Social History of England

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I B.A. ENGLISH MAJOR SOCIAL HISTORY OF ENGLAND 1. Important Two marks question 25 words each : (a) Martin Luther.

r. (b) Impact of the dissolution of the monasteries. (c) The Hundred Years of War. (d) Divine Right of Kings. (e) The East India Company. (f) The Enclosure Act. (g) John Key. (h) Battle of Waterloo. (i) Charles Darwins theory. (j) Thomas Balington Macaulay. (k) Oliver Cromwell. (l) The Royal Society. (m) The Glorious Revolution. (n) The Methodists. (o) The Oxford Movement. (p) The Church Schools. (q) The Salvation Army. (r) The Universities of England. (s) The League of Nations. (t) Pilgrimage of Grace. (u) Shakespearean Audience. (v) Puritan Life. (w) Comedy of Manners. (x) Boston Tea Party. (y) Napoleon. (z) Science and superstition in Victorian England. 2. Important Five marks Questions 150 words each : (a) The causes for the dissolution of monasteries. (b) Transport and industrialization of England. (c) The textile industry during the Industrial Revolution. (d) Humanitarian Movements. (e) Social life in PostWar England. (f) Means of Transport and Communication.

(g) The Reform Bills. (h) The French Revolution and its impact on society. (i) Education in Victorian England.
(j) Impact of the world war II. (k) Causes and Results of the Agrarian Revolution. (j)Significance of the coffee houses, during Queen Annes period (k) Role of Printing Press (m) Agrarian Revolution (n) Write short note on Reallocation. (o) Write about Louis XIV (p)Write about Reform Bills (q) Write about Coffee house of the literary men. (r) How the Spanish ships were destroyed? (t) How did queen Elizabeth become the model of the nation

3. Important 10 marks questions 300 words each : (a) Trace the rise and spread of Puritanism. (b) Discuss the causes and effects of Industrial Revolution. (c) Write about the social life in Queen Annes England. (d) What are the important developments in science during early twentieth century? (e) What is meant by reformation and what are its salient features? (f) List the factors that contributed to the Industrial Revolution. (g) What are the unique features of the Victorian Age? (h) Examine the life in the 1980s in England. ( i) The social and religious causes and effects of the Reformation. (j) The growth of drama and the Elizabethan theatre. (k) The dissolution of Monasteries. (l) Social life in Elizabethan England. (m) The French Revolution. (n) Age of Queen Elizabeth as the Golden Age (o) The impact of Reformation in England. (p) Art and Culture in the Age of Dr. Johnson. (q) The loss of the American Colonies. (r) Restoration Theatre. (s) The influence of science on Victorian England. (t) The Puritan Revolution.

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