Distributed Coverage and Connectivity Preserving Algorithm With Support of Different Sensing Coverage Degrees in 3D Mobile Sensor Actor Networks
Distributed Coverage and Connectivity Preserving Algorithm With Support of Different Sensing Coverage Degrees in 3D Mobile Sensor Actor Networks
Distributed Coverage and Connectivity Preserving Algorithm With Support of Different Sensing Coverage Degrees in 3D Mobile Sensor Actor Networks
4, August 2012
Mohammad Javad Heydari1 and Saeid Pashazadeh2
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Given a 3D space where should be supervised and a group of mobile sensor actor nodes with limited sensing and communicating capabilities, this paper aims at proposing a distributed self-deployment algorithm for agents to cover the space as much as possible by considering non-uniform sensing coverage degree constraint of environment while preserving connectivity. The problem is formulated as coverage maximization subject to connectivity and sensing coverage degree constraint. Considering a desired distance between neighbouring nodes, an error function which depends on pairwise distance between nodes is described. The maximization is encoded to an error minimization problem that is solved using gradient descent algorithm and will yield in moving sensors into appropriate positions. Simulation results are presented in two different conditions that importance of sensing coverage degree support of environment is very high and is low.
Mobile Sensor Networks, Coverage, Connectivity, Quality of Services, Sensing Coverage Degree
Wireless sensor actor networks (WSANs), can be deployed in three dimensional (3D)spacein many applications such as aerial defence systems [1], underwater WSNs for Ocean sampling and tsunami warnings [2-6], intrusion detection systems, aerosphere pollution monitoring [7], etc. Maximal Coverage of the target volume and having a connected network are important criteria in terms of the Quality of Service (QOS) required for WSNs. In this paper, considering importance of coverage and connectivity in 3D wireless sensor networks a distributed maximizing coverage algorithm is proposed. The network consists of mobile agents deployed to perform collaborative monitoring tasks over a given volume.. The problem is modelled as maximization which is solved completely distributed. In fact each agent tries to maximize its sensing volume while preserving connectivity and having high quality communication links. First of all, Knowing that distance of two communicating nodes have great impact on energy consumed for transmission, quality of their connection and
DOI : 10.5121/ijcseit.2012.2401 1
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total coverage of network and regarding the remaining energy, required quality of coverage and connectivity due to application and required link strength depend on environment situation, an optimal distance for two neighbouring nodes was assumed. Then each agent knowing distance of its neighbours defines an error function and tries to decrease the error by changing its positions through gradient descent algorithm. In other words agents try to set their distance to their neighbours something near desired value by changing their positions. After obtaining optimum positions, all agents will go to optimal points which yields lower using of energy in deployment and moving. It is wellknown that centralized coordination algorithms have potential to have bottleneck and suffer from computational complexity and lack of adaptation, thus distributed algorithms are preferred. In this type of solutions although there is no centralized coordinator in the network, covered area by the network is increasing from one step to another. Our contributions in this paper are as follows: 1) Proposedalgorithm is completely distributed and there is no need to having extra information. 2) As computation consumed much lower energy in comparison with moving, the approach is using lower energy and thus the lifetime of network would increase. 3) The parameter of network is adjustable and can vary depending on application. In fact, coverage can be increased by increasing the desired distance of two nodes and by decreasing it the quality of connections and usually number of links will be increased which means a better connectivity and lower power consumption.The reminder of this paper is organized as follows: The next section is covering related work. The considered system model and the problemare described in section 3. Section 4 and 5 discuss and analyse the proposed approach. Simulation results and performance evaluation are discussed in section 6.section 7 concludes the paper.
Deferent approaches for providing maximum coverage are proposed in manyliteratures in context of multi-robot networks, mobile sensor networks and wireless sensor and actor networks. In most of papers, the network is considered in 2D space where mobile node deployed randomly and can move around to adjust their positions after initial deployment in order to reduce their coverage overlaps and maximize area coverage while preserving connectivity. Many presented approaches reducing the 3D geometry to the 2D [812]. Different modelling and strategies such as virtual forces, optimization and predefined pattern was proposed. In [13] Megerian and Potkonjakmodelled the coverage problem in wireless sensor networks as Integer Linear Programming (ILP) and solved the problem using a greedy algorithm. Similarly, Nakamura et al [14] used ILP modelling and solve it with the commercial optimization package CPLEX [15]. Yiannis and Tzes in [16] and[17] modelled the coverage problem as a constrained maximization. Our proposed algorithm in [18] is mainly inspired from the approaches used to model the problem in [16] and [17] and current paper develops the approach that is used in [18].In previous paper, we assumed equal importance for deferent points in the environment while this paper uses a non-uniform density function. This means that points of 3D space have different importance level and some points need higher sensing coverage degree in comparison with other areas. In one of the other group of coverage improvement algorithms such as [19], pattern-based strategies are presented in 2D and 3D space. In such algorithms target locations that can provide both coverage and network connectivity requirements are computed based on a predefined pattern and mobile nodes will deploy in the target positions. Alam and Haas [20] proposed a deployment
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pattern that generates the Voronoi tessellation of truncated octahedron in 3D space. Achieving full-coverage and k-connectivity in three-dimensional space, some lattice was proposed in [21] and[22].Wu et al [23] used Delaunay Triangulation to solve the coverage problem and finding the position of sensors in the environment. Vieira et al [24] use computational geometry and graph theory to find a solution. In virtual force-based node movement strategies [25-27], mobile nodes affect each-others. In detailed form, two mobile nodes expel each other if their distance is close than a threshold or attract each other if their distance is too far away. Other types of forces such as attractive force of boundaries and the repulsive forces of obstacles also can be considered. The total force is vector addition of all forces which specifies the direction and distance of mobile node movement. In [28] and[29], the coverage problem is modelled as an optimization problem and is solved through evolutionary algorithms PSO and ant colony optimization respectively.
As mentioned in advanced, in this paper previous proposed approach in [18] is developed. So similar to [18], let assume that network includes set of mobile homogenous agents denotedbyA = {a , a , , }. Nodes are distributed with uniform distributionin 3D space called volume of interest that we represent by R . Let assume that all nodes are location aware and each node knows its position p using a GPS or other node localization approaches and is aware ofpositions of its one-hop neighbours. All agents equipped with wireless transceiver and the transmission range of all agents is equal and is denoted by and is much less than dimension of volume of interest. The communication range of a node is defined as maximum Euclidean distance that its radio signals effectively can reach to other agents. Considering communication range of each agent, communication volume of agent is denoted by and is a sphere centred in agent position i.e. where . stands for standard Euclidean norm and I is defined according to following equation:
={ }, ={ }, (1)
Similarly, the sensing volume of agent is denotedby node at its centre i.e.
is a sphere of radius
Also it is assumed that sensing and transmission ranges of all agents are equal,but transmission range is greater than sensing radius.Let the density function : demonstrate probability of occurring an event in an arbitrary pointp . This function explains importance of each point in 3D space of volume of interest. Some points require more sensing coverage degree in comparison to other points. The assumed density function in this paper is 3D Gaussian function which is defined by Equation (4). As it can be seen in Figure 1, the density function peaks at its centre and the importance of points decrease as they get farther. The centre location and other parameters determine the shape of function and peace of decrease in deferent dimensions. Assuming an arbitrary point, , , in the space, and , , as centre of Gaussian function, the following equationrepresents our assumed density function: =
Let Assume that the volume of interest is much greater than sensing volume of an individual agent and variation of density function occurs smoothly. So,each sensing volume can be
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estimated by its center point. In fact importance of agent location is considered as mean of covered volume of all points of its sensing sphere.Another important function is : which is determined by following equation: = 1 0
or not.
Figure 1. (a) Cross section of density function in 3D view (b) Lateral view of cross section of density function.
International Journal of Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology (IJCSEIT), Vol.2, No.4, August 2012
Considering aforementioned functions and notations the main objective of this paper can be expressed as proposing a distributed algorithm to maximize following function : = If the position metric considered as following constrained optimization: : = , :
, ,,
The Voronoi diagram for a set of points in a given space is the partitioning of that space into regions such that all locations within any one region are closer to the generating point than to any other. In three dimensions, a Voronoi cell is a convex polyhedron formed by convex faces, as shown in the Figure 2.The node partition or node Voronoi cell is defined as follows: = Limited Voronoi cell of follows: , , ,
Voronoi Cell
Sensing region
International Journal of Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology (IJCSEIT), Vol.2, No.4, August 2012
node is
In fact the maximization problem defined by Equation (14) can be divided into sub-problems which are solvable through local information and in a distributed manner.
Considering Equation (11), each agent tries to increase volume of its Voronoi cell without losing connectivity with the others while trying to keep itself closer to areas that requires more sensing coverage degree. In this section a parallel constrained maximizing algorithm running in all agents is proposed. To perform the algorithm, first desired distance between two neighbours () is specified. The value of would determine importance of coverage and connectivity, such that by increasing or decreasing coverage or connectivity is made more important in other word having a greater means increasing coverage of each node and thus increasing total coverage of network and decreasing means having lower distance between nodes, so having a more compact and connected network. As transmission is one of energy-consuming act of network, it should also be noted that increasing or decreasing will affect the energy consumption of network since decreasing distance of two neighbour nodes means increasing signal power and decreasing node distance means decreasing power used for transmission [18].
Error (m)
Distance (m) Figure 3. Shape of error function By determining , a neighbourhooderror function easily could be obtained. The error functions assign an error to each distance. In fact knowing the distance between nodes i and j represented by d i , j , the function assigns an error to d i , j . The amount of error is zero when d i , j equals and will increase as the distance become more or less. The error function is plotted in Figure 3 ( = 9.5 m ).
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node or
column of
, Let assume
And =
The error between nodes and is difference of their distance from predetermined threshold . = So the neighbourhood error of
node is as follows: = 1
node is as follows: =1
node is:
We call parameter as spreading coefficient. It represents the importance of maximizing coverage while preserving connectivity.Parameter represents the importance of supporting required sensing coverage degree and we call it density coefficient. In other words, this parameter represents tendency of agents to get closer to areas that requires more sensing coverage degree. By appropriate adjustment of these parameters, non-uniform sensing coverage degree on the environment could be supported. In asymptotic case, if the parameter tends to zero and parameter set to one, agents have no tendency to get closer to points that requires more sensing degree and only spread in the environment such that supports sensing degree one for all points of the environment. We name this as spreading case in future.
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If the parameter set to one and parameter set to zero the agents act like consensus state. In this conditions, Agents tends to focus in areas that requires more sensing coverage degrees. We name this case as aggregating case in remaining of the paper. Position of node is changed based onfollowing equation: +1 = To getting derivate from we have: 1
= = = 1
=1 =
By substituting Equation (26) and(27) inEquation (19), the following equation is obtained: = 2
Agents by using Equation (28) can change their positions in each time step such that decreasing function of time. The modification will halt when: <
is a non(24)
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In this section the algorithm is investigated. The algorithm will be verified in maximizing coverage especially around the centre and not losing connectivity. If the minimum distance between two neighbours is set to , the volume of limited Voronoi cell of node can be estimated by a sphere with radius equal to 2: 1 6
Considering Equations (30) and (6) the following equations will tie in total coverage of network. 6 1 6
So by increasing , total coverage of network will be increased and vice versa.Number of agent in a determined volume is called density of agent which is defined by following equation:
So by decreasing , the agents density around the centre will be increased and vice versa. Due to using Exponential model for communication links decreases the distance between two nodes results better quality of connections or higher connectivity. The exponential model is plotted in Figure4for parameter = 0.5 . The vertical column represent remaining portion of signal power versus distance from the node. Signal Strength Portion
Distance (m) Figure 4. Exponential model of connection It is so clear that adjusting lower than communication range prevent links from failing.By considering the convexity of error functions and lack of any local minima, the gradient descent algorithm will guarantee to find a position in which global minimum error occurred. We can conclude that by setting lower than the network will stay connected and by considering near sensing radius the sensing volumes are maximized and by decreasing the density of nodes are increase around the centre. So in determining above-mentioned parameters should be considered.
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Let assume a networkwhich includes 10agents deployed randomly with uniform distribution on the space R . During simulation, the covered volume is increasing and agents get near to centre. Two series of simulations is done as follows: considering a network with 1)high positional error coefficient and 2) with low positional error coefficient. The simulation parameters are summarized in table 1 and table 2. Table1.Simulation parameters ofaggregating case. Node Placement No of agents Dimension ofVOI Communication Range Sensing Range A B x y z Random 10 40m 10m 5m 1 0.1 5 5 5 9 0.2 1
Considering a network with abovementioned parameters, the agents initial, intermediate and final positions are shown in Figure5. Due to high positional error coefficient, the agents organize themselves in a way that there is minimum overlapping between sensing volumes around a centre.For better understanding an overall view of all 3D pictures are shown in the figures. As it is seen the initial state of the network is so compact and sensing volume have overlaps but in the final state the surveyed volume by the network is maximized around a centre without losing connectivity of agents. Table2.Simulation parameters forspreading case. Node Placement No of agents Dimension ofVOI Communication Range Sensing Range A B x y z Random 10 100m 10m 5m 1 0.001 5 5 5 9.5 0.2 1
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Figure 5. Deployment of agents in aggregating case (a, b) Lateral and top 3D view of initial deployment (c, d) Lateral and top 3D view of intermediate deployment (e, f) Lateral and top 3D view of final deployment.
Considering spreading case,total coverage is of network is some value near coverage upper bound i.e. = R . In fact, by decreasing the positional error coefficient, the agents spread in the environment. In simulation process making the simulation more realistic agents are selected randomly to update their positions and the selected agent, updated its position with probability of %95 and it can be mentioned that all simulations converged to optimum solutions in below thirty iterations. In both cases sensing radii is considered half of communication radii which mean the agents with tangent sensing volumes are connected. Comparing this work to previous one [18],
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the algorithm try to herd the agents to centre while not getting disconnected and while maximizing coverage volume.
Figure 6. Deployment of agents in spreading case(a, b) Lateral and top 3D view of initial deployment (c, d) Lateral and top 3D view of intermediate deployment(e, f) Lateral and top 3D view of final deployment.
In this paper a motion coordination algorithm for mobile agents deployed in a 3D wireless sensor network is proposed. It is assumed that agents have spherical shaped sensing and communication volume. The total coverage of network and quality of links can be controlled trough parameterand as seen in simulations by adjustingnear sensing radii the approach would lead the network to a configuration with maximum connected coverage around predefined centre. In
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previous work [18],we proposed uniform importance for points in the environment but in this paperwe considered non-uniform requirement for sensing degree for regions of the environment and tried to drive agents to special points in the environment which are more important than the others Simulation results show the efficiency and fast convergence of algorithm.
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Mohammad Javad Heydari received his B.Sc. in Computer Engineering from shahed University of Tehran in 2009.He is currently pursuingthe M.Sc. degree in Artificial Intelligence at University of Tabriz in Iran. His research interests mainly include Wireless Sensor Networks, Multi-Robot Systems and Swarm Intelligence.
Saeid Pashazadeh is Assistant Professor of Software Engineering and chair of Information Technology Department at Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering in University of Tabriz in Iran. He received his B.Sc. in Computer Engineering from Sharif Technical University of Iran in 1995. He obtained M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from Iran University of Science and Technology in Iran in 1998, 2010 respectively.He was Lecturer in Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Sahand University of Technology in Iran from 1999 until 2004. His main interest is in the development, modeling and formal verification of distributed systems, and computer security and wireless sensor and wireless actor networks. He is member of IEEE and senior member of IACSIT.