Expression of Interest

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RITES/HW/KOL/BD/ Date: 26.07.

2012 The General Manager (Civil) Central Coalfields Limited, Darbhanga House, Ranchi -834 001 Jharkhand

Dear Sir, Sub: Consultancy Services for Feasibility study, Detailed Project Report and Construction Supervision of Road Projects of CCL Expression of Interest In pursuance to the discussion held by our Sr.DGM(C )/Shri Rajiv Kr. Sinha youre your kind self on 19th July-2012, we are submitting our offer for undertaking the study. The steps involved & the fees applicable are given below; SCOPE OF WORK: Feasibility Report i) Conduct preliminary surveys in accordance with of IRC special publication 19 for possible alternate routes. Collect inventory data and to conduct condition survey of roads, bridges, culverts etc as per IRC SP: 19 for all alternate routes and compile the information in the proforma and in an acceptable computerised data base format. Prepare strip plan for all the alternate routes showing the existing road land width, utility services (both above and below ground level), trees, electric poles, telephone poles, water pipeline, sewer line, bridges, culverts, junctions, adjoining land use, encroachment etc. Identify best possible route based on traffic and road geometry and availability of land. Conduct 3 day traffic (volume count) survey (if required) at one location in each homogeneous section. Determine the need of re-alignments and geometric improvements. Preliminary proposals for widening, strengthening, re-grading etc. Identify Railway level crossing, its type, which require construction of R.O.B.





vi) vii) viii)


Preparation of rough cost estimates based on (a) Typical cross section of road. (b) GAD for bridge structures (if any), ROB. (c) Standard typical drawing for culverts (d) Widening (e) Strengthening (f) Any other improvement required (g) Analysis of Rates based on Ministry of Road Transport & Highways data book and current rates. Depending upon the requirement, submission of the General Arrangement Drawing (GAD) for flyover and ROBs for obtaining In-Principle Approval from the concerned departments. Preparation of the Feasibility Report and submission of the same along with the GAD.



SCOPE OF WORK: Detailed Project Report Obtaining In-Principle Approval from the Railways for the ROBs and conducting detailed Topographic Survey for the changes suggested (if any) by the Railways); Gather information on accidents showing type of accident, frequencies and to identify accident prone locations/sections along with main reasons for such situations for selected route. Digging test pits on selected route at least 1m below the underside of the lowest pavement layer or up to rock level, whichever is less wherever pavement condition changes or at 2 km. intervals whichever is less. Conduct soil tests e.g. gradation test (IS 2720 part IV), Atterbergs Limits (LL, PL), field density, moisture content, Shrinkage Limit test (if required), deleterious constituents as per relevant IRC standard. Determine composition and thickness of existing pavement in selected route. Identification of borrow area as per IRC 10 and carryout necessary laboratory tests to determine suitability of soil. Conduct representative CBR test on the existing sub-grade soil sample. Identification and need based Prioritization of the required works to be taken up for execution in a phased manner




d) e)

f) g)


Identification of suitable location for truck lay by/parking places and way side amenities. Conduct detailed Geo-technical exploration works at some of the tentative foundation locations and laboratory testing of soil/rock samples obtained from the boreholes to determine the design parameters required; Preparation of plan and profile drawing for the road, flyover and ROBs; Detailed design of the flyover/ROBs with its approach roads, junction arrangement with NH; Preparation of the detailed drawing for the flyover/ROBs, approach roads incorporating suggestions of the Railways if any, for the ROBs. Requirement of Service roads along the proposed alignment shall also be studied and if required, detailed design made; Coordinating with the NHAI/ state NH division for finalizing the Junction arrangement details at the meeting point with NH or other; Preparation of the plan for shifting of utilities; Preparation of the detailed Cost Estimate for the road, flyover/ROBs, approach roads and junction portions with NH based on the Standard Databook for Analysis of Rates issued by MoRT&H with inputs from Schedule of Rates, PWD, Govt. of Jharkhand wherever applicable; Preparation of the draft DPR for the road, flyover/ROBs (if any), approach roads, and junction portions with NH, service roads as necessary and submission to the CCL authorities for comments if any; To examine the observations given by the Railways and NHAI/NH division for incorporating in the final DPR; Undertake further survey for compliance of the observations if required; Obtaining approval from the Railways, NHAI/NH division, Govt of Jharkhand &/or from any other department, State Government or Central; Preparation of the Final Detailed Project Report including BOQ, Technical Specifications and Quality Manual Plan, all Construction drawings and Tender document compatible with e-procurement guidelines of CCL.


j) k)



n) o)



r) s)


SCOPE OF WORK: Construction Management and Supervision i) Final alignment staking based on the approved layout, preparation of Good for Construction detailed drawings including bar bending schedule and Specifications for construction activities; Preparation of Quality Assurance Manual for the Supervision team/ employer and Quality Management Plan for the contractor for all the activities; Preparing the construction completion schedule and monitoring the same through PERT/CPM methods; Monitoring the contractors procurement schedules and suggesting corrective measures for timely completion; Guiding the Contractor in setting up of site laboratory as per MoRT&H Specification and Contract documents; Assisting the CCL authorities in fixing of independent agency for third party inspection of manufactured materials if required; Inspection of manufactured items of work to be incorporated at the manufacturers premises and other independent testing laboratory as per requirement; Inspection of other materials brought to site and conducting necessary tests at the site laboratory to be set up for the purpose; Conducting necessary Specifications; field quality checks as per MoRT&H/Contract










Measurement of approved items of work with necessary records in the RFAs and recording in the measurement book; Conducting routine laboratory tests of embankment, sub grade, sub base, base and wearing surfaces materials and finished items of works; Checking and certification of reinforcing materials used for RCC works both in sub structure and super structure; Supervision of concreting and pre-stressing works at site and recording of measured items of works as per the RFAs; Compiling of Request for Approval forms submitted by the contractor and preparation of the monthly Interim Payment Certificates submitted by the contractor for payment; Processing for approval/rejection by CCL for claims made by the contractor;







Processing of Final bill for payment to the agency and preparation of the Asbuilt drawing and submission of all records in bounded volumes on completion of the construction work; Rendering necessary assistance to CCL during Defects Liability Period and preparing schedule for routine maintenance works;


RITES shall be paid as percentage of estimated/quoted rate. Service Tax i/c cess as leviable, shall be reimbursed separately. At present the rate of service tax i/c cess is 12.36%. RITES shall submit proof of deposition if desired.
Sl No Activity Amount (Rs)

1 2 3

Preparation of Feasibility Report Preparation of Detailed Design Report Construction Management and supervision

1.0% of estimated cost + ST as applicable 1.5% of estimated cost + ST as applicable 8.5% of quoted rate by contractor + ST as applicable

We hope you would find our offer acceptable & look forward in receiving the work order. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, (Tarun Sengupta) General Manager (HW)/ Kolkata Enclo: Capability Document

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