High Speed Towing Tank Facility
High Speed Towing Tank Facility
High Speed Towing Tank Facility
Lab report
Ankit ghosh 9/24/2011
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With the model at the correct speed, corresponding to that of the ship under study, a series of runs is carried out over a range of propeller r.p.m. straddling the self-propulsion point of the model. model speed & resistance are recorded together with the thrust, torque & r.p.m. to find the model self propulsion test. Flow Visualization test is done by applying a coat of carbon and linseed oil at particular stations throughout the length of the model. It helps us visualize the flow of water over the hull surface.
R47 (measures +-20) R56 H29 H140 Underwater Gauge R25 (measures torque ,thrust and underwater propulsion) LAHPMM force gauge VPMM (Vertical Planar Motion Mechanism)
Live towing tank test of plaing craft model was carried out & following observations were noteda. Water was kept completed undisturbed. b. The aft end of the ship was left completely dry by which we can assume it to be perfect planning. c. The fore end of the craft eventually came out of the water and stabilized at a particular height for a particular speed.
A wind tunnel to study the aerodynamic characteristics of surface and submerged platforms and underwater weapons has been set up at NSTL . A maximum speed of 60 m/sec can be produced with a 125 kW fan in this wind tunnel. The detailed features are given below TEST SECTION - 1.5 x 1.5 x 4 m3 PLENUM CHAMBER 4.3*4.3*4.0 m3 CONTRACTION Section varying from 4.3*4.3 m square to 1.5*1.5 m test section DIFFUSER section varying from 1.5*1.5 m square to 3.048 m diameter circle DE MOTOR R5 KW , 750 rpm maximum TUNNEL FAN Bladed CFRP fan with diameter 3.04 m MAX SPEED 55m/sec. The Wind Tunnel is equipped with projection manometers, differential pressure transducers, velocity measuring probes, vertical catheto-meters, hot film anemometers, 48 port Scanivalve traversing gear as well as PC based data acquisition system and analysis software packages.
Tests Performed in Wind Tunnel a) Flow visualization and boundary layer studies for underwater vehicles. b) Pressure and velocity distribution over axi-symetric bodies c) Estimation of forces and moments on control surfaces of a submerged body, etc. d) The flow visualization test is similar to the paint flow test done in the towing tank. e) Modern techniques use laser Doppler /PIC method.
The tunnel is equipped with an Automatic Control System (ACS) for its operation and control; Data Acquisition & Analysis System (DAAS) for conduct of tests, acquisition of test data, analysis and prediction of results. It is also provided with a stand-alone Acoustic Measurement System (AMS) for acoustic measurements, analysis and extrapolation to full scale results. Various types of towing and propulsion dynamometers, component balances, wake rake, hydro-phones pressure transducers, photographic and video recording systems and stroboscopes are also available to conduct model tests.
Tests Performed in Cavitation Tunnel: a) Propeller tests in open water to measure performance characteristics in cavitating and noncavitating conditions b) Cavitation tests. Inception and decay c) Measurement of acoustic Radiation caused by cavitating and non-cavitating propeller.