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Premium Paid Certificate

Mr Alok Kumar Singh G-1462 Awas Vikas-I Kalyanpur Kanpur - 208017 UTTAR PRADESH Ref: Policy No. 001680855 Your Policy details are as below Policy Issue Date : 28-APR-2008 Payment Mode : Monthly Date : 26-MAR-2012

Coverage Dream Plan - Life Coverage Accidental Death & Dismemberment Rider Enhanced Sum Assured

Face Amount Modal (Rs.) Premium (Rs.) 88500.00 100000.00 111500.00 542.62 12.00 15.61

Coverage Status Premium paying (regular) Premium paying (regular) Premium paying (regular)

This is to certify that the following amounts have been received towards premium for the above policy for the period 01-APR-2011 to 26-MAR-2012.

Effective Date of Deposit 07-JUN-2011 28-JUL-2011 29-AUG-2011 29-SEP-2011 29-OCT-2011 28-NOV-2011 28-JAN-2012 30-JAN-2012 29-FEB-2012 Total Received Note

Premium (Rs.) 2,281.23 570.23 570.23 570.23 570.23 570.23 570.23 570.23 570.23 6,843.07

Income Tax Benefits under the Income Tax Act ,1961 for premiums paid towards Birla Sun Life Insurance products for the current financial year: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. For Flexi Secure life Retirement (Pension) Plan: Under Section 80 CCC (1), Contribution made to pension fund upto a maximum of Rs. 1,00,000/-. For Critical illness rider under Section 80D for individual and HUF upto a maximum of Rs. 15,000/- and for senior citizens aged 65 years above Rs. 20,000/-. For all other products: Under Section 80C, annual premium only to the extent of 20% of the face amount of the policy subject to maximum of Rs. 1,00,000/-. The overall limit prescribed for Section 80C, Section 80CCC and Section 80CCD is Rs. 1,00,000/-. For Health related policies and/or health related riders - The premium paid by you up to Rs.15,000 (Rs.20,000 for senior citizens) per annum to insure yourself and/or spouse and dependent children , is eligible for tax benefit under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Additionally, the premium paid by you, upto Rs.15000 (Rs.20,000 for senior

citizens), to insure your parent(s) , is eligible for tax benefit under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, 1961. The above benefits may change as per the extant tax laws. This letter is based on our understanding of current tax laws prevailing in India. These laws are subject to change and any such change could have a retrospective effect. This letter should not be construed as tax, legal or investment opinion from us. For specific suitability, you are requested to consult your tax advisor.


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