A referencing style of writing is a specific format for presenting your in-text references (footnotes or endnotes), and bibliography. Referencing style basically covers the two essential elements of a referencing writing mode namely: I. Footnotes or in-text citations such as author-date citations. II. Reference lists or bibliographies. The most widely accepted and preferred way of referencing styles of writing is as follows: APA (American Psychological Association) Harvard (AGPS) Vancouver MLA (Modern Language Association) Oxford Chicago Author-date styles (e.g. APA, MLA, AGPS and Harvard) - put the author's name inside the text of the assignment. Documentary-note styles (e.g. Chicago and Oxford) - put the author's name in a footnote at the bottom of each page, or in an endnote at the end of the assignment.
Book Referencing:a) With 1 author:- All the general rules are applied directly. Welch, Kathleen E. Electric Rhetoric: Classical Rhetoric, Oralism, and a New Literacy. Cambridge: MIT, 1999. Print. b) With 2 or more author: - The names of authors are separated by a comma. Sennett, R., & Cobb, J. (1972). The hidden injuries of class. New York. c) Anonymous: - No Author name is specified. Start directly with the title.
d) Edited Books: - Indicate editions by (Ed) or (ed) immediately followed by the Authors name. Venkatachala ,B.J. (Edn)2009, Inequalities : An Approach Through Problems , Hindustan Book Agency, New Delhi. e) For corporate Author:- The Department/corporation is written instead of Authors name. Department of Energy 1980, Projections of energy needs, HMSO, London. f) Indicating page numbers:- Sometimes it is necessary to cite the page no also. If so, write the no. as the final item of citation. Oppenheim, PL 1981, Advances in power engineering, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p. 70. g) For Electronics books : - For electronic books this pattern is followed: <year of creation/revision>, <Title>, < edition/version of the material>, < Sponsors name and place or publishers place >, <viewed day month and year>, < URL or the website address> Fitzgerald, FS 1920, This side of paradise, Scribner, New York, viewed 18 January 2005, <>. h) For chapters in Electronic books :- Again the same pattern is followed but with a slight variation <Year of creation or last revision>, <'Chapter title', in book editor(s) (ed.)>,< Book title>, <name and place of the sponsor of the source (publisher, place)>, <viewed Day Month Year>, <URL either full location details or just the main site details>.
Gould, SJ 2000, 'More things in Heaven and Earth', in H Rose & S Rose (eds), Alas, poor Darwin: arguments against evolutionary psychology, Harmony Books, NewYork, viewed 17 January 2005, <>. i) Articles that are cited in book:- Full reference of journal along with page no. is given while citing the articles in a book. Oppenheim, PL 1981, 'Power politics', Journal of Power Engineering, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 19-26, quoted in Strong, K 1985, Advances in power engineering, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, p. 70. Documents of Website : - It should follow the pattern Author, editor or the complier year of the most recent version>,<title(in italics>,< version no. , if applicable>,< full description of the article, if applicable>,< The source sponsors name and place>,< Day, month when the document or sites was seen >,<URL or the address of the main page> Florek, S 2003, Megafauna extinction: patterns of extinction, fact sheet, Australian Museum, Sydney, viewed 14 June 2008, <>. Website referencing : - Order which should be followed is: <Authors name (organization or the person responsible for the site) >,< year of the creation or the last revision of the website >,< Source sponsors name and place >,< Day, month & year when the site was seen >,< URL> The Body Shop Australia 2003, The Body Shop Australia, Mulgrave, Victoria, viewed 31 January 2003,
Web documents with no author : - Again the order followed is given below: < year of title ( in italics ) >,< Version number, if applicable >,< description of document again if applicable >, < Source sponsors name and place >,< Day, month the document was seen> ,< URL of locations or the main page > Educating America for the 21st century: developing a strategic plan for educational leadership by Columbia University 1993-2000(initial workshop draft) 1994, draft workshop report, Institute for Learning technologies, Columbia University, viewed 16 May 1995, <>.