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Online Job System

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CERTIFICATE This is to certify that it is a record of project work entitled as ONLINE JOB SYSTEM done by A.MANIKANTA SRINIVAS, R.SIVA PRADEEP, bearing Regd.No, 1220611103, 1220611125 bonafide students of Master of Engineering, Information Technology; GITAM Institute of Technology has submitted the project using Database Management System.

Signature of faculty in charge SUNEETHA Associate professor Department of information Technology Gitam Institute of Technology GITAM University


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The JOB SYSTEM is an online website in which jobseekers can register themselves online and apply for job and attend the exam. Online Recruitment System provides online help to the users all over the world. Using web recruitment systems like recruitment websites or jobsites also play a role in simplifying the recruitment process. Such websites have facilities where prospective candidates can upload their CVs and apply for jobs suited to them. Such sites also make it possible for recruiters and companies to post their staffing requirements and view profiles of interested candidates. Earlier recruitment was done manually and it was all at a time consuming work. Now it is all possible in a fraction of second. It is all done online without much time consuming. Todays recruitment applications are designed to do a whole lot more than just reduce paperwork. They can make a significant contribution to a companys marketing and sales activity. Recruitment websites and software make possible for managers to access information that is crucial to managing their staff, which they can use for promotion decisions, payroll considerations and succession planning.

A quick look at the overall trends in Online recruiting shows the rise in the importance of marketing the web site, online training, dawn of video interviews and emergence of professional Internet Recruiters. Online recruiting and online recruiting systems, with its emphasis on a more strategic decision making process is fast gaining ground as a popular outsourced function. Online job system is developed for creating an interactive job vacancy for candidates. It enables jobseekers to place their resumes and companies to publish their vacancies. It enables jobseekers to post their resume, search for jobs, view personal job listings. It will provide various companies to place their vacancy profile on the site and also have an option to search candidate resumes.



Before creating this website, all jobseekers to send their resumes or information through postal mails or they use person to person contacts with each other. It will take long time to send their requirements through this type of communications.

The administration faces the problems to collect all the information from clients and consultants to analyze the requirement in the corresponding Clients. Administration has to send requirements information to different consultants and jobseekers.

3.1.1 Limitations of Present System:

Recruitment is done manually. These tasks are time consuming. It may take one month or long. People around the world cannot apply. It is very convenient because in the manual system there is lot of difficulties in conducting and managing a recruitment exam, short listing, maintaining staff etc.


This system is designed such a way that the users can easily interact with the system with minimum knowledge to browser the net and company rules. Online Recruitment is aimed at developing a web-based and central recruitment Process system for the HR Group for a company. Some features of this system will be creating

vacancies, storing application data, and Interview process initiation, Scheduling Interviews, Storing Interview results for the applicant and finally hiring of the applicant.

The project JOB SEARCH is an online website in which jobseekers can register themselves and then attend the exam. Based on the outcome of the exam the jobseekers will be shortlisted. The details of the examination & Date of the examination will be made available to them through the website. People all around the world can apply and register. It has made all the process easy


It consists of 5 modules:

1. Job Seeker. 2. Job Provider. 3. Client. 4. Job Search & Help. 5. Administrator.


This module contains details about Job Seeker, i.e. employee or un-employee details. Like employee name, email, experience etc.. Here employee can do update, modify and delete. He can update experience and skills details also.


This module having information about job provider and requirement details, which client recruiting the employees, and what based them recruiting the employees. Here client releasing the primary skills, experience, no. of vacancies, opening date and closing date.


This module consisting details about the Clients, and Client profile


This module having all current vacant jobs, experience and which client offering that vacant.


The administrator module having all privileges about this entire project, he can update, delete, and modify the details about job seeker, job provider, client and Job Search details. Administrator maintain the client and job seeker database, where ever client is releasing their requirements( vacancies) with particular primary skills and experience, on that time administrator search for job seekers, who are having that primary skills and experience.

Administrator sends the message for selected candidates.


5.1 Data Flow Diagram:

A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a diagram that describes the flow of data and the processes that change or transform data throughout a system. Its a structured analysis and design tool that can be used for flowcharting in place of, or in association with, information oriented and process oriented system flowcharts. When analysts prepare the Data Flow Diagram, they specify the user needs at a level of detail that virtually determines the information flow into and out of the system and the required data resources. This network is constructed by using a set of symbols that do not imply a physical implementation. The Data Flow Diagram reviews the current physical system, prepares input and output specification, specifies the implementation plan etc. Four basic symbols are used to construct data flow diagrams. They are symbols that represent data source, data flows, and data transformations and data storage. The points at which data are transformed are represented by enclosed figures, usually circles, which are called nodes.

5.1.1 Data Flow Diagram Symbols:

_ Source or Destination of data _ Data Flow _ Process

_ Storage

Figure 1.DFD Symbols


Administrator Online Job System Database Company Candidate

Figure 1.Context Diagram

Admin Login Company Management System User Management 1.1.2 Short listing of Candidates Data store
Username Password Category

If authenticated user



Figure 2. Administration DFD


Admin Validate Company View Details Update user

Status TblLogin


Figure 3. Company Management DFD


Admin View Resume View Update Resume of Details Validate user

Registered users User details Experience details

Education details





Figure 4.User Management DFD


Company Login Change Password View Result Edit Profile Job Details Questions Update Password
Update Company details Insert Job details

Add View TblLogin




TblQue stions

Figure 5: Company DFD


Jobseeker Edit Profile Change Password View Job Details Attend Exam Update User details Update Password Job details TblCandidate




Figure6: Applicant DFD

Employer Website

Qualificationnn Name Experience


Seeks Job through Address

Uses Experienceee Name

Administrator Address Name Manages

Experience Address

6.1 TABLES: Login Table:
Query: create table login (uname varchar(15) primary key, pwd varchar(10) not null, email varchar(50) unique not null, ); Select * from login; Output: Fieldname Uname Type Varchar Size 15 Key Primary key

Pwd Email

Varchar Varchar

10 50

Not Null Unique Not Null

Job Seekers Table:

Query: create table jobseekers(uname varchar(15) primary key references login(uname),fullname varchar(30),aqual varchar(50),skillset varchar(50),exp varchar(100),db datetime,exp_in_years int); Select * from jobseekers; Output: Fieldname Uname Fullname Aqual Skillset Exp Exp in years Type Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Int Size 15 30 50 50 100 Key Foreign Key

Employers Table:
Query: create table employers (uname varchar(15) primary key references login(uname), company varchar(30), comptype varchar(50), website varchar(50)); Select * from employers; Output: Fieldname Uname Company Comptype Website Type Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Size 15 30 50 50 Key Foreign Key

Jobs Table:
Query: create table jobs (jobid int identity(100,1) primary key, employer varchar(15) references employers(uname), jobtitle varchar(50), skillset varchar(50), location varchar(50), reqexp int, lastdate datetime); Select * from jobs; Output: Fieldname Jobid Employer Job title Skillset Location Reqexp Last date time Type Int Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Int Size 100,1 15 50 50 50 Key Primary Key Foreign Key

Applicants Table:
Query: create table applicants (jobid int references jobs(jobid), employee varchar(15) references JOBSEEKERS(uname), da datetime, primary key(jobid,employee)); Select * from applicants; Output: Fieldname Jobid Employee Da Type Int Varchar Datetime Size 100,1 15 Key Foreign Key Foreign Key

6.2 Definition:
The most creative and challenging face of the system development is System Design. It provides the understanding and procedural details necessary for the logical and physical stages of development. In designing a new system, the system analyst must have a clear understanding of the objectives, which the design is aiming to fulfill. The first step is to determine how the output is to be produced and in what format. Second, input data and master files have to be designed to meet the requirements of the proposed output. The operational phases are handled through program construction and testing. Design of the system can be defined as a process of applying various techniques and principles for the purpose of defining a device, a process or a system in sufficient detail to permit its physical realization. Thus system design is a solution to how to approach to the creation of a new system. This important phase provides the understanding and the procedural details necessary for implementing the system recommended in the feasibility study. The design step provides a data design, architectural design, and a procedural design.

6.3 Input Design:

In the input design, user-originated inputs are converted into a computer-based system format. It also includes determining the record media, method of input, speed of capture and entry on to the screen. Online data entry accepts commands and data through a keyboard. The major approach to input design is the menu and the prompt design. In each alternative, the users options are predefined. The data flow diagram indicates logical data flow, data stores, source and destination. Input data are collected and organized into a group of similar data once identified input media are selected for processing. In this software, importance is given to develop Graphical User Interface (GUI), which is an important factor in developing efficient and user friendly software. For inputting user data, attractive forms are designed. User can also select the desired options from the menu, which provides all possible facilities. Also the important input format is designed in such a way that accidental errors are avoided. The user has to input only just the minimum data required, which also helps in avoiding the errors that the users may make. Accurate designing of the input format is very important in developing efficient software. The goal of input design is to make entry as easy, logical and free from errors.

6.4 Output Design:

In the output design, the emphasis is on producing a hard copy of the information requested or displaying the output on the CRT screen in a predetermined format. Two of the most output media today are printers and the screen. Most users now access their reports from either a hard copy or screen display. Computers output is the most important and direct source of information to the user, efficient, logical, output design should improve the systems relations with the user and help in decision-making. As the outputs are the most important source of information to the user, better design should improve the systems relations and also should help in decision-making. The output devices capability, print quality, response time requirements etc should also be considered, form design elaborates the way the output is presented and layout available for capturing information. Its very helpful to produce the clear, accurate and speedy information for end users.

7. TESTING Software testing is the process used to help identify the correctness, completeness, security and quality of developed computer software Testing is vital to the success of the system. System Testing makes logical assumption that if all the parts of the system are correct, the goal will be successfully achieved. System Testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and represents the ultimate review of specification, design and coding. The user tests the developed system and changes are made according to their needs. The testing phase involves the testing of developed system using various kinds of data. There are many approaches to software testing, but effective testing of complex products is essentially a process of investigation, not merely a matter of creating and following rote procedure. One definition of testing is "the process of questioning a product in order to evaluate it", where the "questions" are things the tester tries to do with the product, and the product answers with its behavior in reaction to the probing of the tester. The quality of the application can, and normally does, vary widely from system to system but some of the common quality attributes include reliability, stability, portability, maintainability and usability. Testing Objectives

Testing is the process of executing the program with the intention of finding an error A good test is one that has a high probability of finding an as-yet-undiscovered error. A successful test is that which uncovers as-yet-undiscovered error.

Fig: Test Information Flow Test Procedure The procedure is as follows

Prepare the test case. Record the expected result and verify whether in tune with actual results. If actual results are not tune with expected results, do not necessary work. Test again and check the results.

If the test results are satisfactory, wind up testing. Item Pass/Fail criteria The test case consists of different inputs with the expected results in each case. During testing, the tester records the actual test results against the expected ones and if it is found matching, the case is assigned as a pass. Otherwise, the test case is assigned as a fail and orders for reword and retest. Stop criteria

Testing can be wrapped when: Actual test results matches with the expected ones. System performs well in the specified environment White Box Testing White box testing strategy deals with the internal logic and structure of the code. White box testing is also called as glass, structural, open box or clear box testing. The tests written based on the white box testing strategy incorporate coverage of the code written, branches, paths, statements and internal logic of the code etc. The system has been tested by providing variety of inputs to ensure that all the statements are executed at least once and that too in the expected manner. All topic and transaction path from origin to destination was tested to identify and correct the possible error. Black Box Testing Also known as functional testing. A software testing technique whereby the internal workings of the item being tested are not known by the tester. In a black box test on a software design the tester only knows the inputs and what the expected outcomes should be and not how the program arrives at those outputs. Black box testing is testing that occurs from the viewpoint of an end user. Black box tests find bugs such as incorrect functions, interface problems, and database errors. Black box techniques focus on information domain of the software deriving test cases by partitioning input and output in a manner that provides through test coverage. The test cases are developed for each condition or combination of conditions and submitted for processing. By examining the results, the performance of the program according to its specified requirements can be determined. Unit testing This is the first level of testing. In this different modules are tested against the

specifications produced during the design of the modules. Unit testing is done for the verification of the code produced during the coding phase and to test the internal logic of modules. It refers to the verification of the single program module in an isolated environment. Unit testing first focused on the modules independently of one another to locate errors. After coding each dialogue is tested and run individually. All unnecessary coding were removed and it was ensured that all the modules

works as the programmer would expect. Logical errors found were corrected. So by working all the modules independently and verifying the outputs of each module in the presence of the staff, we concluded that the program was functioning as expected. The project comprises of four major modules.

Admin Client

Functionality Testing A black box testing geared to function requirements of the system. In this functionality each module is tested. Test focused on verifying the target of-test functions as intended, providing the required services, methods and use cases. Integration Testing Data can be lost across an interface, one module can have adverse afford on another, sub functions, when combined, may not produce the desired major functions. Integration testing is a systematic testing for constructing the program structure while at the same time conducting tests to uncover errors associated with in the interface. The objective is to take unit testing as a whole. Here correction is difficult because the vast expense of the entire program complicate the isolation of courses. In integration testing step, all errors uncovered are corrected for the next step. Validation Testing This provides the final assurance that a software meets all the functional, behavioral and performance requirements. The software is completely assembled on a package. Validation succeeds when the software functions in a manner in which the user expects. Validation refers to the process of using software in a live environmental in order to find errors. During the course of validating the system, failures may occur and sometimes the coding has to be changed according to the requirements. Thus the feedback from the validation phase generally precedes changes in the software. Once the application was made free of all logical and interface errors, inputting dummy data ensured that the software developed satisfies all the requirements of the user. This dummy data is usually known as the test case.

System Testing The implemented system is tested of its functionality and whether it meets the desired aims of the project. The test bed consists of Windows PCs, network over a Local Area Network (LAN), as well as connected the Internet and telephone. The server is installed in one of the system, along with the required database. The client is then installed on several systems. The network, telephone and the Internet connections of the systems are verified. The server and the database are initialized. The clients are connected to the server using the servers IP address. The connections are verified and all the functions are checked to verify that they are working properly. Connections are made over LAN, Internet and Telephone. The system testing phase successfully verifies the functionality of the software. Output Testing After performing the validation testing the next step is the output testing of the proposed system since no system should be useful if it does not provide the required output in the specific. Asking the users about format required by them tests the outputs generated or displayed by the system under consideration. Here, the output format is considered into two ways, one on screen and another is in the printed format. The output format on the screen is formed to be correct as the format was designed in the system phase according to the users needs. For the hard copy also, the output comes out as the specified requirements by the user in any correction in the system.

User Acceptance Testing User Acceptance of a system is the key factor for the success of any system. The system under consideration is tested for user acceptance by constantly keeping in touch with the prospective system. Users can make changes whenever required. This is done regarding to the following points. Input Screen Design Output Screen Design

On-line message to guide the user Format of ad-hoc reports and other output The above testing is done taking various kinds of test data. Preparation of test data plays a vital role in the system testing. After preparing the test data, the system under study is tested using that test data. While testing the system by which test data errors are again uncovered and corrected by using above testing steps and corrections are also noted for future use.


SOFTWARE SPECIFICATION: Platform Operating System Language Web Server Back end : JAVA : Windows XP : JSP, SERVLET : Tomcat : ORACLE Server

Design Tool



Processor Speed RAM Hard disk

: Intel PIII : 800MHZ : 256 MB : 4.06 GB

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Nowadays manual process of searching a job of ones choice as well as searching the appropriate candidate for a specific job has become a huge task and so realizing the need for easy management of this process, the site has been developed. It is very easy to update and maintain information through this site. The main features of this site include flexibility, ease of manipulation of information, easy access searching, storage, reduction of manual work in an efficient manner, a quick, convenient, reliable, timely and effective way to reach recruiting, search and employment professionals worldwide and it is also very economical. The project could very well be enhanced further as per the requirements.


Reduced entry work. Easy retrieval of information Reduced errors due to human intervention User friendly screens to enter the data Portable and flexible for further enhancement Web enabled. Fast finding of information requested

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