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Psychic Protection and Energy Clearing Manual

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Bonnie Adam RT-CRA, KRM 2008

What is Psychic Attack and Where Does it Come From?

In this hectic and competitive world it is easy to get out of sorts or off balance. Many of us can begin to feel like we are controlled by the negativity that is so easily absorbed from our environment, or that we are literally under psychic attack. I believe that even though it is something that is possible, most of the time it is not something that is a premeditated or intentional attack. I feel that most of what we may feel as a psychic attack is more accurately described as negative energy. The negative energy may be coming from another person or group of people, from a spiritual being or it may just be discordant energy that is in your environment that you are absorbing. If the feelings are coming from other people around you, they may be unaware of what they are doing, and just trying to cope in a crazy world like the rest of us. Many of us dont stop to think about how our actions affect others, so it stands to reason that we also dont stop to think about how our emotions and energy affect others. Unfortunately, there are some instances where people will intentionally try to energetically attack others. These are normally people who are unaware of the consequences of their actions and they are usually amateurs. They do not understand the way energy works in our universe or they would not attempt to send attacks to others. When anyone sends out negative energy there are repercussions. In this world, like attracts like. If you send out negativity you will attract it back to yourself. You will not find a truly aware person who is trained in the spiritual, energetic or magical arts ever attempting any such thing. They understand too well that to engage in such activities is only self destructive. Here I will insert also, that if you ever feel that someone is sending you negative energy, and you fight back with more negative energy, you will only create more problems for yourself. There are better ways and this is where you can learn them. Spiritual beings may also influence us with their energy. These beings also are seldom purposely trying to upset or harm us, but they are unsettled in some way and are trying to sort out their own issues. They may be stuck spirits, or spirits with unfinished business here on earth who are trying to influence the people around them in an effort to figure things out or get help. Even if you are sure you have nasty spirit beings around, and you do not know how to help them, the best thing you can do is make sure that you are feeling strong, confident and happy. They will be unable to influence you if you are secure and balanced. The greatest source of energy for an unhappy spirit being is fear, and if you can overcome that, they cannot harm you. As an example, the moon photo on the cover page of this booklet was taken during a lunar eclipse. In the past, a lunar eclipse would have been a time of great fear and

confusion. People would try to find reasons for the bad omen in the sky. They might start blaming each other for the strange phenomena. Fear often brings about anger. Perhaps a friend or neighbour angered the gods in some way to bring about this warning from above. People would wonder what they were supposed to do or what was going to happen next. Should they punish those they thought responsible? Would that stop something even worse from happening? This is a very good example of how fear creates negative action, which can easily escalate into more negative action. If fear can be managed we have a much better chance of trying to figure out what is happening and responding to it in a more appropriate way. In many cases we do not fully understand why we are feeling under attack, and if we can keep a grip on our own emotions and try to respond positively we are more likely to have a positive outcome. No matter where feelings of attack are coming from, it is an advantage to your overall health and wellbeing to have some coping mechanisms available. This may sound like a difficult thing to do, but there are actually some very simple and effective ways to protect yourself and your home and family. I have been communicating with spirits since very young childhood. Most of the knowledge that I have to pass on comes directly from them. I have studied and trained for over 20 years since my young adulthood, to perfect my skills and learn different modalities to help me work more effectively with others, but my true knowledge still comes from the spirits themselves. Much of the information that was given to me by the spirits when I was young I later read in books or learned in my training. Although I trusted and knew that the information I was receiving was correct it was a nice bit of confirmation to find that so many experts had written the same things I was hearing from my otherworldly friends. I did not always have pleasant experiences with spirits, and in many cases I have had very frightening experiences. When I was a child doors would open and close on their own. My bed would levitate off of the floor in the middle of the night. I would see shadowy figures standing over me. The more fearful and vulnerable I felt, the more unpleasant experiences I had. When I learned not to be afraid and began to believe in my own strength and abilities, the negative spiritual experiences stopped. I learned how to keep myself and my home clear and balanced and learned to perform house clearings and spiritual releases. I believe the most effective way to use the knowledge that I have been given is to pass it on to others. This booklet will teach you the basics of keeping yourself and your living space clear of negative energy.

The Basics of Psychic Protection

When you are tired, fearful or vulnerable in any way it is easy for you to take on negative energy. Negative emotions in your environment can throw you off balance and weaken your energy field or aura. When your aura is weakened, you are more likely to be upset,

fearful or angry, and physically weaker. You are more likely to get sick and if you have aches and pains, they will be intensified. On the other hand, when you are feeling happy, confident and strong it is less likely that you will allow negative energy to affect you. Your aura will be complete and full and will do its job to filter out any negative energy. Less negative energy entering your field will result in better health and wellbeing. Anything that empowers you and makes you feel strong and secure will protect you. So, some of the first things you must work on are keeping a positive attitude and outlook, and taking good physical care of yourself, so you will be perceived as strong by those around you. If you are perceived as strong and secure you are less likely to be attacked.

Preparing Yourself
Clearing and psychic protection are forms of energy work. Anyone who is going to try to do energy work needs to learn how to ground. Grounding is done to keep you in control, calm and secure. Remember what you have read about fear, anger, insecurity and negative emotions and how they affect you and your energy. You need to prepare yourself and be in control of the situation before you start. Another thing you need to know about energy work is that after doing it, you can feel spaced out, dizzy, and out of touch with reality. Learning how to ground yourself is essential so that you can come back down to earth after finishing. Grounding Techniques Below are some common grounding techniques. Practice them first and then choose one to use both before and after doing any energy work. Breathing techniques 1. Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. 2. Take slow deep breaths and imagine with each breath in, you are breathing in light. When you exhale you are breathing out anything you want to let go of. 3. Visualize your body filling with light. 4. Continue until you are calm. Yogic Grounding Technique 1. Stand with your legs shoulder width or wider. 2. Put one hand on your lower back near your root chakra, located at the base of your spine. 3. Put your other hand over your head. 4. Take a deep breath. 5. As you exhale, bring your top hand down in front of you. As you bring it down visualize that you are pushing any negative energy down into the floor.

6. Switch hands and repeat as many times as you need to until you feel calm and grounded. Growing Your Energetic Roots 1. Sit or stand comfortably with your hands on your legs. 2. Take a few slow, deep breaths. 3. Imagine that you have roots growing down through your legs and out of the soles of your feet, deep into the earth, anchoring you. 4. Continue focusing on your roots digging into the earth until you are calm and relaxed. Wear or Carry Grounding Stones 1. Wear a grounding stone in a pendant, in a piece of jewelry, or carry one in your pocket. 2. When you feel the need to ground, rub the stone and focus on its solidness. 3. Hematite, carnelian, jasper, tourmaline, flint, tigers eye, jet, smoky quartz or any darkly coloured or redish stone will help with grounding Meditation Meditation is one of the best ways to prepare for energy work, or for that matter, life in general. Meditating on a regular basis keeps you aligned and in touch with your inner self. It clears the debris out of your mind so that focusing on any task is much easier. Therefore it naturally makes sense that it helps with the intuitive arts. It can be as simple as doing breathing exercises for 5 to 10 minutes per day. Sit quietly and comfortably and focus on your breathing. Concentrate on keeping your breath deep and even. Be sure you are filling your whole chest and stomach with air. Try to keep your inhalations and exhalations equal in time length. You may count slowly to yourself as you breathe in and out. The average person can do this to a count of 5 or 6 fairly easily. With practice this can be increased to 9 or 10. Once you have mastered some simple breathing techniques you may wish to move on to more advanced techniques.

A basic meditation to relax the mind and body is a good way to prepare. I have a similar meditation on my CD Spiritual Simplicity. It is often easier to have a cd playing to keep your mind on track or to have a friend read through a meditation for you. The process of relaxing the mind and body is fairly easy. Just start with a breathing meditation and then begin to focus the mind on different body parts. Starting with the feet, slowly relax each body part. Move up to the knees, the legs, the hips, the trunk and

end up with the head and face. Refresh yourself with a nice deep breath and then focus on whatever task you are working on. If the concepts of grounding and meditation are totally new to you, it is advised that you spend a few days, or even up to a few weeks learning some simple meditations and practicing some of the grounding techniques described above. Learning the focus and control of meditation will make you more successful with the techniques below.

Psychic Protection and Energy Clearing

Time to get down to business! Below are several basic clearing and protection techniques. I recommend that you try several of them and find the ones that appeal to you. You will notice what works for you and adapt each one to your own needs and belief systems. You can develop a ritual or routine to suit your needs. It is best to repeat your ritual each morning and evening. You will find that as you practice these techniques they will become faster and easier to perform. You will be able to do them as you lie in bed in the morning or falling asleep at night. They will become second nature to you. Anything that is powerful and meaningful to you will help you. If you are a religious person, you may wish to add prayers and symbols to your routine. If you are aware of guides and angels, or even if you are not aware of them but you believe in the power they have to help you, you can ask for their assistance. One thing you should add to your ritual or protection routine is gratitude, especially if you are going to ask for assistance from a divine source such as angels or spiritual beings. Please remember to thank them for their assistance and protection and offer them symbols of respect. I often bow to them or mentally send them some healing light to show my appreciation.

Setting an intention for success is very important. You can do thiseveryone can! Your intention to clear negative energy from your body and your environment is where the real power comes from. The ritual or routines that you develop are tools to focus your power. It is crucial that you firmly believe in yourself and in your success.

Smudging is a technique that has been used in ancient cultures and is still used by many

native cultures and energy healers as a way of clearing energy. Many churches also use incense in their ceremonies. Smudging materials can be purchased at new age stores, or you can make your own. Any plant or herb that can be dried and burned to create smoke can be used, but traditionally plants and herbs such as sage, sweet grass and cedar are common. I often dry and use the sage from my own garden, but it does not smell as nice or burn as well as some of the commercially prepared smudges. If you are using loose leaf herbs, they may be placed loosely in a bowl or shell and set alight. Then gently blow out the flames so the herbs are still smoking. If you are using a smudge stick or braided sweet grass, light one end, and blow out the flame to allow it to smoke. Incense sticks can also be used. Nag Champa is an incense that is usually blessed by a holy person, so it is a great choice. My favourite is white buffalo sage. I recommend trying a few and seeing which ones appeal to you. Once the smudge is smoking, use your hands or a feather to waft the smoke around yourself. Brush the smoke around your head and body, front and back. As you waft the smoke say a prayer, such as, With this smoke I clear myself, I am full of light and peace. I am protected. It is recommended that this be repeated at least three times. Proceed to waft the smoke all around yourself. You can do your entire home. Pay special attention to corners, doors and windows. Keep repeating your prayers. For example, "With this smudge I clear this space, only love and light may enter here. Everything except for peace and light must leave now!" Remember that it is your power and your intention that makes this work. The smudge has power that is recognized by spirits and energies around you because it is something that has been used for generations. It adds to your power and your ability to use it successfully. Remember to be thankful for the protection you are receiving.

Working with Light Filling Yourself with Light

The advantage to learning how to do light work is that you do not need any equipment and you can do it any time or any place. Start by doing a bit of grounding or a brief meditation, and then do the following: 1. Visualize a beam of light from above you entering the top of your head. This light is universal healing energy.

2. Continue to visualize the light coming down through the core of your body and through your hips and legs. 3. Keep the light flowing down through your feet and into the ground. Feel the light anchoring you to the earth as in the Growing Your Energetic Roots exercise. 4. Keep filling yourself with healing light until you feel the negative energies are gone. At first you will need to spend several minutes to do this, but with practice you will be able to draw the light into yourself in a moments notice. These exercises help with negative energy and psychic attack, but they can also be used in any situation. If you are preparing for a difficult situation, use them to calm and strengthen yourself. Use them for job interviews, confrontations, walking down dark streets at night, competitions, or any situation where strength is required. If you want to test the effectiveness of this exercise, try the follwoing with a friend: 1. Stand and face your friend. 2. Give your friend a slight push on the shoulder and allow them to do the same to you. 3. Push each other a few times to get a feeling of how difficult it is to move one another. 4. Do the Filling Yourself With Light exercise. Make sure you focus on anchoring yourself into the ground with light. 5. Push each other in the shoulder again and feel how much more difficult it is to move one another.

Energy Balls
This is a great exercise for children and adults. It is simple and effective and easy to explain. I have taught this to children as young as three years old. 1. Fill yourself with light and sit or stand with your palms facing each other about an inch apart. 2. Concentrate on the space between your palms. Feel the energy. 3. Move your palms slightly and feel the changes in the energy. You are feeling your own aura or energy field. You may feel or see a ball of energy between your hands. 4. Slowly move your hands apart and expand the energy ball between your hands. If you have difficulty at any time with this exercise, try rubbing your hands briskly to warm them up. 5. Expand the ball. 6. Make it big enough that you can sit in it. 7. Enlarge it so that it is big enough to fill the whole room. (This is great for kids who are afraid to stay in their own bedroom at night.)

8. Intend or tell the ball that it will now be a shield to protect you and keep all darkness out of your room. As with smudging, use a prayer of intention to keep your power strong. Such as I am fully surrounded in peace and light. I am safe and protected. Remember to be thankful for the protection that you are receiving.

Filling a Space with Light

After filling yourself with light, you can either use the energy ball or visualize the light expanding like a mist and filling your whole home or wherever you are. I do this if I am staying in someone elses house or in a hotel or even in tent.

Energetic Cords
The concept of energetic cords is often associated with psychic attack. The idea is that the person or entity who is attacking you has sent out cords of energy to either suck your energy, or send you negative energy. This need not be a conscious act but its effect is nonetheless real. It is essential to remember that negativity attracts more negativity. Anger and jealousy attract more anger and jealousy. If you return an attack, you are only inviting a stronger attack on yourself. Therefore, the last thing you want to do is try to send negative or angry energy back along those cords. You will only end up creating an ever expanding freeway of negative energy cords that grow stronger with every attack. There is also a theory that the cords must be energetically cut away. In my many years of psychic work and energy healing I have found that this is not necessarily the best way to deal with energy cords. Cutting the cords can have a positive effect, but if there is someone who has animosity towards you, they are most likely going to send out new cords your way. You could be cutting cords indefinitely. You should try to heal the relationship with the person. It is great if you can do that on a concrete physical level. If you are in conflict, try to find a positive resolution. If this is not possible, you can still work on healing the relationship at the energetic level so that you can stop the negative energy exchange. Try the following steps: 1. Start out by grounding yourself. 2. Fill yourself with light, smudge yourself or use the energy ball for self protection. 3. Focus inwards and visualize any cords of energy that may be affecting you. You dont need to know who is sending them or why, but if you do visualize the person or situation. If you dont know where they are coming from, ask any cords attached to you to present themselves. 4. Direct healing light along the cords. This energy is coming from the universal energy that is all around you. Do not use your own energy. You do not want to drain yourself. Use the energy of divine lovethe same energy you use to fill yourself with light. Ask it to travel along the cords and send healing and peace to

whoever is attached to the cords. Continue until you feel that the cords are being healed and dropping away. You should feel lighter. 5. I would recommend you practice these steps daily for at least a week and repeat if you feel renewed attacks. Remember to give thanks for all the help you have received. By using method, you are likely to decrease any negative energy coming your way. You are creating peace and healing instead of continuing negativity. It is much more effective. Through repetition you will eventually find it easier to do and will not feel as many cords coming your way because whoever is on the other end will also have the benefit of the healing light you are sending them. If you have contact with someone you believe to be sending you a psychic attack, you may be surprised to find that their attitude towards you has changed. They may become more friendly. They will not know why they have changed their feelings towards you, but you will. ;) There are also many positive energy cords. You have these with the people you love and care for. If you are unsure what kind of cords they are, you need to be careful to send out only positive energy. If you send only healing, loving energy, you will also ensure that you do not mistakenly send negative energy along a cord to someone you love.

Energy Mirrors
Another positive way to deal with psychic attack is to use energy mirrors. By visualizing an energetic mirror between yourself and whoever you believe is attacking you, you protect yourself, but you do not attack the other person. You simply prevent their energy from affecting you. To use energetic mirrors try the following steps: 1. Start by grounding yourself. 2. Fill yourself with light, smudge yourself or use the energy ball for protection. 3. Visualize a mirror between yourself and whoever you feel is threatening you. You are facing the back of the mirror so that the reflective side is facing the other person. 4. Intend that the mirror will stand for as long as you need it. Be thankful for the protection you receive. By using this technique, you leave it up to the other person to decide what happens next. They can continue to send negative energy, but it will be reflected back to them. Or they can choose to send positive energy and have that reflected back.


Prayers, Symbols, Affirmations and Mantras

Prayers Prayers, affirmations and mantras are a way of asking for divine guidance and protection. They help you feel safe and protected, and they call in help from other realms. They are recognized by the powers and spirits around us simply because they are so often used. Saying a prayer is like sending out a beacon or a message that is easily recognized. Use what you believe in. Pray to God, The Creator, The Source, or to saints, and angels. Arch Angel Michael is particularly associated with protection. You may use traditional prayers, make up your own prayers or affirmations, or you can try any of the following: Please protect me. Please help me transmute all darkness into light. I call upon the angels to heal all psychic ties between myself and..These ties are now lovingly healed, sealed, and released. Thank you. And so it is. I am in control. I am the authority in my life. I am divinely protected. My aura is open only to divine light. I take back that which belongs to me. I give back that which belongs to you. All is healed and forgiven and all ties are healed. Please return to me that which is mine, no more, no less. I am resilient, flexible and capable. I am happy, and healthy. Only good things come my way and I gladly accept the good in my life. I am strong. I am safe. I am secure. I am at peace. I am thankful.

Mantras and Chants Once again, use what you know and feel to be powerful. Try chanting Om, or look for a chant that you identify with. The chant "Om Dum Durgayei Namaha" pronounced Ohm dumb dur guy yay nama hah is a prayer to the blessed mother. She represents Mother Mary and the Goddess. Repeat this mantra repeated 9 times to invoke her protection. Talismans and Symbols Wear or carry symbols that you find personally meaningful. Draw them in the 11

air with your finger, a crystal or stick of incense, especially over doors and windows. Place statues or images around yourself. Below is a list of possible items: Medallions (eg. St. Christophers medal is believed to protect the wearer.) Dream catchers Crosses Crystals Statues Photos or paintings Tapestries Commonly used symbols: Christian cross Celtic cross Pentacle Star of David Ankh Yin Yang Eye of Horus Crescent moon Goddess Isis Buckle Statues/images: Jesus Christ Mother Mary Buddha Gods and Goddesses Angels Ancestors Saints Spirits and guides Choose something that you personally identify with. Experiment and see what makes you feel powerful. If you had a very strict or intimidating religious upbringing, you may want to stay away from religious practices and try more nature based practices. You can create your own rituals or practices, as long as you remember that they are for goodness and protection and not aggression. Always focus on peace and light and remember to give thanks for your many blessings and for the protection you receive.


Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss Discover Your Psychic Powers by Tara Ward Energy Medicine by Donna Eden How to Read the Aura, Practice Psychometry, Telepathy and Clairvoyance by W.E. Butler Shamanic Experience by Kenneth Meadows Vitrational Medicine by Richard Gerber M.D. Thorsons Way of Chakras by Caroline Shola Arewa Reiki, The Healing Touch by William Lee Rand Websites: www.reiki.ca www.reiki.org www.reiki-for-holistic-health.com www.scarletpixel.com www.thesoulelement.com

Bonnie Adam, RT-CRA, KRM (Reiki Teacher-Canadian Reiki Association, Registered Karuna Reiki Master)


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