Transport Development Areas RICS
Transport Development Areas RICS
Transport Development Areas RICS
The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors public transport operators receive additional that the approach to identifying and
(RICS) has been developing the concept of funding based on the transfer, where implementing TDA-style development of key
the Transport Development Area (TDA) with appropriate, of part of the higher financial sites or locations within urban areas has
key stakeholders for a number of years returns to development which might be been both inadequate and inconsistent.
now. In 2002 RICS published a good practice achievable in such areas. TDAs, therefore, can While the planning system can and does
guide that provides planning and transport deliver significant transport and development deliver TDA-style development, benefits
practitioners with the tools needed to benefits by enabling financially more can be gained from greater clarity or more
identify and implement TDAs. 1 The guidance attractive (or at least less uncertain) positive direction at the policy level, and
was sponsored and supported by thirteen development opportunities, and by offering from the provision of detailed guidance on
government authorities, professional the prospect of additional investment in TDA identification and delivery.
institutes and transport organisations. 2 public transport improvements. They also Securing widespread application of the
This sponsorship lent significant backing contribute to the sustainability objectives of TDA Approach across a range of urban
for implementing the ideas developed in the Transport White Papers by integrating land circumstances will require commitment by
the guidance. TDAs can be developed in a use and transport, reducing both the need to all stakeholders. The RICS guidance sets out
wide range of circumstances, ranging from travel and reliance on private transport. the practical mechanisms for designating
transport nodes in large conurbations to and delivering TDAs and the policy process
relatively small market towns. the tda approach that will be needed from the national to local
The basic concept of the ‘TDA Approach’ is planning level. The key messages in the
In essence, a TDA is a means of securing well already recognised within the existing policy guidance are that TDAs should be a key focus
designed, higher density, mixed-use framework. However, our research found of locational policy, the TDA Approach is a
development around good public transport
nodes in towns and cities. It does not seek Opportunity diagram
to lay down a rigid blueprint and can be
applied in ways that suit the needs of a
particular location.
It does not require new legislation or
changes in policy, but it does require the
commitment of local authorities and other
partners if the concept is to be carried
forward successfully. TDA is an integrated
land use planning approach to create a more
specific relationship between development
density around urban public transport
interchanges and the level of public
transport services provided. As an economic
concept, TDAs are also a focus for more
institutionalised arrangements whereby
mechanism for delivering suitable outcomes, approach and promote its inclusion within The London Plan – the first spatial
and that long-term planning is essential. more local planning frameworks and local development strategy in the UK – indicates
Although the concept of concentrating transport plans. TDAs should be actively that designation of sites for TDA-style
development around appropriate transport promoted as a regional objective, to be development should be undertaken by the
nodes is not new, it is difficult to realise applied across as wide a range of urban various London boroughs, with the London
successfully because many different settlement types and rural centres as Plan itself providing appropriate policy
elements need to be brought together to possible. It is vital to the approach that key advice and characterising the key
make it work. TDAs are not a quick fix, stakeholder groups, such as the transport opportunities across Greater London.
but early action can be taken. providers and the development industry, Local authorities should seek to make
are engaged at an early stage. maximum use of the most accessible sites,
The TDA approach is not exclusively meant such as those in town centres and others
for the United Kingdom. It can work in many Where appropriate, Regional Spatial which are, or will be, close to major transport
different situations throughout Europe. Strategies should encourage local authorities interchanges. They should develop a clear
The following discussion of the UK situation to ensure that within TDAs permissions for vision for development of these areas,
serves only to illustrate the relation between higher density development include prepare site briefs and, where appropriate,
TDA and national, regional and local policy developer contributions towards public consider using compulsory powers to bring
frameworks. The underlying principles transport and local transport objectives. The development forward. The TDA Approach
remain the same for other countries. Regional Transport Strategy – prepared as an supports Government policies designed to
integral part of regional spatial planning – promote both urban and rural regeneration,
regional guidance should include measures relevant to TDAs, with access to key services and facilities
There is considerable scope for the new such as accessibility criteria, increased public delivered through integrated local transport
Regional Spatial Strategies being developed transport choice, car parking standards and solutions. Y
within the UK to take account of the TDA demand management.
TDA Linkages
environmental quality. The concept may issued by the Office of the Deputy Prime 1 Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, Transport
prove to be of particular importance with Minister now has the ‘sustainable Development Areas – Guide to Good Practice, London,
regard to TDAs, along with appropriate joint communities’ strapline. This may be an 2002.
ventures and/or partnership agreements. excellent marketing strategy, but there is a 2 The Greater London Authority; the Institution of
danger that the constant repetition of the Highways and Transportation; the Institute of
tdas in action sustainable communities mantra and the Logistics and Transport; LT Property; the Local
Since RICS published its guidance report, multiple ways in which the term is Government Association; Railtrack Property; the
the TDA project has continued to attract wide interpreted will, in the end, leave it devoid of Royal Institute of British Architects; the Royal Town
support from a range of diverse groups, meaning. That would be a pity because the Planning Institute; Scottish Enterprise; the Strategic
including the Local Government Association, concept, however it is interpreted, is Rail Authority; Strathclyde Passenger Transport
the Royal Institution of British Architects, the intrinsically sound. The UK Government Executive; Transport for London; and the RICS London
Greater London Authority, Scottish Enterprise launched its Sustainable Communities Plan Regional Board.
and the Institution of Highways and in February 2003 with the avowed objective 3 TDAs – the London dimension, april 2003, RICS
Transportation. While these organisations of creating ‘prosperous, inclusive and London Region. See also Z