Revalidation Form
Revalidation Form
Revalidation Form
I hereby apply for Revalidation of Postal/Oral Coaching Completion Certificate for Intermediate/Final. ....................................................................................... as requires Fees. 1. NAME IN FULL Mr./Mrs./Miss (in Block Letter) 2. ADDRESS IN FULL ......................................................................... (in Block Letter) ................................................................................ ........................................................................................................... Pin Code ............................. Telephone No .................................... E-mail ............................................................................................... 5. COACHING COMPLETION CERTIFICATE(S) OBTAINED Issuing Authority Date of Issue Enrolment No. GR/Stage(s) 3. REGISTRATION NO. Original De-Novo
Revised Syllabus
6. PARTICULARS OF REMITTANCE Remittance should only be made by DD in favour of The Institute of Cost Accountants of India payable at Kolkata. DD No. Date Amount Bank
8. LAST APPEARED STAGE(S)/GROUP(S) IN THE INTERMEDIATE / FINAL EXAMINATION * * GR/ST I, GR/ST II, GR/ST III, GR/ST IV, Strike out which is not applicable ATTENTION : STUDENTS MUST FILL UP ALL THE COLUMNS I hereby declare that particulars furnished above are correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. Place : Date : Yours faithfully
2. Mode of remittance : The Fees shall be paid through Bank Draft drawn in favour of The Institute of Cost Accountants of India, payable at Kolkata only. 3. Standard of pass : For obtaining revalidation of Coaching Completion Certificate a candidate shall have to secure 40% marks in one test paper per Subject of the relevant Group. Such revalidation shall remain valid for another 3 years from the date of issue.