Year 11 Workshop Do What You Are August 30, 2012

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The Essentials of Year 11:

Researching Majors/Programs and Careers

By the Secondary Counselors 30 November, 2012

Three Essential Questions

Please think back to Year 10 and the Its All Happening Session.
We asked you the following questions: What do you love? What are you good at? What are your priorities? Please also consider what are your parents expectations? How much does this matter?

Why do we work?

Those with a college degree will earn $500,000 more over a lifetime than their non-degree peers.

Making money? Yes, thats part of it, but not the whole story!

Bad Fit

Nothing is worse than having a job that doesnt suit your personality, or where you dont make use of your potential.

Youve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great workIf you havent found it yet, keep looking. Dont settle.

-Steve Jobs

When you work in an environment Career Satisfaction where you get to express your personality traits, talents, and skills in a meaningful way that benefits others.

Individually: Take 2 minutes to write down what you think gives career satisfaction.

In pairs: Take 5 minutes to compare and discuss your ideas.


Video: Career Interest Profiler

practical, physical, hands-on, tool-oriented

detail-oriented, organizing, clerical

analytical, intellectual, scientific, explorative

competitive environments, leadership, persuading

creative, original, independent, chaotic

cooperative, supporting, helping, healing/nurturing

How to research occupations?

Matching Occupation List

Little or No Preparation" to "Extensive Preparation

Add to my list Job Description Knowledge and Skills Typical Tasks and Activities US Salaries Related Occupations Related College Majors Watch a Career Video Related Career Clusters and Pathways

Deadline: November 1st 2012

Deadline: December 2013

Year 12 Assignment

Connecting Your Strengths and Interests with College Choice

Naviance Milestones (Checklist)

1. Do What You Are - Personality Type Test 2. Career Interest Profiler 3. Career Survey on Naviance 4. DP Course Choice meeting

11 11

11 12 12

5. Long List of University Choices

6. Resume 7. Three-way University Conferences 8. Short List- Colleges I am applying to

13 12

9. Name two teachers for Reference Letters

U of Washington

UC Berkeley

UCLA U of Southern California

U of San Francisco UC Davis Stanford U

U of San Diego


Loyola U of Oregon Marymount U

Seattle U

Pepperdine U

UC San Diego

I guess the most important thing about university is visiting your favorite universities during the summer holiday. I visited several universities, and I immediately knew I belonged in William and Mary . When you visit a college, you'll be given a tour by a tour guide (usually a college student) and you'll be able to ask them all these questions. What's great about this is that the tour guides are students so they'll understand what you're looking for.

UK: February 24 - March 2

(February Break)

Registration Deadline: October 24

USA: March 31 - April 7

Registration Deadline: November 30

Advice from Year 13 Parent (2012): A college visit, though costly, is very useful and we can visualize the real college life at that particular campus easily.

Discuss with your parents this weekend. Due Monday September 3rd

Using Family Connection

On-line Resource for Planning & Advising Overview

How is it accessed?
Family Connection is on the Web Parent accounts Student accounts


How do you register?

Each parent and student receive a code On your first visit, enter the code in the New User box, then follow on-screen instructions



Main Page


After Sign in


College Profile


Ok Time to Register!!
Go to:


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