Tips and Tricks Using EnergyPlus
Tips and Tricks Using EnergyPlus
Tips and Tricks Using EnergyPlus
COPYRIGHT 1996-2012 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and the Regents of the University of California through the Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory pending approval of the US Department of Energy. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the University of Illinois or the Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. EnergyPlus is a Trademark of the US Department of Energy.
Introduction & Support .....................................................................................................................1 Organization .................................................................................................................... 1 EnergyPlus Support ........................................................................................................ 1 General ............................................................................................................................................2 What EnergyPlus Is ......................................................................................................... 2 What EnergyPlus Isnt ..................................................................................................... 2 Getting Started ................................................................................................................ 2 Comparing EnergyPlus to Other Programs ..................................................................... 2 DataSets ..........................................................................................................................................4 Datasets aka Libraries..................................................................................................... 4 Locations-DesignDays .................................................................................................... 4 Design Day / Weather Data .............................................................................................................5 Design Day Creation ....................................................................................................... 5 EPW Weather Files ......................................................................................................... 5 Meteonorm Weather Files ............................................................................................... 5 Weather Data for Simulations.......................................................................................... 5 Weather File Sources ...................................................................................................... 6 Measuring Solar Data...................................................................................................... 6 Input .................................................................................................................................................7 Creating Files for EnergyPlus .......................................................................................... 7 dxf or dwg CAD Files ................................................................................................. 7 OpenStudio for Google Sketchup .............................................................................. 7 EnergyPlus Example File Generator .......................................................................... 7 Converting Older Version EnergyPlus Files ..................................................................... 7 Using Macros and Editing Inputs in IDF Editor ................................................................ 7 Building Geometry, Shading & Zone Model ....................................................................................9
Building Surface Dimensions Inside, Outside or Centerline .......................................... 9 Describing Roof Overhangs ............................................................................................ 9 Figure 1. Building heat transfer surfaces cast shadows in the direction of outward facing normal. ...................................................................................... 9 Figure 2. Extended roof surface will not shade the walls below. .......................... 10 Figure 3. Proper surface configurations for roof overhangs for two types of attic construction.................................................................................... 10 Solar Reflection from Shading Surfaces ........................................................................ 10 Figure 4. Limitations in modeling reflections from surfaces ................................. 11 Air wall, Open air connection between zones ................................................................ 11 Daylight Modeling .......................................................................................................... 12 Rain Flag....................................................................................................................... 12 Interzone Exterior Convection ....................................................................................... 12 Modeling Reflective Radiant Barriers ............................................................................ 12 Cavity Algorithm Model ................................................................................................. 13 Using Multipliers (Zone and/or Window) ........................................................................ 13 Background and Study using Multipliers .................................................................. 13 Figure 5. Original Multistory IDF.......................................................................... 14 Figure 6. Multistory with cloned middle zones. .................................................... 15 Figure 7. Multistory building -- fully cloned. ......................................................... 16 Table 1. Multistory vs Multistory 2 and Multistory 3 ............................................. 16 Figure 8. Objects removing height from building impacts. ................................... 17 Table 2. Multiplier Results with negated height variation. .................................... 17 Table 3. Runtimes for Multistory files (baseboard/window ac) ............................. 18 Table 4. Runtime for Multistory files (ideal loads) ................................................ 18 Guidelines for Using Multipliers and Groups ............................................................ 18 Using OSC (Other Side Coefficients) to create controlled panels .................................. 19
Natural and Mechanical Ventilation ...............................................................................................21 AirflowNetwork and EarthTube ...................................................................................... 21 HVAC, Sizing, Equipment Simulation and Controls......................................................................22 HVAC Sizing Tips .......................................................................................................... 22 Variable Refrigerant Flow Air Conditioner ...................................................................... 22 Modeling Desiccant DeHumidifiers ................................................................................ 23 Boiler Control Schedule................................................................................................. 23 Difference between EIR and Reformulated EIR Chillers ................................................ 23 Using Well Water .......................................................................................................... 24 Plant Load Profile .......................................................................................................... 24 HVAC System Turn Off ................................................................................................. 24 Fan Types ..................................................................................................................... 24 Use of Set Point Managers............................................................................................ 24 Relationship of Set Point Managers and Controllers ................................................ 25 HVAC Availability Schedules ......................................................................................... 25 HVAC System Types..................................................................................................... 25 Separating Ventilation Loads v. Zone Loads ................................................................. 30 System not Cooling ....................................................................................................... 31 Output ............................................................................................................................................32 Output does not match EPW values .............................................................................. 32 Schedules off by 1 hour................................................................................................. 32 Reporting Options ......................................................................................................... 32 Output Variables in IDF Editor ....................................................................................... 34 Output Variable Definition ............................................................................................. 34 Advanced Output Variable Reporting ............................................................................ 34 Use of Comma and Point in Numeric Output ................................................................. 36
Utilities ............................................................................................................................................37 Documentation and Guides ...........................................................................................................38 Errors and Warnings ......................................................................................................................39 Max iterations exceeded ............................................................................................... 39 Error Messages (Details) ...............................................................................................................40 Standard Error Message Format ................................................................................... 40 Example Error Messages for Preprocessors ................................................................. 40 Warning ................................................................................................................... 40 Severe ..................................................................................................................... 41 Fatal ........................................................................................................................ 41 Example Error Messages for the Input Processor ......................................................... 41 Warning ................................................................................................................... 41 Severe ..................................................................................................................... 41 Fatal ........................................................................................................................ 42 Example Error Messages from Module GetInput routines ............................................. 42 Warning ................................................................................................................... 42 Severe ..................................................................................................................... 44 Fatal ........................................................................................................................ 44 Example Error Messages during Sizing and Simulation ................................................ 44 Warning ................................................................................................................... 44 Severe ..................................................................................................................... 45 Fatal ........................................................................................................................ 45 Recurring Errors ............................................................................................................ 45 Summaries at End of Simulation ................................................................................... 46 Psychrometric Errors ..................................................................................................... 46 Error Summary .............................................................................................................. 47
Validation and Testing ...................................................................................................................48 Platforms and Run-Time................................................................................................................49 Reduce EnergyPlus Run Time ...................................................................................... 49 Table 5. Recommended Reduce Time Settings for Early Diagnostic runs .................................................................................................................... 49 Run EnergyPlus in Parallel ............................................................................................ 50 Installing EnergyPlus on PC's using VISTA ................................................................... 50 Running EnergyPlus on Windows Vista and/or Windows 7 ........................................... 51
EnergyPlus Support
The primary EnergyPlus support site is supplied at: The site is monitored by EnergyPlus developers and questions are attempted to be answered in a timely manner. Standard EnergyPlus support is provided free of charge by the U.S. Deparment of Energy, as part of a continuing effort to improve the EnergyPlus building simulation tool. Expedited, priority support may be available from other sources. The helpdesk has a files area where important (after release) files may be put as well as the storage for the Transition file set that are prior to the current release. is a list of EnergyPlus consultants. Yahoo Groups is also used as a peer to peer discussion group. To join the group (which now has about 2,600 participants), visit The Yahoo group has some file storage capabilities and that is also where the Meteonorm files that supplement the primary EnergyPlus weather data are housed. The Yahoo group may not be monitored by EnergyPlus developers. A similar Yahoo group has been set up for collaborative developers.
What EnergyPlus Is
What EnergyPlus Is
The primary website for EnergyPlus is EnergyPlus is an energy analysis and thermal load simulation program. Based on a users description of a building from the perspective of the buildings physical make-up, associated mechanical systems, etc., EnergyPlus will calculate the heating and cooling loads necessary to maintain thermal control set points, conditions throughout a secondary HVAC system and coil loads, and the energy consumption of primary plant equipment as well as many other simulation details that are necessary to verify that the simulation is performing as the actual building would. More details on what EnergyPlus is can be found in the GettingStarted Document. No program is able to handle every simulation situation. However, it is the intent of EnergyPlus to handle as many building and HVAC design options either directly or indirectly through links to other programs in order to calculate thermal loads and/or energy consumption on for a design day or an extended period of time (up to, including, and beyond a year).
a user interface. It is intended to be the simulation engine around which a third-party interface can be wrapped. Inputs and outputs are simple ASCII text that is decipherable but may be best left to a GUI (graphical user interface). The current known third-party interfaces/tools can be found at a life cycle cost analysis tool. It produces results that can then be fed into an LCC program. an architect or design engineer replacement. It does not check input, verify the acceptability or range of various parameters (expect for a limited number of very basic checks), or attempt to interpret the results. However, it does have several reporting features to help you do exactly that.
Getting Started
If youre familiar with building simulation, use the 300+ example files that come with the program and the Input/Output Reference to help you. If youre new to building simulation, read and work through the tutorials in the Getting Started document or visit the online tutorial, (tutorial was created by Prof. Vishal Garg from IIIT Hyberabad, India). Another avenue you might use is the EnergyPlus Example File Generator (EEFG) program, which will not only produce an input file for your later use, but also run your specifications on EnergyPlus and send you the results. EEFG is available through the interface page referenced above or
As this paper was published in 2005, it is out of date (at least with current EnergyPlus capabilities). The feature highlights from EnergyPlus releases can be seen here: In addition you can see how EnergyPlus compares to other programs (which have submitted their models) in our testing reports:
Datasets aka Libraries
EnergyPlus uses the term DataSets for what many would call libraries. These files are included, for the most part, in the instalation package but may be available from other sites (such as the helpdesk or Yahoo Groups). There are two flavors of DataSets: simple and Macro. Some sets have files in both camps (for example, Solar Collectors). Both flavors contain IDF objects ready to be put into EnergyPlus input files. With the simple datasets, you may need to use a text editor or the IDF Editor to search the file for the one you want to use. With the macro datsets and a simply structured imf (input macro file), you can name the item you want to include. (The macro program is described in the Auxiliary Programs document). Primary documentation for each dataset is found in the Output Details and Examples document. Highlights of some datasets are given here.
This file (Locations-DesignDays.xls) can be found in the MacroDataSets folder. While not strictly a macro file, it leads one to be able to download the ASHRAE design day definitions from the EnergyPlus website. The spreadsheet format contains a sheet for each of the WMO regions as well as the California Climate Zones, specifically sheets included are: Readme an upfront readme page WMO1 Africa WMO2 Asia WMO3 South America WMO4 North & Central America CZ Files California Climate Zones WMO5 Southwest Pacific WMO6 Europe WMO7 Antarctica Each WMO (World Meteorological Organization) page contains the countries represented, specific cities that have design conditions data from ASHRAE, a link to the full imf file with location, daylighting saving and design day definitions as well as a link to that regions weather page on the EnergyPlus website. Pressing the links here will allow you to download the files.
Drury B. Crawley. 1998. "Which Weather Data Should You Use for Energy Simulations of Commercial Buildings?" in ASHRAE Transactions, pp. 498-515, Vol. 104, Pt. 2. Atlanta: ASHRAE. (PDF 197 KB) PDF: pdf
Creating Files for EnergyPlus
The install package includes the IDF Editor (Windows platform) for creating EnergyPlus Input Files (aka IDFs). Likewise, text editors such as NotePad or WordPad can be used to create flat ASCII files for use with EnergyPlus. dxf or dwg CAD Files How can I convert dxf or dwg CAD files to EnergyPlus? Several EnergyPlus interfaces, including DesignBuilder and OpenStudio (plug in for Google SketchUp), allow you to import the dxf drawings and trace over them to create EnergyPlus geometry. If you have the full AutoCAD 3-D dwg model (more than just dxf), then you might be able to export to EnergyPlus using one of the available utilities that work with AutoCAD, but only if the model was created in the correct way to support these tools. As of February 2009, Green Building Studio and EnergyPlugged (a plug in to AutoCAD) support export to EnergyPlus. For more information about current tools which support EnergyPlus, see OpenStudio for Google Sketchup OpenStudio is a free plugin for the Google SketchUp 3D drawing program. The plugin makes it easy to create and edit the building geometry in your EnergyPlus input files. The plugin also allows you to launch EnergyPlus simulations and view the results without leaving SketchUp. EnergyPlus Example File Generator A Web-based service is available that creates and runs EnergyPlus input files for simple models of commercial buildings. The input files (and annual results summary files) are sent to your e-mail address as attachments. You can access the service and customize the characteristics of the building you want to model on the EnergyPlus Example File Generator Application (pop-ups must be enabled). Learn more by viewing the EnergyPlus Building Data Input Forms Help File.
Using Macros and Editing Inputs in IDF Editor 1) Separate files into "IDF editable" and "macro" (actually, the AbsorptionChiller_Macro.imf
example file shows a little of this but it doesn't really use macros). For the pieces you think you'd like to manipulate in the IDF editor, call them with extension IDF. For the others, they would be IMF and the master file would be IMF with "includes" of your IDF pieces. from there.
2) Use the expanded IDF (extension epmidf) file for your IDF editor changes and then run it
Figure 1. Building heat transfer surfaces cast shadows in the direction of outward facing normal.
Figure 2. Extended roof surface will not shade the walls below. Figure 3 shows the proper surface configurations for two types of attic construction. In all cases, the roof surface should only include the area of the roof which contacts the zone below it. In these drawings, this is an unconditioned attic space, but it could also be a conditioned zone. Any extensions of the roof which are exposed to the outdoors on both sides should be described as a shading surface. For the configuration on the left, the overhang should be a shading surface which will cast shadows in both directions (if the default mirroring is disabled the shading surface must face downward). This ensures that the correct shading will be modeled, and it also avoids overstating the heat transfer through the roof into the attic. For the configuration on the right, the attic is fully enclosed with building heat transfer surfaces for the roof and soffits. The soffits would be described as floor surfaces in the attic and would face downward. The central portion of the attic floor would be described as an interzone floor surface where the outside boundary condition is the ceiling surface in the zone below.
Figure 3. Proper surface configurations for roof overhangs for two types of attic construction.
modelers use MIXING (one-way flow) or CROSS MIXING (two-way flow) to move air between the zones, but the user must specify airflow rates and schedules for this flow, and it cannot be automatically linked to HVAC system operation. Other modelers use AirFlowNetwork with large vertical openings between the zones as well as other openings and cracks in the exterior envelope to provide the driving forces. It can also be connected with the HVAC system (for limited system types). This requires a much higher level of detailed input and should be used only if the detailed specification data is available. If the two zones are controlled to similar conditions, this effect could be safely neglected. next is through a window or glass door described as a subsurface on an interzone wall surface. Note that all solar is diffuse after passing through an interior window. between surfaces in different thermal zones. Windows in EnergyPlus are opaque to direct radiant exchange, so an interzone window will not behave any differently than an opaque interzone surface for this aspect. However, a large interzone surface (opaque or window) would result in some indirect radiant exchange since the interzone surface will exchange directly with surfaces in zone A and in zone B. The surface thermal resistance should be low in order to most closely approximate this effect.
2) Solar gains and daylighting. The only way to pass solar and daylight from one zone to the
Daylight Modeling
4) Conduction. If an interzone surface is placed between the two zones, it will conduct
sensible heat between the two zones. Using a low thermal resistance helps to move radiant exchange between the zones. Visible and thermal radiant output from internal gains. These gains will not cross zone boundaries. But again, they will impact any interzone surfaces, so some of the energy may move across to the next zone."
Daylight Modeling
Why isnt my lighting energy being reduced with a daylighting system? In order to see changes in the lighting electric power consumption due to daylighting, the Fraction Replaceable in the Lights input object must be set to 1.0. This is documented in the I/O reference, and also a warning is generated in the ERR file.
Rain Flag
Why is my exterior convection coefficient value 1000? When the outside environment indicates that it is raining, the exterior surfaces (exposed to wind) are assumed to be wet. The convection coefficient is set to a very high number (1000) and the outside temperature used for the surface will be the wet-bulb temperature. (If you choose to report this variable, you will see 1000 as its value.)
Let's say that at hour 2, the inside surface temperature of Zone1WestWall is 19C, and the inside temperature of Zone2EastWall is 22C. When the heat balance is calculated for Zone1WestWall, its outside surface temperature will be set to 22C. Likewise, when the heat balance is calculated for Zone2EastWall, its outside surface temperature will be set to 19C. So, for interzone surfaces, h ext does not apply. That is why it is reported as zero.
The radiant barrier material would be a thin layer with some small resistance with a low thermal absorptance value. This will reduce the radiant heat transfer from the roof surface to other surfaces in the attic zone. 2. If the radiant barrier is within a cavity which is not modeled as a separate thermal zone, then there is not an easy way to model its impact. For example, a wall construction:
Brick, 5/24/12 12
Building Geometry, Shading & Zone Model R-12 insulation, Radiant barrier, Air gap, Gypsum board;
Here, the radiant barrier would reduce the radiant transfer across the air gap. But EnergyPlus air gaps are a fixed thermal resistance, specified in the Material:Airgap object. The user would need to compute an average effective resistance which represents the reduced radiant heat transfer across the air gap due to the radiant barrier. This resistance could then be assigned to the radiant barrier material layer.
Figure 5. Original Multistory IDF In the figure above, each middle zone represents 4 zones. The middle floor represents 8 floors. Additionally, each of the windows has a multiplier of 4 so each window represents 4 windows of the same size. For the Multistory file, the Zone object for the center zones has the multiplier of 4. And for the center floors, the ZoneList and ZoneGroup objects to collect the zones and apply multipliers. The top floor then uses the Zone object multiplier for the center zones. Specifically:
<snip> Zone, Gnd Center Zone, 0.0, 8.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 4, autocalculate, autocalculate; <snip> ZoneGroup, Mid Floor, Mid Floor List, 8; ZoneList, Mid Floor List, Mid West Zone, Mid Center Zone, Mid East Zone; <snip> Zone, Top Center Zone, 0.0, 8.0, 5/24/12
Name Direction of Relative North {deg} Origin [X,Y,Z] {m} Type Multiplier Ceiling Height {m} Volume {m3}
!- Zone Group Name !- Zone List Name !- Zone List Multiplier !!!!Zone Zone Zone Zone List Name 1 Name 2 Name 3 Name
Building Geometry, Shading & Zone Model 0.0, 22.5, 1, 4, autocalculate, autocalculate; !!!!!!-
Using Multipliers (Zone and/or Window) Y Origin {m} Z Origin {m} Type Multiplier Ceiling Height {m} Volume {m3}
Figure 6. Multistory with cloned middle zones. And, finally, the entire building was created:
Figure 7. Multistory building -- fully cloned. The building is autosized. For convenience in comparison, the extreme summer and winter days were used for autosizing and the simulation was run for the 5 United States weather files that are included in the EnergyPlus release: Chicago IL; San Francisco CA; Golden CO; Tampa FL; and Washington DC. Comparisons were done with the Zone Group Loads values (Zone Group Sensible Heating Energy and Zone Group Sensible Cooling Energy) as well as meter values for Electricity. Using the regression testing limits that are used during EnergyPlus development testing (i.e. small differences are within .001 or .5%; big differences are greater than those limits). For the purposes of dicussion, the buildings will be called: Multistory 1 the original 9 zone building (with multipliers and groups) ref: Figure 5; Multistory 2 the building shown in Figure 6. Multistory with cloned middle zones.; Multistory 3 the fully configured building ref Figure 7. The following table illustrates the regression testing for Multistory 2 and Multistory 3, group loads and meters versus Multistory 1 results. Table 1. Multistory vs Multistory 2 and Multistory 3 LOCATION MULTISTORY 2 LOADS Small Diffs Big Diffs* (2.43%) Small Diffs MULTISTORY 2 METER Equal Big Diffs* (.6%) Small Diffs MULTISTORY 3 LOADS Big Diffs* (76%) Big Diffs* (49%) Big Diffs* (26%) MULTISTORY 3 METER Big Diffs* (62%) Big Diffs* (41)% Big Diffs* (24%)
USA_FL_Tampa.Intl.AP.722110_TMY3 USA_VA_SterlingWashington.Dulles.Intl.AP.724030_TM Y3
* Big Diffs maximum occur in monthly values whereas the runperiod values are much smaller. To try to pare down the discrepancies shown here, the effects of height that are used in the calculations were removed (i.e., the Site:WeatherStation and Site:HeightVariation objects were entered as below to negate the effects of height on the environmental variables such as wind and temperature). In addition the height effect was removed from the OutdoorAir:Node object.
Site:WeatherStation, , !- Wind Sensor Height Above Ground {m} , !- Wind Speed Profile Exponent , !- Wind Speed Profile Boundary Layer Thickness {m} 0; !- Air Temperature Sensor Height Above Ground {m} Site:HeightVariation, 0, !- Wind Speed Profile Exponent , !- Wind Speed Profile Boundary Layer Thickness {m} 0; !- Air Temperature Gradient Coefficient {K/m}
Figure 8. Objects removing height from building impacts. With these included, the files were rerun with the following results: Table 2. Multiplier Results with negated height variation. LOCATION MULTISTORY 2 LOADS Small diffs Small diffs Small diffs Small diffs Small diffs MULTISTORY 2 METER Small diffs Small diffs Small diffs Small diffs Small diffs MULTISTORY 3 LOADS Small diffs Small diffs Small diffs Small diffs Small diffs MULTISTORY 3 METER Small diffs Small diffs Small diffs Small diffs Small diffs
To investigate if other systems might have different results, the Ideal Loads System was used as the system. Similar results were found for the multipliers vs cloned results. However, it may also be noted that the results between the original systems (baseboard and window ac) vs the ideal loads were very similar. The biggest difference really comes in calculation time. As shown in the following table,
Table 3. Runtimes for Multistory files (baseboard/window ac) LOCATION MULTISTORY 1 (9 ZONES) (MM:SS) USA_IL_ChicagoOHare.Intl.AP.725300_TMY3 USA_CA_San.Francisco.Intl.AP.724940 _TMY3 USA_CO_GOLDENNREL.724666_TMY3 USA_FL_Tampa.Intl.AP.722110_TMY3 USA_VA_SterlingWashington.Dulles.Intl.AP.724030_TM Y3 1:05 1:04 1:17 1:11 1:05 MULTISTORY 2 (18 ZONES) (MM:SS) 2:14 2:05 2:28 2:21 2:15 MULTISTORY 3 (60 ZONES) (MM:SS) 13:15 13:20 14:43 13:43 13:18
Because the overall results were so similar, the run times for the Ideal Loads runs are included: Table 4. Runtime for Multistory files (ideal loads) LOCATION MULTISTORY 1 (9 ZONES) (MM:SS) USA_IL_ChicagoOHare.Intl.AP.725300_TMY3 USA_CA_San.Francisco.Intl.AP.724940_ TMY3 USA_CO_GOLDENNREL.724666_TMY3 USA_FL_Tampa.Intl.AP.722110_TMY3 USA_VA_SterlingWashington.Dulles.Intl.AP.724030_TMY3 0:51 0:50 0:51 0:51 0:51 MULTISTORY 2 (18 ZONES) (MM:SS) 1:34 1:34 1:40 1:36 1:36 MULTISTORY 3 (60 ZONES) (MM:SS) 9:37 9:59 10:31 10:05 9:48
More zones (and, particularly more surfaces) make for longer run times. Guidelines for Using Multipliers and Groups
If the basic zone geometry is identical, make one zone, copy & paste it as necessary, then change the Zone Origin field to locate each zone correctly. Do not use interzone surfaces between zones that are multiplied. Set the adjoining surfaces to be adiabatic, i.e. use the OtherZoneSurface exterior boundary condition with the other surface pointing back to itself. Locate the middle floor zones roughly halfway between top and ground because exterior convection coefficients change with height. Halfway should cause the differences to average out. If you have many stories (the example only has 10 stories), consider using more middle floor zones. Consider removing the effects of height variation for the simulation.
Follow guidelines in HVACTemplate and other objects about sizing if you are mixing autosize fields with hard sized fields (recommended to autosize all fields rather than mix).
This object results in the following equation for T: T = 1.0*Tlast +0.95*(Tsetpoint TzoneAir) (with limits) The result of this is that the surface temperature, T, will be changed to the temperature that will force the zone air temperature to the setpoint providing the temperature limits are not reached. When the zone air temperature is at the setpoint, T remains at the value it had in the prior time step. A complete example with all pertinent objects:
Construction, PanelConst, !- Name Std Steel_Brown_Regular; !- Outside Layer 5/24/12 19
Building Geometry, Shading & Zone Model Material, Std Steel_Brown_Regular, Smooth, 1.5000000E-03, 44.96960, 7689.000, 418.0000, 0.9000000, 0.9200000, 0.92000000; BuildingSurface:Detailed, Zn001:Roof001, Roof, ROOF31, ZONE ONE, OtherSideCoefficients, Zn001:Roof001:OSC, NoSun, NoWind, 0, 4, 0.000000,15.24000,4.572, 0.000000,0.000000,4.572, 15.24000,0.000000,4.572, 15.24000,15.24000,4.572;
Name Roughness Thickness {m} Conductivity {W/m-K} Density {kg/m3} Specific Heat {J/kg-K} Thermal Absorptance Solar Absorptance Visible Absorptance
!- Name !- Surface Type !- Construction Name !- Zone Name !- Outside Boundary Condition !- Outside Boundary Condition Object !- Sun Exposure !- Wind Exposure !- View Factor to Ground !- Number of Vertices !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m} !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m} !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m} !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
FenestrationSurface:Detailed, panel002, !- Name Door, !- Surface Type PanelConst, !- Construction Name Zn001:Roof001, !- Building Surface Name , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground , !- Shading Control Name , !- Frame and Divider Name 1, !- Multiplier 4, !- Number of Vertices 3,2,4.572, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m} 3,3,4.572, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m} 4,3,4.572, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m} 4,2,4.572; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m} SurfaceProperty:OtherSideCoefficients, Zn001:Roof001:OSC, !- Name 0, !- Combined Convective/Radiative Film Coefficient {W/m2-K} 0, !- Constant Temperature {C} 0.95, !- Constant Temperature Coefficient , !- External Dry-Bulb Temperature Coefficient , !- Ground Temperature Coefficient , !- Wind Speed Coefficient -.95, !- Zone Air Temperature Coefficient ConstantTwentyTwo, !- Constant Temperature Schedule Name No, !- Sinusoidal Variation of Constant Temperature Coefficient 24, !- Period of Sinusoidal Variation {hr} 1., !- Previous Other Side Temperature Coefficient 5., !- Minimum Other Side Temperature Limit {C} 25.; !- Maximum Other Side Temperature Limit {C} Schedule:Constant,ConstantTwentyTwo,PanelControl,22;
The zone thermostat schedules determine the times at which design loads will be calculated. All zone-level schedules (such as lights, electric equipment, infiltration) are active during the sizing calculations (using the day type specified for the sizing period). System and plant schedules (such as availability managers and component schedules) are unknown to the sizing calculations. To exclude certain times of day from the sizing load calculations, use the thermostat setpoint schedules for SummerDesignDay and/or WinterDesignDay. For example, setting the cooling setpoint schedule to 99C during nighttime hours for the SummerDesignDay day type will turn off cooling during those hours. For more information, read the Input Output Reference section on Input for Design Calculations and Component Autosizing.
that zone is 0 when cooling is not required. Energy use in this case may be slightly more accurate.
Fan Types
I am confused about the differences between the different fan types. Can you explain? In short: Fan:ConstantVolume is a constant volume, continuous operation fan which can be turned on and off via a schedule. Fan:OnOff is similar to the one above, but it cycles itself on and off as required by its thermostat ... all during the scheduled operation period. This is a typical mode of operation for a home furnace. Fan:VariableVolume runs continuously during the Schedule period, but varies its volume to meet the heating or cooling demand. Consult the Input Output Reference document (group Fans) for additional information.
You don't blindly place the SP's at the coil outlet node, but this is a likely starting point in most cases. If there is a fan after the coil's, the "actual" SP will need to be placed on a different node (other than the coils). Then a mixed air manager will be used to reference that SP and the fan's inlet/outlet node to calculate the correct SP to place wherever you want (at the coil outlet, the mixed air node, etc.). Place it at the mixed air node if you want the outside air system to try and meet that setpoint through mixing. Place it at the cooling coil outlet if you want the coil control to account for fan heat. Place it at both locations if you want the outside air system to try and meet the load with the coil picking up the remainder of the load. See if the coils are fully on when the SP is not met. If they are the coils are too small. If they are at part-load, the control SP is calculated incorrectly. Relationship of Set Point Managers and Controllers Could you elaborate further on the relation between SetPoint managers and Controllers? SetpointManager objects place a setpoint on a node, for example, one might place a setpoint of 12C on the node named "Main Cooling Coil Air Outlet Node". In the case of Controler:WaterCoil which controls a hot water or chilled water coil, the controller reads the setpoint and tries to adjust the water flow so that the air temperature at the controlled node matches the current setpoint. Continuing the example above:
Controller:WaterCoil, Main Cooling Coil Controller, !- Name Temperature, !- Control variable Reverse, !- Action Flow, !- Actuator variable Main Cooling Coil Air Outlet Node, !- Control_Node Main Cooling Coil Water Inlet Node, !- Actuator_Node 0.002, !- Controller Convergence Tolerance: !- delta temp from setpoint temp {deltaC} autosize, !- Max Actuated Flow {m3/s} 0.0; !- Min Actuated Flow {m3/s}
It is possible to place the control node downstream of the actual object being controlled, for example after other coils and the supply fan, but I recommend using the coil leaving air node as the control node for tighter control.
HVACTemplate:Zone:FanCoil HVACTemplate:Zone:PTAC HVACTemplate:Zone:PTHP HVACTemplate:Zone:Unitary HVACTemplate:Zone:VAV HVACTemplate:Zone:VAV:FanPowered HVACTemplate:Zone:WaterToAirHeatPump HVACTemplate:System:Unitary HVACTemplate:System:Unitary:AirToAir HVACTemplate:System:VAV HVACTemplate:System:PackagedVAV HVACTemplate:System:DedicatedOutdoorAir HVACTemplate:Plant:ChilledWaterLoop HVACTemplate:Plant:Chiller HVACTemplate:Plant:Tower HVACTemplate:Plant:HotWaterLoop HVACTemplate:Plant:Boiler HVACTemplate:Plant:MixedWaterLoop Zone HVAC Forced Air Units ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem ZoneHVAC:FourPipeFanCoil ZoneHVAC:WindowAirConditioner ZoneHVAC:PackagedTerminalAirConditioner ZoneHVAC:PackagedTerminalHeatPump ZoneHVAC:WaterToAirHeatPump ZoneHVAC:Dehumidified:DX ZoneHVAC:EnergyRecoveryVentilator ZoneHVAC:EnergyRecoveryVentilator:Controller ZoneHVAC:UnitVentilator ZoneHVAC:UnitHeater ZoneHVAC:OutdoorAirUnit ZoneHVAC:TerminalUnit:VariableRefrigerantFlow Zone HVAC Radiative/Convective Units ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:RadiantConvective:Water ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:RadiantConvective:Steam ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:RadiantConvective:Electric ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:Convective:Water ZoneHVAC:Baseboard:Convective:Electric ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:VariableFlow ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:ConstantFlow ZoneHVAC:LowTemperatureRadiant:Electric ZoneHVAC:HighTemperatureRadiant ZoneHVAC:VentilatedSlab Zone HVAC Air Loop Terminal Units AirTerminal:SingleDuct:Uncontrolled AirTerminal:SingleDuct:ConstantVolume:Reheat AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:NoReheat AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat:VariableSpeedFan AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:HeatAndCool:NoReheat
5/24/12 26
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:HeatAndCool:Reheat AirTerminal:SingleDuct:SeriesPIU:Reheat AirTerminal:SingleDuct:ParallelPIU:Reheat AirTerminal:SingleDuct:ConstantVolume:FourPipeInduction AirTerminal:SingleDuct:ConstantVolume:CooledBeam AirTerminal:DualDuct:ConstantVolume AirTerminal:DualDuct:VAV AirTerminal:DualDuct:VAV:OutdoorAir ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit Fans Fan:ConstantVolume Fan:VariableVolume Fan:OnOff Fan:ZoneExhaust FanPerformance:NightVentilation Fan:ComponentModel Coils Coil:Cooling:Water Coil:Cooling:Water:DetailedGeometry Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed Coil:Cooling:DX:TwoSpeed Coil:Cooling:DX:MultiSpeed Coil:Cooling:DX:TwoStageWithHumidityControlMode CoilPerformance:DX:Cooling Coil:Cooling:DX:VariableRefrigerantFlow Coil:Heating:DX:VariableRefrigerantFlow Coil:Heating:Water Coil:Heating:Steam Coil:Heating:Electric Coil:Heating:Gas Coil:Heating:Desuperheater Coil:Heating:DX:SingleSpeed Coil:Heating:DX:MultiSpeed Coil:Cooling:WaterToAirHeatPump:ParameterEstimation Coil:Heating:WaterToAirHeatPump:ParameterEstimation Coil:Cooling:WaterToAirHeatPump:EquationFit Coil:Cooling:WaterToAirHeatPump:VariableSpeedEquationFit Coil:Heating:WaterToAirHeatPump:EquationFit Coil:Heating:WaterToAirHeatPump:VariableSpeedEquationFit Coil:WaterHeating:AirToWaterHeatPump Coil:WaterHeating:Desuperheater CoilSystem:Cooling:DX CoilSystem:Heating:DX CoilSystem:Cooling:Water:HeatExchangerAssisted CoilSystem:Cooling:DX:HeatExchangerAssisted Evaporative Coolers EvaporativeCooler:Direct:CelDekPad EvaporativeCooler:Indirect:CelDekPad EvaporativeCooler:Indirect:WetCoil EvaporativeCooler:Indirect:ResearchSpecial
5/24/12 27
Humidifiers and Dehumidifiers Humidifier:Steam:Electric Dehumidifier:Desiccant:NoFans Dehumidifier:Desiccant:System Heat Recovery HeatExchanger:AirToAir:FlatPlate HeatExchanger:AirToAir:SensibleAndLatent HeatExchanger:Desiccant:BalancedFlow HeatExchanger:Desiccant:BalancedFlow:PerformanceDataType1 Unitary Equipment AirLoopHVAC:Unitary:Furnace:HeatOnly AirLoopHVAC:Unitary:Furnace:HeatCool AirLoopHVAC:UnitaryHeatOnly AirLoopHVAC:UnitaryHeatCool AirLoopHVAC:UnitaryHeatPump:AirToAir AirLoopHVAC:UnitaryHeatPump:WaterToAir AirLoopHVAC:UnitaryHeatCool:VAVChangeoverBypass AirLoopHVAC:UnitaryHeatPump:AirToAir:MultiSpeed Variable Refrigerant Flow Equipment AirConditioner:VariableRefrigerantFlow Air Distribution AirLoopHVAC AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem:EquipmentList AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem OutdoorAir:Mixer AirLoopHVAC:ZoneSplitter AirLoopHVAC:SupplyPlenum AirLoopHVAC:SupplyPath AirLoopHVAC:ZoneMixer AirLoopHVAC:ReturnPlenum AirLoopHVAC:ReturnPath Pumps Pump:VariableSpeed Pump:ConstantSpeed Pump:VariableSpeed:Condensate HeaderedPumps:VariableSpeed HeaderedPumps:ConstantSpeed Solar Collectors SolarCollectorPerformance:FlatPlate SolarCollector:FlatPlate:Water
5/24/12 28
SolarCollector:FlatPlate:PhotovoltaicThermal SolarCollectorPerformance:PhotovoltaicThermal:Simple SolarCollector:IntegralCollectorStorage SolarCollectorPerformance:IntegralCollectorStorage SolarCollector:UnglazedTranspired SolarCollector:UnglazedTranspired:Multisystem Plant Heating and Cooling Equipment Boiler:HotWater Boiler:Steam Chiller:Electric:EIR Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR Chiller:Electric Chiller:Absorption:Indirect Chiller:Absorption Chiller:ConstantCOP Chiller:EngineDriven Chiller:CombustionTurbine ChillerHeater:Absorption:DirectFired ChillerHeater:Absorption:DoubleEffect HeatPump:WaterToWater:EquationFit:Heating HeatPump:WaterToWater:EquationFit:Cooling HeatPump:WaterToWater:ParameterEstimation:Cooling HeatPump:WaterToWater:ParameterEstimation:Heating DistrictCooling DistrictHeating Condenser Equipment and Heat Exchangers CoolingTower:SingleSpeed CoolingTower:TwoSpeed CoolingTower:VariableSpeed CoolingTowerPerformance:CoolTools CoolingTowerPerformance:YorkCalc EvaporativeFluidCooler:SingleSpeed EvaporativeFluidCooler:TwoSpeed FluidCooler:SingleSpeed FluidCooler:TwoSpeed GroundHeatExchanger:Vertical GroundHeatExchanger:Pond GroundHeatExchanger:Surface HeatExchanger:Hydronic HeatExchanger:Plate HeatExchanger:WatersideEconomizer Water Heaters and Thermal Storage WaterHeater:Mixed WaterHeater:Stratified WaterHeater:Sizing WaterHeater:HeatPump ThermalStorage:Ice:Simple ThermalStorage:Ice:Detailed ThermalStorage:ChilledWater:Mixed ThermalStorage:ChilledWater:Stratified
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*sensible* loads for each zone, without any ventilation load. These are the same values reported as "Design Load" in the HVACSizingSummary table report.
2) In the EquipmentSummary table report, the component capacities reported there are the
total (cooling, sensible for heating) output capacities include any ventilation load if it impacts that component.
3) If you have a central air loop that serves only the ventilation load, and zone equipment
that serves only the zone load, there is an autosizing option in Sizing:System that should autosize the central system appropriately. From example file 5ZoneCoolBeam.idf:
Sizing:System, VAV Sys 1, !- AirLoop Name VentilationRequirement, !- Type of Load to Size On autosize, !- Design Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s} 1.0, !- Minimum System Air Flow Ratio
When you run a simulation, if you want to report ventilation loads, the following Output:Variable names are available:
HVAC,Sum,Zone HVAC,Sum,Zone HVAC,Sum,Zone HVAC,Sum,Zone HVAC,Sum,Zone HVAC,Sum,Zone HVAC,Sum,Zone HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation No Load Heat Removal [J] Mechanical Ventilation Cooling Load Increase [J] Mech Ventilation Cooling Load Increase: OverHeating [J] Mechanical Ventilation Cooling Load Decrease [J] Mechanical Ventilation No Load Heat Addition [J] Mechanical Ventilation Heating Load Increase [J] Mech Ventilation Heating Load Increase: OverCooling [J] Mechanical Ventilation Heating Load Decrease [J]
Output does not match EPW values
Why do values in the EPW differ from the output reports of EnergyPlus? This is expected. The difference comes from interpolating hourly weather data for subhourly timesteps in EnergyPlus. In an hourly weather file, the temperatures and other state-point readings are the value at the time the reading was taken. For example, in the USA_IL_Chicago-OHare_TMY2.epw file, the outdoor dry bulb value for July 2, hour 1, is 19.4C. This is the temperature at 1:00 am. If you set Timestep = 1, then EnergyPlus will report 19.4C for 07/02 01:00 and will use that value for the entire one hour timestep. If Timestep = 4, then 19.4C is used only for the time step which ends at 01:00. The other timesteps use linearly interpolated values between the hourly weather file values. When you report at the "hourly" frequency in EnergyPlus, you see the average temperature over the hour. If you report at the "timestep" frequency, you will see the values from the weather data file appear at the last timestep of each hour.
Reporting Options
There are many report variables in EnergyPlus. The ones available for a specific simulation are listed in the report data dictionary (rdd) file. These report variables may be generated automatically if the following is included in the input file. Output:VariableDictionary, Regular; !- Key Field When the object above is included in an input file, the rdd file is available for review AFTER the simulation has completed. If this object is not included in the input file, the user may still use report variables, but must select them based on the objects included in the simulation. The Input Output Reference document describes all report variables available for each EnergyPlus object. There are two flavors to output variables: ZONE or HVAC. ZONE does not mean that it is a zone variable rather, it is produced at the Zone Time Step (the same timestep that you specify in the Timestep object. HVAC type variables, likewise, are produced at the HVAC timestep (which can differ from the zone timestep frequency based on the ConvergenceLimits object).
Reporting Options
There are several choices on format with this object. You can specify "Regular" as the key field and the rdd will show all report variables along with the variable description as shown below.
HVAC,Average,Boiler Heating Output Rate [W] HVAC,Sum,Boiler Heating Output Energy [J] HVAC,Average,Boiler Gas Consumption Rate [W] HVAC,Sum,Boiler Gas Consumption [J] HVAC,Average,Boiler Water Inlet Temp [C] HVAC,Average,Boiler Water Outlet Temp [C] HVAC,Average,Boiler Water Mass Flow Rate [kg/s] HVAC,Average,Boiler Parasitic Electric Consumption Rate [W] HVAC,Sum,Boiler Parasitic Electric Consumption [J] HVAC,Average,Boiler Part-Load Ratio []
As an alternative, the key field "IDF" may also be used. Output:VariableDictionary, IDF; !- Key Field With this option the rdd will format the report variable so that they may be copied directly into the input file using a text editor.
Output:Variable,*,Boiler Output:Variable,*,Boiler Output:Variable,*,Boiler Output:Variable,*,Boiler Output:Variable,*,Boiler Output:Variable,*,Boiler Output:Variable,*,Boiler Output:Variable,*,Boiler Output:Variable,*,Boiler Output:Variable,*,Boiler Heating Output Rate,hourly; !- HVAC Average [W] Heating Output Energy,hourly; !- HVAC Sum [J] Gas Consumption Rate,hourly; !- HVAC Average [W] Gas Consumption,hourly; !- HVAC Sum [J] Water Inlet Temp,hourly; !- HVAC Average [C] Water Outlet Temp,hourly; !- HVAC Average [C] Water Mass Flow Rate,hourly; !- HVAC Average [kg/s] Parasitic Electric Consumption Rate,hourly; !- HVAC Average [W] Parasitic Electric Consumption,hourly; !- HVAC Sum [J] Part-Load Ratio,hourly; !- HVAC Average ]
This allows several options for reporting. First the key value may be an asterisk (*) where all report variables of this type are reported (for all boilers). Or the key value could be specified such that only a single output will be generated. For example if the key value was specified as "My Boiler" and a boiler object with the name My Boiler was included in the input, only the Boiler Heating Output Rate for this specific boiler will be in the output file (.csv). The reporting output for all other boilers in the simulation will not be included in the csv file.
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The reporting frequency is also another option and may be one of several choices (e.g., Timestep, Hourly, Daily, Monthly, RunPeriod, Environment, Annual or Detailed). The detailed reporting frequency reports the data for every simulation time step (HVAC variable time steps). This choice is useful for detailed troubleshooting and reporting. The other choices average or sum the data over the selected interval. Timestep refers to the zone Timestep/Number of Timesteps in hour value and reports the data at regular intervals. Using RunPeriod, Environment, or Annual will have the same affect on the reporting frequency and refer to the length of the simulaiton as specified in the RunPeriod object.
Timestep, 4; !- Number of Timesteps per Hour RunPeriod, 1, !- Begin Month 1, !- Begin Day of Month 12, !- End Month 31, !- End Day of Month Tuesday, !- Day of Week for Start Day Yes, !- Use Weather File Holidays and Special Days Yes, !- Use Weather File Daylight Saving Period No, !- Apply Weekend Holiday Rule Yes, !- Use Weather File Rain Indicators Yes; !- Use Weather File Snow Indicator
A schedule may also be used to turn on or off report variable at selected intervals. Table reports and meters are also available as reporting options. See the Input Output and Engineering Reference manuals for further details.
Then you can cut and paste from the rdd file directly into your idf file. You must first run your simulation to create the rdd file. Output variables found in the rdd file are specific to the simulation and are based on the objects used in your input file.
Output:Variable,*,System Node Temp,hourly; !- HVAC Average [C]
To get only information for a single node, change to: Output:Variable,"The Name of the Node",System Node Temp,hourly; !- HVAC Average [C]. Where "The Name of the Node" is the specific node name for one or more nodes.
create a .RVI file to extract specific data at various time aggregations. Read more about obtaining custom output files (.CSV) using .RVI (Report Variable Input) files from the output in the InputOutputReference.pdf, subject: Using ReadVarsESO. Simply said, an .RVI is a text file with a list of report variables that you want reported in a .CSV. You can easily develop multiple .RVI files which create different types of .CSV files. For example, separate .CSVs for only the exterior environment data or for only equipment energy consumption. MVI files are the equivalent kind of files for meter only output files (the .mtr files). Both .RVI and .MVI files follow this structure:
! name of input eso file ! name of target csv file (or .tab) 1> 2> n>
The first two lines are the default output file .ESO and the default .CSV filename. This is followed by a list of report variables, with the last line containing a 0. 1 Run the ExerciseOutput1.IDF file. 2 Open ExerciseOutput1.RDD and select at least 10 loads-related variables. Note in ExerciseOutput1.IDF, the object Output:VariableDictionary, idf; writes the RDD output file as complete objects which can be pasted directly into the IDF file and then edit the reporting frequency. Edit ExerciseOutput1.IDF using the text editor, and save as ExerciseOutput1A.IDF. Paste output:variable objects for each of your loads-related variables requesting hourly data. Then copy each object and paste in 4 copies for a total of 5. Then edit the frequency parameter on each, changing hourly to timestep, daily, monthly, and annual, retaining hourly for one of them. There are already system related output variables with multiple reporting frequencies in the .idf file that you can use as a model. For example, Zone Window Heat Gain and Zone Window Heat Loss, insert these objects in your IDF to get data at each of these time steps:
Output:Variable, Output:Variable, Output:Variable, Output:Variable, Output:Variable, Output:Variable, Output:Variable, Output:Variable, Output:Variable, Output:Variable, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Window Heat Heat Heat Heat Heat Heat Heat Heat Heat Heat Gain, Gain, Gain, Gain, Gain, Loss, Loss, Loss, Loss, Loss, timestep; hourly; daily; monthly; annual; timestep; hourly; daily; monthly; annual;
Note that this step may also be done using IDF Editor. When an RDD file is present, the Output:Variable object will have an active drop-down list showing all of the report variable names present in the RDD output file. Run the ExerciseOutput1A.IDF file. Using your text editor, open ExerciseOutput1A.idf. Open a new file, and save it as ExerciseOutput1A-LOADS.RVI. Type in the following:
eplusout.eso eplusout.csv
In the .idf file, locate the Output:Variable commands you just added. Copy them, and paste them into the new .RVI file. Delete the duplicates with different reporting frequencies, saving one instance of each variable. Delete everything but the variable name. Add a final line containing only a 0 (zero). For Window Heat Loss and Heat Gain, the .RVI file would look like this:
eplusout.eso eplusout.csv 5/24/12 35
Rename file ExerciseOutput1-CustomCSV.b~t to ExerciseOutput1CustomCSV.bat and edit this file in a text editor to make sure the path at the top of the file matches where your version of EnergyPlus is installed. The current path in the file is: set post_proc=C:\EnergyPlusV6-0-0\PostProcess\ Open a Command Window (Start, Run, Command) Change to the directory containing your ExerciseOutput1A.IDF, results files, and your new ExerciseOutput1A-LOADS.RVI. For example: CD D:\EnergyPlus Training\EnergyPlusExercises substitute your path here Note: This assumes that the ExerciseOutput1-CustomCSV.bat file is located in the same directory as your IDF and RVI. This is what EP-Launch does for single simulations. Type: ExerciseOutput1-CustomCSV ExerciseOutput1A ExerciseOutput1A-LOADS and press Enter. That is,
ExerciseOutput1-CustomCSV reads the ESO output and creates a .CSV for the .RVI for only the variables listed in the .RVI. A .CSV is created for each of the time steps in the output file--timestep, hourly, daily, monthly, or runperiod: inputfilename_timestep.csv, or for this exercise, ExerciseOutput1A.idf:
If there is no data at the requested time step, that .CSV file will be empty, although that should not occur here. Add report variables to the IDF for energy end-uses. Review .RDD, .MDD and .MTR file for variables to include. Open and save ExerciseOutput1A.idf as ExerciseOutput1B.idf. Create an energy end-use .MVI using the same structure as above but replace eplusout.eso with in the first line. Rerun the new IDF and run ExerciseOutput1-CustomCSV again:
ExerciseOutput1-CustomCSV ExerciseOutput1B ExerciseOutput1B-ENERGYENDUSE
Experiment with creating other .RVIs and variables. Example .RVIs for ExerciseOutput1EquipmentConsumption and ExerciseOutput1-ExternalEnvironment are included.
output files. Typically csv output files are viewed in a spreadsheet program, such as Excel. csv stands for comma separated values, so the spreadsheet software needs to recognize comma as a list separator, not a decimal or thousands separator. If the values from a csv file appear to be nonsense when displayed in a spreadsheet program, this may be the source of the problem. Change the decimal separator to be . in your system settings or in the spreadsheet program settings.
The <modulename>(optional) <routinename> part is so that people answering support questions can more easily find the code, if necessary and without running the input file through the debugger. As noted elsewhere, errors come in several flavors with typical user responses required. <insert table> In the examples for this section, the severity (Warning/Severe/Fatal) will be left off the message unless necessary for the rest of the example. For example:
GetPlantLoopData/GetPlantAvailabilityManager: AvailabilityManagerAssignmentList=ALWAYS_ON not found in lists. No availability will be used. Here the routine GetPlantLoopData/GetPlantAvailabilityManager AvailabilityManagerAssignmentList with name Always_On is not found. result is shown. (This is a warning level error, by the way). for object And then the
The development team is working to standardize the error format, as time allows. So, sometimes you will likely see something like: Check input. Pump nominal power or motor efficiency is set to 0, for pump=HEAT RECOVERY CIRC PUMP
Here, at least you know which pump (Heat Recovery Circ Pump) has the power or motor efficiency of 0.
** ~~~ ** Problem with the width for requested floor area and ** ~~~ ** perimeter depth. Reduced perimeter depth from 4.57 ** ~~~ ** to 3.656 to accommodate perimeter and core layout Severe Output:PreprocessorMessage="EPMacro" has the following Severe conditions: ** ~~~ ** at approximately input line number=200: column=11 ** ~~~ ** cannot find/read include file ** ~~~ ** symbol=HVAC3ZoneMat-Const.imf ** ~~~ ** refer to <file>.epmdet for details. Some preprocessor utility programs will give more details than others. Here, you see at input file line number 200, about column 11, that the program cannot find (or read) the include file and that there will be more details after the end of EnergyPlus processing in the file with epmdet for extension. Output:PreprocessorMessage="GroundTempCalc - Slab" has the following Fatal condition: ** ~~~ ** No in.epw file found This message is coming from the Slab preprocessor program after the ExpandObjects program has processed the input file and triggered the Slab program to be executed. There is no weather file and the Slab program cannot run. Fatal Preprocessor condition(s) cause termination. As you can see from the above Slab message, preprocessor programs may signal a fatal condition but the actual message you see in the .err file is a Severe. You will see the above message if any of the preprocessor conditions signaled a fatal error.
IP: No items found for Required Object=BUILDING IP: Required Object="BUILDING" not found in IDF. The Building object is required for all inputs. It was not found in this input file. IP: No items found for Required Object=GLOBALGEOMETRYRULES IP: Required Object="GLOBALGEOMETRYRULES" not found in IDF. The GlobalGeometryRules object is required for all inputs. It was not found in this input file. IP: Possible incorrect IDD File IDD Version:"IDD_Version xxx" Possible Invalid Numerics or other problems This message means the program is about to terminate. You look at previous error messages in the .err file to determine the most likely cause(s). The IDD version number is given in case you have an x version file and you are running it with a y version IDD (which may or may not work, in general). Fatal IP: Errors occurred on processing IDF file. Preceding condition(s) cause termination. Just the final note before the program terminates. Look at previous error messages in the .err file.
GetPollutionFactorInput: Requested reporting for Carbon Equivalent Pollution, but insufficient information is entered. Both "FuelFactors" and "EnvironmentalImpactFactors" must be entered or the displayed carbon pollution will all be zero. You have requested reporting for Carbon Equivalent Pollution (output variables) but you have not entered the required FuelFactor and EnvironmentalImpactFactor objects that are necessary to trigger these outputs properly. BuildingSurface:Detailed="SURF:xyz", Sun Exposure="SUNEXPOSED". ..This surface is not exposed to External Environment. Sun exposure has no effect. The surface has been entered with SunExposed but it is not an exterior/outdoor surface. GetSurfaceData: InterZone Surface Areas do not match as expected and might not satisfy conservation of energy: Area=1.4E-002 in Surface=319767, Zone=2PAV_CONDIC_LOJA_D Area=67.0 in Surface=6C0708, Zone=3PAV_CONDIC_TEATRO_G Interzone surface areas usually should be matching between the two zones. GetSurfaceData: InterZone Surface Azimuths do not match as expected. Azimuth=270.0, Tilt=90.0, in Surface=319767, Zone=2PAV_CONDIC_LOJA_D Azimuth=180.0, Tilt=90.0, in Surface=6C0708, Zone=3PAV_CONDIC_TEATRO_G ..surface class of base surface=Wall Interzone surfaces should be opposite each other therefore when Azimuth/Facing do not differ by 180 degrees, a warning is shown. Likewise, Tilt angles should be checked here. GetVertices: Floor is upside down! Tilt angle=[0.0], should be near 180, Surface="ROOM302FLOOR", in Zone="ROOM302". Automatic fix is attempted. GetVertices: Roof is upside down! Tilt angle=[180.0], should be near 0, Surface="ROOM302CEILING", in Zone="ROOM302". Automatic fix is attempted. In both of these messages, it has been detected that the outward surface normal for the surfaces is not as expected. With not as expected angles, the sun will not be received on these surfaces (typically), so it is something to correct. The program attempts to fix these usually caused by entering the vertices backwards (i.e. clockwise when should have been counter-clockwise or vice versa). GetInternalHeatGains: Zone="02AO_FCU04_AN" occupant density is extremely high. Occupant Density=[14] person/m2. Occupant Density=[7.000E-002] m2/person. Problems in Temperature Out of Bounds may result. The Get Internal Heat Gains routine does some checks as far as Design Level (and maximum schedule * Design Level) and compares to density values. Extremely high gains, especially when no exit for the air (i.e. infiltration, ventilation) can often result in Temperature Out of Bounds errors (see below in Simulation messages) and these can be fatal. GetVertices: Distance between two vertices < .01, possibly coincident. for Surface=1%PIANOINTERRATO:UFFICI_WALL_3_0_1, in Zone=1%PIANOINTERRATO:UFFICI Vertex [2]=(-53.99,5.86,0.50) Vertex [1]=(-53.99,5.86,0.51) Dropping Vertex [2]. The distance between two vertices is very small (.01 meter ~ .4 inches). This distance is too small for shading calculations and the vertex is dropped.
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CheckConvexity: Surface="ZN001:ROOF001" is non-convex. Shown when DisplayExtraWarnings is on and a surface is not a convex shape. By itself, this is only a warning but see the severe in the next section when it has impact on the calculations. Severe GetSurfaceData: Some Outward Facing angles of subsurfaces differ significantly from base surface. ...use Output:Diagnostics,DisplayExtraWarnings; to show more details on individual surfaces. GetSurfaceData: Outward facing angle [95.5] of subsurface="WL2-1" significantly different than ..facing angle [275.5] of base surface=WEST WALL 2 Tilt=90.0 ..surface class of base surface=Wall These are two versions of the same message. The first is shown when DisplayExtraWarnings is not activated. The second is shown for details on each subsurface that has the error. The error is usually that the subsurface vertices have been entered in opposite order (i.e. clockwise vs counter-clockwise) from the base surface. This building has no thermal mass which can cause an unstable solution. Use Material object for all opaque material definitions except very light insulation layers. You have probably defined all the surfaces in this building with resistive only constructions (i.e. object Material:NoMass). An unstable solution can result (including crashes). GetVertices: Distance between two vertices < .01, possibly coincident. for Surface=1%PIANOINTERRATO:UFFICI_WALL_3_0_1, in Zone=1%PIANOINTERRATO:UFFICI Vertex [3]=(-44.82,-12.14,0.51) Vertex [2]=(-44.82,-12.14,0.50) Cannot Drop Vertex [3]. Number of Surface Sides at minimum. The distance between two vertices is very small (.01 meter ~ .4 inches). This distance is too small for shading calculations but the vertex cannot be dropped as that would bring the surface to less than 3 sides. This surface is degenerate and should be removed from your input file. DetermineShadowingCombinations: Surface="0%VESPAIO:ZONA1_ROOF_1_6_0" is a receiving surface and is non-convex. ...Shadowing values may be inaccurate. Check .shd report file for more surface shading details Receiving surfaces which are not convex shapes will not be calculated correctly with the shadowing routines. You should view the results carefully. Fatal Severes in this realm usually lead to Fatals. <RoutineName> Preceding conditions lead to termination.
Error Messages (Details) Calculated design heating load for zone=B1AE_FCU02_AN is zero. Check Sizing:Zone and ZoneControl:Thermostat inputs.
Recurring Errors
Two flavors of the same message showing up during Sizing. Read about Day Types in the Sizing:* objects. Schedules may affect how the program looks at loads during sizing. Another suggestion is: Plot the zone temperature and check against the zone thermostat set point temperature.
Output:Variable,*,Zone/Sys Air Temperature at Thermostat,timestep; Output:Variable,*,Zone/Sys Thermostat Heating Setpoint,timestep;
If the zone temperature never falls below the thermostat set point temperature then there really is no load and lighting, equipment, occupancy, etc inputs/schedules need to be checked. Usually these types of load will be turned off for the design days in winter to correctly size the heating system. If the zone temperature does fall below the zone thermostat temperature, then the zone sizing objects probably have bad inputs. Severe
Temperature (high) out of bounds (206.82] for zone="ZONE 1", for surface="SOUTH WALL" During Warmup & Sizing, Environment=ALEXANDRIA ESLER REGIONAL AP ANN HTG 99.6% CONDNS DB, at Simulation time=12/21 01:00 - 01:04 Zone="ZONE 1", Diagnostic Details: ...Internal Heat Gain [155.557] W/m2 ...Infiltration/Ventilation [3.500E-002] m3/s ...Mixing/Cross Mixing [0.000] m3/s ...Zone is part of HVAC controlled system.
This error may be related to one of the warnings during get input routines on the Design Level of some heat gains at the zone level. Also to be noted here is the amount of Infiltration/Ventilation being introduced at the zone level. This diagnostics detail is produced once for each zone where the error occurs. Fatal
EnergyPlus has exited due to the reason stated above ...Summary of Errors that led to program termination: ..... Reference severe error count=11 ..... Last severe error=Temperature (high) out of bounds (210.11] for zone="ZONE 1", for surface="ROOF1"
Typical fatal condition. A small summary of the number of severe errors that were produced along with the last severe error.
Recurring Errors
The recurring error category is employed during the actual simulation periods. Usually, a heading message will appear:
** Warning ** Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed "DXCOOLINGCOIL_SOUTHZONE_2NDFLOOR" - Full load outlet air dry-bulb temperature < 2C. This indicates the possibility of coil frost/freeze. Outlet temperature = -4.60 C. ** ~~~ ** ...Occurrence info = Washington Dc Dulles IntL Ar VA USA TMY3 WMO#=724030, 01/02 06:01 06:02 ** ~~~ ** ... Possible reasons for low outlet air dry-bulb temperatures are: This DX coil ** ~~~ ** 1) may have a low inlet air dry-bulb temperature. Inlet air temperature = 9.778 C. ** ~~~ ** 2) may have a low air flow rate per watt of cooling capacity. Check inputs. ** ~~~ ** 3) is used as part of a HX assisted cooling coil which uses a high sensible effectiveness. Check inputs.
This message contains quite a bit of information: the basic object and name of the object, the context of the error, the time of the error as well as some reasons why this might have occurred. At the end of the simulation, the summary appears:
************* ** Warning outlet temperature indicates statistics follow: ************* ** ~~~ ************* ** ~~~ ************* ** ~~~ ************* ** ~~~ ** Coil:Cooling:DX:SingleSpeed "DXCOOLINGCOIL_SOUTHZONE_2NDFLOOR" - Full load a possibility of frost/freeze error continues. Outlet air temperature ** ** ** ** This error occurred 1240 total times; during Warmup 0 times; during Sizing 0 times. Max=1.995912 Min=-4.60024
Here you see a summary of how many times the error occurred (1240) as well as how many times during Warmup (0) and how many times during Sizing (0). Plus a minimum (-4.6) and maximum (1.99) for the terms of the message.
Psychrometric Errors
EnergyPlus has built-in psychrometric routines that perform various calculations for the simulation modules. They typically fall into the recurring error category but may warrant some view:
** Warning ** Calculated Relative Humidity out of range (PsyRhFnTdbWPb) ** ~~~ ** Routine=NodeReportingCalc:NODE_1, Environment=CHICAGO_IL_USA ANNUAL COOLING 1% DESIGN CONDITIONS DB/MCWB, at Simulation time=07/21 00:00 - 00:10 ** ~~~ ** Dry-Bulb= 13.00 Humidity Ratio= 1.000E-002 Calculated Relative Humidity [%]= 104.65 ** ~~~ ** Relative Humidity being reset to 100.0%
This warning notes that the calculated relative humidity is out of rage (routine name: PsyRhFnTdbWPb). It happened during routine NodeReportingCalc for NODE_1 at the environment CHICAGO_IL_USA ANNUAL COOLING 1% DESIGN CONDITIONS DB/MCWB during the time interval 00:00 00:10 on July 21. The dry bulb temperature was 13 C, the humidity ratio was .001 for a calculated relative humidity of 104.65%. It is reset to 100%. Then, at the end of the run, you will see a summary of how many times that occur and the min/max extent:
Error Summary
Error Summary
This section has provided a flavor of the breadth of messages coming out of EnergyPlus for various conditions. They are consolidated into one file (eplusout.err) for the most part though some may have more contexts given in other files. (eplusout.audit may illustrate exact places in the IDF where warnings or errors occur as noted during Input Processing.) The error section in this document will continue to grow as time allows. Suggestions are always welcome.
Error Summary
Remember, too, that EnergyPlus is, by design, a multiple timestep per hour simulation. Comparing its run-time to programs that are only hourly has potential for comparing apples and grapes. In addition, EnergyPlus is a simultaneous solution of the building loads, HVAC system and plant equipment simulation with possible multiple iterations to reach balance.
If you turn off the User Access Control, the machine cannot ask you for the administrator permission, and therefore appears to be stopped. If you have tried installing the program using another account, make sure that the directory is removed, or shared with your new ID. Otherwise, any files in there cannot be replaced. That may result in what you saw, because the oleaut32.dll was not owned by you and the installer is searching for a solution, and this can take minutes. Eventually, a pop up may show to ask you what to do. "copying Visual Basic Runtime: C:\Windows\system32\oleaut32.dll" will stay until some time out mechanism kicks in. If you are not an administrator, you normally cannot access the \system32\ directory. When the files are copied from a CD_ROM during installation, the files will appear as 'Read only' on the hard disk. When you run the simmulation, some of the files must be modified. The read only attribute on the files may abort a simulation run. After the installation, you should verify that the .bat files are not all 'read only'. You should also choose 'run as administrator' whenever possible when you run a EPlus application, so that the simulation program can modify directories and files. Hope this will help. Make yourself a standard user and administrator with a password, before you try to install again. If you can switch off the fire wall, you should already have administration right, or administrator's permission. If you did it with the administrator pop up, you account may not be an administrator type.