Yoga Sutras of Patanjali I
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali I
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali I
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Book III: Introduction Vibhuti ('Powers') Book IV: Introduction Kaivalya ('Liberation')
THE UPANISHADS Overview The Greatest Sayings Brahman Universal Prayer KATHA UPANISHAD Importance of a Guru Brahman is Aum Nature of Atman Realizing Atman KENA UPANISHAD True Goal of Life ISHA UPANISHAD Ignorance PRASNA UPANISHAD Power of Aum AITAREYA UPANISHAD Brahman is Consciousness MANDUKYA UPANISHAD Importance of Aum Gaudapada Karika Understanding Maya Non-duality of Atman The Nature of Brahman Dreaming and Waking Reincarnation Soul is Immortal MUNDAKA UPANISHAD The Higher Knowledge 'Aum is the Bow' How to Know Brahman? SVETASVATARA UPANISHAD Practice of Yoga Manifestations of Brahman TAITTIRIYA UPANISHAD Invocation The Knower of Brahman Brahman is Bliss (Ananda) CHANDOGYA UPANISHAD Gayatri Mantra Everything is a Name Brahman is Being (Sat) BRIHADARANYAKA UPANISHAD Prana That Thou Art Aspects of the Universe Self-Realization States of Consciousness Liberation
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attained). 15. That effort, which comes to those who have given up their thirst after objects either seen or heard, and which wills to control the objects, is non-attachment. 16. That extreme non-attachment, giving up even the qualities, shows (the real nature of) the Purusa. 17. The concentration called right know-ledge is that which is followed by reasoning, discrimination, bliss, unqualified ego. 18. There is another Samadhi which is attained by the constant practice of cessation of all mental activity, in which the Chitta retains only the unmanifested impressions. 19. (This Samadhi, when not followed by extreme non-attachment) becomes the cause of the re-manifestation of the gods and of those that become merged in nature. 20. To others (this Samadhi) comes through faith, energy, memory, concentration, and discrimination of the real. 21. Success is speeded for the extremely energetic. 22. They again differ according as the means are mild, medium or supreme. 23. Or by devotion to Isvara. 24. Isvara (the Supreme Ruler) is a special Purusa, untouched by misery, the results of actions, or desires. 25. In Him becomes infinite that all-knowingness which in others is (only) a germ. 26. He is the Teacher of even the ancient teachers, being not limited by time. 27. His manifesting word is Om (AUM). 28. The repetition of this (Om) and meditating on its meaning (is the way). 29. From that is gain (the knowledge of) introspection, and the destruction of obstacles. 30. Disease, mental laziness, doubt, calmness, cessation, false perception, non-attaining concentration, and falling away from the state when obtained, are the obstructing distractions. 31. Grief, mental distress, tremor of the body and irregular breathing, accompany non-retention of concentration. 32. To remedy this practice of one subject (should be made). 33. Friendship, mercy, gladness, indifference, being thought of in regard to subjects, happy, unhappy, good and evil respectively, pacify the Chitta. 34. By throwing out and restraining the Breath. 35. Those forms of concentration that bring extraordinary sense perceptions cause perseverance of the mind. 36. Or (by the meditation on) the Effulgent One which is beyond all sorrow. 37. Or (by meditation on) the heart that has given up all attachment to sense objects. 38. Or by meditating on the knowledge that comes in sleep. 39. Or by meditation on anything that appeals to one as good. 40. The Yogis mind thus meditating, becomes unobstructed from the atomic to the Infinite. 41. The Yogi whose Vrttis have thus become powerless (controlled) obtains in the receiver, receiving, and received (the self, the mind and external objects), concentratedness and sameness, like the crystal (before different coloured objects.) 42. Sound, meaning, and resulting knowledge, being mixed up, is (called Samadhi) with reasoning. 43. The Samadhi called without reasoning (comes) when the memory is purified, or devoid of qualities, expressing only the meaning (of the meditated object). 44. By this process (the concentrations) with discrimination and without discrimination, whose objects are finer, are (also) explained. 45. The finer objects end with the Pradhana. 46. These concentrations are with seed. 47. The concentration without reasoning being purified, the Chitta becomes firmly fixed. 48. The knowledge in that is called filled with Truth. 49. The knowledge that is gained from testimony and inference is about common objects. That from the Samadhi just mentioned is of a much higher order, being able to penetrate where inference and testimony cannot go. 50. The resulting impression from this Samadhi obstructs all other impressions. 51. By the restraint of even this (impression, which obstructs all other impressions), all being restrained, comes the seedless Samadhi.
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Book III: Introduction Vibhuti ('Powers') Book IV: Introduction Kaivalya ('Liberation')
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