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Understanding of Dynamic Voltage: Restorers Through MATLAB Simulation

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Thammasat Int. J. Sc. Tech.,Vol. 11, No.

3, July-September 2006

Understanding DynamicVoltage of RestorersThrough MATLAB Simulation

Paisan Boonchiam and Nadarajah Mithulananthan ElectricPower SystemManagement, EnergyField of Study,Asian Instituteof Technology, P.O. Box 4, Klong Luang,PathumThant 12120,Thailand; E-mail: mithulan(@,ait. th ac. Abstract This paper presents the applicationof dynamic voltage restorers(DVR) on power distribution systems mitigation of voltagesags/swells critical loads. DVR is one of the compensating for at types of custom power devices. An adequatemodeling and simulation of DVR, including controls in MATLAB, show the flexibility and easinessof the MATLAB environment in studying and understanding such compensating devices.The DVR, which is basedon forced-commutated voltage sourceconverter(VSC) has been proved suitablefor the task of compensating voltage sags/swells. Simulationresultsare presented illustrateand understand performances DVR in supporting to the of load voltagesundervoltagesags/swells conditions. Keywords: custompower,power quality, voltagesags, voltageswells,DVR. 1. Introduction Modem power systems are complex networks,where hundredsof generating stations and thousands ofload centersare interconnected through long power transmission and distribution networks [1]. The main concernof consumers the quality and reliability of power is suppliesat various load centerswhere they are locatedat. Even though the power generation in most well-developed countriesis fairly reliable, the quality of the supply is not so reliable. Power distribution systems, ideally, should provide their customerswith an unintemrpted flow of energy at smooth sinusoidalvoltage at the contractedmagnitude level and frequency l2l However, in practice, power systems, especially the distribution systems, have numerous nonlinear loads, which significantly affect the quality of power supplies.As a result of the nonlinear loads, the purity of the waveform of supplies is lost. This ends up producing many power quality problems.Aparl from nonlinearloads,some systemevents,both usual (e.g. capacitorswitching, motor starling) and unusual(e.g.faults) could also inflict power quality problems[3]. The consequence power of quality problems could range from a simple nuisance flicker in the electricallampsto loss of thousands ofdollars due to productionshutdown. A power quality problem is definedas any problemin voltage/current leading manifested or to frequencydeviationsthat result in failure or misoperation of customer equipment 13-41 Power quality problems are associated with an extensive number of electromagnetic phenomena power systems in with broad ranges of time framessuch as long durationvariations, short durationvariationsand other disturbances. Short duration variationsare mainly causedby either fault conditions or energizationof large loads that require high starting currents. Dependingon the electricaldistancerelated to impedance, type ofgrounding and connection of transformersbetween the faulted/loadlocation and the node, there can be a temporaryloss of voltage or temporaryvoltage reduction(sag) or voltage rise (swell) at different nodes of the system [5]. Voltage sag is defined as a sudden reductionof supply voltage down 90% to 10Vo of nominal, followed by a recoveryafter a short period of time. A typical duration of sag is, accordingto the standard,l0 ms to I minute. Voltage sag can cause loss of production in processes automated sincevoltagesag can trip a motor or cause its controller to malfunction. Voltage swell, on the other hand,is definedas a suddenincreasing supply voltageup I l0% to of 180%in rms voltageat the network fundamental frequencywith durationfrom 10 ms to 1 minute. Switching off a large inductive load or energizing a large capacitor bank is a typical

2006 Int. J. Sc. Tech.,Vol. i 1, No. 3, July-September Thammasat

system event that causes swells t I ] To the voltage sag/swell in a power compensate devicesneed to distributionsystem,appropriate be installedat suitablelocations.Thesedevices are typically placed at the point of common c o u p l i n gt P C C I w h i c h i s d e f i n e da s t h e p o i n t where the ownership of the network changes. The DVR is one of the custom power devices which can improve power quality, especially, voltage sags and voltage swells. As there are more and more concerns for the quality of supply as a result of more sensitiveloads in the of systemconditions,a betterunderstanding the devicesfor mitigating power quality problemsis important.This would allow us to make use of the functions of such devices in a better way Hence,in this with efficient control techniques. paper an attempt is made to understandthe functionsof DVR with the help of MATLAB. 2. Custom Power Technology The concept of custom Power was introducedby N.G. Hingorani in 1995. Like Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) the systems, term custompower for transmission pertains to the use of power electronics controllersin a distribution system,especially, to deal with various power quality problems. Just as FACTS improves the power transfer and stabilitymargins, custompower capabilities quality makes sure customersget pre-specified and reliability of supply. This pre-specified quality may contain a combination of specificationsof the following !l: low phase low flicker at no unbalance, power intemrptions, the load voltage,low harmonicdistorlionin load duration of voltage, magnitude and within specified overvoltages/undervoltages of limits, acceptance fluctuations,nonlinearand poor factor loads without significant effect on the terminalvoltage. These can be done on the basis of an large customer, industrial/ individual, commercial parks or a supply for a high tech community on a wide areabasis.Custompower technology is a general term for equipment capableof mitigating numerouspower quality problems. Basic functions are fast switching, and current or voltage injection for correcting anomaliesin supply voltageor load current, by reactiveand activepower, injectingor absorbing respectively t6l, t7l

The power electronic controllers that are used in the custom power solution can be a type or a compensating nelwork reconfiguring type. The network reconfiguratingdevices are which include current usually called switchgears limiting, current breaking and current transferring devices. The solid state or static versions of the devices are called: solid state currentlimiter (SSCL), solid statebreaker(SSB), and solid state transfer switch (SSTS). The a deviceseither compensate load, compensating i.e. its power factor, unbalanceconditions or improve the power quality of suppliedvoltage, in etc. Thesedevicesare either connected shunt or in seriesor a combinationof both. This class o f d e ri c e s i n c l u d e s t h e d i s t r i b u t i o ns t a t i c (D-STATCOM), dynamic voltage compensator restorer (DVR), and unified power quality conditioner (UPQC) [2]. Among compensatrng devices,a DVR can deal with voltage sagsanc swells which are consideredto have a severe impact on manufacturing places such as semiconductors and plastic products, food places processing andpapermills. 3. Dynamic Voltage Restorers A DVR is a device that injects a to in dynamicallycontrolledvoltage V,,,(41 series the bus voltage by means of a booster transformeras depicted in Figure L There are three single phase booster transformers with energy to connected a threephaseconverter storage system and control circuit [8]. The amplitudesof the three injected phasevoltages are controlled such as to eliminate any detrimental effects of a bus fault to the load voltage V1@. This means that any differential in voltage causedby transientdisturbances the by ac feederwill be compensated an equivalent by voltage generated the converterand injected on the medium voltagelevel throughthe booster transformer. of The DVR works independently the type in of fault or any eventthat happens the system, provided that the whole system remains to connected the supplygrid, i.e. the line breaker does not trip. For most practical cases,a more economical design can be achieved by only compensating the positive- and negative of components the voltagedisturbance sequence seen at the input of the DVR. This option is for reasonable because a typical distributionbus conhguration, the zero sequence part of a

2006 Int. J. Sc. Tech.,Vol. I i, No. 3, July-September Thammasat

disturbance will not passthrough the step down transformers becauseof infinite impedancefor this component. For most of the time the DVR has,virtually, "nothing to do," except monitoring the bus voltage. This means it does not inject any voltage (V,,ift) : 0) rndependentof the load to current.Therefore,it is suggested particularly focus on the losses of a DVR during normal this operation.Two specific featuresaddressing in loss issuehave been implemented its design, which are a transformer design with a low devicesused impedance, and the semiconductor for switching. An equivalentcircuit diagram of the DVR and the principle of seriesinjectionfor is sagcompensation depictedin Figure2. Mathematically expressed, the injection satisfies:
SuDply Poir't n^^-,-. T.---r^---. ( on'umer



wherevr.ft)is the load voltage,v,(t/ is the sagged supply voltage and vi,1ft)is the voltage injected by the mitigation device as shown in Ftg. 2. Under nominal voltage conditions, the load power on eachphaseis given by (2): S, - rrti = e,. jQr Q)

where I is the load current, and Pr, and Qt are the active and reactivepower taken by the load, respectively, during a sag/swell. When the mitigation device is active and restores the voltages back to normal,the following appliesto eachphase: S t = P t j Q r = @ - . j Q , ) + ( P , , i -j Q . i ) (3)

where the sag subscript refers to the sagged supply quantities.The inject subscriptrefers to quantities injectedby the mitigationdevice. 4. Modeling of DVR in MATLAB of The compensation voltagesag/swellcan be limited by a number of factors, including finite DVR power rating, loading conditions, power quality problemsand types of sag/swell. device,the control is lf a DVR is a successful able to handle most sags/swells and the performancemust be maximized according to the equipment inserted. Otherwise, the DVR may not be ableto avoid tripping and evencause to additionaldisturbances the loads. The control strategy should be able to compensatefor any of voltage sag/swell and considerthe limitation the DVR. Figure 3 shows the supply voltage vector during the pre-sag on as stage which is representeds V5',,"-,orft) the angle d dp,"-.up in which the rotatingphase 0Xis. is derived from Phase Lock Loop (PLL) [9], islhe !0l.Initially, the load voltagevector V1,ft) to and sameas Vt,o,"-,or(t) is assumed be 1.0 p.u. if the voltagedropsacrossthe seriestransformer When the voltage sagsoccur, the are neglected. actual source voltage vector V5ft) is moved to Vs.-r(t).To restorethe load voltagevector V/t), is an injected voltage vector V1,,1(t) provided by st c t h e D V R . A s i m i l a rc o m p e n s a t i o n r a t e g y a n be drawn in the form of a phasor diagram for voltaseswellas well.

Fig. I Schematic diagramof DVR System.

circuitof DVR. Fig. 2 Equivalent

Fig. 3 Compensation strategy DVR for of voltagesags.

2006 Thammasat J. Sc. Tech.,Vol. I l, No. 3, July-September Int.

Figure 4 shows the basic control scheme and parameters that are measured for control purposes. When the grid voltageis at its normal level the DVR is controlledto reducethe losses in the DVR to a minimum. When voltage sags/swells detected,the DVR should react are as fast as possibleand inject an ac voltageto the grid. It can be implementedusing a feedback control technique basedon the voltagereference values of supply and load and instantaneous voltage.The control algorithmproducesa threephasereferencevoltage to the seriesconverter that tries to maintain the load voltage at its referencevalue [0]-[2]. The voltage sag is detected measuring error betweenthe dqby the voltage of the supply and the referencevalues. The d-referencecomponent is set to a rated voltage and the q-reference componentis set to zero. The MATLAB/Simulink environmentis a useful tool to implement this study becauseit has many tool boxes that can be used in this work and is easyto understand. In Figure4, the supplyvoltageis connected to a transformation block that convefts stationary frame to crp-frame. Output of this block is connectedto a phase lock loop (PLL) and anothertransformationblock that converts a,B-frame rotating frame (dq), which detects to the phase and changesthe axis of the supply voltage.The detectionblock detectsthe voltage sag/swell. voltagesag/swelloccurs,this block If generates the reference load voltage. The injection voltageis also generated difference by betweenthe referenceload voltage and supply voltageand is appliedto the VSC to producethe preferredvoltage, with the help of pulse width (PWM). modulation 5. Simulation results In order to understandthe performanceof the DVR along with control, a simple distribution network as shown in Figure 5, is implemented. Voltage sags/swells simulatedby temporary are connection differentimpedances the supply of at side bus. A DVR is connectedto the system througha seriestransformer with a capabilityto insert a maximum voltageof 50ohof the phaseto-ground system voltage. Apart from this a series filter is also used to remove any high frequency components of power. The load consideredin the study is a 10 MVA capacity with 0.9 p.f., lagging.



dot PWM +

!, Vaq

d tr/,"t m;,"'l'}*f,

Fig. 4 Control structure DVR. of


Fig. 5 Simple distributionnetworkwith DVR. 5.1 VoltageSags First, a caseof symmetricalsag is simulated reactanceto the by connecting a three-phase busbar. The results are shown in Figure 6. A 30% voltage sag is initiated at 400 ms and it is kept until 550 ms, with total voltage sag durationof 150 ms. Figure 6 (a), (b) and (c) injected show the seriesof voltage components by the DVR and compensatedload voltage, respectively. As a result of DVR, the load voltage is kept at 1.00 p.u. throughout the simulation, including the voltage sag period. the Observethat during normal operation, DVR is doing nothing. It quickly injects necessary voltage components smooththe load voltage to upon detecting voltagesag. a In order to understand the performanceof the DVR under unbalanced conditions,a singleline-ground(SLG) fault at supplybus bar at 400 ms is simulated.As a result of SLG fault. an unbalancedvoltage sag is createdimmediately after the fault as shown in Figure 7 (a), the supply voltage with two of the phasevoltages dropped down to 80%. The DVR injected voltageand the load voltageare shownin Figure 7 (b) and (c), respectively. can be seenfrom As the results, the DVR is able to produce the required voltage components for different phases rapidly and help to maintain a balanced loadvoltage 1.00p.u. at andconstant

2006 Int. J. Sc. Tech.,Vo1. 11,No. 3, July-September Thammasat

. " \) i i

a ^\ i

to Fig. 6 Simulationresultof DVR response a voltagesag. balanced

to Fig. 8 Simulationresultsof DVR response a voltageswell. balanced



b' )ti ,,


to Fig. 7 Simulationresultof DVR response an voltagesag. unbalanced

to Fig. 9 Simulationresultof DVR response an voltageswell. unbalanced given in Figure 9(c). Notice the constant and balanced voltage at the load throughout the simulation, including during the unbalanced voltageswell event. 6. Conclusion In this paper, performanceof a DVR in is mitigating voltage sags/swells demonstrated with the help of MATLAB. A forcedcommutated voltage sources converter is considered in the DVR along with energy storageto maintain the capacitorvoltage. The DVR handles both balanced and unbalanced without any difficulties and injectsthe situations appropriatevoltage componentto correct any anomaly in the supply voltage to keep the load voltage balanced and constant at the nominal value. In the caseof a voltage sag, which is a condition of a temporary reduction in supply voltage, the DVR injects an equal positive which are voltagecomponent all threephases, in in phasewith the supplyvoltageto correctit. On the otherhand,for a voltageswell case,which is a condition of a temporary increasein supply voltage, the DVR injects an equal negative which are anti-phase voltagein all threephases, with the supply voltage. For unbalanced conditions, the DVR injects an appropriate unbalanced three-phase voltage components

5.2 Voltage Swells Next, the performanceof DVR for a voltage swell condition is investigated.Here, voltage swell is generatedby energizing of a large capacitor bank and the correspondingsupply voltage is shown in Figure 8 (a). The voltage amplitude is increasedabout l25o/oof nominal voltage.The injectedvoltagethat is producedby DVR in order to coffect the load voltageand the load voltage,are shown in Figure 8 (b) and (c), respectively. As can be seenfrom the results, the load voltage is kept at the nominal value with the help of the DVR. Similar to the caseof voltagesag,the DVR reactsquickly to inject the voltage component(anti phasewith appropriate the supply voltage or negative voltage to magnitude) correctthe supplyvoltage. The performance of the DVR with an voltage swell is shown in Figure 9. unbalanced In this case, the unbalancedvoltage swell is createdby partly rejectingthe load. This results in an unbalanced voltageswell wheretwo phase voltagesare equaland the otherphasevoltageis voltages. slightly higher that the first two phases The anti phase unbalancedvoltage component injectedby the DVR to correctthe load voltage is shownin Figure9(b) and the load voltageis

2006 Thammasat lnt. J. Sc. Tech.,Vol. 11, No. 3, July-September

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