A Cultural Transformation Proposal
A Cultural Transformation Proposal
A Cultural Transformation Proposal
XYZ work in challenging environments requiring concerted co-ordination and good interpersonal relationships with colleagues. In the backdrop of increasing complexity and uncertainty of organizational life, it is imperative to develop interpersonal skills, build effective relationships and successfully engage stakeholders. It is quintessential to enhance manpower productivity across all levels so that human resources at XYZ are optimally utilized. Given the quality of manpower and ever expanding expectations from XYZ mean that XYZ works in synchronization with complete systems thinking and snap shot and fragmented thinking would put a dent on the cohesiveness. Self-Motivation, leadership, initiative, innovative thinking, ownership, tolerance towards imperfections in the system whilst constantly striving to perfect them would egg upon the organizational stakeholders to become active participants of the whole process at XYZ. To achieve the intended objectives this proposal has been developed. It constitutes the following domains 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Objectives Methodology Deliverables Project Road Map & Commercials Credentials of Resource Persons
Interventions by Yajnaa at XYZ should address the following issues/areas 1. Identification of priority areas for any planned HR and OD intervention across XYZ. 2. Managing XYZ talent to drive superior performance. 3. Introducing competency mapping and competency enhancement measures as workshops and interventions to equate performance with the potential of scientist at XYZ. 4. Facilitating XYZ stakeholders to create and sustain pragmatic and altruistic environment where they become abolitionists of anachronistic cultural practices thus paving the way for synchronized and solution centric work behavior. 5. Introducing interventions that create a feeling of ownership and sense of belongingness that leads to higher motivation amongst employees. 6. Developing attitude of professionalism and result orientation that is based on accepting responsibility and accountability. 7. Developing personality of Administration & Allied cadre staff members. 8. Striving for creating an environment where people do not crib against inherent shortcomings and be more solution centric. 9. Working to root out ageist thoughts from amongst junior stakeholders and plant seeds of mentoring and hand holding amongst senior stakeholders. 10.Developing outline of deliverables and create the roadmap for the project wherein different interventions would be implemented to achieve intended objectives.
PROJECT SETUP STAGE PART ONE: Conduct meetings with Top Management and HR Team to understand organizational vision,
mission, goals, objectives, employee expectations and expectations from the project. Step I: Detailed study of status of present HR practices by conducting meetings with HR team for two half man days to understand XYZHR practices, XYZ culture, and effectiveness level of the XYZ. Step II: Meeting Director XYZ Step III: Interaction with Senior Scientist which shall include: Ice-breaker or opening up interactive activities, Focused Group Discussions, and Employee Satisfaction Survey administration, Data Collection through structured questionnaire and analysis
PART TWO: In house exploration exercises with frontline stakeholders, technicians and administrative staff
in groups of 10 each. It would include Ice-breaker or opening up games and interactive activities, Focused Group Discussions, Employee Engagement Survey, Data Collection through structured questionnaire and analysis.
PART FOUR: Comparing HR systems and policies of XYZwith two benchmark organizations and conducting Gap
DESIGNING OF COMPETENCY MAPPING MODELS 1) Developing Competency statements for Star Performers across all job bands (Detailed description of the competency based on the indicators). 2) Conducting BEI Structured Interviews to understand and define required levels of competency for each job band. 3) Conducting Assessment centers to document the attributes and behaviours required for enhancement of organizational effectiveness 4) To provide feedback to the participants about the competencies that have been assessed and where they stand. 5) Submission of detailed report of the competencies assessed and also the development plan for the developmental areas. 6) Designing of Competency Mapping Models- Technical & Behavioural 7) Alignment of Competency models across different Job Bands.
Module 1
a. For enabling smooth interactions, effective interpersonal relations and respect for each other amongst XYZScientist. b. Intervention for Senior Stakeholders c. Motivational Interventions for Young Stakeholders
Module 2
Motivational Interventions for Self Development for Technician Staff to encourage them to utilize their time for productive purposes.
Module 3
Personality Development Interventions for Administration & Allied cadre staff members
Additional learning tools shall be dispatched to each participant to sustain behavioral change in each participant i.e articles of interest and reference materials such as Dale Carnegies How to Win Friends and Influence People.
Knowledge Sharing Workshops: Several weeks after the program participants would be invited again to discuss what strategies worked and what areas still need improvement. This workshop would be facilitated by trainers and participants would be encouraged to adopt best agreed strategies.
Developing a Road Map/Action Plan Roll of deliverables to be achieved in Term II part of comprehensive project for Enhancing Employee Effectiveness through Cultural Transformation. This would be finalized in consultation with Corporate HR team and XYZ top management.
Module 3 & 4
Follow Sessions
Way Ahead- deciding the Road Map/Fixing Execution Points 1) Every to the Top Presentation Week for week no 1 to week no 14 means Two half man day of Yajnaa Team (total 14 man days) 2) Week Management no (15-25) mean 22 full man days of Yajnaa Team 3) Week no (26-30) mean two half man days per week 5 man days
Duratio n
4 half man days per batch 3 half man days per batch 3 Half man days per batch 4 Half Man Days per batch 2 Half Man Days per batch 2 Half Man Days per batch 3 Half Man Days per batch 2 HMDPB 4 HMDPB
To equip participants with Conflict Management & Creative Thinking Skills To impart participants with Mentoring Skills
Self Motivation & Self Realisation Knowledge Management , Action Orientation Interventions (Gyan Yoga & Karma Yoga) Self Empowerment & Self Management Personality Development & Communication Skills Follow Up, Feedback & Counseling Sessions (RAI Model (Retention, Application, Impact)
To empower participants & to help them explore their inner worth and passion To ignite passion for updation & potential exploration amongst the Stakeholders
Module 3
To encourage them to explore their inner worth and time for productive purposes For holistic development
Module 4