Hire Purchase Project
Hire Purchase Project
Hire Purchase Project
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We are very grateful to our institution for encouraging us and making us understand the value of making project file on different subject. We get wide information about the subject and especially about the respective topic that has been selected. Our special thanks to Prof. for his kind cooperation and proper guidance and valuable contribution. Further we also thanks to our principal & coordinator for supporting us to carry out this activity with great interest. Thus I appreciate the cumulative affords of all mentioned above and also my friends in preparing this project file and contributing their valuable time to make it a successful one.
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This S.n o 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. is to certify that Name Shreya gupta Prajakta Priyanka Kunal Sifa Sonali Sagar R.No.
of the SYBMS.-A class has satisfactorily carried out the required project work in Management Accounting and this project file represents their bonafied work during the year 2011-2012. Date________
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Professor in-charge
SR.N O. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. TOPIC
Meaning and concept of hire purchase Two options of hire purchase Importance of hire purchase Needs of hire purchase List of companies providing the facility of hire purchase Features of hire purchase system Difference between hire purchase system and installment system Standard provision for hire purchase Advantages of hire purchase Disadvantages of hire purchase
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11. 12.
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Hire-puchase system is a special system of purchase and sale of goods. Under this system purchaser pays the price of the goods in instalments. The instalments may be annual, six monthly, quarterly, monthly fortnightly etc. Under this system the goods are delivered to the purchaser at the time of agreement before the payment of instalments but the title on the goods is transferred after the payment of all instalments as per the hire-purchase agreement. The special feature of a hire-purchase transaction is that the payment of every instalment is treated as the payment of hire charges by the purchaser to the hire vendor till the payment of the last instalment.. After the payment of the last instalment, the amount of various instalments paid is appropriated towards the payment of the price of the goods sold and the ownership or the goods is transferred to the purchaser. Thus hire-purchase means a transaction where the goods are sold by vendor to the purchaser under the following conditions :
the goods will be delivered to the purchaser at the time of agreement. the purchaser has a right to use the goods delivered. the price of the goods will be paid in instalments. every instalment will be treated to be the hire charges of the goods which is being used by the purchaser. if all instalments are paid as per the terms of agreement , the title of the goods is transferred by vendor to the purchaser. if there is a default in the payment of any of the instalments, the vendor will take away the goods from the possession of the purchaser without refunding him any amount received earlier in the form of various instalments.
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3. the HP price, i.e., the total sum that must be paid to hire and then purchase the goods 4. the deposit 5. the monthly installments (most states require that the applicable interest rate is disclosed and regulate the rates and charges that can be applied in HP transactions) and 6. a reasonably comprehensive statement of the parties' rights (sometimes including the right to cancel the agreement during a "cooling-off" period). 7. The right of the hirer to terminate the contract when he feels like doing so with a valid reason.
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the only form of external finance available for commercial vehicles. For the financiers, as witnessed World-over, commercial vehicles was the natural choice for several asset-features he loves: lasting value, ready secondary market, self-paying feature, etc. Hence, the industry of hirepurchase became synonymous with truck-financing. Besides, the motor vehicles laws gave the surest legal protection any law could give to a financier: the financier would not have to carry any of the operational risks of a motor vehicle, and yet, any transfer of the vehicle would not be possible without the financier's assent. Leasing, essentially a US-innovation, entered the country significantly in the early 80s, and was propagated as an alternative to traditional modes of industrial finance. Besides, the early motivation (which continues with a number of players even now) of leasing was capital allowances, more significantly the investment allowance, which was not available for transport vehicles. Hence, the leasing form historically clung to industrial plant and machinery. For several years, there was no lease of vehicles, because the Motor Vehicles law protection was not applicable to a lease, and there was no investment allowance on vehicles, and for reciprocal reasons, there was no hire-purchase of industrial machinery. These reasons have vanished over time.
The Motor Vehicles law now treats leases and hirepurchase at par from the viewpoint of financierprotection. Investment allowance has been abolished, and hence, there are no predominant tax-preferences to a lease.
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The RBI treats lease and hire-purchase at par and has stopped giving a distinctive classification to leasing and hire-purchase companies. The accounting norms lead to the same effect on pretax income, as also balance sheet values, be it a lease or hire-purchase transactions. Therefore, income-tax and sales-tax treatment apart, there is not much that is different between lease and hire-purchase. The choice between the two is by and large open, subject to tax consequences.
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Hire-purchase agreement means a contract between the hire vendor and the hire purchaser regarding the sale of goods under certain conditions. Usually every hire-purchase agreement shall contain the following terms:
the cash price of the goods, cash price means the price at which goods may be purchased against cash payment. the hire-purchase price, hire purchase price means the total amount which is payable by the hire-purchaser under the agreement. the date on which the hire-purchase agreement will commence. the description of the goods that will be delivered to the hire-purchaser at the commencement of the agreement. the number of instalments to be paid by the hirepurchaser along with the amount of each instalment and the date of payment of each instalment. the down payment if any, the down payment means the amount which is required to be paid by hirepurchaser to the hire vendor at the time of commencement of hire-purchase agreement. the rate interest charged by the hire vendor (optional).
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Hire-purchase is a credit purchase. The price under hire-purchase system is paid in instalments. The goods are delivered in the possession of the purchaser at the time of commencement of the agreement. Hire vendor continues to be the owner of the goods till the payment of last instalment. The hire-purchaser has a right to use the goods as a bailer. The hire-purchaser has a right to terminate the agreement at any time in the capacity of a hirer. The hire-purchaser becomes the owner of the goods after the payment of all instalments as per the agreement. If there is a default in the payment of any instalment, the hire vendor will take away the goods from the possession of the purchaser without refunding him any amount.
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In Hire-purchase system, the transfer of ownership takes place after the payment of all instalments while in case of Instalment payment system, the ownership is transferred immediately at the time of agreement. In Hire-purchase system, the hire-purchase agreement is like a contract of hire though later on it may become a purchase after the payment of last instalment while in Instalment payment system, the agreement is like a contract of credit purchase. In case of default in payment , in Hire-purchase system the vendor has a right to back goods from the possession of the hire-purchaser while in case of Instalment payment system, the vendor has no right to take back the goods from the possession of the purchaser; he can simply sue for the balance due.
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In Hire-purchase system, if the purchaser sells the goods to a third party before the payment of last instalment, the third party does not get a better title on the goods purchased. But in case of Instalment payment system, the third party gets a better title on the goods purchased. In Hire-purchase system the provisions of the Hirepurchase Act apply to the transaction while in case of Instalment payment system, the provisions of Sale of Goods Act apply to the transaction.
To be valid, HP agreements must be in writing and signed by both parties. They must clearly set out the following information in a print that all can read without effort: 1. a clear description of the goods 2. the cash price for the goods 3. the HP price, i.e., the total sum that must be paid to hire and then purchase the goods 4. the deposit 5. the monthly installments (most states require that the applicable interest rate is disclosed and regulate the rates and charges that can be applied in HP transactions) and 6. a reasonably comprehensive statement of the parties' rights (sometimes including the right to cancel the agreement during a "cooling-off" period). 7. The right of the hirer to terminate the contract when he feels like doing so with a valid reason.
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1. To buy the goods at any time by giving notice to the owner and paying the balance of the HP price less a rebate (each jurisdiction has a different formula for calculating the amount of this rebate)
2. To return the goods to the owner this is subject to the payment of a penalty to reflect the owner's loss of profit but subject to a maximum specified in each jurisdiction's law to strike a balance between the need for the buyer to minimize liability and the fact that the owner now has possession of an obsolescent asset of reduced value 3. With the consent of the owner, to assign both the benefit and the burden of the contract to a third person. The owner cannot unreasonably refuse consent where the nominated third party has good credit rating 4. Where the owner wrongfully repossesses the goods, either to recover the goods plus damages for loss of quiet possession or to damages representing the value of the goods lost. Basically hirer have following rights- 1. Rights of protection 2. Rights of notice 3. Rights of repossession 4. Rights of Statement 5. Rights of excess amount
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The hirer usually has the following obligations: 1. to pay the hire installments 2. to take reasonable care of the goods (if the hirer damages the goods by using them in a non-standard way, he or she must continue to pay the installments and, if appropriate, compensate the owner for any loss in asset value) 3. to inform the owner where the goods will be kept. 4. A hirer can sell the products if an only if he has purchased the goods finally or else not to any other third party.
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Introduction As we discussed in our introduction to asset finance, the use of hire purchase or leasing is a popular method of funding the acquisition of capital assets. However, these methods are not necessarily suitable for every business or for every asset purchase. There are a number of considerations to be made, as described below:
One important advantage is that a hire purchase or leasing agreement is a medium term funding facility, which cannot be withdrawn, provided the business makes the payments as they fall due. The uncertainty that may be associated with alternative funding facilities such as overdrafts, which are repayable on demand, is removed. However, it should be borne in mind that both hire purchase and leasing agreements are long term commitments. It may not be possible, or could prove costly, to terminate them early.
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The regular nature of the hire purchase or lease payments (which are also usually of fixed amounts as well) helps a business to forecast cash flow. The business is able to compare the payments with the expected revenue and profits generated by the use of the asset.
In most cases the payments are fixed throughout the hire purchase or lease agreement, so a business will know at the beginning of the agreement what their repayments will be. This can be beneficial in times of low, stable or rising interest rates but may appear expensive if interest rates are falling. On some agreements, such as those for a longer term, the finance company may offer the option of variable rate agreements. In such cases, rentals or installments will vary with current interest rates; hence it may be more difficult to budget for the level of payment.
Under both hire purchase and leasing, the finance company retains legal ownership of the equipment, at least until the end of the agreement. This normally gives the finance company better security than lenders of other types of loan or overdraft facilities. The finance company may therefore be able to offer better terms. The decision to provide finance to a small or medium sized business depends on that business' credit standing and potential. Because the finance company has security in the
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Maximum Finance
Hire purchase and leasing could provide finance for the entire cost of the equipment. There may however, be a need to put down a deposit for hire purchase or to make one or more payments in advance under a lease. It may be possible for the business to 'trade-in' other assets which they own, as a means of raising the deposit.
Tax Advantages
Hire purchase and leasing give the business the choice of how to take advantage of capital allowances. If the business is profitable, it can claim its own capital allowances through hire purchase or outright purchase. If it is not in a tax paying position or pays corporation tax at the small companies rate, then a lease could be more beneficial to the business. The leasing company will claim the capital allowances and pass the benefits on to the business by way of reduced rentals
Hire purchase has several advantages over a business loan: 1. Hire purchase is cheaper than a (unsecured) business loan because the ownership of the car is retained by the finance company (ie; it is secured) and if monthly payments are not made, the vehicle is repossessed
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2. Hire purchase is relatively quick as it is offered directly by most dealers and manufacturers and is agreed to more easily than a business loan to a company without an existing relationship with its bankers 3. Deposits are lower than with business loans
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there is no need to arrange or negotiate to sell the vehicle or asset when a new one is required; there is no market value risk arising from the vehicle because it does not need to be sold in the open market at any point; the business can select the exact requirements online and have them delivered; it is certainly cheaper than ownership over the long term if the business needs to run and replace new vehicles or asset more frequently than every five years or less; the business can include all costs of maintenance and services in the monthly price; the road fund licence will always be included for the first year of the lease contract and often for the life of the contract; and, vehicles can be kept relatively new and this promotes a positive, successful image of the business.
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Sales. A hire purchase agreement allows a consumer to purchase sale items when they aren't in a position to pay in cash. The discounts secured will save many families money; Debt solutions. Consumers that buy on credit can pursue a debt solution, such as a debt management plan, should they experience money problems further down the line.
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