. John Colgan, rector DispensaryDr. M. Weir DrapersMrs. E. Arlow, Alex. Cargin, S. G. Clarke, Robert S. Edgar, David Herron, Jas. Mercer, John Nelson, Mrs. M. A. Saul, Wm Saul, A. Watson, Bridge st Emigration agentsJohn (Mrs. Mary) Jardine, Adam Watson, Meeting st., J. Watson Gas Co.Wm. Preston, secy., C. W. Mearns, mgr Glass, china, &cW. Bennett, M. F. McFadden, Mrs. J.Mathers, C. Stewart Grain merchantsJ. Martin, J. Mulligan, A. Sherrard Grocers, &c, marked thus (*) sell spirits, ihus (f), seeds ; thus (J), hardware ; thus (), timber ; thus (u) are undertakersJ. Baiid W. Baird, W. J. Barron, P. Brown*, Jas. Chambers*ff, J (Mrs. M.) Jardine*, R. KerrtJK W. M'CammonJ, J. P. M'Creat, P. M'Grarly*, R. Mahood, Mrs. I. Mathers, Mrs. M. O'Neill*, I. Panti idge, A. Sherrard, C. Stewart, R. S. WallacetJ5, Adam Watson, W. Watson Hemstitching factories Tohn Harrison & Co., Wm. Jardine & Co, Henry Matier & Co., Sprott & Heggan Hotel keepersWm. Miller, Wm. J. Napier Linen Manufacturers^Vm. B. Miniss & Sons, J. M. Pickson, Thos. M'Murray & Co., W. J. Pattern, Win. Sprott & Co Methodist CRev. W. Sproule Mills, corn and scutchW. J. Anderson, A. Creighton, J. Giaham (and saw mill), T. Harrison, E. M'Cartney News agents, &c.Miss Sarah Carrothers, Wm. Preston, J. Watson PawnbrokerJohn Nelson Petty sessions held on the \"St Tuesday of each monthJ. B. M'Connell, cl rk Physicians and SurgeonsS. F. Hawthorn, j.p., Marshall Weir, J.r.
Post M. Miss S. Can-others Presbyterian Churches first, Rev. J. K. Strain; second, Rev. J. Rentoul Provision cvirersDromore curing Co., Ld.Mrs. M. O'Neill Railway S. M.J. H. M'Elnay R. C. Church Rev. T m . M'Cartan, P.P., v.F. RI.C.Jas. Kearney, sergt Saddlers G. Bennett, Wm. M'Key, H. Mercer Schools, Evening (Private)H. W. Hall, B.A.; Natl.No. I, Wm Baxter; No. 2, Mr. Faulkner; No. 3, D. Palmer; No. 4, Henry W. Hall, B. A SolicitorsGalway & Jardine, James Murphy Spirit retailersD. Allen, J. Clarke, Win. Clarke, Mrs. M. Dawson, J. Ireland, j . M'Dade, J. M'Murray, J. Russell, Mrs. C. Smyth Town Commissioners John Harrison, j.r., chairman, David Herron, Geo. Preston, sen , Robt. S. Wallace, Robt. S. Edgan Wm. Mallagh, Robt. Sprott, J.P., John Hamilton, Saml. M'Fadden. Jas. Bell M'Connell, Town Clerk a id Executive Sanitary Officer, Dr. M. Weir, M.O.H.; Wm. J. M'Keown, Town Surveyor; T. D. Card, Solr.; J. Hatch, Clerk of Markets and Sanitary sub-officer Unitarian CRev. D. Thompson Victuallers W. Brownlee, Casey, H. Ledgett WatchmakersR. Haslett, N. Scott FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, Bailie, D., Drumaghadone Beck, W., Skillyscolbane Bennett, D., T'cairn, Blackskull Bennett, S., Balleney Black, W. J., Ballykeel, M'A X rd Bodel, R., Coolsallagh Brown, Rev. T., Ballynarris Brush, Geo. (j P.), Gill hall Bullick, W., K'sorrell, A'field Cargan, A., Dromore Chambers, Jas., Dromore Jorbitt, H., DrumiUer, M'A X rd Coulter, Hamilton. Maglierabeg Coulter, William, Islanderry Cully, Jos., Skillyscolbane Currie, J. H., B'han, Blackskull Dalzell, S., Greenogue, Redhills Dennison, W., Islanderry Doloughan, A., Magherabeg Doloughan, R., Magherabeg Doloughan, W. J., Coolsallagh Dunbar,G., Ballynaris, M'A X rd Elliott, H., B'han, Blackskull English. Robt., Balleney Finlay, Rev. T., Ballynaris Fitzsimons, D., Greenan Fitzsimons, S., Quilly, A'field Flack, Jn., Coalsallagh Flack, S., Coolsallagh Flack, Thos., Ashfield Graham, John, Dromore Gibson, A., Ballymacormick Gribben, Anthony, Lurganbane Hamilton, John, Drumbroneth Hamilton, John (H. Matier & Co.) Hammond, George, Bottier Harrison, T. Coolsallagh Harrison, Wm., Ballaney Herron, Wm., Bottier Hook, W. G., Lappoges Hughes, Rev. P., Ballynaris Jameson, T., Drumbroneth Jardine, W.. Clanmurry Kelly, SI.,Ballysallagh &c. [Including Ashfield (A'field) Lilburn, A., Skillyscolbane Ballysallagh, Blackskull, Cool- Lilburn, W., Drumbroneth sallagh, Druma^hadont, Listully- M'Candless, R. B., Lurganbane curran, Af Adams Cross-Roads M'Candless, J-, Drumaghadone M'Caw, D., G'ogue, Redhills & Red/tills.) M'Cloughan, A^ B'mullagh, Agnew, R., Coolsallagh Archer, J., Coolsallagh
M'Comb, W., Greenan, A'field M'Cracken, D. M., Magherabeg M'Cracken, Robert, Listullycurran M'llrath, R., Balleney M'Murray, Wm., Percy Lodge Magowan, S., Tullyard Martin, J., Ballyvicknakelly Martin, W., Ballymacormick Mercer, G., Ballymaganlis Mercer, H., QuiJly Mills, Jn., Ballymacormick Mills, Jn,, Ballynaris Mills, Rt., Ballymacormick Mills, Rt., Drumbroneth Mitchell, Jn., L'ward, A'field Nelson, Jas., B'macbrennan Nelson, J. H., Rampart st Partridge, A., B'mullagh Patterson, Isaac, Listullycurran Poots, Jas., Coolsallagh Prenter, J., Balleney, A'field Rea, S., T'cavn, Blackskull Rea, Wm., D'skeagh, Blackskall* Rodgers, John, Dromore Scott, James, Lurganbane Scott, John, Ballysallagh Shanks, M., B'ban, Blackskull Shannon, J. A., Listullycurran Simpson, G. G., Gregorlough Skelton, W. J., B'han, BlackskuU; Stanfield, John, Listullycurran Stewart, J., Ballyvicknakelly Thompson, J., Drumiller, M ' A X r Thompson, Robert, Listullycurraa Vaughan, A., Quilly Vaughan, Geo. M., Quilly house ' Waddell, C. D., Islanderry Watson, Hugh, Ballyvicknakelly Waugh, S., Drumskee, BlackskuU Weir, Jos., Church st Wilkinson, J., M'beg, Kedhills Wilkinson, R., M'beg, Redhills Wilson, J., B'han, Blackskull Woods, Jas., Skillyscolbane
!2 miles, English, South-west of Belfast, on the Great Northern Railway. It had a population of 797 in 1881. The lands of the district are good for pasture and tillage. Oats, potatoes and flax are the chief crops. Dairy farming is carried on to a considerable extent. A fair is held on the third Wednesday of each month, but although there is a market house and market place, markets have ceased to be held. The village is well built, and beautifully situated. Many handsome residences are in the vicinity, chief among the number
being that of the Marquis of Downshire. Cromlyn was the original name of Hillsborough. The change was effected by Sir Charles Hill, projenitor of the Marquises of Downshire. He built a castle in the reign of Charles I., and William III. slept in it while hi< army was encamped under the walls. The castle is in a tolerable state of preservation. Charles II. made it a royal fortress and Sir Arthur Hill and his successors hereditary constables, with 20 warders, and a well appointed garrison. The warders continue to be enlisted, and to turn out on occasions of state in uniforms of the original pattern. They muster regularly every Sunday in the parish church. On the highest elevation above the village a monument, about 150 feet high, surmounted by a statue, was erected to the 3rd Marquis of Downshire, 1848. In the village, opposite the Church of Ireland, a statue in bronze, supported by a granite pedestal, commemorates the 4th Marquis, 1868. The M aze races, referred to in the chapter on racing, are held in the vicinity. By charter of Charles II. Hillsborough once elected a sovereign and 12 burgesses. It returned two members to the Irish Parliament until the Union, when the borough was abolished and the Marquis of Downshire received ,15,000 compensation. THE HILLSBOROUGH LINEN COMPANY, LIMITED. I HE factory of the Hillsborough Linen Company, Limited, is situated at a distance of about a mile, English, West of Hillsborough, and less than half a mile from the railway station. Buildings, three storeys and two storeys high, cover about two acres, and on 26 acres there are 52 workmen's houses. Altogether the premises connst of about 140 statute acres, including a grazing farm. There are 318 looms, with the latest improvements. The manufactures include towelings, diapers and damasks. Yarns spun from Irish and Belgian flax, are chiefly used. The products are sent to the markets of the United Kingdom and to the United States and Canada. An engine, 135 horse-power, drives the machinery in summer. In winter a turbine wheel, equal to 70 horse-power, is used as an auxiliary. The buildings belonging to the Hillsborough Linen Company, Limited, originally served the purposes of a distillery, operated until the time of his death, about twenty years ago, by Mr. Hercules Bradshaw, a celebrated man on the turf, and the
owner of Barbarian, once a favorite for the Derby. A short time after the demise of Mr. Bradshaw the distillery was acquired by a Limited Liability Company, and changed into a woollen factory. A second limited liability company was formed while the concern was in full operation. It bought out the first company, and continued to work until 1876, when a change was made from woollens to linens, the company re-organized and its name altered to the Hillsborough Linen Company, Limited. Some of the shareholders of the first company have stock in the present successful enterprise. Mr. J. J. Pim, of Lisburn, is managing director, and Mr. Arthur Pim, secretary. Mr. Arthur Pim resides at Culcavy Cottage, in handsomely planted grounds. About 300 people are employed in the factory; of this number more than half are females. At the entrance to the factory there is a school under the National Board of Education. It is chiefly attended by children of the company's operatives. The first story of the school-house serves as a reading and recreation room. It was established by the company for the workmen, who manage it by committee for their own benefit. BakerJ. Smith Moravian Church, Kilwarlin BankNorthern, Mr. Brady, mgr Rev. T. F. Shaw Music Profr. - W m . Harty Boots and ShoesT. Balmer, J. Henderson, J. Ingram, J. News AgentJas. Scott Nursery, Ogle's groveL. T. M'Clughan, J. Kennison Davis Church of I.Ven. Archdeacon Petty Sessions, held first SaturGibb, Eev. R. A. Kernan day of each monthA. Stanfield,clk D o w n s h i r e EstateH. S. Post MistressMrs. M. Ingram M'Clintock, J.P., agent; T. 8. Presbyterian ChurchRev. G. Howe, j . p., receiver Johnston DispensaryDr. Hy. Boyd Railway S. M. Wm. McAnDrapersMisses Bell, Miss A. eary Green, Mrs. A. Kidd R. C. ChurchRev. F. Kelly, P.P. Friends' Meeting House R.I.C.- Wm. Bains, se'gt. Gas Co.A. Stanfield, sec. Saddlers T. Loughlin, S. F. Grocers, &c.; marked thus [*] M'Carthy sells spiritsG. & H. Bell, Mrs. E. Schools, Ladies' Miss S. Cunningham, Mrs. M. Davidson, M'Gifford; National, J. J. NayJoseph Gibson*, Jas. M'Clughan, lor; O.I, Miss Ellen Devlin; Jos. M'Clughan, J. Smith, R. R. C , Reilly's Trench Thornton Spirit Retailers J. Cregan, Hotel-keepersH. Hall, Mrs. MissJ. Crothers, MissM. Gawley, C. Loughlin J. M'Canlis, W. M'Kee Linen Manftrs. Hillsborough VictuallerWm. Walker Linen Co., Ld. WatchmakerJas. Beattie
[Including Ballycrune (B'crune), Edentrillick and Toughblane.~\ Alexander, J., Magheraconluce Bell, J. R. "H., B'lougheme Beatty, James, Corcreeny Bealty, Joseph, Ballycrune Beatty, William, Edenticullo Bell, Hugh, Tullynore Bell, Robt., Carnreagh Bell, Saml., Carricknadariff Bennett, H. M.,Cargygray,B'crune Black, M., Magheraconluce Blackburn, A., Ballylintagh Blain, J., B'artifinny Blythe, A., Lisadian Blythe, T., Keilly's Trench Brady, Arthur, Drumlough Brereton, Win., Ballyknock Brown, SI., Carnreagh Burden, J. H., Lisadian Cargin, John, Clogher Coburn, James, Ballyworfey D'Ermine, T., Cargygray Dornan, W.,B'lougherne Fowler, R., Ballykeel'gonnell Frazer, Hugh, Edentrillick Friar, G., Magheraconluce Gardner, Patrick, Ballyhomra Gardner, R., B'gonnell Garrett, W., Magheraconluce Gibson, David, Edentrillick Gladstone, T. Ballylintagh Graham, Wm., Ballyworfey Green, George, B'artfinny Greer, J., Culcavey Green, J. Orr, Aghnatrisk Green, John, Tullynore Green, R. B., Tullynore Hamilton, J., Backnamullagh Harvey, J. M,, Drumlough Heron, James, BaUyknock Herron, J. H., Ballygowan Herron.W. T., Ballygowan Hill, Albert C , Hillsborough Hogan, Rev. F., Culcavey Howe, T. S. (j.P.),Cromlyn Lodge Irvine, D., Ballylintagh Irvine, J., Mghrluce Jamieson, T., Cluntagh, B'ourne Jones, Archibald, Ballycrune Jones, John, C'nadariff Jordan, S., A'dunvarran mills nox, J. A., Maze Little, James, Cabra M'Bride, Andrew, Maze M'Candless, John, Edentrillick M'Carthy, Robert, Toughblane M'Calla, R., Cargygray, B'crune M'Calla, W., Cargygray, B'crune M'Cauley, J., Cluntagh, B'crune M 'Cherry, T., C'ondarriff M'Cully, Richard, Growell M'Clintock, H. S. (j.P.), K'warlin M'Garry, James, Ballyknock M'Garry, Matthew, Ballyknock M'Gifford, W. J., Carnreagh M'Goveney, E-, Edenticullo M'Leavy, John, Corcreeny Magill, W., A'dunvarran Magowan, F., Cluntagh, B'crune Magowan, W. S.,Cluntagh,B'crune Martin, James, BaUyworfey Martin, John, Edentrillick Mateer, John, Magheracoiluce Mayne, Joseph, Edentrillick Mayne, Robert, Edcntrillick Mercer, C , B'artifinny Mercer, W. J.. A'dunvarran Merritt, John, Maze Millar, Alexander, Glebe Morrow, W., Ballyworfey Nelson, G., Culcavey Pantridge, J., Zion hill Parker, William, Carnreagh Patterson, J., Ballylintagh Patterson, Robert, Balljgowan Patterson, Samuel, Ballycrune Phoenix, Adam, Maze Phoenix, S., Maze Robinson, W., Corcreeny ho Rutherford, Adam, Ballycrune Rutherford, J., Carrick'dariff Scandrett, T. G., Lurganville Scandrett, T, H., Lisadian Shannon, A., D'knockan Shannon, J. M,, Edentrillick Shannon, J. N., Growell, B'crane Shannon, J., D'knockan
Shannon, W., D'knockan Shaw, M , Ballylintagh Smyth, J., jun., Drumlough Smyth, Samuel, Maze Spiers, J., Ballylintagh Stanfield, Jas., Maze view Stockman, Samuel, Maze Thompson, Andrew, Maze Thompson, J., Ballygowan Thompson, W. J., Carnbane Thornton, J., Edenticullo Turner, J., B'artifinny Turner, W. J., B'artifinny Tweedie, A., B'mullagh Walker, John, Corcreeny WardeH, Henry, Culcavey Watson, George. Drumlough Watson, Henry, Maze Wilson, J., B'iougherne Woods, J., B'artifinny Woods, Jeremiah, Toughblane
KILLINCHY. j|[LLINCHY is a small village 5 miles, Irish, Southeast of Comber. It is in the barony of Dufferin. The nearest railway station is at Ballygowan, 4 miles, Irish, to the West. Mr. John Cleland, D.L., is the principal owner of the district, the lands of which are good for pasture and tillage. Oats, potatoes, wheat and flax are grown. Balloo fort is within a mile. In 1829 several silver coins of the 12th century were found at a short distance from it. The site of Killinchy fort was occupied by the castle of Hugo White in the 16th century. He removed from it to Killyleagh. Bank, Belfast, Thursdays Anderson, P., Ballymacreely Church of IRev. R. H. Orr Anderson, Mrs. J. M., Ashvale Coal mts.A. Morrow, S.Morrow Bishop, J., Ballymoran DrapersJ. Boyd, J. Finlay, J. Bishop, T., Ballymoran Bodel, W., Ballygeegan Russell GrocersMiss A. Finlay, J. Boyd, SI., Killinakin Fitzroy, Miss J. Hamilton, W. Brand, Thomas, Florida Manor Brown, Alex., Tullymore M'Cann Mills, corn, &c.J. Coulter, J . Brown, Rt., Ballygeegan Cleland, James, Ballymoran M'Finlay, T. Potter. W. Shaw Connolly. J., Ballymacreely Mills, Scutch- T. Robinson Coulter, Jas., B'geegan News AgentJ. Boyd Petty Sessions at Florida, 2 Coulter, Miss M., Ballyministra miles, Irish, last Monday of each Douglas, J., Ballydom Farrel, T., Ballygeegan month. John Parker, clerk Finlay, John, Killinchy Post MasterJohn Boyd Presbyterian C.Rev. S. Morrow Finlay, J. M., Bministra Gubbey, H., Ballybunden R.I.C.John Cross, sergt. Gibson, T., Carrickmannon School (National) J. Ritchie Gilmore, Mrs., Tullycore Spirit retailerMrs. E. Henry Gilmore, S., Quarterland Unitarian Church FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, Gilmore, W., Ballybreda Gourley, SL, Ballmacreedy &c. Graham, T., Kilmood [Including Battymacashen & Haslett, James, Drumreagh Carrickmannon. ] Alexander, E,, Carrickmannon ho Haslett, S., Drumreagh, B'cashen
Hamilton, J., B'minstra Henderson, Jas., Ballygeegan Hewitt, J., B'minstra Ingram, T., B'bunden Lamont, W., Ballymoran Lawther, J., B'minstra Lees, R., Drumreagh Lees, W., Drumreagh Lindsay, G., Ballymacashen Logan, John, Balloo Lowry, J., Ballymacashen Lowry, J., Ballymacreely M'Cann, H., Killinchy M'Cann, John, Killinakin M'Cann, Wm., Ballydoran M'Cleery, James, Oarrickmannon M'Connell, G-., Ballybunden M'Grady, Edward, Carrickmannon M'llwrath, J., jun., Drumreagh Magee, George, Carrickmannon Magee, Wm., Carrickmannon Marshall, W. J., Tullycore Millar, R., Ballymorran Millar, T. P., Ardview Miskirnon, D., Ballybunden Moore, John, Islandbane Moore, Rev. D. R., Hollypark Moorehead, David, Ballymacashen Moorehead, G., B'macreely Moorehead, Isaac, Drumreagh Moorhead, D., B'ministra Morrow, A., Ballymoran Morrow, T-, Drumreagh, Carrick'n Morrow, Saml., Moore hall Morrow. T., Dunsey Island Morrow, W., Ballygeegin Mulligan, J., Drumcrow Murray, J., jun., Carrickmannon Orr, John, Ballymacashen Osborne, James, Ballymacreely Patton, David, Carrickmannon Patterson, J., B'macreely Pattei'son, John, Lisdoonan Patterson, R., Drumalig, Carrick'n Patterson, W., B'minstragh Rea, Jas., B'macreely Rea, Jas., Drumalig, Carrick'n Robinson, Thos., Ballybunden Shaw, W., Ballybunden Sheals, John, Carrickmannon Spratt, J., Balloo Spence, R,, Ballydoran Stewart, Francis, Ringhaddy Stewart, James, Ballymacashen Stewart, Ml., Ringhaddy Stewart, Thomas, Killinchy Stewart, W., B'macreely Strain. S., Lisdoonan, Carrick'n Sturgeon J., jun., Tullymore Watson, Miss A., Templebrook v Wightman, Mrs., Drumreagh Walsh, W., Drumreagh
KILLYLEAGH. JJILLYLEAGH is charmingly situated on the western shore of Mrangford Lough. It is in the barony of Dufferin, a little more than 4 miles, Irish, West by North from Crossgar, the nearest railway station. Lord Dufferin is the principal owner of the district, the land of which is good for pasture and tillage. The crops are potatoes, oats, wheat, flax, and turnips. It is a fair butter-making country. Lord Dufferin also owns the harbor. The depth of water at the pier-head, spring tides, is from 13 to 14 feet. Vessels discharging or taking in cargo, pay 2|d. per ton register ; nothing on cargo. Until within the last few years there was a large export trade in potatoes. Coal and salt are the imports. Killyleagh has two extensive spinning mills. About 150 people receive employment through sewed muslin agencies. T h e ruins of a small market-house exist, but no market is held. Fairs are held on the ioth of April and n t h of October in each year.
GEKERAL DRAPER, Hats, Caps, Shirts, Hosiery and Gloves, Boots and Shoes, Room Paper, &c, HIGH STREET,
jfamtti? (Srocer.
Bnnpowder, Pelf, Oils, Paints and Colors*.
Grocer, Draper, Hardware and Coal Merchant, Shipowner, 8?c, SHORE STREET,
Furniture, Glass, China and Earthenware. C H A B L E S IMIOIR^OW, Family Grocer < Provision Merchant, & Back. Street, KILLYLEAGH.
General Hardware, Glass, China and Earthenware, Boots, ' Shoes and Drapery.
ublin nibersitg
There is a first-rate cricket club, and a most successful regatta is held annually in August. The Killyleagh, Killinchy, Kilmood, and Tullynakill Farming Society holds its show here every second year. See Farming Societies. There are Lodges of the Masonic I and Orange societies. Killyleagh had a population of 1,835 >n 88i. The district was important before the arrival of the English adventurer, John DeCourcy. It formed part of the MacCartan country. Hugo White erected a castle here in the 16th century. He held extensive possessions by favor of Queen Elizabeth. The O'Neills and MacCartans soon afterward joined forces, and drove the Whites from the Castle and the barony. At the close of Conn O'Neill's Rebellion, the MacCartans forfeited their territory. It was given with Comber, Holywood, and other places, to Sir James Hamilton, afterward Lord Clandebcye. He restored the castle. In the war of 1641 it was taken by the Parliamentary forces. The mother of the present owner, Col. G. R. Hamilton, spent a large sum in restoring the castle, the latest improvement having been made in 1870. The outer wall, facing Strangford Lough, a splendid piece of masonry, was built by the present Lord Dufferin. Killyleagh received a Charter of Incorporation from James I., under which a provost was annually elected, and returned two members to the Irish Parliament until the Union. Sir James Stevenson Blackwood, Bart., afterward Lord Dufferin, received ,15,000 compensation for its disfranchisement. Remains of the ancient parish church still exist. In the grave-\ ard attached to it there is much that is interesting from the antiquarian point of view. The post-offices of Derryboy, Raffrey, and Toy are served with the mails from Killyleagh. Bakers R. J. Majilton, Ml. row, Miss B. O'Halloran, Miss M. Patterson Morrison Emigration AgentsH. S. GuiBankUlster, Fridays Carpenters D. Green, W. ney, J. M'Causland, R. Watson Gas Co. Robert Thompson, Lowry, J. M'Knight Church of I.Very Rev. Dean sec. ; Jas. Gallaway, manager Grocers; marked thus [*] sell Moeran, D. D. Coal MerchantsJ. and W. spirits; thus [t] hardware ; thus Gilmore John M'Causland, A. [] seeds ; thus [] glass and china T. Calvert, Mrs. Dick, R. M'Clurg Carlisle, J. Ferguson, Francis DispensaryDr. Shiel Drapers Miss Margt. Field, FureytJ, W. Furey, Wm. GilMisses Mary and Rose Field, H. more (china and delf only), J. HolS. Guiney, Misses A. and M. Law- land, P. Keenan, J. M'Cardle, ther, H- L O W R Y , Mrs. John M'CauslandtJ, A L E X . M'Cardle, Mrs. J. M'Knight, Miss McCLURG+, Messrs. M. & L. Martin, J. Mathews, J. Mor- A. M'Greevy, A. Martin, Mrs. E.
402 Morrisont, Charles Morrowt. ISAAC PATTERSONS, J. Rea, Mrs. E. Rogan, J . Skillenf, Jas. Wilson Boyd, James, Clay, Toy Breeze, Win., B'cromwell, Toy Brown, H., Tullychin Brown, Misses, Ballygoskin Calvert, B., Lisnaw, Derryboy Carr, A. R., Corporation Brown, Jn., Tullychin Calvert, Wm., Tuilyveery Carr, Jos., Corporation Clarke, W., Ballymacairon Cleland, David, Derryboy Coulter, Jab., Ardigon Cunningham, S., Ballyalgin, D'boy Davidson, Miss, Dunmore, Toy Downey, Jas., Ringdufferin, Toy Foley, Jos., Lisnaw, Derryboy Furey, Matthew, Corporation Gilmore, SL, Kirkland, Toy Gordon, A. (J.P.), Delamont Gordon, T. G., Delamont Gourley, J. (J.P.), The Cottage Hamilton, Col. G. R., J.P., Castle Hamilton, H., Ballyalgan, D'boy Hamilton, Missts, B'maghery, Harper, Jn., Bally woolen Harper, R., Maymore, Toy Hay, James (j. p.), Corporation Henderson, M., Clay, Toy Henderson, T. & W., Clay, Toy Heron, F., Ardigon ho Heron,J. (JP.), L'ullyveery ho Irvine, las., Billytrim Jackson, J., Bamemaghry, Raffrey Johnston, Miss, Ballywoolen Johnston, S., Ballywillan Lawiher, W., Cluntagh Long, Wm., Ballymacarron Lowry, Jas., Maymore Lowry, J. E., Raffrey Lowry, J., jun., Raffrey M'Cammon, Wm , Derryboy M'Clurg, Wm., Ardigon MCandless, John, Clay, Toy MacLaine, L. (J.P.), Shrigley ho M'Dowell. Henry, Cluntagh M'Dowell, Robt., Cluntagh M'Gifford, J., Rathc'ham, Toy M"Kee. D., Corporation M'Kee, Hugh, Tullychin lug' ( M'Kelbey,* John, Toy J
Family grocer, provision curer, and dealer in china, glass and earthenware, High st
Family grocer, provision, seed and hardware merchant, and news agent, High street Harbor MasterAlex. Field Hotel-keepers J. Furey, R. Watson Methodist ChurchCircuit News Agents; marked thus [*] are StationersJ. Faulkner, F. Furey, Jas. M'Gloin, A. Martin*, I. Patterson*, R. Thompson Physicians, &cA. Orr, W. C. Shaw, R. G Shiel Post MasterHugh 8. Guiney R.C.ChurchRev.F.Magill.c.c. R.I.C.P. Ward, sergt. Presbyterian Churches 1st, Rev. J. R. M'Cleery; 2nd, Rev. A. JTCreery SaddlerFred. Jamison Schools, Ladies'Miss Murphy ; National, Kobert Thompson ( i ) ; John Davidson (2) ShipownersJ. and W. Gilmore. J. MCausIand, A. M'Clurg, T. M'Millan Spinners. FlaxJ. Martin, Ld., Sinton and Sons Spirit Retailers (see also Grocers and Hotels)R. Bell, G. Cleland, H. Geddis, Jas. M'Causland, A. Morrow Timber Merchants John M'Causland, R. Wilson VictuallerAlex. Morrow FARMERS, LANDOWNERS, &c. [Including Derryboy, Rafftey and Toy) Bingham, Jn., Corporation Bailie, Jas. (j.p.), Ringdufferin
M'Kibben, Henry, Mullagh M'Bride, Hans, Toy Magee, Patrick, Ballywillan Martin, J., B'magbery, Raffrey Martin, L., Ballywillan Moffatt, R., B'maghery, Raffrey Montgomery, H., Sketrick Island Moore, P., Lisnaw Morrison, R. T., Corporation Morrow, S I , Moor hall Morrow, T., Island Toy Murray, James, Raffrey Murray, P., B'maghery, Raffrey Norwood, James, Raffrey Orr, SI , Raffrey Patterson, Isaac, Corporation Patterson J., Beechpark Patterson, J., Tullyveery, D'boy Palterson. T.. Derryboy Reid, David, Ardigon Ringland, John, Cluntagh Ringland, S. B , Ballytiim Ho Robinson, D.. Mullagh Scott, John, Corporation Stevenson, Hans, Tullyveery Stevenson, John, Derryboy Stewart, J., jun., Paul Isiand "Wallace, Wm., Tullyveery Watson, John, Mullagh Weaver, John, Ballytrim White, R.. Lisnaw, Derryboy Woods, J., Ballyalgin, Derryboy Woods, Wm., B'goskin, Derryboy
Family Grocer, Tea Dealer, Coal Merchant and Ship Owner, KILLTIEAGH.
Seeds, Hardware, Timber, Iron, Plough Metals, Glass, Paints, Oils, Colors, Boots and Shoes.
SA.INTF1ELD. j]AINTFIELD had a population of 769 in 1881. It is a station on the Belfast and County Down Railway, in the barony of Upper Castlereagh. 15^ miles, English. South of Belfast ; n miles, English, Worth-west of Downpatrick ; and 7 miles, Irish, East by south from Lisburn. Mr. James T. Price, D.L., is the principal owner of the district, the lands of which are fair for pasture and tillage. A weekly market is held on Wednesday for fowl, eggs, and butter. On the last Wednesday of every month a fair is held. It is one of the best in the county for horses. Buyers attend from every part of the United Kingdom, and from France and Austria. Saintfield was the scene of the first battle fought in the North of Ireland during the Rebellion of 1798. See Ballynahinch, and the historical sketch of the county. DispensaryDr. T. Fulton AuctioneerHy. Macarthy DrapersS. E. Anderson, J. Bank, BelfastJas. Napier.mgr Boots and LeatherR. Strana- Bell, J. Gourley, S. M'Kee, R. Moodv, N. Perry, Mrs. J. Potter, ghan Church of I. Rev. R. D. Knox, M. M. PRIESTLY and Rev, L. Torpey SON Emigration Agents Henry CoalT. Gilchrist, J. Hewitt, J. Mllwain, D. M'Kee, R. Mc- M'Carthy, F . Minnis, Mrs. J . Potter Kenzie
Oak, Birch, and Black Covered CoffinsShoulder Scarfs, Hat Scarfs, Mourning Bands, Ribbons, Gloves, &c; One, Two, and Pour Horse Hearses on the shortest notice, at strictly moderate charges.
Groeers,&c.; marked thus [ t ] sell hardware; thus [J] seedsS. E. AndersonJ, John H. Brownf, W. Gibson, T. Gilchristf, S. Hogg, Francis Kirk, G. M'Cleland, J. M'llwain, D. M'Kee.E. M'Kenzie, F. MinnisfJ. M. M- P R I E S T L Y & S O N , seeds and manures Hotel-keeperJas. M'Eobert MillersCurragh, Bros. News AgentsS. E. Anderson, Mrs. J. Potter. Petty Sessions, held first Tuesday of each month, Hugh Rea, elk PhysiciansT. Fulton, W. Gordon, j . p., R. Sproule Post MasterFrancis Minm's Presbyterian Churches 1st, Rev. S. Hamilton; 2nd, Rev. Geo. E. Moore Bail way S. M.Matthew Scott R. C. ChurchEev. M. HamiU,
K.I.C.W. Loftus, sergt SaddlerW. Craig, J. Spears Saw MillsJas. Darby Schools (Natl.)Wm. Groves, Presb.; T. Monaghan, B. C. ; Parochial C. I., Miss Sarah M'Court Spirit RetailersT. Crawford, J. Davey, Mrs. X. M'llveen, A. M 'Robert, T. Moore, T. Murray, J. Peake, J. Spears, Mrs. G. Spratt Victuallers-J. Lyons, W. Spence Watchmakers Spratt Bros., W. Spratt FARMEES, LANDOWNERS &c. Anderson, J., Lisowen Anderson Matt., Lisdoonan Beattie, W. H., Cahard Bennett, F., Lessons Bennett, J., Carsonstown Blackwood-Price, Major J. N. Brown, Samuel, Lisbane Carse, Samuel, Lisowen Corrough, R. J., G'drummond Corrough, S., G'drummond Corrough, W. J., G'drummond
Cosby, John, Carsontown Crosby, H., A'darragh Davidson, J., Carsonstown Davidson, S., Lessons Dodds, Mrs. S., C'sasonagh Edgar, John, Lisbane Fitzsimons, G. A., Ballyagherty Galbraith, S., Ballyknockan Garrett, W., jun., Ballyknockan Gill, J., Leggygowan Gillespie, T., Ballyagherty Gregg, N., Lisdoonan Ireland, James, Lessons Johnstown, Fr., Lissowen M 'Bride, B., Carsonstown M'Burney, W. W., G'drummond M'Creery, R., Leggygowan M'Ewen, J., G'drummond Magean, J., C'loughgare Mageean, D., Leggygowan M'Geehan, Daniel, Lissowen M'Millan, H., Tonaghmore M'Roberts, Andrew, Lissowen ' J Moore, Rev. J. R., Creevyloughgar \ k Morrow, Daniel, Lisbane Morrow, John, T'cunagh Morrow, Robert, Lisbane Morrow, William, Lisbane Napier, John, Lisdoonan Norwood, W. J., C'lontinaglare Orr, John, Ballyagherty Price, J. C. (D.L.) Saintfield ho Rea, A., Carsonstown Rea, James, Lisbane Rea, James, Lisdalgan Rea, John, Lisdalgan Rea, Thomas, Lessons Rea, W. H., Tonaghmore Rea, W., T'cunagh Robinson, A., Lissowen Russell, M., Leggygowan Scott, J., B'caramery Shaw, James, Carricknaveagh Shaw, S., jun., C'sasonagh Shaw, W. J., C'sasonagh Shepherd, John, G'drummond Shepherd, W., D'connell W Simpson, William Smith, W., Lisdoonan Thompson, W. J., G-'drummond 2C
The Stock will be found to embrace all the Latest Novelties from the Various Centres of Fashion.
The following are a few of the Leading Departments;Silks, Dresses, Mantles, Costumes, Millinery, Furs, Underclothing, Boots & Shoes, Hosiery, Laces & Ribbons, Haberdashery, Fancy Goods, Prints & Muslins, Blankets & Flannels, Linens & Calicoes, Skirtings, Umbrellas & Parasols, Curtains.
Downpatrick : Murray & Co., drapers, Market Street. Newry; J. Smith, Nursery, Monaghan Street; Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. R. H. Doherty, Sec. Parliament, County Members: Col. Thos. Waring, North; Michael McCartan,Solr., South; Capt. R. W. B. Ker, East; Lord Arthur W. Hill, West. Rathfriland: John T. McLoughlin, (J.P.), Lenish. Warrenpoint: Rev. Henry O'Neill, P.P.
I N DE X .
TOWNS, VILLAGES, AND RURAL POST-OFFICES. Anaclone, Rathfriland : .359 172 Ballywalter . Annacloy, Lisburn . 140 365 Ballyward, Castlewellan Annalong . . . .219 135 Banbridge . . . . . 283 Annsborough, Castlewellan 140 Bangor . . 279 Ardarragh, Newry ,. 23 Belfast Sub-Offices Ardglass 208 Bellaughley, Mayo Bridge . 159 . . .295 Ardkeen, N'townards. 331 & 355 Belmont Ashtield, Dromore . . 392 Bishcpscourt, Downpatrick . 304 . 39 2 Blackskull, Dromore Bailee, Downpatrick . . 204 . . 296 . 204 Bloomfield . Ballyalton, Downpatrick . 3^5 : 158 Boardmills, Lisburn . Ballyardle, Kilkeel . . 204 . 365 Bright, Downpatrick . Ballyaughlis, Lisburn . . 137 . 397 Bryansford . Ballycrune, Hillsborough . .123 Ballyculter, Downpatrick . 204 Cabra, Newry . 399 Ballydrain, Comber . . 303 Carrickmannon Killinchy . 310 . . 1 3 6 Carrowdore, Donagljadee Ballydugan . . . . 297Ballygowan . .. . 2 8 1 Carryduff Ballygrainey . . . 282 Castlereagh. See Belfast .. .139 . . 3 5 8 Castlewellan . Ballyhalbert . Ballykeel, Dromara . . 380 Chapeltown, Downpatrick . 204 . . 298 . . 1 3 6 Clandeboye . . Ballykilbeg . . 140 Ballyleany, Magheralin . 275 Closkelt, Castlewellan . . .146 . 399 Clough Ballymacashen, Killinchy . . .212 . 274 Cloghey Ballynabraggett, Lurgan . . . 299 Ballynagarrick, Gilford . 265 Comber . . 369 Conlig, Newtownards 331 & 355 Ballynahinch . . 39 2 Ballynaskeagh, Banbridge . 250 Coolsallagh, Dromore . 250 . 169 Corbet, Banbridge . Ballyroney, Rathfriland , < 306 Ballysallagh, Dromore . 392 Craigavad ,
Crawfordsbum . 306 Crossgar . . . 378 Cnnningburn, N'ards. 331 & 355 Derryboy, Killyleagh . 402 Donacloney . . . 274 Donaghadee . . . 307 Donaghmore, Newry . 123 Downpatrick . . . 187 Dromara . . 379 Dromore . . .381 Drumnabreeze, Magheralin . 275 Drumaghadone, Dromore . 392 Drumaness, Ballynahinch . 375 Drumdrinagh, Rathfriland . 169 Drumgath, Rathfriland . 169 Drumlee, Castlewellan . 140 Drumnaquoile, Castlewellan . 140 Dundonakl . . . 311 Dundrum . . .148 Dunmore, Ballynahinch . 375 Edentrillick,Hillsboro' . 397 Garvaghy, Banbridge 250 Gilford .. . . 259 Glassdrummond, Annalong . 135 Gransha, Dromara . . 380 Grey Abbey . . . 360 Groomsport, Bangor 283 & 293 Hillsborough . . . 394 Hilltown . . .150 Holywood . . .315 Jerrettspass, Newry . . 123 Katesbridge . . .151 Kilclief, Strangford . .218 Kilcoo, Newry . .123 Kilkeel . . .153 KiUinchy . . . 398 KUlough . . . 212 Killowen, Newry . .123 Killyleagh . . . 399 Kilmore, Lisburn . . 365 Kinallen, Dromara . . 38c Kircubbin . . . 363 Knock, see Belmont Knocknamuckley, Gilford . 265 Lawrencetown . . 267 Liggamaddy, Downpatrick . 204 Leitrim, Castlewellan . 139 Lenaderg . . . 253 Lisbane, Lisburn , . 365
Lisburnsub-offices . Lisnacree, Newry Lisnastrain, Lisburn . Listooder, Crossgar . Listullycurran, Dromore Loughbrickland . Loughinisland, Clough Lurgansub-offices . M'Adams Cross Roads M'Gaffin's Corner, Newry Maghera, Clough . Magheralin Magherasaul, Newry Mayo Bridge May's Comer, Rathfriland Millisle, Donaghadee Minerstown, Clough . Moira Moneyreagh, Comber Moyallon, Gilford Newcastle Newry , Newtownards Newtownbreda Portaferry Portavogie Poyntzpass, Newry . Purdysbum . Raffrey, Killyleagh, Raholp, Downpatrick Rathfriland . Ravarnett, Lisbum . Redhills, Dromore, Rostrevor Saintfield Scaddy, Downpatrick Scarva Seaforde, Clough Spa, Ballynahinch Strandtown . Strangford Tobermoney, Downpatrick Toughblane, Hillsboro', Toy, Killyleagh Tyrella, Clough Waringsford, Dromara Waringstown . Warrenpoint .
Abbeys . 23 Angling . 49 Antiquities 19 Bells, Ancient . 19 Boating & Sailing . 49 Castles 23 Caves 23 Church of Ireland 53 Commissioners, Oaths, &c. 53 Convict Prison S3 Coroners 53 County Infirmary 53 County Officers 53 County Surveyors S3 Coursing 43 Cranoges 19 Cricket 49 Crosses 23 Crazier, Capt., Arctic hero 231 Curling 49 49 Cycling . [ . 55 Deputy-Lieutenants . Directory, County 53 199-215 Druidical Circles Fairs . . J5) 35, 4t4 Fanning & Farming Societies 35 Fisheries . 39 Football 49 Frogs, first in Ireland 276 Geology 15 Gillespie, Gen., Monument . 301 Gold-Ornaments, Ancient 19
PAGE Histery, County . . 9 Horticultural Society, N'ards 335 Hunting, Packs, &c. . 43 Implements, ancient . 19 Lacrosse . . 49 Lawn Tennis . . 49 Lunatic Asylum . . 55 Magistrates . . .55 Manufactures . . 39 Markets . . .35 Militia Regiments . . 65 Mountains . . . 15 Pearls of the Bann . .231 Polling Districts . . 65 Poor Law Unions . . 65 Population, County . . 69 Racing . . .43 Railways . . .15 Raths . 23, 101 & 189 Rifle Shooting . * 49 Roads . . .15 Roman Catholic Church . 69 Round Towers . , 23 Royal Irish Constabulary . 69 St. Colman's College 94 & 95 St. Patrick's grave . . 193 School Inspectors . , 69 Sheriffs . . .69 Stone Monuments . . . 23 Trade . . .39 Trumpet, Bronze, Ancient . 19 Woollen Costumes, ancient . 19
Bell & MacMahon, Warrenp't 186 . 175 Bell, John, Rathfriland Beringer, F-, PortafeiTy . 216 Bessbrook Spinning Co., Ld. 86 Boden, Peter, Newry . 76 Bowman, Jas., Bangor . 288 Boyd, Thos., Newry . 124 Brown, A-, Banbridge - 248 Brown, A. & Son, Newry . 48 Byrne, Edward A., Newry . 56 Byrne, John, Newry . . 38 Campbell & Savage, Newry . 52 Campbell, H. A., B'hinch . 374 Campbell, Jas., Crossgar , 379 Campbell, R. & Co., Newry . 124 . 64 Campbell, Wm., Newry Carvill Bros., Newry . 124 Cassidy, E., Nen-ry . .124 Cathcart, J. & Co., Newry, facing map, and at 134, i6r, 177 & 180 Caughey, J. & R. B., N'ards 350 Caulfield, Thos., Warrenpoint 186 Chambers, Jas., Dromore . 393 Christie, R., Newtownards . 348 Clark, Andrew, Downpatrick 203 Cleland, Greer, Bangor . 290 Clowney, Jos., Rathfriland . 170 Coburn, J., |fc Son, Banbridge 246 Colville, Jas,, Bangor ." 290 Connolly, P., & Co., Newry . 76 Connor, Dr. S., Newry . 80 Cooper, J., Ballynahinch . 3 7 4 Copeland, J., Newtownards . 332 Cosgrove, S.. Bangor . 288 Cowan, Martin, Banbridge . 246 . 84 Craig, Wm., Newry . Crawford & liindsays,B'bridge 237 . 289 Crosbie, Jas., Bangor Croskery, Horatio, D'patrick 194 Crothers, R., Newry . .125 Cunningham Bros., Newry 58, 184 Cunningham, I. H., Newry . 54 Cunningham, J., Rathfriland 170 Cunningham, Thomas, Newry 76 Cupples, Wm., Rathfriland . 175 Davidson & Power, Banbridge 244 Davidson, J . E., Donaghadee 309 Davidson, J., Ratbiriland . 1 7 1 Davidson, R. L., Gilford , 264
Davidson, Wm., Rathfriland 166 Davis, L. T., Hillsboro' . 394 D'Arcy, Matt., & Co., Newry 12 Delacherois,L. (V.S.),N'ards. 324 Devljn, P., Downpatrick . 198 Dickson, Alex. &Sons, N'ards 33^ Dobbin, W., & Sons, N'ards 344 Donaldson, John, Newry . 96 Donaldson, Wm., Newry . 69 Donnan, Henry, Portaferry . 2 1 5 Doraan, J,, Banbridge . 244 Dougherty, J., Downpatrick . 198 Doyle, Jos. J., Newry 96 Doyle, Mark J., Newry . 58 Dromgoole, C , & Son, Newry 126 Dunbar, McMaster & Co.,Ld. 262 Duncan, Alderdice & Co. . 126 Dunn, R., Newtownards . 34 Dymond, John J-, Newry 382 Edgar, Robt. S., Dromore 186 Elliott, E., Warrenpoint Emerson, J . E. Banbridge . 98 , 290 Erskine, David, Bangor 238 Ewart, A. T., Banbridge. _, Ferguson, P., Downpatrick . 198 Ferguson, T. &Co., Banbridge 239 Fishbourne,W., Ballynahinch 374 Fitzsimons, J., Downpatrick 201 Flanigan, Bros., Banbridge ""* 242 Flanigan John, Banbridge 226 Fleming, S., Newry . Foster & Co., Newry . 170 Foster, Jos., Rathfriland Gibson, W. J., N'townards 350 234 Gill, J., Banbridge. . 220 Gillespie, Thos., Banbridge 228 Gilmore, Arthur, Banbridge 201 Gilmore, J., Downpatrick 348 Gilmore, M. & P., N'ards 126 Gordon, Jas. G., Newry Gorman, T. B., Bangor 294 Gracey Sisters, Downpatrick 198 376 Graham, J., Ballynahinch Graham, John, Kilkeel '59 Graham, Robert, Newry 46 Grant & Co., Newry 127 Grant, Felix, Rathfiiland 171 Grant, John, * " - " ; Newry 60 Vjrrdlll, u w i u j . " o Greer, Saml. R. &Co., N'ards 338
Gribljin, P., Banbridge . 244 Grills, J. H., Kilkeel . 156 Halliday Bros., Banbridge . 236 Hamilton, John, Dromore . 387 Hamilton, W., Rathfriland . 1 7 1 Hanna, Wm, Kilkeel .157 Harrison, John & Co., D'more 387 Hatcher, R. W., Newcastle . 164 Hayes, F. W. & Co., B'bridge 240 Hazelbank Weaving Co. . 270 Henning, T., Rathfriland . 171 Herron, David, Dromore . 388 Herrpn, Robert, Bryansford . 137 Heslip, Mrs. D , Kathfriland 170 Hillsborough Linen Co., Ld. 395 Hollingsworth, S., Newry . 30 Hudson & Toman, Newry, &c. 121 Hunter, Natl., Ardglass . 210 Hutchison, J.& Son, B'bridge 236 Jardine, A., Banbridge, . 248 Jardine, J. (Mrs.M.), Dromore 393 Jardine, W . & Co., Dromore 389 Johnston, Rt., Rathfriland . 174 Johnston, Roden, D'npatrick 190 Johnston, W. Sibbald, N'ards 342 Jones, R. A., Warrenpoint Jordan, Charles, Newry Kee, Hugh, Banbridge Kehoe, M., Banbridge Kerr, Robt., Dromore King, ML, Rathfriland Kinnaird, R., N'townards Kinnear & Co., Newry Laird, Wm., N'townards Larkin, H., Rathfriland Lawrence, Jos., Newcastle Lawson, Charles, Newry Ledlie, T. P. & Co., Newry Lee, J. & Sons, Newry, &c. Legate, A., Banbridge Leghorn, R., Holywood Lewis, John, Warrenpoint Lighrbody, J., Bangor Logan, G., Banbridge Lowden, J. Sc Co., N'ards Lowry, H. Killyleagh Lysjer, Isaac, Warrenpoint M'AJeavey, J,, Banbridge . 185 . 290 . 244 . 330 . 400 . 186 . 248
M'Anulty, T., Warrenpoint . 183 M'Arevey, J. J., Newry . 24 M'Ateer, H. & Son.Warrenp't 182 M'Auley, J., Ballynahinch . 376 M'Blain, & Co., Newry . 129 M'Bride, Wm., Downpatrick 196 M'Brinn, A., Gilford . 258 M'Caldin, A., Banbridge . 232 M'Cance, J., Grey Abbey . 362 M'Cann, A. & J., Newry . 70 M'Cartan, J., Castlewellan . 142 M'Cartney,W.,D'npatrick2o8, 414 M'Causland, John, Killyleagh 403 M'Caw, Jas., Newry . X34 M'Clelland, Eobt., Newry . 96 M'Clement, J., Newtownards 328 M'Clurg, A., Killyleagh . 400 M'Cqnnell, H., Gilford . 264 M'Cormick, B., Ballynahinch 374 M'Court, H., Newry . 130 M'Cracken, John, Hilltown . 151 M'Crea, J. P., Dromore . 394 M'Cready, G-. B., Donaghadee 309 ' M'Crink, Hy., Newry . 84 MacDonald, A. & Co., Newry 96 M'Dowell, J., Newry . 130 M'Elroy, Mrs-, Newry . 60 M'Elroy, R. A., Katesbridge 153 M'Enearney, E., Rathfriland 171 M'Ginness, P.. Newry . 68 M'Guigan, S., Warrenpoint . 186 M'Guire, J., Newry . 130 M'Guffin, T. &Sons, War'np't 186 M'llroy, J., Banbridge . 230 M'llroy, Saml., Banbridge . 238 M'lhvaine, D.,Bbridge 232, 246 M'llwaine & Co., Newry . 60 M'Kee, A., Newtownards . 350 M'Kee, Henry, Bangor . 290 M'Kee, J., Newtownards .348 M'Kee, John, Downpatrick . 198 M'Kee, R. (M.A.), N'tnards 358 M'Kenzie, David, Bangor . 289 M'Knight, James, Newry . 88 M'Loughlin, J. T., D'patrick 200 M'Murray, T. & Co.,Dromore 390 M'Parland, B. F., Newry . 131 M'Robert, H. R., B'nahinch 370 Macaulay, S., Banbridge . 244
Magee, John, Ardglass . 210 Maginnis & Son, Newry . 5 Magowan, F,, Donaghadee . 3H Maguire, John, Downpatrick 198 Main, Mrs. L., Banbridge . 222 Martin, Tames, jun., Ardglass 210 Martin, J., jun., Ballynahinch 376 Martin, R. J., Gilford . 258 Martin, Nesbitt & Irwin, N'ry 128 Martin, Samuel, Downpatrick 207 Mathews, John. Newry . 90 Matier, Henry & Co., D'more 387 Matthews, John, Bangor . 295 Mayne, Thos., Newtownards 334 Meek, B. B. & Son, R'friland 172 Meharg, Mrs. A., C'wellan . 143 Miller, Wm., Warrenpoint . 185 Milling, James, Comber . 300 Miniss, W. B. & Sons, D'more 385 Montgomery,H,War'np'nt 180,407 Montgomery, James, Bangor 295 Montgomery, S. G., Bangor 284 Mooney, B., Ballynahinch . 374 Moore, F. & Co., Newry . 44 Morrow, C , Killyleagh . 400 Morrow, S. J., Newry . 96 Mulholland, C , N'townards 348 Mulligan, W. S., Banbridge . 242 Murdoch, W., Newry . 129 Murland, James, Annsboro' . 144 Murphy, James, Newry . 60 Neill, Robert, & Sons 288 & 332 Nelson, John, Dromore . 386 Nelson; Miss E. Bangor . 290 Newry Mineral Water Co., Ld. 80 Newry Reporter . 36 JVrwry Telegraph 40 & 102 Nicholson, J. C. & Co., Newry 131 O'Hagan, Mrs. T., Kilkeel . 1 5 6 O'Halloran, F., Castlewellan 143 O'Hare, John, Newry . 66 Pantridge, I., Dromore . 386 Patterson, G., Holywood . 318 Patterson, I., Killyleagh . 400 Patty, David, Partaferry .216 Pedlow, Bros., Warrenpoint . 18, Pim, E. & W., Bangor . 286 Pollen, R., Ballynahinch . 371 Porter, Alex., Katesbridge . 15,
renter, J., Banbridge . 248 'reston, Wm,, Dromore . 388 'riestly, M. M. & Son, S'field 404 'roctor, T., Banbridge . 242 Quail, S. & G., Downpatrick 196 Quayle, F., Strangford . 218 Quinn, Henry, Dundrum . 149 Radcliffe, S. A., Banbridge . 247 Ready Cash Co., Gilford . 264 Reavy, P. D. (v.s.), Newry . 92 Redmond, W. F., & Co., . 132 Reid, Hugh, Comber, . 305 Reid, M., Rathfriland .171 Rice, James, Newry . 104 Rigby, Fredk., Newry . 82 Ritchie, J . W., Comber . 302 Robinson, D., Newtownards. 325 Rodger, M'Clelland, & Co. . 34 Rome, Jas., Newry . . 74 Rooney, Bros., Newry . 132 Rooney, Daniel, Newry . 132 Ross, Wm., KiJkeel . .159 Rowney, A., Balhfriland . 171 Russell, H . Rathfriland . 169 Sands, Robt., Newry . 64 Savagejas.jun. & Co., Newry 20 Scott, Geo., & Sons, Newry . 132 Scott, R., Rathfriland . 171 Shanks, Bros., Scarva . 272 Shanks, John, Holyvvood . 315 Shannon, Saml., Kilkeel . 154 Shaw, Miss M., Rathfriland . 171 Shields, W., Downpatrick . 192 Sherrard, Andrew, Dromore . 386 Shooter, W., & Son, Banbridge 246 Simms, J., Newtownards . 326 Simpson, A. D., N'townards . 334 Sinclair & Son, Newry . 133 Sinton, D. C., Rostrevor . 177 Sloan, E. C., Newry . 135 Smyths'Weaving Co ,Banb'ge 239 Smyth, W. & Co., Lenaderg 254 Spiers, Moses, Rathfriland . 1 7 1 Sprott & Heggan, Dromore . 389 Sprott, Wm. & Co., Dromore 384 Stewart, I., Newry . 69 Stewart, J. S., Castlewellan . 146 Stoops, Wm. (B.A.), Newry . 76 Strain, B. Banbridge . 242
Stuart, J. N'townards . 348 Swann.J. & Co., Warrenpoint 178 Taylor, R., Scarva . . 273 Thompson, Jas., Newry . 14 Thompson. John, Newry . 92 Thompson, Jos., Banbridge 236 Thompson, W. H. and Sons, 138 Thomson, J. & Son, B'bridge 228 Thornton, Jos., Newcastle . 161 Todd, J. K. & Co., Newry . 133 Treanor, John, Newry . 82 Tufts, A., Castlewellan . 143 Turney. Jos., Portaferry. 216 Uprichard, J. T. & H. . 268 Walker, W. & J., B'nahinch . 372 Wallace, R. S , Dromore . 388 Wallace, T. & A., Banbridge. 224
Ward, M. & Sons, Newry . Warden, J., Newtownards . Wamock, J. &Co., N<Jwry . Watson, Adam, Dromore . Watson, Arthur, Dromore . Watson, J., Rathfriland . Weir, T. H., Banbridge . Wheelan, Alex., Newry . Whiteside, J. H., B'nahinch Whiteside, R., Downpatrick . Whiteside, W., Downpatrick Williams, Hy., Scarva . Willis, Thos. P., Newry . Wilson, David, Rathfriland . Wilson, H. S., Rathfriland . Wilson, John, Newry . Wilson, S., Portaferry square
78 324 28 388 386 171 238 18 376 188 203 273 10 166 171 54 216
I N D E X M A N U F A C T U R E R S , MERCHANTS, INSURANCE COMPANIES, &c, NOT IN CO. DOWN. Arnott, H., Thwaite, Belfast . 308 Neill, Sharman D., Belfast . 314 Northern Assurance Company 168 Belfast Steamship Co., Ld, map . 312 Beattie, Thos. & Co., Belfast 278 Orr, Jos. & Son, Belfast . 366 Brown & Poison . . 62 Pelan & Co., Lisbura Butterick's Patterns . . 62 Picksley, Simms & Co., Leigh 232 Purdon, Bros., Belfast . 302 Cantrell & Cochrane, next cover Davidson, J., Belfast . 22 Robertson, Ledlie, Ferguson and Co., Belfast, inside cover Dudley, J. S., Belfast . 280 Edgar & Lowry, Belfast . 3 1 6 Ross, W. A. & Co., Belfast, inside back of cover Great Tower-street Tea Co. . 16 Hart & Churchill, Belfast . 322 Sealy, Bryers & Walker 264, 267 . 228 Inglis, Jas. & Co., Ld.,Belfast 26 Sun Fire Assurance . Langdale's Manures . . 100 United Kingdom T. & G.P.I. 50 . 366 McErvel, T. & J., Belfast 308 Ward & Co., Lisburn MacKenzie & M'Mullen . 406