Useful Information: N of Brain Based Approaches To Life and Work
Useful Information: N of Brain Based Approaches To Life and Work
Useful Information: N of Brain Based Approaches To Life and Work
a critical element of your success as a learner. N Your Natural intelligence is your capacity to learn how to learn. As such, it is your most important asset! O Optimism is an essential attribute and can be learned. P Practical intelligence is an under-rated commodity. Praise helps you to remain motivated. Your brain loves Patterns. Q Questioning is an important skill. You need some Quiet in your learning life. R The 5Rs are Resourcefulness, Remembering, Resilience, Reflectiveness, and Responsiveness. S Sleep and Stretch breaks keep your brain healthy. Exploring your Spiritual intelligence may help you to gain control of your life. Selfesteem is essential in the learning process. Useful Information 251 T As well as a full Toolkit of techniques, you need Time to reflect and process your learning. U Sometimes you have to Unlearn what you learned in school and elsewhere. V About a third of us prefer to take in information Visually, a third, with our ears, and a third through direct experience. W The Web is a source of great learning and great confusion. X There must be a good use for X-rays, but I havent thought of it yet! Y Learning to learn is about You and your success in life. Z Z is for Zaniness, essential in todays business world. 252 Power Up Your Mind
Here are some solutions to some common problems you may encounter while using your mind. Provided that you follow the suggestions in Part I, you are unlikely to experience serious difficulties. The most common source of trouble is careless treatment of the brain or the body in which it is packed!
You dont know what kind of learner you are You cant seem to absorb information You cant get started
Useful Information 253
Possible cause Nobody has ever told you that each person has natural preferences about the way they learn. What to do Work out whether you are an activist, reflector, theorist, or pragmatist by looking at page 97, and then decide whether you prefer to take in information with your ears, your eyes, or by trying it out. Possible causes You are tired. You are being talked at. You have not really connected.
What to do Try to get at least seven and a half hours sleep. Seek a more interactive approach to your learning. Make sure you ask for and get the big picture. Possible causes You dont really want to get started. What to do Think more carefully about why you want to undertake the learning, the new opportunities it will give you.
There is no time to learn You keep getting stuck Your memory does not work properly
You cant be creative at work You dont know how to be creative You are terrified of change You dont know how to change
256 Power Up Your Mind
Possible causes You are not fixing it in your brain carefully enough. What to do Review things regularly, after an hour, a day, and a month. Try muttering, see page 129. Possible causes Too many of the seven seriously uncreative sins are on display. Your full range of intelligences is not being realized. What to do Leave. Or find some like-minded people who can work with you to change the organization from within.
Read Chapter 9 for ideas on how you might do this. Possible cause Nobody has ever taught you how to think creatively. What to do Try some of the ideas in Chapter 9. Possible cause You are human! If we are truthful, most of us find change challenging. But you dont need to be terrified. What to do Try some of the approaches on page 218. Possible cause You have always been a passive recipient of change. What to do Take control! Learn to predict some of the feelings that commonly go along with change. Use some of the ideas on page 211.
You constantly have low energy You are working for too many hours
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Possible causes You are stressed. You are doing things you dont really want to do. Your diet is poor. You are not taking enough exercise. What to do Put yourself through the simple quiz on page 223 and do something about it! Listen to music. Try the family planning activity on page 234. Review your spiritual self. Try to eat a more balanced diet, as suggested on page 224. Drink more water and less alcohol and coffee. Remedy this! Possible cause Your life is out of balance. What to do Be realistic about the tough situation you are in at the moment. But, within a definite timescale, no more than a month from now, adopt some of the suggestions in Part III.