Dec - Digital Corporate Philosophy and Organization.1977.102630351

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OWtal E q u i p m t Cofpmtion. th.M I mmufmunr ofminicomputers, was rWndod by Kennmth Ohen in 1957. T M company was to m a4acmic m&ulaa to simulate Digiiut m se . U yfm Although many manufacturers rlrssdy mhtd in t m Rdd,nonm h d Ifirm contrd of thio markat. Urn Otsn, along with h his brother. Stan, and Harlind Andwsm mtod 8600 squrn fist o space. now Building 12, in the M i y ~ r d f Mill compk, m d bgan thmir menufmuring Optort with 7Uh finsncing from Arnsricrn Resasrch m d D~velopmsnt.


We want to be not only tsehniully hmwt, but also make sum that the implication of what wa say and the impressions w r lww are correct. When we maka a commitment to customen w t employees, we feel the a o obligation to zme that it happmr.

PROFIT We am a prMic cOrporotion. S t d d t d d m i m t d in our Corporation for profit. Sueis mrrrursd bv p&t. With succma comm t w oppwnrnity to qow, t h ability to hire ) pboplr 8nd the sati8frction that m t with m n g w @B. a r We fd that m is in no way inconsistent with a i d goals. t

gOClrry We are m m i t t d as a Corporationto taking Pffirmrtiwaction in providing nqual opportunity for employment and promotion for rll p m rsgardless of raw, color, c m d or sax. W mcourmge rll e m p l o p s to t 8 b m rasponsibility in comrnuni!y. social and F m m e n t activitie8. We aro slwmyr open for propads m to what s ths Corporation oc m individual on Corpormtim time m y want to do in t h w area&.However, activitisr done 00 Company time or with Company funds should haw I formal propooal including ways of regularly measuring success toward goals.

EMVlRONMENf we Mirw we haw I rsrponaibility to k w p out environment free of pollution and to ret an As good * e
example. .
CUSTOMERU We must b r honwt and straightforward with our euitomrrr end be r u n that they e n not only told the facts, a but that they also understand thm facts. To the k s t of wr ability. we want to be SUM that tha products we roll solve the nwdo of ?ha customer wen when he is too naive to understand them needs exactly. When we sdl a product to Icustomit, wa want to ba bum the Corporetion fulfill#the obligations we took on with the sals. We sell o u r Corporation, not a single individual, to our w i t o m i n end we must be sure ell DEC commitments w e met.

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Kenneth H. Olson W I S born on February 20, 1926 in Bridgeport, Connecticut. He rrciived B.S. and M.S. degrees in Electrical Engineering from MaMachusem Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MlSsachuB9ttB.

During Wwld W r H, he served as an electronics technician in the U S . Navy. In 1950, Ken joinud the staff of m the Mlf Digital Computer teboratow and later was w i g n e d as leader of the section of MIT Lincoln b b a tw w h i h designed and built t MTC computer used in the SAGE Air Defense Computer design program. He h then led the group rmporwibls for hilding the high-performen- transistorized Digital computers. the TX-0 and TX-2, which set a standard o comparison for transistor circuit performance. He left Lincoln hboratory in f 1857 to found and head Dgital Equipmmnt Corporeth in Maynard, Massachusetts.

Ken is a Director o the Shewmut Corporation. Boston, Mmad~uretts. B member ofthe Board of Dinrcf and tam o Polaroid COrpMetiOn. Cambridge, Maswchunum. In addition. he is a member o the Corporation o f f f Mwchuwtts Institute o Tmdwology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. and Chairman of the Visiting Committee. f He is a membsr of ths Board of Trustees Gom s ,&, es * Massachusetts. and of the Corporation of Wenworth Institute, Boston, Mamchusatts.

K e n sawad on the Computer Scimcm end Engineering Board ofthe National Acadamy of Science, Washington. O.C.. and the $resident's Science A d v i q Committee. Hs io wrrently a member of the Governor's Manawment Task Force for tho State of Massachum.
He is a member of the Board ofTrustees and of the Corporation of Joslin Diabetes Foundation, Inc., Boston, Massschuwttr; B member of the Corporation of the Museum of Science, Boston, Massachusetts; and, a Deacon of Park Strset Church, Boston, Mamachwstts. In 1960. K e n was dsctad "Young Electrical Engineer of the Year" by Eta Kappa Nu. the electrical angineering honorary fraternity. He was also named "8usinwman of the Year" in 1970 by the Boston Chapter o the f Wey for the Advancement o Management; and. was the first person to receive the "President's Award" it f from the New England Chapter of the Electronic Representatives' Association.

He is a Fdlow of IEEE, and w m recently elected Fellow by the American Academy of Arts and Science,
Baton. Massachusetts.

C. Gordon Bell, Vice President of Engineering. joined Digital in 1900 as a Computer Engineer. In 1968, Gordon took a leave o absence from Oigital m join the faculty of the Electrical Engineer and Computer f Science Depammnts at Carnegie Mellon University. He returned to Digital in 1972 as Vim President of Engineering concerned with praducts ranging from terminals, processor-on-a-chip computers. to computer networks. He attended Marsachusatts Institute of Technology where he received SB and SM degrees. In 1968. Gordon went to Australia as a Fulbright Scholar. Later, he worked IS a staff researcher at MIT's Speech himretory using the computw to assist in speech analysii and recognition. Gordon is well-known for his prolific writings and hdds several patents. He is I Fellow of the IEEE. a mernbr of Eta Kappa Nu. and received the 6th Mdlon and IEEEs McDowell Award for Contributions to the Computer Art.



Winston R. Hindle. Jr.. Vice President and G r w p Manager, is responsible for six bminers groups: Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM), Large CornputedEnginssring Systems. Education Pducts, Laboratory Data PraductdMedical Products, Industfiat Products, 8nd Computer Special Systems. In addition, he is responsible for the Corporate Personnel Department. Prior to jdning Digital in 1962, he was associated with the Massachusetts Institute of Technotogy where he was lndustrial Liaison O f k e r and Acting Director of the Industrial Liaison Offim He is a graduate of Amherst College with a 8A in Physics {magna cum iaude) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Storn School of Managementwith I MS in Industrial Management.


Theodore G. Johnson. Vi- President of Sales end Service, is responsible for the worldwide Sales and Field Service department, as well as other marketing services and administr8tive operations in the corporate headquarters. He was the company's first sales engineer and held several positions in the sales department before being named Vice President in 1967.

A 1958 graduate of the California tnstitute of Technology. Tad also received I MS degree in Business Administration from the Haward Business School.


Peter J. Kaufmann, Vice President of Manufacturing. is responsible for the company's total manufacturing efforts, including those in Canada, Puerto Rim. Taiwm. Hong Kong, Galway and Holland. He joined Digital in 1966 after four years with Beckman Instruments, Inc. Pete is a graduate of John Hopkins University with a degree in Industrial Engineering. In 1955 he received a MS degree in tndustrial Manag9mBnt from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Andrew C. Knowles, Vice President and Group Manager, is responsible for the Components Group which markets high volume, unbundled Digital computer components such as terminals. LSI-11s and logic products. The Springfield, Massachusetts native joined Digital in late 1969 and has served as PDP-11 Product Line Manager since its inception. He was promoted to Vice President in 1972 when he was given responsibilityfor all of Digitals small computer products. In 1974, he formed the Components Group. Prior to joining Oigital Andy was employed at RCA from 1960 t o 1969 as Manager of Applications and

Oesign Engineering for memory devices and systems.

He sewed in the U.S. Air Force from 1957 to 1960, attaining the rank of first lieutenant as a communications officer. Before joining the Air Force, he was an Associate Engineer with the Martin Company in Baltimore. Andy earned his B.S. degree in electrical engineering at the University of Massachusetts in 1957 and did graduate work at Babson Institute.


Stanley C. Olsw. Vice President and Group Manager, is m n s i M e for the Commercial Products Group: Finance, Insurew, Transportation, Utiliti-, Government Information Systems. Manufacturing Industry, Dirtribution. Service Industry, Word m i n g , Traditional Products and T w i n e product Lines. He is one of the three original foundem of t h company and is the brother of Kenneth tl. Olsen. President. He is a graduate of Northemstern Univenity with a BBA in Enginmering Mmrgemmt. Stan has be actively involved in the Mrrlboro Hospital as a trustee, treasurer. and mernbsr of the hospital's Board of Governors. Ha is on the Board of Dimtors of Venture Founders. a Director of the Mitionlrl Council of Northeastern Uniwnity, I M i m k r of the Corporation of Northeastern University, Board of Trustees of Worcester Polytechnic Institute and Board of Visitors I? the University of New Hampshire.

0 PERAT10 NS COM MITTE E Rotating Members



Richard J. C l a m . Vice Prrrident o Computer System D d o p m e n t . was the Product Line Manager for the f PDP-11/45 computer line d c it was inaoducsd in 1971, His present responsibilitia inelucb PDP-8 and na POP-11 computw systems dwdqment. Pick joined thr company in 1 966 as a Oerign Engineer, and was the Praduct Line Minagw for and d-nw of thm PDP-12 and earlisr line-8 system. D i d b a graduate o MlT and f h# a BS and MS in Etectrieal Enginwring.


William C. Hanson, Vice President of Volume Manufacturing, joined the company in 1967 as Module Materials Manager and sines then has guided the high volume production aspect of the company. His current responsibilities include manufacturing central processors, peripherals, metals and volume subassemblies at Digital locations in Massachusetts, Arizona. New Mexico. Colorado. and Puerto Rico. Prior to joining Digital, Bill was employed at Beckrnan Instruments. He is a graduate of Stanford University where he earned BSlE and MSlE degrees.


lmin Jacobs, Vice President of Businstis Products,joined Digital in 1965 8s an Applications Engineer. and has held a variety of positions at both the district and regional ~ L e Imd. He served 8s a Sales Engineer and s District Manager in Connecticut before becoming District Manegsr/metro Boston in 1968. Jacobs was Business Product Line Manager in 1973 and became Group Manager 1975. In his current position. Irwin is r m n s i b l e for computers sold for commercial applications in the manufacturing. distribution, insurance and service industries.
Sefore corning to Digital, he worked for Sylvania Efectronic Systems. lmin is a 1960 graduate of Worcester Polytechnic Institute. with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering.




Edward A. Krrmsr. V i plsrid#vt o Labwrtory and Medid Products, joinld the comprny in 1967 10 an f A pm E @. p l h n HI hsr Hnnd w Marluting Manager for the PDP-12 computer, thm product Una Manager Bor the Education Prohcts Group, PDP-16 group, and most rsesntiy 18 product Lin, Mmnawr for the L s b o m Data Praduc?~ roup. In hk p m t w t i o n , Ed i r#ponriMm for computer products KIM into ~ G r I-atoly and msdical markets which includm uniwnitiu, mwrch inatitutionr md medical fadlitim worldwide. Before joining Digiil, ho was wnpbyd Sylvanir Elmrmie Syrtems. A 1861 grrdulte of ths City colkgn o Nwv York with 8 B.S. in Elatricrl Engl-ng, f Ed wrnud MI M.S. in Eloctricsl Enginsrring from Northeastern Univonity in 1986. He is a mom& of LEEE.



Henry P. Lemaire, Vice President of Component Manufacturing and Engineering. joined the company in 1972 as Menager o Memory Operations. He developed Digital's core memory plant in Natick. Massachusetts, and f the stack manufacturing operation in Taiwan. He has responsibility for overall Memory Operations including plants in Natick, Teiwan, Hong Kong, and Memory Engineering in Maynard. He is also responsible for Semiconductor Operations including Design Engineering in Maynard, Wafer Processingin Worcester, and the LSI Test Center in Merlboro. Prior to joining Digital. Henry was employed by ACA. He holds BS and MS degrees from the University of Manitoba {Canada) and received his Ph. 0 . from Purdue University in 1950.


John teng, Vice President of Large Computers. was Product Line Manager for the DECsystem- 10 since I 97 1 and during that time was responsible for the engineering, manufacturing and marketing efforts for this product. He was appointed Vice President in 1974. John joined Digital Equipment of Canada, Ltd. in 1963 as the Manufacturing Engineering Manager. The following year. he went to England to establish Digital Equipment Corporation U.K., Ltd.. a sales and service subsidiary which he managed for two years. In 1966,John became European Regional Manager with responsibility for Digitals sales. service and manufacturing efforts throughout Europe. He was named Regional Sales Manager for the Western United States in 1988. headquartered in San Francisco. and held that position until being named Manager of the DECsystem-10 operation in 1971. Since then. he has also assumed the responsibility for the PDP-15 and Engineering Computation Product Lines. now known as the Engineering Systems Group. He holds degrees in electrical and mechanical engineering from ?he Coflege of Technology Art and Commerce, Oxford, U K , and is a graduate of the Stanford University Business School Executive Program.


William H. Vim prssidsnt d OEM. h s h n w b # afor DigiWr OrrgiMl Equipmenl Mamfmunr bwis- buing named R.oduct Lino Managor in 1872. Prior to that. hs had b w P d u c t tino M a n w i ~ of P O P 4 minicornput-. Ho j o i w Digital in 1963 us a Omiqn Engineer and was a member o Digital's f mginsSring m e n a ~ o n t o m . In 1868. Bill wm mnt t England to begin the compmy'r rpeaal system8 t o bd uin Eumpe. Before coming bo Digital. Bill was rmmiated with Mlrs tineoh L b He is a 1959 a. greduate of-tam Wnivemity wlwm ha s s d I BS dogma in deeaical engineering and was electmi t o two lmiomal #roineWing tKnww Iocjbtjw.He is llbo an alumnus of ths h i w E~ecutiva Pragram at thr Mlf SlOMl school.





Gerald f. Moore, Vice President of NorthAmerican sales, is respponrible for the companys total sales effort in the United States and Canada. Since joining the company in 1962, Gerry has held positions in both the US.
and Europe, induding District Sales Manager for Germany from 1966 to 1988. and Regional Manager for Oigitalr Central Region Chicago office. Prior to joining Digital, G m y was employed IS a Project Engineer with an electronic s p t m s housa in Boston e n g a w in the design and development of numerical control systems. He is a native of Massachusetts and a graduate of Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


Jean-Ctaude Peterschmiit. Vice President, Europe, is reapowibb for all facets of t corporations European h operations. He joined the company in 1967 IS B District Manager for France, Switzerland and Italy and was appointed European Regional Manager in August, 1968. Born in Francs, Jean-Ctruds hotds a degree in mechanical engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Eth. Zurich) and a M.S. degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


bwrence J. Portnor, V i m President of Softwsra Development since 1974, was formerly Group Mianagar for Softwrre Engineering and %wices with responsibility for software development for the full -rum of Digital's product tines. He established the Software Distribution Systarn. the Software Service Organization. the Software Remaarch Group, and the Computational Services Group. Larry also establishd the Software lnoome Senricm Product Linc a rapidly-growing snd integral organization designed to provide additional software eonsuiting mrvicets to the company's expanding customer base. He joined Digital in 1963 as a POPS pmgrammw and later as Software Devllopment Manager for the POP-6. Larry hotds a B.S. deqrw in Business Adminismion from Temple University.


W. h b HI. Vim hsidmt of Hardwarm lhdopwnt, hw rsrponlibility for corpontm anginowing

f , joinsd Oigital in 1869 aa a menagar of manufacturing mginsering
taqmnsible for introducing new prduca into p d u a i o n and for corporate procsor engineering. He sub-
sequently bcamr nrponribls for th. d l w l o p m t of Digitll'r psriphstmb and for the POP-1 1 farnib o
f m i m p u t w s . Bob o a m d a BS degrm in rlsctrial mngimering from f m Massmchuwtts Institute of Tech-
h nolooy and a M.S. from The $#am c h d of Mar#gemm? et Mtl.
wpport and for paripbmls mgimuing. H m




Edward A. Schwrtz, Vice President, General Couwel, and Secretary, joined the company in 1967. As General Camsel, he is rssponsible for the legal affairs ofthe company and i?sworldwide subsidiaries. He is Digitals chief Iwal offiier aa well as supervisor of the Reel Estate and Contract departments. Prior to joining the company. Ed practicd law with firms in Boston and Hartford, Connecticut. He is a graduate of Oberlin College a d Boston taw School.





John F. Smith, Vice President of Systems Manufacturing, has been involved with manufacturing since he joined the company in 1958. He is currently responsible for manufacturing operations in Westminster. Marlbora Salem, Kanata and Europe. His Digital experience spans our initial entry into the systems business to todays wortdwide multi-plant systems manufacturing operations. During this period he has directed all the manufacturing disciplines within the systems manufacturing operation. Jack received his BSEE degree from Northeastern University in 1963.

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