Web Etymology Class 3
Web Etymology Class 3
Web Etymology Class 3
w/Kemitu Bey
Classes every Wednesday Doors Open 6 p.m. until 10 p.m. National Black Theatre 125th and 5th Harlem, New York
1) Opocope = in Philology, the loss of the last syllable or letter of a word. 2) Syncope = in Philology, the loss of a medial syllable, letter or sound as in damsel from damosel. 3) Aphaeresis = a Phonetic process through which an initial letter or syllable, usually an unaccented vowel, is gradually lost, as cheat from escheat. 4) Prosthesis = a figure of etymology in which an expletive syllable is prefixed to a word, as adown from down. 5) Epenthesis = in phonetic, the insertion of a letter or sound that was not present in the original form of a word, as p in empty, b in slumber, such letters and sounds are called excrescent. 6) Paragoge = the addition of an expletive letter or syllable to the end of a word. In some languages this represents a grammatical device or historical growth but in English is chiefly colloquial, as deary from dear. 7) Anagram = to write letters, and words in oppositional position or direction. 8) Metathesis = the transposition of letters and sounds in a word or between words. 9) Morphic = combining form or shape. 10) Metamorphic = characterized by, causing, formed by metamorphism. 11) Metamorphosis = transform, transfigure, change of form, shape, structure, or substance, transformation by magic or witchcraft. 12) GraMMar = that part of study of language which deals with the forms and structure of words (morphology), with their customary arrangement in phrases and sentences (syntax), and now often with language sounds
(phonology), and word meanings (semantics). GramMar School, in Brit. Usage, and the occult sciences as assoc. with the learning, see GraMarye, GlaMour.
The Quraanic Science as history recorded that an Angelic Supreme being named Jabrail Gabri El taught Muhammad how to ikraa, meaning to read, and the Kalligraphy, Kufic or Kursive script of Quraan is Arabic. Tracing the history of the Arabic Language will lead us to Ancient Egypt, it is therefore a logical step to acknowledge the standard of the Ancient Egypt Language, as it relates to the later formulated [Morphic] Arabic language. The Ancient Egypt Providence called Moabi region is regarded as the home of the Mudar Language, the forerunner of Arabic. The name Mudar is an abbreviated form of the Ancient Egyptian term, Medu-Neter, meaning the words/language of angels/gods, there is no doubt that Moslems say that Arabic is the language of angels by wit it is a branch of the Ancient Egyptian Medu-Neter. The people (Moabi) of this Egyptian High Kulture spoke and wrote their Ancient Egyptian Language, the scripts found in the Moabi region is exactly the branch of Ancient Egyptian Demotic/Hieratic style of writing.