Malignant Otitis Externa
Malignant Otitis Externa
Malignant Otitis Externa
Malignant otitis externa (MOE) is a severe, invasive and necrotizing infectious disease that starts in the external auditory meatus (EAM) and may progress to the parotid region, mastoid, middle ear and skull base1. It affects mainly the diabetic, the elderly and immunosuppressed patients. Main etiological agent: P. aeruginosa. Symptoms: Otalgia, mal-odorous otorrhea and local edema Diagnosis is carried out through anamnesis, clinical exam, finding the germ and complementary exams. Temporal bone CT Scans allows for the identification of MOE erosions and the MRI defines its expansion to the skull base. Although non-specific, ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) is a parameter that measures MOEs evolution2,3. Differential diagnosis: benign neoplasia of the EAM, malignant neoplasia of the EAM and cholesteatoma4. Figure 1. Temporal bone CT Scan - Left Ear. Treatment: IV ciprofloxacin and continue with it orally until HSS normalization. Considering a diagnosis of MOE, we chose to use 750mg of ciprofloxacin CASE PRESENTATION BID per os. JB, 53 years old, with intense left After one month without comside otalgia, irradiating to the temporal plaints, otoscopy showed a significant region and half of his face. improvement. Its been developing for one month, Tonal audiometry: mixed hearing after swimming in the ocean, treated with loss, more intense in the higher frequencies ear drops, without improvement. Patient with a 10 to 25dBHL bone-air gap. reports never having ear problems or D. Tympanometry in -250 dcPa. No mellitus. stapedial reflexes. Otoscopy: EAM edema, purulent DISCUSSION otorrhea and tenderness. Tympanic membrane was not visible. Under the assumpD. Mellitus may represent a predistion of an external otitis media, we medi- posing factor for MOE1,2,5,6; however all cated the patient with IM betamethasone, tests were normal. The germ was not found amoxicillin 1.5g/day per os and topical because of previous treatment. MOE diagciprofloxacin. nosis was based on the anamnesis and the The patient did not show significant patients response to treatment. We have to improvement. We then requested a CT bear in mind that the patient had not had scan and prescribed ciprofloxacin per os any prior ear infection. The inefficiency 1.5g/day and topical drops for maintenance of the previous treatment allowed us to treatment. consider the possibility of MOE.
CT scan (figure 1) showed a hyperdense lesion occluding all the EAM, erosion of its walls and the petrous bone, with inflammatory mastoiditis. Differential diagnosis did not rule out a neoplastic lesion; however the latter was ruled out by MRI. Glucose levels, CBC and ESR within normal ranges.
Associate Professor PUC-SP. Otorhinolaryngologist - Servio de ORL do Hospital dos Defeitos da Face. 2 ENT Resident - Hospital dos Defeitos da Face. Intern. 3 ENT Resident - Hospital dos Defeitos da Face. Intern. Hospital dos Defeitos da Face - Cruz Vermelha Brasileira. Mailing Address: Dr. Gilberto Gattaz - Rua Moreira Guimares, 699 Indianpolis So Paulo SP 04073-031. Tel. (0xx11) 5056-0100 ramal 139 - E-mail: [email protected] Paper submitted to the ABORL-CCF SGP (Management Publications System) on March 30th, 2005 and accepted for publication on May 30th, 2006. cod. 202.