St. Mary's Catholic Church: Mass Schedule and Intentions

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Marys Catholic Church

September 16 & 23, 2012 P.O. Box 70 Malta, MT 59538 Email: [email protected] Fr. Cory StichaAdministrator Office: (406) 654-1446 RE Center: (406) 654-1311 Fax: (406)654-1467

Mass Schedule and Intentions

Sept. 17-21: No Mass Sept. 22 & 23: No Mass - Sunday Celebration in Absence of a Priest at scheduled Mass times Sept. 24: No Mass Sept. 25: Malta - 8:30 AM: For Mike & Nancy Ereaux r/b Tom Golik Sept. 26: Malta - 8:30 AM: For Gloria Taylor r/b Maynard & Mary LaFond Sept. 27: Hi-Line - 10:00 AM: For Glen Williamson r/b the KofCs Sept. 28: Malta - 8:30 AM: For Dianne Salsbery r/b Tom Golik Sept. 29: Saco - 4:00 PM: In thanksgiving for the fine harvest & recent rain r/b Helen DePuydt Malta - 5:30 PM: For the parishioners Sept. 30: Dodson - 8:30 AM: For Jack Munsinger r/b Tom Golik Malta - 10:00 AM: For the repose of the soul of Fran Van Houdt r/b Anne & Nancy Confessions: Saturdays 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. or by appointment Baptism: Normally celebrated at Sunday Mass. Parental sessions are required. Marriages: Six month couple preparation period required. Please Contact Fr. Cory before scheduling marriage date.

St. Marys Ministers

Saturday, September 29 - 5:30 PM Mass Lectors: Willie Doll & Mike Lang Servers: Riley and Cyra Hospitality: EMHCs: Anne Boothe & Bob Darrah Gift Bearers: Sacristan: Lynne Nevrivy Sunday, September 30 - 10:00 AM Mass Lectors: Ed Amestoy Servers: Taylor and Devyn Hospitality: Craig & Jan LaFond Music: Childrens Choir EMHCs: Jim & Mary Brady, & Dianne Salsbery Gift Bearers: Marty Johnson Family Sacristan: Ann Holman

Collection Totals for Last Week

Malta: Dodson: Saco: Whitewater: Collected $2,264.00 $424.00 $158.00 $0.00 Needed $2,758.26 $440.37 $183.05

Care & Share for 2012

(Includes remainder of 2011 assessment) Malta/WW: Dodson: Saco: Income $18,077.00 $3,565.00 $835.00 Assessment $37,668.32 $4,824.22 $1,613.43

Sacred Heart Ministers

September 30, 2012 Lector: Bonnie EMHCs: Don & Leona Gift Bearers: Kathleen Hughes Church Cleaning for September: Sharon Munsinger Ministers: Please come early to serve as greeters!

Any announcements to be published in the September 30 Bulletin need to be in by 11:00 a.m. on Thurs. September 27th.

Holy Fathers Prayer Intentions for September 2012

(Each month, Pope Benedict chooses two prayer intentions, one for the concerns of the whole church and one for missionaries. We are invited to join the Holy Father in praying for these intentions.) General Intention: That politicians may always act with honesty, integrity, and love for the truth. Missionary Intention: Help for the Poorest Churches. That Christian communities may have a growing willingness to send missionaries, priests, and lay people, along with concrete resources, to the poorest Churches.

Please keep in your prayers:

Bessie LaBrie, Rich Nordquist, Joann Evans, Loretta Patrick, Lila Raymond, Sherman Doucette, Andrew Scott, Skip Erickson, Kathleen Jorgenson, Vera Mendelson, Noel Emond, Jack Munsinger, James Cantos, Jeanie Engebretson, Dawn Jones, Gloria Coombs, Larry Holmes, Debbie Painter, Dave ONeil, Stella Faydo, Mae & Gay LaFond, All of Our Military, especially those from our local area, & the Poor Souls. Anyone who needs to have prayers said for someone can call: Allie Ereaux at 654-1012; Jean Niebur at 654-2822; or Doris Nicholson at 6542692. Names will be listed in the bulletin for one month unless specified.

Fall Dinners
The weather is getting cooler and the leaves are starting to change, which means that its almost fall dinner time! All are invited to join us at these dinners for some good food and fellowship! Saco September 30th in the St. Francis Parish basement. Time to be announced. Dodson October 7th at the Sacred Heart Parish Hall, serving from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM.

Please consider donating to the Seminarian Education Endowment Fund

The Catholic Extension Society is providing a matching grant of up to $50,000 until December 31, 2012 to help fund the education of future priests within our diocese. All donations of any size are welcome, in addition to your prayers for vocations. The May edition of The Harvest had a more indepth article and also included envelopes to mail your donation to the Chancery. Gifts of $1,000 or more will not only be matched, but can qualify for the Montana Endowment Tax Credit of 40%. If you would like more information, please contact Judy Held at 800-332-9998.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Starts at 9:00 AM Benediction at 6:00 PM Join us on October 5th!

Scriptural Rosary
Will be held on October 14, 2012 at 5:00 PM at the church.

Can you not spend one hour with me?

(Mt 26:40)
New to the Parish? Please fill out this form and drop it into the collection basket, or bring it to the Church Office during the week. You may also use this to give us a new address or phone number. Name: Address: Telephone:

Affirming the Culture of Life

Join Most Rev. Michael W. Warfel and Most Rev. George Leo Thomas for the Affirming the Culture of Life Conference September 28th-29th in Great Falls at the Universitys McLaughlin Center. Hear messages from both of Montanas Roman Catholic Bishops, along with musician Tony Melendez; Darrell Kipp, founder of the Piegan Institute to study and preserve the Blackfoot language; John Carr, former Executive Director of the USCCB Office of Justice, Peace and Human Development; Susan Wills, Esq., who oversees preparation of the annual Respect Life Programs and develops training materials for Project Rachel; and Fr. Leo Patalinghug, author of Grace Before Meals. For more information and to register, visit or contact Montana Catholic Conference at 406-442-5761 or via email to [email protected].

2 weeks to Signup for Retrouvaille Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue ... or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about it only make it worse? This program has helped 10s of 1000s of couples experiencing marital difficulty at all levels including disillusionment and deep misery. If your marriage suffers from disillusionment or misery please contact Retrouvaille. The final weekend for 2012 will be held Oct. 5-7. For confidential information or to register call 800-470-2230 or 406-761-4830 or email [email protected]. Retrouvaille is NOT just for couples whose marriage is on the verge of divorce or considered irrevocably broken. Perhaps you would like to rekindle the love of those early years or improve your communication. Visit our Montana website for emotionally moving personal testimonials. You also can visit the International website for additional information

Faithful Citizenship Quote

"In a striking way, we see today a heightening of the tension between our nation's founding principles and political reality. We see this in diminishing respect for the inalienable right to life and in the elimination of legal protections for those who are most vulnerable. There can be no genuine justice in our society until the truths on which our nation was founded are more perfectly realized in our culture and law" (US Bishops, Living the Gospel of Life, 1998, n. 14). To reserve the Parish Basement or other St. Marys facility, please contact Fr. Cory or Lana at the Parish Office.

A Message from Rachels Vineyard

In a survey of over 100 women who had suffered from post-abortion trauma, 80 % expressed strong feelings of self-hatred. Learn to love yourself again through Gods endless mercy. Come to a Rachels Vineyard Retreat for post abortion healing. Rachels Hope is hosting a Rachels Vineyard Retreat for anyone hurting from a past abortion, October 26-28, 2012. Inquiries and registration are strictly confidential. 888-456-4673 or [email protected].

Mass Intentions
As Catholics, we have a long tradition of having Masses celebrated for those we wish to offer up in prayer. The Mass is the ultimate form of prayer, and each Mass is celebrated for an intention. Please consider having Masses celebrated for family and friends on special occasions and anniversaries, as well as those who are in need of prayers. Masses are also encouraged in memory of those loved ones who have died, especially on the anniversaries of their deaths. Contact Fr. Cory for more information!

Voter Registration Information

Voting gives a voice in the future of the United States. 25% of registered Christians citizens vote. Please register! Please vote! Mailed voter registration must be received by October 9. Walk in registration must be done by Monday, November 5. Election day is Tuesday, November 6.

Stewardship and Development

Stewardship Thought: The prophet Isaiah teaches us that the Lord God is our help in the face of opposition. In St. Marks Gospel, Jesus proclaims that we must take up our cross and follow Him. St. James gives us a practical lesson on sacrifice when he states, faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead. What a powerful stewardship message! As Christs disciples, we are called through our Baptism to serve the Church by giving our time, talent, and treasure back to God through our parish communion. Our responsibility, as faithful stewards, is to use Gods abundant gifts wisely. How are we responding to His call to service?

Religious Education
To start our RE out, we want to thank all of the leaders that have stepped forward so far. In the Pre-1st grade, we have Kayla Wyse with the help of Devyn Salsbery. Mary Lundstrom came to see if we needed reinforcement this week but it was all under control. Brenda Koss, assisted by Staci French have our 2nd graders and they will be doing preparations for the Sacraments of Initiation this year. Diane Liebel is assisting me in the 3-4-5th graders and the students feel pretty cool since they get the older kids classroom!!. Karen Salsbery is assisting me with the 6-8 graders and we also had the 9-12 graders last night. God Bless our high school youth.. Jessen L, Meghan J, Josie L. and Riley M. for their positive attitudes. As we muddle through this first couple of weeks of RE to see where our interests are, they are very encouraging to us. And to me personally, they bring me closer to God because they were an answer to my prayers. What brings us closer to God? was one of the questions they had to answer if they popped a balloon with a dart(oh and, next time I will also put a bulletin board on the floor!!...just sayin J ) The parent/family Take Out magazine that we ordered for the families to take home, must be somewhere between Timbuktu and Canada.cuz they are not here YET. We hope this magazine will assist the parents in bringing home HIS WORD. An extra THANKS to these people: Bus driver # 5 for bringing our kids to the RE center. Wilma Mavencamp for the flowers out front. Tom Golik for the pop. Dianne Salsbery Cell 654-4675 Home 654-1443 Email [email protected]

Engaged Encounter
Are you engaged? Planning a wedding? Contact you parish priest and then join us for a couple-centered retreat weekend. The Great Falls Catholic Engaged Encounter community will host their last weekend for the year 2012 on October 19-21st at the Ursuline Centre in Great Falls. Visit home page to download information and registration. Contact Dean and Linda Erickson (406-452-7388) for more information or to register.

Coming Up in Religious Ed.

* Molokai the movie of the Fr Damian story. Fr Damian was made a Saint in 2009. We havent studied Saints very much so I think this will be something to add to our Catholic knowledge bank! (AND, I think we get to watch it on the huge 60ish inch screen.with hugeish speakers) We will host this event and will be inviting our parish family. * A CANDLE LIGHT PRAYER SERVICE for PEACE to be held under the flag at the National Guard Armory. With so many of our local soldiers deployed over seas, this will show our support to them and their families. Patriotic songs will add to the service. We will have a banner for everyone to sign to send to the soldiers. This will be open to the whole community.

Schedule of Devotions
Mother of Perpetual Help: Before Tuesday Mass. Rosary: Saturday at 5:00 p.m. Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Hi-line Center - After Thursday 10 a.m. Mass Twi er: @SaintMarysMalta

Sacred Heart PCCW Meeting

1st Sunday of each month immediately after Mass.

Follow us on Facebook and Twi er!

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