Bicycle Design Guidelines
Bicycle Design Guidelines
Bicycle Design Guidelines
This chapter provides design guidelines gathered from local, state and national best practices. It is intended to serve as a guide for city planners, engineers, and designers when designing and constructing bicycle facilities in the San Diego region. The design guidelines presented in this appendix are a combination of minimum standards outlined by the California Highway Design Manuals Chapter 1000, recommended standards prescribed by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities and the CA MUTCD. The minimum standards and guidelines presented by Chapter 1000 and AASHTO provide basic information about the design of bicycle facilities, such as bicycle lane dimensions, striping requirements and recommended signage and pavement markings. These guidelines also include recommendations for optional design treatments that are not intended to represent a minimum or maximum accommodation or to replace any existing adopted roadway design guidelines. Also included in these guidelines are experimental or nonstandard best practices with information about optional innovative bikeways and support facilities that have not been adopted by the California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (California MUTCD) or by the State of California for use in California and do not currently meet Highway Design Manual, Chapter 1000 design requirements. Final design of any bikeway should be conducted by a licensed engineer using sound engineering judgment and applicable standards and guidelines. B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4 Design References lists the documents used to develop the San Diego region bicycle facility guidelines. Design Principles describes the principles that should be used in implementing the San Diego region design guidelines. Standard Designs of Bicycle Facilities provides general descriptions of California bikeway classifications, standard treatments, and standard signage. Innovative Treatments and Signage presents treatments and signage that are intended to enhance safety but are not standard in California according to the California MUTCD or Caltrans Highway Design Manual, Chapter 1000. Bicycle Parking describes guidelines for placing bicycle parking, and design guidelines for bicycle racks, bicycle lockers, and high-volume bicycle parking options such as bicycle corrals and bike stations.
Design References
The bikeway design principals outlined in this chapter are derived from the regional, state, and national documents listed below. Many of these documents are available online and provide a wealth of information and resources to the public.
Highway Design Manual, Chapter 1000: Bikeway Planning and Design (California Department of Transportation, 2006).
California Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways, Part 9: Traffic Controls for Bicycle Facilities (California Department of Transportation, 2006). Guidelines for the Development of Bicycle Facilities (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 1999). Federal Highway Administration Best Practices Design Guide Part 2, Designing Sidewalks and Trails for Access (FHWA Pub# FHWA-EP-01-027, 1001) AASHTO Green Book: Policy on Geometric Design of Streets and Highways (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 2001). Bike Lane Design Guide (City of Chicago and Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center, 2002). Bicycle Parking Design Guidelines (Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals, 2002). Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities in California: A Technical Reference and Technology Transfer Synthesis for Caltrans Planners and Engineers (California Department of Transportation, 2005) Innovative Bicycle Treatments (Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2003) Bicycle Boulevard Design Tools and Guidelines (City of Berkeley, 2000) Bicycle Boulevards Technical Memorandum (Alta Planning + Design, 2007) Cycle Tracks: Lessons Learned (Alta Planning + Design; Burchfield, Robert, 2008)
All bikeway facilities are required at a minimum to meet the design guidelines outlined in the Highway Design Manual, Chapter 1000 and in the California MUTCD. Jurisdictions in the San Diego region are encouraged to consider application of the innovative design treatments where appropriate. When using design treatments not approved by the California MUTCD and the Highway Design Manual, Chapter 1000, agencies in the San Diego region must follow the protocol for testing innovative treatments specified by the State.
Design Principles
The following key principles were followed in developing the San Diego regional bicycle network as proposed in this plan:
The San Diego region will have a complete and interconnected network of on-street bicycling facilities and shared-use paths that will provide bicycle access across the region to a broad range of bicycle users. All roads in the San Diego region are legal for the use of bicyclists, (except those roads designated as limited access facilities which prohibit bicyclists). This means that most streets are bicycle facilities, and will be designed and maintained accordingly. The San Diego region should strive for complete streets as called for by the California Complete Streets Act of 2008. Complete streets are designed to safely accommodate all users, including bicyclists, pedestrians, transit riders, children, older people, and disabled people, as well as motorists.
Design guidelines are intended to be flexible and should be applied with professional judgment by licensed engineers. In this manual, design guidelines approved by the California MUTCD and the Highway Design Manual, Chapter 1000 are differentiated from innovative design treatments that are not yet approved. When using design treatments not approved by the standard regulatory documents, agencies in the San Diego region must follow the protocol for testing innovative treatments specified by the State.
According to Caltrans, the term bikeway encompasses all facilities that provide primarily for bicycle travel. Caltrans has defined three types of bikeways in the Highway Design Manual, Chapter 1000: Class I, Class II, and Class III. For each type of bikeway facility both Design Requirements and Additional Design Recommendations are provided. Design Requirements contain requirements established by Highway Design Manual, Chapter 1000, including minimum dimensions, proper pavement markings, signage and other design treatments for bicycle facilities. Additional Design Recommendations are provided as guidelines to assist with design and implementation of facilities and include alternate treatments approved or recommended but not required by Caltrans. This section provides an overview of these standard bicycle facilities.
General Guidelines
The width of the bike lanes vary according to parking and street conditions. Note that these dimensions are for reference only, and are subject to engineering design review. 4 feet (1.2 m) minimum width if no gutter exists, measured from edge of pavement; 5 feet (1.5 m) minimum width with normal gutter, measured from curb face; or 3' (0.9 m) measured from the gutter pan seam; 5 feet (1.5 m) minimum width when parking stalls are marked; and 11 feet (3.4 m) minimum width for a shared bike/parking lane where parking is permitted but not marked on streets without curbs; or 12 feet (3.7 m) for a shared lane adjacent to a curb face. Bicycle lanes shall be comprised of a 6 inch solid white stripe on the outside of the lane, and a 4 inch solid white stripe on the inside of the lane. Where on-street parking is allowed, bicycle lanes must be striped between the parking area and the travel lanes. In cases where there is insufficient space for a bike lane, cities may recommend removing a traffic lane, narrowing traffic lanes, or prohibiting parking. The R81 (CA) bicycle lane sign shall be placed at the beginning of all bicycle lanes, on the far side of arterial street intersections, at all changes in direction and at a maximum of .6 mile intervals. All standard signage is shown in Chapter 9 of the 2006 California MUTCD.
Additional Discussion
Intersections represent a primary collision point for bicyclists. Small intersections with few lanes are relatively easy to manage. Large, multi-lane intersections are more difficult for bicyclists to travel through than smaller, two-lane intersections. Road striping and signage can be used to accommodate bicyclists at critical locations. Figures 9C1 and 9C3 of the California MUTCD provide standard treatment options for intersections with right-turn only and left-turn only lanes. Challenges for bicyclists at large signalized intersections include: Signals may not be timed to allow slower-moving bicyclists to travel across the intersection; Loop detectors or video detection that is used to actuate the signal may not be calibrated to detect bicyclists; Bicyclists may not know how to actuate the signal using loop detectors, even if it is calibrated; Bicyclists who wish to turn left may be required to travel across several motor vehicle lanes to reach the left hand turn lane; Bicyclists who wish to turn left like a pedestrian may experience long delays as they wait through several light cycles; Bicyclists who are traveling straight may have to merge across motor vehicle traffic that is turning right from a right-turn lane; Motorists may be less likely to be aware of bicyclists at large, multi-lane intersections due to higher traffic volumes, more lanes of traffic and the complexity of large intersections; and Large intersections without bicycle facilities are very auto-centric, leading motorists to assume that bicyclists are not supposed to be on the roadway.
Design treatments can help bicyclists travel through intersections and alert motorists of bicyclists presence. Good intersection design alerts motorist to bicyclists, indicates to motorists and bicyclists where bicyclists may ride, and guides bicyclists through intersections.
Policy Directive 05-10 Shared Roadway Bicycle Marking, passed on September 12, 2005, outlines implementation guidelines for placing Shared Lane Markings. <>
General Guidelines
Shared lane markings are appropriate on bicycle network streets that are: Too narrow for standard striped bicycle lanes; Areas that experience a high level of "wrong-way" riding; or Streets that have moderate to high parking turnover, typically in commercial areas. There is increasing interest in applying sharrows in conjunction with bike lanes on steeper slope roadways. Bike lanes are placed on the uphill side of the roadway and sharrows are placed on the downhill side of the roadway to encourage fast moving bicyclists to position themselves away from parked cars. Shared lane arrow markings should be installed in conjunction with share the road signs Arrows should be spaced approximately 200 center to center, with the first arrow on each block or roadway segment placed no further than 100 from the nearest intersection.
General Guidelines
Bicycle boulevards typically include the following design features:
Traffic calming devices such as traffic circles and curb bulbouts; Bicycle destination signage; Pavement stencils indicating status as a bicycle boulevard; Crossing improvements at major arterials such as traffic signals with bicycle-detection, four-way stops and high-visibility crosswalks; Bicycle-friendly signal preemption at high-volume signalized intersections; Stop signs on streets crossing the bicycle boulevard; and Some jurisdictions have implemented bicycle boulevards by removing on-street parking in select locations.
Bicycle boulevards can be designed to accommodate the particular needs of the residents and businesses along the routes, and may be as simple as pavement markings with wayfinding signs or as complex as a street with traffic diverters and bicycle signals. Bike boulevards with signage only typically require extensive public education to be effective. To further identify a street as a preferred bicycle route, lower volume roadways may be modified to function as a through street for bicycles, while maintaining only local access for automobiles. Traffic calming devices can lower traffic speeds and through trips, limiting conflicts between motorists and bicyclists and providing priority to through bicycle movement. For more information, see: City of Berkeley Bicycle Boulevard Design Tools and Guidelines:; Bicycle Transportation Alliance Bicycle Boulevards Campaign: Draft 2009 AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities Bicycle Boulevard Design Guidebook (forthcoming publication of the Portland State University Initiative for Bicycle and Pedestrian Innovation (IBPI) and Alta Planning + Design.
General Guidelines
The recommended width of a shared-use path is dependent upon anticipated usage: 8 feet (2.4 m) is the minimum width for Class I facilities. 8 feet (2.4 m) may be used for short neighborhood connector paths (generally less than one
mile in length) due to low anticipated volumes of use. 10 feet (3.0 m) is the recommended minimum width for a typical two-way shared-use path. 12 feet (3.7 m) is the preferred minimum width if more than 300 users per peak hour are anticipated, and/or if there is heavy mixed bicycle and pedestrian use. A minimum 2 (0.6 m) wide graded area must be provided adjacent to the path to provide clearance from trees, poles, walls, guardrails, etc. Paths should be constructed with adequate sub grade compaction to minimize cracking and sinking, and should be designed to accommodate appropriate loadings, including emergency vehicles. A 2% cross slope shall be provided to ensure proper drainage. 8 feet (2.4 m) is the required minimum clearance from overhead obstructions, with 10 feet (3.0 m) recommended.
Grade Intersection: When shared-use paths cross streets, proper design should be developed on the pathway as well as on the roadway to alert bicyclists and motorists of the crossing. Sometimes on larger streets, at mid-block pathway crossing locations, an actuated signal is necessary. A signal allows bicyclists a clear crossing of a multi-lane roadway. If a signal is or is not needed, appropriate signage and pavement markings should be installed, including stop signs and bike crossing pavement markings. Overcrossings: Overcrossings are also an important component of bikeway design. Barriers to bicycling often include freeways, complex interchanges, and rivers. When a route is not available to cross these barriers a bicycle overcrossing is necessary. Some design considerations for overcrossings include: Pathways must be a minimum 6 feet (1.8 m) wide, with a preferred width of 8 feet (2.4 m) or 10 feet (3.0 m) wide; Slope of any ramps must comply with ADA Guidelines; and Screens are often a necessary buffer between vehicle traffic and the bicycle overcrossing. Some considerations for
Undercrossings: Undercrossings are an important component of Class I bikeway design. undercrossings include: Must have adequate lighting and sight distance for safety; Must have adequate over-head clearance of at least 10 feet (3.0 m); Tunnels should be a minimum width of 14 feet (4.3 m) for several users to pass one another safely; a 10 feet x 20 feet (3.0 m x 6.1 m) arch is the recommended standard; Channeling with fences and walls into the tunnel should be avoided for safety reasons; and May require drainage if the sag point is lower than the surrounding terrain.
Bicycle signal
General Guidelines
Bicycle signals are typically considered in locations with heavy bicycle traffic combined with significant conflicts with motor vehicles, at intersections with unique geometry or at the interface between busy roads and off-street bicycle facilities. Specific situations where bicycle signals have had a demonstrated positive effect include: Locations with high volume of bicyclists at peak hours; Locations with high numbers of bicycle/motor vehicle crashes, especially those caused by crossing paths; At T-intersections with major bicycle movement along the top of the T; At the confluence of an off-street bike path and a roadway intersection; and
While bicycle signals are approved for use in California, local municipal code should be checked or modified to clarify that at intersections with bicycle signals, bicycles should only obey the bicycle signal heads.
Additional Discussion
Wayfinding signage is an important part of the bicycle network. Implementing a well-planned and attractive system of signage can greatly enhance bikeway facilities, making their presence aware to motorists, as well as existing and potential bicyclists. By leading people to city bikeways that offer safe and efficient transportation, effective signage can encourage residents and visitors to bicycle. Way-finding can include mile-markers, route identification, and informational kiosks. Destination signage helps bicyclists use the bikeway network as an effective transportation system. These signs typically display distance, direction and in some cases, estimated travel time information to various destinations and activity centers. In the San Diego region, destination signage would be helpful for destinations such as downtown, Balboa Park, UCSD, and beaches. Signage can also assist users to navigate towards major bikeways, transit hubs, or greenway trails. Finally, way-finding can help bicyclists avoid difficult and potentially hazardous road scenarios, like steep terrain, dangerous intersections, highway and river crossings, or deteriorating road conditions. Wayfinding and bike route network signage is recommended for the San Diego region. California MUTCD defines standards for these route network signs. Most commonly, they show the route number and the corresponding direction. Route naming and numbering should be coordinated between neighboring jurisdictions where bikeways cross cities boundaries so that the regional signage system is seamless. For bike route signs, California MUTCD requires a green background and white lettering. The top third portion of the sign is customizable for the city or region where it is located. For example, the City of San Francisco shows the Golden Gate Bridge on its bike route signs. The multi-use path network should be integrated with on-street bike facility signage to encourage use of paths for recreational as well as utilitarian bicycling; helping bicyclists of all ages and abilities reach destinations more easily. Informational kiosks, complete with maps of the surrounding area, can help provide initial orientation and bearings for bicyclists beginning their journeys at major transit hubs, or transitioning from off-street to onstreet facilities.
The following section describes facilities and treatments that are intended to enhance safety but are not adopted as standard treatments by the California MUTCD or Caltrans Highway Design Manual.
General Guidelines
Apply at intersections with a high volume of bicycles and motor vehicles. Apply where there are frequent turning conflicts and/or intersections with a high percentage of turning movements by both bicyclists and motorists. California MUTCD signage should be present to prevent right turn on red and to indicate where the motorist must stop. In the US, bicycle boxes have been used in Cambridge, MA, Portland, OR and Eugene, OR. They have been used in a variety of locations throughout Europe.
General Guidelines
This treatment is not currently present in any State or Federal design standards. Colored bike lanes are used to guide bicyclists through major vehicle/bicycle conflict points, especially at locations where the volume of conflicting vehicle traffic is high, and where the vehicle/bicycle conflict area is long. Colored bike lanes typically extend through the entire bicycle/vehicle conflict zone (e.g., through the entire intersection, or through the transition zone where motorists cross a bike lane to enter a dedicated right-turn lane. Portlands Blue Bike Lanes:
General Guidelines
Cycle tracks are useful along streets with minimal crossings. Intersections should be designed to include signage that alerts motorists of bicyclists crossing from the cycle track, and vegetation and parking should be limited near intersections so that bicyclists and motorists can see each other. If cycle tracks are two-way, motorists should be alerted to the fact that bicyclists will be approaching from both directions. To help decrease the number of wrong-way riding bicyclists on one-way cycle tracks, complimentary facilities should be provided on the opposite side of the street. While cycle tracks increase bicyclists comfort on urban and suburban streets, intersection treatments are needed to mitigate turn movement conflicts. Protective measures include retrofitting signalized intersections to provide separate left and right turn movements, adding bicycle-only signals, requiring no right-turn-on-red, and warning signage and special markings at unsignalized intersections. Other innovative treatments, such as colored pavement, can complement these facilities and improve warnings to motorists. For additional discussion of cycle track designs, see the white paper on cycle tracks provided in Appendix I.
General Guidelines
Potential locations for bicycle/bus lane implementation include congested streets with moderate or long bus headways, streets with moderate bus headways during peak hours, or places that provide no reasonable alternative routing alignment. Shared bicycle/bus lanes should be paved with colored asphalt and stenciled as a diamond lane with supporting signage and pavement legends to emphasize their designation. Lanes should be wide enough to allow bicyclists to comfortably pass stopped buses on the left. Twelve feet is the recommended minimum width of shared bicycle/bus lanes. Potential disadvantages of shared lanes include a leapfrogging between buses and bikes (when buses and bikes are continually passing one another in the lane). Leapfrogging creates a greater potential for conflicts. The second disadvantage is when vehicles are allowed to use the lane at intersections as a right turn lane. This slows and creates potential conflict points between bicycles and vehicles and slows buses and bicycles significantly.
General Guidelines
Their implementation is controversial primarily because, contrary to standard road rules, they encourage cyclists to ride against motor-vehicle right of way, which can lead to increased bicycle/motor-vehicle crashes. However, in some circumstances, they may offer substantial savings in out-of-direction travel, by providing more direct routes. For popular destinations and high-use bikeways, a contra-flow lane can increase safety by reducing the number of bicyclists, and the number of conflicts, along the longer indirect route. Potential Applications:
Provides direct access to key destination; Improves safety; Infrequent driveways on bike lane side; Bicyclists can safely and conveniently re-enter traffic at either end; Sufficient width to provide bike lane; No parking on side of street with bike lane; Existing high bicycle usage of street; Less than three blocks in length; or
No other reasonable route for bicyclist. Contra-flow lanes are most successful on streets with few intersecting driveways, alleys or streets on the side of the lane; on streets where bicyclists can safely and conveniently re-enter the traffic stream at either end of the lane; on streets where a substantial number of bicyclists are already using the street; and on streets with sufficient width to accommodate a bike lane. Special features to incorporate into contra-flow bike lane design include the following. The contra-flow bike lane must be placed on the right side of the street (to motorists' left) and must be separated from oncoming traffic by at least a double yellow line; vertical separation or grade separation is encouraged. This indicates that the bicyclists are riding on the street legally, in a dedicated travel lane. Any intersecting alleys, major driveways, and streets must have signs indicating to motorists that they should expect two-way bicycle traffic. Existing traffic signals should be fitted with actuators for bicyclists (i.e. loop detectors, video cameras, infrared or push buttons). Existing traffic signals should be modified (if necessary) so that bicyclists traveling in the contraflow direction can see the signal head, and any conflicting turn phasing shall be eliminated.
Experimental parallel path warning signage in Denver, CO Innovative signage in Santa Cruz, CA
Bicycle Parking
As more bikeways are constructed and bicycle usage grows, the need for bike parking will increase. Short-term parking at shopping centers and similar land uses can support bicycling as well as long-term bicycle parking at transit stations, work sites and schools. Bicycle parking should be installed on public property, or available to private entities on an at-cost basis. Bicycle parking facilities should be provided at other public destinations, including government buildings, community centers, parks, schools and shopping centers. All bicycle parking should be in a safe, secure area visible to passersby. Commuter locations should provide secure indoor parking, covered bicycle corrals, or bicycle lockers. Bicycle parking on sidewalks in commercial areas should be provided according to specific design criteria, reviewed by merchants and the public, and installed as demand warrants.
General Guidelines
Bicycle racks should be installed with the following guidelines in mind. The rack element (part of the rack that supports the bike) should keep the bike upright, supporting the frame in two places and allowing one or both wheels to be secured. Install racks so there is enough room between adjacent parked bicycles. If it becomes too difficult for a bicyclist to easily lock their bicycle, they may park elsewhere. A row of inverted U racks should be installed with 15 inches minimum between racks. Empty racks should not pose a tripping hazard for visually impaired pedestrians. Position racks out of the walkways clear zone.
When possible, racks should be in a covered area protected from the elements. Long-term parking should always be protected. Generally, U type racks bolted into the sidewalk are preferred and should be located intermittently or in front of key destinations. Bicycle racks should be installed to meet ADA standards and not block pedestrian through traffic. Cities may want to consider custom racks that serve not only as bicycle parking, but also as public artwork or as advertising for a specific business. The post and ring style rack is an attractive alternative to the standard inverted-U, which requires only a single mounting point and can be customized to have the city name or emblem stamped into the rings. These racks can also be easily retrofitted onto existing street posts, such as parking meter posts. While custom racks can add a decorative element and relate to a neighborhood theme, the rack function should not be overlooked: all racks should adhere to the basic functional requirement of supporting the bicycle by the frame (not only the wheel) and accepting a U-lock.
Bike Oasis
General Guidelines
On-Street Bike Parking Corral: A relatively inexpensive solution to providing high-volume bicycle parking is to convert one or two on-street motor vehicle parking spaces into on-street bicycle parking. Bike racks are installed in the street and protected from motor vehicles with removable curbs and bollards. These Bike Parking Corrals move bicycles off the sidewalks, and leave space for sidewalk caf tables or pedestrians. Bicycle parking does not block sightlines like motor vehicles do, so it may be possible to locate bicycle parking in no-parking zones near intersections and crosswalks. Bike Oasis: In 2008, the City of Portland, Oregon began installation of several Bike Oases in commercial districts. These signature bicycle parking facilities are installed on curb extensions and consist of attractive covered bike parking and an information panel. Portlands Bike Oases provide parking space for ten bikes. Bike and walking maps are installed on the information panel. Bike Stations: Bike stations serve as one-stop bicycle service centers for bicycle commuters. They include 24-hour secure bicycle parking and may provide additional amenities such as a store to purchase items (helmets, raingear, tubes, patch kits, bike lights, and locks), bicycle repair facilities, showers and changing facilities, bicycle rentals, and information about biking. Some bike stations provide free bike parking, while others charge a fee or require membership. Bike stations have been installed in several cities in California, including Long Beach, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Berkeley, as well as Chicago, and Seattle. Valet Bike Parking: The San Diego County Bicycle Coalition (SDCBC) currently provides bike parking in a pavilion during Padres games and other community events. To expand bike parking options, indoor locations for storing bicycles should be designed into future venues that host sporting events, festivals, and other events where large numbers of people gather. In San Francisco, attended bicycle parking is provided at the AT&T Stadium, home of the San Francisco Giants. The bicycle valet sees between 100 and 180 bicycles per game on average (the stadiums capacity is 41,503). In addition to providing bicycle valet parking, the City and stadium heavily promote using alternative modes to get to the stadium, emphasizing that if you drive you will get stuck in traffic. Their valet parking system works much like a coat check: the bicyclist gives their bicycle to the attendant, who tags the bicycle with a number and gives the bicyclist a claim stub. The valet also will take nonmotorized devices such as rollerblades, baby strollers and push scooters. When the bicyclist returns to get their bicycle, they present the claim stub and the attendant retrieves their bicycle for them. Locks are not needed. The valet is open from two hours before the game to thirty minutes after.